Cusat 4th Sem CE Question Paper
Cusat 4th Sem CE Question Paper
Cusat 4th Sem CE Question Paper
(8 x 5 = 40)
IV. V.
(15) What are the different methods of calculation of national income? Explain any three. OR Write notes on : demand and supply (i) factors of production (3 x 5 = 15) elasticity of demand
(a) (b)
Which are the different types of organisation? Explain any three. OR Explain centralization and decentralization in management concept. Explain the terms organizational conflict and group dynamics.
(a) (b)
What is ABC analysis? Explain the steps in the ABC analysis. OR Explain simple EOQ model and EOQ models with stock out. Find the EOQ from the data given below. 3500 units Average monthly demand 15% of the unit value per year Inventory carrying cost Rs.200/- per order Cost of ordering Unit cost*** cat4E Erim , -----_-,---"SO
(15) (8)
BTS(C) IV 10 014 K
(4 x 15%0)
Give an account of geological work of wind explaining briefly some major geological features produced by this agency on the land surface due to erosion and deposition. OR Describe the geological action of a River in detail.
(15) (15)
Describe the structures, textural features and classification of sedimentary rocks. OR Write the engineering properties and uses of the following rocks. Granite Laterite Quartizite
(3 x 5 = 15)
Describe and classify folds. OR Explain the important geological factors to be considered while constructing dams and reservoirs.
Describe the types, causes and effects of earthquakes. OR Explain Tsunami and Tsunami velocity in detail. **
(15) (15)
(8 x 5 = 40)
Compare specific energy curve and specific force curve. State the conditions under which the rectangular section of an open channel will be most economical. Derive these conditions. Distinguish between backwater curve and draw down curves. Give examples for each. Sketch the jump position on a stilling basin for various tail water conditions. Prove that the maximum efficiency of a jet impinging on a series of moving flat plates is 50%. How can the best performance curve be obtained with the help of characteristic curves of a reaction turbine? Discuss few methods adopted to increase the efficiency of centrifugal pumps by altering the shape of the casing. Discuss the condition under which negative slip occurs in reciprocating pumps. PART B
(4 x 15 = 60)
In a rectangular channel 3.5 m wide laid at a slope of 0.0036, uniform flow occurs at a depth of 2 m. Find how high can the hump be raised without causing afflux. If the upstream depth of flow is to be raised to 2.5 m, what should be the height of the hump? Take Manning's n equal to 0.015.
Water flows in a channel of the shape of isosceles triangle of bed width 'a' and sides making an angle of 45 with the bed. Determine the relations between depth of flow 'd' and bed width 'a' for maximum velocity condition and for maximum (8) discharge condition. Use Manning's formula and note that 'd' is less than 0.5 a. OR A flow of 100 litres per second flows down in rectangular laboratory flume of width 0.6 m and having adjustable bottom slope. If Chezy's C is 56 determine the bottom slope necessary for uniform flow with a depth of flow 0.3 m. Also fmd the conveyance (7) and state of flow (ie. tranquil or rapid). A trapezoidal channel has a bed width 10 m and side slopes of 2 horizontal to 1 vertical. at a section 200 m downstream the bed rises by 0.08 m gradually, bed width increases to 0.15 m and side slopes become 3 horizontal to 1 vertical. Rise in bed level, increase in bed width and flattening of side slopes are gradual. Flow rate in the channel is 200 m3 /s and the flow depth at the upstream section is 7 m. If Manning's n = 0.035, (8) estimate the depth at the downstream section. (Turn Over)
2 IV. (a) State and discuss the assumptions made in the derivation of the dynamic equation for gradually varied flow starting from first principles derive equation for the slope of the coater surface in gradually varied flow with respect to (i) channel bed (ii) horizontal. Show that the gradually varied flow equation for flow in a rectangular channel of variable width B may be expressed as
Q t y dB dY S - +(j dx n2 B dx 1 gie
(a) OR Show that the head loss in a hydraulic jump formed in a rectangular channel may be expressed as AE = (b) ( vi V2)3
2 g(V, - V2).
A horizontal rectangular channel 3 m wide and 2 m water depth conveys water at 18 m 3 /s. If the flow rate is reduced to 2/3 of it's original value, compute the magnitude and speed of the upstream surge. Assume that the front of the surge is rectangular and friction in the channel is neglected. Explain with sketches the working of an oil pressure governor. Show from the first principles that the peripheral coefficient of a pelton wheel is 0.5. OR Show that in a turbine with radial vanes at inlet and outlet and operating under head 'h', if the velocity of flow at outlet is C times that at inlet, the peripheral velocity `u' and the hydraulic efficiency 'Rh' are given by (7) (8)
u 2 + c 2 tan 2 a '
2 2 + c2 tan2 a
Assuming that the radial component of flow of fluid through a centrifugal pump remains constant and that the fluid enters radially, prove that the ratio of the pressure head Hp to the velocity head Hv created by an impeller neglecting the losses is given by Hp ((IIVAcot Pi
Hv U, +Vf, cot 13
is the veloety of flow and /3 is the exit angle of impeller blades. Hence show that ideal efficiency of the impeller is given by ri
OR Working from the first principles show that, in a single acting reciprocating pump the work done against pipe friction, if large air vessels are fitted near to the cylinder on both suction and delivery pipes, compared with that done if there are no air vessels is (% g2). 2 *** (15)
(c) (d)
A sliding collar weight with mass 70 Kg falls from a height of 50 mm on to a flange at the bottom of a slender vertical rod. The rod has a length of 1.2 m, cross sectional area of 480 mm 2 and modulus of elasticity E = 206 GPa. Calculate the maximum downward displacement of the flange the maximum tensile stress in the rod the impact factor. (iii) OR It is required to design a closed coil helical spring which shall deflect 1 mm under an axial load 100 N at a shear stress of 90 MPa. The spring is to be made out of round wire having modulus of rigidity of 8 x 10 4 N/mm2. The mean diameter of the coil is to be 10 times the diameter of the wire. Find the diameter and the length of the wire necessary to form the spring. Iv. A simply supported beam of span 3.2 m carries a udl of intensity 48 IcN/m. The cross-section of the beam is a hollow box with wood flanges and steel side plates as shown in figure. The wood flanges are 75 mm x 100 mm in cross section and the steel plates are 300 mm depth. What is the required thickness T of the steel plates if the allowable stresses are 120 MPa for steel and 6.5 Mpa for wood? Assume Es = 210 GPa and E, = 10 GPa., and neglect the weight of the beam. (Turn Over)
ft .}(104 75 150
75 OR The cross section of slit square tube of thickness t is shown in figure Show that the distance 'e' from the corner of the cross section to the shear centre S
A spherical stainless steel tank having a diameter of 400 mm is used to store propane gas at a pressure of 20 MPa. The properties of steel are as follows, yield stress in lamina is 950 MPa, the yield stress in shear is 450 MPa, the factor of safety is 2.4 the modulus of elasticity is 200 GPa. Poisson's ratio is 0.28 and the normal strain must not exceed 1200 x 10'6 . Determine the minimum thickness t required for the tank. OR During the test of an airplane wing the strain gauge readings from a 45 rosette are as follows gauge A = 520 x 10., gauge B = 360 x 10-6 and gauge C = 80 x lot Determine principal strains and maximum shear strains.
A simply supported beam of span `L' is loaded with a central concentrated load `P'. Evaluate the strain energy of the beam from the bending moment in the beam the strain energy of the beam from the equation of the deflection curve from the strain energy, determine the deflection A under the load `P'. (iii) Take EI as a constant. OR A propped cantilever beam AB propped at 'B' and length 'L' has flexural rigidity at a distance 'a' from the fixed end 'A'. El. It carries a concentrated load Determine the reaction R A, RB and MA for this beam. Also draw the SFD and BMD.
BTS(C) IV 10 012 G
Explain the principle and procedure for setting out a simple curve by two theodolite method. Enumerate various types of vertical curves with sketches. List out the factors to be considered for the selection of triangulation figures. Form the normal equations for a, b, c and d in the following equations Equation 3a +4b+ 3cd-5 =0 a- 2b+ 4c+ 2d-1 = 0 2a+b+ 2c+ 5d-2 =0 Weight 1 2 3
Differentiate between solar apparent time and mean solar time. Explain the following terms: (iii) Equinoctial points (ii) Sidereal day Equation of time (i) (v) Solastices (iv) Zenith distance Describe the location of sounding stations by means of (ii) Intersecting ranges (i) Goss rope soundings Write a note on the various branches of terrestrial photogrammetry.
PART B (4 x 15 = 60) Two roads meet at an angle of 12730'. Calculate the necessary data for setting out a curve of 100m radius to connect the two straight portions of the road if a theodolite is available. OR Explain three methods for determining length of a transition curve. a. b. List out the factors to be considered for the selection of triangulation stations. Two triangulation stations A and B are 60 kilometers apart and have elevations 240m and 280m respectively. Find the minimum height of signal required at B so that the line of sight may not pass near the ground than 2 meters. The intervening ground may be assumed to have a uniform elevation of 200 meters. OR Explain the procedure to determine the most probable value of observations using method of differences. The following angles were measured at a station 0 so as to close the horizon: <AOB = 83 42' 28.75" <BOC = 102 15' 43.26" <COD = 94 38' 27.22" <DOA = 79 23' 23.77" Adjust the angles weight 3 weight 2 weight 4 weight 2 (11)
(8) (4)
a. b.
(Turn over)
a. b.
a. b.
Discuss the various co-ordinate systems used for specifying the position of a celestial body. The attitudes of a star at upper and lower transits of a star are 70 20' and 20 40', both the transits being on the north side of zenith of the place. Find the declination of the star and the latitude of the place of observation. OR List out the properties of a spherical triangle. Find the zenith distance and altitude at upper culmination of the stars from the following data: Declination of star = 42 15' N Latitude of observer = 26 40' N Declination of star = 23 20' N Latitude of observer = 26 40' N (iii) Declination of star = 65 40' N Latitude of observer = 26 40' N Differentiate between air photograph and a map. OR Explain any five methods to determine the levels of points on the river bed and fix the position of the soundings.