Important Information

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This information forms part of your agreement with Deakin University

Key dates
Key dates including course start and finish dates for the main study periods, exam periods, census dates, public
holidays and holiday breaks are outlined here: Please note you are advised to
check your course outline for information about study or placement requirements which may occur outside of
these dates.
Expected completion date
The expected course comple on date is stated on your Confirma on of Enrolment (COE). This is the comple on
date of your course if you follow an agreed study plan and your course progress is at 100%. Should you fail any
units, change major or stream, or transfer courses, your course completion date is likely to change.
Deakin offers on and off campus accommoda on op ons for students at each of our four campuses. For full details, please view:
at-deakin/accommodation. For homestay accommodation, please refer to

Interna onal students are strongly encouraged to a end orienta on. You will find out about the services and facili es on your campus, get to know
more about your course, meet other new students and learn important informa on that all interna onal students need to know. A ending orienta on
will help you to feel more confident about star ng your university journey at Deakin. For full details, please view:

For Deakin University English Language Institute (DUELI) orientation, please refer to
Course and unit requirements
The Handbook contains course and unit informa on for all study periods. Course level informa on includes course structure, indica ve workload and
course rules (including any requirement to complete Work Integrated Learning (WIL)). Unit level informa on includes prerequisites, modes of study,
contact hours, content, assessment and other requirements to complete the unit. For example - Na onal Police Record Check, Working With Children
Check or immunisa ons. For full details, please view: Work Integrated Learning (WIL)
includes an industry work placement as a compulsory part of your degree. There are different types of industry work placements, including industry
based learning (IBL), work based learning, career placement, community based placement and volunteering placement. These placements can start at
any time and are not linked to a particular study period. Please check the Handbook for any compulsory WIL requirements relating to your course.
Online study
Interna onal students can undertake 33% (one third (or equivalent)) of their course online, with at least one unit of face-to-face study in a compulsory
study period. The only excep on is if you have one unit to complete in your final study period – this can be completed on-line. Online study is not an
option for DUELI students.
Course progress
Student visa condi on 8202 states that you must remain enrolled and maintain sa sfactory course progress for each student period. Deakin reviews all
students’ academic progress each study period. For full details, please visit:
DUELI students undertake several assessments tasks throughout each teaching block. Students are required to pass these assessment tasks in order to
progress to the next level, or meet the English language requirements to enter into the intended award course. Students who fail at a given level three
mes will be unable to progress to the next level. DUELI students are also required to a end 80% of scheduled classes. Students with unsa sfactory
attendance will be reported and this may impact on your student visa.
Study support
Deakin has a team of staff and students dedicated to providing study support services to help get the most out of your learning experience. If you are
failing assessments and/or do not feel that you doing as well as you could, please seek help. For full details, please visit:

Tuition fees
Fees are subject to review each year and may increase to accommodate any increases in the cost of delivering the course and support during your
studies. You can choose to pay more than 50% of your tuition fees before course commencement.
Non-tuition fees
Deakin’s non-tuition fees and charges can be viewed at
You may incur other costs while studying your course. For example, there may be costs associated with some units, such as the requirement to obtain a
laboratory coat for a chemistry unit. These costs may also vary based on how you choose to obtain items. For example, purchasing text books through
the university co-opera ve, or purchasing sta onary online or at a supermarket. You may also find some items you require available as second-hand
Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC)
All interna onal students (and their dependants) are required to have OSHC for the dura on of their student visa. Deakin’s preferred provider is BUPA.
Please refer to the information at the following website for details:
Student visa condition 8501 states that you must maintain OSHC during your stay in Australia.
Department of Home Affairs funds capacity requirements
Financial capacity requirements including cost of living, schooling for school age dependents and access to funds are outlined here:

Student visa condi on 8516 states that you must con nue to sa sfy the requirements for grant of your student visa. This means, for example, that you
continue to have sufficient financial capacity to support your study and stay in Australia.
Students may be entitled to a full or partial refund in certain circumstances.
International students are entitled to a full refund if:
you are refused a student visa by Australian Government authorities;
an offer is withdrawn, or Deakin is unable to deliver the course of study at the campus loca on on the agreed start date, or if the course ceases
to be delivered at the campus location after the course has started but before it is completed; or
the Australian Government has limited Deakin’s right to conduct courses for overseas students.
Refund policy for commencing degree & non-award students
International students in their first study period who have withdrawn after having paid their fees are entitled to a partial refund if you:
withdraw from course/unit(s) at least four weeks prior to the start of the teaching period – a 90% refund is payable; or
withdraw between four weeks prior to the start of the teaching period and the relevant census date – a 50% refund is payable.
If detailed in your Le er of Offer, non-refundable amount will be retained if you withdraw from your studies prior to the census date of your first
teaching period. Please refer to the Letter of Offer for details.
No refunds are payable if you withdraw after census date.
To apply for a refund, please complete the Application for Refund of Fees: and
email to
Refunds will be made by electronic funds transfer in Australian dollars to the nominated person/sponsor who ini ally paid the fees. It takes four weeks
for a refund application to be processed.
Students in their second and subsequent study periods will be eligible for refunds in accordance with con nuing students refund policy:

Refund policy for DUELI courses

You are entitled a full refund if you:
are unable to fulfil the conditions of an offer;
fail to meet course progress requirements and you have paid fees for a future period where you are not permitted to enrol;
submit wri en evidence of your inten on not to commence the course more than four weeks prior to the commencement of the English
language course.
You are en tled to a 50% refund if you provide advice less than 28 days prior to the commencement of the course. The maximum amount retained by
Deakin will not exceed 12 weeks of the published tuition fee.
Non refundable fees:
DUELI enrolment and DUELI orientation fee
You will not be granted a refund of course fees if your course has commenced except if approval due to compassionate and compelling
You may apply for a refund if compassionate or compelling circumstances exist. An applica on must be made in wri ng to the Director of DUELI.
Attach proof of payment of the fees (e.g. an official receipt) and evidence of the reasons for applying for a refund must be provided.
Course duration is defined as the total length of your enrolment at DUELI.
Refunds will be made by electronic funds transfer in Australian dollars to the nominated person/sponsor who ini ally paid the fees. It takes four weeks
for a refund application to be processed.
Collection and use of personal information
Deakin may disclose your personal informa on to Australian government agencies, including the Department of Home Affairs and the Department of
Educa on and Training, where required by legisla on or to support your visa applica on. Your personal informa on will also be disclosed to your
overseas student health cover provider and, if you are under 18 years of age, to the carer appointed for you.
Deakin manages personal informa on it holds, including requests by individuals for access to their personal informa on, in accordance with the Privacy
and Data Protec on Act 2014 (Vic) and the Health Records Act 2001 (Vic). Deakin’s Privacy Policy may be viewed at the Deakin Policy Library – For further information on privacy at Deakin please contact +61 3 5227 8524 or email

Student visa condi on 8533 states that you must no fy Deakin of your residen al address within 7 days of arriving in Australia, or within 7 days of
changing your address. This includes your mobile number and email address. You must also supply Deakin with an emergency contact person and
contact details for this emergency contact person.
The Education Services for Overseas Student (ESOS) framework
Australia provides rigorous protec on for interna onal students through the Educa on Services for Overseas Students framework, which protects and
enhances Australia’s reputa on for quality educa on, provides tui on protec on and supports the integrity of the student visa program. This
framework includes the Educa on Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (ESOS Act), the Na onal Code 2018 and ELICOS Standards 2018. For further
details, including informa on about the Tui on Protec on Service (TPS), please view:

There is also a fact sheet for international students:

Your documents
The National Code 2018 requires you to keep a copy of this agreement and receipts or other evidence of payment of fees.
The Tuition Protection Service (TPS)
The TPS assists interna onal students whose educa on provider is unable to fully deliver their course of study. The TPS ensures that students are able to
complete their studies with another educa on provider, or receive a refund of unspent tui on fee. In the unlikely event that Deakin is unable to deliver
a course and does not meet our obliga ons to offer you an alterna ve course, or issue a refund of unspent tui on fees, please contact the TPS:

Complaints and appeals

Deakin is commi ed to providing outstanding services and administra ve process. If for any reason you are dissa sfied with the service we have
provided, or you have a sugges on about how we can improve, please contact us by emailing If you are not sa sfied with
the response you have received and would like to make a formal complaint, please visit:
This agreement, and the right to make complaints and seek appeals of decisions and ac on under various processes, does not affect the rights of the
student to take action under the Australian Consumer Law if the Australian Consumer Law Applies.
Students Under 18 Years of Age
Interna onal student under 18 years of age must demonstrate that they have adequate welfare arrangements in place before they can be granted a
student visa. The options are:
1. Nominate a parent / legal custodian or a rela ve over 21 years to be your student guardian. Informa on about the Department of Home Affairs
welfare requirements can be found on their website, or
2. Arrange for Deakin University to approve your welfare arrangements in accordance with the Deakin approved guidelines for acceptable welfare
and accommoda on arrangements. Informa on about Deakin guidelines for under 18 students can be found at

It is a condi on of your enrolment that under 18 students must stay in approved accommoda on and have care arrangements in place un l they turn
18, including any period of non-enrolment. Any changes to welfare arrangements must be approved by Deakin. Under 18 students cannot enter
Australia before the commencement of welfare arrangements. This is a student visa condition.
Release approval
Students transferring to Deakin University from another Australian educa on provider prior to comple ng six months in their principal course may be
required to obtain approval for release. This release is required to enable Deakin to issue a Confirma on of Enrolment (COE) and finalise your
acceptance to study at Deakin.
Autonomous sanctions
In accordance with the Department of Foreign affairs and Trade (DFAT) autonomous sanc ons requirements, Deakin will complete a consolidated list
check of all applicants from sanc oned countries prior to processing the offer acceptance form. Australian law restricts the use of funding obtained
from various foreign persons and en es. Informa on about these restric ons and lists of en es to which restric ons apply are available on the
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade website at You must check the website and ensure that you do not
make or arrange any payments using funds obtained from any prohibited person or entity.
Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B

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