Burmese Proverbs
Burmese Proverbs
Burmese Proverbs
က���က�� �င��၊ လ�� ��က�� �ရယ� | kha1-lay3 shet dau1 ngo2, lu2-ji3 shat dau1 yi1 - When
embarrassed, children tend to cry, and adults tend to laugh. - Adults with good dispositions tend to laugh
with others in embarrassing situations.
2. က�သ �လ �လ ည��ရ ဝမ��လည��ဝ | ku1-tho2 leare3 yah1 woon3 leare3 wah1 - Make merit and fill stomach at the
same time. - This describes the joy of making a decent living where good deeds can be made, such as
saving someone's life as a doctor, or passing on the knowledge to the students as a teacher.
4. က�ယ �၍ ဆ��ပ��မနင��ရ� | kun2 yone2 yway1 hsu3-pone2 ma1-nin3 ya2 - Don't jump into a pit of thorns out of
blind faith. - It will be 'inappropriate' to carry actions out based on illogical reasoning.
5. က�မ����င� သ����င�ခ�နင�� | ka1-ba2 mi3 loun2, tha3-koun2 cha1 nin3 - When the world is on fire, some
will step on their own children (to insulate the heat). - Despicable persons exist in this world who will
sacrifice their own children for survival.
6. က��ယ �ထ င� ခ�တ င�� နန�� | ko2 htin2 ga1-din2 shway2 nun3 - Deluded person thinks his bed is the golden
palace - Some people tend to get lost in the fantasy world with unrealistic expectations.
7. က��ယ ��င��င�� မ�င�� | ko2 hnin1 hnine3 ma1 yine3 - Don't compare yourself with others and assume others
are rude. - A reprimand to a rude person who thinks there's nothing wrong with wrongdoings and bad
8. က��ယ �� �င� က��ယ �လ �န�� �င�� | ko1 poun2 ko2 hlun2 htoun3 - To pound on one's own thighs. - Unwise speech
and actions hurt oneself. ( detrimental to reputation, wealth, etc.. )
9. ��ဝ��မည�သ ��� အ���ည�� �င� | kja2 kja2 wa3 myi1 thwa3, a-yo3 kji1 shoun2 - Teeth that must grind
into old age must avoid chewing bones - An advice to look into long-term.
10. ��ဝ��မ� ခ��မ�န��သ� | kja2 kja2 wa3 hma1 kha3 hmun3 thi1 - Bitter taste is apparent only after chewing
for some time. - The true character of a wicked person is apparent only after knowing the person well.
11. ��သ�က � ��၊ �ယ�တ �က � ��စ��၊ ငယ�သ �က � သန�� | kji3-thu2 go2 yo2-thay2, yweare2-tu2 go2 lay3-za3,
ngeare2 thu2 go2 tha1-na3 - Revere the elders, respect the peers, be kind to the young - No further
explanation is needed for this Burmese tradition.
12. ��စ��က ဘ�ရ���စ� | kjo3-sa3 gah1 pfa1-ya3 pyit - Strive, and become a Buddha - Strive with diligence
and anything is possible. (Buddha is not a God or a god, but a perfect human being.)
13. �က�က န�� ဆန�အ ��တ��� | Kjet-kun3 hsan2-o3 toe3 - Like a blind chicken stumbled into a pot of rice - Some
people find success by pure chance. (The speaker gives no credit to the lucky person.)
14. က��ပ����င��တ�� | Kjweare3 pa3 soun3 ti3 - Like playing a harp to a buffalo - Uncultured person will not
appreciate finer things in life.
15. က�န��က��င��မ�� က��င��က�န��မ�� | Kjoon3 kine3 hmi2, kine3 kjoon3 hmi2 - Island depends on reeds, reeds depends
on island - Inter-dependent relationship is compared to the formation of islands in the river and delta
from the dense network of reeds.
16. ခလ�တ ထ
� �မ� အမ�တ | Kha1-loat hti1 hma1 a-mi1 tah1 - Stumble and fall, only then "mother, mother" called. -
Refers to certain young people who ignore the guidance of those who nurtured them, but call for help
when in trouble.
17. ခ�ခ����င� မ�န�� �လ��� ��င�� ��မည�� � ခ��ကမသန� | Kha2-chin2 koun2 mun2 kji3 lo1 toun2 ji3 pfyo2
meare2 kjun2, kha3 gah1 ma1 thun2 - An arrogant red ant attempts to bring down the mountain, but the
waist is weak - There is a limit to our capabilities, and we must have the wisdom not to aim for something
beyond our reach.
18. ��င��တစ�ရ�သ��စ�� | Goun3 ta1 ya2 tha3 sa3 - To eat a dish of hundred heads. - This saying is from the
story of an old man giving instructions to his sons in riddles before he died. 'A hundred heads' refers to
small anchovies which are inexpensive. By living modestly, and not spending extravagantly on food, one
saves money.
19. ခ�က�ဆ � န��ခ�က �က မ����က� | 'Chet' hso2 na1-khwet gah1 mi3 tout - A squeeze with a click, a spark is
made in the firearm. - Before the invention of rifles and bullets, gunpowders packed in the barrel were
used to fire the gun. Just a squeeze of a trigger makes a 'chet' (click) sound with a spark from the
flint-lock mechanism. This example is compared to a bright person who understands the whole situation
with just a slight hint.
20. ခ�စ�စက���ည�� ၊ မ�န��စက��တ �� | Chit sa1 go2 shay2 zay2, mone3 sa1 go2 toe2 zay2 - Let love live long, let
hate short live - An advice not dwell on hatred, but to live in harmony.
21. �က�တ �င��လည�� မ�က��င�၊ �က�တ �င��လည��မ�က��င� | Chout tine3 leare3 ma1 kjout hnin1, hmyout tine3
leare3 ma1 myout hnin1 - Don't be afraid of every intimidations. Neither should you fall for every flatters -
An advice on ways of the world.
22. �တ�စ�� �င�� သ�� ���င�� | Chway2-ta2 su1-hsoun3 tha1-htay3 loun3 - Save and live modestly to
become a millionaire in the future - self-explanatory.
23. င���င��ဆ��င� င���င���� | Nga1-jin3 hsi2 hnin1 nga1-jin3 kjau2 - To fry the Hamilton's Carp (fish) with its
own oil - The same idea as making use of money by lending to make more money. Showing ingenuity in
business undertaking, or in warfare where the strength of the enemy is used against the enemy.
24. င��ခ���မတစ�� �င�� င� တစ�� လ���ပ�ပ� | Nga1-khone3-ma1 ta1 goun2 joun1 ta1 hlay2 lone3 poat - One
rotten fish fills the whole boat with foul smell - Reputation of a family, an organization, or a nation can be
ruined by the behavior or wrongdoings of a person or a small group of people.
25. င��စ�မ���င� င��ကင�ပစ� | Nga1-zain3 myin2, nga1-kin2 pyit - Fried fish is dropped when a fresh one is seen -
This phrase can be used to insinuate a married man having an extramarital affairs.
26. င�က �မသ�က ဆက�ရက�က � ခ��ထင�၊ အခ�က�မသ�က သမက�က � သ�ခ��ထင� | Hngat ma1 thi1 gah1 za1-yet go2 jo3 htin2,
a-chet ma1 thi1 gah1 tha1-mat go2 tha1-kho3 htin2 - A person ignorant about birds thinks a Myna
(Tropical Asian Starling) is a dove. Likewise, future son-in-law who has been seeing the daughter in
secret is mistaken for a thief. - Obviously, father does not know everything!
27. ဆရ�မ� နည��မက� | Hsa1-ya2 ma1 pya1, ni3 ma1 kja1 - No teacher, wrong method - Even self-study
materials must be written by someone.
25. င��စ�မ���င� င��ကင�ပစ� | Nga1-zain3 myin2, nga1-kin2 pyit - Fried fish is dropped when a fresh one is seen -
This phrase can be used to insinuate a married man having an extramarital affairs.
26. င�က �မသ�က ဆက�ရက�က � ခ��ထင�၊ အခ�က�မသ�က သမက�က � သ�ခ��ထင� | Hngat ma1 thi1 gah1 za1-yet go2 jo3 htin2,
a-chet ma1 thi1 gah1 tha1-mat go2 tha1-kho3 htin2 - A person ignorant about birds thinks a Myna
(Tropical Asian Starling) is a dove. Likewise, future son-in-law who has been seeing the daughter in
secret is mistaken for a thief. - Obviously, father does not know everything!
27. ဆရ�မ� နည��မက� | Hsa1-ya2 ma1 pya1, ni3 ma1 kja1 - No teacher, wrong method - Even self-study
materials must be written by someone.
28. ဆ����ဖက�က � ဖက�� �က�၊ ဖက�� �ဆ��က� ဖက�� �က� | Hsu3 pau2 pfat kja1, pfat pout. Pfat pau2 hsu3 kja1 pfat
pout - When the thorn falls on the leaf (used for wrapping food), leaf is punctured. When the leaf falls on
the thorn, the leaf is still punctured. - Reminder of the vulnerability of the weak when faced with the
stronger adversary in both defensive and offensive positions.
29. ဆင�ပ�န� က��� �က� | Hsin2 pain2 kjweare3 lout - A skinny elephant still is the size of a buffalo - When rich
people get poorer, they are still rich by comparison.
30. ဆင�ဖ��ထက� ခ�န��ဖ����� | Hsin2 pfo3 htet choon3 pfo3 kji3 - Like the cost of iron hook (to drive the elephant)
more expensive than the elephant. - Comparison is made when large amount of money for accessories
must be spent to maintain the necessity. Example: to insure a car annually can be more costly than the
value of the used car (in some countries.)
31. ���သ လင��� ပ�စ�န�� | tau2-tha1-lin3 nay2 ba1-zoon2 thay2 - Even the prawns die under the sun during
the month of "tau2-tha1-lin3". - The month near the end of rainy season (around September) can be too
hot. A good conversation maker during that month to describe the sweltering heat.
32. ��မ����င� ���င�လ က�ခ��င��ခတ� | tau3 mi3 loun2 tau3-kjoun2 let-kha1-moun3 khut - Jubilation of
the wild cat when the forest is on fire - The term let-kha1-moun3 khut is the act of whacking one's folded
arm with the palm to show challenge in Myanmar traditional boxing ring. In times of anarchy, lootings,
robberies, and rapes take place.
33. တစ�ခ��ဖ�� ပ��ဖ���န��လည� | ta1-kha2 thay2 pfu3, pyin2 pfo3 na3 leare2 - Once there is death, one
understands the cost of the coffin. - We learn from past experience.
34. တစ�ခ�က�ခ�တ � �စ�ခ�က��တ� | ta1 chat khoat, hna1 chet pyut - One slash cuts at two places. - stressed the
importance of efficiency. For example, several things are accomplished in one trip of journey.
35. တစ�ဆ တ
� � တစ�အ �တ �လ �ပ� | ta1 zate, ta1 ate loat - To make a pinch ( a bite or small amount) a bag. - A phrase
used to complain that someone is exaggerating.
36. တစ���မ�င�� သ�� �င��မ�စ� | ta1 ywa2 ma1 pyoun3, thu2 koun3 ma1 pfyit - Move out of the village, make
it big. - Small hometown provides limited opportunity. Make a fresh start by moving out.
တစ�လ တ
� �စ��ဖ�� သ����ဇ�� | Ta1 loat sa3 pfu3 thu1 kjay3 zu3 - A bite of food, gratitude - We should not
forget and be thankful to someone even for a spoonful of food when we were in destitute.
38. တ�တ �တ �တ �� ��င�တ န� | Tate tate nay2, htoun2 tan2 - A silent is worth a thousand words - Silence is
golden. An advice not to waste time engaging in mindless talks.
39. တန�� � လ�န�� � | Tan2 hsay3, loon2 bay3 - Medication if moderate, harmful if excessive. - Anything
excessive is harmful. For example, a glass of wine is good for the heart, but excessive amount of alcohol
can be harmful.
40. တ�မ�မ��င��င�နက�၊ လ�ယ �မ��င��င�ခက� | Tain2 ma1 youn2 hnin1 net, lweare2 ma1 youn2 hnin1 khet -
Shallow in appearance but deep; easy in appearance but hard. - Only after trying out, one realizes that
certain task is not easy as one thought.
41. ထမင��အသက� ခ��စ�ရက�၊ �အသက� တစ�မနက� | Hta1-min3 a-thet khoon2-na1 yet, yay2 a-thet ta1 ma1-net -
Rice gives subsistence for seven days; water gives life just a day. - It is possible to stay alive without
eating (rice) for seven days, but a day without water can be fatal.
42. ထန��သ���ခ��က � က��နင��ခ��က � | Htun3-thi3 kjway2 khite, kji3 nin3 khite - Fruit of the palm tree drops just
when the crow steps on it. - Some unrelated events occurring simultaneously is explained as
43. ဒ�ယ �န��င�လ �� ဒ�ခ�ထ�င� | De2 yone2 myin2 lo1 de2 chone2 htwin2 - This bush is created just because this
rabbit is seen - The word htwin2 can either mean "to create", or "to clear up". This saying can also be
translated as "This bush is cleared up." But, the main idea is the same: with the intend of catching the
rabbit. This saying describes the deception made to gain something, and somewhat implies using
dishonest means.
44. ဒ����က�တ င�မ� ရင�� �က�က � | Du3 lout tin2 hma1 yin2 lout kja1 - Pull up to the knee's level, to hit the chest
- This proverb stresses on the need to put sufficient effort in order to achieve the objective. (It appears
that the knee's level refers to pulling of the string of the cross-bow to load the arrow to one's own knee's
level, as it does not make sense to aim the arrow at the knee of the target to hit the chest.)
45. န��လ�က��င�� � | Ni3 hlyat hnin1 way3 - Near and yet far - Due to circumstances, unable to get in touch,
communicate, or to visit someone although living in the same town or vicinity.
46. ���က�� က���က��က � | Nwa3 kweare3 kja3 kite - Cows that do not stay as a herd become victims of tiger - A
divided nation or a broken family is vulnerable to attack by outsiders.
47. �����ထ�န�က � | Nwa3 shay1 htoon2 kju3 - To put the harrow in front of the bullock - Even in the present
day, bullocks are still used to pull the harrow for farming. It will be inappropriate to put the harrow in front
of the bullock. In the same way, youngsters should follow the instructions from the elders, not the other
way around.
49. ပည� သမ� အ�ဘ� နတ�� | Pyin2-nya2 tha1-ma2 ah2-ba2 nate-hti1 - There is no light as bright as
knowledge - tha1-ma2 means "similar to". nate-hti means "none" or "empty". ah2-ba2 is the color as a
result of refraction of the white light.
50. ပ��စပ�က ဘ�ရ��ဘ�ရ�� လက�က က��ရ��က��ရ�� | Ba1-zut gah1 pfa1-ya3 pfa1-ya3, let gah1 ka3-ya3 ka3-ya3 -
Mouth says God's prayers, as the hand does inappropriate things. - Refers to hypocrites who pretend to
be religious and respectable persons.
48. ပည�လ�� အ�သ
� ည�မ�� | Pyin2-nya2 lo2 o2 thi2 ma1 shi1 - Never say too old to gain new knowledge - learning
is a life long process.
49. ပည� သမ� အ�ဘ� နတ�� | Pyin2-nya2 tha1-ma2 ah2-ba2 nate-hti1 - There is no light as bright as
knowledge - tha1-ma2 means "similar to". nate-hti means "none" or "empty". ah2-ba2 is the color as a
result of refraction of the white light.
50. ပ��စပ�က ဘ�ရ��ဘ�ရ�� လက�က က��ရ��က��ရ�� | Ba1-zut gah1 pfa1-ya3 pfa1-ya3, let gah1 ka3-ya3 ka3-ya3 -
Mouth says God's prayers, as the hand does inappropriate things. - Refers to hypocrites who pretend to
be religious and respectable persons.
51. ပ�� ဟ� ဝ�ပ�� ��� ဒ�� � | Pi1-yay2-hi1 wate-pa1-yau3-gau3 doat-khau3 - To be separated from the
loved ones is suffering, - wate-pa1-yau3-gau3 (to be separated from) pi1-yay2-hi1 (loved ones) - Pali
origin from Buddhism.
52. ��က�တ �နဖ�� မထ�� | Pout teare1 na1-pfu2 ma1 htu3 - Broken forehead does not matter anymore - To
accept the situation just like the injury and the scar on the forehead that cannot be mended. It also
encourages to go ahead and take the risk as the damage is already done.
53. ပစ�ရမ��လည�� အဆ��င���၊ စ��ရမ��လည��သ��င��ပ��ပ� | Pyit yah1 hma2 leare3 a-hsi2 hnin1 yeare3 yeare3, sa3
yah1 hma2 leare3 theare3 hnin1 shut shut - A chunk of roasted meat on the floor - too meaty to throw,
too much sand on it to eat. - Dilemma as to what to do when something or someone with value or
attachment is no longer suitable for the intended purpose.
54. ပ���က��ပ��၊ ခ�က��တ �၊ ရမ�ဥစ��ရတန� | Pya3 go2 pone2 pyu1, cha1 go2 tu1, yah1 hmu1 oat-sa2 ya1-da1-na2 -
Learn from the bees, imitate the termite, jewel indeed to be gained - Teamwork and industrious nature of
the bees and the termites are to be imitated in order to be prosperous.
55. ���� ��� �ခ� | Pyau2 pyau2 nay2, thay2 kheare3 - Die hard lives happily - Happiness is the
ingredient to a long life.
56. ���ရ�မ�� မ�ရ၊ ���ရ�မ���ရ | Pyau2 ya2 hma2 ma1 nay2 yah1, tau2 ya2 hma2 nay2 yah1 - Choose a
suitable place over fun-to-live place. - An advice for health, safety, and to accumulate wealth.
57. ��က�� �သ���လ�င�� �၊ ���သ�� လ�င�� | Pyout thau3 thu2 sha2 hlyin2 tway1, thay2 thau3 thu2
kja2 hlyin2 may1 - Lost person is found when searched; dead person is forgotten with time. - A saying
with a rhyme to give hope for reunion with the lost person, and at the same time gives comforting words
over death of someone dear to the bereaved family.
58. �လ�င�အ သစ� �စ�လ �င�အ ��င�� | Pyu1 hlyin2 a-thit, pfyit hlyin2 a-houn3 - Actions are new, consequences
are old. - The immutable law of "Karma" where new actions in the present will make future
consequences, whereas consequences of the old actions bear fruit in the present moment.
59. �င�လ �န�� ဖင�ခ�န�� | Pyin2 loon3 pfin2 choon3 - Too much refinements spoil the bottom of the pot. - During
turning process in making a clay pot, too much refinements disfigure the bottom part of the pot. (choon3
= elongated with sharp end instead of flat bottom.) Too much perfections sometimes end up with
undesirable results.
60. ပ���� မ��� | Pweare3 pyi3 mi3 thay2 - Fire went out as soon as the show was over. - The initial
enthusiasm dies down over a fad.
61. ��င�စ��ရင�� �ငတ� | Pfoun2 si3 yin3 yay2 ngut - On the raft, and yet there is thirst. - Inability to make
advantage of opportunities all around.
62. �စ�သ မ�အ�င�� အ��င��ခ�ည��ပ� | Pfyit tha1 hmya1 a-kjoun3 a-koun3 chi3 beare3 - Whatever happens is
for the best. - Whatever will be, will be. Positive outlook on life without worrying too much.
63. ဖ��က �� �င��လ��� ဆန�� �င��မရ | Pfweare2 go2 htaun3 lo1 hsan2 koun3 ma1 yah1 - You cannot get white rice
by pounding on the husk. - A person lacking virtue (compared to the husk) cannot become a respectable
person in the community.
64. ဖ�တ �မရ ဓ��မ ဆ��� | Pfoot ma1 yah1, da1-mah1 sone3 - On top of not getting the lizard, chopper is lost. - A
chopper (da1-mah1) was dropped in the river and lost during the hunt for the monitor lizard (pfoot). On
top of failure to achieve the objective, there was further misfortune.
65. ဘတစ��န� က���တစ��န� | Bah1 ta1 byan2, kja3 ta1 byan2 - Attack and counter-attack between father and
tiger - This describes a fight with no clear winner. (Bah1 = father)
66. ဘ�ရ���� �မ��ဖ�က� | Pfa1 ya3 pyi3, nyan3 pfyet - When the Pagoda is completed, scaffolds are removed. -
Scaffolds are used to build Pagodas. But, once the construction of pagoda is completed, scaffolds are
removed. This describes how people who helped someone to succeed are forgotten when that person
becomes famous.
67. ဘ�ရ��မ�တ လ
� �� က���က�ယ �ပ�၊ ဖ�တ �ထ �က �မ� ��င�ပ��မ�န��သ� | Pfa1 ya3 hmat lo1 ko3-kweare2 ba2, pfoot htwet hma1
toun2-bo1 hmun3 thi1 - A mound was mistaken to be a pagoda and worshipped, until the lizard came
out. - A despicable person was mistaken for a virtuous person until his immoral traits came to surface.
68. ဘ��ဆ��လ �င� ဖ��မသ�� | Bu3 hso2 hlyin2 pfa1-yone2 ma1 thi3 - A marrow plant won't bear pumpkin fruit. - This
proverb makes use of the double meaning of the word Bu3, which is the negative ending word as well as
a marrow or a gourd. It's like saying: "When I say no, it's no", and it could also mean: "I already said
marrow, I will not change my mind and say pumpkin."
69. ဘ�န���� စ�ခ� | Pfone3 kji3 sa2 cha1 - To lead the monk in recitation. - The word sa2 cha1 is to lead the
recitation done by the monks or teachers where laypersons or students repeat after the leader. This
proverb shows how inappropriate it would be when an arrogant person instructs a learned person what
to do.
70. ဘယ�သ �မ� မ�မ�မ� | Beare2 thu2 ma1 pyu1, mi1 mi1 hmu1 - We are heir of our own deeds - The benefactors
of the consequences we face are none other then our own selves. There is no one to blame but
71. မ��င��လည��ခ�၊ ��င��လည��စ� | Ma1 koun3 leare3 khan2, koun3 leare3 sun2 - No choice but to endure if
bad and enjoy if good. - This saying describes the marriage in which one must either endure or enjoy
depending on whether the spouse is good or bad. In those days, divorces were unheard of.
72. မ��င��သ�က � ပယ� ��င��သ�က � ကယ� | Ma1 koun3 thu2 go2 peare2, koun3 thu2 go2 keare2 - Reject the
bad, save the good. - One explanation is that celestial beings and great kings tend to protect the good
people and reject the immoral people. It also means we should stay away from the immoral people, and
save the good when opportunity arises.
71. မ��င��လည��ခ�၊ ��င��လည��စ� | Ma1 koun3 leare3 khan2, koun3 leare3 sun2 - No choice but to endure if
bad and enjoy if good. - This saying describes the marriage in which one must either endure or enjoy
depending on whether the spouse is good or bad. In those days, divorces were unheard of.
72. မ��င��သ�က � ပယ� ��င��သ�က � ကယ� | Ma1 koun3 thu2 go2 peare2, koun3 thu2 go2 keare2 - Reject the
bad, save the good. - One explanation is that celestial beings and great kings tend to protect the good
people and reject the immoral people. It also means we should stay away from the immoral people, and
save the good when opportunity arises.
73. မစ��ရသည�အ မ� သ��င�ပက� | Ma1 sa3 yah1 thi1 a-meare3, theare3 hnin1 pet - Splash with sand to beef steak
that one cannot have. - The nature of the envious people who can't bear to see other people enjoying
74. မဆ�တ ခ
� င�က �တ�ခ�င� | Ma1 hsoot khin2 gah1 nyoot chin2 - The tree lowers its branch before the fruit is
plucked. - Offering is made from the willing party before being proposed.
75. မ��သည�အ �� ��င�ဘ င�ခတ� | Ma1 pyay1 dthi1 o3, boun2-bin2-khut - Pot not filled to the rim tend to
bombard. - Half-filled pots bombard more.
76. မမင��� မ�န�မ�န�� | Ma1 Min3 Pfyu2 Hmun2 Hmun2 Pyau3 - Ms White Elephant, tell the truth. - This
saying is a riddle with hidden message that tells the weight of the Mingun Bell, which is still among the
largest ringing bells in the World. (See the detailed explanation in the left column.)
77. မ�င�ဖ�� မ���စ�ထ င� | Ma1 myin2 pfu3, Mu3 myit htin2 - A naive person thinks Mu stream is a river. -
Someone who has never seen a river as wide and long as Ayarwaddy River thinks that a small stream
called Mu is a river. One danger and the pitfall for the uninformed person is that one tends to be
contented with oneself, and unprepared for much stronger adversary in comparison.
78. မမ����� ���၊ မ��� ��သမ�� | Ma1 hma3 dthau3 shay1-nay2, ma1 thay2 dthau3 hsay3-
tha1-ma3 - A lawyer who wins all cases, or a physician who saves all patients - is unheard of. - Despite
all the knowledge and experience, we all have our share of humans failings.
79. မ��တ �ထက� မသ�တ � ခက� | Ma1 shi1 ta2 htet, ma1 thi1 ta2 khet - Not knowing is worse than not having. - In
life, not having wisdom and knowledge is worse than not having material things.
80. မ��� �င�တ ��� င�� | Ma1 shi1 toun1-tah1, shi1 kjoun1-kja1 - Yearn for what one does not have, worry
over what one has. - Restless human nature where we yearn (toun1-tah1) for things that we don't have.
Once we have in possession of what we had yearned for, fear and worry (kjoun1-kja1) of losing replaces
the yearning.
81. မလ�ပ� မ�ပ� မ�တ� | Ma1 loat, ma1 shoat, ma1 pyoat - Status quo to keep things uncomplicated and to
stay employed. - Unfortunately, that phrase refers to civil servants who don't take initiatives, especially
during the socialist era. In comparison, some private companies with the US and Japanese corporate
culture practice the bottom-up approach, rather than top-down style of management where employee
participations and opinions are valued in policy making.
82. မသ�လ �င�� � မစင�လ �င�� � | Ma1 thi1 hlyin2 may3, ma1 sin2 hlyin2 hsay3 - Ask if unknown, clean if dirty. -
Common sense approach. Don't just sit there but ask around if there is doubt or question. It should come
as naturally as cleaning one's hand if dirty.
83. မသ�သ �
� ��သ ���၊ သ�သ �� ��စ�� | Ma1 thi1 thu2 kjau2 thwa3, thi1 thu2 pfau2 sa3 - Ignorant person walks over
the pot of gold. The informed person digs it up. - It stresses the value of knowledge and wisdom.
84. မအ�ပ�မ� အသက��ည� | Ma1 ate ma1 nay2 a-thet shay2 - Sleep less, and live long. - Based on the fable
about not-so-bright person who would someday be king. The young man had learning disabilities, so the
monk taught him just three things for him to remember, and this was one of them. According to the story,
he stayed awake at night, and survived the attack on him. The other two things he learned are ��ဖန�မ���
စက��ရ - ask to gain knowledge, and သ���ဖန�မ��� ခရ����က� - with perseverance, the goal is reached.
85. မ��ခ�� ဖ��� | Mi3 kheare3 pya2 pfone3 - Red hot charcoal covered with ash. - Due to circumstances,
resourceful person is unable to demonstrate his capabilities.
86. မ��စ�က�န�ဆ �ခန�� | Mi3-za2 kone2, hsi2 khan3 - A lamp runs out of wick and oil. - As a person reaches the
retirement age and enters the sunset of his life, wealth, power and title are gone, and physical strength
deteriorated just as the lamp has run out of the wick and oil to continue burning.
87. မ����င�ရ� �ပင� | Mi3 loun2 ya2 lay2 pin1 - Wind blows where there is fire. - The fire burning on the
house gets stronger with more destructive power when the wind blows around it. This is a metaphor to
troubled times made more problematic by outside interference.
88. မ�သ ��မပ� လ��မ�� | Mu1-tha3 ma1 pa2, lin2-ga2 ma1 chau3 - Poems will be too bland without
fabrications. - This refers to the need to be creative in speaking to be eloquent and make lively
89. မ���ခ�� ���က� | Mo3 kha3 yay2 thout - To drink the bitter rain water. - Once upon a time, rain with bitter
taste befell on a village. When the villagers got drunk over the bitter rain water, they became crazy. One
particular man refrained from drinking the bitter rain water, and he was the only sane person left in the
village. Unfortunately, he was the odd one out, and everyone said he was "abnormal" and "crazy" for not
drinking what everyone drunk. In the end, the man relented, drunk the bitter rain, and became an insane
like everyone else. Similar to "When in Rome, do what Romans do."
90. မ�����တ�န�� �ခ� | Mo3 ywa2 dome3 yay2 khan2 - Collect rain water while it rains. - An advice to take full
advantage of the situation when the opportunity arises.
91. မ���လ�န�မ� ထ�န�ခ� | Mo3 loon2 hma1 htoon2 cha1 - To take the harrow out only after the rainy season - It's
like making the effort a little too late.
92. မင��မ��သစ��၊ လ�မ��ကတ� | Min3 hma2 thit-sa2, lu2 hma2 ga1-di1 - Loyalty for kings, promise for man. - Just
like kings expect loyalty, men are expected to keep their promise.
93. မ��� စက��၊ ရန�က �န� အ���၊ ���လ �င� အစ�� | Mun3-da1-lay3 za1-ga3, Yan2-gome2 a-kjwa3, Mau2-la1-
myine2 a-sa3 - People in Mandalay are known for eloquence, Yangon for bragging, and Mawlamyine for
culinary skills. - Self-explanatory.
94. မ�က�က န�� တ�မ�က� | Myet-kun3 ta1-hsay2 ma1 kjout - A blind is not afraid of the ghost. - A reckless
person is compared to visually-impaired person who is blind to the danger ahead of him.
95. �မ�၍ လ�မ��မ�တ�၊ လ�မ�မ� လ�မ���တ�မည� | Myay2 myo2 yway1 lu2-myo3 ma1 pyoat, lu2 myo2 hma1
lu2-myo3 pyoat myi2 - Quicksand will not swallow culture and race, outsiders will swallow up the nation
into extinction. - Fear of mass and illegal immigration into the country especially by people from the
93. မ��� စက��၊ ရန�က �န� အ���၊ ���လ �င� အစ�� | Mun3-da1-lay3 za1-ga3, Yan2-gome2 a-kjwa3, Mau2-la1-
myine2 a-sa3 - People in Mandalay are known for eloquence, Yangon for bragging, and Mawlamyine for
culinary skills. - Self-explanatory.
94. မ�က�က န�� တ�မ�က� | Myet-kun3 ta1-hsay2 ma1 kjout - A blind is not afraid of the ghost. - A reckless
person is compared to visually-impaired person who is blind to the danger ahead of him.
95. �မ�၍ လ�မ��မ�တ�၊ လ�မ�မ� လ�မ���တ�မည� | Myay2 myo2 yway1 lu2-myo3 ma1 pyoat, lu2 myo2 hma1
lu2-myo3 pyoat myi2 - Quicksand will not swallow culture and race, outsiders will swallow up the nation
into extinction. - Fear of mass and illegal immigration into the country especially by people from the
Western borders who are non-Buddhists. (Some immigration offices display banners with this saying.)
�န�မ�အစ တ��င��က | Myan2-ma2 a-sa1 Da1-goun3 gah1 - A place called "Tagaung" is the birth-place of
Myanmar civilization. - According to this traditional saying, it's not Bagan where Burmese civilization is
thought to have started. (Read more about Tagaung Kingdom.)
97. ��� ���၊ တန��၊ �သ�ဆ��တ�၊ မ�အပ� | Mway3-nay1 Thout-kja2, Ta1-nin3-la2, kay2-tha2
hsun2-pfyat ma1 pyu1 ut. - Avoid hair-cut on birthday, Monday, and Friday (���၊ | Thout-kja2.) - The
reasoning behind this superstition is unknown.
98. �မ� တ�တ �မက�� | Mway2 ma1-thay2 doat ma1-kjo3. - Let the snake live, and keep the stick unbroken.
- Negotiations and compromises must be made in conflicts for win-win situations. This proverb shows the
example of encounter with a snake where snake was let go to safety, and the man kept his sick intact.
99. ယ��သ �မ�က� �င�သ ��က� | Yo2 thu2 ma1 shet, myin2 thu2 shet - Defecator is not shy, the seer is embarrassed.
- A person who behaves indecently in public is not shy, but the onlookers are embarrassed.
100. ယ�န�� �င� �င�မ� | Yone2 htoun2 kjoun3 mi1 - A trap for rabbit caught a cat. - Planned for something,
but the result was something else.
101. ရ�လ��� အ��တ � | Yah1 lay2 lo2 lay2, o2 ta1-hsay2 - The more you get, the more you want - like an
old ghost. - Unsatiated nature of some people are compared to the spirits that haunt. (Ghosts in
traditional belief are spirits of human or celestial beings who died with attachment in mind.)
103. ����အမ�န� ဖတ�� �အသ� | Yay3 tau1 a-hmun2, pfut tau1 a-thun2 - When spelled, the word is correct
and fit; when read, it's just phonetic. - Burmese words are sometimes read in different phonetic sounds
than they are spelled.
104. ��င��တင��တ�မ� လ��စည��စ�မ� | Youn1-yeare3 tin3-tain2 lu1 si3-zain2 - Contentment is luxury of life. - The
person who needs the least is happier than the person who has the most.
105. �င��တ�န��က �ထ����င�� | Shin2 pyu1 dome3 gah1, shway2 hti3 hsoun3 - During initiation ceremony into
monkhood, I once used a golden umbrella. - To have enjoyed luxury and wealth for a short period of time
in life is compared to golden umbrella used during the initiation ceremony for the young boys into
monkhood. (Pre-teen young boys are usually ordained as novice monks for a few days or weeks.)
106. လ�ပ�င��လ��လ တစ�ခဏ | Lu2 pyin3 lone1-la1 ta1-kha1-na1 - Slothful lacks perseverance. - A lazy person's
diligence is short-lived.
107. လ�မစ�မ�� နတ�မ | Lu2 ma1-soon3, nut mah1 - Helping hands from Angels to a man in despair - Although
beyond one's abilities, there is success (or get out of trouble) due to helping hands.
108. လ�မက
� ��င�� အတ�မ� | Lu2-mite hnin1 ngway2 a-tu2 ma1 nay2 - Unwise person and money do not stay
together. - A fool and his money soon parted.
109. လ��လ �င�� �ဆ နည��လမ��ရ | Lo2 hlyin2 kjan2 hsah1, ni3 lun3 yah1 - Devise a plan if necessary, a method will
be found. - When there is a will, there is a way.
110. လင��င�မယ�� လ���င�သ ��� | Lin2 hnin1 ma1-ya3, sha2 hnin1 thwa3 - Husband and wife are indeed, like
tongue and teeth. - This refers to occasional arguments between husband and wife.
�န� ဓ��ထစ� | Hlay2 nun2, dah3 htit - To mark the side of the boat where the chopper was dropped. -
Thinking that by marking the exact position on the side of the boat where the chopper was accidentally
dropped, it can be recovered from the river later. Illogical reasoning without proper investigations will end
up in vain.
112. ���တ�န�� တက�က �� | Hlay2 pyay3 dome3 tet kjo3 - Oar broke while the boat was running fast. - Just
when something gets going, the most vital element stops working, and everything comes to a halt.
113. လ�င���� ���က� | Hline3 kji3, hlay2 out - Big wave is still under the boat. - Social status and authority
of a person is compared to the boat above the waves.
114. လ�ည ��ဝင���သ� တည�ည �၊ ပ�ဂ�ဘ �ရ����င�� | Hleare3-win2-yo3 thun2 ta1 nyan2 nyan2, ba1-gun2 pfa1-ya3 poun3 -
Axle sounds of bullock carts, echo across Bagan's heart, temple number sum is tough. - The mnemonic
to remember the number of temples during the height of Bagan civilization. The hidden message can be
decoded as 4,446. See the explanation in the left column.
115. ဝမ��ဘ � ဝ�လ �ပ� | Wah1 ma1 shi1 beare3 wi1 loat - To write a "Wikipedia" without knowing a "w" - An
arrogant person who has nothing and knows nothing is still acting like he knows everything and has
116. ဝ�ဆ�� ဝ���င� ���င�� �င� | Wa2-hso2 Wa2-khoun2 yay2 pfoun2 pfoun2 - June and July rivers swell -
water, water everywhere - In the two months of rainy season "Wa2-hso2", and "Wa2-koun2" (around mid
June, to mid July), there are heavy rains accompanied by frequent flood.
117. သတ�မမ� ဂ�မ�င�၊ သတ�မ�က �က���င� | Tha1-di1 ma1 mu2 gu2 ma1 myin2, tha1-di1 mu2 gah1 myu2 go2
myin2 - Heedless doesn't see a big cave, vigilant sees even the fine mist. - Mindfulness is needed to
recognize the opportunities around us.
118. သ���အ��� ထမ�� | Tha3 shway2 o3 htun3 - A wish to see the son carrying back home a pot of gold. - Once a
upon a time, a filial son who was looking after the blind parents was bitten by a snake and died. A Genie
ဝ�ဆ�� ဝ���င� ���င�� �င�
water, water everywhere - In the two months of rainy season "Wa2-hso2", and "Wa2-koun2" (around mid
June, to mid July), there are heavy rains accompanied by frequent flood.
117. သတ�မမ� ဂ�မ�င�၊ သတ�မ�က �က���င� | Tha1-di1 ma1 mu2 gu2 ma1 myin2, tha1-di1 mu2 gah1 myu2 go2
myin2 - Heedless doesn't see a big cave, vigilant sees even the fine mist. - Mindfulness is needed to
recognize the opportunities around us.
118. သ���အ��� ထမ�� | Tha3 shway2 o3 htun3 - A wish to see the son carrying back home a pot of gold. - Once a
upon a time, a filial son who was looking after the blind parents was bitten by a snake and died. A Genie
Spirit (Nat) felt sorry for the bereaved old couple, and granted them a wish. What do you wish? Do you
wish your son to come back to life? Do you wish to regain your eyesights, or do you want a pot of gold?
The couple gave the winning answer: We wish to see our son coming back home carrying a pot of gold.
119. သ�ခ�� ��မ� ထ���က�င��ထ | Tha1-kho3 pyay3 hma1 hto3-kwin3 hta1 - To show tatoo and brawn, only when the
thief is gone. - Muscle is flexed and tatoo on the thighs are displayed (to fight) only when the danger is
120. သ�ထ �� သ�န� | Theare3 hteare3 yay2 thoon2 - To pour water on the sand. - Wasted efforts are compared to
pouring water on the sand.
121. သစ�သ �� ဝလ� ပန���င�မန� | Thit-thi3 wa1-lun2, pan3 hnin1 mun2 - Fruits and flowers, make them clear. - In
Burmese language, fruits from trees with stems such as mangoes and banana are called thit-thi3, and
those fruits grown on vines such as passion fruits and grapes are known as wa1-lun2. Similarly, flowers
on vines | �ယ� are called မန� | mun2. This word is less known than ပန��.
122. သည�ပတ
� �ထ �က သည�ပ� | Dthi2 poat hteare3 gah1 dthi2 peare3 - Beans from the same pot fermented alike. -
People from the same background and upbringing have similar tendencies.
123. သန����င�ထ က� ည�မနက� | Tha1-goun2 htet nyi1 ma1 net - The night cannot be darker than mid-night
hours. - There will be a new dawn after the darkest hours of mid-night. Having gone through the worst,
one can only expect the situation to improve gradually.
124. သ���ဖန�မ��� ခရ����က� | Thwa3 pfun2 mya3, kha1-yi3 yout - Make frequent trips, to reach the destination. -
With perseverance, the goal is reached. Each small step counts towards the destination in the long
125. ��င�� �က� ဆ�ထ ��ပ� | Youn2 nout za1-dome3 pa2 - Coil-hair follows top-knot. - In the old days, Burmese
men kept the hair long and tied into a knot on top called youn2, while the women coiled the hair in
different style called za1-dome3. This saying describes the custom of young men and women to get
married and the woman follows the man's house.
126. အ��က �န� ဂ�န�ဆ ��ခ�က� | A-kjan2 kone2 ga1-lone2 hsa3 chet - When ideas run out, Garuda cooks salt
without meat. - Just like in the American cartoon where Coyote chases the "Road-runner" with fork and
knife in hand, in this hilarious proverb, the mythical bird-like creature called ga1-lone2 (Garuda) has
devised a number of schemes to catch the dragon unsuccessfully. As he runs out of ideas to have
dragon for dinner, he only cooks salt | hsa3 in his pot without dragon meat in it. This proverb is used to
poke fun at the desperation of the opponents.
127. အခ�န�တ န�� � ���ပ�န�က န�လ �မ� | A-chain2 tan2 dau1, na1-bain2 kun2 lain1 - When get hit, even the skinny
cow will kick. - Not to worry too much over things as when the time is right, things will work out by
themselves. Even the skinny cow will learn to kick and defend itself when faced with danger.
128. အစ��င��မ� အ��င���ခ�� | A-sa1 koun3 hma1 a-hnoun3 thay2-cha2 - Make a good start to ensure a
happy ending. - In each endeavor, a good start and management is needed to keep the activity going,
and intended goal can be accomplished.
129. အစ��မ��� တစ�လ �တ �၊ အသ���မ��� တစ�လ �မ�� | A-sa3 ma1 tau2 ta1-loat, a-thwa3 ma1 tau2 ta1 hlun3 - A bite
of wrong food can be toxic, just like a step in the wrong direction. - Judgement is needed even in the
mundane activities.
130. အန�မသ� ��မ�� | A-na2 ma1 thi1, hsay3 ma1 shi1 - Unknown symptom, no prescriptions. - Corrective
actions cannot be made without knowing the root-cause.
131. အ���င� အပင�သ �၊ အ���င� အသ�င�သ � | A-pway3 myin2 a-pin2 thi1, a-thway3 myin2 a-thwin2 thi1 - You
can tell the tree by its bark, and a man by his character - Just like the type of tree can be guessed by
looking at its outer bark, the inner character of a man can be known by the အရည�အ �� | quality of his
outward behavior.
132. အမ�မ�သ �� �နည��င�� | A-mi1-meare1 tha3, yay2 neare3 nga3 - Motherless child is like a fish in shallow
water. - The life of an orphan is like a fish in the shallow water. It can also be used as a metaphor to
show how one has gone through struggles in life without support and protection.
133. အလက��ရသည���� သ�����ည� | A-la1-ga3 yah1 dthi1 nwa3, thwa3 pfyeare3 kji1 - Don't examine the teeth
of the cow one gets as a gift. - It will be inappropriate to look for imperfections and complain about
something that one does not pay for, just like examining the teeth of the cow one gets for free to
estimate the age.
134. အလ���င�����လ ည�� အခ���င�� | A-la2 koun3 dthau2 leare3, a-kha2 hnoun3 - Good effort was made to
arrive at the gate, but it was a little too late. - This saying with three-syllable rhyme was thought to have
been uttered by King Kyansittha (က�န�စစ�သ �� | Kyan2 Sit Tha3) of Bagan. His former lover Thanbula
(သ�လ | Thun2 Bu2 La1) that he met before he was a king one day arrived his Palace with a son he did
not know existed. By that time, the king had already appointed one of his grandsons Alaungsithu
(အ��င��စည�သ � | A-loun3 Si2 Thu2) as heir to the throne. The son Yazakumar (ရ�ဇက�မ�ရ� | Ya2 Za1 Ku2
Ma2) was given the title of the prince and he is well known today for Myazedi Pillar Script (��တ�
��က�စ� | Mya1-Zay2-De2 Kjout Sa2), a tourist attraction.
135. အလ��� �က အရနည�� | A-lo2 kji3 gah1 a-yah1 neare3 - Greedy person ends up having less. - What was
gained by unjust means will eventually be lost.
136. အ��က�� �င�� အ��င��လ�တ � | A-shout koun3 a-htoun3 loot - A good petition saves one from elbow's
pounding. - Someone who can articulate like a good defense attorney can talk his way out. (When the
king gets angry, he pounds with his pointed elbow.)
137. အသ��တ�င� ဝက�၊ အသ��တ�င� သရက�၊ အ�က�တ �င� လက�ဖက� | A-tha3 dwin2 wet, a-thi3 dwin2 tha1-yet, a-ywet
dwin2 la1-pfet - In meat, pork is the best; in fruits, mangoes are the one; in leaves, pickled tea salad is
chosen. - Burmese traditional favorites are described.
138. အသ��ထ�က ��က�ထ �က � | A-tha3 hteare3 gah1 lout htwet - Like maggots coming out of the wounded skin.
136. အ��က�� �င�� အ��င��လ�တ � | A-shout koun3 a-htoun3 loot - A good petition saves one from elbow's
pounding. - Someone who can articulate like a good defense attorney can talk his way out. (When the
king gets angry, he pounds with his pointed elbow.)
137. အသ��တ�င� ဝက�၊ အသ��တ�င� သရက�၊ အ�က�တ �င� လက�ဖက� | A-tha3 dwin2 wet, a-thi3 dwin2 tha1-yet, a-ywet
dwin2 la1-pfet - In meat, pork is the best; in fruits, mangoes are the one; in leaves, pickled tea salad is
chosen. - Burmese traditional favorites are described.
138. အသ��ထ�က ��က�ထ �က � | A-tha3 hteare3 gah1 lout htwet - Like maggots coming out of the wounded skin.
- Disloyal and rebellious subjects to the king or the country are compared to maggots who live on the
skin and fed on it. Those ingrates do nothing to contribute to the host, but make the wounded sore
139. အသ��လ��လ �� အ����င�� | A-tha3 lo2 lo1 a-yo3 toun3 - Ask for the bone to get the meat. - Indirectly asking
for something smaller or inferior to be given something else. When the guest asks, "Can I have some
bones?", the host will surely give him meat instead.
140. အ��မတန� မ�န�� � | Ah3 ma1 tan2, mun2 shau1 - Not enough strength, pride let go. - When means to
achieve the end is insufficient, it is time to let go of what one wants.
141. ဥတ�ရ�သ� ��က��မ� | U1-tu1 ya2-thi2 tau3 go2 hmi2 - Weather depends on forests. - Observations and
conclusions by folks generations ago agree with modern scientific knowledge. In the balanced
eco-system, temperate weather is dependent on trees and forests. Deforestations to built cities result in
142. အ�မ��င�မ� သ�လ ��င� | U2-mah1 toun1 hma1 thi2-la1 soun1 - A strong intestine is a pre-requisite to
precepts and morality. - A man must fill his stomach first before he can perform good deeds.
143. အ���က မပ� စ��င��က ပ� | Oh3 gah1 ma pu2 sa1-loun3 gah1 pu2 - The lid is hot, pot is not. - The person
experiencing the difficult situation remains calm while another person who has no business becomes
144. ဥစ��ဟ�သ ည� မ�က�လ �ည �မ��၊ ပည�ဟ�သ ည� �တ�� အ��� | Oat-sa2 hu2 dthi2 myet-hleare1 myo3, pyin2-nya2 hu2
dthi2 myut shway2-o3 - Material things are perishable like magic; knowledge is valuable like a pot of
gold. - Knowledge is golden while material world is like a magic show that can suddenly disappear.
145. အ�တ �� �က��င� ဖ����က� | Ate pout hnin1 pfa3 kout - To collect frogs using a bag with a hole. - This saying
describes wasted effort, time, and money.
146. အ�တ �က �စ�� ��� �၊ မ��� | Oat Kjit kjau2 ay3, Mun3-da1-lay3 - With solid bricks, peaceful and famous
city of Mandaly was built. - This is a mnemonic or riddle similar to the weight of the Mingun Bell, and the
number of temples in Bagan. It can be decoded as the year 1221 in Burmese calendar for the year the
City of Mandalay was built by King "Mindon Min". The year 2014 in Gregorian calendar is 1375, so it can
be estimated to around AD 1860. The actual date is 13 February 1857. (See the explanation on the left
147. အ�ပ�ခ�င�� �င�� �င�သ � အ��ရခက� | Ate chin2 youn2 hsoun2 thu2, a-hno3 yah1 khet - To awaken a person
pretending to be asleep is difficult. - Although pretending to act normal, a deceitful person is not at ease
and looks unnatural.
148. အ�မ�� �က�� � ��ဆ��င�တ ည� | Ain2-nout-pfay3 zay3-sine2 teare2 - To open a shop in the backyard. - This
refers to growing vegetables in one's own backyard, so there will be no need for grocery shopping.
149. အ�မ�သ �လ��� ဧည�လ � | Ain2 'tha2' lo1 eare1 la2 - Guests and people come in droves, often visit home sweet
home. - People enjoy visiting a peaceful house of friendly hosts. This saying is often used by the
Burmese government newspapers to take credit for increasing numbers of tourist arrival to the country.