CEMFOAM is a clear light yellow free flowing liquid This method is suitable for mixes of cement and
formulated to create foam when introduced into sand in proportions ranging from 1:2 to 1:5. Depending
mortar or concrete mixtures to produce light – weight on the composition of the mix, concrete having densities
or foamed concrete. It is a ready – to use aqueous lesser than 1200 kg/m3 can be produced in this method.
solution containing surface – active agent of the Mixing- Paddle – type concrete mixer is suitable for
aromatic sulphonate type and additives, which impart producing lightweight screeds by this method. First, half
stability to the foam, produced. The high volume of the quantity of sand is charged into the mixer.It is then
air incorporated into the mix consists of homogeneous followed with water and then with
bubbles of cellular structure that is light in weight. CEMFOAM. The above three constituents are mixed
CEMFOAM is designed for use in both the “Air - thoroughly in the mixer for around 2 minutes, then
cement and remainder of the sand are added to the
Entraining” and “Prefoaming” methods of producing
above mix, and mixing is continued for a further period
lightweight screeds and concrete. Depending on the
of 5 to 6 minutes. Additional amount of water may be
dosage, type of materials, and mix design, added during the mixing if necessary. The density of the
CEMFOAM will produce lightweight mixtures with wet mix is checked at intervals and when the density
dry density ranging from 240 to 1923 kg/m3, and reaches the desired value, the mix is discharged from the
28-day compressive strength of 35 to 246 kg/cm2. mixer place at the required locations and moist cured for
FEATURES & ADVANTAGES: 7 days. For achieving best results and to prevent surface
cracking, cure the above concrete with curing compound
Lightweight mixtures using CEMFOAM offer such as Kure kote VOX. The wet mix density should
qualities of moisture resistance,resistance to be110 – 210 kg/m3 higher than the desired dry density.
de-icing salts, freeze / thaw resistance, good The density of the wet mix is checked at intervals
insulation, fire resistance and non-corrosion by the following method:
of steel. Small amount of the mix from the mixer is taken,filled in
a container and the weight is noted down.If this weight is
Water soluble and high dispensing property. Wm, the weight of container is W,and the weight of the
same container completely filled with water is Ww; the
Easy to handle and dispense, reduce variables
density of the wet mix is calculated using the formula:
in mix designing [Wm-W]/[Ww-W]
Typical Mix Design
CEMFOAM is used as a foaming agent in the Cement : 50 Kg
production of Lightweight Concrete. Insulating Sand : 200 Kg
Screeds, Cellular Concrete and Pre-cast units. CEMFOAM : 0.5 liter
Water : 24 liters approximately
SPECIFICATIONS / COMPLIANCES: Dry Density : 1400 kg/m3 @ 28 days
(Including 7 days of wet cure).
Fully complies with the requirements of ASTM C796.
While discharging the mix from the mixer, the
TECHNICAL INFORMATION: density of the mix should be around 1550 – 1610
Typical engineering Data:
Specific gravity : 1.10 at 20° C. PRE-FOAMING METHOD:
Chloride Content : Nil. In this method, foam is generated separately and
Nitrate Content : Nil. is then incorporated with the cement or cement /
sand slurry.
Freezing Point : Minus 10° C.
Flash point : None. Mixing:
A mixture of air and 4% solution of CEMFOAM is
Storage Life:
Scan Here For Download Up to 2 years when stored in accordance with
Data Sheet manufacturer’s instructions.
0.2 liter to 2 liter per 100 kg cement depending on
the density or thermal insulation requirements.
PACKAGING CEMTEC 404 TP is available in 210 ltr drums, 1000 ltr.container and 10,000 ltr tanks.
The final desired properties of the lightweigh
concrete manufactured using CEMFOAM are at
mixing time. Higher ambient temperature
(exceeding 32°c) may cause workability and / or
air loss. Over mixing also tends to reduce air.
However, based on previous trails, a mixture mixed
in a paddle type mixer for eight minutes showed
satisfactory results
Quality Statement
CMCI manufactures its products at their manufacturing facility in
Saudi Arabia as per the Quailty Procedures centified to conform
with quality Management System described in ISO 9000 series
"High Quality Construction Chemicals"
CMCI provides a comprehensive technical support system for its full
range of high erformance construction products CMCI also offers P.O. Box 7137, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia,
full technical field support to consultants, Architects, contractors, Tel: 00966-13-8471450; Fax: 00966-13-8471575
applicators and End Users. Email: [email protected], Web: www.cmci-sa.com
The Technical Specification infromation and recommendations given are based on the current technical knowledge and the user or his representative is
recommended to check the suitability of the product CMCI reserves the right to amend the technical characteristic of theproduct as part of ongoing research
and development. As the work execution is beyond the direct and continuous control of CMCI no guaranty and or responsibility is assumed on the
performance of work completion executed with use of our products.