Virtual University of Pakistan: Evaluation Sheet For Project
Virtual University of Pakistan: Evaluation Sheet For Project
Virtual University of Pakistan: Evaluation Sheet For Project
Good Attempt
Some deficiencies in your project work have been highlighted along with guidelines You are going to give permission to prepare presentation with this condition that you present improved work in your presentation & viva voce as per given instructions
Start preparing for presentation & viva voce and improve your work. Also read lesson # 7 of this course Your conclusion & recommendations must be strong as panel will not be lenient at these sections
Following guidelines will help you out during presentation in order to defend your work by delivering effective analysis of ratios
Subject: Guidelines for Interpretation of Ratios The following guidelines will help you to understand what interpretation means and how it should be done. What does interpretation of ratios mean? Interpretation means explanation of the ratios results. It does not mean definition of ratios rather it should enable the readers to understand what the calculated ratio indicates and what the trend for that particular ratio is. It should cover four steps: Step # 1) Result understanding: i.e. what does the answer derived from ratio calculation indicates? You have
to critically analyze the result of calculated ratio by explaining the relationship of numerator with that of a denominator.
Step #2) Trend Analysis: i.e. what are the variations in a companys ratio results i.e. the trend for the same company and the reasons for that change in trend? All three selected companies should be analyzed in this way. Step #3) Comparison: i.e. among the three selected companies which company is leading/ taking edge and why? Step #4) Bench mark (if applicable): i.e. the comparison
of ratio with the benchmark/rule of thumb/standard of ratio in that particular industry (as these standards according to the type of industry selected for analysis Manufacturing, Banking, FMCG companies, etc). Also reasoning of deviation from that standard. that vary e.g. give
You have to strictly interpret the calculated ratios in the way described above step wise.
Final Project Activity Ratio Analysis of Fauji Fertilizer Co. Limited, Fauji Fertilizer Bin Qasim Limited and Dawood Hercules Limited in Fertilizer Sector for FY 2008-2010
I would like to dedicate this project to my parents, my elder brother and my cousin Wasim Zafar Dar who have supported me during the journey of my MBA studies and whose encouragement has enabled me to submit this project. I also dedicate it to my wife that is a great source of encouragement and motivation for me.
Firstly I am very thankful and obliged to my GOD. GOD blessing me a lot and give me the strength, hope and cool calm temperament that keep me alive my thinking and my motivation to complete the project in a very short and tight period of time. Without my ALLAH blessing it is not possible for me to complete this project in time. I am very thankful to my ALLAH. I would also like express my sincere and deep thankfulness to my parents, brother, my cousin, my internet fellows and as well. They all are support me a lot in moral sense and technical aspects as well. My parents, brother and my cousin keep motivating me. My internet class fellow and support, guide and help me in technical grounds. Further, I would also like to mention and express my very special gratitude to my wife who keep motivating me, boost my morale, give me the confidence and pray for me for the in time completion of this project.
This Project is about to conduct Activity ratio analysis of the three companies listed in the country stock exchange in a similar sector. The sector from which the sample of three companies are taken is a fertilizer sector and the companies that will under study in this project of activity ratio analysis for the financial period of 2008, 2009 and 2010 are the followings 1. DAWOOD HERCULES LTD. 2. FAUJI FERTILIZER CO. LTD. 3. FAUJI FERTILIZER BIN QASIM LTD. The main objective of the project is to analyze the activity position of the selected companies and to know about the fact that which company is effectively managing and utilize its assets. The project analysis is being done as a compulsory requirement of MBA Finance and also for the stakeholders, general readers and students as well. Project analysis is planned and designed in a tabular and graphical form supported with necessary working and the interpretation. Different sites, books and articles are consulted to complete this project; references are mentioned at the end of this project under the heading of Bibliography.
Table of contents
Letter of Undertaking Dedication Acknowledgement Executive Summary 1 - Chapter 1 Introduction ------------------------------------------- 6 1 Introduction of the Project -------------------------------6
Companies Introduction ----------------------------------- 6 Fauji Fertilizer Co. Ltd. ------------------------------ 6 Fauji Fertilizer Bin Qasim Ltd. --------------------- 8 Dawood Hercules Ltd. -- ---------------------------- 9 1.1 Financial Period ------------------------------------------ 11 1.3 Objectives --------------------------------------------------11 1.4 Significance ------------------------------------------------12 2 Chapter 2 Data Processing & Analysis-----------------------13 2.1 Data Collection Sources --------------------------------- 13 2.1.1 Primary Sources ------------------------------- 13 2.1.2 Secondary Sources -----------------------------13 2.2 Data Processing & Analysis -----------------------------13 3 Chapter 3 Data Analysis------------------------------------------14 4 Chapter 4 - Bibliography ------------------------------------------36
Pakistans economy is an agricultural based and its importance is well established in the country. It plays an important and vital role in the growth of the economy, its activity, generating revenues/foreign exchange and in the development of the industrial sector of the country. It provides raw material to the industrial sector of the country like sugar, cotton, textile, foods, jute, tobacco and other industries and regarded as a backbone of the Pakistans economic activity. It is contributed almost 21% of the Pakistans GDP and employs about 41% of the total labor force. Fertilizers have played an important role in the growth and development of the agricultural sector especially to meet the growing demand of the food and to achieve the self sufficiency level. Keeping the importance of fertilizer sector in my mind, I have choose fertilizer sector from which top 3 listed companies have been selected for my project of Activity Ratio Analysis and these companies are Fauji Fertilizer Co. Ltd. Fauji Fertilizer Bin Qasim Limited Dawood Hercules Chemical Limited Now, I would like to briefly introduce the selected companies and their business activities
Fauji Fertilizer Company Limited (FFC) is Pakistan's leading urea manufacturing company with over 60% market share. It is principally engaged in the production, purchasing, and marketing of fertilizers and chemicals. It offers ammonia/urea under the brand name Sona, as well as nitrogen, phosphate, and potash based fertilizers with a vision to acquire self - sufficiency in fertilizer production in the country, FFC was incorporated in 1978 as a private limited company. This was a joint venture between Fauji Foundation (a leading charitable trust in Pakistan) and Haldor Topsoe A/S of Denmark. The initial share capital of the company was 813.9 Million Rupees. The present share capital of the company stands above Rs. 8.48 Billion. Additionally, FFC has more than Rs. 8.3 Billion as long term investments which include stakes in the subsidiaries FFBL, FFCEL and associate FCCL.
FFC's vision for the 21st Century remains focused on harmonizing the Company with fresh challenges and encompasses diversification and embarking on ventures within and beyond the territorial limits of the Country in collaboration with leading business partners.
FFC is committed to play its leading role in industrial and agricultural advancement in Pakistan by providing quality fertilizers and allied services to its customers and given the passion to excel, take on fresh challenges, set new goals and take initiatives for development of profitable business ventures.
Profitability has constantly been on the rise since then and 2007 has been the most profitable year of the company. One of the milestones in the success of FFBL is its accreditation of ISO certification, which was achieved in Mar 2006 for both the Head Office and Plant site
To be a premier organization focused on quality and growth, leading to enhanced stakeholders value.
FFBL is committed to remain amongst the best companies by maintaining the spirit of excellence through sustained growth rate in all activities, competitive price, quality fertilizer and providing safe and conducive working environment for the employees.
Dawood Hercules Chemicals Limited was incorporated as a public limited company on 17th April 1968, as a joint venture between Dawood Group of Industries and Hercules Inc. USA. It was the first private sector venture in Pakistan to receive a loan from the World Bank largest and was the ammonia/urea
plant in country at that time. Initially the plant's capacity was 345,000
metric tons of urea per annum. The plant was revamped in 1989 / 1991 to enhance the capacity to 445,500 metric tons of urea per annum. Also, it made the manufacturing facilities more energy efficient and environment friendly. In recent years, Dawood Hercules has made a colossal investment to incorporate the latest technology; the most significant are the construction of new Prilling tower in a record time; the tallest industrial structure in Pakistan, replacement of Primary Waste Heat Exchanger, Primary Reformer Harps Assemblies and conventional instrumentation (with Distributed Control System).
To excel in the fertilizer and allied business at national and international level by maintaining highest standards of product quality thereby playing our role in the development of the country's economy and adding value to the shareholders' investment.
To offer consistent dividends to the shareholders. To chalk out a plan to improve production techniques and quality standards. To provide career grooming opportunities to the talented professionals. To become a good corporate citizen. To develop long-term relationship with the employees. To create high performing Organizational Environment in which ideas are generated and nurtured. To inculcate honest and ethical behavior. To create safe, healthy environment and friendly atmosphere for the employees. To improve quality of life for the employees. To make the farmer community prosper.
1.1 Financial Period Under-Consideration for Analysis Following financial periods are considered and under-consideration for the Project Analysis. 2008 2009 2010
1.2 Objectives Ratio analysis is an integral part of the financial statement analysis and it is most widely and powerful tool used to analyze the companies financial statements. The main objective of ratio analysis is to deeply analyze the information provided in the financial statements and present meaningful results in terms of liquidity, solvency, activity and profitability of the company in a relative form. Here in this project, I will just remain focus and limit my research to the extent of the Activity ratio which is used to asses, how quickly a company turnover their assets into sales or cash. Companies are invested their capital in various assets to generate revenues and earn incomes and those managed their assets smartly usually achieve larger amount of sales and profits as well. Hence, the main objective of the project is to facilitate all the stakeholders especially the investors and bankers to evaluate the three listed companies ability that how effectively and efficiently they manage their operations and resources/assets and to know the activity position of the selected companies. This Project will also state the
reasons that why the companies are able and not able to manage their assets effectively. The Project will also enable the investors and the other stakeholders to make the decision that which one is better to invest, safe and having great potential to grow as compared to the rest of the two companies in a similar sector.
1.3 Significance The project will provide very significant, rich and valuable information for all the stakeholders, financial analysts and the students as well. Study of the project will become enable to identify the companies past and current performance with respect to the management of their resources and further will lead them to paint the future growth of the selected companies on the bases of the facts, figures and analysis provided in the project within the limit of activity ratio. This project will give them solid analysis in a graphical and tabular form with an interpretation and conclusion drawn on bases of facts and figures and allow them to take decision that which company is better to invest and less riskier as compared to the other two selected companies in a fertilizer sector.
2.1 Data Collection Sources 2.1.1 Primary Sources This project is based upon the secondary sources of data and logic is that annual reports or companies statements are treated as secondary source of data and the whole project is based on companies annual reports and financial statements. 2.1.2 Secondary Sources Companies annual accounts report and their official sites has been consulted and used as a secondary source to collect the basic and necessary information like financial statements, company profile, introduction, business activity, and their vision and mission statements. Articles, books, stock exchange, brokers and different sites has also been considered as secondary source available on the internet or in a physical form to collect the raw data and information as much as possible on the topic selected in order to get a nice and comprehensive shape of the project. 2.2 Data Processing & Analysis Following tools and softwares will be used to process the raw data and then analyze it properly in a given format.
MS Word MS Excel Calculators Google Financial Reports CHAPTER 3 DATA ANALYSIS This Project is about to perform ACTIVITY RATIO ANAYLYSIS of the selected companies for the financial year 2008, 2009 and 2010. Following ratios are calculated to complete the Project Analysis. Accounts Receivable Turnover Average Collection Period Accounts Payable Turnover Average Payment Period Inventory Turnover Average Age of Inventory Total Assets Turnover Fixed Assets Turnover Operating Cycle
ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE TURNOVER Accounts receivables turnover ratio is used to measure the efficiency of the company in extending credit to their clients as well as the collection of debts from them. Account receivables turnover ratio is an activity ratio and is used to measure, how efficiently a company uses their debtor accounts. Formula
A nnual net credit sales
Tabular Representation Company Name DAWH FFBL FFC WORKING Average Accounts Receivables = (Opening Accounts Receivables + Closing Accounts Receivables)/2 DAWH 2008 - Average Accounts Receivables = (4,742,483 + 8,821,267)/2 = 6,781,875 2009 - Average Accounts Receivables = (8,821,267 + 10,028,308)/2 = 9,424,788 2010 - Average Accounts Receivables = (10,028 + 2,131)/2 = 6,080 FFBL Year 2008 7,428,702,879 / 6,781,875 = 1095.38 26,820,812 / 264,603 = 101.36 30,592,806 / 1,109,266 = 27.58 Year 2009 11,040,361,936 / 9,424,788 = 1171.41 36,724,920 / 381,091 = 96.37 36,163,174 / 376,408 = 96.07 Year 2010 8,715,711 / 6,080 = 1433.51 43,256,712 / 653,357 = 66.21 44,874,359 / 307,421 = 145.97
2008 - Average Accounts Receivables = (243,751 + 285,454)/2 = 264,603 2009 - Average Accounts Receivables = (285,454 + 476,728)/2 = 381,091 2010 - Average Accounts Receivables = (476,728 + 829,985)/2 = 653,357 FFC 2008 - Average Accounts Receivables = (1,722,602 + 495,929)/2 = 1,109,266 2009 - Average Accounts Receivables = (495,929 + 256,886)/2 = 376,408 2010 - Average Accounts Receivables = (256,886 + 357,956)/2 = 307,421 GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION/TREND ANALYSIS
Accounts Receivable Turnover Ratio 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 Year 2008 Year 2009 Year 2010 DAWH FFBL FFC
INTERPRETATION The accounts receivables turnover ratio for the year 2008, 2009 and 2010 of DAWH, FFBL and FFC are 1095.38, 1171.41, 1433.51, 101.36, 96.37, 66.21, 27.58, 96.07 and 145.97 respectively. High debtor turnover ratio is considered as good and the logic is that either the company is trying to operate on cash bases or its credit policy or collection from the debtors is efficient. The above graph and table shows that DAWH have the greatest ratio among the selected companies and its sales are more liquid then the other two companies. Moreover, DAWH have to face low risk of bad debts as compared to the others companies. You are required to perform complete analysis, why the receivable turnover is very low for other companies as compared to DAWH? Whether the situation is unfavourable for other two companies and why?
AVERAGE COLLECTION PERIOD Average collection period ratio is used to determine the average number of days required to convert account receivables/debtors into cash. Formula Average Collection Period = Accounts Receivable Turnover Tabular Representation Why you did not mention the unit here Gave you some examples below. So properly mention the result for each year along with proper unit Company Name DAWH FFBL Year 2008 365 / 1095.38 = 0.33 days 365 / 101.36 = 3.60 365 / 27.58 = 13.23 approximately 13 days Year 2009 365 / 1171.41 = 0.31 365 / 96.37 = 3.79 365 / 96.07 = 3.78 Approx. 8 days Year 2010 365 / 1433.51 = 0.25 365 / 66.21 = 5.51 365 / 145.97 = 2.50 Approx 2 days
INTERPRETATION The average collection period ratio for the year 2008, 2009 and 2010 of DAWH, FFBL and FFC are 0.33, 0.31, 0.25, 3.60, 3.79, 5.51, 13.23, 3.78 and 2.50 respectively. Low collection period ratio is considered as good but it should also be decreasing as compared to the past year. Here the above analysis shows that DAWH and FFC ratios are decreasing as compare to their last period whereas in the case of FFBL it is being increased and FFBL has to face high interest cost along with the risk of bad debts. In the comparison of DAWH and FFC, the DAWH is on the top of the list. Their ratios are not only decreasing but also very low as compare to the others. Why FFBL is not able to manage the collection period? What are the deficiencies?
ACCOUNTS PAYABLES TURNOVER RATIO Accounts payables turnover ratio is used to measure the rate of credit period that the company enjoys from their suppliers. Account payable turnover ratio is an activity ratio and is used to measure, how well a company uses its creditor accounts. Formula Accounts Payables Turnover = Average accounts payable Tabular Representation Mention properly the unit of ratio Company Name DAWH Year 2008 2,352,484,270 / 124,972,969 = 18.82 Year 2009 4,802,826,560 / 159,686,708 = 30.08 Year 2010 2,794,454 / 231,222 = 12.09 23
C redit Purchase
Average Accounts Payables = (Opening Accounts Payables + Closing Accounts Payables)/2 You were required to mention proper note number here e.g. for FFBL in 2010, you have taken figure from note # 10 so you were required to mention that DAWH 2008 - Average Accounts Payables = (196,636,470 + 53,309,468)/2 = 124,972,969 2009 - Average Accounts Payables = (53,309,468 + 266,063,948)/2 = 159,686,708 2010 - Average Accounts Payables = (266,064 + 196,379)/2 = 231,222 FFBL 2010- Creditor = 3,995,077 (note # 10) 2008 - Average Accounts Payables = (1,048,909 + 4,571,018)/2 = 2,809,964 2009 - Average Accounts Payables = (4,571,018 + 2,949,346)/2 = 3,760,182 2010 - Average Accounts Payables = (2,949,346 + 3,995,077)/2 = 3,472,212
FFC 2008 - Average Accounts Payables = (428,757 + 313,505)/2 = 371,131 2009 - Average Accounts Payables = (313,505 + 435,463)/2 = 374,484 2010 - Average Accounts Payables = (435,463 + 413,062)/2 = 424,263
WORKING - 2 DAWH Net Credit Purchases = Raw Material Purchases + Finished Goods Purchases 2008 - Net Credit Purchases = 1,613,017,850 + 739,466,420 = 2,352,484,270 2009 - Net Credit Purchases = 1,704,467,471 + 3,098,359,089 = 4,802,826,560 2010 - Net Credit Purchases = 1,576,627 + 1,217,827 = 2,794,454 FFBL 24
Following amounts especially of Finished goods purchased are not mentioned in statements of CGS, how have you calculated these? How did you calculate closing and opening raw inventory because in statement of CGS it is zero for 2009 & 2010 Net Credit Purchase = Finished Goods Purchase + (Raw Material Consumed + Closing Raw Inventory Opening Raw Inventory) + (Packing Material Consumed + Closing Packing Inventory Opening Packing Inventory) 2008 - Net Credit Purchases = 118,144 + (34,409,318 + 26,829 289,809) + (492,509 + 62,848 31,152) = 34,788,687 2008 - Net Credit Purchases = 1,325,244 + (15,518,409 + 1,033,875 26,829) + (470,472 + 17,072 62,848) = 16,950,151 2008 - Net Credit Purchases = 3,709,917 + (23,045,884 + 907,024 1,033,875) + (590,542 + 85,554 17,072) =23,578,057 FFC Make it clear that how did you calculate closing and opening stock because in statement of CGS it is zero for 2009 & 2010 Net Credit Purchase = Finished Goods Purchase + (Raw Material Consumed + Closing Raw Inventory Opening Raw Inventory) 2008 - Net Credit Purchases = 2,056,360 + (6,349,067 + 112,87066,350)= 8,451,947 2008 - Net Credit Purchases = 1,325,244 + (7,509,129 + 33,548 12,870)=8,755,051 2008 - Net Credit Purchases = 3,709,917 + (8,018,574 + 78,03633,548)=11,772,979
Accounts Payables Turnover Ratio 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Year 2008 Year 2009 Year 2010 DAWH FFBL FFC
INTERPRETATION The accounts payable turnover ratio for the year 2008, 2009 and 2010 of DAWH, FFBL and FFC are 18.82, 30.08, 12.09, 12.38, 4.51, 6.79, 22.77, 23.38 and 27.75 respectively. Low creditors turnover ratio is considered as good but it should also be decreasing. Graph and tabular analysis shows that the ratios of FFBL and DAWH are low and decreasing with flow of time whereas it is opposite with FFC. It means FFBL and DAWH enjoy good credit from their suppliers and they have to pay their bills after a long time as compare to FFC which will help to improve the liquidity position of the company. Here FFBL is on the top as against the other two companies as their ratios are very low and decreasing in the selected group.
Average payment period ratio is used to determine the average number of days required to pay its account payables/creditors. Formula Average Payment Period = Accounts Payable Turnover Tabular Representation Mention properly the unit of ratio Company Name DAWH FFBL FFC WORKING There is no need of working. Year 2008 365 / 18.82 = 19.39 365 / 12.38 = 29.48 365 / 22.77 = 16.03 Year 2009 365 / 30.08 = 12.13 365 / 4.51 = 80.93 365 / 23.38 = 15.61 Year 2010 365 / 12.09 = 30.19 365 / 6.79 = 53.76 365 / 27.75 = 13.15
Average Payment Period Ratio 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Year 2008 Year 2009 Year 2010 DAWH FFBL FFC
INTERPRETATION The average payment period ratio for the year 2008, 2009 and 2010 of DAWH, FFBL and FFC are 19.39, 12.13, 30.19, 29.48, 80.93, 53.76, 16.03, 15.61 and 13.15 respectively. High average payment period ratio is considered as good but it should also be increasing. FFBL is on top here again as the creditor turnover ratio is low in group hence FFBL is enjoying longest credit period offered by their supplier and it will help to save the interest expense as well and give them a room to improve the cash position or hold inventory or can use to extend the credit to their clients. It is right that FFBL is best among all in payment policy but properly analyze payment period in comparison with collection period. DAWH collection period is less in 2008 & 2010 as compared to its payment period which is not a good sign. So, how company be able to cover this situation in 2010 But FFC is having high payment period in all years as compared to its collection period, so what consequences company have in such situation and how it can improve the situation?
INVENTORY TURNOVER RATIO Inventory Turnover Ratio indicates that how well a company utilizes and manages its inventory. This ratio is used to measure the number of times a company sells its inventory during the period. Formula Inventory Turnover = A verage Inventory Tabular Representation Mention properly the unit of ratio Company Name DAWH FFBL FFC Year 2008 4,312,462,959 / 478,539,402 = 9.01 18,594,752 / 3,132,343 = 5.94 18,234,692 / Year 2009 7,080,456,675 / 86,426,958 = 81.92 27,059,566 / 3,451,876 = 7.84 20,515,044 / Year 2010 5,214,376 / 149,701 = 34.83 29,793,541 / 1,248,840 = 23.86 25,310,406 / 29
C ost of goods sold
201,091 = 102.02
177,904 = 142.27
Average Inventory = (Opening Inventory + Closing Inventory)/2 DAWH 2008 - Average Inventory = (867,510,588 + 89,568,216)/2 = 478,539,402 2009 - Average Inventory = (89,568,216 + 83,285,699)/2 = 86,426,958 2010 - Average Inventory = (83,285 + 216,117)/2 = 149,701 FFBL 2008 - Average Inventory = (587,946 + 5,676,739)/2 = 3,132,343 2009 - Average Inventory = (5,676,739 + 1,227,013)/2 = 3,451,876 2010 - Average Inventory = (1,227,013 + 1,270,667)/2 = 1,248,840 FFC 2008 - Average Inventory = (642,836 + 258,094)/2 = 450,465 2009 - Average Inventory = (258,094 + 144,087)/2 = 201,091 2010 - Average Inventory = (144,087 + 211,720)/2 = 177,904
The Inventory turnover ratio for the year 2008, 2009 and 2010 of DAWH, FFBL and FFC are 9.01, 81.92, 34.83, 5.94, 7.84, 23.86, 40.48, 102.02 and 142.27 respectively. High inventory turnover ratio is considered as good and the logic is that company is efficiently managing and selling its inventory. Here FFC stand as top in his group as graph and tabular analysis shows that its ratios are increasing and high as compare to other companies of the selected group. Its means FFC cash tie up position in the inventory is low as compare to the others. But there is a risk of stockouts that can loss in the business.
AVERAGE AGE OF INVENTORY RATIO Average Age of Inventory Ratio is used to compute the average time required translating into the number days that a company needs to sells its inventory Formula Average Age of Inventory = Inventory Turnover Tabular Representation Mention properly the unit of ratio Company Name DAWH FFBL FFC Year 2008 365 / 9.01 = 40.51 365 / 5.94 = 61.45 365 / 40.48 = Year 2009 365 / 81.92 = 4.46 365 / 7.84 = 46.56 365 / 102.02 = Year 2010 365 / 34.83 = 10.48 365 / 23.86 = 15.30 365 / 142.27 = 31
The Average age of Inventory ratio for the year 2008, 2009 and 2010 of DAWH, FFBL and FFC are 40.51, 4.46, 10.48, 61.45, 46.56, 15.30, 9.02, 3.58 and 2.57 respectively. Low average age of inventory ratio is considered as good and the logic is that company is efficiently managing and selling its inventory. Here FFC stand as top in his group as graph and tabular analysis shows that its ratios are increasing and high among the selected companies. Its means FFC cash tie up position in the inventory is low as compare to the others. But there is a risk of stockouts that can loss in the business
This ratio is used to measure the efficiency of the company that how nicely the company used their total assets to generate revenue. Formula Total Asset Turnover =
Net Credit Sales Total Net Assets
Tabular Representation Company Name DAWH FFBL FFC WORKING There is no need of working. Year 2008 7,428,702,879 / 25,630,139,749 = 0.29 26,820,812 / 46,771,671 = 0.57 30,592,806 / 31,918,963 = 0.96 Year 2009 11,040,361,936 / 29,607,407,984 = 0.37 36,724,920 / 36,225,182 = 1.01 36,163,174 / 38,551,582 = 0.94 Year 2010 8,715,711 / 27,226,307 = 0.32 43,256,712 / 35,335,992 = 1.22 44,874,359 / 43,060,856 = 1.04
Total Asset Turnover Ratio 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 Year 2008 Year 2009 Year 2010 DAWH FFBL FFC
INTERPRETATION The Total asset turnover ratio for the year 2008, 2009 and 2010 of DAWH, FFBL and FFC are 0.29, 0.37, 0.32, 0.57, 1.01, 1.22, 0.96, 0.94 and 1.04 respectively. Higher the ratio higher will be the utilization of the total asset to produce revenue. Graph and tabular analysis shows that FFBL is standalone in the group as ratios are higher and it is going on increase as compare to the historical figures. Its means FFBL is better using its total assets to produce revenue as compared to the DAWH and FFC.
TOTAL FIXED ASSET TURNOVER RATIO This ratio is used to measure the productivity of the company that how nicely a company used their fixed assets in order to generate certain level of revenue. Formula Total Fixed Asset Turnover = Net Property, Plant & Equipments Tabular Representation Mention properly the unit of ratio Company Name DAWH FFBL FFC WORKING There is no need of working. Year 2008 7,428,702,879 / 1,328,779,975 = 5.60 26,820,812 / 15,847,104 = 1.70 30,592,806 / 12,730,813 = 2.40 Year 2009 11,040,361,936 / 1,340,587,535 = 8.23 36,724,920 / 15,576,899 = 2.36 36,163,174 / 13,993,518 = 2.58 Year 2010 8,715,711 / 1,871,708 = 4.66 43,256,712 / 14,706,760 = 2.94 44,874,359 / 15,933,588 = 2.82
Net Credit Sales
INTERPRETATION The Total fixed asset turnover ratio for the year 2008, 2009 and 2010 of DAWH, FFBL and FFC are 5.60, 8.23, 4.66, 1.70, 2.36, 2.94, 2.40, 2.58 and 2.82 respectively. Higher the ratio higher will be the utilization of the total fixed asset to produce revenue. Graph and tabular analysis shows that DAWH is on top in the group as ratios are higher but it is decreasing as compare to the historical data on the other hand FFC and FFBL ratios are low as compare to DAWH but their ratio are increasing with the passage of time and FFC is more consistent in the group.
Why DAWH is facing decreasing trend and how the other two companies be able to manage increasing trend?
OPERATING CYCLE RATIO This ratio is used to calculate the average time period that the cash is tied-up in the purchases of inventory and held to sales and then the average number of days required to liquidate the credit sales from its debtors/accounts receivable Formula
Operating Cycle = DIO + DSO DIO = Days Inventory Outstanding = Inventory DSO = Days Sales Outstanding = Collection Period Tabular Representation Company Name DAWH FFBL FFC WORKING There is no need of working as calculated in the earlier part of this project. Year 2008 40.51 + 0.33 = 40.84 61.45 + 3.60 = 65.05 9.02 + 13.23 = 22.25 Year 2009 4.46 + 0.31 = 4.77 46.56 + 3.79 = 50.35 3.58 + 3.78 = 7.36 Year 2010 10.48 + 0.25 = 10.73 15.30 + 5.51 = 20.81 2.57 + 2.50 = 5.07
Average Accounts Receivable Total Credit Sales
x 365 = Average
Operating Cycle Ratio 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Year 2008 Year 2009 Year 2010 DAWH FFBL FFC
INTERPRETATION The operating cycle ratio for the year 2008, 2009 and 2010 of DAWH, FFBL and FFC are 40.84, 4.77, 10.73, 65.05, 50.35, 20.81, 22.25, 7.36 and 5.07 respectively. Lower the ratio higher will be cash available to meet the short term obligation and less cash is tied up in inventory and receivables. FFC is exceptional in the group of selected companies. Their ratios are low in the group and also dropping as compare to the historical figures. What is the reason behind that? Present proper detailed analysis
Dawood Hercules Limited Fauji Fertilizer Bin Qasim Limited Fauji Fertlizer Co. Limited
Conclusion 41
You are required to properly conclude with overall findings that why DAWH & FFC are better and why FFBL is not Conclusion is that DAWH and FFC is better to use their asset with respect to the activity ratio Analysis. Recommendation Properly recommend for all companies that which area each company required to improve and how it can improve I recommended FFC as it is more consistent then the other companies.
CHAPTER 4 BIBLIOGRAPHY William L. Megginson, Scott B. Smart.(2008). Introduction to Corporate Finance: Activity Ratio, Website: id=OTcIDFiNiVIC&pg=PA50&lpg=PA50&dq=introduction+of+activity+rat io&source=bl&ots=Xc1QP4-UmX&sig=dY-cmuMb_s1Ap97TwentopyGJA&hl=en&ei=ZwieTbPFFsysrAfGsdTEBA&sa=X&oi=book_r esult&ct=result&resnum=10&ved=0CFIQ6AEwCQ#v=onepage&q=introduc tion%20of%20activity%20ratio&f=false Activity Ratio, Website: m Activity Ratio, FIN 621 Financial Statement Analysis Lecture Handout FIN 621 Financial Statement Analysis Lecture Videos Agriculture in Pakistan, Website: Fauji Fertilizer Co. Ltd. Introduction, Website:, Fauji Fertilizer Co. Ltd. Mission Statement, Website: Fauji Fertilizer Co. Ltd. Vision Statement, Website:
Dawood Hercules Limited, Introduction, Website: Fauji Fertilizer Bin Qasim Limited, Website: STA 630 Research Method Lecture Handout