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Cpar 12 Notes

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Bonifacio St., Kabacan, Cotabato

S.Y. 2022-2023


THE ELEMENTS OF ART - Abstract shapes- they lack

definition. Not necessarily
found in nature. Free flowing.
Visual Art- pertains to emptiness Circle- love, harmony, infinity
-positive space- A part enclosed Triangle- stability
which is enclosed in a shape. Inverted triangle- tension,
-negative space- Opposite part instability
which the shape is enclosing Square/rectangle- equality/
Literature and music- space may familiarity
pertain to pauses and interval FORMS are 3D or three
between lines or notes. dimensional. It has more depth
and does not feel flat.
Visual art- Line is a series of
points. Visual art- associated with the
-2 Characteristics natural phenomenon in our
Form- dotted, curved, or broken environment. May convey
Direction- Vertical, horizontal, or different meanings dependent
diagonal. to cultures and traditions of
In Theater- line may pertain to the region.
the lines in the script. HUE- refers to the basic or
In Dance it pertains to the steps pure color, and is presented in
executed by the dancer. the color wheel.
Value- refers to the lightness
or darkness of color. A light
This element of art refers to the color or tint is the result of
area with boundaries identified adding white to the hue, while
or drawn using lines. a dark color or shade results
SHAPE is formed by connecting from adding black to a hue.
both ends of a line. It is 2- Saturation- refers to the
dimensional figures. brightness or dullness of
Kinds color. Also referred to as
- Geometric- are enclosed PURITY. A bright color can be
figures. Eg. Triangle, produced by adding more
squares, circle etc. pigment to the same hue,
- Organic shapes- shapes while a dull color can be
found in nature. Free flowing. produced by adding gray or
Eg. Clouds and leaves.

the color’s complement to the In Music- is the mood or quality of
pigment. the composition.
the same hue but with different
gradients of value.
relationship of the elements, specifically
2. ANALOGOUS- entails the use of 3 or its size of parts to a whole. Ensure that
4 adjacent color in the color wheel. the object suggest what they are.
3. COMPLEMENTARY- Involves the 2. HARMONY- when the different parts
use of a color and its complement- produce an overall positive imp[act or
meaning the color located opposite of effect.
the first color.
In Visual art- unity of the artwork.
4. SPLIT COMPLEMENTARY-close In music- the simultaneous
relative to the complementary color sounding or playing of different
scheme but uses two colors adjacent to notes to produce a sound.
the complement.
3. VARIETY- adding multiple or different
5. TRIADIC- uses three colors that are elements to break the monotony of the
of equal distance with each other. artwork.
6. TETRADIC- DOUBLE 4. Movement- basic principle of nature
COMPLEMENTARY, THIS USES 2 and is associated with the environment.
Visual arts- incorporates the
passage of time.
- Repetition of certain elements to
Visual art- pertains to its lightness produce a pattern.
or darkness. This element is
-In music- refers to the even distribution
evident in creating shadows for a
of notes.
2D object to give an illusion of
depth. - In visual art- refers to the repeated
In music- refer to the pitch- design elements.
highness or lowness of the
6. Texture- 6. BALANCE- Even and equal
distribution of elements. 2 types are
Visual- is the tactile or illusory
surface of the piece. Feel or Informal balance- designs are not
appearance of a surface- smooth equally distributed on both sides.
or rough.

Formal balance- weight of the
designs are equally distributed on
Filipino ancestors harvest and
both sides.
hunt for a living. Their hunting
7. EMPHASIS AND SUBORDINATION experience also served as an inspiration
to create drama, poetry, music, and
EMPHASIS- refer to the greater impact
dance by imitating the movements of an
given on a certain element.
animal. This is considered a ritual to
Subordination- opposite of emphasis. prepare for hunting.
Serve as a supplement to the
emphasized element in a design.
To accompany these rituals, the
indigenous peoples also had their own
musical instruments. An example of this
is the agung ensemble. Musical
ART FORMS IN THE PHILIPPINES instruments, when played, are usually
1. PRE-COLONIAL ART complemented with dances that imitate
the movements of animals. Higaonon
Artistic production in the and B’laan have banog-banog, and the
Philippines started even before the Bagobos have the man-manok dances
colonizers reached the Philippine which imitate the movement of the birds.
islands. Art was often used by the Meanwhile, courtship ritual in Ifugao is
people in their daily living. Our represented through the talip. Mostly,
ancestors weaved fabrics for dresses, indigenous arts were inspired by
made weapons for battles, and chanted animism. Indigenous peoples created
to bring good harvest. Unlike today, statue and symbols for their beliefs. The
indigenous art are not classified strictly Ifugaos carved the bulul which they
into disciplines. Art, for them, had social depict as their granary god. Meanwhile,
utility; indigenous people integrated art in the Southern Philippines, okir, a
into their communal ceremonies. curvilinear decoration, is an evidence of
Planting and harvesting, weddings, Indian and Islamic influences.
funerals, and rites of passage are
examples of communal ceremonies.
Rituals played a significant role in the 2. SPANISH COLONIAL ART
everyday life of Filipino ancestors. The
During the 16th century, upon the
Kashawing ritual in lake Lanao, for
arrival of the Spaniards, indigenous art
example, acts as a prayer for
changed. Spanish colonization brought
abundance during harvesting season. It
Catholicism and imposed their Western
involves a reenactment of a legendary
culture. This conversion caused the birth
pact between ancestors and unseen
of the religious or Christian and folk arts.
spirits. A similar type of ritual for planting
Towns or pueblos were created in a
rice is performed by the Tagbanwas of
structure of plaza complex, with the
church at the center of each towns.

Churches and government offices were Their schools, however, required
built, and the rise of Hispanic baroque students to learn English. This brought
structures were built across the Islands. forth Philippine Literature in English.
Initially, these pieces are characterized
by a poor use of language as the
With the rise of Catholicism, religious Filipinos only mimicked their American
icons like the santos, retablos, and teachers. Soon, in 1925, Paz Marquez
others became essential for religious Benitez published the short story Dead
rituals. Paintings also focused on Stars, marking the birth of modern
visually representing the writings of the Philippine Literature in English.
Bible, and therefore conveyed religious
The Americans also popularized
messages. Music, an essential part of
secularism, as evidenced by popular art
worship, thus focused on liturgical
forms of the century such as the
music. Apart from worship music, the
vaudeville or bodabil in theatre. School
pasyon or pabasa, a narration of
of Fine Arts, alongside the
Christ’s passion portrayed during Lent
establishment of the University of the
season, were also observed in some
Philippines (UP), was also founded thus
places. There was also a massive
giving birth to Filipino artists educated in
emergence of secular music in Iloilo,
the Western ways. For example,
Pampanga, Ilocos, and Bicol when the
Fernardo Amorsolo, known for his
Spanish tradition of awit and korido
craftsmanship in the use of light, was
became popularized. Spanish
educated in UP’s School of Fine Arts
colonization also marks the rise of the
and is highly influenced by Western
kundiman and the balitao. This
development in music also affected
theatre arts, and soon the sarsuwela,
senakulo, and the komedya were born
in the Philippines.
During then, Filipinos became Contemporary Arts in the Philippines
enlightened of the continuous abuse by Culture and the arts were given
the colonial government and the friars. focused in MARCOS
This resulted in a rebellion. Thus, ADMINISTRATION in his vision of the
revolutionary and subversive themes “New Society.”
became prominent. A popular example
of such artwork is Noli Me Tangere and - ” Cultural Center of the Philippines was
El Filibusterismo by Dr. Jose Rizal. then established and urban planning
and architecture were given more
3. American and Japanese Colonial
- Martial law gave birth to Social
realism- the term used for work
Americans introduced the public produced by artists to draw attention to
education system in the Philippines.

the real socio-political conditions of the
working class.
-Underground cultural circles
- using of pen names to hide their
Famouse example is “PROMETHEUS
the pen name RUBEN CUEVAS.

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