Elementary WB With Key

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Module 1 Module 4

Common words 4 Present simple: Spelling 22

Numbers o-21 4 Present simple with he/she/it 22
Days of the week 4 Short answers 23
Numbers 1-100 4 Negatives 23
Positives and negatives 23
Questions 23
Module 1 Vocabulary booster: Everyday activities 24
Names and countries 5 like, love, hate + -ing 24
Personal information: be 5 Listen and read: An Englishman's home 25
Nationalities 6 Pronouns 25
Vocabulary booster: More countries and nationalities 6 Adverbs of frequency 26
is or are 6 Activity verbs 26
Negative sentences 6 Word order: frequency adverbs, auxiliaries 26
Short answers 6 Pronunciation: Plural nouns with is/, IZI and /Iz/ 26
Possessive adjectives 7 Asking politely 27
Indefinite article: a(n) 7 Apostrophes 27
Vocabulary: Jobs 7 Improve your writing: A paragraph about a friend 27
be: personal questions 7
Listen and read: People from different places 8
Punctuation: Capital letters 8
Module 5
Improve your writing: Addresses in English 9 Vocabulary: Means of transport 28
Pronunciation: /D/, lei! and fail 9 Prepositions 28
can/can't 28
Short answers 29
Module 2 Articles: a and the 29
Identifying objects: this, that, these, those 10 most, a lot of, some, not many 30
alan or no article with objects and plurals 10 Listen and read: Transport statistics 30
have/has got 10 Real life: Catching planes and trains 31
Questions and short answers 11 Asking questions 32
's =is or has 11 Pronunciation: The letter a 32
Adjectives and nouns 11 Vocabulary booster: On a plane 32
Vocabulary booster: More everyday objects 12 Improve your writing: Completing an immigration form 33
Vocabulary: Family vocabulary 12
Listen and read: A famous family 13
Possessive 's 14
Module 6
Spelling: Plurals 14 Countable and uncountable nouns 34
Pronunciation: The sounds /s/ and IZI 14 Vocabulary: Food 34
Prepositions 15 there is I there are 35
Question words 15 Short answers 35
Improve your writing: Combining sentences 15 some and any 35
Writing about your family 15 some, any, a(n} and no 35
Vocabulary booster: Vegetables and other things to eat 36
Listen and read: Fish cakes 37
Module 3 Questions with how much and how many 37
Vocabulary: Common verbs 16 Ordering food and drink 37
Present Simple: Questions 16 Vocabulary: a cup of, a glass of, a bottle of 38
Negatives 16 Pronunciation: Sentence stress 38
Positive and negative 16 Improve your writing: Describing food 38
Questions and short answers 17
Vocabulary booster: Buildings 17
Listen and read: Studying in South Korea 18
Module 7
Vocabulary: Opposites 18 Past simple: was/were 39
Telling the time 19 Short answers 39
Prepositions of time: in, at or to 19 Vocabulary: Years, decades and centuries 40
Vocabulary: Daily routines 19 Past simple: Spelling of -ed endings 40
Subject and object pronouns 20 Regular verbs 40
Pronunciation: The letter i 20 Irregular verbs 41
Improve your writing: Commas, full stops, and and but 20 Prepositions of time 41
too, both and neither 21 Pronunciation: Past tense endings 41
Past simple: Regular and irregular verbs 42
Ordinal numbers 42
Dates 42
Time phrases 43
Vocabulary booster: Common verbs 43
Listen and read: The strange soldier 44
Vocabulary: Life stories 45
Improve your writing: Time linkers: before, after, then 45
Module 8 Module 12
Vocabulary: Types of film 46 Future plans: going to 69
Adjectives to describe films 46 want to 70
Common verbs in the past tense 46 Short answers 70
Past Simple: Negative 47 would like to and want to 71
Questions 47 Future forms 71
Short answers 47 Word combinations 71
Question words 48 Suggestions and offers 72
Past simple: Positive, negative and questions 48 Pronunciation: 1'//, we'll 72
Pronunciation: Past forms 48 Prepositions 72
Vocabulary booster: Books, magazines, newspapers 49 Vocabulary booster: At the beach 73
Listen and read: National heroes and heroines 50 Future time expressions 74
Arranging a night out 51 Listen and read: World weather report 74
Improve your writing: A diary 51 Vocabulary: The weather 75
Talking about the weather 75
Improve your writing: Write about a holiday place 75
Module 9
Adjectives: Opposites 52
Comparative adjectives 52
Module 13
Superlative adjectives 53 Vocabulary: Education and learning 76
Comparative and superlative adjectives 54 might and might not 77
Pronunciation: Comparatives 54 will and won 't (probably) 77
One and ones 54 might (not}, will and won't 78
Vocabulary: Shops and shopping 54 Pronunciation: Contracted forms 78
Listen and read : Intelligent machines 55 Listen and read: The five ages of English 79
Improve your writing: Describing a place 55 Vocabulary booster: In an Internet cafe 80
Vocabulary booster: A supermarket 56 Infinitive of purpose 80
Asking in shops 57 Infinitives with and without to 81
Possessives 57 Improve your writing: Abbreviations (Mr, Mrs , Dr, nl a) 81

Module 10 Module 14
Spelling: -ing forms 58 Vocabulary: Ways of communicating 82
Present continuous 58 Irregular past participles 82
Question words 58 Present perfect 83
Short answers 58 Positive and negative 83
All forms 59 Questions and short answers 84
Present continuous and Present simple 60 Pronunciation: Past participles 84
Vocabulary: Describing people 60 Spelling: Regular past participles 85
Clothes 60 Time words with the Present perfect 85
listen and read: Street style 61 Word order 85
's 62 Time words with the Present perfect and Past simple 86
Real life: Street talk 62 Real life: Telephoning 86
Improve your writing: Correcting mistakes 62 Vocabulary booster: The post 87
Pronunciation: Stress in questions 62 Improve your writing: Writing a note 87

Module 11 Module 15
can/can't for ability 63 Vocabulary: Things in a town 88
Questions and short answers 63 Prepositions of movement 89
Question words 64 have to, don't have to 89
Word order in questions 65 Questions and short answers 90
Questions with other verb forms 65 have to, don't have to, can, can't 90
Vocabulary booster: Animals 66 listen and read: Unusual places to visit 91
Listen and read : The animal world 67 Real life: Following directions 92
More about numbers 68 Vocabulary booster: A shopping centre 93
Pronunciation: Numbers 68 Vocabulary: Adjectives to describe towns 93
Articles 68 Spelling and pronunciation: Silent letters 93
Improve your writing: Punctuation 68 Improve your writing: A postcard 94

Pronunciation table 95
Answer key 96
om mon words Days of the week
Rearrange the mixed-up lette rs to make a Write the missin g letters to make t he days of
commo n w ords. 3 th e week .

1 n a m HltiH

2 m a won 1 M () II d !l.. ;.L

3 rechat e 2 T - - - d

4 hi r a c
3 w - - - - s - - -
5 oro d
4 Th - - - - - -
6 yob
5 F d
7 ekd s

8 bot en oko 6 s - - - r - - -

9 w odwin 7 s - - - - -

10 duns e t t

11 n ep
b tll!IJt Listen an d check yo ur spelli ng.
12 1i r 9

b Loo k at page 6 of the Students' Book and check.

Numbers 1-100
Do the calcul ati on . Then write the num bers
Numbers 0-21 4 in full.

2 Write th e numbers .
a 2. 1 + 1./-'J.. = 63


OHC b 'JS + Slf = _

2.0 c 2.9 + 71 =

c 9
d 8'3 + 11./- = -

d h

Names and countries Cl) N icole Kid m a n -
Austra lia
a Comp let e t he co nversa t ion w ith th e words in W ha t _ __ _ __
th e box. _ _ __ _ _ _ _ 7

)A1 t h is you r Hello you name 's Nice 2 Her _ _ _ _ _ __

And W hat

3 Where _ _ _ _ __

c -J She
_ _ _ __ _ _ ?

SEB ASTI AN: Hello . (1) M! f n a me

(2) _ _ _ _ _ Seb a stian .
(3) _ __ _ _ 's (4) _ _ _ __ na m e ?
FLo RENCE: My (5) _ _ _ _ _ 's Fl o rence .
SEBASTIAN: (6) _ _ _ _ _ to mee t (7) _ _ _ __
Flo re nce .
FLORENCE: (8) _ _ _ __ you . G Da v id cm d Vict oria Beckham - En g la nd
SEBASTIAN: An d (9) _ _ _ _ _ is my frien d, 1 What _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _______ _ __
Charlotte . 2 Their _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __
FLORENCE: He llo , Charlo tte.
3 W h ere ·- - -- - - - - -- - -- -- - ?
CHARLOTTE: (10) _ _ _ __
4 They

b Listen an d repeat t he conversatio n.

Q jackie Cha n - China
1 Who r _ __ _ __
Personal information: be )
- - -----
Write t he quest ions and answers 2 His _ _ __ _ __

0 Ronalda - Brazil 3 Wh ere _ __ _ __

What '.-; his fll iH/ c·,'
2 His fll11l !C's RllVliild(J. 4 He _ _ _ __
3 W h ere ';-; he fi.·o1q·.'
4 He 's h·('HI Bni zil. ~: ~-

module 1

Nationalities Negative sentences

3 Find twelve nationalities in the word square. 6 Make the sentences negative.

- iSfl't

I C~ ~ -;

a Edinburgh j$'in England.

T R A L A N )
T u R K s H b I'm from Ireland.
I E N A R s p A T p A c My mother and father are English.
I R u p 0 s T K A B
d Brazil is a small country.
T A L A N 0 N R
c A N A N K R e My name is Lana.
A M E R N M E s T My sister is married.
N 0 s w A T u A H
g I'm fifteen years old.
F R E N c H A N 0 s
K 0 R p 0 L s H h Philip and Elizabeth are on holiday.
A T u c H N E s E

Sh ort answers
Vocabulary booster 7 Write the short answers for the questions .
M ore countries and nationalities
a Write the nationalities . a Are you Portuguese?
4 No, 1'111 Hot . I'm Brazilio.n.
1 Thailand Th Ct i b Is james English?
2 Brazil Yes, _ __ _ _ . He '~ from Manchester.
3 Switzerland c Is your address 16 New Street?
4 Hungary No, . It's 26 New Road.
5 Mexico d Are you and your friend here on holiday?
6 Canada No, _ _ _ _ _ . We're here on business.
7 Egypt e is Barbara married?
8 Indonesia Yes, _ _ _ __ . Her husband 's a doctor.
9 Ireland Are you married?
10 Argentina Yes, _ _ _ _ _ . This is my husband, james.
g Is Thomas an actor?
b .:10 Listen and check . Practise saying the
No, _ _ _ _ _ . He's a musician.
countries and nationalities .
h Are Anne and Michael English?
No, . They're from Ireland.
is or are Is 'Howard' your surname?

5 Complete the sentences with is or are.

Yes, _ _ _ _ _ . My first name's Tony.
Is jacqueline a teacher?
No, . She's a student.
a My name is Martina.
b Where you from?
c Walter from Germany?
d He twenty-two years old .
e Ross and jennifer married?
yo u on holiday?
g Fernanda a Spanish teacher.

Possessive adjectives Indefinite article: a(n)
Look at the pictures and complete the sentences Write a or an.
8 with my, your, his, her, our or their. 9
a lifl actor
b ____ businPsswomon
c ____ e-mail address
d lesson
e ____ telephone numb(·r
_ __ _ holiday
9 _ ___ teacher

Hil (a) Mq name's Ed Turn e r! h _ _ _ English teacher

And t his is (b) w ife.
(c) name's ThPim a . Thi s is
(d) ho u s ell Vocabulary
Rearrange the mixed-up letters to make
10 words for jobs. The first letter is underlined.

a rgcto nctlw
b suren
c ecliQO CQiffer
d greni~

e po~h stitgnssa
f anumisic
T h is is Thelma with (e ) _ ___ two 9 rawyel
c hild ren- (f ) _ _ _ _ names are Bo b h cl~ritineac
and Trace y - and (g) _ _ __ brother
- (h ) name's Louis.

jbe: personal questions

a Complete the questions with the words in
And t h is is (i) _ __ _ d og. What's
(j) _ ___ n amP, f1 ie n d?
11 the box.

r business mar~i~d -J~b na:me address

[~ mber ~~ f~om __ _

1 What's your Vl(.{HiC ?

2 Where ore you 7

3 Are you here on ?

4 How old ore ?
5 What's your telephone ?
6 Are you ?
7 What's your e-mail ?
(k) _ _ __ n a me 's Bone s 8 What's your 7

b ED Listen to the questions. Practise saying


~ module 1

Listen and read

.::iJt» Listen to and/or read about four
12 people from different places. Who:

a is an actress? e is from London 7

b is a taxi driver? f is from Edinburgh 7 _ __ _ _ __

c is from France? g is a bus driver?

d are musicians? h is 45 years old7

People from different places

Beatrice Santini I Donna Fiorelli "
Beatrice Santini is from Donna Fiorelli is from
France. She's 28 years old, New York. She's a
and she's an actress. She's taxi driver. She's 45
married, her husband is film years old. Is she married?
director, Karol Bol ewski. 'Yes, I am . . . I'm married
Karol is 56 years old. Their to my job:
home is in Paris.

David Mills Plankton

'Hello. My name is David Allan, Doug,
Mills. I'm 37 yeats old, and Richard and Kirsty
I'm single. I'm a bus driver are Plankton.
in London. I'm also a writer: four musicians
my first book is Bus Driver from Aberdeen, in
on HolidaY: Scotland. Their
manager is Betty
Booth. Betty i:,
from Edinburgh,
and she's 25 years old.

Circle the capital letters.

PunctuaVon: capital letters 1
,. ·
o s;1e's mrs sara h grant.
We use capi tal letters for:
b my mother's from thP united states.
- nam es Lara Croft c are you spanish 7
- title s Mr Brown, Docto r Todd d ou r school is in co.mdL·n rood .
- cou ntries China
- nation alities Brazilian e i'm from rom e.
- ro ads Fifth Avenue eric lives in berlin.
- to w ns/cities Istanbul
- the beginning of sentences What's your name7

Improve your writing
Addresses in English
a Look at the address on this envelope.
I title: Mr, Mrs or Ms f.------.-1 ---.M~r Af1th~Yrall t --1 street name I

I number L~- - - · 1 0 Dowfiin9 Street

W1 9fL J country
()(I{ . . .----------l·)
. (= United Kingdom)

b Write these addresses in the correct order. Pronunciation

1 SW15 6GS - South London College - UK - London - lui, lei! and lmi
Richmond Road - 52
a tiD Listen to the pronunciation of
15 these words. Practise saying them.
/o/ /ei/ /ar/
what name
from age fine
holiday they my
2 Dublin - 4 - Ireland - Mary Burke - Mrs -
109 St Stephen Street
b tll.l1t Listen to the words. Write /o/, /er/
or /ar/.

1 write /ar/
2 eight
3 job
4 doctor

c Write the capital letters. 5 nine

6 Spain
miss sarah ellis
7 nice
62 high street
8 not

hp7 6dj

mr simon henderson _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

12 muirfield road

g12 8sj


Identifying objects: this, that, these, those
1 Describe the pictures, using this, that, these or those.

~~ ~ ~.
a - th is
---'-'----- car b shoes c boy

d _ _ _ __ coat e

nWI chairs f
~~ ~


alan or no article with objects have/has got

and olurals a Read the information in the table. Complete
3 the sentences with 's got, hasn't got, 've got or
haven't got.

Silvia Martin Alfonso

and lnge

Pet? dog (Rex) no two cats

Car? yes- an Audi two no

Computer? no yes yes

1 Silvia 5 90t a dog - his name's Rex.

2 She a car- it's an Audi.
3 She a computer.
4 Martin and Inge a pet.
5 They two cars.
6 They a computer.
a (i
mobile phone 7 Alfonso two cats.
b English dictionary 8 He a car.
c camera 9 He a computer.
d address book
e keys b .:flit Listen and check. Practise saying the
f photos
g diary
h identity card

Questions and short answers 's =is or has
a In the paragraph below, 's is missing nine
Have 1/you/we/they got a dog?
5 times. Write 's in the correct places .
a car?
Yes, 1/you/we have. I

No, 1/you/we haven't. My friend Steve 5 got a fantastic life. He onl] 21.

Has he/she/it got a computer? but he got a great job - he a professionol

Yes, he/she/it has. footballer - and he got lots of money. He got o
No, he/she/it hasn't.
new cor, too- it a Porsche. It white and it got
everything, even o CD player!

a Look back at the information about Silvia,
Martin and lnge, and Alfonso. Complete the
,..., . *''· . .<.•f;" ~

questio'ls and answers below. b Does 's =is or has?

1 hns 4 7
1 H ri s Silvio 9Clt o dog?
2 5 8
Yes s he hi-is.
3 6 9
2 _ __ _ she _ _ __ a cor?

Adjectives and nouns

3 _ _ _ _ she _ _ __ a computer?
- go before nouns a comfortable car
4 _ _ _ _ Martin and Inge _ ___ o pet? - do not change blue eyes
- do not use and a large red hat

5 _ ___ they _ ___ a cor?

Put the adjective in the correct place in the
6 sentences.
6 _ __ _ they _ ___ o computer? o Max has got a car - it's a BMW. (German)
,\l!iX hris fWt ti ctc rn 11i H crir - it's li BMW.
b Your dog has got eyes. (beautiful)
7 _ ___ Alfonso _ ___ a pet?

c We've got two cats at home. (black)

8 _ _ _ _ he _ ___ a car?
d I've got a computer game- Crash 5!1! (fantasti c)

_ _ __ he _ _ __ a computer? e My friend AI is a musician. (professional)


f Lauren Bocoll is my actress. (favourite)

b ~ Listen and check your answers. Practise

saying the questions and short answers. g My sister's got o mobile phone. (new)

h Goldie is a dog. (friendly)

"- module 2

Vocabulary booster Vocabulary

More everyday objects Family vocabulary
a Match the objects with the a Look at the picture and information about the Doyle family.
7 words in the box. 8 Use the information to complete the sentences.

1 joe is Brenda's ht<Sbl1¥1l{

a passport 0 a mirror 0
a lipstick 0 a lighter D 2 jason is joe's
a driving licence 0 a comb [jJ 3 Brenda is jason's
n alarm clock 0 painkillers 0

4 joe is jane's
oothbrush 0 sun screen 0
MP3 player 0 toothpaste 0 5 joe and Brenda are jane's
6 Colin is jane's
7 jason is Sam's
8 jane is Sam's

b Answer the questions with two sentences, as in the example.

Who is Nora Walker?
She's Brendti {irtd 5Ci¥vr's nwtlter". 5hc'2> )nne t1rlii )liSOfl's sn~ndnwtlt tT.

2 Who is jason?

3 Who is Sam?

4 Who is Brenda?

5 Who is jane?

6 Who are jane and jason?

Sam Doyle- Brenda's brother

Colin Best -fane's husband \ Brenda Doyle - foe's wife

\ foe DJ}e- 'Dad'
Jason Doyle -

Practise saying the words.

12 Brenda's daughter Nora Walker (Nana)- Brenda's mother

c Put the questions in the
Listen and read
correct order.
9 a ~ Listen to and/or read the text about the Iglesias family. Iglesias -Where- is- Julio -
Wh ere is Jt1lio 19lesi{ls fro~vt '?
A famous family _ _ _ _ _ __ 2 children's- are -What- his-

______________________ ?
3 they- Are - all - famous?

______________________ ?
4 Isabel · is- Preysler- Who?

______________________ ?
5 job - Chabeli's ... is- What?

______________________ ?
ulio Iglesias is from Spain. The world's number I
J Spanish singer in the 70s and 80s, with songs like
Begin the Beguine, he is now the father of a famous
6 Junior- Julio- singer- Is- a?

family. The three children from his marriage in the 1970s
7 Enrique's- Where- home- is?
to actress Isabel Preysler - two sons and a daughter - are
now all famous too.
______________________ ?
His daughter, Chabeli, is a journalist in Washington, in
8 Porsche - got - Has - a -
the United States. His sons' names are Julio Junior and
Enrique: Julio Junior is a model, actor and singer. His
songs are in English and Spanish.
______________________ ?
Enrique Iglesias is also a famous singer. His home is in
Miami, Florida. He's got two Porsche cars at home!! d Answer the questions 1-8
1 He's fl·m1-r SJ){livt.
b Complete the information in the family tree about the Iglesias family. 2

1 Julio 1glesi11s 2

3 4 5

module 2

Possessive 's Pronunciation

Write 's in the correct place in the sentences, The sounds Is! and /z/
10 as in the example.
a .:lD Listen to the pronunciation of the
a Patrick is Jane's brother. 12 /s/ sound. Underline the Is! sounds.
b Is that Michael car? - What~ this?
- It's my passport.
c It's Tessa birthday on Saturday.
d What's your mother name? b ~ Listen to the pronunciation of the /z/
e Where's Philip desk? sound. @~the fzl sounds.

f My husband name is Peter. H®friend's name is fames.

g )o is my sister friend. c 41Da Listen. Underline the /s/ sounds.

h Carla house is in the centre of Rome. 1 This is my sister. Her name's Suzanne.
2 Those are my keys!
Spelling 3 She's seven years old.
Plurals 4 What's his address?

a Write the plural of the words. 5 She's got fantastic blue eyes.
11 6 What's your brother's first name?
1 diary 7 Sarah is a famous actress.
2 dictionary 8 What's the answer to this question?
3 box
d Listen again. tE:~~he lzl sounds.
4 university
5 baby
6 key
7 match 13 Choose the correct preposition.
8 watch
a What's that at /@English?
9 house
b Have you got your diary for I with you?
10 bus
c We've got two dogs at I in our family.
11 address
d fohn is a student at I for Cambridge University.
12 boy
e We've got cable TV at I to home.
b What are these irregular plurals? f I've got a pen in I on my bag.
1 child g Chris is here on I for holiday.
2 woman h This watch is to I from Switzerland.
3 businessman
4 wife
5 life
6 person

Question words Writing about your family
Complete the questions with the words in 16 a Read about the people in this family.
14 the box.

Who How Where JALI'T<ft How

What How What Who What
People in my family
My father's name is
a Wh11t 's your surname ?
b _ _ _ _ _ do you spell it?
Martin Hancock. He's
c _ _ _ _ _ 's that man over there? fifty-three years old
d colour is your car? and he's an architect.
e old is your nephew? He and my mother
f does 'niece' mean? aren't married now -
g _ _ _ _ _ is your father from? they're divorced. His
h _ _ _ _ _ 's your favourite actor? new wife's name is Judy. They've got a baby
do you say this word? daughter - her name's Cassandra and she's
_ _ _ _ _ have you got in your bag? beautiful!!!

My sister, Caroline, is twenty-eight years

Improve your writing old, and she's a teacher. She's married. Her
Combining sentences husband's name is Marcos - he's from Chile.

15 Make one sentence using and and pronouns.

They've got two daughters: Rebecca, who's
five, and Annabel, who's two years old.
I'm their aunt!!
a My sister's married. My sister's got two children.
My sistet·'s married and she's 9ot two children. My cousin Martha is from Australia.
b My father's 42. My father's a lawyer. She's nineteen years old, and she isn't
married: she's a student at the University of
Melbourne. She's got a boyfriend - his name
c My cousin Steve is 33. Steve isn't married. is Mark. He's twenty. He isn't a student: he's
a professional musician. The name of his
group is MC2.
d My parents have got a new car. The new car is
fantastic! My grandmother is about eighty years old.
Her name is Beatrice. She's got six children -
four sons and two daughters - and she's got
e Prague is the capital of the Czech Republic. Prague twenty-three grandchildren!!
is very beautiful.

f Maria and I are on holiday. Maria and I are in b Write sentences about some people in your family.
Thailand now.
My father's name is l<arl.
My sister, Miljana, is twenty years old.

Vocabulary Negatives
Comm on verbs a Join a sentence beginning with an ending to

Match three words or phrases from the box to

3 make negative sentences.

1 each verb below. Most people don 't work ~ economics.

2 Maoris don't come from "-----at the weekend.
meat in a small house ~
3 People in Brazil don 't speak Australia.
coffee to work with my family
4 Babies don't go meat.
for Nike economics ~
law long hours a lot of fish 5 Most children don 't study to school.
water mineral ~ 6 Vegetarians don't eat Spanish.
to university black tea to the cinema a lot
in Mexico City in an office in restaurants a lot
b E 9 Listen and check. Practise saying the
l~university .... . .. - -· ·----· ··- - sentences .

0 speak Srnvtish. french, 11-itH iVl CSl' Positive and negative

b live
a Read the information about Thomas and
4 Angela, from Sweden, and Julia and Ken , from
Singapore .
e study
Thomas and Angelo
f eat
g drink home a five-bedroom house in
a small town in Sweden

Present simple languages Swedish, English, German

Questions jobs they're lawyers

a Complete the questions with a word. hobbies the cinema

2 drinks mineral water and coffee
Do you __ ~ in Edinburgh?
2 your parents speak English? food Swedish and Italian food
3 Do you and your brother go o lot?
4 Do you green teo? julio and Ken
5 Do you and your family live o flat?
home a small flat in the centre
6 Do Ben and james ____ German?
of Singapore city
7 Do you eat o lot chocolate?
8 Do all the students low? languages English, Chinese, Malay
9 Do you _ _ __ with your parents?
jobs they're teachers
10 Do you work hours?
hobbies eating in restaurants
b .a1t Listen and check. Practise saying the
questions. drinks tea

food Chinese food

b Complete the sentences.
Vocabulary booster
Thomas and Angela dM1't live in a big city. Build ings
2 They in a big house .
3 They English. 6 a Label the buildings with words in the box.

4 They Chinese.
---------------------·- -- ---·---I
5 They in a school. 1 ~ a library a school a bank
6 They to the cinema a lot. I a supermarket a railway station a hospital --~-~~~~ _

7 They mineral water.

8 They Chinese food.
9 Julia and Ken live in a big city. oCJ

10 They in a big house. DO

11 They Chinese and English. DO
12 They in an office. DO
0 0
13 They in a school. !'!1 0

14 They to the cinema a lot. block of f11its

1 li 2
15 They coffee.
16 They Chinese food.

Questions and short answers

Answer the questions about Thomas and Angela,
5 and Julia and Ken with short answers. Then
answer the questions about yourself.

a Do Thomas and Angela live in a small town?

3 4
Yes , thcq do.

Do you live in a small town? Nu, I doYl't.

b Do they work in an office? _ _ _ _ __

Do you work in an office? _ __ _ __

c Do they speak Chinese? _ _ _ __ _

Do yo u speak Chinese? _ _ __ _

d Do they drink tea ? _ _ __ __

Do you drink tea? _ _ _ __ _ 5 6

e Do Julia and Ken live in a big city? _ _ __ __

Do you live in a big city? _ _ __ __

Do they go to the cinema a lot? _ _ _ _ __

Do you go to the cinema a lot? _ _ _ _ __

g Do they eat Italian food? _ _ _ _ __

Do you eat Italian food? _ _ _ __ _

h Do they drink tea? _ _ _ _ __

7 8
Do you drink tea? _ _ _ __ _
b ~ Listen and check. Practise saying the

module 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

listen and read

a ~ Listen to and/or read the text about
7 young people in South Korea .

Studying in South Korea

What time do you have breakfast?
Where do you have lunch? After five hours of lessons in the morning, it's
Do you go out with your friends for a time for lunch. Most people have lunch at
coffee after school or after work? school. Then there are more lessons until six
Do you work in the evenings, or do you o'clock .. . but that's not the end! Many young
have dinner with family or friends? Koreans go to the library and study from
Life is very different for many young people in about eight o'clock to eleven or twelve
South Korea. It's very important for people to o 'clock, when the libraries close.
go to a good university, and find a good job ... At that time, they go home in a special
so study is very, very important! Young people minibus. Most students don't go to bed before
get up at about six o'clock, have breakfast with one or two o'clock, and then the next day,
their family, and then go to school ... schools after just four or five hours of sleep, it's time
in South Korea start at seven o'clock. to get up again!

Answer the questions.

What time do most young people get up in South
Rearrange the letters to make opposites . Look at

2 What time do schools start in South Korea ?

8 page 28 of the Students' Book , if necessary.

o finish a rtst
s tr.rt
3 Where do most young people have lunch ?
b morning v inene g

4 What time do schools in South Korea finish? c go to bed t eg pu

5 Where do many yo ung people go in the even ing? d open so Ice

6 What time do the libraries close? e go out moce meho

a snack a gib lome

7 How do students go home?

g start school v o I e e I o s co h
8 What time do they go to bed?

h the week h e t newdeke

Telling the time
9 Write the times.

a It's te11 pas t ei9ht. b c

• 12 •
• •
~3 •••,,-.I....
• • 1]'-1]
• 6 •

d e f

/ I I \
\ '-

g h

Prepositions of time: in, at or Vocabulary

to Daily routines
Complete the sentences with in , at or to. 11 Match the verbs with the nouns.
a It's seven o'clock ~i1_
1 _ the morning . a have ~ the bus
b read ~ ho m e
b Do you have a big lunch - - ·· Sunda y?
c go to lu nch
c I get up ~- six o'clock.
d have bed late
d We work from eight to twelve ·- - th e morning.
e have a th e newspaper
e Shops do n 't stay open ~- night.
f wa tch shower
f I finish work at seven clock ~-the evening .
g come dinner
g Do you go out a lot _ _ th e weekend'
h ca tch wo rk
h The ch ildren don't s l eep ~- the afternoon .
go to TV

~ module 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Subject and object Pronunciation

pronouns The letter i
a tiED We pronounce the letter i in different ways. Listen to
I, you, he, she, it, we and 13 these examples.
they are subject pronouns.
/r/ live, city /ar/ I, like
me, you, him, her, it, us and
them are object pronouns.
b Look at the words in the box. Do we pronounce i as /r/ or as /at/? Put
subject object the words into the correct column.
pronoun pronoun
I c::> me ,9J:int< six big Jif€ finish this time nine
you c:) you five children write listen night dinner
he c;> him
she c::> her
it c:) it
we c:) us life
they c:) them

We use object pronouns:

• after prepositions.
Come with me.

• when the pronoun is the

object of the sentence. c flill) Listen and check. Practise saying the words.
knows him.

Improve your writing

Correct the pronouns in Commas, full stops, and and but
12 bold, as in the example.
a A: What's her name?
a comma
B: Karen. a full stop
A: How do you spell Wr? it linkers and, but
b Is that letter for I?
c A:

What time is your bus?
I catch her at half past
14 a Write a comma, a full stop and a linker in the sentence below.

In Britain children start school at about 9 o'clock in the morning in Poland
d A: Is that your brother?
they start school at 8 o'clock
B: Yes, it is, but who's that with
he? b Use the information in the box to write sentences about the
e A: My favourite TV programme differences between life in New York and life in York, a town in the north
is ER. Do you watch them? of England. Use commas, full stops, and or but.
B: No, I don't.
f A: What's Sally's address? New York, USA York, UK
B: I don't know. I haven't got
Most people live in 1 flats (= apartments) houses
him with I.
g We've got a big flat and my Most people start work I 8 am 9am
grandparents live with we. Most people finish work 6pm 5.30 pm
h A: Who are those people? Children start school at 5 years 4 years
B: I don't know they.
Most shops open at 9am 9am

Most shops close at 8pm 6pm

too, both and

We use me too to agree

with a positive sentence.

A: I've got a cat.

B: Me too!!

We use me neither to agree

with a negattve sentence.

A: I'm not married.

B: Me neither.

We use both to say that two

things or people are the same.
Notice the position of both.
(New York I live I York /live)
We both like jazz.
In New York 1110st iJeopl e lil'c in t-iWirtfH l' ~tts , but i11 Ycn-k wws t pcotJie They are both ten years old.
lil'L' in l tO ti S CS .

2 (New York I start work I finish work)

Complete the sentences
In N ~ H' York nwst r1cor.1l e 5te1rt wcwk
lit 6 )1 ~1.
tit 8 (iH1, l·if11l tltl'~l finish work
15 both, neither or too.

3 (New York I start work I York) a A: Are you from the USA?
B: Yes, I'm from California.
A: Oh really? Me too
4 (York I start work I finish work) b Paula and her sister are
teachers .
c A: We're here on holiday.
How about you?
5 (New York I finish work I York)
B: Yes, me
d A: I don't understand this film.
B: Me
6 (New York I children start school I York)
e Nick and I work at
The Bridge Hotel.
f .\: I don't take milk in my
7 (New York I shops open I close) coffee.
B: No, me
9 A: I don 't go to bed late.
8 (New York I shops close I York) B: Me
h A: I read The Economist.
B: Me

Present simple
Spelli ng
Write the letters to make the he/she/it form.
o My mother read~ Hi! magazine. Francis enjoy_ watching football on TV.
b james watch __ TV in the morning. g My brother soy_ he's fine.
c Winnie come_ from South Korea. h Norma stud___ economics ot the University
d Richard live_ in the United States. of Leeds.

e She go __ to bed ot eleven o'clock. Ion always ploy football on Saturday.

Present simple with he/she/it

a Loo k at the information in
2 the ch art an d complete these Nationality Job Address Languages Hobbies
sentenc es about Akiko Murata.
Akiko Japanese fashion Golden Gate Japanese, cooking,
1 She ([Ifi l l'." (come) from Murata design Ave. San English ballet
japan . student Francisco,
2 She (study) USA

fashion design.
David British English The English English, watching
~ She (live) in Son Jones teacher School, 1 French, football,
Francisco. Seoul, Korean playing
4 Sh e (speak) South Korea the guitar
japanese and English.
c Beatriz Argentinian bank Carrer Spanish, painting,
J Sh e (like)
Ayala employee Bonavista Catalan, going to
cooking and ballet.
Barcelona, English the gym
List en and check.
Practise sayi ng the sentences. Zoltan Hungarian music Rue d' Aile ray, Hungarian, playing
Tarnai teacher Paris, France . French, tennis,
_ t :n

Wr ite sentenc es about David, Beatriz and Zoltan 9 ~~

using the Presen t simple. 10 (go to the gym)
1 David t Ci iLht'~ [ f! Lj (ish . (teach) 11 Zolton s pt11ks Hwt91i t·i,:iH , f n :Hch nwi Gcn~utn.

2 He (come from) (speak)

(live) 12 He _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ __ (come from)

4 (speak) 13 (live)

5 (ploy) 14 (teach)

6 Beatriz li l'L'S ifl S !.lli i ~l. (live) 15 (ploy)

7 Sh e (come from)
8 (speak)

Short answe rs Positives and negatives
a Look at the information about Akiko and David Put the verbs in brackets into the correct forn- of
3 on page 22 and write the correct short answer. 5 the Present simple.

Does Akiko come from japan' Yes she c{ocs. . ~

l)oes she study economics' No, she do es r~'t .

3 Does she live in New York?

4 Does she speak English ?

5 Does she like ballet7

6 Does David come from the USA?
7 Does he teach English?
8 Does he live in South Korea? doesH 't c,o (not go) to work :
9 Does he speak Chinese? _____ (leave) his home town to
10 Does he play tennis? : go on holiday in the Caribbean . But Malcolm is a
millionaire. He (c) (write) books about
b ~ Listen and check . Practise saying the
money, and how to make a lot of it. His new book is
questions and short answers.
' called Easy Money: How to make money without
Negatives getting out of bed. Malcolm (d) (live)

4 a Make these sentences negative.

in a large house near London. He (e) _ _ __ _
· (get up) at about eight o'clock in the morning, and

1 Maria likes studying grammar. (f) (have) breakfast with his family.
After breakfast, he (g) (drive) his
children to school, and (h) (read) the
2 It rains in summer.
newspaper in the garden until lunchtime. After lunch,
he (i) _ _ _ _ (buy) and Ul _ ___ (sell)
3 My brother likes getting up at seven o'clock.
· on the Internet. He (k) _ _ _ _ (finish) work at
four o'clock when his children come home. 'I've got
4 The restaurant closes on Sunday evening.
a simple system for making money,' Malcolm
_ _ __ (say). 'It (m) (not
5 Martin comes to class every week. work) for everybody ... but it (n) _ _ __
· (work) for me!!'
6 Tony buys all his food at the supermarket. ~ ..-.-- ..
~· "' _- ·

7 Carla drives to work .
6 Write questions about Malcolm .

8 My cousin visits m e every month. a (Where / live) W l1 cn · c{o es he liLJc?

b (VVhen / getup) _ _ _________ __ _
c (VVhat I do I after breakfa st) _ __ _ _ __ _ _
b ~ Listen and check. Practise saying the d (VVhere I read the newspaper) _ _____ _ _ ___
e (VVhere I go on holiday) _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _
f (VVhat I do after lunch) _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _

module 4 - -- -- - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - -

Vocabulary booster
Everyday activities
7 a Match the phrases in the box with the pictures below.

r . ··· ······· ···- ····· - · - - -- · - - -- - - -·-- - -· - - --- - - -

1 clean your teeth D have a shower OJ go for a walk D catch a bus D go to the gym D
' get dressed D wake up D go for a run D cook a meal D meet friends l_j

b ~ Listen and check. Practise saying the phrases.

like, love, hate + -ing

a Read about Irene and Agnes and find out what b Write about their likes and dislikes.
8 they like and dislike about their life.
1 (taking the children to school)
lrt'Ht' docsrt't like tt~kiHB the child1·Cft tu school.
Irene and Agnes are both au pairs: they live with a
Ayrtes likes tr~kiH9 the child1·efl to school.
family, do housework (clean the house) and help
with the children. In the afternoon, they go to an 2 (doing housework)
English class. In the evenings, they often babysit. Irene _ _ _ __ __ _ __ __ __ _
Agnes _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _
1 = It's horrible!!! I hate it! 4 = I like it.
3 (talking to the family)
2 =I don't like it. 5 =It's fantastic!!! I love it!!
3 =OK !rene ____ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _
Agnes _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ __ __

Irene Agnes 4 (going to English class)

taking the children to school 2 4 Irene _ __ _ _ __ _ __ __ _ _ _
doing housework 1 5 Agnes _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ __
talking to the family 5 2
5 (babysitting)
going to English class 4 1
Irene _ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ _ __ _
babysitting 2 4
Agnes _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ __ _

b Answer these questions.
Listen and read
How many British people hove a home abroad?
a ~ Listen to and/or read to the text
9 about English people's homes abroad.
,V\,wc thi1H huiLi ~nillio~1.
Where do they often buy houses?

An 3 Where does the Eurostor train go to?

Englishmans 4 Where do the Notemon family live in England?

home ... 5 Wh ere do they live in France?

'An Englishman's home', they say, 'is his castle.'

Perhaps that's true ... but nowadays the home 6 Where do they spend the summer?
often isn't in England ... it's abroad!
7 How many children do they hove?
More than half a mi Ilion British people have a
second home in another country. Many buy old
hou ses in the south of France, or in Tuscany, in the 8 What do they like about living in France?
north of Italy. The Eurostar train , which goes from
London to Paris in three hours . makes it easy to go 9 Where do most of their neighbours come from?
from one home to the other quickly.

The Noteman family, who live in London, have got

a small house m Gascony. They sometrmes go
there for weekends. and they always spend the Pronouns
summer in France with their four children. Jerry
Replace the words in bold with a pronoun
Noteman says. 'We really like living in France: the
weather is usually good, we like the food and the
10 from the box.

wine and the people are very friendly. We don't she them it her they it
usually speak French when we go out ... most of
our neighbours in the village are English. too' ·
a Is your ice-cream OK? Do you like ymtr

ice cream? it

b A: Do you like cots?

B: Yes, I love cats. _ _ _

c I love flying - I think flying is great.

d I've got twelve brothers and sisters and my brothers
and sisters ore all married.
e I don't like dogs- I'm frightened of dogs. _ _ _

Jon doesn 't !Ike me and I hate Jon!

g A: Do you enjoy flying?

s: No, I hate flying .
h A: Do you like Diana?
s: Yes, I love Diana! I think Diana's fanta stic!

l1'I. I
r 4

frequency Word orde u cy

Choose the correct alternative. adverbs, auxilia
Put the words in brackets in the correct
a In the morning, the sun
comes up in the east.
@1 never I sometimes 1 places in the sentences, as in the example.
b Sharks never I sometimes I often kill people. a I[have dinner at my friend's house. (sometimes)
c Children never I don't often I usually like sweets. b Caroline eats fish. (never)
d In the game of chess, black always I never I usually
starts. c I often eat in a restaurant. (don't)
e People with brown hair don't often I never I often d I get up late on a Sunday morning. (usually)
have brown eyes.
f Monday always I often I usually comes before e It's very hot in August in my city. (always)
f The Brown family usually to Italy on holiday. (go)
g A year always I never I usually has 364 days.
h Spiders always I often I sometimes have eight legs. g The weather always cold in January. (is)

h The bus is late. (often)

Activity verbs
Complete the sentences with the verbs in the Pronunciation
1 box. Plural nouns with /s/, /z/ and liz/
.r:e-at:f write watch listen plays go visit a ED Listen and notice the
study write .read go listen 14 pronunciation of the plural form of these
a A: Do you reCiti the newspaper every shop shops Is/
key keys !z/
B: No, I don't. I only m:t<~ magazines.
bus buses /rz/
b A: Do you ever _ _ _ _ swimming at the
weekend? b Write the plural form of the nouns below. Do we
B: No, I don't, but I often _ _ _ _ shopping! pronounce the s at the end of the word as Is/, lzl or
c My mother and father always a video on hzl?
a Friday night.
1 dog_ lzl
d I usually _ _ _ _ to a CD when I drive to work.
2 crowd-
I never to the radio.
3 spider_
e My brother Hector loves sport: he _ _ _ _ rugby,
4 actress-
basketball, tennis and chess!!
5 beach
f I never _ _ _ _ letters, but I _ _ _ _ a lot of
e-mails!! 6 driver_

g I always _ _ _ _ my friend Roger when I'm in 7 student_

London. 8 restaurant-
h A: I'm at Edinburgh University. 9 house-
s: What do you ? 10 friend -
A: Law. 11 parent_
12 address

c ~ Listen to the pronunciation of the words.

Practise saying them.

Asking politely Improve your writing
Put the words in the
A paragraph about a friend
15 correct order.
a Match the questions and answers.
0 wont- Do - teo -you - a 7 17
no !:j t>tl w1mt n t cti'? What's his name? a He's a musician.

b like - Excuse - please - coffees - 2 Where does he come from' b In a bar called East and
'd- two- I- me West.
3 Where does he live now? c Takas hi.

4 What does he do? d They're very nice when

you know them.
c of- those -I - like - one -
please- 'd 5 Where does he ploy? e The rain.

6 What does he like about life in London? f In London

7 What does he dislike about life in London? g Okinawa, in [opon

d bill- like- 'd- me- Excuse- 8 What does he think of the people? h The international
please - I -the atmosphere.

e milk- you -with - wont- your

- Do- teo?

Add apostrophes to the
16 sentences.
a A: Anything else7
s: No thanks, !In fine.

b Id like a coffee but I dont want

milk, thank you.
c A: Whats the time?
s: Im sorry, I havent got a b Use the information to write a paragraph about Takashi, like this:
watch. My friend Takashi _ _ _ __ __ Okinawa, in Japan, but now he
d A: Do you want a drink? _ _ _ _ __ _ in London _ _ _ _ _ __ a musician, and
s: Thats a good idea! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in a bar called East and West. He _ _ _ _ __ _ the
e Is that Elenas bag? international atmosphere in London, but _ _ __ _ _ _ the rain! He
_ _ __ _ __ the people are very nice _ _ _ __ __

Vocabulary can/can't
Means of transport Look at the motorway signs.
3 What can/can't you do on the
1 Write the missing letters. motorway? Complete the
sentences .

QM_T . RB_K Gsc __ T _ R

G B _ C _ CL 0 R PL _ N 0 TR M

a You _ _ l"'-.t-'-iH-''t_ _ stop on the

b You _ _ __ _ dri ve at 100
kilometres an hour.
c You _ _ _ _ _ drive at 180
Q TR _ _ N NO .RGR NO 0 T _X
kilometres an hour.
d You ride a bicycle
or S . . B W ... Y
on the motorway.
e You walk on the
Prepositions motorway.
2 Complete the sentences with by, to, on, off, for or from. You find
something to eat and drink at
the service station.
a Most people go to work - ----"-Uif-!J- - car.
g You buy petrol at
b It's not possible to drive to the beach: go _ __ _ foot. the service station.
c My journey _ _ _ _ work takes about 30 minutes. h You _ _ __ _ turn round.

d In Thailand, cars drive _ _ _ _ the left. Learner drivers _ _ __ _

use the motorway.
e You can fly _ _ _ _ Scotland direct from Paris.

f This is where you wait _ _ _ _ a bus to the railway station.

g Please wait for people to get _ __ _ the bus before you get

h I never wa lk _ _ _ _ town: I always go _ _ _ _ bus.

This bus goes _ _ _ _ the airport to the city centre.

Short answers Articles: a and the
Write a or the in the correct
Short answers with can
can 1/you/helshelwe/they drive? Yes, 1/you/helshelwelthey can.
5 places in the sentences, as in
the examples.
No, 1/you/he/she/we/they can't. 11
a Can you rideLbicycle?
n the
4 a Write the short answers .
b Does it takebong time to get
centre of London?

c I always drive to work, but lot

9.30- 5.30
of people come by

It's 8.30 in the morning. Can I park here? Yes, !;fO!~ crH:.:..t._ _ _ _ __ d Parking is real problem near
2 Can I park here on a Sunday? my house.

e The traffic is very bad in


My uncle is train driver.

3 Can I smoke here? g Have you got car?

• • h We live in small town in United

• SORRY No children under 18 •


In each sentence, one the is

4 Tom and Barbara are sixteen years old.
Can they go in?
6 unnecessary. Cross it out, as
in the example .
5 I'm nineteen years old. Can I go in? a Parking is very difficult in the
city centre, so I always go there
by ;hl' bus.
b Eight o'clock is a good time to
phone Thomas: he is always at
the home in the evening.
6 Can I cross the road now?
c It's so cold today that a lot of
people can 't go to the work.
d The train times are different on
the Sundays.
e What do you think of the public
7 I've got a dog. Can it come in? transport in the London?
f You con use a Rail Card in most
countries in the Europe.
g Do the people drive on the left
in the United Arab Emirates?
h Our plane arrives in Los
8 Excuse me, can we buy a phonecard here? _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ Angeles at the two o'clock in
the afternoon.
b ~ Listen to the questions and answers. Practise saying them .

module 5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - --

most, a Jot of, some, not many listen and read

7 Rearrange the words to make sentences. a 4li:D Listen to and/or read the text about
8 transport statistics.

a a bicycle - children - learn - Most - to ride

Most chil,iren letinl to ride ti bic ~1cl e .

b many -Not- on - people - Sundays - work Transport statistics

is the number of hours it takes
to travel from London to
New York by plane.

is the number of platforms

at New York's Grand Central
Terminal Station. Half a
million people use the station
every day.

kilometres an hour is the

c on holiday - British people -A lot of- go to Spain speed of the Spanish AVE
train, which goes from the
d can't - coffee - drink- without sugar- people - capital city Madrid to Seville,
Some in the south of Spain, a
distance of 470 km. The
journey takes about two and
a half hours.

is the number of passengers ..

who can travel in a Boeing
7 47-400 aeroplane. It can fly
for more than 12,000
kilometres without stopping.
That's from London to Tokyo

e lot of- flying- like- people- A- don't

.. and back again .

kilometres is the distance of

the Trans-Siberian railway,
which goes from Moscow to
the town of Vladivostok in
f Not many- understand- fapanese- eastern Russia. The journey
European people - con takes seven days.

~ is the number of taxis in

Mexico City.
g enjoy to tourists - Most - in my town - people -
~·I•I•JI•I·I~ is the total kilometres of roads
in the United States.

h drive - night- at- Some - people - dangerously

~~·r•r•JI•r•t•~ is the number of people
who travel through Heathrow
Airport, near London,
every year.

b Answer the questions about the text.
Real life
1 How long does it take to travel from Madrid to Catchi ng plan es and trains
Seville by the AVE train?
Twu 11~1d rt l-·1111f lw~tYS. a Make two dialogues with the sentences in the

2 Where does the Trans-Siberian railway begin?

9 box.

That's £2.00.

3 How many people can travel on a Boeing 74 7-400 Here's your boarding card. You're seat 25C.
aeroplane? When's the next train?
Which platform is it?
Gate 14, but your flight's delayed by one hour.
4 Which country has 6,000,000 kilometres of road?
Which gate is itt
BA 172 to Copenhagen. Here's my ticket.
5 How many people pass through Heathrow Airport Platform 3.
every year? No, only hand luggage.

6 Which city has 60,000 taxis?

() At the check-in desk at an airport
CLERK: Good morning. Which flight are you on?
7 Which railway station has 44 platforms?
PASSENGER: (1) - -- - - - - -- - - - -- - -

CLERK: Have you got any luggage?

8 How long does it take to fly from London to New
PASSENGER: (2) - - - - - -- -- - - - - -- -
CLERK: (3) - -- -- - - -- - - - - - --

PASSENGER: (4) - - - - - -- - - -- - -- - -

CLERK: (5) - - -- - - - -- - -- - - - -

G) At the ticket office in an underground station

PASSENGER: Hello, a single to Oxford Circus, please.

CLERK: (6) - - -- - - - - -- - -- -- -

PASSENGER: (7) - - - -- - - - - -- -- -- -

CLERK: They're every five minutes.

PASSENGER: (8) - - - -- - - - - -- - - -- -

CLERK: (9) - -- -- - - - -- - - -- - -

b ~ Listen and check your answers.

module 5 - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -

Asking questions Vocabulary booster

Complete the questions with the verbs in the On a plane
10 box.
a Match the words in the box with the things
Do does Can Is Has Are can Have
12 in the picture.
91'€ do does is
headphones D a seatbelt D
an overhead locker D a flight attendant D
a Arc trains crowded in Lisbon?
b What time _ _ _ people travel to work in Hong an emergency exit OJ an aisle seat D
Kong? the aisle D a passenger D
c _ _ _ all the big cities in Germany got trams?
d What time _ _ _ the train leave in the
a sign D a screen D
morning? a window seat D hand luggage D
e _ __ the traffic bad in Istanbul?
_ _ _ Beijing got two airports?
g _ _ _ you drive from Moscow to St Petersburg in
one day?
h they drive on the right in Malaysia?
How much a flight from Bogota to Rio de
Where _ _ _ the Orient Express go to?
k What colour taxis in Singapore?
Where I catch a taxi?

The letter a
a ~ Listen to the different ways we can
11 pronounce the letter a.

/a:/ /J:/ /<£/

artist make walk catch

b Write these words in the correct column above.

~ taxi take small

train far talk traffic jam
car travel wait football

c .:ii1Jt Listen to the words. Practise saying them.

b ~ Listen and check. Practise saying the


Improve your writing
Completing an immigration form
13 Use th: infor~ation below to complete
Roberts 1mm1gration form.


Booking Ref: GSKTFM
Type or print legibly with pen in ALL
From: LIMA
a Family name
To: MIAMI I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Airline: AMERICAN AIRWAYS b First (given) name

Flight no: AA9295 I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I
. ..
c Birth Date (day I month I year)
d Country of Citizenship

~· -
I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I


Name of bearer
e Sex (male or female)
f Passport Number
Mr Robert Alexander PRESTON I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1
National Status g Airline and Flight Number
I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I
No. of passport
737935 G h Country where you live

Place of Birth I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I ,
Eastbourne, East Sussex City where you boarded
Date of Birth I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1
12 February 1983
CERTIFICATIOI\J: I certify that I have read and
P<GBRPRESTON<<ROBERT<ALEXANDER<<<<<< unde~stand all the questions and statements
00050749066GBR830212M080212<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< on this form. The answers I have furnished
are true and correct to the best of m
knowledge and belief. y

Signature Date
Countable and Vocabulary
uncountable nouns Food

a Ten of the words in the box 2 In the word square, find :

1 are uncountable nouns . Circle
them. Drinks Types of fruit Other things you can eat

butter fruit meat water

tea journey cheese
hamburger egg vegetable
music bread food sugar
knife biscuit

b Choose the correct alternatives.

Check tha t the wa ter are I is
clean before you drink it.
2 The sug ar is I are on the tabl e.
3 Th e food in out hotel
aren't I isn't very good. We eat
a ll our meal I meals in a
restaura nt. 0 A M H A N N S C E
4 The journ ey fro m Miami to
London take I takes a bout six B F A S B U T T E R 0 T
B R E A D E A 0 N F B
5 Do you li ke these I this music?
It's I Th ey're by Mozart. N U T S G B A A R C F H
--··-·---- . --t- ----·-
6 Everybody sa ys that vegetables M N E R A L W A
are I is very good fo r you.
7 This I Th ese hamburgers is I are
fantastic! T p C G C T 0
8 Fruit isn 't I aren't expensive in
my country. A U P N E N Z E E H U G


C E R E A L T 0 A S T R

there is I there are some and any
Complete the sentences with the correct form of 5 Complete the sentences with some or any.
3 there is or there are.

a _ _1::>_- _th_c_r_c_ any milk in the fridge? Have you got (HJi:j orange juice7
b How many students in your class? 2 There are letters for you.
c a very good beach near our hotel. 3 There's salt, but there isn't
d any cheap restaurants near here? pepper.
e a university in Brighton? 4 We haven't got eggs.
f I'm sorry, but any shops open at this 5 Would you like milk in your coffee?
time. 6 Are there knives on the table?
g _ _ _ _ _ fifty states in the USA. 7 We haven't got more bread. Would
h _ _ _ _ _ any milk: how about lemon in you like biscuits with your cheese?
your tea? 8 I'm sorry, we haven't got _ _ _ _ hot food, but
we've got _ _ _ _ sandwiches if you're hungry.
Short answers

Short answers with there is and there are

some, any, a(n) and no
Is there a hotel near here? Yes, there is. a Complete the conversation in a sandwich shop
No, there isn't. 6 with some, any, a(n) or no.
Are there any good Yes, there are. HELEN: I'd like (1) --'-'-1\'-"-fl_ _ egg sandwich, please.
restaurants? No, there aren't.
ASSISTANT: OK, one egg sandwich ... butter?
HELEN: No, thanks, (2) butter. I'm on
a Read about the campsite. Complete the (3) _ _ _ _ diet.
4 questions, and write the correct short answer. ASSISTANT: OK ... here you are. Anything else with that?
We've got (4) very nice fruit ...
Las Molinos
HELEN: Yes. (5) apple, please.
Swimming pool ASSISTANT: OK, that's £2.50. And for you, sir?
Tennis courts CARLOS: Hmm. Have you got (6) _ _ _ _ Swiss
Restaurant, drinks bar cheese?
Children's playground ASSISTAN r: No, sorry. There's (7) _ _ _ _ Swiss cheese,
10 km from the historic town of Los Pozos
but we've got (8) English cheese,
it's very good.
1 Is there a swimming pool? CARLOS: OK. (9) cheese sandwich, please.
Yes thet·e is. Can I have (10) salad with that?
2 _ _ _ _ there any places to eat and drink? ASSISlANT: Sure. Would you like (11) drink?
CARLOS: Yes, (12) bottle of mineral water,
3 _ _ _ _ there a beach? please.

b ~ Listen and check. Practise saying the

4 _ _ _ _ there a children's playground?

5 _ _ _ _ there any supermarkets?

c .:lilt Listen to the questions and short answers.

Practise saying them.

Il l

module 6 - -- -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Vocabulary booster
Vegetables and other things to eat
7 a Match the vegetables with the words in the box.

potatoes D carrots 0 onions 0

cabbages D beans 0 peas 0
tomatoes c cucumbers 0 lettuces []
peppers 0

b ~ Listen and check. Practise saying the words.

c Label the pictures with the words in the box.

salad crisps _salt oil French fries

vinegar herbs soy sauce

~ ' ....___../

Sli lt 2
~ "'=-"'

3 4

5 6 7 8

d ~ Listen and check . Practise saying the words .

Listen and read Questions with how much and
how many
8 .:I:D Read and listen to the recipe.Tick (./)the
correct picture.
Complete the questions about the recipe, using
9 How much or How many.

a A: How m~mJ fish cakes does this recipe make?

B: Twenty-four.
b A: _ _ _ _ fish do you need?
B: 350g.
c A: _ _ _ _ potato do you use in the recipe?
B: 500g.
d A: _ _ __ tablespoons of herbs do you need?
B: Two.
e A: tomato puree do you add?
s: 1 tablespoon.
f A: _ _ _ _ _ oil do you use?
B: A little.
9 A: grams of breadcrumbs do you
t B: Fifty.
Fish Cakes t. h A: _ _ __ minutes do you cook the fishcakes?
B: About five.
Ingredients (to make 24 fish cakes): lI·

SOOg boiled potatoes

350g cooked white fish
l Ordering food and drink
1 tablespoon tomato puree J a Put the words in the correct order to make
2 tablespoons mixed herbs
SOg breadcrumbs
10 a dialogue in a restaurant.
a little oil J A: order, -please- I- Can- your- take?

salt and pepper

! 1 C~H I tltkf uu~IY urdet·, pleliSf'?

IJ s: have - Yes, - we - steaks - can - two
_ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ ___ ?
1 Mash the boiled potatoes with a little

salt and pepper. A: any- you - like -vegetables- Would?
2 Mix together the potatoes and the fish, 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ __ __ ?
tomato puree and herbs.
B: please - some potatoes - and - Yes, - peas
3 Add a little salt and pepper.
4 Make 24 fish cakes from the mixture.
Cover the fish cakes with the breadcrumbs. A: with- drink- Anything- that- to?

5 Heat the oil in a frying pan. Fry the fish 5 ?

cakes for about five minutes, turning s: 'd- and a lemonade,- please- a mineral water
them once.
6 Serve the fish cakes immediately with t 6
-We -like

tomato sauce and a salad.

I b ~ Listen and check. Practise saying the

lll j

~ module6

Vocabulary Improve your writing

a cup of, a glass of, a bottle of Describing food
a Match the pictures to the words in the box. a Match the paragraphs to a nationality in
11 13 the box.

'- -lta-li_a_n--0---M-ex-i-ca_n_D0[~---A-rg_e_n-ti-ni-an--DD
a bag
a bottle D Japanese D French Hungarian I

a carton D Spanish D British

a cup D
a glass D 0'P~ZZ£:1 ~$
a packet
____ j
0 t:l Vert) ft:~WvOV!.$ fooct fr-ow., WvtJ COUII\,tYtJ.

or-~g~li\,t:ILLtJ ~t cow.,es fmw., Nt:~-ples, ~11\, tne soutn of WvtJ
A f-)
COUII\,trt). A tr-t:Jct~t~oli\,t:ll 'fl~ZZ£:1 nt:~s cneese- WvOZZt:!Y"ellt:~
v ~~
~ cneese - toWvt:~to £:~11\,ct ner-bs. A Lot of tJOU~ -peo-pLe go to t:l


e -p~zzt:~ restt:~uY/Aii\,t Oil\, suli\,dt:Jtj eveli\,~~s.


b Complete the phrases with the words in the box A tyyical breakfast in my country is a very b~ cuy
above. of stro~ coffee, with lots of milk. The traditional
a bottlc/tj lit:>S of water
thing to eat with your coffee is a croissant maybe
with butter or Jam.
2 a of milk
3 a of sugar

4 a of biscuits

5 a of lemonade
e People eat a lot of meat in my country, '
6 a of coffee especially beef. On Sundays, people
7 a of orange juice have a traditional lunch called an
8 a of tea asado. In my family, my father cooks
the meat on a barbecue, and we eat it
with lots of salad
ronunciatio n
Sentence stress
1 "') ; , · Listen and underline the words
. ~ wh ich have the main sentence stress.
lf.te_ 110ti0110l diJ-M of my COKnfry ls
1 Can I h ave a bottle of mineral water, please? jKlycfsleves. Mvn1y people tM.i11k it's 0
2 You can catch a bus to the airport from here.
mevrt disM. bKt if yoK 1-tvrve revrl
3 I alwuys h a ve orange juice with my breakfast.
jKlycfs, it's 0 soKp witM. lots of mevrt
4 What do you want for lunch?
5 I never drink coffee in the evening. 0nd Vfjet0bles.
t1 Listen agai n and practise saying the sentences.

b Write a few sentences about food in your country.

Past Simple: was/were
Complete the sentences with was or were. Charlie Chaplin
1 Film actor
a My grandparents _ _ •t---'•.c_..-_
1' _ _ married for more - born London 1889
than fifty years .
-died Switzerland 1977
b When l _ _ _ _ _ in Berlin last year, the

weather _ __ _ _ very cold.

c How many people _ _ _ _ _ there at the party?

d Where _ __ _ _ you on Saturday evening? 3 _ _ _ Charlie Chaplin born in Americu?

e It _ _ _ _ _ a beautiful day in Augu.st. My

family and I _ _ _ _ _ o n h oliday ct the 4 _ __ h e an actor?


_ __ _ _ George o t schoo l today?

g How _ __ _ _ your first day at h 'Orkl

h It _ _ _ _ _ very nice to meet you, Mr Brown.

The Marx
Short answers
American comedians
Short answers with was and were
-all born in Germany
Question Sho rt an swer
Was lihel she/
it OK?
Yes , llhelshelit was.
No, hel shelit wasn't
Were you/we/ Yes , yowwelthey were. I 5 _ _ _ the Marx Brothers born in the USA7

they OK7 No, you /we/they w eren't.

_j 6 _ _ _ they comedians?

? a Read about the famous people on pages 39

and 40. Complete the questions and write the
short answers.

Anna Pavlova
Mark Twain
Russian dancer
American writer
-died 1931
-born 1835
-died 1910

7 ___ _ _ Anna Pavlova Russicm'

W tb Mark Twain a painter?

8 _ _ _ she a singer'
2 ~\his he American 7

Ye o.; he tvns.

~ ~ ill
~ module 7

Past simple
Spelling of -ed endings
4 Write the Past simple tense of the verbs .

0 like likC!l 9 plo y

Pele b enj oy h believ e
and Jaizinho c travel arrive
Brazilian - the 1970 d study try
World Cup team e look k receive

dance stay

9 _ _ _ Pele and Jai zinho from Argentina? Regular verbs

Complete the se ntences with the Past simple of
10 _ _ _ they footbollers7 5 the verbs in the box.

gr~ study cha nge tr y start die

work end li ve hel p wa lk
b t1i1Jt Listen and chec k. Practise saying the
questions and answers.
a My brother fjl'lidwitcd last year. He was at
Glasgow University.
Vocabulary b The Second World Wa r ___ _ _ in 1939, and
Years, decades and centuries _ _ _ _ _ _ six yea rs later, in 1945.
Write the dates in full , as i"l the example. c Elvis Presley, the King of Rock 'n' Roll,
_ _ _ _ _ _ in 1977.
a Disco m u sic was very popular iH tlt c 1tiJt ctccn-
d There were no more buses, so I _ _ __ _
.-;n•n1tics. (1970-1979) home.
b The Athens Olympic Gomes were _ _ _ _ __ l' When I wa s at schoo l, my porenl:i often
(2004) _ _ _ _ _ _ me with m y homework

c Juan Peron was president of Arg entino _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ French when I was a l schoo l, bu i I
don 't remember very much n ow.
g to phone yo u las t nig ht, but there
d Elvis Presley was popular _ __ _ _ __ __
was no answer.
- - - - - ' (1950- 1959)
h When h e was a yo un g musician, Reg Dwight
e The Italian poet Dante was born _ _ _ _ __
_ _ _ _ _ his name to Elton John.
The composer Chopin was born in Poland, but he
Yugoslavia were world basketball ch a mpions
_ _ _ _ _ in Fran ce fo r many yea rs.
- - - - - - - - - - - - ' (1998)
_ _ _ _ _ in cinem a for a big computer
g Abd u i-Aziz was king of Saudia Arabia _ __ _ company in the nineti es.

h Catherine the Gre a t was Empress of Russia _ __

(1790- 1799)

Irregular verbs Prepositions of time
Complete the sentences with the past forms of Complete the sentences with at, from, in, on
6 the verbs in brackets. 7 or to.
Three child stars of the past a The economic situation in our country became
Mozart ... much better _ _ .:..:.i,.:....t_ _ the 1990s.
a w t·otc (write) b The cafe is open _ _ __ 8.30 in the morning
music when he was
_ _ _ _ about eleven o'clock in the evening.
five years old;
_ __ _ _ (leave) c We arrived at the hotel _ _ _ _ about eleven
home when he was o'clock.
only twelve yea rs old;
d We decided to have our holidays _ _ __
c (go)
to live in Vienna when September, when it's not so hot.
he was 25 years old. e the age of seven, Vanessa started
Wolfgang Amadeus
Mozart - composer dancing lessons.
f I stayed at home _ _ _ _ Friday because I had

so much work to do .
Donny Osmond ...
g I was born _ _ _ _ 1986.
d (begin)
singing on television h There was a war between the two countries
at the age of five; _____ the nineteenth century.
e _ __ _ _ (sing)
with his five brothers
in the Osmond Pronunciation
Past tense endings
f (sell)
a Look at the pairs of past forms below. Is the
millions of records
before he was 18.
Donny Osmond
-pop star 8 pronunciation of the underlined sounds the
same (S) or different (D)?

bought caught s
Shirley Temple ... 2 wrQte CQSt D

g (make) 3 said read

her first film when she
4 put cut
was six;
5 saw found
h (win)
an Oscar in 1934; 6 cgme ggve
(become) 7 lost cost
a politician in the
8 took stood

Shirley Temple
. 10
9 wQre

b ~ Listen and check. Practise saying the

P" :' simple Ordinal numbers
Regular and irregular verbs a Write an ordinal number to complete the
(, . Complete the text about Amelia Earhart, using
10 sentences. Use the numbers in brackets to
help you.
the correct form of the verbs.
a Ronald Reagan was the f(niict h President of the
United States. (40)

b May is the _ _ __ month in the year. (5)

c Our apartment is on the _ __ _ floor. (8)

d Beethoven wrote his music in the _ __ _

century. (19)
e Brazil won the World Cup for the _ __ _ time

in 1994. (4)

The Berlin Wall fell near the end of the _ __ _

Seventy years ago, Amelia i:arhart ( 1) ____;l;,;,_t':..:.:l1.>"-._ _

(be) America's favourite woman. In I 932, she century. (20)

(2) (fly) across the Atlantic Ocean g Neil Armstrong was the _ _ _ _ man on the
alone: the first woman to do this.
moon, and Buzz Aldrin was the _ _ _ _ . (1/2)
Her journey (3) _ _ __ _ (start) in
h My sister's birthday is on the _ __ _ of August.
Newfoundland, Canada: fifteen hours later, her
Lockheed Vega airplane (4) _ _ ____ (arrive) (22)
in Londonderry, Ireland. People all over the world
(5) (want) to meet this incredible
woman. She (6) (meet) King George Dates
V of England and (7) (become)
friend s with the US President, Franklin D.
11 Write the dates in full.

Roosevelt. The American people (8) _ _ _ __

a 5th Feb j t: btWiYtJ t lt l' fi fth
(love) her.
b 30th Jon
Five years later, Amelia (9) _ _ __ (try) to
fly around the world . An American University c 17thNov
( 10) (give) her $50,000 for a new d 12th Aug
Lockheed Electra airplane. On the morning of Jul y
e 21st Sep
2nd 193 7, Amelia and her co-pilot, Fred Noonan
(11) (leave) Lae, in New Guinea, and 9th Apr
( 12) (begin) their journey to Howland
Island in the Pacific Ocean.

On Jul y 3rd 1937, the American ship Itasca

(13) _ _ (receive) a radio message
from Amelia: a few minutes later her plane
(I 4) (disappear). American ships
(I 5) (spend) nearly two weeks
looking for the plane, but they ( 16) _ _ __ _
(find) nothing.

b ED Listen and check your answers.

Time phrases
12 Choose the correct time phrase.

a I go to the swimming pool every week / last week.

b I visited my friends in Canada three years ago I

every year.
c My family lived in the United States now I
when I was a child. break

d We met Greg and Sonia when we are on holiday I

when we were on holiday.
e I work in Slovenia every summer I last summer.

We watched television every evening I yesterday

g People usually to go university when they are eighteen
I when they were eighteen.
h )en spoke to her mother every week I a week ago.

Vocabulary booster
Common verbs
Label the pictures on the right with the
13 words in the box.
breaK build catch cut fall run steal
throw wake up win

b Here are the past forms of the verbs in the box.

Write the infinitive forms.

broke lwetik
2 caught

3 built

4 threw

5 woke up

6 ran
7 stole

8 fell

9 cut

10 won

c ~ Listen to the pronunciation of the infinitive

and past forms. Practise saying them.

module 7

Listen and read

14 a .:rD Listen to and/or read the story of The Strange Soldier.


It was a beautiful sunny morning in
Mexico City. The date was October
1Oth, the year was 1593.
In the main square of the city, soldiers
stood in front of the Royal Palace. The people
of the city came and went as usual. But there
was something strange about one of the
soldiers: he wore a different uniform from the
others, and had a different type of gun. When
the other soldiers saw him, they began asking
him questions. 'Who are you? Where are you
from?' one of the other soldiers asked. 'I am a
Spanish soldier,' he answered 'and because the
governor died last night, it is my job to stay in
front of the palace here.' 'The governor?' one
of the soldiers replied, 'Which governor?' 'The
governor of Manila, of course.'
The other soldiers told him he was in
Mexico City- thousands of kilometres from
the city of Manila.
The young soldier was amazed and had no
idea how he came to be in a city so far from
his home. Nobody believed his strange story.
In the end, they put the young man in prison,
and left him there until they decided what to do.
Two months later, a Spanish ship arrived from Manila. It brought news that the governor of Manila was
dead -and the time of his death was 10 pm on the evening of October 9th, 1593.
Was the young man's story true?
Four hundred years later, no one knows how it was possible for a man to travel across the world in one
night ... without knowing how or why.


b Read the story again. Put these events in the order they happened. Improve your
A The Mexican soldiers saw the strange soldier.
B The governor of Manila died.
Time linkers: before,
C They put the strange soldier in prison.
after, th en
D A ship from Manila arrived in Mexico City.
E The strange soldier travelled from Manila to Mexico. Before I went to bed , I
phoned Suzanne.
I phoned Suzanne before I
Vocabulary went to bed.

Life stories After Jane left university, she

travelled to India.
Complete the information about Jed's life story. Look at page 66 Jane travelled to India after she

15 of the Students' Book, if necessary.

left university.

Sebastian was a waiter in a

restaurant Then he found
another job.

1 6 Join the sentences below

with before, after or then.
a Before I went home, I
Q bought something to eat from
the supermarket.
b their dog died, the
house was very quiet.
c We had time for a coffee
the train left.
d In the morning, I went
shopping with my friend Sara.
- - - - - we had lunch.
e For a long time, nobody spoke.
_ __ __ someone asked a
f they got married,
Paul and Linda usually stayed
I (a) w .0 §. b Q r 1J in London in 1975. (b) A_ a c h ___ I loved playing at home on Saturday nights.
football and watching sport on television. I (c) w ___ to s c __ _ _ in g _ _ ___ he was a famous
actor, Bruce worked as a taxi
Chelsea and (d) w ___ I w __ about nine I (e) b _ _ _ __ i n _______ _
in computer games and the Internet. So I started a football website, which
h I remembered to close all the
was very popular. I (f) I ___ school when I was seventeen and I windows · - - - - - I went
(g) s t _____ computer design and mathematics at (h) u n ___ __ ___ .
When I (i) g r _ __ ____ in 1997, I (j) g __ a j __ with a large computer
games company and I (k) w ___ to w ___ in Chicago, in the United
States. I (I) g __ m ______ in 2000 to an American girl and now we've
got our own family. Our two sons are football-crazy too!

V rabulary Adjectives to describe film s
Types of film 2 Find ten adjectives in the word square to
describe films.
Match the types of film to the pictures.
-···*--·------ · - --- - ~--

E N 0 y A B L E ) D 0
cartoon horror film science fiction film X 0 A N B M L A Fu s
' I~ action film historical film c R 0 0 s 0 F v s
~medy musical N T E R E s T N G
T H R A N p 0 s A
F u N N y L 0 L T R
N z s p G Q L B E c G
G K A M R u y c N y H
M A D R 0 M A N T c
E X A p w H 0 y v D
a b

Common verbs in the past

3 Complete the sentences with the past tense of
the verbs in brackets,

a Martin Scorsese Wlucie (make) the film Gangs

of New York.

c d b Lindsay's holiday last year (cost) over

c Lucy's parents (give) her a car for her
21st birthday.
d We were both so hot and thirsty that we
(drink) a litre bottle of mineral water.
e Steve _ __ _ (become) a writer when he was
forty-five .

f f Karen 's got a fantastic job - last month she

_ _ _ _ (ea rn) €3 ,0001
g The police looked everywhere for the money, but
they only (find) an empty bag.
h Jan and Anna (fall) in love with each
other at my birthday party two years ago.

~'~ The first Spiderman film

in 2002.
Last year we (go) to the cinema a lot.

g h

Past simple Short answers
4 Make the sentences negative.
Short answers with the
Past simple

Did 1/you/he/she/it/we/they know?

a We had good weather when we were on holiday.
Yes, 1/you/he/she/it/weithey did.
We didv1't hcwc 9ood wcMhtT when we we re OH huliclii~f .
No, 1/you/he/she/it/we/they didn't.
b We went for a drive yesterday.

a Look again at the questions

c Ben remembered to buy a birthday card.
6 in exercise 5. Write the
correct short answer for each
d I heard the telephone. question.

1 Yes he diet
e The letter arrived this morning.
I ate in a restaurant last night.
g Amanda knew what to do.
h 1 checked my e-mail yesterday.

Question s b .rm Listen and check.

5 Write questions about these famous people from the past.

Practise saying the questions and

a Shakespeare I write I Romeo and Juliet

Did Shcikes tyait·c ~twite ' R oHH' O cmd Juliet?
b Alexander Graham Bell I invent I e-mail
c Marilyn Monroe I sing I Candle in the Wind
d Captain Cook I discover I America

e Leonardo da Vinci I paint I Mona Lisa

f Madonna I play I Evita
---------------- _____________________________________ ?
g Beethoven I write I rock songs
______________________________________________________ ?
h Laurel and Hardy I make I comedy films
Yuri Gagarin I travel I to the moon

------------- -- ------ -- -- -- ------ ---------- -- --------- 7

module 8

Question words Past simple

a A few days ago, Simon went on a business trip.
Positive, negative and questions
7 Look at the papers in his wallet, and write
8 Correct the sentences, as in the example.
questions about his day.

a Did you ~a nice weekend?
Eurolink b A: Did you see Alistair at the party?

London - Paris (SINGLE} B: Yes, l saw.

Departure time 14.30
3 HOURS c l didn't bought a newspaper yesterday.
Journey time
d You listen to the news last night?
The Station Buffet Restaurant
e A: Did you like the concert?
1 set menu £14.50
+ SERVICE (10%) s: No, I didn't like.

f When I was thirteen, l always wear jeans.

The Station Total £15.95
Bookshop g You use my computer this afternoon?
Blue Guide to France 9.99 h I didn't listened to my parents when I was young.
English-French Dictionary 4.99

BUREAU DE CHANGE Pronunciation

.«!i I 1lt fnlt+». _

£200 changed to euros Past forms

a tiD Listen to the pronunciation of the past

1 ______lliherc did he go?

9 forms. Notice how the pronunciation of the
underlined letters is the same.
He went to Paris.
/<12/ hgd, beggn dmHk
2 travel?
/e/ read, f~ll _ __
By train.
3 have lunch? /J:/ caught, bought _ _ __
At The Station Buffet Restaurant. / A/ Cl,!t, Sh!,!t _ _ __
4 cost?
£15.95. b What is the past form of the verbs in the box? Put
5 at the station? them in one of the above groups according to the
pronunciation of the past form.
Some books.
6 buy? d.fifTl(' Ieave meet run see sing think
Two. wear win
7 change?
c .:il:9 Listen to the pronunciation of the past
8 leave?
forms of the verbs. Practise saying them.
At 14.30.
9 take?
Three hours.

b Em Listen to the questions and answers.

Practise saying them .

Vocabulary booster
Books, magazines and
1Q a label the pictures with
the words in the box. NEWS
headline article f t
ron page
~ roagaztne picture
advertisement pages
title author beoK

ew sales
la::.O~o.t~ .....~

blow hits ~~~~o!<a-e.:

--- & -
b COl-
, ·~...,..
=- .kao.. "T'ot p •

Superstores ~~bbta..~

~-'~"'"'~~ ~
ta"ll:t:."""""'""""~b ::.
~.-.:lob~S..- "1>
~ .a:a~~o!<>a~ -~...ea::r=q- ~
Poor Christmas -.....s....nc4o~..O..
~~l:laloqo:O.....,.. Ia
..... c:a::a
b CJ.... "T'ot ,.,. • ~
profits deepen """* ~ t:r
~· zal:::q
~1.-.~~ -·
~ & ca."'oos' •'dod to ::..
gloom for ~-""""'~~~
~Dot~~ ~
~-~~b c::l..
b 1locr""""' """" ~ b::..
Superstore a-b
ro=&- ~
Do!::.. ~a~ rc-3:> ~
~~t:aalo::;9~1a ~a::.!::.O~ b~

~a::l~ .~ ~
•o!caOrb::::ctc..Ea-=rt c~
~ ~1.-.~~-·
~&~ ........... ,.,...._ e'a>d ..- b~..,._ .,.
·~~ ,«
a! lr;:-oo .., -a • \:< ::1::.. "T'ot lo.xa."T'otpa~ ~ !:J
o::o1::q ~-~ ~ t:r ib
~-~~ t:rtr ... -~~~._,..,,

~~-'~"'"'-* ~~ ~~"=- """ .., r

:!;a)o;do~""" ..... ., ~ ~b ~ """ ., JO .,. ca~!:l::.O~
- --~
::.Aal:<.~t..Ea-kdil ~ Ia ::.. c:r~- ~ ~ ~ :s..- .. -a
lllCZ"! - . : ,
cUo: ~ ~ :s..- .., ::alz ~a.- .. -~~ ~-::1:~~ t:r -..:rb"'
>::lOW!~~ en~ W.. ,..:::q-~~~l:a• :O.<>a:!b~"""' "'~"''
lJUl;:,::Q b • " l q t - b ~ • ~~o:;otx-a~a"""'.xu.a::: ~b.::..~ --}
~~t....-.~ ~!:;t~ ... ~
""'"' ...- .a::: ~ ~
t.-..1::a.&c.X..Ja~loe» ~-·~S.­ T-tp·~~t:r =
~D.!.~--~ L'-"'::.~a.!~~b~al::lr: -,..·~~ br !:rz
~ ..:a~ b COl-...,. ~t..~~-·~ ~~~--'"" "'""
*>a3-"'<ils~~i::i:ll~ '9::.10-~~~ -~b~""" "'l"'
Do!::..~.~ rr= a:l ca:::::t:~~loa'lQ't:..,.. ~:.::.oar::..~


,.. .............
q ....,,~

._......., ... ,..,
- .......... ar.. ....
............. ~-- .,.q
....... _

~~~ ... ......._,.n~,

- n ..

b tiD l"
Jsten and check. Practise saying the

~ m~~a __________________________
Listen and read b Write the questions for the
answers, as in the example.
11 a ~ Listen and/or read about this hero and heroine.

In 1881.

He led the Turkish army at

Gelibolu and Istanbul.

Mustafa Kernel Atatlirk

In 1923.
Mustafa Kemal AtatUrk is the father
of modern Turkey. He was born in
1881. He chose the army as a
career and in 1915, during the First
World War, he led the Turkish army In 1938.
at Gelibolu and Istanbul. By the end
of the war he was a hero and from
that time on all of the Turkish people
supported him. He led the Turkish army in the
War of Independence (1919-1922) and in 1923 he became In the 1850s.
the first President of the new Republic of Turkey. During the 6
last fifteen years of his life AtatUrk introduced many reforms
and did many things to improve life in Turkey. He died in
November 1938, but today the people ofTurkey still think of
him with great respect. 'The Lady of the Lamp'.
Florence Nightingale
A hundred and fifty years ago, most nurses did not study I
nursing: but a British woman called Florence Nightingale
tried to change all that. In the 1850s, she worked in a
j When she returned to
hospital for wounded soldiers in the Crimea (now Ukraine). England.
People say she never slept, but spent all
her time helping the men, The soldiers
called her 'The Lady of the Lamp'
because of the lamp she always
carried as she walked around at
night. When she returned to
England, she began a school of
nursing in London. She died in 1910.

Glossary Gelibolu ~ Gallipoli wounded~ hurt in a battle or war

b Complete Ray's diary with the
Arranging a night out
verbs in the box.
12 Choose the correct alternative.
w.ere- drove opened sat
/~-,\ . spoke thought got
DAVID: joe, (a) \_c~g;l would I are you want to go out tomorrow mght? stopped helped saw
JOE: Okay, but I (b) don't I haven't I didn't got much money. started said remembered
DAVID: Well, (c) we I do we I let's go to the cinema.
told was
JOE: Okay. What's (d) on I at I in?
DAVID: (e) There's I It's got I There are a new film by Ang Lee.
I Wt1S ivt Cl complete pVI Vl.ic. My b"3, my
JOE: Great! I saw his last film - it (f) wa.s I were I did fantastic!
cfot/.,es VIM my pe1sspo rt ~) wen' e~ll 011.
DAVID: Why (g) we don't I don't we I can't we have a pizza first? the bt.(J, the bt.(S (2-) WliS 01'1. tMe
JOE: Okay, that's (h) a I the I - good idea. motorwVIy ... 11M I we~s Cit t/.,e. WIOtorwe~y
service stCltiOVl.. 1 (3) _ __ dow11 by tMe
rOCid, tJ.ti,'lkiVliJ, 'WMVItcCIVl.I do 7 Hdp ll '
AM sOOVl.sOwLeOI'l.e ff) ___ me. A kivt.d
Improve your writing (je.r~Vl.wOf'VICll'l.- WMo (5) _ _ _ perfect
A diary Evtglisk- e~sked me if there fvClS 0 problem.
I {G) _ _ _ iter ctbof,(t t/.,e bf,(J, 11M site
a Ray is a young Australian on holiday in Europe. He decided to (!) ___ s/.,e COt.(ld help me. We
13 travel from London to Prague by bus. Complete his holiday diary {8) _ _ _ il'l.to her bi3 (jerYLU!Vl.CClr -it
with the phrases in the box. WVIS <?,Mercedes- e~v!.d we m--- C1lOVliJ
the moton,Je~y Cit VlbOvJ 180 kilom.etres ctft
a~ e was in another country Mot.(r.
b the bus wasn't there f and listened to the mus1c Afew m1111.ttes lt~ter, we ~c; ___ t/.,e
c only cost £50 g we finally left London bf,(J- »1f bt.(J. My l'l.e\v yerWIVI"l fnevt.d
d When we arrived in France h I walked back to the car park ~1) _ __ iter windovv CIVld
rl J ___ iM"<ttvtg ·stop" Stop". v:t tite.
bt.(J dnve.r {lvt C]erWICII'l., o,+co"rse!' ).
At first, t/.,e bt.(J dnver (13) _ _ _ site
_ n_d_a_y_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _____ f
_su I'.C!HrVIzy 0M drove (e1ster ... f,(l'l.til he SCifv

wte . Pe.rl1Ci pS ke riJ.) - - - MY fe~ce. Thevt

T~d0y w0s my lVIst d!i!)ILVl I OMO Vl.. I spel'l.t the Vljte.nWO Vl. WCilkiVlJ CirOt.(M, Ci''ltl' ~) _{_i_ I
we dro ve. Vllovtg tOjdMer f,(V1.fil the fUXt
m.et t1v0 of my fneMs i11 VI pL0ce. CVI lled tite 5of,(tfte.m Ligitts, l'l.fV!r Victori0 5tMi ovt . We. tVIlke.d
{1) _ __ I felt sorry to lt0ve LoMOVl., bf,(t e.ve.rybody sV~ys PrVIgf,(e is 0 rt0 ll y bfV! f,(tifo.l WIOtorw?l y servrce stcttLOVl., CTI'l.d th£11. we botk
ci ty. I wel'l.t /.wm.e t0rLy- !i!bOt.(t te11 o'clock- Vll'l.d p0cked my St.(ltcVIse. for tomorrow . LoMOVl.tO n5) _ _
Pr"3"e IJ 22 /.wt.(rSOVltitebf,(:- rt'·t~lovtg jOt.(rVle.y, bf,(t mytrcke.t {3) ___ .

_M_o_n_d_a_ y_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,,
We left VtctOrtVI (OC!ch SttlttOVl.Clt CibOf,(t 1 o'clock. The bf,(J we1s fo il of people, mostlyyof,(V\Li.
There were Ol'l.e or two At.(JtrCillVII'l.SI The trcifjic WCiS rt0lly bt~d Cit thVIt time. <11'1.d lt wVIS ne.~dy
'IV! lw"r before {4) _ _ _ We 0rrived ivt. Dover ivt. the eiftervt.Oon V!V\.<1 took the fexry VI Cross
the Evtglisit ChV11'1.Vl.fl. {5) ___ titeycuke.d to see my p0ssport ... VIM tite11 the.ytolct me I
11.eededto peiyforCi vis'!! I

I fell e~sleep somewhere ivt.the. vt.Ort!t of Fre~we ... I felt so tired VIM witevt. I woke. f,(p I
{G) _ _ _ 11 The wwtorw11y WVIS fo ll of big (j mHVIVl.CCirs e~vt.d everybody drove Cit e1bow 150
kpit 11 Abof,(t 10 o'clock, vJe. stopped Vlt 11 motorwV~y servia ste1tum, e~M I wel'l.t il'l.to t/.,e s/.,op for
some.t/.,i'13 to eM e~vt.d drivt.k . Twmty wtifl.f,([es l0ter, (1) ___ . Lift WVIS 3ood: I MVId food,
drivt.k Vll1d it WVIS ol1iy fof,(r wwre Mof,(rs to Pr"3t.(f. There. we1s ol1iy 011.e problem , .. {8) _ _ _ II

a Read the two facts, then write a sentence using the comparative
A jectives
3 form of the adjective.

Write the opposite of the 1 The area of Brazil is 8.5 million km 2 •

1 following things. The area of Australia is 7.6 million km'.

a an expensive hotel Bmzi! is bi@fJCI' thun A~1stnili1L

2 The River Volga in Russia is 3,500 km long.
lJ a difficult question The River Mississippi in the USA is 6,000 km long.

c a big country (long)

3 Blue whales usually weigh about 130 tonnes.
Elephants usually weigh about 7 tonnes.
d on attractive face


e on old bicycle 4 The Pyramids in Egypt are about 4,000 years old.
The Parthenon in Greece is about 2,500 years old.

a comfortable chair (old)

5 The Eiffel Tower in Paris is 324 m tall.
The Sears Tower in Chicago is 443 m tall.
g o slow truin

6 The Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge in japan is nearly 2,000 m long .
The Sydney Harbour Bridge in Australia is 500 m long.
adjectives (long) ·

Add the correct letters to 7 The price of gold is about $8,000 per kilo.
make the comparative form The price of silver is about $150 per kilo.
of the adjectives.
u young _:: _1_· - - - - - - - - -- -- - - -- - - - - - (expensive)
8 English has more than a hundred irregular verbs.
b eas
Esperanto has no irregular verbs!
c b'Jg - --
d cheap _ _ - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- (easy)
e health

b ~ Listen to the sentences. Practise saying them.
g happ __ _

h slim

quiet __


b Complete the sentences as in the example.
Superlative adjectives
1 Roq 5cM11' 0l't' is ---=..:.th:. : c--.:o_:_:ldc:.:e: : .st.:_:_._ _ _ _ _ _ (old)
a Read the information about the Olympic
4 athletes below. 2 is (young)

3 has got hair. (long)

4 has got hair. (short)

Roy Seagrove -
5 is . (tall)
6 is (heavy)
Height: 1 m 90 7 is . (small)
Weight: 95 kg 8 is (successful)
These are his fifth
Change the adjective into the superlative form.
Olympic Games
Three Olympic 5 Can you answer the questions?

medals up to now

jim Bowen-
Basketball player
Age: 19
Height: 1 m 95
Weight: 89 kg
First Olympic Games
Started playing
basketball three I Mercury 60 million km 6 Saturn 1.4 billion km
2 Venus 109 million km 7 Uranus 2.9 billion km
months ago 3 Earth and Moon ISO million km 8 Neprune 4.5 billion km
4 Mars 228 million km 9 Pluto 5.9 billion km
5 Jupiter 778 million km
jake Kay-
Marathon runner a Which is the HCMcs t (near) planet to the Sun ?

Age: 25
Height: 1 m 60 b What's the _ _ __ _ _ (small) planet?
Weight: 51 kg
Silver medal in the
c This planet has got over thirty moons and it's
last Olympics
_ _ __ _ _ (big) planet in the solar system.

d Which is _ _ __ _ _ (hot) planet?

Karina Green -
Swimmer e This is the _ _ _ __ _ (far) planet from the
Sun, and also _ __ _ __ (cold) .
Age: 16
Height: 1 m 72
Weight: 57 kg Which planet is _ _ _ _ _ _ (easy)
First Olympic Games to see from Earth?

g Which planet is _ _ _ _ _ _ (close) to


module 9 - -- -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Comparative and superlative One and ones
adjectives Rewrite the sentences, changing the word in

a Complete the joke with the comparative or

8 bold to one or ones.

6 superlative forms of the adjectives. a I don't have my old car now. I bought a new car
last week.
I bought a new ' 'HC lnst wee k.
A woman went into (l) the vrwst expensive b Martha has got three children. The youngest child
(expensive) butcher's in town and asked for is nearly three.
(2) (big) chicken in the shop. The youngest __________________________
The shopkeeper showed her a chicken and c Your shoes are much more expensive than the
said 'This is (3) (good) chicken shoes I bought.
in the shop, madam.' 'It's very small,' she Your shoes are much more expensive than _____
said. 'Have you got a (4) (large)
one?' 'Just a moment,' said the shopkeeper, ... d 'Which colour pen would you like?'
He took the chicken into another room. In 'The red pen, please.'
fact it was the only chicken he had. So he The red ______________________________
put some sausages in_side to make it look e There are many old buildings in the town centre.
(5) (big). These buildings are the oldest.
'Here you are,' he said. 'This is our These _______________________________
(6) . (delicious) chicken. And you
can see that it's (7) (big) t_han
the other. But I'm afraid it's also · Vocabulary
(8) (expensive).' Sh ops and shopping
'Hmm ... but I'm not sure if it's
a Rearrange the letters to make the names of
(9) (good) than the other. OK.
Can I have both of tbem, please?' . .
9 shops. Look at page 82 of the Students' Book, if

1 You can buy steak at a bc!tcher's . BRUSHTEC'

2 You can buy shirts, trousers and skirts at a
b ..:D Listen to the joke and check your answers. ___________ . LOSHCET POSH
3 You can buy bread at a __________ . YKERAB
4 You can buy stamps and send parcels at a
Pronunciation . STOP COFFEl
Comparatives 5 You can buy medicine at a

a tliD Listen to the comparative adjectives. ___________ . SHARMYCAP

7 Notice the pronunciation of than. Practise saying 6 You can have a haircut at a
them. ___________ . DERRAHISSER'
bigger than older than 7 You can buy a present at a
faster than more expensive than ___________ . FIGT OHPS
slower than more difficult than 8 You can buy newspapers and food and household
items at a ___________ . CALLO HOPS
b ~ Listen to the sentences. Tick (.1) the true 9 You can take your clothes for cleaning at a
ones and cross (X) the false ones. Then practise saying
___________ . RYD SERCANEL'

b ~ Listen and check your answers. Practise

saying the sentences.

Listen and read Improve your
tiD Listen and/or read about three machines you can buy to writing
10 make your life easier.
Describing a place
Which machine is ...
a Complete the text
a the most usefuJ7 t he BnjS(l vt DS3S Rl'lH' t V(iC WHH Ciel.ifllT 1 about My Favourite Shop
b the cheapest? _ __ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ with the phrases in the box.

c the most useful for cooking ideas? _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ !The best time to go is is ope-~
d the most expensive? _ _ _ __ __ _ __ _ _ _ __ __ __ : l:Jly fsvourite 51 10p is it sells I
until eight o'clock at night
e the smallest? - - - - - - - - -- -- - -- -- - - - -- ! The reason I like it is j
the best one for people who hate housework? _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ I The_r:_e ople th~ re __ __

The three most intelligent machines for M!::j HIVouri.te s~op

your home .. e
(1.) Mt l fM ocwite sh op is
Thanks to computer chips, you can now buy machines that can
thin~!! Here are some of the best machines which can really make
cC!LLecl :rn LC!cl1VlC!~. It's ~II\,
your life easier. Putll\,et), ~II\, soutl11 Loll\,clOII\,.
It's 11\.,ext to Cl el-l ~11\.,ese
r estC! urCll/\,t, Cl 11\,d
The Bryson D 838 Robot Vacuum Cleaner (2) C!LL
Do you like housework? No? Then this new R~ V\,cls of foocl frolfl.l.. Cl-1~11\.,Cl,
robot vacuum cleaner is the machine for you. It 1VlC!~Lc.ll\,d Clii\,C( lfl.I..Clll\,lj otV!er
can clean your living room automatically. It has coull\,tr~es ~II\, tV!e FC!r 5t:tst.
a computer which tells it to go around objects
such as chairs and table legs as it cleans your (3) ----~~-­
floor. And if a person - or your pet dog or cat- becC!use f Love coof<.~~,
comes too close, it stops automatically. The es-pec~Cl LLlj or~ ell\,tCl L f ood.
Bryson D838 Robot Vacuum Cleaner comes -me .sl'lo-p (4) _ _ _ _ __
with electric batteries, and costs £1,800.
seve!~\, dC!i::JS Cl weeR, f r olfl.l..
t ell\, o'cLocR ~II\, tV\ e lfl.I..OY'V\,~~
The Freezolux Smart Fridge (5) _ _ _ __ _ _
(G )
\ - .. A fridge which tells you what it's got inside ... and
Oil\, Cl Sull\,d Cli::j lfl.I..O Y'V\,~ ~'
! ;;.: gives you ideas about what to cook for dinner!! A
wV!ell\, tl-'l e sV! o-p ~s usuu LLi::j
. J•
\\ visu a l d isplay shovvs you what's inside the fridge-
yo u don' t even have to open the door, and the v eri::J qtc~et.
fridge can a lso tell when food is too old to use. (?-) _ _ Clre
And if you haven't got any ideas about what to Cl LWC! i::J S veri::J fr~e ll\,d Li::j Cl 11\,d
cook for yo ur fa mily this evening ... just touch the t V!e i::j C! LWC! i::JS trtJ to l-'le L-p i::J OU
computer screen on the door of the fridge, and you ~11\.,c{ WVt C!t i::JOU WC!VI..t.
can look a t over a rhousand of your favourite
recipes. You can also use it to send e-mails and to surf the Internet. The
Freezolux Smart Fridge is more than just a fridge and costs only £999!
· Wr ite a simila r paragraph about
The Ultimate Power Control System a shop you know. Write ab ou t :
How many remote control units do you have in what it is called
your house ... for the TV, the video, the CD player where it is
... now you can control everything in your house-
what it sells
from a light in the bedroom to your front door-
using just one special remote control unit. It works why you like it
with radio signals so you can do everything in openin g times
your house without getting out of bed. You can the best time to go there
even surf the Internet, send e-mails, watch videos the peopl e there
or listen to a CD with the Ultimate Power Control
System's video screen. Price- £45. Buy now!!

1 II

~ m~~e9 _____________________________

Vocabulary booster
A supermarket
12 a Label the things in the picture with the words in the box.

r checkout cashier shopping list customer shopping trolley
! shopping basket J:-iff queue cans plastic bags

b ~ Listen and check. Practise saying the words.

Asking in shops Possessives
13 a Write the conversations in full.
Possessive adjectives Possessive pronouns
0 A: Sell I sausages? my
Do !jOIA sell SAIASuges? his his
B: Yes I the Food Hall her hers
its its
our ours
A: Which floor I that? their theirs
_______________________________________ ?
B: It I on I ground floor a We use a possessive adjective when there is a
noun after it.

e A: Have I got I these shoes I size 38?

Is this your book?

We use a possessive pronoun when there is no

_______________________________________ ? noun after it.
B: What colour I you I like?
Is this book yours? No, it's hers.
_______________________________________ ?
b We can use names with a noun or without a noun.
A: Black I brown
That's Pete's bag That's Pete's.

0 A: Can I buy I these, please?

_______________________________________ ? Correct the words in bold.
B: That I £49.99 1
a A: Is this~ mobile? Scott's
A: you I take I credit cards? B: No, it's Julio. ______
_______________________________________ ?
b You watch is newer than my. ______
B: Yes, visa I mastercard

c Where's Liz Gardener office? Is this she computer?

0 A: Can I have I one I those, please?
_______________________________________ ?
d The Gates family live in that house. That car is
B: One I these? their. ______
_______________________________________ ?
I A: Yes. How much I it?
e Us best-selling camera is the XP40. _ _ _ __

\ f Where's David? I think these car keys are him.

_______________________________________ ?
B: It I 75p
g This is our new model coupe. It top speed is 200

e A: What time I supermarket I close?

kilometres an hour. _ _ _ __
This dress was Marilyn Monroe. These sunglasses
_______________________________________ ?
were she too. _ _ _ __
B: We I open I all night
Oh no! I think that bus was our! _ __
A: Whose pen is this?
b ~ Listen and check. Practise saying the B: It's Tony. ______
A: No, it's I. ______

Spelling Question words
-ing forms a Write the correct question words in the

Write the -ing form of the verbs .

3 following sentences and match them to their
answers below.

1 Ll2h!1t are you doing ? [Q

a read I"Cri ltiH9

b study
2 are you going? 0
(" wash
3 are you smiling? 0
4 are you talking to? 0
d leave

f' come
5 are you reading? 0
6 are you watching?

g look a Because you look so funny!

h dance b My brother.
c Oh, nothing, just a magazine .
d To my English class.
e Ssh!! It's my favourite programme.
k piau
b Listen to the questions and answers.
Practise saying them.

Present continuous
Look at the picture on the right. Write what
the people are doing, using the verbs.
Th e robot __i..:...S.-.:L..c..
· l t=-"1-'-
i~_ tii_H_,_J_ (clean) th e living room.

2 Vero nica _ _ __ _ _ _ (look) out of the

wi ndow.

3 Sh e (ta lk) to someo ne on her

mobil e ph one.

4 ! h e baby (sit) on the fl oor.

5 The baby (eo t) th e fl owers.

6 Rona ld (have) a cu p of tea.

7 He (wa tch ) television .

8 Th e two older children _ __ __ _ _ (do) th ei r

homework .

Lis t e'1 and check . Practise saying the


Short answers All forms

.1 Short answers w~h the

Present continuous

Are you going home?

5 a Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the Present
Continuous: positive, negative, question form or short answer.

SOPHIE: It's me, Sophie

Hi, Sophie. Where ore you? What (1) tin' ;to" doivlfi (you do)'
I1 Yes, I am/we are.
No, l'm/we're not

sorHrF: I'm at my sister's wedding.

Are they going home? JfNNY: Fantastic! (2) __ _ _ _ _ _ _ (you enjoy) yourself?
Yes, they are.
No, they aren't SOPHIE: No, (3) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1! (4) (I not have) a

Is he/she listening? good time. It's awful!!

Yes, he/she is.
No, he/she isn't.
lENNY: Why? What (5) _ _ _ _ __ _ (happen)'

Notice: We do not use SOPHIE: Well, there's the music for a start. (6) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (They
contracted forms in positive
ploy) this awful 80s music ... and ... oh no, I don't believe it ... My
short answers.
dod (7) (donee) with my mum's sister.
Yes, I am. not~-
\____ _ JENNY: How about your mum? (8) (she donee) too?
_ _ _ _ _ . (10) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (She not do)
4 Write short answers.
SOPHIE: No, (9)

anything. (11) _ _ _ _ _ __ (She look) at my dod.

JENNY: Oh dear!!
a Are you enjoying the party, jo?
Yes, __l _li_~_,.,_
. _ _ __
SOPHIE: just a minute ... there's a very nice young man over there. There's a

girl talking to him but (12) he _ _ _ _ _ __ (not listen) ...

and ... oh!!

JENNY: Sophie. What (13) _ _ __ __ _ (he do)?

SOPHIE: He (14) _ _ _ _ _ __ (come) over ... Talk to you later ... 'Bye!!

b Is it raining outside?


c Are your friends staying in this



d Are you two coming with us?


e Are you waiting to see the



f Is Thomas driving?


g Is she talking to us? b liiD Listen to the conversation and check your answers.

module 10

Present continuous and Present simple Describing peopl e

Underline the best form of the verb, Present simple or Present 8 Match the definitions to the
6 continuous. words.

a A: Can I speak to jane Parsons, please? a a piece of jewellery that

you wear on your ear !71
s: Sorry, she's not in the office today. She works!Sh~·'s worki;;g .at home
"""'· I~ b a head where all - or
today. - ·
nearly all - the hair
b A: Where do you come I are you coming from? is cut D
s: I'm Italian ... from Milan. c the hair on a man 's face

c A: Do you speak I Are you speaking japanese?

under his mouth u
d attractive: nice to look at D
s: just a little. e (for a person) the
d Don't forget your umbrella! It's raining I It rains again. opposite of small or short D
thin, in a good way _J
e A: Can you help me with the dinner?
g you wear these if you
s: Not now .. . I watch I I'm watching TV. can't see very well ' '

f In Britain, people drive I are driving on the left. h hair which is yellow or
light-coloured f l
g .\: Hello\\ What do you do I are you doing here'
you use them to see
B: I'm waiting I I wait for a friend. things I'

h Can I look at the newspaper now? Are you reading I Do you read it? the hair on a man's face
Can I phone you back later? We're having I We have dinner.
above his mouth D
k hair which is brown or
black n
Vocabulary hair which you tie
toge ther at the back of
Clothes your head
Look at the pictures of Bob , Paul and Marie. 1 tall
7 Who is wearing ... 2 dark
a trainers? Bob 3 good-looking
b a skirt' 4 glosses
5 shaved
c a coat?
6 blonde
d a tie?
7 ~
e block shoes? 8 ponytail
f earrings? 9 slim
g a shirt? 10 beard
11 moustache
h jeans?
12 eyes
a suit?
k o white jacket!
a pullover?

Listen and read
mD Listen to and/or read about street style, and complete
9 the table .
Where is she from? 1 What clothes does I
Where did she buy
1 she talk about? I her clothes?
Min a London
- - ---
Gloria dress , trousers , shoes
I ~- -· - - --
Alice Milan, New York

:• News

Mina is from London : she's a student at the Chat room

London College of Fashion. Horoscopes
'I'm wearing a pair of jeans from Michiko-
it's a Japanese shop here in London .' 'I love e-mail
Japanese clothes. The jumper is from Space ,
and I bought the jacket at Camden Market a couple of weeks ago. My
bag and shoes were presents from my family . I like wearing clothes that
are different, so I don't usually go shopping in big shops .'

Gloria is a designer from Barcelona , in Spain. She's spending a

few days here in London . 'Because I'm a designer, I Jove making
clothes for myself. I made this dress, and these trousers , too .
My shoes are from Spain, too ... they're my favourite shoes, but I
can 't remember where I bought them! '
'I'm looking for a bag which looks good with these clothes.
I love shopping in London, but it's very expensive!'

Alice is from the United States . She works for an airline

company. 'I travel a lot because of my job: I love my work
because I can go shopping in lots of wonderful places .'
'I bought this top in Milan , and my trousers and shoes are from
New York. As well as Italy and the United States, I love
shopping here in London , too . I'm going to a shop called
Puzzle- it's near here -to buy myself a new jacket.'

module 10

's Improve your writing

a Write 's in the correct place in the Correcting mi stakes
10 sentences.
Read the description of the picture. Correct
My sister
2~ in her mid-twenties. 12 the twelve underlined mistakes.

2 Everybody says she very good-looking.

3 Where Frank going?
4 Who the girl with long hair?
5 Dina got short hair.
6 David mother doesn't wear glasses.
7 Ann the black girl with medium-length hair.
8 Maria waiting for me in the car. f
b Does 's =is, has or possessive in each sentence? f



There (a)
~Lfive people in the picture. They are

Real Life
all (b) siting outside: it's a nice day and the sun
is (c) shineing. Perhaps they (d)
together. One of the men is (e) wearring a suit.
~all on holiday l
Street ta lk One man is behind the others: (f) she's reading a
a Write the words in the book. The woman in the front (g) have got a
1 1 box in the correct place in the sentences. newspaper, but she (h) don't reading it. Her
do it this to the (i) ill are closed: perhaps (j) she sleeping.
heft I like this picture: the people (k) looks calm and
a Is anyone sitting[?
happy and the scenery is very (l) atractive.
b Excuse me, have you got time please?
c Is this bus going the city centre? 1 .•• ... . :.~.twa t J ps:wra..."i! '*!!t'+- 4 <. e ., : .£ . . u.;s;;n;;;;;;

d Is okay to park here?

e Is the way to the station?
Stress in questions
f What time the shops close on Saturdays?
mu Listen to the pronunciation of the
b Match the sentences to the answers. 13 question words, and the questions with the
Present continuous.
1 It's half past two. D
1 What What are you doing?
2 No, you can't park here. D
2 What What are they doing?
3 At one o'clock. D
3 What What's he doing? What's she doing?
4 No, it's free. D
4 Where Where are you going?
5 Yes, it's over there. D
5 Where Where are they going?
6 No, you need the number 23 over there. D
6 Where Where's he going? Where's she going?

b Listen again and practise saying the questions.

can/can't for ability Questions and short
a Look at the information about four students: Caroline, Fabrizio ,
1 Kristina and Max.
Short answers with

Can 1/you/he/she/we/they ask a


Yes, 1/you /he/she/we/

they can .

No, 1/you/hei she/we/

they can't.

a Look back at the

2 information about Kristina
and Max . Write the questions and
short answers.
Clift l<r istivtti s1Jelik Fn •Hclr?

No, she Cl-ivt't.

d~ p lay a musical l
speak French play chess

Ca ro line ./
- +-.---X


1./ -i 4

I Fab r izio ./ 1./ X IX I 5
1 Kristin a X ./ 1./

1 Ma x
X J:
........_ __
1 ./ lx I 6
·- - - ----- - ""
- __ _L

1 Complete the sentences about Caroline and Fabrizio .

1 Caroline Uifl speak French .
2 She CliH't play chess.
drive a car. 8
4 play a musical instrum ent.
s Fabrizio
Listen to the questions
6 He
and answers. Practise saying
7 them.

Listen to the sentences . Practise saying them .


~ module11

Question words 4 a Read the text below.

Complete the questions

3 with the correct question ........
.. '
word(s) in the box.

What t1me
How long
What kind
How Ships.of the d.e sert
What co lour What When Perhaps they aren't the
How well Wh1ch most beautiful animals
in the world ... but in
a A: _~_V_
·c _ _ is Brisbane? the hot lands of North
s: It's in Australia. Africa and the Middle
b A: _ _ _ _ _ of tree IS that7 East they are certainly
s: It's a palm tree. one of the most useful.
c A. d1d you go to
But how much do you
South Am eri ca 1 know about camels?
s: Four years ago. Camels normally live for about 40 years - but they
d A' _____ is your coat? usually stop working when they are about 25.
s: The long black one.
Camels don't normally like running - it's too hot -
e A: _ _ _ _ _ was the film?
but when they need to, they can run at 20 .
s: Two and a half hours.
kilometres an hour. The dromedary, or Arabian
f A: _ _ _ _ _ tS your new camel, has one hump. The Bactrian, or Asian camel,
car' has longer hair and has got two humps. There are
s: VVhite . about 14 million camels in the world, and most of
~ A: _ _ _ _ _ do we arrive them are dromedaries.
in ~ew York?
An adult camel is about 2.1 metres tall and weighs ·.
B: At about threE' o'clock.
about 500 kilograms. Camels can walk for more
h A. _ _ __ _ 's your sister's
than 600 kilometres without drinking. They only
need to drink water every six or eight days. But when
s· Mana.
there is water, they can drink up to 90 litres.
A: _ _ _ _ _ do I switch
this off?
s: Press the red button.
A: _ _ _ __ can you type 7
s: I can't type!

b Write the questions for this information.
Word order in questions
1 How lon9 ao
um1els live?
Put the words in the correct order to make

For about forty years.
How ____________________________________
6 questions.

About twenty kilometres an hour. a are there I in I How I many I the USA I states?

3 How ___ _ __ _
One. b did I films I How many I make I he ?
4 How ____________________________________
14 million.
c a football match I does I How I last I long?
5 How _______
2.1 metres.
6 How ____________________________________ d the boxer I Muhammad Ali I born I was I Where?
About 500 kilograms.
7 How ____________________________________
More than 600 kilometres.
e it from I How far I here I to your home I is?
8 How ____________________________________
Every six or eight days.
9 How _____________________________ f do I of I What kind I like I you I music?
Up to ninety litres.

g can I a I cheetah I fast I run /How?

h the world I is I in I the biggest I ocean I What?

Complete the sentences with How much, Questions with other verb
5 How many, Which or What.
a __w_h_a_t___ do you study at university?
Complete the questions with the verbs in the

______ aunts and uncles have you got?

There's chocolate or vanilla ice cream for dessert.

7 box.

______ do you prefer?

I were can is did was jm( did do

d _ _ _ _ _ milk do you want in your coffee?

a Where t~rc my glasses?
e There's a bus at nine o'clock and another one at b How _______ you get to school this morning?
eleven o'clock. is better for you? c How often you go to the cinema?

f _ _ _ _ _ time did you spend in Africa? d How fast the Toyota?

e How many people _______ there at the party last
g _ _ _ _ _ people were there at the meeting?
h _ _ _ _ _ does a kilo of cheese cost? How many languages _____ you speak?
_ _ _ _ _ is the capital of Romania? g When _______ you start learning English?
h Who president in 1978?

module 11

Vocabulary booster
a How many of the animals below can you name?
8 Write the word next to the correct number below.

l duck frog mouse dog cow sheep monkey horse bee beetle snake spide~

... _ ' ~c:.-~
£.:..,__...£.::::::2 =~
= ~ =·

1 4 7 10
2 5 8 11
3 6 9 12

b ~ Listen and check. Practise saying the words.

r Put the animals into one of the groups below.

Animals with no legs

Animals with two legs
Animals with four legs

Animals with more than four legs _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ __ _

e How tall is an adult ostrich?
listen and read
f How fast can a bee
mD Listen to and/or read about the animal hummingbird move its wings?
9 world. Answer the questions. g How many types of
a About how many animals kangaroo ore there?
species ore there in the world? tcH Hrill imr h How many bison were/ore
b How tall can an adult there in America in:
giraffe grow? i) the 1860s
c How long is the smallest mammal, ii) the 1880s
Savi's pygmy shrew? iii) now?
d How much does a goliath
frog weigh?

The animal world

We do not know how many species of animal The ostrich is the world's largest bird. An
there are, as people are discovering new ones adult ostrich is more than 2. 5 metres tall, but
all the time; but most scientists think that it cannot fly.
there are about ten million different animal The bee hummingbird
species in the world. is probably the world's
Giraffes are the tallest smallest bird -it is just 5
animals on Earth. A large centimetres long and
adult male giraffe can be weighs less than 2 grams:
up to 6 metres tall. Thanks it can stay still in the air
to its long legs and neck, it by moving its wings
can eat the leaves twenty to fifty times a
from the tops of second. One of the
trees. largest birds which can
The smallest fly is the South
animals are called American condor: its
protozoa, which have wings are three
only one cell, and are metres from end to
so small that we end.
cannot see them There are more
without a powerful than fifty different
microscope. types of kangaroo in
The smallest mammal is Australia. When it
Sa vi's pygmy shrew -it is only is born, a baby
6 centimetres long, including kangaroo is less than 2.5
its tail. centimetres long: but an adult
The goliath frog (Rona kangaroo can grow to more than
Goliath) of West Africa can 2 metres in height.
be up to 75 centimetres In the mid-1860s, there were
long, and weighs about about 13 million bison living in
3 kilograms. The goliath North America. By the mid-1880s,
beetle is probably the world's there were only a few hundred.
largest beetle - it weighs Today there are about 50,000 bison
more than 100 grams - about in America, living in special parks.
the same as two eggs.

module 11

More about numbers Articles

1Q a Put the words into numbers.
Complete these quiz questions with alan, the
or- (no word).

1 sixty thousand 60 ,000 a How many players are there in _1_1_ baseball
2 nineteen eighty-five team?

3 three thousand b Where do koala bears live?

4 ninety kilometres an hour c What is _ _ biggest desert in the world?

5 nine point six d What is _ _ ladybird?

6 two hundred and fifty-three e How many grams are there in _ _ kilogram?
thousand f How far is it from earth to moon?
7 si xty-two million g What languages do _ _ Canadian's speak?
8 two hundred and ninety-seven h What is _ _ capital of Colombia?
9 two billion How long does it take to boil _ _ egg?
10 nine hundred and sixty-three What's the name of river in London?
k Where was _ _ singer Kylie Minogue born?
b Put the numbers into words.
How fast can cheetahs run?
53,000 Aft:J - tl-tree thousc:ivtd
2 150 km/h
Improve your writing
3 3,000,000
Full stops, apostrophes and
4 8.5
question marks
5 348

6 2,000,000,000
We use apostrophes:
7 5,600
in contracted forms:
8 1980 she's can't doesn't

9 350,000 • with possessive 's:

John's friend the world's favourite airline
10 80,000,000
We use full stops at the end of statements.
They're French . I'm fine.

Pronunciation We use question marks at the end of questions.

Where do you live? Where is it?
a tiiD Listen to the pronunciation of
11 these words. Practise saying them . 13
Write apostrophes, full stops and question
marks in the sentences below.
nine nineteen a hundred a thousand 1
a Dogs can only see black and white: they can t see
a million a billion
b IIID Listen to the pronunciation of the numbers b lm not sure what the answer is
in Exercise 1Oa . Practise saying them .
c Is it true that koala bears dont drink water
c fiiD Practise saying the words in Exercise 1Ob . d What is the worlds largest animal
Then listen and check.
e He doesnt know the answer

Wheres the biggest lake in the world

g What is Peters pet dogs name

Future plans
going to
a Look at the pictures and write a sentence
1 about what the people are going to do. Use the
phrases in the box.

have lunch ~ stop get wet

buy a newspaper paint the ceiling go to bed 4 Thebus _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __
play tennis

5 They _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __

6 He _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____

2 He _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _

7 They _ _ __ _ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___

8 They _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ ___
3 They _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __
b .:nia Listen and check. Practise saying the

module 12

want to Answer the questions about Neela, Enrico, Roman and Helena

Complete the sentences with

3 with short answers. Then answer the questions about yourself.

the correct form of want to: Roman and

positive, question or negative.
Use the words in brackets.
0 D o ~1''1"1 Wli~1t t'' (you)
rent a video this evening?
There's nothing good on TV.
b I'm really not hungry. relax
(I) eat Sat 10 am Sun 2 pm
anything , thank you. - ----r- .

ext week go out wtth fnends go to the cinema look at some
c Valerie isn't going to look for a
job when she leaves school.
I Wed7 Thurs? on Wed cars and maybe
I ___j___ buy one?

go to university.
I n~xt yea-r - · ~;;to wlleg~ - I ho;;;-, hohdoy ig~t mo,;e~ --
(anybody) go for a cup of coffee
L___ _ I tn Europe __ _j__------·'
when the lesson finishes?
(your this weekend
friends) go for a walk before we a Is Neela going to hove a haircut? Yrs s hl' is .
hove dinner?
Are you going to hove a haircut? No, !'u·t not .
Patricia is very tired.
(she) b Is [nrico going to play football? _ _ __ __ _ _
go home and go to bed. Are you going to play football7 _ _ __ _ _ __
g (he) be
c Do Roman and Helena want to relax7 _ _ __ __ __
a waiter, but it is the only job
he can find. Do you want to relax? _ __ __ _ __
h (you)
next week
anything to eat with your
coffee? d Does Neela want to study a lot? _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Do you want to study a lot? _ _ _ _ __ _ _
Short answers
e Is Enrico going to see a film? _ __ __ _ __
/' . ·---------~--... Are you going to see a film? _ __ _ __ __
Short answers with going
to and want to Do Roman and Helena want to buy some clothes' _ _ __ __ _ _

Are you going to see her? Yes, I Do you want to buy some clothes? _ _ _ _ _ _ __
am. No, we aren't.
next year
Does she want to come7 Yes,
she does. No, she doesn't.
g Is Neela going to college? _ __ _ _ _ __
----- ______ _.,. Are you going to college? _ _ __ _ __ _
h Does Enrico want to have a holiday in Europe? _ _ _ __ _ _ _

Do you want to have a holiday in Europe? _ _ _ __ _ __

Are Roman and Helena going to get married? _ _ _ _ __ __
Are you going to get married? _ _ _ __ _ __

would like to and want to Word co binations
Put the words in the correct order to make sentences with Write the words in the box in
would like to or want to. the correct category. Look at
1 would like I a footballer I to be I when he's older I Stephen page 106 of the Students' Book, if
Stephen wot~ld like to be 11 f(Jotbilller when he's ol(ler.
2 you I something I like I to drink? I Would I television
the shopping
the gym 1
_____________________________________________________ ? 1

I~ your homework
3 and I I a table I near I My friends I the window, please I would like at home the country
I a meal
I a video
the cinema
a shower a concert
4 want I doesn't I stay I at home I to I Marc the housework

5 this evening? I to see I like I film I Which I would you a What can you have?
(four things)
a part!:!
_____________________________________________________ ?
6 a I taxi I order I I'd I to I please I like

7 coffee, I We I thank you I any more I want I don't

b Where can you stay?
(two places)

8 in the park? I you I Would I like I for a walk I to go

c What can you watch?

b Listen and check. Practise saying the sentences. (two things)

Future forms d What can you do?

Correct the sentences. Add one extra word. (three things)

a Franr;:oiseLlike to go to japan one day.

b Tomorrow's Saturday ... I going to stay in bed all day.

e What can you go to?
c Where do you want go? (four things)

d Would you to go out for lunch?

e Chris isn't enjoying his holiday: he to go home!!

f My friends are going cook a special meal this evening.

g What would you like do tomorrow?

h We not going to have a holiday this year.

module 12

Suggestions and offers Pronunciation

a Mark, Barbara and their two children are on a camping holiday in I'll, we'll
7 the mountains. Complete the conversation with the words or
a mD Listen to the
phrases in the box .
8 pairs of sentences below.
Notice the pronunciation of 'II.
~ see Let's I'll about
idea there's like don't don't want 1 l open the window.
I'll open the window.
2 l turn on the heating.
I'll turn on the heating.
3 We make lunch for you.
We'll make lunch for yo u.
4 l phone for a taxi.
I'll phone for a taxi.
5 I dri ve.
I'll drive .
6 We buy some bread.
We 'll buy some bread.

b Listen again . Practise saying

the sentences.

MARK: Well, everybody ... what (1) _....:s:..:.)c.cu,'"'"·ll'----- we do today? Any ideas?
SUSIE: I'm not sure ... it depends on the weather. Is it sunny outside? Complete the sentences
MARK: just a minute ... no, not exactly ... in fact, it's raining again. 9 with in , on , to or at.

JAKE: Oh no! I (2) _ _ ___ another boring day like yesterday. Is a Paul never goes out ti t

there anything interesting we can go and see? the weekend .

BARBARA: I know what we can do. (3) _ __ __ have a look at the guide b Let's go _ _ _ the cinema!
book. I'm sure we can find some ideas in there .
c Th ere's a party _ _ _ fohn's
MARK: All right. Where is the guide book? h ouse.
St;S JE: It's there, next to your feet. d I'm so tired . I'm going to stay
MA RK: Let's (4) _ __ __ ... well , there 's the Museum of Country Life; bed all day tomorrow.
how (5) that? e The weather can get really
JAKE: Hmm ... is th ere anything more exciting? hot summer.
MARK: Well, (6) _ __ _ _ Aqua World . It's a Sea Life centre. f I stayed home all
JAKE: Yes, that sounds better. Why (7) _ _ _ _ _ we go there? weekend .

SUSIE: OK then, if you (8) _ _ __ _ g We went a rock

BARBARA: Shall I phone them to see what time it opens? conce rt on Saturday.

MARK: Good (9) ! So everybody's happy, then. h We went to the United States
_ _ _ holiday a few years
(10) _ _ _ _ _ make some more coffee and then we can all get

b fiB» Liste!'l to the conversation and check your answers.

Vocabulary booster
At the bea ch
1Q a Label the picture with the words in the box.

b .nD Listen and check. Practise saying the words.

module 12 --· __

Future time Listen and read

expressions liED Listen to and/or read the world weather report for
It is 9 am on
12 the week ending 15th March. Complete the information

11 Wednesday. Write the

in the table.

future time expressions in order.

What was the Extra information -~
\ tonight ~ next I
weather like? I
' month tomorrow eventng
I next yea.r tomorrow morning
Chicago S HOW, W tfl d (j
next week this weekend San Francisco

9 am Wednesday
Jerez de Ia Frontera ! _______
I The Balkans
North-east Italy

I Irkutsk

The World
1t ts now 4 pm on Friday, April
3th 2005. What's another way to
say ... Report
1 10 am, Saturday 9th April?

2 9 pm, Saturday?
There was heavy snow and windy weather in Chicago on
3 The week ll-17th April? Monday, and there was also heavy rain on the west coast
of the United States - particularly in and around the city
of San Francisco.
4 Saturday and Sunday, 9th and
10th April? Things were no better on the other side of the world in
Australia- there was extremely heavy rain in the state of
5 May 2005? Queensland, with 475 mm of rain falling in just five days.
In south-west Europe, there was more hot, sunny
6 20067 weather with the town of Jerez de Ia Frontera in the
south of Spain the hottest place. The temperature was
30 degrees, the warmest so far this year.
7 10 pm Friday 8th April?
It wasn't all good news in Europe, however. There was
heavy snow in the Balkans, and parts of north-eastern
Italy on 1'1onday and Tuesday. Things are getting a little
better in the city of Irkutsk, in eastern Siberia, however:
the temperature went above zero degrees for the first
time since last November.
Vocabulary Improve your
The weather writing
13 Read the sentences and describe the weather. Write about a holiday
a You're going to need your umbrellas if you go out.
a Make notes about a

It's miHinc . /It's wet.
Can you pass me my sunglasses ... that's better. Now I can see!!
15 popular holiday place in
your country under these
c Thirty-five degrees!! Let's go for a swim! • Where it is

• The most important attractions

d Please drive carefully: in some places you can't see more than five
metres. • Places to eat and drink

• Things to do for children

e What a beautiful spring day. Let's go for a walk! • Excursions

f The weather's not too bad today: there's no sun, but it isn't raining. b Write a paragraph about the

- g Look outside! The garden is completely white!!

place using some of the phrases
in the box.

... is in the north/south/east/

h Put on your warm clothes if you go out! west of ...
It's one of the (oldest/most
All the leaves are falling off the trees!! beautiful) towns in ...
It has a large number of ...
The best ... is ... which has .. .
Talking about the weather There are lots of places to .. .
You can enjoy ...
a Match the two parts of these
14 mini-conversations about the weather.
For children there is ...
You can also visit ...
It's raining. Have you got your umbrella? [ill
2 Did you hear the weather forecast? D
3 It's a lovely day, isn't it? D
4 It's very foggy outside. D
5 What's the weather like? D
6 Did you have a good holiday? Was the
weather OK? D
a Yes, beautiful.
b It's going to be cold tomorrow, but warmer at the weekend.
c It's snowing! Can we go out?
d No. Can I borrow one?
e Great, thanks. And we were lucky with the weather. It was hot most days
and it only rained once.
f Yes. I'll drive slowly.

b tiED Listen and check your answers. Practise saying the


Education and learning
Look at the extracts from some textbooks. What
1 subjects are they about?

Science Law Economics ~ G

Geography Information Technology Medicine
Engineering Politics Design History H 20 - This chemical symbol for water means that
Mathematics Literature each water molecule contains two atoms of
hydrogen and one atom of
A Btlsivte.~s Stwiics
A business which puts all its money into the stock
market can easily lose everything. For example, in the
crash of 1987

The world's longest
Sao Paulo, Brazil, is South America's largest city and
bridges are now all
one of the fastest-growing cities in the world. It is suspension bridges.
the commercial centre of

The memory of a computer consists of microchips. In the case of Walker versus Thompson, where a man
There are two types: ROM (read-only memory) killed his business partner. the judge gave him 20 years in
contains permanent instructions, prison because ,.....-.--~....,-""""""--.,--..,.

0 K

Bauhaus furniture and ordinary objects were

In the fourteenth century, Arab traders sailed famous in the early twentieth century but
across the Indian Ocean and introduced Islam are still very popular today. For example,
to many Asian countries. In 1511, Bauhaus chairs and lamps


The Communist Party was started by Vladimir llich

Romeo and Juliet was one of Shakespeare's early Lenin in 1903. Communism became popular, first
plays but in it he wrote some of his mo~s,..t_ _ _...
beautiful poetry. When Romeo leaves in Russia and later in China


The economy of a country depends in part on its

It is often better for the person not to take antibiotics
if the illness isn't serious. In the past doctors often
natural resources. For example, if a country is rich
in diamonds, or oil,
gave too many antibiotics and

Choose the best alternatives in the text. d the hospital
Is there really a big difference e the greengrocer's
between boys and girls at school?
New research says there is.
When British girls between the ages of five and f the butcher's

eleven go to (a) ~ secondary school, they

often do better at school than boys. But now older
girls are doing better at (b) primary I secondary g the bus station
school too.
Many people think that boys (c) make I get better
grades in science and mathematics and girls do well h The Oak Tree Cafe
in languages and art. But more and'moii vyomeil·: ·-
apply (d) to I for courses in law and englriee ~i:ng at
university and many (e) do I make courses in
mathematics and economics.
Every year, tens of thousands of British teenagers
(f) take I pass their 'A' or 'Advanced' level exams.
Young people need to (g) pass I succeed these
. exams if they want to go to university. But in 2005,
J.f11ore'-b~ys than girls (h) passed I failed their 'A'
-. ~~~ls-~-T6~ many young boys leave school without
(i) doing I getting qualifications. They then (j) choose
I do careers in badly paid jobs.

Infinitive of purpose
Last Friday, Carol went into town. Why did she Infinitives with and without to
3 visit these places? Write sentences with the
infinitive of purpose, using the phrases in the box. 4 Choose the correct form in the sentences below.

borrow some books have lunch buy some meat a Taka wants learn I to learn more about computers.
_get some me11ey buy some fruit
catch the bus home visit her sick friend b Paul is studying English get I to get a better job.
send a parcel to her cousin c It might be I to be better if you do it yourself.
d I'm going to the supermarket buy I to buy some
a the bank bread. Do you want anything?
e Charles probably won't pass I to pass the exam.
She went to the b@k to 9et so~r1e i'l'IOV1Cf1.
f Thousands of people went to Greece to watch I watch
b the library
the Olympics.
g We might not have I to have a holiday this year.

c the post office

- _ module 13

Listen and read

~ Listen to and/or read about The five ages of English.
5 Match the pictures with the paragraphs.

A 3

B c E

The five ages of Eng Iish

1 Old English 4 Modern English
from about the ninth century, the Vikings - who {1750-1950)
lived in what is now Sweden and Norway, began to English was now a national language. The first
arrive in the north of England. The language people dictionary - Johnson's Dictionary - appeared
spoke began to change. ln the south of England, in 1755, and the first grammar books appeared
people began to translate books from Latin into soon after. As the British Empire grew in the
English. nineteenth century, English became a more
international language. People began to learn
2 Middle English English around the world. The first English language
ln 1066, the Normans invaded England and French textbooks appeared in the 1930s.
became the official language. Most educated people
had to speak three languages: French, Latin and 5 Late Modern English
English! At this time, English literature began to (from 1950)
develop. One of the most famous writers was the Now, English language teaching is an important
poet Geoffrey Chaucer in the fourteenth century. international industry. After World War ll, the United
l-lis language is a little like the English of today. States became the most important economic and
cultural power in the world, and a world market in
3 Early Modem English
audio-visual communication began. CNN
International began in 1989 and the Internet
This period includes the time of William Shakespeare developed in the 1990s. English became a global
- England's greatest writer. By the end of the language, with about two billion speakers.
seventeenth century, great scientists, like lsaac
Newton, wrote in English, not in Latin. The British
Empire began, and the English language travelled
across the Atlantic to North America, and across Asia
to India.

Vocabulary booster
In an Internet cafe

screen 0
printer D
cha1r OJ
keyboard 0
mouse 0
CD-ROM drive D
document LJ
desk 0
modem :J
- ~--

b t::if!» Listen and check _Practise saying the wo rds_

might ,_nd might not will and won 1t (probably)

Rewrite the sentences using might or might 8 a Rearrange the words to make sentences.
7 not instead of the words in bold.
Perhaps we'll go swimming this afternoon. 1 probably I a I be I It I tomorrow I will/ nice day
We 11 litjht 90 swiH IIHiH~j tit is iitl:enw(lvt . It tt'ill ,_wobtibltj be 11 Hicc da q tMtWtTow.
2 It's p ossible that the plane will arrive late.
2 time ' won't i There I to stop for lunch I be I
The plane _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____
3 Maybe you'll be rich one day, if you work hard.
You _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _______ _
3 be I will / class I probably I for I late I Martha
4 It's possible that I won't be able to come next
4 need I your i You ! probably I umbrella I won 't
5 I possibly won't see Frank this weekend.

5 be able I tomorrow I I I to come I won't I probably

6 Perhaps Philip won't stay until the end of the
Philip ____________________ 6 soon I There I probably I be I an election I will
7 Th e government will possibly change soon .
The government _
8 Maybe th e exa m won ' t be as difficult as you think. b ~ Listen to the sentences. Practise saying
The exam _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ___________ them.

b .:i!9 Listen to the sentences. Practise saying

them .

module 13

might (not), will and won't We use will I might I

might not I won't to talk
a Tom, Meg, and Sampath are three school friends who have just
9 finished their exams. Read the notes about their plans for the future.
about possibility.

They might get married.

I'll probably go to university
We use going to to talk about
Meg intentions.

I'm going to do a business


Complete these sentences

10 so that they are true for
a 1 'rn qoinq to study in
Australia next year.
b I 1n·ob(lbl~1 woH't get good
marks in my English test.
c do an IT
course this year.
d take on
English exam soon.
e apply for a
r --·- - -- ·-r--- new job this year.
1 I Holiday? f earn a lot of
. --- _,_.(._ -- -·-
I money next year.
Tom no plans- maybe notr 1 my father's company,
' I g study in the
Greece maybe probably
I USA this year.

Meg probably Spain
with my parents
next year,
all my family are
doctors, so why not me?
h read a book
in English this week.
1- ·- ---
I Sam path I don't think I'll not sure- who knows- an actor?
I have time perhaps get a
job abroad
Contracted forms
-------- _L____. instead

a liED Listen to the

Use the information to write sentences with might, might not, will 11 sounds and the example
probably or probably won't. words below.
Tom Hliq ilt qo ti' C~n· cct' fi.w his holi drilj. (go to Greece) /a:/ art father car
2 Meg (go to Spain) /'do/ know go home
3 Sam path (have time for a holiday) /3:/ work girl birth
4 Tom (go to university)
. (go to university next year) b mD Notice the same sounds
5 Meg
in these contracted forms.
6 Sam path (get o job abroad instead)
7 Tom . (work for his father's company) /u:/ aren't can't

8 Meg (become a doctor) /8U/ don't won't

9 Sam path (become an actor) /3:/ weren't

Improve your writing Rewrite the following with
Abbreviations on application forms (Mr, Mrs, Dr,
Mister james Hewson
nla) Mt' Jti111CS Hewscm
a Write the abbreviations for these words.
12 2 2 kilograms

2 january
3 63 Stamford Street
3 Doctor

4 October ---

5 not applicable 4 irregular verbs, for example

6 December bring and buy

7 Number

8 September
5 Queen's Park Road
9 etcetera (=and the others)

b Here are some other abbreviations you see on application forms.

6 London South-West 7
Match the words on the right to the correct abbreviations.

1 Ave - - - - - - Street
2 e.g. --------Avenue 7 10 kilometres
3 kg kilometres
4 km North, South, East, West
8 arrived in the United Kingdom
5 Mon/Tues/Wed/Thurs exempli gratia (=for example)
from the United States
6 N/S/E/W Park

7 Pk Road

8 Rd kilograms 9 telephone number: 020 7939

9 St United States of America

10 tel United Kingdom

11 UK telephone 10 classes are on Tuesday and

12 USA Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

11 january-March and

Vocabulary Q Don 't forget to write your name inside! Then put it in
Ways of communicating an envelope, write the address and post it.
of'' .·•

What are these instructions for? Choose one of

1 the phrases from the box.

leaving a pt:ioAe 111essage receiving a text message 0 Go to the post office and they will weigh your parcel
sending an e-mail making a phone call and tell you how much it costs. Buy stamps and then
taking a photo going on the Internet leave it at the post office.
sending something by post paying by phone
sending a card writing a letter
sending a faxc

0 After you hear a BEEP, speak slowly and clearly.
You hear a beep on your phone and it says 'new
message'. Then you open the in-box. and the message
Don't forget to say yo ur name ...
appears. ·. " . . - -~·-'

G) Write your address and the date in the top right hand G You need to give your credit card number over the
comer. Start with Dear and the name of the . . . ·· phone and also your address.

G When you've finished writing, click on the Send

button at the top of the screen. •
Irregular past participles
Find the past participles of the verbs. What is

Put the document into the machine ... then dial the
2 d

the mystery word?

number and press the button that ... 1 sleep s L E

2 make
3 lose
4 stand
. --+-- - ____ . . . __ . --

0 Press the ON button and then use the zoom to make 5 speak
the picture bigger or sma ller. Then press the button on 6 toke
the top .. . 7 drive
8 write
9 soy

0 .. . if you can't find the information you want, click

10 come
11 give
on the Links and you' ll see a list of other websites.
12 keep
13 tell
14 become
Press the green button, and you ' II hear a tone ... then 15 see
dial the phone number. Don't forget the code.

b lliD Listen and check. Practise saying the

verbs .
Present Perfect Positive and negative
Complete the sentences with a The first Women's Soccer World Cup was in China in 1991. There
3 the Present Perfect form of 4 have been two more World Cups: here are the winners and the losing
the verbs in brackets. finalists.

a Martin ha s swt
(send) hundreds of e-mails to
his favourite singer, Kyla.

b Mark and Yumiko

_ _ _ __ _ _ (see) all of
Kurosawa's films.

c Oh no ! I _ _ _ __ _ __
(leave) the tickets at home!

d Terry Guy _ _ _ _ _ __
(wnte) more than twenty books.

e Wei tzu _ _ __ _ _ _
(lose) her keys six times this
year I

_ _ _ __ _ _ (never Venue Winners Goals Losing finalists Goals
read) any Shakespeare plays,
1991 China United States 2 Norway 1
but I'd like to!

g I'm sorry but I 1995 Sweden Norway 2 Germany 0

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ (forget) your 1999 USA United States China 0

name. (United States
won on
h We _ _ _ _ _ __ (check)
our computer but we cannot
find your name. 2003 USA Germany 2 Sweden 1

________ (buy)a
present for Connie - it's her
b Complete the sentences with the Present perfect of the verb.
birthday tomorrow.
1 There h ~wc bcc11 (be) three World Cups up to now.
Tricia _ _ _ _ _ __ (never 2 The United States _ __ __ _ (win) the competition twice.
have) a bicycle.
3 They (not have) the competition in South America.
4 Germany (play) in one World Cup Final.
5 The United States (never lose) in the Final.
6 There (be) one World Cup in Europe.
7 Norway and the United States (play) in two finals.
8 Germany (not win) the World Cup.
9 Norway (score) three goals in the World Cup Finals.
10 There (be) one final which finished in a penalty

module 14

Questions and short answers 1 Ht<S Richard always lived in Hexham ?

Yes. he lws.

Short answers with the Present perfect 2 _ _ _ _ Elaine ever lived in another town ?

Have you/1/we/they done it?

Yes, 1/you/we/they have .
3 _ __ _ they always lived in the same house?
No, 1/yo u/we/they haven't.
Has he/she/it done it?
Yes , he/she/it has . 4 _ _ _ _ Gordon always been a teacher?
No , he/s he/it hasn't.

5 _ __ _ he ever worked abroad?

a Read about the people below. Then complete
5 the questions and write the correct short answer.

6 _ _ _ _ Gordon and Sarah always lived in Leeds?

Richard Marshall · ·
and his wife Elaine 7 _ _ _ _ Sarah had her own business before?
are retired:
Recently they
moved to a new 8 _ _ __ Rebecca left schooJ7
house in Hexham,
a town near
Newcastle, in the
north of England. b tiiD Listen and check . Practise saying the
Richard was born questions and short answers .
in Hexham, but Elaine is originally from
Aberdeen, a town in the north of Scotland.
Gordon Marshall -Richard and Elaine's son -
was born in Newcastle but he now lives with Past participles
his wife and
a Look at the list of past participles below.
daughter in Leeds,
a town about 150 6 Underline the sound which has a different
km away, where pronunciation.
he is ·a teacher. sent met c::::f!l.~0 said read
He's also worked
2 done gone run won begun
abroad: he worked
in a restaurant in 3 made played stayed paid fed
France when he
4 stolen spoken told got chosen
was younger.
5 caught bought drawn shown taught
Sarah Marshall -Gordon's wife -has always
wanted her own business. Her daughter
Rebecca left school b .:m:. Listen to the pronunciation of the words
on the recording. Practise saying them .
last year, and now
they're in business
together. She and her
mother have opened
a new sandwich shop
called Crusts in Leeds
city centre. It's the
first time they've
worked together!

Spelling Time words with the Present
Regular past participles perfect
Complete the sentences with the time words in
To form the past participle of regular 8 the box.
verbs we add -ed:
never just already ever recently ~
play • played
If the regular verb ends in -e we add -d only:
decide • decided a I don't know what this is: I haven't eaten it
say and pay take -aid:
say • said
pay• paid b Hove you . _ _ _ _ _ met anyone famous?
Verbs ending in consonant+ -y change the-y c Has anyone seen any good films _ __ ?
to -ied:
study • studied d I've ----~--seen Titanic so I don't want to see
try • tried it again.
Verbs ending in consonant+ vowel + consonant, e I've _ _ _ _ _ liked pop music; I prefer jazz.
double the consonant:
study • studied f Lauro has wonted to be a musician.
plan • planned She loves playing music.

g A: Would you like a cake?

B: No thanks, I've _ __ _ _ eaten.

Look at the sentences below. Is the spelling of
7 the past participle correct or not? If it is
incorrect, write the correct spelling. Word order
a Hove you ever staid in on expensive hotel?

s t rifjft{
9 Put the sentences into the correct order.

b Have you used this kind of computer before? a 's- Mario- baby- hod- a !

c I've never tryed japanese tea before.

b just - married - They - got - 've

d We haven't decided where to go on holiday.

c bought- Duboi - flat- 've - in - recently- We- a

e My mother has always studyed music.

d never- tram - father- on -been - 's- My- a -
f I have never stopped loving you.

g Exams hove never worried me.

e studied - already - Stefanie - perfect - the - 's -
h Hove you ever plaid bosebaJ17

I've livd in this apartment all my life.

f you - outside - Hove -slept- ever?

My cousin has traveled all over the world.

module 14

Time words with the Present Real life

perfect and Past simple Telephoning
Put the words in the box in the correct place
a Complete the mini-conversations with the
correct form of the verbs in brackets: Present 11 in the conversations.
perfect or Past simple.
can here 'd are this _16 's 'II a
this to that
A: Fantastic! I (a) 'vejliSt peissed Oust pass) my
exam. to
a A: Hello, can I speak[Greg please?
s: Oh well done!
b s: I'm sorry, he's not at the moment.

e A: How's Ana? I (b) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (not

c A: Can you ask him phone me, please?

d s: OK ... What your number?

see) her recently
A: 732 9302.
s: I (c) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (speak) to her yesterday.
She's very well.

0 e A: Hello, SA International, 1help you?

A: I'm going to Paris next week. (d) _ _ _ _ _ __
f s: I like to speak to Mr Cornwell, please
_ _ _ _ (you ever go) there?
9 A: One moment I connect you.
s: Yes. We (e) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (go) there about two
years ago. s: Hello
A: (f) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (you like) it?
h A: Is Jim Cornwell
s: It (g) (be) great!
s: Speaking.

A: Hello, is Susan Heyman from Business Solutions

0 s: Oh hi, Susan. How you?
A: (h) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (you ever sell)
anything on the Internet?

s: No, I (i) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . What about you?

A: Last year I (j) (try) to sell my car

k A: Hello, is Matthew speaking. I'm not here at the
but no one (k) (buy) it.
moment. Please leave message after the tone.

A: Can we have the bill, please?

s: Don't worry. I (I) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (already pay) it.

A: Thanks very much!

b lli9 Listen and check your answers. Practise

saying the conversations.

envelope D
mvitation [jJ
I stamps D
1 note D
I postman c
I posting ~tter n ~

b mD Listen and check. Practise saymg the words.

Improve your writing

Writing a note
a Re~d the note below and answer these b Tom is on holiday. Charlotte is looking after his
13 quest1ons. cats. Cross out or change the underlined words to
make Tom's note for Charlotte
Who is it for? )'

2 Who wrote it?

3 Where did she go?
4 When will she be back?

!-tope ljOU V\e~c! Cl gooc! c!Cilj Cit wovR-!
CiOV've to .su-pevVVI..CivR-et to get
.soVVletV\~~ fov ci~V'vll'vev. "E>C!cR- e~t 6.
see ljOu tV!ell'v.
. "= ·
9M61 ~•till •oi-•t>® CVJC!Y"Lotte!

(~hen we write a note, we often miss out words like:,,_

TVtC!111,fz tJOU VeY"tJ ~UCVl foY" feeol~~ title CC!tS.!!
TVIeY"e C!Y"e s.o~ t~V\-S. of cC!t foool ~~~~, tl1e cupbocwol
/ • articles #Te supermarket ~~~,txt to tl1e w~~~~,o{ow.

I · pronouns and auxiliary verbs ~hope ... PLeas.e g~ve tl1e~ o~~~,e t~~~~, ONLY!! ill s.ee r1ou 0111, .
~gone SC!tuY"vlC! l::l' C! bout 1.. o'cLocfz.
I • and we use shorter forms 6 = 6 o'clock
Hi! To~

I Thanks = Thank you

Town faciliti es t\1 ~ park
Here is a list of places that Ali wants to visit while he is in Branton. t\1 ~ art gall~r'l
1 Use the list to answer the questions. t\1~ b~ach
Where can he ...
a sit with a coffee a nd watch people walk past? tlte square t~
b see paintings? the. sports stadium
c watch a n athletics meeting?
t\1 ~ canal
d go shopping?
e see interesting old ob jects and learn about history? _ __ __ t\1~ palac~
sunbathe and go swimming?
t\1~ mu5wm
g sit and relax in a place with grass and trees?
h go on a boat trip? t\1 ~ 5nopping cwtr~
go to pray?
t\1~ mo5qu~
visit a place where kings lived in the past?

Vl_ - - -
Which ,ft\ is a place where aeroplanes take off and land? ,J\ _!_~~QBI
Which ® goes across a road, railway line or a river? ®____ _
Which is a large strong building? ~ -----
Which © is something you ask for when you're lost? [)) ________ _
Which lE is the opposite of beginning [E __

Which IF means wonderful or great? IF _______ _

Which ~ is a place where you see paintings? ~-----­
Which 1}-;1 is a small mountain? ~ ---
Which X is the opposite of boring? X _________ _
Which J is a trip from one place to another? Jj _____ _
Which is 1,000 metres?
~ --------
Which ft!A is a very high place - the Matterhorn, for example? ft!A ______ _
When something is INL it means that you have to do it.
~ --------
Which © is the opposite of closed? © __ _
Which !P is a place in a town with trees, grass, flowers etc.? ~ --­
Which ~ is the Thames, the Amazon and the Nile? ~---­
Which ~ is a stone model of a famous person? ~ -----
Which 'if is something you have to buy when you travel by bus/train etc.? 'if ____ _
Which lL9 is the opposite of over? IL9 ___ _

Which 'YJ.J is a way to get from one place to another using your legs? w__ _

Prepositions of movement have to, don't have to
3 Choose the correct preposition.
5 Bruce, George, Alizia and Meera all work for
GONE!! airline. Complete the sentences about
them with has/have to or doesn't/don't have to.
a Walk .a{~_nq l into I out of the main street until you
come to the main square.

b If you want to get to the main shopping area,

go into I over I through the river to the north of
the city.

c It's a long walk from I out of I up the hill, but

at the end of it you can see the whole city ...
it's wonderful!
d There's a bus stop near the school where you can
get a bus down I over I to the town centre.

e The Number Six tram goes across I past I through the

door of our apartment.
Bruce is a member of the cabin crew.
f You can now fly across I along I past the Atlantic a He h11 s to look after passengers.
Ocean in less than six hours.
b He _ _ _ _ _ _ use a computer.
g How long does it take to drive down I from I to here c He _ _ _ _ _ _ look smart.
to the coast?

h Most visitors park their cars outside and then walk

along I into I over the centre.

4 Complete the letter with the words in the box.

over past leY down from across

along out of

Dear Susie,
George is a pilot.
Here are instructions to get (a) tu my d He _ _ __ _ _ fly the plane.
house (b) the railway station: e He _ _ _ _ _ serve food.
You get off the train and walk (c) _ __ He _ _ __ _ _ wear a uniform.

the bridge to the station entrance. Come

(d) the station and walk (e) _ __
the steps. You can see lots of taxis and a car
park there. Walk (f) the car park and
you come to a big road. Turn left and walk
(g) the road for about ten minutes
(h) some shops. My flat is in a big white
building on the right, called Redford Mansions.
Alizia and Meera work at the GONE!! Call Centre
See you tomorrow,
near London.
Jane g They _ _ _ _ __ wear a uniform.
h They _ __ _ _ _ travel a lot.

module 15

Question s and short answers have to, don't have to, can,
a Write questions as in the exampleThen write can't
6 the short answer.
a Look at the information about flights to New

Short answers with have to

7 York on two airlines- BAC and GONE!! and
complete the sentences with have to, don't have to,
Do 1/you/we/they have to go? can or can't.

r Yes, 1/you/we/they do.

No, 1/you/we/they don't.
Does he/she/it have to go? ,.__ ..
Yes, he/she/it does. Ticket price 1st class return t standby ticket:
No, he/she/it doesn't. ticket: £1 ,500 I £150
. .. - ·- I
Check-in time be at the airport 3 hours before I

1 Bruce I have to I look after the passengers? I--

1 hour before I
noes Bn1 cc htWL' to look ~~Iter the tJ t1ssemjtTS ':' Before the flight special VIP wait in
lounge Departure
Yt'S, he ciocs.
2 he I have to I use a computer?
Lounge only
Food and drink yes- free buy sandwiches
and drinks on
3 he I have to I look smart?
I In-flight film yes no
? f-·
Seats seat numbers no seat numbers
Duty-free goods yes no
4 George I have to I fly the plane?
On BAC airlines:

5 he I have to I serve food? 1 hi1L'(' to _ _ check in one hour before.

You --'.....:..:.....::........:.::........:.
? 2 You _ _ _ __ _ wait in the VIP lounge.
3 You _ _ _ _ __ pay for your food and drinks.
6 he I have to I wear a uniform? 4 You _ _ _ __ _ watch an in-flight film.
? 5 You _ __ _ _ _ sit in a particular seat.
6 You _ _ _ _ __ buy duty-free goods.
7 Alizio and Meera I have to I wear a uniform? On GONE!! airlines:
7 You _ _ _ _ _ _ arrive at the airport three
hours before.
8 they I have to I travel a lot? 8 You _ _ _ _ __ use the VIP lounge.
? 9 You _ _ _ _ _ _ pay for your food and drinks.
10 You _ _ _ _ _ _ watch on in-flight film.
11 You _ _ _ _ _ _ sit where you want.
b .nla Listen to the sentences. Practise saying
12 You _ _ _ _ _ _ buy duty-free goods.

b ~ Listen to the sentences. Practise saying


listen and read
Unusual places to visit
~ Listen and /or read about three unusual places to visit,
8 and complete the table.

Blue Lagoon London Bridge Guggenheim Museums

What it is

Where it is 45 kiH ftWJ.1

.,. c
lct'fn Hd

Why people go there

Blue Lagoon - Iceland

Iceland - a country in the North Atlantic near the Arctic Circle -
probably isn't the first place you think of for o perfect beach
holiday. But every year, thousands of people toke off their clothes
and swim at the Blue lagoon, a beach near the Arctic Circle and just
45 km from the capitol city, Reykjavik. The air temperature con be
as low as minus 10 degrees: but the woter comes from underground
and is naturally hot - the usual water temperature is between 35
and 40 degrees. It's like taking a hot bath in the open air!!

London Bridge - USA!!

The original london Bridge actually isn't in london at all ... and it
doesn't even pass over a river!! American businessman Robert P
McCulloch bought the bridge for $2.5 million in 1968 and moved
it - stone by stone - across the Atlantic Ocean. He rebuilt it in
lake Havasu City, Arizona - o smoll town in the middle of the
desert, where the temperature is ohen more thon 40 degrees.
Nowadays, thousands of tourists come to see the bridge, and there
is on English village with watersports facilities, shops and

The Guggenheim Museums

There are not one but five Guggenheim Museums. Solomon R
Guggenheim opened the first collection of modern art in New York in
1959. Another museum opened in Italy, and then, in 1997, two more
Guggenheims opened: one in Berlin ond the other in the Bosque city of
Bilbao, in the north-west of Spain.
It is now one of Spain's biggest tourist attractions, and every year
hundreds of thousands of people come to see the paintings ond other
works of art. The newest Guggenheim museum is the Virtuol Museum -
the world's biggest Internet art gallery.

module 15

Real life b fiB Listen and check your

answers. Practise saying the
Following directions directions at the same time as the
a Find where you are on the map. Then find the National Gallery of recording.
9 Scotland. Complete the directions to the Scottish National Gallery,
using the words in the box. You are at the National Gallery.
Complete the directions to the
Museum of Scotland.
Come (1) cH it of the National
Gallery and (2) left.
(3) the first turning
(4) the right and
(5) straight on,
(6) the National Library
of Scotland. (7) _ _ _ you come
to Chambers Street, turn
(8) and the Royal
Museum is (9) the
(10) _ _ _

d .nD Listen and check your

answers. Practise saying the
directions at the same time as the

I turn the on past _ji1ottg straight on

Go (1) alovt9 South Bridge Road. Go (2) _ _ _ on for about 500

metres until the end of the road. When you come to Princes Street
(3) left. Go straight (4) for about 500 metres,
(5) the market and the Scott Monument, and take the second
street on (6) left. It's called The Mound. The gallery is
(7) the left.

Vocabulary booster Vocabulary
A shopping centre Adjectives to describe
1Q a Label the pictures with words from the box.
Write the missing letters

an escalator a push chair steps shoppers a clothes shop

11 to make adjectives to
describe towns.
a department store a shop window automatic doors _jl--lfff a bench
a fl_l n

b f _ sh _ _ n_b _ _

c at t v

d I_ v _ . y

e t r d n
p __ ( _ __ !

g int __ _ s ___ g

h ex __ n _ _ v_

fr ___ d _ y

m d n

Spelling and
Sil ent letters
a All the words below
12 have at least one silent
letter. Which letter(s) don't we
pronounce? Cross out the silent
letters, as in the example .

1 castle 7 design
2 straight 8 know

3 scenery 9 sights

4 highest 10 right

5 building 11 sign
6 through 12 listen

b fiB Listen to the

pronunciation of the words.
li lift 6 Practise saying them.
2 7
3 8
4 9
5 10

b ~ Listen to the pronunciation of the words. Practise

saying them.
module 15

Improve your writing

A postcard
a James and Thelma are spending a few days in London. They
13 have written a postcard to their neighbours in the United States.
~ nearest
English seen
tea in
Read the postcard and write the words from the box into the correct

(i) __±:!i_ ev'eYt) boc* tjl \

t-texe we ClYe (2) - L..oV'-c*OV'-\
lvle wwtheY ~sV'-'t too be~c* ClV'-c* we'ye
hClv'~~ Cl (3) -
weve !Vle WClttS 'FCIV~A-~Ltj
(4) _ _ the C-hClV'-g~~ of:he c;ue~Yc* Clt 5 g 3 i t-t~LLs Av'eV'-ue
-g,ucR~~hClVIA- "PClLClce, ClV'-c* y~ght V\-OW t::>Cl \jtOUV'-,
we'ye \t\Clv'~~ Cl cu-p of (s) - .. V~Yg~V'-~Cl VA 1?31?
-me R~c*s WCIV'vt to go to the (0) - - lt\.SA
Mct::>oV'-Cl Lc*'s, but !VleLV~A-Cl Cl V'-c* t WCl V\-t to
(:T) LuV'-Ch ~V'- Cl yeClL ole\
(g) = -pub V'-eClY westV~A-~V'-steY Abbetj·
0) - foY V\-OW\
-g,ob, lV1eLV~A-Cl Cl V'-c* the R~c*s

b Choose a place and write a postcard to someone you know. Use some
of the phrases below.

Useful language
Here we a re in . ..
Right now, we' re . . .
We've seen ...
We want to ...
The weathe< i'(n 't) ...
We're having a ... time
l I
We're going to ... want(s) to go to .. . Bye for now! ___ _j I


Consonants Vowels
Symbol Key Word Symbol Key Word
p pet J: sleep
b boat bit
t top e bed
d do ~ cat
k cat a: father
g golf D clock
tf church ::> : bought
d3 jeans 0 book
f few u: boot
v view but
e thirsty "
3: bird
0 though d brother
s sit er day
z zoo d0 phone
J fresh ar by
3 leisure au now
h hat :) ] boy
m mother (;) dear
n sun ed hair
Q young U;l sure
1 lot happy
run Lid annual
w wet

---- ----·-·- -- ------- - - - - - ·----.,
a -Jd.!~ -A~- N -; 1
1 A L I
10 student
11 pen
12 girl
·---(: ~ ~: ~- ~ ~-~r-~~ :)1 I . (~ I I
5 door 9 window R U 1 P 0 ( S _ _T~ . 1 K ! iA B
.->- ---t-r--
~ [ A . -~J ' 0
~~~::: t
'N R
A N K R' II [ I

~j ~TI
b four f twenty
c f1fteen three ·.• M E
d two h twelve 0 S . W A T u A H
e eight '.:- - --------+--- ~ - ..
F R E N C H A N 0 s
3a -----'-'--·~r---- ---,--=~-=
K 0 R I P- · -- 0
L I s H
2 Tuesday 5 Fnday A T u ~-E I-1 - -- --N E s E
3 Wednesday 6 Saturday --· ··---- - -
4 Thursday 7 Sunday

4 4
2 Brazilian 7 Egyptian
b thirty-five and f1fty-four is eighty-nine 3 Swiss 8 Indonesia n
c twenty-nine and seventy-one is a hundred 4 Hunganan 9 lnsh
d eighty-three and fourteen is ninety-seven 5 Mexican 10 Argentinean
6 Canadian

1a b
2 's 5 name 8 And
thi s
b I'm not from Ireland.
c My mother and father aren't English.
2 d
Brazil isn't a small coun try.
My name isn't Lana.
b f My sister isn't married .
1 's her name? g I'm not fifteen years old.
2 name's Nicole Kidman. h Philip and Elizabeth aren 't o n holiday.
3 's she from?
4 's from Australia.
b he is g he isn 't
1 What are their names 7 c it isn't h they aren't
2 Their names are David and Victoria Beckham. d we aren't/we're not it is
3 Where are they from' e she is she isn't
4 They're from England . I am

1 What's his name 7 8
b my g her
2 Hi s name 's jackie Chan .
3 W here 's he from 7 c Her h his
4 He's from China d our our
e our j your
their k My

b a f a
c an g a
d a h an
e a

b nurse f musician
2 's got 5 've got 8 hasn't got
c police officer g lawyer 3 hasn't got 6 've got 9 's got
d singer h electrician 4 haven't got 7 's got
e shop assistant
2 from 6 married
2 Has she got a car7
Yes, she has.
3 business 7 address 3 Has she got a computer?
4 you 8 job No, she hasn't.
5 number 4 Have Martin and Inge got a pet?
No, they haven't.

b Donna Fiorelli f Betty Booth

Have they got a car7
Yes, they have.
Have they got a computer7
c Beatrice Santini g David Mill; Yes, they have.
d Plankton h Donna Fiorelli 7 Has Alfonso got a pet?
e David Mills Yes, he has.
8 Has he got a car?

b(fl}:; mother's from the 'United StatE.·;.
No, he hasn't.
Has he got a computer?
Yes, he has.
c ®re you,s:parnish?
d Q ur school is irn e amden Rood.
e Vm from•,B'ome.
;Brie lives in ~rlin. My friend Steve's got a fantastic life. He's only 21, but he's got
a great job- he's a professional footballer- and he's got lots of
money. He's got a new car, too- it's a Porsche. It's white and
it's got everything, evern a CD player!
South London College
52 Richmond Road b
London is 5 has
2 8 is
SW15 6GS 3 has 6 has 9 has
UK 4 is 7 is
2 Mrs Mary Burke
109 St Stephen Street
b Your dog has got beautiful eyes.
4 c We've got two black cats at home.
Ireland d I've got a fantastic computer game- Crash 5111
e My friend AI is a professional musician.
c f Lauren Bacall is my favourite actress.
Miss Sarah Ellis Mr Simon Henderson g My sister's got a new mobile phone.
62 High Street 12 Muirfield h Goldie is a friendly dog.
Amershom Glasgow
HP7 6Dj G12 8Sj
England Scotland
2 a driving licence 8 an alarm clock
3 a lighter 9 an MP3 player
4 a lipstick 10 painkillers
2 /er/ 4 /D/ 6 /er/ 8 /D/ 5 a mirror 11 sun screen
3 /D/ 5 /ar/ 7 /ar/ 6 a passport 12 toothpaste
7 a toothbrush
2 son 5 parents 7 nephew
b those d this those
6 husband 8 niece

c that e these
(Possible answers)
b an d an f h on
2 He's joe and Brenda's son. He's Nora's grandson. He's
jane's brother. He's Sam's nephew.
c a e 9 a 3 He's Nora's son. He's Brenda's brother. He's jane and
jason's uncll'.

4 She's Joe's wife. She's Nora's daughter. She's Jane and

Jason's mother. She's Sam's sister.
She's Joe and Brenda's daughter. She's jason's sister. She's
b with e at g on
Nora's granddaughter. She's Colin's wife. She's Sam's niece.
c in f in g from
6 They're Joe and Brenda's children. They're Nora's
d at
grandchildren. They're sister and brother.
b How e How h Who
Isabel Preyster
c Who f What How
2 Chabeli
d What g Where What
3 Julio Junior
4 Enrique
b My father's 42 and he's a \awyer.
2 What are his children's names? c My cousin Steve is 33 and he isn't married.
3 Are they all famous? d 7\1y parents have got a new car and it's fantastic..
4 Who i~ Isabel Preysler? e Prague is the of the Czech Republic and it's very
5 What is Chabeli's job? beautiful.
6 Is julio junior a singer? f Maria and I are on holiday and we're in Thailand now.
7 Where is Enrtque's home?
8 Has Enrique got a Porsche?

2 (Their names are) Chabeli, julio Junior and Enrique.
Yes, they are.
She's their mother.
b in a small house, with my family. in Mexico
5 She's a journalist.
c for Nike, long hours, in an office
6 Yes, hi> is (and he's an actor and a model).
d to work, to university, to the cinema a lot
7 His home's in Miami. Florida.
e economics, law, at
8 Yes, he has. (He's got two!)
f meat, a lot of fish, in restaurants a lot
g coffee, black tea, mineral water
b Is that Michael's car?
c It's Tessa's birthday on Saturday.
2 Do 7 of
d What's your mother's name?
3 out 8 study
e Where's Philip's desk?
4 drink 9 live
f My husband's name is Peter.
5 in 10 long
g ]o is my sister's frtend.
6 speak
h Carla's house is in the centre of Rome.
2 Australia 4 to school 6 meat
2 dictionaries 6 keys 10 buses
3 Spanish 5 economics
3 boxes 7 matches 11 addresses
12 boys
2 live 10 don't live
b 3 speak 11 speak
2 women 4 wives 6 people 4 don't speak 12 don't work
3 businessmen 5 lives s don't work 13 work
a 6 go 14 don't go

What's this?
don't eat
15 don't drink
16 eat

It'~ my pa~port.

b Yes, they do. f No, they don't.
His friend's name is James c No, they don't. g No, they don't.
d No, they don't. h Yes, they do.
cld e Yes, they do.
This isc my ;,ister. Her name's)St$nne.

Those are my
She's s)'?ven yeart)old.
4 What's 2 a school 6 a supermarket
5 She's got fanta;'!tic blue 3 a bank 7 a railway station
6 What'~ your brother's first name? 4 a hospital 8 a library
7 Sarah a famous 5 a hotel
8 What'~ the an,"£wer to thi:i

2 They start at seven o'clock.
b both e both g neither
3 They have lunch at school. c too neither h too
4 They finish at six o'clock. d neither
5 They go to the library.
6 They close at eleven or twelve o'clock.
7 They go home in a special minibus.
8 They go to bed at one or two o'clock. MODULE 4
8 1
b watches e goes h studies
b evening f a big meal
c get up g leave school c comes f enjoys plays
d close h the weekend d lives 9 says
e come home
b It's half past three.
c It's five to seven.
d It's quarter past five. c
e It's twenty past ten. 2 He comes from Britain.
f It's quarter to four. 3 He lives in Seoul/South Korea.
g It's twenty-five to twelve. 4 He speaks English, French and Korean.
h It's five past nine. 5 He plays the guitar.
It's ten to one. 7 She comes from Argentina.
8 She speaks Spanish, Catalan and English.

b on f in
She works in a bank.
She goes to the gym.
He comes from Hungary.
c at g at 13 He lives in Paris/France.
d in h in 14 He teaches music.
e at 15 He plays tennis.

b the newspaper e shower h the bus 3 No, she doesn't. 7 Yes, he does.
c bed late rv work 4 Yes, she does. 8 Yes, he does.
d dinner g home 5 Yes, she does. 9 No, he doesn't.
6 No, he doesn't. 10 No, he doesn't.

b me e it g us
c it it/me h them 2 It doesn't rain in summer.
d him 3 My brother doesn't like getting up at seven o'clock.
4 The restaurant doesn't close on Sunday evening.
5 Martin doesn't come to class every week.
6 Tony doesn't buy all his food at the supermarket.
/I/ six, big, finish, this, children, listen, dinner 7 Carla doesn't drive to work.
/ai/ life, nine, five, write, night 8 My cousin doesn't visit me every month.

In Britain children start school at about 9 o'clock in the

b leaves g drives says
morning, but in Poland they start school at 8 o'clock. c writes h reads m doesn't work
d lives buys n works
b e gets up j sells
3 In New York most people start work at 8 a., but in York f has k finishes
most people start work at 9 am.
4 In York most people start work at 9 a.m. and they finish
work at 5.30 p.m. 6
b When does he get up7
5 In New York most people finish work at 6 pm, but in York
they finish work at 5.30 pm. c What does he do after breakfast?
6 In New York children start school at 5 years, but in York d Where does he read the newspaper?
they start school at 4 years. e Where does he go on holiday?
7 In New York most shops open at 9 am and they close at f What does he do after lunch?
8 pm.
8 In New York most shops close at 8 p.m., but in York they
close at 6 pm.

~ Answerkey

2 go for a run 7 go for a walk

b Excuse me. I'd like two coffees,
3 wake up 8 meet friends c I'd like one of those, please.
4 clean your teeth 9 get dressed d Excuse me. I'd like the bill.
5 go to the gym 10 catch a bus e Do you want milk with your tea?
6 cook a meal

b I'd like a coffee but I don't want milk. thank you.
2 Irene hates doing housework. c A: What's the time?
Agnes loves doing housework. B: I'm sorry, I haven't got a watch.
3 Irene loves talking to the family. d A: Do you want a drink?
Agnes doesn't like talking to the family. s: That's a good idea!
4 Irene likes going to English class. e l5 thai Elena's bag?
Agnes hates going to English class.
5 Irene doesn't like babysitting.
Agnes likes babysitting.
17 a
2 g 5 b 7 e
3 f 6 h 8 d
4 a
2 In the south of France. or in Tuscany, in the north of Italy.
3 Paris. b
4 London. My friend Takashi comes from Okinawa in Japan. but now
5 In a small house in Gascony. he lives in London. He's a musician, and he plays in a bar
6 In France. called East and West. He likes the international atmosphere
7 Four. in London, but he doesn't like the rain. He thinks the peo-
8 The weather, the food and wine and the people. ple are very nice when you know them.
9 England.

b them f him
her/she 1
b motorbike f tram
e them
c scooter g train

b sometimes f always
h underground or subway

always 2
b on e to h to/by
c to f for from
g off/on to
1 d on

b can e can't h can't
e plays c can't f can can't
d can't g can

b Caroline never eats fish.
c I don't often eat in a restaurant. 2 Yes, you can. 5 Yes, you can. 7 No, it can't.
d I usually get up late on a Sunday morning. 3 No, you can't. 6 Yes, you can. 8 Yes, you can.
e It's always very hot in August in my city. 4 No, they can't.
f The Brown family usually go to Italy on holiday.
The weather is always cold in january.
The bus is often late. 5
c I always drive to work, but a lot of people come by
d Parking is a real problem near my house.
2 crowds /Z/ 8 restaurants /S/ e The traffic is very bad in the evening.
3 spiders /Z/ 9 houses /IZ/ f My uncle is a train driver.
4 actresses /IZ/ 10 friends /Z/ g Have you got a car?
5 beaches /IZ/ 11 parents /S/ h We live in a small town in the United States.
6 drivers /Z/ 12 addresses /IZ/
7 students /S/

b Eight o'clock is a good time to phone Thomas: he is always
2 hand luggage 8 a passenger
at tfl.e home in the evening. 3 an overhead locker 9 a screen
c It's so cold today that a lot of people can't go to tfl.e work. 4 a flight attendant 10 a seatbelt
d The train times are different on tfl.e Sundays. 5 a sign 11 the aisle
e What do you think of the public transport in tfl.e London? 6 a window seat 12 an aisle seat
f You can use a Rail Card in most countries in #te Europe. 7 headphones
g Do #te people drive on the left in the United Arab

Our plane arrives in Los Angeles at #te two o'clock in the
a Preston f 737935C
b Robert g AA9295

b Not many people work on Sundays.
h UK

c A lot of British people go to Spain on holiday.

d Some people can't drink coffee without sugar.
e A lot of people don't like flying.
Not many European people can understand japanese. MODULE 6
Most people in my town enjoy ta lking to tourists.
Some people drive dangerously at night. 1a
Fruit, meat, water, tea, cheese, music, bread, food, sugar

2 Moscow. b
3 567 2 is 6 are
4 The United States. 3 isn't/meals 7 These/are
5 43,000,000. 4 takes 8 isn't
6 Mexico City. 5 this/It's
7 Grand Central Terminal Station, New York.
8 Six hours.
Drinks: fru1t juice, coffee, milk, tea
Types of fruit: apple, orange. grapes
Other things you can eat: cheese, ham, jam, yoghurt, eggs,
BA172 to Copenhagen. Here\ my ticket toast. bread, butter, nuts, pizza, sausages. cereal
2 No, only hand luggage
3 Here's your boarding card You're seat 25C. 0 (] - AM) H A N N S ·C-" E
4 Which gate is It7
Gate 14. but your flight's delayed by one hour.
B ,F i A S (B u· T (~ 1 E R) 0 T
That's £2.00.
When's the next tram7 ~·. j i A D ~~ I -E ~~~ ~ 1 N I F B
8 Which platform is It7

~Ml-h I fi R ~:
9 Platform 3.
10 A-l i --wiAT
-~ I T :(A' A~ :rNlr-\ I NR,~l(./Y~.
b do h Do
Have IS !. I

d does I does 1 I I II I / \ I
e Is k are T J II p I Ip IA ! I '
c IG Ic I T :0 I
f Has can II I I 'I I I i
g Can A u II p I N iE ! IN
1' z i E E : H u IG
b I 'I j, I
/a: / ;er, /J:/ /'&/
M I i: L K ),S \A ; Z
---~- .. . --+-~+---../ '-.,../ ~--
i I .-..!.-

E E 1 H

can't take small taxi R I c It E G G s \1] A EI :u

traffic Jam
travel (C .E
~ -- J ~==::::-~~-=. ~--­
. R E A L ' IT
\'--------..-· ---.:.- -- . -··· ·· -· ------------- , ___0 -


Answer key

b are there f there aren't
c There's g There are 4 packet 8 cup/packet
d Are there h There isn't 5 bottle/ glass
e Is there
2 Are/Yes, there are.
You can catch a bus to the .ill!:port from here.
I always have orange juice with my breakfast.
3 Is/No, there isn't. 4 What do you want for lunch?
4 Is/Yes, there aren't. 5 I never drink coffee in the evening.
5 Are/No, there isn't.
6 Are/Yes there are.
a 1 Italian 3 Argentinian
b some f any
2 French 4 Hungarian

c some/any g any/some
h any/some MODULE 7

b was/was weren't
2 no 6 any 10 some c were g was
3 a 7 no 11 a d were h was
4 some 8 some 12 a e were/wasn't
5 An 9 A

3 Was/ No, he wasn't. 7 Was/Yes, she was.
2 onions 7 carrots 4 Was/Yes, he was. 8 Was/No, she wasn't.
3 peppers 8 peas 5 Were/No, they weren't. 9 Were/No, they weren't.
4 cabbages 9 potatoes 6 Were/Yes, they were. 10 Were/Yes, they were.
5 cucumbers 10 tomatoes

b in two thousand and four
2 vinegar 6 herbs c from nineteen forty-six to nineteen fifty-five
3 French fries 7 crisps d in the nineteen-fifties
4 oil 8 soy sauce e in the thirteenth century
5 salad f in nineteen ninety-eight
g from nineteen thirty-two to nineteen fifty-three

8 h in the eighteenth century

The correct picture is C.

b How much f How much
c How much g How many e looked arrived
d How many h How many

1Q a
How much
b started/ended e helped h changed
c died f studied lived
2 Yes, can we have two steaks? d walked g tried worked
3 Would you like any vegetables?
Yes, some potatoes and peas, please.
Anything to drink with that?
We'd like a mineral water and a lemonade, please.
b left e sang h won
c went f sold became
11 d began 9 made

a bag
a packet
a carton
a glass
a bottle 7
b from/to f on
c at g In
d in h in
e At

3 s 6 s 9 s
4 D 7 s 10 D
S D 8 s b co m edy f horror film
c ac tio n fil m g cartoon
d musical h historical film
e science fiction film
2 flew 7 become 12 began
3 started 8 lo,·ed 13 recci,·ecJ
4 arrived 9 tried 14 disuppeurcd
5 wanted 10 ga ,·e 15 spent
6 met 11 left 16 round E N 0 y A B L __ E /, D 0
X 0 A N 1'B'] M LA u s
10 c R 0 1
oi s o F :v ' s
b fifth f twen tieth L ,-- -TY - -t- t-

: -+f-i-- ~- -fi+-~ -:~ . :

c eighth g firs t/second N T
d nineteenth h lwe n ty -sew nd
e fourth
1 NI y ·II L i \L
F u N 0 T
___j.___.,. _ _ ____./ ! '

N p ' G ~ Q L I B ,E c
b January the thirtieth G K M I( u ,Y ,1 c I N I y
November the seventeen th
August the twelfth M A ~D R 0 M -A - N- +r-"- I
e September the twenty-first
f April the ninth
E X X p w H 0 y V D

b three years ago
when I was a child
when we were on holiday
every summer
b cost g found
f yesterday evening c gave h fell
g when they are eighteen d drank appeared
h a week ago e became went

fa ll 10 win
b We didn't go for a drive yesterday.
3 break 7 stea l c Ben didn't remember to buy a birthday cord.
4 wake up 8 b u ild d I didn't hear the telephone.
e The letter didn't arrive this morning.
b f I didn't eat in a restaurant last night.
2 catch 5 wa ke u p 8 fall g Amanda didn't know what to do.
3 build 6 ru n 9 cut h I didn't check my e-mail yesterday.
4 throw 7 stea l 10 win

b Did Alexander Graham Bell invent e-mail?
A 3 c 4 E 2 c Did Marilyn Monroe sing 'Candle in the Wind'?
B D 5 d Did Captain Cook discover America?
e Did Leonardo do Vinci paint 'Mona Lisa'7

b As a child h university
Madonna play 'Evita'?
Beethoven write rock songs?
Laurel and Hardy make comedy films?
c went to school graduated Did Yuri Gogarin travel to the moon?
d when I was j got a job
e become interested k went to work
f left got married
g studied 2 No, he didn't. 6 Yes, she did.
3 No, she didn't. 7 No, he didn't.

b After e Then h before
he didn't.
he did.
they did.
he didn't.

c before f After
d Then g Before

~ Answerkey
2 How did he
Where did he
How much did it
b an easy question e a new bicycle
5 What did he buy c a small country f an uncomfortable chair
6 How many books did he d an ugly face g a fast train
7 How much money did he
What time/When did he
How long did the journey 2
b easier e healthier h slimmer

b Yes, I did.
bigger f

c I didn't buy a newspaper yesterday.

d Did you listen to the news last night?
e No, I didn't. 2 The River Mississippi is longer than the River Volga.
f When I was 13, I always wore jeans. 3 Blue whales are heavier than elephants.
g DJd you use my computer this afternoon? 4 The Pyramids in Egypt are older than the Parthenon
h I didn't listen to my parents when I was young. in Greece.
5 The Sears Tower in Chicago is taller than the Eiffel Tower
in Paris.
6 The Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge in Japan is longer than the
/ref drank, ran, sang Sydney Harbour Bridge in Australia.
/e/ read, fell. left, met 7 Gold is more expensive than silver.
/':>:/ caught, bought. saw, thought, wore 8 is easier than English.
/AI cut, shut. won

1Qa 2 Karina Green is the youngest.

2 front page 8 advertisement 3 Karina Green has got the longest hair.
3 headline 10 title 4 Jim Bowen has got the shortest hair.
4 article 11 author 5 Jim Bowen is the tallest.
6 picture 12 cover 6 Roy Seagrove is the heaviest.
7 pages 7 Jake Kay is the smallest.
b 8 Roy Seagrove is the most successful.
11 2 What did Atattirk do in 1915. 5
3 When did he become the first president of the Republic of b smallest Pluto e furthest/coldest- Pluto
Turkey. c biggest Jupiter f easiest - Jupiter
4 When did he die? d hottest Venus g closest- Venus
5 When did Florence Nightingale work in a hospital for
wounded soldiers?
6 What did the soldiers call her?
7 When did she begin a school of nursing in London? 2 the biggest 6 most delicious
3 the best 7 bigger

b haven't f was
more expensive

don't we
e There's Cats are bigger than tigers. X
2 Trains are faster than X
2 5 d 7 h
Bicycles are slower than motorbikes. I'
New York is older than Rome. X
5 Gold is more than silver. I'
3 c 6 e 8 b 6 Driving a car is more difficult than riding a bicycle. I'
4 g

3 sat 8 got 13 thought
b one is nearly three d one,
4 helped 9 drove 14 remembered c the ones I bought e ones are the oldest
5 spoke 10 saw 15 stopped
started 9
2 clothes shop 6 hairdresser
3 bakery 7 gift shop
4 post office 8 local store
5 pharmacy 9 dry cleaners

b The Ultimate Power Control
2 Where/d
c The Freezolux Smart 3 Why/a
d The Bryson D838 Robot Vacuum Cleaner 4 Who/b
e The Ultimate Power Control 5 What/c
f The Bryson D838 Robot Vacuum Cleaner 6 What/e

2 it sells 5 until eight o'clock at night
b No, it isn't. e No, I'm not.
3 The reason l like it is 6 The best time to go is c Yes, they are. f Yes, he is.
4 is open 7 The people there d Yes, we are. g No, she isn't.

1 customer 7 shopping list

2 Are you enjoying 9 she isn't
2 8 queue 3 I'm not 10 She isn't doing
4 cashier 9 shopping trolley 4 I'm not having 11 She's looking
5 checkout 10 shopping basket 5 's happening 12 isn't listening
6 cans 6 They're playing 13 'she doing
7 's dancing 14 s coming
8 Is she dancing

B: Yes, in the Food Hall.
A: Which floor is that?
b do you come f drive
B: It's on the ground floor. c Do you speuk g are you doing/I'm waiting
2 d It's raining h Are you
A: Have you got these shoes in a size 38? e I'm watching We're having
B: What colour would you like?
A: Black or brown.
A: Can I these,
b Marie e Puul h Bob k Bob
B: That's £49.99. c Marie Marie Paul I Bob
A: Do you take credit cards? d Puul g Paul Paul
B: Yes, visa or mastercard?
A: Can I have one of those, please?
B: One of these?
b 5 f 9 j 13
A: Yes. How much is it? c 10 g 4 k 8
B: It's d 3 h 6 I 2
5 e 11 m 12
A: What time does the supermarket close 7
B: We are open all night.
Where is What clothes Where did I
a julia's his she from? does she talk she buy
about? her clothes? __j
Mina London jeans, jumper, Michiko, Space,
d theirs ours
e Our Tony's/mine ·acket, shoes Camden Market I
Gloria Barcelona, dress, trousers, She made thern-·
Spain shoes herself- she
bought her
shoes in Spain
but she can't

b studying f stopping i giving

c washing g making k planning
d h dancing l writing
e coming staying

2 is looking 6 is having
3 is tulking 7 is watching
4 is 8 are doing
5 is eating

l 105
Answer key

2 Everybody says she's very good-looking. 2 How fast can they run?
3 Where's Frank going? 3 How many humps does a dromedary have?
4 Who's the girl with long dark hair? 4 How many camels are there in the world?
5 Dina's got short hair. 5 How tall is an adult camel?
6 David's mother doesn't wear glasses. 6 How much does an adult camel weigh?
7 Ann's the black girl with medium-length hair. 7 How far can camels walk without drinking?
8 Maria's waiting for me in the car. 8 How often do camels need to drink water?
9 How much water can they drink?
2 = is
8 =is
3 "" is 4 = is 5 = has 6 "" possessive 7 = is
b How many e Which h How much
a Which What
b Excuse me, have you got the time please?
d How much g
How much
How many

Is this bus going to the city centre?
Is it okay to park here? 6
b How many films did he make?
e Is this the way to the station?
f What time do the shops close on Saturdays? c How long does a football match last?
d Where was the boxer Muhammad Ali born?
e How far is your home from here?
f What kind of music do you like?
1 b 3 5 e
g How fast can a cheetah run?
2 d 4 a 6 c
h What is the biggest ocean in the world?

b sitting f he's j she's
b did f did
c shining g has k look
c do g can
d are h isn't attractive
d is h was
e wearing eyes
e were

1 horse 5 COW 9 frog
1b 2
3 She can't 4 duck 8 spider 12 snake
4 She can
5 can speak French c
6 can play chess Animals with two legs duck, monkey
7 He can't drive a car. Animals with four legs frog, cow, mouse, sheep, horse, dog
8 He can't play a musical instrument. Animals with more bee, beetle, spider
than four legs

2 Can she play chess?

No, she can't.
b up to 6 metres
3 Can she drive a car? c 6 em
Yes, she can. d about 3 kg
4 Can she play a musical instrument? e more than 2.5 metres
Yes, she can. f 20 to 50 times a second
5 Can Max speak French? g more than 50
No, he can't. h i) 13 million ii) a few hundred iii) about 50,000
6 Can he play chess?
Yes, he can.
7 Can he drive a car?
Yes, he can. 2 1985 7 62,000,000
8 Can he play a musical instrument? 3 3,000 8 297
No, he can't. 4 90 km/h 9 2,000,000,000
5 9.6 10 963

b What kind e How long h What
6 253,000

c When f What colour How

d Which g What time How well

I b
2 one hundred and fifty kilometres an hour
3 three million
b Tomorrow's Saturday ... I'm going to stay in bed all day.
4 eight point five c Where do you want to go?
5 three hundred and forty-eight d Would you like to go out for lunch?
6 two billion e Chris isn't enjoying his holiday: he wants to go home!!
7 five thousand six hundred f My friends are going to cook a special meal this evening.
8 nineteen eighty g What would you like to do tomorrow?
9 three hundred and fifty thousand h We are not going to have a holiday this year.
10 eighty million

12 6
a a meal, a shower
b f the/the j the b in bed, at home
c the g k the c television, a video
d a h the I the d the shopping, your homework, the housework
e a an e the gym, the country, the cinema, a concert
(you can also go to a party and a barbecue)
b I'm not sure what the answer is.
c Is it true that koala bears don't drink water? 2 don't want 5 about 8 like
d What is the world's largest animal? 3 Let's 6 there's 9 idea
e He doesn't know the answer. 4 see 7 don't 10 I'll
f Where's the biggest lake in the world?
g What is Peter's pet dog's name?
b to e in h on
1a a
2 He's going to buy a newspaper.
10 the sky 7 a surfer
3 They're going to play tennis.
4 The bus is going to stop. 3 a cloud 8 a beach umbrella
5 They're going to get wet. 4 waves 10 a towel
6 He's going to go to bed. 5 a windsurfer 11 a sandcastle
7 They're going to paint the ceiling. 6 rocks 12 the beach
8 They're going to have lunch. a
b I don't want to f She wants to tomorrow morning
c She doesn't want to g He doesn't want to tomorrow evening
d Does anybody want to h Do you want this weekend
e Do your friends want to next week
next month
next year
b No, he isn't. f No, they don't. b
c Yes, they do. g Yes, she is. 2 tomorrow evening 5 next month
d No, she doesn't. h Yes, he does. 3 next week 6 next year
e Yes, he is. Yes, they are. 4 this weekend 7 this evening/tonight

2 Would you like something to drink?


My friends and I would like a table near the window,
Marc doesn't want to stay at home.
1 Chicago
San Francisco
I snow, windy
heavy rain
I heavy rain
1 mmo ramm
f .. -,1I
5 Which film would you like to see this evening? I five days
6 I'd like to order a taxi, please. Jerez de la Frontera ' hot, sunny I 30 degrees - warmest

7 We don't want any more coffee, thank you.
8 Would you like to go for a walk in the park? this year
The Balkans
North-east Italy
heavy snow
heavy snow I;:f:ondoy and
. Irkutsk , above zero I first time since last
I November

I 107
Answer key

13 It's sunny. e It's warm. h It's cold. 2 There probably won't be time to stop for lunch.
It's hot. f It's cloudy. It's windy. 3 Martha will probably be late for class.
'd It's foggy. g It's snowing. 4 You probably won't need your umbrella.
5 l probably won't be able to come tomorrow.

6 There will probably be an election soon.

2 Meg will probably go to Spain with her parents.

Sampath probably won' t ha ve time for a holiday.
Tom might not go to university.
5 Meg will probably go to unive rsity next year.
6 Sam path might get a job abroad in stead.
7 Tom will probably work for h is fa th er 's company.
B Geography H Mathematics
8 Meg will probably become a doctor.
c Information Technology I Engineering
9 Sam path might become an acto r.
0 History J Law
E Li te rature K Orsign
F M edicin e L Politics
G Science M Economics
2 Jan 6 Dec
3 Oct 7 No
? 4 Or 8 Sep
5 n/a 9 etc.
b secondary g pass
c ge t h fai led
d for getting b
2 exempli gratia (= for exampl:.>)
e do choose
f take 3 kilograms
4 kilometres
5 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
6 1\orth, South, East, West
b Sh e wen t to the iibrary to borro w some books. 7 Park
c Sh e we nt to th e post offi ce to send a parcel to hPr cou:,in. 8 Road
d Sh e went to the hospital to vi sit her cick friend. 9 Street
e She we nt to th e greengrocer's to buy some lruit. 10 telephone
f She we n t to the butcher's to buy some meat. 11 United Kingdom
g Sh e went to the bus statiOn to catch the bus. 12 United States of America
h She wen t to th e Oak Tre e Ca fe to have lunch.
2 2 kg
3 63 Stamford St
b to get d to buv f to watch 4 irregular verbs, e.g. bring and bu7
c be e pass g have 5 Queen's Pk Rd
6 London SW7
7 10 km
8 arrived in the UK from th e USA
9 tel no: 020 7939 3671
85 C l 04 FL. 10 classE's are on Tues and Thurs
11 jan :vfar and Apr-Sep

2 d esk 5 keyboard 8 mouse

3 docum ent 6 screen 9 modem MODULE 14
4 printer 7 CO -ROM drive 10 scanne r

1 writing a letter g making a telephone call
2 The p la ne might arrive la te . c sending an e-mail h srnding a card
3 Yo u mi ght be rich one day, if yo u work hard. d sending a tax ;;ending something by post
4 I m ig h t not be able to com e to class next week. E' taking a photo j receiving a text message
5 I m igh t n ot see Frank th is weekend. f surfing the Internet k paying by phone
6 Philip m ight not sta y until the end of the course.
7 The gove rn me n t might chang e soon.
8 The ex am mig ht r1ot bras diffi cult a s you think.
slept 5 spoken 9 said 13 told
2 made 6 taken 10 come 14 become
3 lost 7 driven 11 given 15 seen
4 stoo 8 written 12 kept
mystery word: past participles

b have seen g have forgotten
b I' m sorry, he's not here at the moment.
c have left h have checked c Can you ask him to phone me, please?
d has written have bought d What's your number?
e has lost has never had e Hello, SA International , can I help you'
have never read f I'd like to speak to Mr Cornwell, please.
g I'll connect you.
4b h ls that lim Cornwell ?
He llo, this is Susan Heyman from Business Solutions.
2 has won 7 have played j Oh hi , Susan. How are you'
3 haven 't had 8 hasn 't won k this is Matthew speaking.
4 has played 9 has scored I Please leave a message after the tone.
5 has never lost 10 has been
6 has been
2 Has/Yes, she has. 6 Ha ve/No, they haven 't.
post box
sta mps
3 Have/ No, they hoven 'i. 7 Has/ No, she hasn't. 5 postcard 10 posting a letter
4 Has/ No, he hasn't. 8 Has/ Yes, she has. 6 birthday card
5 Has/ Yes, he has.

6a 2 Fiona
2 gone 4 got 3 to the supermarket
3 fed 5 ~hown 4 6 o'clock

b ./ e X studied h X played
Thanks for feeding cats.
Tins of cat food in cupboard next to window.
c X tried f ./ X lived
Please give one tin ONLY!!
d ./ g ./ ;< travelled
See you on Saturday, about 1.
b ever e ne ver

c recently f alwa ys
d already g just MODULE 15
b They've just got married .
b the art gallery
c We 've (recently) bought a flat in Dubai (recently). c the sports stadium
d My father's never been on a tram before . d the shopping centre
e Stefanie's already studied the present perfect. e the museum
f Have you ever slept outside' f the beach
g the park
h the canal
the mosque
b haven't seen the palace
c spoke
Have you ever been
Did you like
bridge, castle, directions, end, fantastic, gallery, hill ,
g was interesting, journey, kilometre, mountain, necessary, open,
h Have you ever sold park, ri ver, statue, ticket, under, walk
haven 't
've already paid.
b over f across
c up g from
d to h into
e past

Answer key

4 1Qa
b from f across 2 a department store 7 shoppers
c over g along 3 a clothes shop 8 steps
d out of h past 4 a bench 9 an escalator
e down 5 a pushchair 10 a shop window
6 automatic doors

b doesn't have to f has to 11
c has to g don't hove to b fashionable
d has to h don't have to c attractive
e doesn't have to d lively
e traditional
2 Does he have to use a computer7
No, he doesn't. friendly
3 Ooes he have to look smart? modern
Yes, he does.

Does George have to Fly the plane?
Yes, he does.
Does he have to serve food?
2 s trai~t 6 throu~ 10 ri~t
No, he doesn 't. 3 sEenery 7 desi~n ll si~n
6 Does he have to wear a uniform? 4 hi~est 8 oknow 12 listen
Yes, he does. 5 btiilding 9 si~ts
7 Do Alizia and Meera have to wear a uniform7
No, they don't.
Do they have to travel a lot 7
No, they don't.
2 in 5 tea 8 english
3 great 6 nearest 9 Bye
2 can 6 can 10 can't
4 seen 7 have

3 don't hove to 7 hove to 11 can

4 can 8 can't 12 can't
5 have to 9 have to

Blue Lagoon London Bridge Guggenheim
What a beach a bridge and museum/
it is shopping/ collection
watersports centre of modern art
Where 45 km from Lake Havasu City, New York, ltaly,
it is Reykjavik, Arizona, USA Berlin, Bilbao,
Iceland on the Internet
Why to swim to see the bridge to see paintings
people and see the and other works
go there English village, of art
shops and

2 straight 5 past
3 turn 6 the
4 on 7 on

2 turn 7 When
3 Take 8 left
4 on 9 on
5 go 10 right
6 past


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