Nav2013 Enus Csintro 03
Nav2013 Enus Csintro 03
Nav2013 Enus Csintro 03
Module Overview
In Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013, you use pages to display, enter, and change data in
the client. Pages provide an easy way to create a task-oriented, intuitive, and dynamic
user interface. There are different types of pages that let the client present data in
different ways. These pages let users interact productively with Microsoft Dynamics
NAV 2013 to perform tasks.
Pages can access data from one table at a time, or they can combine information from
several tables. A page can also display information that is calculated as the page is
displayed, and it can also contain information that is not related to data from any table,
such as labels or bitmap pictures.
Explain the concepts of pages and page components.
Describe Page Designer and Action Designer.
Create a simple page and add basic controls to the page.
Provide an overview of different page types and their characteristics.
Discuss best practices in designing pages.
Create a Card page, add a container, FastTabs, and fields.
Create a List page and link it to the Card page.
Create a main page, a Part page, and link the two pages.
Page Fundamentals
Pages contain properties, triggers, and controls which define the behavior of the page.
The page is shown in the client. However, the application logic in page triggers runs on
the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Service Tier. This makes Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013
a secure, scalable, and flexible application.
The following figure shows the components of a page and how they are related.
You create and design pages in the Page Designer in Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Development Environment.
Use page properties to define the behavior of the pages. For example, page properties
such as InsertAllowed, ModifyAllowed, and DeleteAllowed, specify whether you can use
a page only for displaying information, or whether you can insert new records, update, or
delete existing records through the page.
Module 3: Pages
Some page properties are common with other objects, such as ID, Name, or Caption,
whereas many more properties are specific to pages, such as PageType, CardPageID, or
The following steps show how to open the Properties window for the Customer Card
1. On the Tools menu, click Object Designer. The Object Designer opens.
2. Click Page to open the Page list.
3. Select page 21, Customer Card, and then Design to design the Customer
Card page. The Page Designer opens.
4. Scroll down to the blank line at the bottom of the page, and then click View
> Properties, or click the Properties button on the Toolbar.
5. The Page - Properties window opens and shows the properties for the
page. Here you can view and change properties for the Customer Card page.
C/SIDE Introduction in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
Certain predefined events that occur to a page or a control can cause the system to
execute a user-defined C/AL function. The event and the function together are called a
Page triggers
Control triggers
Action triggers
Examples of Page triggers include OnOpenPage that contains statements that run when
the page opens, and OnModifyRecord that contains statements that run before the system
accepts changes that the user makes to a record. Triggers in a page are edited in the C/AL
Editor which is accessed from the Page Designer.
Use controls to define the layout of a page. Controls can group or arrange other controls
or display information on a page. Controls can display data from the following sources:
Depending on the page type and their parent controls, certain controls may not be
available all the time. For example, use Cues only within CueGroups on activity pages in
role centers. Use FastTabs only on Card, ListPlus, and Document pages.
Control Properties
Control Properties determine the behavior and appearance of the control. For example,
you can use page control properties to link a field to a specific field in a table, or to
determine what happens when you enter information into a field. Different page controls
can have different sets of properties. For example, container, group, and field controls
each have their own unique sets of properties.
Note: You cannot explicitly specify positioning and sizing of a control. These two
characteristics are determined by the client in relationship to other controls present on a
The following steps show how to open the Properties window for one of the controls
(General FastTab) in the Customer Card page.
Module 3: Pages
2. Select the line of type Group, with caption General (the second line from
the top in the figure).
3. On the View menu, click Properties, or click the Properties button on the
4. The Properties window opens and shows the properties for the control.
Here you can view and change properties for the General FastTab.
Note: Expression properties let you easily control the same behavior of several
controls at the same time. By binding the same property, such as Visible, to the same
Boolean variable, you can toggle visibility of multiple controls from a single line of code.
Do not forget to set the IncludeInDataset variable property to Yes.
C/SIDE Introduction in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
Control Triggers
Only controls of type Field have triggers.
The following steps show how to view the triggers for the No. field in the Customer Card
Note: The triggers for the Customer Card page are also shown together with the
triggers for the No. field.
The controls on a page that are bound to a table are usually bound to fields in the same
Module 3: Pages
table. Not every control on the page is bound to a table field. Some controls may be
bound to expressions or variables, whereas some controls may be not bound at all. Such
controls are called unbound controls. An example of an unbound control is a FastTab.
The Ribbon
Each page has its own set of actions which show in the ribbon. The ribbon consists of
tabs, groups, menus, and actions.
By default, the following four tabs are provided: Home, Actions, Navigate, and Report.
You can define more tabs while you design the page, and users can define more tabs
while they customize the ribbon.
Each tab has one or more groups. Some tabs contain default groups. However, you or the
end-user may define other groups. For example, the Home tab has New, Process, and
Report groups. The page type may also have Manage, View, and Show Attached groups.
However, you can define more groups while you design the page.
The Home tab uses its group as containers for the promoted actions. Promoted actions
are the most common actions. You can promote actions while you design the page. End-
users can demote already promoted actions, or promote actions of their choice.
End-users can fully customize the ribbon, and can add, rearrange, and remove tabs,
groups, menus, and actions.
In the client, buttons that are located in the ribbon are called actions. When a user clicks
an action, the action starts a specific system-defined activity or runs a trigger.
You create and change actions from the Action Designer that is accessed from the Page
Designer. Actions have their own properties and triggers. These triggers can be accessed
from the Action Designer.
C/SIDE Introduction in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
Actions can be page actions or control actions. Page actions are displayed in the ribbon
at the top of the page. Most page types support page actions. Control actions are
displayed in the control itself, and only the CueGroup control supports control actions.
The following steps show how to open the Action Designer and view the properties and
triggers of an action in the Customer Card page.
4. Select any action (any of the lines), and then click View > Properties. The
Properties window opens and shows the properties for the current action.
5. Close the Properties window.
6. Select any action, and then click View > C/AL Code. The C/AL Editor
opens and shows the triggers for the current action.
Action Properties
Action properties define where and how the client displays the action in the ribbon, and
what the action does when selected by a user. For example, changing the Promoted
property from No to Yes promotes an action to the Actions tab in the ribbon. This makes
it more prominent to end-users.
Module 3: Pages
Action properties also define the activity that is performed when users click the action,
such as the RunObject, RunPageLink, and RunPageMode properties.
Action Triggers
Unlike page and control triggers, there is only one action trigger: the OnAction trigger.
This trigger runs when a user clicks the action in the ribbon. You typically define the
OnAction trigger when RunObject property is undefined.
Note: You can define both the OnAction trigger and the RunObject property. If you
define both, the client runs both the object that is defined in the RunObject property, and
the C/AL code that is defined in the OnAction trigger.
Page Designer
Use Page Designer to create new pages and change existing ones. You use Page
Designer to define page controls and their relationships. Together they determine the
content and the layout of the page. Page Designer also includes the Action Designer that
lets you define page actions.
The core development activity in page design is specifying the contents of the page in
relation to the different Microsoft Dynamics NAV page types, such as List, Card,
Document, or other page types.
There are several types of controls that can be added to a page. The following list groups
controls into several broad categories.
C/SIDE Introduction in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
Type Purpose
Container Acts as a placeholder for other controls.
Group Arranges other controls in a logical manner.
Field Displays data from a table field, or a value of a variable,
constant, or an expression.
Part Displays another page, a chart, or a system-defined feature,
such as Outlook or Record Links.
Container Control
Every page element is a control with a specific type and subtype. Every page has a
container control at the root of its control hierarchy. Following are three subtypes of
Subtype Purpose
ContentArea Is a topmost element of every page type, except for role
RoleCenterArea Replaces the ContentArea on pages of type RoleCenter.
FactboxArea Contains FactBox controls in a page.
Every page must have at least one container control as the topmost element.
Group Control
Use group controls to group several other controls together. Following are the five group
Subtype Purpose
Group Groups fields into FastTabs in card pages, or groups several
controls together.
Repeater Presents data in a tabular format, such as in list page.
CueGroup Create Cues, such as in the SO Processor Activities page.
FixedLayout Puts fields in a table or matrix-like configuration that has a
row and column headings. You can only set up fields on a
column-by-column basis. You typically use the FixedLayout
control to display statistical data in a FastTab or information in
the details section of a Worksheet page. FixedLayout shows
captions as a heading to the rows and columns. You cannot
specify a heading for each field. Fields cannot span rows and
columns. Fields are noneditable and are displayed without a
GridLayout Puts fields in a uniform grid. When you set up a grid layout,
you can decide to set up fields in a row-by-row or a column-
by-column configuration. With GridLayout, captions are
shown to the left or above each field, fields can span rows and
columns, and fields appear with borders, exactly like in a
FastTab control.
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Note: To learn more about the differences between the FixedLayout and the
GridLayout controls, refer to the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Developer and IT Pro Help.
Field Control
Field control does not have a subtype, and is always used to display a value. The value
that is displayed in a field control can come from any of the following sources:
Note: When entering data in a page, users can press Enter to move between fields.
You can control which fields are skipped by setting the QuickEntry property. By default
this property is set to TRUE. If you set it to FALSE, this property prevents the field from
having focus when a user repeatedly presses Enter.
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Part Control
Use part control to display another page or system data as a part of the current page.
Following are the three subtypes of part control:
Subtype Purpose
Page Displays another page as a part of a parent page. Examples
of page parts are lines in document pages, a FactBox list
part, or card part pages. You specify the page to display by
using the PagePartID property.
Chart Displays a chart from the data that is contained in a table, or
based on the results of a query. You specify the system part
by using the SystemPartID property.
System Displays a system part, such as Outlook, Notes, MyNotes,
or RecordLinks. You specify the chart to be displayed by
using the ChartPartID property.
Use the following properties to set the link between the page and its page part:
Property Purpose
SubPageView Sets a specific table view that is applied to the page part.
You can choose the key, the sorting order, and the table
filter that are applied to the page part.
SubPageLink Sets up a link between the main page, and the page part. The
link lets you filter the page part by field values on the main
page, and to apply additional page filters.
Action Designer
Design page and control actions by using Action Designer. Action Designer is very
similar to page designer: it groups actions into containers and groups of different
subtypes. Access both page and control action designers from the View menu. Page
Actions opens the action designer for the page actions, and Control Actions opens the
action designer for the currently selected control.
Note: Control Actions is only enabled for groups of CueGroup subtype, and is
disabled for all other control types.
When a page is displayed, page actions are positioned in a different tab and group in the
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ribbon, depending on the action container and group to which they belong. Control
actions are positioned next to the cues.
The following figure shows how the actions are displayed in a CueGroup control.
Action Container
Action Group
Action Container
Action Container is the top level element in the hierarchy and must always have a
subtype. Other action types that are located under it do not have subtypes. Use subtypes
to decide the location of the action in the page. Depending on the subtype, an action can
be put in the following positions in the ribbon or in the navigation pane:
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Subtype Position Page Type Figure
group, on the Actions tab in
the ribbon.
ActionItems In the General group, on the All pages 3.7-2
Actions tab in the ribbon.
RelatedInformation On the Navigate tab. Each All pages 3.8-3
group in a
container is displayed as a
separate group of the
Navigate tab in the ribbon.
Reports On the Report tab in the All pages 3.9-4
HomeItems On the Home menu in the Role 3.10-5
navigation pane. Centers
ActivityButtons In separate menus in the Role 3.10-6
navigation pane. For Centers
example, Posted Documents
in the Sales Order
Processor role center is an
activity button.
Actions that belong to NewDocumentItems and ActionItems action containers are put
on the Actions tab.
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Actions that pertain to RelatedInformation action container are put on the Navigate tab.
Actions that belong to Reports action container are put on the Reports tab.
Actions that pertain to HomeItems and ActivityButtons containers are put in the
navigation pane.
Action containers must be unique in a page. There cannot be two action containers with
the same subtype. For example, there can be only one action container with the Reports
Action container must not be indented. Other actions under the action container must be
indented one level or more, depending on placement in the hierarchy.
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Action Group
Use Action Groups to group several related actions. For example, in Customer List
page, several actions that show different information about a particular customer (Ledger
Entries, Issued Documents, and Bank Accounts) are grouped into a Customer action
Action represents a command that users can click to perform any of the following
Show a page
Run a report or a codeunit
Start an XMLport
Run C/AL code that is defined in the action triggers.
Property Purpose
RunObject Specifies which object runs when a user clicks the
action. The value is a combination of the object type
and object name. For example, if you want to run the
Sales Order page, you must enter “Page Sales Order”
in the RunObject property.
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Module 3: Pages
Property Purpose
RunPageView Sets a specific table view that is applied to the page
that the action runs. You can select the key, the sorting
order, and the table filter that is applied to the target
RunPageLink Sets up a link between the source page and the target
page. The source page contains the action being run;
the target page is run by the action. The link lets you
filter the target page by field values of the source page
and to apply additional page filters.
RunPageMode Specifies the mode in which the target page runs. The
mode can be one of the following types:
View: The linked record is shown, and the page is
Edit: The linked record is shown, and the page is
Create: No record is shown, and the page creates
a new record as soon as the user starts entering
Preview Mode
In the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment, you can preview a page
directly from Page Designer to view how the page will look in the client. Unlike running
a page from Object Designer, previewing a page does not start the client. This means that
you can keep working in the development environment.
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To preview a page, click View > Preview. This displays the Page Preview window.
The Page Preview window shows how the page looks in the client.
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Module 3: Pages
Use the Page Preview window to quickly access objects on the page. This includes
controls and actions. When you select a control in the Page Preview window, the same
control is selected automatically in the Page Designer. When you select an action in the
Page Preview window, the Action Designer window opens, and the same action is
selected automatically in the Action Designer.
When you select a control or an action in the Page Designer or Action Designer, a blue
frame is shown around the same control or action in the Page Preview window.
If you right-click a control or an action in the Page Preview window, a popup menu
opens that lets you choose from the following actions:
To open the Properties window for the selected object, click Properties.
To open the C/AL Editor window for the selected object, click C/AL
Code. This opens the C/AL Editor and focuses the triggers for the selected
control or action.
To open the Page Editor for a page part, such as FactBox or Lines part in a
document, click Go To Definition.
Demonstration Steps
This is how the page 90001, Custom Page, looks like now.
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2. Select the card page type and specify Item as the source table.
a. In Object Designer, make sure that page 90001, Custom Page is
b. Click Design to open the Page Designer.
c. On the View menu, click Properties, to open the Properties window
for the page.
d. Set the following properties:
Property Value
PageType Card
SourceTable Item
e. Close the Properties window.
f. Compile, save and close the page.
g. Run page 90001, Custom Page.
After you set the SourceTable property, the page is bound, and shows the No. and Name
field values of the first Item in the database.
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The Page Preview window shows how the page is rendered in the client.
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5. To the General FastTab, add field controls for No., Description, Costing
Method, Profit %, and Picture fields.
a. In Page Designer, select the next blank line. The line automatically
b. Click View > Field Menu to display the Field Menu window.
c. In the Field Menu window, select the following fields while holding
down the Ctrl key:
Costing Method
Profit %
d. In the Field Menu, click OK.
e. Click Yes In the dialog box that asks you if you want to add fields to
the page.
f. The fields are added and indented under the General group.
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Custom Page opens in the client for Windows, and shows the values for the first Item in
the database.
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Note: The Indent column represents how many levels each row is indented. To set
the indent level, use the Left and Right indent buttons at the bottom of the Page Designer
The Page Preview window updates to show the Details FastTab with the FixedLayout
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FixedLayout control shows noneditable fields without captions and borders, as shown in
the Custom Page window.
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8. Add an action to run the report 701, Inventory – List.
a. In the Object Designer, select page 90001, Custom Page, and then
click Design.
b. On the View menu, click Preview to open the Page Preview window.
c. On the View menu, click Page Actions to open the Action Designer
d. In the first blank line, enter the following information:
Type SubType Caption
ActionContainer Reports
The Page Preview window automatically updates to show the Reports tab in the ribbon,
with Inventory – List action.
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h. Set the following properties:
Property Value
Image Report
Promoted Yes
PromotedCategory Report
PromotedIsBig Yes
RunObject Report Inventory - List
i. Close the Properties window, and then close the Action Designer
The Page Preview window updates to show the Inventory – List report in the Report
group on the Home tab in the ribbon.
The final look of the page 90001, Custom Page, in the client for Windows.
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Note: Page Preview will show a warning about the page specification not being
well formed, as long as there are any unsupported settings. Action container that you
have added is indented under another action container. This is not a supported
configuration. When you correct the indent by unindenting the action container, the Page
Preview removes the warning.
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g. Enter the following information:
Type SubType Caption
Action Item Turnover
Note: The Page Preview window automatically updates, and shows the new action
in the General group on the Actions tab in the ribbon.
10. Set the Item Turnover action property to show the turnover for the item
that is currently selected in Custom Page page.
a. In the RunPageLink property, click the AssistEdit button.
b. In the Table Filter window, in the Field column, enter “No.”, then in
the Type column, enter FIELD, and then in the Value column, enter
“No.”. This establishes the link between the Item Turnover page and
the Custom Page page. Therefore, that Item Turnover always shows
the turnover for the item shown in the Custom Page page, when run
from the Item Turnover action on the Custom Page page.
The Table Filter window is used to configure the link between the source page, where
the action is shown, and the target page that is run by the action.
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d. Close the Properties window for the Item Turnover action.
e. Close the Action Designer.
11. Compile, save and run the page 90001, Custom Page.
a. Compile, save and close the page.
b. Run page 90001, Custom Page.
The final look of the page 90001, Custom Page, in the client for Windows.
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Module 3: Pages
Lesson Objectives
Examine different page types and their characteristics.
Card Page
A card page enables users to view and edit one record at a time. Use a card page when
there are too many fields to view on one line. A card page always uses FastTabs. This is
named General. It always is displayed first.
Tables that use card pages only have one field in their primary key. This field always is
displayed as the first field in the General FastTab.
Use the associated table name to name card pages, followed by the word “Card”. For
example, the card page that is associated with the Customer table is named Customer
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List Page
A list page is a multi-record page that enables users to view multiple records from a table
at the same time.
The primary key fields of the associated table are displayed in the left-most columns.
If you cannot edit the list page, name it with the name of the associated table, followed by
the word “List”. For example, the list page that is associated with the Customer table is
named Customer List. If you can edit the list page, name it with the plural of the
associated table name. For example, the list page associated with the Currency table is
named Currencies.
CardPart Page
Use a CardPart page to display fields or a special control like a picture viewer, in a
FactBox. Use a CardPart page to create a single-column FactBox.
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CardPart pages are named with the associated information, followed by the word
FactBox. For example, the CardPart page that displays the sales history of the sell-to
customer is named Sales Hist. Sell-to FactBox.
ListPart Page
Use a ListPart page to display subpages for documents. You can also used a ListPart page
as a FactBox to display multiple rows and columns from a single table.
When ListPart pages are used as FactBoxes, they are named with the associated
information, followed by the word “FactBox”. For example, the ListPart page that
displays the Dimensions is named Dimensions FactBox. When you use ListPart pages
as subpages for documents, name them with the associated document name, followed by
the word “Subform” or “Subpage”. For example, the ListPart page that displays the lines
for the Sales Order is named Sales Order Subform.
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The following figure displays the ListPart page when it is used as a subpage in a
Demonstration Steps
1. Create a new card page for Vendor table by using the Card Page Wizard.
a. In the Object Designer, click Page.
b. Click New to show the New Page window.
c. In the Table field, enter “Vendor”, then select the Create a page using
a wizard option.
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d. Click OK to start the Card Page Wizard.
e. In the FastTab Name list, enter “Invoicing” in the first blank line, and
then click Next.
f. Add the following fields to the General FastTab:
Country/Region Code
Purchaser Code.
g. Add the following fields to the Invoicing FastTab:
Budgeted Amount
Invoice Disc. Code
Balance (LCY)
Purchases (LCY)
Inv. Discounts (LCY)
Amt. Rcd. Not Invoiced (LCY).
h. Click Next.
i. Add the Vendor Details FactBox, and Vendor Statistics Factbox
page FactBoxes.
j. Add the Open PO per Location chart FactBox.
k. Click Finish.
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h. In the Table Filter window, set the following values:
Field to No.
Type to FIELD
Value to No
i. Click OK.
3. Compile, save, and close the page.
a. On the File menu, click Save. The Save As dialog box opens.
b. In the Save As dialog box, in the ID field, enter “90002”.
c. In the Name field, enter “Vendor Card – New”.
d. Make sure that the Compiled check box is selected, and then click OK.
e. Close the Page Designer window.
The following figure shows a card page that was created by using Card Page Wizard.
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Demonstration Steps
1. Create a new card page for Vendor table by using the List Page Wizard.
a. In the Object Designer, click Page.
b. Click New to display the New Page window.
c. In the Table field, enter “Vendor”, and then select the Create a page
using a wizard option.
d. Select List in the page types list, and then click OK to start the List
Page Wizard.
e. Add the following fields from the Available Fields list:
Vendor Posting Group
Currency Code
Purchaser Code
Country/Region Code
Gen. Bus. Posting Group
f. Click Next.
g. Add the Vendor Details FactBox, Vendor Statistics Factbox¸
Vendor Hist. Buy-from FactBox, and Vendor Hist. Pay-to FactBox
page FactBoxes.
h. Click Finish.
2. Set properties on the factboxes to show the details for the currently shown
a. In the Page Designer window, select the Vendor Details FactBox
page part.
b. Select View > Properties.
c. In the SubPageLink property, click the AssistEdit button.
d. In the Table Filter window, set the following values:
Field to No.
Type to FIELD
Value to No
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e. Repeat these steps for the following FactBoxes:
Vendor Hist. Buy-from FactBox
Vendor Hist. Pay-to FactBox
Vendor Hist. Buy-from FactBox
Vendor Hist. Pay-to FactBox
3. Set the page properties to prevent changes to the underlying table, and to
start the page 90002, Vendor Card – New, when a user double-clicks a line
in this page.
a. In the Page Designer window, select the first blank line
b. Select View > Properties.
c. In the Properties window, set the Editable property to No.
d. In the Properties window, set the CardPageID property to “90002”.
e. Close the Properties window.
The following figure shows a list page that was created by using List Page Wizard.
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6. In the Vendor List – New window, verify that Vendor Card – New page is
opened when you double-click a line.
a. In the Vendor List – New window in the client, double-click any line.
b. Verify that the Vendor Card – New page is shown, and that the
Vendor record that is selected in the Vendor List – New is displayed
in the card.
Worksheet Page
A worksheet page is a multi-record page that enables users to view multiple records from
a table and edit them. Worksheet pages differ from ordinary list pages. When a user
inserts a new record in a Worksheet page, the record does not jump to another position
within the page, but remains in the same order in which the user inserted it. The
AutoSplitKey property of the page, combined with an integer as the last field in the
table's primary key enables this order. Worksheet pages let users set filters or options that
are shown over the repeater control. Worksheet pages may include a footer which
summarizes information from the worksheet or shows detailed information about the
currently selected line. You can use worksheet pages as journals.
The primary key fields of the associated table do not show on the worksheet page.
Worksheet pages are named according to the purpose of the associated table. For Journal
tables, the name of the Worksheet page ends with the word Journal. For example, the
main journal for the General area of the Financial Management application area is
called General Journal.
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Document Page
A document page is a page that contains a series of FastTabs and a page part with lines
on the same page. It displays information from two tables with the master-detail
relationship, such as Sales Header and Sales Line, or Purchase Header and Purchase Line
The name of a document page is the function that it represents, such as, Sales Order.
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Demonstration Steps
1. Create a new document page for a Sales Header table, by using the
Document Page Wizard.
a. In the Object Designer, click Page.
b. Click New to show the New Page window.
c. In the Table field, enter “Sales Header”
d. Select the Create a page using a wizard option, then select the
Document in the page types list.
e. Click OK to start the Document Page Wizard.
f. In the FastTab Name list, enter “Shipping” in the first blank line, and
then click Next.
g. Add the following fields to the General FastTab:
Sell-to Customer No.
Sell-to Customer Name
Sell-to Address
Sell-to City
Sell-to Post Code
Sell-to Country/Region Code
h. Add the following fields to the Shipping FastTab:
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C/SIDE Introduction in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2013
Ship-to Code
Ship-to Name
Ship-to Address
Ship-to City
Ship-to Post Code
Ship-to Country/Region Code
i. Click Next, and then click Finish.
3. Create a page part control for Sales Order Subform page, and link it to
show only the lines for the sales order currently shown in the page.
a. In the Page Designer, select the line for Shipping FastTab.
b. Click Edit > New to insert a new line.
c. On the new line, type the following:
Type SubType Caption
Part Page Lines
d. With the new line still selected, press the Left button one time to
unindent the Lines page part one level.
e. Click View > Properties.
f. In the PagePartID property, enter “Sales Order Subform”.
g. In the SubPageLink property, click the AssistEdit button to open the
Table Filter window.
h. In the Table Filter window, enter the following lines:
Field Type Value
Document Type FIELD Document Type
Document No. FIELD No.
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Module 3: Pages
4. Compile, save, and close the page.
a. Click File > Save. The Save As dialog box opens.
b. In the Save As dialog box, in the ID field, enter “90004”.
c. In the Name field, enter “Sales Order – New”.
d. Verify that the Compiled check box is selected, and then click OK.
e. Close the Page Designer window.
The following figure shows a document page that was created by using Document Page
RoleCenter Page
A role center page represents a customized user home page displays the parts or controls
that are relevant to a user’s role. A role center page defines the content of the navigation
pane, and contains a series of links to list pages. In the central area, a role center points to
the user tasks that require their immediate attention, by using cues in the Activities part.
Role centers may also include the ListParts with the most relevant information for the
user, such as My Customers or My Items. A developer can add system parts, such as
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Outlook, My Notifications, and charts, during design time. Users can add these system
parts during run time.
Role center pages use the name of the associated role, for which it is customized followed
by the words “Role Center”. For example, the role center page that is associated with the
Order Processor role is named Order Processor Role Center.
NavigatePage Page
Use the NavigatePage page for searches that are based on individual posting transactions,
such as page 344, Navigate. Navigate page type supports showing multiple tabs of
information, changing visibility of tabs during run time, and positioning actions in the
footer bar. This layout makes NavigatePage pages good candidates for wizards. For
example, page 5077, Create Interaction, shows a wizard-like interface that moves the
user through a series of questions, before it makes changes to the database.
There is no specific requirement for naming NavigatePage pages. Page 344 is named
simply Navigate, while typical wizards may be named according to the task they
accomplish, such as page 5077, Create Interaction.
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Module 3: Pages
Navigate pages are good candidates for wizards, as they show actions as command
buttons, and enable toggling visibility of tabs during run time.
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ConfirmationDialog Page
A confirmation dialog asks the user a question that can be answered with minimal data
input, and requires the user to click Yes or No. Pages of this type contain a question, and
may contain a single FastTab named Details. This provides the necessary information for
the user to make a choice.
There is no strict convention for naming confirmation dialog boxes. However, you may
want to consider using the object of the confirmation preceded by the word Check or
Confirm. For example, the confirmation dialog that requires the user to confirm a
transaction for a customer who is over the credit limit is named Check Credit Limit.
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Module 3: Pages
ListPlus Page
A ListPlus page resembles a document page, because it also contains FastTabs and a
ListPart named Lines. Whereas document pages typically allow for inserting and deleting
lines, and use on the AutoSplitKey property, ListPlus pages typically only allow for
viewing, or editing existing lines. ListPlus pages do not allow insertion or deletion of
lines from the subpage. For example, page 397, Sales Invoice Statistics is a ListPlus
page. Because ListPlus pages do not allow the insertion of lines, and show fixed, or pre-
determined information in the lines, they may be used instead of card pages for master
data management, such as, page 5050, Contact Card.
There is no specific convention regulating the naming of the ListPlus pages. If you use a
ListPlus page instead of a card page, such as in the example of page 5050, Contact
Card, then it should follow the naming conventions for the card pages.
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StandardDialog Page
A standard dialog page is a simple page type that you use when users only input data and
do not perform any other actions from the page. Standard dialog boxes do not contain
ribbon, FastTabs, or FactBoxes. Users cannot customize the appearance and behavior of
these pages. For example, page 511, Change Exchange Rate is of the StandardDialog
page type.
There is no strict convention for naming standard dialog boxes. You may name them
according to the task that they perform. For example, the standard dialog for changing the
currency exchange rate on documents is named Change Exchange Rate.
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Module 3: Pages
Consider the types of users who use the new page and list the tasks that they
Create a list of the fields, actions, and links that are needed for the page.
Select the page type that best matches the content that is displayed on the
Set the source table of the page to the table that contains the primary set of
data that the page shows.
Design the page by using Page Designer to specify the element hierarchy.
Determine the details of how data is displayed by adjusting the properties of
each element on the page.
Consider any supplemental sources of information that add value to the
page and add these as FactBoxes. Existing FactBoxes can support the
Simplify the user experience by streamlining the user's default view. This
can be achieved by doing the following:
o Promote actions to appropriate groups that have the appropriate
sequence and size.
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o Set the Importance property to Additional for fields that are used less
than 30 per cent of the time.
o Display one to three FactBoxes. This is by default. Add the new page
to the menu suite so that it is included in the Departments location.
Consider specific user profiles if the page is a list place. These user profiles
can have a link to the page from their role centers.
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Module 3: Pages
Simon wants to follow the standard recommendations for cards and lists. He first creates
a card page, names it according to card page naming rules, and saves it.
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2. Add a FastTab.
a. In the Page Designer, select the next blank line.
b. In the Type column, enter Group.
c. In the SubType column, enter Group.
d. In the Caption column, enter “General”.
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Module 3: Pages
Simon now creates the list page. He follows the list page naming standards, and
guarantees that users cannot edit information in this page. He also makes sure that when a
user double-clicks a course, the Course Card page displays the selected course. Simon
also makes sure that New, Edit, and View actions work as expected in the client.
3. Set page properties to specify that page type is List. Make sure that the list
is not editable, and that Course Card page opens when users double-click a
line in this page.
a. In the Editable property, enter No.
b. In the PageType property, enter List.
c. In the CardPageID property, enter “Course Card”.
d. Close the Properties window.
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2. Add a Repeater.
a. In the Page Designer, select the next blank line.
b. In the Type column, enter Group.
c. In the SubType column, enter Repeater.
Module Review
Module Review and Takeaways
Pages provide a flexible foundation for building many types of display objects. There are
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Module 3: Pages
11 types of pages that control how the page is displayed in the client, and determine the
functionality of the page. You design pages in the Page Designer Page Designer is a
declarative editor; it does not provide immediate insight into how the page looks. Page
Designer includes the Page Preview mode that shows a reliable display of the page in
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment. Page Preview mode streamlines
development by integrating with control and action properties and C/AL code editors.
1. How does Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 client for Windows show actions?
( ) Page
( ) Control
( ) Action
( ) Ribbon
3. Which of the following types is not a valid page type in Microsoft Dynamics NAV
( ) Card
( ) List
( ) CardPlus
( ) ListPlus
( ) CardPart
4. Which page type do you use to enable users to enter information in a wizard-like
( ) ListPlus
( ) NavigatePage
( ) RoleCenter
( ) StandardDialog
( ) WizardDialog
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5. What page type enables users to only input data and not perform any other actions
from the page?
( ) True
( ) False
( ) CueGroup
( ) FastTab
( ) Repeater
( ) GridLayout
8. Which page types do you use for pages that are shown as subpages in other pages?
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Module 3: Pages
Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 client for Windows shows actions in the ribbon.
( ) Page
( ) Control
( ) Action
(√) Ribbon
3. Which of the following types is not a valid page type in Microsoft Dynamics NAV
( ) Card
( ) List
(√) CardPlus
( ) ListPlus
( ) CardPart
4. Which page type do you use to enable users to enter information in a wizard-like
( ) ListPlus
(√) NavigatePage
( ) RoleCenter
( ) StandardDialog
( ) WizardDialog
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5. What page type enables users to only input data and not perform any other actions
from the page?
( ) True
(√) False
(√) CueGroup
( ) FastTab
( ) Repeater
( ) GridLayout
8. Which page types do you use for pages that are shown as subpages in other pages?
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Module 3: Pages
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