Pre Board Criminalistics 2022 June Copy 1
Pre Board Criminalistics 2022 June Copy 1
Pre Board Criminalistics 2022 June Copy 1
1. The test questionnaire contains 100 test questions. Examinees shall manage to use two (2) hours.
2. Read INSTRUCTIONS printed on your answer sheet.
3. Shade only one (1) box for each question on your answer sheets. Two or more boxes shaded will invalidate your
5. WARNING: This material is protected by Copyright Laws. Unauthorized used shall be prosecuted in the full extent of
the Philippine Laws. For exclusive use of CBRC reviewees only.
1. The smallest bone in the human body is _________ and located in__________
a. Stapes - ear
b. Femur – leg
c. Jawbone - skull
d. Fibula – leg
2. Smallest human teeth
a. Mandibular central incisors
b. Second premolar
c. Cuspid canine
d. First premolar bicuspid
3. How long can fingerprint or latent prints survive when submerge under water?
a. 2 -3 days
b. 10 days
c. 15 days
d. 5 days
4. What if the latent prints is found or contact with the skin how long thus it stay?
a. 1 hour
b. 15 minutes
c. 10 minutes
d. 5 minutes
5. How many hours that the dead body smells different?
a. 72 hours
b. More than 24 hours
c. Less than 24 hours
d. 12 hours
6. What types of flies that lay eggs in the human flesh?
a. Bot flies
b. House flies
c. Fruit flies
d. Horse flies
7. According to the discovery made by Johannes Evangelist Purkinji, the plain arch is named as?
a. Transverse curve
b. Central longitudinal strain
c. Oblique stripes
d. Almond
8. The book which was published by William Herschel
a. The Externo Tactus Organo
b. The Origin of the fingerprinting
c. Skin furrows of the hand
d. The fingerprint
9. In the primary classification what will be the classification of the FMB?
a. It will be treated as plain whorl meeting
b. The FMB finger will be marked at the back of the fingerprint card
c. Same pattern in the other sequence of fingers
a. Green-Blue-Red
b. Yellow-Magenta-Cyan
c. Blue-Green-red
d. Magenta-Cyan-Yellow
21. The following are the functions of blood in the human body except
a. Regulation
b. Transport
c. Nutrition
d. Protection
22. The following are the primary test of blood except
a. Benzidine Test
b. Phenolphthalein Test
c. Takayama Test
d. Guaiacum Test
23. Total number of spermatozoa contained in a single ejaculate from a healthy young man is about ______ million
a. 300 -400 million
b. 400-500 million
c. 200-300 million
d. 100-200 million
24. The central canal of the hair maybe empty or may contain cells; more or less pigmented
a. Medulla
b. Cortex
c. Cuticle
d. Core
25. A types of fiber that smells like burning feather / hair that burn very slowly and easily extinguished
a. Vegetable fibers
b. Animal fibers
c. Silk fibers
d. Plant fibers
26. A process wherein it is taking picture or preserving image in far distance object
a. Telephoto camera
b. Telephotography
c. Telephoto lens
d. Telephoto
27. Upon arrival at the crime scene , if you are the first responder or investigator the following are the process
where in we can determine if the cadaver is still has the sign of life that rigor is not yet observe but still muscle
are elastic except
a. Check the pulse rate of the person and hearth beat
b. Put a glass of water at the chest part and observe if wave is created
c. Asked the subject and wait for a minute to check of the subject is unconscious
d. Apply injury to the subject and observe how blood exited into the wound if it is continue or not
28. Statement - 1 fired slug must be marked based on the standard procedure particularly at the base
Statement – to determine the caliber of the cartridge case fired cartridge the measurement must be done at the
Statement-3 shearing marks are marks which is found particularly at the cartridges
a. Only 1 is correct
b. All are correct
c. Only 3 is correct
d. 2 and 3.only
29. When hanging incident is concern, if you are the investigator arrived at the crime scene and you observe a piece
of documents at the table near the location of the victim, and the content of the document stating the reason of
his death, who will come first to examine the document?
a. The questioned document expert will first to examine the evidence to determine the characteristics of
the writing
b. The medical doctor first to determine the cause of death
c. The fingerprint expert to examine the latent print
d. Investigator to asked who write the documents
30. In relation to abovementioned situation, what will be the proximate cause of death of the person in hanging
a. Strangulation and loss of oxygen
b. Asphyxia by hanging
c. Weight of the body
d. Depression
31. Select among the following statement below that best describe the process of forensic ballistics
a. Markings of evidence at the crime scene and turned over the evidence to the investigator
b. Locate the suspect by determining the characteristics of the slugs or bullet and compare it on the record
at the FEO
c. Collect evidence at the crime scene and bring it to the crime laboratory
d. Collect all evidence relating to the crime and conduct inventory and bring the evidence to the court for
proper proceedings
32. Mechanism of a firearms that use to expel the bullet from the chamber
a. Extractor
b. Ejector
c. Barrel
d. Trigger
33. Additional stroke is added to make letter becomes legible and to complete letters
a. Pen emphasis
b. Retracing
c. Retouching
d. Diacritic
34. The most destructive types of erasure
a. Chemical erasure
b. Mechanical erasure
c. Contact erasure
d. Abrasive erasure
SITUATION : PICCOLO , a police officer responding to a crime scene, and upon arrival he saw GOHAN, lying in the
ground with full of blood and would not able to speak and move but the former observe at the wall a writing
that stated " si FREZA ang pumatay saakin" and the latter use his own blood in writing
35. If PICCOLO bring the wall to the court by presenting to the judge that it contains writing and blood is used in
a. Object evidence
b. Physical evidence
c. Documentary evidence
d. Testimonial evidence
36. PICCOLO prove to the court that the writings found at the wall is the hand writing of GOHAN
a. Standard document
b. Documentary evidence
c. Object evidence
d. Original document
37. PICCOLO testified to the court and he bring the questioned document report and explain the process of
investigation stated that the writing found at the wall is the handwriting of GOHAN
a. testimonial evidence
b. Object evidence
c. Documentary evidence
d. Corroborative evidence
38. The following are the function of the lens except
a. The light gathering power of the camera
b. Control the length of time exposure
c. It Use to capture light
d. The one that will capture image
39. The distance of the lens in relation to the nearest object being focus with the give apperture
b. 1 ,2 and 3 is false
c. Only 2 is correct
d. Only 3 is correct
60. _________bullets are designed to disintegrate upon impact with a hard surface in order to minimize ricochet
a. Explosive bullet
b. Incendiary bullet
c. Frangible bullet
d. Scattered bullet
61. Is the controlled expansion of a bullet upon impact with a target. The bullet is designed to significantly increase
in diameter upon impact
a. Deformed bullet
b. Mushrooming
c. Hollow point bullet
d. Expanding bullet
62. Gave the first systematic treatment of the BALLISTICS of gunnery in his Nuovo Scienzia, published in 1537
a. Niccolo Tartaglia
b. Galileo
c. Benjamin Robins
d. Henry Goddard
63. What types of search when the shooting incident took place in a small closed area
a. Strip method
b. Double strip method
c. Wheel method
d. Spiral method
64. Are those recovered from the bullet recovery box for comparison with the evidence bullets under the bullet
comparison microscope
a. Test bullets
b. Evidence bullets
c. Recovered bullets
d. Slugs
65. __________, professor of forensic medicine at the University of Lyons, France, was the first to try to
individualized bullets to a gun barrel. His comparisons at the time were based simply on the numbers of lands
and grooves.
a. Hiram Maxim
b. Henry Deringer
c. Alexandre Lacassagne
d. Victor Balthazard
66. Professor of forensic medicine at the Sorbonne, used photographic enlargements of bullets and cartridge cases
to determine weapon type and was among the first to attempt to individualize bullet to a weapon
a. Hiram Maxim
b. Phillip O. Gravelle
c. Alexandre Lacassagne
d. Victor Balthazard
67. A gait which the foot is raised high, thrown forward and brought down suddenly
a. Ataxic gait
b. Cerebellar gait
c. Cows gate
d. Paretic gait
68. A gait in which the legs are held together and moves in stiff manner, and the toes to drag and catch
a. Spastic gait
b. Waddling gait
c. Ataxic gait
d. Frog gait
69. Is considered to be one of the best methods of tattoo removal
a. Laser method
b. Dermabrasion method
c. Incision method
d. Surgical method
70. Select among the following statement is correct
I. Mustache & Beard = 16 to 18 years old
II. Breast = 13 to 15 years old
III. Voices = 16 to 18 years old
IV. Pubic Hair = may turn gray at 20 years old
V. Menstruation = 12 years (in tropical)
a. I,II, and III
b. I, III, V only
c. All of the above
d. V only
71. A type of death usually declare by members of the immediate family of the diseased or by the physician
a. Somatic death
b. Clinical death
c. Biological death
d. Sociological death
72. There is stoppage of respiration if there is no movement of the reflected image on the water on the chest of the
person lying on his back
a. Winslow test
b. Diaphanous test
c. Magnus test
d. I cards test
73. The fall of temperature of 15 to 20 degrees Fahrenheit is considered s a certain sign of death
a. Post mortem caloricity
b. Rigor mortis
c. First 2 hours after death
d. Algor mortis
74. Stages of death that it best describe the cause of death
a. Post mortem lividity
b. Postmortem spasm
c. Muscle rigidity
d. Rigor mortis
75. Brought about by the mechanical compression of the chest by some heavy object
a. Death by asphyxia
b. Crush asphyxia
c. Traumatic asphyxia
d. Suffocation
76. Is an injury of the body caused by physical agents which is the application of stimulus to the body producing
damage or injury to the tissue
a. Injury
b. Physical injury
c. Serious physical injury
d. Wound
77. The following are the evidence if the gunshot wound is suicidal except
I. Parts of the body involved are accessible to the hands of the victim.
II. There is usually more than one gunshot wound.
III. Presence of suicidal note.
IV. Usually the more distance is near or close range
V. History of frustration
VI. Drug dependency
a. I, III, and V
b. II and IV only
c. None of the above
d. III only
78. Involuntary spasmodic painful contraction of muscles essentially due to dehydration and excessive loss of
chlorides by sweating
a. Cramps
b. Exhaustion
c. heat stroke
d. thermal burns
79. A form of sexual gratification characterized by the compulsive desire of a person to rub his sex organ against
some part of the body of another
a. Frottage
b. Pygmalionism
c. Don Juanism
d. Infant sexuality
80. Determine the primary classification if, the little finger of the right is postaxial and they are on the same size,
the inner one is X and the outer one T, Both index fingers are C, thumb of the right is X and the Ring finger of the
Left is R and all other remaining fingers is AMP.
a. 26 over 31
b. 32 over 32
c. 27 over 26
d. 30 over 21
81. What types of pattern if the flow of the ridges of slanting of the ridges directly towards the number 7
a. Radial
b. Ulnar
c. Loop
d. Type lines
82. Select among the following the characteristics of a loop pattern considered as the most important
a. Having a number of delta
b. It has a sufficient recurve that compose of 2 shoulder
c. The summing of the ridges that cross the imaginary line of 1 count
d. A recurving ridge that curves back to the direction when the ridge started best describe a loop pattern
83. When there are 2 or more possible bifurcation is present, determine the location of a delta
a. The one that is nearest to the first of the 2 focal point is selected
b. The one that is away from the core
c. The one that is nearest to the delta
d. The one that is nearest to the core
84. A process of developing latent prints that is applicable in old crime scene or lately discover
a. Fuming method
b. 5 % silver solution
c. Ninhydrine method
d. Victoria blue solution
85. the following are located inside the primer cup except
a. anvil-paper disc
b. highly sensitive chemical compound-priming mixture
c. ignition – vent
d. combustion-priming mixture
86. person who are assigned to examine firearms, bullet and other pertaining to each characteristics
a. firearms expert
b. ballistics engineer
c. forensic ballistics
d. ballistics
87. In about A.D. 105. He is the first to succeed in making paper from vegetable fibers, tree barks (mulberry tree),
rags, old fish nettings
a. Hua Chi
b. Te In Shi
c. Cai Lun
d. She Nong
88. Pictorial image formed by casting a shadow, usually of the hands, upon a rightful surface or screen
a. Shadowgraph
b. Stereoscopic Microscope
c. Magnifying Glass
d. Macro lens
89. A special thread vertically implanted off center of the note during paper manufacture
a. Iridescent band
b. Vignette
c. Windowed Security Thread
d. Embedded Security Thread
90. If pen lift is the interruption of strokes by sudden removal of the writing instrument from the paper, what is the
gap between strokes w/o lifting the pen?
a. Tremor
b. Tremor of fraud
c. Genuine tremor
d. Hiatus
91. What type of signature is used for signing mail, receipts and other documents?
a. Formal
b. Careless scribble
c. Informal
d. Cursory
92. Functions much like the iris of the eye—it controls the effective diameter of the lens opening.
a. Diaphragm
b. Focusing
c. Shutter
d. Lens
93. The object to be photographed looks double when the focusing control is not in proper distance
a. Coincidence
b. Rangefinder
c. Scale-Bed Type
d. Split-Type
94. Literally means dark chamber
a. Diaeta aquilus
b. Anacleta atramentum
c. Thalamus attratus
d. Camera obscura
95. The speed of a lens is determined by its largest f-stop value (smallest number). Thus, the larger the aperture,
a. the slower the lens
b. the smaller the lens
c. the bigger the lens
d. the faster the lens
96. Which of the following is NOT true?
a. a smaller aperture (a larger f-number) increases the depth of field
b. a longer distance between the camera and subject increases the depth of field
c. when subject distance remains the same, a lens with a shorter focal length decreases the depth of field
d. the depth of field behind the point of optimum focus is longer than the depth of field in front of the
point of optimum focus
97. Which of the following statement is correct
a. A large aperture will be blur the background and make the subject stand out.
b. a small f-number will increase the depth of field to make both the foreground and background look
c. A large f-number will increase the depth of field to make both the foreground and background look
d. statement A and D are correct
98. Which of the following is NOT a purpose of crime scene photography?
a. to record the original scene and related cases
b. to record the initial appearance of physical evidence
c. it will provide investigators and others with temporary visual record of the scene for later use
d. photographs are also used in court trials and hearings
99. In judicial hanging, the heart continues to beat for how many minutes after an individual has been executed?
a. 5 to 10 minutes
b. 10 to 20 minutes
c. 20 to 30 minutes
d. 30 to 60 minutes
100. In gunshot wounds, when there is evident burning of tissues and blackening of the skin, it maybe
ascertained that it is at near contact fire meaning that the distance of the body to the gun is approximately,
a. 6 inches
b. 12 inches
c. 18 inches
d. 24 inches
Prepared by
Criminology Program Head