Review Notes - Endocrine Conditions

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Growth Hormone Disorders

 Promotes growth
o Male/Female = until 18 YO only
 Stimulates the liver to produce glucose

 Excessive growth hormone level
 Onset = less than 18 years old / adolescence
 Open pa yung epiphyseal plates ng long bones -> abnormal increase in height

 Excessive growth hormone
 Onset = more than 18 YO/ adults
o Closed na yung epiphyseal plates ng long bones -> no increase in height


 Pituitary Tumor


 Earliest
o Changes in the appearance
 Enlargement of the forehead, nose, jaw, lips/tongue, larynx, hands/feet
 Organopathy
o Hepatomegaly
o Splenomegaly
o Cardiomegaly -> at risk to develop heart failure
 Hyperglycemia
o 3PS -> Polyuria, Polydipsia, Polyphagia
 Atherosclerosis -> accumulation of cholesterol in the coronary artery or any artery
o Risk for angina, MI, stroke
 Colon polyps -> bukol in the colon
o Risk for colon cancer


 Surgery
o Transsphenoidal hypophysectomy -> removal of the pituitary gland
o Incision site: under the upper lip
o Post op: position client elevates head of bed 30-40 degrees to lower ICP (semi
o Monitor the ff
 ↑ ICP = WOF ↓ alterations in LOC
 Bleeding = WOF frequent swallowing
 DI (diabetic insipidus) = WOF ↑ urinary output, excessive thirst
 Hypoglycemia = WOF tremors, diaphoresis, hunger
 Meningitis = WOF fever, nuchal rigidity, Brudzinski’s sign
 Medications
o GH antagonist
 Octreotide (Sandostatin)
 Route: SQ (abdomen)
 WOF = abdominal pain -> discontinue meds and notify HCP


Thyroid Gland

 Butterfly-like shaped organ (located in the neck area)

 Vascular organ = contains a lot of blood
 Produces TH (thyroid hormones)
o T3 (triiodo thymine) -> stimulates metabolism
o T4 (Thyroxine) -> heat production


 Overactive TG
 ↑ production of TH


 Grave’s Disease (autoimmune disorder) -> hyper stimulates the TG


 ↑ T4 = ↑ heat
o Fever
o Heat intolerance
 ↑ T3 = ↑ metabolism = ↑ organ function
o ↑ HR, ↑ BP = monitor VS
 Administer betablockers to control tachycardia and hypertension
 “olol” -> atenolol, propranolol, carvidelol
 Contraindicated for px with COPD/asthma
 Before admin assess hr and bp
o Insomnia
o Irritable
o Agitated
o Restless/nervousness -> provide non stimulating environment
o ↑ appetite -> weight loss due to fast metabolism
 High calorie -> ↑ carbs, ↑ protein
o Diarrhea
 Low fiber, avoid GI irritants -> spicy, alcohol, smoking
o ↓ Menstruation
 Oligomenorrhea
 Amenorrhea
o Diaphoresis (moist skin)
o Exophthalmos or (bulging eyes)
 Difficulty closing eyelids
 Exposed to air
 Increased risk of foreign body entering eyes
 Intervention: eye drops, artificial tears, eyeglasses, avoid cigarette
o Thyromegaly (goiter)
 Compress esophagus -> dysphagia -> soft diet


 ↑ T3, ↑ T4
 ↓ TSH


 Radioactive iodine therapy

o Administer one dose of I131 -> destroy the overactive TG
o Side effect: hypothyroidism -> management = levothyroxine for life to prevent
development of hyperthyroidism
o Radiation precaution
 Considered radioactive for 48 hours after therapy
 Isolate patient
 Flush toilet 3 times
 Surgery
o Thyroidectomy -> removal of the thyroid gland)
o Side effects = hypothyroidism -> levothyroxine for life
o Preop = Lugol’s solution -> ↓ vascularity of the TG -> ↓ risk of bleeding and ↓
risk of thyroid storm
o Lugol’s solution = taken with juice and straw

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