Class Activities With Solutions AHP
Class Activities With Solutions AHP
Class Activities With Solutions AHP
Designer Gill Glass must decide Hierarchy for the Manufacturer Selection Problem
which of three manufacturers
will develop his "signature“ Overall Goal Select the Best Toothbrush Manufacturer
toothbrushes. Three factors
are important to Gill: (1) his costs;
Criteria Cost Reliability Deliv. Time
(2) reliability of the product; and, (3) delivery time
of the orders.
Cornell Cornell Cornell
The three manufacturers are Cornell Industries, Decision Brush Pik Brush Pik Brush Pik
Brush Pik, and Picobuy. Cornell Industries will sell Alternatives Picobuy Picobuy Picobuy
toothbrushes to Gill Glass for $100 per gross, Brush
Pik for $80 per gross, and Picobuy for $144 per gross.
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Pairwise Comparison Matrix: Normalized Matrix: Cost
Divide each entry in the pair-wise comparison
Cornell Brush Pik Picobuy matrix by its corresponding column sum. For
example, for Cornell the column sum = 1 + 3 + 1/6
Cornell 1 1/3 6 = 25/6. This gives:
Brush Pik 3 1 7 Cornell Brush Pik Picobuy
Picobuy 1/6 1/7 1
Cornell 6/25 7/31 6/14
Brush Pik 18/25 21/31 7/14
Picobuy 1/25 3/31 1/14
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The priority vector is determined by averaging Multiply each column of the pair-wise comparison
the row entries in the normalized matrix. Converting matrix by its priority:
to decimals we get:
1 1/3 6 .923
Cornell: ( 6/25 + 7/31 + 6/14)/3 = .298 .298 3 + .632 1 + .069 7 = 2.009
Brush Pik: (18/25 + 21/31 + 7/14)/3 = .632 1/6 1/7 1 .209
Picobuy: ( 1/25 + 3/31 + 1/14)/3 = .069
Divide these number by their priorities to get:
.923/.298 = 3.097
2.009/.632 = 3.179
.209/.069 = 3.029
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Checking Consistency Pairwise Comparison Matrix:
Average the above results to get λmax. Gill Glass has determined that for reliability,
λmax = (3.097 + 3.179 + 3.029)/3 = 3.102 Cornell is very strongly preferable to Brush Pik and
equally preferable to Picobuy. Also, Picobuy is
Compute the consistence index, CI, for two terms.
strongly preferable to Brush Pik.
CI = (λmax - n)/(n - 1) = (3.102 - 3)/2 = .051
Compute the consistency ratio, CR, by CI/RI, where
RI = .58 for 3 factors:
CR = CI/RI = .051/.58 = .088
Since the consistency ratio, CR, is less than .10, this is
well within the acceptable range for consistency.
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Pairwise Comparison Matrix:
Priority Vector: Reliability
Delivery Time
The priority vector is determined by averaging Gill Glass has determined that for delivery time,
the row entries in the normalized matrix. Converting Cornell is equally preferable to Picobuy. Both Cornell
to decimals we get: and Picobuy are very strongly to extremely preferable
to Brush Pik.
Cornell: (14/23 + 35/41 + 2/8)/3 = .571
Brush Pik: ( 2/23 + 5/41 + 5/8)/3 = .278
Picobuy: ( 7/23 + 1/41 + 1/8)/3 = .151
Checking Consistency
Gill Glass’ responses to reliability could be
checked for consistency in the same manner as was
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Priority Vector: Pairwise Comparison Matrix:
Delivery Time Criteria
The priority vector is determined by averaging The accounting department has determined that
the row entries in the normalized matrix. Converting in terms of criteria, cost is extremely preferable to
to decimals we get: delivery time and very strongly preferable to
reliability, and that reliability is very strongly
Cornell: (8/17 + 8/17 + 8/17)/3 = .471 preferable to delivery time.
Brush Pik: (1/17 + 1/17 + 1/17)/3 = .059
Picobuy: (8/17 + 8/17 + 8/17)/3 = .471
Checking Consistency
Gill Glass’ responses to delivery time could be
checked for consistency in the same manner as was
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Priority Vector:
Overall Priority Vector
The priority vector is determined by averaging The overall priorities are determined by
the row entries in the normalized matrix. Converting multiplying the priority vector of the criteria by the
to decimals we get: priorities for each decision alternative for each
Cost: (63/79 + 49/57 + 9/17)/3 = .729
Priority Vector
Reliability: ( 9/79 + 7/57 + 7/17)/3 = .216
for Criteria [ .729 .216 .055 ]
Delivery: ( 7/79 + 1/57 + 1/17)/3 = .055
Cost Reliability Delivery
Cornell .298 .571 .471
Brush Pik .632 .278 .059
Picobuy .069 .151 .471
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