VENN Diagram

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Venice T.

Delos Reyes
Understanding Culture, Society and Politics


 Science of state and government.

 The science of man that deals with his  Political Scientist
works and behaviors.  Studies only the politically organized
 Anthropologist societies.
 Aiming to deepen the
 Concentrates on small societies.  Studies man as a political animal.
understanding about
 Has three main divisions which are Physical  Has its own topics such as origin,
the forms and nature
Anthropology, Archeology Cultural evolution and functions of state, the
of political action and
Anthropology and Social Anthropology. forms of government, types of
to develop theoretical
constitutions, administration law,
 Covers about uncivilized or primitive and non- tools for interpreting
legislation, elections, voting and political
literate societies. politically meaningful
 Studies human primitive cultures. phenomena.
 Concentrates only on the human
 Studies directly by livings in the communities relationships which are political in
they are studying. character.
 Uses direct observations and interviews.  Has centuries of history.

 Branches of Social Science

 All of this have their own areas
to study which contributed to
each other’s growth in
expanding its knowledge by
depending on each other’s
 Studies human society concepts.
and connected with all
kinds of social groups  Each and every social
like families, friends, problem has a political
tribes, and etc. cause. Both talks about
 
Sociologists The
and study of how societies have developed, how it’s arranged
war, and
masshow it
study government control,
the structure
 and
Sociologist public opinion,
processes of It covers the study of modern civilized and complex societies.
 cultures
Studies small as well as large societies. leadership, elections
and modern,
 industrialby making use of observation, interviews, socialand
Studying survey and
societies in both
Westernand Studies
non- various stages of human life.
Studies man an fundamentally a social animal.

 What are the key similarities among the fields?

- It is said that in each and every social problem has a political cause whereas Political Science is considered to
be a part of sociology. Both depends on each other to comprehend itself in arriving to a conclusion by gaining
informations in a certain of area of study. Almost all political problems have a social cause and for the
solution of these political problems, political science takes the help of sociology. Sociology and Anthropology
contributes to the growth of each other. Sociology studies society whereas anthropology studies man which is
part of the society. Both study human society and concerned with all kinds of social groups like families,
friends, tribes, etc.
 What are the significant differences?
- They differ on the significant studies they focus on whereas Anthropology is the science to study man and its
works & behaviors; Sociology is the study of the society on how it is developed, arranged and function;
Political Science is the science of state and government that focus on the political activities of man.
 How do they complement each other in helping you understand Culture and Society?
- They complement each other by contributing to each other’s growth while connecting every study about man,
society and knowledge about political activities.

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