NCP Acute Pain
NCP Acute Pain
NCP Acute Pain
Actual Abnormal Acute Pain After 8 hours of After 8 hours of nursing
Cues: related to Predisposing nursing intervention Independent and intervention the patient was able
tissue injury of Factors: the patient will be able Collaborative to:
Patient the eye to: Interventions:
verbalized “Ga secondary to Unknown/
sakit akun mata, mechanical unidentified foreign 1.Follow prescribed -Administer analgesics as -To maintain 1.Goal met. Demonstrated good
ga hapdi kag daw trauma as object entered the pharmacological indicated such as acceptable level compliance to prescribed
may ma guwa” evidenced by eye causing irritation regimen Paracetamol 200mg/ of pain medication by taking it at the
inflammatory IVTT/ Q4º right schedule.
Pain Scale of 7 process, facial
out of 10 grimacing, and -Monitor vital signs -Usually altered
(moderate to guarding Precipitating in acute pain
severe pain) behavior Factors:
-Perform a -Pain is a
comprehensive subjective
assessment of pain to experience and
include location, must be described
characteristics, by the
onset/duration, client in order to
frequency, quality, plan effective
severity, and treatment to
precipitating or assess
aggravating factors precipitating