Watson John 2006 Mastering The Chess Openings Vol 1 EGambit OCR
Watson John 2006 Mastering The Chess Openings Vol 1 EGambit OCR
Watson John 2006 Mastering The Chess Openings Vol 1 EGambit OCR
Chess Openings
Volume 1
John Watson
First published in the UK by Gambit Publications Ltd 2006
The right of John Watson to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance
with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
All rights reserved. This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or
otherwise, be lent, re-sold, hired out or otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other
than that in which it is published and without a similar condition including this condition being im
posed on the subsequent purchaser.
ISBN-13: 978-1-904600-60-2
ISBN-10: 1-904600-60-3
Worldwide (except USA): Central Books Ltd, 99 Wallis Rd, LondonE9 5LN, England.
Tel +44 (0)20 8986 4854 Fax +44 (0)20 8533 5821.E-mail:[email protected]
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Symbols 6
Dedication 6
Acknowledgements 6
Bibliography 7
Introduction 9
5 Giuoco Piano 91
Blockading the Pawn 94
Chasing the Pieces 97
A Technical Approach: 5 d3 98
+ check
++ double check
# checkmate
!! brilliant move
good move
!? interesting move
?! dubious move
? bad move
?? blunder
Ch championship
Cht team championship
Wch world championship
Wcht world team championship
Ech European championship
Echt European team championship
Ct Candidates event
IZ interzonal
z zonal
ECC European Clubs Cup
OL olympiad
jr junior event
tt team event
1 -0 the game ends in a win for White
lfi_lh the game ends in a draw
0- 1 the game ends in a win for Black
(n) nth match game
(D) see next diagram
Special thanks to Graham Burgess for his patience and help throughout this project.
Periodical Publications
ChessBase Magazine (up to 1 1 2)
New in Chess Magazine; New in Chess
Informator (up to 95); Sahovski Informator
ChessPublishing; Kosten, A; www.chesspublishing.com
The Week in Chess; Crowther, M.; www.chesscenter.com/twic/twic.html
Jeremysilman.com; Silman, J. ; www.jeremysilman.com
ChessCafe.com; Russell, H.; www.chesscafe.com
The initial moves of a chess game hold a particular fascination for those who play the game. This is
reflected in the fact that chess-players at all levels devote the greatest part of their study to what are
called 'openings' . Put simply, openings are sequences of early moves; we'll discuss exactly what
qualifies as an opening as we go along. Players normally study the openings that may potentially
appear in their own games. After all, nobody wants to incur a disadvantage before the game warms
up, and every chess-player would like to gain an advantage over his opponent right out of the
Thus we find in the chess literature vast numbers of books about particular openings and open
ing systems. More has been written about the initial phase of the game than about any other chess
topic, whether the middlegame, endgame, history, strategy, attack or defence. There are also
encyclopaedias, magazines, CDs, DVDs, videos, and websites devoted solely to opening moves.
We refer to such material in general as 'opening theory' or simply 'theory ' . Within most fundamen
tal openings there are seemingly countless subsystems (called 'variations') and still further divi
sions of material into ' subvariations' . It is not uncommon to see large books devoted exclusively to
variations or even subvariations. Fortunately, openings are usually named, so we can communicate
about them without explicitly having to restate, for example, the first nine moves played by both
Among these myriad books and products, very few are devoted to explaining the ideas, strate
gies, and interconnections of chess openings taken as a whole. That is, individual theoretical books
concentrate upon a single opening's moves and variations, and most discuss why some of those
moves are good or bad. A fair number of these books will also examine basic strategies underlying
the opening in question, which is important and beneficial. But few give a feeling for the common
threads that underlie opening play or the reasons why opening strategies can differ so radically. In
the book before you (and Volume 2 of this project), I seek to provide a durable standpoint from
which to view the opening phase of the game. Then, regardless of the uncertainties of theory, you
should be able to find your way through many of the problems posed by unfamiliar moves.
As I began work on this book it became obvious that even in two large volumes it wouldn't be
possible to cover every opening, nor even the most significant variations of every opening, and still
achieve the insights that I hoped to convey. On the other hand, I have sought here to provide a start
ing-point for players of all strengths to be able to understand these openings. Regardless of what
anyone says, that simply can't be done without particulars, i.e. investigation of moves, alternatives,
and annotated examples. What's more, those particulars must be comprehensible within some
framework of general chess knowledge. In the end, I decided to begin the book with three chapters
covering fundamental ideas of opening play. The first chapter presents elementary concepts shared
by all openings. In the next two chapters, I incorporate motifs and structures that will inform your
study as you proceed to specifics.
The greater part of the book is devoted to a selection of individual openings (king's pawn open
ings in the case of this book; Volume 2 will focus on queen' s pawn openings). These openings are
examined from the ground up, which is to say that each chapter begins with an explanation of the
very basics of strategy. I shall often show what happens when you play alternatives that are inferior
to the generally approved moves. As the chapter progresses, established variations are explored,
sometimes in considerable detail, in order to establish the ideas and themes that characterize each
opening and to investigate the extent to which they resemble other opening complexes. At the begin
ning of each section I've paid special attention to move-order issues. Students are often perplexed
by move-orders, which frequently determine whether they get the opening position that they' re
aiming for.
Choosing which systems and variations to investigate proved an extremely difficult task. I de
cided to concentrate upon the most 'important' openings, that is, the ones which are and have been
the centre of theory and practice for decades. Obvious examples are the Ruy Lopez, Sicilian De
fence and Queen's Gambit. Within those and other major opening systems, I have selected a lim
ited number of variations that are, I believe, enlightening in strategic terms. I have also examined
some less prominent openings which not only have uniquely interesting properties but also lend
themselves to comparisons with more popular systems. You may find that structures and ideas
from superficially contrasting openings overlap more than you think. Finally, I explore how these
openings and their variations fit into the general contours of a chess game. It is important to under
stand that the games and analysis do not always represent current theory; they are intended to illus
trate underlying properties of the opening.
What are the rewards for studying openings and understanding the ideas associated with them?
Well, it's always nice to gain an early advantage over your opponent, as I mentioned above. But
such study has more valuable and far-reaching effects: it benefits your general chess knowledge in
a way that reading abstract books on strategy can't. The more thorough your investigation into
openings, the better your understanding of the play that occurs after the opening. To begin with,
many characteristics of openings, including typical strategies and tactics, endure throughout the
middlegame, so your deeper understanding of them will translate to your overall success. In addi
tion, the typical pawn-structures established by an opening will persist as we enter into simplified
positions and even endgames.
This book assumes a basic level of playing competence. Nevertheless, those who know the rules,
have played a bit, and are willing to put some effort into their chess study will do well. You need not
have advanced much beyond the initial playing stage to understand the basic ideas presented here.
All of Chapter 1 , most of Chapter 2, and the introductions to the chapters on individual openings
are designed to help in that regard. I have also woven fundamental ideas into the analysis of specific
openings, attempting to begin my presentation at a lower level and then proceed to the more ad
vanced concepts needed for substantial improvement.
After years of exploring the initial phase of the game, I have come to an important and, I think,
encouraging conclusion: every well-established opening is playable. That is not to say that all
openings lead to full equality, nor that all speculative gambits will lend themselves to acceptable
outcomes. But with sufficient study and understanding, any opening system that masters play, even
on a periodic basis, will serve you well enough to get you to the rniddlegame in decent shape. Un
der those circumstances, the result of the game will not be decided by your choice of the first 5 - 1 0
moves, whether against a club opponent o r i n top competition. Players o n all levels have an under
standable tendency to follow the latest fashions, and that can lead to the notion that openings not
currently being played are substandard. It's much more likely that those openings are simply out of
favour or running into difficulties against some esoteric move within a complicated variation.
There are many variations and even whole opening systems that have been declared inferior but
were then taken up again by the world's best players. When in doubt, look up the number of grand
masters who play one 'bad' opening or another. This will encourage you to approach your explora
tions with an open mind.
I hope that this book will reward your careful study and give you a new perspective on openings
and on the game of chess itself.
1 The Nature of Chess Openings:
The first moves of a chess game can be played moves with names that are in general usage,
in random fashion, or they can be organized so we avoid dealing with such near-irrational se
as to form a coherent strategy. Chess is above quences as 1 a4 e5 2 f3, which do not fall within
all a game of logic and planning, so the player the category of openings as I have defined
who coordinates his moves towards an end will them. There are very few meaningful openings
almost always defeat an opponent whose moves that are unnamed, but I shall touch upon them if
have no purpose or are inconsistent. This book the occasion arises.
concerns itself with initial moves that make Most of this book is divided into major open
sense together and attempts to explain the rea ings which can be identified within four moves
soning underlying those moves. or fewer; for example, the Ruy Lopez ( 1 e4 e5 2
The first order of business will be to clarify tllf3 tllc6 3 i.b5), or the Griinfeld Defence ( 1
the scope of our investigation and to orientate d 4 tllf6 2 c 4 g 6 3 tllc 3 d5), each o f which then
ourselves in the world of openings. Then we subdivides into 'variations' . Named variations
shall look at some rudimentary ideas underpin of openings can be of almost any length; for ex-
ning successful opening play. ample, the Closed Variation of the Sicilian De
fence has just two moves: 1 e4 c5 2 tllc 3; and
What is an Opening? the Exchange Variation of the Ruy Lopez (also
known as the 'Spanish Game' ) consists of the
Generally speaking, an opening is defined by the four moves 1 e4 e5 2 tllf3 tllc 6 3 i.b5 a6 4
introductory moves of a chess game. An open i.xc6. Lasker's Variation of the Queen's Gam
ing begins on move one. The obvious question bit is distinguished by the seven moves 1 d4 d5
that suggests itself is surprisingly difficult to 2 c4 e6 3 tllc 3 tllf6 4 i.g5 i.e7 5 e3 0-0 6 tllf3
answer: how do we decide on what move an h6 7 i.h4 tlle4 (D).
opening ends and the middlegame begins ?
There i s n o general agreement among players
or authors about this; in many cases it turns out
to be a subjective judgement informed by play w
ing experience. In this book I shall define open
ings (and their variations) as sequences of moves
that are specifically named, with the name in
common chess usage and sometimes referring
to a complex of related positions. The advan
tage of using this convention is that we can
know precisely at which move an opening or
variation ends. For instance, the 'English Open
ing' is defined by a single white move: l c4.
The 'Sicilian Defence' consists of l e4 c5. And
the variation called the 'Najdorf Variation of
the Sicilian Defence' is delimited by the moves But some variations stem from other varia
1 e4 c5 2 tllf3 d6 3 d4 cxd4 4 tllxd4 tllf6 5 tllc 3 tions, which can stem from still others, and so
a6. By defining the word 'opening' to designate forth. For example, the Chinese Variation of the
Dragon Sicilian evolves from this move-order: more moves that are of equal worth, so we can
1 e4 c5 (this is the 'Sicilian Defence' ) 2 l2Jf3 d6 not decide in practice or even with hindsight
3 d4 cxd4 4 l2Jxd4 lLif6 5 l2Jc3 g6 (the moves whether one move actually achieves more than
thus far are known as the 'Dragon Variation' ) 6 another. Even if a hypothetical supercomputer
i..e 3 i..g7 7 f3 l2Jc6 8 �d2 (these first eight could solve the position, the end result of either
moves define the 'Yugoslav Attack ' ) 8 . . . 0-0 9 move would usually be the same - for example,
i..c4 (some authors refer to this as the ' i..c4 Yu a draw. Thus a player may have a wide choice
goslav Attack') 9 ... i..d7 1 0 0-0-0 and now with that is more a matter of taste and playing style
10 . . .J:;tbS (D), we have arrived at the 'Chinese than of objective quality. We can contrast this
Variation of the Dragon Sicilian' . situation with another part of the game - the
endgame. In most endgames, particularly those
with just a few pieces on the board, we can es
tablish precisely what the ultimate effect of a
particular move would be. Consequently, very
few moves will be made simply because they
suit someone' s style of play.
You should also note that players can usually
make one or two inaccuracies in the opening
and still not be punished with a lost position.
By contrast, a single mistake in a king and
pawn endgame, for example, may be fatal, and
punishment can come quickly for even a small
endgame inaccuracy. Thus, many reasonable
looking decisions in the endgame are unam
biguously right or wrong and can be demon
If some of this is confusing, you shouldn't strated to be so. In the opening, however, a
worry: it will become clear as we work our way player has more leeway, which means that he
through the book. is able to approach positions more creatively,
In this general scheme the word 'theory' is without needing to calculate variations out to a
used to indicate specific moves that have been win or loss. This in tum allows players of any
previously played or analysed, and are known strength to come up with worthwhile new
by a significant portion of the chess commu opening moves. Openings are also more for
nity, usually via publications or databases. In giving with respect to static features of play:
most but not all cases we can think of theory as the earlier in the game that you take on a bad
representing the end of the opening phase of bishop or pawn weakness, for example, the
the game but not the opening itself. Theory can more likely it is that you can solve the associ
therefore extend far into the game because peo ated problems. Furthermore, there are many
ple all over the world repeatedly play the same opening positions that are chaotic and defy
opening and consistently add to what is known useful generalization.
about it. Theoretical discussions sometimes deal It should not be surprising that the middle
with the 20th move of a variation or even fur game shares features with both the opening and
ther into the game, but most opening theory endgame. Middlegame play tends to include
typically ends on a move in the teens, and the more immediately critical decisions than open
theory of a lesser-known variation may end af ing play and middlegame mistakes are fre
ter only six or seven moves. quently life-threatening. An inaccurate attack
The opening has certain characteristics that or defence can lead to instant defeat and posi
distinguish it from the other parts of the game, tional problems tend to be harder to resolve. On
especially from the endgame. In the opening a the other hand, most middlegame moves will
large majority of the pieces and pawns are still not radically alter the strategic character of the
on the board. In this situation, it is quite possi position. Even allowing for the heightened
ble that in each position there are two, three or possibility of irreparable error, the majority of
middlegame positions are still flexible enough with your plans, not to mention your next move.
to support more than one functional move and, I have placed this section about the centre be
sometimes, more than one strategy. fore the one on development of the pieces be
Setting these details aside, what is extremely cause it provides a foundation for everything
important and should be a part of your chess that follows in this book. As you read the chap
thinking is this: most features of a game, out ters on specific openings you will run into more
side of material loss or catastrophic setback, commentary about the centre than about any
can be changed or will evolve of their own ac other subject, so it's important to familiarize
cord as the game goes from opening to end yourself with the related concepts.
game. Mastering the opening is to some extent The four squares in the middle of the board
recognition of this fact and adaptation to it. (e4, d4, e5 and d5) are traditionally called the
'centre'. The value of the centre can be seen by
imagining a piece on a central square on an
Elementary Properties of Openings
otherwise empty board. Queens, bishops and
We now look at just a few fundamental fea knights all control more points from the centre
tures of opening play. These are presented on a than if they were placed on a non-central square.
very basic level to provide some tools and vo When we then include the bordering squares
cabulary with which you can advance to the (e3, d3, c4, c5, d6, e6, f4, f5), we sometimes use
next chapters and at least partially understand the phrase 'extended centre'.
specific opening discussions. The experienced
player may want to skip this material alto
The terms and ideas presented here are used
throughout the book. For this first chapter, the
assumption is that you know the rules of the
game, can follow chess notation, and know ba
sic chess terms such as 'file', 'diagonal', 'pin',
and so forth. You should also understand the
relative value of the pieces and how much
'material' both sides have in terms of relative
strength (counting points is the best way to
start). Finally, you should have played enough
to be comfortable with a discussion of chess
formations. A vast array of ideas and advice for
the inexperienced is given by books, electronic Notice that if pawns occupy the bordering
material, and web sites; what I'm presenting in squares they can contribute to control of the cen
stead is an extremely abbreviated version of in tre proper (the middle four squares). Normally
troductory material. Some of what you'll be when I speak of the 'centre', I'll be referring to
reading involves definitions of terms, which the four inside squares, but you may also want
will probably bore you but are necessary if to think about the border squares when I speak
you're going to understand the fun parts later. about 'central control'.
There's more jargon that you'll get used to as
The Centre you see specific examples. One player's pawns
on central squares are said to be 'his centre' .
Every opening has unique characteristics in For instance, we might say that White's centre
cluding pawn-structure, typical tactics, and di in the top diagram overleaf consists of the white
verse methods of attack and defence. But all pawns occupying d4 and e5.
openings have one consideration in common In the position in the lower diagram, Black
when it comes to organizing one's pieces: cen may be said to have a broad centre (or 'central
tral configuration and control. The centre is a front'), describing his pawns on c5, d5, e5 and
primary concern in deciding how to proceed f5.
advantage. What went wrong for Black? He [e4 and d5] 3 .i.b4 [indirectly controlling e4
needed to challenge White's centre with his and d5 via a pin on the c3-knight]. One typical
own pawns, bringing one of them to d5 or e5 to line proceeds 4 e3 [d4] 4 cS [d4] 5 i.d3 [e4]
break up White's ideal centre and establish ter S ... l2Jc6 [d4 and e5] 6 lZ'lf3 [d4 and e5] 6 dS •••
ritory of his own. [e4] 7 0-0 [unpinning the c3-knight, which re
Let's take a look at a variety of common gains its influence on e4 and d5] 7 0-0 8 a3
openings with respect to central control. You .i.xc3 [eliminating the knight's control of e4
will see the universal emphasis on controlling and d5] 9 bxc3 [d4] 9 dxc4 10 i.xc4 [d5]
central points. For each move of a pawn or 10 �c7 [e5] 11 i.d3 [e4] 11 eS [d4] 12 �c2
••• .••
piece I have indicated the corresponding cen [e4, indirectly] 12 l:teS (D) [e5].
a bishop to g2, b2, g7 or b7); this move is also In order to develop efficiently, it's often de
for the sake of central control; for instance: sirable to move each piece only once or twice
e) The English Opening: 1 c4 [d5] 1. e5 .• until they're all in useful positions. Also, be
[d4] 2 l2Jc3 [e4 and d5] 2...l2Jc6 [d4 and e5] 3 g3 careful about bringing the queen out early in
g6 4 i..g2 [e4 and d5] 4....ilg7 [d4 and e5 ] 5 d3 the game, because she is sometimes subject to
[e4] 5...d6 [e5] 6 lLif3 [d4 and e5] 6...f5 [e4] 7 attack and will have to retreat. The difference
0-0 l2Jf6 [e4 and d5]. between the queen and other pieces in this re
gard is that the queen can't be exchanged for
To be fair, half of the initial moves of a most other pieces (the exception being for an
knight and all those of the middle four pawns other queen) without losing a lot of material, so
control some central square, so one might think in many situations she has to run away from the
that central control practically takes care of it threat of capture and waste time.
self. But the openings above show that the mas Here's a short game that combines the con
ters who developed them intended to occupy cepts of centre and development:
and control central squares in a continuous and
harmonious way. To a strong player, a particu Estrin - Libov
lar central structure calls out to the pieces and Moscow 1 944
indicates where they should go. Then the pawns
and pieces control the key squares while they 1 e4 e5 2 lLif3 l2Jc6 3 .ilc4 i.c5
are safely defended and work together. This co So far every move has contributed to both
ordination of pieces leads to the next subject. development and central control.
4 c3
Development Now White tries to occupy the centre with
pawns. If he succeeds, that will determine the
Another critical but simpler opening idea is best available squares for his other pieces.
called 'development' . This refers to moving 4...l2Jf6 5 d4 exd4 6 cxd4 (D)
pieces (not including pawns) off their initial
squares and putting them 'in play ' . Just count
ing the number of pieces that you have moved
is the simplest measure of development. Of
course it's essential to consider the 'quality' of
development, that is, how well the pieces are
placed. There are some principles of good de
velopment, which are unfortunately limited by
the context of each position, first and foremost
by the pawn-structure. Nevertheless, as you first
get used to playing chess you will do well most
of the time to:
a) get as many pieces developed (off their
initial squares) as possible, preferably early in
the game;
b) bring those pieces to active squares where White has achieved the ideal centre, but Black
they have good scope (without subjecting them is slightly ahead in development, in the sim
to attack, of course); and plest sense of the number of pieces that are out
c) coordinate your developed pieces with in play.
the centre, working with pawns to control as 6...i.b6?
many central squares as you can. This retreating move allows White' s centre
Usually you can't achieve everything that to advance. Black needs to gain time to get his
you want to, but by keeping these principles in king castled into safety. The way to do that is
mind you will have a better chance of gaining 6 . . . .ilb4+!.
the advantage. 7 d5 ti'Je7?
King Safety
A lot of White's pieces are pointed towards If only the queens have been exchanged, or if
the king so even its well-positioned pawn de only the queen and one or two pairs of other
fenders can't save it: pieces have been exchanged, then the king can
14 l2Jh5! lZJxh5 15 i..:xh7+!! @xh7 16 �xh5+ still be hounded before a true ending arrives.
@gs 17 .ilxg7! rJitxg7 (D) This is the sort of decision that comes with expe
In numerous openings we'll be talking about the right colour can exchange a knight from
who has a space advantage, and what it means afar. Thus the two bishops can do more than
in terms of the assessment of the position. simply control squares.
There follow some elementary properties of
Piece Characteristics the pieces, and advice regarding their use in the
opening. Most readers will find them almost
Some fairly elementary terminology disguises self-evident, but this chapter is primarily de
much more complex issues that will come up signed to help the inexperienced player become
in the next few chapters. But it's worth dis comfortable with ideas that we'll be referring to
cussing a few representative terms with respect later.
to pieces.
First of all, we have a couple of terms to de 1. Bishops like open diagonals and should
scribe knights and bishops. They are called usually be developed accordingly. You may
'minor pieces', in contrast to the rooks and also use your bishop to pin an enemy piece, or
queen, which are called 'major pieces'. I shall to unpin your own. Exchanging your bishop for
regularly refer to the advantage of the 'bishop a knight is reasonable, but do so only to gain
pair' or 'two bishops' in this book. This reflects some advantage (or if forced to), otherwise you
the fact that in every stage of the game, includ will be surrendering the advantage of the
ing the opening, having two bishops on the bishop-pair for no return.
board versus two knights or a bishop and a Although there are many exceptions to this
knight more often than not constitutes a mean in various openings, try not to let your bishops
ingful advantage. That emphatically qualified become trapped behind their own pawns with
statement reflects the fact that, in a consider out good reason. Having said that, limiting a
able minority of cases, the player who pos bishop's activity may be necessary to ensure
sesses two knights or a knight and bishop will that your knights, rooks and remaining bishop
have the advantage over, or at least stand equally secure good positions.
with, his opponent who possesses two bishops.
Nevertheless, those instances are in the minor 2. Knights also need as much freedom of
ity, and when the bishop-pair is a recognizable movement as possible, but only to the extent
advantage I shall often point that out. Likewise, that they don't unduly interfere with the ac
if the bishops are hemmed in and/or the knights tivity of other pieces. For that reason, you may
are in excellent positions, that will frequently see knights developed on the second rank or on
be mentioned. Much of the time, however, I the side of the board with their first move, in
hope that the reader will come to notice all stead of to one of the 'ideal' squares f3, c3, f6 or
these imbalances on his or her own. c6. Knights are particularly fond of outposts,
So why are the two bishops so good in tan which arise in many openings. An outpost is a
dem? First and foremost, because they cover place in the opponent's pawn-structure where
squares of both colours. The bishop is a power your piece cannot be attacked by a pawn. To
ful, long-range piece that in a sense 'should' be have significance, an outpost should be on at
better than the knight because it can attack from least your 4th rank, and preferably on the 5th or
afar; but unlike a knight, a bishop can only 6th rank. From an outpost on a central file, a
travel on one colour. With two bishops that dis knight can exert considerable influence on sev
advantage is partially corrected. But another eral squares in the enemy position while main
considerable advantage is that the possessor of taining defensive coverage. Here's an example
the bishops can exchange one or even both of of an outpost that's occupied by a knight (see
the knights under favourable circumstances, i.e. upper diagram on following page):
dictate when and where he can exchange other The defining feature of the outpost is that the
pieces to advantage. It is difficult for the short knight can't be captured by a pawn. Its influ
hopping knight to track down and exchange a ence would be further strengthened by a rook or
bishop that is performing magnificently (or ful queen on the d-file, or by another knight on c3
filling some essential function), but a bishop of or e3.
to lurk behind her pawns and pieces in the early because active pieces tend to force slower ones
stages of the opening. Increasingly, advanced onto the defensive, resulting in the creation of
players are bringing the queen out early but in a weaknesses in the enemy camp. The balance
judicious manner to control more of the board - that generally exists between attack and de
a practice that you'll see in this book. There's fence in chess will break down if one player is
nothing wrong with exchanging queens in the working with direct threats and gaining more
opening, but there's also no reason to go out of control of the board. Gathering momentum like
your way to do so, as so many young players this is called 'having the initiative'. As long as
do. the aggressor is able to force his opponent to
keep reacting to threats, he will maintain his
Activity and Initiative initiative. Sometimes the initiative peters out,
especially if handled poorly; it can even change
I shall refer time and again to a player's active hands. In this book, you will run across an as
pieces and to activity in general. This is a con sessment of mine that reads simply 'Black has
cept that may encompass a coordination of the initiative'. While it is ambiguous how much
forces, but to a first approximation simply ex advantage that confers on Black, the initiative
presses the mobility and reach of one's pieces. constitutes an advantage in and of itself.
Active pieces control more squares. Such pieces This chapter has covered terminology and
aren't necessarily involved in a direct attack but general ideas that I hope will serve you well. Re
can serve to harass opposing forces, support a member that most of what is discussed in these
pawn advance, and generally accrue more terri first three chapters will be applied and rein
tory. You will see that in opening play the active forced in the investigation of specific openings
player tends to get the better game, in part that occupies the larger portion of this book.
2 Opening Ideas and Positional
In this chapter we'll begin by considering some search for an advantage? Books from the first
general and even philosophical issues about half of the 20th century particularly stressed the
opening play. We'll then tum to special topics need for equalizing before all else. They often
involving different types of centres and proper implied that the advanced, mature player would
ties of pieces and pawns. Much of the chapter focus on neutralizing White's first-move ad
will be devoted to pawns and weaknesses, open vantage, whereas the impatient youngster who
ing the investigation of 'positional' chess and tried to bowl over his opponent would be pun
setting the stage for its more detailed discus ished by a seasoned master. This attitude may
sion in Chapter 3. have slowly evolved out of experiences with
the openings that were played in the middle of
Black's Goals in the Opening the 19th century, openings which gradually lost
favour after players became more 'scientific'.
Chess books have traditionally said that Black's Most games of that day began with I e4 e5, and
goal in the opening is to obtain equality. A pop the apparent failure of ambitious counterattacks
ular variant of this is that Black must first se by Black reinforced the philosophy of 'equal
cure equality and only later search for chances ity first'. For example, interest dropped in the
to gain the advantage. There are certainly open more exotic King's Gambit lines such as that of
ings in which that is likely to be the case, but in the famous Andersson-Kieseritzky 'Immortal
many openings Black also has the choice to Game' : 1 e4 e5 2 f4 exf4 3 .tc4 �4+ 4 @fl
play aggressively and endeavour to steal the ad b5?! (D).
vantage from White right away. In cases where
he falls short of that goal, energetic opening
play by Black may still lead to a position so
complex and unclear that to speak of equality is
meaningless. Sometimes we say 'dynamically
balanced' instead of 'equal' to express the view
that either player is as likely as the other to
emerge from complications with an advantage.
This style of opening play has become preva
lent in modem chess, with World Champions
Fischer and Kasparov as its most visible practi
Both approaches to playing Black are valid,
and the distinction between them contributes
to the diversity of styles amongst contempo
rary players. Of course, we should remember Also pushed to the periphery were 1 e4 e5 2
that White has always had a better percentage .tc4 .tc5 3 b4 .txb4 4 f4 and 1 e4 e5 2 f4 exf4
score than Black. But is that due to Black's ac 3 tt:\f3 g5 4 .tc4 g4 5 tt:lc3 (maybe not so horrid
ceptance of a small disadvantage in the course but abandoned nevertheless).
of playing directly for equality, or does it re Similarly, the adventurous Evans Gambit
sult from Black becoming overextended in his stayed around for a while, but after 1 e4 e5 2
imbalance. Some players just starting out, how into complex areas that are not essential for the
ever, may not have heard about the latter op inexperienced player to master.
1. The 'vanishing centre'. As the name im
Wh ite's Goals in the Opening plies, all or most of the centre pawns are ex
changed or captured. They leave a gap in the
White has choices similar to Black's, assuming middle of the board through which pieces can
that he has the same opportunities. White can move in a more-or-less unobstructed fashion.
work patiently to hold on to his inherent ad The vanishing centre tends to favour the side
vantage, usually by suppressing his opponent's with the better development, and tactics can
counterplay and 'accumulating small advan easily dominate the play; for example, in the
tages'. Or White can seek dynamic situations in Danish Gambit with 1 e4 e5 2 d4 exd4 3 c3
which he tries to take the initiative and keep dxc3 4 .i.c4 cxb2 5 .i.xb2 d5 6 .i.xd5 'Llf6! 7
Black on his heels. Finally, White can plunge .i.xf7+ ! @xf7 8 �xd8 .i.b4+ 9 �d2 .i.xd2+ 10
into two-sided slugfests and hope to express his 'Llxd2, and the game settles down. But if devel
theoretical advantage or superior skills in that opment is about equal and the game hasn't been
environment. Once again all of these methods reduced to disorderly skirmishing, then vulner
are admissible. But for White there is a differ able points and pawn weaknesses can be mag
ent twist. Curiously, it is sometimes easier for nified because they are so accessible.
Black to launch an effective attack and to define
the quality of early play than it is for White to 1 e4 e5 2 d4 exd4 3 c3 d5 4 exd5 �xd5 5
do the same. Black has the advantage of know CLJf3!?
ing his opponent's moves ahead of time. If he 5 cxd4 is the main move.
chooses to play a solid game it may be impossi 5 .tg4 6 .i.e2 (D)
Central Types
more about them in books that make specific pawn on d6 or e6, respectively. Generally,
detailed investigations; better yet, you can try White has somewhat the better game by virtue
to work them out for yourself ! of his greater control of space, but Black has a
compact structure and an open file aiming at
2 . We have already seen and discussed cases White's 4th-rank pawn, so the advantage can
of the 'ideal centre' (also known as the 'classi range from tiny to moderately significant.
cal centre'), in which one side has pawns on e4 Here's an illustration taken from the 'classi
and d4 (or e5 and d5). Normally the ideal centre cal' Philidor's Defence:
constitutes an advantage, but that's only true if 1 e4 e5 2 tt:\f3 d6 3 d4 exd4 4 tt:lxd4 tt:lf6 5
it has some positive effect on the position; for tt:lc3 .te7 6 .tc4 0-0 7 0-0 l:Ie8 8 .tf4 .trs 9 f3
example, tying down the opponent's pieces, ad (D)
vancing with tempo, creating a passed pawn,
and/or serving as the pivot point from which
pieces can launch an attack. Otherwise the op
ponent might be able to attack the centre pawns
from afar with little risk. In a typical situation
Black restrains White's ideal centre but can't
break it down. This imbalance arises in certain
variations of the Queen's Gambit Accepted,
Slav, Grlinfeld, and this main line of the Semi
1 d4 d5 2 c4 e6 3 tt:lc3 tt:\f6 4 tt:\f3 c5 5 cxd5
tt:\xd5 6 e4 tt:lxc3 7 bxc3 cxd4 8 cxd4 .tb4+ 9
i.d2 .txd2+ 10 �xd2 0-0 1 1 .tc4 tt:lc6 12 0-0
b6 13 .l:!.adl .tb7 (D)
the d4-based centre with the move ... c5. White A similar illustration of the advance g4 as a
has the easier game, but against accurate play disincentive to ...d5 is 7 ...ll'ic6 8 �d2 .i.e7 9 g4
he will retain little if any advantage. This type d5?! 10 g5 tt:lxd4 11 �xd4 tt:lh5 12 f4!. White
of 'restraint centre' will be discussed at some is threatening 13 .i.e2, and 12...dxe4 (12 ...h6 13
length in Chapter 3. exd5 hxg5 14 fxg5 .i.xg5 15 0-0-0) 13 �xd8+
�xd8 14 .te2 g6 15 0-0-0+ leaves Black strug
Flan k versus Centre
8 g4 dS!? (D)
It's always hard to assess whether a flank pawn
advance in the opening is strong or weak. It's
often said that a centre has to be safe in order to
justify a pawn advance. That is true in many sit
uations; e.g.:
1 e4 cS 2 ll'if3 d6 3 d4 cxd4 4 ll'ixd4 ll'if6 S
ll'ic3 g6 6 .i.e2 .i.g7 7 .i.e3 0-0 8 0-0 tt:lc6 9
tt:lb3 aS 10 a4 .i.e6 11 g4 (D)
This is too early an advance. The centre
should be secured by 11 f4 with the idea 11...d5?
12 f5.
1 1 dS!
..• As long as you're aware that each situation
A central counterattack creates a threat on e4 has to be assessed on its own merits, you should
and makes the g-pawn look foolish out there always consider responding to a flank attack
doing nothing. with a central counterattack, and vice-versa.
12 exdS tt:lxdS 13 tt:lxdS .i.xdS 14 c4 .i.e6 But neither response should be made into a
lS tt:lcS �c8 16 ll'ixe6 �xe6 rule.
Black stands better because White's central
position is weak and the g4-pawn renders his Weaknesses
kingside difficult to defend.
The word 'weakness' refers to problems with
But the reverse is also true: flank pawn moves pawns and pawn-structures. Some terms relat
will frequently drive a piece away from a square ing to pawns still need to be defined, which
on which that piece controls the centre and/or we'll do presently. First, however, I want to
threatens to support a central advance. Another make a broader comment. Pawn weaknesses
line of the Sicilian Defence is a case in point: are to be avoided at any stage of the game if you
1 e4 cS 2 tt:\f3 d6 3 d4 cxd4 4 tt:lxd4 tt:\f6 S get nothing in return for them, and understand
tt:lc3 a6 6 .i.e3 e6 7 f3 .i.e7 ing pawn-structures (a subject much wider than
pawn weaknesses) is more important than any discussion and many examples of isolated
other factor in understanding chess. But that in pawns. In some very typical situations, their
sight should not be confused with a general advantages are famously in balance with their
phobia towards weaknesses. Generally they are disadvantages, which is why so many players
not as important in the opening as they are later rush to take them on and others to play against
in the game. Tarrasch' s dictum 'Before the them.
endgame the gods have placed the middlegame'
is part of the explanation, yet it is not the whole
story here. As the middlegame progresses and
considerable simplification has occurred (or is
imminent), a player must be particularly con
cerned with current weaknesses, and eventu
ally with what an endgame might bring if that
pawn-structure persists. Sometimes this calls for
radical action. But in the opening stage (partic
ularly within the first 10 moves or so) structural
weaknesses are generally more of an immedi
ate defensive problem than one which must be
attended to for the sake of the ending. They can
be incorporated into an overall approach to a
position that works extremely well; e.g., a terri
bly weak pawn may temporarily provide pro White has three isolated pawns, on a4, c3
tection from the opponent ' s play and allow you and e3. Black has one isolated pawn on b7. The
to gain the advantage. That holds true because pawns on a4, c3 and b7 are on open files and
of the ever-changing nature of most openings thus relatively more exposed than the pawn on
and middlegames. Especially players who are e3, which is masked by an opposing pawn on
beginning to gain experience with chess should the same file.
not overestimate the drawbacks of weaknesses
such as doubled, isolated or backward pawns 2. A backward pawn is one that has at least
and thus ignore good opportunities for attack or one pawn of its own colour on an adjacent file,
other positive activity. I find that students gen but that neighbouring pawn is situated one rank
erally err on the side of caution in this respect, or further ahead of its compatriot.
when they could aggressively pursue the initia
tive. So yes, try to avoid unnecessary weak
nesses and take advantage of those in your
opponent' s position, but don' t make decisions
that are too focused on just this one aspect of
the game. Y our pawn-structure may be telling
you other important things about how to handle
the position as a whole.
factored in if they seem relevant to the bishop's In a fairly conventional Sicilian position,
overall mobility, but these pawns must be given Black plays the standard ... d5 break, thinking to
considerably less weight. Let's look at this situ free his pieces. But he may not have considered
ation in the abstract: the full consequences of a general liquidation.
that in some cases where Black replies to exf5 .l:i.cS 13 i.. a6?! (D)
with ... gxf5, that will also allow him to play a
favourable ...e4 and free his bad bishop. What's
the lesson? That a bad bishop can discourage
moves that would otherwise hurt his cause.
It doesn't take a fianchettoed bishop to fill
that role, of course. In the Closed Ruy Lopez
when White constructs a pawn-structure with
e4 and d5 and places his bishop on c2, one
might say that White's bad bishop on c2 has a
natural prophylactic effect against the move
...f5, because then exf5 brings the bishop into a
kingside attack. If Black has a pawn on c7 (with
the same piece placement), then the move ...c6
can be answered by dxc6 and i..b 3, taking over
the open a2-g8 diagonal. For these ideas see,
for example, the Breyer Defence or Zaitsev This is the key move to the early part of the
Variation in the Ruy Lopez (Chapter 8). opening. A colour complex takes on stronger
meaning when a bishop residing on the colour
Colour Complexes opposite that of the centre pawns (i.e., a good
bishop) is exchanged. Thus White risks losing
In a great number of openings, one player or control of the light squares.
both will concentrate his forces either largely or 13 ... i..xa6 14 'iVxa6 i..xc3 15 bxc3 (D)
exclusively on squares of one colour or the Now White has assumed a backward pawn
other. This is particularly logical in Black's on an open file (often the only way a backward
case because he doesn't have time to keep up pawn is defined), and Black has an outpost on
with White on both colour squares. One case in c4, in front of that pawn. Instead, 15 i..xc3? !
23 .l:i.dcl .l:i.c4 24 .l:i.b2 f6 25 .l:i.el @f7 26 'iid l Nevertheless, when I speak of a position in
lbf8 27 .l:i.b3 lbg6 28 'ii bl .l:i.a8 29 .l:i.e4 .l:i.ca4 30 which 'Black dominates the dark squares',
.l:i.b2 lbf8 31 'iid3 .l:i.c4 32 .l:i.el .l:i.a3 33 'iibl there's usually a persistence of structural weak
lbg6 34 .l:i.cl lbxc3 35 'iid3 lbe2+ 36 'iixe2 ness that I'm referring to. For instance:
.l:i.xcl+ 37 ..llx cl 'iixcl+ 38 @h2 (D)
Karpov - Kasparov
Moscow Wch ( 16) 1 985
Black is even ready to reinforce d3, which
1 e4 c5 2 tt::lf3 e6 3 d4 cxd4 4 tt::lxd4 tt::lc6 5 tt::lb5 hardly needs it. In nearly every critical variation
d6 6 c4 tt::lf6 7 tt::llc3 a6 8 tt::la3 d5!? analysed later it proved to be the difference.
A shocking gambit prepared by Kasparov The d4-square, which is also weak, isn't occu
for this match. pied by a piece until much later, but White's
9 cxd5 exd5 10 exd5 tt::lb4 1 1 .lle2 .llc 5?! 12 loss of control over it allowed Black to proceed
o-o? o-o 13 .tr3 .tr5 (D; without impediment.
24 .tg2 �f6 25 a3 a5 26 axb4 axb4 27 �a2
.\lg6 28 d6
The forward guard has to be sacrificed. White
is hopelessly tied up, the more so after Black's
next move.
28 ... g4 29 �d2 @g7 30 f3 �xd6 31 fxg4
�d4+ 32 @hl tt::lf6 33 .l:!.f4 tt::le4 34 �xd3 (D)
the piece most likely to be involved in a direct You can confirm that after 1 2 ...tt::lfxd5 1 3 a3 !
attack. By contrast, a rook on d l defending the and 1 2 ... .ltxd5 1 3 .ltg5 ! .lte7 14 .ltxf6 gxf6 1 5
isolani is much less likely to do any damage. a 3 White will win material.
For all that, simplification can be double 13 .ltgS! .lte7 14 .ltxf6 gxf6 15 tt::lxd5 .ltxd5
edged because sometimes it clarifies White's 16 .ltxd5 exdS 17 tt::ld4! Wf8 18 tt::irs (D)
attacking themes, especially if he has support
points along open files in conjunction with pawn
advances. A wonderful illustration of this is
seen in Chapter 5 on the Giuoco Piano (in the B
main line with 1 0...tt::lc e7).
All that is rather abstract, so here are some
examples of strategy by both sides. There are
literally thousands of isolated-pawn positions
in games between masters, many of which can
be found in books on the opening or middle
game. As indicated, these positions will be taken
from openings in which an IQP situation is nor
mally created (for instance, in the same open
ings listed above). What you will eventually
find is that isolated pawns are formed in a wide
range of positions, many of them appearing af Many a pawn or exchange has been sacri
ter the opening stage because of an exchange ficed to bring a knight to f5 . Here it's worth
on d4 or d5. more than a rook.
Here is a brief lesson about the main danger 18 ... hS 19 �xdS 'l'Wxd5 20 'l'ixe7+ Wg8 21
posed by the d-pawn: its advance. 'l'ixf6 1-0
This next game is not as easy to understand, There's the thematic break.
but expresses the same theme. 19 tlla5
Korchnoi - Karpov
Merana Wch (9) 1 981
All the moves thus far are customary ones. 1 c4 e6 2 tllc3 d5 3 d4 i.e7 4 tllf3 tllf6 5 i.g5
13 i.c2 .l:.e8 14 �d3 g6! h6 6 i.h4 0-0 7 .l:.cl dxc4 8 e3 c5 9 i.xc4 cxd4
An instructive combination goes 14 ....l:.c8? 15 10 exd4
d5 ! exd5 16 i.g5 (threatening i.xf6) 16 ... tlle4 The isolated queen's pawn arises.
( l 6 . . . g6? 1 7 .l:.xe7 ! �xe7 1 8 tllxd5) 1 7 tllxe4 10...tllc6 11 0-0 ctJh5! (D)
dxe4 1 8 �xe4 g6 19 �h4 �c7 20 i.b3 h5 2 1
�e4 (threatening �xg6+) 2 1 . . .'it>g7 2 2 i.xf7 !
@xf7 23 i.h6! �d6 24 �c4+ @f6 25 .l:.ad l
ctJd4 26 �xd4+ �xd4 27 .l:.xd4 .l:.c5 28 h4 ! 1 -0
Petrosian-Balashov, USSR 1 974.
15 h4 �d6 16 i.g5 .l:.ad8 17 .l:.adl �b8
Unmasking the rook against White's d-pawn.
18 i.b3 a6? 19 d5! (D)
1 3 �el would be the usual idea: get all the the d-pawn and c-pawn is that White has more
pieces out. On the other hand, with a pair of space; not so obvious is that a third-rank pawn
pieces off and more to come, the customary d5 is easier to defend than a fourth-rank pawn ! In
advance will only lead to liquidation, and prob this instance the pawn on c6 prevents White' s
ably not one that White would be happy with; isolated pawn from advancing while maintain
for instance, 1 3 d5? ! exd5 14 lllxd5 lllxd5 1 5 ing an outpost on d5 and the options of ... �d6,
J..xd5 ( 1 5 �xd5 �xd5 16 J..xd5 lllf4 1 7 J..c4 ... �d8 and ... lllf5 . Black also has a useful b-file
J..e6 ! runs into the same kind of problems as 1 5 that is typical of this structure. A lot comes
J..xd5) 1 5 . . .lllf4 1 6 J..c4 �xdl 1 7 .Ufxdl J..g4 down to activity here; for instance, will a white
and Black already stands slightly better. This is rook on the outpost c5, with the possible help of
based more on the specifics of this position than a bishop on a4, make up for Black' s pressure on
a statement about the move d5, however. The the d-pawn? Probably not, but those are the
h5-knight happens to serve a powerful function kinds of competing factors that arise. More on
due to the possibility of ...lllf4. Usually a move the isolated c-pawn will follow in the examples
like 1 3 d5 would lead to equality, which is still a below.
success for Black in opening play. Incidentally, after 19 �xc6, 19 ...lllxc6 20 d5
13...lllf6 exd5 21 J..xd5 is at best equal for Black, be
Again protecting the crucial d5-square. cause bishop versus knight with pawns on both
14 llleS sides of the board is usually difficult for the side
White does the right thing by occupying the with the knight.
support-point. 19 �d6 20 g3 �d8 21 �dl l:tb6!
14 J..d 7!
•.• The opening is over and Black has restrained
The normal continuation 14 ... b6 followed by the pawn, while White has no outposts or at
. . . J..b7 would only be tempting sacrificial ideas tack. Thus Black has the advantage. From this
on f7, as described above. point on Karpov plays one of the best technical
lS �e2 �c8 16 llle 4!? games in world championship history.
More simplification. But ... J..c6 was coming 22 �el �d7 23 �cd3 l:td6 24 �e4 �c6 2S
anyway. �f4 llldS 26 �d2 �b6 27 .ltxdS l:txdS 28 �b3
16 lllxe4 17 �xe4 .ltc6 18 lllxc6 �xc6 19
•.• �c6 29 �c3 �d7 30 f4 b6 31 �b4 bS 32 a4
l:i.c3 bxa4 33 �a3 as 34 �xa4 �bS 3S �d2 eS 36
Take a look at 19 �xc6 bxc6! (D). fxeS l:txeS 37 �al �e8 38 dxeS �xd2 39 l:i.xaS
�c6 40 �a8+ Wh7 41 �bl+ g6 42 �fl �cs+
43 'it>hl �dS+ 0-1
Kramnik - Anand
Dortmund 2001
Black has miraculously averted mate, but
now a queenless middlegame ensues in which
White's attack persists for another 10 moves.
Notice the knight getting access to the key f5-
square; as Kasparov has shown, this tends to
win almost by itself!
21. �xh4 22 tllxh4 tlle4 23 hxg7 "!J.c8 24
Lautier - Karpov
15 i.xd5!
.•. Monte Carlo (rapid) 1995
From here on Anand defends in heroic fash
ion. After 1 5 . . . exd5 1 6 �h4 g6 1 7 "!J.fel White 1 d4 tllf6 2 c4 e6 3 tllc3 i.b4 4 �c2 0-0 5 a3
threatens a killing "!J.xe7, and he wins after i.xc3+ 6 �xc3 b6 7 i.g5 i.b7 8 f3 d5 9 e3
1 5 . . .tllxd5 16 lllxd5 i.xd5 1 7 l:rxd5 ! due to ctJbd7 10 cxd5 exd5 1 1 i.d3 l:re8 12 llle2 c5 13
1 7 . . . exd5 1 8 i.xh7+ '.t>xh7 19 �h4+ 'it>g8 20 0-0 �e7 14 tllg3 l:tac8 15 i.f5 cxd4 16 �xd4
i.xe7 �xe7 2 1 tll g5 . A pretty combination, There's the isolani; Black really doesn't seem
perhaps the one that Anand missed when he al ready for it.
lowed White to play 1 5 d5 . 16 "!J.c4 17 �d2 tllc5 18 "!J.adl h6 19 i.xf6
Lateral defence of the isolani is best if you But we also have instances of IQPs on
can maintain the rook's position. That often ap Black's side of the board that look somewhat
plies to the endgame as well. different:
22 llle2 i.a6! 23 l:i.fel i.xe2 24 l:txe2 �d8 French Defence: 1 e4 e6 2 d4 d5 3 llld 2 c5 4
2S �d3 g6 26 �ed2 (D) exd5 exd5 5 lllgf3 (or 5 .ltb5+ .ltd7 6 i.xd7+
lllxd7 7 lllgf3 lllgf6 8 0-0 .lte7 9 dxc5 lllx c5)
5 ... lllc6 6 .ltb5 .ltd6 7 dxc5 .ltxc5 8 0-0 llle7 9
lllb3 .ltd6 (D).
e 3 0-0 8 �c l c 6 9 .ltd3 dxc4 1 0 .ltxc4 b 5 1 1 In the Sicilian Defence, the same capture
i.d3 a6 1 2 a4 bxa4 1 3 lllxa4. happens but White's b-pawn is in better shape,
Catalan: 1 d4 d5 2 c4 e6 3 lllf3 lllf6 4 g3 .lte7 at least theoretically, because it has the c-pawn
5 i.g2 0-0 6 0-0 dxc4 7 llle5 lllc6 8 .ltxc6 bxc6 in its vicinity. A different way for 'b-pawn ver
9 lllxc6 �e8 10 lllxe7+ �xe7 1 1 �a4 e5 1 2 sus a-pawn' to arise is in a position with a white
dxe5 �xe5 1 3 �xc4, a position that has been pawn on a3. Black plays . . . b5-b4, the b-pawn is
played repeatedly over decades. captured by the a-pawn, and a piece recaptures
Two Knights Defence: 1 e4 e5 2 lllf3 lllc6 3 on b4. Then Black's a-pawn is left i solated, and
.ltc4 lllf6 4 lllg5 d5 5 exd5 llla5 6 .ltb5+ c6 7 often White's b-pawn as well. This can occur in
dxc6 bxc6 8 .lte2. the Sicilian Defence, French Defence, King's
Semi-Slav: 1 d4 d5 2 c4 e6 3 lllc 3 c6 4 lllf3 Indian Defence, or other openings featuring a
lllf6 5 .ltg5 h6 6 .ltxf6 �xf6 7 e3 llld7 8 .ltd3 minority attack. Finally, it sometimes happens
dxc4 9 .ltxc4 g6 1 0 0-0 .ltg7 1 1 e4 e5 12 d5 that with Black's pawn on b5 and White's on
lllb6 1 3 .ltb3 .ltg4 14 h3 .ltxf3 1 5 �xf3 �xf3 a4, Black will play simply . . .bxa4, a common
1 6 gxf3 We7 1 7 dxc6 bxc6. idea in the Ruy Lopez and Sicilian Defence
Isolated c-pawns are often created in the (likewise with Black's pawn on b4 capturing
middlegame. For the most part we won' t see White's on a3).
that in this book, but the same concepts apply. Because of their distance from the centre of
action, isolated and even doubled a-pawns are
Isolated a-Pawns seldom worthwhile targets in the opening. Their
vulnerability shows itself more in the endgame.
Few isolated b-pawns arise in the opening, but Certain structures lend themselves to a-pawn
isolated a-pawns are quite common, because raids; e.g., ... �a5(+) and . . .�xa2 in the Ex
their creation requires only that a b-pawn cap change Gri.infeld Defence and certain Queen' s
tures towards the centre. One recurrent situa Gambit Exchange Variations; or, for instance,
tion arises in a number of openings when White when Black goes out of his way to capture
plays a4-a5 against Black's pawns on a6 and White's a4-pawn in the Winawer Variation.
b7. This is a 'one pawn holds two' situation in But usually isolated a-pawns situated on the
the sense that if Black plays . . . b5 (or sometimes first two ranks (such as a black pawn on a6 in
. . . b6), then White captures en passant and iso several openings) tend to be defensible until
lates Black' s a-pawn. the middlegame is in full swing. For example,
sometimes White captures a knight on a6 with
his light-squared bishop and the same issues
arise; for example, 1 d4 d5 2 c4 c6 3 lllf3 lllf6 4
lllc 3 dxc4 5 a4 llla6 6 e4 i.g4 7 .ltxc4 e6 8
.ltxa6 bxa6 9 �d3 i.xf3 1 0 gxf3 (now we have
two sets of doubled pawns; Black's are weaker,
of course, but he is compensated by the b-file
and a potentially safer kingside) 10 . . . a5 1 1 �c4
�c8 1 2 .l:.gl �b8 1 3 .l:.g5 �b4 1 4 �e2 .l:.xd4 1 5
�xa5 �c7 1 6 i.e3 �xa5 1 7 .ltxd4 with ap
proximate equality, Korchnoi-Conquest, Buda
pest 1 996.
The treatment of all these phenomena varies
so much from position to position that we'll
have to discuss them in context.
This type of situation occurs repeatedly in the
King's Indian Defence and Benoni, for example, Pawn -Chains
but watch for it in other openings. In many cases
White's c-pawn will be on c4 or off the board, so When authors give examples of pawn-chains
his b-pawn will be isolated or backward. they tend to be pawns adjacent to and facing
another pawn-chain, i.e. interlocking. The text in which the majority of its main variations
book example is the French Defence Advance have pawn-chains.
Variation, 1 e4 e6 2 d4 d5 3 e5 c5 4 ctJf3 tllc6 5 1 e4 e6 2 d4 d5 3 e5
c3. The line of pawns from b2 to e5 is called a The logic behind this move for White is that it
'chain' , and the directly interlocking pawns are claims space on the kingside and cramps the de
on e6 and d5, but of course Black' s pawn on f7 velopment of Black's pieces. After 3 e5, Black's
holds up the ones on e6 and d5 . Most books on king's knight cannot go to its 'best' square on
strategy discuss this French Advance Variation f6, and Black's queen's bishop, which was al
when they want an example of pawn-chains, ready blocked by its pawn on e6, is further in
and also the main lines of the King' s Indian De carcerated by the inability of the e6-pawn to
fence. Those are excellent starting-points. We advance. As mentioned, a variation well-suited
don' t always think in terms of pawn-chains for a discussion of chains continues:
even if they share classical properties, for in 3 c5 4 c3 tllc6 5 tllf3 (D)
of attacking the base, Black will end up by at 1 e4 e6 2 d4 d5 3 ctJd2 tllf6 4 e5 tllfd7 5 i.d3
tacking the protected front of the chain. For ex c5 6 c3 tllc6 7 tlle2 cxd4 8 cxd4 f6
ample, after White successfully protects his The e5-pawn is attacked three times.
base by 8 b3 lllf5 9 i.b2, Black ' s next step is to 9 exf6 tllxf6 10 ctJf3 i.d6 1 1 0-0 (D)
attack the front of the pawn-chain by . . .f6. For
instance, one line goes 9 . . . i.b4+ 1 0 @fl i.e7
1 1 tllc3 0-0 12 g3 f6 (D) and White will soon
surrender the leading pawn by exf6.
9 ltJd2 (D)
A very different approach emerges from this
move in the same variation.
We'll quickly look at two very distinct ap
proaches to this position, but only in terms of
A: 9 lLlel
B: 9 lLld2
9 lLlel tt:Jd7 10 J..e3 f5 1 1 f3 f4
Black ignores the first 'effective' base at e4,
the one that he attacked in the French Defence
situation. Indeed, 1 l .. .fxe4 1 2 fxe4 �xfl + 1 3
i.xfl lLlf6 1 4 J..f2 only helps White because
Black has no kingside targets to bite upon. By
playing . . .f4 instead, he extends the chain to f3
in preparation for the march of his g-pawn.
These are all normal moves, details of which In some games the traditional pawn race en-
will be given in the chapter on the King's Indian sues:
Defence in the next volume. 9...tt:Je8 10 b4 f5
12 J..f2 g5 Attack on the base.
This pawn is headed for the new base at f3. 11 c5
13 tt:Jd3 tt:Jf6 14 c5 lLlg6 15 �cl �f7 16 �c2 Likewise.
i.f8 17 cxd6 cxd6 18 °iVd2 g4 19 �fcl g3 (D) 11 tt:Jf6 12 f3 f4 13 tt:Jc4 g5 14 i.a3 ltJg6 15
The same applies to White. Chess is not so and moves such as . . . .l:Ib8, . . . bxc3, . . . .ia6 and
one-dimensional that you aren't permitted to . . . lLlb6-a4 in some intelligent order. This can
think about more than one theme, at least not in be an effective idea as long as Black is alert to
the opening where we have so many pieces on the defence of his king.
the board.
With those ideas in mind, let's look at exam
What's the upshot of all this? Is the practical ples from the Caro-Kann Advance Variation.
player left without any guidance whatsoever?
Not at all, because the more positions you see Anand - Karpov
and play, the more tools that you acquire. As in Wijk aan Zee 2003
any other situation in chess, you have to make
an assessment of which positions call for which 1 e4 c6 2 d4 d5 3 e5 .if5 4 lLlc3 e6 5 g4 .ig6 6
treatment. For instance, notice that Black ad tt:Jge2 tt:Je7 7 f4 (D)
dressed the front pawn on the queenside and
never attended to the e4 base. How realistic is
that in general? Let's imagine a similar position
of a type that does arise in the French Defence: B
1 e4 e6 2 d4 d5 3 lLld2 tt:Jf6 4 e5 lLlfd7 5 f4 c5
6 c3 tt:Jc6 7 lLldf3 .ie7 8 g3 'iVa5 9 Wf2 (D)
7 c5!
vulnerable part of the chain, when Black would shorter chains, or ones with outposts? How to
cave in if he were to play 9 . . . cxb3 10 axb3 and assess them? The Benoni complex shows us a
activate all of White ' s pieces; e.g., 1 0 ... tt:Jge7 little variety. In the Czech Benoni it' s fairly
1 1 ..ta3 lLlg6 1 2 ..txf8 .l:txf8 1 3 .tbs a6 1 4 easy to see the nature of the pawn-chains:
tt:Jbd2 and Black is short of good moves. 1 d4 lLlf6 2 c4 c5 3 d5 d6 4 lLlc3 e5 5 e4 (D)
9 'iVa5 10 °iVdl h6! 11 �el b5
e4 CLJf6 2 e5 CLJd5 3 d4 d6 4 c4 CLJb6 5 f4 dxe5 6 23 CL:lg5 Wh8 24 \\!Vf7 ..lld 7 25 ..llxe6 l:.xd8
fxe5. Where to attack? Let' s see: 6 . . .CLJc6 7 26 \\!Vg8+! .l:ixg8 27 CLJf7# (1-0)
..lle 3 ..llf5 8 CL:lc3 e6 9 CLJf3 ..lle7 10 ..lle2 0-0 1 1 Hopefully this section will give you a feel for
0-0 f6 ! . In front, that' s the best plan ! These con what's happening when we encounter cases of
cepts cement themselves with study and experi pawn-chains in other openings throughout this
ence. Here' s a recent high-powered example: book.
9 dxe5 10 fxe5 c5
..• Geller - Smyslov
Base of the chain. USSR Ch (Moscow) 1949
1 1 c3 cxd4 12 0-0 0-0 13 cxd4 CL:lc6 14 CLJf3
f6 1 d4 CL:lf6 2 c4 e6 3 CL:lc3 ..llb4 4 a3 ..llxc3+ 5
Front of the chain. bxc3
15 CL:lc3! fxe5 White now has doubled pawns on c3 and c4.
It's a little late to tum around. The forward pawn is the target; note that if
16 ..llg 5! \\!Vd7 17 dxe5 CL:lxe5? White's d-pawn were on d3, his doubled pawns
The best chance is 17 . . . \\!Vxdl ! 1 8 .l:iaxdl would be protected.
CL:lxe5 19 CL:lxe5 l:.xfl + 20 Wxfl i.xe5 21 i.e3 5 CL:lc6 6 f3
..llx c3 22 .l:td8+ Wf7 23 bxc3 and the bishops Having secured the advantage of the two
are worth more than a pawn, but Black can at bishops in compensation for his doubled pawns
least hope for survival. However, he should at c3 and c4, White wants to build a large centre
avoid 23 . . . CLJd7 24 Wel ! b6 25 l:.h8 Wg7? 26 and use his extra space to help in a kingside at
..llxe6 ! Wxh8 27 i.d4+. tack. The kingside is a particularly good target
18 CL:lxe5 .l:ixfl+ 19 \\!Vxfl \\!Vd4+ because Black's dark-squared bishop has been
Or 1 9 . . . ..llxe5 20 l:tdl ..lld4+ 2 1 Wh l . exchanged and can't guard vulnerable squares
20 Whl \\!Vxe5 21 ..lld8 \\!Vc5 22 CL:le4 \\!Vb4 around the king.
Black is also dead in the water following 6 b6 7 e4 ..lla6
22 . . .\\!Vf5 23 i.xb6 \\!Vxe4 24 l:.dl h5 25 .l:id8+ Black is taking aim at White' s weak c4-
Wh7 26 \\!Vf7. pawn.
the King's Indian. White has to decide whether Black's pieces are passive and now White
to give up his best bishop in order to cripple could try to transfer his f3-knight to b3, but if
Black's pawn-structure. He usually declines the necessary Black can bring his knight to e6 or
bargain. Here, however, he's a little ahead in d7. What Portisch does instead is quite clever.
time and goes for it. 19 h4!
14 dxcS 15 dxc6 bxc6 (D)
.•. This has the obvious idea of ..llh 3, trying to
The first point is that 1 5 . . . \\!Vxc6 would give exchange his bad bishop for Black's good one
White a huge and favourable outpost on d5, one at c8. Bu.t White also sees that Black's best plan
that might be reinforced by CLJd2-fl -e3. is the manoeuvre . . .CL:lg7-e6-d4, which will leave
his kingside less defended against the moves h5
and hxg6.
19 CL:lg7 20 @h2 f6 21 ..llh3 ..llxh3 22 @xh3
CLJe6 23 hS (D)
square f5. But Fischer realizes that he will be l::tg6+ and l::txg5 with a third pawn and play
able to cause trouble down the g-file in con against Black' s exposed king. The game ends
junction with ... lLld4. Normally 23 ...lLld4 would with true equality.
solve all of B lack ' s difficulties but the opening 43 g4! 44 .l:txg7+ 'i/ixg7 45 'ilie8+ 'it>h7 46
of the h-file would cause a few problems after 'ilih5+ 'it>g8 1/z-1/z
24 hxg6 hxg6 25 l::th l .
24 l::th l .l:Iad8 25 'it>g2 'i/ig7 26 'it>fl The subject of doubled pawns is boundless
26 .l:Ixh5?? loses to 26 ... lLlf4+. but especially for the sake of opening investiga
26 'ilig4 27 l::th4 'ilig6 28 'ilie2 ..th6 29 b3
••• tion we can narrow our focus considerably and
l::td7 look at cases that significantly influence practi
29 . . ...llg5 30 lLlxg5 fxg5 3 1 l::t xh5 .l:If8 was cal play. Specifically, doubled c-pawns arise
also suggested, as in the game. Black is doing more often than any other type and they deter
fine in any case. mine the nature of the play in many of those
30 .l:Idl l::tx dl+ 31 'ilixdl l::td 8 32 'ilie2 ..llg5 games. For the sake of clarity I'll concentrate
33 lLlxg5 fxg5 34 .l:Ixh5 l::td 2! 35 'i/ig4! on them, with a brief look first at a particular
35 'ilixd2 'ilixh5 threatens . . . tt:Jd4. White's central situation.
knight has served a good function but now
looks out of play. Doubled Centre Pawns
35 h6 36 l::t h2 'it>g7 37 tt:Jc3 l::td3 38 lLldl!?
White is ready t o take up an outpost by Doubled centre pawns arise much less often in
lLle3-f5. the opening than doubled c-pawns. They are
38...'ilif7 39 'it>g2 generally produced by exchanges of minor
But he never gets a chance. At this point 39 pieces on the third or fourth rank, and usually
tt:Je3?? loses to 39 . . . l::tx e3. don't allow of the choice of recaptures that we
39 'ilid7! 40 'i/if5 (D)
.•• saw above. Their effects on the position tend to
White decides to bail out. 40 lLle3 l::txe3 4 1 be ambiguous.
'iff5 ! (not 4 1 fxe3?? lLlf4+ 42 'it>f3 'ilidl +) i s an
other way to do so.
mobile. What does that mean? After the ex ..lle6 ! ? 7 ..llxe6 fxe6 shows that it' s possible to
change on e3, White' s pawns are initially well adopt such pawns in that situation. The result
protected; it's usually difficult to get at the single ing position is one that current theory indi
weakness at e3. However, if White plays d4 cates is equal. See Chapter 7 on the Philidor
thereafter, the forward e-pawn will be unpro Defence, in particular the discussion of early
tected by another pawn and therefore vulnera move-orders.
ble, just as the c4-pawn was in the Nimzo-Indian It bears repeating that the exchange of queens
example above. And if the d-pawn advances fur by no means betokens entrance into an end
ther to d5, the e-pawn may not be able to move game, because there can be many active pieces
for the rest of the game. Both sides have to remaining on the board producing astonish
weigh whether one advantage or the other is ingly complex positions. The phrase 'queenless
more important. If Black isn't going to exchange middlegame' doesn't appear often enough in
on e3, one of his options is to leave the bishop chess discussion, written or otherwise. It de
where it is on c5. Normally the doubled pawns scribes an extremely large set of situations, often
that Black would get if White played ..llxc5 lasting for the bulk of the game. The conditions
wouldn't be harmful (see the discussion of c for a decisive result are still there, as shown by
pawns below); but that' s not always true. The literally thousands of games. But for our pur
same idea comes up in the Ruy Lopez after 1 e4 poses it's important to note that a lot of queen
e5 2 CLJf3 CLJc6 3 i.b5 a6 4 ..lla4 CLJf6 5 0-0 ..lle7 6 exchanges such as the one above result in
.l:te l b5 7 ..llb3 d6 8 c3 ..lle6, as well as in some queenless openings ! Although the boundaries
queen' s pawn variations; e.g., 1 d4 d5 2 CLJf3 e6 of the queenless opening, middlegame and end
3 ..llf4 CLJf6 4 e3 CLJbd7 5 i.e2 ..lld6 (D). ing are to some extent a matter of judgement,
variations in which the queens have been ex
changed within the first 10 moves are routinely
analysed by players and theoreticians for an
other 10 moves, and clearly belong to the terri
tory of the opening proper.
Again the choice arises of whether White
a) exchange bishops on d6, allowing . . .cxd6
if Black wants to;
b) leave his bishop on f4, inviting ... i.xf4;
c) retreat to g3 .
In master play all three solutions are played.
This position is simplified but shows the basic
situation that arises in many variations.
Isolated doubled e- and d-pawns are rare
when the queens are off the board; neverthe Keene referred to the doubled pawn on d4 as
less, an opening line such as 1 e4 d6 2 d4 CLJf6 a 'dead point' , so called because it has little or
3 CLJc3 e5 4 dxe5 dxe5 5 \\!Vxd8+ �xd8 6 i.c4 no dynamic potential. It makes Black's central
play difficult because White will be ready to re leads to doubled pawns is when a knight on c3
spond to . . . e6 and . . .d5 by cxd5 and e5 (espe or c6 is captured by a knight or bishop. Then a
cially if the move f4 has been played), whereas basic decision often presents itself: whether
Black' s move ... e5 would restrict his own bishop one wants to recapture with a b-pawn ( 'strength
and isn't very helpful with respect to mobility. ening' the centre) or with the ct-pawn, opening
The opponent (in this case White) can play lines for development. There are plenty of situ
'around' the pawn by f4, intending f5 and g4, ations in which there is no choice; for instance,
and/or by b4. This is a theme worth remember 1 d4 lllf6 2 c4 e6 3 lbc3 .ib4 4 a3 .ixc3+ 5
ing as it arises fairly frequently in openings bxc3 or 1 e4 e6 2 d4 d5 3 lllc 3 .ib4 4 e5 c5 5 a3
such as the Closed Sicilian, King ' s Indian and .ixc3+ 6 bxc3, both cases where the prece
English Opening. It tends to occur in the move dence of structure is conspicuous. In neither
sequence above, with a knight on d4 (from case does either player have many pieces de
White' s point of view) being captured by a veloped, but by their pawn moves both sides
knight on e2 or f3. In many cases there would have established a structure that will serve and
be a bishop on e3 in the above case, say, by determine their development.
8 . . . llld7 9 .ie3 llld4 (D). In both of these cases the players were forced
to capture ' towards the centre ' , the advice
given to students everywhere. But it's more re
vealing to look first at recaptures requiring a
and 0-0-0 will be pretty unpleasant for B lack) 7 preferred by top masters, when the play seems
�xd4 with a position much as in the Philidor to favour White slightly but Black has squares
Defence, but a tempo up for White due to 3 . . . a6. for his pieces and the extra centre pawn gives
It' s a bad sign if B lack has to surrender the cen him a certain leeway, so in the hands of a
tre in a centre-strengthening variation ! knowledgeable player 4 . . .bxc6 isn't bad. Nev
b) 4 . . . dxc6 is well-known and doesn' t re ertheless, we can't say that it' s fully satisfac
quire special analysis. What counts is that the tory.
recapture away from the centre affords wide a l 2) Black can equalize by capturing away
open play for the bishops. from the centre: 4 . . . dxc6 5 d3 �g7 and 6 0-0
b l ) The line 5 d4 exd4 6 �xd4 �xd4 7 lLif6 or 6 h3 e5 works out well him. White is not
lbxd4 �d7 and ... 0-0-0 illustrates Black's ideas. able to achieve an effective d4 or e5, so Black
He will gladly play with a pawn-structure such gets easy development for his pieces.
as . . .c5 and ... b6. a2) 4 0-0 �g7 5 .l:!.el e5 6 �xc6 and then:
b2) The generally-approved move 5 0-0 has a2 1 ) 6 . . . bxc6 ? ! 7 c3 lbe7 8 d4 cxd4 9 cxd4
other attributes, but again the fact that a varia exd4 10 lbxd4 0-0 1 1 lbc3 (D) is notoriously
tion such as 5 . . . �g4 6 h3 h5 7 d3 �f6 even ex better for White.
ists shows that Black has dynamic counter
play. In fact, White often plays c3 and d4 versus
the . . .c5/. . .e5 structure, allowing the doubled
pawns to be liquidated and therefore indicating
that they weren't the sole reason for playing 4
�xc6. A case in point: 8 lbbd2 lbe7 9 lbc4
�xf3 10 �xf3 �xf3 1 1 gxf3 lbg6 1 2 �e3 �d6
1 3 .l:!.fd l f6 14 'it>fl c5 1 5 c3 'it>f7 16 d4 ! cxd4 1 7
cxd4 .l:!.hd8 ? ! ( 1 7 . . .exd4) 1 8 .l:!.ac l �e7 1 9 d5
with an advantage for White, Glek-Winants,
2nd Bundesliga 1 997/8.
The Berlin Variation with 3 ... lbf6 4 0-0 lbxe4
5 d4 lbd6 6 �xc6 dxc6 7 dxe5 lLif5 8 �xd8+
'it>xd8 also shows that Black is willing to play
this pawn-structure. For more on this subject
see Chapter 8 on the Ruy Lopez. Even in the reversed position from the Eng
Overall, we can say that in this particular lish Opening, Black usually gets the better of
opening, Black's choice of developing and acti this position with one less move to use. The
vating his bishops by capturing away from the problem is that 1 l . . .d5? gives White too much
centre leads to better positions than if he de pressure after 1 2 exd5 cxd5 1 3 �g5 . But other
cides upon a more compact pawn-structure by wise Black's dark squares are weak and 1 l . . .d6
capturing towards the centre. presents a target down the d-file. Notice that
this Sicilian Rossolimo is similar to the Ex
Rossolimo Variation of the Sicilian Defence change Ruy Lopez that we just looked at, in that
both variations have lines in which the pawn
This positionally instructive opening is defined break d4 is paradoxically strong even though it
by 1 e4 c5 2 lLif3 lbc6 3 �b5, and has numer straightens out the opponent's pawns.
ous lines with �xc6. I'll pick a few. a22) By contrast, 6 ... dxc6 7 d3 �e7 has tra
a) 3 ... g6 and then: ditionally been considered equal with careful
a l ) 4 �xc6 and now: play. The d-file is handy for Black and White's
a l l ) 4 . . .bxc6 5 0-0 �g7 6 .l:!.el gives another move d4, a poor one, would only open up the
lead in development which particularly shows game for Black's bishops.
up after 6 . . .lbf6 7 e5 lbd5 8 c4 lbc7 9 d4 ! cxd4 b) 3 . . . e6 4 �xc6 and here:
10 �xd4 with space and the simple idea �h4 b l ) 4 ... bxc6 5 0-0 lbe7 6 :e l (these are
and �h6. Thus 6 . . . lbh6 with the idea .. .f6 is hardly forced moves, just illustrations of the
play) 6 ... lllg6 7 c3 iL.e7 8 d4 0-0 9 lllbd2 cxd4 follows. Having pawns on c2 and c3 is easy for
10 cxd4 f5 ! and B lack has freed all of his White to handle, just as . . . dxc6 was in the Ruy
pieces. Lopez. The difference is that in this Petroff line
b2) 4 . . . dxc6 is inferior because White will both sides have two bishops, so it' s unlikely
get a pawn to e5 that cramps Black's game; e.g., that White has anything special in the way of a
5 0-0 'Viiic7 6 e5 and moves such as b3, iL.b2, d3 permanent advantage. Nevertheless, taking with
and llld2-c4 can follow. If he had an extra cen the ct-pawn is more promising than 6 bxc3,
tre pawn (as he does after 4. . .bxc6), Black could which would leave White with a restricted cen
play . . .f6 and break up White's centre, but in tre in which one of his bishops wouldn't be able
this case exf6 would expose a weak pawn on e6. to assume an active role.
In making a decision how to recapture in the
Rossolimo Variation, a major consideration is Scotch Game
whether Black can achieve . . . e5 after taking
with the d-pawn. If so, White has no particular In the Scotch Game with 1 e4 e5 2 lllf3 lllc6 3
way to gain space, because now c3 followed by d4 exd4 4 lllxd4 lllf6 5 lllx c6, 5 . . . bxc6 is the
d4 merely opens the centre for Black's bishops. almost automatic recapture. This is still an un
But if Black captures with the b-pawn he has to resolved line, but Black's queenside structure
watch out that an early d4 doesn't leave him too doesn't hurt him in most lines. Two examples
far behind in development (he has no open d-file with this type of structure:
to challenge a white piece on d4). In particular,
the variations in which Black fianchettoes his Rublevsky - Bologan
bishop can put his development behind sched Dortmund 2004
1 e4 e5 2 lllf3 lllc6 3 d4 exd4 4 lllxd4 iL.c5 5
Petroff Defence lllxc6 'Viiif6 6 'Viiid2 bxc6 7 lllc3 llle7 8 llla4 iJ..b6
9 iJ.. d3 0-0 10 0-0 d6 1 1 'Viiie2 lllg6 12 lllxb6
1 e4 e5 2 lllf3 lllf6 3 lllxe5 d6 4 lllf3 lllxe4 5 axb6 (D)
lllc 3 (this move is fashionable at the moment,
but it is not the only example of doubled pawns
in the Petroff: 5 c4 ! ? is an interesting move
whose very purpose is 6 lllc 3 lllx c3 7 dxc3 ! ,
aiming for active development) 5 . . . lllxc3 6 dxc3
18 �c4+
Otherwise, White's bad bishop and weak
squares down the e-file will give him a serious
Alternatively, 1 8...�f7 1 9 �xc6 :ae8 ! would
threaten . . J:te2, . . .lbxf4, etc. The opening has
been a success for Black.
19 �xc6 l:!.a5! 20 �e8+ :rs 21 �e2 lLixf4!?
22 �xf4 �xf4 23 l:!.fl :es? 112-112
After 24 �d3, 24 ... �e4 ! gets Black's rook to White has foreseen something analogous to
the 7th rank in an ending. the Rossolimo Variation above. Black can't
move his d-pawn without one problem or an
Morozevich - Bezgodov other. White's queenside complex actually pro
Russia Cup (Tomsk) 1998 tects him from intrusions on the b-file, and his
possession of the a-file is a bonus.
1 e4 e5 2 lLif3 lbc6 3 d4 exd4 4 lLixd4 lLif6 1 1...d5 12 exd6 �xd6?
Another set of choices confronts Black in the Notice that this is an example of the vanishing
main-line variation 4 ... �c5 5 lbxc6 �f6 ! 6 centre ! Since Black has no attack he has no real
�d2 dxc6 7 lbc3 lbe7 8 �f4. Without getting compensation for the weak c-pawns. 1 2 ... cxd6
too theoretical, it's relevant to observe that Black must be a little better. On the other hand, Black's
wants to take on another set of doubled pawns centre pawns would still be weak and White
after 8 . . .lbg6 ! ? 9 �xf6 gxf6, as in Kasparov could probe the kingside. There might follow
Topalov, Las Palmas 1 997. How to assess this 1 3 �d3 ! ? (or 1 3 �f3) 1 3 ... d5 14 :e l �d6 1 5
kind of thing? It takes some experience but also �h5 and now 1 5 . . .f5 ! ? 1 6 �g5 or 1 5 . . .g6 1 6
a little calculation. Black has a temporary lead �h6. Black's kingside is causing him serious
in development and ifhe could castle queenside problems. l:!.a4-h4 and �d2-c3 are productive
and/or exchange off his f-pawn by ... f5, he'd ideas.
leave White having to defend squares such as 13 :a4! (D)
c2 and f2. Thus slow moves from White are not 13 �f5 14 �d3
dangerous. But 1 0 �d3 isn't much of a solution This time the theory that simplification helps
because it runs into 1 0. . .lbh4 1 1 @fl ( 1 1 0-0? White makes sense. That's one less piece for
l:tg8 12 g3 �h3 1 3 :ct l lLif3+ 1 4 '>ith l �xf2) Black to defend pawns with.
Anikaev - A. Petrosian
Kiev 1973
22 f3
It's too late for 22 lbxe5 \i'f5.
22 fxg3 23 hxg3 \i'f5 24 .l:!.c2?! 'li'h3 25
.ixc4 3 2 bxc4 l:lxg3+ 3 3 lit> f2 l:!.h3 3 4 .ixc5 This structure generally arises from two pawn
.ixc5 35 lllxc5 l:!.f8 36 e5 g5 37 l:!.xf8+ @xf8 38 exchanges on c5 and d5, but it can also come
llle6+ 'iit>e7 39 lllxg5 l:!.h2+ 40 @f3 l:.xa2 41 about when an isolated pawn is transformed by
lllxh7 a5 0-1 a piece exchange on c6.
Like 'isolated pawns' , the term 'hanging
It's worth adding that in the Accelerated pawns' is defined more broadly, but it doesn't
Fianchetto Sicilian the capture . . . .ixc3 often seem to extend beyond this single case when
comes without White having made a move like actually being discussed. That is understand
c4. The best example of this situation occurs af able, because so few analogous structures reg
ter 1 e4 c5 2 lllf3 lbc6 3 d4 cxd4 4 lllxd4 g6 5 ularly arise, at least in the opening. You could
lbc3 .ig7 6 lllb 3 .ixc3+ 7 bxc3, a line which call pawns on e4 and d4 'hanging' under cer
usually continues 7 ... lllf6 8 .id3, and now Black tain circumstances, but that's not convention
has the interesting choice between 8 . d6, in
. . ally done.
tending to blockade the c-pawns, and 8 . . . d5 9 Returning to the basic position, Black' s
exd5 'i¥xd5, when Black develops so quickly hanging pawns have advantages and disadvan
that White' s pieces tend to be tied down. The tages. Much as is the case with an isolated d
usual considerations with respect to Black's pawn, Black has the persistent possibility of
dark squares on the kingside apply in principle, breaking the position up by . . . d4, thus extend
but there is little chance that they will become a ing the range of his pieces, initiating favour
real factor. able tactics, and/or creating a powerful passed
If you want to continue investigating the is pawn. The hanging pawns also cover key cen
sue of captures away from and towards the tral squares and give Black's pieces somewhat
centre, there will probably be instances of both more manoeuvring room than White's. Finally,
in the openings that you play. The more that the e- and b-files can be used to create dynamic
you study these and get to experience them, chances.
the better a player you'll be in the widest From White's point of view there are many
sense. promising ways to attack this structure. Most of
them begin by restricting the advance of the d
Hanging Pawns pawn. White has a pawn, a knight (sometimes
two), and a rook or two on an open file to
The term 'hanging pawns' is habitually used to achieve this, with a bishop on b2 for good ef
refer to black pawns on c5 and d5 separated fect. Once the pawn is 'fixed ' , White can do
from Black's other pawns by at least a file on one of several things:
both sides. The hanging pawns are usually pit a) Attack it with his pieces; e.g., a bishop on
ted against a white pawn on e3 and open d- and g2, knight on c3 and/or f4, and rook(s) on an
c-files. Of course the same applies with colours open file. The queen and rooks are particularly
reversed. effective attackers of hanging pawns.
b) Advance a pawn to b4 or e4 to force a
desirable change in pawn-structure. If White' s
advancing pawn either captures Black's or vice
versa, an isolated pawn remains in Black's
camp. Or, if one of Black's pawns advances, it
creates a juicy outpost for White to the side of
it. For example: if White attacks with e4 and
Black responds with . . . d4, then the c4-square
is available for a piece.
c) Exchange pieces and simplify the posi
tion; as is the case with an isolated queen' s
pawn, this reduces the pawns' dynamic possi
bilities and makes them easier to put under
Seirawan - Short
Montpellier Ct 1985
1 1 0-0 lbh5!?
Black gets rid of White's most dangerous
bishop, the one that could attack him from g3 or
capture on f6 at the right moment. This takes an
extra move (the knight will return to f6 while
Black gets . . .�e7 in) but he seems to have the
time to get away with it.
12 ii.xe7 �xe7 13 .i:tadl lbf6 14 .i:!.d2 lbc6
15 .i:!.fdl .i:tfd8
White has a little space and d-file pressure,
but the d6-pawn is typically safe and he has no
particular targets of attack.
16 h3 :d7 17 a3 .l:!.ad8
17 . . ..l:!.b8 is the other natural move, to take
advantage of the open file and potentially probe 27 JLg2
the holes left by a3 . White's reorganization is complete. The d5-
18 �a4 d5!? pawn holds firm, however.
A huge decision, changing the character of 27 �e6 28 'it>h2
the game, although not necessarily to Black's The danger lurking in the background is
detriment. Preventing b4 by 18 . . .a5 looks equal. shown by 28 �a4? ! 'it>h8 29 b4? d4! .
19 cxd5 exd5 (D) 28 lba5?
Black, trying to win, disturbs the balance and b 3 ! ? .l::l ac8 1 9 bxc4 dxc4 2 0 l:!.c2 .ixc3 2 l l:!.xc3
permits simplification. After that, White forces tlld5 ! (it turns out that the pawn is not weak; at
serious positional concessions from Black's this point 22 .i::r.xc4? loses to 22 . . .lllc 3) 22 l:!.c2
position. c3 23 :de 1 .l::l c5 24 lllb 3 .i::r.c6 25 llld4 l:!.c7 ! 26
29 llle5 .l::ld6 30 'ii'a4! 'ii'xe5 31 'i¥xa5 :cs lllb5 l:!.c5 27 lllxc3?? lllx c3 28 .l::lx c3 l:!.xc3 29
32 llla4! .l::ldc6 33 .i::r.c2 Wi/e7 34 .i::r.d cl c4 (D) l:!.xc3 �2 ! 0- 1 .
35 l:!.dl
Once again all pieces are to be aimed at d5.
White still has to win the overprotected pawn
on that square or break through in some other
fashion, no easy task.
35 ...l:!.d8 36 .i::r.cd2
This attacks d5 ; in one more move, every
piece will be trained upon it.
36... .:cd6?!
36 . . . l:.cc8 keeps the possibility of lateral de-
fence by . . . l:!.c5 alive. The d-pawn is tough to
corral, but ultimately the threat of a break by e4
will overload Black; for example, 37 �gl (37
lllc 3 l:!.c5 ! ) 37 . . .llle4 3 8 l:!.d4 ! lllc5 39 tllxc5
.i::r.xc5 40 'i¥b4 a5 41 'i¥c3 f5 42 b 3 ! cxb3 43
An almost decisive concession. Sometimes 'i¥xb3 and Black is reduced to total passivity.
this advance is a reasonable trade-off because 37 lllc3 'i¥e6 38 l:!.d4 l:!.6d7 39 l:!.ld2 g6 40
White's vulnerable pawn on b2 is fixed. But llla4
here Black can't even begin to mount an attack Back to c 5 !
on that pawn, and his b7-bishop is too passive 40...'i¥e7 41 lllc5 l:!.c7 42 lllxb7
to make room for any dynamic compensation. A typical exchange of a horrible piece for a
Compare this position from O.Bemstein-Capa good one in order to eliminate the best de
blanca, Moscow 1 9 14: fender.
42 l:!.xb7 43 .ixd5 l:!.xd5 44 .i::r.xd5 lllxd5
45 'i¥xd5
and wins.
Korchnoi - Karpov
Merano Wch ( 1) 1 981
25 ...dxe3 26 fxe3
White's pawn-structure is shattered, although
simplification would still leave him with some
chances. So Karpov takes aim immediately.
26 c4! 27 lbed4 'Yi'c7 28 lbh4
24 a3?
White is trying to avoid . . . °Yi'b4, but he under
estimates the strength of Black's next move:
24 d4!
f6-knight. Furthermore, the lack of an e-pawn of pawns (on d6 and e5), White ' s knights are
for Black would mean seriously weakened de denied e4 and d4, so that defending d5 is really
fence against White' s pieces occupying cen Black' s only practical concern, just as White
trally-oriented squares, specifically d5 and f5 . himself must watch out for . . . d5. Again, see
For example, if Black ' s e-pawn were missing, Chapter 1 1 on the Sicilian for various exam
then d5 would be an attractive outpost that ples.
would be further weakened if White could What are some other common central pawn
force Black' s knight off f6 by g4-g5 . In that majorities? White finds himself with this ma
kind of a position a knight on f5 is also notori jority in several variations of the Griinfeld De
ous for tearing Black ' s position to shreds. As fence such as the one mentioned above and in
it is, since Black ' s pawn is on e6, White ' s lim the important variation 1 d4 lZ'if6 2 c4 g6 3 lZ'ic3
ited central pawn presence in the Open Sicil d5 4 lZ'if3 j_g7 5 l'lb3 dxc4 6 l'lxc4. In the
ian also allows Black to use influential squares Queen's Gambit Exchange Variation White as
for his purposes, such as c5 and e5 for his sumes a 2: 1 majority on move four ( 1 d4 d5 2
knights. Then the knights will have fewer ob c4 e6 3 lLic3 lZ'if6 4 cxd5 exd5), and in the
stacles to reaching c4 or attacking e4. Queen's Gambit Accepted he gets it on move
Of course, in ' extra-positional' terms, White two ( 1 d4 d5 2 c4 dxc4). White also ends up
has the opportunity for violent attacks based with an extra centre pawn in many variations of
upon the pawn advances e5 and f5, and/or sac the English Opening in which Black plays . . .d5
rifices on f5, e6, d5 and b5 . With a single inac (an example would be 1 c4 c5 2 lZ'ic3 lZ'if6 3 lZ'if3
curacy by Black (or merely choosing the wrong d5 4 cxd5 lZ'ixd5). Finally, every Modem Benoni
variation), these attacks can be so powerful as to variation has Black accepting a 2: 1 deficit from
decimate the defence. Otherwise no one would the start ( 1 d4 lZ'if6 2 c4 c5 3 d5 e6 4 lZ'ic3 exd5 5
play White's side of an Open Sicilian. I simply cxd5).
want to demonstrate Black's underlying reason There aren't a great many 2:0 central majori
for accepting a cramped position. See Chapter ties in standard openings, although examples
1 1 on the Sicilian for other illustrations of how do exist. Take the Nimzo-Indian variation with
his central majority functions in diverse situa 1 d4 lZJf6 2 c4 e6 3 lZ'ic3 j.,b4 4 l'lc2 d5 5 cxd5
tions, such as the Paulsen and Dragon Varia l'ixd5 6 lZ'if3 l'if5 7 l'ixf5 exf5 (D) .
The next diagram shows another type of cen
tral majority in the Open Sicilian arising from 1
e4 c5 2 lZ'if3 d6 3 d4 cxd4 4 lLixd4 lZ'if6 5 lLic3
lZ'ic6 6 j_e2 e5 7 lZ'ib3 j_e6 (D).
In conclusion, whether central majorities are This brings us to the minority attack, which
inherent to a specific opening or not, they are involves two pawns attacking three. It is fa
extremely important and tend to assert them mously effective in the Sicilian Defence, in
selves in the long run. Defenders must be sure volving . . . b5 and . . . b4, sometimes supported
to have a clear plan for neutralizing them, some by ... a5, driving away White's knight from c3
times by transforming the structure itself before and/or gaining open files. The exposure of
the pawn-majority can do any damage. White's queenside renders his majority irrele
The corresponding issue has to do with vant in most cases, at least in so far as creating
queenside majorities and minorities, since cen passed pawns is concerned.
tral majorities for one side almost always leave The most famous minority-attack structure
the other side with a queenside majority. Since is 2:3, 2: 1 and 3:3, sometimes called the Carls
most majorities can in principle be transformed bad pawn-structure.
into a passed pawn, it has been said that a
queenside majority is advantageous because the
resulting passed pawn will usually be an outside
passed pawn and thus of special value. That is, in
a king and pawn ending, one king will have to go
chasing after the queenside passed pawn in order
to stop it from promoting, while the other king
mops up on the enemy pawns on the kingside.
Unfortunately, several considerations interfere
with this optimistic scenario.
First, if both kings are centralized (as hap
pens in many endings) neither majority neces
sarily results in a passed pawn further 'outside'
than the other. Secondly, the hypothetical ad
vantage of the queenside majority is reversed if
the parties castle queenside. But since kingside Numerous books discuss the minority at
castling is the rule, a more compelling issue tack by b4-b5 in great detail because its appli
arises that especially impacts the opening (our cation is widespread, although not necessarily
area of concern, after all): the relation of ma in the pure form shown. The most important
jorities to king safety. Since there are more examples that directly conform to the model in
pieces on the board in the opening, the ad the diagram are in the Queen's Gambit Ex
vance of kingside pawns to create a passed change Variation and a few other variations of
pawn carries with it the risk of exposing one's the Queen's Gambit Declined. The Carlsbad
own king; obviously, doing the same with a pawn-structure also emerges in the Nimzo
queenside majority is safer. On the other hand, Indian Defence following 1 d4 llJf6 2 c4 e6 3
the results of a kingside advance may be to put lZ:Jc3 .tb4 4 Wic2 d5 5 cxd5 exd5 6 .tg5 h6 7
the opposing king in danger, whereas defence .txf6 Wixf6 8 a3 .txc3+ 9 Wixc3. Then Black
against a queenside majority doesn't require often feels compelled to play ... c6 in the face of
any compromise of the king's position ! c-file pressure, making White's minority attack
These many considerations suggest a sort of by b4-b5 all the more effective. Interestingly,
theoretical balance between the types of major the Caro-Kann has the same pawn distribution
ities, depending upon concrete features of the with colours reversed after 1 e4 c6 2 d4 d5 3
position. As a practical matter in the opening exd5 cxd5 4 .td3 lZ:Jc6 5 c3 llJf6; in fact, you
stage of the game, one shouldn't pay much at will find an example of a pure minority attack
tention to the matter of majorities and minori by Black in Chapter 12. The most thorough
ties, apart from their value in beginning to discussion of minority attacks in this set of
pursue a specific plan. The odds are that the books will naturally be linked to the Queen's
pawn-structure will be transformed prior to the Gambit Exchange Variation (covered in Vol
onset of the endgame. ume 2).
of this opening with the same structure, includ Generally, White's first goal is expansion in
ing lines with .....ig4, ... ..ixf3 and . . . e6. In the the centre, in the one case by c4 and d5, in the
Scandinavian, as in the Caro-Kann, White is other by e4 and d5 . These are difficult to achieve
left with a c-pawn but no e-pawn. given Black's pawn-structure, which is specifi
cally designed to prevent d5, and Black is ready
to play ... e5 or ... c5 at the first opportunity. But
White also has other resources, including using
the support-point at e5 (and sometimes at c5) to
make threats and favourably transform the cen
tral situation. Or he can expand on the wings.
In some of these variations, Black's light
squared bishop comes out in front of its pawns.
Then Black already has some freedom for his
pieces and can take more time to play for a
transformation of the pawn-structure. When the
bishop is stuck behind its pawns, as in the
Queen's Gambit or the Caro-Kann with 4. . . ltJd7,
Black needs to get ... e5 or ... c5 in as a freeing
move, preferably sooner rather than later, if he
is to equalize. The ... c5 move not only loosens
c) The Slav/Semi-Slav: in the traditional White's grip on the centre but if followed up
Slav lines we have 1 d4 d5 2 c4 c6 3 lLif3 lLif6 4 by ...cxd4 it claims the c5-square for Black's
lLic3 dxc4 5 a4 ..if5 6 e3 e6 7 ..ixc4, and in the pieces, often a knight. In that case we have
Semi-Slav Meran Variation 1 d4 d5 2 c4 c6 3 something similar to various French Defence
lLif3 lLif6 4 lLic3 e6 5 e3 ltJbd7 6 ..id3 dxc4 7 lines with 1 e4 e6 2 d4 d5 3 lLic3 (or 3 ltJd2
.llxc4. These are two of many examples of the dxe4) 3 . . .dxe4 (or 3 . . .lLif6 4 ..ig5 dxe4) 4 lLixe4
basic structure. By contrast with the first two lLid7 5 lLif3 ltJgf6 6 lLixf6+ lLixf6, where Black
openings, White remains with an e-pawn but no will generally play for . . .c5. If Black can play
c-pawn. . . . e5, he attacks the centre but also frees his
d) The Queen's Gambit Declined: in the light-squared bishop. It's better to show a few
Classical Capablanca and Lasker Variations, examples than to speak in generalities.
we have 1 d4 d5 2 c4 e6 3 lLic3 lLif6 4 ..ig5 ..ie7
5 e3 0-0 6 lLif3 ltJbd7 (or 6. . . h6 7 ..ih4 lLie4 8 Gulko - Lakdawala
.llxe7 'fllxe7 9 .l:!.c l lLixc3 10 .t:rxc3 c6 1 1 ..id3 USA Ch (San Diego) 2004
dxc4 12 ..ixc4 ltJd7) 7 .:te l c6 8 ..id3 dxc4 9
.llxc4. In this opening White again ends up 1 d4 d5 2 c4 c6 3 ltJf3 lLif6 4 lLic3 dxc4 5 a4
with an e-pawn but no c-pawn. ..if5 6 e3 e6 7 ..ixc4 ..ib4 (D)
18 �xd5 'fllc 7, White has 19 'fllf5 ! (or 19 a5) .tc4 .tc5 4 d3), when Black' s bishop is on c5
19 ... lLib6 20 l:!.c5 (20 .txb6 'fllxb6 21 'fllxe5) and White's bishop goes to e3. Then when
20 ... 'flld6 21 l:he5 g6 22 'flif4 with the idea Black plays . . . ..ixe3 and White recaptures by
22 ... lLixa4? 23 Wih.6 !. These lines show the bish- fxe3 we have the mirror image. I discuss this at
ops in their best light. some length in Chapter 5 .
18 c4 lLixd5 19 cxd5 Returning to our game, Black soon unneces
The opening is essentially over and White sarily straightens out White's pawns for him,
has won it because the restraint upon his centre and creates our restraint centre.
broke down. True, Black has the c-file and a 10 h6 1 1 .tf4 dxe4!? 12 dxe4 'flla5
comfortable knight on c5 but as is so often the The ... c6/. . .e6 centre arises. Since he doesn't
case, the advantage of an ideal centre is trans face the bishop-pair, as he did in the above ex
formed into a powerful central passed pawn ample, Black has more time to organize ...c5 or
that wreaks havoc. . . .e5. Notice that White has no light-squared
19 lLixa4
••• bishop to enforce d5.
After a slow move the bishop and passed 13 'flle2 l:Ifd8 14 a3
pawn are too much; e.g., 1 9 ...l:Ifd8 20 'flig4 14 l:Ifd l �ac8 would be a typical restraint
'it>h8 21 J:Iac l b6 22 l:!.c4 and l:Idc l . position. Black can't undertake much but has
20 'fllf5! f6 dynamic counterplay if White tries to make
Or 20 ... l:Ife8 2 1 d6 l:Icd8 22 l:!.d5. progress. This resilience accounts for the re
21 d6 l:Icd8 22 'flle6+ l:If7?! newed interest in such structures. As this game
Losing, but after 22 ... @h8 23 d7 the pawn is shows, the drawback is that it's difficult, but not
strong, backed up by the advantage of bishop impossible, to get positive chances.
versus knight. l:Iac 1 -c8 is one problem. 14 ltJfS!? 15 h3 ltJg6 16 .th2
23 l:Idcl @rs 24 J:Ic8 b5 25 l:!.acl 1-0 Bishops in many openings are stuck on the
side of the board at g3 and h2. This one appar
Bogoljubow Kramer
- ently has good scope but it doesn't defend the
Travemiinde 1 951 d-pawn. Therefore 1 6 ..ie3 looks better, cen
tralizing and intending 16 ... ltJhS 1 7 lLie5 ! .
1 d4 lLif6 2 .tg5 d5 3 lLic3 c6 4 e3 .tf5 5 .td3 1 6...l:Id7 1 7 l:Ic2 ltJh7! (D)
.txd3 6 cxd3 e6 7 lLif3 .te7 8 0-0 0-0 9 .:tel
ltJbd7 10 e4 (D)
20 'Yi'b6
•.• 16 h6 17 'Yi'b4 'Yi'b6 18 cS!? 'Yi'xb4 19 axb4
in with the help of tactics. Of course, the nor i.xc6 .l:lc8 2S .tbs i.d3!?
mally dangerous response d5 isn't remotely With White's two bishops gone, Black has
possible. won a pawn for very little, but White manages
22 tllc4 to scare up play.
White cedes a pawn but what else? 22 dxc5 26 .txd3 tllxd3 27 .l:i.edl .l:i.d7 28 f3 .l:lcd8 29
i.xc5 ! 23 'Yi'xc5 (23 .l:lxc5 .l:ld3 ! ) 23 . . .'Yi'xc5 24 Wfl tllb4 30 .l:i.xd7 .l:lxd7 31 .tf2 tllc6 32 .l:la6
l:!.xc5 .l:lxd2 threatens e2 and b2. .l:lc7 33 i.g3 .l:i.c8 34 .lif2 .l:lc7 3S i.g3 .l:i.c8 36
22 'Yi'c6 23 f3 cxd4
.•. .lif2 tllb 4!? 37 .l:lxa7 .l:i.cl+ 38 We2
Black's strategy has succeeded. . . . tllh7-g5 The game is about equal and was eventually
was quite a blow to White's position. drawn.
24 'Yi'd3 tllh7 2S f4 tllf6 26 tlld2 'Yi'xc2! 27
'Yi'xc2 d3 28 'Yi'c4 dxe2 29 .l:lel .l:lxd2 Djuric - Larsen
Black is winning. Copenhagen 1 979
i.xeS tlld7 13 i.g3 eS! 16 c4 is the thematic move. Then Black might
He has to play this way to get counterplay. think about exchanging off his other bishop by
White will transform the centre in response. 16 ... .tg4 ! ? ( 1 6 . . . 'Yi'c7 would prepare ... e5 and
14 a3! .lixc3 lS bxc3 .l:i.fe8 16 .l:i.fel also makes sense) 1 7 h3 i.xf3 1 8 'Yi'xf3 'Yi'a6 ! ?
'Yi'xb7 is an option here and next move. 19 .l:i.ac 1 b 5 20 cxb5 cxb5 21 .tc2 tlld5 and this
.llg5 .te7 10 0-0-0 .tg4! (D) The advance 1 8 c4 is way too committal and
weakens d4: 1 8 ... lLie7 1 9 .tc2 .t:rfd8 20 'flid3
ltJg6 and the pawn will fall.
18 b5!
Petrosian has a way of dealing with that. �c2 .l::te8 31 .t:rb4 d4! 32 .l::txd4 .l::te l+ 33 .l::td l
lordachescu - Wohl
Naujac sur Mer 2002
15 cS?!
B w
16 l:Icl ! ? 0-0 17 il.xe7 0,xe7 18 0,ce5 l:Iad8 This creates a weakness on e6 but otherwise
19 b4 White can squeeze Black by expansion on ei
Admirably sticking to his purpose, even ther or both wings.
though the tactic 1 9 il.xh7+ �xh7 20 0,g5+ 19 exf6 il.xf6 20 �c4! �b6 21 b4 0,a6 22
'it>g8 2 1 0,xd7 ! does ultimately win after com 0,e4!
plications. White has the advantage. He can exploit the
19 0,xeS 20 0,xe5
.•. weakness on e6, or play for a well-timed 0,c5.
Black's c-pawn falls, and the opening is Spassky went on to win the game.
over. Previous knowledge of the properties of
... c6/... e6 restriction and the standard IQP posi Space and Structure
tion, as well as recognizing the similarity to the
Meran Variation, undoubtedly helped White to The relationship of space to structure is poten
find his way in this game. That is an illustration tially an immense subject, but I just want to
of what I call 'cross-pollination' , discussed be make a few comments about it. We know that
low. White is the one who will generally grab more
space in the opening (particularly in the major
Rather than trying to fight directly against openings discussed in this book). Several situ
the ... c6/...e6 complex, it's sometimes better to ations can arise for Black. In the Closed Sys
give up on d5 and transform the structure. In tem of the Ruy Lopez and several other double
this famous game White does so by using his e-pawn openings, Black's strongpoint on e5
support-points: (based upon the pawn-chain c7-d6-e5) and his
b5-pawn establish a sufficient command of ter
Spassky - Petrosian ritory that he doesn't usually feel the need to
Moscow Wch (13) 1966 acquire more. The Chigorin set-up with ...0,a5
and ... c5 is an exception, in that it is clearly
1 e4 c6 2 d4 d5 3 0,c3 dxe4 4 0,xe4 il.f5 5 0,g3 aimed at extending Black's territorial reach; but
il.g6 6 h4 h6 7 0,f3 0,d7 8 h5 .li.h7 9 il.d3 that this policy is not necessary is shown by the
.li.xd3 10 �xd3 �c7 11 il.d2 e6 12 �e2! 0,gf6 popular Breyer, Zaitsev, M0ller and Smyslov
13 0-0-0 0-0-0 (D) Variations (see Chapter 8 on the Ruy Lopez for
14 0,e5! 0,xe5 15 dxe5 0,d7 16 f4 examples). To some extent this is also true with
White stands well. He has more space and no the double d-pawn openings such as the Queen's
worries about the kind of central attacks that Gambit Declined and Slav. Nevertheless, in the
we've seen from Black. Of course, White still traditional Queen's Gambit variations Black
needs to break through Black's defences; he tends to play for ... e5 at some point, arguably
does so by creating another support-point on exchanging one type of territorial control (the
c5 . d5-pawn) for another that also activates his
16 il.e7 17 0,e4 0,c5 18 0,c3 f6! ?
•.. pieces. In the Dutch Variation of the Slav ( 1 d4
d5 2 c4 c6 3 lllf3 lllf6 4 lllc 3 dxc4 5 a4 iLf5 6 Variations, in which White already has control
e3), Black is generally in no hurry to play ... e5 of space with pawns on c4 and e4, Black finds it
or even ... c5, which also true of several of the a little more urgent to achieve ...b5 or ... d5, or at
other ... e6/... c6 restraint openings that we saw least threaten to do so.
above, especially since his queen's bishop is Almost every opening can be looked at_ in
outside his pawn-chain. this way, that is, how vital is it for the side with
By contrast, look at many of the other major less space (usually Black) to win space, and
d-pawn openings. In the King's Indian Defence how quickly? What about the need for White to
main lines (e.g., 1 d4 lllf6 2 c4 g6 3 lllc 3 ii.g7 4 take on more space quickly, or can he be pa
e4 d6 followed by ...0-0 and ... e5), once White tient? If you understand the urgency (or lack of
takes space in the centre, Black will seldom be it) in achieving these goals, you will have a
satisfied that the single central pawn on e5 fully much better feel for the logic and timing behind
represents his interests in that sector. Without the opening moves.
further pawn moves he will slowly be strangled
by White's central and queenside pawn ad Cross- Pol I ination
vances. Therefore you will almost always see a
rapid .. .f5, or in some cases an attempt to take Sometimes manoeuvres and positional ideas
over territory on the queenside by ... c6 or ...c5. will arise across openings that are not specifi
Likewise in the Modern Benoni (1 d4 lll f6 2 cally related, a phenomenon that I call 'cross
c4 c5 3 d5 e6 4 lllc 3 exd5 5 cxd5 d6 followed pollination' . We have seen repeated examples
by . . . g6, . . .ii.g7, . . . 0-0, etc.), Black can almost of structures that show up in various openings,
never be satisfied with the central control of and in a way everything that we've seen about
fered by his c5-pawn. In most variations he is structures to this point has involved cross
almost compelled to win more space by ... b5 or pollination, that is, every structure has been re
.. .f5 or get strangled by White's pieces and on lated to other structures. Here I'll briefly discuss
rushing pawns. In the Semi-Slav, a combina the process that may lead you to recognize such
tion of . . .dxc4 and ... b5, or ... dxc4, ...ii.d6 and similarities and therefore play an unfamiliar or
...e5 is customary before White extends his con only partly familiar variation with increased
trol over the central squares (note that Black's confidence. Grandmasters are very good at see
light-squared bishop is trapped behind his ing this type of relationship in subtle ways.
pawns). You'll gain a lot from the very process of using
What about the Sicilian Defence? In general, your study and experience from one position
if he has the ... e6/. . . d6 centre, Black is in a re and then applying it to another. All the more
markable lack of hurry to take on more space. reason to keep your opening knowledge broad
At most he will play ...b5, and if White stops and not overspecialized.
that by playing a4 it is hardly a matter of great As an example, you've probably wondered
concern. But look at White's various strategies whether to play with an isolated queen's pawn
against the Sicilian. It seems practically man in a given position. This requires judgements
datory to expand his reach over the board. Re based upon experience. We already know that
cently there are players who set up with f3, g4, the isolated pawn offers similar lessons across a
g5 and h4 (and even h5 and g6) against the ma wide range of openings. We even see standard
jority of Sicilian variations. Traditionally, f4 IQP positions that are essentially the same in the
has been a standard way of proceeding, with f5 Nimzo-Indian, Caro-Kann, Sicilian and Queen's
to follow or perhaps e5 (although the latter is Gambit. But you'll consistently be given the
sometimes more of a tactical device, because option of deciding whether a new IQP position
the pawn will seldom stay on e5 long enough to in a foreign position has more good features
be a true claimant of territory). These days than defects, and experience with other open
there are also more combinations of f4 and g4. ings will do more than an author's generalities
Barring those kingside moves, White will at can.
least play a4 to stake out some space on the A more interesting illustration of cross
queenside. In the Maroczy Bind and Hedgehog pollination relates to decisions about when to
bring your queen out, and whether you can do whether to play ... d5 and/or recapture with the
so productively at an early stage. If, as Black, queen on that square. From White's point of
you've captured some 'poisoned' pawns on b2 view we have such things as 1 c4 e5 2 g3 lllf6 3
or gambited them as White, you'll certainly get J.g2 c6 4 d4 cxd4 5 �xd4.
a better feel for when to take the risk in either Say that you're playing the French Defence
way. Here are a few examples that you might and start out 1 e4 e6 2 d4 d5 3 llld2 lllc 6, re
run into: cently a hot variation. Maybe you have some
1 e4 c5 2 fllf3 d6 3 d4 cxd4 4 lllxd4 lllf6 5 recent analysis on 4 lllgf3 and 4 J.b5 that you
lllc 3 a6 6 J.g5 e6 7 f4 �b6 8 �d2 �xb2 want to try out. When your opponent plays 4
1 d4 lll f6 2 lllf3 e6 3 J.g5 c5 4 e3 �b6 5 c3, you don't recognize the move, but search
lllbd2 �xb2 your pattern database and come up with 4 ... e5 !
1 e4 g6 2 d4 J.g7 3 lllc 3 d6 4 f4 c6 5 lllf3 5 exd5 �xd5. Pattern recognition could also
.\ig4 6 J.e3 �b6 7 �d2 �xb2 be involved if you play the Pirc Defence and
1 e4 e6 2 d4 d5 3 e5 c5 4 c3 fllc6 5 lllf3 �b6 are confronted with 1 e4 d6 2 d4 lllf6 3 J.d3 .
6 J.e2 cxd4 7 cxd4 lllh6 8 J.xh6 �xb2 Playing 3 ... e5 is fairly obvious, and then White
1 e4 c6 2 d4 d5 3 e5 J.f5 4 J.e3 �b6 5 llld2 plays 4 c3. What now? If you're attuned to the
�xb2 way that a pawn on c 3 prevents lllc 3, you
1 d4 lllf6 2 J.g5 c5 3 d5 �b6 4 fllc 3 �xb2 5 might see 4 ... d5 ! , with the idea 5 exd5 �xd5
.lid2 or 5 dxe5 lllxe4 (D). This looks fun and worth
1 d4 lllf6 2 J.g5 llle4 3 J.f4 c5 4 d5 �b6 5 a try.
llld2 �xb2 6 lllxe4 �4+ 7 �d2 �xe4 8 c3
Or, with colours reversed:
1 d4 d5 2 c4 J.f5 3 �b3 e5 4 �xb7
1 d4 d5 2 c4 dxc4 3 lllf3 lllf6 4 e3 J.g4 5
.lixc4 e6 6 �b3 J.xf3 7 gxf3 lllbd7 8 �xb7
1 d4 lllf6 2 c4 c5 3 d5 e6 4 fllc 3 exd5 5 cxd5
d6 6 e4 a6 7 a4 g6 8 lllf3 J.g4 9 �b3 J.xf3 1 0
�xb7 lllbd7 1 1 gxf3
They are of differing soundness and strength.
If you get a new position in which you are being
offered a b-pawn in the opening, you can make
a better decision by studying these.
Another question: when do you want to al
low your queen to come out with the move
. . . �xd5 or �xd4 within the first few moves of
the game? What about that rule that says the But then you notice 6 J.xe4 dxe4 7 �a4+
queen shouldn't come out too early? Maybe as followed by �xe4, shake your head, and play
a beginner you have seen or read about the Dan some other 4th move. This is where the stock
ish Gambit line 1 e4 e5 2 d4 exd4 3 c3 d5 4 exd5 of familiar positions comes in. Two weeks
�xd5. The c3-square is temporarily occupied later you happen to notice a grandmaster in
and thus there's time for Black to develop be this position as Black and after a short think he
fore his queen is attacked; for instance, 5 cxd4 plays 4 ... d5 anyway. There follows 5 dxe5
lllc6 6 fllf3 J.g4 7 J.e2 lllf6 8 lllc 3 J.b4 (this lllxe4 6 J.xe4 dxe4 7 �a4+ J.d7 ! 8 �xe4 J.c6
position also arises in the Goring Gambit) and (D) with plenty of compensation (two bishops,
Black has equality. Later you see similar ideas light squares, and direct attack on g2).
in the Sicilian Defence, where we have 1 e4 c5 Our grandmaster didn't give up on the line
2 c3 d5 3 exd5 �xd5 and c3 is occupied so that after he saw 7 �a4+; was this due to seeing fur
White can't place a knight there with tempo; of ther than the club player? Probably not, because
ten 4 d4 lllf6 5 lllf3 J.g4 will follow. Perhaps just about every grandmaster and international
the improving student will start to examine the master has seen this kind of sequence before.
c3-square as one strong criterion in deciding For example, there are a couple of classic games
and so forth. These all seem fully playable, in everywhere throughout them. In other words,
part because . . . c5 can follow and 'threaten' to experiments like these are successful only be
go into a favourable Sicilian Defence, an ex cause of the vast knowledge of traditional open
ample of cross-pollination. Recently players ings that lets players find old patterns in new
started looking at long-established openings contexts. The moral of the story is not to play the
and found a new idea or rediscovered it in older move a3 in every position (or any position! ), but
literature; for instance, 1 e4 e5 2 lbf3 lbc6 3 to realize that mastery of openings comes from a
lllc 3 lllf6 4 a3 ! ?. This is another waiting move broader set of structures and techniques that ap
that doesn't do much but achieves a little some pear across the board. While you study the tra
thing; for example, 4 ...ii.c5 5 lllxe5 ! , when the ditional openings, be sure to look at ideas from
resource ... ii.b4 isn't available after 5 ...lllxe5 6 every other source to reinforce what you're
d4. Or in the Pirc Defence, the remarkable 1 e4 learning.
d6 2 d4 lllf6 3 lllc3 g6 4 f4 ii.g7 5 a3 !?, prevent Furthermore, you can look at structural
ing the usual 5 ... c5 in view of 6 dxc5 l!Va5 7 b4, themes in the same way, comparing them from
and otherwise waiting for Black to make a com opening to opening. The more that you examine
mittal move, of which it turns out that many and compare outposts and support-points, for
have disadvantages. In the Sicilian Defence, 1 example, the more you will find yourself able
e4 c5 2 lllf3 lllc6 3 d4 cxd4 4 lllxd4 lllf6 5 lllc 3 to work with them. Ask simple questions when
e6 became a popular way to avoid major Sicil you play over games by grandmasters: when
ian theory; after a century of experience with are outposts on squares like e5, d5, e4 and d4
that line players noticed the possibility of 6 a3, similar, and how do they differ? Does the out
preventing 6 ... ii.b4 and again waiting to see post piece radiate influence and make counter
what Black is going to do. There' s a current in play fruitless? Can the outpost be maintained?
terest in 1 e4 c5 2 a3 (not to mention 2 llla3 ! ?), Can a piece on the outpost be exchanged off fa
and even a monograph devoted to it. Similar vourably in order to change the pawn-structure?
things have been going on with Black. In the Is there a situation in which the outpost can be
French Defence with 1 e4 e6 2 d4 d5 3 lllc 3 'played around' , leaving an impressive-looking
(and 3 llld2), grandmasters have been using but uninvolved piece occupying it? Similarly, is
3 ...h6 (the other rook' s pawn !), asking White to a piece on an outpost in front of doubled or
commit while preventing il.g5 and finding the backward pawns so powerful that it's worth a
move ... g5 useful in a remarkable number of rook, or will it just sit there and block one's own
positions. Likewise, Anand and many others play? Either result is possible.
have played 1 c4 e5 2 g3 lllf6 3 ii.g2 h6. Cross-pollination turns out to be an unlimited
It seems obvious that these sorts of ideas feed subject and contributes to the fact that we take so
off each other, with each new explorer inspired strong an interest in chess. There are examples
by the most recent discoveries. But if you look at throughout this book and in most sources of
the details of the newly discovered theory and chess information. Keep an eye out for them, es
practice of such lines, you will see that standard pecially as you study and play openings. You'll
structures from other chess openings appear find it a fun exercise, and helpful for your chess.
4 Introduction to 1 e4 and the Open
Want to play a game of chess? I'll move first: These are not exactly compelling reasons for
1 e4 (D) 1 e4 to have ascended to the throne of the open
ings realm. Maybe we should think on an even
more fundamental level. What's the first goal of
opening play? To control the centre. And what's
the best way to do that? To set up an ideal cen
tre. There are only two moves involved in that
project: e4 and d4. To some extent, playing the
one creates the threat to play the other. Thus,
playing one of these two moves right away nar
rows Black's set of logical responses and in
some sense establishes a degree of control. At
that point there are various advantages to either
move, and indeed 1 d4 is White's second most
popular opening move by a landslide. The over
all preference for 1 e4 then comes down to
more subtle factors, and I may as well cite the
Advancing the e-pawn two squares is the old obvious fact that in the great majority of open
est and still the most popular way to begin the ings, 1 e4 prepares the way for kingside cas
game. Beginners who know little more than the tling more quickly than does 1 d4.
rules proudly play 1 e4 before they start losing Now things get a little more complicated.
their pieces. Chess in the movies is dominated Notice that the e4-pawn is undefended. Not
by e-pawn play. The majority of the world's top surprisingly, Black will often attack it and try to
ten players use 1 e4 more often than not. compel White to spend a move protecting his
What's so great about this move? On the pawn. This immediate vulnerability is not
most basic level, 1 e4 fights for control of the shared by other popular first moves by White
key central square d5, and it frees the fl -bishop such as 1 d4, 1 c4, or 1 lllf3. Hence Breyer's
to join the fray. Indeed, in the 1 e4 e5 openings proclamation that 'After 1 e4, White's game is
that dominated chess practice for so many years, in its last throes' ! That is melodramatic, of
we find the bishop being developed at an early course, but it does reflect the direction in which
stage. Surprisingly, however, that doesn't hold Black's defences will tend to go. He will gener
true for most of Black's other defences to 1 e4. ally create threats to White's e-pawn, usually
What other advantages stand forth? Well, mov by the move . . . lllf6 or by ... d5 . We find such an
ing the e-pawn also opens up the d l -h5 diago attack on White's e4-pawn in most of the major
nal for White's queen to come out on, although defences to 1 e4, usually within the first two or
she doesn't use that privilege much in the early three moves of the game. For example:
stages, so as not to become an object of attack. a) The Caro-Kann: 1 e4 c6 2 d4 d5;
White's queen does prevent or discourage cer b) The Alekhine: 1 e4 lllf6;
tain uncommon deployments of Black's pieces c) The Petroff: 1 e4 e5 2 fllf3 lllf6;
and pawns, such as rash advances involving d) The French: 1 e4 e6 2 d4 d5 (and 3 lllc 3
.. .f6 or .. .f5. lllf6 or 3 llld 2 lllj6, among other examples);
plenty of other examples such as the wild Max disappearing centres, to be sure - the centre is
Lange with 2 lllf3 lllc6 3 i.c4 lllf6 4 d4 exd4 5 remarkably stable in most Sicilian variations
0-0 and after 5 ... i.c5 6 e5 (a typical advance; when you consider what's going on around it
see below) 6...d5 7 exf6 dxc4 8 l:Ie l + i.e6 9 but in the exuberant activity of the pieces.
lbg5 �d5 1 0 lllc 3 or 5 ... lllxe4 6 .l:tel d5 7 White' s energetic knights on c3 and d4 are of
i.xd5 �xd5 8 lllc 3 there are things being at ten complemented by bishops on g5, e3, d3
tacked all over the place! and/or c4; his queen goes to d2, e2 or f3 ; his
In all of these examples the centre opens up rooks to central files, and his pawns rush for
quickly with short-term tactical consequences. ward to attack from squares such as f4, f5, g4,
So isn't it clear that the Open Games are domi g5, h4, h5, etc.
nated by attacking chess? There's something
missing from this argument; you could make it
1 e4 versus 1 d4
in the year 1900 but not today. In contemporary
chess, most of the above variations are rarely So which is objectively better, 1 e4 or 1 d4? The
seen (although they are instructive and worth short answer is that it depends upon the prefer
experimenting with), partly because the quality ences of the individual player. To go any fur
of dynamism can easily peter out when accom ther, we should address the state of theory.
panied by too many exchanges. In fact, all of Many of us will remember that for some time 1
them put together aren't played nearly as often d4 was Garry Kasparov's main opening move,
as the Ruy Lopez ( 1 e4 e5 2 lllf3 lllc6 3 i.b5). played in order to generate attacks. Indeed, a
That is significant because in the most impor- significant portion of his most brilliant and ag
tant variations of the Ruy Lopez it frequently gressive games begin with 1 d4. Attackers like
occurs that not a single pawn is exchanged until Shirov also used d-pawn openings, as did a
well into the middlegame, nor do the pieces get younger and more aggressive Kramnik. Korch
near each other if they can help it. Looked at noi rarely deviates from his adherence to 1 d4/1
from that perspective, the king of e-pawn open c4 openings and of course many other top-level
ings doesn't act like an Open Game at all ! To be grandmasters use 1 d4 almost exclusively. Nev
sure, the variations described in this manner are ertheless, at this moment we see a distinct pref
'Closed' Ruy Lopez systems and do not encom erence for 1 e4 among most of the world's
pass the entire opening. Nevertheless, in most strongest grandmasters. Is that because 1 d4
games with the Ruy Lopez the dynamic action isn't an exciting move? Would you say that the
is delayed until after some serious manoeuv Exchange Variation of the Griinfeld, the Bot
ring has occurred, a type of play that becomes vinnik Variation of the Semi-Slav, the Exchange
increasingly fascinating as you become a better Variation of the Queen's Gambit Declined, the
player. A similar statement can be made about Taimanov Variation of the Benoni, and any
the Petroff Defence ( 1 e4 e5 2 lllf3 lllf6), the number of King's Indian lines, are not aggres
next most popular 1 e4 e5 opening at the inter sive attacking systems? In reality, what happens
national level. The Petroff shouldn't be de is that in different eras, individual defences
scribed as non-confrontational, but it tends to prove to be temporary barriers to the general
lead to fairly stable half-open structures in which use of 1 e4 or 1 d4 at the very highest levels. At
tactics play a lesser role. The Giuoco Piano ( 1 this moment in time I would say that the
e4 e5 2 lllf3 lllc6 3 i.c4 i.c5) and the Scotch Nimzo-Indian ( 1 d4 lllf6 2 c4 e6 3 lllc 3 i.b4) is
Game are examples of double e-pawn openings such a defence, with Black complementing its
that can produce either tactical or positional use with the Queen's Indian Defence or Queen's
struggles. I think that it's fair to characterize 1 Gambit Declined when confronted by 3 lllf3 .
e4 e5 as neither exceptionally dynamic nor se Recently, however, White has done reasonably
date. well against the Queen's Indian and it has tradi
It might be argued, in fact, that the Open Si tionally been possible to create chances against
cilian ( 1 e4 c5 2 lllf3 with 3 d4) has inherited the Queen's Gambit. Furthermore, White's
the mantle from double e-pawn openings in score against the Nimzo-Indian is somewhat
producing romantic attacking chess. Not with better than his score against other openings,
including those beginning with 1 e4. In the Ruy and 4 ii.c4. Just a bit further on in French De
Lopez, on the other hand, we currently see fence games, we have 1 e4 e6 2 d4 d5 3 lllc 3
White avoiding the Marshall Attack with, for ii.b4 4 e5, 1 e4 e6 2 d4 d5 3 lllc 3 lt:Jf6 4 ii.g5
example, an early h3 followed by moves such ii.e7 5 e5, and so forth. After 1 e4 e5, there are
as d3, a3 , lllc 3 and ii.a2 (see Chapter 8). Given moves such as 2 lllf3 lllc6 3 ii.c4 lllf6 4 d4
the unambitious appearance of this method of exd4 5 e5, or the more complex 2 lllf3 lllc6 3 d4
play (although it' s faring tolerably well so far), exd4 4 lllxd4 lZ:lf6 5 lllxc6 bxc6 6 e5, the latter
one wonders if the pendulum might swing back revived and brought into prominence by World
to 1 d4. Or perhaps players will amend their Champion Kasparov.
tastes some years hence, for unrelated reasons. Where do you find similar advances in the
That is part of the fun of following opening the practice of 1 d4 d5, or in any line beginning
ory. At any rate, the average player (and even with 1 d4? In a d-pawn opening, White seldom
'ordinary' master) need not worry about such plays d5 with a threat within the first six moves.
matters; either first move will produce games In fact, only in a few openings (such as 1 d4
with plenty of opportunities for victory. lllf6 2 c4 c5 3 d5) does the d-pawn even reach
Don't worry if the recital of names in the last the fifth rank, whether there is a threat or not.
few paragraphs befuddles you. My point is to It's true that d5 will fairly often occur in the
present 1 e4 from a broad perspective. It can be King's Indian Defence (e.g., 1 d4 lllf6 2 c4 g6 3
as much an option for positional players as for lllc 3 ii.g7 4 e4 d6 5 lllf3 0-0 6 ii.el e5 and now
attacking players. There are ways to fight for 7 d5 or 7 0-0 lllc6 8 d5); and similarly in a few
very small and lasting advantages against nearly lines of the Griinfeld. However, such d5 ad
every defence to 1 e4, and there are ways to try vances don't occur often after 1 d4 d5 and will
to decimate the opponent with slash-and-bum usually happen well past the first several moves
tactics. Most of the latter methods come up of the opening. In e-pawn openings, an analo
short of their goal against proper defence, or in gous situation would be the advance d5 in the
the face of counterattack by Black. Still, once Ruy Lopez, normally played after the 10th
the smoke has cleared, a bold attack may be just move.
as effective as any other approach at producing What does that mean? That by using 1 e4, at
a small but durable advantage. least in some openings, White has the option of
Rather than measuring degrees of aggres staking out a significant space advantage early
sion, a dispassionate investigation of e-pawn on. This is indeed an aggressive stance, but not
openings turns up a more interesting distinction one that involves open centres and multiple ex
between 1 e4 and 1 d4. This has to do with the changes - quite the contrary. And keep in mind
acquisition of space by the pawn advance e5, that when pawns are advanced they can become
which is prominent in the Semi-Open Garnes vulnerable; again we hark back to Breyer's 'last
(defences other than 1 .. .e5), but can also occur throes' . If you are an e-pawn player, you have
in double e-pawn openings. Consider that White to take that possibility into account when you
can play e5 on the third move of both the Caro advance your pawns. Failure to tie your oppo
Kann Defence ( 1 e4 c6 2 d4 d5 3 e5) and French nent down or make other difficulties for him
Defence ( l e4 e6 2 d4 d5 3 e5), and on the sec can sometimes leave you on the defensive. On
ond move of the Alekhine Defence ( 1 e4 lllf6 2 the other hand, an aggressive pawn presence in
e5). Against the Pirc Defence, e5 is a common the enemy camp can reward you with a winning
move in the variation 1 e4 d6 2 d4 lllf6 3 lllc 3 advantage. You will see examples of both of
g6 4 f4, and played in several lines with 4 lllf3 these results throughout the book.
5 G iuoco Piano
1 e4 e5 2 tbf3 tbc6 3 J.c4 (D) will sometimes transpose to 3 J.c4, for in
stance after 2 ... J.c5 3 tbf3 tbc6. The inde
pendent line 2 J.c4 tbf6 3 d3 c6 4 tbf3 d5 5
J.b3 J.d6 can lead to complex play, and of
course Black can play ... tbc6 on one of the
first few moves. One of the problems with 2
J.c4 is that Black has various ways to control
the direction of play. That interferes with
some players' desire to be in command as
White, particularly when facing a symmetri
cal variation such as l . ..e5 .
3...J.c5 (D)
5 d4
Certainly the most challenging continuation.
A less aggressive but also interesting alterna
tive is S d3. I'll discuss that more technical
move at the end of the chapter.
White has the instructive option of playing
S 0-0, when Black does best to capture by
S . . .tt:lxe4 and meet 6 d4 with 6 ... dS ! (file this
move away in your memory ! Black should al
most always play . . . dS when allowed to do so,
that is, if it's tactically sound) 7 dxcS dxc4 8
�xd8+ @xd8. From White's point of view,
this endgame is at best equal, and more likely
he will end up with a somewhat inferior posi
Then White has several good continuations: tion.
a) 7 @fl ! ? (this is the fancy way to get out 5...exd4 6 cxd4
of check; White threatens 8 dS, and when the The seemingly assertive 6 eS can again be
knight moves, 9 �a4+ picks up the bishop) answered by 6 ... dS ! (6 ...tt:le4 ? ! , with 7 �e2 dS
7 . . . .ltaS 8 dS tt:lce7 9 b4 ! (9 �a4+ c6 protects 8 exd6 0-0 in mind, is strongly answered by 7
the aS-bishop) 9 ... .ltb6 10 .ltb2 and the bishops .lidS) 7 .libs (7 exf6? dxc4 8 fxg7 :Ig8 leaves
are dominating the board. One can compare the all of Black's pieces active and ready to spring
Evans Gambit ( 1 e4 eS 2 tllf 3 tt:lc6 3 .Jlc4 .lies into action, whereas White is underdeveloped
4 b4 .ltxb4 S c3), in which something like this and losing badly in the centre; Black will cas
can arise but with Black having an extra pawn tle queenside in order to safeguard his king)
by way of compensation. 7 ...tt:le4 8 cxd4. Now Black can play either
b) Naturally 7 tt:lc3 , developing a piece, 8 . . . .ltb4+ or, more commonly, 8 ... .ltb6. In the
can't be bad: 7 . . . tllf6 8 dS .ltxc3+ (again, watch latter case play might go 9 0-0 0-0 1 0 .ltxc6?!
out for 8 ...tt:le7?? 9 �a4+, winning a piece; this (this slightly dubious capture is given in the
is a common trick in many openings, including books; the rationale is that Black was planning
those stemming from 1 d4) 9 bxc3. The result ... tt:le7) 1 0 ...bxc6 (D).
ing position favours White because of his dom At first it may look like the bishop is badly
inating centre. placed on b6 and Black suffers from weak
bishop-pair and is ready to assault White's Recently the older 7 . . .lt'ixe4 8 i..xb4 lt'ixb4 9
centre by ...c5. There' s little White can do about i..xf7 + @xf7 10 'ilib3+ has again been tried for
that; for example, 1 1 b4 ! ? (to stop . . . c5; some Black, often leading to 10 ... d5 1 1 lt'ie5+, when
other moves are 1 1 'ilic2 i.. g4 ! and 1 1 h3 c5 ! 1 1 ...@e6 ! ? 1 2 'ilixb4 c5 results in complex play.
12 i..e 3 cxd4 1 3 lt'ixd4 'ilie8 ! , having in mind This line is unresolved; many players will not
. . . 'ilixe5 , or . . . c5 and . . . f6; lastly, 1 1 i..e 3 i.. a6 trust it because Black's king comes to the centre,
12 l:Ie l c5 1 3 dxc5 lt'ixc5 is good for Black) and others will embrace its adventurous char
1 l . ..a5 1 2 i..a3 axb4 1 3 i.. xb4 c5 14 dxc5 acter. In any event, it's refreshing that long
.ltxc5 15 i..xc5 lt'ixc5 1 6 'iiic2 lt'ie6 1 7 l::td 1 c5; discarded variations can spring to life again.
then Black has two passed pawns and a nicely 8 lt'ibxd2 d5 9 exd5 lt'ixd5 (D)
centralized position.
Notice the combination of 1 3 ... c5 and 1 7 ... c5.
This double-hammer with the c-pawns with the
intent to destroy White's centre is a common
theme. White should take that possibility into
account when playing .ltxc6. This type of posi
tion will frequently arise in other opening vari
6 .ltb4+ (D)
O'Kelly - Euwe
Amsterdam 1950
without fear of tt:le5. He can also play ... @h8 tt:lg5 .ltf5) 1 6 . . . .l:!.ad8 1 7 tt:lc5 .ltc8 !. Here White
without worrying about a knight attack on f7. is running out of ideas whereas the d5-square is
Black thinks that he can afford the weakness the axis of the game. This line serves as a good
on e6 for the sake of quick development. An model for Black's play.
other, apparently safer, move is 14 ... h6, prepar
ing . . . .lte6 or ... .ltf5, but then 1 5 a6! b5 1 6
.ltxd5 tt:lxd5 1 7 tlle4 .l:!.b6 1 8 tllc5 tt:lc7 1 9 �c3 !
tt:lxa6 20 b4 establishes a huge clamp that is
worth more than a pawn.
idea. It's amazing that White can permit Black 1 6 ... !Ife8 gives a more solid impression.
to exchange queens, which in theory should be Black is probably close to equality hereabouts
all that Black needs to consolidate his d5 out but it's hard to counter White's queenside pres
post and attack the d4-pawn. Here we have a sure. 16 ... a6? would create a strongpoint on c5
lesson about isolated queen's pawns: although which White could immediately occupy to good
it's not the rule, a great deal of simplification effect.
can be suffered by their owner if his pieces get 17 l:tacl
to favourable squares. Instead, 14 \\Wa3 is the After 17 tllxf7, Black's trick was l 7 ...tt:led5 !
matic, yet the black pawn-structure remains un with the threats of ... !Ixf7 and ...tllc 2.
challenged following 14 ... .lte6 ( 1 4 ... tllf5 has 17...tt:ledS 18 a6! (D)
been played but 1 5 .ltxd5 ! cxd5 16 tt:lb3 should White destroys the foundation of Black's
give White a small advantage due to his good light-square bulwark.
knights and Black's bad bishop) 15 a5? ! ( 1 5 18...bS 19 .ltxd5 cxd5 20 tt:lc6 tt:lxc6 21
tt:le4 i s double-edged) 1 5 ... �c7 1 6 tt:le4 ( 1 6 !Ixc6 !Ife8 112-112
Kupreichik - Aleksandrov
Bad Worishofen 2001
1 1 Clic6
The problem with 1 2 0-0 is supposed to be lack of weaknesses protect him from immediate
that 1 2 . . . tt:lb6 forks queen and bishop, but then attack.
there can follow 1 3 .l:i.fe l + .lte6 14 �a3 ! , after
which White prevents Black from castling and The older lines of the Giuoco Piano can still
14 . . . tll xc4 (what else?) 1 5 tt:lxc4 gives White challenge the chess understanding of both play
extremely well-placed pieces and Black still ers. No other opening serves better as a model
can't bring his king to safety. A simple plan is for classical double e-pawn chess. Those of lit
:Lad 1 followed by d5. If Black captures the d tle or moderate playing experience will find
pawn by 1 5 ... tt:lxd4, he is subject to a typical careful study and practice of this opening par
open-position attack after 16 .l:!.ad l tll xf3+ 1 7 ticularly valuable, and even experienced play
�xf3 . After l 7 ...�c8?! 1 8 �a3 White has pre ers could do worse than to investigate its unique
vented castling and threatens f4-f5 . Black properties.
should play the active 1 7 . . . �h4, though 1 8
�xb7 keeps an edge. A Technica l Approach : 5 d3
13 .ltxd5!?
Slightly passive. In the spirit of avoiding What if White doesn ' t want to engage in the
simplification, White should try 1 3 �c2! .lte6 kind of open struggle just described? Let's take
( 1 3 ...tllb6 14 .lid3 h6 1 5 �c5 ! ?) 14 .l:i.fel tlldb4 a look at what happens if he doesn't go in for
15 �c3, and the struggle between White's space the relatively forced moves that follow 5 d4 and
and Black's pressure on the IQP continues, a plays 5 d3 instead:
sample line being l 5 ... .ltxc4 16 tt:lxc4 tt:ld5 17 1 e4 e5 2 tllf3 tllc6 3 .ltc4 .ltc5 4 c3 tllf6 5 d3
�b3 tllb6 1 8 l:tac l ! ? tt:lxd4 19 tllxd4 �xd4 20 (D)
tlla5 with an edge for White. This kind of play
resembles our 1 0 �b3 tt:lce7 main line above.
13 \\WxdS 14 .l:!.acl �d8
fear of d4 he can do so actively and should se advantage of the bishop-pair with no conces
cure equality. But don't expect the play to be sion on his part. Note that 7 ... tba5 right away
easy for either side. would have allowed 8 .ltb5 ! a6 9 i.a4 b5 10
Now I'm going to show one game out of the .ltc2, which saves White's bishop from ex
many that have been played, with the goal of in change and threatens b4. So we can see another
cluding some general ideas that will be applica advantage of White' s move c3. After the text
ble to similar positions. move, the positional threat of 8 ...tba5 is real, so
play can continue as follows:
Karpov - Korchnoi 8 .ltb3 .lta7 9 h3!? (D)
Merana Wch (8) 1981
5 d6
9... d5 !? is also playable at this point, al This isn't the only move by any means, but
though 10 .l:!.e l is curiously solid for White and it follows a 'mini-rule' that can apply to any
asks Black what he's going to do next. opening in which there are pawns on e4 and e5:
10 .ltc2 d5!? 1 1 .l:!.el dxe4 if White plays h3, the move ...tt:lh5 should be
Ripperger gives the fascinating line 11.. .d4 strongly considered. The reasoning is that after
12 tt:lc4 dxc3 13 bxc3 .ltxc4 14 dxc4, when ...tt:lf4, the knight can't be kicked out by g3
White's pawn-structure is thoroughly damaged, since ...tt:lxh3 will follow. But if White's bishop
but he has the bishop-pair and play down the b captures that knight (i.xf4), he will have ceded
and d-files. the bishop-pair; that is hardly disastrous but
12 dxe4 tllh5! (D) usually not a good thing for White (remember
how important it is to possess the two bishops).
Notice that in the note above about 9... h6, the
d-file was closed. This time we're about to get
an exchange of queens.
Of course this sort of technical guidance
only fits in certain situations, but it can also ap
ply to the Ruy Lopez and Philidor Defences,
and the same idea quite frequently occurs in the
King's Indian Defence, a very different open
ing indeed!
13 tllfl \\Wxdl 14 !Ixdl l:tad8 15 i.e3 f6 16
.ltxa7 tt:lxa7 17 tlle3 tllf4 18 h4 .ltf7 19 tllel
At this point Polugaevsky suggests 19...tt:le6
20 .ltb3 tt:lc5, which looks equal.
6 Two Knights Defence
1 e4 e5 2 lLif3 lbc6 3 .Jlc4 lLif6 (D) with 2 lbc3 lbf6 3 .Jlc4 lbc6 4 lbf3 (to avoid 4
d3 .Jlb4!?):
It's surprising how much chess content there when White has the choice of exchanging on
can be in such a simple position. We'll now e5, when his remaining e-pawns are doubled
look at a number of instructive continuations and isolated, or advancing to d5, which ham
and themes: pers his own pieces and does nothing positive.
6 tba4 can be met by 6.....tb6 7 tbxb6 axb6, There are a number of versions of this ex
which grants Black a solid game and an open change with varying results: sometimes the ad
a-file; but that may not be what he wants. vantages of the doubled pawns will outweigh
There is another way to give up the bishop-pair: their disadvantages, but just as often the reverse
6...�e7 7 tbxc5 dxc5. This sequence changes will be true. What counts is to be aware of the
the pawn-structure, and along with it the char issues.
acter of the game. In return for the bishop-pair It's very important to know when the move
Black gets an open d-file and freedom of devel ..tg5 (or ... .i.g4) is useful and when it is detri
opment. White's wished-for move d4 will be mental. Although that's a very complex question
next to impossible to organize. This kind of ex here are two types of positions that frequently
change varies from position to position, and anse:
crops up in the King's Gambit Declined (1 e4 In Case 1, White's bishop pins Black's knight
e5 2 f4 .i.c5 3 tbf3 d6 4 .i.c4 followed by d3 before Black castles by 6 .i.g5 (D).
and tba4) and even the English Opening, via,
for instance, 1 c4 e5 2 tbc3 tbf6 3 tbf3 tbc6 4
g3 .i.c5 5 .i.g2 d6 6 0-0 0-0 7 d3 .i.g4 8 tba4,
etc. In these cases most experts would tend to
regard the trade as an equal one, giving no ex
ceptional advantage to either player.
6 .i.e3 .i.xe3 (of course, 6....i.b6 or 6 ... h6 is
also possible; in the latter case the exchange on
c5 is not particularly effective) 7 fxe3 (D).
of 10....i.d6, both 10...'iVd4 and 10....i.c5 have It's not strictly necessary to make this cap
fairly good reputations. ture, but Black craves space and open lines in
But the position after 10....i.d6 arises more return for his pawn.
frequently than any other. Black wants to use 12 ll'lxf3 0-0 13 0-0 'iVc7 14 d4 c5!
his space advantage and develop quickly by at We've arrived at a position that can arise from
tacking the e5-knight. Whatever happens, he's other move-orders. Black wants to break up
a pawn down and has to keep making active White's centre and bring his rooks to the centre
and/or forcing moves before White gets his files as fast as possible. White simply needs to
get his pieces out, secure his position, and prove 18 'irVd3 tl:ig4 19 h3 is obviously risky, yet
that the extra pawn means something in the long plausible. Then 19 ... c4 20 'irVd4 ! i.c5? 21 i.f4!
run. Both sides have won their share of points. is good for White. This variation is in general
15 tl:ic3 a6 (D) double-edged, and neither side can afford to sit
passively by.
Attacking h2 but focusing upon the weak
ness on e3.
19 h3 tl:ie3 20 i.xe3 J::i.xe3 21 .l:!.bl W/e7
Or 21.....if4!?. Black is putting extra pres
sure on the dark squares and limiting White's
plans. He certainly has enough for his pawn by
virtue of his bishop-pair and activity.
22 'irVd2? i.f4 23 'irVdl .l:Ib6 24 tl:id2!
Having messed up once, White finds the
right way to reorganize his pieces.
24 i.c7 25 J::i.f3 Wies 26 tt::in J::i.xf3 27 i.xf3
Beshukov - Malaniuk
Kstovo 1997
13 b3 (D)
The fianchetto is widely approved although
there are many options here. Getting a piece out
certainly feels right. Nevertheless, White was
more successful with 13 h3 in the next example. 20 lbbS?
Although this looks foolproof, 20 tl:id5 ! was Black's two bishops and attack are more
the way to go. than enough compensation for the exchange.
20 �d7 21 'irVc2 (D)
••• No better is 23 Wgl c4!, when 24 'irVc3!? is met
The alternative 21 'irVhS i.a6 might lead to by 24...J::i.g6.
22 i.c3 (22 tl:ixd6?! 'irVxd6 23 tl:ie5 tl:ixc4! 24 23 i.a6 24 h4
'irVxf7+ Wh8 25 tl:ixc4 i.xc4+ 26 bxc4 J::i.xb2 Playing for J::i. h3.
gives Black a meaningful advantage) 22... i.xb5 24 c4! 25 bxc4 tl:ixc4
23 i.xa5 i.c6 with the idea ...J::i.g6. The oppo All of Black's pieces are participating in the
site-coloured bishops favour Black, who is the attack now. White's h l-rook is a tempo short of
attacker. getting into the action.
26 i.c3 'irVf5 27 'lt>gl i.b7 28 tl:ib4 i.e4
Or 28 ... �g4 29 tl:id5 J::i.g6.
29 'irVe2 J::i.g6 30 'irVn 0-1
A. Sokolov Timmermans
13 h3 (D)
21. .. J::i.xb5!
This move changes the whole equation. Now
White's interior weakness on d3 is exposed and
Black's two bishops finally are freed for attack.
21...i.b7 isn't as effective after 22 J::i.d l !, when
Black's attack is petering out.
22 cxb5
If 22 'irVc3, then 22...J::i.g6 23 cxb5 'irVxb5 24
.l:Idl i.b7 keeps the attack going. 13 i.f5
22 �xb5 (D)
••. Maybe Black should just castle and hold
back on developing the bishop. It may want to
go to b7.
14 tl:ic3 0-0
14... 0-0-0!? would be like Short-Van der
Sterren in the notes to the last game.
15 0-0 .l:Iad8 16 l:tel a6
Black wants to prevent tl:ib5 in preparation
for ... c5, but it's not necessary. Instead, 16... c5
17 tl:ib5 i.h2+ 18 'lt>hl �b8! (D) would keep
the attack going.
Notice that after ...c5, Black can swing the
knight back to c6 and perhaps d4. This plan,
however you assess it, is the best try. From now
on White gains control of the position and one
is left wondering why anyone would sacrifice
23 J::i.d l that pawn in the first place!
Bianchi - Escobar
corr. 1985
6 ii..d7 (D)
Protecting everything. Black tries to mark Black also plays 7 ...ii..d6 and defends his
time. e5-pawn. Then his queen is more cut off from
30 hS 31 'iVg3 ii..c6 32 lbeS ii..b7 33 h4!
••. d5, so he probably won't recover his pawn (af
@g7 34 'iVgS ii..a7 35 lLid3 'iVd6? 36 lle7 .l:.d7 ter White protects it with, for instance, 8 lbc3).
37 �le6! °iVdS? But when Black's kingside pawns get rolling
But 37... 'i¥xe6 38 �xe6 fxe6 39 lbeS is hope his bishop will become more effective. It's a
less for Black. trade-off that in practice has worked rather well
38 .l:.xg6+ 1-0 for Black.
8 lllc3
White defends his most important asset, the
d-pawn. Watch out for the trick 8 0-0? lllxd5! 9
�xd7+ 'irVxd7 10 d3 lllc6. To assess this posi
tion, just look at Black's central control.
8 0-0 9 0-0 c6! (D)
winning another pawn by 13 'irVxe5. Then Black The threat is ....l:Ixh3+ and ...J::i.x el followed
has various dangerous moves such as 13 ... lllb4 by ... �xf3+ and there's nothing good to do
and 13...�f6, but White is two pawns ahead and about it. White's best idea is 28 J::i.a dl J::i.x el 29
will only have to give back one as he develops. J::i.x el J::i.xh3+ 30 gxh3 �xf3+ 31 'irVxf3 'irVxf3+
Another possibility is 13 lllce4. You shouldn't 32 Wgl 'irVg3+ 33 @fl �xh3+ 34 Wgl f3, but
get the impression that White has to sit back White would be materially and positionally
and get bowled over in this line. lost.
13 'irVxd5 (D)
successfully achieve the advance ...c5. Given The last of Black's dynamic ideas: to break
time, White would take advantage of the pawn down the centre. The modest 13...lbe6 is also
structure by a combination of moves such as equal.
(in some order) f3, 'it'd2, lbc3-a4 and/or lbb3, 14 lbc3
dominating the board from c5 and rendering 14 �xg5 fxg5 cedes Black the f-file, after
the bishops passive. That takes a few moves! which White can do little about ...�b6 and
10 'ii'e7!
••• ...c5.
The side with the bishops often depends upon 14 �b6!?
tactical niceties to avoid disadvantages. Now 14.. .fxe5! 15 �xg5 l'kd6 was a tactical op
11 f3 can be answered by 1 l ...lbd6!, since the portunity which, however, arose logically from
e3-bishop hangs. That would be followed up by Black's positional play. Then 16 lbce2 �b6!?
...lbf5 (or ...lbc4) with active counterplay. 17 c3 exd4 18 cxd4 c5 keeps the initiative.
11 .l:.el At any rate, after 14...�b6, White stumbled:
Obviously 'it'd2 isn't on the cards, so White 15 lbce2? (D)
prepares f3 another way. But there's quite a dif A serious oversight. 15 lba4 is much better.
ference, in that f4-f5 won't be supported by a
rook on the f-file.
1 1 0-0 12 f3 lbg5 (D)
1 e4 e5 2 tl:if3 d6 (D) and the next one. They believe (and theory
seems to verify) that the queenless rniddlegame
after 4 dxe5 dxe5 5 'iVxd8+ �xd8 is perfectly
fine for Black, who has the strategy .....i.e6 and
...tl:ibd7. White's main way to strive for an ad
vantage is 6 ..i.c4, when Black can accept dou
bled pawn in order to cover central squares:
6.....i.e6!? 7 ..i.xe6 fxe6 (D) with the idea .....i.d6
(or .....i.c5 first), ...tl:ibd7 and ... �e7. The posi
tion is considered to be equal.
5 i.e7 (D)
lsanbaev - Sizykh
Novokuznetsk 1999
With this move White commits to a pawn And now for something completely differ
structure in which he restricts Black's pieces ent:
so as not to weaken his king position. Now the advance e5 is prohibited for some
10 ll'lde2 time, and placing a knight on d5 is harmless or
19 .i.cS!?
1 e4 e5 2 lllf3 lllc6 3 ..llb5 (D) for Black. But what if Black imitates his re
These moves constitute the Ruy Lopez, aptly sponse to 3 ..ll c4 by playing as follows?
called the 'King of Openings'. It has domi 3. .. a6 4 ..lla4 b5 5 ..llb3 (D)
nated 1 e4 e5 chess for more than 100 years
and is considered the best chance for White to
gain the advantage in the play that follows
2 ...lllc6. Thereupon hangs the popularity of 1
e4 itself, no small burden for a single move to
order to avoid complete passivity. Tarrasch is target the centre. The Chigorin Defence and
famous for helping to demonstrate this fact related lines were supplemented by systems
(and in fact he proposed the more dynamic which did without ... c5 entirely in order to at-
Open V ariation of the Ruy Lopez as an alterna tack e4 by means of ... i.b7 and ...�e8, with the
tive to the ...d6 lines). intention of pawn exchanges and even the free
Then came the so-called 'Closed' variations. ing advance ... d5. Thus, for example, the devel
The maj ority of players ultimately grew dis opment of the dynamic Zaitsev Variation and
content with having to live in the cramped situ lively advances in the formerly stodgy Breyer
ations that 3...d6 and ...exd4 usually imposed. Defence. Of late there have appeared new-found
Without dismissing options such as the re ways of opening lines in particular positions
cently-revived order 3 .. .lt::i f6 (the Berlin De based upon White's mode of development.
fence) 4 0-0 lt::i xe4 5 d4 lt::id6 6 i.xc6 dxc6 7 Within the ...e5/...c5 structures of the Chigorin
dxe5 lt::i f5, we find that the preponderance of Defence, for example, Black has skipped ..."Viil c7
masters turned to the more subtle move-order in favour of immediately exchanging centre
3 ... a6 4 i.a4 lt::if6 followed by ...i.e7, ...b5 and pawns, and in other cases the move ...exd4
...d6. The resulting variations tended to prevent alone has been used to establish a queenside
White from gaining the degree of space he majority accompanied by active piece deploy
commanded in the old ... exd4 lines. These for ments. Most interesting has been the complete
mations, arguably the most consistently im liquidation of the centre by means of the two
portant in all of chess history, are collectively exchanges ... cxd4 and ...exd4. Finally, confron-
named the 'Closed Ruy Lopez'. They are char tation by ...d5 is on the increase.
acterized by well-defended pawns on d6 and e5 What is White trying to do in the Closed
that form a bulwark against White's advances. variations? The first thing to realize is that there
Black generally achieves smooth development are very few variations in which he launches a
that targets each central square. To the extent mating attack or acts particularly aggressively
that White prevents Black's freeing moves, so within the first ten moves. In the main varia
Black stops White from redeploying his pieces tions, his idea continues to be prophylactic, i.e.
without risking the escape of his opponent's he tries to restrict Black's moves to those that
pieces from their cramped quarters. In particu are somewhat passive and fail to free his game.
lar, the moves ...d5 and ... exd4 carry with them The idea is that his space advantage in the cen
the potential for dynamism that can take ad tre (by no means a substantial one) allows him
vantage of White's relatively defensive minor to keep the game under control. When Black
pieces. In the meantime, his strongpoint of e5 does get frisky and tries to go tactical, White
and pawn on d6 give him a 4th-rank anchor that has attempted to arrange it that he will come out
is usually lacking in other e4 openings such as on top in any melee. In the meantime White
the Sicilian, Caro-Kann, Pirc, Alekhine, etc. slowly builds up his position and puts pressure
Arguably only the French Defence routinely on at least one area of the board and often two.
maintains a 4th-rank strongpoint, and that at the A queenside attack beginning with a4 is com
cost of a passive light-squared bishop. In the mon because it is not so easy for Black to de
Ruy Lopez too, there is generally a passive fend b5 without compromising his position.
piece in the form of the bishop behind the lines But over time White can also mount a kingside
on e7. However, that bishop is always devel attack. In that regard, notice the direction in
oped past the first rank and can theoretically in which White's bishops aim in the Ruy Lopez,
fluence both sides of the board. and they can be reinforced by knights on f5 (af
Such was the broad story of the Ruy Lopez ter the exotic-looking but now routine lt::id2-f l
until the past two decades. After playing strong g3/e3) while the other knight can head towards
point positions for so long, Black began to look g5 or, for example, to g4 via h2. If lt::if5 is pre
for more dynamic possibilities. First, without vented by ...g6 White sometimes plays i.h6
entirely jettisoning the idea of maintaining a (nudging the rook away from the sensitive f7-
pawn on e5 in the initial stages of the opening, square), the move "Viilf 3, and so forth. Ideally
top players increasingly used piece-play to (from White's point of view), Black will have to
play defensively until he can't protect against we devote a section to that variation below)
every breakthrough on both wings. This game 7 ... d6. Black has his bishop outside his pawn
program is what's glibly referred to as the chain and stands solidly. Of course, there's
'Spanish Torture'. We shall see how White's much more that can be said about 5 d3, but in
plans evolve when we inspect the individual general White would rather wait a move or two
Closed variations below. In its general con until he sees what his opponent is up to.
tours, by the way, the above description also 5 i.e7
applies to the Open Ruy Lopez: White tries to The first major decision about how Black will
keep Black's dynamism under control and then set his position up. After 5...b5 6 i.b3, 6 ... i.c5
switches to a gradual augmentation of his posi is the Meller Variation, examined in depth later;
tional advantages. and 6... i.b7 is called the Arkhangelsk, a varia
tion which I won't be investigating. The main
Let's look at the moves that introduce the alternative is 5...lllxe4, the important Open Vari
Closed Ruy Lopez: ation, which reaches its standard position after
1 e4 e5 2 lllf3 lllc6 3 i. b5 a6 4 i. a4 6 d4 b5 7 i.b3 d5. This will be discussed in de
We'll see the Exchange Variation with 4 tail in its own section.
i.xc6 dxc6 later on. Note that after 5 lll xe5 6 .l:!.el
'i1Vd4 Black recovers his pawn. Thus if White's 6 d4 is a sideline that might not be very inter
e-pawn becomes protected, the capture on e5 esting had we not seen something like it in the
may become a threat. introduction to the Ruy Lopez above, but with
4 lllf6 (D)
•.• the moves i.b3 and ... b5 included. There White
We saw the move 4 ... b5 above. gained the advantage, but here the presence of
the bishop on a4 makes equalizing relatively
easy. Two brief examples after 6...exd4 (D):
�3, Zapata-Anand, Manila OL 1 992. The sim is the old variation, perhaps not as good; at any
plest is now 1 5 .....llf6! intending ... a3. rate, Black wants to recapture with a bishop or
6 b5 7 ..llb3 (D)
••• queen on c6 to keep some control of d5) 1 2 h3
..lld7! 1 3 lt:Jbd2 c6 with a complex battle ahead.
The alternative 10 ..ll e 3 can lead almost any
where; e.g., 10...exd4 1 1 cxd4 d5 (or 1 1 ...lt:Ja5
and ... c5) 1 2 e5 lt:Je4, but Black should avoid
10...lt:Jxe4? 1 1 ..lld5 �d7 1 2 ..ll xe4 d5 1 3 ..ll c2!
e4 1 4 h3 ..ll h5 1 5 lt:Je5!.
7 d6
lvanchuk - Graf
Merida 2004
12 lllbd2 (D)
hand. Then even if the knight is driven away, Sometimes White simply doubles or even
b6 is a good place from which to keep an eye on triples on the a-file in this kind of position.
White's a4 break, and Black reserves pros 20 :rs
it's a closed position and perhaps the knight can Or 23 .....llxf5 24 gxf5 'i1Ve7 25 '1t>h2 ..llb6 26
make just one more move from b7 to become :gl .
useful, i.e . ...llld8. But again, it is completely
restricted, this time by White's d5-pawn! Even
in a closed position, all this reorganization to
little effect gives White plenty of time to pre
pare and launch an attack. The moral of the
story is that with a bishop on b7, Black should
almost always play ...cxd4 and perhaps even
...exd4 once the restrictive move b3 is in. Apart
from that, both sides need to develop a feeling
about whether to play/allow d5 if c4 is still
available to the knight and/or Black's bishop is
placed on d7 in support of the queenside. These
decisions are terribly difficult and greatly as
sisted by playing experience with the opening.
14 lllfl lllc6?!
Black gets into trouble after this. 14 ...cxd4 This position deserves a diagram. Notice
1 5 cxd4 :ac8 looks better. Black's first rank. And the rook only recently
15 d5 lllb8 16 a4! .l:ta7 17 b4!? c4? (D) left a8! Aesthetics aside, we shall become very
This kind of position is nearly always much used to one feature of the Closed Ruy Lopez:
better for White, who has more space and all the regardless of who stands better, there are un
time in the world to build up. Black should have commonly few exchanges. Here we are on move
played 1 7...cxb4 18 cxb4 :cs 19 ..lle3 :b7 20 23 and there have been no pieces exchanged,
�c I bxa4 2 1 ..llxa4 'i1Vd8, just to keep some lines and only one pair of pawns.
open. Of course, he would still stand poorly. 24 @bl llld7 25 lllg 5 lll b6 26 f4! exf4 27
18 ..lle3 .l:!.b7 19 axb5 axb5 20 g4!? ..llxf4 ..llxf5 28 exf5 lllf6 29 ..llg3!?
J. Polgar Acs
Hoogeveen 2002
12 lllbd2 cxd4
Black opens up the position to get some
breathing room.
1 2 ...lll c6 is really asking for White to play
dxc5, a Fischer favourite which intends lllf l This is the standard Ruy Lopez manoeuvre
e3-d5. If practice i s any guide, this general plan that has been popular ever since Steinitz started
causes little trouble for Black. Even in this fa playing it in variations with d3 instead of d4.
vourable form for White (because the c6-knight White's knight will either go to e3, eyeing d5
is exposed to a recapture on d5), Black can ap and f5 (while protecting c2), or to g3 where it
parently hold the balance: 1 3 dxc5 dxc5 14 lllf l covers f5 and protects the e-pawn (this discour
i.e6 (not a move that Black would like t o make ages ... exd4), while leaving the c l-bishop a
but he has to rush to cover d5) 15 llle 3 :ad8 1 6 good view of the kingside. Such meanderings
'i1Ve2 c4 1 7 lllf 5 ( 1 7 lllg 5 looks attractive but are ordinarily only possible in a closed position
1 7... h6 ! 18 lll xe6 fxe6 gives equality - another or in one with a stable centre.
case of the doubled e-pawns!) 1 7....l:!.fe8 ! 1 8 14 .l:!.ac8 15 llle3 lllc6 16 ..llb 3!?
i.g5 llld7 1 9 i.xe7 lll xe7 20 lll g 5 h6!? (or Other players have preferred 1 6 d5 lllb4 1 7
20...lllf 8!) 21 lll xe6 fxe6 22 llle 3 (D), Fischer i.bl a5 1 8 a3 lll a6. Now 1 9 b4! should keep
O'Kelly, Buenos Aires 1970. the advantage because after l 9...axb4 20 axb4
This is an interesting position of the type dis lll xb4? 2 1 i.d2 White wins the knight. Black of
cussed in Chapter 3. Black's doubled pawns course hopes that the new weakness of c4 may
guard important squares and his knights have provide him compensation. Whether or not 1 6
good prospects, so the apparent weaknesses are d5 i s good, White opts here for activating the
not meaningful. light-squared bishop and keeping lines open.
ll . ..cxd4
Here we have what I call a Modem Chigorin
Defence, in which Black skips ... 'i1Vc7.
12 cxd4 exd4!?
Rejection of the strongpoint approach! Black
shamelessly liquidates (i.e., surrenders) the cen
tre. With the recognition that the weakness on d6
isn't really serious (sometimes the pawn can
even go to d5), this radical policy has become an
22 :cl?! accepted one in just a few years.
The right move-order to implement White 's The alternative 1 2. . . .llb7 ! ? (D) hits the cen
idea was 22 .llx f7+! 'it>xf7 23 .l:!.c l . Black fails tre immediately so as to save time by compari
to take advantage of this slip. son.
22 'i1Vb8?!
d5, which returns us to relatively normal chan lbc4) 1 9 . . . tbac6 20 axb5 axb5 2 1 .l:!.xa8 .l:!.xa8
nels and challenges Black to make something 22 tbfl tbe5 1h-1h Leko-Morozevich, Wijk aan
out of foregoing ..."Viilc 7. Instead he found him Zee 2002.
self in a familiar pattern in Morozevich-Pono 14 tbd2 .l:!.e8 15 b3 ..llf8 16 ..llb2 g6 (D)
mariov, Moscow 2001 : 1 3 ... .l:!.c8? (Black should
prefer 1 3 . . . lbc4 14 b3 lbb6 or 1 3 ... ..llc 8 1 4
lbbd2 ..lld7) 14 b 3 ! with problems similar to
those seen in the note about l 3 ... ..llb7 in the
Ivanchuk-Graf game above. Black ' s knight has
no return path and even the b7-bishop can't yet
get back to c8 ! Ponomariov understood these
issues and went for tactics by 1 4... "Viilc7 1 5 ..lld3
tbxe4 ! ? 1 6 ..llxe4 f5, but they fell short follow
ing 1 7 ..lld3 e4 1 8 ..llg5 ! ..llf6 ( 1 8 ... .l:!.fe8 1 9
..llxe7 .l:!.xe7 2 0 b4 tbc4 2 1 ..llxc4 "Viilxc4 22
"Viild2 ! ) 19 ..llxf6 .ihf6 20 ..lle2 exf3 2 1 ..llxf3 b4
22 tbd2 l:.ff8 23 a3 ! (threatening to win the
knight) 23 ... "Viilb6 24 axb4 "Viilxb4 25 l:.a4 "Viilc 3
26 l:.e3 ! "Viilb2 27 tbfl .l:!.c5 28 "Viile l ! and White
won the knight that Black marooned so early 17 "Viilf3
on. Black's dynamic possibilities were demon
We now return to 12 ... exd4 ! ? (D): strated by an inhuman following 1 7 .l:!.e2?! ..llg7
1 8 "Viile l .l:!.c8 1 9 .l:!.dl tbh5 ! (knights on the rim !)
20 ..llb l lbf4 2 1 .l:!.e3 "Viilf6 22 tb2f3 tbc6 23 Wh2
tbe5 24 g3?! tbd5 ! 25 exd5 tbxf3+ 26 tbxf3
.l:!.xe3 27 ..llxf6 .l:!.xel 28 tbxel ..llxf6 and Black
had the bishop-pair and a clear advantage in
Leko-Fritz 6, Frankfurt (rapid) 1 999 .
17 ..llg7 18 .l:!.adl .l:!.c8 19 ..llbl (D)
Sorokin Ramesh
brought home the point) 24 'bxe4 dxe4 25 Moves like this make the Ruy Lopez one of
i.xe4 i.xe4 26 l:he4 'bc5 is equal. the most fascinating openings in strategic terms.
20 'bfl (D) Black develops a piece backwards and cuts off
his own c8-bishop, at the same time taking his
eye off the vital d5-square ! But he is intent
upon forcing a resolution of the central dark
B squares, so l l . ..CDd7 serves the double purpose
of protecting e5 and clearing a square for the
bishop on f6 after pawn exchanges. Black also
recognizes that his queen might go to b6 in
stead of c7 in some lines, and even .. .f5 might
come into play. Let's look at two games:
Damljanovic - Ponomariov
Plovdiv Echt 2003
12 'bbd2
1 2 d5 ? ! releases the pressure just when
20 b4
•.• Black's pieces are best situated to destroy the
20 .. .f5 ! is also interesting and probably equal, centre: 1 2. . . CDb6 1 3 g4? ! (trying to anticipate
because White cannot exploit the a2-g8 diago the .. .f5 break, which would probably lead to
nal. the loss of White's important d-pawn) 1 3 . . . h5
21 'be3 14 CDh2 hxg4 1 5 hxg4 3'.g5 and Black already
The game has proceeded logically to this had much the better game in Fischer-Keres,
point and instead of the ambitious 2 1 . ..iVg5? ! Cura�ao Ct 1 962.
Black had 2 1 . ..'bf6 ! with equality. This mod 12 exd4
em-style system seems to be fully playable. It 1 2 . . . cxd4 is the old continuation, and not
represents a dynamic treatment of even this necessarily worse. This move-order has some
most staid of openings. thing very specific in mind.
13 cxd4 'bc6 14 d5 'bce5 (D)
Keres Defence
Another way to bolster e5 has received renewed
attention from some of the world's top players.
It was first promoted by Paul Keres:
11 Cbd.7!? (D)
1 7 .. .f5 1 8 e5 dxe5 1 9 fxe5 3'.b7 before this one, White can get his pieces out by 1 7 'be3
but White finally got the better of the debate. 'bxe3 1 8 3'.xe3. Then 1 8 ... l::tad8 is at least equal
18 'bxh4 for Black.
1 8 l::tf l 3'.g3 19 f5 'be5 gives Black the dark 17 'bd6 18 'bhfl 'bd7 19 'be3 g6 (D)
Petrovic N . Davies
corr. 2003
At first sight we have a typical Ruy Lopez
12 dxc5 dxc5 13 'bbd2 (D) situation in which White has a kingside attack
and Black is trying to create queenside or cen
tral play. The problem for White is that Black's
kingside position is almost impossible to get at.
Thus Black has a significant advantage out of
the opening, and wins quickly when White over
20 l1Ve2 c4 21 'bg4 h5 22 ctJh6+ @g7 23
ctJhf5+ gxf5 24 'bxh5+ @h8 25 exf5 iVc6 26
CDf4 CDf6 27 l1Vxe5 l::tg8 28 f3 l::txg2+ 0-1
B reyer Defence
1 e4 e5 2 'bf3 'bc6 3 3'.b5 a6 4 3'.a4 CDf6 5 0-0
3'.e7 6 l::te l b5 7 3'.b3 d6 8 c3 0-0 9 h3 CDb8!?
White intends to play the customary se (D)
quence CDfl-e3-d5. These days, players aren't As time went by, some players grew either
impressed by this single-minded attempt to get tired of the Chigorin Defence and/or suspi
a knight to the outpost. cious of its merits. Attention turned to this
13 3'.b7!
••• rather amazing retreat, the product of early
Black walked into it by playing 1 3 ... iVc7? 1 4 20th-century player Gyula Breyer's imagina
'bfl 'bb6 1 5 'be3 l::td8 1 6 l1Ve2 3'.e6 1 7 'bd5 ! tion.
CDxd5 1 8 exd5 i.xd5 1 9 'bxe5 in the famous 10 d4
game Fischer-Keres, Cura�ao Ct 1 962. White White sometimes holds off on this move,
has a terrific attack and is probably already hoping to exploit some subtle issues relating to
winning. tempi, but it really hasn't helped his cause.
Ponomariov Gyimesi
- Here's the standard Breyer problem: Black
Moscow 2005 has no obvious targets and no positive plan.
This was illustrated by 27 . . . l::txd3 28 l1Vxd3 ti:Jf6
13 tt:Jn 29 ti:Je3 3'.b7 30 ltig2 iVb8 3 1 3'.b2 l1Vc7 32
At this juncture White has played some fun 3'.b3 ! l::te7 33 iVd8 'iVxd8 34 l::txd8 ti:J6d7 35
damentally different ideas such as 1 3 b4, 1 3 b3 ti:Jh4 ! 'it'h7 36 ti:Jhf5 ! gxf5 37 ti:Jxf5 i.f6 38
and 13 a4. In the last case, for example, 13 ... i.f8 ti:Jxe7 i.xe7 39 l::te 8 and White soon won in
can be answered by 14 i.d3 aiming at the Shirov-Leko, Ljubljana 1 995.
queenside. In fact, White's main advantage in 13.....ifS 14 ti:Jg3 g6 15 3'.g5!?
these lines is that if he can prevent any radical At this point White has done extremely well
central action by Black, he can exert pressure at the highest levels with 15 b3 intending c4,
on both wings. Generally White gains a limited when 1 5 . . . 3'.g7 1 6 d5 or 1 5 ... c6 1 6 i.g5 ! has
edge if that happens, but nothing that allows given Black fits. But Malcolm Pein and Andrew
him to exceed a normal percentage score; e.g., Martin have done a thorough analysis to show
1 4 ... c6 1 5 b3 g6 1 6 l1Vc2 (often you'll see Black that 1 5 . . . d5 ! works: 1 6 3'.g5 h6 1 7 3'.h4 ! ? (D).
break out successfully; e.g., 1 6 3'.b2 3'.g7 1 7
ii.fl l1Vc7 1 8 l::ta2 d5 ! 1 9 axb5 cxb5 2 0 exd5
ti:Jxd5 with the initiative, Tseshkovsky-Dorf
man, Erevan Z 1 982) l 6 . . . 3'.g7 1 7 3'.b2 ti:Jh5 1 8
ii.fl iVb6 1 9 b4 ti:Jf4 20 dxe5 tt:Jxe5 2 1 tt:Jxe5
dxe5 22 c4 with the kind of typical slight pres
sure White often gets, Karpov-Beliavsky, Biel
1 992.
But the absolute key for Black is not to allow
an inflexible, passive structure, even if it is the
oretically defensible. This happens in our main
game, and in the following impressive contest
in which White played 14 b4 (instead of 1 4
i.d3) 14...ti:Jb6 1 5 a 5 ti:Jbd7 1 6 3'.b2 l::tb 8 1 7
l::tb l h6 1 8 ii.al 3'.a8 1 9 l::te3 ! g 6 20 iYe2 c 6 2 1
c 4 3'.g7? (never allow White a quasi-permanent In this position Judit Polgar destroyed Boris
bind unless forced to; now was the time to play Spassky in the 8th game of their Budapest match
the typical central counterattack with 2 1 . ..exd4! in 1 993 following 17 . . .dxe4 1 8 ti:Jxe4 g5 1 9
22 3'.xd4 bxc4 ! 23 ti:Jxc4 and then 23 . . . d5 with dxe5 ti:Jxe4 20 3'.xe4 i.xe4 2 1 l::txe4 gxh4 22
equality, or Shirov's idea 23 . . . c5) 22 dxe5 dxe5 l::td4 l::te7 23 e6 ! fxe6 24 ti:Je5. Pein and Martin
23 c5 ti:Jh5 24 g3 l1Vc7 25 l::td3 l::tbd8 26 l::td l tore into the line 1 7 . . . g5 ! 1 8 ti:Jxg5 hxg5 1 9
ti:Jf8 27 ti:Jf! (D). 3'.xg5 exd4! with huge complications ultimately
favouring Black. Notice how the modern Breyer
seems to do best when Black can successfully
implement the 'blow it all to bits' strategy as
opposed to the 'cleverly shift around' method
of defence. That said, the latter can also be sat
isfactory with very accurate play.
15...h6 16 �d2 �g7 17 a4 c5!? (D)
We've switched back to Keres-style play!
17 . . . c6 is the positional option which has in
mind an eventual ... d5, and may be preferable.
In spite of hundreds of games by the chess elite,
you' ll normally see the same set of basic struc
tures and approaches. One wonders about a
. . . d5 break instead, as in the previous note.
30 h4!
There you have it: once the opponent is tied
down to passive defence, you open up another
front. This is classic chess strategy.
29 ... ti:Jxe4 ! ? (desperation because there was Maybe Black should make his stand on the
nothing to do about White's threat; for exam g6-square instead by something like 30 . . .l:.a7 3 1
ple, 29 . . . ti:Jd7 30 axb5 axb5 3 1 l::txa8 l::txa8 32 h5 l::tab7. It's easier to defend third-rank pawns
l::txa8 �xa8 33 �xa8 �xa8 34 ti:Ja3; the rest of than to surrender outposts and try to survive.
the game is pretty, so I'll give the moves) 30 31 ti:Jg5+ @gs 32 l::ta3!
3'.xe4 f5 3 1 3'.c2 3'.xd5 32 axb5 axb5 33 l::t a7 The kingside beckons, and in any case this is
@f6 34 ti:Jbd2 l::txa7 35 l::txa7 l::ta8 36 g4 hxg4 a useful move.
37 hxg4 l::txa7 38 �xa7 f4 39 3'.xf4 exf4 40 ti:Jh4 32 �e7 33 �dl
'bxh5! (D)
Zaitsev gets credit for developing this set White must now make an important decision
up with 9 . . . 3'.b7 and 1 0 ... l:!.e8 into a complete between 1 2 a4, which keeps lines open, and 1 2
d.5 .a more restrained approach with which he White prepares to shift his pieces to the king
hopes to cramp Black' s game. side, his only real area of strength. What fol
1 2 a3 stops Black's main . . .ti:Jb4 idea, but it's lows is more a demonstration of attacking and
slow. One interesting reply is 12 . . .�d7; e.g., 1 3 defensive skill than understanding, but the lat
d5 t:De7 1 4 ti:Jfl ti:Jg6 ! ? 1 5 .llc 2 c6 (usually the ter is still important:
sign of equality) 1 6 dxc6 .llxc6 1 7 .llg5 ti:Jh5 1 8 17 fS!?
� ti:Jgf4 1 9 �g4 �xg4 20 hxg4 ti:Je6 ! with When Karpov played this no one really un
good counterplay, Bacrot-1.Sokolov, Reykjavik derstood how perilous it was. The idea is that a
2003 . central takeover would tend to be of more value
than a flank attack, but that has no real validity
Kasparov - Karpov as a principle of play. Over the years more play
New York/Lyons Wch (22) 1990 ers have drifted towards l 7 . . . c4, although that is
by no means easy either. Anand-Adams, San
12 a4 Luis Wch 2005 shows how White can target
This simple move threatens to pile up on the Black's king with a dangerous attack: 1 8 axb5
b-pawn and practically compels Black to un axb5 1 9 ti:Jd4 �b6 20 ti:Jf5 ti:Je5 2 1 l::tg 3 g6 22
dertake something active. ti:Jf3 ! ti:Jed3 (D).
12 h6 13 .llc2
greedy and find his way through the 'only 20 axb5 d5 21 'bc3 l::txel+ 22 'bxel d4 23
moves' : 23 ... 'bxe l ! 24 'bxe l 'bxd5 ! 25 'bxh6+ 'ba2
i.xh6 26 'iixh6 l::ta l ! 27 l::txg6+ fxg6 28 'i:Vxg6+ Other involved lines begin with 23 'be4! ?
with a draw) 24 'bxh6+ ! 3'.xh6 25 'iixh6 'iixf2+ axb5 24 f6 llxa3 25 bxa3 CDd5 26 fxg7 i.xg7
26 'it'h2 'bxe l 27 CDh4 ! CDed3 (it' s hopeless at and 23 3'.e4 dxc3 (23 . . .lla7 24 'be2 CDf6 25
this point) 28 'bxg6 'i:Vxg3+ 29 'it'xg3 fxg6 30 i.f3 d3) 24 3'.xa8 'i:Vxa8 25 'i:Vxd7 'iie4.
'i:Vxg6+ @f8 3 1 'iif6+ ltig8 32 3'.h6 1 -0. 23 'bxa2 24 i.xa2 c4! 25 l::txa6 'bc5! (D)
A more conventional approach is 1 2 . . . 'bb8 Black has full compensation and, remark
1 3 lLlfl lt:\bd7 14 CD3h2 (DJ. ably, 28 l1Vxc4 fails to 28 . . .d5 29 iVe2 i.a6 and
. .. CDd3 with ... i.c5+ to follow.
M011er Defence
1 e4 e5 2 'bf3 lt:\c6 3 i.b5 a6 4 i.a4 'bf6 5 0-0
5 d3 is slow and there are several established
l 4 . . .lt:\c5 1 5 i.c2 c6 (Black is using a typical solutions. But in our context it allows Black to
device from the Breyer Defence) 1 6 b4 CDcd7 get his bishop in front of the pawn-chain with
1 7 dxc6 i.xc6 1 8 i.g5 (the fight to stop . . . d5 out punishment: 5 ... b5 6 i.b3 i.c5. As we said
begins) 1 8 . . . h6 1 9 i.xf6 'bxf6 20 CDg4 ! 'bxg4 in the introduction to the Closed Ruy, there can
2 1 'ii'xg4 i.d7 22 iVf3 l::tc 8 23 i.b3 i.e6 ! 24 follow 7 0-0 (7 'bxe5 'bxe5 8 d4 i.xd4 ! 9
i.xe6 (sadly, the moves thus far are all theory) 'iVxd4 d6 threatening ... c5 - compare 5 . . . i.c5 6
24 .. .fxe6 25 a4 'iUd7 26 axb5 axb5 27 l::ted I 'bxe5 below) 7 ... d6 with equality. The follow
'ii'c6 28 l:.d3 l::ta8 29 l::tad I l::ta7 30 CDg3 l::tf7 3 1 ing variation can be directly compared to our
'ii'g4 l:.f4 32 l1Vg6 l::tf6 3 3 l1Vg4 l::tf4 with equal M0ller analysis: 8 a4 l::tb 8 ! ? (8 . . . i.b7) 9 axb5
ity. Pelletier-Bacrot, Biel 2004. A perfectly bal axb5 10 c3 0-0. Now White can play 1 1 d4
anced game. i.b6, but he's a tempo down on a note to our
13 'bfl h6 14 CD3h2!? c6 15 'bg4 'bxg4 16 main game.
hxg4 cxd5 17 exd5 iVd7 18 'bg3 a5 19 a3 a4 5 b5
20 3'.a2 J:.ac8 21 'be4 5 ... i.c5 is also played at this juncture, nor
Here Black uncorked a beautiful exchange mally transposing; for instance, 6 'bxe5 'bxe5
sacrifice: 7 d4 b5 8 i.b3 transposes to the note to White's
21...l::tc4! (DJ 7th move below.
22 i.xc4 bxc4 23 i.xh6! 'bxd5! 24 i.d2 6 i.b3 i.c5 (DJ
tik.7 25 'bg3 l1Vc6 26 f3 'be6 27 iVe2 'bes The M0ller Variation. If you think about it,
l/2 - lfi this is a real test of the entire Ruy Lopez concept:
guez-Rodriguez, Buenos Aires 2005, but there We begin to see what Black has for the pawn.
may be improvements for Black) 14 lt:Jbxd4 ! This move indirectly attacks White's knight
(up to this game, 14 cxd4 was normally played) and, because White has to defend his centre, it's
14 . . .lt:Jxd4 15 cxd4 .Jlxf3 16 gxf3 lt:Jh5 1 7 Wh 1 . difficult to stop the queen from penetrating.
White has arranged a solid defence, and Black 16 lt:Jc3 .Jlxf3 17 gxf3
lacks the pieces to conduct a convincing king Naturally 1 7 �xf3 allows 1 7 . . . lt:Jxd4.
side attack: 17 . . . �f6 1 8 .Jle3 lt:Jf4 19 l:Ia4 ! l:Ia8 17 �h3 (D)
The basic position. You can see how White's 24 �fl lt:Jxf3+ 25 Wh l �xh2+ 26 .Jlxh2
centre is under pressure and his b5-knight is l:Ixh2#.
loose. But is it enough? We' ll look at two con 24 lt:Jxf3+ 25 �xf3 �xf3
Anand Shirov
- We are at the end of the opening stage, and
Groningen FIDE KO 1997 Anand has won it. Black's b6-bishop is left
with no good moves.
14 .Jle3 (D) 18 �c8 19 c4!?
36 .l:Ixb2
Open Va riation
I e4 e5 2 lt:Jf3 lt:Jc6 3 .Jlb5 a6 4 .Jla4 lt:Jf6 5 0-0
lbxe4 (D)
we have an answer that comes close to being This queen move has always been hanging
universal: control of the d4-, e5- and c5-squares. around in the margins. White's usual idea is .l:Idl
Assuming that the e5-pawn isn't captured or followed by c4, although he may just play lt:Jbd2
liquidated, the real battle tends to be around d4 depending upon Black's course of action.
and c5. That may seem too broad a statement, 9 .ii..e7
yet if you study this opening you'll be surprised For example, 9 ... .ii..c5 is met by 1 0 lt:Jbd2.
to see that games consistently come down to 10 .l:Idl 0-0 11 c4! bxc4 12 .ii..xc4
this theme, whether directly or in the back We have reached a well-known position.
ground. If White can prevent Black from suc Black now enters a forcing sequence to salvage
cessfully playing the moves . . . c5 and . . . d4, he his d-pawn by means of a counterattack.
will generally have the upper hand. If Black 12 .ii..cS 13 .ii..e3 .ii..xe3 14 �xe3 �b8! (D)
gets one of those moves in without negative Moving out of the pin and hitting b2. 14 .. .f6 ! ?
consequences, he'll usually equalize or better. is Black's normal source of counterplay when
The reasons are relatively simple. From White's pressured in the centre. Theory doesn't like
point of view, securing an outpost on c5 can Black's chances in the tactics that follow, but
completely tie down his opponent and fix his they seem to work for him; e.g., 1 5 exf6 ( 1 5
backward pawn on c7 or c6. As for Black's �xe4?! dxe4 1 6 .ii.. xe6+ Wh8 1 7 .l:Ixd8 .l:Iaxd8
prospects, you can imagine the effects of the 1 8 lt:Jfd2 lt:Jxe5) 1 5 . . .�xf6 1 6 .l:Ixd5 ? ! �xb2 1 7
move . . . d4: freeing his e6-bishop, activating �xe4 .ii.. xd5 1 8 .ii..xd5+ Wh8 1 9 .ii.. xc6 .l:Iad8 ! .
his c6-knight, and cramping White' s pieces Unfortunately, simply 1 5 lt:Jbd2 ! forces some
(or, in the case of cxd4, opening up the d-file). kind of simplification with a small but definite
Since the opponents are usually very well edge for White.
aware how crucial these factors are, we'll of
ten see one of them switch to an attacking or
tactical mode if it appears they are losing the
d4/c5 struggle.
From the diagrammed position on the pre
vious page, I'll present game material with a
series of different 9th moves. It will at least
give you a start towards understanding how
the Open Ruy should and should not be played
by both sides.
Keres - Euwe
The Hague/Moscow Wch 1 948
9 �e2 (D)
15 .ii..b3 lt:Ja5 16 lt:Jbd2 lt:Jxd2?!
A single piece deserts the fight for c5 and
right away new problems appear. Later it was
found that 1 6 ... �a7 ! was the best way to fight
for c5 and the dark squares, as shown by 1 7
lt:Jd4 lt:Jxd2 (now this is all right) 1 8 �xd2
�b6 ! 1 9 .ii..c2 c5 ! 20 lt:Jf5 .ii..xf5 2 1 .ii.. xf5 .l:Iad8
22 b3 .l:Ife8 23 .l:Iel c4 24 �g5 �c7 ! with equal
ity, Kavalek-Karpov, Montreal 1 979.
17 .l:Ixd2 lt:Jxb3 18 axb3 .l:Ic8?!
Black doesn't recognize how utterly decisive
the control of c5 and d4 will prove. He should
aim for both squares by 1 8 . . . �b6; e.g., 1 9
.l:Ic2 ! ? ( 1 9 �xb6 cxb6 20 b4 i s also interesting)
19...'ifxe3 20 fxe3 .l:Ifc8 21 .l:Iac1 .l:Iab8 22 lt:Jd4. A blunder. It's worth showing how White
This looks good for White but his kingside wins anyway, due to his attack on two fronts:
pawns lack mobility and he may need a second 33...Wh7 34 .l:Ic8 �b7 35 e6! f6 36 .l:Id8 �g7 37
theatre of action. �c8! and the idea of .l:Id7 closes things out.
19 l:.cl 34 lt:Jc6 1-0
Here it is: White controls d4 and c5 and is
ready to double rooks (or triple pieces) down Ponomariov - Korchnoi
the c-file. Euwe doesn't want to be squeezed to Donetsk (3) 2001
death, so he tries to rid himself of the backward
pawn. 9 .i.e3 (D)
19 cS?!
moved from e6. In the broader sense the rest is Black can take up the gauntlet by 9....i.c5! ?,
•just technique', but it turns out to be instructive daring White to win dark squares. A nice game,
indeed. by no means decisive for theory, went 10 �e2
22 'ifb7 23 h3 .l:Id8 24 Wh2
••. (10 .i.xc5 !?) 10 . .. .i.xe3 11 �xe3 lt:Ja5 12 lt:Jc3!
Preparing f4-f5. lt:Jxc3 13 �xc3 lt:Jc4 (the a5-knight was hang
24 g6 25 f4!
•.• ing and as usual the exchange 13 ... lt:Jxb3? 14
Even if you have wonderfully-placed pieces cxb3! would prepare to double on the c-file,
that are attacking weaknesses in the opponent's play lt:Jd4, and even indulge in f4-f5 in some
position, you usually need to have threats on cases) 14 .i.xc4 bxc4?! ( 14... dxc4 15 �e3 { 15
both sides of the board to break down his .l:Iadl �e7 16 lt:Jd4 0-0 17 �f3 } 15 ...0-0 16
defences. �c5 �b8 17 lt:Jd4 is bothersome but not too
25 hS•.. bad) 15 b4! (it's coming down to d4 and c5
Versus g4. again) 15 ...0-0 (Black wisely keeps the files
26 l:.d3 �d7 27 �b6 .l:Ia8 28 .l:Ia3 �a7 29 closed; 15 ...cxb3? allows White a big advan-
1i'b4 tage for the usual reasons after 16 cxb3 or 1 6
29 'ifxa7 will ultimately win, of course, but axb3) 1 6 lt:Jd4 �d7 ( 1 6...�e7) 17 a4 (D).
White doesn't want any technical problems. 17 ....l:Ife8 1 8 .l:Ife1 l:.ab8 19 h3 (an escape
29 �d7 30 �as .trs 31 .l:Ic3 .l:Ia7 32 .l:Ic5
••• square, a second front, or both?) 19 ....l:Ib6? (us
j_e4 33 �c3 �e7?? ing a valuable tempo, although it's not clear
15 exf6 .l:Ixf6?!
I 5 . . .�xf6 1 6 lt:Jed4 �xd4 17 lt:Jxd4 lt:Jxd4
1 8 �xd4 would cement White's bind on the po
sition. The influence of the opposite-coloured
Naiditsch - Korchnoi
Zurich 2002
1 6 .Jlg5 "V/J/d7 17 cxd4 lt:Jcxd4 1 8 lt:Jxd4 and
9 lt:Jbd2 lt:JcS 10 c3 .Jlg4 here I think that 1 8 ... .Jlxd4 ! would have equal
This standard move opens up the possibility ized or better. The point is that Black will get
of freeing Black's game by . . . d4. his cherished . . . c5 in.
11 iic2 (D) 12 .l:Iel 0-0
Korchnoi has also played 12 ... "V/J/d7 with vary
ing success. The idea is not just to overprotect
the d-pawn by . . . .l:Id8, but also to have the c6-
B knight protected in case White plays .Jle4 in re
ply to ... d4. Htibner-Korchnoi, Tilburg 1 986
went 13 h3 .Jlh5 1 4 lt:Jfl .l:Id8 1 5 lt:Jg3 .Jlg6
(ready for . . .d4) 1 6 lt:Jd4 0-0 17 .Jlf5 ! lt:Je6 (this
knight is pinned but it's also a superb block
ader) 1 8 .Jlg4 lt:Jcxd4 1 9 cxd4 c5 (D).
11 iie7
�f5 ! 0- 1 . A superb positional game. 19 dxc5? loses a piece to l 9 ...�f5 20 �c3 b4.
13 lt:Jb3 lt:Je6 (D) 19 c4 20 �c3 b4 21 �cl �xf3 22 �xf3
This idea again: play . . . d4 or bust! Or in any lt:Jxd4 23 �xf4 lt:Jxf3+ 24 gxf3 .l:Ic8 25 e6 d4
event threaten it. Black has also tried I 3 . ...l:Ie8 The key move again. White could resign.
and 1 3 . . . lt:Je4. 26 �es .l:IfS 27 �d2 d3 28 .l:Iadl c3 29 bxc3
.l:IxeS 30 .l:IxeS bxc3 31 �f4 c2 0-1
Svidler - Anand
Wijk aan Zee 2004
17 �d3! ?
1 7 �b3 f4 and 1 7 h 3 �xf3 1 8 gxf3 f4 1 9
�c l c5! are as bad o r worse. There's really no
'ifxf3 �xf3 1 6 gxf3 0-0-0 looks pretty bad for This is a necessity before White plays .l:Ic 1 ,
White) 14 . . . .Jlxc5 (D). and indeed it frees the d-pawn.
15 �xd3 (a line given by Mikhalevski is typ 19 dxc5 d4 20 .Jlxd4!
ically dynamic: 15 .Jlxd3 0-0-0! 1 6 .Jle2 �e4 ! ? The problem is that White is now two pawns
1 7 �el lt:Jxe5 1 8 lt:Jxe5 .Jlxe2 ! 1 9 lt:Jxf7 .l:Idl 20 up !
'ffx dl .Jlxdl 21 lt:Jxh8 .Jlc2 ! 22 .Jle3 ! .Jlxe3 23 20 0-0
20 ... .Jlxc5 21 .Jlxc5 .l:Ixdl 22 .l:Iaxdl puts 0-0 .Jle7 6 .Jlxc6!? dxc6 is the 'Delayed Ex
Black in great danger; e.g., 22 . . . h5 ! 23 .l:Id5 ! change Variation ' . Oddly, White takes two
.l:Ih6 24 .l:Iedl �c8 25 f4 with the idea f5. moves to capture the knight on c6 when he
21 c6! .l:Id5! 22 .l:Icl .l:Ic8 could have taken it straightaway on move 4. In
Black will get one of his two pawns back. fact White gets a couple of options that he
After that happens, bad bishop or not, White doesn' t get in the Exchange Variation. For in
can still play for a win. stance, 7 �e 1 ! ? gets out of the potential pin by
23 g3!? . .. .Jlg4. After Black defends his e5-pawn by
23 f3 may be a tad more accurate in view of 7 . . . lt:Jd7, White wants to develop by, for exam
23 . . .�e6 24 �d3 .l:Ixc6 25 �e4 ! f5 ! ? 26 exf6 ! ple, 8 b3 0-0 9 .Jlb2 .Jld6 10 d3, when Plaskett
�xe4 27 fxe4 .l:Ixc l 28 .l:Ixc l .l:Ixd4 29 fxe7. Davies, British League (4NCL) 2004/5 saw an
23...�e6 24 �d3 .l:Ixc6 (D) effective set-up for Black by 1 0. . . .l:Ie8 1 1 lt:Jbd2
lt:Jf8 ! 12 �e3 c5 1 3 lt:Jc4 lt:Jg6 with no prob
lems. There are other ways for Black to play, of
course. Losing a tempo means something even
in a positional opening.
25 .l:Ixc6
25 �e4 ! is still good, but in that case 25 .. .f5 !
26 �e3 (26 exf6?? �xe4) 26 . . . .l:Ixc l 27 .l:Ixc l
.l:Id7 at least forms a fairly solid blockade.
25 ... �xc6 26 �e4 4...dxc6
We'll stop here. White tried to press his ad Instead, 4 . . . bxc6 captures towards centre, but
vantage for many moves and after mutual inac as in many openings the capture away from the
curacies the game was eventually drawn. centre is better. Instead of freeing Black's queen
and queen's bishop, 4 . . . bxc6 slows Black's de
You can see that the Open Variation has a velopment and puts no obstacles in the way of
large number of variations to choose from. White's d4 (compare 5 d4 below). If Black
More significantly, both sides have options on could play an effective . . . d5 at some point he
so many moves that very little has been defini might have some justification, but White will
tively worked out. This is an ideal system for normally be able either to prevent that or to re
the average player, both from a practical and spond with e5 to good effect. Play can continue
educational point of view. 5 0-0 (5 d4 is also good, forcing the surrender
of the centre - remember that the side that sur
renders the centre needs quick development in
Excha nge Va riation order to compensate for that by means of piece
play) 5 . . . d6 6 d4 exd4 7 lt:Jxd4 .Jld7 8 lt:Jc3 lt:Jf6
1 e4 e5 2 lt:Jf3 lt:Jc6 3 .tbs a6 4 .Jlxc6 (D) (D).
The Exchange Variation of the Ruy Lopez is Black is actually a tempo down on 1 e4 e5 2
probably best known for its use by World Cham lt:Jf3 lt:Jc6 3 .Jlb5 d6 4 0-0 lt:Jf6 5 d4 exd4 6
pions Lasker and Fischer. Instead, 4 .Jla4 lLif6 5 lt:Jxd4 .Jld7 7 .Jlxc6 bxc6, a position that is
of White's pawn-structure. Let's see: 7 . . . i.d7! This modest and logical development bol
(the idea is to get castled quickly, bringing the sters e5 and retains options for the knight and
rook to the open d-file, and perhaps play . . . c5 c8-bishop. It keeps the game interesting but is
and ... i.c6; 7 ... c5 is a good alternative; on the also non-forcing; thus it offers White more op
other hand 7 . . . i.d6 ! ? commits Black to a par- portunities to create trouble for his opponent
ticular development; then 8 ctJc3 ctJe7 9 0-0 0-0 than the other two moves under consideration.
1 0 f4 Ile8 1 1 lbb3 f6 1 2 f5 ! ? b6 1 3 i.f4 is the 6 d4 (D)
famous game Lasker-Capablanca, St Petersburg White should develop as rapidly as possible.
1 9 14, in which Black was probably not worse as explained above, and he also wants Black to
but he had to defend accurately and lost) 8 i.e3 play . . . exd4 to establish his 4 : 3 kingside major
0-0-0 9 lbd2 (9 lbc3 i.b4) 9 . . . lbe7 (9 . . . c5 1 0 ity. Black's bishops would find the time to de
lbe2 b 6 sets up a structure that Black normally velop smoothly after 6 d3 ctJe7; for example. 7
likes, because it is sound and makes room on c6 i.e3 0-0 8 lbbd2 (8 c3 ! ?) 8 . . . f6 9 a3 (probably
for a bishop or knight; for instance, 1 1 0-0-0 White would be better off with 9 c3 or 9 l0c4.
lbe7 1 2 ctJc4 lbc6 with equality) 1 0 0-0-0 lbg6 although in the latter case Black might cause
( 1 0 .. .f6 1 1 f3 ctJg6 1 2 h4 h5 1 3 ctJc4 c5 1 4 ctJf5 the same kind of problems by 9 . . . i.g4) 9 . . . c5 l 0
i.e6 is solid and equal, if uninspiring, Miles lbc4 i.g4 l l b4? cxb4 1 2 lbxd6 cxd6 1 3 h3
Karpov, Biel 1 992) 1 1 h3 Ile8 1 2 .l:the l i.d6 1 3 ( 13 axb4 f5 ! and the f3-knight is in trouble)
lbe2 f5 ! ? 1 4 exf5 ctJh4 1 5 ctJc4? ( 1 5 g4 ctJg2 1 6 1 3 . . . i.xf3 14 'iVxf3 bxa3 1 5 .l:tfbl b5, Ungu
Ilgl lbxe3 1 7 fxe3 .l:txe3 is to Black's advan reanu-Flear, Lenk 1 992. Black is a clear pawn
tage due to his bishops) 1 5 . . . lbxg2 1 6 Ilgl ahead.
lbxe3 17 fxe3 i.c5 with a big advantage for 6 ... exd4 7 'iVxd4!
Black, Peterson-Alekhine, brebro 1 935. 7 lbxd4 is slow: 7 . . . lbe7 (7 . . . 'iVh4 ! ?) 8 i.e3
You can see how easy Black's play is after 5 0-0 intends . . . f5, a double-edged move that is
d4 and why 5 0-0 (D), to which we now return, good in a position like this because it opens
is generally preferred. lines; e.g., 9 lbc3 f5 1 0 exf5 lbxf5 1 1 lbxf5
After 5 0-0 Black can choose among a wide i.xf5 with free and easy development. You can
array of defences, but most of them offer White see that White's kingside majority is no longer
good prospects for advantage. We'll focus on a relevant factor.
Black's bishop-pair is too effective. The game ilb4 - but then it would have been better to
Lutikov-Westerinen, Jurmala 1 978 continued play the ... tt:.lg6/... 'iVe7 plan earlier) 1 4 .l:tf3 ?!
1 5 'iVg4 h5 ! ? 1 6 �3 ! tt:.lg6 1 7 tt:.lxg6 'iVxg6 1 8 f5 ! (the point; now White' s bishop will look
c4 ilc6 1 9 f3 ? ( 1 9 Iife l ! improves consider bad too) 1 5 e5 tt:.ld5 1 6 �3 ilf8 1 7 tt:.lfl g5 ! 1 8
ably, although 1 9 ... Ilad8 would have the idea fxg5 'iVxe5 1 9 ilf2 f4 with the initiative.
of ... ..tf4 with continuing pressure) 1 9 ... .l:tae8 10 0-0?!
20 tt:.le4 ilxe4 2 1 fxe4 l:txfl + 22 .l:txfl Ilxe4 23 Once again it's better to keep same-coloured
'iVf3 'it>h7, and Black was not only a pawn up bishops on by 10. .. tt:.lg6 1 1 tt:.lc4 ilxc4 1 2 'iVxc4
but had the more active pieces. 'iVe7. Now we'll see how White can exploit the
8 tt:.le7 9 tt:.lbd2 .ie6
.•. structural advantage that he has so carefully
Now Black intends ... tt:.lg6, ...'iVe7, ... c5 and maintained:
. . . 0-0-0. In response, White finds a good plan to 1 1 tt:.\c4 ilb4 12 a3! 'iVxd4 13 tt:.lxd4 ilxc4
take advantage of his centralized pieces. 14 axb4
10 .l:tfdl This pawn quashes potential queenside play
A typical trick is 1 0 tt:.lc4? .ixh2+ 1 1 'it>xh2 by Black (not that the pawns were really going
�xd4 1 2 tt:.lxd4 ilxc4. anywhere). Now that White has the position he
Apart from the text-move, 10 'iVc3 ! makes a wants, he 's in no hurry.
lot of sense, preparing tt:.lc4 without allowing 14 tt:.lg6 15 f3! Ilad8 16 @f2 Ild7 17 .l:td2
the . . . ..txh2+ trick. Then Black can still play .l:tfd8 18 .l:tadl tt:.le5 19 h4! (D)
1 0. . . tt:.\g6 1 1 tt:.lc4 'iVe7, but in Webb-Hanley,
British League (4NCL) 2005/6 he tried to get
. . . 0-0-0 in faster by 1 0 ...'iVd7 ! ? 1 1 tt:.ld4 0-0-0
1 2 tt:.lxe6 'iVxe6 (D).
nice for Black to have the 'good' bishop on e6, But White was eventually going to advance
but in practice you'll see that it's easier for his pawns with a winning game.
White to implement his planned expansion on 25 bxc5 bxcS 26 ile3 c4 27 b4! tt:.\c6 28 f4
the kingside under those circumstances. The (D)
game continued 1 3 f4?! (a little impulsive ; 28 'it>e8 29 c3 'it>d7 30 tt:.lg3 tt:.ld8 31 g5 tt:.lb7
White can always delay this and keep an edge) 32 .id4 fxg5 33 hxg5 g6 34 'it>e3 tt:.ld6 35 f5!
1 3 . . . .l:the8 ( 1 3 . . . tt:.\g6 ! ? is tactically playable - The advance is inexorable. 'it>f4 is on the
14 f5 'iVe5 ! or 1 4 e5 fxe5 1 5 f5 'iVe7 ! 1 6 fxg6 cards next.
5...i.g4 (D)
This is the most radical move and the one
that was originally thought to be the most seri
ous problem with 5 0-0. Now 6 d4 loses a
pawn, and slow moves allow, for example,
. . .'iVf6 and . . . 0-0-0 and/or . . . i.c5. Thus White
prefers to attack the black bishop right away. It 8 i.e3
would take us too far afield to examine the Somehow the games keep petering out in
many tactical lines following 5 . . . i.g4 and it's this line although there are plenty of ideas:
another one of those moves that takes a lot of a) The first point is that, again, 8 hxg4?
study and memorization. I' m only going to hxg4 wins Black's piece back with advantage,
quote a few games to draw an outline of the since the knight can't move without allowing
play. ... 'iVh4.
b) 8 tt:.lbd2 has been the main line, but Black agreed in Kindermann-Dorfman, Jenbach 2003.
has done reasonably well. There are hundreds Kindermann analyses 1 8 i.. e3 g5 1 9 c3 !Ihf8 20
of games here; I'll just list a few excerpts after f3 f5 2 1 !lg 1 when 2 1 . ..c5 looks equal. Plenty
8 . . . tt:.le7: of ideas, but dubious results in terms of advan
b l ) 9 hxg4 isn't played because of 9 . . . hxg4 tages for either side.
1 0 g3 ! gxf3 1 1 'iVxf3 'iVe6 ! ? (or l l .. .'iVh6 1 2 8 ... i..xf3 9 'iVxf3 'iVxf3 10 gxf3 i.. d6 1 1
!Iel , when 1 2 . . .'iVh3, 1 2. . .tt:.lg6 and 1 2 . . . c5 are tt:.ld2 tt:.le7 (D)
all at least equal) 1 2 tt:.lc4 c5 1 3 i..e3 tt:.lc6 1 4
'iVf5 'iVxf5 1 5 exf5 f6 with equality, Deviatkin
Fressinet, Internet 2004.
b2) Some big names have been involved in
games after 9 Ilel tt:.lg6 10 d4 ( 10 hxg4? hxg4 1 1
tt:.lh2? i..c5 !) 1 0... tt:.\f4 1 1 dxe5 ( 1 1 hxg4! ? hxg4
1 2 g3 gxf3 1 3 'iVxf3 tt:.le6 1 4 dxe5 'iVh6 1 5 tt:.lb3
g5 ! 1 6 i..e3 'iVh3 ! 1 7 'iVg2 'iVh5 with equality,
Macieja-Adams, Rethymnon ECC 2003; you
see how crazy and specific this all is!) l 1 . . .'iVg6
12 tt:.lh4 i..xdl 1 3 tt:.lxg6 tt:.lxg6 1 4 !Ixd l .i:Id8
( 1 4...0-0-0 is also equal) 1 5 !Iel tt:.lxe5 1 6 tt:.lf3
tt:.lxf3+ 1 7 gxf3 i..b4 1h-1h Nisipeanu-Kasim
dzhanov, Bundesliga 2005/6.
b3) 9 tt:.lc4 (this is positionally the most in
teresting move) 9 . . . i..xf3 1 0 'iVxf3 'iVxf3 1 1 This time Black just wants to play ... c5 and
gxf3 tt:.lg6 1 2 i..e3 i..e7 ! (D). . . . tt:.lc6. These kinds of positions are equal and
don't say much for White' s winning chances
after 5 ... i..g4. On the other hand that can change
with one new discovery or reassessment.
12 .i:Ifdl
Nothing much happened in this game either:
1 2 .i:Ifb l ! ? c5 ! 1 3 @fl a5 1 4 a4 tt:.lc6 1 5 c3 f6 1 6
@e2 b6 1 7 !lg 1 @f7 1 8 tt:.lc4 !Iad8 1 9 !Ig2 h4
20 !Iag l g5 with equality, de la Villa-Delchev,
La Roda 2004.
12 c5 13 tt:.lc4 tt:.lc6 14 c3 @e7 15 @fl f6 16
8 ....llg4
Or 8 ... 'iVxd4 9 tt:.lxd4 .lld7 and the idea .. .f6
brings equality; or 8 . . ..ll d7.
9 'iVe5+ tt:.le7 10 .llxe7 'iVxe7 11 tt:.lbd2 0-0-0
12 'iVf4 h5 13 h3 .lle6 14 tt:.\g5 g6 15 'iVe3? .llh6
16 f4 'it>b8 17 tt:.lxe6? fxe6!
Black threatens ... e5.
18 e5 g5!
with a substantial advantage. At the time of
writing, the ball's in White's court.
Marshall Attack
Versus the slow 6 d3, 6 ... .ll g4 and 6 ... .llc5 1 e4 e5 2 tt:.\f3 tt:.lc6 3 .llb5 a6 4 .lla4 tt:.lf6 5 0-0
are good aggressive moves. .lle7 6 Ilel b5 7 .llb3 0-0
6...exd4 7 .llg5 I ' m going to emphasize and expand upon a
Or: point that I made in the Closed Lopez section
a) 7 e5 'iVg6 gives Black nice scope for his about move-orders. 7 ... d6 is a way to circum
bishops, as shown by 8 tt:.lxd4 .ll h3 9 'iVf3 .ll g4 vent the problems associated with White's
I O 'iVg3 0-0-0. 'Anti-Marshall' lines, which go 7 . . . 0-0 8 a4 and
b) 7 'iVxd4 and now 7 ....ll g4 ! ? puts White on 7 . . . 0-0 8 h3 (see below). 7 ... d6 will usually lead
the spot; e.g., 8 'iVe5 + ! ? 'iVxe5 9 tt:.lxe5 .lle 6 to the normal Closed Lopez after 8 c3 0-0 9 h3,
with equality. Black can also play 7 ... 'iVxd4 8 etc. After 7 ... d6, 8 a4 (D) is no longer very ef
tt:.lxd4 .lld7 or even 7 ... .lld7, yielding the stan fective, in part because e5 is defended.
dard type of equal position that we saw after 5
c) 7 tt:.lxd4?! .ll d7 8 .lle3 0-0-0 gives Black
everything he wants.
7 'iVd6 (D)
�3 .l:tfb8 18 tt:.l l h2 with an unclear position. A ( 10 tt:.\g5 tt:.la5 1 1 tt:.lxe4 tt:.lxe4 1 2 .l:txe4 i..b7 1 3
terrifically complicated game ensued. It' s hard d4 tt:.lxb3 14 axb3 �xd5 gives Black plenty of
to assess whether this relatively new approach play for a pawn: two bishops, superior develop
will prove to be a durable weapon for White. ment, and attacking chances) 10 ... exf3 1 1 d4
8 d5 (D)
... ( 1 1 g3 !?; 1 1 �xf3 i..g4 12 �g3 Ile8 13 f3
�d3 ! ? 14 fxg4 i..c 5+ 15 Ile3 Ilad8 16 tt:.la3 ? ! -
here's a good point to look for white improve
ments - 16 ... tt:.\e4 17 �f3 tt:.lxd2 1 8 i..xd2 �xd2
1 9 i..xf7+ 'it>h8 20 i..xe8 i..x e3+ 2 1 'it>hl Ilxe8
with approximate equality) 1 l . . .fxg2 1 2 �f3
( 1 2 i..g5 a5 ! ?) 12 . . . a5 1 3 i..g5 ( 1 3 a4 ! ?) 13. . .a4
14 i..c 2 b4 15 �xg2 Ila5 ! with an unclear at
tack. Who knows? 9 ... e4 is wide open to inves
10 tt:.lxe5 tt:.lxe5 11 Ilxe5 c6 (D)
struggle begins around move 30" ! And in fact, . . . .tg4. He would also like to play l:th4 and
correspondence games sometimes take it a step perhaps even begin his own attack.
further, with one side playing a new move as Not to be contemplated is 1 5 tbd2? .tg4 1 6
the endgame begins ! Just to make it worse, the f3? ( 1 6 tbf3 Wkh5 1 7 'it>g2 f5 i s scary, to say the
majority of these analyses end in drawn posi least!) l 6 ... .txg3 ! and wins. The other impor
tions. In fact, this ultimate drawishness, in tant move is 1 5 .te3, to be seen in the next
combination with the tiresome theory, has dis game.
couraged numerous players from trying the 15 gS!
Marshall. However, on a practical level, such Black stops 1 6 l:th4. He is able to do so be
considerations may not be relevant. At any cause of the tactic 1 6 .txg5? Wkf5 ! .
rate. even the very best players have discov 1 6 Wkfl !?
ered ways to create opportunities over the This move was discredited in the contest be
board, as in the game that follows. fore you but was of course revived later.
An incredibly beautiful game followed 1 6
Kramnik - Leko Wke2 f5 1 7 .txd5+ ( 1 7 l:te6 ! ?) 1 7 ... cxd5 1 8 l:te6
Brissago Wch (8) 2004 f4! ! 1 9 l:txd6 .tg4 20 Wkfl (D).
12 d4
The main line. Although 1 2 .txd5 is some
times played, by far the most important alterna
tive is 1 2 d3, as in our final game.
12 �d6 13 l:tel
23 tbe4 cxd4 24 cxd4 a5 25 !fi.e3 a4 26 !fi.d l White had probably calculated 25 . . . !fi.b8 26
tbd5 27 !fi.f2 l:!.ac8 28 l:!.b 1 f6 29 exf6 !fi.xf6 30 a7 !fi.xa7 27 l:!.xa7 with an excellent game. Or
tbd6 l:!.c6? ! 3 1 lbxb5 l:!.b6 32 !fi.xa4 with a nice he missed the beautiful move in the next note.
advantage, although naturally Black held on to 26 'it>f2
draw in Anand-Svidler, San Luis Wch 2005 . 26 a7 Wke3+ 27 'it>g2 !fi.xf3+! 28 tbxf3 Wke2+
11 tZ'id2 Ji.rs 18 f3! tZ'if6! 29 'it>gl tbg4 ! ! 30 a8WV+ 'it>g7 31 Wkxc6 Wkf2+
1 8 ... !fi.xe4? 1 9 fxe4 tbe3 20 Wkf3 tbg4 2 1 32 'it>hl Wkfl + 33 tbgl tbf2#.
tbfl and White is cleaning up. 26 !fi.xf3! 27 tbxf3 tbe4+ 28 'it>el tbxc3!
Leko - Kasimdzhanov
Linares 2005
22 axb5
22 tbe4 tbxe4 23 fxe4 !fi.xe4 24 !fi.xg5 ! was
suggested, and this is perhaps why Anand ex
changed queens in the game above.
22 !fi.d3 23 Wkf2?
J. Polgar - Svidler
Wijk aan Zee 2005
12 l:tel .td6 13 d3
Here we have the other main system, super
ficially more modest for White but also full of
18 a4 poison.
The standard counterattack in this and most 13 Wkh4 14 g3 Wkh3 15 l:te4 (D)
B 15...tbf6
1 5 ... g5? 1 6 .txg5 Wkf5 was the trick in the
last game, but here the rook is protected.
16 l:th4 WVrs 11 tbd2! l:!.eS
1 7 ...Wkxd3 ?? 1 8 l:td4.
18 tbe4 tbxe4 19 l:txe4 l:txe4 20 dxe4 Wkxe4
21 .tc2
This doesn't look like much, but White has a
certain initiative and Black's weak pawn on c6
is a bother.
21. .Wke7 22 .tgS! f6! ?
22 ... Wkc7 ! 23 Wkd3 g6 24 l:td l .tf8 also fa 25 l:tdl l:td8 26 .te4!? (D)
vours White, but not by much. Even better is 26 .tb6 ! .tg4 27 Wkd3 .txd l
23 .te3 .te6 24 Wkf3! (D) 28 Wkxh7+ 'it>f8 29 .txd l .tc7 30 .tc5+ .td6
3 1 .te3 ! c5 (to cut off .tb3+) 32 Wkh8+ 'it>f7 33
.th5+ 'it>e6 34 Wkh7, when Black can hardly de
24 Wkd7?
.txf3 28 .txh7+ 'it>xh7 29 l:txd7 l:te8, but But it's already pretty bad in view of the
Black still has to fight for a draw) 25 . . . .te5 ! lines 26 ... .tg4? 27 l:txd6 and 26 ...l:tcS ! ? 27
(avoiding the trappy 25 . . .Wkf7 ! ? 26 .tc5 ! .te5 Wke2 l:td8 28 .tb6 l:te8 29 Wkd3, etc.
{ 26 ... .txc5 27 l:txe6 ! } 27 Wke4 g6 28 f4 .tf5 27 .tb6 .tb3 28 l:td4! c5 29 .txc5 Wke6 30
29 Wkxf5 gxf5 30 .tb3 .tb8 3 1 l:te7 ! Wkxb3 32 c4! 1-0
axb3 , when Black is terribly tied down) 26 The forced finish would be 30....txc4 3 1
.td4 Wkf7 27 Wke4 g6 28 .txe5 fxe5 29 Wkxe5 .tb6! (3 1 l:txc4? ! .txg3 3 2 l:td4 .txh2+) 3 1 . . .f5
.txa2 30 h4 with initiative to White, according (3 l . ..l:tc8 32 l:txc4! ) 32 l:txc4 fxe4 33 l:txe4
to Polgar. Wkd7 34 .txd8 Wkxd8 35 l:td4.
9 Ki ng's G a m bit
Now we'll look at two illustrative variations tbxe5?? 5 tbxe5 WVh4+ 6 g3 Wkxe4+ 7 Wke2
out of the many that have been thought up by Wkxhl 8 tbg6+ tbe7 9 tbxh8 and White will
both sides over the years. One is the main line win.
of the King's Gambit Declined, the other the After 3 ...d6, White has two basic options, 4
'Modem Defence' to the King's Gambit Ac tbc3 and 4 c3:
King's Gambit Declined
4 tbc3 tbf6
1 e4 e5 2 f4 i.cS (D) 4... tbc6? ! is an inaccurate move-order as it
If one wants to decline the King's Gambit, allows 5 i.b5 ! , when Black's centre is under
2 ... i.c5 has to be the most logical way, taking pressure.
over the critical g 1 -a7 diagonal and preventing 5 i.c4
White from castling. It certainly leads to com White doesn't get mated after 5 fxe5 dxe5 6
plicated and challenging play. tbxe5?! Wkd4! 7 tbd3 i.b6, but Black has a bind
A couple of other ways to forego acceptance and very quick development for the pawn; e.g. ,
are 2 . . . tbc6 3 tbf3 f5 ! ? and 2 ... Wkh4+ 3 g3 Wke7, 8 Wkf3 tbc6 9 i.e2 i.g4 1 0 Wke3 Wkd7 1 1 Wkg3
both plausible and requiring some preparation. .txe2 1 2 'it>xe2 0-0.
Note that 2 ... tbf6?! 3 fxe5 tbxe4 4 tbf3 leaves 5 tbc6 6 d3 .tg4 (D)
Black's knight stranded in the middle of the White still can't castle! But Black has to
board, as well as securing a central majority. In watch out too. For instance, an unfavourable
one game Black made the best of a bad situation pawn-structure follows 6 . . . 0-0? 7 f5 ! with the
by 4... tbg5 ! 5 d4 (5 c3 tbxf3+ 6 Wkxf3; 5 i.c4 ?? idea .tg5 or in some cases g4-g5.
tbxf3+ 6 Wkxf3 Wkh4+ and ... Wkxc4) 5 ... tbxf3+ 6
Wkxf3 Wkh4+ 7 Wkf2 (to protect d4) 7 ... Wkxf2+ 8
@xf2 d6, when 9 exd6 ! i.xd6 1 0 tbc3 c6 (ver
sus tZ'ib5) 1 1 tbe4 i.c7 1 2 .td3 would have se
cured White a small but persistent edge.
most cases if he needs to. In return, White tem stuck) 8 i.b5 tbge7 9 tbc3 f5 1 0 h3 ( 1 0 e5 ?
porarily has the two bishops, a good pawn dxe5 1 1 fxe5 0-0 and the e5-pawn hangs)
structure and prospects of a kingside attack. It' s 1 0 . . . i.xf3 1 1 'i!Vxf3 fxe4 1 2 'i!Vxe4 d5. Black
probably about even, but certainly worth a look has achieved the central dissolution that he
by both sides. Renet offers the following line, was aiming for and the fight is just starting.
full of many options: 9 0-0 tbh5 1 0 h3 i.xf3 1 1 This is all analysis.
'iixf3 tbxf4 1 2 i.xf4 tbd4 ! ? 1 3 �5 ! ? ( 1 3 'i!Vdl 5 fxe5
exf4 14 lhf4 b5 15 i.b3 tbxb3 1 6 axb3 'i!Vd4+ 5 d4 exd4 6 cxd4 i.b6 7 e5 (7 i.d3 i.g4;
1 7 'it>hl 'i!Vxb2; the pawn is real) 1 3 . . . exf4 1 4 Black has to work fast to compromise White's
l:hf4 g 6 l 5 l:tg4 ! ? b5 l 6 l:txg6+ hxg6 1 7 'i!Vxg6+ centre or it will dominate the position) 7 ... dxe5
with perpetual check. This could be a fascinat 8 fxe5 tbd5 9 i.c4 i.e6 (or 9 . . . tbc6 ! ?) with
ing variation to look into. equality; White's space is balanced by Black's
Central Expansion 5 dxe5 (D)
4 c3
White simply goes for d4. This is instructive,
as it illustrates themes of the ideal centre.
4 tbf6
6 d4
6 tbxe5 'i!Ve7 ! ? 7 d4 i.d6 recovers the pawn
and allows Black to work against an isolated e
pawn in return for the bishop-pair: 8 i.c4 i.xe5
9 dxe5 'i!Vxe5 1 0 0-0 tbc6 is equal (Black threat
ens ... 'i!Vc5+).
6 exd4 7 cxd4 i.b4+ 8 i.d2 i.xd2+ 9
Defence in which the bishops precede the with an exciting and unclear attack.
knights in attacking the same e4/d4/f4 centre
( 1 e4 g6 2 d4 i.g7 3 tbc3 d6 4 f4 c6 5 tbf3 King's Gambit Accepted
.tg4, etc.). 7 i.e3 tbc6 (or 7 . . . d5 ! ? 8 e5 tbe7
intending . . . tbf5, a fascinating position with 1 e4 e5 2 f4 exf4
double-edged chances; Black's pieces will be Black takes up the challenge and plays a
well-placed but the b6-bishop could end up move that has been studied for over 1 50 years.
9 . . . i.xe3 10 Wkxe3 lt:Jxc3 1 1 Wkxe7+ <:J;;xe7 1 2 The 'modem' way of treating the King's
bxc3 i.xc2 1 3 <:J;;d2. This position has been ana Gambit. But in fact, most contemporary players
lysed for some years and seems to favour White. use 3 . . . g5 (D), the venerable Kieseritzky De
But after 3 exd5, Black can also play 3 . . . exf4 ! fence, to try to refute the King's Gambit.
4 li:Jf3 li:Jf6, when we have transposed into the
Modem Line that Black may be hoping for (it is
the variation analysed in this section). So 2 . . . d5
might be reasonable after all. Notice that this
order avoids 1 e4 e5 2 f4 exf4 3 i.c4 in the next
3 li:Jf3
There must be at least a thousand master
games with 3 i.c4 (D), the Bishop's Gambit.
It has been subject to lengthy analyses for
well over a century. The old main line was
3 ... Wkh4+ 4 <:J;;f l , which offers White intriguing
attacking chances beginning with 5 li:Jf3, and
Black also enjoyed some brilliant attacks on
White's vulnerable king. But 3 ... lt:Jf6 is a big
problem for White : Everything gets very tactical and we' ll pri
a) 4 e5 d5 ! is our familiar device in e-pawn marily concern ourselves with 3 . . . d5, but I'll
openings. Then 5 i.b5+ i.d7 ! 6 exf6 i.xb5 7 mention two noteworthy continuations after
3 . . . g5 (again, a variation with thousands of queenside (even after the forward d-pawn dis
games to its credit) : appears). What's more, White ' s move 5 .tb5+
a) 4 .tc4 g4 5 0-0 gxf3 6 Wkxf3 is the time could further weaken Black' s pawns while rid
honoured Muzio Gambit, in which White sac ding himself of his only weak pawn. His natural
rifices a whole piece for a dangerous attack plan will be to plunge forward with d4 and c4,
against Black's exposed king. A line subject to securing free development. At the same time
much analysis goes 6 ... Wkf6 7 e5 Wkxe5 8 .txf7+ Black' s majority on the kingside is crippled,
'it>xf7 9 d4 with the idea 9 . . .Wkxd4+ 1 0 .te3 (D). and his f4-pawn is subject to attack along an
open file. He has no prospects of creating a
passed pawn on that side of the board.
But Black has one major advantage. White
will have to (and want to) move his d-pawn at
some point, but this creates an internal weakness
on e3. If Black manages to keep his f-pawn, he
can use that square to threaten White's position
by, for example, ... l:te8 and ... tbg4. Even if
White manages to win the f-pawn by .txf4, the
exchange of that bishop only worsens the situa
tion with respect to e3. Furthermore, White's
only real chance for advantage (or even equal
ity) is to advance his pawn to d4, since d3 ren
ders his game too passive. The problem then is
that the e4-square also becomes a weakness,
I show this merely to indicate how the old making moves like ... .tf5 and . . .tbe4 particu
style King's Gambit was played. In a book pur larly attractive. It's anybody 's guess which
porting to promote general understanding of side's advantages will be more important than
openings, this picture of anarchy has to be re the other's. Let's look at a game with sample
ferred to the specialists! lines in the notes:
b) A fairly important line seems to be 4 h4
g4 5 tbe5 tbf6 6 d4 d6 7 tbd3 tbxe4 8 .txf4 M . Ginzburg - Zarnicki
Wke7 9 .te2 tbc6 1 0 c3 .tf5 which hovers be Villa Martelli 2002
tween equal and somewhat better for Black.
4 exd5 tbf6 (D) s .tbs+
This is the only continuation that really tests
both sides. The others show why White should
be in a bit of a hurry:
a) 5 .tc4 tbxd5 6 .txd5 (or 6 0-0 .te6)
6 . . . Wkxd5 7 tbc3 Wke6+ 8 'it>f2 Wkb6+ 9 d4 .te6
is probably already better for Black, Fedorov
Godena, Batumi Ech 2002. For years, Fedorov
was the leading King's Gambit player among
b) 5 c4? ! leads to typical developmental and
positional problems after 5 . . .c6! 6 dxc6 (6 d4
cxd5 7 .txf4 .tb4+ and White's interior central
squares are vulnerable; e.g., 8 tZ'ibd2 0-0 9 .te2
dxc4 I 0 0-0 b5 1 1 .tg5 { versus ... tbd5-e3 }
1 1 . . . .tb7 and Black can be happy) 6 ... tbxc6
One of the main lines of the King's Gambit. (D).
Structurally it looks good for White, at least at We see this sort of position in several open
first glance. He has a majority in the centre and ings. With Black's development and control of
The Semi-Open Games are a disparate group of between apparently similar openings before
openings with few characteristics in common turning to the practical material. First, it should
except that they immediately unbalance the play. be clear that the Caro-Kann would be a better
Another unifying factor is that they all prepare defence than the French if the disadvantages
to counter in some manner White's plan to cre mentioned above were their only problem. Af
ate a classic pawn-centre with 2 d4. It has been ter all, bringing a bishop out freely as Black
said that each of the openings under the 'Semi does in the Caro-Kann contrasts dramatically
Open Games' rubric has to 'give something up' with Black' s imprisoned bishop on c8 in the
in order to fulfil its mission. The French De French. It overshadows any other developmen
fence ( 1 e4 e6 2 d4 d5), for example, blocks in tal problem. In the Caro-Kann, limiting the op
the c8-bishop. The Caro-Kann Defence ( 1 e4 tions of the b8-knight (i.e., preventing it from
c6 2 d4 d5) takes c6 away from Black's knight. occupying c6) doesn' t seem that severe a pen
The Alekhine Defence ( 1 e4 tt::lf6) loses a tempo alty. In the abstract, a hypothetical knight might
to 2 e5 and fails to contest the centre. The Pirc be best off on c6; but in this particular opening
Defence ( 1 e4 d6 2 d4 tt::lf6) gives White an that piece will generally be happy on d7, con
ideal centre, and the Sicilian Defence ( 1 e4 c5) trolling e5 and defending f6 in key situations.
doesn't open lines along which Black's pieces And in the main line with . . .i.f5 the knight
can develop. doesn't even temporarily block Black's light
None of this applies to l ... e5, so one could ar squared bishop from developing. Of course, the
gue that in some sense that is the 'best' defence availability of c6 for a knight in the French De
to 1 e4. But l . ..e5 makes its own concession in fence shouldn' t be underestimated, not only be
that Black's e-pawn becomes an unprotected cause a knight there attacks d4 and e5, but
target of attack. Furthermore, if we look at the because d7 is left free for a bishop or for a
other Semi-Open Games listed above, all of knight retreating to d7 after White plays e5 (a
them except one attack White's centre pawn at major sequence in the French). So the trade-offs
e4, as can be seen from 1 e4 e6 2 d4 d5, 1 e4 c6 between the two openings aren't completely
2 d4 d5, 1 e4 tt::lf6, 1 e4 d5 and 1 e4 d6 2 d4 tt::lf6. one-sided, but if forced to compare, you feel
In the case of the Alekhine ( l e4 tt::lf6) and the that Black gets the better bargain by playing the
Scandinavian ( 1 e4 d5), the fact that White will Caro-Kann. However, what evens the scales is
effectively gain a tempo by 2 e5 and 2 exd5 , re the respective central situations of the two open
spectively, gives the counterattack an ambigu ings. Regardless of whether you play . . . dxe4 (as
ous character, but Black nevertheless creates an in the main lines of the Caro-Kann) or maintain
imbalance that he fails to bring about by play your pawn on d5 (as is the case in most varia
ing 1 . . .e5. The Sicilian Defence goes its own tions of the French), it' s unlikely that you'll be
way, as usual, neither developing nor attacking. able to attack White' s d4-pawn by means of
What an irony that it's the favourite move of the . . . e5 ; White can put a knight on f3, a bishop on
best players in the world! f4, a queen or rook on the e-file, etc. So the re
Since the chapter introductions cover the ba maining way to attack the centre and free one's
sics strategies (and the games much more so), I pieces is ... c5. Black plays that move in most
won't repeat what's said there. Still, it might be variations of the French Defence, truly threat
interesting to make a few general comparisons ening to liquidate White' s centre. But in the
Caro-Kann Defence, playing . . . c5 would cost Pirc player' s dream! Well, of course it's not at
Black a full tempo (i.e . . . . c6-c5). For that rea all clear whether Black can undermine White' s
son, the Caro-Kann defender will generally e-pawn Pirc-style. But the point is that h e has an
delay or forego . . . c5 and count upon the re extended centre to attack whereas in the Pirc
straining influence of his pawn on c6. That is Black is waiting for that opportunity. Again,
the right decision ( ...c5 on an early move is usu there are advantages and disadvantages to each
ally impractical anyway); nevertheless, it' s al approach. Most strong players would probably
most always better to break up the opponent' s worry more about their space disadvantage were
centre than to surrender the centre yourself. In they to play one of these openings.
the Caro-Kann, Black does gain counterplay Black's side of the Scandinavian variation 1
against White' s centre along the open d-file, but e4 d5 2 exd5 °iVxd5 with 3 tt::lc 3 °iVa5 might be
that is relatively easy to fend off. So both open compared with the Centre Game for White af
ings have their appealing and unappealing sides. ter 1 e4 e5 2 d4 exd4 3 °iVxd4 tt::lc 6 4 'iYa4.
The Alekhine Defence makes a funny con White has the extra move e4 in, but as with
trast with the Pirc Defence. In the Pirc, Black most reversed openings you have to decide
plays ... d6 first, to restrain White's centre, and whether that move is good or bad. The e4-
then ...tt::lf6 to attack it. In the Alekhine, Black pawn can be a target down an open file, fol
reverses this order, playing ... tt::lf6 first, losing a lowing, for instance, . . . tt::lf6, . . . i.c5 (or . . . g6
tempo, and then within a few moves after e5 he and ... i.g7), ... 0-0 and ... .l:te8. On the other
plays ... d6. It's as though Black had allowed hand, the e4-pawn does guard d5 in classical
White to play e5 successfully against the Pirc, an fashion. Perhaps this one's a toss-up as well.
advance that is Black's top priority to prevent! One can make this kind of comparison be
Thus one's first instinct is that the Pirc is a supe tween any number of positions in opening the
rior opening. It may or may not be, but the flaw ory, and it's a useful exercise to do so. The
in this argument can be stated more or less as reader might want to think about other funda
follows: in the Pirc, White often shouldn 't play mental properties of Semi-Open Games and
e5 because Black will either capture once and how they offer advantages or disadvantages.
then retreat the knight, or retreat without cap You will find that every defence has a balance
ture, in both cases undermining the centre by between negatives and positives whose sum
... c5 or if appropriate ... f6. In the case of the can't be too different from that of other open
Alekhine, Black has got White to commit his ings. Otherwise, some defences wouldn't be
pawn to e5 from where he is already in a position played at all, and others would find no willing
to undermine it. So in a way, he has achieved the opponents !
1 1 S ici l i a n Defence
White commands more space. Before comment to developing by . . .b6 and . . . i.b7, thereby put
ing upon all this, let' s compare it with the Sozin ting another pawn on the third rank.
Variation of the Najdorf. After 1 e4 c5 2 tt::lf3 d6 Any experienced player knows that Black
3 d4 cxd4 4 tt::lxd4 tt::lf6 5 tt::lc 3 a6, White contin stands reasonably well in these positions. Again,
ues 6 i.c4 e6 7 i.b3 i.e7 8 0-0 b5 9 i.e3. In can we say why? The real key to the Open Sicil
that case, White has five pieces out to Black' s ian is that Black has a central majority. A cen
two. tral majority is a basic positional advantage that
A traditional Scheveningen/Najdorf line goes should never be underestimated and can com
6 i.e3 e6 7 i.e2 i.e7 8 0-0 (D). In this case, pensate for other problems in the position. If we
White has five pieces out to Black's two, and consider the centre with . . . d6 and ... e6, Black's
out of seven moves Black has played five with d- and e-pawns protect against incursions by
pawns. white pieces, thus giving Black time to catch up
in development. Next, every central majority
threatens to advance and this one is no differ
ent: once Black's pieces begin to get developed,
the move ... d5 will expand the scope of some of
them (for example, a bishop on e7, queen on c7
and a rook on d8 or e8), and create good posts
for others (e.g., a knight on e4 or d5). Because
White has to be constantly on the lookout for
this move (as well as ... e5 followed by ... d5 on
the next move) he has to devote forces to its pre
vention. That brings us to another important ad
vantage for Black in almost all Open Sicilians:
White's e-pawn is a target. It can be attacked by
a knight on f6, a bishop on b7, and perhaps an
other knight on c5. White can defend his e-pawn
Just to drive the point home, Black some with his light-squared bishop, but where should
times plays an even more extreme version of he put it? If the bishop goes to d3, it is blocked
these ideas, namely, 1 e4 c5 2 tt::lf3 e6 3 d4 cxd4 by its own pawn, and if it goes to g2 or f3, then
4 tt::lxd4 a6 5 tt::lc 3 d6 6 i.e3 b5, which adds up the bishop will also be passively defending. In
to six straight pawn moves and not even a fact, in both of these positions Black may at
piece out! You should notice another negative some point be able to play ... e5 and fix the e
aspect of every one of these lines, as if they pawn, preventing that bishop from getting out.
need it: Black's centre pawns on e6 and d6 are What does this all translate to? White's light
in passive positions blocking his own pieces, as squared bishop is by definition a bad bishop, be
third-rank pawns are known to do. Thus his cause his centre pawn is on a light square. I once
pieces have few prospects of being as active as heard the great Larsen say that after 3 d4 cxd4
White's. As we shall see, the same thing is true White was positionally lost! Tongue-in-cheek or
of most other Sicilian systems. not, he was undoubtedly referring to Black's
Back to our question: why then would any central majority, and the diversion of White's re
one, much less the world's elite, play the Sicil sources to the defence of his e-pawn.
ian Defence? Well, Black has an open c-file. What can White do in the face of these
But wait! White has an open d-file attacking a problems? He generally doesn't want to wait
weak pawn on d6. That should be even more around for an ending without changing the
effective. How about Black's minority attack pawn-structure, lest Black's central majority
with the pawn advance . . .b5? OK, at least that's and queenside minority attack become too in
a real plus (unfortunately at the cost of more fluential in that stage of play. In order to make
time taken away from development); but if he progress, White has to exploit his space advan
wants to, White has the time to stop that move tage (he almost always controls four ranks to
by playing a4. In many cases this reduces Black Black's three, with the other disputed). Hence
you will see that many encounters feature White has plenty of options, but one is to oc
White' s advance e5, activating his bishop and cupy that square immediately. Then after 10
other pieces to gain serious and sometimes un tt::ld5 i.xd5 ! ? ( 1 0. . . tt::lxe4? 1 1 i.b6 and 12 lbc7)
stoppable attacking chances. A potential prob 1 1 exd5, White has two bishops but has lost his
lem in that case is that the e5-pawn will become outpost. More importantly, Black now has a
weak, so this decision has to be undertaken cau mobile central pawn-mass. One encounter pro
tiously. He can also turn to the advance f4-f5, ceeded 1 1 . ..tt::lbd7 1 2 c4 a5 1 3 tt::ld2 tt::le8 14 f3
hoping to force ...e5; sometimes, however, that i.g5 1 5 i.f2 f5 and Black' s 4:3 kingside major
cedes the e5-square to Black' s pieces - as al ity (a variant of the one we see in so many open
ways, proper timing is the key. Another attack ings) establishes itself. Black appears to have
ing option at White' s disposal is g4-g5, perhaps achieved a game with equal chances. Note that
in conjunction with h4, risking kingside expo White' s bishop on e2 is still bad. Obviously
sure in order to drive back Black's pieces. That one of the most complicated openings in chess
has been an increasingly popular and successful can't be boiled down to a couple of generalities,
strategy over the last decade. Finally, in addition but such themes will appear along with a multi
to all those ideas, White can try to take direct ad tude of others that directly or indirectly stem
vantage of Black's slow development and re from the basic properties of the opening.
fined pawn-play to sacrifice material and blow Before moving on to concrete variations, let
open the enemy position. His knights on c3 and me refer again to the very abbreviated descrip
d4 may be restricted by Black's pawns, but those tion that I gave in the introductory chapters re
same knights are habitually sacrificed on the garding the evolution of the Sicilian Defence.
squares d5, f5, b5 and e6. I'll expand upon it in certain particulars, but the
A completely different structure arises when point is the same. In the second half of the 1 9th
Black has a pawn on d6 and one on e5. That century, players met the Sicilian with 2 tt::lc 3
would seem worse than the . . . d6/. . . e6 systems, more than any individual variation (2 f4 was
because he gives up the d5-square to White's also a big favourite). When White played a line
pieces (and the f5-square can be handy for a of the Open Sicilian (i.e., 2 tt::lf3 and 3 d4),
knight). Let's see the best-known early version Black responded primarily with the Pin Varia
of this structure: 1 e4 c5 2 tt::lf3 d6 3 d4 cxd4 4 tion (2 tt::lf3 e6 3 d4 cxd4 4 tt::lxd4 tt::lf6 5 tt::lc 3
tt::lxd4 tt::lf6 5 tt::lc 3 a6 6 i.e2 (6 i.e3 can also be i.b4) or the similar Four Knights Variation (2
answered by 6 . . . e5, but that's another story) tt::lf3 e6 3 d4 cxd4 4 tt::lxd4 tt::lf6 5 tt::lc 3 tt::lc6), as
6 . . . e5 7 tt::lb 3 i.e7 8 0-0 0-0 9 i.e3. Both sides suming that White let him get that far. Notice
have played natural-looking moves and now that both of those variations have the primary
Black illustrates a basic idea: 9 . . . i.e6 (D) . goal of rapid development, and bear little resem
blance to the modem set-ups . . .d6/ . . . e6/ . . . a6 or
... d6/ . . . e5, with pieces generally constrained to
the second and third ranks. A few players ex
perimented with such systems, such as Louis
Paulsen. Among top players, he had to be the
most devoted Sicilian player of his time and his
games included everything from the Schev
eningen to ... the Paulsen! The latter variation is
truly hypermodem: 1 e4 c5 2 tt::lf3 e6 3 d4 cxd4
4 tt::lxd4 a6.
In the first part of the 20th century, leading
players began to investigate more Sicilian De
fences with limited success, and in particular we
see more Open Sicilians, including the Dragon
Variation and to a limited extent the Schev
This standard move contains the notion of eningen Variation. But the Sicilian only began
playing ... d5 soon, totally freeing Black's game. to be truly accepted as a leading defence in the
1 e4 c5 2 tt::lf3 (D)
also play . . . a6 and aim for . . . b5, much as in the A fascinating and inviting variation is 4 'ii'xd4
Accelerated Fianchetto lines. The very absence tt::lc6 (this knight will be pinned, minimizing
of White' s light-squared bishop will make this White's loss of time; alternatively, Black can
easier to achieve. guarantee the win of a tempo against White· s
a2) 3 . . . tt::ld7 4 d4 cxd4 5 'iVxd4 leaves White queen by playing 4 . . . a6, when White also 'gains·
better developed and well centralized. The a move to play 5 c4 if he wants to - this is a sort
moves tt::lc 3 and .i.g5 can follow. Black has dif of Maroczy Bind position that we shall be dis
ficulty getting developed without allowing a fa cussing in various contexts) 5 .i.b5 i.d7 (to re
vourable e5 at some point, so he usually plays new the threat on the queen; after 5 ... 'ii'a5 + 6
. . . e5 and brings his pieces out via . . . tt::lf6 and tt::lc 3 'iVxb5 7 tt::lxb5 tt::lxd4 8 tt::lfxd4 'it>d8 9 c4 or
. . . .i.e7, probably followed by . . . tt::lc 5. This is 9 ile3, White has space and some development
very 'Najdorf-like' , absolutely legitimate, and edge, whereas Black has no weaknesses and the
not easy to talk about without specific exam bishop-pair - theory assesses this position fa
ples. vourably for White, perhaps optimistically so)
a3) 3 . . . tt::lc6 4 0-0 (4 d4 cxd4 5 'iVxd4 trans 6 ilxc6 ilxc6 (6 . ..bxc6 7 c4 is interesting) 7
poses to 2 . . . d6 3 d4 cxd4 4 'iVxd4 tt::lc6 5 ilb5, tt::lc 3 tt::lf6 8 .i.g5 e6 9 0-0-0 .i.e7 J O l':the l 0-0
thus giving that intriguing system added signif (D).
icance; we'll look at it immediately below via
the latter order) 4. . . .i.d7 5 .l:tel tt::lf6 6 c3 a6 7
.ifl .i.g4 8 d3 and White plans tt::lbd2 and h3.
In general Black is equal as long as he is able to
respond to d4 aggressively.
b) White can always play a move such as 3
.i.c4. Ordinarily anything of this nature can be
met by . . . tt::lc6, . . . g6 and . . . .i.g7. Then, because
of the bishop's position, . . . e6, ... tt::lge7 with ... d5
in short order will gain space and time; . . . a6 is
also a useful move. However, Black may not
like that structure and can set up by 3 . . . tt::lf6 4 d3
(4 e5 dxe5 5 tt::lxe5 is the sort of thing that wor-
ries less experienced players but after 5 ... e6 it
A thought-provoking situation has arisen, pit his pawn back with his bishops still on a ram
ting White' s knights, space, and superior devel page, Svidler-Kasparov, Linares 1 999.
opment against Black' s bishop-pair and central 4 tt::lf6 (D)
ii..e7 1 1 0-0 tt::lc 6 1 2 tt::la3 0-0, Rublevsky out, especially the long-ranging bishop on g7.
Ki.Georgiev, Yugoslav Cht (Budva) 1 996. Both and can castle early without creating any pawn
sides have plenty of things to do. weaknesses. His next moves are traditionally
b) 6 ii..b 5+ tt::lbd7 7 tt::lf5 d5 ! 8 exd5 a6! 9 ... ii..g 7, ... 0-0, ...tt::lc 6 and perhaps ... ii..d7 (or
ii..xd7+ li'xd7 (9 ... ii..xd7 10 tt::le3 ii..c5 1 1 tt::lc3 ... ii..e6) with ... .l:tc8 next. Thus Black activates
0-0 1 2 0-0 ii..f5 with active play, Malakhov his pieces rather quickly, especially by compar
Nisipeanu, Holon jr Ech 1 995) 10 tt::le3 b5 1 1 ison with most other Sicilian Defences. He can
tt::lc 3 ii..b7 1 2 0-0 b4 1 3 tt::le4 tt::lxd5 and Black attack on the queenside by, say, ... a5-a4, or
has more than his share of the centre. ... a6/... b5, in part because the g7-bishop exerts
We now return to 5 tt::lc3 (D): so much pressure in that direction.
What are the problems in Black's position?
Perhaps pawn-structure should be the first topic
of discussion. It's true that Black's important
central pawn on d6 is well defended by its
neighbour on e7, unlike the queen's pawn in the
...d6/... e6 structures which distinguish so many
Sicilian systems. We might also compare varia
tions beginning with 1 e4 c5 2 tt::lf3 e6 3 d4 cxd4
4 tt::lxd4, when there is an immediate weakness
down the open file on d6, whether or not it is
occupied by a pawn. At least at first sight that
difference favours the Dragon, and should be
worth something. But as in so many openings,
every advantage carries with it some disadvan
tage. In this situation a white knight can land on
After 5 tt::lc 3, we have finally arrived at a great d5 at the right moment and disturb Black's
dividing point in Sicilian Defence theory, and game. For instance, if White is attacking Black·s
will proceed to the main variations with 2 ... d6. king on g8, the move tt::ld5 might eliminate the
king's best defender. Or in a more positional
setting, White's tt::ld5 might force an exchange
Dragon Variation on that square that results in open lines for
White's pieces. Then there's the question of
1 e4 c5 2 tt::lf3 d6 3 d4 cxd4 4 tt::lxd4 tt::lf6 5 tt::lc3 what Black can do with his central majority.
g6 (D) normally his biggest asset in the Sicilian De
fence. Obviously ... e6 is risky, because the d6-
pawn could be very weak, in contrast to the nor
mal Sicilian lines where Black's bishop de
fends it from e7. And ... e5, the other typical
Sicilian advance, will block the g7-bishop if
Black isn't careful. Naturally both of those
pawn advances can be played under the right
circumstances, but they certainly aren't major
themes. This means that Black's main central
break is . . . d5, which White will do his utmost to
prevent. Assuming that White is successful in
doing so, Black will be using pieces more than
pawns to achieve his goals. Indeed, once we see
the typical positions from either the Classical
or Yugoslav Dragon we shall focus on piece-
The Sicilian Dragon is one of the oldest play on the queenside such as ... .l:tc8, ... ii..e6-c4,
forms of the Open Sicilian. Black gets his pieces ... tt::le5-c4, ... �a5, ...tt::ld 7-c5, ....l:txc3, etc. In
the most frequently played system, the Yugo loosening; White needs to get his pieces out first
slav Attack, the players castle on opposite sides by, for example, 1 2 'iVd2) 1 2 . . .tbe5 1 3 tbd2 ! ?
of the board and it's interesting to see the prior (White wants to prevent the exchange sacrifice
ity that White ' s pawns take in the attack (g4, on c3, but in vain; unfortunately, the attacking
h4-h5, f4-f5, etc.). This can be compared to move . . . .tc6 was coming regardless, and 1 3 g5
Black' s queenside pawns, which often stay at would be met by 1 3 ... �xc3 ! 14 bxc3 { 1 4 gxf6
home until his attack is complete. Finally, before �xe3 1 5 fxg7 @xg7 } 14 . . .tbxe4 with a domi
leaving the subject of pawn-structure, there' s nant position; compare the game) 1 3 ... �xc3 !
the simplest factor o f all: the g6-pawn offers a 14 bxc3 .tc6 (D).
target for attack, in particular by h4-h5 . In other
Sicilian Defence variations, White may achieve
an attacking advance such as g4-g5 (or a posi
tional one like a4-a5) but there' s no specific
pawn target. As usual, these various structural
issues tend to balance out; if they didn't, no one
would play the Dragon! I won't indulge in any
more generalities, considering that the Dragon
quickly breaks up into numerous variations that
superficially have little in common with each
other. It' s better to glean the ideas from the play
Classica l Dragon
1 e4 cS 2 tbf3 d6 3 d4 cxd4 4 tbxd4 tbf6 5 tbc3 Although the e4-pawn is protected, White's
g6 6 .te2 (D) weaknesses (pawns on e4 and c3, and the in
ternal weakness on e3) make it impossible to
keep things under control: 1 5 .tf3 tbxf3+ 1 6
'iVxf3 d5 ! (White's kingside is exposed and
Black has an active bishop-pair) 1 7 .td4 ( 1 7 e5
d4 1 8 'iVe2 dxe3 1 9 exf6 .txf6 20 'iVxe3 'iVd5 ! )
1 7 . . . dxe4 1 8 'iVh3 tbxg4 ! 1 9 .txg7 (White is
paying the price for f4-f5 and g4; 19 'iVxg4
.txd4+ 20 cxd4 'iVxd4+ leaves no defence)
I 9 . . . @xg7 20 tbxe4 (20 lbb3 tbe5 !) 20 . . .'iVb6+
2 1 tbf2 gxf5 . Black is not just threatening
. . . �g8 with a mating attack; he has regained
his material. This kind of thing has happened
to White a lot, and perhaps explains why the
Yugoslav with 0-0-0 is so popular: White can
push all of his kingside pawns without his king
White develops and announces the likeli being exposed.
hood of his castling kingside. 7 0-0 (D)
sure on White's e-pawn, so this is a sensible Another established plan is 1 0 ... 'iVc8 1 1 f4
precaution. �d8, hoping for ...d5: 1 2 ..tf3 ..tc4 ( 1 2 ... a5 1 3
We now return to the position after 9 .tg5 tbd5 ! ) 1 3 �f2 ! e6? ! 1 4 �d2 ! 'iVc7 1 5 'iVel h6 1 6
(D): .th4 �d7 1 7 �ad 1 e5 1 8 ..txf6 ! ..txf6 1 9 .tg4 !
9 .te6
••• exf4? ! (but Black saw the alternative 19 . . . �dd8
Black develops simply, with an eye on c4 but 20 .te2 ! , when White wins the d5-square and
not abandoning the idea of ... d5. has the upper hand) 20 ..txd7 ! 'iVxd7 2 1 �xd6
a) Another idea is 9 ... b6 10 f4 .tb7 1 1 .tf3 'iVe7 22 �d7 'i¥e5 23 tbd2! ..te6 24 tbf3, con
tba5 ! . This illustrates a common and important solidating his material, Karpov-Miles, Bad
idea: if White doubles Black's a-pawns via Lauterberg 1 977. When Karpov was an e-pawn
tbxa5, Black will exert unpleasant pressure player, he was one of the greatest interpreters of
down the b-file. Remember that, as discussed in ..te2 systems against the Sicilian.
Yugoslav Attack
1 e4 cS 2 tt:Jf3 d6 3 d4 cxd4 4 tbxd4 tbf6 S tbc3
g6 6 ..te3
This is the usual move-order to introduce the
Yugoslav Attack.
6.....tg7 (D)
Not 6 ... tbg4?? 7 ii.. b5+, when White wins
material since 7 ... ..td7 loses a piece after 8
12 rs
The surprising thrust 1 2 e5 ! is a tactical
theme to watch out for when a knight is on a5.
Since 12 . . . dxe5?? loses a piece after 1 3 'i¥xd8
and tbxa5, Black has to calculate in advance
whether he can afford to play 1 2 . . . lbxb3 (not
1 2 ... tbe8? 1 3 tbxa5 'iVxa5 14 ilxe7 dxe5 1 5
i.xf8 ii..xf8, when Black has some compensa
tion for the exchange but not enough) 1 3 axb3
( 1 3 exf6 exf6; this kind of position isn't al
ways satisfactory for Black, although here it is)
l 3 ... dxe5 14 fxe5 tt:Jd5 (14 ... tbd7 15 �xa7 'iVb6
16 �a4) 15 �xa7 tbxc3 1 6 'iVxd8 �fxd8 1 7
bxc3 ii..xe5 1 8 c4 with ilf3 to come and a small
12 ... ii..c4 13 i.d3 bS (D) 7 f3 (D)
Here is the Yugoslav pawn-structure. At this 10 f4 f6. Then everything is fine for Black un
point 7 �d2 can be met by 7 ... tbg4, when 8 less White plays the critical 1 1 h4! ?, leading to
.tbs+ .td7 achieves little, and 8 .tgS h6 9 .th4 an atypical attack: 1 1 .. .fxeS 1 2 fxeS .txeS 1 3
tbc6 1 0 tbxc6 bxc6 1 1 f3 �b6 1 2 tbd 1 gS 1 3 0-0-0! tbf6 1 4 tbf3 .txc3 l S �xc3 tbc6 1 6
.tg3 tbeS i s obscure. This idea becomes more .th6 l:.e8 ( 1 6 ... l:.f7 1 7 tbgS) 1 7 hS ! .tfS 1 8
relevant after 7 .tc4 tbg4 8 .tbs+ ! ? (8 0-0 hxg6 .txg6 1 9 l:.xdS lbb4 20 �xb4 tbxdS 2 1
tbxe3 9 fxe3 is bad, as might be expected; �d4 tbf6 2 2 .tc4+ @h8 2 3 �f4 intending tbeS
Black has a permanent outpost on eS that White and Black's not in very good shape.
simply won't be able to get around; e.g., 9 ... 0-0
1 0 �f3 e6 1 1 l:.adl tbd7 1 2 lbdbS tbeS 1 3 �e2
tbxc4 1 4 �xc4 .teS, etc.) 8 . . . @f8 9 0-0 (9 .tgS
h6 1 0 .th4 gS 1 1 .tg3 �b6 !) 9 . . . .teS ! 1 0 h3
tbxe3 1 1 fxe3 @g7 1 2 �f3 l:.f8 and Black' s
control of the eS-square gives him the better po
sition. Hence those wishing to play a system
with h3 and .tc4 should do it by the move
order 7 h3 tbc6 8 .tc4.
In many ways the Dragon has simpler basic be happy to enter into it. He can use his queen
ideas than most other Sicilian Defences, which side attack by . . . b5-b4 to chase White' s pieces
contributes to its appeal. The Classical varia from defence, and it is quite common to sacri
tions feature standard kingside set-ups for White fice that b-pawn in order to open queenside
and a limited group of queenside attacking lines for the attack. There are numerous other
schemes for Black. I have devoted space to it ideas - too many, in fact, to explore here.
partly as a matter of practicality for the average
player. In the Yugoslav Attack we find a set of Returning to 9 ..tc4, what specifically does it
fairly straightforward themes to become famil do? It puts the bishop on an aggressive diago
iar with. For White, one such motif is the primi nal, yes, but also stops ... d5. For this purpose
tive h4-h5 to open the h-file, followed by ..th6, White subjects himself to a time-consuming re
exchanging the bishop that defends the vulner treat in the face of c-file pressure and ...tbe5 or
able dark squares around the king. Then White . . . tba5, hoping that the bishop's defensive role
proceeds to checkmate or otherwise overwhelm on b3 (guarding a2, protecting the king from b
Black by hook or by crook, using thematic file attack) will justify its exposure, even to the
moves such as tbd5 and tbxf6, g4-g5 or what longer-term idea . . . a5-a4. There is no way to
ever is at hand. Such is the barbaric stuff of tens explore all of the intricate theory of the entire
of thousands of games. On a much less frequent attack, of course, so I'll show a few games and
but arguably more sophisticated level, White game excerpts .
plays centralizing and prophylactic moves such
as �bl and �he l , perhaps in conjunction with Stefansson - Ward
lDb3, ..td4 and either e5 or tbd5 . Alternatively, Reykjavik 1 998
playing Wbl and lbb3 by themselves is a way to
batten down the hatches against Black's queen 9 ..td7
side attack. That may come in conjunction with Black simply develops. His idea is to put a
the simplifying tbd5 . ..tg5 is a common move rook on c8 and play ... tt:Je5, sometimes directly
in many variations, increasingly popular as the by . . . �ac8 but often with the order ... 'i¥a5,
years have gone by, and particularly against the ...�fc8 and then ... tbe5, as in this contest.
...h5 lines. This serves the purpose of threaten 10 0-0-0
ing ..txf6 and tbd5 at some point, but also has The immediate 10 h4 will often transpose af
the idea that strategies involving f4 and e5 have ter 1 0... 'i¥a5 and l l . ..�fc8, but this order is said
more chance of success. The bishop move can to discourage the 'Chinese Dragon' which uses
be beneficial in that if Black plays his standard the scheme ...�b8 and ... b5 ; I won't go into any
...lbe5-c4 manoeuvre, White may be able to details of that still-controversial notion, but it's
slide the queen away, perhaps to e2, because worth considering. A variation with a long and
capture by ...tbxe3 is no longer possible. As a independent history is l 0... �c8 1 1 ..tb3 tbe5 12
general rule, neither side can lose their dark 0-0-0 (12 g4 can now run into 1 2 . . . a5 ! ? 13 a4
squared bishop without putting their position in h5 when one can argue that the weakening of
peril, unless of course that happens via sacrifice White's queenside favours Black by compari
or other forcing sequence. son with other ... h5 lines) 1 2 ...tbc4 ( 1 2 . . . h5
Obviously you have to play this variation for transposes into a form of the Soltis Defence,
quite a while to understand or be helped by that which we shall see later on) 1 3 ..txc4 �xc4 14
characterization. What about Black? Instead of h5 ! ? ( 1 4 g4 b5 ! ? 15 h5 has also been analysed
pawn-pushes such as h4-h5, he has the two in depth) 14 ...tbxh5 (D).
seemingly unavoidable ideas of . . . tbe5-c4, to 15 g4 (seemingly small variations in move
rid White of one of his bishops, and ... �xc3. order can make all the difference in the Dragon;
The latter exchange sacrifice can be played as e.g., 15 tbde2 'i¥a5 1 6 ..th6?! { a typically crazy
part of a mating attack, or to set the stage for an continuation is 16 g4 ! tbg3 ! ? 1 7 tbxg3 ..txc3
all-out assault, or simply to weaken White's 18 bxc3 'i¥a3+ 19 Wbl ..te6 20 'i¥h2 ! h5 2 1
structure such that if the right endgame or tbf5 ! ! �b4+ 2 2 cxb4 ..txa2+ 23 Wal ..tb3+ 24
queenless middlegame comes along, Black will Wbl ..ta2+ with a draw } 1 6... ..txc 3 ! 1 7 tbxc3
16 .td4
Here is the kind of centralized defence that
we haven't seen yet: @bl , ClJb3 and .td4; these
moves secure White's king and prevent all those
.. .l:.xc3 sacrifices, at least for now. 16 h5 allows
the predictable 1 6... l:.xc 3 ! 1 7 'iVxc3 'iVxc3 1 8
bxc3 Cl'ixh5 and even with the queens off Black
has more than enough play, with moves like
. . . a5-a4, . . ..te6 and ... l:.c8 to come.
16 .te6 17 hS aS
Soltis Variation
15 tbde2
The best attribute of . . .h5 is that White has to
prepare so long to play an effective g4; for in
stance, 1 5 g4?! hxg4 1 6 h5 tbxh5 1 7 l:.dgl
�c8 ! 18 fxg4 .txg4 1 9 tbd5 l:.e8 20 l:.h4 e6 ! 2 1
tbc3 f5 ! 2 2 tt:Jdb5 �c6 and Black had a clear
material and positional advantage in Hardicsay
Hemdl, Oberwart 1 984.
This is the Soltis Variation, the most fre Another option for White is 15 lbb3 �c7 1 6
quently played line of the Yugoslav Attack. .td4 (D) , the plan that w e saw in the last sec
Black simply stops White's pawn advance and tion, with Black a 'tempo ' ahead due to playing
dares him to break down Black's own defences ... �c7 in one move rather than two ( . . .�a5-c7).
before getting overrun on the queenside. The
typical Dragon themes that we showed in the
first game still apply, so we'll discuss a few ad
ditional ideas as we go along. Remember that
this is a non-technical inquiry that undertakes
to instruct by example.
Anand - Kasparov
New York Wch (1 1 ) 1995
13 Wbl
A rather slow move, although White pre
pares to meet 1 3 .. .�a5 by 14 tbd5 ! .
Instead, 1 3 g4?! lets Black break up White's
centre way before his king feels any danger:
1 3 . . .hxg4 14 h5 tbxh5 15 .th6 e6 (cutting off Play is fairly balanced; e.g., 1 6 . . . .tc6 17
White's bishop and opening up a diagonal for g4 ! ? ( 1 7 �e3 tbd7 ! ? 1 8 .txg7 Wxg7 1 9 g4!
Black's queen) 1 6 l:.dgl �f6 1 7 .txg7 ( 1 7 hxg4 20 h5 tbf6 21 tbd4 .td7 22 hxg6 fxg6 23
fxg4? .txh6 1 8 �xh6 �f4+ 1 9 �xf4 tbxf4 20 �h6+ is a little scary but probably all right for
l:.fl g5 is positionally killing) l 7 . . .�xg7 1 8 Black) 1 7. . . e5 ! 1 8 .te3 hxg4 1 9 h5 gxf3 ! 20 h6
lLixe4 ! 2 1 lLixe4 ! .ixe4 22 hxg7 .l:i.xc2! 23 this stuff) 1 6 @b 1 .l:i.c8 (or l 6 . . . b5) 17 lLie2 a5
gxf8'i:V+ @xf8 24 @al .l:i.xd2 25 lLixd2 .id5 26 1 8 .l:i.d4 ( 1 8 lLif4 ! is an excellent alternative).
lLib l .ie6, Pieretti-Perilli, corr. 1 985. Probably Now in Cabanas Bravo-Semprun, 2004, Black
Black's pawns should outweigh all those pieces ! found the nice idea 1 8 ... a4 ! 19 .ixa4 .ixa4 20
15 ... b5 16 .ih6 .l:i.xa4 �6+ 2 1 .l:i.b4 'i:Vf2 with complications
Short but tension-filled was 1 6 e5 ! ? dxe5 17 generally in his favour. I ' ll just give the raw
.ig5 .l:i.c7 1 8 .ixf6 exf6 1 9 g4 'i:Ve8 20 gxh5 moves: 22 lLif4 .l:i.xc3 23 .l:i.c l .l:i.xc2 24 lLih3?
.ie6 21 .l:i.dgl b4 22 lLie4 f5 23 h6 fxe4 24 hxg7 (24 .l:i.xb7) 24 ... .l:i.xc l + 25 'i:Vxcl 'i:Vxg2 26 lLig5,
@xg7 25 h5 .ixa2+ ! 26 @xa2 'i:Va4+ 27 @bl and now Black had 26 . . . l2Jd3 ! 27 'i:Vc8+ @g7
.l:i.d8 28 'i:Vxd8 'i:Vxc2+ 29 @al 'i:Va4+ 1h-1h Li 28 'i:Vxb7 lLixb4 29 'i:Vxb4 'i:Vh l + 30 @c2 'i:Vxh4,
berzon-Miles, Haifa OL 1 976. winning.
16 'i:Va5 17 .ixg7 @xg7 18 lLif4 .l:i.fc8 19
•.. 14 .ixc4 .l:i.xc4 15 .ixg7 @xg7 16 @bl
lLicd5 'i:Vxd2 20 .l:i.xd2 lLixd5 21 lLixd5 @rs 16 lLid5 e5 ! (D) is strangely logical, in spite
The game is equal. of giving up d5 as a permanent outpost and ex
posing the d6-pawn to attack !
To wrap up the Dragon section, we'll ex
plore two games, each one featuring a move by
White's dark-squared bishop.
Short - Fleck
Bundesliga 198617
13 .ih6 (D)
For years this natural continuation was con
sidered the real test of 12 ... h5, and it arguably
did more for the Soltis Variation than anything
else because of the great games it produced.
The conventional wisdom is that Black, if well
prepared, has nothing to fear.
Yugoslav Attack. I should note that, along with 1 5 h5 appears to let Black get through on
the idea of being able to sidestep .ixc4 after the queenside before White can do the same on
. . . l2Jc4, there is a similar idea connected with the other wing, but it's a close call and could
the move . . . l2Jg4. As a response to f4 (or even change with one new move. The play can de
as the second move of the sacrificial device generate into a primitive slugfest; for example:
... .ixg4), ... l2Jg4 will not gain a crucial tempo 1 5 ... lLixh5 1 6 lLid5 .l:i.e8 ( 1 6 . . . .l:i.xd5 ! 17 .ixd5
on the dark-squared bishop because it has gone 'i:Vb6 is another course) 17 f4 lLic4 1 8 'i:Vf2 ! ? b5
to g5. 1 9 f5 a5 20 'i:Vh4 .l:txd5 ! 21 exd5 lLixb2 ! 22 fxg6
At present 13 .ig5 is considered the main fxg6 23 lLic6 'i:Vb6 24 .l:i.del a4 25 .ie3? 'i:Vc7 26
line of the Soltis 1 2 h4 h5 variation and the 'i:Vg5 axb3 27 axb3 l2Jd3+! 28 cxd3 .ixc6 29
themes are useful to study. @dl .l:i.a8 30 .if4 e5 ! 31 'i:Vxg6 .ixd5 32 .l:i.xh5
13 .l:i.cS!
•.• .if3+ 33 @d2 .l:i.a2+ 34 @e3 exf4+ 35 @xf4
The move that salvaged Black's cause in the 'i:Vf7+ 36 'i:Vxf7+ @xf7 37 .l:i.f5+ .if6 38 .l:i.c l
Soltis Variation. It is useful in several ways: @g6 0- 1 Kravtsov-Soloviov, St Petersburg
a) It protects the 4th rank against advances 1999. Fun stuff.
by f4 and e5. 15 lLic4 16 'i:Ve2 (D)
b) It opens up the possibility of a sacrifice on A popular move at the time of writing, but 1 6
g5 to eliminate the crucially-important bishop. 'i:Vd3 has hundreds o f games and truckloads of
c) The rook helps to defend b5, sometimes analysis to its credit.
as a preliminary to ... b5.
d) Black prepares to double rooks on the c
White has several options and there are count
less games from this position connected with
intricate analysis by many strong masters. At
this point if Black plays 1 3 . . . l2Jc4, White can
take advantage of the absence of his bishop
from e3 to play 14 'i:Ve2. Then 14 . . .l2Ja5 15 @bl
a6? illustrates how one slight error in these
lines can land you in terrible trouble: 16 g4 ! e5
1 7 gxh5 ! ! exd4 1 8 lLid5 lLixb3 19 h6 ! ! .ib5
20 �h2 d3 2 1 cxb3 lLixd5 22 hxg7 .l:i.c2 23
.ixd8 .l:i.xd8 24 .l:i.d2 1 -0 Nunn-Mestel, London
1 986. I like these old games; they seem so inno 16 'i:VcS
Najdorf Variation
1 e4 c5 2 lL'if3 d6 3 d4 cxd4 4 lL'ixd4 lL'if6 5 lL'ic3
a6 (DJ
top-level players for many years now. Part of 6 . . .e5 7 lL'if3 lL'ibd7 8 a4 (versus . . . b5) 8 . . . .ie7 9
this was certainly the influence of World Cham .id3 0-0 1 0 0-0 (D).
pions Fischer and Kasparov, consistent devotees
of the variation. There is also the inherent com
plexity and diversity of the Najdorf concepts
and themes, to some extent in contrast to the
relatively straightforward ideas of the Sicilian
Dragon. White has a large variety of absolutely
independent systems available for choosing,
and Black can respond with varying basic
structures. The Najdorf has an especially fluid
character: again in contrast to the Dragon, we
see more central breaks to go along with flank
attacks, and in most variations the centre ulti
mately plays as large a role as the attacking for
mations on either side of the board.
What is that magical little move 5 . . . a6 all
about? First of all, flexibility, which is perhaps Now with 10 . . .exf4!? Black strives to control
the most valuable asset in modem openings. As the e5-square in return for d5 . This is the quint
the move 4 ... a6 does in the Paulsen Sicilian ( 1 essential Sicilian strategy, since it provides an
e4 c 5 2 lL'if3 e6 3 d4 cxd4 4 lL'ixd4 a6), so outpost on e5 at the same time that it opens up
Black's 5 . . . a6 in the Najdorf makes an implicit the e-file and the h8-al diagonal i.n support of
challenge to his opponent. White has played that square. But White gets something from the
five unexceptionable moves (e4, lL'if3, d4, lL'ixd4 deal too: he gains the key d4-square (usually for
and lL'ic3), which essentially tell Black nothing a knight), gets an open f-file, and may be able to
about what he is up to. But now it is time for put pressure on d6 more effectively because of
White to commit one of his bishops, which by a bishop that occupies f4. These trade-offs have
defining the play will allow Black to respond to be constantly evaluated when Black considers
accordingly. The development of White's light whether to play - and White considers whether
squared bishop is particularly meaningful in to allow - the capture . . . exf4. Of course Black
that regard. If it goes to e2, then Black might has other moves which we won't elaborate
play . . . e5, which would not be highly recom upon here, notably 10 . . . 'i:Vc7 and 1 0. . . lbc5. Af
mended in the Dragon or Taimanov Sicilians, ter 1 0 . . . exf4, White plays 1 1 @hl ! (after 1 1
for instance. If White's bishop ends up on c4, .ixf4 Black takes the pawn and lives to tell the
Black can block the bishop by . . .e6, and so tale: 1 1 . . .'i:Vb6+ 1 2 @h l 'i:Vxb2) 1 1 . ..lL'ie5 1 2
forth. Similarly, a dark-squared bishop on e3 or .ixf4 'i:Vc7 1 3 'i:Vd2 .ie6 14 lL'id4 .l:i.fe8 ! ? and
g5 will require different strategies from Black. now:
For all that, 5 . . . a6 is fundamentally slow and a) 15 lL'if5 ! ? could be answered by 15 . . . .ixf5
simply invites White to go on an offensive. 16 exf5 d5 ! with active play in return for the
Thus the Najdorf is a risky system in which the bishop-pair; nevertheless, this line is unclear.
slightest inaccuracy can spell disaster. But as 15 ... .if8 16 .ig5 lL'ifd7 is also possible, but then
Kasparov says, 'High risks mean high rewards', 1 7 a5 ! (to keep a knight out ofb6) 1 7 . . .f6 1 8 .if4
adding that with the Najdorf, Black will usually .l:i.ac8 19 lL'ie3 ! gets a knight to d5 with some ad
get a chance to seize the initiative at some vantage. The odyssey of the knight from f3 to d5
point. But he cautions that any generalizations in four moves brings to mind lL'ibd2-fl -e3-d5 in
about strategy need to be supported by thor the Closed Ruy Lopez. It also shows that giving
ough homework. up d4 to a centralized piece can have more than
We shall investigate 6 .ig5, 6 .ic4, 6 .ie2 the obvious consequences.
and 6 .ie3. b) 15 .ixe5 dxe5 16 lL'ixe6 fxe6 (D).
The continuation 6 f4 is rare these days. One We see this structure in several Sicilian lines,
idea that demonstrates a basic Sicilian theme is and also in other openings where the move
.ixe6 or ... .ixe3 occurs, or even l2Jg5 and lLixe6. repeat themselves you will have a good head-
Black' s pawns protect the key central squares start.
d5 and d4, as well as f5 and f4. In such positions There are of course many ways in which the
the key questions are whether the pawns can be play can develop. Most of them have White ei
attacked (they are unsupported by other pawns) ther attacking on the kingside or in the centre.
and who has the better pieces. Mainly because In both cases he will resort to piece sacrifices
of the relative strengths of the bishops, I prefer whenever they are useful or necessary, because
Black. Of course this is just one example, not a the pawns alone won't generally be enough to
verdict! break down Black's position. Black has some
interesting counterattacking ideas on the king
side, but will usually proceed with a basic plan
The i.g5 Attack
of development followed by central and
6 .ig5 queenside attacks. Or he can leap into action by
White's predominant choice for years was playing the so-called Poisoned Pawn Variation
this direct attacking line, and it is still the choice and grabbing material. I'll outline these possi
of many experts. White wants to play f4 fol bilities in a few games.
lowed by pawn-breaks like e5 or f5 if allowed.
Since Black usually prevents those, White's Sulskis - Pelletier
main set-up begins with 'i:Vf3 and 0-0-0. We shall Warsaw Ech 2005
see the associated themes as we go along. In the
meantime Black plays ...e6 followed by what are 7 .te7 8 'i:Vf3 'i:Vc7 9 0-0-0 lLibd7 10 g4
the most typical Najdorf moves ... l2Jbd7, ... 'i:Vc7, Or:
. . . b5 and ... .ib7, usually but not always with an a) After 1 0 'i:Vg3 Black has a key defensive
early ....ie7. Again, the standard set-ups will ap manoeuvre that comes up again and again:
pear with examples. 10 . . .h6 1 1 .ih4 g5 ! (D).
6 ... e6 7 f4 (D) 12 fxg5 lLih5 ( 1 2 ....l:i.g8 has also equalized,
This is the most direct attacking scheme quickly recovering the pawn) 1 3 'i:Ve3 'i:Vc5 ! (this
that you will see in the Najdorf and has led to attacks g5 for the third time) 14 @b 1 ( 1 4 'i:Vd2
crazy sacrificial brilliancies for both sides for .ixg5 1 5 .ixg5 'i:Vxg5 1 6 .ie2 lLihf6 17 lLif3
years. Three games will follow, and since the 'i:Vxd2+ 1 8 .l:i.xd2 @e7 is equal) 14 ... hxg5 1 5 .if2
variations are so tactical and diverse, I shall l2Je5 . Here is the main point of ... g5 : Black
lean towards recent examples and stay at least counts upon this knight to hold everything to
within shooting distance of current theory. gether. Kengis-Vitolins, Jurmala 1 983 continued
Again, only specific study of concrete varia 1 6 'i:Vd2 'i:Vc7 17 lLif3 b5 ! 1 8 .ie3 ( 1 8 lLixg5
tions will let you truly master 6 .ig5, whether gives Black good queenside play after l 8 ... b4 19
White or Black. It should be said, however, lLia4 .ib7 20 lLib6 .l:i.b8) 1 8 ...g4 1 9 lLixe5 dxe5
that if you can pick up some of the ideas that 20 .id3 lLif4 2 1 'i:Vf2 .ib7 with equality.
Offering a rook.
After 1 9 . . . .ixh 1 ? 20 f6+ @d8 2 1 �xh8+
@c7 22 �xh7 White wins three pawns and has
an ongoing attack for the knight.
20 .l:i.d3! @d8 21 .l:i.hdl .l:i.hg8 22 �c3?!
22 �f6+! is better.
22 ... .l:i.e2 23 .ig4! .l:i.f2 24 �f6+ @c8 25
�xd6 �c7 26 .l:i.c3 .ic4 27 b3 .l:i.xf4 28 h3
�xd6 29 .l:i.xd6 @c7 30 .l:i.f6 .l:i.xg5
The game is equal and was eventually drawn.
played and analysed extensively by Thomas b) Even nicer is 1 2 . . . exd5? 1 3 lLic6 ! ! (look
Luther. I ' ll j ust follow a recent game: 16 . . . l2Jc5 for this in similar positions !) 1 3 . . . .ixc6 1 4
17 .ih4! .l:i.g8 18 .ixh7 ! .l:i.h8 19 'fifxg7 .l:i.xh7 exd5+ .ie7 1 5 dxc6 lLic5 1 6 .ixf6 gxf6 1 7
(D). .if5 'fifc7 18 b4! lLie6 1 9 'fifh5 lLig7 20 .id7+
�f8 2 1 'fifh6, Chiburdanidze-Dvoirys, Tallinn
1 980.
13 .ixf6 gxf6 14 .txb5! 'fifes 15 tillf6+
�d8 16 lLixd7 'fifxb5 17 lLixf8 .l:i.xf8 18 9a3
.l:i.c8! 19 'fifxd6+ �e8 20 .l:i.e3 .l:i.g8?
A fatal mistake. Nevertheless, 20 . . .9c6 2 1
'fifd2 leaves White with three pawns and a nice
attack for the bishop.
21 .l:i.c3 .ic6 22 f5! .l:i.xg2 23 fxe6 :tl? 24
White is winning.
a) 1 6 . . . .ic5+? ! 1 7 cj;;h l .l:!.f8 1 8 c4 .l:!.xfl + l 9
.l:!.xfl .ib7 20 �c2 ! (not 20 .ig4? dxc4 and
Black defended by . . .�d3 and won easily in
Fischer-Geller, Monte Carlo 1 967) 20... e4 2 1
.ig4 .ie7 22 �f2 winning for White, Tal-Bog
danovic, Budva 1 967.
b) 16 ... .l:!.a7 ! 17 c4 �c5+ 18 cj;;h l d4 1 9
.ih5+ g 6 2 0 .id 1 ! with a powerful attack that
keeps Black's king running around in the cen
tre; e.g., 20... .ie7 2 1 .ia4+ cj;;d8 22 .l:!.f7 (22
.ixe7+ .l:!.xe7 23 �g5 cj;;c7 24 l:Jel is unclear)
22 . . . h6 23 .ixh6 e4 24 .ie3 e5 25 .ig5 e3 26
.ixe3 and Black is struggling, Grij alva-B.Gon
�e6 lL'ieg4 0- 1 Tringov-Fischer, Havana 1 965) zalez, Internet ICC 2000.
1 5 ...lL'ixf6 1 6 exf6 (formerly considered a draw) 14 .ixf6 gxf6 15 lL'ie4 .ie7
1 6. . . .l:!.d8 ! 1 7 .l:!.xb4 �xb4 1 8 �g5 g6 1 9 lL'ixe6 Maybe 1 5 ... �xa2 1 6 .l:!.d l .ie7 1 7 .ie2 0-0 is
( 1 9 �h6 �f8) 1 9. . . .ixe6 20 .ixe6 �xc3 ! 2 1 also adequate. After some 1 5 more moves of
.ixf7+ cj;;xf7 2 2 �h6 lL'ic6 23 �xh7+ cj;;e6 24 analysis and game tests, it apparently draws no
�xg6 �d4+ 25 cj;;h l .l:!.f8 ! 26 .l:!.el + cj;;d6 27 matter which of several attacking methods
�g3+ cj;;c5 28 c3 �xf6 0- 1 Ballester-Monteau, White uses !
French Cht 2002. 16 .ie2 (D)
c) According to modem theory, 1 2 . . . �c5 !
is probably best of all, attacking those weak
nesses that we discussed and pretty much forc
ing 1 3 .ixe6 fxe6 14 lL'ixe6 �xe5+ 1 5 �e3
.id6 ! , when White is coming up short.
10 ... lL'ic6 1 1 fxe6 fxe6 12 lL'ixc6 bxc6 13 eS!
White had better strike fast in order to open
lines and weaken Black's effective central de
The most popular line, establishing a central
pawn-mass with which to defend the king. That
said, there is a long history behind 1 3 . . . lL'id5.
One line out of hundreds goes 14 lL'ixd5 cxd5
1 5 .ie2 dxe5 1 6 0-0 (D).
This stops .ih5+. Gipslis-Korchnoi, USSR
Ch (Leningrad) 1 963 shows how delicate
Black's situation is: 1 6 . . . 0-0? 1 7 l:.b3 �a4 1 8
c4 cj;; h8 1 9 0-0 l:.a7 20 �h6 f5 2 1 l:.g3 .ib4 22
lL'if6 1 -0. Mate is unstoppable.
17 .l:!.fl !?
17 l:.b3 has its own lengthy theory, as does
1 7 0-0 f5 and now 1 8 .l:!.f3 or 1 8 .if3. In both
cases Black seems to survive, with draws being
the customary result.
17 ...fS (D)
1 7 . . . �xa2 is risky: 1 8 .l:.d l �d5 1 9 �e3 with
a strong attack, Radjabov-Ye Jiangchuan, Calvia
because 7 . . . lbxd5 8 exd5 yields a structure that primarily positional and revolved around these
is almost always favourable to White, so Black factors.
might try 7 ... 'g.a7 ! ?, and if 8 ..lte3, then 8...'g.c7 ! ?) As in many Najdorf variations, if White plays
7 . . . ..ltb7 (7 . . . e6 transposes to a main line) 8 f4 and e5 (instead of f5) the game will often
..lte3 ! ? (or 8 'fie2; or 8 0-0 b4 9 lLid5 lLixe4? 1 0 tum very tactical, and White may have to shift
'g.el lbc5 1 1 ..ltg5 ! - White has too many pieces his strategy to piece sacrifices before his ad
out) 8 ...lbbd7 9 f4 lLic5 1 0 0-0! ( 1 0 e5 dxe5 1 1 vanced central pawn falls. Those lines are very
fxe5 lbxb3 1 2 axb3 ..ltxg2 !). White's 1 0th move position-specific and exciting. Alternatively,
introduces a type of e-pawn sacrifice that has White sometimes foregoes f4 altogether and
dozens of variants and forms. Sometimes it simply brings his pieces out. This has become a
works and sometimes it doesn't. The positional very popular strategy, although it contradicts
basis c 9115 ists of a lead in development, the what for years was the conventional wisdom,
opening of White's e-file, and Black's difficul i.e. that the b3-bishop ran into a brick wall at
ties in proceeding with his own development. e6 and that it took pawn advances to remedy
This particular game continued 1 0. . .lbfxe4 1 1 that.
lbxe4 ..ltxe4 ( l l .. .lbxe4 1 2 f5) 1 2 f5 ! (stopping We' ll follow various games from this posi
both . . . e6 and . . . g6) 12 . . . lbxb3 1 3 axb3 'iid7 1 4 tion. I ' ll show a lot of tactical ideas which are
'iig4 ! ..itd5 ( 1 4 . . .d 5 1 5 c4) 1 5 'g.f2 g6 1 6 c4 ! (it fairly universal in their character and apply
seems that in almost every game with this kind elsewhere, but there will also be some purely
of attack White needs to open up another unique and creative combining for your enjoy
front) 1 6 . . . bxc4 1 7 bxc4 gxf5 1 8 lLixf5 ..ltb7 1 9 ment. Dynamic attacking play is what has al
..ltd4 e5 20 ..ltb6 f6 2 1 'g. d l d5 22 cxd5 'fif7 23 ways drawn the average player to the Najdorf
l::tc2 'iig6 24 'fia4+ @f7 25 'iid 7+ @g8 26 'g.d3 Sozin.
1 -0.
7 ..itb3 (D) Morozevich - Agrest
St Petersburg Z 1993
7 ..lte7 8 f4
This development has been popular for some
years, especially after Kasparov used it versus
Short in their world championship match. The
knight temporarily prevents e5, but generally it
goes to c5 next, from which post it can protect
e6 against f4-f5 and eliminate the b3-bishop
when Black chooses to do so. White is chal
lenged to find a way to attack Black's solid
8 f4 lbc5 (D)
1 1 lbxe5!
'i'Jxe2+ 19 @xe2 ..ltxd4 has also been played, when the battle begins be
Probably 1 9 . . . l:i.g8 20 lLif5 lLic6 improves for tween White's rapid development and Black's
Black. central play) 1 7 0-0-0 .i:i.ac8 1 8 .i:i.d2 d5 ! (White
20 ..ltxd4 l:i.g8 21 a4 lbc6 22 ..ltc5 was again ready for g5 followed by f6 and a
Although this position is probably within kingside attack) 19 g5 d4?! ( 1 9 ...lbxe4! 20 lbxe4
Black's drawing range, White's bishop proved dxe4 2 1 'i'Jg2 ! f6 22 .i:i.hdl is difficult to assess
decisively superior to Black's knight in the long but White has notions of lbb6-d5) 20 gxf6 dxe3
run. 21 'i'Jxe3 ..ltxf6 22 lLih5 (D).
l::teS 13 g4 b5 14 g5 lLifd7 15 f5
No subtlety here: White goes for the kill but
Black gets the wonder square e5. Again posi
tional factors determine the tactical possibilities.
15 ...lbe5 16 'ilih5 g6 17 'ilih4 ..itfS
Or l 7 . . . lbxb3 1 8 cxb3 b4. Now White can
try 1 8 fxe6 ! ? and lbd5.
lS fxg6 hxg6 19 ..itd5!? ..ltb7 20 ..ltxb7 'ilixb7
21 b4 lbcd7 22 .i:i.f2 .i:i.acS 23 lbce2 (D) Here are three games with two fundamen
tally different strategies.
Kristjansson - Tukmakov
Reykjavik 1972
s f4
This is the traditional pawn attack. White
wants to play for f5 and force a response that
gives him control of d5. Options that emphasize
piece attack are given in the next game.
S ... ..ltb7 9 f5 e5 10 lbde2 ..lte7
Playing 1 0 . . . lbbd7 first may be the most pre
cise order; for instance, 1 1 ..ltg5 ..lte7 1 2 lbg3
.i:i.c8 ! (Black tries to counter White's appropria
tion of d5 with queenside action) 1 3 0-0 ( 1 3
23...lbc4? ..ltxf6 ! ? lbxf6 1 4 0-0 { 1 4 lbh5 } 1 4 . . . h5 ! threat
Black will get punished for moving this key ens to win the e-pawn after . . . h4) 1 3 . . . h5 ! (D).
defender; it's almost impossible to break down A fantastic move that directly stops White's
such an ideally-placed piece when it's supported only real threat, which was to bring the knight
by a bishop and another knight. He would stand to h5 in order to eliminate another defender of
very well with either 23 . . . ..ltg7 or 23 . . . lbb6. d5. Now White went rapidly downhill: 14 h4?
24 .i:i.xf7! ..ltg7 b4 1 5 ..ltxf6 ..ltxf6 ( 1 5 . . .lbxf6 is also good) 1 6
Christiansen - Wojtkiewicz
USA Ch (San Diego) 2006
8 'iif3 (D)
lbd5 ..ltxh4 1 7 lbxh5 'itig5 (the contest is al
ready over!) 1 8 f6 g6?! ( 1 8 . . . filh5 ! 1 9 l:H5
..itf2+ ! wins right away due to 20 l::txf2 'iih6) 1 9
lbg7+ '>t>d8 20 l::tf3 ..ltg3 2 1 'iid3 ..ith2+ 22 '>t>fl
lbc5 23 l::th3 l::th4 24 'iif3 lbxb3 25 axb3 l::txh3
26 'iixh3 ..ltxd5 27 exd5 'iixf6+ 28 @e 1 'iif4
0- 1 R.Byme-Fischer, Sousse IZ 1 967. A game
that went a long way toward discrediting 8 f4.
11 lbg3!
This move improves upon 1 1 ..ltg5, which as
we just saw only assists Black's attack.
1 1 ...h5! ?
The same idea, but without ..ltg5 in, maybe
Black is asking for too much. Instead, 1 1 . . .lbbd7
is natural and probably best.
12 'iif3?! Originally no one liked this idea but over
White could take over d5 directly by 1 2 the years it has assumed the mantel of ' Main
..itd5 ! lbxd5 1 3 lbxd5 h4 1 4 lbh5 . Line ' . 8 'iif3 is less weakening and develops
12...lbbd7 13 ..ltg5? the pieces more quickly than 8 f4.
Losing the thread. He should have developed 8 ...'iic7
by 1 3 0-0. 8 . . . 'iib6 9 ..lte3 'iib7 is the other conven-
13 h4 14 ..ltxf6 lLixf6 15 lbge2 b4 16 lbd5
••. tional defence, slow but perhaps playable.
lbxd5 17 exd5 (D) 9 ..ltg5 lbbd7 10 0-0-0
White's moves are very natural but rarely
used until recently. This was probably due to
Fischer's example; he consistently employed
the idea of f4-f5 to break down Black's e6/f7
structure. The logic was that the e6-pawn ren
dered White's b3-bishop ineffectual, so it had
to be eliminated. However, that strategy simply
didn' t succeed versus accurate play, so White
finally turned to a different concept. Pieces can
precede pawns in an attack as long as the two ul
timately cooperate. The great Tai always seemed
to bring his pieces out to active squares before
organizing pawn-breaks, if indeed his opponent
survived up to that point.
14 f4!
The attack peters out after 14 lbxe6 'ti¥d7 ! 1 5 A similar and wild example of putting devel
lbxg7+ @f7. opment first is seen in the following game:
14 lbg6? !
1 1•••..ltb7?!
a) Typical tactics follow l l .. .bxc3? 1 2 exf6 !
.Itb7 1 3 lllxe6 ! fxe6 14 li'h5+ g6 1 5 li'h3 !
cxb2+ 1 6 @xb2 and Black is getting killed.
b) But sacrificing an exchange by 1 l . . . dxe5 !
is also typical. For instance, 1 2 li'xa8 ( 1 2 ..ltxf6
might improve) 1 2 . . .exd4 1 3 l:.xd4 ! bxc3 1 4
l:.c4 cxb2+ 1 5 @bl ..ltc5 1 6 ..ltf4 e5 1 7 l:i.el ( 1 7
..lta4+ may be better) 1 7 . . .0-0 1 8 l:.xe5 ..ltb7 1 9
l:i.exc5 li'xf4 ! 20 l:.xf4 ..ltxa8 2 1 f3 ll'lbd7 22
l:.c7 ll'lb6 and White has only a minimal advan
12 exd6 ..ltxd6 13 li'h3 0-0
1 3 . .. bxc3 14 lllxe6 fxe6?! 1 5 li'xe6+ li'e7 1 6
l:.xd6 ! . consistently with great success was Karpov, yet
14 ..itxf6 bxc3 15 li'g4 (D) practically every major player has been on one
or both sides of it. Kasparov played it at least
four times versus major players with an idea
that will be seen below. White' s concept is sim
B ple, at least at first sight. He wants to develop
and get castled without exposing his pieces to
the tempo-gaining attacks that 6 ..ltg5, 6 ..ltc4
and 6 ..lte3 are often hit with. 6 ..lte2 also covers
the g4-square against an invading knight and
thus prepares to put a bishop on e3 . While 6
..lte2 is almost always associated with f4, the
advance g4 has increasingly been used in con
junction with it in order to drive away the f6-
knight and prevent . . . d5 before undertaking
more aggressive action.
The negative side of ..lte2 is fairly obvious: it
15 ..ltf4+
.•• is passive and creates no threats. Nor does the
Or 1 5 . . . g6 1 6 ll'lxe6. bishop protect the critical e-pawn, which indi
16 @bl ..lth6 17 lllxe6! cates that it will most likely end up on f3 or d3
Unleashing a devastating series of tactics. at some point. Consequently, White's bishop
17 fxe6 18 li'xe6+ @h8 19 ..lte5 li'a5 20
••• will often take two moves to get to a relatively
..ltxc3 li'c5 21 ..itd4 li'c6 22 li'e7 l:.e8 passive square.
Just as bad are 22 . . .l:.c8 23 ..ltxg7+ ..ltxg7 24 6...e5 (D)
l:.d8+ and 22 . . .ll'ld7 23 l:.he 1 ! . Although Black can play 6 . . .e6 and trans
23 ..ltxg7+! ..ltxg7 24 .i:i.d8 ll'ld7 25 li'xe8+ pose into another variation, this is the original
lllf8 26 li'f7! 1-0 'point' of 5 . . . a6. On the move before, 5 . . . e5
would have been met by 6 ..ltb5+, creating some
awkwardness on the light squares; for example,
Classical 6 i.e2 System
6 . . ...ltd7 7 ..ltxd7+ li'xd7 8 ll'lf5, after which the
1 e4 c5 2 ll'lf3 d6 3 d4 cxd4 4 ll'lxd4 ll'lf6 5 lllc3 knight will head for e3 in many situations, al
a6 6 ..lte2 (D) ready with a complete grip on d5. None of this
As various systems have come in and out of can occur once . . .a6 is in. The move 6 . . . e5 sets
fashion, this solid and unpretentious develop up one of the archetypal Sicilian structures.
ment has always been there as a sensible alterna Black's idea will be to threaten . . . d5 as soon as
tive to the heavily theoretical attacking sys possible and force White to react in a way that
tems. The last world-class player to play it is otherwise unfavourable. The analogous idea
is Boleslavsky' s innovative 6 . . .e5 after 5 . . .lbc6 b) 7 lbf3 is played reasonably often. White
6 ..lte2 e5, a move that at first shocked the chess sometimes follows with the sequence of moves
world because it gave up an outpost on the cru a4, 0-0 and lLid2-c4-e3, to reinforce control of
cial d5-square and also created a backward d5, but that is obviously very slow. An exciting if
pawn on d6. Boleslavsky' s move is analysed in speculative game continued 7 ... h6 (a good solu
the section 'Sozin Attack (and the Classical Si tion is 7 . . . ..lte7 ! 8 ..ltg5 lbbd7 9 a4 0-0 1 0 0-0 h6
cilian)' below. Note, by the way, that after 6 1 1 ..ltxf6 lbxf6 1 2 ..ltc4 ..lte6, Van der Wiel
..ltg5, 6 ... e5? would be a self-pin; and after 6 Beliavsky, Wijk aan Zee 1 985) 8 ..ltc4 ! ? (D) .
..ltc4, 6 . . .e5 fails to block off White ' s dangerous
bishop. On the other hand 6 ..lte3 e5 is very
b l ) The natural 8 . . .b5? ! 9 ..itd5 lbxd5 1 0
lbxd5 ..ltb7 runs into 1 1 a4 ! . One of the first
I'll fit the variation 6 ..lte2 e5 into one game; things to know about the ..lte2 system is that
please forgive the dense notes, which attempt to Black must be careful about . . . b5, which can be
encompass the major ideas of the variation. a weakening move. Obviously that doesn't ap
ply to other Najdorf systems in which White
Geller - Fischer castles queenside.
Cura(:aO Ct 1962 b2) 8 ... ..lte6 ! ? 9 ..ltxe6 fxe6 (we've arrived at
that central doubled-pawn structure again - it
7 lbb3 covers all the central squares but generally
Although knights on b3 are often poorly lacks mobility; this would be equal except for
placed in the Sicilian, this retreat leaves the White's tactical ideas) 10 lbh4 ! ( 1 0 0-0 lbc6)
move f4 available to attack White's centre and 10 . . . lbc6?! ( 1 0 . . .�f7) 1 1 lbg6 ( 1 1 f4 ! was an
kingside. It also supports the idea a4-a5, and opportunity missed) l l . ..l:i.g8 1 2 0-0 �f7 1 3
has a defensive function by keeping an eye on lbxf8 l:i.xf8 1 4 f4 �g8 1 5 ..lte3 ( 1 5 f5 d5 !)
c5 and potentially exchanging a knight on that 1 5 . . .exf4 1 6 l:i.xf4 'fic7 17 'fie2 lLie5 (all at once
square. We shall see that White's action in the 6 Black has the piece placement he wants: e5 for
..lte2 N ajdorf is very often on the queenside, in his knight and no outpost on d5 for White's) 1 8
contrast to his main 6th-move alternatives. ..ltd4 l:i.f7 1 9 l:i.d 1 .i:i.af8 20 �h 1 'fic4 ! 2 1 'iid2
a) 7 lbf5 d5 ! exploits the white knight's b5 22 a3 'fic6 ! 23 ..ltxe5 dxe5 24 .i:i.f3 lbxe4 25
hanging position to achieve Black's favourite lbxe4 'fixe4 and in Van der Wiel-Portisch, Til
freeing move. White can develop quickly and burg 1984, the passed extra pawn was enough
control d5 by 8 ..ltg5, but 8 . . . d4 9 ..ltxf6 'fixf6 1 0 to win.
lbd5 'iid 8 gives Black a space advantage with 7 ..lte7
easy development for Black's bishop-pair. He Black will sometimes aim for an immediate
also has a handy break with . . .g6 and . . .f5 in . . . e5 by means of 7 . . . ..lte6, but that is asking for
store. f4-f5 ; e.g., 8 f4 'fic7 (the difference between
the thematic 23 . . .lbed7 ! controls all the key 1 7 lLil a2 lbc5 1 8 lbb4 'ilie8 1 9 g3 ! l:i.c7 20 ..ltg2
squares. .i:i.dc8 21 b3 ..lte6 22 lbcd5 lbxd5 23 lbxd5
9 ..lte3 ..ltxd5 24 .i:i.xd5. White has control of d5 and the
9 @hl has been played by Kasparov on oc two bishops, Karpov-Nunn, Amsterdam 1 985.
casion. It's a move that White will want to make 10 a4 ..lte6 1 1 a5 lbbd7 12 lbd5 lbxd5! ?
anyway, and then wait to see how Black is com Black i s trying to save the bishop-pair.
mitting his pieces, but that may not be too help 13 exd5 ..itf5 14 c4 ..ltg6 15 .i:i.cl lbc5?!
ful: White has the advantage in any case, but
a) 9 . . . b6 ! ? (this is the accepted solution, 15 .. .f5 1 6 c5 ! ? (or 1 6 f4) 1 6 .. .f4 1 7 cxd6 'ilixd6
avoiding 9 . . .b5 1 0 a4 !) 1 0 ..lte3 ..ltb7 1 1 f3 b5 ! 1 8 ..ltc5 lbxc5 l 9 lbxc5 ..ltf7 ! 20 ..itf3 .i:i.fb8 ! and
1 2 a4 b4 1 3 lbd5 lbxd5 1 4 exd5 lbd7 1 5 c3 . . . b5 doesn't look too bad.
bxc3 16 bxc3 ..ltg5 ! 1 7 ..ltgl 'ilic7 1 8 c4 a5 1 9 16 lbxc5 dxc5 17 b4! (D)
lbd2 f5 1h-1h Anand-Gelfand, Dos Hermanas
1 997 . Black has secured the c5 outpost and he
already has his kingside majority.
b) 9 ... lbc6 1 0 f3 ..lte6 is also fine; for exam
ple, 1 1 lLid5 a5 1 2 ..lte3 a4 1 3 lbc l ..ltxd5 ! ? 1 4
exd5 lbd4 ! (D).
20 ii.e2! not have meant much, but ilb5 systems are in
Credit this ' ! ' to Anand. He also mentions 20 creasingly popular, and 2 tt:Jf3 lbc6 3 ii.b5 has
l:tgl . Dearing has analysed 20 ii.h3 lbd5 21 M ! even driven top-level grandmasters to change
out to a wonderful position, although my ana their preferred variations or at least their move
lytical engines produce absurd-looking things orders. Another benefit has to do with the f8-
like 2 1 . ..ii.d6 ! ? 22 bxc5 1Wxc5 with the idea 23 bishop, which after 3 d4 cxd4 4 tt:Jxd4 is now
c4 •xa3 24 lbc2 �3 25 lbal lbc3+, leading free to go to various positions such as c5 and
to a repetition. M; both carry the prospect of more confronta
20 ltJdS 21 lbc4 tt:Jd7?!
••• tional chess than, say, 2 . . . d6 offers. We also see
Anand claims a small advantage for White a lot of early queen moves; for example, to c7
after 2 1 ...ile7 22 g5, and leaves 2 1 .. .�d8 with and b6 without first playing . . . d6.
out comment. The opening is well past, so let's Needless to say, 2 . . . e6 comes with some
just visually enjoy the rest. negatives. On a smaller scale, Black has less
22 gS! tt:Jxe3 23 1Wxe3 ii.dS 24 �hfl ii.cs 2S flexibility in meeting the moves 3 c3 and 3 d3.
'ji'c3? hxgS 26 ltJfS! ii.xc4? 27 lbxg7+ @e7 28 It should be added that these moves pose no
�xc4 �hg8 29 hxgS e3 30 rs ltJeS 31 fxe6 serious threat; however, Black may not get to
l:txg7 32 �d7+! lbxd7 33 1Wxg7 1-0 choose the variation with which he is most
comfortable (see below). And ... e6 does weaken
the d6-square, which is a drawback in a num
I ntroduction to Systems ber of lines, especially those in which Black
delays . . . d6. Moves such as lbb5 and ii.f4 can
with 2 e6 . . .
be problems, and in general White's move e5
can have more force in many positions since it
1 e4 c5 2 lbf3 e6 (D) can't be captured by a pawn.
This advance of the e-pawn caught the atten Oddly enough, the fact that 2 ... e6 cuts off the
tion of many early practitioners of the Sicilian path of the c8-bishop isn't of great consequence.
Defence. Black threatens to challenge, if not Normally that bishop will attempt to go to b7 or
take over, the centre by playing ... d5 next or if necessary take its place on d7, and these are
within a few moves. The game as a whole takes the usual squares in other Sicilian variations as
on a different character with 2 . . . e6 as opposed well. Taken as a whole, 2... e6 is neither better
to 2 . . . d6 or 2 . . . lbc6. Naturally, it can transpose nor worse than the alternatives, as can be seen
to the same lines and structures if an early . . . d6 from its percentage scores in various lines.
follows; but if not, Black has new options with 3 d4
respect to his development and overall strategy. The alternatives are not threatening but both
One noteworthy difference with 2. . . e6 is that sides might want to look into 3 c3 and 3 d3.
White has no ii.b5 option, as he does after These moves are good study material in any case
2 . . . lbc6 and 2. . . d6. A few years back that might because the positions are of a standard nature:
a) After 3 c3, Black has to decide which down the b- and ct-files. In this position he can
anti-c3 method to choose. It's important to know also liquidate the weaknesses and gain activity;
something about the move-orders, especially for example, 1 1 0-0 ii.e7 1 2 tt'ic3 0-0 1 3 ii.c2
when compared to 1 e4 c5 2 c3, which is cov ii.a6 14 �el c5 1 5 dxc5 °Yi'xd l 1 6 �xdl ii.xc5,
ered in the Alapin section of this chapter. A big Blatny-Shaked, Kona 1 998.
difference is that after 2 c3, Black can play a2) The other obvious response to 3 c3 is
2 . . . d5 3 exd5 °Yi'xd5 4 d4 tt'if6 5 tt'if3 ilg4, a 3 . . . d5, when 4 exd5 can lead to two unrelated
move that is no longer available when he plays set-ups:
2 tt'if3 e6 3 c3 d5 4 exd5 °Yi'xd5 5 d4. Further a2 1 ) Upon 4 . . . °Yi'xd5, we might get 5 d4 tt'if6
more, in the main lines after 2 c3 tt'if6 3 e5 tt'id5 6 ii.d3 (6 ii.e2 tt'ic6 7 ii.e3 cxd4 8 cxd4 ii.e7 9
4 d4 cxd4 5 cxd4, Black retains the option of tt'ic3 °Yi'd6 transposes to one of the lines stem
. . . d6 without . . . e6. That isn't true after 2 tt'if3 e6 ming from 2 c3; it is considered harmless)
3 c3 tt'if6 4 e5 tt'id5. Thus Black needs to oper 6. . . tt'ic6 7 ii.e3 cxd4 8 cxd4 ii.e7 9 tt'ic3 °Yi'd6
ate within a narrower range of systems, which with analogous ideas to lines versus 2 c3; again,
have to be studied if one is to gain real under refer to the Alapin section. Of course there are
standing. I ' ll pursue just a few themes out of options on every move.
many: a22) Black can also play 4. . . exd5 5 d4 tt'ic6,
a l ) Several basic structures can arise from when an isolated queen's pawn position can
3 . . . tt'if6 4 e5 tt'id5 5 d4 cxd4 6 cxd4 d6, which easily follow:
Black has played with adequate results for many a22 l ) 6 ilb5 ii.d6 7 dxc5 ii.xc5 8 0-0 tt'ige7
years. One idea is that he can forego the devel 9 tt'ibd2 0-0 10 tt'ib3 ii.d6 (D).
opment of his queen's knight until White's for
mation is clear; e.g., 7 ilc4 tt'ib6 and now 8
ii.d3 ! ? dxe5 9 dxe5 tt'ia6 ! ? 1 0 0-0 tt'ic5 1 1 ii.c2
°Yi'xd l 1 2 �xdl ii.d7 1 3 tt'ic3 l::k 8 with comfort
able development, Shaw-Short, Catalan Bay
2003. If White plays 8 ii.b3 instead, Black has
8 . . . dxe5 9 tt'ixe5 (9 dxe5 °Yi'xd 1 + 1 0 ii.xd 1 tt'ia6 !
and . . . tt'ic5 or . . . tt'ib4, another case in which de
laying the development of the queen's knight is
beneficial) 9 . . . tt'ic6 1 0 tt'ixc6 bxc6 (D).
instance, White blockades the d-pawn and seeks 2) Black will need to use an extra tempo if
appropriate simplification while Black uses his he wants to play . . . e5 . The implication is that
active pieces and freedom of movement to com Black would find . . .e5 a desirable move to make,
promise White' s position. Typical moves for which can be the case in lines with . . . g6, . . . ii.g7,
White are �e l , ii.g5-h4-g3, tt'ibd4, iVc2 and . . . tt'ige7 and . . . 0-0. This . . . d6/. . . e5 formation
ii.d3. Typical moves for Black are . . . ilg4, (called the Botvinnik structure) discourages
. . . tt'if5, . . . �e8, and . . .'iVb6 or . . .iVf6. Whether some practitioners of the King's Indian Attack.
you want to play this position for either colour In more specific terms, most players would
is a matter of taste. rather face the 'French Defence' set-up of . . .e6,
a222) You sometimes see the line 6 ii.e3, . . . d5 , . . . tt'ic6, . . . tt'if6 and . . . ii.e7 than others
when apart from 6 . . . cxd4 7 ii.xd4, Black has which do not involve the move . . . e6. However,
the interesting move 6 . . . c4. This is particularly the issues that I raise regarding reversed open
appropriate so as not to allow dxc5 and justify ings apply here. Those who are familiar with
the passive position of White's bishop on e3. the King's Indian Defence (which is the King's
White can't yet bring his bishop into active play Indian Attack with colours reversed) know that
on d3, and Black can develop effortlessly by some of the moves that Black might play in a
. . . ii.d6 and . . . tt'ige7 unless White does some King's Indian Defence don't work out as well in
thing right away. So there usually follows 7 b3 ! the King's Indian Attack, because Black hasn't
cxb3 8 axb3 ii.d6 9 ii.d3 tt'ige7 (D). committed to the position which makes those
moves effective. Here's an example: 3 . . . tt'ic6 4
g3 g6 5 ilg2 (in a paradoxical turnabout that
characterizes the flexibility of chess positions,
White can seek a radical change in the course of
the game by 5 d4 ! ?, moving his pawn a second
time but hoping to exploit of the weaknesses
created by . . . e6 and . . . g6; it turns out that there
are several good answers, including 5 . . . d5 ! ?
and 5 . . .cxd4 6 tt'ixd4 ii.g7 7 tt'ib5 d5 ! ?, a pro
ductive pawn sacrifice) 5 . . . ii.g7 6 0-0 tt'ige7 7
tt'ibd2 (the typical King's Indian Attack move)
7 . . . 0-0 8 �el d6 (or 8 . . . e5 ! ? 9 tt'ic4 d6) 9 c3 e5 !
... eS. Of course if the rook returns to fl , White variations, mostly old-fashioned and out of fa
is actually a tempo down on a King ' s Indian vour, so it is instructive to see how the players'
Defence position! Therefore White may well considerations differ from those in the conven
tum to the idea of queenside attack by a3 and b4 tional lines. The Four Knights itself is still play
with an interesting struggle ahead. able but I should warn you that it probably falls
Let's return to 2 lbf3 e6 3 d4: short of equality after 6 lbxc6 bxc6 7 eS lbd5 8
3...cxd4 4 lbxd4 (D) lbe4, a highly tactical line that has been thor
oughly tested in recent years. It makes sense
that a variation that targets the weak d6-square
would be a good weapon against this opening.
However, we'll follow another variation that
produces games with fundamental conflicts be
tween positional and tactical ideas.
Buchenthal - Rosen
German Cht 197819
4 tt:Jf6 5 tt:Jc3
7 tt:Jd6+
7 ilf4 leads to crazy tactics and lengthy the
ory after 7 . . .lbxe4 8 'Yi'f3 ! d5 9 lbc7+ 'lt>f8 1 0
0-0-0 ii.xc3 1 1 bxc3 gS, which ultimately yields
The Four Knights is a perfect example of a equal play according to the books and comput
Sicilian line that emphasizes development over ers. By contrast, a notoriously dull line for both
structure. That is true of only a couple of Sicilian sides is 7 a3 ii.xc3+ 8 tt:Jxc3 dS 9 exdS exdS 10
ii.d3 0-0 1 1 0-0. In spite of White' s two bish Budapest 1 995. Black has equality and perhaps
ops, Black is supposed to be able to reach more.
equality. Unfortunately, he may have to play 10 exd5 iVxd5 11 0-0 ii.xc3
some thankless defence in order to demonstrate l 1 . ..iVh5 ? ! 1 2 iVxh5 lbxh5 was played in
that. several old games, with activity and quick de
7...@e7 velopment pitted against the bishops. Maybe
The king may be subject to some attack White is a bit better, but not necessarily so, be
here, but it would definitely be a mistake to cause he still has to neutralize Black's posi
give up the dark squares by 7 . . . ii.xd6?. As it is, tional threats; e.g., 1 3 ii.d2 lbf6 (or 1 3 . . . �hd8;
Black ends up with a significant lead in devel the king is useful on e7) 14 a3 ii.d6 15 lbe4
opment. lbxe4 1 6 ii.xe4 f5 ! 1 7 ii.d3 lbe5 with equality,
8 lbxc8+ �xc8 9 ii.d3 (D) Keres-Trifunovic, Moscow 1 947 .
A case in point of how Black's development 12 bxc3 (D)
can outweigh other factors is 9 ii.d2 d5 ! (or
even 9 . . . ii.xc3 1 0 ii.xc3 lbxe4 1 1 ii.xg7 �g8)
10 exd5 tt:Jxd5 1 1 lbxd5+? ! ( 1 1 iVg4 ii.xc3 1 2
bxc3 iVd6) l l .. .iVxd5 1 2 ii.xb4+? ( 1 2 c 3 ilc5 B
favours Black) 1 2. . .lbxb4 1 3 iVxd5 lbxc2+ 1 4
@d2 exd5 1 5 �c l lbb4 and Black was a pawn
ahead in Sanz Calzada-Jordan Garcia, Cata
lunya Club 1 999.
that this state of affairs also applies to the Tai This is a specialized instance of what can be
manov Variation and to a lesser extent, every a beneficial thinking tool. It's often useful to
Sicilian line with pawns on a6 and e6. The imagine yourself having an extra move when
modest difference in the case with ... d6 and you're playing an opening variation. What
. . .e6 in is that the e6-pawn is easier to attack. would you do? Can you use the move produc
After 4 ... a6, White's first decision is whether tively? This is a very good exercise that will
to: sometimes give you greater understanding of
a) put a pawn on c4 and emulate the Mar an opening than detailed and time-consuming
oczy Bind; study might.
b) play for normal development by 5 lbc3 ; 7 .id3
or Black does well after 7 e5 ! ? lbe4 8 �g4
c) wait to decide by playing 5 .id3. lbxc3 9 a3 .if8 ! 1 0 bxc3 �a5 1 1 �g3 d6 !, a
book line that has remained unchallenged for
Playing Maroczy-Style years.
7 ... lbc6 8 lbxc6 dxc6! (D)
5 c4 lDf6 6 lbc3 .ib4!? (D)
Conventional Development
1 1 0-0-0 ! ? (when Black's only action is on This is a solid choice which results in fixing
the queenside, this seems strange, especially White's pawns. Naturally, 6. . .lbf6 is playable.
since White has no real prospect of attacking on Instead, a nice attack followed 6. . .b5 ! ? (risky) 7
the kingside, where Black stands so solidly; 0-0 .ib7 8 l:.el d6 9 .ig5 (creating the same
still, White isn't in any trouble at this point) problem for Black as he had in the last note:
1 1 . . .lbe7 (whether you are White or Black, be White prepares his sacrifice by cutting off es
aware of 1 l . . .b4 12 lbd5 !) 12 �h5 ! l:.c8 1 3 cape-squares from Black's king) 9 . . . lbd7 ? !
@bl b4 14 lbe2 a5 1 5 f5 .ia6 ! ? 1 6 l:.hfl .ixd3 ( 9. . . lDf6) 10 a4 ! b4 1 1 lbd5 ! exd5 1 2 exd5+
17 cxd3 exf5 1 8 exf5 lbd5 19 l:.c 1 0-0 ! and the .ie7 1 3 lDf5 lbe5 14 lbxe7 lbxe7 15 .ixe7
position is unclear, Meister-Poluliakhov, Kras @xe7 1 6 f4 �c5+ 1 7 @h l �xd5 1 8 �g4 h5 1 9
nodar 200 1 . 20 d4? ! would be answered by �h3 �d4 20 fxe5 �g4 2 1 exd6+ @xd6 22
20 . . . lDf6. �xg4 hxg4 23 l:.adl ! and White should win,
c) There are of course countless games with Ghinda-Kirov, Timisoara 1987.
6 .ie2, when one can return to a Taimanov with 7 lbxc6 dxc6 8 0-0 lDf6 9 f4 e5! (D)
6 . . . lbc6 followed by ...lDf6 or to a Scheven
ingen set-up with 6...lDf6 and 7 ... d6. But the
Paulsen faithful like to play 6. . .b5 7 0-0 .ib7 in
every position. Here it looks wrong after 8
l:.el ! . That's a useful move in any case but in
quite a few variations of the Sicilian it prepares
some form of the sacrifice 8 . . . b4? ! 9 lbct5 ! (D).
option ( 1 0... h5 ! ? could also be played immedi 1 3 a4 .ib7 1 4 .ig5 tlJg4 1 5 iLidl !
ately). White covers his weak squares; the knight
10 .icS+ 11 'it>hl h5! (D)
••• wasn't getting to d5 anyway.
A characteristic move ofthis system. Now the 15 ... .ie7 16 .ixe7
game is double-edged. Another encounter went Or 1 6 .id2 ! ? with equality.
l 1 . ..h6 ! ? 1 2 a4 l:tb8 13 �f3 b5 14 �g3 'it>f8 1 5 16...�xe7 17 iLif2
�f3 .ib7 and Black did well in Qin Kanying-Ye Black is well off with 1 7 iLie3 �h4 1 8 h3
Jiangchuan, Shanghai 2000; his king doesn't iLif6 ! .
seem comfortable on the kingside, however. 17...�h4 18 h3
Although Black went on to win after 1 8 ... 0-0,
he should prefer either 1 8 . . . iLixf2+ or 1 8 ... l:td8,
with equality in either case.
5 .id3 (D)
By comparison with the analogous Taimanov
Variation (4 ... tt:Jc6) White is glad to be able to
post his bishop on d3 without first having to de
fend, retreat, or exchange his d4-knight. Impor
tantly, he retains the option of playing c4.
12 �f3
The main alternative is 1 2 .ig5 ! ? ; for exam
ple, 1 2 . . . tlJg4 1 3 �e2 .ie7 ! ? ( 1 3 . . . b5 ! ?) 1 4
.id2 ( 1 4 .ixe7 �xe7 1 5 �f3) 1 4 . . . .ic5 1 5 h3
( 1 5 iLid l ) 1 5 . . .�e7 16 iLia4 .ia7 1 7 b4 ( 1 7
.ia5 �h4) 1 7 . . .b 5 1 8 tt:Jc5 ? ! .ixc5 1 9 bxc5
�xc5 20 a4 .ib7 2 1 l:.abl l:.d8, Tiviakov
Cacho Reigadas, Arco 1 998. White went on to
win, but Black's position looks quite healthy.
12... bS (D)
Black plays to prevent iLia4; an alternative is
1 2. . .tlJg4 1 3 �g3 .id7 ! ? 1 4 .ie2 0-0-0! 1 5
.ixg4 hxg4 1 6 �xg4 g6 ! . 5...iLif6
Black's position is ultra-flexible, with seem
ingly infinite room for creativity. At this point he
has moves such as 5 ...iLie7, 5 ... �c7, 5 . . . .ic5 (6
iLlb3 .ia7 or 6 ... .ie7), 5 ... �b6 (with the idea of
misplacing the knight and then playing . . . �c7;
we discuss that ploy elsewhere in this chapter),
or 5 . . . g6 (D), which deserves a diagram.
All of Black's pieces are on the back rank and
his position is the definition of holes ! Too bad
there isn't a pawn left over to put on c6. Yet
plenty of grandmasters have played 5 ... g6 and at
least one of them, a leading Paulsen theoretician,
thinks that Black can equalize from this position
with two different set-ups. To me, the most
'Maroczy Lite'
5 c4 (D)
This advance is somewhat rare but leads to
material that is potentially useful. White tries to
set up a sort of Maroczy Bind. This is slow in
the face of the rapid development that 2 ...e6 and
4 . . . lbc6 makes possible, yet both sides must
play accurately. You don' t see this kind of freeing move very
often in the Sicilian because, behind the scenes,
White makes his moves so that there is a spe
cific drawback to . . . d5, such as a multiple cap
ture or e5. He is normally successful in doing
this, and that' s why you seldom see an effective
early ... d5 in any well-played Sicilian, including
the Najdorf, Rauzer, Scheveningen, Dragon or
for that matter Taimanov. This is obvious to a
player accustomed to the Sicilian, but perhaps
not to a newcomer who sees many games with
. . . d6 and . . . e6 and assumes that Black just pre
fers to play with less active pieces. In the dia
grammed position White can't even maintain
equality, as a short analysis will show you.
Returning to 7 lbxc6 (D), Black has two re
5 lDf6
..• captures.
5 ...'iVh4 ! ? 6 lbb5 ! ? (6 lbc3 .ib4) 6 . . .'iVxe4+
7 .ie2 'iVe5 could get wild and woolly; if Black
can get away with an extravagant move like
5 ... 'iVh4, it shows that the loss of time involved
with 5 c4 is meaningful.
6 lDc3 .ib4 7 lbxc6
White exchanges this so as to play .id3 and
protect the e-pawn (we discussed this in the
Paulsen section). It's important to see that Black
is not committed to setting up a prepared forma
tion with, say, ... 'iVc7 and ... a6. The Taimanov
move . . . lbc6 goes well with quick development.
For instance, White can't simply make Maroczy
Bind moves such as 7 f3 ? ! 0-0 8 .ie3, because
8 ... d5 ! (D) is precisely the type of pawn-break
that Black wants to make, and White needs to
prevent, in any Sicilian Defence. Muzychuk - Gershon
Sometimes students are so intent upon set Dresden 2003
ting up some restricted Sicilian position with
. . . d6 and ... e6 that they forget about the basics. 7 bxc6
9 0-0 .ic5
It can be advantageous to delay castling for
reasons that will be seen, and it won't hurt to in
crease Black's control of d4. But 9 ....ixc3 I O
bxc3 d6 has also been played.
10 .ig5?! (D)
This looks natural enough but turns out badly.
White has the interesting option of I O 'ii'f3 � .
flirting with �g 3 but also preparing .ig5 i f it
makes positional sense.
At this juncture we look at two games. The loosening his position. Although strong mas
first will illustrate White's set-up with the ag ters have had success neutralizing this strategy.
gressive f4. The second serves to represent the it is still a valid approach and in any case quite
overall main line with f3. instructive.
Before that I should mention Kasparov's fa 8 .ie7 9 .ie2 0-0 10 0-0 b6 1 1 .ie3 lDe5
mous gambit in the 1 985 world championship l 1 . . ..ib7 is a more accurate choice if Black
match against Karpov, which went 8 ... d5 ! ? 9 wants to prevent f4 from being effective, be
exd5 exd5 10 cxd5 lbb4 (D). Contrary to the cause his knight has not used up time on ... lt:Je5-
general opinion, this is still unresolved. d7. Then the immediate 1 2 f4 gives Black some
easy ways to counteract White's structure, in
cluding 1 2 . . . l:.c8 1 3 l:.c l l:.e8. Development of
the rook to e8 supports . . . d5, because the ex
change of White's e-pawn will bring the rook
into a position facing the vulnerable e3-bishop.
Nevertheless, White can play 1 2 l:.c l , hoping
for 1 2. . . lbe5 1 3 f4.
12 f4 (D)
but over the years it' s become clear that a A good move, and the natural 1 9 g5 also
knight on d2 versus the Hedgehog is primarily looks promising; e.g., 1 9 ... hxg5 20 hxg5 e5 2 1
defensive and limits positive operations; tradi ctJd5 i..xd5 2 2 cxd5 'ifb7 2 3 l:!.xc8 l:!.xc8 24
tionally the knight belongs on d4) 1 9 ... i..f8 20 i..g4.
We l .ia8 21 'iff2 i..c6 22 l:!.fe l i..e7 and nei 19 ltJc5 (D)
20 'ifh3!
Now 20 g5 can be answered by 20. . .f5 ! ? 2 1
14 l:!.eS
••• i..h5 ltJxe4 2 2 ltJxe4 i..xe4 2 3 i..xe8 l:!.xe8 and
The very young Kasparov played 1 4 ... 'ifc7 Black possesses the terrible a8-h l diagonal.
1 5 l:tac l l:!.ac8 16 g4 ltJc5 and the game demon The text-move prevents ... f5.
strates that Black needn't play ... h6 if he has 20 i.. f6
other central prospects: 1 7 'ifg2 d5 ! 1 8 e5 ctJfe4 20 . . . g5?1 is met by 2 1 hxg5 hxg5 22 l:!.c2 !
1 9 cxd5 exd5 20 b4 (20 l:!.fd l ) 20... ltJxc3 21 and l:!.h2.
:Xc3 d4 ! (a typically tactical solution) 22 i..xd4 21 ltJabl g6 22 l:!.c2 i.. g7 23 l:!.cd2 i..f8 24
Wd7 23 ctJc2 i..xf3 24 l:!.cxf3 ! (24 l:!.fxf3? ltJe6! g5 h5 25 i..f2 i.. c6 26 ltJa3! (D)
and White's pawns and pieces are loose; 24 Terrific ! The knight heads towards its right
Wxf3 ltJa4 25 l:!.xc8 .l:.xc8 also costs White ma ful square on d4. White has shown admirable
terial) 24 ... ltJe6 25 i..e 3 ! (25 i..xb6 'ifc6 hits patience throughout this manoeuvring stage.
two pieces, so 26 i..c5 ltJxc5 27 bxc5 i..x c5+ 26 ltJd7 27 ltJc2 ltJc5 28 ctJd4 i.. b7 29 f5!
could follow; Black's activity provides plenty Finally! White transforms his space advan
of compensation) 25 ... f5 ! ? 26 exf6 i..xf6 27 tage into concrete gains.
29...exfS 30 exf5 ll'le4 31 fxg6 fxg6 32 ll'lxe4 doing reasonably well if you compare this wilb
i..xe4 33 ll'le6 �b7 34 i..xe4 �xe4 35 li:'ixf8 a 'normal' Hedgehog arising from the English
li:'ixf8 36 l:!.xd6 Opening. The knight on a3 can t possibly be su
White has a considerable advantage now, al perior to that on d4 and it has used four moves
though the mutually exposed kings make the to get to the edge of the board! On the olbc:r
position difficult for both sides. We are past the hand Black can't even think about ...b5. So
opening stage and I ' ll let the moves speak for what' s going on here? From Black' s point of
themselves. Towards the end White's king looks view it would be nice to do something positive
exposed but according to my chess engine before White catches up by rerouting his knight
Black never had any kind of perpetual check. and pushing his queenside pawns. But in this
36 l:!.xc4 37 l:!.el �a8 38 l:!.xe8 �xe8 39
.•. sort of Hedgehog formation Black famously
�b3 �f7 40 l:!.f6 �d5 41 l:!.xb6 \t>h8 42 l:!.f6 waits until the opportunity comes for . ..b5 or
l:!.cl+ 43 \t>h2 l:!.hl+ 44 \t>g3 �es+ 45 \t>g2 ... d5. What to do? There are two main stnre-
�h2+ 46 @f3 �h3+ 47 \t>e4 'ifg4+ 48 l:!.f4 gies. One is to play moves like . ..:es. . . .9b8
�e2+ 49 �e3 �c2+ 50 �d3 'ifc6+ 51 �d5 and ... i..f8, and then get serious about . ..d5. 1be
�c2+ 52 @f3 ll'le6 53 i.. d4+ lt:'ig7 54 l:!.fS+ 1-0 other is to embark upon the now-famous plan
of ... i..d8-c7 (with minor threats on the king
White Plays f3 side) followed by ... @h8, ... l:!.g8 and ... g5-g4.
generally with more serious threats. This is an
Anand - Illescas important strategy for both sides to know, if
Linares 1 992 only because White has been blown away by
the attack in so many games. There's another
8 ... b6 9 i..e2 i..b7 10 0-0 lt:'ib8!? rather silly-looking attack by ... h5-h4 (and. if
An old move-order that ends up transposing allowed, ... h3 to enhance the power of the b7-
to the main line. This knight normally travels to bishop). This has been tried several times in
e5 and then back to d7. I should also mention recent master practice without White having
that the moves ... i..e7, ...b6, ... i..b7, . . . 0-0, ... 'ifc7 found a convincing counterplan. Of these three
and . . . l:!.ac8 have been played in almost every ideas, the easiest for White to stop should be the
sequence. For once I'm going to ignore move first (a . . . d5 break) but he has to be careful. as
order issues and concentrate upon the basic po shown by 1 5 . . . l:!.ad8 (instead of 1 5 . . . l:tacS.
sition. which is probably objectively better) 1 6 �fl
1 1 f3 i..e7 12 i..e3 lt:'ibd7 13 'ifd2 0-0 14 'ikb8 1 7 ll'lc2?! l:!.fe8 1 8 \t>h l ? d5 ! 1 9 cxd5 exd5
l:!.fdl �c7 15 l:!.acl (D) 20 exd5 i..d6 2 1 g3 b5 22 a3 �a8 23 �g2
15...l:!.acS ll'le5 ! ? (23 . . . lt:'ic5 wins back the d-pawn) 24
We're roughly at what might be considered l:!.bl ? ! 1/z- 1/2 Morovic-Leitao, Sao Paulo 2002.
the main line; at any rate, several high-level Probably 24 ... lt:'ic4 favours Black; at any rate he
games have gone this way. Black should be can be satisfied if he achieves . . .d5 safely.
How about White? Taking the ... .itd8-c7, Black makes it difficult to protect b6 .
. . .l:tg8, . . . g5 idea first, White will first play 'lt>hl 22 l:tel llled7 23 a3 .ltb7 24 b4 l:tc7 25 'llb3
and .ltg l to guard h2, and then .itfl for potential .lta8 26 lt:Ja4! .ltc6 27 'llb 2!
second-rank defence by the queen. With that Very original ! c4 needs protection in a lot of
formation you can see that in our main game lines and 'lld3 could be useful at the right time.
those first moves of the plan, . . ..itd8-c7, can be 27 .lta8 28 .ltd4 l:tdc8 29 l:tedl .lte7 30
B 34 c5
A nic� combination. White wins his piece
back with more to come.
34 dxcS 35 bxc5 lllc8
Conventional Development
Lukin - Taimanov
St Petersburg 1 995
16 ...l:tfe8
Fun with move-orders: 1 6 . . . 'ifb8 is right if 1 e4 c5 2 'llf3 e6 3 d4 cxd4 4 lt:Jxd4 'llc6 5 lllc3
Black's plan is to play . . . .itd8-c7, but it's very White chooses the simple path. If Black plays
unclear and involves a pawn sacrifice: 1 7 'lt>hl 5 . . . 'llf6 in this position, we return to the Sicil
(l 7 'llc2 .itd8 !? 1 8 'ifxd6? .ltc7; there are plenty ian Four Knights. In spite of many fascinating
of options here) 1 7 . . . .itd8 ! ? (or 17 ... l:tfe8) 1 8 struggles resulting from the most frequent con
.itf4 ( 1 8 'ifxd6 ! ? .ltc7 1 9 'ifd2 .itxh2 20 g4 tinuation 5 ... 'ifc7, I'm going to forego that and
'ifg3 ! ) 1 8 . . . llle5 1 9 'ifxd6 ! ? .ltc7 20 'ifd2 'llh5 explore only one set-up within the Taimanov
2 1 .lte3, and now 2 1 . . .'llg6 22 g3 ! ? f5 ! is scary. Sicilian proper.
Needless to say, this just scratches the surface. 5...a6 (D)
17 'lt>hl 'ifb8 18 'llc2 lt:Je5 This sequence can sometimes transpose into
This time 1 8 . . . .itd8? 1 9 'ifxd6 .ltc7 20 'ifd2 the . . . 'ifc7 lines. But Black often uses this
.ltxh2?? 2 1 g4 .lte5 22 g5 costs Black a piece. move-order because he wants to play 6 ... lllge7
19 b3 .lta8 20 .ltgl l:ted8? ! 21 'lld4 .itf8? ! next, the system that Taimanov himself loved
and promoted. That move prepares . . . ctJxd4 fol of the possibility of ... fxe4. Amason-Romm
lowed by . . . ltJc6, or ... ltJg6 with dark-square ishin, Lone Pine 1981 continued 14 lOd4 ( 1 4
control over e5 . Black's strategy provides yet ctJd5 ! .ltb7 ! { the idea was 14 . . .exd5 1 5 exf5
another demonstration of the flexibility associ ctJh8 16 f6! } 1 5 ltJxe7+ ltJxe7 1 6 ttJcs .i.c6 17
ated with . . . e6 and . . . a6. .ltd4 "fie8 ! with equality, Orlov-Taimaoov, St
6 .lte2 Petersburg 1 995) 1 4. . ..ltc5 15 exf5 i.xd4 16
There is also independent theory on 6th .itxd4 l:txf5 1 7 "iig4 .ltb7 with advantage for
move deviations after 5 . . . a6 showing ideas that Black. Compare the bishops and rooks !
do not also apply to the Paulsen: 7 ltJxd4 8 "fixd4 ltJc6 9 'ikd3 'ikc7
Instead, 6 .lte2 e5 (D) is the Boleslavsky For one thing, this capture no longer loses a
Variation, one of the original . . . e5 Sicilians that piece and Black retains his bishops.
still discourages players from 6 .lte2. 13 exd5 .itf5 14 c4 0-0 15 'ifa4!? a5
And here the moves ... .l:.c8 and ... ctJb8 help
to set up a blockade on c5 .
16 a3 .itd7 17 'ifdl a4 lS b4 axb3 19 'irxb3
ltJa6 20 .lte3 'ifc7 21 a4 ltJcS! 22 .ltxc5 'irxc5
23 'ifxb7 .l:.c7 (D)
d4-knight. White can respond in a number of ( 1 3 . . . .itd7 develops simply and sensibly) 1 4
ways, but by far the most common one is 7 b3 ! (to stop . . . ltJc4) 14 . . . l:tb8 1 5 l:tadl ( a posi
ctJb3, in order to protect the b-pawn and play tional mistake is 1 5 f5 ? ctJc6 ! 16 fxe6 fxe6 1 7
.lte3; for example, 7 ... e6 8 0-0 .lte7 9 .lte3 .ltg5 .lte7 1 8 l:tad 1 ltJe5, Hossain-Goloshcha
"fic7. As I describe elsewhere, this creates a sit pov, Dhaka 2003 ; in this position a maj or
uation in which Black seems to have wasted an plus for Black is that d5 and f5 are unavail
important tempo by . . . "iib6-c7, but White may able to White' s pieces) 1 5 . . . ltJc6 (or 1 5 . . . .itd7
make up for that by playing ctJb3-d4. Lines with equality) 16 .itf2 (heading for g3 or h4)
with . . ."iib6 have become more popular over 16 . . . ctJd7? ! 1 7 .ltg3 ctJxd4 1 8 °fixd4 b5 1 9
time for this reason. axb5 axb5 20 b4 g6 2 1 e5 ! d5 22 f5 ! gxf5 23
ctJxd5 ! "fic4 (23 . . . exd5 ? 24 e6) 24 °fid2 h6 25
1 e4 c5 2 ctJf3 e6 3 d4 cxd4 4 ltJxd4 ctJf6 h3 exd5 26 .itxd5 °fixb4 27 c3 "fic5 28 l:txf5
Here both 4 . . .ltJc6 5 ltJc3 d6 and the Najdorf l:te6 29 l:txf7 ! ctJb6 (29 . . . @xf7 30 °fif4+ \t>e8
move-order 2 . . . d6 3 d4 cxd4 4 ctJxd4 ctJf6 5 31 .ltxe6 is decisive) 30 l:tdfl ctJxd5 31 l:txf8+
ltJc3 a6 circumvent the Keres Attack described °fixf8 32 l:txf8+ \t>xf8 33 °fixd5 and White
in the next note, but of course they have their went on to win easily in Adams-Topalov,
own peculiarities. Wij k aan Zee 2006.
5 ltJc3 d6 (D) 6...ltJc6 7 .ltc4 (D)
.ixe6 l:!.xd6 with equality) with unclear play; In return for a pawn, Black's bishop-pair
perhaps 19 . . .b4 20 .itd2 'iic5 2 1 .itf4 is best. A rakes the kingside and White's e5-pawn is
great study line! weak. The opening has ended successfully for
12....ltb7 13 °iid3 Spassky. I'll skimp on the notes as we proceed
1 3 'iie l a5 ! with ... b4 next; then 1 4 ctJxb5 ? ! through the rniddlegame:
ltJxe4 (or 14 . . . a4 and then . . .ltJxe4) conquers 19 'iie2
the centre and eliminates White's attacking Here 1 9 'iig3 ! 'iixg3 20 hxg3 improves. Then
chances. 20 . . . .lta6 2 1 a4 .ltxb5 22 axb5 .ltd4 is only
13 aS! (D)
•.• nominally better for Black.
19 l:!.ad8 20 l:!.adl l:!.xdl 21 l:!.xdl h5!?
29 l:!.h8?!
Ve limirovic Attack
Boto - Buntic
Bosnia 2001
8 'ife2 (D)
12 .itxf6!
12 e5 dxe5 hits the d4-bishop, almost forcing
1 3 .ltxe5 ( 1 3 'ifxa8 'ifxd4 1 4 'iff3 exf4 already
gives Black two pawns, the bishop-pair and a
load of weaknesses to work on, all for an ex
change) 1 3 ... l:!.a7 ! 1 4 l:!.dl l:!.d7 1 5 0-0 .ltb7
with the better pawn-structure and position.
12....itxf6! 13 e5 .lth4+ 14 g3 l:!.b8! (D) This move, together with queenside castling,
characterizes the Velimirovic Attack. Within
hundreds of brilliancies that have been played
by both sides of this opening, we find certain
themes that are fundamental to attacking in the
Sicilian Defence. Many of them were first
played in games with this variation, or at least
brought to prominence by their use in them. I'll
try to show a few of these essential building
blocks of Sicilian attacks.
Looking over the older games by Veli�
vie himself, you see the tactical philosophy ex
pressed by Kasparov, who stresses 'cutting the
board in two' , resulting in attractive-looking
pieces uselessly stranded from defence of the
15 gxh4 8 ...a6
The superiority of Black's pawn-structure 8 . . . 0-0 9 0-0-0 'ifa5 was played in the famous
shows in lines like 1 5 l:!.fl .lte7 1 6 0-0-0 b4 ! (or encounter Fischer-Geller, Skopje/Krusevo/Ohrid
Now we're getting around to some real fire 23 ctJc7 ctJc5 24 lbxa8 .ie6 25 1iie2 1iixa8 26
works. Try this out: l l . ..b5 1 2 g4 b4 1 3 lbxc6 1iih5 @g8 27 .ixc5 dxc5 28 f5 .id5 29 f6 (a gor
1iixc6 1 4 ctJd5 exd5 1 5 g5 dxe4 1 6 gxf6 .ixf6 geous attack, begun 1 5 moves before! ) 29...l:!.d8
1 7 .id5 1iia4 1 8 1iih5 ! .ie6 (D). 30 f7+ @h8 3 1 1iih4 a5 32 �gel a4 33 ,.xd8
1iixd8 34 �e8 1iig5+ 35 @bl 1iixg6 36 l:!.xf8+
@h7 37 �h8+ @xh8 38 f81iV+ .ig8 39 l:!.d8 l -0
Velimirovic-B.I vanovic, Niksic 1 978.
Ultimately you could say that it's White's
positional advantages (space, occupation of
d5, harmonious piece placement, and so on)
that allow these attacks to succeed, as indi
cated by their duration and the absence of di
rect tactics for so many moves after the
12 g4 ctJxd4
Now let's allow Shirov to show his amazing
talent from the black side of the board: 12 . . . ltJc5
1 3 ctJf5 b5 ! 14 .id5 (D).
Accelerated Fianchetto
1 e4 cS 2 ctJf3 ctJc6 3 d4 cxd4 4 ctJxd4 g6 (D)
the Accelerated Fianchetto move-order gives b4 1 ) At this point the move 7 ...,.a5 has
Black another option in 6... .ixc3+ ! ? 7 bxc3 some other tricks associated with it. For exam
ctJf6, trying to exploit White's doubled c-pawns ple, 8 1iid2? lbxe4 ! 9 lbxc6 1iixc3 ! !, or 8 f3?
at the cost of losing the important dark-squared 1iib4 ! 9 .ib3 ctJxe4 ! . White should simply play
bishop; see the section of Chapter 3 devoted to 8 0-0 0-0 9 ctJb3 1iic7 10 f4 d6 1 1 .ie2 with a
doubled c-pawns for a short discussion of pre sort of Classical Dragon in which the queen is
cisely this position. arguably a little misplaced on c7. This line has
b) 6 .ie3 ctJf6 (D) and then: proven a disincentive for those who are consid
ering playing 7 . . . 1iia 5.
b42) Black usually plays 7. .. 0-0 8 .ib3! (an
other trick is 8 f3 'iiVb6 ! with the ideas of fue4
and in particular Black has to be sure that with position) 1 5 ... °Yi'xd2 1 6 i..xd2 tZ'ixd5 1 7 exd5
his queen on a5 and White' s on d2, the move ( 1 7 cxd5 i..d4+ 1 8 @hl i..d7 with equality)
tZ'id5 won' t be effective. l 7 ... i..d4+ 1 8 @h l i..d7 and Black has no prob
Black would like to achieve the break . . . b5 in lems, Uribe-Perelshteyn, Oropesa del Mar U-
order to chip away at White's centre; obviously 1 8 Wch 1 998.
this usually involves . . . a6. Sometimes he can 6 i..e3
play .. .f5 for the same purpose, but that is un 6 tbc2 ! ? tZ'if6 7 tZ'ic3 can be a very irritating
common until later in the game. Finally, he sequence for Black because it prevents ex
would like to work on the dark squares, espe changes and increases White's control over d5.
cially in view of the unprotected state of d4. The succeeding play is rather technical, but
Some specifics follow: White will continue i..e2, 0-0, and aim to gain
more space by b4, while Black will play . . . 0-0,
Bareev - Pavlovic . . . d6, perhaps with . . . a5 and ... i..e6 depending
Plovdiv Echt 2003 upon what White does. The analogous Rubin
stein Variation of the English Opening goes 1
5 i..g7
.•. c4 c5 2 tbc3 tbf6 3 g3 d5 4 cxd5 tZ'ixd5 5 i..g2
This is the traditional main line of the Mar tZ'ic7 6 tZ'if3 tZ'ic6 7 0-0 e5. Even a tempo down,
oczy Bind. Black has reasonably good prospects.
5 . . .tZ'if6 6 tbc3 d6 (6...tZ'ixd4 7 °Yi'xd4 d6 is Incidentally, if Black likes one of the options
another well-known idea, when White has vari with an early . . . tZ'ixd4, that exchange will pre
ous ways to proceed, including 8 i..g5 i..g7 9 vent the tZ'ic2 variation.
°Yi'd2) 7 i..e2 tbxd4 8 °Yi'xd4 i..g7 9 i..e3 0-0 1 0 6 tZ'if6 7 tZ'ic3 0-0 8 i..e2 d6 9 0-0 i..d7
°Yi'd2 i..e6 1 1 0-0 °Yi'a5 1 2 .l:.ac l ( 1 2 .l:.fc 1 puts 9 ...tbxd4 10 i..xd4 i..e6 is a long-studied line
both rooks on the queenside, which seems a which has lost some of its popularity. Needless
good idea; White would like to play f3 and in to say, that may be only a temporary situation.
some cases .l:.abl and/or tZ'id5; for instance, 10 °Yi'd2 tZ'ixd4 11 i..xd4 i..c6 12 f3 (D)
12 ... .l:.fc8 1 3 f3 ! with the idea 1 3 . . . i..xc4? 1 4
tZ'id5) 1 2 . . JHc8 (D).
a highly-charged line with plenty of theory to Preparing to take over the dark squares.
study) 1 4 . . . b5 ! 1 5 tZ'id5 (after 1 5 cxb5 axb5 1 6 13 b3 tZ'id7!
tZ'ixb5 { 1 6 i..xb5 .l:.xc3 1 7 "Yi'xc3 °Yi'xb5 and This is the point of Black's system: he wants
Black has won material } 1 6 ... °Yi'xd2 1 7 .l:.xc8+ to end up with a wonderful knight on c5 oppos
i..xc8 1 8 i..xd2 .l:.xa2 Black has the more active ing a restricted light-squared bishop.
some respects by limiting White's options: spe The main responses are 2 ...d5 and 2 ... tZ'if6.
cifically, White has to commit his bishop to c4 We' ll have only a partial look at those but with
and has lost the opportunity to play the popular relevant details. Other fairly respectable con
antidote to the Dragon involving 9 0-0-0. But tinuations include 2 . .. b6, 2 . . .d6 (and perhaps
Black needs to be clear that he can only avoid even 2 . . .1iia5 ! ?), but I'll skip those and talk
the 9 .ic4 version of the Yugoslav Attack by briefly about some alternatives that are better
playing sidelines such as 8 . .. a5, which are un known:
likely to equalize fully. a) 2 ... e6 is discussed under the order 2 tZ'if3
None of this should discourage a player who e6 3 c3 in the 'Introduction to 2 ... e6' , except for
is below master level, of course. There will al the line 3 d4 d5 4 exd5 (4 e5 is the Advance
ways be plenty of winning chances against av French, an important transposition to bear in
erage competition, even with the Maroczy Bind. mind) 4 ... exd5 (4 . . . 1iixd5 will usually trans-
I do think, however, that you probably won't pose) 5 .ie3 when 5 ... cxd4 6 .ixd4 tZ'ic6 7 .ib5
want to play this system for life. a6 is considered equal. The plan discussed via
the 2 tZ'if3 move-order of 5 ... c4 still has the ef
fect of making .ie3 look like an unnecessarily
Alapin Variation passive move and with care to bring his pieces
out quickly Black should stand satisfactorily.
l e4 c5 2 c3 (D) b) 2 ... g6 3 d4 cxd4 4 cxd4 d5 will often
transpose to the variation 1 e4 c5 2 tZ'if3 g6 3 c3
.ig7 4 d4 cxd4 5 cxd4 d5 . The main lines are 5
exd5 (5 e5 .ig7 is similar to the transposition
mentioned; then 6 tZ'if3 .ig4 7 .ib5+ tZ'id7 has
been played, among others) 5 .. . tZ'if6 6 tbc3 (6
tbf3 tZ'ixd5 7 tZ'ic3 .ig7 comes directly from that
line) 6 ... .ig7 7 .ic4, when Black chooses his
method of regaining the pawn: ... a6, or ... tZ'ibd7
and . . . tZ'ib6. According to current knowledge,
he is able to get a quite playable game and come
close to achieving full equality.
Known as the 'Alapin Variation' , 2 c3 partic 4 ... tZ'ic6 5 tZ'if3 .ig4 is also played, when one
ularly appeals to those turned off by the mas ambitious line for White is 6 .ie2 cxd4 7 cxd4
sive theory associated with the Open Sicilian. e6 8 tZ'ic3 'iiVa5 9 h3 .ih5 1 0 d5 ! ? but 1 0 . . . exd5
On the positive side, White tries to build up a 1 1 tZ'id4 tZ'ixd4 ( l 1 . ...ixe2) 1 2 .ixh5 tZ'ic6 was
centre with minimal risk. Generally, however, 2 easy enough (and equal) for Black in Nayer
c3 lacks punch and might not appeal to the at Lautier, Khanty-Mansiisk FIDE WCup 2005 .
tacking player. 5 tZ'if3 (D)
My stated philosophy in this book is to exam 5 .tg4
ine the most 'important' openings, especially 5 ... tbc6 is an important alternative for those
older and established ones that have played a who are unhappy with some aspect of 5 ... .ig4,
leading role for many years. For the purposes of perhaps 6 dxc5 in the next note. Play usually
presenting a Sicilian variation that isn't in that continues 6 .ie2 cxd4 (or 6 ... e6 7 0-0 cxd4) 7
mould, I've chosen the Alapin Variation instead cxd4 e6 8 tZ'ic3 1iid6 9 0-0 .ie7 . Black wants to
of, for instance, the Closed Sicilian, because it play . . . 0-0, ... b6 and . . . .ib7, with ....l:.fd8 in
has some universal ideas that are applicable to some cases. White can build up by .ie3, 1iid2
other lines in this book and opening study in and .l:.fd 1, but his position would contain little
general. dynamic potential. Therefore White sometimes
6 ctJb6
l e4 c6 (D)
or may not be, White will follow up with d4 and This sequence tries to use piece-play and
some advantage; e.g., 5 . . . 1iia5 6 d4 ctJf6 7 ctJf3 quick development to cause Black discomfort.
(D). For instance, line 'a' in the next note is a good
This compares well for White with a Scandi example of this.
navian Defence ( 1 e4 d5 2 exd5 1iixd5 3 ctJc3 3...i. g4
1iia5 4 d4 ctJf6 5 ctJf3), because Black cannot re This is most players' choice. Otherwise:
strain White's centre by the useful . . . c6. In re a) If Black plays 3 . . .dxe4 4 lbxe4 i.f5?!,
turn, White has no pawn on c2. But in the Scan White shows the benefit of his quick develop
dinavian, the c2-pawn can be a disadvantage ment by harassing the bishop with 5 ctJg3 i.g6
Variation, and e4 by White is a rarity in the Slav. Now we'll run into some familiar ideas.
In any event, 2 . . . d5 compels a response. I'll
be looking at 3 exd5 (both the Exchange Varia
tion and Panov Attack) and 3 e5, the Advance
Variation. I think that those variations are the
most useful and consistent in terms of this
book's organization. I won't be dealing with the
3 tl:ic3 main lines, although naturally they're
full of wonderful ideas. I'm also leaving out the
'Fantasy Variation' 3 f3 , although it has its
points of interest. A curious positional compar
ison arises after 3 f3 e6 ! ? 4 tl:ic3 i.b4 (these are
not the only moves, of course), when 5 e5(?) c5
is actually a good version of the French De
fence because White's ' extra' tempo due to
. . .c6-c5 has been used for the awful move f3,
which not only loosens White's kingside but 6 i.f4
takes away f3 for the knight and cuts off White's This is the customary approach, and most
queen from the kingside. likely to achieve something tangible.
However, let's say that White plays 6 tl:if3,
Exchange Variation Black answers with the natural 6 . . . i.g4, and
there follows 7 0-0 e6 8 tt:'ibd2 i.d6 9 .l::t e l 0-0.
3 exd5 cxd5 (D) All very logical. Then White might want to re
spond to the presence of Black's bishop on g4:
10 tl:ifl °V/iic 7 1 1 i.g5 tt:'id7 12 tl:ig3 (D).
especially since one of the standard QGD plans (see the pawns on d5 and e6). Of course, 7 lt:Je2
. . .lt:Je4 is not available (that' s lt:Je5 in our Caro is also possible.
Kann case), Black might want to play the minor 7 �d7 8 lt:Jd2 e6 9 lt:Jgf3 .lld 6!
ity attack 1 2 ... l:tab8 1 3 h3 .llxf3 14 �xf3. Then This discovery hurt the popularity of the
it' s as though White has played four of Black's set-up with c3, .lld3 and .llf4.
common Queen's Gambit moves ( ... .lle7, the re 10 .llxd6 �xd6 1 1 0-0
capture ... .llxf6 and the repositioning ... .Ile7-d6) After 1 1 �xb7 l:tb8 1 2 �a6 0-0! (and not
in one move ! Of course neither side has played 1 2 ... l:txb2? 1 3 .llb 5), Black is considered to
according to a conventional Caro-Kann plan, have at least enough play for his pawn; e.g., 1 3
but it's interesting to see how the same pawn b 3 ? (to protect b2) 1 3 . . . l:tb6 14 �a4 e5 � 1 5
structure in both an e-pawn opening and a d dxe5 lt:Jxe5 with the e-file and threats against
pawn opening leads to the theme of minority at White's king. Then Black stands considerably
tack vs kingside attack. Naturally we could better.
have obtained an exactly reversed position by 4 ll ....llxf3 12 lt:Jxf3 0-0 13 W.el �b8 14
lL:\f3 lt:Jc6 5 c3 .llg4 6 .lle2 e6 7 0-0 .lld6 8 lt:Je5 b5 15 a3 a5 (D)
lt:Jbd2 lt:Jf6 (or 8 . . .lt:Jge7 ! ?), etc., but those are
not the most pointed moves, especially for
Let's return to the Caro-Kann line after 6
.llf4. We' ll follow the young Kasparov.
Lanka - Kasparov
Leningradjr 1977
6 .llg4 (D)
change of White's good bishop. This is a com Black has had chances for a while to play
mon theme even with a knight on f3; in that .. .d4; e.g., 29 ... d4 ! 30 c4 l:txf3 3 1 gxf3 lL:\d7 32
case, after lt:Je5 and ... .llg 6, Black isn't afraid of l:tbl �c3 33 l:tdl l:tc5.
lt:Jxg6 because knights are strong in these posi 30 h4 h5 31 @h2 d4
tions and he gets a useful h-file. Moreover, the This is still good.
light-squared bishop is still Black's bad bishop 32 .lld3! ? dxc3!
On 32 ... .l::tb xc3, 33 .l::td l stops Black in his This is the starting position of the Panov At
tracks. tack, also known as the 'Panov-Botvinnik At
33 .l::tc2 �a3? tack' because of the former World Champion's
Perhaps missing White's next move. Instead contributions to it.
33 ... .l::tb 4! was very strong and would probably 5 ...e6
produce an eventual win. Now White will gain 5 . . .g6 gives a Griinfeld-like position in which
the advantage. Black usually lets White temporarily win the d
34 .llc4 .l::tb 4 35 .l::tfxc3 �a4 36 �cl �a7 37 pawn and then tries to win it back via ... tt:'ibd7-
f4! ? b6 or . . .a6/... b5. I'll forego that line here.
This i s loosening. 3 7 �d2 ! �a4 3 8 �e2 The main alternative is 5 ... tl:ic6, which intro
would retain White's superior position, although duces a different set of problems and structures
making progress will be difficult. that I shall try to outline in broad-brush fashion.
37 ... �d4! 38 g3 'ilg7 39 'ilh3 tl:id7 40 .llfl The presentation will most likely be inaccurate
.l::txc3 41 .l::txc3 tt:'ib6 42 �e3 �dl 43 �f3 �al from an advanced theoretical point of view but
44 .llg2 tl:id5 should be helpful for the student:
The game is equal. a) 6 .llg5 (D) threatens 7 .llxf6 followed by
45 .l::td3 .l::tb 2 46 f5! ? gxf5 47 �xh5 �cl 48 8 cxd5 .
.l::td l �c2 49 �g5+ 1/z-1/z
Panov Attack
4 c4
This introduces one of the classic variations
of the Semi-Open Games, one that has attracted
many great players through the years. The at
tack on d5 poses some problems for Black, be
cause if he captures on c4, White's bishop gets
out to an active square in one jump, whereas in
many isolated queen's pawn positions like the
one soon to occur, White has to take two moves
(usually .lld3 and then .llxc4) to get there, or he
has to play a less desirable extra 'waiting' move
such as a3, .l::tc l or .llg 5. Compare isolated Black can respond by 6 . . . e6, or by various re
queen's pawn positions in the Queen's Gambit freshing set-ups that begin with 6 ... �a5 and
Declined or Nimzo-Indian, for instance, and 6 ... .lle 6 ! ?, the popularity of the latter illustrat
see the further comments below. ing the flexibility and pragmatism of chess
4 ... tt:'if6 5 tt:'ic3 (D) ideas. Although I won't be looking into those, I
6 lt:Jf3
Here we'll look at a few of the thousands of
games that have been played from this position.
Fortunately there's quite a bit of material on iso
lated queen's pawns throughout this book (for a
lengthy introduction to the subject, see Chapter
3), so this lesson will not stand on its own. We'll
see three different 6th moves for Black.
White stands well, although 1 6 .l:k 1 was pos makes it almost certain that a white rook will
sibly more accurate. reach the c-file before Black' s: 13 ... �c8 14 i.f4
�7 1 5 �c6 ! .l::tab8 1 6 .l::tfc l lt:Jb4 1 7 �d7 ! lt:Ja6
6 ... i.e7 7 cxd5 lt:Jxd5 is a main-line IQP po 1 8 .l::tc 3 .llf6 1 9 �f5 ! .l::tfe8 ( 1 9 ....ll x e5 20 i.xe5
sition and is similar to 6 ... i.b4 below. If this .l::tbc8 21 �f6 ! would be a pretty finish) 20 .l:.h3
were a book on theory I'd have to be more spe h6 2 1 .ll x h6! �c8 (2 1 .. ..ll xe5 22 i.g5 !) 22
cific, but this really is one of those instances in lt:Jd7 .l::te 6 23 i.xg7 ! 1 -0 Larsen-Pomar, Span
which it's fair to say that the ideas are much ish Cht (Centelles) 1978.
more important than the details. Therefore I'll 8 lt:Jc6 9 0-0 0-0 10 .l::tel (D)
Matveeva - Anand
Frunze 1987
That plan often doesn't fit if you don't have a Black can hold White off after the thematic
knight on f6; for example, 9 . . . b6? ! 10 lt:Jxd5 ! 1 3 d5 : 1 3 . . .lt:Ja5 ! 1 4 dxe6 i.xe6 15 i.xe6 't!kxd l
exd5 ( 1 0... �xd5? 1 1 �c2 ! hits h7 and threat 16 .ll xf7+ .l::txf7 1 7 .l::tx dl .llf6.
ens .lle4) 1 1 lt:Je5 i.a6?! 1 2 i.xa6! lL:lxa6 1 3 13 i.b7 14 .llc2 g6 15 .llh6 .l::te8 (D)
�a4 (D).
16 .l::tadl
Look at those wonderful light-square targets. Here was a chance for 1 6 a4 ! b4 1 7 c4 with a
Just as importantly, the attack on the a6-knight small advantage, according to G.Kuzmin.
8 h6! 9 .if4
Kasparov - Anand
Amsterdam 1996
6 lt:Jc6
.ib5, 0-0, .if4 and .l::te l , followed by tt:Je5 itself. 1 6. . . bxcS 17 .ib7 .
This most famous game with 8 c5 illustrates 17 .ib5 .id7 18 .ia6 .ic8 19 .id3!? bxc5
both a good solution for Black and White's at 1 9 ....id7 ! is best, when White still has to
tacking possibilities. demonstrate how to get through.
Fedorowicz Enkhbat-
6....i.b4 (D)
12... h6
In order to get castled.
13 'ti'e2! 'ti'd5
He still can't castle due to 1 3 . . . 0-0 14 •e4.
Something has already gone wrong.
14 l:tbl a6 15 c4 'ti'h5 16 'ti'e4 �f8
7 cxd5 tt:'ixd5 A terrible concession.
For those of you wondering, 7 ... exd5 is a re 17 l:tel tt:'ie7 18 .i.d2 'ti'f5 19 'ti'e3 'ti'h5 20
spectable alternative, although seldom played. 'ti'f4! tt:'ig6 21 'ti'c7 @gs 22 .i.e4 �h7 23 'ti'xf7
Black may have the most problems with 8 .i.b5+ Now it's really over. Black only lasted a few
again; compare 6 . . . .i.e7 7 cxd5 exd5 above. more moves.
8 'ti'c2 23...l:tdS 24 .i.e3 l:td7 25 'ti'e8 l:te7 26 'ii'a4
More often 8 .i.d2 is played here. A game in .i.d7 27 'ti'dl ! .i.e8?
which White wasn't ambitious enough went But 27 . . . @g8 28 l:txb7 is awful.
8 . . . tt:'ic6 9 .i.d3 tt:'if6 I O 0-0 0-0 1 1 .i.g5 h6 !? 1 2 28 tt:'ig5+ 1-0
.i.e3 ( 1 2 .i.h4 ! ?) 1 2 . . ..i.d6 1 3 l:tc 1 ! ? ( 1 3 l:t e 1 )
1 3 ... e5 ! 1 4 h 3 ( 1 4 tt:'ixe5 tt:'ixe5 15 dxe5 .i.xe5 is Advance Variation
equal) 14. . . .i.e6 15 'ti'd2 'ti'a5 16 .i.xh6 exd4 !
17 tt:'ib5 'ti'xd2 1 8 .i.xd2 .i.b8 with equality, 1 e4 c6 2 d4 d5 3 e5 (D)
J.Polgar-Karpov, Dos Hermanas 1 999. Instead, This extremely popular move has led to re
8 . . . 0-0 9 .i.d3 .i.e7 I O 0-0 tt:'ic6 1 1 a3 tt:'if6 1 2 markably exciting, creative play. There have
After 1 3 . . . @b8 14 b3 ! White launched a suc I n the introductory chapters we talked about
cessful assault on the queenside in Malaniuk colour complexes. Here everything goes to the
Psakhis, USSR 1 979: 14 . . . cxb3 15 Ci'Jxb3 Wic7 light squares. 19 b5 Wixa4 20 Ci'Jxa4 l:tc8 2 1 l:tfc l
16 Si..d3 Si.. c 8 1 7 a4 Ci'Ja5 1 8 Ci'Jxa5 Wixa5 19 0-0 22 �c3 Si..d 8 23 h3? h4 24 g4 hxg3 25 Ci'Jxg3
Wib3 Ci'Je7 20 Si..d2 Wic7 21 l:thc l f5 22 c4!, Ci'Jxg3+ 26 Si..x g3 Si..a5 27 l:td3 Ci'Jd2 28 Ci'Jc5 b6
breaking through. Instead, Black could have (or 28... Ci'Je4! 29 Ci'Jxe4 dxe4 30 l:te3 l:tc3) 29
opened lines by 1 3 ... f5 ! 14 gxf5 ( 14 g5 g6! 1 5 Ci'Jb3? (29 Ci'Jb7) 29 ... Ci'Jxb3 30 l:txb3 l:tc2 3 1 l:td3
hxg6 Ci'Jge7 1 6 Si..x c4 Ci'Jxg6 1 7 Si..d 3 Si.. g 7) l:tfc8 32 Si..e l Si..x el 33 l:txel l:tf2 34 a4 l:tcc2 35
14 . . . Ci'Jge7 ! , when the fight switches to control l:tal g6 36 a5 l:tb2 37 axb6 axb6 38 @gl l:txf4 39
of the kingside light squares, as illustrated by l:ta8+ @g7 0- 1 Wachweger-Schmitzer, Bergen
the sequence 1 5 fxe6 Si..xe6 ( 15 ... Ci'Jf5 + ! ?) 1 6 Enkheim seniors 1 997. White had an off-day but
Si..h 3 Si..x h3 1 7 @xh3 Ci'Jf5 1 8 b 3 g 5 19 hxg6 the point should be clear enough.
The Short Variation White has queenside pressure and the f5-
bishop is cut out of the action.
4 tt:'if3 (D) 18 l:ttbS 19 tt:'id2 @f8 (D)
Short - Seirawan
Manila IZ 1 990
the pawn wants to go to c4, so don't decide yet. Si.g4 with an obvious advantage, Shirov-Eren
In Haba-Dautov, Bundesliga 2002/3 Black burg, Caleta 2005.
played 5 . . . CDd7 6 ctJd2 f6. Now 7 f4? ! looked a 8 h4
little loose after 7 . . .'ti'b6 ! - compare the Ad An innovation. 8 f4 had been played previ
vance French. The b2-pawn is attacked, but if ously.
White doesn't protect e5 again he can run into 8...f6 9 h5 Si.f7 10 ctJf3 ctJh6!?
. . . fxe5 or even the risky . . . g5 !?. In fact, the 1 0. . . lLie7 1 1 g4! covers f5 and is typical of
game continued 8 'ti'b3 g5 9 exf6 g4 ! 10 f7+ the unrestrained expansion in this variation.
@xf7 and Black already had a pleasant advan 1 1 Si.xh6!? gxh6 12 exf6 a5 13 a4 .i.b4+ 14
tage. @fl ?
5 ctJd7 6 Si.e2! ? (D)
••• 14 c3 Si.d6 destabilizes the b3-knight, tying
Utterly noncommittal ! There have been all down White's queen.
kinds of moves played here, especially 6 f4, 14... 'ti'd8 (D)
strengthening the centre and meeting 6 . . . c5 with
7 lLigf3. Again this seems loose after 7 . . . 'ti'b6,
when White went 8 Si.e2 ! ? in Morozevich-Bar
eev, Russian Cht (Sochi) 2004, sacrificing the
b-pawn based upon development and open lines.
The game went 8 . . .ctJh6 9 h3 'ti'xb2 1 0 c4 Si.c2 !
(to exchange queens and clear f5 for a knight)
1 1 'ti'c l 'ti'c3 ! ? ( 1 1 . . .'ti'xc l + ! 1 2 J:!.xc l Si.e4
should be fine) 12 @f2 ctJf5 13 ctJfl and Black
had to deal with White's centralized pieces and
some tactics based upon the c2-bishop. Never
theless, he stood well in the opening. Maybe f4
isn't such a great idea. The simplest option is 6
ltJgf3, as in the Short Variation.
32 tt:'ic5 0-0-0 33 tt:'ixe4 fxe4 34 J:!.xe4 @d7 35 while also targeting Black' s weakened king
l:!.h4 .i.f8 36 l:!.h5 l:!.a8 37 d5! .i.g7 38 b3 @d6 side.
39 l:!.g4 .i.f8 40 dxc6 bxc6 41 l:!.g8 @e6 42 6 c4!? (D)
J:!.xh6+ @f7 43 l:!.h8 J:!.a6 44 l:!.6xh7+ .i.g7 45 The strategy of opening queenside lines is
J:!.c8 @g6 46 l:!.h4 J:!.b6 47 l:!.g4+ @h6 48 J:!.c4 common with 4 .i.e3, and all the more so with a
1-0 queen on c 1 . There are many options in these
positions; for instance, 6 tt:'if3 c5 7 .i.d3 ! ? might
Grishchuk Anand - be a refreshing idea.
Mainz (rapid) (8) 2005
6 dxc4!
while you advance on the wings. 28 J:!.xc l J:!.xh7 29 l:!.c8+ tt:'ie8 30 tt:'ig6+! fxg6 3 1
At any rate, Anand chooses to tum the game hxg6 l:!.h8 3 2 'ti'f4+ 'ti'f6 (32. . .�g8 3 3 9b8 ) 33
down tactical channels, spoiling White's fun: 'ti'd6+ 'ti'e7 34 'ti'f4+ with a draw. What follows
17 c5 18 dxc5 .i.xc5
•.• is unclear:
1 8 ...tt:'ixc5? 19 .i.xh7 tt:'ib3 20 'ti'bl tt:'ixal 2 1 28 .i.bl ! tt:'ihg4 29 'ti'b4 ! ? 'ii'xb4+ 30 ub4
.i.e4 tt:'ib3 2 2 .i.xd5 exd5 23 tt:'if5 ! �f8 24 'ti'a2 ! By this means White wins the seventh rank.
followed by J:!.xd5 is devastating. 30...e5 31 tt:'id5 tt:'ixh5 32 l:tc7 g6 33 0.el!?
19 .i.xh7! ? .i.xe3 20 'ti'bl .i.f4! 21 tt:'ie2 tt:'ixe3 34 txe3 �g7 35 l:tdd7 l:thf8 36 .A.al
tt:'ixe5 J:!.ac8?
Black is obviously better now. Much better and unclear is 36 .�6 ! 37 ..
In spite of the symmetrical result of this ex This move defines the Tarrasch Variation, for
change, a player on either side of the board who many years considered White's safest choice
seeks a double-edged game will find it easy to and a good way to get a small advantage with
do so. Not only are all the pieces on the board out taking many chances. Most contemporary
still present, but the only file down which rooks players have abandoned that point of view; it's
can penetrate is the e-file. However, the 5th, 6th now become obvious that White will have to
and 7th ranks are thoroughly covered. This ne risk something to gain something. However, as
gates the need to put the rooks on an open file at with all openings, White's rewards in these
all and allows them to support pawn advances riskier variations are greater than in the old
on either wing. See theoretical books and mas days, when he would end up in the superior po
ter practice to confirm this. sition but in some drawish ending with his op
c) The two most popular lines against the ponent having one weak pawn or a bad bishop.
French Defence protect the e-pawn: 3 lDd2 and 3 What's the basic idea for White? First of all.
lbc3. Those are what I'll be concentrating upon. convenience. White protects his e-pawn but
Both moves are exceptionally rich in strategic avoids the annoying pin that occurs after 3 lbc3
concepts. Black's responses to the Tarrasch De .i.b4. Then there's flexibility. White can still
fence (3 lbd2), for example, are diverse enough play either e5 or exd5 (or sometimes dxc5) and
to cover in depth major subjects such as the iso doesn't commit himself until he sees what Black
lated queen's pawn, the central majority, and is doing. In that sense he gains the advantage of
pawn-chains. And 3 lbc3 leads to some of the setting the agenda, at least in some main lines.
most complex play amongst the 1 e4 openings. If Black plays 3 . . .lbf6, for example, it's pretty
d) The Advance Variation (3 e5) has some much compulsory to play 4 e5 if one wants an
what narrower strategic scope, concentrated advantage, but after 4 . . .lbfd7, there's already a
mainly around pawn-chains. I talked about 3 e5 choice between 5 f4 and 5 .i.d3, and in the latter
at some length in Chapter 3. Since pawn-chains case White has another choice after 5 . . . c5 6 c3
are also part of the Tarrasch, Classical and lbc6, between 7 lbe2 and 7 lbgf3 . Naturally
Winawer Variations, I've not dealt with the Ad Black has a few options too, but if he commits
vance Variation in this chapter. As always, it's to 3 ...lbf6 they're not so bothersome during the
better to study some variations in depth rather first few moves. On the other hand, 3 ... c5 4
than all of them superficial!y, and I think the se exd5 gives Black two main options, 4 ... exd5
lected variations have the most to offer in terms and 4 . . . �xd5 . Ifhe so desires, White can play 4
of chess understanding. lbgf3 and avoid the 4 . . .�xd5 lines. Naturally
this comes at the cost of submitting to the ne isolani. Or consider 4 ... �xd5 5 lbgf3 cxd4 6
cessity of other moves, and so forth - there are j_c4 �d6 7 0-0 lDf6 8 lbb3, when the knight
always trade-offs. will capture on d4 with a centralized position.
We'll consider the most popular responses The old main line of 3 ...lDf6 4 e5 lDfd7 also
to 3 lbd2: the central counterattack 3 ... c5, and justifies the knight's placement on d2; for ex
the provocative 3 ... lbf6, a variation featuring ample, 5 j_d3 c5 6 c3 lbc6 7 lbe2 cxd4 8 cxd4
pawn-chains. I'll try to provide just enough de f6 9 exf6 lDxf6 10 lbf3 and White's pieces are
tail to communicate the primary ideas in each coordinated, centralized, and aiming at the king
branch. Those two moves are still the main side. Similarly, 5 f4 c5 6 c3 lbc6 7 lbdf3 shows
variations because they challenge the centre in the knight in a favourable light.
a way that forces White to concede something If Black's newly-popular moves 3 ...j_e7 and
and fix the structure. I'll concentrate on them 3 ... lbc6 have less positive effect on the game in
for that reason. Nevertheless, I should say that terms of forcing the play, they also make it dif
3 ... j_e7 has established itself as a main-line ficult for the d2-knight to do as much. More
anti-Tarrasch weapon, and at this point of time over, 3 ... j_e7 and 3 ...h6 (along with the mildly
3 ...lbc6 gives every indication of becoming an revived 3 ... a6) are the kind of useful waiting
alternative of equal worth to the others. Today, moves that we talk about in Chapter 2. Accord
in fact, for the first time since the Tarrasch was ingly, in spite of their own serious drawbacks
introduced, strong players with Black are con (mainly the fact that they don' t attack the centre
sistently playing the moves 3 ...lbc6 (the Gui as effectively in various situations), such third
mard Variation) and 3 ...j_e7 (D), whereas even move alternatives deserve attention. I shall make
3 ...h6 ! ? has been used with success by grand a comparison between 3 ... lbf6 4 e5 lDfd7 and
masters (although much less often). the Guimard line 3 ... lbc6 4 lbgf3 lDf6 5 e5
lbd7 below.
Tarrasch with 3 . . . cs
3 cs (D)
a) One idea after 4 c3 is 4 . . . cxd4 (4 ...lbf6 5 4 ... exd5 is a classic, well-respected system
e5 lDfd7 is a transposition to 3 ...lbf6) 5 cxd4 that directly tests an isolated queen's pawn po
dxe4 6 lbxe4 ..ib4+ 7 lbc3 lDf6 8 lDf3 0-0, sition. White's next few moves have histori
when Black is a tempo up on some well-known cally been the choice of most grandmasters.
isolated queen's pawn positions from the Caro 5 ..ibS+ (D)
Kann and Nimzo-Indian. The more common move-order is 5 .!Ligf3
b) 4 lbgf3 (D) is a main option that I won't lbc6 (in spite of appearances, 5 ... c4 ! ? seems to
go into except to point out three unique, non be holding its own theoretically, but White is
transpositional lines: generally not put off by it) 6 ..ib5. This trans
poses, and is the usual route, to the main line.
Here an easy answer to 6 ..ie2 is 6 .. .!Lif6 (or
c3 ..ixb5 1 2 �h5+ 'lt>f8 1 3 �xb5 �d5 with an 5 ... ..td7 6 �e2+ ! ? ..ie7 7 dxc5 .!Lif6 8 .!Lib3
excellent game. 0-0 intending ....l::i.e8 has always offered enough
b3) 4 ... cxd4 is a third choice. You can refer play to equalize. The more interesting chal
to theory for the details. lenge to ... ..td7 systems begins with 5 .!Ligf3
and goes 5 ... lbf6 ! ? 6 ..ib5+ ..id7 ! ? 7 �xd7+
Recapture with the Pawn lbbxd7 8 0-0 ..ie7 9 dxc5 lbxc5 . Some top
players use this for Black with the idea of get
4 exdS (D)
... ting rid of his bad bishop for White's good one.
The trade-off is that it is much easier for White
to maintain a d4 blockade after simplification.
The line may well be equal for Black with great
care, but it's very hard to get winning chances.
6 lbgf3 ..id6 7 dxc5
7 0-0 ! ? cxd4 at best gets to the same position
but gives Black more options, as in these sam
ples from the 1 974 Karpov-Korchnoi Candi
dates match after 8 lbb3 lbe7 9 lbbxd4 0-0 I O
c3 ..tg4 1 1 �a4 (D):
a) l l . ....ih5 12 ..ie3 �c7 1 3 h3 (. .. lbxd4
was threatened) 1 3 ... lba5 ! 14 ..id3 lbc4! 1 5
lbb5 �d7! 1 6 ..ixc4 dxc4 1 7 .l::i.f dl lDf5 ! (it
doesn't take much to get in trouble: l 7 ... a6? 1 8
Karpov - Uhlmann
Madrid 1973
Vogt Uhlmann
12 ....l::i.e8!
Uhlmann's improvement over the Karpov
game; it essentially gains a tempo for central
action. It seems that ... .th5 was too slow.
13 .l::i.el �b6!
The move of the game ! And the timing is This covers d4 and peeks at b2, because
perfect. White allows Black to rid himself of his ... a5-a4 will expose that square.
isolani; at first sight he seems to have only the 14 lbfd4
slightest of advantages. The point is that Black's 14 .txe7?! .l::i.xe7 ! leaves Black terribly ac
bishop will never get back for defence. How tive, with the idea of 15 �xd5? ! lbb4 ! .
this happens is worth seeing: 14 lbg6! (D)
22...lbxd4 23 �xd4 �xd4 24 cxd4 .l::i.ac8 25 Suddenly White is in trouble because his
f3 .tg6 26 .l::i.e7 b6 27 .l::i.ael h6 pieces are too loose. Black threatens ... lbxh4.
No better is 27 .. .f6 (to get the bishop back to 15 lbxc6
f7) 28 .l::i. 1 e6 ! .l::i.c l + 29 'lt>h2 .l::i.b8 30 .l::i.d6 and White strengthens Black's centre, but it' s lhe
.l::i.dd7. only move. 15 .txg4? .l::i.x el + 16 �xe l lDxd4
28 .l::i.b7 .l::i.d6 29 .l::i.ee7 h5 30 gxh5 .txh5 31 threatens both c2 and h4, and there's no defence
g4! .tg6 32 f4 because after 1 7 lbxd4 �xd4 Black wins a
So simple. piece.
21 lbd4
One point of 20 . . .h5 is 2 1 �xh5 a4 22 lbd4
21. h4 22 .i.h2 .i.f6 23 l:tdl a4!
More space !
24 �c2 �c5 25 �d3 l:i.e8 26 b4! axb3 27
axb3 �b6 28 b4 (D)
White fights back, securing the c5-square as
a potential outpost for his knight.
42 l:i.xc6? l:i.g3+ 43 @h2 tll g4+ 44 @h l h3 Black concentrates upon d4 as usual. He can
45 b5 tllf2+ 46 @h2 l:i.g2#. also think about a move like ... tllh4. Or, after
his dark-squared bishop vacates d6, the knight
can go there to great effect.
13 c3 �f6 14 ..tc2 l:i.d8 15 �d3 g6 (D)
16 g4 was threatened.
g4+ 46 @h4
46 @h2 l:i.f2+ 47 @g3 l:i.f3+ 48 @h4 f6 ! with
... l:i.h3# next.
46 f6! 47 ..td6 l:i.f3 48 ..tg3 @g6 0-1
.•. 16 �d2
Rublevsky-Dolmatov, St Petersburg 1 998
Adams - Yusupov went 16 ..id2 a5 ! (with the idea ... b6 and ... ..ta6;
Port Barcares 2005 this also gains space, a key consideration for
both sides) 1 7 a4 b6 1 8 ..ie3 ..ta6 19 �d2 tllxe3
10 l:i.el 0-0 11 ..id3 (D) 20 �xe3 @g7 2 1 ..id3 l:i.e8 22 �d2 ..ic4 ! 23
This position has been considered the main tllbd4 tllxd4 24 tllxd4 ..ic5 with equality.
line for some time now. 1 1 ..id3 doesn't cover 16 ... ..tfS 17 �f4 �g7
d4, but prevents 1 l .....ig4? due to 1 2 ..ixh7+ 1 7 ... ..id6 1 8 �a4 ..id7 doesn't look so bad.
@xh7 1 3 tllg 5+. The d4-square never seemed but White could repeat by 1 8 �d2.
to be quite enough for White to win with any 18 ..td2
way. Adams-Lputian, Armenia-Row (Moscow)
l l.. h6 12 h3
. 2004 pitted a super-grandmaster against one of
From what we've seen, stopping ... ..tg4 is a the world's leading French Defence experts: 1 8
good idea. h 4 �d6 (with so much pressure on d4, Black
can afford an ending) 19 .i.d2 .i.e6 20 l:i.adl It's very risky at best to leave only the oppo
�xf4 21 .i.xf4 d4 ! (D). site-coloured bishops on the board. Generally
bishops of opposite colour favour the attacker,
and only in a simplified ending do they become
24 lbxd4 lbxd4 25 .i.xd4 (D)
18 g5 19 �h2 b6? !
.•. Ouch. This hits a8, e8 and h6.
There have been two other suggestions here, 27 l:i.f8 28 �xh6 f6 29 l:i.e7 l:i.f7 30 l:i.del
both reasonable-looking, but perhaps not fully l:i.af8 31 l:i.xf7 'lt>xf7 32 g4! 1-0
equal. Maybe l 7 ... .i.d6 was the real solution. If the queen goes to f4 or f3 in order to keep
a) McDonald offers 19 . . . .i.f8 ! 20 .l:i.adl .i.d6 f6 guarded, it's mate on h7. If 32 ... �g6, then 33
2 1 �h l . l:i.e7+ wins the queen.
b) 19 . . .lbd6 ! ? 20 l:i.adl lbc4 2 1 .i.c l .i.f8 22
lbbd4 .i.d6 is given by Pedersen. Recapture with the Queen
20 l:i.adl .i.a6?! 21 .i.xf5! �xf5 22 .i.e3
.i.c4!? 23 lDbd4! (D) 4 �xd5
off this line for so many years. With more and lbxd4 .i.c5 ! is also reasonable: 1 2 lDb3 .i.e7 1 3
more willingness to defend difficult positions .i.f4 .i.d7 14 .i.e2 { White intends to exert pres
in openings, players who recognized the very sure from f3; this is the standard plan } 14 ...ltJd.5
real advantages in Black's pawn-structure and 15 .i.g3 h5 ! 16 h3 h4 17 .i.h2 0-0-0, Akopian
his smooth development began to try out the Shirov, Merida 2000) 1 1 .i.f4 °VJll.xd4 1 2 lDxd4
line. A standard plan goes ... lbc6, . . . lbf6, . . . a6, l:i.c8 (or 1 2 ....i.c5) 1 3 .i.e2 lbd5 14 .i.g3 h5 !
...°VJll.c 7 and ... b5 with ... .i.b7, depending upon (D).
how much is permitted him. These are typical
Sicilian ideas and, as in the Sicilian, players re
alized that the pawn on e6 in particular makes
Black's position hard to crack. White in turn
uses his lead in development to restrict Black's
own pieces from getting out by posting pieces
on support-points like e5, still looking for and
often finding attacking chances. For Black, it' s
all about structure: White doesn't have a centre
pawn to attack with, and his c- and f-pawns
tend to take a long time to enter the fray. About
1 5 years ago this turned into the most popular
line of the Tarrasch at the very top levels and it
is still leading to great wins for both sides.
We'll explore three games from this position.
Black even has some initiative ! Acs-Shaked,
Lastin - Bareev Budapest 1997 continued 15 h4 .i.c5 16 lDb3
Russian Cht (Sochi) 2004 .i.b6 17 c4 lbe7 1 8 .i.d3 f6 ! .
1 0...a6 l l .i.b3 °VJll.c7 1 2 °VJll.f3
7 0-0 lbf6 8 lbb3 lbc6 9 lbbxd4 lbxd4 10 A renowned line that has been analysed to
lbxd4 death is 1 2 l:i.e l .i.d6 1 3 lDf5 .i.xh2+ 14 Wh l
White has recovered his pawn. In the early 0-0 15 lbxg7 l:i.d8, eventually leading to a draw.
days of the variation, quite a few players tried 12 .i.d6 13 Whl
1 7 �xf8+ { not 1 7 �a7? .i.c5 } 1 7 ... lbxf8; al do so. This type of position has arisen repeat
though White has two rooks for a queen, Black' s edly. Who prevails is a question of specifics.
bishops rake the kingside and ... �c5 together 17 eS! 18 'lt>xh2!?
with ... lbg6-h4 can follow) 1 6... .i.b7 1 7 1lV115 Perhaps better is 18 lDf3 .i.g4 1 9 .i.g5 ( 19
g6 1 8 1lV114 and now: 'lt>xh2? 0-0) 1 9 ... h4 20 .i.xf6 gxf6 2 1 'lt>xh2
a) In one game Black got careless and fell hxg3++ 22 'lt>gl .
for a nice sacrificial piece attack: 1 8 ... e5 ? 1 9 1 8 h4 19 'lt>gl (D)
lDf5 ! f6 ( 1 9 . . .gxf5 2 0 .i.xf5) 2 0 lbxd6 �xd6 2 1 This time 1 9 'lt>g2 ! ? is worth looking into .
.i.h6 l:i.fe8 22 l:i.ad l �e7 ? 2 3 .i.b3+ 'lt>h8 24 All these moves are hard to assess.
l:i.xd7 ! 1 -0 Azarov-Wiedenkeller, Saint Vincent
ECC 2005 .
b) 1 8 ... l:i.fe8 ! 19 l:i.fel lbb6 20 l:i.e2 j.,e7
(20 ... e5 ? 2 1 lDf5 ! gxf5 22 .i.f6) 2 1 l:i.ael .i.xg5
22 �xg5 lbd5 23 l:i.e4 f6 ! 24 �h4 e5 25 .i.b3
'lt>g7 26 .i.xd5 .i.xd5 with complicated play in
which Black seems to have the better of it,
Tiviakov-Lalic, Port Erin 2005 .
13 .tes
solid) 1 6 cxd4 .i.c6 1 7 �e3 lbd5 is one of the Bareev gave the improvement 1 9 ... 'lt>f8 ! 20
ideas that originally made the ... .i.e5 idea popu lDf3 .i.g4 2 1 .i.g5 e4 22 .i.f4 exf3 23 �xa6 !
lar. Black blockades the IQP and equalizes. bxa6 24 .i.xc7 h3 25 'lt>h2 .i.f5 26 .i.b6, and the
14 .i.d7 15 l:i.adl h5! (D)
••• situation is still uncertain.
Yet another standard procedure ! From now 20 lDf3 hxg3 21 fxg3?
on White has to be careful about ... lbg4 ideas. 2 1 �c4 ! was practically winning, according
16 �e2! to Bareev. White is keeping the extra piece:
Not 16 h3?? lbg4 (threatening ... .i.xd4 and 2 l .. .gxf2+ 22 .i.xf2 .i.c6 23 l:i.xd8+ 'lt>xd8 24
...�h2#) 1 7 l:i.fel .i.xd4 1 8 .i.f4 �b6 and wins. �d3+ with .i.g3 to follow.
16 .i.xh2 17 g3
••. 21 e4 22 .i.f4
This is the idea behind 'lt>h 1 ; White wants to Perhaps 22 �c4 ! ? was still the move.
win the bishop, although it is obviously risky to 22 exf3 23 �f2 �c6! 24 l:i.d6? (D)
24 tllg4!
Oral - Khuzman
Batumi Echt 1999
12 @bl
This looks slow but is interesting to compare
with Oral-Khuzman. There the key move . . . ii'd5
hit a2 as well as the kingside, while here Rozen
talis protects his a-pawn, at the cost of time.
12 ... .te7 13 tllbxd4 tllxd4 14 tllxd4 ii'c5
Black has also played simply 14 . . . 0-0 here,
but that's risky. The text-move gets the queen
off the d-file and gains a tempo by attacking
White's g5-bishop.
15 h4!
Or maybe he hasn' t gained a tempo, since Now how can Black get any play going?
the h-pawn will be handy in an attack! . . ..txe5 will leave the dark squares unbearably
15 ...0-0 weak.
He had to try something like 22 . . . �f8. 6 . . . b6 intending ... i.. a6 looks logical. Never
23 tllxf 7! �xf7 theless, after 7 tllh3 (or 7 �g4) 7 ... i..a6 8 i..xa6,
Black was probably counting upon 23 ... .I:i.xd3 White misplaces Black's knight and can put his
24 .I:i.xd3, but it's not even close. Rozentalis space advantage to good use. If White is really
gives 24... �f2 25 tllh 6+! �f8 26 .I:t.xe6 .I:t.xe6 worried about this (and no one seems to be) he
27 .I:i.d8+ �e7 28 .I:i.e8+ �xe8 29 �xe6+ �d8 can play 5 c3.
30 tllf7+ �c7 31 �d6+. Now I'll examine the two main moves, 7
24 i..xg6+ �f8 25 .I:t.xd8 1-0 tlle2 and 7 tll gf3.
There follows 25 ....I:i.xd8 26 �xe6 with mates
threatened on both f7 and e8. The Traditional 7 tlle2
9 exf6
Don't fall for 9 f4? ! fxe5 I O fxe5 tllx d4! l l
tllxd4 �h4+ 1 2 g3 �xd4.
A big-time alternative whose consequences
have never quite been solved is the tactical and
less common 9 tllf4. It's a real mess, and unfor
tunately very theoretical, in the sense that many
logical moves are losing and the forced nature
of the play doesn't admit of time-consuming
Now we have a position characterized by over-the-board reflection. I'll give a few im
pawn-chains. The traditional choices here are 5 portant moves, skipping most of the options:
i..d3 and 5 f4. 9 ... tllxd4 (9 . . . �e7 I O tllf3 fxe5 l l dxe5 tlldxe5
1 2 tllxe5 tllxe5 1 3 �h5+ tllf7 14 0-0 g6 1 5
Development by 5 i..d3 �e2 makes i t hard for Black to develop) l 0
�h5+ �e7 (D).
5 i..d3 l l exf6+ ! ( l l tllg6+ hxg6 1 2 exf6+ �xf6 ! ?
5 c3 is another move-order, intending 5 . . . c5 1 3 �xh8 �f7 is a very old line, but at the least
6 i..d 3. White might prefer that because of the Black can also transpose by l 2. . . tllxf6, so why
next note. give him an additional option?) l l . . . tllxf6 (now
come laden with theory in so many byways. Black aims at White's kingside, but even
Nevertheless, we'll take a look at the basic more significantly, he stops .tf4, which effec
complex of variations, so that you can get a tively exchanges Black's good bishop. This
start in understanding what's going on. comes at the cost of committing the queen
9 ... ii'xf6, keeping an eye upon the critical early on, which could be considered a relative
e5-square, is another idea that is moderately loss of time.
alive after some years of experimentation. The I'd guess that at least thousand pages of anal
essential idea can be seen after 10 tllf3 h6 (D) ysis (adding up all sources and annotations)
(to stop .tg5-h4; e.g., 1 0 . . . .td6 1 1 .tg5 ii'f7 1 2 have been devoted to the lines beginning with
.th4 0-0? 1 3 .txh7+). 1 1 . . .0-0 (D).
I'm going to stick with the queen develop 8 0-0 .td6 9 c4 0-0 10 c5 .te7 1 1 tt:Jb3 h6 12
ment instead. But I do think that it's intriguing .te3 e5! 13 dxe5 tt:Jdxe5 14 tLixeS tt:Jxe5 15
to compare this position with the Sicilian line 1 .te2 c6 (D)
e4 c5 2 tt:Jf3 d6 3 d4 cxd4 4 tt:Jxd4 tLlf6 5 tt:Jc3
tt:Jc6 6 .te2 e5 7 tLlb3 .te7 8 0-0 0-0 9 .te3 .te6
Rasik - Cernousek
Ostrava 2005
26 l:.g3 @h7 27 .tc3 °fiif8!
1 e4 e6 2 d4 d5 3 tt:Jd2 tt:Jc6 4 tt:Jgf3 tt:Jf6 5 e5 Threatening both 28 ... "fiixc5 and 28 . . . .th4.
tt:Jd7 6 .td3 f6 7 exf6 °fiixf6 Suddenly Black is winning.
7 . . .tt:Jxf6 is also played in this kind of posi 28 tt:Jd3 tt:Jxd3 29 .txd3 "fiixc5 30 °fiig4?
tion. The same ideas apply. .txd3 0-1
a) One serious option is 1 6 'it>h I e5 ! 17 dxe5
tllxe5 (right at this moment in time this seems Let's look at a real game:
better than 1 7 ... tllxf3 1 8 i.xh7 + ! 'it>h8 1 9 tllg l
tllc d4! 20 i.d3 !) 1 8 tllg l �f6 1 9 i.e2 i.d7 !? Biti - Gleizerov
(this has ideas of both ...i.c6 and the powerful Zadar 2005
... tlle6-f4! - always remember the power of a
knight on f5/f4 in front of doubled pawns; Black 12 i.gS
could try 1 9 . . . tlle 6 ! ? 20 �xd5 'it>h8 21 l:.fd I The main line, which has the logical idea of
i.d7) 20 �xd5+ 'it>h8 21 i.b5. White may have i.h4-g3 to exchange off that good bishop of
a small edge in the whole line; this is just to get Black's. Then White can start thinking about
you started! occupying the juicy outpost on e5 by means of
b) 1 6 f4 tllf3+ 1 7 'it>g2 (D). l:.el . If Black plays ... e5 first, he gets saddled
Now look at the deranged things some play with an isolated queen's pawn and remember
ers do: 17 ... �h4 ! ? 18 'it>xf3 �h3+ 19 tllg 3 e5 that they tend to be weaker after simplification,
20 'it>e3 ! exf4+ 21 'it>d2 fxg3 22 hxg3 �h6+ 23 especially the exchange of the better bishop.
f4 tllxd4 ! ? (23 ...�f6) 24 l:.hl �6 25 i.xh7+?! That's White's general strategy, but of course it
( ' obviously' better is 25 'it>c l . . . perhaps !) takes time. As explained after 1 1 . . . 0-0, Black
25 ... 'it>f8 26 'it>c I �c6+ 27 'it>d2 �b6 with a tends to rely on piece-play, so he'll start putting
draw ! Unless you adore theory (and making im everything close to the king, provoke weak
provements on moves 20-35 of an opening vari nesses and then strongly consider . . .e5 in order
ation), you might want to play something else. to bring the last pieces into the attack. 1 2 tllc 3,
12 g3 and 12 h3 are all interesting alternatives to determine if it' s good. It seems to be in this
which we won't go into. case, although theory hasn 't yet settled down.
12...0-0 13 .th4 tllh5 14 ii'c2 16 gxf3 .txh2+ 17 'it>hl tllf4! (D)
Since Black's doing all right here (I guess),
White might want to try 14 tllc3 a6 15 l:.c l g6 1 6
tlla4. Then best seems 1 6. . . .td7 ! 17 .tg3 ( 17
l:.el l:.xf3 !) of Mamedov-Hanley, Nakhchivan
jr Wch 2003 , when McDonald likes 17 . . . tllxg3
18 hxg3 ii'a5 !?.
14 h6 15 .tg6
18 tllg3 e5!?
Typical tactics for this variation. As usual,
I'm not going to go into much detail about such
a precise tactical variation. 1 8 . . .ii'd6 used to be
considered brilliant, but maybe not so much
these days. Check the books. 1 8 . . . ii'b6, how
ever, is at the moment theoretically satisfactory
after 19 l:.ad l tllxd4 20 ii'a4 tllxg6.
It's typical of the French Defence that such a 19 l:.fel
move can be good - it also works in several Or 19 'it>xh2 ii'd6 20 .ih7+ 'it>h8 21 dxe5? !
lines of both the Advance and the Winawer tllxe5 2 2 .tf5 .txf5 2 3 tllxf5 ii'e6 ! with a great
Variations. Aside from snatching space and attack, Ulybin-E.Berg, Santa Cruz de la Palma
launching an attack on the king, it gives Black's 2005.
pieces more room to move about safely and not It looks like 19 .th7+? 'it>h8 20 'it>xh2 g5 ! 2 1
get too cramped on the queenside. Black's pos .tf5 gxh4 2 2 .txc8 ii'xc8 2 3 tllf5 ii'd7 ! ! i s win
sible follow-ups include . . ..te8-g6 and . . . ii'g7. ning for Black, Can-E.Berg, Kusadasi 2006.
Black's knight is also better protected after It's enough to make your brain explode. On the
... tllh 5-f4. Specifically, this version of . . . g5 al other hand, these tactics are kind of amazing !
lows Black to exchange White's good bishop 19 .th3! (D)
20 .I:i.adl
A simple but beautiful idea is 20 'it>xh2?
tllxd4 ! 21 "fiixc7 (21 °fiid l tllxg6 22 'it>xh3 °fiid7+
23 'it>h2 tllf4 !) 2 1 . . .tllxf3+ 22 'it>hl il.. g2#.
20 il..xg3?
°fiixd6 °fiih 5+) 30 . . . tllf5 ! 3 1 °fiixb7 °fiih5 ! 32 Black has the strange-looking idea of play
"fiixa8+ 'it>h7, as given by McDonald. ing ... il.. g7 and ... f6, breaking up White's cen
24 dxe4 2S l:.xe4 il..xe4 26 "fiixe4 l:.f8 27 dS
••• tre. It's hard to stop !
"fifes 0-1 At this juncture an especially noteworthy al-
ternative is 7 . . . il..e7, preparing the now-routine
The Fashionable 7 tllgf3 Variation attack with ... g5 . Then the critical continuation
is 8 0-0 and Black has two main tries:
1 e4 e6 2 d4 dS 3 tlld2 tllf6 a) 8 ... g5 9 dxc5 ! (D) has done fantastically
There are two ways to transpose into the well and is an instructive positional device for
main line here: 3 . . . c5 4 tllgf3 tllf6 5 e5 tllfd7 6 White.
c3 tllc6 7 il..d3 and 3 . . . il..e7 4 tllgf3 tllf6 5 e5 By surrendering the centre he gives his king's
tllfd7 6 il..d3 c5 7 c3 tllc6. The latter is a varia knight the d4-square, which ruins Black's at
tion that could also arrive by the game's order tacking plan, and he can blast away at the sud
but with 7 ... il..e 7. There is a lot of theory on that denly poor-looking g-pawn by f4; for example,
position. 9... tlldxe5 (9 ... g4 10 tlld4 tlldxe5 1 1 il..b5 il..d7
4 es tllfd7 S il..d3 cS 6 c3 tllc6 7 tllgf3 (D) 1 2 tll2b3 gives White the advantage, Smirin
Developing the knight in this way was al Akobian, Minneapolis 2005) 10 tllxe5 tllxe5
ways regardedi:as second-best, because now the 1 1 tllb3 il..d7 1 2 f4 !, Hracek-Stellwagen, Solin
d2-knight has nowhere good to go. Then play gen 2005. White is ripping open the f-file and
ers began to feel that the tempo White 'gained' Black's king will have trouble getting away.
Now it looks as though White stands better disarray of pieces and threats, with White try
but Black works his way out. ing to defend an exposed king against Black' s
33 lllg6 34 .ltxf7!? llle5 35 .:gs+ 'i¥'xg8 36
••• open lines and advanced centre. O f course, there
.ltxg8 lllf3+ 37 Wxg2 lllxel + 38 Wfl llld3 39 are two possible outcomes in White' s favour.
.ltb3 Wg7 40 .ltc2 lllxb2 41 Wg2 Wf6 42 .ltb3 Either the sacrifice isn 't possible, when White
lf2.lf2 will almost always enjoy a large, cramping
A fantastic back-and-forth battle ! space advantage and potential attacks on both
wings. Or Black' s sacrifice may prove insuffi
Seizing Space by 5 f4 cient for equality. Ensuring such a result takes a
lot of accuracy on White's part, however, and
1 e4 e6 2 d4 d5 3 llld2 lllf6 4 e5 lllfd7 5 f4 (D) many players seem to have grown tired of be
ing on the receiving end of brilliancies.
The normal and logical response to 5 f4 is to
attack the d-pawn with 5 ... c5. As a mini-rule.
we can generalize that attacking the front of a
double-winged pawn-chain like this with .. .f6 i s
best delayed until some of your other pieces
are out. You might compare the King's Indian
c4/d5/e4 double-wing, in which . . . c6 can be
very useful, but doesn ' t usually occur until
Black has castled. Nevertheless, you will see
that eventually ... f6 will be essential to open
counterattacking lines.
5 c5 6 c3
Black's strategy in the .ltd3 lines. The moves Here Black has the option of a 'closed' sys
... f6 and .. .fxe5 can be answered by fxe5 (or in tem with 7 ... cxd4 8 cxd4 f5 (D) that is quite
fewer cases by dxe5, which cedes the c5-square playable.
to Black's pieces). I'll concentrate on this
d4/e5/f4 pawn-chain structure here and in the
Classical French because it's different from
most other pawn-chains in this book. The only
other major opening with similar properties is
the King's Indian Defence with pawns on e4,
d5 and c4, and Black's treatment in that open
ing is radically different from what we shall see
in the French Defence.
White's strategy has one major drawback: he
has to make so many pawn moves, not only
these first four but also c3 and usually g3 and/or
h4. Even a3 and b4 are part of a typical forma
tion. Because of this it turns out that Black can
almost inevitably sacrifice something in the
centre to open up attacking lines for his better The idea is . . . .lte7, ... 0-0 (this may be de-
developed pieces. The result is often a confused layed), ... lllb6, . . . a5-a4(-a3), ... .ltd7 and attack
on the queenside. White can never fully neu play 1 7 ... 'i¥'xb2 1 8 .lte2 'i¥'c3+ 1 9 'i¥'d3 I:!.xf3+ !
tralize this attack if Black is careful. His prob - somehow Black always has tactics in these
lem is that White plays for I:!.gl and g4 and lines - 20 Wxf3 'i¥'xd3+ 21 .ltxd3 .ltxd4 22
Black's king must be defended. The manoeuvre I:!.ae l , and probably White still has a tenuous
. . ..ltd7-e8-g6 can be useful in that respect. It's advantage) I S ....ltcS (or I S ... lt'ixeS ! ?) 16 ctJc2
an interesting system for positional players. lt'ixeS with a strong attack.
One example after 9 .ltd3, by transposition: 13...lt'ixd4! (D)
9 ... .lte7 ! I 0 lt'ie2 lt'ib6 1 1 h3 0-0 12 g4? ! ( 1 2 a3 !
a5 1 3 b3 a4 14 b4 lt'ia7 I S I:!.gl .ltd7 and now 1 6
lt'ic3 'i¥'e8 ! ? 1 7 g4 ctJbS or 1 6 g4 .ltbS) 1 2 . . .aS!
13 a4?! lt'ib4 1 4 .ltbl .ltd7 IS Wf2?! I:!.c8 16
I:!.g I Wh8 17 Wg2 .lte8 ! 18 Wh2? (I 8 Wh l ! ?)
18 ... .ltg6 19 lt'ic3 'i¥'e8 20 lt'iel 'i¥'f7 21 I:!.g2
fxg4 22 .ltxg6 'i¥'xg6 23 hxg4 'i¥'h6+ 24 Wgl
gS! and Black stood much better in Ye Jiang
chuan-Short, Lucerne Wcht 1989.
We now return to 7 ... 'i¥'b6 (D):
A sacrifice that's almost as old as the French
Defence itself. It's a little more difficult in this
situation to summon up the courage to do it. be
cause Black has to reorganize before he can
bring all his pieces into the attack. Generally.
however, . . . .i:.xf3 should become your first in
stinct as Black in these f4 positions, and Public
Enemy Number One for White !
15 'i:Vxr3 ll:ixd4 16 'i:VhS! 'i:Vd8!
White's back-rank threats are prevented and
Black's pieces get out to aggressive positions.
13 'i:Vxg4? 17 'i:Vdl?
White should have played 1 3 ll:ib3 ! fxe5 1 4 1 7 @d 1 ! is the best try, even if it is no fun to
dxe5 ilc5 1 5 ll:ixc5 ll:ixc5, which i s equal or defend: 1 7 . . . ll:ic6 ! 1 8 ilf4 ( 1 8 ilxe6? ! ll:idxe5
perhaps slightly better for Black. and Black is well on top) 1 8 . . . ll:ic5 intending
13...ilxd2 14 ilxd2 'i:Vxd4+ 15 @el 'i:Ve4+ . . . ild7. With the king on d 1 , these positions are
16 @r2 ll:idxe5! 17 'i:Vg7 .l:.f8! 18 ile2 'i:Vxhl 19 awfully hard to play for White. Black even has
ll:ir3 ll:ig4+! 20 'i:Vxg4 'i:Vxal 21 rs exrs 22 'i:Vr4 a pawn for the exchange.
ild7 23 'i:Vd6 'i:Vxb2 24 .tr4 .l:.r7 25 'i:VxdS @rs 17 ... ll:ic6 18 ilxe6 d4! (D)
0-1 19 ll:idS
Classica l Variation
Anand Shirov-
Teheran FIDE Wch (4) 2000 A surprising and clever retreat: White un
develops his pieces only in order to hold the
7 'i¥'b6 8 lllf3 f6 (D)
•.• centre together and anticipate all of Black's
The lines are formed for a classic battle: threats. On the other hand, although Anand's
White wants to batten down the hatches, avoid last few moves are ingenious and were praised
making any weaknesses in his own position, se by one and all, they're also slow. That's Black's
cure and increase his space advantage, and fi cue to throw everything he's got at the white
nally, drive back Black's pieces. For his part, centre.
Black wants to blast open the centre, sacrifi 13 a4!
18 'iVe2 i..xh4+!?
Shirov pours more gasoline on the fire. He
could also say to himself, "I've got two mobile
centre pawns and tremendously active pieces, 19 'iVf6?!
After this White gets his pieces out too fast. 10 lt'ig3 was suggested, although then 1 O .. .f6
There was nothing wrong with 19 . . . 'i¥'xe2+! 20 keeps the pressure up. The move 10 b3 !?, as in
�xe2 (D). the Anand game, also looks slow because
Black's queen doesn't have to go to b6. On the
other hand, a rook on the second rank is one of
the best defensive pieces in almost any position
(don't forget that !), and one on a2 might come
in very handy later.
10 f6 1 1 lt'iegl? !
also has some good points; e.g., 2 1 bxc5 .l:.a5 22 fxeS lt'idxeS! (D)
�e3 �xc3 23 .l:.bl d4 or 23 ... e5) 21 �e3 ! e5 22
�xf2 .l:.xf2 23 .l:.g3 b6 24 Wel .l:.f6 25 .l:.e3 .l:.e6
and it's not clear who's better. Maybe the whole
ending is about equal. At least it's not boring !
20 ctJf3!
Finally White's pieces are active. Now Anand
isn't worried about the centre any more. The
rest is pretty easy.
20 'i¥'xc3!? 21 �b2 'i¥'b3+ 22 @cl es
ing b4, although White needs to spend extra When you've got this kind of attack and
time doing so, and maybe 9 . . . f6 is good; for ex there are no immediate sacrifices, you can al
ample, 10 b4 ! ? cxd4 1 1 cxd4 fxe5 1 2 fxe5 ctJb6 ways bring up the reserves. The centre is your
would be an interesting positional solution. long-term compensation. Besides, . . . �b5 could
Even the bad c8-bishop would get out. be strong at some point. If you're White, the
10 h4 best thing to do is to try to simplify, and if that's
impossible, obscure the issue as much as you 22 . . . 'i¥'xe5 23 'i¥'xh7+ Wf8 24 'i¥'xh4 .l:.exc2 and
can. Black wins.
17 'i¥'e2 (D) c) In response to 19 Wd l there is a simple
but hard-to-see piece of geometry: 19 ... .lta4! !
20 .ltxa4 'i¥'d4+ 2 1 llld 3 'i¥'xa4+, mating in a
few moves.
18 ...Wxh7 19 'iY'xeS .ltd6 20 .lte3 'iVb3 21
llld2 (D)
2 1 'i¥'xd6 'i¥'xe3+ 22 llle2 .l:.c2 wins at once.
Now Ivanchuk finishes it off prettily:
Now every piece is in the act. Of course
Ivanchuk has a few of them hanging, but he's
got it all worked out. Instead, l 7 . . .lllxf3+ ?! 1 8
lllxf3 .ltb5 looks attractive except for 1 9 .lte3 ! .
1 8 .ltxh7+!
Tough defence ! The variations after 1 8 lllxe5
.ltxh4+ ! (D) are fantastic: 21....l:.fl+! 22 Wxfl 'i¥'d3+ 23 Wf2 .ltxeS 24
lllgf3 .ltxb2 25 .l:.abl .l:.c2 26 .i:.hdl eS 27 g3
.ltg4 0-1
Winawer Va riation
1 e4 e6 2 d4 dS 3 lllc3 .ltb4 (D)
going to concentrate upon the main line, which Black cedes the bishop-pair to White in or
is marked by the advance. der to gain a tempo and inflict doubled pawns
4 e5 on his opponent. 5 . . ..lta5 is a respectable option
Easily the most ambitious move, restricting played by some specialists, but isn't nearly as
Black's development and staking out territory popular; we'll pass that by.
on the side of the board that Black's dark 6 bxc3 llle7 (D)
squared bishop has just abandoned. 6 . . .'iVc7 is also played, posing a different set
Various other lines may be found in the of problems. Those who enjoy play upon col
books, several of them involving the sacrifice our complexes may be attracted to lines such as
of White's e-pawn with subsequent recovery. 7 'iVg4 f5 8 'iVg3 cxd4 9 cxd4 llle7 1 0 .ltd2 0-0
For example: 1 1 .ltd3 b6 1 2 llle 2 .lta6, when White's con
a) 4 a3 .ltxc3+ 5 bxc3 dxe4 6 'iVg4 lllf6 7 centration upon dark squares (h4-h5-h6, lll f4-
'iVxg7 l:tg8. h5 and .ltb4 are typical ideas) contrasts with
b) 4 .ltd2 dxe4 5 'iVg4 lllf6 6 'iVxg7 l:tg8. Black's on the light squares (by . . ..l:.c8 and
c) 4 llle2 dxe4 5 a3 .Ile7 6 lll xe4. ... lllb8-c6-a5, for example).
And so forth. There are numerous options on It is my belief that the most instructive and
every move of these lines, with theory tending engrossing lines follow from the positions after
towards a verdict of equality with best play. As 6 ... llle7.
always, the reader may want to consult special
ized books to learn more.
4 cS (D)
Positional Variations
5 a3
White wants to force a decision by Black's In this section we'll look at lines in which
bishop; you'll have to check theoretical works White bypasses tactics for a while and tries to
and databases in order to find out about the alter establish a positional edge. In spite of initial ap
natives. Of these, 5 dxc5 and 5 .ltd2 are perhaps pearances, both players will use both sides of
the most interesting. If you are not inclined to the board to generate play. We' ll look at a series
play the main lines presented below, this may of games beginning with 7 h4 and 7 lllf 3.
be a good place to investigate potential weap 7 h4 (D)
ons for use. The defender, of course, should be With this move White charges forward to as
aware of and prepared for White's various 4th sault Black's position, not caring about piece
and 5th-move alternatives. development. He has several ideas, beginning
off White's queen as lines with tllf3 do, so 'i¥'g4 Developing as quickly as possible; Black an
is always an issue; nounces his intention to castle queenside.
d) White has a potentially strong resource in 10 h6 gxh6 (D)
l:.h3-g3/f3 or l:.h4-g4/f4, the latter rook move
also introducing the possibility of dxc5 and
l:.hb4 for attack.
Black's main advantage is less subtle: a
growing lead in development. It's quite possi
ble that he'll have every piece except one of his
rooks in action when White still only has one
piece out! White also has weak doubled pawns
on his c-file, with the usual problem that if
Black exchanges pawns on d4 White gets rid of
his doubled pawns only to find that his remain
ing backward c-pawn on an open file can be as
least as much a problem as the doubled pawns.
In general, Black would like to exploit White's
queenside light-square weaknesses on c4 and
a4. Finally, Black can usually open files on the A funny position because Black's doubled
kingside, after which his rooks directly face h-pawns are so weak on an open file and White
White's king. There are many other positional apparently controls the kingside. But Black finds
a remarkable idea after which both players assessment which also applies to the opening
have the opportunity to play on both sides of in general.
the board! In fact that' s often the case in the 14 .l:!.fS! 15 'iVcl ! (D)
15 f6 16 'i¥a3
jg,xh6 .l:!.g8 20 @n
20 g3 Cllf5 2 1 i.d2 .l:!.fg6 transposes.
20 lllfS 21 jg,d2 .l:!.fg6 22 g3
This retreat is Black's salvation, a move in Now White would like to secure his entire
vented by Uhlmann, the Hercules of the French position with jg,f4, but it's Black's move:
Defence. Instead of going to the obvious f5, the 22 eS! (D)
Black, a rook down, because his key move A typical game, of the kind that White can
. . . llle4+ will ruin any normal defence like 26 also win (and sometimes does) if he penetrates
Clld4 Cllxd4 27 cxd4 'iVxd4+ 28 'iVe3 ? (28 jg,e3 to the king before Black can drum up a sound
'iVxe5 with a huge attack and material to come) attack.
28 . . . llle4+.
23 e4! 24 llle5?
..• Hellers - Gulko
A resourceful try is 24 Cllh 4! Cllxh4 (not Biel IZ 1993
24... lllx g3+? 25 fxg3 .l:!.xg3 26 .l:!.xd7 ! Wxd7 27
jg,f4) 25 .l:!.xh4 Cllxd4 ! 26 cxd4 'iVxd2 and Black 9 cxd4 10 cxd4 'iVa4
25 e3!
jg,e6 17 .l:!.h4!?
The obvious 17 hxg7 .l:!.xg7 1 8 jg,f6 runs into
1 8 ... 'iVc4+ 1 9 Wgl .l:!.g4 20 .l:!.xh7 Wd7 (D), when
Black has some advantage.
Every piece on light squares!
17 'iVa6+ 18 @gl gxh6 19 i.f6 .l:!.g4!
Short - lvanchuk
Horgen 1995
7 ctJf3 (D)
20 .l:!.bl
Better, but still good for Black, is 20 .l:.xh6 ! ?
Wd7 2 1 .l:.xh7 .l:.ag8 22 .l:.h2.
20 .l:.xh4 21 .txh4?!
spring into action along the 4th rank; for exam 20 ... 'iVxc3+! should have been tried, when
ple, by .l:!.h4 and .l:!.b l -b4. The bishop-pair can the trick 2 1 jg,d2 'iVxc5 22 .l:!.xb7 ! (with the idea
also become more effective with more room to jg,b4) can be answered by 22 . . . a5 .
manoeuvre in. Here and in other Winawer posi 2 1 @xdl .l:!.e8 22 .l:!.xf5 @g8 23 .l:!.g4 .l:!.e7 24
tions the move dxc5 is an important part of .l:!.g3 Wh7 25 jg,d4 .l:!.he8 26 .l:!.f4 tt:Jrs 27 .l:!.fg4
White's bag of tricks. (D)
11 llld7 12 .l:!.h4 'iVa5? !
Instead, occupying the natural blockading
square on e6 only lets White's knight in on the
ideal attacking square f5: 27 . . . llle6 28 lllh4
.l:!.g8 29 ctJf5 .l:!.d7 30 lt:Jd6 and the f-pawn rolls
28 hxg6+ lllxg6
28 ... fxg6 is met by 29 .l:!.f4 or 29 .l:!.h4.
29 .l:!.h3 jg,d7 30 lllg5+ @g8 31 e6! (D)
17 .l:!.bb4
Not a bad move, preparing to swing the
rook into action along the fifth rank. Perhaps
even better was Short's line 1 7 @fl ! ? lllx c5 1 8
jg,xc5 'iVxc5 1 9 ctJd4 with the idea 'iVf4 and a
strong attack. This illustrates White's use of
the tripled pawns to secure a support-point for
his knight.
Practically a necessity in order to defend key
squares. The knight is Black's best piece, so
White will get rid of it. In the meantime, White
gets a situation with opposite-coloured bishops Finally this key breakthrough, opening the
that will aid his attack. fatal diagonal for White's unopposed bishop on
18 jg,xf5 exf5 19 .l:!.gf4! 'iVal+ 20 'iVdl ! d4. From now on White has a clearly winning
The advantage i s also clear i n a queenless advantage.
middlegame. 31...jg,xe6 32 lllxe6 .l:!.xe6 33 .l:!.xh6 .l:!.el+ 34
20...'iVxdl+?! @d2 .l:!.8e2+ 35 @d3 @rs 36 .l:!.h5 ! .l:!.e4
White wins the ending after 36 . . .llle5+ 37 The key move is .. .f6, which helps defensively
i.xe5 .l:.xe5 38 .l:.xe5 .l:!.xe5 39 .l:!.b4. but also gives him central threats and a very
37 .l:!.xe4 dxe4+ 38 @d2 .l:!.bl 39 c6 useful f-file. In any case, Black' s first decision
Or 39 g3 ! . is whether to gambit the pawn by 7 ... 'i¥c7, or
39 bxc6 40 i.xa7 @e7 4 1 i.d4 .l:!.b5 42
•.• play 7 . . . 0-0 and hang on to his material for a
.l:!.xb5 cxb5 43 c4! while. The latter is the preferred choice these
The finishing blow. Bishop vs knight with an days but it' s not clear that the former won't
extra passed pawn will win. come back into fashion.
43 bxc4 44 @c3 ctJf4 45 g3 llle6 46 @xc4
••• As in so many lines of the French Defence,
@d6 47 i.f6 @c6 48 g4 @d6 49 c3 @c6 50 one notices the persistence of the central pawn
i.e5 lllc5 51 @d4 lt:Jd3 52 i.g3 lllc5 53 i.f4 structure. This gives both the positional and
1-0 tactical themes a certain logical consistency, al
White manoeuvres his bishop to the centre: though it doesn't seem to limit their variety.
53 ... llld3 54 i.e3 lllc5 55 @e5 llla4 56 i.d4.
The Gambit
French Poisoned Pawn
7 'i¥c7 8 'iVxg7 .l:!.g8 9 'iVxh7
1 1 cxd4? lllxd4! (threatening c2) 1 2 ctJxd4? because if he waits too long for White to get
is bad in view of 1 2. . . 'iVc3+. his position organized (and especially to get
1 1...jg,d7 12 'iVd3 dxc3 13 'iVxc3 (D) his bishops out!) he will have little to counter
Simply recapturing the c3-pawn is very pop White's space, extra pawn, and bishop-pair.
ular, since it has both a cramping effect and at Fortunately, his knights at the moment are very
tacking strengths. On the other hand, the c-file well-placed and influential. It' s a kind of semi
is open for Black's rooks. There are many other closed position in which for now the knights
moves here such as 1 3 I:Ibl , 1 3 I:Igl and 1 3 are superior to bishops. He also has play down
lllx c3. the c-, g- and h-files, whereas right now White
isn ' t using his king' s bishop or rook at all. Is
that enough to make up for White's own advan
tages? Probably not, except that White also has
isolated c- and a-pawns, and hasn't castled.
Note too that there is an important interior
weaknesses on e3, a square that can be an
chored by . . . d4 and is particularly vulnerable to
a knight on f5 and a queen on b6. Generally
speaking, White' s advantages, if he can keep
them, are probably the better ones in the long
term, so you will usually find Black trying to
upset the equilibrium in the near term.
All in all one can see why players would be
willing to take both sides of this position.
13 tt:Jrs
Let's take stock. White's advantages are A multipurpose move that holds off ctJd4 and
pretty obvious: he has cleared out the kingside, controls e3. This introduces the idea of . . .'iVb6
which for one thing means that the move .. .f6 at some point, which White promptly forestalls.
(to undermine his centre) would be unsupported 14 .i:Ibl (D)
by a pawn. His bishop-pair can be usefully
placed on d3 and e3 for both attack and de
fence, although the dark-squared bishop can be
a target in that case. A bishop on a3 would be
wonderful but generally it's just too hard to
achieve. In view of this his most potent posi
tional threat is to expand on the kingside by
means of g4 (preceded by either h3 or I:Ig 1 ).
That would deny Black's knight the powerful
f5-square. Alternatively, White can try to play
g3, jg,g2 and 0-0; that arrangement of pieces is
another trade-off because when the bishop
moves off its original diagonal White tends to
be subject to central and queenside attack.
Finally, we shouldn't forget that h-pawn. If
White can get bishops to d3 and f6, then Black 14 I:IcS !?
will at the very least have to devote several 1 4 . . . 0-0-0 connects rooks and is considered
pieces in an attempt to stop it from marching up better. Then . . . @b8 clears the way for . . .I:Ic8,
the board and promoting. and also for the intriguing manoeuvre ... b6,
What is Black doing in the meantime? He ... jg,c8 and ... jg,a6 or ... jg,b7. For all the time
has sacrificed a pawn, apparently in order to get that takes, White cannot easily find his way into
at White's queenside and gain development. Black's position.
That lead in development is absolutely critical 15 jg,d2
White protects against 15 ...lllcd4, which was @g4! jg,xa8 loses to the double attack 29 jg,b5 ! ,
otherwise a strong move. threatening the queen and mate! Amazing.
15 d4 16 'iVd3 lllce7 17 lllxd4! lllxd4 18
•.• 21. ...l:!.c8 22 'iVb4
'i¥xd4 ctJf5 19 'i¥xa7 'iVxc2 (D) Now the situation looks bad for Black, in
spite of a few tactical details.
22 llld 4! 23 @f2 .l:!.g4?
Fichtl - Golz
Dresden 1959
21 'iVb8+ 14 jg,d4 ! ?
Karpov gives the remarkable variation 2 1 One o f White's ideas with jg,e3 was t o dis
'iVa8+ .l:!.c8 2 2 .l:!.b8 @e7 ! ? 2 3 jg,b4+? (23 'iVb7 ! ) courage ... d4 and this move flat-out prevents it.
2 3. . . .l:!.c5 ! 24 jg,xc5+ 'iVxc5 25 .l:!.xg8 'iVcl + 26 Nevertheless, the bishop can't be maintained
@e2 jg,b5+ 27 @f3, which should be a draw af on d4 without allowing exchanges that at least
ter 27 . . . 'iVdl + 28 @f2, because 27 ... jg,c6+? 28 equalize for Black. Other games have seen 14
i.g2 lll fxd4 1 7 ctJxd4 ctJa5 followed by . . .�c5 and Black won in short order.
is a commonly-occurring piece disposition that
gives Black at least equality) l 6 . . . ctJfxd4 1 7 The Contemporary 7 ... 0-0
lllxd4 lllxd4 1 8 �xd4 f6 ! 19 exf6 e5 ! with the
idea 20 fxe5 l:ig4! and . . .,l;i.e4+. 1 e4 e6 2 d4 d5 3 ctJc3 i.b4 4 e5 c5 5 a3 i.xc3+
15 ... d4 16 i.d2 6 bxc3 llle7 7 �g4 0-0 (D)
l 6 ctJxd4? loses to l 6 . . . lllcxd4 1 7 i.xd4
i.b5 ! 1 8 �xb5 ctJxd4.
16 ... f6! 17 exf6 e5! (D)
kingside, almost always by means of ...f6 or 15 i.d2 Cllf5 16 'iVg5 exd4 17 cxd4 c3 18
... f5 . He retains the option of . . . c4 (keeping i.e3 lllcxd4 19 i.xd4 lllxd4 20 .l:.gl
White' s bishop away from d3) or ... cxd4 (at Most of these moves are forced. Now White
tacking the centre). seems to have an attack but everything is cov
The drawback of 7 ... 0-0 is that it subjects ered.
Black to a dangerous attack by White's pieces, 20 g6 21 'iVe5 'iVc5 22 'iVeS+ 'iVf8 23 'iVxf8+
Roth - Kindermann
Vienna 1996
J. Polgar - U hlmann
Amsterdam 1990
8 i.d3 (D)
8 ...f5 9 exf6 .l:.xf6 10 i.g5 .l:.f7 11 'iVh5
12 .l:!.xf3!
..• White's unsophisticated strategy comes down
Here is another instance of the eternal ex to checkmate.
change sacrifice on f3 in the French Defence; it 1 1 h6
is only rivalled in frequency by the ... .l:!.xc3 sac 1 1 . . .g6 is also played. We won't cite theory
rifice in the Sicilian Dragon. here but follow the game instead.
13 gxf3 12 i.g6 .:.rs 13 lllf3 lll bc6 14 o-o 'iVc7!?
1 3 'iVxf3 e4. 1 4 ... i.d7 ! is probably the best move (and
13 c4 14 jg,e2 'iVa5!
•.• certainly the most practical one), leading to
Black attacks the c3-pawn, but also unpins complicated play.
his knight. 15 i.xe7 'iVxe7
15 . . .lllxe7 l 6 ctJe5 (D) is the very picture of a and here the easiest of several wins was 26
dominant knight versus a bad bishop: i.xf5 .l:!.xf5 27 'iVxh6 Wf7 28 'iVh7+ Wf6 29
llle 5.
Polzin - Giemsa
Bad Wiessee 2004
White plays inventively, combining f4 with 1 3 g4 is also promising. Then 1 3 ... c4 leads to
g4. Polgar is devastating in such positions. a heavily-analysed sequence that shows pure
19 'iVe7 20 i.d3!
•.. attack vs defence at its best and is probably
20 g5 lllxe5 isn't clear. somewhat in White's favour, one line being 14
20 'iVeS 21 ctJg6 i.d7
••. gxf5 cxd3 1 5 .l:.gl i.d7 1 6 c4 'iVc7 1 7 i.h6
On 2 1 ....l:!.f7 comes 22 g5. i.e8 1 8 'i¥h4 filh6 19 'iVxh6 dxc4 20 cxd3 cxd3
22 g5! .l:!.f7 23 gxh6 gxh6 24 Whl! llle7 25 21 f6 i.g6, Shirov-Khalifman, Dos Hermanas
:g1 lllf5 2003; now 22 .l:!.xg6 ! ? hxg6 23 'i¥xg6 looks
Aseev - Vladimirov
USSR Army Cht (Leningrad) 1989
13 tZ:Jrs 14 �h3
..• l:tbl l:tac8 25 h4 b6! 26 l:th3?
Although hardly desirable, 26 h5 l:tg8 ! 27 9 �h5 tZ:lg6 10 tZ:lf3 �c7 1 1 h4!? cxd4 12
°iWh3 ! is best. @dl ! dxc3 13 tZ:lg5
26 tZ:lxd4! (D)
••. Black is fine after 1 3 l:th3 f6 ! 1 4 exf6 e5 1 5
fxg7 l:tf6 ! .
1 3...h6 14 f4 (D)
27 �g3?
Last chance for 27 .te3.
27 ... �a4 28 l:tc3 �a6! 29 .te3 �e2+ 30 14...hxgS??
�cl tZ:lf5 31 �g5 d4 32 .txd4 tZ:lxd4 0-1 You really can't afford to make a mistake in
Due to 33 �e7+ @xh6 34 �g5+ @h7 35 these lines ! The way to play it was 1 4...tZ:lce7 !
1i'e7+ @g8. 15 l:th3 tZ:lf5 with the idea 1 6 g4?? tZ:lxf4 1 7
.txf4 g6.
Finally, a short demonstration of primitive 15 hxg5 l:td8 16 a4!
attacking power: Probably what Black missed . .ta3 becomes
the decisive factor.
Guseinov - Riazantsev 16 ...aS 17 �h7+ @rs 18 .ta3+ tZ:lce7? 19
Moscow 1 997 �h8+ 1-0
8 .i.d3 tZ:lbc6 (D) There are hundreds and hundreds of wild at
tacking and counterattacking games in the
variations after 7 �g4 and I highly recom
mend that you take some time to study and en
joy them. But the most interesting feature of
these games is that there are dozens of consis
tently recurring tactical themes that stem from
the nature of the underlying position, that is,
from the pawn-structure. Thus the term ' char
acteristic tactics' applies to these and other
Winawer lines as much as to any other in chess.
The wonderful part is that so many basic types
of tactics mixed with creative thinking can
generate a near-infinite number of combina
tive possibilities.
1 4 P i rc Defence
Black can go his own way with things like I d4 a4 'Lic5 ! 1 3 axb5 'Lid3+ 14 @fl 'Lixc I , etc .
d6 2 c4 e5 or I d4 d6 2 'Lif3 .tg4 ! ? . A great deal Chernin' s 9 ... h5 is also good.
of theory now exists on these and related posi But let's continue with a better and more re
tions. We've come a long way from the days of alistic way for White to develop: 6 'Lif3 'Lic6 7
a near-compulsory I e4 e5 and I d4 d5. 0-0 (7 'iVe2 'Lic5 8 .tc2 .tg4 ! ; a high-level en
3 'Lic3 counter Yusupov-Adams, Hastings 1 989/90
White plays the most natural and important went 7 'Libd2 'Lic5 8 'Lib3 ..ig4 { or 8 ... 'Lixd3+ }
move, defending the attacked pawn. The Pirc is 9 0-0 'iVd7 I O l:tel 0-0-0 with equality) 7 . . . 'Lic5
one of those openings in which the early op 8 .tc2 .tg4 ! 9 l:tel (9 'Libd2 .te7 or even
tions are instructive, so we'll look at a couple 9 . . . d4 ! ?) 9 . . . .te7 (D), shown in the diagram.
over the next few moves. Here 3 .td3 is some
times played, intending to enter into a system
with c3 and perhaps 'Lie2. There's nothing
wrong with that, of course, but apart from the
normal and good 3 . . . g6 it allows Black to strike
out in the centre immediately by 3 . . . e5. Then 4
c3 allows the cute idea 4 ... d5 ! . It's a case of "If
you don't want to take the centre, I shall !'' I've
discussed this position briefly in Chapter 3 (un
der 'Cross-Pollination'). Let me repeat and ex
pand upon that exposition. After 3 .td3 e5 4 c3
d5, we find that it's a great asset to know about
a wide variety of chess positions and themes.
Chemin did a fascinating analysis of 4 . . .d5,
which I've abbreviated and modestly revised.
The play will usually continue 5 dxe5 'Lixe4 This position is remarkably like a main line of
(D). the Open Variation of the Ruy Lopez, namely, I
e4 e5 2 'Lif3 'Lic6 3 .tb5 a6 4 .ta4 'Lif6 5 0-0
'Lixe4 6 d4 b5 7 .tb3 d5 8 dxe5 .te6 9 c3 'Lic5
I O ..ic2, and now (for example) IO ... .te7 1 1
l:te l (or 1 1 'iVe2 .tg4) I I . ...tg4! (D), which
helps to control d4 and in many cases is fol
lowed by ...d4 or even . . . 'Lie6 and ... d4.
B: 5...dxe5
5 lt'ifd7
Black's hope was to see something along the central pawns makes up for his poor king posi
Jines of 7 exd6 0-0 8 dxc5 (8 dxe7 'iVxe7+ 9 tion.
'iVe2 'iVxe2+ 1 0 ll'ixe2 l:te8 1 1 @f2 ll'ic6 1 2 c3 9 exf7+ @f8
ll'if6 with an initiative for the pawn) 8 . . . 'iVa5 ! 9 And above all, not 9 . . . @d8?? 1 0 lt'ie6#.
..ie2 ..ixc3+ ! 1 0 bxc3 'iVxc3+ 1 1 ..id2 'iVxc5 1 2 10 lt'ie6+ @xf7 11 ll'ixd4 lt'ic5! ?
dxe7 l:te8 ! 1 3 l:tbl lt'ic6 (D). Now Black gets good piece activity. Play
might continue as follows:
12 ..ic4+ ..ie6 13 ll'ixe6! ..ixc3+ 14 @f2
ll'ixe6 15 bxc3 'iVc5+!? 16 'iVd4 l:tc8 17 ..ib3 (D)
White's centre is relatively common, especially Black still has difficulty freeing his king, and
the device of allowing White's capture dxe7 he isn't out of the woods after 1 7 . . .'iVf5 1 8 l:te l
and responding with . . . l:te8. ll'ic6 1 9 'iVd5 either.
7 cxd4
••• 18 l:tel ll'idf8 19 g4!
Worse is 7 . . . h6? ! 8 ll'ixf7 ! @xf7 9 e6+ @g8 Here White still has threats. Naturally both
10 exd7 lt'ixd7 1 1 ..ie3. sides have a lot of other options along the way,
8 e6! (D) and it's unlikely that White can actually force
an advantage in this line. But the characteristics
of the position are what count here, and they
can only be indicated by analysis (which in this
case is a lot of fun). Mainly, I wanted to show
that it's easy to dismiss 'premature' attacks on
principle without testing whether the principle
in question applies to a specific position (or
even whether it is valid at all).
5 dxe5 6 fxe5! ? lt'id5 7 ll'if3 (D)
8 'iVa5!?
••. However, this tends to be dubious before
Not 8 . . . dxc3?? 9 exf7+ @f8 1 0 ll'ie6+. But a Black has castled and developed, and is ex
good move to counter White's attack might be tremely poor in this exact position. We shall
8 . . . lt'ic5 9 exf7+ @f8, when Black's mass of look at a better option after the end of this line.
8 exf6
White makes his usual response to .. .f6. The
recapture 8 ... ..ixf6 would leave Black with a
weak isolated e-pawn on an open file; then 9
ctJe4, 9 ..ic4 and 9 ..ih6 are all good moves.
Therefore Black in principle would prefer:
8 exf6?! (D)
B 5...0-0
From this basic position we'll look at some
Ljubojevic - Timman
Bugojno 1980
6 e5
Again White attempts to run the opponent
6 . . .ll'ifd7 aims for . . .c5. Since after 7 ..ic4
In general, 5 . . . dxe5 may leave something to ll'ib6 8 ..ib3, 8 . . . ll'ic6, 8 . . .c5 and 8 ...ll'ia6 all give
be desired; it illustrates the dangers of early Black fairly easy equality, I'll mention 7 h4! ?.
simplification when the opponent commands White is intent upon checkmate. This leads to
more space. very long and supposedly worked-out varia
What have we learned by this exercise? For tions that you are invited to study in depth with
one thing, White seems to have more positive whatever resources are available. One main line
chances after 5 e5 than indicated by what little is 7 . . . c5 8 h5 cxd4 (D).
existing theory is devoted to it. More signifi
cantly, we see how one might go about investi
gating a position on one's own, and how helpful
it is to have general knowledge about structures
and their characteristic properties.
5 lt'if3 (D)
With this natural move we return to normal
If White wants to keep the pieces on, 7 fxe5 10 ..ixf3 11 gxf3 ct:Jc6 12 c3 l:tad8+ 13
or 8 . . . ctJg4). With a knight on the rim Black can The game is equal.
try to force weaknesses. Instead, 8 . . . l:td8+ 9
..id3 ctJd5 10 ct:Jxd5 l:txd5 1 1 @e2 is probably Beliavsky - Anand
better for White, at least in practice. Munich 1991
6 ..ie3 (D)
This has been a successful move in many
games; White not only develops, but also dis
courages ... c5, which is Black's main source of
counterplay. Anand finds a way to challenge
White's centre that draws upon several of the
main ideas that the Pirc has to offer. Then he ap
plies a touch of ingenuity.
9 ..ic4!?
Allowing doubled pawns but gaining the
bishop-pair in return.
9... ..ig4!
As mentioned above, this pin wasn't avail
able in the line 5 e5 dxe5 6 dxe5 'iVxdl + 7
@xd l . White has to be very careful now.
10 ctJe2! (D)
Odd, but perhaps best. The natural 1 0 @e2
ct:Jc6 1 1 ..ie3 runs into 1 l . . ...ixf3+ 12 @xf3 ? 6 b6
..ixe5 ! ; and 10 ..ie3 ..ih6 ! shows another point Black prepares to play . . .c5 anyway, and he
of . . . ct:Jh5. hopes that the move . . . ..ib7 will come in handy
at some point. Notice that 6 ... ct:Jg4 is met by 7
..ig l followed by h3. That's why White didn't
castle first before playing ..ie3.
B 7 e5 ctJg4 8 ..igl c5
This is the standard picture of an undermin
ing process by Black .
9 h3 ctJh6
A standard Pirc manoeuvre: from here the
knight can go to f5 hitting g3 and d4. But while
this happens, White will form a huge centre.
10 d5 ! ..ib7
11 'iVd2
1 1 g4 keeps the knight trapped and unable to
move (another Pirc theme that has won White
many a game), but Black has anticipated that: Look at White's wonderful centre pawns !
l l ...dxe5 1 2 fxe5 e6 ! (there are no obvious Surely Black has gone wrong?
threats but suddenly all of Black's pieces will 19 c4!
be aimed at the centre) 13 ..ic4 ll:id7 ! 14 ..ih2 The star move, which of course Anand has
l:te8 ! (D). anticipated. First, he stops ..ic4 in the most rad
ical manner, and at the same time he prepares
the line-opening . . .c 3 ! . It's amazing that he can
do all this against White's well-protected ad
vanced pawns, but White is also slightly behind
in development.
20 ..ie2!? l:tc8 21 @bl!?
Probably 2 1 ..if4 was better, but 2 1 . . .ll:ie7!
22 d6 ll:id5 has the idea of ... c3 and also the
sneaky ...�d7-a4.
21... ..ih6! 22 ..if4 ..txf4 23 �xf4 ..ixd5 24
h4 (D)
On 24 g4 ll:ig7 ! , the knight will get to the
ideal blockading square e6.
17 cxd4 �xd5 1 8 @bl l:tad8 and . . . ll:ixd4 �c7 28 ll:ixh7 l:tb3+! 0-1
will follow, picking up material. The end would be 29 axb3 �c2+ 30 @al
17 ..ixf6 18 cxd4 ..ig7 19 d5 (D)
..• �c3+ 31 @bl �xb3+ 32 @al ll:ic2#.
6 ..id3 (D)
Here White takes a breather from immediate
attacking mode. The initial idea is pretty obvi
ous: he wants to castle and decide later upon
which attack to pursue. Apart from e5 again, a
likely candidate for attack consists of the trans
fer of the queen to the kingside by �el -h4 fol
lowed by f5 and ..ih6. White can also build up
patiently by means of @hl and ..ie3.
We' ll follow two games with 6 . . . ll:ia6 and
6 . . . ll:ic6. A natural question arises: why not
J. Polgar - Svidler
Tilburg 1996
6...llla6 (D)
than to study this variation. A position with some curious features has
7 0-0 c5 8 d5 arisen. It's often the case that if Black tries to
play a Benoni structure when White has a knight Wkxf8 1 6 .ie2 Wkf2 1 7 ti:Jd5 ! and Black has no
on c3 and no pawn on c4, he can't drum up attack) 1 5 . . . .l:i.xf3 1 6 gxf3 !Dexd3 1 7 cxd3
much play on either side of the board. The key !Dxd5 ! 1 8 exd5 WVh4 (ouch; the dark squares
move ... b5 is hard to get in before White's cen are falling) 1 9 Wg2 WVh5 20 .if4 Wkxd5 2 1 �3
tre starts rolling. But in this case the elimination Wkxb3 22 axb3 .ixb2 23 .l:i.a2 (23 .l:i.el d5 ! ?)
of White' s f3-knight not only takes the pressure 23 ... .ie5 24 .ixe5 dxe5 25 .l:i.e2 Wf8 and Black
off e5, but gets rid of the c8-bishop, which is of eventually won in Komeev-Marin, Spanish Cht
ten in the way (for example, it interferes with (Lanzarote) 2003.
the connection of Black' s rooks). Now Black' s b) Two younger giants played very accu
plan will be ... !Dc7, ... a6, ... .l:i.b8 and ... b5, sup- rately in Grishchuk-Ponomariov, Lausanne
ported by ...Wkd7 or ... !De8-c7 if necessary. Bar- 2000: 9 .ic4 !Dc7 1 0 h3 .ixf3 1 1 Wkxf3 a6 1 2
ring that, the move ... e6 may undermine White ' s a4 b6 1 3 Wkd3 ( 1 3 f5 ! ? ti:Jd7) 1 3 . . .Wkb8 ! 1 4 .ie3
centre. Of course, White will have the consid Wkb7 1 5 .l:i.abl (D).
erable advantage of the bishop-pair to compen
sate him for these troubles.
9 a3
A few other instructive excerpts:
a) 9 Whl e6 ! ? (not the only move, of course)
1 0 dxe6 fxe6 1 1 f5 ! (this is an excellent move
that does several things at once: it activates the
c I -bishop, short-circuits Black's planned ... d5
due to e5, and attacks the e6 point which, if it
falls, will give White the chance to control d5)
l l . ..ti:Jb4 (Black has to forget the ... b5 plan and
concentrate upon the centre) 1 2 h3 (also dan
gerous is 1 2 fxg6 hxg6 1 3 e5 dxe5 14 .ig5 !)
1 2 ... .ixf3 13 .l:i.xf3 (D).
1 3 ...ti:Jd7 ! (try not to forget this move! A
knight on the e5 outpost is the best defender 15 ... e6 ! (perfectly timed; Black is stuck on
and attacker in most Sicilians, King 's Indians, one front and takes the chance to hit the centre,
and Benonis, as well as in a variety of other based upon tactics) 1 6 b4 ! ( 1 6 dxe6 fxe6 1 7
openings) 1 4 fxe6 !De5 ! ? ( 14 ... .l:i.xf3 ! is a better Wkxd6 .l:i.fd8 ! 1 8 .ixe6+ Wh8 1 9 Wke7 .l:i.e8)
and more adventurous idea, because 1 5 Wkxf3 16 ... exd5 17 exd5 cxb4 1 8 .l:i.xb4 b5 ! 19 axb5
CLJe5 keeps White's pieces under check, and the axb5 20 .ib3 (White doesn't want to lose his
positionally superior 1 5 gxf3 !Dxd3 1 6 Wkxd3 d-pawn but now Black utilizes the a-file to
Wkh4 1 7 Wg2 .id4 1 8 .ie3 !De5 and ....l:i.f8 gives equalize) 20... .l:i.a5 2 1 f5 Wka6 22 fxg6 hxg6 23
Black attacking chances) 1 5 ti:Jd5 ? ! ( 1 5 .l:i.xf8+ ! !De4 .l:i.al 24 !Dxf6+ .ixf6 25 .l:i.bf4 .ie5 (that
Hellers Ftacnik
Haninge 1 989
l 1 .. .lllc4 1 2 .i.f2 lllxb2? 1 3 °iYbl lllc4 1 4 'iYxb7 The g7-bishop is suffering, but we've al
lll4a5 1 5 °iYb5 .i.d7 16 l:i.abl l:i.b8 1 7 °iYc5, ready seen that ...f6 would come with problems
when Black's pieces are uncoordinated, espe and isn't worth it yet.
cially that knight on a5. 12 °iYd7
c2) 9 llle4 lllb4 10 .i.c4 c5 1 1 c3 lllc6 1 2 0-0 Hellers-Ftacnik, Haninge 1989. It's about
cxd4 1 3 cxd4 lllb6 1 4 .i.b3. Here is the key equal. White should play 1 3 l:i.bl and llld4.
point. Since ...f6 isn't possible, Black needs to
put pressure on the d-pawn or eliminate some Austrian with 5 . . . c5
of White's pieces: 14 ... .i.g4 ( 14 ... llla5 15 .i.c2
.i.e6 ! ? looks initially promising, but 1 6 °iYel 1 e4 d6 2 d4 lllf6 3 lllc3 g6 4 f4 .i.g7 5 lllf3 cS
lllc6 1 7 °iYh4 threatens various attacks with (D)
.i.h6, lllfg5, l:i.f3-h3, lllc 5, etc., in whatever or
der works !) 1 5 llleg5 e6 16 h3 .i.xf3 1 7 lllxf3
°iYd7 1 8 .i.g5 with a small but definite advan
tage because of the dark squares and Black's
hemmed-in g7-bishop, Wang Zili-D.Gurevich,
Lucerne Wcht 1 9 89.
7....i.g4 8 eS (D)
It makes a lot of sense to make this move
when ... c5 is a long way off.
8 dxeS!
are simply tactical sequences of 'only' moves, somewhat, as ... e6 remains in the air) 1 9 ...l:i.f7
so I ' ll try to limit the quantity of material. Note 20 .i.xg7 Wxg7 2 1 'iVe3 e6 22 lllc 3 d5 ! (D).
that 6 e5 lllfd7 ! ? (not the only move) transposes
to the 5 e5 line.
Hermlin - Chipashvili
USSR 1976
6 .i.bS+
This is still the critical line. Black has held
his own for years after 6 dxc5 'iVa5 7 .i.d3
'iVxc5, but this is the variation that most resem
bles other openings in its positional themes,
and deserves a look. We' ll follow Kindermann
M.Gurevich, Haifa Echt 1989: 8 'iVe2 0-0 (if
Black wants to be sure of getting . . . .i.g4 in, he
can play it now) 9 .i.e3 'iVa5 J O 0-0 (D).
Black has dissolved his weakness and taken
over the initiative. He was never in trouble in the
opening. We' ll follow the game with minimal
notes: 23 °iVf3 fxe4 24 dxe4 d4 ! ? (24... l:i.af8 ! 25
exd5 l:i.xf4 26 'iVxf4 l:i.xf4 27 l:i.xf4 exd5 and ... d4
follows) 25 llle2 °iVxf3 26 l:i.xf3 e5 27 fxe5?
l:i.xf3 28 gxf3 d3 ! 29 lllc 3 (29 lllf4 lllxe5 30 l:i.dl
g5 !) 29 ... l:i.f8 30 Wg2 lllxe5 3 1 l:i.fl g5 32 l:i.f2
lllg6 33 l:i.fl lllf4+ 34 Wg3 Wf6 35 h4 We5 ! ? 36
hxg5 l:i.g8 37 Wh4 h6 ! ? 38 gxh6 l:i.g6 39 llld l
(39 h7! l:i.h6+ 40 Wg3 l:i.xh7 4 1 Wf2 l:i.h2+ 42
We3 l:i.xb2 43 l:i.bl !) 39 ... l:i.xh6+ 40 Wg3 l:i.g6+
4 1 Wh4 Wd4 0- 1 .
6 .i.d7 7 es
7 l2Jg4 (D)
.•. 1 1 lLixb5 �a5+ 1 2 c3 ( 1 2 �d2 .i.f2+ 1 3 @d l
lLie3+ 1 4 @e2 �xb5+ 1 5 @xf2 lLig4+ 1 6 @g3
lba6 ! turns out well) 12 . . ..i.f2+ 1 3 @d2 .i.e3+
1 4 @c2 �a4+, etc. , which is apparently equal.
b) 8 .i.xd7+ �xd7 9 d5 dxe5 10 h3 e4 ! 1 1
lLixe4 lLif6 is a trick worth remembering that
comes up again and again. Now 1 2 lLixf6+
.i.xf6 gives Black equality thanks to his power
ful bishop on f6, and the pawn-grab 1 2 lLixc5
can be met by 12 . . . �d6 ! 1 3 �d4 ( 1 3 lLixb7??
�b4+) 13 . . .0-0 1 4 lLie4 lLixe4 1 5 �xe4 lLid7
with compensation. There may be a way for
White to do better in this less-investigated line.
8 ...cxd4
Convoluted theory focuses upon 8 . . . .i.xb5 9
lLixb5 dxe5 ! 1 0 hxg4 �a5+ 1 1 .i.d2 ( 1 1 c3 e4;
8 h3!? 1 1 lbc3 exd4) 1 1 ...�xb5 1 2 dxe5 �xb2 ! 1 3
a) 8 e6 is White's most famous continuation: .l:i.bl �xa2 1 4 .l:i.xb7 �d5 1 5 �bl with an un
8 .. .fxe6 (8 ... .i.xb5?! leads to well-analysed com clear situation.
plications beginning 9 exf7+ @d7 {forced} 10 9 �xd4 lbh6 (D)
lLixb5 �a5+ 1 1 lbc3 cxd4 1 2 lLixd4 .i.xd4 13
�xd4 lbc6 14 �c4 �b6 1 5 �e2 h5 1 6 .i.d2
lLid4 1 7 �d3 lLif5 1 8 lLie4 .l:i.ac8 19 0-0-0 and
White comes out with somewhat the better
game) 9 lLig5 .i.xb5 (D) , and now we have more
theory :
10 g4
White shuts out the knight from re-entering
the game. 10 .i.xd7+ �xd7 1 1 g4 lbc6 1 2 �e4
0-0 is a standard position in which neither side
has made much progress, even though there's
plenty of play; e.g., 1 3 .i.d2 dxe5 14 fxe5 �e6? !
a l ) 1 0 lLixb5 �a5+ 1 1 c3 �xb5 12 �xg4 ( 1 4 .. .f5 ! 1 5 exf6 exf6 i s equal) 1 5 0-0-0 f5 16
cxd4 1 3 lLixe6 �c4! 14 lLixg7+ @f7 with mind exf6 �xe4 1 7 lLixe4 exf6 18 lLic5 ( 1 8 .i.c3)
boggling complications - you'll need to consult 1 8 ... .l:i.ae8 19 .l:i.he l ( 1 9 lLixb7) 19 . . ..l:i.xel 20
the books and databases for this one. .l:i.xel f5 21 g5 lLif7 22 .i.f4 b6 23 lbd3 .l:i.c8 24
a2) 10 �xg4 .i.c4 1 1 b3 .i.xd4 12 .i.d2 .i.d5 @d2 with equality, Thorhallsson-Gretarsson,
is another line that will require study. Hafnarfirdi 1 992.
a3) 1 0 lLixe6 and now Black has the famous 10....i.xbS 11 lLixbS �as+ 12 l2Jc3 l2Jc6 13
resource 1 0 ... .i.xd4 ! , with the point that 1 1 �e4 0-0-0 14 .i.d2 dxeS 15 fxeS fS!? 16 �c4?
lLixd8 .i.f2+ 1 2 @d2 .i.e3+, etc., is a draw. Best is 16 exf6 exf6 1 7 �e6+ @b8 1 8 0-0-0.
There are further well-worked-out tactics after 16 fxg4 17 hxg4 .l:i.hf8
Classical Variation
1 e4 d6 2 d4 ll:Jf6 3 ll:Jc3 g6 4 ll:Jf3 il.. g7 5 il..e2
0-0 6 0-0 (D)
taking advantage of his extra tempo. Then 9 ( 1 1 f4 ! i s probably good, but some players may
.i.e3 e5 1 0 dxe5 dxe5 l l lll d5 is well-answered find it too loosening; one line among many is
by l l . . .lllxd5 12 exd5 llld4, but of course there' s l l . . .llled7 12 dxc6 { or 12 .i.d4 } 12 ... bxc6 1 3
oodles of theory to look at. °iYd3 'iVb8 1 4 a3 with a small edge; play what
7 lllc6 (D)
... works ! ) l l . . .a5 ! ? ( l l . ..°iYa5 1 2 l:i.a3 aims for
l:i.b3, but 1 2 ... l:i.fc8 1 3 °iYd2 cxd5 14 exd5 lllc4
1 5 .i.xc4 l:i.xc4 1 6 l:i.b3 b6! is equal, and illus
trates a common plan for Black) 12 .i.d4 llled7
1 3 °iYd2 'iYc7 1 4 l:i.adl l:i.ac8 1 5 l:i.fe l l:i.fd8 and
White has difficulty playing for advantage be
cause Black' s pieces are so well-placed, Rozen
talis-Ftaenik, Manila OL 1 992.
We now return to 8 °iYd2 (D):
8 °iYd2
Logical: White connects rooks, contemplates
.i.h6, and challenges Black to advance in the
centre. The other important main line is 8 d5,
and then:
a) 8 . . . lllb 8 can lead to the characteristic ma
noeuvre 9 llld4 .i.xe2 1 0 'iYxe2 c5 l l lllf3 °iYb6
1 2 l:i.abl °iYa6! , either exchanging queens in a
position with no weaknesses or mobilizing the 8 e5
queenside pawns. This may be Black's best 8 . . . l:i.e8 used to be played, a useful move that
line. waits for White to commit before playing . . . e5.
b) 8 . . . .i.xf3 9 .i.xf3 llle5 1 0 .i.e2 c6! (D). But White has a more useful move in 9 l:i.fel !
a6 ! ? (to prevent lllb5 in view of the line 9 ... e5? !
1 0 d5 .i.xf3 1 1 .i.xf3 lll d4 12 .i.xd4 exd4 1 3
lllb5 ; note that 9 l:i.fel protected the e-pawn in
this variation) 10 l:i.adl (every white piece is
centralized) 10 ... e5 1 1 dxe5 dxe5 (1 l . . .lllxe5
1 2 lllxe5 dxe5 1 3 °iYc l °iYc8 14 .i.xg4 'iYxg4 1 5
f3 'iVe6 1 6 °iYd2 .i.f8 1 7 lll d5 and White cap
tures with pieces on d5, winning the d-file) 1 2
'iYc l 'iVe7 1 3 lll d5 lllxd5 14 exd5 lll d8 1 5 c4 f5
1 6 c5. White is in control of the game, Geller
Pi'ibyl, Sochi 1 9 84.
9 d5
The endgame 9 dxe5 dxe5 1 0 l:i.adl has given
Black problems but a good line is 1 0. . .°iYc8 ! 1 1
'iVc l l:i.d8 l 2 l:i.xd8+ lllxd8 ! followed by . . . llle6,
Black has to strike quickly before White aiming at d4 and f4; e.g., 1 3 l:i.d l llle6 1 4 h3
consolidates the two bishops. His plan includes .i.xf3 1 5 .i.xf3 c6 1 6 llle2 'iYc7 17 c3 a5 1 8 °iYc2
moves like . . . °iYa5, . . . cxd5, a rook to the c-file, .i.f8 ! intending ... .i.c5, Kaidanov-Wolff, USA
and perhaps . . .lllc4. A typical line goes 1 1 a4 ! ? 1 990. . . . .i.f8 is a nice move to remember, getting
rid of both White' s good bishop and Black's h4-h5, @g2 and l:i.hl , or he may want to support
bad one ! the pawn-push f4, or he can do what he does in
9 !De7 (D)
... the game) 1 2 .. .f5 1 3 .i.e2! ti:Jf6 14 f3 (that's the
end of Black's kingside attack) 1 4 ... °iYd7 1 5
.i.b5 'iVc8 l 6 l:i.f2 a6 1 7 .i.fl ti:Jh5 1 8 .i.h3 °iYe8
1 9 !De2 @h8 20 c4 (after all that we get two
bishops and a standard-looking queenside for
mation) 20... b6 2 1 l:i.dfl °iYf7 22 f4 and White
had too much firepower in Spassky-Parma, Ha
vana OL 1 966. An excellent positional demoli
11 ti:Jel b5
Some noteworthy play follows l l ...!Dg4 1 2
.i.xg4 .i.xg4 1 3 f3 .i.d7, because Black has the
two bishops but he isn't well organized to meet
14 f4 ! (D).
Donaldson - Felecan
Kona 1998
10 l:i.adl!
It's odd, but this position seems the least
promising that we have seen thus far for White.
He has made no progress on the queenside,
Black still has his bishops, and with the knight
on e7, the idea of . . .f5 has gained force. How
ever, White has achieved something that he This seems to grant Black an outpost on e5
hasn't been able to do in any other line. So far but he can't get to it, whereas White will win
Black has always successfully traded White's more than his share of the centre. For example,
d-pawn after ... c6, allowing him to take over 14 . . . .i.g4 1 5 ti:Jf3 f5 ( 1 5 ... °iYd7 1 6 fxe5 dxe5 1 7
good posts rapidly before White could reorga .i.c5 f5 1 8 °iYg5 .i.f6 1 9 °iYh6 l:i.f7 2 0 d6, Gligo
nize. With threats and piece activity, White's ric-Ptleger, Moscow Echt 1 977) 16 h3 ! .i.xf3
bishops didn't have time to find good positions. 1 7 l:i.xf3 with the ideas l:i.dfl and l:i.del .
But here Black doesn't get . . . c6 in because the 12 a3 aS 13 b4
d-pawn will fall. And .. .f5 is still to be dis The bottom line is that White has space and a
cussed, but has its problems. This means that better grip on the position. A different order is
White has time to put his pieces on the appro 1 3 tD<l3 °iYb8 14 f3 c6 ! ? ( 1 4 ... b4 1 5 !Dbl ! bxa3
priate squares and make a pawn-break, either 1 6 !Dxa3) 1 5 dxc6 .i.xc6 1 6 b4 d5 ( 1 6. . . axb4?
with f4 or c5. 1 7 !Dxb4 ! l:i.xa3 1 8 !Dxc6 !Dxc6 1 9 !Dxb5 l:i.a2
10 .i.d7!
.•• 20 .i.c4 and Black is in big trouble, Vogt-Ber
Instead of waiting around, Black embarks nard, Wildbad 1 990; l 6. . .l:i.c8 ! ?) 1 7 .i.c5 l:i.e8,
upon a new idea: queenside expansion. A game Kuczynski-Chemin, Budapest Z 1 993, and now
of Spassky's is a model of how White should White could play 1 8 exd5 !Dexd5 19 !Dxd5
handle the exchange on f3: 1 0....i.xf3 1 1 .i.xf3 !Dxd5 20 bxa5. It seems that White keeps the
ti:Jd7 12 g 3 ! ? (a little odd-looking, but the move advantage in a number of ways, which is a good
is very flexible; White may be interested in sign for 10 l:i.adl and his opening as a whole.
1 5 . . . l::ta3 (D) has two good answers:
up the c4-bishop: 19 dxc6 lllxc6 20 lllc 2 ! . �d7 28 l::tdl �e6 29 l::td6 �e8 30 .llc6 �e7 31
b) 1 6 llld3 c6 1 7 dxc6 .llx c6 1 8 l2lc 1 ! (or .llxbS l::ta8 32 l::td l .llh6 33 h4 e4 34 gS e3 3S
1 8 l::ta l , or l 8 lllf2) l 8 . . .l::td8 19 lllb 3 d5. This is .ll g3 .llg7 36 .lle2 l::td8 37 l::tfl l::td2 38 .llc4
a transposition to Thorsteins-Kasparov, Saint .lld4 39 l::txr7 �xf7 40 .llxr7+ @xf7 41 l::tc7+
John blitz Wch 1 988. It looks as though White @e6 42 @n @rs 43 l::tc4 @e6 44 c3 .lla7 4S
will win a clear pawn after 20 .llc 5 ! l::td7 (or l::tc6+ @rs 46 l::ta6 @g4 47 l::txa7 @xg3 48 l::te7
20... lllc 8 21 exd5 lt:lxd5 22 llla5) 2 1 .llxe7 @r4 49 bS l::td l + SO @e2 l::td2+ Sl @el l::tc2 S2
l::txe7 22 exd5 ! .lle8 (22 . . . l::td7? 23 �c l �a7+ b6 l::txc3 S3 b7 l::tb3 S4 l::txh7 l::tb2 SS l::te7 @g4
24 @h l lllxd5 25 lllxb5 .llxb5 26 .llxb5 l::td6 27 S6 l::te4+ @hS S7 g3 l::txb7 SS l::txe3 l::tb2 S9
.llc4) 23 d6 and lllc 5. l::te2 l::tb3 60 @r2 filg3 112.112
I ndex of P layers
Numbers refer to pages. When a player's name appears in bold, that player had White. Other
wise the FIRST-NAMED PLAYER had White.
English Opening 286; C07 272, 2 78, 279, 281 , 282; C08 273;
A20 85; A26 1 6; A34 65, 66; A36 60 C09 45, 274, 275, 2 77; C l O 74; C l 1 294, 295,
297; C l 5 298; C l 8 299, 300, 302, 305, 307,
Czech Benoni 308, 309, 310, 311, 312; C19 303
A56 55
1 e4 e5 without Ruy Lopez
Benko Gambit C21 25; C22 1 74; C30 1 66, 167, 1 69; C33 23;
A5 8 55 C36 1 69, 171; C41 27, 1 14, 1 15, 1 16, 1 1 7, 120;
C42 63; C45 63, 64; C54 16, 91 , 95, 97, 99;
Modem Benoni C55 101, 1 1 1 ; C56 26; C57 104; C5 8 109; C59
A65 48 105, 107, 108