Spanish Grade 2

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Grade 2

By the end of second grade, students will identify letter sound relationships
and recognize new words by the use of phonics skills and word patterns.
Second graders will know how to express and use letter-sound relationships
so that they can demonstrate comprehension through the use of context clues.
They will be able to apply word relationships to other subject areas and will
begin to use the skills to read appropriate books, write simple sentences, and
listen to and speak in Spanish.

Students increase their knowledge and understanding of the Spanish language and
Become active participants in our multilingual and multicultural society.

These objectives should be achieved per grade level by all schools. The curriculum may be tailored
for schools that offer a Spanish program of few than three times per week in accordance with each
school’s resources and the approval of the school’s administration.


(What students will be able to do, know, (What evidence will demonstrate the student has
understand and value) achieved the Learning Outcome)
Songs pertaining to the topic being taught.
All previous grade level outcomes should be
Reviewed and reinforced.
A. Students engage in conversations, obtain
and provide simple information, express
feelings and emotions, and exchange
opinions in Spanish.
1. Extend a conversation using complete • Engage in dialogues with teacher and
sentences to include more simple peers to exchange information.
questions and answers.
2. Make routine requests, such as: • Speaking practice: Be able to request
o May I go to the bathroom? daily classroom needs.
o May I drink water?

B. Students understand and interpret written

and spoken language on a variety of topics,
Including the appropriate article.
1. Create a drawing and describe it using • Verbally describe a drawing by using
Words from the topics taught. simple words such as colours, shapes, and
2. Expand the numbers from 30-50
(orally) • Recite numbers from 30-50 and identify
And 11-20 (written). Them when scrambled.
• Recognize correct spelling for numbers
3. • Identify the correct body parts through
Expand body vocabulary by adding:

o eyebrows Illustrations, pictures, and on-self.

o eyelashes
o lips
o back
o ribs
o bone
o muscles
4. Listen to, identify, and recite the months • Recite the months of the year in proper
Of the year and seasons. order with minimal or no assistance from
The teacher.
• Recite the seasons with minimal or no
Assistance from the teacher.

C. Students present information, concepts,

and ideas to an audience of listeners or
readers in Spanish on a variety of topics.
1. Express likes and dislikes with gustar: • Speaking practice: Be able to articulate
or Me Gusta... likes versus dislikes.
or No me gusta...
2. Associate visually, orally, and in
writing • Demonstrate orally and in written form a
form with material provided. mixture of vocabulary words and phrases
(i.e., greetings, simple commands,
numbers, body parts, family members,
shapes, food, animals, days, months, likes
dislikes) through literature, music, games,
illustrations, pictures, and symbols.
Second Grade Expectations
1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter

1. Students will 1. Students will 1. Students will 1. Students

review and recognize and name pets and will learn
respond to recite the Days other animals about
different greetings of the Week. in Spanish. transportation
and goodbyes. 2. Student will 2. Students will vocabulary
2. Students state the correct recognize words 2. Students will
will learn time date of the day. that identify learn about foods
expressions 3. Student will family and setting the
vocabulary recognize and members. table
3. Students recite months 3. Students will 3. Students will
will identify of the year. recognize learn
polite Spanish 4. Student will objects in the professional
words. recognize and classroom. vocabulary
4. Students will recite numbers 4. Students will 4. Students
recognize, recite 30-50 recite the Time will participate
Numbers 1-50 5. Students will words and in Cinco de
and review colors identify parts daily routines Mayo
5. Students will of the face and activities.
review and the body.
identify Shapes 6. Students
6. Students will will recognize
review vowels and recite
and the Spanish clothing words.

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