LLB-102-Constitution Governance

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NaUEhBRI SM H%hpRo L LntotimeNT No,- MOK Aool587


CoDEL L B - -PART (8) Page No.

EeoLLMENT No.MUR2o o |587


1Exblan the nahse e aedia-lotrhukon Chkn?

Uu *le Loukithen i eidherednalel a r

in Aaha. bukin cok rias lbukhhas e i s a
dileance ininm am espob, Rk &aa
quan edonocos huhim cd cndans Joea unia
Cashi hh, Sy cai ion lawhha j

Phgunets in pave tLA He nelem Caathbm i feloa

via in Prse a u o n (nehheha ARelns

Alear edivigjm ofbnsl) pensen Ae Cende oCnl
sdrak louel, Se hae dipnt geuenedtad lzjaNa
ak CenkAe oAale Te Canta gpe nrat haRemaeu
Jibe lea nl aleus, deknee edt anlte gtate
go-n takh Cal r heaes, lasesl erele
xSaeac Carh tbm_Ador ghake deies t
eriskenceka {e nskhehm. The codhhhom o mdia dy
Besondeol a he grpr lhreodand he ou u a
eCod hetim

Janghest casi hhn, a ch i dotatl lscewse,te Siztts

ad oluhes t a e j adendu.
Title. Date
Page No.(

Onde endona Nuictom naliethe Supen

i sthe luiglork Lorut e lauArd ats On
lndoperdat odiposhalbodu ko raintaadisatm ef
þaben eapoded bo eengte domJoua
aMendRa_ ao nwnhhnok.

Bpuenos Agiut te e fedeahm nola louthtuhor

o achuindepedat.
anaret poua agnlk dos astde 211 hedt
nake loz in tokes rureakedM« Cked li i Ka
peresRubdy213 lamity.

X Po ann þeuu ove tok Boudort e posuk ra

AO kak, dheiniM Ke ecixt e a Can ern dtag {la

352 (epcdu oui)ertia divm e s O le

kae coatne cen unduso auihlolage e exceukae hosy
wet. X enesasne
prodaheo unse pide 3 SG(ac0eega- d o u oihin
Manen)Aanr QAts Nalakae i dsaselveo a

Title Date
Page No. )

Concuqn csuclu'm ik
ro be ék saieliet
fceloa alh dome tuito atue f nato i

Meence becseena unito ad dedora Coti hebi

leaniv na uniloy touhhehm, all Ae þevss z a gronrad

Ar kertérol_irtukd ta He cenbsal cehh e e
A e deral cos hehon cueo a Ae qaanrast du
inacobq aak allstakovels ad ibs s t

Cnond Uilay tnt hutm al the pecse

adainiuahe ukluy Lnele in { conk placa. &eies
t l e fe doal Cnsh ahoneu u a dlw gouan ud:
Cotsal ad ktudeouaARaA Aouth Co an doe
as d as it e e s ouyttte qeusa bee.

chaseall,horeÄle andndhnt aan le eanlinle
a O Ainepe þart eha las. sese n k d a
LoshimCan e amereleo i betnloes pos
Ke amndndtanak A p l e majexty . '

Ceehel o Uwoueo Auiy Codthhrn & o

ncs Couthho1 ktG c o s Kmuehr On He

doou t .

Title Date
Page No.
CDuaate e Unhany Cadhuhn, lue erilet

Jesaa sihehm e oel elut rewAhers ed baulaa

Ao elet hen Jeadom.

93 wnte Slot o m

(A mpeackrat dPaidudr he tea jmpeaeurat Ua

Are AApmasilhnaitepenk elo e

enbe procen eAsu iupeadames
No idet sndta kes o an acel inpeachrut
boceeegslosuen te pqaaslueAho beon Xasd doc by
bepns NstemeKaou iupeach eunt Urlay

AhouseAats do lovela Charna agaiat tla Kuea-de

oae ae tm a n6e Hust beArnaol y t

An imbecrs AAkoduhm n a Pen dek mast be ade by a

hoo-Heies aernCSpeial masr) efte blal ebe»

Me eNgrahg ouny ode daka jef to te etlon ko Te
e r uoue Conlucsan e
fnueshqahn, s chayed rade.
Title Date.
Page No. 5

The andak can dakno uimsa wou a adon


datks n anmhphe, obot a elacho hundat a

pamhcle atG) AKe Yhdian Cadh hhn Tue Sped
Coak Can neaa Hc kestdlout r te eloctoa ng

ArMine scli'chtnd Sut lout

Aatrle 4le Ke Codkhehon ef audia Couey 6m
Aduibe wisoickin ofte Supur Cot

The adke jsrdre tin Saen Cood in dhhwh

e e a uu Aourced on e Goarad dnda Aet,

sen aspecs aAwhoy wudicha Spse-


Arh 113 ooesn abeal ol aduinstahm e

4whce er a aducltcahn.K taductahon b
Coultate, a ovdwie n chn olayqua bo amAt te
ndedt. Rond teRu hhe Ao Tusaert acill en ele
Page No. 6
o eovin do k Jouaslad tu tlo
narde-d inahod
3 Acelee nlLauee uder as ik Psoide,
pshon Ja en dack o_pukie tt
b Re hendat fr tleiponka-ce Ma( he
he pere out.
3 The epni t Hhe guprere lout
nc Bindn. ng olvnoy a

4 tia also hotl b he upsre lsut tlat He seleences

rda une Arhck t43 are net the las declaeel
e sutae Cout cndor Arhice [41 a ca-h th.
S e Supeene lout itadAhs he to se-exanae a
MTOKeN to &uaMule , ta vles taleu m an dnim uel

6TheSenee Cout aek bo h grue os epin.

Rahs Hhe Saprue lot ay dene to gnes opnian a

rre nare p Aucheick.

baus He Parclentz paaosgte hegolusduela ?

Pmrde 12 ef ue mdem Cashhtor oloas ut þar doniag
pses He Pseioos amdia. Suan e esdt
aadta tae an Ochn ouo te ax punskwd
erthe M ene n Cowuickoln
Page No.

elene, takes ts Jr parclg Poey.

fey ar Styke;

Panden r shen the hesdat Pandas, hoB the eskrce

Ond He swichon oAe s i t copeky absoive
atno, Passhnes u olsquslhatra.

Rpue Peparve_- u n the usidhut choe He padwg

eARophieu e stotte execuhi Seaknca

heenaa {he swt lo hasea t e b sak þarddon r

Coumutahon ahian.

Pet Hes Cae te hencleat ach baedue the

penad eta senkacs h t klo larntera zoderce
SLma thesae

opie ks Ce Ha seneet t
cas Chooesanal.
ansand a Xoger zetence inplace one MGnl

r a eedo eh.

o reuute; e n t e lendat dhoepsb ue h i

hardsaypeve f onaakle salshhes

Title. Date
Page No._E
punishmt o a eykrorn. o exrta a deal
Aenktno May be Coutd o AMoAous innpaisot, wid

nctahn hemdenhl Pndaas

e kisepecser padom indlapeht a goeont
eicb aso atn he celuie efe cmnce of Miniaes
oledole mery pla, Exple Mou a Us
Ute Aio h 14fo prel 0lonag hakeja Vs

kashnfA Llasrwds e poru_les to

Hae hore eistgi Mely e hieb avke, TA
M'i ty in fuun aids ko cncerna l e
gowrnrad, based_ the st,It_nuuaks dacdwie
n peka eHe l c l nses

Cabinet's aoua, khc 741)enpsses Lire to Achnt

Ltahiolotahon ma le courcwl n e u
}esdts ajehsta Chaje, te enela.d ls ne eph

a eawg cep oha kr tek "ih hel

2 hdr rthhe9

Acconcy b Aricle 2 l e bnhhad/ ds,le

enmSfe closedeate nen ad tate gauanata,k
Page No.
e Potlkaesat ed &tk Jogulahue,al ad ecal s
e undo
e e cocnsB e e dndkan 9qtesnteut Avhcle 12
d Stk° b nunahy He Jellong.pe
Covant odlle fodiarmt
The auent He Lesmlah e ead Slatz,
Loc Awruhe d ar_fhduacd
A e Rsenal hodes enhesded ndo Mhde 12-

ere cuiue pove.

Tar Deprrud
h g nshhaha CmNe e gmnart lile He
Tdenahed Tshhse n lopulafn Seuio,
x OAhC c pevyou, fab tidar
v u u a ler Aoveneijn funchin.
* wicipkha, pe olaq-ts eter Aihlar local
aulloha ntl Ae ewer toale e erce u l ,
A2 slahnn e l a .

Ashce l2 cloes net cloan abot jweeichon.HosORA,

o t eakendefpre las, E Anuld ke c&va elod
t lea Sote. WLee as a rabe Judat Caue
a violahon of Ae Andotal ils a uhgen,
brhche oleunns e cauts are iecded kHe
Title Date.
Page No.-(lo9

Lexts o skle )1 8He Coshhhnn li.


anstehu y edy t endégl p

k l e doree asa gfe. The Canuned adimtua
d h o he haastzall, pachonal od aduinis akel
O peUe Cokaled e houunMcAt to be
doemed o "STATE"

B1Eyale Bejere la" E prokecki la CAbn

bqalih beofna laur dal lokedt-flas kkle 19)

I State sha Ast dorg to angeson

eadiberuKe r e te egal protectn

in dac) Hekns "éunly Jepere lasr " Epal

poteehor ta as "man Kope be ioleachianl, bdih
dack,he otan oihoek thigs.
Saytall pefort las This behosedAaad snsal
Co las Suei bejone Hhe las p a Canupt iee
la_itdene He'slak hduciuaak hehsern
iadividulse akbihy bans tovplss Ha
abtsae a peua pwilge ouu to buthy
CAsel n A lle,inawi aicludal ad
Page No.
aHeeual Aubjechin o a claxes s o onda
Ove pesan coektwe þe ka Sa
e &oe norag
thu), u sulyeut
dictim 7 Ka Caunbs, e Conap
Egtaliry bepre Tar has gtds si}thy ia the
Co cot "Ruk ef laa
lar a imcopt de ef la an
Ass htle depneel sale ea a"hvea
aGppocol o haenad et Man", u d dse at
LDnk aSLenday to u suin
aCcdg oous, Le e i i e 3ug.
aAbeuk AutAena e lar e Aebene
b ' h y Porse.
)Lqualh beforelas- e me abarea las
Cnshhehon nat He Aoru
Ap e Lseyence s 6 individes o
Indirdual igs ae cyoyesl even oe ke
even lelre t
Cnelgr l o t d

tccephos b kule la
Denk þrouajou f eyuay h u Cmb he.ba, Mer ae

bore ercoh his b e sudd oflasi plu pkets

a Veycb oe hovusr.o a Sot Alal st Le

Title Date
Page No. 2 )

pJo blkenal prowedry ltspeves slal be

lnsh hetel conhuned agat Ha Phesldaut n a

yerntine m a at drn hi te re
o Aroedy_iazuielk ld daiud againt ee

Crppotan hoo rls a ista iuedr bm

sexi dau qplarms
Ercephbza in avguw rtn Joverun
Caspllotechi e laus, Lplprukchan the lous, pna
toeuad h beadrndh epya ciscumso--ca_preas Hoi
amons égcak, tte auschoull Le eaual a Equay adutuue
h epab alawl e zheaeol ali be,ba a ulkg ta

pen o cne kuikaly_blacmd, Here alaad le ns

daein nonon_behsea oe pevon netter.hetlay
i s ros_aloss'aktpijehonf perple, puvidor
olilpeehal beatnk oep ZA alles fer exap2
brovdhir alhhnshe a thonho waKcks Aoce
Oleprds ef perpo


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