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External Axis

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Upon receipt of the product and prior to initial operation, read these instructions thoroughly, and retain
for future reference.

The DX100 operator’s manuals above correspond to specific usage.
Be sure to use the appropriate manual.

Part Number: 157129-1CD

Revision: 1



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• This manual explains the external axis endless function of the
DX100 system. Read this manual carefully and be sure to
understand its contents before handling the DX100.
• General items related to safety are listed in the Chapter 1: Safety of
the DX100 Instructions. To ensure correct and safe operation,
carefully read the DX100 Instructions before reading this manual.

• Some drawings in this manual are shown with the protective covers
or shields removed for clarity. Be sure all covers and shields are
replaced before operating this product.
• The drawings and photos in this manual are representative
examples and differences may exist between them and the
delivered product.
• YASKAWA may modify this model without notice when necessary
due to product improvements, modifications, or changes in
specifications. If such modification is made, the manual number will
also be revised.
• If your copy of the manual is damaged or lost, contact a YASKAWA
representative to order a new copy. The representatives are listed
on the back cover. Be sure to tell the representative the manual
number listed on the front cover.
• YASKAWA is not responsible for incidents arising from unauthorized
modification of its products. Unauthorized modification voids your
product’s warranty.


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Read this manual carefully before installation, operation, maintenance, or
inspection of the DX100.
In this manual, the Notes for Safe Operation are classified as

Indicates a potentially hazardous

situation which, if not avoided, could
WARNING result in death or serious injury to

Indicates a potentially hazardous situa-

CAUTION tion which, if not avoided, could result
in minor or moderate injury to person-
nel and damage to equipment. It may
also be used to alert against unsafe

MANDATORY Always be sure to follow explicitly the

items listed under this heading.

PROHIBITED Must never be performed.

Even items described as “CAUTION” may result in a serious accident in

some situations. At any rate, be sure to follow these important items

To ensure safe and efficient operation at all times, be sure to

NOTE follow all instructions, even if not designated as “CAUTION”
and “WARNING”.


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• Before operating the manipulator, check that servo power is turned
OFF when the emergency stop buttons on the front door of the
DX100 and programming pendant are pressed.
When the servo power is turned OFF, the SERVO ON LED on the
programming pendant is turned OFF.
Injury or damage to machinery may result if the emergency stop circuit
cannot stop the manipulator during an emergency. The manipulator
should not be used if the emergency stop buttons do not function.
Fig. : Emergency Stop Button

• Once the emergency stop button is released, clear the cell of all
items which could interfere with the operation of the manipulator.
Then turn the servo power ON
Injury may result from unintentional or unexpected manipulator motion.
Fig. : Release of Emergency Stop

• Observe the following precautions when performing teaching

operations within the P-point maximum envelope of the
– View the manipulator from the front whenever possible.
– Always follow the predetermined operating procedure.
– Keep in mind the emergency response measures against the
manipulator’s unexpected motion toward you.
– Ensure that you have a safe place to retreat in case of
Improper or unintended manipulator operation may result in injury.
• Confirm that no person is present in the P-point maximum envelope
of the manipulator and that you are in a safe location before:
– Turning ON the DX100 power
– Moving the manipulator with the programming pendant
– Running the system in the check mode
– Performing automatic operations
Injury may result if anyone enters the P-point maximum envelope of the
manipulator during operation. Always press an emergency stop button
immediately if there is a problem. The emergency stop buttons are
located on the right of the front door of the DX100 and the programming


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• Perform the following inspection procedures prior to conducting
manipulator teaching. If problems are found, repair them
immediately, and be sure that all other necessary processing has
been performed.
– Check for problems in manipulator movement.
– Check for damage to insulation and sheathing of external wires.
• Always return the programming pendant to the hook on the DX100
cabinet after use.
The programming pendant can be damaged if it is left in the
manipulator’s work area, on the floor, or near fixtures.
• Read and understand the Explanation of the Warning Labels in the
DX100 Instructions before operating the manipulator.

Definition of Terms Used Often in This Manual

The MOTOMAN is the YASKAWA industrial robot product.
The MOTOMAN usually consists of the manipulator, the controller, the
programming pendant, and supply cables.
In this manual, the equipment is designated as follows:

Equipment Manual Designation

DX100 Controller DX100
DX100 Programming Pendant Programming Pendant
Cable between the manipulator and the Manipulator Cable

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Descriptions of the programming pendant keys, buttons, and displays are

shown as follows:

Equipment Manual Designation

Programming Character Keys The keys which have characters printed on
Pendant them are denoted with [ ].
ex. [ENTER]
Symbol Keys The keys which have a symbol printed on them
are not denoted with [ ] but depicted with a
small picture.

ex. page key PAGE

The cursor key is an exception, and a picture
is not shown.
Axis Keys “Axis Keys” and “Numeric Keys” are generic
Numeric Keys names for the keys for axis operation and
number input.
Keys pressed When two keys are to be pressed
simultaneously simultaneously, the keys are shown with a “+”
sign between them, ex. [SHIFT]+[COORD]
Displays The menu displayed in the programming
pendant is denoted with { }.
ex. {JOB}

Description of the Operation Procedure

In the explanation of the operation procedure, the expression "Select • • • "
means that the cursor is moved to the object item and the SELECT key is


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DX100 Contents

1 External Axis Endless Function....................................................................................................... 1-1

1.1 Endless Rotation................................................................................................................ 1-1

1.1.1 Relative motion and Absolute motion ................................................................... 1-1

1.2 Resetting the Rotating Amount .......................................................................................... 1-3

1.3 Job Example ...................................................................................................................... 1-5

2 Instructions for external axis endless function ................................................................................ 2-1

2.1 Tag to specify the rotation axis rotation angle (MTE=) ...................................................... 2-1

2.1.1 Function ................................................................................................................ 2-1

2.1.2 Construction.......................................................................................................... 2-1

2.1.3 Explanation ........................................................................................................... 2-1

2.1.4 Setting of MTE ...................................................................................................... 2-2

2.2 MRESET Instruction .......................................................................................................... 2-4

2.2.1 Function ................................................................................................................ 2-4

2.2.2 Construction.......................................................................................................... 2-4

2.2.3 Explanation ........................................................................................................... 2-4

2.2.4 Registration of MRESET instruction ..................................................................... 2-4

3 Display of External Axis Rotation Amount....................................................................................... 3-1

3.1 Display of the rotation angle screen................................................................................... 3-1

3.2 Resetting the Axis Rotation Amount .................................................................................. 3-1

4 Restrictions ..................................................................................................................................... 4-1

4.1 FWD and BACK Operations .............................................................................................. 4-1

4.2 When NWAIT is Specified................................................................................................. 4-1

4.3 Maximum Endless Rotating Amount.................................................................................. 4-1

4.4 Execution of MRESET Instruction...................................................................................... 4-1

4.5 External Axis Position at Teaching .................................................................................... 4-2

4.6 Display of Rotating Amount ............................................................................................... 4-2

5 Alarm Message List......................................................................................................................... 5-1


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1 External Axis Endless Function
DX100 1.1 Endless Rotation

1 External Axis Endless Function

This function is used for endless rotation of an external axis. In order to
prevent the external axis from rotating in the reversed direction for the
endless rotating amount when the manipulator moves to the next step
after the endless rotation has been performed, a function to reset the
endless axis position to a position within one revolution is also available.

The following outlines the function.

1.1 Endless Rotation

By specifying “How many times the external axis is to be rotated” for a
move instruction (MOVJ), the external axis rotates for “the specified
rotating amount + the taught position pulses” during moving to the target
“How many times the external axis is to be rotated” is specified with “MTE”
For the rotating amount, From -32768 to 32767 revolutions can be
specified for one move instruction.

1.1.1 Relative motion and Absolute motion

Endless rotation has two types of motion; relative motion and absolute
Relative motion enables the external axis to move to target position from
taught position by rotating for the sum of the external axis rotating amount
and the rotating amount of start postition.
target position = taught position
+ (external axis rotating amount + start position rotating amount)
To rotate the axis continuously, move instruction (same position) is to be
registered consecutively.
When emergency stop is executed, and then restart is executed, the
target position will be changed, and the external axis moves to the position
from taught position by rotating from the sum of the external axis rotating
amount and the rotating amount of restart position.
Absolute motion enables external axis to move to target position from
taught position by rotating for the external axis rotating amount.
target position = taught position + external axis rotating amount
Even in case that the emergency stop is executed during endless rotation,
and then the restart is executed, the target position is not changed.


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1 External Axis Endless Function

DX100 1.1 Endless Rotation

„ S2C710 External axis endless motion instruction

Motion method for external axis endless function is to be set with this
d7 d0

Endless rotation method

0: Relative motion
1: Absolute motion


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1 External Axis Endless Function
DX100 1.2 Resetting the Rotating Amount

1.2 Resetting the Rotating Amount

To perform an interpolation after completion of endless rotation, re-create
the external axis current value pulse and the motor feedback pulse at a
position within one revolution in one of the following operations.

• Execution of MRESET instruction

• Operation from the programming pendant

The position of the endless axis after resetting the rotation angle is one of
the following two areas depending on the position before reset.
When the position before reset is 0 degree or higher: 0 to 360 [degree]
When the position before reset is 0 degree or lower: -360 to 0 [degree]

The position after reset when the endless axis is reset at a position of -120
degree between -3 to 3 revolutions.

Position of endless axis

-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 [Rotation]

-1200 -840 -480 -120 240 600 960 1320

Reset to -120 degree Reset to 240 degree

Perform teaching so that the rotation starts at a position between 0 to 360

degree when you want to rotate the axis in "+" direction or so that the
rotation starts at a position between -360 to 0 degree when you want to
rotate the axis in "-" direction.
When the axis is rotated "+" direction from a position between -360 to 0
degree or when the axis is rotated "-" direction from a position between 0
to 360 degree, the rotation angle and the reset rotation angle differs one
Therefore, note that the endless axis rotates one rotation when it is moved
to the position before rotation or around the position.


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1 External Axis Endless Function

DX100 1.2 Resetting the Rotating Amount

When the rotation angle is reset after it is rotated 4 rotations in "+"
direction from the position at -120 degree:

Position of endless axis

-1 0 1 2 3 [Rotation]

-120 240 600 960 1320

4 rotations in "+" direction

Risetting rotation angle (3 rotations)

The axis rotates one

rotation when the move
command is executed.


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1 External Axis Endless Function
DX100 1.3 Job Example

1.3 Job Example

The examples of making the job are as follows.

Line Instruction Contents

0000 NOP

0001 MOVJ VJ=25.00 Normal move instruction

0002 MOVL V=500.0 Normal move instruction

0003 MOVJ VJ=25.00 Normal move instruction

0004 MOVJ VJ=25.00 MTE=100 The external axis rotates 100 times until reaching the step

0005 MOVJ VJ=25.00 MTE=100 The external axis rotates 100 times until reaching the step
5. (If endless rotation method is set for absolute motion, it
does not rotate.)

0006 MRESET MRESET instruction is executed to reset the external axis

position to a position within one revolution.

0007 MOVL V=500.0 Linear interpolation motion

0008 MOVJ VJ=25.00 Normal move instruction

0009 END End of the job


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2 Instructions for external axis endless function

DX100 2.1 Tag to specify the rotation axis rotation angle (MTE=)

2 Instructions for external axis endless function

2.1 Tag to specify the rotation axis rotation angle (MTE=)

2.1.1 Function
The endless rotation action of the station axis rotation angle is performed
when the specified move command is executed.
It is set as an additional item to the move instruction.

2.1.2 Construction

Amount of the
1 MTE= station axis

* Two or more tags can be set in portions A and B ,

though the description is omitted here.

2.1.3 Explanation

No Tag Explanation Note

15 MTE= Amount of Specifies the amount of the station axis Amount of rotation:-32768
the station axis rotation. to 32767
rotation The operation of the station axis can be Can be added or omitted.
specified by the number of rotations.


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2 Instructions for external axis endless function
DX100 2.1 Tag to specify the rotation axis rotation angle (MTE=)

2.1.4 Setting of MTE

1. Move the cursor to the instruction area.
2. Select the move command to which you want to add the MTE tag.
– The detailed edit screen will be displayed.

3. Set the station axis rotation angle.

(1) Move the cursor to "Station axis rotation angle" and press "Select."

(2) Move the cursor to "MTE=" and press "Select."


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2 Instructions for external axis endless function

DX100 2.1 Tag to specify the rotation axis rotation angle (MTE=)

(3) Move the cursor to the right, press "Select," enter the value using
the numeric keypad, and press "Enter."

4. Press [ENTER] two times

– The set contents are registered in the job.


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2 Instructions for external axis endless function
DX100 2.2 MRESET Instruction

2.2 MRESET Instruction

2.2.1 Function
MRESET INST is used to reset the endless axis position to a position
within one revolution.

2.2.2 Construction


1 ST

2.2.3 Explanation

No Tag Explanation Note

1 Specification of Set to reset the external axis rotating No
external axis amount.

2.2.4 Registration of MRESET instruction

Register a MRESET instruction to reset the rotating amount in the
following manner.
1. Move the cursor to the address area
2. Press [INFORM LIST]


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2 Instructions for external axis endless function

DX100 2.2 MRESET Instruction

3. Select “MRESET”
(1) Move the cursor to [OTHER] and press "Select."

(2) Move the cursor to [MRESET] and press "Select."

4. Press [ENTER]
– The set contents are registered in the job.


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3 Display of External Axis Rotation Amount
DX100 3.1 Display of the rotation angle screen

3 Display of External Axis Rotation Amount

The rotation angle of the endless axis will be displayed.
The rotation angle of the endless axis can also be reset.

3.1 Display of the rotation angle screen

1. Select {ROBOT} under the main menu
2. Select {ROTATION}
– The rotation display window appears.

3.2 Resetting the Axis Rotation Amount

1. Select {ROBOT} under the main menu
2. Select {ROTATION}
3. Select {DATA} of the menu
– A pull-down menu appears.


– The external rotation amount is reset to “0”.


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4 Restrictions
DX100 4.1 FWD and BACK Operations

4 Restrictions
The restrictions for the external axis endless function are as follows.

4.1 FWD and BACK Operations

During FWD and BACK operations, the external axis does not perform a
continuous rotation motion.

Also when a playback is executed after having executed the FWD

operation until 1 to 3 steps before the step where an endless operation is
specified, the external axis does not perform a continuous rotation motion.
This is because the status of FWD operation and BACK operation
remains. In this case, after having executed the FWD and BACK
operation, move the cursor and start the job in play mode. Thus, the
external axis performs a continuous rotation motion.

Normally, when the manipulator current value coincides with the reference
position value after having reached the target step by FWD or BACK
operation, the cursor stops blinking. In FWD or BACK operation after the
external axis continuous rotation by using playback operation, the external
axis does not have the manipulator current position coincident with the
reference position even after having reached the target position.
Therefore, the cursor does not stop blinking. In this case, execute a
MRESET instruction before FWD or BACK operation so that the cursor
stops blinking when the manipulator reaches the target position.

4.2 When NWAIT is Specified

Normally, when a move instruction where a NWAIT is added is executed,
the instructions that are registered before the next move instruction, are
executed sequentially. However, for the MRESET instruction, NWAIT
specification is not applied and the MRESET instruction is executed after
completion of the move instruction.

4.3 Maximum Endless Rotating Amount

The maximum endless rotating amount can be obtained by the following
equation. The amount differs depending on the endless axis resolution.
Maximum endless rotating amount = ±536870912 (pulse) / Resolution

4.4 Execution of MRESET Instruction

Since the execution of MRESET instruction is processed for the
manipulator feedback pulse, it is executed in the status that the
manipulator is completely stopped.
Accordingly, it takes a several seconds to execute the MRESET
In the meantime, the manipulator does not stop and the start lamp is not
unlit even by hold or changing mode operation.


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4 Restrictions
DX100 4.5 External Axis Position at Teaching

4.5 External Axis Position at Teaching

In a position where the external axis has rotated more than one time, the
teaching is disabled. If teaching is executed in this state, the following
error occurs.

Error 2110 : Over softlimit

When the above error occurs, reset the axis rotating amount manually.

4.6 Display of Rotating Amount

When the sign of the taught position of the MOVJ instruction where a
rotating amount is specified and the sign of the rotating amount
specification are different, the display value of rotating amount may be
one revolution less than the specified rotating amount.
For example, when the taught position is at -1000 pulses and the rotating
amount is specified to be 100 revolutions, the displayed value of rotating
amount is 99 revolutions.


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5 Alarm Message List


5 Alarm Message List

Alarm Message Cause


4490 DEFECTIVE 1 One of the interpolation (1)Confirm the settings below.

TAUGHT POINT instructions (MOVL, MOVC, etc.) x Execute MRESET if you want to
(ENDLESS) is executed after the endless perform one of the interpolation
rotation is completed and before actions (MOVL, MOVC, etc.) after
MRESET is executed. the endless rotation.

2 The endless rotation axis is set to (1)Confirm the settings below.

the basic axis. The endless x Check the parameter setting for
function cannot be used for the the specification of the endless
basic axis. rotation axis.

3 The endless function is executed (1)Confirm the settings below.

despite the endless axis has not x Check the parameter setting for
specified. the specification of the endless
rotation axis.

4 The pulse number of the endless (1)Confirm the settings below.

axis exceeds the max. pulse value x Set the rotation angle so that the
(536870911). pulse value does not exceed the
max. pulse number.


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2-1 Kurosakishiroishi, Yahatanishi-ku, Kitakyushu 806-0004 Japan
Phone +81-93-645-7745 Fax +81-93-645-7746

YASKAWA America Inc. MOTOMAN Robotics Division

805 Liberty Lane, West Carrollton, OH 45449, U.S.A.
Phone +1-937-847-6200 Fax +1-937-847-6277

Franska vagen 10, Box 4004, 390 04 Kalmar, Sweden
Phone +46-480-417800 Fax +46-480-417999

YASKAWA Europe GmbH Robotics Division

Kammerfeld strasse 1, 85391 Allershausen, Germany
Phone +49-8166-90-100 Fax +49-8166-90-103

YASKAWA Electric Korea Co., Ltd.

7F, Doore Bldg.; 24, Yeoido-Dong Youngdungpo-ku, Seoul, KOREA
Phone +82-2-784-7844 Fax +82-2-784-8495

YASKAWA Electric (Singapore) PTE Ltd.

151 Lorong Chuan, #04-02A, New Tech Park, Singapore 556741
Phone +65-6282-3003 Fax +65-6289-3003

YASKAWA Electric (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

252/246, 4th Floor. Muang Thai-Phatra Office Tower II Rachadaphisek Road, Huaykwang Bangkok, 10320 Thailand
Phone +66-2-693-2200 Fax +66-2-693-4200

Shougang MOTOMAN Robot Co. Ltd.

No.7, Yongchang-North Road, Beijing E&T Development Area, China 100176
Phone +86-10-6788-2858 Fax +86-10-6788-2878

MOTOMAN Motherson Robotics Ltd.

Plot No.195-196, 1st Floor, Sec.4 IMT Manesar, Gurgaon 122050, Haryana
Phone +91-124-475-8500 Fax +91-124-414-8016

Specifications are subject to change without notice

for ongoing product modifications and improvements.

C Printed in Japan November 2010 09-09



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