Operating instructions
Firmware: 3.1.x
10 / 2021
80284134 / 02
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
1 Preliminary note 5
1.1 Legal and copyright information ...........................................................................................5
1.2 Purpose of the document .....................................................................................................5
1.3 Explanation of Symbols .......................................................................................................5
1.4 Change history .....................................................................................................................6
2 Safety instructions 7
2.1 General ................................................................................................................................7
2.2 Required background knowledge ........................................................................................7
2.3 Safety symbols on the device ..............................................................................................7
2.4 IT security.............................................................................................................................8
3 Intended use 9
4 Function 10
4.1 Communication, parameter setting, evaluation .................................................................11
4.1.1 IO-Link ........................................................................................................................................ 11
4.1.2 EtherCAT.................................................................................................................................... 11
4.1.3 Internet of Things (IoT) ............................................................................................................... 11
4.1.4 Security mode ............................................................................................................................ 11
4.1.5 Parameter setting ....................................................................................................................... 11
4.1.6 Visual indication ......................................................................................................................... 12
4.2 Digital inputs.......................................................................................................................12
4.3 IO-Link supply ....................................................................................................................12
5 Mounting 13
5.1 Mount the device ................................................................................................................13
6 Electrical connection 14
6.1 Notes ..................................................................................................................................14
6.2 Connecting the EtherCAT ports .........................................................................................15
6.3 Connecting the IoT port .....................................................................................................15
6.4 IO-Link ports.......................................................................................................................16
6.4.1 Connecting IO-Link devices for Class A operation ..................................................................... 16
6.4.2 Connecting IO-Link devices for Class B operation ..................................................................... 17
6.5 Connecting the device .......................................................................................................18
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
8 Set-up 22
9 Configuration 23
9.1 LR DEVICE ........................................................................................................................24
9.1.1 Remarks ..................................................................................................................................... 25
9.1.2 IoT: Configure IP settings ........................................................................................................... 25
9.1.3 IoT: Configure security mode ..................................................................................................... 26
9.1.4 IoT: Configuring access rights .................................................................................................... 27
9.1.5 IoT: Configure the interface to LR AGENT or LR SMARTOBSERVER ...................................... 28
9.1.6 Fieldbus: Configure EtherCAT interface ..................................................................................... 28
9.1.7 IO-Link ports: Activate data transfer to LR AGENT or LR SMARTOBSERVER ......................... 29
9.1.8 IO-Link ports: Configure operating mode.................................................................................... 30
9.1.9 IO-Link ports: Set the device validation and data storage .......................................................... 31
9.1.10 Info: Show device information .................................................................................................... 32
9.1.11 Firmware: Reset device to factory settings ................................................................................. 32
9.1.12 Firmware: Reboot the device...................................................................................................... 32
9.1.13 Configure IO-Link devices .......................................................................................................... 33
9.2 ifm IoT Core .......................................................................................................................34
9.2.1 Programmers' notes ................................................................................................................... 35
9.2.2 First steps ................................................................................................................................... 39
9.2.3 General functions ....................................................................................................................... 39
9.2.4 IoT: Configuring access rights .................................................................................................... 43
9.2.5 IoT: Configuring IP settings ........................................................................................................ 43
9.2.6 IoT: Configuring security mode................................................................................................... 44
9.2.7 Fieldbus: Configuring the fieldbus interface................................................................................ 46
9.2.8 IO-Link ports: Setting the operating mode of pin 4 (US) ............................................................. 46
9.2.9 IO-Link ports: Configuring device validation and data storage ................................................... 47
9.2.10 IO-Link ports: Configuring data transfer to LR AGENT or LR SMARTOBSERVER .................... 49
9.2.11 IO-Link ports: Reading / writing process data ............................................................................. 49
9.2.12 IO-Link ports: Indicating port events ........................................................................................... 52
9.2.13 IO-Link devices: Accessing parameters ..................................................................................... 52
9.2.14 IO-Link devices: Reading an writing device information ............................................................. 54
9.2.15 IO-Link devices: Indicating IO-Link events ................................................................................. 54
9.2.16 Gateway: Resetting, rebooting and localising the device ........................................................... 54
9.2.17 Gateway: Reading device information ........................................................................................ 55
9.2.18 Gateway: Reading status and diagnostic information ................................................................. 55
9.2.19 Gateway: Updating the firmware ................................................................................................ 56
9.2.20 Gateway: Setting the application tag .......................................................................................... 57
9.2.21 Subscribing to notifications ......................................................................................................... 58
9.2.22 Using Web Socket ...................................................................................................................... 62
9.2.23 MQTT support ............................................................................................................................ 64
9.2.24 Using the IoT-Core Visualizer..................................................................................................... 68
9.3 EtherCAT ...........................................................................................................................75
9.3.1 Install ESI file.............................................................................................................................. 75
9.3.2 Integrate the IO-Link master into the TwinCAT project ............................................................... 75
9.3.3 Configure IO-Link master ........................................................................................................... 76
9.3.4 Configure IO-Link ports .............................................................................................................. 76
9.3.5 Configure cyclic process data..................................................................................................... 77
9.3.6 Read and write cyclic process data ............................................................................................ 78
9.3.7 Read diagnostic and status information ..................................................................................... 79
9.3.8 Read IO-Link events ................................................................................................................... 80
9.3.9 Configure IO-Link devices .......................................................................................................... 80
9.3.10 EtherCAT: Programmers' notes.................................................................................................. 81
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
10 Operation 83
10.1 Using web-based management .........................................................................................83
12 Factory settings 85
13 Accessories 86
14 Appendix 87
14.1 Technical data ....................................................................................................................88
14.1.1 Application .................................................................................................................................. 88
14.1.2 Electrical data ............................................................................................................................. 88
14.1.3 Inputs / outputs ........................................................................................................................... 88
14.1.4 Inputs ......................................................................................................................................... 89
14.1.5 Outputs ....................................................................................................................................... 89
14.1.6 Interfaces.................................................................................................................................... 89
14.1.7 Operating conditions .................................................................................................................. 90
14.1.8 Approvals / tests ......................................................................................................................... 90
14.1.9 Mechanical data ......................................................................................................................... 90
14.1.10 Electrical connection .................................................................................................................. 91
14.2 EtherCAT ...........................................................................................................................92
14.2.1 Parameter data ........................................................................................................................... 93
14.2.2 Cyclic data .................................................................................................................................. 94
14.2.3 Acyclic data ................................................................................................................................ 95
14.2.4 Events ...................................................................................................................................... 105
14.3 ifm IoT Core .....................................................................................................................109
14.3.1 Overview: IoT profile ................................................................................................................ 110
14.3.2 Overview: IoT types .................................................................................................................. 117
14.3.3 Overview: IoT services ............................................................................................................. 118
15 Index 132
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
1 Preliminary note
Legal and copyright information ...............................................................................................................5
Purpose of the document .........................................................................................................................5
Explanation of Symbols ............................................................................................................................5
Change history .........................................................................................................................................6
© All rights reserved by ifm electronic gmbh. No part of this manual may be reproduced and used
without the consent of ifm electronic gmbh.
All product names, pictures, companies or other brands used on our pages are the property of the
respective rights owners:
• AS-i is the property of the AS-International Association, (→ www.as-interface.net)
• CAN is the property of the CiA (CAN in Automation e.V.), Germany (→ www.can-cia.org)
• CODESYS™ is the property of the CODESYS GmbH, Germany (→ www.codesys.com)
• DeviceNet™ is the property of the ODVA™ (Open DeviceNet Vendor Association), USA
(→ www.odva.org)
• EtherNet/IP® is the property of the → ODVA™
• EtherCAT® is a registered trade mark and patented technology, licensed by Beckhoff Automation
GmbH, Germany
• IO-Link® is the property of the → PROFIBUS Nutzerorganisation e.V., Germany
(→ www.io-link.com)
• ISOBUS is the property of the AEF – Agricultural Industry Electronics Foundation e.V.,
Deutschland (→ www.aef-online.org)
• Microsoft® is the property of the Microsoft Corporation, USA (→ www.microsoft.com)
• Modbus® is the property of the Schneider Electric SE, France (→ www.schneider-electric.com)
• PROFIBUS® is the property of the PROFIBUS Nutzerorganisation e.V., Germany
(→ www.profibus.com)
• PROFINET® is the property of the → PROFIBUS Nutzerorganisation e.V., Germany
• Windows® is the property of the → Microsoft Corporation, USA
This document is only for device types "IO-Link master - EtherCAT gateway (DataLine) 8 port IP 65 /
IP 66 / IP 67" (art. no.: AL1332).
It is part of the device and contains information about the correct handling of the product.
► Read this document before using the device.
► Keep this document during the service life of the device.
Warning of serious personal injury.
Death or serious irreversible injuries may result.
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
Warning of personaly injury.
Slight reversible injuries may result.
Warning of damage to property
Important note
Non-compliance can result in malfunction or interference
Supplementary note
► ... Request for action
> ... Reaction, result
→ ... "see"
abc Cross-reference
123 Decimal number
0x123 Hexadecimal number
0b010 Binary number
[...] Designation of pushbuttons, buttons or indications
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
2 Safety instructions
General .....................................................................................................................................................7
Required background knowledge .............................................................................................................7
Safety symbols on the device ...................................................................................................................7
IT security .................................................................................................................................................8
2.1 General
• The device described is a subcomponent for integration into a system. The manufacturer is
responsible for the safety of the system. The system manufacturer undertakes to perform a risk
assessment and to create documentation in accordance with legal and normative requirements to
be provided to the operator and user of the system. This documentation must contain all
necessary information and safety instructions for the operator, the user and, if applicable, for any
service personnel authorised by the manufacturer of the system.
• Read this document before setting up the product and keep it during the entire service life.
• The product must be suitable for the corresponding applications and environmental conditions
without any restrictions.
• Only use the product for its intended purpose (→ Intended use (→ p. 9)).
• If the operating instructions or the technical data are not adhered to, personal injury and/or
damage to property may occur.
• The manufacturer assumes no liability or warranty for any consequences caused by tampering
with the product or incorrect use by the operator.
• Installation, electrical connection, set-up, programming, configuration, operation and maintenance
of the product must be carried out by personnel qualified and authorised for the respective activity.
• Protect units and cables against damage.
This document is intended for specialists. Specialists are people who, based on their relevant training
and experience, are capable of identifying risks and avoiding potential hazards that may be caused
during operation or maintenance of the product.
The document contains information about the correct handling of the product.
General warning
Observe instructions in chapter "Electrical connection" (→ Electrical connection (→ p. 14))!
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
2.4 IT security
If the device is operated in an unprotected network environment.
> Unauthorised read or write access to data is possible.
> Unauthorised manipulation of the device function is possible.
► Check and restrict access options to the device:
▪ Restrict access to authorised persons.
▪ Do not connect the device to open networks or the internet.
If access from the internet is inevitable:
► choose a safe method to connect with the device (e. g. VPN).
► Use encrypted data transmission (e. g. https / TLS).
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
3 Intended use
The device is designed for use without a control cabinet in plant construction.
► Only use the device within the limits of the technical data (→ Technical data (→ p. 88)).
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
4 Function
Communication, parameter setting, evaluation ......................................................................................11
Digital inputs ...........................................................................................................................................12
IO-Link supply .........................................................................................................................................12
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
4.1.1 IO-Link
4.1.2 EtherCAT
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
• Storage of parameter sets of the connected IO-Link devices for automatic recovery (data storage)
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
5 Mounting
Mount the device ....................................................................................................................................13
► Fix the unit to the mounting surface using 2 M5 mounting screws and washers.
▪ Tightening torque: 1.8 Nm
► Ground the unit via the two mounting screws of the upper mounting lugs.
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
6 Electrical connection
Notes ......................................................................................................................................................14
Connecting the EtherCAT ports .............................................................................................................15
Connecting the IoT port ..........................................................................................................................15
IO-Link ports ...........................................................................................................................................16
Connecting the device ............................................................................................................................18
6.1 Notes
By means of basic insulation according to EN61010-1, the circuits are separated from each other and
from device surfaces that could be touched (secondary circuit with 30 V DC maximum, supplied from
mains circuit up to 300 V overvoltage category II).
By means of basic insulation according to EN61010-1, the communication interfaces are separated
from each other and from device surfaces that could be touched (secondary circuit with 30 V DC
maximum, supplied from mains circuit up to 300 V overvoltage category II). They are designed for
network environment 0 according to IEC TR62102.
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
► Connect the device via the M12 socket X21 and/or X22 to the
EtherCAT network
(e.g. EtherCAT PLC, additional EtherCAT device)
► To connect the devices, use M12 connectors with protection rating
IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67 or higher (→ Accessories (→ p. 86)).
► Cover the unused sockets with M12 protective caps (art no.
► Connect the device via the M12 socket X23 to the IT network (e.g.
laptop/PC with LR DEVICE parameter setting software, laptop/PC
with LR SMARTOBSERVER monitoring software, laptop/PC with
software capable of processing http requests).
► To connect the devices, use M12 connectors with protection rating
IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67 or higher (→ Accessories (→ p. 86)).
► Cover the unused sockets with M12 protective caps (art no.
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
The IO-Link ports of the AL1332 meet the requirements of the IO-Link specifications 1.0 to 1.1.2.
► Please note the information concerning IO-Link wiring!
► Cover unused sockets with M12 protective caps (art. no.: E73004).
Wiring information:
• The connected IO-Link devices must be supplied exclusively via the IO-Link master.
• The additional digital inputs IO-Link ports X01...X08 (pin 2) have a type 2 behaviour according to
the standard EN61131-2. The connected electronics must be electrically suited for this.
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
Notes on wiring:
• For Class B operation, the IO-Link device must be supplied with an additional auxiliary voltage UA
using a Y connection cable.
Non-compliance with the electrical separation of the circuits
> Risk of fire!
► Ensure that the external supply UA is galvanically separated from the circuit of the
IO-Link Master by assuring basic insulation (according to IEC 61010-1, secondary circuit
with 30 V DC maximum, supplied from mains circuit up to 300 V of overvoltage category
► Ensure that the IO-Link devices and the connection technology support the galvanic
In case of operation as port class B, the additional digital input of the IO-Link port (pin 2) is not
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
► Disconnect power.
► Connect the IO-Link Master via M12 socket X31 to 24 V DC
(20...30 V SELV/PELV; according to EN61010-1, secondary circuit
with maximum 30 V DC supplied by mains circuit up to 300 V of
overvoltage category II).
▪ Maximum cable length: 25 m
► To connect the device, use M12 connectors with protection rating IP
65 / IP 66 / IP 67 or higher (→ Accessories (→ p. 86)).
When using cable length greater than 25 m keep in mind the voltage drop as well as the
required minimum voltage supply of 20 V!
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
7.1 Overview
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
flashes 10 Hz Device is booting and not yet in INIT state or device is in BOOTSRAP state
off Device in INIT state
ERR red on Error in application controler
Each EtherCAT interface (X21, X22) has 1 L/A LED. The LED indicates the status of the Ethernet
Status LED Description
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
The IoT port has the 3 LNK, ACT and IoT LEDs. The LEDs indicate the status of the Ethernet
connection and the device identification.
Status LED Description
LNK green on Ethernet connection established
The interface for voltage supply (X31) has the LED that is marked as US. The LED indicates the status
of the voltage supply.
Status LED Description
US green on The supply voltage Us is applied.
off No supply voltage is applied or the applied supply voltage is too low.
Each IO-Link Port Class A has 2 LEDs labelled IOL and DI. The LEDs indicate the status of the
IO-Link port.
Status LED Description
IOL yellow Off Port configured as DI/DO: pin 4 (C/Q) = OFF
on Transmission Error
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
8 Set-up
When the supply voltage is switched on, the AL1332 starts with the factory settings. The display
elements signal the current operating mode (→ Operating and display elements (→ p. 19)).
To enable parameter setting of the AL1332, the IoT interface and / or the fieldbus interface must be
configured according to the network environment.
► Configure fieldbus interface (→ Fieldbus: Configuring the fieldbus interface (→ p. 46,
"Integrate the IO-Link master into the TwinCAT project" → p. 75)).
► Configure IoT interface (LR DEVICE: → IoT: Configure IP settings (→ p. 25) or → IoT:
Configuring IP settings (→ p. 43)).
> IoT / fieldbus interface has valid settings.
> User can set the parameters of the AL1332.
Further steps:
• Optional: Update firmware of AL1332 (→ Updating the firmware (→ p. 84)).
• Set the parameters of the AL1332 (→ Configuration (→ p. 23)).
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
9 Configuration
LR DEVICE .............................................................................................................................................24
ifm IoT Core ............................................................................................................................................34
EtherCAT ................................................................................................................................................75
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
Remarks .................................................................................................................................................25
IoT: Configure IP settings .......................................................................................................................25
IoT: Configure security mode .................................................................................................................26
IoT: Configuring access rights ................................................................................................................27
IoT: Configure the interface to LR AGENT or LR SMARTOBSERVER .................................................28
Fieldbus: Configure EtherCAT interface.................................................................................................28
IO-Link ports: Activate data transfer to LR AGENT or LR SMARTOBSERVER ..................................29
IO-Link ports: Configure operating mode ...............................................................................................30
IO-Link ports: Set the device validation and data storage......................................................................31
Info: Show device information ................................................................................................................32
Firmware: Reset device to factory settings ............................................................................................32
Firmware: Reboot the device..................................................................................................................32
Configure IO-Link devices ......................................................................................................................33
On delivery, the AL1332 is configured with the factory settings (→ Factory settings (→ p. 85)).
Required software: LR DEVICE (1.5.0.x or higher) (art.-no.: QA0011/QA0012)
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
9.1.1 Remarks
Offline parameter setting ........................................................................................................................25
Fail-safe values of the IO-Link ports.......................................................................................................25
The AL1332 supports the offline parameter setting. In this context, the user creates and stores a
configuration for the IO-Link master and the connected IO-Link devices without being connected to the
AL1332 (OFFLINE mode). The configuration created in this way can be stored as a file (*.lrp) and
loaded to the AL1332 and activated at a later date.
The AL1332 has no failsafe function for the outputs of the IO-Link ports. If the fieldbus
connection is interrupted, the last used output values are written and marked as invalid.
For access to the IO-Link master via the IT infrastructure the user has to set the IP settings of the IoT
To configure the IP settings with DHCP, a DHCP server has to be active in the IT network. If
no DHCP server can be reached in the IT network, an IP address is automatically assigned to
the IoT port with the Zeroconfig protocol (address range: → Factory settings (→ p. 85)).
[DHCP] Activate/deactivate the DHCP client of the [Static IP] IP settings were set by the user
[DHCP] IP settings are set by a DHCP
server in the network.
[IP address]* IP address of the IoT port Factory setting: 169.254.X.X
[Subnet mask]* Subnet mask of the Ethernet network Factory setting:
[Default gateway IP address]* IP address of the network gateway Factory setting:
[MAC address] MAC address of the IoT port The value is firmly set.
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
The IoT interface of the IO-Link offers a security mode. It enables secure data transmission via
transport encryption and restriction of the access to IO-Link masters and IO-Link devices via user
To configure the security mode:
► Select [IoT] menu.
> The menu page shows the current settings.
► Set the following parameters as required:
Name Description Possible values
[Security mode HTTPS] Set the security mode [Disabled] Security mode disabled
The security mode only protects the access to the device via the IoT interface.
The user name "administrator" cannot be changed.
The security mode can be enabled without setting the password. During the attempt to write to
the device, LR DEVICE requires to enter and confirm the password.
After entering the password, the user has unrestricted access to IO-Link masters and
connected IO-Link devices. The password will only be requested again if the current LR
DEVICE session is over (e. g. after restarting the LR DEVICE).
To change the set password:
► Sign in with a valid password.
► Enter the new password in the field [Security password].
► Write changes to the device.
> The new password is set.
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
The access rights define which instance may read and / or write the parameter data, process data and
event/diagnostic messages.
In order to configure the access rights to the IO-Link master:
► Select [IoT] menu.
> The menu page shows the current settings.
► Set the following parameters as required:
Name Description Possible values
[Access Rights] The access rights to the [EtherCAT + IoT]* ▪ EtherCAT and IoT Core have read and
parameter data, process data write access rights to parameters and
and the event/diagnostic process data
messages of the IO-Link master ▪ EtherCAT and IoT Core have read
as well as the connected IO-Link access rights to events/alarms
[EtherCAT + IoT ▪ EtherCAT has read and write access
(read-only)] rights to parameters and process data
▪ EtherCAT has read access rights to
▪ IoT Core only has read access rights to
parameters, process data and
[IoT only] ▪ IoT Core has read and write access
rights to parameters and process data
▪ IoT has read access rights to
▪ EtherCAT has no access rights
* ... Factory setting
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
To enable transfer of process data from the IO-Link master to LR AGENT or LR SMARTOBSERVER,
the interface has to be configured accordingly.
► Select [IoT] menu.
> The menu page shows the current settings.
► Set the following parameters as required:
Name Description Possible values
[IP address LR Agent or IP address of LR AGENT or Factory setting:
[Port LR Agent or Port number that is used to send process data 0 Factory setting:: 35100
[Interval LR Agent or Cycle time for the transfer of the process data to [Off] no transfer
milliseconds) 500 500 ms
... ...
2147483647 2147483647 ms
[Application Tag] Source identifier of the IO-Link master in the Factory setting: AL1332
structure of LR AGENT or
The user can assign a name for the identification of the IO-Link master in the EtherCAT projection
The address of the EtherCAT port is assigned via the EtherCAT projection software.
[MAC address] MAC address of the device The value is firmly set.
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
The user can decide separately for each IO-Link port whether the process data of the connected
IO-Link devices should be transferred to LR AGENT or LR SMARTOBSERVER.
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
The IO-Link ports X01...X08 of the device support the following operating modes:
• Disabled: no data transfer at pin 4 (C/Q) of the IO-Link port
• Digital input (DI): binary input signal at pin 4 (C/Q) of the IO-Link port
• Digital output (DO): binary output signal at pin 4 (C/Q) of the IO-Link port
• IO-Link: IO-Link data transfer via pin 4 (C/Q) of the IO-Link port
The user can set the operating mode separately for each IO-Link port.
To set the operating mode of an IO-Link port:
► Select [Port x] menu (x = 1...8).
> The menu page shows the current settings.
► Set the following parameters as required:
Name Description Possible values
[Mode Pin4 US] Operating mode of pin 4 of the IO-Link port [Disabled] Port deactivated
[Cycle time actual]** Current cycle time of the data transfer between Parameter can only be read
IO-Link master and IO-Link device on the port
(value in microseconds)
[Cycle time preset]* Cycle time of the data transfer between the IO-Link 0 The device automatically sets
master and the IO-Link device at the port (value in the fastest possible cycle time.
1 1 microsecond
... ...
132800 132800 microseconds
[Bitrate]** Current transmission rate of the data transfer Parameter can only be read
between the IO-Link master and the IO-Link device
on the port
* ... Parameter only available if [Mode] = [IO-Link]
** ... Parameter only visible if the IO-Link device is connected to the IO-Link port.
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
9.1.9 IO-Link ports: Set the device validation and data storage
The user can choose how the IO-Link ports are to behave with regard to the device validation and the
storage / recovery of parameter data of the connected IO-Link device.
The following options are available:
Option Validation of the IO-Link Storage of the parameter values Recovery of the parameter
device values
[Type compatible yes, test the compatibility with no, there is no automatic storage yes, recovery of the parameter
V1.1 device with IO-Link standard V1.1 and changes of the current parameter values when connecting an
Restore] identity of design (vendor ID values will not be stored identical IO-Link device with
and device ID) factory settings
The options only apply if the IO-Link port is in the operating mode "IO-Link".
For options [Type compatible V1.1 device with Backup + Restore] and [Type compatible V1.1
device with Restore]: If the vendor ID and device ID are changed in the online mode, the data
memory will be deleted and a new backup of the parameter values of the connected IO-Link
device will be created in the IO-Link master.
[Device ID] ID of the IO-Link device that is to be validated 0...16777215 Factory setting: 0
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
When the IO-Link master is reset, all parameters are set to the factory settings:
To reset the device to factory settings:
► Select [Firmware] menu.
> The menu page shows the current settings.
► Click on [Factory Reset] to reset the device.
> LR DEVICE sets the device to the factory settings.
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
To configure the IO-Link devices connected to the device with the LR DEVICEparameter setting
> IO-Link master is correctly installed and connected to the LR DEVICE parameter setting software.
> The IO-Link device is connected correctly with the AL1332.
> Operating mode of the IO-Link port is "IO-Link" (→ IO-Link ports: Configure operating mode
(→ p. 30)).
> IoT has write access rights to the IO-Link master (→ IoT: Configuring access rights (→ p. 27)).
1 Select IO-Link master
► Start LR DEVICE.
► Update IODD file library
Import IODD file of the IO-Link device manually.
► Scan network for devices.
> LR DEVICE detects IO-Link master.
2 Add IO-Link device
► Under [ONLINE]: Click on the required IO-Link master.
> LR DEVICE automatically detects the IO-Link devices connected to the IO-Link master (e.g. ifm sensor KG5065).
Information about the available parameters of the IO-Link device: → IO Device Description
(IODD) des IO-Link Devices
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
The DataLine device family has an IoT Core. The IoT Core allows the user to address the AL1332
from IT networks via a REST API and to integrate it into Internet-of-Things applications.
A device description is stored on the AL1332. This device description is a structured,
machine-readable data object in JSON format. All current values of parameters, process data,
diagnostic data and device information are mapped in this data object. These data values can be read
and changed by means of services.
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
The user can access the ifm IoT Core via HTTP requests. The following request methods are
GET request
Using the GET method the user has read access to a data point.
The syntax of the request to the IoT Core is:
Parameter Description
ip IP address of the IoT interface
service Service
Parameter Description
id Correlation ID for the assignment of request and return
resp_data Value of the data point; depending on the data type of the data point
diag_code Diagnostic code (→ IoT Core: Diagnostic codes (→ p. 38))
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
POST request
Using a POST request the user has read and write access to a data point.
The syntax of the request to the IoT Core is:
▪ transaction Transaction
▪ event Event
cid id Correlation ID for the assignment of request and response; ID freely assignable by the user
* = optional; only required for services, that submit data to the IoT core (e. g. setdata)
** = optional; only required, if security mode is activated
cid id Correlation ID for the assignment of request and response (see request)
data* resp_data Value of the data point; syntax depending on the service
code diag_code Diagnostic code (→ IoT Core: Diagnostic codes (→ p. 38))
* = optional; only required for services, that receive data from the IoT core (e.g. getdata)
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
231 OK but block request not finished Request successfully processed; blockwise request, but not yet
232 Data has been accepted, but internally modified New values have been accepted, but were adjusted by the IO-Link
master (Master cycle time)
233 IP settings (of IoT-Port) have been updated. IP settings have been successfully changed, IO-Link master will be
Application needs to reload device. Wait at least reloaded; wait for at least 1 second
1 second before reloading device.
503 Service Unavailable The service is not available (e. g. IO-Link port in wrong operating
mode; no IO-Link device at IO-Link port)
530 The requested data is invalid Invalid process data
531 IO-Link error Error in IO-Link Master / device
532 PLC connected Error Error while setting data, because IO-Link master is still connected
to fieldbus PLC
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
The AL1332 has the type device (→ Overview: IoT types (→ p. 117)).
The following services can be used on the root element of the type device:
Service Description
../gettree Provide the complete tree or subtree of the device description (JSON)
Depending on the read and write access rights, the following services can be applied to elements of
type data:
Service Description
../getdata Reading the value of the element
Task: Determine the data type and value range of the accessrights parameter.
Solution: Read the properties of the element iotsetup/accessrights of the getelementinfo service.
The fields type (data type) and valuation (range of values) contain the required information.
• Request:
• Response:
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
"0":"Fieldbus + IoT",
"1":"Fieldbus + IoT (read-only)",
"3":"IoT only"}}}},
The accessrights parameter has the data type ENUM with the valid values "Fieldbus + IoT", "Fieldbus
+ IoT (read only)" and "IoT only".
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
Task: The following current values are to be read by the IO-Link master: temperature, serial number
Solution: Read the current parameter values using the getdatamulti service (data point temperature:
/processdatamaster/temperature; data point serial number: /deviceinfo/serialnumber)
• Request:
• Response:
Task: List all elements with the designation "status" and the profile "runcontrol".
Solution: Use the service querytree to browse the device description with the parameters "status"
(name) and "runcorntrol" (profile)
• Request:
• Response:
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
The IoT Core offers the possibility to set the storage duration of data and notifications. The Services
Service: setdata (→ p. 128) and Service: subscribe (→ p. 130) therefore have the parameter
Task: The current values of the following parameters are to be sent regularly to a network server with
IP address
• Product name of the IO-Link Devices an IO-Link port X02
• Cyclic input data of the IO-Link Devices an IO-Link port X02
• Operating temperature of the IO-Link master.
The subscription is only to be active until the next restart of the IO-Link master.
Solution: Subscribe to the required data using the subscribe service.
• Request:
• Response:
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
Substructure: iotsetup
Available data points:
Name Description Access
If in IoT and EtherCAT projection software the parameter [Access Rights] is = [EtherCAT +
IoT], the parameter values set in the EtherCAT projection software will always apply.
If in IoT the parameter [Access Rights] is = [IoT only], set the parameter [Access Rights] =
[Keep settings] in the EtherCAT projection software.
If in LR DEVICE the parameter [Access Rigts] is = [EtherCAT + IoT (read-only)], write access
to the device configuration via LR DEVICE and IoT core services is blocked. To enable write
access again, set the parameter to [EtherCAT + IoT] via fieldbus configuration software.
Changes of the parameter [Access Rights] will only be effective after restarting the IO-Link
master (→ Firmware: Reboot the device (→ p. 32)).
Substructure: iotsetup
Available data points:
Name Description Access
Applicable services:
Name Description
Change the IP parameters in the substructure network only blockwise with the setblock
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
The access to the IoT interface of the IO-Link master can be protected with a security mode:
Substructure: iotsetup
Available data points:
Name Description Access
Valid character set for the Base64 coding / decoding of the password: UTF-8
Online tool for coding / decoding: → www.base64encode.org
The security mode enables restricting access to the IO-Link master and the connected IO-Link devices
from the IT network. In the activated security mode, the following restrictions apply:
• Access only with authentication (password-protected user account)
• Access only via secure https connection (Transport Layer Security - TLS)
The security mode only protects the access to the device via the IoT interface.
The standard value for users is: administrator
The set password cannot be read with getdata.
The current status of the security function can be read with the getidentity service (→ Servicet:
getidentity (→ p. 121)).
For the authentication, the user must additionally provide the POST requests with a valid user name
and password in the field "auth". The user name and the password will be shown as Base64-coded
character strings (→ Example: Request with authentication (→ p. 45)).
The following requests can be done if the security mode is enabled, also without authentication:
• /getidentity
• /deviceinfo/vendor/getdata
• /deviceinfo/productcode/getdata
Task: Activate the security mode of the IO-Link interface of the IO-Link master. Set the password
"password" (Base64 coded: cGFzc3dvcmQ=)
Solution: The activation sonsists of 2 steps:
1 Activate security mode
Use service setdata with datapoint iotsetup/security/securitymode to activate the security mode.
• Request:
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
• Response:
Task: The temperature of the IO-Link master is to be read. The security function is enabled (current
password: password).
Solution: Read the data point processdatamaster/temperature with the getdata service. The request
must be sent using https. The user name and the password are transferred as a Base64-coded
character string ("administrator" = "YWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcg==", "password" = "cGFzc3dvcmQ=")
• Request:
• Response:
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
• Response:
The AL1332 in das EtherCATnetwork can be integrated via the field bus interface (ports X21 / X22).
Substructure: fieldbussetup
Available data points:
Name Description Access
../hostname Name of the IO-Link master in the fieldbus project rw
../fieldbusfirmware Firmware version of the IO-Link master r
../connectionstatus Status of the connection to the EtherCAT network r
r ... read only
rw ... read and write
../mastercycletime_preset Cycle time of the data transfer at the IO-Link port (value in ms) rw*
../mastercycletime_actual Current cycle time of the data transfer at the IO-Link port (value in ms) r
../comspeed Data transfer rate of the IO-Link port r
r ... read only
rw ... read and write
* ... only changeable, if the <Feldsbus> plc is not in RUNNING state
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
../validation_datastorage_mode Response of the IO-Link port when a new IO-Link device is connected rw*
../validation_vendorid IO-Link ID of the manufacturer that is to be validated rw*
Applicable services:
Service Description
../validation_useconnecteddevice Validate the IO-Link device connected to the IO-Link port*
../datastorage/getblobdata Reading the content of the data storage area
Task: Save the Data Storage of IO-Link port X02 of IO-Link master 1 and restore the data at IO-Link
master 2.
Solution: The cloning process consists of 2 steps. In the first step, the Data Storage of the IO-Link
port of IO-Link master 1 is saved. In the second step, the saved data is restored at the Data Storage of
port IO-Link port of IO-Link master 2.
Save Data Storage:
1 Preparations
► Read size of segments of Data Storage (h = number of bytes):
{"code":"request", "cid": -1,"adr":"/iolinkmaster/port[2]/datastorage/chunksize/getdata"}
Example: h = 256
► Read total size of Data Storage area (g = number of bytes):
{"code": "request", "cid": -1, "adr": "/iolinkmaster/port[2]/datastorage/size/getdata"}
Example: g = 550
► Calcuate the number of reading steps n: n = first integer value to which the following applies: g < n*h
Example: n= 3, because 550 < 3*256
2 Read Data Storage of IO-Link port
► Read Data Storage segment by segment ("pos" is the byte offset, at which the reading process with length "length"
{"code": "request", "cid": -1, "adr": "/iolinkmaster/port[2]/datastorage/getblobdata", "data": {"pos": 0, "length": h}}
{"code": "request", "cid": -1, "adr": "/iolinkmaster/port[2]/datastorage/getblobdata", "data": {"pos": h, "length": h}}
{"code": "request", "cid": -1, "adr": "/iolinkmaster/port[2]/datastorage/getblobdata", "data": {"pos": 2*h, "length": h}}
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
{"code": "request", "cid": -1, "adr": "/iolinkmaster/port[2]/datastorage/getblobdata", "data": {"pos": n*h, "length": h}}
1st read request: pos = 0, length = 256
2nd read resquest: pos = 256, length =256
3rd read request: pos = 512, length = 256
> Each segment value will be returned as BASE64 coded string.
► Join segments.
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
../iolinkdevice/pdout Value of the IO-Link output on pin 4 of the IO-Link port rw*
Task: Read the current measured value of the ifm temperature sensor TN2531 at IO-Link port X02
Solution: Read the data point for the process input data with the getdata service.
• Request:
• Response:
"data":{"value": "03C9"},
The return value is given in hexadecimal format. Besides the temperature value the return value
comprises additional information (→ IO Device Description (IODD) of the sensor). The temperature
value is shown in bits 2 to 15.
0x03C9 = 0b1111001001
Temperature value: 0b11110010 = 242
Therefore: The current temperature value is 24.2 °C.
Task: Switch on the buzzer of DV2500 at IO-Link Port X2. The DV2500 operates in On/Off mode.
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
Solution: The IODD of the DV2500 shows the structure of the IO-Link process value (→ e.g. LED
activity). The buzzer will be switched using bit 40 of the process value (OFF = 0, ON = 1).
To switch the buzzer:
1. Read the current process value (→ Example: Read IO-Link process data (operating mode
"IO-Link") (→ p. 49)).
2. Set bit 40 of the read value to 1.
3. Write the process value to the IO-Link device.
Read process value:
0x0000 0000 004D = 0b0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0100 1101
New process value:
0b0000 0001 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0100 1101 = 0x0100 0000 004D
• Request:
• Response:
Task: Set the output value of the IO-Link devices at IO-Link Port X1 to "ON". The operating mode of
the IO-Link port is "Digital Output (DO)".
Solution: Write the value 1 to data point pdout. The value has to be written as hexadecimal value with
a length of 1 byte (OFF = "00", ON = "01").
• Request:
• Response:
Task: Read the current input value of the IO-Link device at IO-Link port X5. The operating mode of the
IO-Link port is "Digital Intput (DI)".
Solution: Read the value of data point pdin. The value will be returned as hexadecimal value with a
length of 1 byte (OFF = "00", ON = "01"').
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
• Request:
• Response:
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
The ifm IoT Core supports the configuration of the connected IO-Link devices. A parameter is
accessed via IO-Link index and subindex (→ IO Device Description (IODD) of the device).
Substructure: iolinkmaster/port[n]/iolinkdevice (n = 1...8)
Applicable services:
Service Description
../iolreadacyclic Read a parameter of an IO-Link device (acyclic)
../iolwriteacyclic Write a parameter of an IO-Link device (acyclic)
Task: Read the serial number of the ifm temperature sensor TN2531 at IO-Link port X02
Solution: Read the serial number with the iolreadacyclic service from the IO-Link device (index:
21, subindex: 0)
• Request:
• Return:
The returned value is given in hexadecimal format. The conversion of the HEX value in a STRING
value is: G0214280710
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
Task: Set the output configuration OUT1 of the ifm temperature sensor TN2531 at IO-Link port X02 to
the value "Hnc / hysteresis function, normally closed".
Solution: Change the parameter [ou1] of the sensor to the value 4 using the iolwriteacyclicdata
service. The parameter can be accessed via IO-Link index 580, subindex 0 (→ IO-Link description of
the sensor).
• Request:
The value has to be given in hexadecimal format. The conversion of the STRING value in a HEX value
is: 34.
• Response:
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
Substructure: firmware
Applicable services:
Name Description
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
Substructure: deviceinfo
Available data points:
Name Description Access
../fieldbustype Fieldbus r
r ... read only
Additional information about the AL1332 can be read with the service getidentity (→ Servicet:
getidentity (→ p. 121)).
Substructure: processdatamaster
Available data points:
Name Description Access
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
Substructure: firmware
Available data points:
Name Description Access
r = only read
w = write only
Applicable services:
Name Description
../install Install firmware transferred to the IO-Link master
Update the firmware of the device; size of the firmware file: 356676 bytes
The firmware is transferred to the device in fragments (chunks). The size of the fragments depends on
the size of the flash memory of the IO-Link master. To transfer the firmware, the firmware file must be
converted into a character string using BASE64.
1 Preparations
► Determine the size of the fragments (g = number of bytes):
{"code":"request", "cid": -1, "adr":"/firmware/container/chunksize/getdata"}
► Convert the firmware file into a BASE64 string.
2 Start the transfer of the firmware
► Start the transfer of the firmware via the service start_stream_set (parameter "size": size of the firmware file):
{"code":"request", "cid": -1, "adr":"/firmware/container/start_stream_set", "data":{"size":356676}}
3 Load the firmware into the flash memory of the IO-Link master
► Send the BASE64 string of the firmware file to the IO-Link master fragment by fragment (value = string value with
length g).
{"code": "request", "cid": -1, "adr": "/firmware/container/stream_set", "cid": -1, "data": {"value":
► Repeat step 3 until all fragments of the firmware file have been sent to the IO-Link master.
> IO-Link master stores the segments received in the container area.
4 Install firmware
► Start the installation of the transmitted firmware.
{"code": "request", "cid": -1, "adr": "/firmware/install", "data": {}}
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
Substructure: devicetag
Available data points:
Name Description Access
../applicationtag Name of the IO-Link master (application tag) rw
For the storage of the applicationtag 32 bytes are available on the IO-Link master. If the
memory area is exceeded during writing with setdata, the IoT core aborts the write process
and returns the diagnostics code 400.
When writing the application tag, note the different memory requirements of the individual
UTF-8 characters:
• characters 0-127: 1 byte per character
• characters >127: more than 1 byte per character
Task: Set the name of the IO-Link master to AL1332 for the representation in the
Solution: Change the parameter [Application Tag] with the setdata service to the value [AL1332].
The data point of the parameter [Application Tag] in the device description object is
• Request:
• Response:
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
If a data point has the sub-element datachanged, the user can subscribe to notifications on value and
condition changes. Notifications can be triggered by the expiration of a timer or an event. The IoT Core
supports the output of notifications in CSV or JSON format.
Available data points:
Name Description Access
timer[x]/counter Timer for triggering a notification rw
Applicable services:
Name Description
../datachanged/subscribe Subsrscibe to notification
Additionally, the user can use Service: getsubscriberlist (→ p. 122) show all active subscriptions.
Task: The current values of the following parameters are to be sent regularly to a network server with
IP address
• cyclic input data of the IO-Link Devices an IO-Link port X02
• Operating temperature of the IO-Link master.
• Request:
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
In addition, the time interval of the timer[1] must be set to a value between 500 ms and
2147483647 ms.
• Request:
• Response:
• Notification (JSON)
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
Task: Every 2 seconds, the current values of the following parameters are to be sent to a network
server with the IP address
• cyclic IO-Link input data of the IO-Link device at port X02
• Operating temperature of the IO-Link master.
• Request:
"cid": 1,
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
The IoT Core supports communication via WebSocket protocol. With Web Sockets, the user can
establish a full-duplex communication channel via a TCP connection.
WebSockets can be used for the following services:
• subscribe / unsubscribe
Task: The current values of the following parameters are to be sent regularly to the data sink myTopic
via an existing WebSocket connection:
• Product name of the IO-Link Devices an IO-Link port X02
• cyclic input data of the IO-Link Devices an IO-Link port X02
• Operating temperature of the IO-Link master.
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
The IoT Core supports the MQTT protocol. The protocol allows an MQTT client to communicate with
the IoT Core via an MQTT broker to request and receive data. The IoT Core can publish data via the
MQTT connection.
To enable MQTT communication, the user needs to activate and configure an MQTT command
Substructure: connections/mqttConnection
Name Description Access
../type Type of the connection (MQTT) r
../status Global MQTT status r
../status/preset Presetting of the MQTT status; Basic settings: r
../MQTTSetup Substructure for general MQTT settings w
../MQTTSetup/QoS Quality of Service of the MQTT communication rw
▪ 0: QoS Level 0 - PUBLISH (without
▪ 1: QoS Level 1 - PUBLISH > PUBREC
(one-time confirmation)
▪ 2: QoS Level 2 - PUBLISH > PUBREC >
PUBREL > PUBCOMP (double confirmation)
../MQTTSetup/version MQTT version r
../mqttCmdChannel Substructure of the MQTT command channel w
../mqttCmdChannel/type Type of the MQTT command channel r
../mqttCmdChannel/status Status of the MQTT command channel r
../mqttCmdChannel/status/preset Presetting of the MQTT status; Basic setting: r
Applicable services:
Name Description
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
Ensure that the MQTT broker can be reached and that the selected port of the MQTT broker is
enabled for data transmission.
Max. number of simultaneous MQTT connections: 10
Wildcards "+" and "#" in topics are not supported.
The following status diagram shows the influence of the services "start", "stop" and "reset" on the
status of an MQTT connection:
After the initialisation in the "init" state has been completed, the connection automatically changes to
the "running" state.
The connection automatically switches to the "error" state if at least one of the following events occurs:
• no MQTT broker available
Task: Configuring and activating the MQTT command channel (IP address MQTT broker:, port: 1883, topic: abc).
► Check whether MQTT broker can be reached and the port has been released.
► Activate command channel
• Request:
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
► Set the IP address of the MQTT broker/server.
• Request:
► Set the port number of the MQTT broker/server.
• Request:
► Set topic.
• Request:
► Set standard response topic.
• Request:
► Set the QoS.
• Request:
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
Task: Publish the temperature of the IO-Link master to an MQTT broker (IP address MQTT broker:, port: 1883, topic: abc
• Request:
• Response:
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
The ifm-IoT Core Visualizer of the IO-Link master provides a graphical user interface for accessing
functions of the ifm-IoT Core.
To start the IoT Core Visualizer:
► Start web browser.
► Call the following address: http://ipaddress/web/subscribe
> Browser shows IoT Core Visualizer:
The navigation menu gives the user access to the following functions:
• [Notification]: Creating and managing notifications (subscribe / unsubscribe)
• [Elements]: Searching for elements in device description
• [Parameter]: Configuring IO-Link master
• [Processdata]: Reading and writing process data
• [Update]: Updating the firmware of the IO-Link master
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
Managing notifications
• Iot-Core Visualizer has been started.
► Click on [Notification].
> The menu page for managing notifications appears.
> The menu page shows all registered notifications in a table
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
► Use the wizard to enter the required notification parameters step by step.
> Created notification subscription is displayed in the table.
For cyclical notifications via timer[1] or timer[2], the user also needs to set the interval time of
the timer in question.
Deleting a notification
• The [Notification] menu page is open.
• At least one notification is active.
► Click on [x] in the column [Unsubscribe].
> The selected notification will be deleted (unsubscribe).
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
The [Elements] menu page allows you to search the device description for elements with specific
properties (status, profile, name) and to output the results.
• Iot-Core Visualizer has been started.
► Click on [Elements].
> The input mask appears.
► Enter the search criteria of the required item in the [identifier], [profile] and [type] boxes.
► Click on [Search for ...].
> IoT-Core Visualizer searches device description for elements with selected search criteria.
> The result list shows all elements found.
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
The [Parameter] menu page allows you to configure the IO-Link master.
Available options:
• Reading and writing individual parameters
• Backup and restore the current configuration of the machine.
• Iot-Core Visualizer has been started.
► Click on [Parameter].
> The menu page shows the available parameters of the IO-Link master.
> Current parameter values are displayed.
> Editable parameters can be changed.
To change a parameter:
► Navigate to the desired parameter in the device description.
► Changing the parameter value
► Click on the pencil icon to save the change on the IO-Link master.
> The changed parameter value is active.
► Optional: Repeat the procedure to change further parameter values.
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
The menu page allows the process data of the IO-Link master and the connected IO-Link devices to
be read and written.
• Iot-Core Visualizer has been started.
► Click on [Processdata].
> Menu page shows the substructures of the device description that contain process data and
> The current process values are displayed.
> Editable process data can be changed.
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
The [Update] menu page allows you to update the firmware of the IO-Link master:
• Iot-Core Visualizer has been started.
► Click on [Update].
> Menu page displays information about the current firmware version.
► Click on [Load software file] and select a new firmware file (*.bin).
► Click on [Update] to start the update process.
> The firmware of the IO-Link master will be updated.
> The area shows the progress bar.
> If the update process has been successful, the IO-Link master will restart automatically.
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
9.3 EtherCAT
Install ESI file ..........................................................................................................................................75
Integrate the IO-Link master into the TwinCAT project ..........................................................................75
Configure IO-Link master .......................................................................................................................76
Configure IO-Link ports ..........................................................................................................................76
Configure cyclic process data ................................................................................................................77
Read and write cyclic process data ........................................................................................................78
Read diagnostic and status information .................................................................................................79
Read IO-Link events ...............................................................................................................................80
Configure IO-Link devices ......................................................................................................................80
EtherCAT: Programmers' notes .............................................................................................................81
On the field bus side, the device can be configured with any EtherCAT compatible projection software.
The information in the following sections refers to the EtherCAT projection software TwinCAT 3.1.
To represent the AL1332 in a field bus projection software ifm electronic provides an ESI file
(→ www.ifm.com). In the ESI file, all parameters, process data and their valid value ranges are
To integrate the ESI file into EtherCAT projection software TwinCAT 3.1:
► Download ESI file of the device.
► Copy downloaded file to the following subdirectory of the TwinCAT installation directory:
► Start TwinCAT.
> TwinCAT loads the device description to the device catalogue.
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
The IO-Link master is configured via the CoE interface (→ TwinCAT-online help). The configuration is
made via the following parameters:
Name Description Reference
Current Use Case Access rights to the IO-Link master → Manufacturer Specific Index (0x2000)
(→ p. 96)
Reset To Factory Reset IO-Link master to factory settings → Manufacturer Specific Index (0x2000)
(→ p. 96)
The IO-Link ports are configured via the CoE interface (→ TwinCAT-online help). The user can
configure each IO-Link port separately. The configuration is made via the following parameters:
Name Description Reference
IO Settings Configuration of the IO-Link ports X01...X08 → Port Configuration (0x8000) (→ p. 99)
Vendor Specific IO Settings Manufacturer-specific settings of the IO-Link → Port Configuration (0x8000) (→ p. 99)
ports X01...X08
The AL1332 has no failsafe function for the outputs of the IO-Link ports. If the fieldbus
connection is interrupted, the last used output values are written and marked as invalid.
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
Type and number of cyclic input and output data on the IO-Link ports are defined via the fieldbus
modules (→ EtherCAT modules (→ p. 93)). In the factory settings, all slots are configured with the
module "IOL_4/4_I/O".
To configure the cyclic process data:
> AL1332 is integrated (→ Integrate the IO-Link master into the TwinCAT project (→ p. 75,
"Example: Reading properties of an element" → p. 39)).
1 Open the device editor
► In the Solution Explorer: Double-click on the node of the AL1332.
> The window shows the available configuration options.
► Select the tab [Slots].
> The window shows the current configuration of the cyclic data.
2 Assign fieldbus modules
► In the left half of the table: Select click on slot of the requested IO-Link port.
► In the right half of the table: Click on the requested fieldbus module.
► Click on [<] to assign the requested fieldbus module to the slot.
3 Configure more IO-Link ports
► optional: repeat step 1 for further IO-Link ports.
> Cyclic data is assigned to the fieldbus slots.
> The Solution Explorer shows the configured modules as subelements of the device node.
4 Save the project
► Save the project.
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
► To check the validity of the cyclic process data, evaluate the PQI byte (→ Mapping: Port
Qualifier (0xF101) (→ p. 104)).
Even with an interruption of the fieldbus connection the PQI byte indicates that the process
data is valid. This can have unintended impact on the control process.
► Take suitable measures to detect an interruption of the fieldbus connection.
They cyclic process data of the IO-Link-Ports X01...X08 is accessible via the following index groups:
Name (Index) Description Reference
IO-Link inputs (0x6000) Cyclic input data at the IO-Link ports X01...X08 → IO-Link Inputs (0x6000) (→ p. 98)
IO-Link outputs (0x7000) Cyclic output data at the IO-Link ports → IO-Link Outputs (0x7000) (→ p. 98)
In operating mode "Digial Input (DI)" the digital process value of the IO-Link port will be
mapped to the first byte of the input data (sub-index 0x01).
In operating mode "Digial Output (DO)" the digital process value of the IO-Link port will be
mapped to the first byte of the output data (sub-index 0x01).
Valid values:
• 0x000 = OFF
• 0x001 = ON
During the configuration of the fieldbus slots TwinCAT automatically creates variables for the cyclic
input and output data. They are found in groups in the folders under the respective fieldbus modules.
The user can link the variables directly with the elements of a global variable list (GVL).
The following variables are created:
Group > Variable Variable Description
[TxPDO] [input byte n] Byte n of the cyclic input data of the fieldbus module
[RxPDO] [output byte m] Byte m of the cyclic output data of the fieldbus module
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
Diagnostic and status information is accessible via the following index groups:
Name (Index) Description Reference
MDP Standard Information (0x1000) ▪ Device information via IO-Link → MDP Standard Information (0x1000)
master (→ p. 95)
▪ Identity Object
▪ Diagnostic history
IO Info Data (0x9000) Information about IO-Link devices at → Port Mode (0x9000) (→ p. 100)
IO-Link-Ports X01...X08
IO Diag Data (0xA000) Diagnostic data of the IO-Link ports → Diagnostics Data (0xA000) (→ p. 101)
Device Status (0xF000) ▪ Status of the IO-Link devices at the → Device Status / Port Status (0xF000)
IO-Link port X01...X08 (→ p. 102)
▪ Port qualifier
When the IO-Link master is integrated into a EtherCAT project, TwinCAT automatically creates
variables for diagnostic and status information in the Solution Explorer. They are grouped in folders
under the device node. The user can link the variables directly with the elements of a global variable
list (GVL).
The following variables are created:
Group > Variable Description
[TxPDO IO-Link Device Status] > [State of IO-Link Ch.n] Status of the IO-Link device at the IO-Link port X0n
[TxPDO IO-Link Port Qualifier] > [Qualifier of IO-Link Ch.n] Port qualifier bits of the IO-Link port X0n
[TxPDO New Diagnosis Message available] > [New Message Available Notification of new diagnostic messages
n ... 1...8
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
IO-Link Events will be stored in the "Diagnosis History" (→ Diagnosis History (0x10F3) (→ p. 105)).
The IO-Link Master stores a maxiumum of 64 events.
The single events will be stored in a ring buffer. The AL1332 supports the following operation modes
for writing the ring buffer:
• Overwrite Mode: If the buffer memory is full, the oldest event will be overwritten by new incoming
• Acknowledge Mode: Events will only be overwritten, when they are read and acknowledged.
The configuration is done via sub-index 0x05. The eventsare stored in sub-indexes 0x06...0x46.
The IO-Link master supports the configuration of the connected IO-Link devices from the EtherCAT
projection software. The parameters of an IO-Link device are set via IO-Link index and subindex. The
number of the configurable parameters depends on the connected IO-Link device.
Available parameters of the IO-Link devices: → IO Device Description (IODD) of the IO-Link
The user can read and write IO-Link index and subindex using the following methods:
• Acyclic communication: → Use acyclic services (→ p. 81)
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
The AL1332 supports following services for acyclic read and write processes:
• AoE - ADS over EtherCAT (→ Use ADS over EtherCAT (→ p. 81)
• CoE - CANopen over EtherCAT (→ Use CANopen over EtherCAT (→ p. 81)
AoE is suited for interruption-free access to the connected IO-Link devices during the operating time of
the device. Access to the IO-Link master with AoE is not supported.
The function blocks for using AoE are part of the tc2_system.libTwinCAT library.
The following rules apply to the inputs of the ADS function blocks:
Input Description Possible values
CoE is suited for acyclic access to the IO-Link master and the connected IO-Link devices. CoE uses
the fieldbus objects "IO-Link acyclic command" (→ IO-Link Acyclic Command (0x3100) (→ p. 97)). A
separate fieldbus object is provided for each IO-Link port.
To have acyclic access to the device via CoE the user can use the following function blocks:
• FB_EcCoESdoRead: read SDO of an EtherCAT slave
• FB_EcCoeSdoWrite: write SDO of an EtherCAT slave
The function blocks for using CoE are part of the Tc2_EtherCAT.library function library.
► Add Tc2_EtherCAT.library function block library to the project
Description of the function blocks: → Help function of TwinCAT
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
The following rules apply to the inputs of the CoE function blocks:
sNetId AMS net ID of the EtherCAT master to which the IO-Link depends on the project; e.g.
master is connected
nSlaveAddr EtherCAT address of the IO-Link port on the IO-Link 0x1001 IO-Link port X01
master = 0x1002 IO-Link port X02
0x1000 + IO-Link port number ... ...
0x1008 IO-Link port X08
The AL1332 can only process one CoE request at a time. If during an active request another
CoE request is started, the device answers with an error (SDO abort code: 0x06090030).
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
10 Operation
Using web-based management ..............................................................................................................83
The device has an integrated web server The web server generates a website with the following data:
• Status information of the ports
• Access to product page of connected IO-Link devices (only ifm devices)
• Diagnostic information of the device
• Version information of the installed firmware components
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
The firmware of the IO-Link master can be updated via the IoT Core Visualizer→ Updating the
firmware (→ p. 74, → p. 84)).
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
12 Factory settings
In the factory settings, the device has the following parameter settings:
Parameter Factory setting
[IP address] (IoT interface) 169.254.X.X
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
13 Accessories
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
14 Appendix
Technical data ........................................................................................................................................88
EtherCAT ................................................................................................................................................92
ifm IoT Core ..........................................................................................................................................109
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
14.1.1 Application
Electrical data
Sensor supply US
Max. current load total [A] 3.6
Inputs / outputs
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
14.1.4 Inputs
Number of digital inputs 16; (IO-Link Port Class A: 8 x 2)
Switching level high [V] 11...30
14.1.5 Outputs
14.1.6 Interfaces
Communication interface Ethernet; IO-Link
Transmission standard 10Base-T; 100Base-TX
IO-Link master
Type of transmission COM 1 / COM 2 / COM 3
IoT interface
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
Operating conditions
Applications Indoor use
Pollution Degree 2
Approval / tests
EMC ▪ EN 61000-6-2
▪ EN 61000-6-4
MTTF [Years] 90
Mechanical data
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
2: -
3: GND (US)
4: -
Wiring 1: TX +
2: RX +
3: TX -
4: RX -
5: -
IoT X23
Wiring 1: TX +
2: RX +
3: TX -
4: RX -
5: -
5: -
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
14.2 EtherCAT
Parameter data .......................................................................................................................................93
Cyclic data ..............................................................................................................................................94
Acyclic data ............................................................................................................................................95
Events ...................................................................................................................................................105
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
Fieldbus parameters
The fieldbus parameters contain information about the integration of the device into the EtherCAT
Name Description Possible values
EtherCAT modules
Module Description
ESI file
To represent the AL1332 in a field bus projection software ifm electronic provides an ESI file. The EDS
file can be downloaded from ifm's website. In the ESI file, all parameters, process data and their valid
value ranges are defined.
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
0x1C12 RxPDO Assign Outputs: List of references to RxPDO Mapping 0x160n; one UINT16
subindex for each module
0x1C13 TxPDO Assign Inputs: List of references to TxPDO Mapping 0x1A0n; one UINT16
subindex for each module
0x160n RxPDO Mapping Outputs: List of references to RxPDO Data in Output Area; one UINT32 / rw
index for each module; multiple subindices
0x1A0n TxPDO Mapping Inputs: List of references to TxPDO Data in Input Area; one UINT32 / r
index for each module; multiple subindices
0x1A08 TxPDO Mapping of New Msg. Inputs: Reference to TxPDO Data of New Message Available in UINT32 / r
Avail. 0x10F3:04 (1 bit) and 31 alignment bits
0x1A09 TxPDO Mapping of Timestamp Inputs: Reference to TxPDO Data of Timestamp in 0x10F8 UINT64 / r
(64 bit)
0x1A81 TxPDO Mapping of Device Inputs: References to TxPDO Data of Device Status in UINT32 / r
Status 0xF100:nn (8 bit), for all ports
0x1A82 TxPDO Mapping of Port Inputs: References to TxPDO Data of Port Qualifier in UINT32 / r
Qualifier 0xF101:0n (8 bit), for all ports
0x70n0 Output Area, RxPDO Data Outputs: RxPDOs (the cyclic data itself) of all modules; one Octet String /
index for each module; multiple subindices for multiple cyclic rw
data objects
0x60n0 Input Area, TxPDO Data Inputs: TxPDOs (the cyclic data itself) of all modules; one index Octet String / r
for each module; multiple subindices for multiple cyclic data
0x140n RxPDO Parameter Outputs: RxPDO Control for setting outputs valid/invalid; one Record / rw
index for each module; only subindex 8; unused here
0x180n TxPDO Parameter Inputs: TxPDO State for telling if inputs are valid/invalid; one Record / r
index for each module; only subindex 7; unused here
0xF100 Device Status This status byte is included in input data of each module; one UINT8 / r
subindex for each module
0xF101 Port Qualifier This status byte is included in input data of each module; one UINT8 / r
subindex for each module
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
The device implements a "Modular Device Profile" with an "IO-Link profile" according to ETG.5001.1.
Identity information about the device and current and available process data constellations
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
Manufacturer-specific parameters
0x2F02 Current Use Case (Access Rights) 0xA500: EtherCAT + IoT UINT16 / rw
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
▪ 0x01 Command Buffer Byte 0: Command (0x0 = Read, 0x1 = Write) ARRAY_
Byte 1: IO-Link Index, LSB rw
Byte 2: IO-Link Index, MSB
Byte 3: IO-Link Subindex
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
▪ 0x20 Byte 32
▪ 0x20 Byte 32
rw ... read and write
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
0x03: IO-Link
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
The device provides the following diagnostic data for each port:
Selection of the IO-Link port via n (n = 0: port X01, n = 1: port X02,...)
0x09: STOP
▪ 0x02 ▪ Subindex 0x02: Lost Frames UINT8 / r
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Error Code Port State
▪ [Error Code] Error code of the IO-Link Device 0x0 No error
Note If more than one error occure at the same time. 0x3 Invalid Device ID
only one error will be shown. The other error
messages will be surpressed. 0x4 Invalid Vendor ID
0x7 Invalid cycle time
0x8 Invalid length of PD In
0x9 Invalid length of PD Out
0xA No device detected
0xB Supply voltage low or short circuit
0xD Unspecified error
▪ [Port State] State of the IO-Link port 0x0 Deactivated
0x1 Digital Input
0x2 Digital Output
0x3 OP: IO-Link, Operate state
0x4 STOP: IO-Link, not Operate state (fault
or no device)
0x5 PreOP: IO-Link, device in PreOP state
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
Port Qualifier Information (PQI) contains diagnostic information about the IO-Link port. In addition to
the process data, the IO-Link master sends the PQI to the EtherCAT controller.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
▪ [DI4] Signal status of the digital input on pin 4 (if used) 0x0 OFF
0x1 ON
▪ [DI2] Signal status of the digital input on pin 2 (if used) 0x0 OFF
0x1 ON
▪ [PVO] Port validity output: Validity of the output data of the IO-Link device 0x0 invalid
0x1 valid
▪ [DACT] Device deactivated: shows if the IO-Link port is configured and can be 0x0 activated and can be used
0x1 deactivated or not available
▪ [DA] Device available: shows if the IO-Link device has been recognised 0x0 No device
and if the device is in the "preoperate" or in the "operate" state
0x1 device detected
▪ [PE] Port error: shows if an error or a warning occurred (e.g. validation 0x0 no error
fault, short circuit); Note: The user needs to determine the cause of
the fault separately via acyclic services. 0x1 Error
▪ [PVI] Port validity input: Validity of the input data of the IO-Link device 0x0 invalid
0x1 valid
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
14.2.4 Events
Diagnosis History (0x10F3) ..................................................................................................................105
Acknowledge Mode:
0x0 no acknowledged message
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
0 Overwrite Mode
1 Acknowledge Mode
Bit 5: Overwrite/Discard Information
Overwrite Mode:
1 unacknowledged messages have been
overwritten (=buffer overrun)
(Subindex 0x03 is set to 0)
Acknowledge Mode:
1 message buffer is full with
unacknowledged messages and a new
massage is discarded.
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
... ...
0x2 DL
0x3 AL
0x4 APPL
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
Profile: blob
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
Profile: deviceinfo
Profile: devicetag
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
Profile: iolinkdevice_full
Profile: iolinkmaster
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
Profile: mqttCmdChannel
Profile: mqttCmdChannelSetup
Profile: mqttConnection
../status ▪ type = data mandatory global status of the MQTT (possible values:
▪ data type = STRING init, running, stopped, error)
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
Profile: mqttSetup
Profile: network
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
Profile: parameter
The profile is used to mark the elements of type data as parameters (acyclic data). The profile defines
no substructure.
Profile: processdata
The profile is used to mark the elements of type data as process data (cyclic data). The profile does
not define a substructure.
Profile: runcontrol
Profile: service
Profile: software
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
Profile: software/uploadedablesoftware
Profile: Timer
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
Name Description
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
Service: factoryreset
Name: factoryreset
Description: The service sets the parameters of the device to the factory settings.
Request data (field "data"): none
Response data (field "data"): none
"code": "request",
"cid": 4711,
"adr": "/firmware/factoryreset"
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
Service: getblobdata
Name: getblobdata
Description: The service reads a binary large object (blob).
Applicable to: datastorage
Request data (field "data"):
Data field Required Data type Default Description
pos mandatory number 0 Byte position
Service: getdata
Name: getdata
Description: Service reads the value of a data point and provides it.
Request data (field "data"): none
Return data (field "data"):
Data field Required field Data type Description
value mandatory STRING Value of the element/data point
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
Service: getdatamulti
Name: getdatamulti
Description: The service sequentially reads the values of several data points and provides them. The
value and the diagnostic code are provided for each data point.
Request data (field "data"):
Data field Required field Data type Description
datatosend mandatory ARRAY OF List of data points to be requested; data points must support the
STRINGS service getdata ("datatosend":["url1","url2",...,"urlx"])
Service: getelementinfo
Name: getelementinfo
Description: The service reads the properties of an element of the IoT tree.
Applicable to: Objects of the type device
Request data (field "data"):
Data field Required Data type Default Description
format optional JSON object blank Format of the data or the service content
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
Servicet: getidentity
Name: getidentity
Description: The service reads the device information of the AL1332 and issues it.
Request data ("data" field): none
Return data ("data" field):
Data field Required Data type Description
iot Device Device description as JSON object
device.custom optional
Security optional Security options
security.securitymode optional ENUM shows if the security mode is activated
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
Service: getsubscriberlist
Name: getsubscriberlist
Description: The service provides a list of all active subscriptions.
Request data ("data" field): none
Return data ("data" field): Array with the following data
Data field Mandatory Data type Description
adr mandatory STRING Data source
datatosend mandatory ARRAY List with URLs of the subscribed data points
cid mandatory NUMBER ID of the subscription
callbackurl mandatory STRING Address to which IoT Core event notifications are to be sent;
duration mandatory STRING Storage duration of the value
• Request object:
• Return object:
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
Service: getsubscriptioninfo
Name: getsubscriptioninfo
Description: The service provides information about an existing subscription (subscribe).
The following parameters of the existing subscription are to be used for the query:
• Value of the identifier cid (e.g. 4711)
• Number of the timer (e.g. timer[1])
• Name of the callback topic (e.g. B. temp)
• Request object:
• Return object:
"cid": 4711,
"subscription": true,
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
Service: gettree
Name: gettree
Description: The service reads the device description of the IO-Link master and outputs it as a JSON
object. The output can be limited to a subtree of the device description.
Request data ("data" field):
Data field Mandatory Data type Description
• output the complete device description
• output the subtree counter[2] of the device description up to the 2nd level
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
Service: install
Name: install
Description: The service installs the firmware stored in the container area of the device.
Applicable to: container
Request data (data): none
Return data (data): none
Service: iolreadacyclic
Name: iolreadacyclic
Description: The service acyclically reads the parameter value of an IO-Link device. The parameter is
accessed via IO-Link index and subindex.
Request data (field "data"):
Data field Required field Data type Description
Service: iolwriteacyclic
Name: iolwriteacyclic
Description: The service acyclically writes the parameter value of an IO-Link device. The parameter
is accessed via IO-Link index and subindex.
Request data (field "data"):
Data field Required field Data type Description
value mandatory STRING New value of the parameter; Value in hexadecimal format
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
Service: querytree
Name: querytree
Description: The service searches a device tree for the criteria profile, type and name and outputs a
list with the URLs of the elements found. At least one of the search criteria must be specified. The
service can only be executed on the root node of the machine.
Return data ("data" field):
Data field Mandatory field Data type Description
profile optional STRING Profile of the searched element
urlList mandatory Array Array with URLs of the found elements; URLs are
separated by commas
Service: reboot
Name: reboot
Description: The service reboots the device.
Request data (field "data"): none
Return data (field "data"): none
Service: Reset
Name: Reset
Description: The service resets a connection to the initialisation state.
Request data ("data" field): none
Return data ("data" field): none
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
Service: setblock
Name: setblock
Description: The service simultaneously sets the values of several data points of a structure.
Request data (field "data"):
Data field Required field Data type Description
datatoset mandatory ARRAY OF List of data points and their new values; data points must support the
OBJECTS service setdata
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
Service: setdata
Name: setdata
Description: The service sets the value of the data point.
Request data ("data" field):
Data field Mandatory Data type Description
{"code": "request",
"adr": "devicetag/applicationtag/setdata",
"newvalue": "ifm IO-Link master
"duration": "lifetime"}
Service: signal
Name: signal
Description: The service starts the flashing of the status LEDs of the AL1332.
Request data (field "data"): none
Return data (field "data"): none
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
Service: start
Name: start
Description: The service starts a connection.
Request data ("data" field): none
Return data ("data" field): none
Service: start_stream_set
Name: start_stream_set
Description: The service starts the sequential transfer of multiple data segments.
Applicable to: Objects of type data
Request data (data):
Data field Required Data type Default Description
Service: stop
Name: stop
Description: The servicestops a connection.
Request data ("data" field): none
Return data ("data" field): none
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
Service: stream_set
Name: stream_set
Description: The service transfers a data segment.
Applicable to: Objects of type data
Request data (data):
Data field Required Data type Default Description
value mandatory BIN (BASE64) * Segment of binary data (BASE64 coded)
Service: subscribe
Name: subscribe
Description: The service subscribes to the values of data points. The data points to be subscribed are
transferred as a list. The IoT Core sends changes to the data sink defined in callback.
CSV formatted notifications can only be transmitted using the TCP protocol via an activated
and configured MQTT channel.
callback mandatory STRING Address to which IoT Core event notifications are to be sent; URL format:
▪ JSON: http://ipaddress:port/path
▪ JSON: ws:///path
▪ JSON: mqtt://ipadress:port/topic
▪ CSV: tcp://ipaddress:port/path
datatosend mandatory ARRAY List from URLs of data elements; Elements must support getdata
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
Notification: CSV
• SrcURL: Source of the event (data point on which subscribe command was listed)
• EventNo: Event number
• EventStatus: Status code of the event
• EventData: Event data
• DataStatus_1: Status code of the 1st element in list datatosend
• DataValue_1: Value of the 1st element in list datatosend
• DataStatus_2: Status code of the 2nd element in list datatosend
• DataValue_2: Value of the 2nd element in list datatosend
• ...
Service: unsubscribe
Name: unsubscribe
Description: The service deletes an existing subscription. The service unsubcribe is successful if cid
and the callback address are registered for an active subscription (subscribe). If the STRING
"DELETE" is provided in callback, the IO-Link master deletes all active subscriptions.
Request data (field "data"):
Data field Required field Data type Description
callback mandatory STRING Address to which IoT Core event notifications are to be sent; complete
URL: http://ipaddress:port/path
Service: validation_useconnecteddevice
Name: validation_connecteddevice
Description: The service checks, whether Device ID and Vendor ID of the connected IO-Link device
match with the values of the datapoints ../validation_vendorid and ../validation_deviceid.
Applicable to: Objects of type stucture
Request data (data): none
Return data (data): none
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
IO-Link master with EtherCAT interface DataLine 8 ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
Technical data .......................................................................................88
Updating the firmware .....................................................................74, 84
Use acyclic services ..............................................................................81
Use ADS over EtherCAT .......................................................................81
Use CANopen over EtherCAT ...............................................................81
Using the IoT-Core Visualizer................................................................68
Using Web Socket .................................................................................62
Using web-based management .............................................................83
Visual indication .....................................................................................12
Voltage supply .......................................................................................21