PDMS Bulletin116sp2
PDMS Bulletin116sp2
PDMS Bulletin116sp2
User Bulletin
Version 11.6.sp2
pdms1162/PDMS Bulletin
Issue 281005
AVEVA Solutions has a policy of continuing product development: therefore, the
information contained in this document may be subject to change without notice.
While every effort has been made to verify the accuracy of this document, AVEVA
Solutions shall not be liable for errors contained herein or direct, indirect, special,
incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance
or use of this material.
This manual provides documentation relating to products to which you may not have
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are licensed to you please refer to your licence conditions.
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Issue Notes
181104 Final draft for PDMS 11.6.0
140705 Final amendments for PDMS 11.6.sp1 – marked *sp1*
261005 Amendments for PDMS 11.6.sp2 – marked *sp2*
281005 Amendments & additions for defects
1.1 Overview
PDMS has long led the way for 3D Plant Design. It has always been
object-based, using the concept of building a computer model of the plant,
in order to ensure that the design works in every detail. Deliverables are
always consistent as they are derived from this model. Interaction with
this model has used realistic colour-shaded images for over 15 years.
PDMS 11.5 introduced the first steps of a programme to build the Next
Generation user interface for PDMS, based on the latest Windows
technology. PDMS 11.6 brings a further leap forward in the graphical
user interface. Major new features introduced at PDMS 11.6 include:
• Use of the latest Microsoft .NET technology to provide Windows
graphical user interface (GUI) standards for familiarity and ease
of integration. This gives an appearance, and many GUI features,
similar to Microsoft’s Office 2003.
• A simpler mechanism for the various add-in applications for
DESIGN, both those produced by AVEVA and by customers.
• Extension of the new Model Editor, introduced at PDMS 11.5, and
provision of a new Plant Editor for Piping and Equipment. Refer
to the VANTAGE PDMS Version 11.6 Graphical Model
Manipulation Guide for details. Future work will provide further
specialist discipline-oriented ‘Editors’ to support the workflow for
engineering design.
• A new GUI for DRAFT, including a 3D view, to simplify the
creation and annotation of drawings.
The first service pack provides improvements, based on early use of some
of these new features, notably in DRAFT. In addition, there are many
enhancements made to ease migration of PML applications to PDMS 11.6
and the .NET environment.
PDMS 11.6.sp1 also shares technology with AVEVA’s new VANTAGE
Marine Outfitting product.
PDMS 11.6.sp2 enables the use of two new add-on products: Final
Designer 1.3 and Laser Model Interface. These both integrate PDMS
with a third party product.
Final Designer enables the use of AutoCAD as an alternative editor for
PDMS Draft drawings. Its use is described in its on-line help and in its
Getting Started with Final Designer manual.
The Laser Model Interface enables PDMS Design to link to third party
laser model software to enable the point cloud survey data to be
visualised, measured and checked for clashes.
This bulletin outlines the major changes at both the original PDMS 11.6
release and its service packs.
Most of the manuals were updated for PDMS 11.6; many had significant
changes that are noted on a Revision History page at the front of the
The Pipework design using VANTAGE PDMS manual, which was not
included in the original release, was updated for PDMS 11.6.sp1. The
following manuals were also updated for sp1:
• PDMS Installation Guide
• Drawing Production Using VANTAGE PDMS 11.6
• PDMS Software Customisation Guide
• PDMS Software Customisation Reference Manual
Many of the other manuals had minor amendments and corrections.
For PDMS 11.6.sp2, there were again amendments to 4 manuals:
• Drawing Production Using VANTAGE PDMS 11.6
• PDMS DESIGN Reference Manual Part 1:General Commands 11.6
• PDMS ISODRAFT User Guide 11.6
• PDMS ISODRAFT Reference Manual 11.6
The release also contains updated Design and Draft online help files:
updates were also supplied as a fix release PDMS11.6.SP1.2.
PDMS 11.6 is supported for use on Microsoft Windows 2000 SP4 and
Windows XP Service Pack (SP) 1 1 . There is no UNIX version of PDMS
PDMS 11.6 requires the installation of Microsoft’s .NET Framework 1.1,
which it uses for the graphical user interface. This is supplied on the
CD-ROM and installed if necessary.
1PDMS 11.6 will run on Windows XP SP2, but requires changes to the default settings. The Internet
Connection Firewall (ICF) should be turned off or configured to enable access to the database & licence
servers. In addition, Group Policy changes (which alter the registry) are required for users of Global projects
to ensure that RPC requests do not require authentication. Details are given in the Installation Guide.
PDMS 11.6 should run successfully on Windows NT4, but it has not been
tested under Windows NT4 and is no longer supported in that
A minimum of 512 MB of memory is recommended for this release.
PDMS 11.6 will operate with less, but system performance will be
compromised. A screen resolution of at least 1024x768 is recommended.
Users running Windows XP are recommended to use the XP rather than
Classic theme. These should be set using Display Properties.
Due to the rapidly changing list of hardware-accelerated OpenGL
graphics cards commercially available, an up-to-date list of supported
graphics cards is not included in the documentation released with PDMS.
However, the AVEVA Web pages (http://www.aveva.com) contain a
current list of both tested and supported graphics cards.
1.8 Compatibility
PDMS 11.6 AutoDRAFT and DXF output functions have been designed
and tested with AutoCAD® 2004. Limited support will be available for
the use of AutoCAD 2002 for DXF output from DRAFT & ISODRAFT.
The new Final Designer product is compatible with AutoCAD® 2005 and
PDMS 11.6 uses the Microsoft .NET environment including the latest
WinForms based user interface components. Using this state-of-the-art
technology enables docking forms and toolbars in PDMS and provides a
robust foundation for the future provision of standard application
programming interfaces.
All modules with a graphical user interface (GUI) now use this new
technology, which is presented in an Application Framework and has
several new or updated components. The use of docking windows and
toolbars means that PDMS will appear more familiar to users of
Microsoft Windows XP and Office and reduce the number of dialogs
obstructing the 3D graphical view, enabling more effective use of screen
space. Many windows are now resizable, simply by dragging their edges
or corners in the usual Windows manner.
PDMS 11.6 also enhances the database explorer and drawlist with the
addition of filters and a more intuitive interface and – at sp1 – a colour
picker for objects dragged from the explorer.
The use of .NET has a significant impact on the number of program files
that comprise each PDMS module. For example, Design now consists of
the following files: des.exe, des.dll, wrappers.dll and these make use of a
large number of other files, including a large number of other .dll files.
This will have an impact on the way that bug fixes are issued: in future,
it is likely that fix releases will be cumulative. For example, fix release will include all the changes in the preceding 4 fix releases.
Further information is given in the PDMS Installation Guide.
2.1 Glossary
The new Application Framework introduces some new concepts and terminology,
which are introduced here, along with other terms used in this document. PDMS
terminology is covered in the Getting Started with PDMS manual.
2.2.1 Toolbars
The application framework supports toolbars, which can be floating or
docked to any of the sides of the primary window. Picking the title bar of
a toolbar and dragging away from the window frame will undock it.
Dragging it back to an appropriate place will re-dock it. The position and
state of toolbars and other windows are automatically saved between
Note. Some toolbar tools cannot be displayed when a toolbar is docked
The user interface for Graphics has been completely overhauled using a
standard Windows tabbed dialogue form to replace the original forms.
Many minor improvements have also been incorporated.
The new Graphics Settings form contains options previously on the 3D
View Options, Colours, Representation, Steelwork Representation, P-line
Representation and P-point Representation forms.
The Load Settings and Save Settings buttons load from and save to the
options files stored in %PDMSUSER%.
The Design bar menu has been changed to remove references to old
forms and to call the new one. The Graphics Settings form is accessible
from Settings > Graphics…
Explorer views have now been extended from the Design Database to
cover other modules and databases. The Application Framework
manages their layout and dockability. They provide a consistent tree
view of each database and module specific context menus.
An important feature of the Explorers is the ability to allow flexibility in
the presentation of the database hierarchy through the use of filters.
These are different sets of filters for different Databases. Additional
filters and other Explorer options are available on an Explorer Settings
form. The user may Drag-and-drop elements within and outside the
There is now a separate Toolbar Add-in, which shows the current
Element History.
Explorers are available in the Design, Draft, Spooler and Isodraft
modules, and replace the PML-based Members Lists. They are available
from the Main Menu>Display menus in each module. Each Explorer is
restricted to Elements of a particular database type.
2.4.1 History
The History Add-in appears on the main toolbar in Design, Draft, Spooler
and Isodraft. It displays the current element (CE), regardless of the
The user can set the CE either by typing the element name into the
combo box, selecting a previously typed in element from the drop-down
list, navigating through the CE history one element at a time using the
backwards and forwards buttons or by selecting elements from the CE
history list using drop-downs on the backwards/forwards buttons.
When typing into the combo box the system attempts to auto complete
the name by scanning the open databases for the first 15 matches and
displaying them in a pop-up list. The user can then either carry on
typing or select an element from the list. When docked vertically the
toolbar displays only the backwards and forwards buttons; the combo box
is not displayed.
2.4.3 Filters
A predefined set of database filters is available to reduce the volume of
information presented in the Explorers. These can be selected and
turned on and off from each Explorer. When filtering is off the complete
database hierarchy is displayed in the Explorer. Only one system filter
can be active at any given time for each Explorer. Additional preset
filters are provided via the Explorer Settings Form (see above) for
“special case” elements. These can be toggled on/off regardless of
whether the system filters have been set.
2.4.5 Drag-and-drop
The Explorer supports Drag-and-drop within the Explorer to copy
elements, Drag-and-drop into the 3D view to add elements to the Draw
List and Drag-and-drop into My Data to add elements to it.
2.4.7 ToolTips
Name, Type and Description are shown in ToolTips over each Element.
2.4.8 Updates
The Explorers are kept in step with the database and CE. So, whenever
the user does the following the Explorer is updated:
• Change CE
• Create/Delete element
• Rename element
• Reorder / Include element (Copy/Paste)
• Getwork
• MDB Update
• Claim
• Anything else that changes the state in the Explorer.
2.5 Drawlist
2.6 My Data
The operation of UNDO and REDO has now been extended and is now
available to PML programmers for use in their applications. For details
of the latter, please refer to PDMS Software Customisation Guide section
8.3.7 UNDO and REDO.
Please note that UNDO is not yet available in modules other than
that shows the information that was previously shown on each individual
The alpha view in the Data Consistency Check form no longer receives
the I/O requests channel when it’s not needed. The layout of the forms
has been improved.
The View Control form has been made dockable – the menu bar has been
replaced by buttons, with some of the functions, changing the
background colour of views and deleting views, available on a shortcut
The layout of the Report Template form has been tidied up and tabs are
now used instead of spaces to align columns in the list. After input from
users, minor changes have been made: the form is not closed when a
report is saved; the user is asked to confirm before overwriting the
current data when modifying/creating a report; the user is asked whether
they want to quit without saving the current template when clicking on
the close icon.
The Penetration Defaults form now uses tabs for its three sections.
The Template Browser form has been made dockable. If open when
Design exits, it’s now opened when Design restarts. The Control > Select
CE TMPL menu option has been replaced by the CE TMPL button and
the Display > Selected Template has been replaced by the Display
A new form, Data Access Control, has been created to replace the User
Rights form and add information previously found only on the Element
Data Access Control (DAC) Errors List form in the Model Management
product. The form has two tabs, displaying the information previously
shown on the two forms. The first, User Rights, shows the Access
Control Rights that apply to the current user, and information about
their scopes and roles. The second, Element Access, allows the user to
specify an element; for each attribute, it displays whether the user can
modify that attribute and the error message that occurs if not. It also
shows the operations (Claim, Issue, Drop, Create, Delete) the user is
allowed to carry out on that element. The form is shown by selecting
Query > Data Access Control from the bar menu.
Toolbars have been added to the Hangers & Supports application to
replace the current forms: the Utilities > Toolboxes > General and
Utilities > General > Support Creation menus now indicate whether the
toolbars are shown and toggle their visibility.
The Router forms, PDMS Router, Routing Messages and Branch Detail,
have been made resizable. This means there is no longer a need for a
The quick pipe routing function allows the user to define the path of a
pipe wherever there is an ill-defined route within a branch, i.e. where the
dotted line is displayed instead of implied tube.
In defining a route the system will allow the user to perform the
• Orthogonal and non orthogonal leg definition
• Positioning:
o Increment snapping
o Explicit positioning
o Feature snapping
Centre line
Offsetting by OD of tube (including insulation)
• Automatic completion of route
o Where completion is predictable
• UNDO/REDO changes
Where an extremity of a route is undefined, the system will allow the
user to assign the end to the last defined point within the route or to
designate an appropriate element to which the extremity is connected.
The pipe component modification function allows the user easily to rotate
or position a single component or selection of connected components
within the constraints of a pipe route.
In modifying a component or components, the system offers the following
• Rotation about the tube centre line
• Constrained positioning along the path of the pipe route:
o Increment Snapping
o Feature Snapping
• Components can only be repositioned where there is sufficient space
to fit them in the route
The new pipe component creation form allows the user to create a
component or component group that is either connected or positioned
along the route of a pipe.
The system will automatically try to create a set of predetermined
adjacent component types when certain component types are created, e.g.
creating a valve will try to create the appropriate adjacent gaskets and
flanges. This allows the pipe designer to define the major components of
the pipe route, with the system creating the secondary components
Once a component (or group of components) has been created the system
will automatically select it, allowing the user, when in “Modify Mode”, to
modify the component’s position or rotation.
This enables the user to specify the visual properties of items added to
the drawlist, for example by dragging from the Explorer to the 3D view.
The options are Auto (rule-based) or Specific (colour, translucency and
edges on or off).
These options are only useful when the new Laser Model Interface is
installed. Details are available in its documentation.
The links to this external geometry are stored in new database elements
This enables the point cloud model to be visualized, measured and clash
checked alongside the PDMS model.
Check Isometrics can now be produced from within Design and Spooler.
Extra syntax has been added to the command line:
• Isodraftmode switches into the Isodraft syntax.
• Exit returns the user to the Design/Spooler syntax.
The Utilities menu has been extended in the Design Pipework discipline.
(A similar capability has been added to the Spooler module). Selecting
Pipe Isometric… or System Isometric… at a Pipe, Branch, Spldrg, Spool
or Field element will display a preview isometric (processed using a
predetermined options file, which may be replaced by the user). There is
a button to display the process time messages.
Selecting Show Pipe System… at a pipe or branch element will highlight
the connected system for that element in the 3D view.
A Windows printing mechanism is also provided: it is possible to print
single sheets using or all sheets using . There are similar icons for
previewing single or multiple drawings and for saving them to file.
ISODRAFT has a new Office 2003 style GUI, based on Microsoft’s .NET.
This includes many new features such as window and toolbars docking,
tabbing etc. Please refer to section 2.2 Application Framework for
further details.
The temperature and pressure attributes from the owning branch can
now be used as Spec selectors for choosing bolting items in ISODRAFT.
Spec answers may use a specific value or give a range.
The restrictions on users defining their own material list format have
been eased. It is no longer necessary to be using the PARTNUMBERS
FROMDB option in order to do this. See MATERIALLIST command in
the VANTAGE PDMS ISODRAFT Reference Manual.
A new option has been added to the PARTNO command, for each of its
CREATE, CHECK and UPDATE <gid> options, e.g.
This PBEND option (at the end of each command) will result in bends
having unique part numbers and will ensure implied tube either side of
the bend will have the same part number. Not all bends will be
numbered using this syntax; zero length bends will not be numbered.
The syntax for PARTNO has been modified to include a new option for
pulled bends:
This will use the part number rather than the bend number as the source
of the Bend number on the drawing – and in the bend table if shown.
For the PDMS Draft user, PDMS 11.6 provides access to a 3D colour
shaded graphical view for use in the definition of drawings. The user can
use it to define the contents of a drawing or to set the direction and limits
of a 2D view. This feature has been refined at PDMS 11.6.sp1.
For the PDMS Draft user, PDMS 11.6 provides access to a 3D colour
shaded graphical view for use in the definition of drawings. The user can
use it to define the contents of a drawing or to set the direction and limits
of a 2D view. This provides a highly intuitive and productive user
interface that will help to reduce drawing production times and enable
users to work in a familiar 3D environment. Users can create and
manipulate section planes in the 3D graphical view using direct
graphical interaction, and apply these section planes to any view on the
drawing. This displays in 3D the position of each part of the section plane
and is therefore simple to use, even for complex stepped section planes.
Further productivity improvement is achieved through the introduction
of a dockable database explorer and presentation of key annotation
features in a common application, removing the need for the user to
switch applications when adding basic annotation to drawings.
Isometric creation is typically performed as a batch job. However, for the
piping designer it is highly beneficial to produce a check isometric or
system isometric at various stages in the design process. PDMS 11.6 will
allow the piping designer to produce a standard isometric or system
isometric from within PDMS Design or PDMS Spooler, allowing the
designer to stay focussed on the piping design whilst generating
isometrics to assist in the design process. For further information, please
refer to the section on Design.
A new Office 2003 style GUI, based on Microsoft’s .NET, is now used in
Draft. This includes many new features such as window and toolbars
docking, tabbing etc. Please refer to section 2.2 Application Framework
for further details.
In addition the Draft applications have been rationalised with the
various sub applications merged into a unified environment.
The user can select a layer, but the application will select an appropriate
one, if required, before creating any element.
The layer gadget new has ALL the layers pertaining to the current sheet
listed, and this gadget can be filtered by using the new gadget Filter, to
list only those of the application the user is working on.
If the user changing from Dimensioning to Labelling, the application will
switch the layer gadget to list labels and select the first label type layer.
The user can re-select a different layer if required. The Layer gadget will
always change within the currently selected view, so if the user creates a
dimension in view 1 and then creates a label, the layer will switch to a
labelling layer in view 1.
Navigation around the DRAFT db automatically exchanges the layer
selection if a different view is selected. Clicking on a view has the same
effect as navigation to it.
Navigation to a dimension automatically changes the layer to a
dimension layer and highlights the view to which the dimension belongs.
This makes it easier to know where you are on the drawing and where
you are likely to create the next element.
Database Hierarchy
Sheets may now be added to or removed from the 2D window from the
Explorer. This means it is necessary to check the position in the
hierarchy before adding something to the 2D window.
If the user is too high, i.e. above drawing level, then an error informs the
user that the “REGI/DEPT is not a valid working sheet”. However, if the
user is at drawing level, ALL the sheets are now added, even if there is
more than one. A message is displayed to inform the user that there are
several sheets, so they should check that they require them all to be
5.2.1 3D Commands
DESADD & DESREM commands allow the Addition and Removal of
Design elements to a 3D view gadget. These are similar to the ADD &
REM commands in Design. The GENERATE MODEL command allows
capture of a 2D view content and colour for addition to the 3D view.
The GENERATE MODEL command allows capture of a 2D view content
and colour for addition to the 3D view.
A new IDLIST object is now available to transfer the 3D contents to the
2D IDLIST (ADDE and REME elements).
A new SELECTION object provides a graphical aid of a 3D selection box.
This is called using the mouse secondary button in the 3D view.
A new VIEWFINDER object provides a graphical aid that represents the
2D view position, size and direction in the 3D view to allow interactive
positioning of the 2D view through point and view direction.
This toggle gadget on the form, when ticked, means that the Idlist will be
amended appropriately when an element is added to (or removed from)
the 3D view directly from the Design Explorer. This is seen in the 3D
view in the correct representation colour.
If the gadget is unticked, this means that the element is added to the 3D
view only and the 2D Idlist is unchanged. Such items are added to the 3D
view in grey colour.
Therefore the significance of coloured items in the 3D view is that these
items have been added to the idlist. Grey items in the 3D view indicates
these items are in the 3D view but are not in the 2d idlist so even an
Update Design will not recognise these elements.
When the box is displayed it appears as above. The box can be resized by
dragging the arrows.
Picking the arrows on the displayed selection box with a mouse click the
following menu is shown.
The view scale can be specified using direct input or form. Any change of
scale will be reflected in the 2D and 3D immediately.
The Scale gadget displays a standard scale dialog to maintain a
consistent feel in Draft.
Database marks have been included:
1. When an element is added to the View – The View Content form will
be updated.
2. When an element is removed from the View – The View Content form
will be updated.
5.2.9 2D to 3D
(Tooltip ‘Update 3D View from 2D View’)
The contents of the current 2D view can be displayed in the 3D view by
pressing this button. The associated view name is displayed next to this
(Tooltip ‘Pick 2D View to associate to the 3D View’)
This button can be used to retain the current 3D view contents, to be
associate it to a different 2D view. The user is asked to identify a 2d view.
This is useful when different views of similar content are required (e.g. Plan
and Elevations)
Figure 1 Figure 2
In the frame for update there is an option gadget to specify the type of
view to be generated in the 2D. The options in the gadget are the full
PDMS list of view types, ranging from Universal Hidden Line to
Wireline. Selecting one of these will change the database. Note that
section planes do not clip in wireline views.
View Finder>Show Frame – Reshows the view finder frame (The hide
option is on the view finder menu itself)
Highlight Frame – Highlights the view finder frame by
flashing it. Similar to the Highlight CE in 2D view.
Center Frame – Centres the frame in the centre of the
view gadget.
The User can now create, edit and view section planes in a 3D model
window from within Draft, before adding these to a drawing view. This
makes it easier for the user to work with section planes, but does not
affect the existing working methods. It does improve the presentation of
section plane information and their effect on the drawing.
The Section Planes window is initiated from the 3D View window. It
enables the creation and editing of section planes, both simple and
stepped, and their associated clipping lists.
Certain PDMS commands may take a long time to complete. PDMS 11.6
introduces a background process manager (BPM) for managing the
UPDATE DESIGN command. This technology may be extended to other
processes in future releases of PDMS.
When the background process is updating a particular view, it is possible
for the user to edit another view on the same sheet. That is, there is no
contention between the foreground and background processes.
The BPM does NOT need to be active at the same time as the main
PDMS session. For example, the user can submit any number of
UPDATE DESIGN jobs and then exit before the BPM is started. The two
processes are completely independent so that the BPM can run
overnight, for example. However, once a BPM job has completed a
PDMS session must of course be started to refresh the updated element.
Picture files are not updated directly by the BPM.
PDMS 11.6 will bring a new option for the final production of AutoCAD
drawings: first release is expected with the next service pack of PDMS
11.6. The new Final Designer product enables users to export their Draft
drawing sheets to AutoCAD with links to the Draft database maintained.
It is anticipated that users will continue to develop drawing sheets in
PDMS Draft and make use of the automation features: when a drawing
sheet is ready for final design it will be exported to AutoCAD.
An exported drawing sheet can be accessed through PDMS Draft by
navigating to the sheet and opening it. The sheet is displayed in an
AutoCAD session for viewing or further editing. Within AutoCAD, users
can add dimensions, labels, intelligent text and 2D primitives. Where
applicable, annotation can be attached to P-points or P-lines enabling the
annotation to be updated when the design graphics change.
If Design graphics change, they can be updated in the same way as
standard Draft views: the changes are shown on the AutoCAD sheet.
Creation, deletion and modification of annotation in AutoCAD are
communicated to PDMS Draft so that the database links are maintained,
however, full details of the definition are not communicated. This means
that, for annotation created or modified in AutoCAD, the AutoCAD sheet
stores the up-to-date definition.
Further improvements to PML forms & menus capability for this service
pack are noted here: full details are given in the two PDMS Software
Customisation Manuals, which have been updated and expanded.
property, and introduced a new radio button gadget, the Rtoggle, which
can only be added to Frames. The totality of radio buttons defined within
the Frame will act as a radio group. Any other gadgets can be added to
the Frame in the normal way.
6.3.7 Miscellaneous
New FMSYS method to load/get a Form by name
Allows force loading of form definition and/or the ability to get a form
object from its name.
6.4 Internationalisation
6.5 Localisation
Many of the PDMS user interface gadgets are now defined using
Microsoft’s .NET, so they may be handled by some of the new tools.
The spacing between radio buttons within the RGROUP gadget must
now be set explicitly rather than being derived from the VDIST and
HDIST setting in operation at the point of definition.
We have switched to using variably spaced fonts to improve the overall
appearance of the user interface. This has produced various layout
changes, because the form co-ordinate grid size is determined by the
‘nominal’ character size for the font. The actual size of a given character
is rarely equal to this nominal size. Most lower case characters are
smaller than the nominal size (a, e, i, o, u, j, l, p etc.) whilst a few lower
case characters, numerics and upper case characters are often bigger
than the nominal size (m, W, M, K, 2, 3 etc.). In particular the space
character may well be relatively small. These relationships also differ for
different font families. Thus, for a string of, say, 10 characters, the actual
display length is generally shorter than 10 grid spaces, but may be longer
if most of the character are Big (i.e. larger than the font nominal size).
This has a number of repercussions:
1. The 'Width' specification for a gadget is the number of grid units
assigned to the gadget, not the number of characters that it can hold.
Often the gadget will be able to accommodate more characters than
‘width’, but if the characters are all Big then it will accommodate
fewer than ‘width’. Some adjustment may be needed to existing
Appware to reflect this change.
2. A similar situation exists for gadget Tag text. The space assigned for
the tag text is determined as (number of tag characters multiplied by
the grid unit size), not by the actual size of the tag string. This
supports the use of padding tags with trailing spaces to achieve left
alignment of a column of gadgets, i.e. all the gadgets to be aligned
should be given tags with the same number of characters in their tag
texts. For existing Appware, there may be a few cases where gadget
tags have a high proportion of Big characters, and additional trailing
spaces will need to be added to prevent tht displayed tag being
truncated or wrapping round.
3. A similar situation exists for paragraph gadgets whose width is set by
the ‘Text’ keyword, e.g. para .p1 Text|WAM|. In this example it is
probable that an extra trailing space will need to be added to the
string to prevent truncation.
4. The form title no longer contributes to the extent of the form, so forms
with long titles may now be shorter.
5. The menu bar size calculation is factored down because menu fields
tend to have few upper case and numeric characters. The menu bar
contributes to the form extent, so forms with long menu bars may now
be shorter. For dialog forms with a menu bar only and no gadgets, it
is recommended to declare the form ‘Resizable’ if possible, or to pre-
specify its minimum size to ensure that all the menu bar fields
actually appear.
The following changes may well not be apparent for most forms which
have been defined by relative gadget placement (as recommended)
• The start position for an OPTION gadget has moved left by 1 grid
• The width of an OPTION gadget with unspecified width and
content has decreased.
• The extent of a TEXT gadget with no tag has decreased by 1 grid
• The extent of an RGROUP gadget set by a long title (rather than
by the size of its included buttons) has decreased.
The version of .NET included on the PDMS CD-ROM does not suffer from
this problem. The solution is to uninstall the patch and reboot, after
which PDMS should start normally.
This section briefly describes some of the most significant corrections and
improvements since PDMS 11.5 but not necessarily documented
elsewhere. Many of these will have been back-ported to earlier releases:
where this information was available at the time of writing, this is noted.
Please note that this list is not exhaustive: many other minor corrections
have been made. Users responsible for raising specific Software Change
Requests (SCRs) resulting in changes to PDMS should already have been
notified individually.
N.B. References in (brackets) are AVEVA internal numbers.
HPD 23609 Error D800 is now included in the Design Ref pt 4 Design
(4117) manual.
(4186) Dice now outputs highest session number. Dice 11.6
HPD 23891 Clashes are no longer missed when a very large Design
(4206) object is checked against a small obstruction item.
(4300) Dice no longer crashes on corrupt database Dice 11.6
HPD 24095 Out of sync name tables (possibly caused by a bug Admin 11.6
HPD 24526 in extract flush) are now patched by Dice.
Please note that this list is not complete: many corrections were made to faults
discovered during internal testing and early evaluation. Some of these may also
have been back-ported to earlier releases.
HPD 28762 Itemcode from UDA now works correctly when Isodraft
(7162) the number of UDA's exceeds 30. 11.6.sp1
HPD 28912 Utilities > Export > Dump Attributes utility now Design
(7173) wors correctly when is a BRAN component that 11.6.sp1
has an unset or bad SPREF.
HPD 28933 Creating Corner Posts with the ASL Modeller Design
(7298) application now locates the corner posts correctly 11.6.sp1
with an imperial project.
HPD 28965 Can now modify floor fittings. Design
(7398) 11.6.sp1
HPD 27131 Module switch will no longer crash when there is General
(7520) an instance of user defined object with member(s) 11.6.sp1
PML will now not attempt to save any objects
which have any C++ members, such as the
Expression object. This is because any such PML
object is not saved over a module switch.
HPD 28477 Q BREARE now gives the correct result for a Design
(7539) TUBI after a REDU. 11.6.sp1
HPD 28477 Highlighted elements are no longer displayed Design
(7661) wrongly. 11.6.sp1
Formerly, if you identified a portion of tube in the
graphical view and then moved to another item in
the view, the portion of line that you have
identified previously would change to dotted (in
wireline) like there is an error on that portion of
This lists the most important corrections in Service Pack 2, at the time of writing
(October 2005).
HPD 29068 Group reference list now allows for element Design
(7431) appearing more than once – caused crash 11.6.sp2
HPD 29217 Corrected spurious cut length number for elbow Isodraft
(7589) upstream welded attachment. 11.6.sp2
(7670) Plines can now be highlighted or selected on Design
Gensecs, as on Sections. 11.6.sp2
(7709) Pipework Pipe Component Selection form now Design
shows Spec correctly after a change. 11.6.sp2
HPD 29394 Corrected OLET Item Numbers display in the Isodraft
(7768) isometric graphics area, for specific options 11.6.sp2
including user defined columns.
HPD 29404 New option to suppress continuation notes, giving Isodraft
(7769) the number of the sheet, across sheets of a 11.6.sp2
drawing. This command controls only the arrowed
continuation message; other aspects of the
continuation are unchanged. Examples:
CONTS OFF: Continuation notes between sheets
are suppressed.
CONTSHEET ON: Continuation notes between
sheets are switched on.
HPD 29415 Corrected Dabacon error 23 or 10 on flushing an 11.6.sp2
HPD 29847 extract Database containing differing length
(7777/7990) UDAs.
HPD 29468 The customary warning when a licence is due to General
(7804) expire shortly is now working again.
(7807) Pipe and branch names are now displayed Design
correctly in the Component Creation form 11.6.sp2
(7808) Bore text is now displayed correctly in the Design
Component Creation form 11.6.sp2