Noise of Turbocharger Compressors
Noise of Turbocharger Compressors
Noise of Turbocharger Compressors
Hua Chen
Hua Chen
Marine Engineering College, Dalian Maritime University
1 Linghai Road, Dalian, China 116026
[email protected]
urations. This was attributed to the experimental setup. characteristics by modern mufflers and after-treatment de-
Sheng (8) gave a presentation on turbocharger noises identi- vices, turbine noise is less of a concern. The compressor on
fying a number of them. Kabral et al. (9) proposed an acous- the other hand is a flow diffusion device and subject to flow
tic method for investigating turbocharger flow instability in instability. The instability generates noise. For these reasons,
which acoustic features of the sound generation and scatting this paper discusses compressor noise from aerodynamic
by the compressor near surge were investigated. The results point of view. The focus will be the underline mechanism of
show that broadband noise at near surge condition is consid- the noise, that is, how various noises are generated by the
erably higher than at other conditions, and a notable hump compressor. The measures to control these noises will also
centred at 45% shaft speed was found and considered to be be addressed.
rotating stall related. Karim et al. (10) presented their study
of 'hiss/whoosh' or broad noise of a turbocharger compressor 2. BLADE PASSING FREQUENCY (BPF) NOISE
at off-design conditions, and identified the best configuration
of inlet guide vanes and grooves/steps in front of the impel- This noise is mainly caused by blade loading. The noise
ler. Dehner R et al. (11) tested a turbocharger compressor caused by blade thickness should be small and will not be
for instability at the low-flow range using acoustic signals. discussed here. The pressure difference (loading) on the two
They recognized the link between surges and incidence angle surfaces of a blade generates a pressure disturbance when
at impeller inlet and others. Surge noise identification and the blade rotates. This disturbance propagates as sound
control was discussed by Kuang X. et al. (12). Åbom and wave, its frequency is equal to blade number x blade rotating
Rämmal (13) reported their development of a compact si- frequency, and its amplitude increases with the pressure
lencer for noise at KHz range. Broatch et al. (14) carried out difference. Figures 1 and 2 show the measured compressor
experimental and computational studies of the broad band operating condition and casing blade loading of a 400mm,
noise of a turbocharger compressor at a peak pressure ratio 30o backsweep centrifugal impeller operated at a subsonic tip
of 2.24:1. Biet and Baar (15) described an acoustic climate Mach number of 0.6. The blade loading (and the BPF noise)
camber for acoustic measurement of turbochargers at cold reduces and shifts toward impeller LE with compressor mass
environmental conditions. Gupta et al. (16) investigated the flow, from operating points (A) to (D). When flow instability
methods to reduce turbocharger whistle noise transmitted occurs, operating point (G), the loading, particularly the front
into passenger cabin. Identification of the noise sources, aero part, greatly reduces. The change of the loading with mass
or mechanical, was mentioned. Galindo et al. (17) studied flow is related to the change of incidence angle to the blade.
the effects of real running shroud clearance of a small turbo-
charger compressor on its acoustic behavior in near surge
condition, taking into account the effects of rotation, thermal
expansion and shaft motion. No significant changes in the
behavior were found. It was suggested that in this working
condition, the tip clearance is immersed in a region of
strongly swirling flow, therefore cannot establish any coher-
ent noise source mechanism.
Fig. 2 Casing measurement deducted blade loading at operating points (A), (B), (D) and (G) of Fig. 1
Clearance ratio CR = 12.7%, solid and broken lines for full and splitter blades respectively. (18)
man ears, changes in U2 may have different effects on
human perception to the BPF noise. Vr2/U2 > 0 is im-
peller exit flow coefficient. 2 is the impeller exit flow
angle and is approximately equal to impeller exit blade
angle, commonly referred to as backsweep angle since
2 <0 in turbocharger compressors. An increase of the
backsweep angle (2 becomes more negative) reduces
blade loading, particularly at high flows, see Figure 6,
hence decreases BPF noise. Large backsweep angle
also increases the stagger of the blades, resulting in
Fig. 4 Instantaneous pressure wave pattern by higher blocking by the blades to sound propagation
URANS at inlet duct of a 6+6 bladed turbocharger downstream.
compressor operating at inducer tip speed of
401.5m/s and near choke
Vz1 Vr 2 2
F / L /( L) 1 A1 1 tan 2 U 2
U2 U2
Vz1 Vr 2 2
F / B 1 A1 1 tan 2 U 2 / B (1)
U2 U2
Where L is a characteristic length, and may be approx-
imated by the impeller tip radius. So, the force creat-
ing the BPF noise increases with compressor size A1,
compressor inlet flow coefficient Vz1/U2 and blade tip
Harmonics of 6 x rotating speed
speed U2. U2 also links to the BPF, so depending on
where the BPF is on the sensitivity curves of the hu-
Fig. 5 Calculated pressure wave amplitude and strong tonal and broadband noises are reported when
SPL dB (in blue) at inlet and outlet of the com- a compressor is closed to surge. At this condition, the
pressor in Fig. 4 compressor as a flow diffusion device is working at its
maximum capacity. They are several noise generating
mechanisms by flow instability inside compressors, and
they are discussed here. We restrict ourselves to the
open shroud impellers with shroud clearance and
vaneless diffusers. Figure 8 shows different compres-
sor instabilities on the map of such a compressor and
the associated casing pressure signals taken close to
impeller LE.
Fig. 8 Performance map of a turbocharger compressor with a vaneless diffuser, various instability regions
are identified with associated casing static pressure signals taken in front of impeller LE. (22)
Due to K-H
c) Pressure amplitude and phase at 8 numerical probes in 8 inducer channels. fR is impeller rotating frequency
Fig. 9 URANS calculation of a centrifugal compressor operating near stall (NS) showing vortices generated
by Kelvin-Helmholtz instability. The compressor has a 21 vanes diffuser (23).
noise with a frequency of m x rotating frequency of unstable component of the compression system. Its
stall cells is also observed. stall often triggers the stage stall and surge (25-27,
see Figure 15 as well). Because its inflow contains a
large circumferential velocity component, the diffuser
stall often occurs in the form of circumferential waves
whose frequencies are linked to shaft speed. Vaneless
diffuser can also have radial wave modes. Different
number of stall cells may be formed at different oper-
ating conditions and with dissimilar geometries, result-
ing various noise frequencies being observed. Figures
12 and 13 give examples of one- and two-cells rotat-
ing stalls of vaneless diffusers in two industrial com-
pressors respectively. Note the strong disturbance
caused by lobe passage in Figure 13. Three or four
lobes vaneless diffuser rotating stalls were also often
observed. Figures 14 and 15 show an example.
While impeller inducer may stall, but it rarely triggers (b) FFT results of pressure signal
compressor surge directly. With the centrifugal force Fig. 12 Single lobed (m =1) stall of vaneless dif-
contribution to the overall pressure rise, centrifugal fuser in an industrial centrifugal compressor.
impeller's speed-lines do not have large positive slopes Blade Tip Mach no. = 0.85. (28)
even in rotating stall conditions. A vaneless diffuser on
the other hand always decelerates flow and is the most
Time averaged wall pressure
vs. flow coefficient
Pressure Spectra at A at
(a) Pressure at diffuser inlet (1) to (5) operating points
Fig. 14 Measured mid span flow velocities in Chen and Sheng et al (30-31) proposed a rotating
vaneless diffuser at operating condition 5 (see stall model for vaneless diffusers that allows estimation
Fig. 15) of a turbocharger compressor, showing of the rotating speed and the number of the stall cells.
three stalled regions or stall cells. (29) They show that working with backsweep impellers
vaneless diffusers can have two stalls at different flows,
that is, in between the two stalls there is a stable re-
gion. This may explain why in Figure 8 and in many
turbocharger compressor maps there exists a negative sage between blades 1 and 2 is stalled, the main pas-
slope region to the left of the first positive slope region sage shock on blade 1 s.s. causes TLV and overtip vor-
on the speed-lines. tices to breakdown in shroud region, blocking the in-
flow to the passage. The blockage to the flow has
reached the LE of blade 2 p.s., causing higher inci-
dence to the blade 2. The larger incidence and the ad-
ditional mass flow trying to get into the passage
formed by blades 2 and 3 increase the Mach number
on the s.s. of blade 2 thereby the shock strength in
this passage, leading to severer flow breakdown and
blockage in it (bottom picture of the figure) and re-
lieving the previously stalled passage.
In addition to the noise generated by this rotating stall, properly, can be and have been used to reduce the
the flow separation introduced by shocks is highly un- severity of the mixing and broad band noise.
steady and causes the shocks foot at the boundary
layer to oscillate. The oscillation generate a narrow
band noise whose energy peaks at Strouhal number
Str = li x f/V∞ = 0.01~0.03 (33), where f is the noise
frequency, li is the distance shock foot oscillates and
V∞ the free stream velocity before the shock. For tur-
bocharger compressors, the frequency of this noise is
estimated in KHz to 10 KHz order. The strength of the
noise is to be studied.
ter than asymmetric ones in noise aspect. How to link
this observation to compressor design is to be explored.
Reduced tonal noise
Engine rpm
Frequency (KHz)
Fig. 22 Measured exhaust noise of a ported
shroud compressor during engine transient. The
compressor has 11 full blades. Non ported case is
given in Fig. 7.
The author is grateful to his employer NLETT for allow-
ing the publication of this paper.
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