Strategies To Improve STUDENT's Attention Span (Research PAPER)

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The passage discusses strategies for improving students' attention span such as using enjoyable activities, rewards and motivation. Factors like environment, technology and skill mastery can impact attention.

The passage mentions that environment, technology, age, personality and skill mastery can impact students' attention.

The passage suggests strategies like using enjoyable pre-class activities, rewards/motivation, demonstrations and modeling, and incorporating technology like PowerPoint.


In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in ENG I Introduction to College English

Submitted To: Ms. Evalyn B. Abiog

Submitted By: Group no. 2 I-3 Azores, Arvin Anthony A. Bamba, Jinnersha Nicole Y. Bautista, Jose Ian P. Baylon, Ma. Charina Elisse M. Canlas, Tracy Gabriella M. Caoile, Candice C. Castillo, Vianca C. Clerigo, Krystelle Jade M. Cobarrubias, Chantelle D.L Egana, Alyssa Jane C.

INTRODUCTION The Traditional way of teaching students in this modern era is no longer effective. Due to the fast transition from books to online libraries and cartolina posted on the board to PowerPoint presentations, teachers are having a difficulty in catching the students attention. Their attention doesnt only depend on the modern techniques but it also depends on their age and personality. As in group or a class on can seek full attention by having fun and through enjoyable activities before the start of the class. Activities should not be repetitive and lame because students get bored when same things are being asked for them to do. Attention problems consists of the difficulty that some students have in working for extended periods of time or the trouble that they have focusing on a subject or an activity for even a short period of time. In this case, teachers are adjusting to their students needs. Also, teachers can consider motivational strategies. Make the students interested through self-motivation like for example, rewarding them with extra points and credits. With this, teachers can take hold of their attention and at the same time it can uplift their self-confidence; this will mark as their achievement and as an effect it will make them want more and will do good in class as well. Either Mental or Physical activities can help before the formal lesson. Physical activities are much fun to do and easily make someone awake, with these activities; one can easily get the attention of the students and can easily discuss the lesson for that day because students are more attentive and alert. Also, students nowadays tend to focus on something they enjoy compared to things or activities they dont enjoy. Many factors affect the attention of students. Environment and Technology are the two primary factors. As we all know, nobody can concentrate in a warm or dirty place. Students are often exposed to gadgets and social sites that tend to take away their attention from their studies and as a result students get really bored with the lessons and get low grades. Teachers nowadays use PowerPoint presentations, film viewing etc., to get their students attention, but when teachers dont use these kinds of innovation students get bored and wont listen.

The researchers also found out that students, once they know theyve mastered a said skill or knowledge; they will divert their attention to other things because they will find that activity now as a boring one. This research aims to know the strategies in improving the students attention span. This will surely benefit both the teachers and students; the students in a way that they can attain good grades in school. In the other hand, teachers will understand their students insights and will be able to adjust to their needs. The school can also benefit for the school can achieve a higher rank based on their students performance. Also, parents will be benefited for they can understand why their children often receive low grades in school. In that way no conflict will arise between the two parties; the parents and their children. Hence, they will also adapt to the situation.

REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Puchta (2008), an author and linguistic speaker, said students with a poor attention span are likely to suffer in the critical-thinking skills needed to grow the mind. He also said that teachers can increase attention spans with goal setting and exercises to get the blood flowing and the brain focused. According to him, studentsattention span is shortening and one reason is the increased sensory stimulation that kids get from computers and television. This lack of attention will lead to poor school performance and low rate of responsibility which are badly needed in finding for job in the future. Likewise, Swing (2010) found out those children who spend too much time watching television and playing video games are twice at risk in attention problems. Also, it makes a difference with the kind of video games or television program the child is playing or watching. Swing specifies that shooting games and problem-solving programs indicates different attention problems. Then, Christakis (2010) made mention of ADHD, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, a genetically originated disorder in which children are to be so active and lack the appropriate attention span for their age. But he cleared that the lack of attention span doesnt necessarily signify that the child has that kind of disorder. On the other hand, Elkind (2010) pointed out that teachers contribute more in the shortening of the students attention span. Due to the modern technology and other factors, students attention span shortens and it tends to shorten more because of the activities and techniques the teachers introduce to their students. According to Guerin and Mali (2006), students attention is greatest when the student is learning a new process: Once theyve learned and mastered a task, they tend to give less attention to that certain subject. They often dont want to be educated twice with the same topic. While in the book, Instructional Approaches to Slow learners, it was said that Non-graded classes rouse attention from the slow learners, it supposedly eliminates the need for all children to learn the same material at approximately the

same time; but in the case of the slow learners, they should be repeatedly exposed to the same lessons but with a different approach. For Dr. Scholten (1993), position in class, adequate sleep, frequent breaks, and use of hands for physical activity play important roles in maintaining consistent alertness of student in class. Cegelka and Berdine (1994) said that teachers should assist their students to focus in class and they can also monitor a students performance, give them a record sheet for example for them to be on track of their performance. Jones (2001), agrees with Dr. Scholten: Change the seating arrangement once in a while. Also, modify the instructional media and methods; prevent repetitive teaching approach to students. The instructor should also show enthusiasm through physical gestures, vocal delivery and facial expression; humor also has and leaves an impact on students. Lifted from a book, Strategies for teaching students with learning and behavior problems, The Instructional Cycle helps teachers to adjust to a students changing needs. The instructor can seek feedback from his/her students. The instructor should always consider the attitude and behavior of the students and that they should be educated differently. Another side is from Waters (2005). She said that multi-tasking affects the attention span and focus of students. More tasks done, less attention it gets from the doer. And with that the student cant comprehend the lessons and intake the attitudes they need to learn. Indeed multi-tasking is beneficial but it also has its effects. From Ayerss side (2006), other students with serious cases of attention deficit are believed to be diagnosed with ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Some symptoms are: easily distracted, daydreaming, and becoming bored after a few minutes. Moreover, teachers, parents and the students themselves should contribute to lengthen their attention span. Like not spending too much time watching television

program, playing video games and avoid multi-tasking. And for the teachers, they can develop new ways of attracting and encouraging the students to listen to them. Lastly, based on the study of Ferris State University, students are more interested if they can see the actual figure or procedure. Because of this, they recommend demonstrating, modeling or presenting new information in some ways. After, the students can perform the same activities by themselves. If the students were able to master the activity they are now ready for a quiz.

CONCLUSION Based on the data shown above, students and teachers should have an open relationship. The whole learning experience should be a partnership between them. The instructor teaches the students and for the instructors to be efficient the students should be suggesting strategies or styles to them, so as to the instructors, they have to be open to criticisms for their improvement; and as for the students, they should also encourage themselves to study hard. Self-motivation is also important. For every relationship to work, each party should be stable enough to maintain a harmonious relationship that will lead to success of both.

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