To understand what Tripuraneni Ramaswami meant to Telugu people in USA, it is not enough to
look at the rapturous response among Telugu writers but necessary to get his writings into English. Younger generation would be benefited with the renaissance he brought among Telugu people during freedom movement in Andhra Pradesh. While Britishers were ruling ,Indian National Congress party emerged to fight for country's independence. During that time, M.N. Roy, the humanist philosopher in Bengal and by coincidence Ramaswami Tripuraneni in Andhra were born in the same year 1887. Ramaswamy can be equated with R.G.Ingersoll, and Thomas Paine in USA. His writings will be guidelines to the present generation in USA if they are presented in International languages English, French, German, Spanish, Russain and also Arab languages. That is why Mr Avula Gopala Krishna Murty ( died in 1967)as state guest in USA during 1963 presented the revolutionary book of Ramaswamy namely Bhagavad Gita to Telugu library in Wisconsin University, Madison. The present generation in USA will wonder how they missed the progressive evolutionary thought of great Telugu personality all these years. One great feature in Ramaswamy was to evolve as age grows. Normally people as they grow old, take resort in Yoga, Karma, reincarnation and worship. Contrary to this, Mr Ramaswamy changed his views towards human rights, equal values to women, and condemned caste, religion, superstitions , idol worship and blind beliefs. That is why there is an urgent need to know the greatness of such eminent Telugu personality and to emulate his example.
Brief Biodata
Tripuraneni Ramamamba-Chalamaiah couple gave birth to Ramaswami on 15 th Jan 1887 in Angalur village, (Krishna district, Andhra , India ). Ramaswamy had his primary education in his
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native village and continued his middle school in Gudivada , a nearby town. Then he joined in 4th form in Bandar (now called Machilipatam) the head quarters of Krishna district and cultural, literary center. RT was interested to learn Sanskrit language but the traditional Brahmin scholars refused to give him instruction since it was taboo for non-Brahmins to learn the holy Hindu language! The rebel in Ramaswamy had risen with that. But Ramaswamy was adamant and learnt the Sanskrit language under the guidance of Asuri Kantaiah (district registrar). Just as M.K.Gandhi married Kasturibai at the age of 11, just so Ramaswamy married Nagamamba (daughter of Atluri Nagamma- Amaraiah) at the age of 11. In those days child marriages were not yet prohibited and legal acts were not yet enacted. Ramaswamy passed matriculation examination in 1910, at the age of 23. He wanted to study F.A which was equivalent to intermediate. (F.A is (father) Fellow of arts) But he could not get through since he was engaged in sports and poetry writing. He went to Mumbai (called Bombay ) to study law but did not continue. During his school and intermediate studies Ramaswamy had already produced literary pieces. One such writing was Rana Pratap, a play about a ruler who inspired him. But the British rulers banned that script before it was printed. The other two writings of Ramaswamy Tripuraneni were Karempudi Kadanam (War in Karempudi), Kondaveeti Patanam (fall of Kondaveedu kingdom). In 1912 he wrote Kurushetra Sangramam (battle at Kurukshetra near Delhi ). All this literary adventure was done during early education days. He also wrote poems entitled: Naadu-Nedu ( Then and now) in which one poem was about Kamma caste to which he belonged. Later he discarded the caste prejudice and emerged as a secularist.
But the magazine never took off. However, Rama swamy remained in Tenali and engaged in practicing law. He was also active in politics. When major towns and cities were authorized by the British to have limited local rule, he became chairman of Tenali municipality. He served in that capacity from 1925 to 1938. During his tenure as chairman of the Tenali Municipality he abolished the sacrifice of animals in temples in Tenali. He established Sutasram Ashram ( originally Sambukasramam) which has become center for poets, artists, and social reformers . His first wife gave birth to the famous writer Tripuraneni Gopichand and Sarojini. She died on 15 Jan 1920. Then he married again, but had no children. She also died and then he married third one who gave birth to the famous writer Gokulchand and Choudarani. In 1929 he was honored in Gudivada, and taken in procession on an elephant where he was given the title Kaviraju by Andhra Mahasabha, a literary forum. Bezwada Ramachandra Reddi from Nellore presided over the function. Along with Challapalli Zamindar several other literary personalities and social activists attended the function .
Turning Point
He wrote Vivaha Vidhi (marriage ceremony) Explaining the importance of marriage in Telugu during 1929. It used to be in Sanskrit before.That revolutionized the community and several persons came forward to get married taking oath in Telugu which is an eye opener. The orthodox who were using Sanskrit which is greek and Latin to bride and bridegroom were furious and called it blasphemy. Hitherto only Brahmins served as marriage priests where as Ramaswamy`s new approach called for social revolution enthused several persons from all castes to perform marriage using Telugu language for marriage oaths. Ramaswamy contributed major writings entitled Khooni (Assasination). Sutapuranam, (Poetry in 4 parts); Kuppuswamy Satakam, Dhoorta Maanava (poems) Towards the end of his life Ramaswamy wrote a revolutionary book reinterpreting the sacred Hindu text Bhagavadgita. One notable feature of his plays and writings is to have a lengthy preface which reminds us of Bernard Shaw prefaces. During early 1940 a meeting was arranged between M .N.Roy and Tripuraneni Ramaswamy in Tenali. They met and discussed their views on social reform, concepts of secular humanism in the presence of Tripuraneni Gopichand and Avula Gopala
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krishna Murthy. But Ramaswamy did not survive long enough to follow it up since he died in 1943. Similarly Ramaswamy in Andhra and Rama swami Periyar, leader of the Dravidian movement, simultaneously conducted social renaissance moments with mutual influence. Ramaswamy attended the conferences organized by the movement in Tanjore, Ongole and other places. Ramaswamy died at the age of 55 on 16 Jan 1943. By that time his impact was considerable in Andhra area.
tions. However Ramaswamy rebutted all their criticisms and published several articles with cogent arguments exposing the irrelevant and unsubstantiated statements of his critics. Seer Vasista welcomed Seer Valmiki with tender cow meat. Killing calf was in vogue in Ashrams which Vasista followed. In those days Saivites were vegetarians and hence vaishnavas depicted them as demons. In his detailed preface Ramaswamy explained all the cunning things of Arya seers in whose grip the kings were puppets . Ramaswamy expressed his views on the pro-bable time when Ramayana might have taken place. He opined that it might have occurred around 2370 B.C but not 8 lakhs 60 thousand years ago as mentioned under division of Yugas. Ramaswamy opined that Sugriva abetted Rama to kill his brother Vali? Ramaswamy said that Rama is younger than Sita but that was not uncommon in those days.
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He opined that Srikrishna induced Pandavas to fight against Kauravas in immoral way and got them defeated.
How can river Ganges come from sky? Why did Indra spoil the penance of people in all places? How is it that people were tortured on the basis of Manusmriti? Suta says that heaven is full of sex which is not a place for decent persons.Then he questioned the propriety of prohibiting sudras from learning sastras. When they create 10 heads to one person, how is it that they fail to provide 20 hands?
there is no moral in the division of humans which is deception only. He pleaded that people should know the truth through scientific method and questioning. He also claims that he emerged for the welfare of Telugu people. At every stage Ramaswamy criticized Bhagavad Gita of Vyasa which encouraged caste divisions in the name of divinity and Karma.
Mr. Innaiah Narisetti lives in USA. He is the author of several books in Telugu and English, translated eminent writers like Paul Kurtz, M.N.Roy, A .B. Shah, Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Christopher Hitchens, V R Narla, Sibnarayan Ray, V B Karnik, Agehananda Bharati etc. His latest book: Foreced into faith was brought out by Prometheus books in USA. He can be contacted at: [email protected]
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