Biology Week 2

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General Biology 1
Quarter 1
Vast Microscopic World of Cells:
Cellular Parts, Modifications, Transport
and Biomolecules
Learner’s Activity Sheet

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Since you are now familiar with cell organelles and their functions, you will now learn how to distinguish
the differences between the two main cell types. The purpose of this unit is to use your new knowledge and be able to
distinguish many similarities and differences in the cell types that are the basic structural and functional unit which
comprise every organism. By the end of the unit, you will have embedded within them the features and domains of each cell
type. You will further learn some of the types of cells in plants and animals and discover the functions of each type.
Directions: Fill in the K-W-H-L Chart below to assess your prior knowledge and understanding of
the topic, Prokaryotes VS Eukaryotes and Cell Types.
What do I know? What do I want to How can I found What did I learn?
find out? out what I learn?

First Quarter
Week 2
Day 1
Do all cells have the same structure? Let‘s have an analogy; an efficiency apartment is a one-room apartment. This
one room is where you sleep, eat, shower, and entertain your
guests. It all happens in one room. It is a simple way of living in a small space. On the other hand, a mansion is a
large, complex living space with many separate rooms. There are rooms for cooking, eating, sleeping, bathing,
reading, watching TV, entertaining guests, exercising, and storage. The rooms in a mansion are constructed for the specific
things you would like to be able to do. You can live in simple efficiency or complexity. Just like the cells, those are as simple
as a one- room efficiency apartment or as complex as a mansion
Your body is composed of trillions of cells - lots of different types of cells that make up different organs and other
parts of your body. Your body is also where 10 times that number of bacteria call 'home sweet home.' But, don't be afraid -
these bacteria do more good than harm to you. And besides, you and your bacteria do have a few things in
All cells share some common characteristics that make them living things. All organisms are composed of cells, the
basic fundamental unit of life. They contain DNA as a heritable genetic material, and they can reproduce.
Organelles are the biggest difference between bacteria and cells that make up the human body. The number one
biggest difference between the bacteria in your body and the cells making up your body are these tiny cellular
components called organelles. You've actually learned a lot about organelles in other lessons without knowing it.
Organelles are simply membrane-bound compartments within a cell, such as the nucleus, mitochondria,
chloroplasts, Golgi, and
endoplasmic reticulum.
You are a eukaryote. Your cells are eukaryotic.
Eukaryotic cells contain membrane-bound organelles,
including a nucleus. Eukaryotes can be single-celled or multi-
celled, such as you, plants, fungi, insects, and me.
Bacteria are an example of prokaryotes. Prokaryotic cells
do not contain a nucleus or any other membrane-bound organelle.
Prokaryotes include two groups: bacteria and another group called

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TITLE OF THE ACTIVITY: Prokaryote vs Eukaryote

For the Learner:

This worksheet contains activities about cell structure and functions. You may answer directly to this activity sheets
and make sure to follow the directions stated in each part of the activity. Answer all questions the best that you can and please
write eligibly.

For the Parents:

Learners may require your guidance in following the directions and answering the questions in each part of the activity. Make
sure that they answer each part of the worksheet.

Distinguish prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells according to their distinguishing features.


 Paper and ballpen

 Study the 3 models below and answer the following questions.

Model 1: Three Types of Bacterial Cells

1. What is represented by the small dots found in each of the bacteria cells? Ribosomes
2. What is the name of the outermost layer that forms a boundary around the outside of each cell?
Cell wall
3. How is the DNA described in these organisms? The DNA
in what substance? Cytoplasm
4. All the internal structures are suspended (floating)molecules
5. One of the bacteria in Model 1 has a tail-like structure.
a. What is this structure called? Flagellum
b. What might be the purpose of this structure? To aid the
c. Based on your answer to the previous question, cell’s
what might you infer about the absence of this structure in the
other two bacteria cells? Since the
other two
Model 2: Model 2 – Animal and Plant Cells

6. Looking at Model 2, list at least three structural differences (other than shape) between an animal and a plant
1. Plant cells have chloroplast while animal cells don’t.
2. Plant cells have a cell wall for structural support while animal cells don’t.
3. Plant cells have bigger vacuoles than animal cells (for storage purposes).

7. Where do you find the DNA in each cell in Model 2?

In the
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8. Do both cells in Model 2 have a nucleus? Yes
9. List the structure(s) that form the boundary between the inside and the outside of each cell in Model
2. Plant cells have both cell wall and cell membrane while animal calls only have cell membrane.
10. What is different about the outermost boundary in a plant cell compared to an animal cell?
It is a cell wall which is made up of cellulose and is not semi-permeable.
11. Which of the cells in Model 1 or 2 are more complex? List at least three supporting reasons for your
choice. Model 2. 1) The cells in model 2 are both eukaryotes. 2) The cells in model 2 have membrane-
bound organelles. 3) The DNA in the cells in model 2 are bound in an organelle called nucleus.
Model 3 – Structural Comparisons
Use the chart in Model 3 to determine the meaning
of the word prokaryote.
12. What does the word eukaryote mean?

An organism with true nucleus or kernel

13. Based on the above word definitions, label the
cells in Model 1 and Model 2 as prokaryotic or
eukaryotic. The cell in model 1 is prokaryotic, the cells in model 2 are eukaryotic.
14. By comparing Model 1 and Model 2, what structures are the same in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?
They both have a cell membrane, cytoplasm, DNA molecules and ribosomes.
15. What differences are there between a prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell?
A eukaryotic cell has membrane-bound organelles and the DNA in it are contained in the
nucleus. A prokaryotic cell lacks these characteristics.
16. Refer to Models 1 and 2 to complete the chart below. Write yes or no in the box for each cell.
Bacterial Cell Animal Cell Plant Cell All Cells
Cell Membrane Yes Yes Yes Yes
Ribosome Yes Yes Yes Yes
Cytoplasm Yes Yes Yes Yes
Mitochondria No Yes Yes No
Nucleolus No Yes Yes No
Nucleus No Yes Yes No
DNA Yes Yes Yes Yes
Cell Wall Yes No Yes No
Prokaryotic Yes No No No
Eukaryotic No Yes Yes No

17. Write a definition for a prokaryotic cell.

A prokaryotic cell does not have a true nucleus and membrane-bound organelles.
18. Write a definition for a eukaryotic eukaryotic cell has a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles.
21. Complete the phrase below. Each member must contribute one complete sentence. The words prokaryotic and
eukaryotic must be used:
All cells are not the same because…Cells can either be prokaryotic or eukaryotic and they perform different functions.
22. Discuss the opening analogy of an efficiency apartment and a mansion as it relates to cells. Record your final
consensus of how this analogy applies to cell structure.
Cells can either be compared to an apartment or a mansion, and this is based solely in the cell type. A simple apartment
which is relatively smaller can be compared to prokaryotic cells and a mansion which is bigger and has a more complex structure can
be compared to eukaryotic cells. CELL TYPES
Week 2
Day 2

Unicellular – single-celled – organisms such as bacteria need to perform all of the functions necessary for
life on their own. In contrast, multicellular organisms can divide up these functions among different types of cells.
This is known as cell specialization.
Your body contains over 200 different types of specialized cells. Each type is adapted to do a particular
job well and has developed special features to do it. Just as you can‘t use a pair of scissors as a hammer, you can‘t
replace a bone cell with a muscle cell and expect to get the same result.
Here are some of types of cell in plants and animals.
Cell Type What do I look like? What makes me special?
1.Muscle Cell ✓ These cells are long and can ✓ Have bands of protein
contract quickly. and are arranged in fibers to
✓ They contain lots of mitochondria help them run along the length
to produce energy required of the muscles.
for movement.

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2. Nerve Cell ✓ Very thin and thread-like with lots ✓ Transmit electrical impulses
of nerve endings (dendrites) at around the body, and very
connected to other nerve
cells sending messages to the
either end.
brain, so the body responds
in a particular way.
3. Palisade Cell ✓ Located near the top of any leaf ✓ Its chloroplasts, which are
that is easily recognizable because full of a pigment
it is long, thin and packed full of called chlorophyll is
chloroplast. responsible for

4. Phloem ✓ Found inside plants which is very ✓ Transport food (mainly

long and join end to end and have dissolved sugars) around the
only very few subcellular plant and therefore needs to
structures. make hollow tubes.

5. Root Hair Cells ✓ Attached to plant roots which is ✓ Long and thin and have a
long and thin with a large surface large surface area to help
area. with the absorption of
water and minerals.
6. Sperm Cell ✓ Made in the testes and can be ✓ Can swim with the help of
found in semen that is long the tail that helps it to find
and thin and have tail. egg cells to fertilize it.

7. Xylem Cells ✓ Found inside plants that is a dead ✓ Carry water and mineral ions
cell joins together end to end with from the roots to the leaves
other dead cells. and stem.

✓ Found lining certain tubes in the ✓ Protect the lungs from

body, including the trachea and microorganisms and dust by
bronchi, which lead to the moving them up the airway.
lungs that have cilia(tiny
hair-like structures) on the surface
to sweep particles away.

8. Ciliated Epithelial Cell ✓ Contain half of the genetic

9. Egg Cell ✓ Made in the ovaries of a female information (DNA) needed to
that is the largest, roundest human make a baby.
cell, surrounded by a protective
layer of cells that provides

10. Red Blood Cells ✓ Made in the bone marrow and can ✓ Travel inside the blood
be found in the blood vessels that vessels carrying oxygen to all
are a biconcave disc shape, which cells so it can be used for
gives a large surface area and respiration.
allows it to travel easily
through blood vessels.
11. White Blood Cells ✓ Usually made in the bone marrow ✓ Help fight pathogens which
and can be found in the blood cause disease.
vessels which are typical animal
cell with a lobed nucleus.

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For the Learners:

Plants and animals have many different types of cell. It is helpful for scientists to be able to sort them into
groups to study them. This activity will enables you to discover the different types of cell based on their function.

For the Parents:

Learners may require your guidance in following the directions and answering the questions in each part
of the activity. Make sure that they answer each part of the worksheet.

 Classify the cells into groups based on their important features.
 Paper and Pen
 Any available references (internet or books)
 The diagrams show six different types of cell.
 Divide the six cell types into two major groups by writing their letter in the major group circles
inthediagram on the next page.
 Write down the feature you chose to sort the cell types into two major groups in the space
providedonthe left.
 Write down the feature as a question, for example, ‗Does the cell have a nucleus (yes or no)?‘
 Divide the cell types in each major group into two minor groups by writing their letter in the
minogr roup circles.
 Write down the features you chose to sort each of the major groups into minor groups.



Cell Types Major Group Minor Group

Specialized animal or
Feature: Animal or Feature: specialized plant cell



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Considering the evidence
1. Which of these features do you think is the most important? Whether they are specialized animal or specialized plant cell
2. Why do you think this feature is the most important? It specifies how exactly different cells function.
Using any mode of communication available (Facebook, SMS, etc.) ask at least 5 of your schoolmate at the same
grade level how they group the different types of cells and compare their response to your work.
1. Did everyone use the same features to sort the cells? Yes
2. Did all of you agree on which is the most important feature? Yes
3. Why is it important to classify cells based on their feature or functions? So we can understand their functions and importance in the
body better.


A. Complete the Venn diagram below. B. Complete the table below
Prokaryotes Eukaryotes Prokaryote Eukaryote
Types of Illustration Function

- Don’t have membrane- - Have membrane-bound

bound organelles organelles
- Both have
- Unicellular membrane,
DNA, - Can be unicellular or
ribosomes and multicellular


Create a scale drawing of the two types of cells. Use micrometers to determine what your scale should be. Make at least two
comparisons t things we can see with the naked eye. Be sure to show your understanding of the characteristics of prokaryotic
and eukaryotic cells and different types of cells. Use a separate paper for your output.

1. What effect do you expect the structural differences between prokaryotes and eukaryotes to have on their functions?
Explain in detail. Eukaryotes perform much more diverse and complex functions as they have more organelles compared to prokaryotes.
2. With as describing the difference between prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells.
Prokaryotes are unicellular and have no membrane-bound organelles. Eukaryotes can be both unicellular and multicellular and have
membrane-bound organelles.


Place the following words in the correct place on the chart. You will only use each word ONCE.
a. Ribosome b. Cytoplasm c. Nucleus d. DNA
e. Cell Membrane f. Bacteria g. Capsule h. Mitochondria
i. Cell Wall j. Golgi apparatus

Prokaryote Only Eukaryote Only Both Prokaryote and

a. ribosome
f. bacteria h. mitochondria
e. cell membrane
g. capsule j. Golgi apparatus
d. DNA
c. nucleus
b. cytoplasm
i. cell wall

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Imagine you're a type of cell in the human body. Your task is to research your cell type and then prepare a resumé
so that you can apply for a job that suits your skills. Organize your resumé as follows: Use a separate paper, it
can be computerized or handwritten.
Name: state which type of specialized cell you are.
Address: identify where in the body you can be found.
Place of birth: identify where in the body you were formed.
Appearance: provide two images – a drawing and a microscope image – and label your main features, such as
your shape, organelles and any special extensions.
Skills: list your main roles in the body and explain how your various features allow you to perform them.
Clubs and organizations: describe your role in forming tissues and organs and your associations with any other
specialized cell types.
Closing statement: write a paragraph to describe the type of job you're looking for and highlight how your skills
would suit this job.

Some examples of cells you might choose to be: nerve cell (neuron), red blood cell (erythrocyte), sperm cell, egg
cell, photoreceptor cell, taste bud cell, heart muscle cell, fat cell (adipocyte), macrophage.

• Prokaryotic cells are cells without a nucleus. The DNA in prokaryotic cells is in the cytoplasm rather than
enclosed within a nuclear membrane. Prokaryotic cells are found in single-celled organisms, such
as bacteria.
• Eukaryotic cells are cells that contain a nucleus. Eukaryotic cells are usually larger than prokaryotic cells,
and they are found mainly in multicellular organisms. Organisms with eukaryotic cells are called
eukaryotes, and they range from fungi to people.
• Each type of cell in the human body is specially equipped for its role. Cells of the body depend on each
other to keep the body functioning as a unit.

Live Science. ―Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells: What‘s the Difference?‖ Accessed on June 7,
graczykteach. ―Prokaryotic Eukaryotic Cell Venn Diagram‖ Accessed on June 7,
2020. eukaryotic_cells_venn_diagra
cobblelearning. ―Prokaryote and Eukaryote Cells‖ Accessed on June 7 2020.
twinkl. ―Specialized Cells‖. Accessed on June 7. 2020.
stileapp. ―Specialized Cells: Build your own body parts‖ Accessed on June 7,
2020. /

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Learning Area: General Biology Grade: 12

Quarter: 1 Week: 2 InclusiveDate:

Day and Time Learning Competency Learning Tasks

1-Monday Distinguish prokaryotic and Distinguish prokaryotic and
7:00-8:20 am eukaryotic cells according to eukaryotic cells according to their
their distinguishing
distinguishing features.
features (STEM_BIO11/12-Ia-c-3)
2-Wednesday Classify different cell types (of Classify the cells into groups
plant/animal tissues) and specify based on their important
7:00 – 8:20 am the functions of each features.
1. Distinguish prokaryotic 1. Create a scale drawing of the
7:00-8:20 am and eukaryotic cells according two types of cells. Use
to their distinguishing micrometers to determine
features (STEM_BIO11/12-Ia- what your scale should be.

2. Classify different cell types (of 2. Research your cell type and
plant/animal tissues) and then prepare a resumé so that
specify the functions of each you can apply for a job that
(STEM_BIO11/12-Ia-c-4) suits your skills.



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