Earth and Life Science Q1 Week 2.MATERIALS FOR STUDENTS
Earth and Life Science Q1 Week 2.MATERIALS FOR STUDENTS
Earth and Life Science Q1 Week 2.MATERIALS FOR STUDENTS
At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to:
K: Identify several common rock -forming minerals;
S: Describe the different properties of minerals; and A:
Recognize the importance of minerals in our daily
Minerals are the building blocks of rocks. These minerals that are
common and abundant on Earth’s crust are known as rockforming
There are five important characteristics which define a mineral:
Naturally-occurring (NOT man-made or machine generated)
Inorganic (not a byproduct of living things)
Solid (should exhibit stability at room temperature)
Crystalline structure (looks like crystals since the arrangement
of their atoms is ordered and repetitive) Can be represented
by a chemical formula (most minerals are chemical
compounds and can be represented using a fixed or variable
chemical formula. For example: quartz (SiO2) which indicates
that the mineral quartz contains one silicon atom and two
oxygen atoms).
1. Luster
it is the quality and intensity of reflected light exhibited by the
2. Hardness
it is a measure of the resistance of a mineral (not specifically surface)
to abrasion.
ii. The test cannot be used to accurately test the hardness of
industrial materials.
( Big
• If you will be able to scratch a mineral using your finger nail,
then its hardness is around 1 – 2.5.
• If you will be able to scratch a mineral using a coin, then its
hardness is around 2.5 – 3.5.
• If you will be able to scratch a mineral using a knife or glass
plate, then its hardness is around 3.5 – 5.5.
• If you will be able to scratch a mineral using a steel nail, then its
hardness is around 5.5 -6.5.
• If you will be able to scratch a mineral using a masonry drill,
then its hardness is around 6.5 to 8.5.
• If you will not be able to scratch a mineral using all the
materials mentioned above, then its hardness is around
8.5 – 10.
• From the picture above, we can say that diamonds are the
hardest and talc is the least hard.
3. Crystal Form/Habit
The external shape of a crystal or groups of crystals is
displayed/observed as these crystals grow in open spaces.
The form reflects the supposedly internal structure (of atoms and
ions) of the crystal (mineral)
It is the natural shape of the mineral before the development of any
cleavage or fracture.
Examples include: prismatic, tabular, bladed, platy, reniform, and
A mineral that do not have a crystal structure is described as
4. Color and Streak
A lot of minerals can exhibit same or similar colors. Individual minerals
can also display a variety of colors resulting from impurities and also
from some geologic processes like weathering.
Examples of coloring: quartz can be pink (rose quartz), purple
(amethyst), orange (citrine), white (colorless quartz) etc.
Streak on the other hand, is the mineral’s color in powdered form. It
is inherent in almost every mineral, and is a more diagnostic property
compared to color. Note that the color of a mineral can be different
from its streak.
Examples of streak: pyrite (FeS2) exhibits gold color but has a black or
dark gray streak.
5. Cleavage
The property of some minerals to break along specific planes of
weakness to form smooth, flat surfaces.
6. Specific Gravity
The ratio of density of the mineral and the density of water.
This parameter indicates how many times more the mineral weighs
compared to an equal amount of water (SG 1).
For example, a bucket of silver (SG 10) would weigh ten times more
than a bucket of water.
7. Others
Odor Taste
Reaction to acid
For example, magnetite is strongly magnetic; sulfur has distinctive smell;
halite is salty; calcite fizzes with acid as with as with dolomite but in
powdered form.
1. Silicates
Minerals containing the two most abundant elements in the Earth’s
crust, namely, silicon and oxygen.
When linked together, these two elements form the silicon oxygen
tetrahedron – the fundamental building block of silicate minerals.
Over 90% of rock-forming minerals belong to this group.
2. Oxides
Minerals composed of oxygen anion (O2-) combined with one or
more metal ions.
3. Sulfates
Minerals containing sulfur and oxygen in the form of the (SO 4)- anion.
4. Sulfides
Minerals containing sulfur and a metal; some sulfides are sources of
economically important metals such as copper, lead, and zinc.
5. Carbonates
Minerals containing the carbonate (CO3)2- anion combined with
other elements.
6. Native elements
Minerals that formed as individual elements.
b. semi-metals – minerals that are more fragile than metals and have
lower conductivity (arsenic, bismuth).
7. Halides
Minerals containing halogen elements combined with one or more
The elements listed below comprise almost 99% of the minerals making up
the Earth’s crust.
Element Symbol % by weight of % atoms
Earth’s crust
Oxygen O 46.6 62.6
Silicon Si 27.7 21.2
Aluminum Al 8.1 6.5
Iron Fe 5.0 1.9
Calcium Ca 3.6 1.9
Sodium Na 2.8 2.6
Potassium K 2.6 1.4
Magnesium Mg 2.1 1.8
All other 1.4 <0.1
A. List five minerals and their common uses. Identify and describe the
specific property/properties that make(s) the mineral suitable for those
uses. For example, graphite, having a black streak and hardness of 1-2,
is used in pencils due to its ability to leave marks on paper and other
objects. Three (3) points for each correct item.