D 5250 - 00 - Rduyntatmda
D 5250 - 00 - Rduyntatmda
D 5250 - 00 - Rduyntatmda
Copyright © ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
D 5250
TABLE 1 Performance Requirements 8.2 Retests or reinspections are permissible under the pro-
Acceptable visions of the U.S. Pharmacopeia and ISO 2859.
Characteristic Related Defects Quality
9. Packaging and Package Marking
Sterility falls sterility N/A
Freedom from holes holes I 2.5 9.1 Sterile Packaging:
Dimensions width, length, and S-2 4.0 9.1.1 The unit of packaging shall normally be one glove or
Physical before aging, after S-2 4.0 one pair of gloves.
requirements accelerated aging 9.1.2 A glove or pair of gloves, normally, shall be enclosed
Powder Free Exceeds Maximum Limit N55 N/A
in an inner wallet or wrapper. The wrapper shall be of sufficient
Powder Amount Exceeds Recommended N52 N/A size when opened to provide a field for glove-donning pur-
Maximum Limit poses.
See U.S. Pharmacopeia. 9.1.3 The glove or pair, and accompanying wrapper if
utilized, shall be totally enclosed in an outer package that will
7.4.2 The length shall be expressed in millimetres as mea- allow sterilization of the product.
sured from the tip of the second finger to the outside edge of 9.1.4 The outer package shall have a method of closure
the cuff. sufficient to ensure the sterility of the product until opened or
7.4.3 The width of the palm shall be expressed in millime- damaged.
tres as measured at a level between the base of the index finger 9.1.5 The outer package shall have sufficient strength and
and the base of the thumb. Values of width per size other than integrity to withstand normal transportation and storage within
listed shall meet the stated tolerance specified in Table 2. the intermediate or shipping cartons, or both.
7.4.4 The minimum thickness shall be expressed in milli- 9.1.6 The method of closure of the outer package shall be
metres as specified in Table 2 when using a dial micrometer such that prior opening will be detectable by the user.
described in Test Methods D 412, and in the locations indicated 9.1.7 None of the packaging material shall contain any
in Fig. 1. For referee tests, cutting the glove is necessary to material likely to impair the quality and use of the gloves.
obtain single-thickness measurements. (See Practice D 3767 9.1.8 Intermediate cartons and shipping cases shall be of
for more information.) sufficient strength to maintain the quality and sterility of the
7.5 Physical Requirements Test: product during normal transportation and storage.
7.5.1 Before and after accelerated aging, the gloves shall 9.2 Nonsterile and Bulk Packaging:
conform to the physical requirements specified in Table 3. 9.2.1 The unit of packaging shall normally be more than one
Tests shall be conducted as specified in Test Methods D 412. glove and of a specific amount.
7.5.2 Accelerated aging tests shall be conducted on samples 9.2.2 The gloves shall be enclosed in an outer package that
cut from the glove in accordance with Test Method D 573 by has sufficient strength to withstand normal transportation and
exposing the glove to 70 6 2°C for 72 6 2 h. The glove shall storage within the cartons or shipping cases, or both.
withstand these conditions without evidence of tackiness,
9.2.3 None of the packaging material shall contain any
exudation, or other deterioration.
material likely to impair the quality and use of the gloves.
7.6 Powder Free Gloves:
7.6.1 The powder residue shall not exceed the average 9.2.4 Cartons and shipping cases shall be of sufficient
powder mass and schedule referenced in Annex A1 when tested strength to maintain the quality of the product during normal
in accordance with Test Method D 6124. transportation and storage.
7.7 Powdered Gloves: 9.3 Package Marking:
7.7.1 The amount of powder shall not exceed the recom- 9.3.1 Sterile packages shall bear markings for the contents
mended average powder mass schedule referenced in Annex to include the glove size, instructions for opening, the legend
A2 when tested in accordance with Test Method D 6124 for “sterile,” and a manufacturing lot number.
powdered gloves. 9.3.2 Nonsterile and bulk packages shall bear markings for
7.7.2 Determine the square decimeters for the glove size as the contents to include the glove size and a manufacturing lot
in 7.7.3 in Specificiation D 3578. number.
9.3.3 The outermost case shall be labeled with the glove size
8. Acceptance and a manufacturing lot number. Sterile product cases shall
8.1 Gloves will be considered to meet the referee perfor- also be marked with the legend “sterile.”
mance requirements when test results conform to the require- 9.3.4 All levels of packaging shall conform to all appropri-
ments prescribed in Table 3. ate government labeling regulations.
D 5250
(Mandatory Information)
A1.1 Average Powder Mass Limit: The limit is not more with the following reduction schedule.
than 4.0 milligrams and is reduced by 1.0 milligram each year
A1.1.1 Average Powder Mass Limit Reduction Schedule:
until a final limit of not more than 2.0 milligrams is achieved
D 5250
4.0 milligrams upon publication as an ASTM standard ASTM standard separate.
separate (a separate is the final published version of the 2.0 milligrams after the second year of publication of the
standard). ASTM standard separate.
3.0 milligram for the second year after the publication of the
A2.1 Average Powder Mass—The recommended limit is 20 milligrams per square decimeter upon publication as
not more than 20 mg per square decimeter and is reduced by 5 an ASTM standard separate (a separate is the final pub-
lished version of the standard).
mg each year until a final recommended limit of not more than
10 mg per square decimeter is achieved with the following 15 milligrams per square decimeter for the second year
reduction schedule. after the publication of the ASTM standard separate.
A2.1.1 Average Powder Mass Recommended Limit Reduc- 10 milligrams per square decimeter after the second
tion Schedule: year of publication of the ASTM standard separate.
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with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such
patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your
views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above address or at
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