ChemSusChem - 2021 - Schuler - Towards Sustainable Oxalic Acid From CO2 and Biomass

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Towards Sustainable Oxalic Acid from CO2 and Biomass

Eric Schuler,*[a] Marilena Demetriou,[a] N. Raveendran Shiju,[a] and Gert-Jan M. Gruter*[a, b]

ChemSusChem 2021, 14, 3636 – 3664 3636 © 2021 The Authors. ChemSusChem published by Wiley-VCH GmbH

To quickly and drastically reduce CO2 emissions and meet our Oxalic acid is a potential new platform chemical for material
ambitions of a circular future, we need to develop carbon production as useful monomers such as glycolic acid can be
capture and storage (CCS) and carbon capture and utilization derived from it. This work is part of the European Horizon 2020
(CCU) to deal with the CO2 that we produce. While we have project “Ocean” in which all these steps are developed. This
many alternatives to replace fossil feedstocks for energy Review aims to highlight new developments in oxalic acid
generation, for materials such as plastics we need carbon. The production processes with a focus on CO2-based routes. All
ultimate circular carbon feedstock would be CO2. A promising available processes are critically assessed and compared on
route is the electrochemical reduction of CO2 to formic acid criteria including overall process efficiency and triple bottom
derivatives that can subsequently be converted into oxalic acid. line sustainability.

1. Introduction (with taxes) a potential negative-cost carbon source.[22] Convert-

ing CO2,however, is not easy due to its high thermodynamic
Climate change, plastic pollution, and the loss of biodiversity stability.[23–25] To drive the conversions of CO2 to valuable
are highly debated all over the planet ranging from denial to products it requires high temperatures in chemo catalytic
calls for system change, a green new deal, or even rebellion.[1–4] processes or high cell potentials in electro catalytic
Science shows that the global climate is changing and that processes.[29–31] Today there is serious interest in CO2 conversion
anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, mainly CO2, are technologies, with research mainly focused on the first step, the
largely to blame.[5] As shown in Figure 1, still billions of tons of CO2 reduction.However, we also require fully integrated down-
CO2 are dumped into the environment every year with the stream processes for a successful implementation of CO2 as a
number on the rise. In 2019, 940 million tons more CO2 was feedstock.[26,27] To create circular materials, systemic changes
emitted compared to the 42.14 Gt emitted in 2018, because will be required not only in the used feedstock but also in the
fossil feedstocks still primarily fuel our lifestyle and economy. design of products.[19] Consequently, different or new chemical
Even the effects of the global pandemic could reduce the CO2 processes will be required for which a robust life-cycle assess-
emissions in 2020 only down to 2017 levels.[6,7] ment will result in a significantly improved carbon
Consequently, we need to turn the ship around quickly and footprint.[9,13,27]
drastically reduce emissions. One way to do this is through The electrochemical fixation of CO2 as formate is an
carbon capture and storage (CCS) and carbon capture and interesting first step for CO2 utilization. A full process starting
utilization (CCU).[9–12] While we have many non-carbon alter- with CO2 to formate was developed at Liquid Light, a spin-off of
natives to replace fossil feedstocks for energy generation, for Princeton University, which received broad scientific, commer-
materials such as plastics we need carbon. Next to biomass and cial, and public interest.[28,29] Liquid Light, now part of Avantium,
waste, CO2 is the only other carbon feedstock we have has successfully developed the gas-diffusion electrode-driven
available.[13] Using CO2 as a feedstock will be a requirement for formate production from CO2.[30–32] These electrodes are tech-
meeting our ambitions of a circular future and staying within nology leaders due to the stability, scale, and performance of
the planetary boundaries.[10,11,14–16] this CO2 conversion.[33] The formate produced in the electro-
Today, the chemical industry is still a big CO2 emitter and chemical cells is further “upcycled” to oxalate using a process
lacks circularity as fossil-based feedstocks dominate.[17] How- called formate coupling, where two formate molecules combine
ever, the industry can also make use of CO2 as a feedstock and to oxalate with the release of hydrogen.[34,35] Finally oxalate is
therefore will be a key player in the energy and material acidified (e. g., in a multi-compartment electrochemical ion
transition and has the potential to change from a non-circular exchange cell), resulting in oxalic acid. Today, this technology is
CO2-emitting industry to a circular industry providing a possible further developed in the public-private European Committee-
net carbon sink.[9,12,18–21]
CO2 can replace fossil feedstock in certain chemical
processes and has the added advantage of being a low-cost or

[a] E. Schuler, M. Demetriou, Dr. N. R. Shiju, Prof. G.-J. M. Gruter

Van ‘t Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences
University of Amsterdam
Science Park 904, 1090 GD Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
E-mail: [email protected]
[email protected]
[b] Prof. G.-J. M. Gruter
Avantium Chemicals BV
Zekeringstraat 29, 1014 BV Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
© 2021 The Authors. ChemSusChem published by Wiley-VCH GmbH. This is
an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
Non-Commercial NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in
any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non- Figure 1. Annual CO2 emissions caused by the release of fossil carbon and
commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made. land-use change and development of global mean atmospheric CO2 level.[6,7]

ChemSusChem 2021, 14, 3636 – 3664 3637 © 2021 The Authors. ChemSusChem published by Wiley-VCH GmbH

sponsored partnership program OCEAN and implemented in electronic waste.[42] As oxalic acid is naturally present in many
different demonstration plants, which will be operational during vegetable food products it may also be used as a natural anti-
2021.[36] The business-case developed in this program suggests browning and preservation agent in fruit and vegetable storage
a production cost for formate of about E1000 ton 1 at currently and can replace currently used inorganic acids.[43]
achieved process costs (Cell cost E5000 m 2; current density The oxalic acid market today is 350 000 t yr 1, but in the
2000 A m 2; faradaic yield > 90 %), a CO2 price of E50 ton 1 for future, oxalic acid can be the origin of a wide range of high-
capture and purification and electricity prices of E30– value and high-volume chemicals. Two examples are formic
50 MWh 1. We project the production cost of formate to drop acid/formate with a market of 900 000 t yr 1 or MEG with
to E300–400 ton 1 beyond 2030 with lower or negative CO2 30 000 000 t yr 1. Of course, we can produce these chemicals
cost, a reduced electricity price, a reduction in cell cost, and from different resources, but if we want to avoid using fossil
improved current densities. This would make oxalic acid from feedstock by 2050, the only alternative carbon sources are
formate an interesting competing feedstock for producing biomass and CO2.[44,45] It has the potential to be a major platform
glycolic acid, glyoxylic acid, and even mono-ethylene glycol for carbon-containing materials such as new classes of
(MEG). polymers.[46] This does not only include products derived
directly from oxalic acid but also the oxalic acid-based C2
compounds shown in Figure 2. We work on various processes
1.1. Oxalic acid and its valuable derivatives to obtain these building blocks from oxalic acid and on several
classes of oxalic acid- and glycolic acid-based polyesters.[36,46,47]
Oxalic acid, the simplest of the dicarboxylic acids, is one of the Glyoxylic acid is the first reduction product of oxalic acid. It
oldest known acids, discovered by Scheele in 1734.[37] Today it is is an important C2 building block for many organic molecules of
used in various industries. The largest consumer is the industrial importance, used in the production of agrochemicals,
pharmaceutical industry, while others include agriculture, aromas, cosmetic ingredients, pharmaceutical intermediates,
textiles and leather, and the chemical industries.[38–40] It is also and polymers.[48–51] Glyoxylic acid finds direct application in
widely used as an acid rinse in laundries, where it is effective in personal care as neutralizing agent; it is widely used in hair
removing rust and ink stains as it converts most insoluble iron straightening products in particular (shampoos, conditioners,
compounds into a soluble complex ion.[41] Similarly, oxalic acid lotions, creams) at levels of 0.5–10 %.
is a well-known leaching agent for solubilizing heavy metals in If the aldehyde function of glyoxylic acid is further reduced,
bauxite, clay, and sewage sludge or bio-metallurgy for glycolic acid is obtained. Glycolic acid is a useful intermediate

Eric Schuler is a Ph.D. candidate at the Marilena Demetriou received her B.Sc. degree in
University of Amsterdam in the Catalysis Chemistry with a specialization in Material
Engineering group of Dr. Shiju Raveendran Chemistry from the University of Cyprus. Then,
and Industrial Sustainable Chemistry group she moved to the Netherlands for a research
of Prof. Gruter. He obtained his Bachelor in traineeship in the University of Groningen
Biochemistry with a specialization on proteo- where she worked in the field of homogeneous
mics at the Ruhr-University of Bochum. After catalysis at Barta’s group. Later, she received her
a research stay at Macquarie University in M.Sc. in Chemistry from the University of
Sydney, he obtained his Master in Chemistry Amsterdam/VU Amsterdam and did research at
from the University of Amsterdam with a the HSCS group of UVA under the supervision
specialization in sustainable chemistry and of Dr. Shiju Raveendran. Her focus is on the
environmental studies. His research now synthesis of novel biobased monomers by
focuses on the conversion of formate from heterogeneously catalyzed esterification.
CO2 to monomers for polymers using catal-
Gert-Jan M. Gruter is CTO of technology
ysis and process optimization.
company Avantium and Professor of Industrial
Shiju Raveendran is an Associate Professor at Sustainable Chemistry at the University of
the University of Amsterdam and leads the Amsterdam. He has a background in polymer
Catalysis Engineering Group. He obtained his chemistry (DSM 1993–2000 and Eindhoven
Ph.D. in Catalysis from the National Chemical University of Technology 1999–2006). At Avan-
Laboratory, Pune, India. After postdoctoral tium he initiated the development for technolo-
stays in UK and USA, he joined the University gies to produce biobased polyesters. He is
of Amsterdam as a faculty member in 2009. working on cascading of lignocellulosic biomass
His research focuses on the engineering of to produce 2G glucose as well as on the
heterogeneous catalysts in industrially impor- electrochemical reduction of CO2 to formate
tant reactions including CO2 conversion, and CO and downstream formate conversions
biomass conversion, and lower alkane activa- to polyester monomers such as oxalic acid,
tion to chemicals and fuels. glycolic acid, and subsequent polymers. At the
University of Amsterdam he is working on novel
sustainable plastics, plastic biodegradation,
chemical recycling of polyesters, consumer
psychology, and ocean plastics.

ChemSusChem 2021, 14, 3636 – 3664 3638 © 2021 The Authors. ChemSusChem published by Wiley-VCH GmbH

polymer industry to create polymers with free hydroxy groups

and in the production of furans.[59]
Lastly, there is MEG. One of the uses of ethylene glycol is as
heating or cooling fluid with a broad range of applications. The
largest use is in the polymer industry: ethylene glycol is an
important monomer for polyethylene terephthalate (PET) poly-
ester for fibers, bottles, and films. Because of its high boiling
point and affinity for water, ethylene glycol is also a useful
In addition to their current uses, all five C2 compounds
above are of increasing interest for the manufacture of new,
high-performance polymers. Glyoxylic acid esters can be
polymerized with bases to obtain biodegradable polymers with
chelating properties.[60,61] Many monomers for sustainable
polymers can be derived from it, linking the consumption of
CO2 with the production of circular, potential long-term carbon
storage in materials.[62] A detailed account from our group on
polyesters from oxalic acid and glycolic acid was published
recently by Murcia Valderrama et al.[46]
These new solutions are required to satisfy the growing
demand for polymers in the world with sustainable alternatives
by replacing their petrochemical counterparts. The CO2 volume
potential in polymer applications will be very dependent on the
economics of these monomers and the performance of the
Figure 2. Value tree: Oxalic acid as starting compound for a variety of high-
resulting polymer materials. In our group, we have shown very
value products. promising results towards meeting both these criteria.[63] Over-
all, we hope to show in this Review and in the years to come
that oxalic acid has great potential the future because of its
large potential applications in the polymer market.
for organic synthesis, in a range of reactions including In this Review, we discuss the popular pathway for CO2 to
oxidation-reduction, esterification, and long-chain polymeriza- oxalic acid developed by Liquid Light in detail and compare it
tion. It is used as a monomer in the preparation of polyglycolic to other production processes utilizing non-fossil carbon (CO2
acid and other biocompatible copolymers such as poly lactic- and biomass). We discuss each of the six main paths that we
co-glycolic acid (PLGA.)[47,52] Glycolic acid is directly used in the identified and highlight the upstream processes required for
textile industry as a dyeing and tanning agent, in food feedstock generation. To compare and assess the various
processing as a flavoring agent, and as a preservative. In the possible pathways based on their sustainability and circularity,
pharmaceutical industry, it is used as a skin care agent, and it is we use the concept of circular chemistry as a framework. This
also used in adhesives and polymers.[53–55] Glycolic acid is often furthermore helps to identify optimization potential for re-
included in emulsion polymers, solvents, and additives for ink source efficiency across chemical value chains and enables a
and paint to improve flow properties and impart gloss.[56] closed-loop, waste-free chemical industry, replacing today’s
From a commercial perspective, important derivatives of linear “take-make-dispose” approach with circular processes.[19]
glycolic acid include the methyl and ethyl esters, which are Therefore, new processes should fit within the guiding
readily distillable, unlike the parent acid. The butyl ester is a principles of this framework.
component of some varnishes, being desirable because it is
nonvolatile and has good dissolving properties.
At the same reduction level is glyoxal. Due to its bifunction- 2. Routes and Feedstocks to Oxalic Acid
ality, it finds a wide range of applications. It is used as a cross-
linker for condensation reactions with starch, cellulose, keratin, Oxalic acid can be produced via six main routes as shown in
casein, animal glue, and mineral-based building materials. In Figure 3. The feedstocks, which include CO2, CO, alkali formate
organic synthesis, it is used to create heterocycles such as (AF), ethylene glycol (EG), propylene, and carbohydrate-rich
imidazole. In polymer chemistry, glyoxal is used as a solubilizing biomass, can be derived from three main sources: biomass, CO2,
agent and cross-linking agent.[57] It is used directly in the and fossil carbon deposits. Some of these processes are
cosmetic, textile, paper, and leather industry. In the oil industry, commercially used whilst others are new developments. To
it is utilized as a sulfur-capturing agent. improve their sustainability, we can either substitute fossil-
Glycolaldehyde is the smallest sugar molecule and an based building blocks by renewable ones or develop new
interesting platform chemical itself.[58] It is used today in the sustainable routes towards oxalic acid. Oxalic acid is commer-

ChemSusChem 2021, 14, 3636 – 3664 3639 © 2021 The Authors. ChemSusChem published by Wiley-VCH GmbH

fermentation.[43,67–100] Furthermore, biomass can also be used as

a feedstock for the production of other oxalic acid precursors
such as CO (gasification), CO2 (fermentation or combustion), AF,
and EG (via bio-ethylene or direct hydrogenolysis).[101,102]
Today the chemical sector is the largest industrial consumer
of both oil and gas, accounting for 15 % of oil and 9 % of gas
demand.[103] Together with coal, non-renewable fossil resources
provide 87–96 % of organic chemicals today, and oxalic acid is
no exception.[103–105] Currently, the majority of oxalic acid is
produced from fossil naphtha via propylene and ethylene glycol
or CO, which is mainly obtained from coal.[106,107] Additionally,
AF can be derived from fossil-based CO too.[108–114] Scheme 2
shows all fossil carbon-based pathways including oxidative
pathways via naphtha-derived ethylene and propylene with
harsh oxidants. This synthetic strategy was first reported by
Gallently in 1881, who formed oxalic acid by heating paraffin
with HNO3.[115]
Figure 3. Overall there are six feedstocks directly used for oxalic acid- The most underestimated chemical feedstock of our times
producing processes. These feedstocks include (1) CO2, (2) CO, (3) alkali might be CO2. CO2 can be converted to oxalic acid in multiple
formate, (4) ethylene glycol, (5) propylene, and (6) carbohydrates. Except for ways as illustrated in Scheme 3. Two routes proceed via oxalate,
CO2, a commercially used route exists for all of those feedstocks.
which is either produced electrochemically from CO2 directly in
non-aqueous electrolytes or via formate coupling. Formate can
be obtained from CO2 using electrochemistry in aqueous media
cially produced today from carbohydrates, ethylene glycol, or via CO as a substrate. Oxalate is then electrochemically or
propylene, CO, and ethanol as well as alkali formates. traditionally acidified to oxalic acid. In another route, dimethyl
The oldest route towards oxalic acid was discovered by oxalate is produced from CO, which can be obtained from CO2
Bergmann in 1776. It requires the use of nitric acid to oxidize in various ways described in chapter 4.1 below. Dimethyl
biomass, or more precisely the contained carbohydrates, into
oxalic acid.[37] Biomass describes plant matter that originates
from the photosynthetic conversion of CO2 into sugars and
other organic building blocks.[64] One of the main concerns for
large-scale implementation of biomass as a feedstock for the
chemical industry is its competition with food production when
crops are used that are grown on farmland or are otherwise
food themselves, such as corn or wheat.[65]
Although there is no competition with food today (due to
Scheme 2. Fossil carbon can be converted to oxalic acid via four pathways:
the very small bio-based polymer volumes), it is important to
(a) naphtha can be converted to ethylene glycol (via ethylene), which can be
develop so-called second- or third-generation biomass sources, oxidized to oxalic acid; (b) propylene is obtained from naphtha cracking and
which avoid this problem for future large-scale applications.[66] can be converted to oxalic acid; (c) fossil carbon is converted to CO in a
gasification process, which can be converted to oxalic acid via the dialkyl
Scheme 1 shows all pathways that use biomass as feedstock.
oxalate process; and alternatively (d) CO can be converted to formate, which
Besides nitric acid oxidation, biomass can be directly converted is turned into oxalic acid using formate coupling followed by an acidification
to oxalic acid by a process called alkali heating and step.

Scheme 1. Biomass can be (a) directly converted into oxalic acid by oxidation Scheme 3. CO2 can be converted to oxalic acid via four main pathways:
or used as a feedstock for oxalic acid precursors including (b) propylene, (a) through direct conversion of CO2 to alkali oxalate; (b) through a metal
(c) ethanol and CO2, (d) CO, and (e) glucose. CO can be converted into oxalic formate intermediate, which can be obtained from the electrocatalytic or
acid (f) directly or (g) via the formation of formate. Glucose can be photocatalytic reduction of CO2; (c) via CO and the dialkyl oxalate process;
(h) oxidized directly or (i) first converted to ethylene glycol, which is and (d) via ethylene glycol and subsequent oxidation (in practice not done
subsequently oxidized. because ethylene glycol would be obtained from oxalic acid, not vice versa).

ChemSusChem 2021, 14, 3636 – 3664 3640 © 2021 The Authors. ChemSusChem published by Wiley-VCH GmbH

oxalate is then hydrolyzed to oxalic acid. Ethylene glycol can 3.1. Direct electrochemical CO2 reduction
also be obtained from CO2 and oxidized to oxalic acid.
CO2 is mainly known for the environmental problems it Electrochemical reduction is a powerful means to activate and
causes, which include climate change and ocean convert CO2, but it is also challenging. A comprehensive
acidification.[116] To become truly circular and mitigate these overview of all aspects of electrochemical reduction of CO2 on
problems, the utilization of CO2 as a feedstock is required as metal electrodes is available from Hori.[129] The nature of the
some CO2-emitting sources such as cement, steel, or ammonia formed product crucially depends on the reaction medium and
production cannot be avoided or using a carbon source is choice of electrode material.
strongly preferred even though alternative processes using Ikeda et al. proposed that the CO2 reduction reaction
hydrogen were proposed. For the industry to develop and proceeds via single-electron reduction leading to the formation
adopt CO2 as a feedstock, however, it also requires processes of a CO2 radical anion.[130] The formed CO2 radical anion is
* *

(and regulations or taxes) to be competitive in the market to highly reactive and reacts with proton donors such as water to
compete with and limit the dependency on fossil fuels.[12,21,117] form undesired formate and carbonate following Equation (1).
Obtaining it directly from the air using so-called direct air Therefore, the choice of the reaction medium is of great
capture processes is difficult due to the low CO2 concentration importance.[131–134]
(400 ppm in the air) and requires high energy input.[118] Today,
high-purity industrial point sources, such as carbohydrate 2 CO2 þ H2 O þ 2e ! HCO2 þ HCO3 (1)
fermentation to methanol, natural gas processing, hydrogen
production from methane, coal/gas-to-liquids, steel, and ce- This unwanted side reaction can be suppressed when
ment production, energy generation, and ammonia production, solvents of low proton availability are used. If the CO2 anion*

supply the majority of the CO2 that is injected in CO2 storage radical is present long enough on the electrode surface, it reacts
demonstration projects.[119] CO2 can be captured relatively with another one, and oxalate is formed as shown in
cheaply in large-scale cement or steel factories.[120,121] The Equation (2). This mechanism has been proven with in-situ
publications on CO2 conversion are at an all-time peak, spectroscopy by Eneau-Innocent et al.[135]
indicating high scientific interest.[122]
2 CO2 þ 2e ! 2 CO2 ! C2 O4 2 (2)

3. Direct Conversion of CO2 to Oxalic Acid The formation of the CO2 radical anion is thermodynami-

cally unfavored due to large reorganizational energy between

Ideally, we should directly convert CO2 into oxalic acid in one the linear molecule and bent radical anion.[136] In practice when
step. CO2 can be obtained directly from the air or point sources. using dimethylformamide, the uncatalyzed reaction required
Several reviews on CO2 capture technologies and their standard potential is 2.21 V vs. saturated calomel electrode.[137]
implications are available.[123–127] There are many routes for A large standard potential can lead to large operation
direct reduction of CO2, which can be summarized in three potentials, which should be avoided as they reduce the process
categories as shown in Scheme 4. They include (a) direct classic efficiency. Metal catalysts can lower the standard potential by
electrochemical CO2 reduction catalyzed by metals, (b) electro- providing alternative reaction pathways and subsequently allow
ochemical reduction catalyzed by metal complexes, and for a lower overall operation potential of CO2 activation.
(c) sacrificial reduction with calcium ascorbate. None of these Tin, mercury, lead, indium, and tellurium electrodes proved
processes are in the commercial stage yet due to low yields, suitable for the reaction in an early stage, and oxalic acid was
low turnover numbers, or the high complexity of the systems. produced at 90 % faradaic efficiency (FE) in dimethyl
For example, former Princeton spin-off Liquid Light (now formamide.[130,134,138] Newer developments include the use of
Avantium) developed an electrochemical one-step route to metal oxides such as MoO2 in combination with lead
oxalate, but the requirement of a stable nonaqueous electrolyte electrodes.[139]
proved to be a barrier to scale-up.[128] If the radical anion is not staying on the surface it migrates
into the electrolyte where it can react with another CO2 to
form CO and CO32 via reductive disproportionation according
to Εquation (3), rather than to oxalate according to
Εquation (2).[140] Electrodes made from platinum, palladium,
gold, or copper favor this unwanted side reaction.[130,141]

2 CO2 þ 2e ! 2 CO2 ! CO þ CO23 (3)

In conclusion, three competing reactions [Eqs. (1–3)] are

present during the direct electrochemical reduction of CO2 to
Scheme 4. Direct conversion of CO2 to oxalate followed by acidification to
oxalic acid: (a) direct electrochemistry; (b) CO2 reduction catalyzed homoge- oxalic acid.[137] The absence of water is crucial as it does not
neously by metal complexes; (c) reduction of CO2 with Ca-ascorbate and only favor formate production but also further the reduction
electrochemical regeneration. of oxalate to glycolate.[131,132] Although it is beneficial to have

ChemSusChem 2021, 14, 3636 – 3664 3641 © 2021 The Authors. ChemSusChem published by Wiley-VCH GmbH

trace amounts of water present if CO2 is reduced to CO, this is

not the case if oxalic acid is desired.[142] Therefore, the absence
of water, even in trace amounts, is critical to achieving high
FEs.[143] Kaiser and Heitz were the first to develop a suitable
process and considered parameters such as electrode materi-
als, solvents, pH, and current densities.[131] Propylene
carbonate, acetonitrile, and dimethylformamide were found to
be the most suitable solvents due to their relatively low
nucleophilicity at a sufficient electrophilic constant. Adding
tetraethylammonium perchlorate as a supporting electrolyte
was found to increase oxalate production by improving
electrochemical contact between CO2 and the working elec-
trode surface.[144] Recently also the reaction temperature was
Figure 4. Flow sheet of zinc oxalate process as developed by Fischer et al. In
added to the list of important reaction conditions.[145] In some the bottom left in the first cycle, CO2 is converted to zinc oxalate and
instances, a low reaction temperature as low as 20 °C can be removed by filtration. The oxalate is dissolved in sulfuric acid in the second
beneficial to help suppress hydrogen evolution from water cycle, and oxalic acid is extracted from the zinc sulfate solution, which is
recycled to sulfuric acid and zinc in the zinc electrolysis cell shown at the
splitting in wet organic solvents such as acetonitrile and top. Pure oxalic acid is obtained by evaporation of the extractant in the last
dimethylformamide.[139] step in the bottom right. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [147].
A commercial industrial process called the zinc oxalate Copyright 1981, Springer.
process was developed by Heitz and co-workers. The use of a
sacrificial zinc anode forms insoluble zinc oxalate, which can be
removed from the electrolyte by simple filtration.[146,147] As a first competitive on a 2 million ton scale. A disadvantage is the need
step, CO2 is reduced to oxalate as in Equation (4); at the same for dry organic solvents. Unfortunately, the process has never
time zinc is oxidized to Zn2 + [Eq. (5)]. Together they form been tested on the pilot stage as a continuous close-loop
insoluble zinc oxalate [Eq. (6)]. After filtration, the oxalate can operation.
be acidified with sulfuric acid, where oxalic acid and zinc Most recently Paris and Bocarsly reported a new system
sulfoxide are formed following Equation (7). The zinc and operating in aqueous media.[148] It comprises a thin film of
sulfuric acid can be recovered by electrolysis in water as in alloyed Cr and Ga oxides on glassy carbon, which electro-
Equation (8). Overall, oxalic acid is obtained from CO2 and water catalytically generates oxalate from aqueous CO2 with a
as in Equation (9).[146] maximum oxalate FE of 59 % at potentials as positive as
Oxalate electrolysis: 0.98 V vs. normal hydrogen electrode (NHE).
Oxalate is produced at a surface anion site via a CO-
2 CO2 þ 2e ! C2 O24 (4) dependent pathway instead of relying on the formation of a
CO2 radical anion, hence the reduced need for non-protic

Zn ! Zn2þ þ 2e (5) environments. However, the catalysts exhibit two sites, which
can either favor oxalate or formate formation. To favor oxalate
2 CO2 þ Zn ! ZnC2 O24 # (6) production the crucial parameters such as pH, alloy ratio, and
electrolyte cation need to be optimized. A pH of 4.1 with KCl as
Oxalic acid from zinc oxalate: electrolyte and a Cr2O3/Ga2O3 ratio of 3 : 1 was shown to be
most favorable. This process is still in a very early stage and still
ZnC2 O4 þ H2 SO4 ! ZnSO4 þ H2 C2 O4 (7) needs to prove scalability.

Zinc electrolysis:
3.2. Metal-complex electrocatalysis
ZnSO4 þ H2 O ! Zn þ H2 SO4 þ O2 (8)
2 Homogeneous catalysts have a long history in CO2 reduction of
over 40 years. However, the primary interest was the formation
Sum of all reactions: of syngas or the direct formation of possible fuels. A
comprehensive Review on the topic has been published by
1 Benson et al.[136] Some groups also focused on the production
2 CO2 þ H2 O ! H2 C2 O4 þ O (9)
2 2 of oxalate. Becker et al. were the first to develop homogeneous
catalysts specifically for the formation of oxalate.[149] They made
The overall process requires four cycles as shown in use of silver and palladium porphyrins and were able to drop
Figure 4. The advantages of the process are high current the operation potential from 2 to 1.5 V and found selectivity
efficiencies (> 90 %) and the absence of unwanted side towards oxalic acid in absence of CO. They did not state any
products and precious metals in the process. Economic selectivity or efficiency numbers and possible mechanisms.
calculations lead to the conclusion that the process is price

ChemSusChem 2021, 14, 3636 – 3664 3642 © 2021 The Authors. ChemSusChem published by Wiley-VCH GmbH

Kushi et al. had a different approach and made use of a In 2010 Bouwman and co-workers first described a dinuclear
rhodium sulfide cluster in CO2-saturated CH3CN in the presence copper(I) complex that is oxidized by CO2 rather than by O2
of LiBF4 as shown in Figure 5.[152] They could also lower the when brought into contact with air.[153] The CO2 is captured and
operation potential to 1.5 V whilst operating at 60 % current a tetranuclear oxalate-bridged copper(II) complex is formed as
efficiency. The cluster was crafted on a glassy carbon plate and shown on the bottom left of Figure 6. The captured oxalate can
did not show any signs of fragmentation. Not only low-valence be then liberated as oxalic acid by the addition of hydrochloric
metal but also electron-rich sulfur ligands are the possible sites acid.
for the activation of CO2 by metal-sulfur clusters. Fourier- Alternatively, the authors developed a system in which
transform (FT)IR studies revealed the presence of CO2 bonded lithium perchlorate is used as a supporting electrolyte and
to the reduced clusters at either two Rh or a S and Rh site. acetonitrile as solvent. This system allows for a full catalytic
In a subsequent study, they could show even better activity cycle as shown in Figure 6. First the copper(II) complex [4]4 + is
using iridium and cobalt complexes with which the operation reduced to the copper(I) complex [1]2 +, which is then oxidized
potentials could be lowered to 1.3 and 0.7 V, respectively, by two CO2 molecules, which are bound as CO2 radical
* *

whilst maintaining 60 % current efficiency. This resembles a anions. Two of the complex pairs form the oxalate-bridged
strong decrease of the overpotential of 1.4 V compared to the tetranuclear copper(II) complex [2]4 +. The complexed oxalate
uncatalyzed reaction.[150] then is liberated by the lithium ions as lithium oxide and
Evans et al. were up next and demonstrated the use of acetonitrile refills the vacant coordination spaces of the
lanthanides, in this case samarium, as a suitable catalyst to complex.
reach high selectivity of oxalic acid in appropriate Preliminary results demonstrate six turnovers (producing
conditions.[151] 12 equiv. of oxalate) during 7 h of catalysis at an applied
potential of 0.03 V vs. NHE. However, no yields or selectivity
were reported, and the coverage of the electrode with
precipitated oxalate leads to deactivation as it hampers efficient
electron transfer.
In 2014, Maverick and co-workers presented a copper
complex for CO2 transformation to oxalate but have retracted
that article recently.[154,155]
They had initially introduced ascorbic acid as mild reducing
agent, which has been long known to decompose to oxalates in
the presence of transition metals and oxygen. Now they
identified the reducing agent as the source of oxalate rather
Figure 5. Structure of the triangular rhodium complex [(RhCp*)3(μ3-S)2]2.
Reproduced with permission from Ref. [152]. Copyright 1994, The Chemical than the reduction of CO2. The reduced CuI complex does react
Society of Japan. with CO2 but forms a stable carbonate complex instead
(Figure 7)
Kumar et al. used a different approach for the special
organization of their catalyst and designed a copper-based
metal-organic framework (MOF).[156] They could decrease the
overpotential by 0.7 V and increase the current density from
2.27 to 19.22 mA cm 2 in DMF solution and Tetrabutylammo-
nium tetrafluoroborate (TBATFB) as supporting electrolyte. They
proposed the formation of the CO2 radical anion, which

couples to oxalate and then abstracts a proton from the solvent

to form oxalic acid with 90 % selectivity at 51 % FE.
The advantages of transition metal complex systems are
their high selectivity and the use of non-precious metals in
some examples. However, the low FE, long reaction times, and
use of toxic solvents are major drawbacks. In addition, the
process development suffers from highly complex systems and
is hence at an early stage of development on a lab scale. The
recent retractions emphasize the challenges and complexity of
Figure 6. Catalytic cycle of copper complex for CO2 activation as proposed these systems further.
by Bouwman and co-workers. The initial copper(II) complex [4]4 + is first
reduced at 0.03 V vs. NHE to the copper(I) complex [1]2 +. This is
subsequently reduced by two CO2 to copper (ii) again. Two of the complexes
merge and the bound CO2 radical anions couple to form bridging oxalate

3.3. Sacrificial reduction using Ca-ascorbate

molecules [2]4 +. Lithium ions and acetonitrile liberate the oxalate as lithium
oxalate and the initial complex is formed again. Reproduced with permission
from Ref. [153]. Copyright 2010, American Association for the Advancement The work of Pastero et al. shows that also pathways without
of Science. harmful reagents, complicated metal complexes, or electro-

ChemSusChem 2021, 14, 3636 – 3664 3643 © 2021 The Authors. ChemSusChem published by Wiley-VCH GmbH

Figure 7. Revised version of the original three-step reaction cycle for reduction of CO2 to oxalic acid. The starting CuII complex (1 or 2) is reduced to a CuI
complex by sodium ascorbate (3). In the presence of oxygen, the ascorbate is reduced to oxalate to give oxalate-bridged complex (4). In the presence of CO2
and absence of ascorbate, however, a stable three-valent carbonate complex is formed. Reproduced with permission form Ref. [155]. Copyright 2021, Nature
Publishing Group.

chemical cells are available.[157] They made use of the oxidizing 4.1. Carbon monoxide production
potential of the calcium salt of ascorbic acid (AA), more widely
known as Vitamin C. They claim that AA is not only nontoxic Carbon monoxide is a toxic gas generated mainly by the
but also cost-effective as a reducing agent, citing its earlier incomplete combustion of carbon compounds.[162] It was first
applications in the biomedical and food industry. isolated in 1776 by de Lassone and is increasingly used as
AA is unstable in solution and decomposes to dehydroas- feedstock on a very large scale in the chemical industry, as a
corbic acid as shown in Equation (10) with a redox potential of pure reactant for the production of hydrogen (water-gas shift
0.5 V vs. NHE.[158] reaction), inorganic chemicals, and acetic, acrylic, or propanoic
acid in the Cativa process.[163] In conjunction with hydrogen, it is
C6 H8 O6 ! C6 H6 O6 þ 2 Hþ þ 2 e (10) called syngas and used for the production of alcohols, hydro-
carbons, or linear aliphatic aldehydes using the process.[164]
In their experiments, stoichiometric amounts of calcium AA All production pathways of CO are illustrated in Scheme 6,
salt react with the CO2 to form insoluble calcium oxalate in the including those from the most common source in commercial
form of Weddellite-type crystals. The reaction rate was found to quantities, which is still fossil carbon.[162] This includes the
be depending on pH, temperature, and reactor design but gasification of coal, steam reforming, the Boudouard reaction,
optimal conditions were not presented. Advantages of this and the partial oxidation of hydrocarbons.[162] Alternatively, CO
process are the simple equipment and absence of precious can be obtained from the thermal treatment of biomass or CO2.
metal catalysts. However, the stoichiometric consumption of AA CO can be produced from CO2 using heterogeneously catalyzed
is a major drawback as AA requires a complicated multistep reverse water-gas shift reaction, electrochemically, or
production process and therefore has a much higher market photochemically.[165–168]
price than the product oxalic acid.[159] Additionally the sacrificial
CO2 process is yet to be tested on a larger scale.
4.1.1. Fossil carbon conversion

4. Carbon Monoxide to Oxalic Acid The major industrial process for the production of CO is the
Boudouard reaction in which CO2 from fossil carbon combus-
Carbon monoxide can be used as a feedstock for oxalic acid in
various ways. It is mainly used indirectly to produce feedstock
for oxalic acid production, but the direct pathway is also
possible via the dialkyl oxalate as shown in Scheme 5.[160,161]

Scheme 6. CO can be obtained from fossil carbon, biomass, and CO2. Fossil
routes include (a) Boudouard reaction, (b) steam reforming of gas, and
Scheme 5. CO can be converted to oxalic acid via the dialkyl oxalate process, (c) partial oxidation of hydrocarbons. Biomass can be (d) thermochemically
where first the dialkyl ester of oxalic acid is formed, which is then hydrolyzed converted and CO2 can be reduced to CO via (e) reverse water-gas-shift
to oxalic acid. reactions, (f) direct electrochemical reduction, or (g) electrolysis.

ChemSusChem 2021, 14, 3636 – 3664 3644 © 2021 The Authors. ChemSusChem published by Wiley-VCH GmbH

tion [Eq. (11)] reacts with carbon [Eq. (12)]. Above 800 °C, CO is synthesis and syngas processes.[173,174] It is equilibrium limited
the predominant product: and favored at high temperatures as it is endothermic [Eq. (16)].

C þ O2 ! CO2 (11) CO2 þ H2 ! CO þ H2 O (16)

C þ CO2 ! 2 CO (12) For the hydrogen route to be sustainable, the hydrogen

must be produced via electrochemical water splitting.[175] The
Through this reaction, CO2 from a variety of combustion reaction is usually carried out in simple single-stage adiabatic
plants can be upgraded to CO, but the process is energy reactors with the help of supported metal catalysts of which
intensive.[169] In the gasification of coal, both CO and hydrogen iron- and copper-based catalysts are most common.[166,176–179] An
are formed [Eq. (13)], which requires separation. in-depth introduction on the reaction, reactor, and catalyst
design was published by Newsome.[179] Daza and Kuhn
3 C þ O2 þ H2 O ! 3 CO þ H2 (13) discussed the recent developments in catalysts and mecha-
nisms and their consequences on economics in great detail in
The steam-reforming process, discovered by Fontana in their 2016 Review.[165] This path of CO production has the
1780, only uses water and no additional oxygen as in advantage of scalability, high selectivity towards CO, and a
Equation (13). This leads to a higher proportion of hydrogen in simple process design. However, catalysts that are highly
the mix: selective at high production rates are yet to be found.[165]

C þ H2 O ! CO þ H2 (14)
4.1.4. Electrochemical reduction of CO2
In partial oxidation, CO is produced from natural gas or
heavy hydrocarbons and a limited amount of oxygen to form The electrocatalytic CO2 reduction reaction as in Equation (17) is
CO and hydrogen [Eq. (15)]. considered one of the most attractive methods of storing
intermittent renewable energy as chemical energy on a large
n m scale.[24]
Cn Hm þ O ! n CO þ H (15)
2 2 2 2
CO2 þ 2 Hþ þ 2 e ! CO þ H2 O (17)
The advantage of these processes is that they are all
technically mature and have been used commercially for many Although a vast variety of products are accessible through
decades. However, to be sustainable the fossil feedstock has to the electrocatalytic CO2 conversion pathways, only CO and
be replaced with a sustainable carbon source. A further formic acid/formate (pKa = 3.77) are produced at high FEs
disadvantage is that these processes all produce gas mixtures, (above 80 %) and current densities above 100 mA cm 2 for
which should be separated in various processes by reversible hundreds of hours.[180,181] The formation of CO2 proceeds via the
complexation, cryogenic separation, pressure swing adsorption, formation of a CO2 anion radical as described above. The

or permeable membranes. All of these require extensive equip- choice of a protic solvent favors the production of CO over
ment and significant energy. Alternatively, CO can be produced oxalate. The choice of the metal determines whether formate or
from biomass or CO2, which will be described in the next CO is formed.[129] A recent review from Nielsen et al.[182] provides
section. a good overview of the electrochemical CO2 reduction process,
and several other authors discuss various aspects in great
detail.[116,165,167,175,180,183–187] Hernández et al. and Chen et al. dis-
4.1.2. Thermal biomass conversion cussed the options in a broader scope, evaluated the state of
the art results, and came to the conclusion that whilst the
The production of CO from biomass is possible from various development of the direct electrochemical processes has
sources, but algae are especially suitable due to their simple progressed significantly, they still have challenging obstacles to
cell structure and composition.[170–172] All routes in principle are overcome before becoming industrially viable.[183,184] Overall, the
thermochemical conversion of the biomass in the form of either advantage of these processes is the use of gaseous CO2 and
pyrolysis, gasification, or direct combustion.[171] Those routes are renewable energy as a feedstock. Due to fluctuations in the
described and discussed by Lam et al.[172] The resulting gas availability of renewable energy, the short start-up time of these
mixture requires gas separation similar to fossil processes. systems may be an advantage. Disadvantages are the use of
precious metals as catalysts and complex electrode designs,
which make long-term stability, production rate optimization,
4.1.3. Reverse water-gas shift and upscaling challenging. Large-scale demonstrators yet need
to show the viability of this process.
The reverse water-gas shift reaction was first discovered by
Bosch and Wild in 1913 and is commercially used for methanol

ChemSusChem 2021, 14, 3636 – 3664 3645 © 2021 The Authors. ChemSusChem published by Wiley-VCH GmbH

4.1.5. Photochemical CO2 reduction This method requires a large amount of dehydrating agent
to remove water, which is formed in this reaction step and acts
The production of CO from CO2 using photochemical cells is as an inhibitor.[161]
similar to the photochemical production of formate as UBE Industries (Japan) patented a two-step process to
described below and discussed in recent Reviews by Das and prepare dialkyl oxalate in 1974.[113] This step was taken after
Daud and Saravanan and co-workers.[188,189] improving the reaction by the introduction of alkyl nitrates as
The advantage here is the direct harvesting of sunlight and re-oxidizing agents for the palladium catalysts supported on
the ambient reaction conditions at which the reaction takes carbon. Improvements include increased reaction efficiency and
place. However, complex reaction systems and difficult reactor catalyst lifetime whilst operating at lower temperatures.[195] An
design pose challenges for commercialization. Hence, existing added advantage is the role of a dehydrating agent of the alkyl
techniques are yet insufficient for industrial application and nitrates.[109] The most beneficial nitrate was found to be n-butyl
further research into solar-driven photocatalysts is required.[188] nitrate.[110] Further studies have elucidated the role of the
catalyst support and ideal catalyst compositions for the
reaction.[112,196] The process as shown in Figure 8 is used since
4.1.6. High-temperature conversion 1978 to produce oxalic acid as a starting material to produce
fine chemicals.[197]
At high temperatures, CO2 can be converted to CO and oxygen The process, which is well described in vast detail in the
as in Equation (18). The reaction can be either performed as Review by Uchiumi et al., has the advantage of high selectivity,
electrolysis using solid oxide electrolyzer cells or purely mild reaction conditions, efficient utilization of raw material,
thermochemically at 900 °C on metal oxides as catalysts with and high product quality.[195]
high oxygen mobility.[167,190–193]

2 CO2 ! 2 CO þ O2 (18) 5. Formate/Formic Acid to Oxalic Acid

The advantage of this process is that only CO2 is needed as The production of oxalic acid via the formate coupling route
a reactant, but the major drawback is the high temperature, (Scheme 7) is one of the oldest processes and has been one of
which requires special equipment and high heat input, still with the primary ways to produce oxalic acid before the advent of
rather slow reaction rates. Commercial systems for solid oxide petrochemistry.[160,198,199]
electrolysis are already available.[194]

5.1. Production of formate

4.2. CO to oxalic acid: the dialkyl oxalate process
Formate can be produced either directly from CO2 or CO, the
In 1974 Fenton et al. were the first to describe the liquid-phase latter of which allows to tap into a broad variety of feedstocks
synthesis of dialkyl oxalate by oxidative carbonization of CO as described above. All routes are shown in Scheme 8 and
with ethanol and O2 in the presence of a PdCl2-CuCl2 catalyst in include the commercial route from CO and hydroxides, hydro-
the liquid phase.[161] genation of carbonates, and direct electrocatalytic, photo-
The first step is the oxidative CO coupling reaction with chemical, or enzymatic reduction of CO2.
aliphatic alcohol under the influence of a palladium catalyst to
produce the oxalate diester [Eqs. (19–22)].[161]

2 CO þ 2 ROH þ PdCl2 ! ðCOORÞ2 þ 2 HCl þ Pd0 (19)

Pd0 þ 2 CuCl2 ! PdCl2 þ Cu2 Cl2 (20)

Cu2 Cl2 þ 2 HCl þ O ! 2 CuCl2 þ H2 O (21)
2 2

1 Figure 8. Flow diagram of UBE liquid phase process for oxalic acid
Overall : 2 CO þ 2 ROH þ O2 ! ðCOORÞ2 þ H2 O (22) production in (CO2Bu)2. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [195]. Copy-
right 1999, Elsevier.

The prepared dialkyl oxalate is hydrolyzed to oxalic acid and

the corresponding alcohol [Eq. (23)].

ðCOORÞ2 þ 2 H2 O ! ðCOOHÞ2 þ 2 ROH (23)

Scheme 7. Alkali formates can be converted to oxalic acid via formate
coupling to oxalate and subsequent acidification to oxalic acid.

ChemSusChem 2021, 14, 3636 – 3664 3646 © 2021 The Authors. ChemSusChem published by Wiley-VCH GmbH

hydrogenation to formate is carried out in the presence of

transition metal-free homogeneous catalyst.[209]
To use this process sustainably, the hydrogen has to come
from water splitting.[175] Alternatively, reducing agents or
biomass-derived alcohol, polyol, or sugars including isopropa-
nol, glycerol, or glucose can be used as hydride donors.[210]
The use of reducing agents is described in a 2016 patent as
Scheme 8. Alkali formates can be obtained directly or indirectly from CO2.
The two indirect ways include (a) CO reduction with caustics and (b) hydro- a one-pot metal-catalyzed process.[208] Carbonate salts react in a
ogenation of carbonates. The direct conversion of CO2 can be either polar solvent such as water or ethanol at 50–90 °C for 6–24 h at
(c) electrochemical, (d) photochemical reduction, or (e) enzymatic conver- atmospheric pressure in the presence of a reducing agent such
as NaNO3, LiAlH4, hydrazine hydrate, AA, or NaBH4 and a catalyst
such as CoCl2, TiO2, ZnO, CuO, metal-doped-TiCh, or Cu nano-
particles. Formate yields up to 98.98 % were reported with
5.1.1. Formate from CO and caustic alkali sodium nitrate and Aeroxide P90 TiO2 catalyst at 90 °C. The
advantages of this process are the mild reaction conditions and
Today’s commercial route to formate as shown in Equation (24) high formate yields with precious metal-free catalysts. A
uses CO and caustic alkalis such as potassium hydroxide. This disadvantage is the long reaction time. The technology is not
was first discovered by Berthelot in 1856 and first turned into a yet proven on a commercial scale.
commercially viable process by Weise et al.[200,201]

CO þ MOH ! HCOOM (24) 5.1.3. Electrocatalytic reduction of CO2 to formate

CO and the caustic alkalis react in an aqueous solution to The electrocatalytic CO2 reduction to formate is a two-electron
yield the corresponding formates. In today’s commercial plants, process as shown in Equation (26).[211] The main competing
the CO is mixed counter-currently with aqueous alkali reactions are the formation of CO as in Equation (17) (see
hydroxide in a tower reactor at 1.5–1.8 MPa and 180 °C, leading above) and the hydrogen evolution reaction as in Equation (27),
to the formation of alkali formate. The process is beneficial if which depends heavily on the choice of catalyst.[24,212]
surplus hydroxide can be used for the process.[202]
2 CO2 þ H2 O þ 2e ! 2 HCO2 þ O (26)
2 2
5.1.2. Carbonate hydrogenation
H2 O þ 2e ! H2 þ 2OH (27)
An alternative route to formate is the catalytic transformation of
CO2, which can be achieved by hydrogenation of bicarbonate in Catalysts show high CO2 reduction and low hydrogen
an alkaline environment [Eq. (25)].[203] evolution activity when they exhibit a weak metal-hydrogen
bond reaction. They consist of metals typically located at the
HCO3 þ H2 ! HCO2 þ H2 O (25) left-hand branch of Trassati’s volcano plot such as silver, tin,
lead, mercury, zinc, or indium (Figure 9).[213,214] Bi- or multi-
Carbonate or bicarbonate can be obtained from the metallic systems, which are complex yet easy to produce, are
reaction of CO2 with alkaline minerals by in-situ or ex-situ promising candidates for improving selectivity and lowering
mineral carbonation with alkaline metals. This reaction also overpotentials.[215,216] An early mechanistic study by Hori et al.
gained interest as a means for CCS as mineral carbonates such found that the CO2 radical anion is formed first and bound to
as CaCO3 or MgCO3 are the thermodynamically most stable the tin or indium catalyst via an oxygen atom. Subsequently,
form of carbon.[204] Alternatively, Yu et al. reported the biomi- the CO2 radical anion on the surface tends to be protonated at
metic enzymatic conversion of CO2 to bicarbonate over the carbon position, leading to the release as formate.
functionalized mesoporous silica.[205] Conversely, a CO2 radical anion on the surface of a gold or silver
The first synthesis of formates by hydrogenation of in-situ catalyst is bound to the metal via the carbon atom and
formed carbonates was reported in 1914 by Bredig and Carter, therefore tends to be protonated/reduced at an O-position,
using palladium supported on carbon under relatively mild which results in the production of a *COOH intermediate that
conditions at 70–95 °C, 30–60 bar of H2, and 0–30 bar of CO2.[206] can be further reduced to CO.[217]
Since the work focused on avoiding the use of expensive metals The metals and metal oxides or sulfide-derived catalysts
as catalysts to decrease the cost of the process, the influence of promote the reaction. The oxide layer films of metals, shown on
process conditions and various new metallic catalysts was the descending branch of the volcano plot in Figure 9, can
tested.[203,207–209] Nickel-containing catalysts appear to be the inhibit hydrogen evolution.[214,218,219]
most effective among those tested, giving 77 % formate The advantage of this process is that gaseous H2 is not
yield.[203] Zhao et al. introduced a catalytic process in which CO2 required, and the reaction can be catalyzed by non-noble
metals. Furthermore, the energy input can be potentially

ChemSusChem 2021, 14, 3636 – 3664 3647 © 2021 The Authors. ChemSusChem published by Wiley-VCH GmbH

water oxidation catalyst and couple it with a CO2 reduction

catalyst with well-controlled product selectivity for the CO2
reduction.[224] This reaction can be facilitated on the surface of
semiconducting heterogeneous catalysts, but these systems still
suffer from strong catalyst deactivation by deposited formates
on the surface.[225–227] Hence, the most common systems for this
process are homogeneous catalysts, which have been first used
by Tanaka and co-workers in the 1980s.[228] In recent years this
topic gained new interest and many new systems were studied
and developed.[224,229–235] The selectivity of the homogeneous
systems depends on a myriad of parameters in the process
design including the solvent for CO2 solubilization, electron and
proton sources, photosensitizers for light-harvesting, and lastly
the design of the catalysts itself.[224] Figure 10 exemplary shows
the complex nature and the reaction cycles for the most
advanced system to date.
The developed systems are not yet competitive on a
commercial scale.[189] They lack energy efficiency, catalyst
Figure 9. Trassati’s volcano plot shows the relationship between metal- stability, and selectivity towards formate, for which a maximum
hydrogen bonding energies (on the x-axis) and the exchange current for of 65 % was achieved by Delcamp and co-workers.[224] The slow
hydrogen evolution (on the y-axis) for several metals. Reproduced with
permission from Ref. [219]. Copyright 2014, Beilstein Institut. reaction rates, intermittency of light, and high equipment cost
due to its complexity are further drawbacks.[236,237] Two
comprehensive Reviews by Saravanan and co-workers and Das
and Daud give an excellent overview of available catalytic
supplied from renewable sources such as solar energy.[220] In systems, recent developments, and possible reactor
general, the electrochemical method has several advantages as designs.[188,189]
it is a room-temperature process that favors high selectivity and
higher CO2 solubility.
To be economically feasible, the target is to create a system 5.1.5. Enzymatic conversion of CO2 to formate
that has a high FE and a high current density, with a catalyst
that is stable for a long time. An overview of the implications The first enzymatic catalytic formate production was reported
and new developments on metal catalysts used in the reduction by Pereira and co-workers, who used a whole-cell approach
of CO2 to formate is given in the comprehensive Review by Wu
et al. and a perspective by Zhang and co-workers.[220,221] Black
carbon or salt deposits on metal electrodes have been observed
during the electrochemical reduction of CO2.[222] This can result
from the further reduction of formate on the catalyst surface if
the formate stays in contact with the catalyst for too long. The
GLS (gas-liquid-solid) cathode with a gas-through feature can
facilitate the removal of the formate products from the catalysts
by gas bubbling.[212] The design of the electrodes plays a crucial
part in the efficiency of the process. A comprehensive Review
by Philips et al. discusses the importance of electrode design
and suggests that industrially relevant yields and efficiencies
will most likely require gas-diffusion electrodes and intelligent
cell designs.[33] Pilot or commercial scale tests are yet to prove
the scalability and viability of this process.

Figure 10. Proposed mechanism for formate production under the influence
5.1.4. Photocatalytic reduction of CO2 to formate of Ru catalyst and hydrous conditions. The cycle begins at the top left with
the pre-catalyst Y, which is activated by the electron transfer from the
sacrificial electron donor (SED) to the photosensitizer (PS) to yield Z. With
The photocatalytic reduction of CO2 makes direct use of the the dissociation of Cl , the active catalyst A becomes available. A chemically
sun’s power in that the incoming photons are harnessed to transforms by complexation with a proton to form B. The dicationic
drive the reaction and CO and formate are the most commonly complex B subsequently is reduced again by the PS to form C, which can
react with CO2 to form formate and the dicationic complex D. Reduction of
obtained products.[223] It is attractive as it is operated at ambient the dicationic complex D by the PS regenerates the initial complex A.
pressure, low temperature, and does not require high input Reproduced with permission from Ref. [224]. Copyright 2019, American
energy.[188] Ideally, the solar energy can be harvested to power a Chemical Society.

ChemSusChem 2021, 14, 3636 – 3664 3648 © 2021 The Authors. ChemSusChem published by Wiley-VCH GmbH

with the sulfate-reducing bacteria D. desulfuricans.[238] These temperature of 110–130 °C was reported.[250] The thermal
bacteria are ideal for the reaction due to their high expression decomposition of oxalate leads to the formation of carbonate
levels of formate dehydrogenase (FDH) and hydrogenase and CO. Although more stable than oxalic acid, the formate and
(Hase), which catalyze the formate production from CO2 and H2, oxalate salts can decompose to carbonate and CO as in
respectively [Eqs. (28) and (29)]. Equation (32) and (33).

CO2 þ2 e þ Hþ ! HCOO (28) 2 HCOOM ! M2 CO3 þ H2 þ CO (32)

H2 ! 2 Hþ þ 2 e (29) M2 C2 O4 ! M2 CO3 þ CO (33)

The use of FDH for CO2 utilization has been widely studied Merz and Weith found that the amount of carbonate
and a comprehensive summary was published by Amao.[239] increases with decreasing reaction temperature.[249] Shortly after
Two classes of FDHs exist, which depend either on a co-factor its discovery, this process became one of the main commercial
such as nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) or metals as ways of oxalic acid production, and several processes covering
electron donors and acceptors.[240] Both types are used in CO2 various reactor designs and reaction conditions were patented
reduction processes. The use of pure enzymes requires highly around the world in the period 1900–1936.[200,251–264] Scientifi-
purified proteins of high functionality, and it is essential to cally, the reaction kinetics, mechanism, and process optimiza-
purify and handle the proteins under strictly anaerobic tion were first extensively studied by Freidlin et al. at the
conditions, making their commercial application costly.[241] The beginning of the 20th century. He published at least 14 papers
stability and activity of FDH can be improved by immobilization on the topic.[265–278] In the 1970s and 1980s, Shishido and
on a support such as hollow-fiber microreactors.[242–244] Masuda in Japan and Górski and Kraśnicka in Poland inves-
The metal-dependent FDHs are used in enzymatic electro- tigated the coupling reaction focusing on the different gaseous
synthesis and were discussed in great detail in a recent Review products from formate decomposition concerning the solid
by Zhu and co-workers.[245] Enzymatic electrosynthesis combines reaction products.[279–284] The most recent mechanistic study was
enzymatic catalysis and electrochemical techniques by immobi- published by us in 2021.[63,285]
lizing the enzymes on electrode surfaces. High FE of 99 % was Not all formate salts are suitable for oxalate production as
reported at low overpotentials of 0.66 V vs. NHE but reaction many undergo decomposition to carbonates, metal oxides, or
rates and current densities were still low; however, this is still in metals.[284] Only alkali metal formates can be converted to
an early stage of development.[240,246] corresponding oxalates in a coupling reaction. Lithium formate
The reaction with cofactor-dependent FHDs eliminates the is a major exception to the formate decomposition series. The
need for protons and follows Equation (30). main products of lithium salts decomposition are CO and
lithium carbonate.[276,286] The metal counter ion determines the
CO2 þ NADH �! HCOO þNADþ (30) temperature ranges in which formates are converted into
oxalate. Freidlin et al. studied several formates and reported the
The cofactors can be recycled photocatalytically with a optimal reaction temperatures for each and associated oxalate
pristine TiO2 catalyst or electrochemically on copper foam yields (Table 1).
electrodes. Both regeneration types were coupled with the Cesium formate is the most thermally stable. It requires the
enzymatic reactor in a semi-batch and continuous process.[247,248] highest temperature of 494 °C to reach a mere 25 % oxalate
In the optimized systems formate yields of up to 80 % were yield.[266] The slightly cheaper rubidium formate requires a lower
reported, highlighting the benefit of the coupled system. temperature of 470 °C to reach an oxalate yield of 49 and 66 %
However, the achieved reaction rates and scale are still far from without and with base catalysts.[272,287] Sodium and potassium
commercial needs. formate give much higher oxalate yields of 91 and 82 %,
respectively, and therefore we only focus on those formates
below. The highest oxalate yield with sodium formate can also
5.2. Oxalic acid production via formate coupling be achieved at the lowest temperature of 389 °C.[271] However,
other authors report higher oxalate yields from potassium
The coupling of formate was first reported by Merz and Weith formate. Surprisingly, Freidlin reports such high reaction
in 1882.[249] They found that oxalate can be produced by heating
various metal formates above 400 °C in the absence of air or
oxygen [Eq. (31)]. Table 1. Dependence of oxalate yield on formate melting point and
optimal reaction temperature (temperature giving highest
D yield).[266,271,272,275,276]
2 HCOOMðs;lÞ ! M2 C2 O4 þ H2ðgÞ (31)
Formate Melting point [°C] T [°C] Oxalate yield [%]

The heating leads to mixed salts containing more than 70 % HCOONa 253 389 91
HCOOK 157 455 82
oxalate with carbonate as the main side product. Two side HCOORb 170 470 49
reactions can occur. In 1823, Gay-Lussac discussed the stability HCOOCs 265 494 25
of oxalic acid, and already then, the low decomposition HCOOLi 280 no oxalate formation

ChemSusChem 2021, 14, 3636 – 3664 3649 © 2021 The Authors. ChemSusChem published by Wiley-VCH GmbH

Table 2. Formate coupling catalyzed by hydroxides at reaction temperatures and catalyst loadings at which the highest yields were obtained.[34,273]
Formate Hydroxide T [°C] Catalyst loading [mol equiv.] Oxalate yield [%]

HCOONa KOH 341 0.032 94

HCOONa NaOH 330 0.050 92
HCOONa NaOH 390 0.042 86
HCOONa KOH 420 0.061 78
HCOONa KOH 440 0.097 77
HCOOK KOH 410 0.111 75
HCOOK NaOH 411 0.135 70
HCOONa KOH 341 0.032 94

HCOOM þ MOH ! M2 CO3 þ H2 (34)

temperatures for potassium formate compared to sodium
formate as potassium formate has a much lower melting point. M2 C2 O4 ! M2 CO3 þ CO (35)
This may be due to a phenomenon described in a patent by
Enderli and Schrodt, who suggest that the reaction with The side reactions can be minimized if the reaction is
potassium formate actually is an equilibrium reaction.[256] Our performed in a narrow temperature range due to the slower
own studies confirmed this phenomenon, and we will report reaction rates of the side reactions.[273] As the exact mechanisms
the underlaying mechanism in an upcoming publication. For for these desired and undesired reactions are still unknown,
future continuous processes, potassium formate has the further improvement seems to be feasible as our recent
advantage of a lower melting point. This allows a lower response surface modeling study shows.[290] Freidlin was the first
temperature when premixing the formate with catalyst and to test alternative bases as catalysts for the reaction (Table 3).
introducing it to the reactor as a melt. He could lower the reaction temperature whilst maintaining or
The basic catalysts increase oxalate yields and decrease improving the oxalate yield.[270]
reaction times and temperatures. One of the most common Alkali metals are amongst the strongest base chemicals
bases used commercially is alkali hydroxide, for which varying existing.[291] Back in the 1930s, Freidlin et al. studied their effect
yields were reported as shown in Figure 11 and on the reaction including reaction kinetics and possible
Table 2.[34,267,273,289] Hydroxides lower the reaction temperature mechanisms.[269,278] However, the methodology to estimate the
relative to the uncatalyzed reaction by approximately 50 °C and
increase the selectivity to oxalate. The oxalate yield in an
industrial process could be drastically increased to 75 % using Table 3. Optimal temperatures to produce oxalate from sodium and
KOH in comparison to 12 % for uncatalyzed potassium formate potassium formates in the presence of various catalysts.
at 410 °C.[273,275] Formate Catalyst T [°C] Oxalate yield Ref.
Unfortunately, hydroxide does not only function as a [%]

catalyst but also as a reactant. For each hydroxide molecule HCOONa no catalyst 390– 91 [270]
added to the reaction, one carbonate is formed [Eqs. (34) and 400
vanadium pentoxide 370– 92 [270]
(35)], either from formate or from oxalate, as these reactions 375
require lower temperatures than the coupling reaction.[267] sodium hydroxide 340– 92 [270]
potassium hydroxide 340– 94 [270]
sodium ethylate 330– 93 [270]
amalgam of alkaline 310– 90 [270]
metal 320
sodium borohydride 280– 88 [281]
alkaline metal 280– 90 [270]
HCOOK no catalyst 450– 82 [270]
sodium hydroxide 410– 75 [270]
potassium hydroxide 410– 75 [270]
sodium amide 180– 85 [268]
200 [63]
alkali hydride 180– 99 [63]
amalgam of alkaline 200– 90 [270]
metal 210
Figure 11. Yields of potassium oxalate from KOH-catalyzed reactions as alkaline metal 180– 96 [270]
reported in literature and patents.[34,256,281,286,288] 190

ChemSusChem 2021, 14, 3636 – 3664 3650 © 2021 The Authors. ChemSusChem published by Wiley-VCH GmbH

kinetic values was different at the time and makes it hard to exponential factor A of 1.327 × 1037 s 1. The high pre-exponen-
compare them to other studies. The reaction onset temper- tial factor indicates mass transfer limitations in this case. We
atures and oxalate yields, on the other hand, give a good obtained 202 kJ mol 1 for uncatalyzed reactions and
indication of the activity of alkali metals. Pure metals showed 129 kJ mol 1 for the KOH-catalyzed reaction with pre-exponen-
exceptionally high selectivity towards oxalate with yields up to tial factors of 1.28 × 1019 and 1.06 × 1013, respectively, suggesting
94 %. More importantly, the reaction temperature dropped that physical effects such as mass transfer, substrate melting, or
significantly by 200 °C to the respective melting points of the thermal loss due to gas formation only played a minor role in
formates. The major drawback of alkali metals is their high these reactions.[63]
reactivity with water and oxygen.[291] They must be stored and This is however different for the newly proposed superbase
processed in inert conditions, which makes it difficult and costly catalysts, for which no sensible activation energies could be
to utilize them on a large scale. Freidlin suggested using alkali measured due to the coincidence of the reaction start with the
amalgams to increase the metal’s specific densities. The catalyst physical phenomenon of substrate melting, which causes
submerges in the reaction mass and has no contact with strong mass transfer effects.[63] The reaction then proceeds very
potential oxygen, whilst still being active. Then the amalgam vigorously due to the rapid availability of substrate for the
could be recycled and put back in the reactor.[269] Although this reaction once it is molten. The real reaction start temperature
makes catalyst recycling possible, today amalgams underlay thus cannot be investigated.
strict restrictions as they pose health and environmental Over the years many different mechanisms were proposed
risks.[292] They also reported that sodium amide (NaNH2) could for the seemingly simple coupling reaction.[34,278,280,283,293,294]
potentially catalyze the reaction. They obtained 85 % oxalate These include studies on how alkali metals act in the reaction,
yield at 240 °C from potassium formate with 2–4 wt% loading of the role of carbonite ion (CO22 ) as intermediate in the reaction,
sodium amide. In our recent publication, we could show oxalate as well as on the gaseous products that are formed during
yields of 99 % at 180 °C and loadings of 0.5 wt%. The formate decomposition. Górski and Kraśnicka were the first to
disadvantage of using amide catalysts is the liberation of NH3, suggest carbonite as an intermediate in the reaction in 1987.[280]
which needs to be removed from the H2 formed in the coupling In 2016, Lakkaraju et al. proposed a mechanism involving a
reaction, while hydride catalysts just liberate H2.[63] hydride-catalyzed reaction including carbonite.[34] Carbonite
Górski and Kraśnicka explored the addition of sodium dianions are strong nucleophiles and attack formate to form
borohydride (NaBH4) to sodium formate.[279,282] The use of oxalate as shown in Scheme 9. In a recent Review, Paparo and
5 mol% sodium borohydride at 290 °C leads to 88 % oxalate Okuda discuss the reactivity and nature of the Carbonite
yield from sodium formate, whilst with a 1 : 1 molar ratio no species.[295]
conversion was observed. The hydrogen atom from the attacked formate is released
When ferric oxides are present on the reactor walls, the as a hydride, thereby regenerating the hydride catalyst. The
reaction is inhibited. If glass powder is added to the reaction, postulated mechanism was supported with Raman measure-
however, the yield increased up to 90 %, which leads to the ments during the sodium formate coupling and density func-
proposition of a chain mechanism where chain initiation might tional theory (DFT) calculations. In the DFT calculations, the
take place at a solid surface. This claim was not investigated respective energies of possible intermediates at different
further.[273] temperatures as shown in Figure 12 were calculated.
The most recent additions are metal hydrides, which show The rate-determining step (RDS) in the mechanism by
similar base strength to alkaline metals but are easier to handle. Lakkaraju et al. is the deprotonation of formate by the catalyst.
They were first used by Lakkaraju et al., who reported a drop in This is shown in Figure 12 as an I2!TS step, and the energy
reaction time and increase in yield but no drop in reaction value for this step was estimated to be 41 kcal mol 1. Although
temperature for sodium formate coupling.[34] Inspired by this, we were unable to observe the carbonite ion as intermediate in
we tested various superbases as catalysts for the reaction. We potassium formate coupling using in-situ Raman spectroscopy,
found that absolute water- and oxygen-free reaction conditions we recently confirmed the involvement of carbonite intermedi-
are important. In these conditions, we observed for potassium ate by using isotope labeling in quenching studies.[63] Most
formate coupling a reaction start corresponding to the melting recently, we reported the mechanism for the hydroxide-
of the substrate, reaction times of 30 s to 2 min, which is 10 catalyzed reaction, which depends on the in-situ formation of
times below the values reported by Lakkaraju et al., and yields the active hydride species and then follows the pathways
between 97 and 99 %.[63] described by Lakkaraju et al.[285]
Hartman and Hisatsune estimated the activation energy of In recent years the formate coupling reaction gained more
calcium formate decomposition in halide matrices using IR commercial interest again with the upcoming CCU pathways
spectra. This led to an activation energy of 217.5 �
33.4 kJ mol 1.[293] Lakkaraju et al. were yet the only ones who
estimated the activation energy using a catalyst. They calcu-
lated an activation enthalpy of 171.5 kJ mol 1 and activation
entropy of 25.1 kJ 1 mol 1 for sodium formate coupling
catalyzed by sodium hydride. These values account for an Scheme 9. Mechanism for hydride-catalyzed formate coupling reaction as
activation energy of approximately 177 kJ mol 1 and a pre- postulated by Lakkaraju et al.[34]

ChemSusChem 2021, 14, 3636 – 3664 3651 © 2021 The Authors. ChemSusChem published by Wiley-VCH GmbH

ðCOOMÞ2 þ 2Hþ ! ðCOOHÞ2 þ 2Mþ (36)

Electrodialysis is an alternative process that helps to avoid

the use of corrosive acids and the formation of stoichiometric
amounts of salts.[311–314] In an electrodialysis process, the alkali
ion and the oxalate migrate to the cathode and anode,
respectively, but the oxalate ions would be oxidized and
decomposed by oxygen in the anodic compartment. To avoid
this, cation and bipolar membranes are required. The simplest
option is the use of two cation-exchange membranes as shown
in Figure 13A. Protons are provided by water splitting in the
hydrogen evolution reaction on the anode [Eq. (37)]. The
hydroxy ions are provided by water splitting in the oxygen
evolution reaction on the cathode [Eq. (38)].[312,315]

2 H2 O ! 4 e þ 4 Hþ þ O2 (37)

4 H2 O þ 4 e ! 4 OH þ 2 H2 (38)

Figure 12. DFT free-energy calculations of the catalytic conversion of

formate into oxalate as salts of sodium (red 663 K, orange 298 K) and
potassium (navy 713 K, blue 298 K). Figure adapted with permission from
Ref. [34]. Copyright 2016, Wiley-VCH.

including formate as intermediate. Several new patents and

studies were published presenting new reactor designs for
continuous operation. They often include advanced technolo-
gies such as microwave heating or the use of nozzles as used in
spray dryers.[35,296–310] Overall, formate coupling provides a
sustainable pathway to oxalate. The high yield is an advantage,
and the previous drawbacks of high temperatures and long
reaction times could recently be tackled with new catalyst
types. Additionally, this reaction was performed for many
decades on an industrial scale.
Figure 13. Simple electrolysis cell-design (A) uses two cation-exchange
membranes (blue) to create three compartments. In the anodic compart-
ment, the oxygen evolution reaction on the anode produces protons and
5.3. Acidification of oxalate to oxalic acid oxygen. The protons migrate to the middle compartment, where they
exchange potassium for a proton to form oxalic acid. The potassium
In all previously described processes and the upcoming alkali migrates through the cation-exchange membrane to the cathodic compart-
ment, where it forms potassium hydroxide with the hydroxide ions produced
fusion of biomass (Section 8.2), oxalate is produced. This on the cathode during the hydrogen evolution reaction. In the advanced
requires the introduction of an acidification step to obtain multifunctional cell (B), which has the fourth compartment by adding a bi-
oxalic acid. One option is the use of inorganic acids such as polar membrane, the salt splitting can be coupled with the production of
high-value chemicals. A reductant is reduced in the cathodic compartment
sulfuric or hydrochloric acid following Equation (36).[264] and an oxidant is oxidized in the anodic compartment. The proton for the
reduction is drawn from the bipolar membrane in which water splitting is
taking place.

ChemSusChem 2021, 14, 3636 – 3664 3652 © 2021 The Authors. ChemSusChem published by Wiley-VCH GmbH

To improve the economic feasibility of the electrocatalytic alternatives for the production of EG are available and
salt splitting process it is desirable to produce high-value increasingly employed on a commercial scale.
products with the invested electrons rather than perform water
splitting. This can be achieved by combining the cation-
exchange membrane with other membranes such as bipolar 6.2. Catalytic oxidation of ethylene glycol to oxalic acid
membranes.[316] In particular, electrodialysis bipolar membranes
(EDBM) can be exploited for the production of organic acids via Oxalic acid production via EG oxidation is a simple one-step
water splitting in bipolar membranes.[311] process as shown in Scheme 11 and was first patented by the
EDBM can achieve the highest utilization of resources by Japanese company Mitsubishi in 1969.[327] Oxalic acid was
supplying H + or OH in situ and keeping the electrodes produced at a high yield with the addition of an acid mixture
available to produce high-value products through oxidation comprising 2–60 wt% HNO3, 20–78 wt% H2SO4, and 20–50 wt%
and reduction reactions. The in-situ production has been H2O. The molar ratio of HNO3 to EG should not be less than 3 : 1.
successfully used for the production of formic acid, acetic acid, The process has been further optimized by Mitsubishi with
propionic acid, lactic acid, citric acid, gluconic acid, and many the introduction of gaseous oxygen, which oxidizes NOx gases
other carboxylic acids and amino acids.[314,315,317–320] generated in the process back to HNO3 as shown in Scheme 12.
The concept of coupling with other reactions in a multi- An initiator, such as NaNO2, may be used to generate nitrogen
compartment cell is shown in Figure 13B. Bipolar membranes oxides, and a promoter, such as vanadium compounds or
are commercially available and are used in various processes sulfuric acid, also may be employed to accelerate the oxidation
such as desalination of industrial wastewater, lithium battery reaction. The process eliminates the use of the HNO3-regener-
recycling, hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide production ation system, which is required in the usual HNO3 oxidation.[328]
from brines, and magnesium recovery from seawater.[321–326] The A further improvement was made by Ube Industries in Japan by
coupling of the electrodialysis processes with other electro- operating only with nitric acid (no sulfuric acid) and O2 as
chemical reactions is still in development and requires more oxidant.
research to find reactions that can be coupled optimally in the With this process, high yields of 95 % based on EG can be
separate compartments. achieved. The improved method is commercially used in Japan
today and can also use propylene glycol, acetaldehyde, or
glycolic acid as feedstock.[106]
6. Ethylene Glycol Oxidation

Oxalic acid can be obtained from ethylene glycol (EG) via 6.3. Electrochemical oxidation of ethylene glycol to oxalic
oxidation.[327–331] This route might be interesting in the future as acid
new sustainable cost-competitive routes for EG production
(e. g., from carbohydrates) emerge (Scheme 10).[102,332,333] Oxalic acid can also be electrochemically obtained from EG. This
pathway became known during the search for alternatives to
methanol as a fuel for direct oxidation fuel cells.[330] Oxalic acid
6.1. Ethylene glycol production is one of the possible oxidation products in fuel cell systems
that are composed of NaCo2O4 and LaSr3Fe3O10 electrolytes and
EG is a bulk chemical and commercially produced in megaton Pt/C, PtRu/C, Pd/C, and Fe Co Ni/C anode catalysts.[329,340–342] EG
quantities mainly from fossil sources through ethylene oxide can be electrochemically oxidized to oxalic acid with a reaction
hydrolysis.[334] It is mainly used as a monomer for polyester (PET) enthalpy ΔHr of 941 kJ mol 1.[331] These fuel cells consequently
production and as an anti-freeze agent and engine coolant generated a high output power density of 27 mW cm 2 at a
additive. Alternative reaction pathways include coupling of CO current density of 90 mA cm 2.[331] The selective oxidation
and new pathways from biomass such as cellulose and glucose reaction proceeds ideally as follows [Eqs. (39–41)]:
as well as from glycerol, which is produced on a large scale as a
by-product in biodiesel refineries are developed and tested on Anode : ðCH2 OHÞ2 þ8 OH !ðCOOHÞ2 þ6 H2 O þ 8 e (39)
a pilot scale.[333,335–339] Details of current EG production pathways
and future development are described and discussed in great
detail in various Reviews.[332,333,335,337,338] Overall, sustainable

Scheme 11. Oxidation of ethylene glycol using mixed acids in water.

Scheme 10. (a) Ethylene glycol can be oxidized to oxalic acid by catalytic
oxidation with oxygen or nitric acid. (b) A newer alternative route uses
electrochemical oxidation. Scheme 12. Oxidation of ethylene glycol by nitric acid and oxygen.

ChemSusChem 2021, 14, 3636 – 3664 3653 © 2021 The Authors. ChemSusChem published by Wiley-VCH GmbH

Cathode : 2 O2 þ 4 H2 O þ 8 e ! 8 OH (40)

Overall : ðCH2 OHÞ2 þ 2 O2 ! ðCOOHÞ2 þ 2 H2 O (41)

One of the main challenges is to suppress the cleavage of

the C C bond leading to CO2 formation or oxidation towards
glycolaldehyde, glycolic acid, glyoxal, formic acid, and CO2.[329] Scheme 14. Propylene production from glucose via fermentation, dehydra-
tion, and metathesis. Glucose is converted to alcohols including isopropanol,
Although this process is fairly well understood, no efforts have 1-butanol, and ethanol. The alcohols are co-dehydrated to the correspond-
been made yet to use this process commercially. ing olefins, and 1-butene and ethylene are sent to a metathesis system to
form more propylene.

7. Propylene or Ethylene Oxidation to Oxalic 7.2. Oxidation of propylene or ethylene to oxalic acid
Oxalic acid from the reaction of propylene with nitric acid is the
Oxalic acid can be obtained from propylene or ethylene via second most important industrial process.[106] Originally devel-
oxidation (Scheme 13). Propylene is an important chemical oped in 1960 by Allied Corporation, oxalic acid is produced
feedstock and is mostly known as a feedstock for polymers such through the oxidation of propylene with mixed acids such as
as polypropylene or the production of acetonitrile and HNO3, liquid NO2, and H2SO4.[363] More specifically, propylene
isopropanol.[343] Ethylene is one of the most common chemical reacts with liquid NO2 at 15 °C to form intermediate partial
building blocks and used in the production of polymers and oxidation products. The partially oxidized products are then
intermediate chemical building blocks.[344] converted at 65–80 °C with mixed acid. Upon recrystallization of
the crude product from water, at least 80 % molar yield of pure
oxalic acid can be obtained. Due to the use of H2SO4, severe
7.1. Propylene and ethylene production equipment corrosion occurs during the process. The recovery of
spent H2SO4 requires considerable water evaporation. Another
Commercially, propylene is solely produced from fossil sources drawback is that propylene does not react rapidly with mixed
including oil, natural gas, and coal. A shift in feedstock from oil acid. This imposes process and equipment limitations but also
to shale gas and coal has been seen in recent years. This introduces an element of hazard since unreacted propylene
changes propylene from being one of many products (cracking) reacts with liberated NO2 in the vapor space above the liquid
to a targeted product in on-purpose processes.[345,346] On- level. These mixtures of olefins and NO2 form extremely
purpose processes include propane dehydrogenation, acetic unstable explosive nitro-substances.[364]
acid hydrogenation, olefin metathesis, and synthesis from Rhône-Poulenc, the largest oxalic acid producer in the
methanol. These routes were described in detail by Zimmer- world, improved the method and uses it exclusively.[106,365] In
mann, Rodríguez-Vallejo et al., Kelly, and Torres Galvis and De their method, the first reaction step can be operated at a
Jong.[345–348] Similar to propylene, ethylene is mainly produced temperature higher than 0 °C instead of 15 °C, and the second
from fossil resources today. The main process is steam cracking oxidation step is promoted by the use of oxygen instead of the
of naphtha and ethane.[344,349] Other sources for ethylene include corrosive sulfuric acid. These refinements increased the yield
(chloro)methane, ethanol, syngas, or methanol.[344,350–352] and solved serious safety problems. In the first step, propylene
Alternatively, propylene can be obtained from renewable is mixed with HNO3 at 10–40 °C and converted into α-
sources such as CO2 and biomass mainly via the Fischer-Tropsch nitratolactic acid and lactic acid. In the second step, α-
to Olefins process, the direct hydrogenation of CO2 to light nitratolactic acid is oxidized by oxygen in the presence of a
olefins, or dehydration of glucose-derived alcohols followed by catalyst at 45–100 °C to produce oxalic acid dihydrate as shown
metathesis as shown in Scheme 14.[348,353–357] There are multiple in Scheme 15.[366]
routes possible for the production of renewable ethylene. The
production of bio-ethylene from bio-based ethanol is commer-
cialized by a number of companies such as India glycols and
Clariant.[352,358] A future potential route is from bio-methanol, the
production of which is already commercialized.[359–362]

Scheme 15. Oxalic acid production from propylene starts with (a) propylene
Scheme 13. Oxalic acid production from propylene or ethylene via catalytic conversion to α-nitratolactic acid with nitric acid, followed by (b) oxidation
oxidation. by oxygen to oxalic acid.

ChemSusChem 2021, 14, 3636 – 3664 3654 © 2021 The Authors. ChemSusChem published by Wiley-VCH GmbH

The use of oxygen ensures both maximum oxidation and 8.1. Oxidation of carbohydrates/biomass
recovery of nitrous fumes (NO2⇄N2O, N2O3, and HNO2), which
are oxidized to nitric acid (used in first step). Nitrous fumes lead The oldest method for the artificial production of oxalic acid
to degradation reactions. An improvement in the yield was with the use of nitric acid was first described by Bergmann in
achieved by the addition of catalysts (salts or compounds 1776.[37] This process was operated at a large scale in Bitterfeld,
containing Fe, Al, Cr, Sn, Bi, or I).[366] The overall yield based on Germany until the 1990s and is still employed in Spain, Taiwan,
propylene is greater than 90 %. Although this process has been Korea, India, Brazil, China, and several Eastern European
used on a large commercial scale, it still suffers from safety countries.[106,374,375] Various kinds of biomass can be utilized as
problems because the nitrates of α-hydroxycarboxylic acids that raw materials such as sucrose, cane molasses, gur, and cane
are formed as intermediates from α-olefins and NO2 are juice.[79,81,92,93] In 1837, Barsham’s invention introduced a new
unstable and can lead to uncontrollable decomposition and apparatus that keeps the harmful off-gases contained. This not
explosions.[367] The production of CO2 as a side product is a only takes care of the factory building and its workers but also
further drawback but can be overcome potentially by using the neighbors who live close to the plants. The industry can
ethylene instead of propylene in the process. Today both also harness the entailed chemicals, improving the economics.
ethylene and propylene can be obtained from renewable The apparatus is a closed system for the production of oxalic
sources, leading to a sustainable process. Especially bio- acid from sugars and nitric acid.[80] The first optimized
ethylene produced from bio-methanol or bio-ethanol is a production process was introduced by Nyren in 1841. He used
promising substitute in this route as it avoids the production of potatoes and chestnuts, which were first boiled to convert the
CO2 in the oxidation towards oxalic acid.[358] starch to sugars, and subsequently sugars were transformed
The oxidation of propylene and especially ethylene is very into oxalic acid by the addition of nitric acid.[376] Molasses and
interesting in terms of reaction mass efficiency. However, other agricultural waste can be used as an inexpensive raw
making them from oxygenated biomass requires the removal of material, which must be further processed in any case due to
oxygen first, followed by the addition of oxygen. This adds environmental reasons.[377,378] Depending on the starting materi-
more complexity to the process, which may not be econom- als, foam, greases, slime, and solids can form and require
ically favorable. downstream separation. Non-optimal conditions drive the
reaction to the formation of different side products, which
further reduces the yield.[379]
8. Biomass to Oxalic Acid A problem of the nitric acid oxidation of carbohydrates is
the production of nitrogen oxides (NOx), which have to be
Oxalic acid can be derived from biomass via three routes shown removed.[82] The oxidation may be enhanced using nitrogen
in Scheme 16. These include the oxidation of sugars, alkali dioxide (NO2) instead of nitric acid. Nitrogen dioxide has been
heating of plant matter, or fermentation of sugars. In all cases, recommended as an inexpensive oxidizing agent for the
primarily the sugary contents of the plant matter either in the production of oxalic acid from carbohydrates.[86] Alternatively,
form of mono- or polysaccharides are converted to oxalic acid. the oxidation can be carried out with aqueous nitric acid of at
Thus, it is important to use sugar-rich biomass such as sugar- least 50 % concentration by weight at a temperature of 40–
cane or sugar beets or high-cellulose tree varieties in these 120 °C.[78]
processes. Alternatively, biomass can serve as a source to A process developed by Allied Chemical corporation as
produce most other substrates including CO2, CO, EG, bio- shown in Scheme 17 uses glucose solution obtained from
propylene, or bio-ethylene. For sustainable production, second-, hydrolyzed starch, which is converted with nitric and sulfuric
third-, and fourth-generation biomass should be used to avoid acid in the presence of vanadium pentoxide and iron(III) sulfate
competition with food production. Similar to discussions about as a catalyst.[76,380,381] Overall, this process is highly exothermic
biofuels, the impact of fertilization, water, and land use for the and requires cooling as it is sensitive to temperature. Thus a
production of biomass has to be considered too when controlled range between 65–70 °C is required to avoid side
comparing these processes.[168,368–373] reactions.[381] The NOx gases are recovered by absorption in
water or weak nitric acid in the presence of free oxygen under
elevated pressure. Independent work on the process concluded
that air flow rate, temperature, the amount of V2O5 catalyst, and
concentrations of glucose, H2SO4, and HNO3 all strongly affect
the yields.[82] 65 % of the introduced carbon from sugar is

Scheme 16. Oxalic acid can be obtained from biomass via (a) oxidation, Scheme 17. Oxidation of glucose to oxalic acid with nitric acid, catalyzed by
(b) alkali heating, and (c) fermentation. vanadium pentoxide.

ChemSusChem 2021, 14, 3636 – 3664 3655 © 2021 The Authors. ChemSusChem published by Wiley-VCH GmbH

converted to oxalic acid while 35 % is lost to CO2 as a side the final product in pure form.[90] This method has now been
product.[380] replaced by more up-to-date methods.[77]

8.2. Alkali fusion of biomass 8.3. Fermentation of carbohydrates

In 1829, Gay-Lussac proposed the heating of carbohydrates and Oxalic acid was first discovered in clover (oxalis), and hence
later of wood with sodium or potassium hydroxide at 240– plants can be used as molecular factories to produce it
285 °C to produce oxalic acid.[77,250] Scheme 18 illustrates the (Scheme 19).[37] Various lower forms of plants can produce the
oxalic acid production process in which the biomass is heated acid from carbohydrate food sources, but its extraction is not
with an alkali solution to yield sodium or potassium oxalate. commercially viable. However, also some fungi from the family
This is then precipitated as magnesium oxalate with the of trichocomaceae, including aspergillum or penicillium, produce
addition of magnesium chloride, from which oxalic acid is oxalic acid with their oxaloacetate hydrolase, and aspergillus
obtained by acidification with a strong acid. niger is considered the best out of those.[69,70,72]
Thorn studied the manufacturing of oxalic acid from However, the fungi do not purely produce oxalic acid but a
sawdust of various wood varieties heated with KOH and mix of citric, oxalic, and gluconic acid.[69] Oxalic acid is a side
obtained an 80 % carbon yield of oxalic acid.[382] The oxalic acid product in this process but can be promoted by performing the
is decomposed if a critical reaction mass is exceeded. This was reaction in slightly acidic or neutral media.[71] The fungi produce
attributed to the excess heat of the system coming from the oxalic acid as an acid regulator to prevent competitive
exothermicity of the reaction.[87] The mixture should be heated organisms’ growth.[68]
in thin layers.[85] Since NaOH is cheaper it is preferred to KOH, Strasser et al. and Cameselle et al. established sucrose and
but using only NaOH leads to significantly lower yields lactose as the ideal carbon and energy source to produce oxalic
compared to KOH. Roberts et al. recognized that a mixture of acid at a pH higher than 6.[69,99,100] Glucose is not considered a
NaOH and KOH could be used and patented the production of good feedstock as it is primarily is converted to gluconic acid.[69]
oxalic acid from sawdust using a mixture of NaOH and KOH.[94] To reach economic high yields in oxalate, the fermentation
They found that the optimal mixing ratio of NaOH to KOH is of low-cost carbon substrates, namely carbon waste streams, is
2 : 3. Thorn’s experiments confirmed this ratio as it offered a ideal. Strasser et al. established that green syrup, lactose
yield almost as good as with pure KOH when heated in thin permeate, and molasses are suitable substrates, and they could
layers, but using less than 40 % KOH reduced the yield reach 80 % conversion and 38.7 % oxalic acid selectivity.[69]
drastically. The required concentration of the lye was found to Recent research has seen this number increase to 58.8 %, which
be 10–15 mol L 1.[85] still requires separation of oxalic acid from the cell media and
For the reaction, 40 wt% sawdust is added to the alkaline gluconic acid by-product.[74,97]
solution. This mix is heated above 200 °C, and the oxalate can
be purified by adding water to remove the alkali and residual
sugars. A total of 17 potential feedstocks were tested by Possoz, 9. Comparison
and wheat spelt as well as tobacco ribs were the most
promising reported.[383] With so many potential pathways available to produce oxalic
In 1923, Alcock proposed an alternative oxalic acid recovery acid, there is hardly only one perfect solution. This is also
where sulfuric acid is added to the dissolved oxalate to convert evident from the many different processes and feedstocks that
the oxalate to oxalic acid, which was hot-filtered to remove have been used in the past. However, the new challenges to
solid residues. Due to its low solubility, oxalic acid precipitates produce chemicals in a green or better circular way pose a
during cooling and can be removed from the solution.[73] different set of requirements to these processes. To achieve an
There are several limitations to this process, such as the use overall sustainable process two strategies are available: the
of thin layers to avoid the fusion of mass. Moreover, an increase development and upscaling of new routes or the retrofitting of
in the proportion of sawdust to the alkali causes practical existing processes mainly in the feedstock sourcing section.
difficulties in heating the mass and in subsequent extraction of We evaluate each of the process steps on their sustainability
the acid. After the synthesis of oxalate, more chemicals such as using the 12 green chemistry principles.[384] Overall, we use 8
corrosive acids and time-consuming steps are needed to obtain categories that include: feedstock source, process toxicity, waste

Scheme 18. Alkali fusion process to obtain oxalic acid from biomass. Steps
include the heating of biomass with alkali solution, magnesium oxalate
precipitation, and finally acidification. Scheme 19. Fermentation of sugars to oxalic acid.

ChemSusChem 2021, 14, 3636 – 3664 3656 © 2021 The Authors. ChemSusChem published by Wiley-VCH GmbH

production, use of precious materials, energy source, the high yields and work with abundant metals. However, they
harshness of process conditions, and need for downstream require complex catalyst structures, dry organic solvents, and
separation. In addition, we calculated the atom economy and have not yet been demonstrated in a continuous process. The
reaction mass efficiency (RME) based on the best-of-class last alternative for direct conversion suggests the use of AA
reported yields. For all the subcategories, a rating on a 5-star (Vitamin C) to capture and transform CO2 to oxalate. The AA is
scale is used, where 5 stars stand for the highest sustainability. consumed in the process, which is reflected in the low atom
A comprehensive overview of the rating is presented in Table 4, economy of this process. Additionally, AA production requires
and Figure 14 provides an overview of all routes including their multiple steps and is expensive, and therefore this option
sustainability and maturity. seems not suitable.
Direct CO2 reduction, alkali fusion of biomass, and formate- Alkali fusion of biomass is one of the oldest production
based processes produce oxalate as an intermediate. The most methods for oxalate and oxalic acid but suffers from low yields
advanced option is the zinc-oxalate process, but it lacks proof and has the lowest atom economy and RME of all processes.
of principle on the pilot stage and requires organic solvents The resulting complex product mixtures require intensive
with highly water-free environments. New water-based or separation steps.
water-tolerant processes are now emerging but are at a very Indirect pathways to produce oxalate use formate as feed-
early stage of development still. Metal-complex catalysts deliver stock. Formate can be sustainably produced from CO2 via five

Table 4. Comparison and evaluation of all routes and sub-routes based on atom economy, RME, sustainability based on green chemistry principles, and
Primary pathway Process step Atom economy[a] RME[b] Sustainability[c] Maturity[d]
[%] [%] (1–5)

direct conversion classic electrochemistry 152 137 3.50 bench

of CO2 metal-complex electrochemistry 152 146 3.65 lab
sacrificial ascorbate reduction 61 49 3.93 lab
formate coupling carbonate reduction 79 78 4.21 bench
photochemical reduction 73 69 4.21 pilot
photochemical reduction 73 47 3.87 bench
enzymatic production – – 4.14 bench
caustic CO reduction 100 97 3.93 commercial
formate coupling 99 98 4.36 commercial
CO to oxalic acid Boudouard reaction 100 80 2.00 commercial
coal gasification 33 8 3.29 commercial
steam reforming 93 75 1.86 commercial
partial oxidation 92 74 2.21 commercial
biomass gasification X X 4.14 pilot
reverse water-gas shift 61 33 4.14 commercial
electrochemical reduction 61 52 4.07 bench
photochemical reduction 61 61 4.14 lab
electrolysis (solid oxide 64 51 4.14 commercial
electrolyzer cell)
dialkyl oxalate process 98 96 3.00 commercial
direct biomass alkali fusion 27 22 2.79 commercial
conversion oxidation 92 60 3.79 commercial
fermentation X X 3.86 bench
EG oxidation ethylene oxide hydrolysis 100 90 1.96 commercial
glycerol oxidation 69 59 3.93 pilot
catalytic EG oxidation 71 67 3.71 commercial
electrochemical EG oxidation 71 67 4.22 bench
propylene oxidation steam cracking 90 90 1.93 commercial
fossil on-purpose processes X X 1.85 commercial
bioethanol dehydrogenation 53 48 3.14 pilot
Fischer-Tropsch to olefins 67 64 3.12 lab
direct hydrogenation 36 33 3.21 lab
catalytic propylene oxidation 32 36 3.07 commercial
oxalate acidification classic acidification 44 44 4.29 commercial
paired electrodialysis 85 84 4.71 bench

X = could not be calculated. [a] Atom economy = (mass of all products/mass of all reactants) × 100. [b] Reaction mass efficiency = actual yield of all process
steps combined × (mass of all products)/(mass of all reactants). [c] Sustainability rating is a rating on the overall sustainability of the process on a 1–5 scale,
where 1 is the worst and 5 is the best achievable rating. The rating considers seven categories for which different impacts were attributed and are listed
with descending impact: feedstock sustainability (Impact: 5), production of waste and greenhouse gases (Impact: 3), use of precious materials or solvents
(Impact: 2), energy source process toxicity and safety concerns (Impact: 2), intensity of downstream separation (Impact: 1), energy efficiency and process
conditions (Impact: 1). For all sub-categories, a rating from 1 (worst) to 5 (best) was given. The overall rating reflects the average of the sum of grades for all
categories weighted by their impact factors. [d] Maturity reflects scale at which a process is proven: lab-scale includes non-automized or optimized systems
at low or sub gram scale (TRL 1–2); bench-scale includes processes that are performed at a high g or kg scale with upscaling and optimization in mind
(TRL 3–5); pilot-scale includes processes that are performed at a large kg or low ton scale to demonstrate the process (TRL 5–7); commercial-scale includes
processes that have been used successfully commercially.

ChemSusChem 2021, 14, 3636 – 3664 3657 © 2021 The Authors. ChemSusChem published by Wiley-VCH GmbH

Figure 14. Overview of all potential routes that connect the three feedstocks (slate: fossil; green: biomass; yellow: CO2) with the product side. All processes are
graded on their sustainability in a three-color scheme. The colors are based on the grading as in Table 4 (red: < 2; yellow: < 4, green: > 4) The arrow style
indicates the maturity of the process. Fossil pathways were kept separate from biomass and CO2 pathways.

different pathways. Commercially, formate is produced from CO or enzymatic processes might become relevant but are still at a
and caustic, but this has the drawback of consuming stoichio- very early stage today. The conversion to oxalic acid via simple
metric amounts of the base. The electrochemical reduction in acidification is not sustainable due to the use of stoichiometric
aqueous systems has advanced rapidly in recent years, and the amounts of strong acids. Paired electrodialysis, potentially even
first pilot systems are tested now. In the future, photocatalytic in multicompetent cells, is a promising alternative and can

ChemSusChem 2021, 14, 3636 – 3664 3658 © 2021 The Authors. ChemSusChem published by Wiley-VCH GmbH

couple the acidification step with other steps in the oxalic acid 10. Conclusion and Outlook
production, such as the production of base needed for formate
production. Overall, there are many pathways in the development for
The direct conversion of carbohydrate-rich biomass to oxalic sustainable production of oxalic acid with the possibility of
acid via oxidation was a widely used commercial process. It is, tapping into diverse feedstock options, including CO2 and
however, not very sustainable due to its low yields, use of biomass. Many of the electrochemical routes additionally allow
corrosive acids, production of CO2 as a by-product, and depend- the use of renewable energy flexibly and therefore contribute
ency on food-competitive feedstock such as glucose. An solutions to the intermittency problem of renewable energy.
alternative is the fermentation of sugar-rich carbon waste Sustainable options closest to market introduction are produc-
streams with fungi. Although this improves the sustainability on tion via CO from reverse water-gas shift or electrolysis using
the feedstock side, the process results in a product mixture that CO2 as a feedstock in the dialkyl process. Some sustainable
requires tedious separation and makes atom economy calcu- processes utilize waste streams, which limits their scalability to
lations impossible. the availability and scale of the waste stream.
Today, the four main resources for oxalic acid production Our evaluation shows that the most sustainable routes to
are CO in the dialkyl oxalate process, CO2, carbohydrates oxalic acid all start with CO2 or biomass waste streams. The
including EG, and hydrocarbons such as ethylene or propylene, electrocatalytic or photocatalytic production of formate fol-
which are converted by catalytic oxidations.[106] Those feed- lowed by formate coupling and paired electrodialysis is one of
stocks are either derived from fossil sources or bio-based. the contenders for the most sustainable option. Alternatives are
Although starch-based processes are not competing with food provided by CO-based processes, where CO is produced from
today, we need to make sure that in the long term, when bio- CO2 either by reverse water-gas shift, solid oxide electrolyzer
based production volumes may become very large, non-food cell electrolysis, or by electrochemical reduction. Especially the
biomass residues (second-generation biomass) are used as coupling of CO to ethylene glycol followed by electrochemical
feedstock. Some of those processes, however, can also be oxidation is interesting as the two electrochemical steps can
performed with more sustainable feedstock. potentially be integrated.
Many sustainable options for CO generation are available, There is still a long way ahead towards new sustainable
including electrolysis and reverse water-gas shift. Their low processes to produce oxalic acid to the market. We recognize
atom economy and RME numbers stem from the production of that many of the processes are at an early or at least very
oxygen as a low-value side product. Carbon used in steam different development stages. This poses problems to the
reforming or Boudouard reactions could also be sourced from integration of the processes and techno-economic analysis of
waste streams. CO is converted via the commercially used the processes. In programs such as the OCEAN, we try to
dialkyl oxalate process, which is highly efficient in terms of integrate the subsequent steps with an open eye on alter-
atom efficiency and RME but requires the use of precious natives. We need more economic and social incentives to
palladium as a catalyst and large amounts of dehydrating encourage the development and integration of new routes
agents. towards sustainable oxalic acid and to unlock its potential as an
Sustainable CO is also already used as an alternative source economically attractive new platform chemical.
to produce EG to replace the fossil-based ethylene oxide
process. Another alternative to fossil-based EG is the oxidation
of the waste stream glycerol from biomass, which is already Acknowledgements
tested on a pilot scale. The subsequent oxidation of EG is a
sustainable process that uses non-precious catalysts and oxy- This project has received funding from the European Union’s
gen from the air. Alternatively, the oxidation can be performed Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program under Grant
electrochemically. This process can be performed with non- Agreement No. 767798.
precious metals as catalysts and has the added benefit of
producing surplus energy. This would potentially allow coupling
with the reduction of CO2 in the other half-cell of an electro- Conflict of Interest
chemical process and reduce overall power cost.
Propylene or ethylene can be oxidized to oxalic acid with The authors declare no conflict of interest.
nitric acid. Extensive temperature control, safety problems, and
the formation of CO2 are problems in terms of sustainability in Keywords: carbon capture and utilization · catalysis · CO2
this process. The production of propylene itself is currently conversion · formate coupling · oxalic acid
mainly fossil-based. Sustainable alternatives are tested in pilot
plants. However, propylene is a viable chemical itself, and its
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