Aeon: Etymology, O9A Theory, and Aeonic Sorcery

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Etymology, O9A Theory, And Aeonic Sorcery

Aeon: Etymology

The word aeon is an alternative transliteration of the Ancient Greek αἰών (aion) and which Greek term historically had
a diversity of meaning depending on context and whether it was used poetically (such as by Homer and Aeschylus) or
whether it was ascribed a particular meaning by philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle or by later Hellenistic
doctrines such as those recounted in the Corpus Hermeticum.

The meaning thus varied: from 'life' to 'age' (of mortals) to the 'ageless life (the eternity) of the cosmos', to a
personified deity named Αἰών who later became understood by gnostics and others as an emanation of the Christian

For instance, in the Agamemnon of Aeschylus it refers to mortals: τίς δὲ πλὴν θεῶν ἅπαντ᾽ ἀπήμων τὸν δι᾽ αἰῶνος
χρόνον, which Myatt {1} translates as "who, except for the gods, passes their entire life without any injury at all?"
While in Aristotle it was associated - qv. De Caelo et Mundo - with the being, the existence, of the cosmos and thence
with 'the divinity'.

The eleventh tractate the Corpus Hermeticum mentions Aion in connection with sophia, 'wisdom',

But the Sophia of theos is what?

The noble, the beautiful, good fortune, arête, and Aion {2}

In the work of Carl Jung, Aion was considered to represent an 'epoch', with various epochs being associated with
various archetypal symbols, such as Christ as a symbol of the Self. For Renaissance and later occultists Aeon was
represented by the Major Arcana Tarot card XX signifying Judgement, usually as in the theological 'The Day of

However, according to 'The Sinister Tarot' of the Order of Nine Angles (ONA, O9A) as described in the manuscripts
published in 1989 in Naos {3} Atu XX is represented thus:

"A bearded man sits at a table opposite a woman in a semi-transparent red robe. The man is dressed in
black. On the table is the Septenary Star Game. To the left are the crumbling remains of a stone building,
some areas of which are covered by ivy and grass.

To the right is a tall, jagged stone. The man and the woman are looking toward the distance where a full
moon and some stars are visible above the horizon. A burning city is indistinct on the horizon. A rent has
appeared in part of the night sky and through it Dagon-like shapes are emerging."

Which 'sinister tarot' image links to how the O9A understand the term Aeon.

O9A Aeonic Theory

The theory of Aeons, and what is termed Aeonic Sorcery (also known as Aeonic Magick), are central to the esoteric (the
occult) philosophy developed by the pseudonymous Anton Long, manifest as that esoteric philosophy is in the O9A.

The O9A theory of Aeons was described in Anton Long's 1980s text Aeonic Magick: A Basic Introduction, a revised
version of which was published in 1994 and in which it is stated that:

"Aeon is the term used [by the O9A] to describe a stage or a type of evolution.

Evolution itself is taken to result from a certain specific process - and this process can be described, or
explained [or 're-presented' ] via a bifurcation of time. That is, evolution is an expression of how the cosmos
changes over or through or because of, 'time' - this 'time' having two components. These two components
are the causal and the acausal [...]

An aeon is a manifestation, in the causal, of a particular type of acausal energy. This energy re-orders, or
changes, the causal. These changes have certain limits - in both causal space and causal time. That is, they
have a specific beginning and a specific end. A civilization (or rather, a higher or aeonic-civilization) is how
this energy becomes ordered or manifests itself in the causal: how this energy is revealed. A civilization
represents the practical changes which this energy causes in the causal -
in terms of the effect such energy has on individuals and this planet. A civilization is tied to, is born from, a
particular aeon. By the nature of this energy, a civilization is an evolution of life - a move toward a more
complex, and thus more conscious, existence [...]

Aeons, civilizations and individuals are examples of organisms. They are all created, or are born; they all
grow and change; and they all at some time die. They all occupy a finite space over a finite span of time.
They all undergo metamorphosis or change.

They all possess an organic structure of change. This structure - for aeons, civilizations and individuals - is of
a similar type, and it can be studied and thus understood. That is, various 'models' can be developed to
describe this structure and the changes it undergoes. In essence, a civilization is the practical manifestation
of a particular aeon, and an individual is an aspect, or part of, a particular civilization or a particular culture."

The text also states that

"All aeonic magick can only be used, by its nature, in three ways - (i) aid the already existing or original wyrd
of an existing aeonic civilization; (ii) create a new aeon and thus a new aeonic civilization; (iii) distort or
disrupt an existing civilization and thus the aeonic forces of that civilization. That is, aeonic magick involves
working (a) with existing aeonic energy (as evident in the associated aeonic civilization); or (b) against
existing aeonic energy; or, finally, it involves (c) creating a new type of aeonic energy by opening a new
nexion and drawing forth new acausal energies. Thus aeonic magick involves knowing the wyrd of the
presently existing civilization and if there are/have been any attempts to disrupt that wyrd, magickally or

The O9A identify, and name, six aeonic civilizations associated with human life on Earth: four from the past, the current
aeon, and a postulated future aeon. These six aeons are:

In addition, the O9A have clearly, and many times, stated that their Aeonic Theory is based on Myatt's fusion of the
ideas of Spengler and Toynbee as outlined in Myatt's 1984 text Vindex: Destiny Of The West. {5} That is, that their
Aeons are not mythological but instead relate to the gradual and historical evolution of human beings as manifest in
the civilizations that arose in certain geographical areas. Furthermore, their concept of aeons is specific: of their birth,
growth, decline, and death, with their longevity being limited: typically 1,500-2,000 years.

Thus the O9A concept of aeons is very different from that of other occultists (modern and otherwise) who, invariably in
a vague or a confusing way, have used the term 'aeon', with some for example claiming aeons can last for only a few
decades because they themselves as a self-declared 'Ipsissimus' have uttered a 'Word' which creates a new aeon. {6}

Furthermore, the O9A conception of archetypes is based on aeons: that each aeon produces different archetypes and
that these archetypes - like their associated aeon and civilization - wane and finally die, with new archetypes being
born, representing as such new archetypes do a new aeon and a new civilization. Which understanding of archetypes
diverges from the understanding of Jung and his followers. As Anton Long noted in his important but still neglected text
Magick, The Sinister, Aeons, and The Psyche of The Folk:

"It needs to be understood that the ONA uses such terms as psyche, and archetype, in a particular and
precise esoteric way, and thus such terms should not be considered as being identical to those used by
others and defined, for example, by Jung. Thus, esoterically understood, an archetype is a particular causal
presencing of a certain acausal energy and is thus akin to a type of acausal living being in the causal and
thus "in the psyche": it is born (or can be created, by magickal means), its lives, and then it "dies" (ceases to
be present, presenced) in the causal (i.e. its energy in the causal ceases)." {7}
In that text he also wrote that:

"In essence, all genuine magick is Sinister because it is Change: a move-toward a new bringing-into-being. A
re-ordering in the causal. That is, it is a presencing of the acausal - from which all that is evolutionary and
life-affirming arises."

The Implications Of O9A Aeonic Theory

The 1991 text titled Satanism: Or Living On The Edge {8} summarized Aeonic Theory and hinted at what, for the O9A
at least, it implied in practical terms:

"It should be obvious that the esoteric 'symbol' of the Western Aeon is 'Satan' - i.e. Nazarene religion/ethics
/forms are a distortion of the Western Aeon. The exoteric expression of the Western civilization is Science &
Technology: the desire to rationally discover and to excercise control over the environment via technology.

All Aeonic civilizations end in Empire, and this Empire or Imperium lasts for around 390 years. The ethos of
an Aeonic civilization is mostly manifest to (non-Initiate) consciousness via archetypes and a Destiny. These
archetypes and this Destiny are different for each Aeonic civilization. The Destiny is often enshrined in
literary/poetic/saga-like form, and this form, for nearly all such civilizations is of the hero-motif type: the
successful response of a hero or heroes to a challenge or series of challenges. For instance, the Hellenic form
was Homer's Iliad and Virgil's Aeneid.

The present Western civilization is at the stage where is should be entering its Imperium (c. 1995-2385 eh).
However, the natural archetypes of the Western civilization have been mostly transplanted by alien Nazarene
ones - and its sense of Destiny almost lost due to Nazarene ethics and social forms."

Given that O9A Aeonic Theory was founded on Myatt's interpretation, and development, of the ideas of Spengler and
Toynbee, and given that Myatt was "England’s principal proponent of contemporary neo-Nazi ideology and theoretician
of revolution," {9} it is no coincidence that the author of Satanism: Or Living On The Edge - echoing what Myatt wrote
about the Magian in his Vindex: Destiny Of The West - stated that "there has been and is a distortion in the Western
energies, and that, given no distortion, the Destiny of the Western civilization was Empire." An Empire that Myatt - in
Vindex: Destiny Of The West - had not only described as an Imperium but also noted that

"while the founders of the Imperium may not call themselves National Socialists or use as their symbol the
swastika flag, they will nevertheless be the heirs of National Socialism. In this bond lies the key to the
creation of Imperium."

According to Myatt this is because in respect of the Western aeon and thus Western civilization National Socialism was
a natural and necessary response to the Magian distortion: a resurgence of Western archetypes, of the Faustian soul -
of the natural psyche - of the West.

But as he wrote in his later The Mythos of Vindex:

"the duty – the wyrd – of Vindex and of the clans of Vindex is not to strive to try and restore some romantic
idealized past – or even be in thrall to some perceived wyrdful, often numinous-filled, past way of living, such
as that which Adolf Hitler brought to Germany – but rather to establish an entirely new and conscious and
thus more potent expression of the numinous itself. This new and numinous way of living replaces the
impersonal tyranny of the State with the way of the clan and the tribe; it replaces the abstraction of politics,
and of democracy, with personal loyalty to an honourable, noble, clan or tribal leader." {10}

In respect of the term Magian, it is defined in many O9A texts, including and most fully in their recent version of The
Glossary of ONA Terms:

"Magian is used to refer to the hybrid ethos of the ancient Hebrews (as manifest for instance in the Old
Testament) and of Western hubriati, and also refers to those individuals who are Magian by either breeding or
nature. The essence of what we term the Magian ethos is inherent in Judaism, in Nasrany, and in Islam.

To be pedantic, we use the term Magian in preference to the more commonly used term Semitic to describe
the ethos underlying these three major, and conventional, religions, since the term Semitic is, in our view,
not strictly philologically correct to describe such religions.

The Magian ethos expresses two fundamental things: (i) the notion of being "chosen" - as for example by
"God" - and thus of having a special "destiny", and (ii) the fundamental materialistic belief, the idea, of Homo
Hubris and the Hubriati, that the individual self (and thus self identity) is the most important, the most
fundamental, thing, and that the individual - either alone or collectively (and especially in the form of a
nation/State) - can master and control everything (including themselves), if they have the right techniques,
the right tools, the right method, the right ideas, the money, the power, the influence, the words. That
human beings have nothing to fear, because they are or can be in control.

The Magian ethos is thus represented in the victory of consumerism, capitalism and usury over genuine,
numinous, living culture; in the vulgarity of mechanistic marxism, Freudian psychology, and the social
engineering and planning and surveillance of the nanny State; in the vulgarity of modern entertainment
centred around sex, selfish indulgence, lack of manners and dignity, and vacuous "celebrities" (exemplified
by Hollywood); and in the conniving, the hypocrisy, the slyness, and the personal dishonourable conduct,
which nearly all modern politicians in the West reveal and
practice." {11}

Which naturally brings us to why the O9A has always - heretically (exoterically) and in esoteric terms - championed and
propagated not only National Socialism and 'holocaust revisionism' but also made "defiance of and practical opposition
to Magian Abstractions" one of its five core principles, and which principle "refers to the ONA's opposition to what it
perceives as illegitimate Magian (western Judaeo-Christian) control of global culture and economics." {12}

For the O9A, just like Myatt, saw in National Socialism a modern expression of the Western - and the Greco-Roman -
warrior ideal over and above politics and materialism, just as the O9A lambasted the modern materialistic 'satanism' of
Howard Stanton Levey (a/k/a Anton LaVey) as fraudulent, as a Magian distortion of Satanism; which is apposite given
that the O9A in their Geryne of Satan text {13} asserted "that, as originally used and meant, satan is some human
being or beings who 'diabolically' plot or who scheme against or who are 'diabolically' opposed to those who consider
themselves as 'chosen' by their monotheistic God," for those who consider themselves so chosen were and are those
who believe and claim that they are the descendants of the Hebrews about who the books collectively known as The
Old Testament tell stories.

The practical essence of O9A Aeonics was spelled out in a text titled Vindex, Honor, and The Tyranny of the Magian
which title and contents references Myatt's Mythos of Vindex. {14}

"Understood esoterically, The Vindex Mythos is also Acausal Sorcery. That is, the original (non-esoteric) form
has been and is being used in an esoteric manner to provoke Change in an evolutionary way, creating thus a
new sinisterly-numinous causal form, new archetypes [...]

In essence, this mythos is: (i) a new, non-esoteric, manifestation of The Law of the Sinister-Numen (the law of
personal honour); (ii) the new warriors who, upholding the law of personal honour, establish new tribal ways
of living in opposition to the tyranny of the Magian abstraction of the nation-State; and (iii) a new and natural
balance between the male and the female aspects of human beings, manifest in new archetypes.

This last point – these new archetypes – are important, if currently misunderstood, both exoterically and
esoterically. For these new male and female archetypes (to be admired, emulated, and seen as rôle-models)
arise from the reality that the new law of personal honour applies equally to both men and women, and that
no distinction is made between male, and female, warriors, and between what can be achieved. That is, the
only distinction that matters is living by the code of personal honour that forms the very basis of both Niners
and of new tribes, and it is this equality of living and aspirations and deeds which will provide the necessary
rôle-models – the real-life personal examples – for individuals, with such rôle-models being in stark contrast
to those of all modern societies.

Thus, the mythos of Vindex replaces the old law of the old Aeon with our new law of personal honour, and
replaces the archetypes of the current Aeon with our new archetypes." Vindex, Honor, and The Tyranny of the
Magian {15}

The Vindex Mythos

While the O9A heretically praise National Socialism - and, via Insight Roles, encourage their members to join neo-nazi
groups - it is important, in order to fully understand O9A Aeonics, that their strategy is not to revive National Socialism
politically or otherwise. Rather - in line with their definition of Magian, given above - it is to abandon not only the idea
of the nation-State, but also the aim of gaining control of some State and forming a new revolutionary government as a
prelude to Imperium. Instead, there is a return to (or rather, an evolution of) the ancestral tradition of clan and tribe,
and which clans and tribes are, exoterically, the essence of the Myattian Vindex mythos.

Hence why the O9A encourage the formation of new societies based on warrior clans and urban gangs, and hence also
the O9A concept of the urban Drecc: a new, modern, satanic archetype. For a Drecc is

"someone who lives a practical sinister life, and thus who lives by The Law of the Sinister-Numen and who
thus Presences The Dark in practical ways by practical sinister deeds. A sinister/O9A tribe or gang is a
territorial and independent group of Dreccs [...] who band together for their mutual advantage and who rule
or who seek to rule over a particular area, neighbourhood, or territory. A sinister tribe is thus a practical
manifestation of the Dreccian way of life. Dreccs, and their associated tribe, rarely engage in overt practical
sorcery and mostly do not describe themselves as Satanists or even as following the LHP. Instead, they
describe and refer to themselves, simply, as Drecc." {16}

Esoterically, what the Myattian Vindex mythos does is bring-into-being, and presence, new archetypes appropriate to
the new Aeon; replacing the old law of the old Aeon with the law of personal honour, and replacing the archetypes of
the current Aeon with new archetypes, from which archetypes new rôle-models, new life styles, are emerging, and will
emerge in the next decades. Which new life styles currently include the Drecc, the Niner, the Rounwytha, and the
Hebdomadary {17}.

It will thus be seen just how original, how heretical, the O9A and its theory of Aeonics are. For with their new
archetypes and Vindex mythos they undermine the very foundatins of The Establishment, albeit in an acausal way -
and thus in temporal (causal) terms, in a very slow manner, over decades - by personal and aeonic and esoteric means
without the need to incite, by political, revolutionary or 'terrorist' methods, the practical overthrow of the
Establishment. For they know from a study of past civilizations that such often violent causal methods are not only
often counter-productive but have been superseded by Aeonic Sorcery and thus by the esoteric creation and
dissemination of new archetypes and a new mythos.

R. Parker



URL's valid as of August 2022

{1} DW Myatt (2013). The Agamemnon of Aeschylus. ISBN 978-1484128220.

{2} In his extensive commentary on v.2 of tractate 11, Myatt - in his Corpus Hermeticum: Eight Tractates, ISBN
978-1976452369 - notes:

Aion. αἰών. A transliteration since the usual translation of 'eternity' imposes modern (cosmological and
theological) meanings on the text, especially as αἰών can also imply a personification of a 'divine being', and
'an age or era' of long duration, or the lifespan of a mortal (as in Herodotus: πρὶν τελευτήσαντα καλῶς τὸν
αἰῶνα πύθωμαι, Book 1, 32.5). In Aristotle, αἰών has specific meanings which the English term 'eternity' does
not describe. For instance, in Περί Ουρανού where he writes: Ὅτι μὲν οὖν οὔτε γέγονεν ὁ πᾶς οὐρανὸς οὔτ'
ἐνδέχεται φθαρῆναι, καθάπερ τινές φασιν αὐτόν, ἀλλ' ἔστιν εἷς καὶ ἀΐδιος, ἀρχὴν μὲν καὶ τελευτὴν οὐκ ἔχων
τοῦ παντὸς αἰῶνος, ἔχων δὲ καὶ περιέχων ἐν αὑτῷ τὸν ἄπειρον χρόνον (Book 2, 1).

Which is somewhat echoed in this tractate in respect of Kosmos which is not just a coming-into-being but
always just is, from Aion (γενόμενος οὔποτε καὶ ἀεὶ γινόμενος ὑπὸ τοῦ αἰῶνος).

Interestingly, Jung used the term to describe a particular archetype, one which provides "intimations of a
kind of enantiodromian reversal of dominants" as he writes in his Aion: Researches Into The Phenomenology
Of The Self.

In addition, αἰών - as with the following χρόνος - might well be a personification, or an esoteric/philosophical
term or principle which requires interpretation, as might κόσμος (Kosmos). Since κόσμος here does not
necessarily imply what we now understand, via sciences such as astronomy, as the physical cosmos/universe
it seems inappropriate to translate it as 'the cosmos', especially given expressions such as οὐδὲ ἀπολεῖταί τι
τῶν ἐν τῷ κόσμῳ τοῦ κόσμου ὑπὸ τοῦ αἰῶνος ἐμπεριεχομένου.

Kronos. χρόνος. For reasons I have explained many times in my writings (for instance in Appendix I), I do not
translate χρόνος as 'time', which translation seems to me to impose a particular modern meaning on the text
given that for centuries the term 'time' has denoted a certain regularity (hours, minutes) measured by a
mechanism such as a clock and given that the term 'duration' is usually more appropriate in relation to
ancient Greek texts where the duration between, for example, the season of Summer and the season of
Autumn was determined by the observations (the appearance in the night sky) of certain constellations and

geniture. γένεσις. The unusual English word geniture expresses the meaning of γένεσις here: that which or
those whom have their genesis (and their subsequent development) from or because of something else or
because of someone else. Alongside χρόνος, αἰών, and κόσμος, here γένεσις could well be a personification.

It is as if the quidditas of theos is [...] τοῦ δὲ θεοῦ ὥσπερ οὐσία ἐστὶ... Quidditas – post-classical Latin, from
whence the English word quiddity – is more appropriate here, in respect of οὐσία, than essence, especially as
'essence' now has so many non-philosophical and modern connotations. Quidditas is thus a philosophical
term which requires contextual interpretation. In respect of οὐσία, qv. Aristotle, Metaphysics, Book 5, 1015α:
ἐκ δὴ τῶν εἰρημένων ἡ πρώτη φύσις καὶ κυρίως λεγομένη ἐστὶν ἡ οὐσία ἡ τῶν ἐχόντων ἀρχὴν κινήσεως ἐν
αὑτοῖς ᾗ αὐτά: ἡ γὰρ ὕλη τῷ ταύτης δεκτικὴ εἶναι λέγεται φύσις, καὶ αἱ γενέσεις καὶ τὸ φύεσθαι τῷ ἀπὸ
ταύτης εἶναι κινήσεις. καὶ ἡ ἀρχὴ τῆς κινήσεως τῶν φύσει ὄντων αὕτη ἐστίν, ἐνυπάρχουσά πως ἢ δυνάμει ἢ
ἐντελεχείᾳ. [Given the foregoing, then principally – and to be exact – physis denotes the quidditas of beings
having changement inherent within them; for substantia has been denoted by physis because it embodies
this, as have the becoming that is a coming-into-being, and a burgeoning, because they are changements
predicated on it. For physis is inherent changement either manifesting the potentiality of a being or as what
a being, complete of itself, is.]

In addition, I follow the MSS, which have τὸ ἀγαθόν, τὸ καλόν, ἡ εὐδαιμονία.

honour. ἀγαθός. That is, the substance of theos - in mortals - is manifest in the brave, in nobility of
character, in what being noble means. Regarding ἀγαθός as honour rather than some abstract, disputable
'good', qv. my commentary (i) on Poemandres 22 and (ii) on τὰ μὲν γὰρ φαινόμενα τέρπει [...] φανεροῖς in
section 9 of Ἑρμοῦ πρὸς Τάτ ὁ κρατῆρ ἡ μονάς (tractate IV), and (iii) Appendix II and III.

good fortune. εὐδαιμονία.

Sophia. σοφία. A transliteration, because - just like ἀληθής - it is not necessarily here something abstract,
something disputable, such as 'wisdom' or 'good judgement'. Just as with Aion and Kronos, it might be a
personification or used here as an esoteric term which thus requires contextual interpretation.

{3} The description is given in the O9A text Naos, first published in 1989, and included (pp.89ff) in Order Of Nine
Angles Subculture: A Complete Guide,

{4} The article is included (pp.678ff) in The Definitive Guide To The Order of Nine Angles: Theory and Praxises
(Seventh Edition, 2015) available at

{5} Facsimile of 1984 edition:

{6} An example is Aquino of the Temple of Set who in his The Book of Coming Forth by Night declaimed that Crowley
inaugerated a new aeon in 1904 (ev) which ended in 1966, after a mere 62 years, and that Aquio himself, as a Magus,
replaced that 1966 Aeon with a new one and thus was entitled to the grade of Ipsissimus.

In regard to the term Ipsissimus:

"[T]he seventh stage of the O9A Seven Fold Way was the stage of Immortal and, according to O9A texts,
required the mortal to egress beyond their mortal life into the realms of the acausal. That is, no earth-
dwelling mortal could claim to have reached the last stage of the Seven Fold Way, and which last stage -
according to the distorted qabalistic [ten-fold] system used by all other non-O9A Western occultists - is that
of Ipsissimus." Evolving Beyond The Original Satanic Paradigm? The 2019 text is included (p.181-2) in The
Seofonfeald Paeth,

In terms of the O9A Seven Fold Way - qv. (pp.8-15) of The Seofonfeald Paeth - one of the several different suggested
representations (of archetypes, magickal workings and esoteric symbols) for each stage and each Aeon is:

where the Stars - Sirius to Naos - refer to the seven boards of the O9A Star Game, qv. chapter III, The Noetic Star
Game, of The Sevenfold Seeking And Noesis Of The Hebdomian Way included (pp.18- 23) in Order Of Nine Angles
Subculture: A Complete Guide,

{7} Magick, The Sinister, Aeons, and The Psyche of The Folk. 117 Year of Fayen. Included in the Appendix below.
{8} An archive, text only version, of the article is available at

{9} Michael, George. The New Media and the Rise of Exhortatory Terrorism. Strategic Studies Quarterly (USAF),
Volume 7 Issue 1, Spring 2013.

{10} The Mythos of Vindex (Third Edition, 2009) at


{11} A Glossary Of ONA Terms, v. 7.05, included in Order Of Nine Angles Subculture: A Complete Guide, op.cit.

{12} Monette, Connell (2013). Mysticism in the 21st Century. Sirius Academic Press.

{13} The Geryne of Satan is included (pp.408ff) in The Definitive Guide To The Order of Nine Angles: Theory and
Praxises (Seventh Edition, 2015) available at

{14} Myatt's The Mythos of Vindex is available at


{15} Vindex, Honor, and The Tyranny of the Magian is included in The Error of Egoism: Magian Occultism, Satanic
Subversion, and The O9A,

{16} A Glossary Of ONA Terms, v. 7.05, included in Order Of Nine Angles Subculture: A Complete Guide, op.cit.

{17} Introduction To Omega9Alpha Subculture, in Order Of Nine Angles Subculture: A Complete Guide, op.cit.


Magick, The Sinister, Aeons, and The Psyche of The Folk

Esoteric Notes XXIX

Essentially, magick - according to the Sinister tradition of the ONA - is defined as "the presencing of acausal energy in
the causal by means of a nexion. By the nature of our consciousness, we, as human individuals, are one type of nexion
- that is, we have the ability to access, and presence, certain types of acausal energy." [See Footnote 1] Thus,
understood esoterically, an individual represents a willed-evolution: the potential to change and evolve by means of
utilizing certain energies, with such change and evolution involving a bringing-into-being, or, more prosaically, a
bringing-into-consciousness. That is, a making-conscious of what was hitherto "unknown", hidden and latent, both
within and external to the individual. This making-conscious is the first step - the beginning - of genuine individual
magick; the first stage of that Sinister Way one of whose aims is the creation of a new, more conscious, more highly
evolved, individual.

The psyche of the individual is a term used, in the Sinister Way, to describe those aspects of an individual - those
aspects of consciousness - which are hidden, or inaccessible to, or unknown to, the individual. Basically, such aspects
can be considered to be those forces/energies which do or which can influence the individual in an emotional way or in
a way which the individual has no direct control over or understanding of. One part of this psyche is what has been
called "the unconscious", and some of the forces/energies of this "unconscious" have been, and can be, described by
the term "archetypes".

Understood esoterically, an archetype is a limited presencing (a manifestation) of acausal energy, which presencing is
limited in causal time. [See Footnote 2]

Fundamentally, the basic task of an esoteric Initiate is to make-conscious - to experience, know and understand - their
own psyche, and this, in the beginning stages of magickal Initiation, is done by means of symbols and rituals, both
hermetic and ceremonial. That is, the forces/energies, both archetypal and otherwise, are objectified, experiences and
experimented with - hence such symbols and tools such as The Septenary System (of correspondences, including the
Tree of Wyrd), the Tarot, and The Star Game. To complement this, the individual undertakes "Insight Roles" where they
identify with a certain symbolic aspect or aspects, or rôle - and/or a certain archetype or archetypes - and thus
experience, in real life, such energies, and their causal effects. One particular aspect, of course, is The Sinister itself,
which is manifest in archetypes such as "The Magickian", The Mistress of Earth, and in Satan.

As stated in the MS The Five-Dimensional Magick of the Seventh Way:

"All magick - external, internal and Aeonic - is but a means to apprehend, experience and presence acausal
energies, and thus create/provoke Change. That is, the conventional magick of the Tree of Wyrd, of books
such as Naos, of rituals, is but a beginning - through such things, the individual Initiate acquires experience
and knowledge, and also develops as an individual: in terms of character. In the simplistic sense, they move,
through the Grades, beyond "The Abyss", toward The Goal, which is the transformation of the individual and
the emergence of a new type of being, beyond the Adept."
Furthermore, the archetypal energies which affect and influence an individual - a non-Adept - are, according to The
Sinister Way of the ONA, both personal/individual, and related to the Aeon during which the individual lives. In addition,
some of the personal archetypal energies which are manifest, or which can be manifest, in the psyche of the individual,
are related to the living-being which is the folkish culture of the individual. Thus, in order to properly progress along
The Way toward Adeptship - in order to evolve as an individual - the individual needs to understand, and work with,
such particular energies.

The Folk Psyche and Folkish Archetypes

By virtue of being a nexion, an individual is connected to the causal presencing that is Nature, and to those living-
beings which are manifest in Nature. One such living-being is the folkish-culture, the folkish-psyche, to which they
belong - from which they have come-into-being, as an individual. [See Footnote 3] Basically, this is just a precise way
of understanding that all non-Adepts are, or can be or will be, influenced by various unconscious archetypal forces
deriving from their ancestors, and their ancestral culture (or way of life) and that, whether they know or not (and they
mostly do not know) they are connected to such living-beings. Generally, such a connexion (both unknown and made-
conscious) is positive: that is, it tends towards an affirmation of life, and provides the individual with access to certain
energies which are beneficial to them.

Furthermore, it needs to be understood that magick as a Way is neutral - that is, it can be used (or more correctly can
be assumed, by those individuals below the stage of Mastery, to be so used) to either aid or harm such connexions,
such Earthly living-beings, as human beings are connected to and from which they have emerged, such folkish-culture
and folkish-archetypes.

In practical terms of self-development and evolution, an individual can greatly benefit from knowing, and from direct
involvement with, their folk psyche and folkish archetypes: and this is especially true when the stage of Adept is
reached and Aeonic workings are undertaken.

Aeons, Civilizations and The Presencing of Acausal Energy

An Aeon - according to the Sinister Way of the ONA - is a particular presencing of certain acausal energies on this
planet, Earth, which energies affect a multitude of individuals over a certain period of causal time. One such affect is
via the psyche of individuals. This particular presencing which is an Aeon is via a particular nexion, which is an Aeonic
civilization, which Aeonic civilization [See Footnote 4] is brought-into-being in a certain geographical area and usually
associated with a particular people, or folk.

An Aeon can thus be considered to be a type of acausal being [See Footnote 5] manifesting in the causal, and, as such,
has certain archetypal energies associated with it: that is, it can to a certain extent be "re-presented", or apprehended,
via causal-thinking, in terms of certain symbols, archetypes, abstractions, myths, rituals, and so on. The living-being
which is an Aeon is thus "born", lives for a specific period of causal time, and then "dies", as, of course, do the
archetypes associated with such an Aeon. Each Aeonic civilization can - according to limited causal-thinking - be
described, or re-presented, by a particular mythos, which mythos is a limited causal apprehension of the life-force, of
"the soul" or psyche, of the Aeon from which that civilization derives.

Hitherto, we human beings have lacked the ability to affect Aeons and thus Aeonic civilizations. That is, as stated in the
MS Aeonic Magick - A Basic Introduction:

"All the individuals associated with a particular civilization - unless and until they attain a specific degree of
self-awareness [variously called 'individuation' and 'Adeptship'] - are subject to or influenced by their psyche.
This psyche draws its energy from - is determined by - the civilization and thus the aeon. In practical terms,
the psyche is a manifestation of the acausal energy that creates/created the civilization..."

However, magick - correctly understood and correctly used - is a means not only of personal development and
personal understanding (a freeing from psychic, archetypal, influences and affects) but also of evolving to the next
level of our human existence where we can understand, and to a certain extent control and influence, supra-personal
manifestations of acausal energies, such as an Aeon, and thus cause, or bring-into-being, large-scale evolutionary
change. Such understanding, such control, such a bring-into-being, is Aeonic Magick.

Aeonic Magick is the magick of the Adept and those beyond: the magick of the evolved human being who has achieved
a certain level of self-understanding and self-mastery and who thus is no longer at the mercy of unconscious psychic,
archetypal, influences, both personal/individual, and of other living-beings, since as the folk, and Aeons. According to
the sinister tradition of the ONA, there have been five Aeons, including the current Thorian (or "Western") one. The
current Aeon is, however, unique - for it has, in the last hundred years or so, suffered from a distortion of its life-force,
a distortion of its soul. This distortion has been somewhat simplistically and rather graphically described as akin to a
"viral infection" which has modified the behaviour of the peoples of the civilization through changing, modifying, and in
some cases supplanting, the natural archetypes of the Aeon. In the esoteric sense, this distortion, this infection, can be
understood as a natural process affecting our evolution - a consequence of that evolution itself, and such an infection
could have certain undesirable consequences for our evolution, and for our ability to free ourselves from those viral
forces which are, in essence, de-evolutionary. That is, this distortion, this infection, represents a challenge to the
Sinister Way - to magick, to the alchemy of evolution itself.

Thus, one aim of Aeonic Magick is to counter this Aeonic distortion through various sinister strategies; another aim is to
consciously bring-into-being a new Aeon: one which will allow us, as human beings, to evolve and fulfil the potential
latent within us.

There is thus a real war occurring at present, part of which is magickal, Aeonic and supra-Aeonic: a war, battles,
between those who represent the genuine wisdom and understanding and freedom and life-enhancement which
genuine magick (with its presencing of the acausal) brings, and those who represent what is fundamentally de-
evolutionary, limiting, enervating and stiflingly causal, and who are manifest through and in the distortion of the
Thorian Aeon. [See Footnote 6]

The Sinister Way

In essence, all genuine magick is Sinister because it is Change: a move-toward a new bringing-into-being. A re-ordering
in the causal. That is, it is a presencing of the acausal - from which all that is evolutionary and life-affirming arises.

However, to work - to affect evolutionary Change - such presencings have to be based upon, to manifest, to use, what-
is acausal: that is, there has to be a knowing, an understanding, of the acausal as the acausal is. Without this knowing,
this understanding, there has been, is and will be only the delusion of self and at best a stasis and at worst a return to
the thralldom of the past

Anton Long
117 Year of Fayen


(1) q.v. the MS The Five-Dimensional Magick of the Seventh Way. For a basic discussion of causal and acausal, see
Chapter 0, A Theory of Magick, in Naos, and the MS Aeonic Magick - A Basic Introduction.

(2) It needs to be understood that the ONA uses such terms as psyche, and archetype, in a particular and precise
esoteric way, and thus such terms should not be considered as being identical to those used by others and defined, for
example, by Jung.

Thus, esoterically understood, an archetype is a particular causal presencing of a certain acausal energy and is thus
akin to a type of acausal living being in the causal (and thus "in the psyche"): it is born (or can be created, by magickal
means), its lives, and then it "dies" (ceases to be present, presenced) in the causal (i.e. its energy in the causal

(3) Such connexions, such living-beings as the folk and the folkish-culture which derives from the living of such a being,
are only what-are, on this planet where we dwell. That is, they are aspects of Nature: they correctly describe the reality
of how the acausal is presenced, in the causal, on this planet, through that living-being which is Nature. In a simplistic
descriptive sense, such folk-beings are among Her descendants, her "sons and daughters".

Furthermore, there is a symbiosis involved in such connexions - or, rather, there is now a symbiosis involved as a result
of our natural evolution of will and consciousness; a symbiosis between us, our folk-beings, and with Nature, as well as
with the Acausal beyond Nature.

(4) To be precise, this nexion is "a culture" which itself is a living-being, a spawn of a particular Aeon, with the Aeonic
civilization itself being a by-product, a manifestation, a stage, of this new culture. However, the general term
civilization will be retained, although such Aeonic "civilizations" such be understood in such a context. Also, note that
what is referred to is an Aeonic civilization - not just a "civilization". q.v. Aeonic Magick - A Basic Introduction.

(5) For a basic introduction to "acausal beings" refer to the MS Advanced Introduction to The Dark Gods: Five-
Dimensional Acausal Sorcery which explains the nature of the acausal-thinking (or, more prosaically, the
"esoteric/magickal" thinking) that is required to begin to understand such beings: to apprehend Them as they are. In
addition, it needs to be understood that, as explained in many other MSS, there are many and varying types of acausal
entities, or acausal beings or acausal forms of life. Some exist solely in the acausal; some can manifest in some ways
in the causal, with some such causally-manifesting beings - or forms of life - being in symbiosis with the causal (or
rather, in symbiosis with causal life-forms) and thus "dependant" on them to some extent. Some such dependant
symbiotic acausal beings may cease to exist (in both the causal and the acausal) when their energy fades and "dies",
while others may return to the acausal to leave only a dead causal "shell" or "shells".

Further, it should be obvious that the majority of such acausal life-forms cannot and should not be conceptualized in an
anthropomorphic way, bound and limited as such conceptualizations are by causal Time and causal Space.

(6) The distortion has been, exoterically, described as "Magian": as representative of a particular ethos deriving from
the psyche of a certain people.

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