SAEP-1150 Inspection Coverage On Projects
SAEP-1150 Inspection Coverage On Projects
SAEP-1150 Inspection Coverage On Projects
1 Scope ..................................................................... 2
2 Conflicts and Deviations ......................................... 2
3 Applicable Documents ............................................ 2
3 Acronyms and Definitions ....................................... 4
4 Inspection Department (ID) Responsibilities .......... 9
5 Inspection Support Services Division
(ISSD) Responsibilities ......................................... 11
6 Vendor Inspection Division
(VID) Responsibilities ........................................... 12
7 Inspection Technical Support Division
(ITSD) Responsibilities ......................................... 16
8 Projects Inspection Division
(PID) Responsibilities ........................................... 19
9 Inspection Department Quality
Reporting Responsibilities .................................... 27
Revision Summary ...................................................... 31
1 Scope
1.1 This procedure defines the responsibilities and activities of the Inspection
Department (ID) on all projects managed by Project Management including
Third Party projects as per SAEP-50 and SAEP-21.
1.2 This procedure covers only quality management system activities during the
project life cycle.
Any conflicts between this document and other applicable Mandatory Saudi Aramco
Engineering Requirements (MSAERs) shall be addressed to the EK&RD Coordinator.
Any deviation from the requirements herein shall follow internal company procedure
3 Applicable Documents
The requirements contained in the following documents apply to the extent specified in
this procedure.
3.1 Acronyms
AOC-H : Aramco Overseas Company – The Hague
AAJ : Aramco Asia Japan-Tokyo
ANDT : Automated Non-destructive Testing
ANDTU : Advanced Non-destructive Testing Services Unit / ID
APIS : Area Projects Inspection Section
APIU : Area Projects Inspection Unit
ASC : Aramco Services Company, Houston
BP&CTU : Batch Plants & Civil Testing Unit
CAR : Corrective Action Request
C&JVSU : Contracts and Joint Venture Support Unit
3.2 Definitions
For the purpose of this procedure, the following definitions apply. Further quality
definitions can be located in ISO 9000.
Batch Plants: Ready-Mix Concrete Batch Plants, Precast Plants, and Asphalt
Batch Plants.
Hold Point (H): An inspection point beyond by which an activity shall not
proceed without the attendance/approval of the relevant Saudi Aramco
inspection unit.
Inspection & Test Plan (ITP): An ITP is a document based on the detailed
manufacturing, fabrication and construction program which identifies each
process description, sets out the related sequence of activities to be inspected,
examined and tested and lists the relevant approved procedures for a particular
material, component, assembly, or, in some cases, type of work. It shall include
identification of requirements for documents, acceptance criteria to be used, who
is responsible for what, the inspection surveillance to be performed and the type
and level of inspection including hold, witness and review points of
Contractor/Sub-contractor and Saudi Aramco. This ITP refers to the Inspection
& Test Plans (ITPs) generated by vendors/manufacturers as part of VID
Mid-form Contract (MFC): Mid-form contracts are used where the total
estimated value of the work does not exceed US$ 5 million and the duration of
work does not exceed three years.
Quality Control (QC): The operational techniques and activities that are used
to fulfill requirements for quality.
Review Hold Point (RH): A review hold point is an inspection point by which
quality documents are required to be submitted for review and at which a work
activity cannot proceed without Saudi Aramco approval.
Saudi Aramco Typical Inspection Plans (SATIPs): Inspection and Test Plans
(ITPs) that are generated by Saudi Aramco Inspection Department customized
for use in Saudi Aramco-managed construction projects. SATIPs may, at the
option of a Contractor may be used in lieu of their internal ITPs.
Short Form Contract (SFC): Short form contracts are used where the total
estimated value of the work does not exceed US$ 1 million and the duration of
work does not exceed six months.
4.1 Inspection Department will consistently provide inspection services that meet or
exceed our customers’ requirements. This shall be achieved through continual
improvement of the effectiveness of ID’s Quality Management System.
4.2.1 Provide inspection services for Saudi Aramco throughout the various
phases of the project (i.e., the DBSP, proposal, design, procurement,
fabrication, construction, pre-commissioning). This is accomplished
through direct inspection, monitoring and quality assessments as
4.2.4 Provide inspection services that ensure the safe operation of all
permanent lifting equipment working in Company facilities.
4.4.1 ID shall monitor and assess the Quality Management System and
Products/Facilities being supplied by the Vendor/Contractor/Fabricator
in accordance with Saudi Aramco Standards, Purchase Orders, and/or
Schedule Q.
4.5.2 ID will assign a Project Quality Manager during the Design Basis
Scoping Papers (DBSP), and supported by additional ID personnel
during subsequent phases of the Project Life Cycle as per the following
Inspection Representation
Design &
Cons- Pre-
Project Contractor Bid Technical Procure- Procure- Cons-
Design truction Commis-
DBSP Proposal Pre- Explanation Bid ment ment truction
Phase Kick-off sioning
Development qualification Meeting Evaluation Kick-Off Phase Phase
Meeting Phase
VID X(5) X(2) X(5) X X X
ITSD X(3) X(5) X(5) X(3) X(4) & (5) X(4) & (5)
PID (PQM/PQL/IC) X(6)&(7) X(1) &(3) X(5) X(2) X(5) X X X X X X
1. Attachment VI of Schedule Q, Novated POs, and Project Quality Plan
2. Presentation of quality requirements (PID/VID as required).
3. Reviews design packages
4. ITSD/CNDT&PSU reviews NDT procedures and technician certifications
5. On request basis
6. Preliminary Hazards Analysis (Workshop) and Building Risk Assessment (initial)
7. Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) Study
For Projects not applying CMS, DBSP column from the table and Notes # 6 and 7 are not
4.6.1 On all major projects, ID will assign a Project Quality Manager (PQM)
/Project Quality Leader (PQL) in accordance with GI-0400.001, who
shall be responsible for planning, executing, and controlling all quality
management activities on the project.
4.6.4 All project inspection personnel that are assigned to Projects shall be
thoroughly familiar with ISO 9001:2015. More details on the roles and
responsibilities of PID shall be provided in the project specific quality
4.6.5 PQM/PQL shall advise SAPMT of the need for PQM/PQL concurrence
prior to contract issuance.
4.7.1 PQP in this section, refers to the master PQP that organizes SAPMT and
ID linkages, in contrast to Contractor’s PQP.
4.7.2 During project proposal, a detailed Project Quality Plan will be prepared
jointly by SAPMT and the PQM/PQL as defined by GI-0400.001 and
SAEP-14 (refer to PQP Template, available on the Inspection Department
4.7.3 PQP will, among other things, outline the Saudi Aramco Inspection
Team manning levels and mobilization schedule, define the relationship
between Inspection and SAPMT, define project objectives and
responsibilities, and outline authorities and channels of communication.
5.1.2 Perform assessments for projects Quality system jointly with Project
Inspection Engineering Unit (PIEU) for selected Saudi Aramco Project
Inspection units.
5.1.3 Report the quality findings of the quality assessments through SAP.
5.2.2 Compile, analyze, and report the monthly ID and Service Providers'
Safety Performance Indices.
Crane Inspection Unit shall follow their internal procedures for the inspection of
all cranes, elevators, below-the-hook lifting equipment owned and operated by
Saudi Aramco or by Contractors and used on Saudi Aramco projects for
compliance with Saudi Aramco Safety Standards and relevant GIs. Cranes and
elevators that conform to these standards will have an inspection sticker affixed.
Below-the-hook lifting equipment will be marked with the safe working load
and identification number, unique to that particular piece of equipment, either by
tagging or stamping prior to acceptance by Crane Inspection Unit.
6.1 VID provides quality monitoring and inspection support for projects during the
DBSP (Design Basis Scoping Paper) and Project Proposal phases, detailed
design and procurement phases to ensure compliance with Schedule Q
requirements, Saudi Aramco standards and specifications. VID shall conduct
quality monitoring and participate in surveys and assessments of vendors with
the contractors as needed to assist SAPMT during design and procurement
6.2.2. For major projects, the assigned SAIR will usually be located with
SAPMT at the Contractor's design/procurement office.
6.2.3. SAIR will work independent of schedule and cost decisions. He reports
to the PQM/PQL and/or SAPMT depending on his location and size of
the project as detailed in GI-0400.001.
6.2.5. All formal communications with the Contractor shall be through the
Company Representative.
6.2.6. The SAIR may be assigned to the site office during the construction
phase to follow-up on remaining procurement and material receiving
For all projects exceeding $200 MM, the PQM/PQL will coordinate
with the Quality Assessment & Process Improvement Unit in
developing a schedule of assessments to be performed on the
Contractor’s Quality Systems during the design & procurement phase
of the project. A VID representative should participate in these
assessments and attend the opening and closing meetings as an
observer and provide assistance as required. VID representative
should follow-up on Corrective Action Requests (CARs) generated by
these assessments.
For projects where the contractor office is located OOK, VID shall
represent ID during the scheduled Design Review meetings at the
Contractor's design office.
VID or one of their designated inspection offices shall attend the PIMs if
required. The meeting shall address all quality related requirements of
the purchase order and not the commercial issues. During the PIM, the
detailed inspection and test plan (ITP), which includes inspection hold,
witness, and review points, shall be reviewed and finalized.
The contractor/manufacturer has to follow-up the complete (not partial)
contents of approved SA specifications as determined in Section 6.3.8.
7.1.2 Review and approve project related pneumatic pressure test procedures
in accordance with SAES-A-004 requirements.
7.1.3 Provide project technical support for project issues, technical queries,
technical alerts, quality alerts, lessons learned, and Enterprise Project
Management (EPM).
7.1.4 Provide assistance to PID and VID on project quality requirements when
requested by ID management.
7.1.5 Maintain, update, and administer all changes to SATIPs and SAICs as
7.1.8 Compile and report the monthly Project Quality Indices (PQI) for all
applicable projects.
7.1.9 Compile and report the Inspection Agencies Indices (IAI) on quarterly
7.2.1 Perform Initial Equipment Inspection Schedule (EIS) submittal review for
new projects as per SAEP-20 requirements.
7.4.1 Maintain close contact with PID to obtain the name and the date of
mobilization for NDT sub-contractors. See paragraph 8.8.
7.4.4 Review and approve all NDT procedures for each project
7.4.9 Provide NDT Level III services to Saudi Aramco organizations as needed
7.4.10 Review and approve the IK NDT Contractor's Radiation Safety Plan
for compliance to SAEP-1141 and GI-0150.003
7.4.13 Issue radiation safety advisories and alerts, as and when required
7.4.14 Review and approve radiation source type used for radiography,
equipment used for handling, transporting and storing radioactive
material, radiation monitoring devices and methods of reporting
7.5.1 The Batch Plant and Civil Testing Unit (BP&CTU) of ISSD is
responsible for the evaluation and assessments of Batch Plants (BPs)
and Third Party Civil Testing Laboratories (TPCTLs).
7.5.2 PID shall ensure that Initial Contractor QC’s Survey Report
(Vendor/Plant survey) is prepared and submitted by the Contractor
sufficiently in advance of utilizing any Batch Plant or TPCTL.
Initial Vendor Plant survey reports shall be coursed by Contractor
through SAPMT and APIS/U to BP&CTU. The survey report shall be
submitted only to the relevant APIS/U when it is verified by the
Contractor that the proposed companies meet the minimum
requirements of the applicable specifications. Even if the proposed
service providers or suppliers are listed as Saudi Aramco approved
local manufacturers, an initial vendor plant survey is still required.
Commentary Note:
7.5.3 Each PID inspection section shall designate a Batch Plants and Civil
Testing inspector responsible to perform the day-to-day monitoring of
7.5.4 Each PID inspection section Batch Plants and Civil Testing inspector
shall submit a monthly monitoring report for each batch plant and third
party laboratory to BP&CTU. If concerns are detected affecting a
specific project, the responsible SAPMT shall be informed to request
Contractor to make the necessary corrective actions.
7.5.5 Each PID inspection section Batch Plants and Civil Testing inspector is
also responsible to conduct quarterly focused assessments of One Time
Basis Approved Batch Plants and TPCTLs.
7.5.6 Each PID Inspection Unit shall ensure that test results produced by the
TPCTLs are received at the same time as they are received by the
construction Contractor. This is to ensure timely avoidance of using
materials, products or work that failed in tests performed.
Commentary Note:
8.1 PID is responsible for quality monitoring for all phases of the project cycle from
DBSP up to approval of Final MCC to ensure compliance with applicable
MSAERs and project specifications.
For Projects not applying CMS, PID coverage does not include DBSP,
preliminary hazards analysis (workshop), building risk assessment (initial) and
hazard and operability (HAZOP) study.
8.2.5 The contractor's plan for third party civil testing laboratories
(TPCTLs), Weld Test Centers, RV Calibrators, NDT testing agencies
and Batch Plants (ready mix concrete/asphalt/pre-cast plants)
8.2.7 The need for conducting surveys of Batch Plants or TPCTLs that are
not included in the Saudi Aramco approved list.
Note: Survey forms are available from ID - Batch Plants and Civil Testing Unit.
8.2.8 The PQP approval, quality procedures, use of company ITP (SATIP)
and submission of new ITP in case of no company ITP shall be
RFIs shall be processed through the QMIS except in rare situations where QMIS
is not available. RFI shall be received through the available updated forms.
PID shall receive RFIs for all Hold and Witness Points as identified in the
Contractor's approved ITPs. Immediately upon receipt, the PID representative
shall sign and date the RFI and return the signed copies to the Contractor and
SAPMT. For specific project situations where QMIS is not available, handling
of RFIs by use of hard copy shall have prior approval by the Division Head (ID)
as per SAEP-381.
The RFI form is used to notify PID that the facility is ready for PID's
inspection. An inspection point shall be initially inspected and
accepted by the contractor's QC personnel and is verified by SAPMT
prior to PID's inspection. Weekdays Weekends/Holidays
PID has the authority and responsibility to monitor and inspect on-going
construction activities even if an RFI was not received. This is to ensure that
rework and potential non-compliances are avoided. The level of surveillance
inspection coverage should be higher during the early stage of any activity and
shall be in direct relation to the effectiveness of the Contractor's quality system
and his ability to provide acceptable quality.
PID will assist SAPMT in enforcing and interpreting Company standards and
specifications. PID supports evaluating solutions to construction violations and
if required, consult with the assigned specialist within the Engineering Services
At the beginning of each new project where NDT is required, PID will provide
ITSD with the name and the date of mobilization for the NDT Sub-contractor/s
(see Sections 8.2 and 8.3). Additionally, PID in support of SAPMT will liaise
with the ANDTU & CNDTU to ensure that all sub-contracted NDT personnel
and their procedures have received approval before starting any work on the
PID shall ensure that all permanent lifting equipment installed is inspected by
the Crane Inspection Unit of ISSD in accordance with GI-0007.030, “Inspection
Saudi Aramco: Company General Use
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Document Responsibility: Project Quality Standards Committee SAEP-1150
Issue Date: 15 January 2018
Next Planned Update: 15 January 2021 Inspection Coverage on Projects Schedule Checklists
PID shall conduct two Focus Assessment for any issued Saudi Aramco
Non-Conformance Reports (NCR) and work sheets (WS), one at the time
of issuance of SA NCR/WS and one during/after the closure. The intent
of the first Focus Assessment is to find out what caused the NCR, while
the second Focus Assessment is to find out if the corrective actions
implemented are effective and sufficient. The Focus Assessment
records in relation to Quality Notifications (SANCR or WS) shall be saved
as an attachments to the subjected SANCR/WS.
PID should monitor the Contractor’s training program to ensure that all
Contractor and Sub-Contractor personnel are familiar with the project
quality requirements for their area of responsibility. Prior to the start
of each new construction activity, PID should verify that the contractor
is providing on-going training in the applicable QCPs, ITPs and
applicable standards and specifications to the assigned QC inspectors.
Documentation and traceability of the training records shall be
available to PID.
8.11 Short Form Contracts (SFC) and Mid Form Contracts (MFC) Covered by PID
PID representatives will ensure that Contractors working under short form and
mid form contracts possess and comply with a quality control/quality assurance
program. At his discretion, the PQM/Sr. Supervisor may approve QCPs/ITPs
for the work activity to be performed in lieu of a quality plan. Contractor QC
personnel shall be sufficiently experienced and qualified to perform inspection
of the work performed.
8.12 Materials/Equipment
8.14 Records
PID shall ensure that production of the construction quality records of the
project are maintained and are available at the work site.
8.15.1 General
In addition, PID will ensure that all open logbook entries, NCRs
and Worksheets are transferred to MPCS EIL as per SAEP-381.
The inspection activities shall be performed in accordance with the
approved ITP through QMIS’s RFI as per Section 8.5 until the point of
signing the MCC and MPCS will not deactivate the approved ITP and
In cases where there are deviations from MSAERs, an approved waiver per
SAEP-302 shall be obtained. Non-compliance shall be reported in accordance
with SAEP-381 and violation category aligned with the violation matrix of
8.17 Deviation from Project Specifications and IFC Drawings (not covered by
9.4.2 NCRs shall be handled within an agreed time frame between end-user
and contractor. With regards to urgent deliveries, violations to
Company standards during procurement shall be noted and saved in a
punch list prior to shipment.
9.4.4 If any part of the Project Specifications (not Saudi Aramco mandatory
standards) has been violated, and concurrence for the deviation has not
been obtained from the Proponent, a quality notification (Minor,
Moderate, Major) based on the violation category per SAEP-381
Section 6 shall be issued.
10.1.1 Each project contract shall denote applicable document precedence and
Standard cut-off date to be used to determine inspection criteria.
10.1.3 A waiver is required to deviate from Saudi Aramco Standards even when
the proponent agrees with the deviation. Refer to SAEP-302 for details.
Any conflict between this standard and other applicable Mandatory Saudi
Aramco Engineering Requirements (MSAERs) shall be resolved in accordance
with SAEP-302.
Revision Summary
15 January 2018 Revised the Next Planned Update, reaffirmed the content of the document, and reissued as
major revision. The review also include the following revisions:
1- Aligned the procedure with the recent Inspection Department organization restructure.
2- Aligned the procedure with the new Capital Management System Models and Manuals
3- Enhanced the Focus Assessment process on Section 8.10.4 and identified new critical
processes on appendix D
4- Clarified that MPCS will not deactivate the approved ITP and QMIS on Section 8.15.2.
5- Revised the frequency of the Batch Plant Focus Assessment on Section 7.5.5.
PID coverage shall be in accordance to 8.1.2. This provides PID with the
opportunity to provide timely input to the project.
At least thirty days prior to the start of the applicable work, the
concrete mix design shall be submitted for review and approval in
accordance with the requirements of Schedule Q. Batch Plants & Civil
Testing Unit shall review and approve new mix design as per the
requirements of SAEP-1152. Pre-approved concrete mix designs (with
mix design identification numbers) shall be reviewed and approved by
the relevant area project inspection unit.
Site work and ancillary site material installations will be monitored by PID.
PID will review material laboratory reports, inspect the laying down of fill and
monitor compaction tests. Utility piping and sewer systems will be inspected to
Saudi Aramco: Company General Use
Page 32 of 54
Document Responsibility: Project Quality Standards Committee SAEP-1150
Issue Date: 15 January 2018
Next Planned Update: 15 January 2021 Inspection Coverage on Projects
PID will review the pile-driving procedure including the equipment to be used to
drive piles. Pile-driving activities will be monitored and all splice-welds will be
inspected as required by the project specifications.
For onshore applications, the inspector will check the protective coating on the
pile as specified in the project specifications. PID will review SAPMT's pile-
driving records (including the geotechnical report, results of test pile, required
blow count and tip elevations).
PID will monitor internal and external craftwork for correct use of materials and
installations according to project requirements and relevant Saudi Aramco
Standards and Specifications. Framing will be monitored to ensure that
materials are the size, shape, quality and type specified. All cabinets, internal
walls, doors, jambs, floor tiles, windows and all finishes will be monitored for
acceptable quality. PID will verify and witness tests as required on all
concealed installations prior to covering.
PID will verify that structural steel works comply with project requirements for
strength, dimensional tolerance, and methods of fabrication/installation.
Tightening of bolts will randomly be inspected for compliance with the bolting
specifications. Welding, NDT and coating will be monitored for conformance
to project documents, Company standards and procedures and applicable codes.
Saudi Aramco: Company General Use
Page 35 of 54
Document Responsibility: Project Quality Standards Committee SAEP-1150
Issue Date: 15 January 2018
Next Planned Update: 15 January 2021 Inspection Coverage on Projects
A.10 Welding
PID will issue JCCs prior to the start of work to all certified
and registered welders, welding operators and/or brazers.
The JCC shall be kept in their possession at all times.
SAES-W series standards require that the Contractor review and track
project and welder repair rates weekly. PID will monitor and evaluate
production weld repair rates and welder performance weekly.
The target for maximum production weld repair rate (calculated on a
joint basis) shall not exceed 5%. The repair rate for welders shall be
per in accordance toSAEP-324 Appendix-1.
PID will monitor the post weld heat treatment of critical piping and
vessels on Saudi Aramco construction projects to ensure compliance
with project specifications and applicable industry codes/standards.
A.14 Gaskets
PID shall randomly monitor all flange bolts torquing to ensure that the
Contractor is using properly calibrated equipment, correct tightening
sequence and required torque values as described in the approved
QCP/ITP as per SAEP-351.
PID will verify that all contractor personnel associated with the
preparation, application or direct supervision of protective coatings are
qualified and certified per SAEP-316 by a Saudi Aramco certified
Level II Coating Inspector. PID will also verify that all contractor
personnel associated with the inspection of protective coatings are
qualified and certified in accordance with Schedule Q.
PID shall randomly verify the materials and installation of Hot & Cold Insulation
Installations to ensure compliance with project documents, Company standards
and procedures and applicable codes as required by SAES-N-001/PIP INTG1000.
PID will randomly verify the materials and installation of various types
of Refractory works to ensure compliance with project documents,
Company standards and procedures and applicable codes as required
by SAES-N-100/API RP 936.
PID will verify that all contractor personnel associated with the
preparation and application of specific types of Refractory materials
are qualified and certified per SAES-N-110 and SAES-N-120.
PID will monitor the installation of cathodic protection for tanks, pipelines,
offshore structures and plant applications. This will include the witness of drill
stem resistance measurement tests, holiday testing of Anode cables, a check for
proper anodes/anode beds, correct number of test and bonding stations,
insulation flanges and spools and associated equipment or materials. PID will
also check for correct system polarity, continuity of test station conductors and
the timely application of temporary CP on newly constructed facilities. PID will
verify that construction drawings have been reviewed and approved by the
SAES-X series of standards.
A.20 Electrical
For electrical conductors and equipment, PID will monitor tests for ground-
resistance measurements, cable insulation and equipment testing.
All installations that are intended to be concealed will be monitored prior to
back-fill or covering. Construction and installation methods will be monitored
to ensure that no damage is done to materials or equipment. PID will check that
all medium and high voltage cable splicers hold valid splicer certification cards
and will issue JCCs prior to the commencement of splicing. Prior to
energization of power distribution systems, PID will verify that the installation
is sound and safe to energize. All pre-commissioning activities performed prior
to MCCs, will be carried out as per the responsibilities designated by the
supplement table of GI-0002.710-6.
A.21 Communications
A.21.1 Quality Monitoring Responsibility
The PID Communications Group is responsible for quality monitoring
of Outside Plant (OSP) projects and Premise Distribution Systems
B.13 Electrical
B.14 Communications
B.14.1 Buried Cables
B.14.1.1 Trench before installation of sand pad
B.14.1.2 Cable during placing operations
B.14.1.3 Marker tape installations
B.14.2 Underground Conduits
B.14.2.1 Trench before installation of conduits
B.14.2.2 Conduits before concrete encasement including mandrel
B.14.2.3 Marker tape/orange dye installations
B.14.3 Manholes
B.14.3.1 Excavation for bracing/shoring when depth reaches 5 ft.,
until completion
B.14.3.2 Internal form work before pouring concrete for duct
terminators, inserts, etc.
B.14.3.3 Grounding connections when rods are outside of manhole
B.14.3.4 Ring and cover frame installations
B.14.4 Underground Cable Placements
B.14.4.1 Reel set-up and choice of duct
B.14.4.2 Tensiometer
B.14.4.3 Mandrel test ducts
B.14.4.4 Cable and cable pulling
B.14.5 Cable Splicing
B.14.5.1 Underground – check cable racking in manhole
B.14.5.2 Splice connectors, after 50 pairs or less, after 600 pairs or
less, and after every 600 pairs on larger cables
B.14.5.3 Completed splices before closing of cases
B.14.6 Communications Works in Buildings
B.14.6.1 Underground entrance conduits before concrete
encasement, including mandrel testing
B.14.6.2 Closet/equipment room requirements prior to and during
B.14.6.3 Distribution system design before start of installation
No. & DATE
Applicable Special
Critical Processes Process for specific
31 Welders JCCs
32 Weld Identification and Traceability
33 Welding consumable control
34 Gap control
35 Bolt torqueing and Gasket Verification
36 Talisman Reports
37 RT backlogs
38 Dead leg Contractor Reviews
39 Field Bending of externally/internally FBE coated pipes
40 Externally FBE coated pipe transportation/Hauling
41 Valve testing, handling, and preservation
42 Hot taps & Tie-ins
43 Control of NDT Records
44 Trenchless pipeline installation
Electrical & Instrumentation
45 HV/MV cable splicing and termination
46 Cable gland/sealing
47 Electrical power system energization
48 Splicers JCC
49 Cathodic Protection
50 Loop checks and packages
51 Fire Alarm systems certification
52 Electrical Hazardous Area Layout Drawings
53 Concrete mix design approvals
54 Batch plants
55 Precast fabrication yards
56 Availability of Survey reports
57 Cast-in situ concrete foundations
58 Third party Civil Testing Lab
59 Fire Proofing material and installation
60 Control of Civil Test Reports
61 Concrete & Asphalt plant monthly report
Applicable Special
Critical Processes Process for specific
62 Structural steel installation and bolt torqueing
63 Pre-cast foundation transportation
64 Critical Concrete Pouring plan
65 Concreter Pouring Into Congested reinforcement
66 Building Roof Leak Test
67 Coating applicators and crew supervisors JCC
68 Coating material handling and preservation
Coating repair and new application Procedure approval and
70 Pipe Internal Coating
HVAC and Plumbing
71 HVAC Testing and balancing
72 Fire and Smoke Dampers material, location and installation
73 RTR installer Job Clearance Card (JCC)