Kericho District Education Board Initiatives in Development of Education in Colonial Kenya
Kericho District Education Board Initiatives in Development of Education in Colonial Kenya
Kericho District Education Board Initiatives in Development of Education in Colonial Kenya
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- Local Native Councils (LNCs) in Kenya played a operations. On the subject of buildings, it was noted that the
key role in development of education during the colonial best way to improve the type of school would be to get a new
period. Although they were set up as a ploy by the colonial one instituted as an example. Mr. Andersen offered to do this,
administration to closely monitor African activities at local at one of the aided schools of the Africa Inland Mission (KNA:
level, their educational implications were never foreseen. PC/ NZA/2/11/16). Copies of the memorandum were given to
This paper attempts to give a glimpse of Kericho District members in the meeting on 17th February 1943. It was agreed
Education Board which was one of the Institutions under that if a Swahili version were available, the discussion would
Kericho LNC which shaped development of education in take place on it at the next meeting. It was reported that the
colonial Kenya through infrastructural development, boring auger had been used at Sitotwet and Kiptere. The future
allocation of bursaries, allocation of grants-in-aid and arrangement would be made by the District Commissioner. The
building grants and payment of teachers’ salaries using new building at Cheptenye was to be submitted to the Medical
second world war bonus. Primary and secondary sources Officer. It was suggested that 18 inches were the most suitable
were consulted mainly archival documents from Kenya width for a school (KNA: PC/ NZA/2/11/16). Copies of the
National Archives, Oral interviews and Journal articles. memorandum on school buildings and sanitation in Swahili
were available at the meeting on 13th July 1943. They were,
I. INTRODUCTION therefore, to be sent to the African members. At that time, the
new building at Cheptenye had not been erected but money had
Kericho District Education Board as an institution within been collected for the purpose (KNA: PC/ NZA/2/11/16).
Kipsigis LNC discussed several policy issues that influenced
positively the development of education in colonial Kenya. Public health issues are critical in education
These were; the development of physical infrastructure, award administration in Kenya. This is evident in the promulgation of
of bursaries to students and formation of bursary committee, several education policies that guide it. They include the safety
provision of building grants and grants- in- aid and war bonus standards manual for schools in Kenya, the Education Act
payment to teachers. (cap211), the public health Act (cap 242), and the ministry of
public works building and regulations/standards. The safety
II. DEVELOPMENT OF PHYSICAL standards manual for schools in Kenya for example outlines in
INFRASTRUCTURE detail guidelines that should be adhered to by all schools
including; safety on school grounds, safety in physical
Policies about public health and safety in schools can trace infrastructure, health and hygiene safety, safety in the school
their roots to the colonial period. Kipsigis LNC took a central environment, food safety, teaching, and learning environment,
role in this respect either by formulating such policies or by socio-cultural environment of the school, transportation safety,
actively providing facilities that aided in the construction of disaster risk reduction and school (MOE, 2008).
infrastructure that met the required standards at low cost. The
board in a meeting on 20th January 1942, noted that no Safety in physical infrastructure specifically is mainly
memorandum had been sent out by the Medical Officer. Plans concerned with physical facilities such as classrooms, offices,
of village schools in other districts had been supplied to him for toilets, dormitories, libraries, laboratories, kitchens, water
reference. It was also noted in July of the same year that a tanks, and playground equipment, among others. It states that
memorandum on school sanitation and hygiene had been sent such physical structures need to be appropriate, adequate, and
out to European members, but a revised memorandum had since properly located free from any risks to users. The policy states
been made by the senior Health Inspector, Kisumu. The how classrooms, dormitories, and sanitation structures should
Medical Officer stated that this memorandum was to be taken be in terms of size, how doorways are designed, the spacing of
as the accepted policy for Nyanza in matters of school hygiene beds, and pit latrine depth among others (MOE, 2008).
(KNA: PC/NZA/2/11/16).
The minutes of the KDEB meeting dated 17th February Concerning the appointment of a European supervisor, the
1943 stated that there were no new entrants for secondary Board considered that such an appointment was not an urgent
school from the district. At that time, bursaries were being necessity because there were only twelve aided schools. It was
provided from central funds. The Director of Education stated advisable to have all these schools supervised by one man on a
that for LPT candidates, the number of fees would be part-time basis. It was agreed that the Principal of the
considered when deciding bursary to be awarded to them. The Government African School could not undertake such work
Board resolved that the normal amount of bursary to be because of his responsibilities. (KNA: PC/ NZA/2/11/16). The
awarded should not exceed 50% of the total fee to be paid. For board agreed with the idea however, it was impossible to carry
LPT training in Nyanza, the fee was seventy shillings (KNA: it owing to the lack of a suitable man. In the meantime, it was
PC/ NZA/2/11/16). hoped to have a unified scheme of work used in all the aided
schools. The Board also was entirely in favour of powers being
In July 1943, the Board resolved that no bursaries would given to District Education Boards to make bye-laws.
be given in the future for teacher training. Applications for Concerning scales of salaries for teachers who would not be
bursaries made by parents of candidates for secondary eligible for new terms of service, it was decided to bring the
education would be considered by a sub-committee consisting matter up at the next meeting. It was recommended that
of a District Officer, Erasto Sio, and Douglas Mutai. On 20th elementary teachers should be put on the Government scale of
September 1946, the KDEB asked the following members to sit 25/= x1/50 to40/=. The Board agreed that Elementary Teachers
on the Committee of inquiry into the number of bursaries to be who had passed primary should be on a scale of 30/= x 2/= to
awarded to successful candidates for Secondary Education: 50/=, this was to be confirmed at the next meeting (KNA: PC/
Douglas Mutai, Arap Too, Azariah Chepkwony, and Chief NZA/2/11/16).
Arap Tengecha (KNA: PC/ NZA/2/11/16).
The secretary reported that the Director of Education had
It is important to mention here that apart from KDEB issued a circular (No. 34 of 1941) on salaries of teachers with
granting bursaries, it also acted as an educational policy partial passes. These should be considered eligible for a
enactment institution. As noted, it appropriated policy on the minimum of the appropriate scale. They would not however be
bursary amount to be granted per student, whom to get a regarded as eligible to receive any increment until they had
bursary, and formed a committee that would be in charge of that obtained a full pass in the examination. If during the intervening
process. This became a yardstick for the education bursary period their work had been entirely satisfactory and they
allocation policies and committees that would later come up in eventually obtained a satisfactory pass in the examination, the
post-colonial Kenya such as the CDF Bursary fund Committees possibility of placing them at the point on the scale which they
established in 2003 as noted by Oketch (2020). Globally, policy would have reached had they passed the examination at the first
guidelines exist that guide the provision of education bursary attempt would be considered (KNA: PC/ NZA/2/11/16).