Course Task 17
Course Task 17
Course Task 17
Section: BSN 2 YC – 9
Patient 2: Rene Age: 26y/o/Male Ht:5 ft 9 inches Wt: 70 Kg He claims to have problems maintaining his weight; he cycles for an
hour, three times a week and goes to the Gym twice a week. He works as a hair stylist and is on his feet most of the day. Busy days
will mean skipping lunch. On weekends, he works late and when he gets home, he would be too tired to prepare his dinner. To date, he
is not aware of any medical problems present
11. State of evidence of the diet planned:
If you're struggling with an
eating disorder, it's important
to get help as soon as
possible. Talk to a trusted
friend, family member or
your physician. Eating
disorders such as anorexia
nervosa, which involve
restricting food intake,
sometimes severely have
sphysiological and emotional
causes that can be addressed
with medical treatment and
Demonstrate the Food supplies not only The teaching method Ppt presentation Gain knowledge about ha
right food that he calories, but also nutrients, to be used is one to- Brochure
ving right foods that will
needs to take. such as protein, fats, vitamins one instruction. One
meet his nutritional needs.
(Psychomotor) and minerals. Your body to one instructions
requires these substances in ensure that the client
sufficient amounts to function interacts with nurse
properly. Although it can go a educator individually,
short time without nutrients, so that each can learn
effects of undereating and and understand
nutrient deficiencies will concepts at their own
begin to be noticeable. Some pace and in their own
important nutrients and their way.
deficiency symptoms are:
Health Teaching
Carbohydrates - are your
body's main source of energy.
Deficiency results in
noticeable deficits in physical
and mental effectiveness.
Vitamin B12 - is crucial
for making healthy red blood
cells that carry oxygen
throughout your body. Low
levels result in anemia, or not
enough red blood cells, the
most common side effects of
which are fatigue and reduced
exercise tolerance. Prolonged
deficiency can cause
neurologic deterioration.
Iron - plays an important
role in the creation of healthy
red blood cells. Deficiency
symptoms are similar to those
of B12 deficiency chronic
fatigue, weakness, dizziness
and shortness of breath when
doing everyday tasks.
Zinc - an essential mineral
that supports immune system
health. If you become
deficient, you may experience
impaired wound healing,
decreased sense of taste, hair
loss, diarrhea and changes in
your skin.
Sodium - an electrolyte
mineral that helps regulate
the body's fluids; it's also
involved in muscle function.
Low sodium levels may cause
nausea, cramps, headache,
confusion, exhaustion,
irritability, seizures and
coma, according to Mayo