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This month in Pathways we’re introducing more
new material; Adventureaweek.com has put some out-
of-this-world content in my inbox and I’m excited to be
sharing it with our readers. In addition to filling your
pockets with additional haunts and divine channeling
ideas, and giving you more encounters for your players,
we’re going to be adding some more critters and their
toys. The staff at Adventureaweek.com is bursting to
overflowing with great content and is excited to share
some of it through the medium of Pathways.

Recently, Ron Lundeen of Run Amok Games gave

us the first installment of “Scattered Sheaves;” this
month we’re giving you the second adventure in the
series of three. It’s a little on the racy side, but I haven’t monster crafting, monster use, plot development,
met many gamers who have a problem with this. If I character development (especially among NPCs) and
were prone to word play, I’d say this adventure is a refining my own game. I remember reading the preface
dream. Creighton Broadhurst gives us yet another of a Wizards of the Coast book, long before WotC took
baddie to throw at players, this time, however, he’s given over D&D, that the author of that book had struggled
us a badder baddie than usual. Gahlgax Atarrith appears with some of the existential, aesthetic, and personal
in Raging Swan’s upcoming Scions of Evil and is questions of what it meant to be a gamer. He remarked
definitely worth your consideration. I know that over the about how validating it was for him when a friend
years I have read and admired plenty of monsters remarked that what he was doing, as a gamemaster, as a
simply for inspiration. I hope this guy gets at least a world-builder, as a creator, seemed legitimately to be a
cameo in something you’re using, but, even if it’s just for work of art.
inspiration, he’s worth your time. And, because bad guys
need adversaries, it’s handy that Thomas LeBlanc has And, since then, I’ve felt somewhat unburdened by
provided us with the temple warrior. While any mid- criticism. Whether it was a parent, friend or colleague
level inquisitor will have no chance against Gahlgax who basically attempted to introduce shame or
Atarrith, that same devoted combatant would do just humiliation into my life by implying that playing games
fine, if he (or she!) could keep his wits about him while was something authentic adults gave up when they gave
wandering the pleasant distractions offered in the up childhood, or the nagging realism that, as a member
“Scattered Sheaves” adventure. of other professions, I really needed to keep my gaming
life and my work life separate, since I read that piece,
~~ I’ve felt better about my own internal reactions to the
external pressures imposed upon me by an uninterested
Over the past few months, other projects I’ve been or unimpressed world. Artists are often misunderstood;
working on for Rite Publishing have included just a ton if I’m going to be misunderstood, doing so while in the
of material from Paizo’s Bestiaries 2 and 3. While our company of fellow artists isn’t so bad.
reviews are good, and the feedback I do receive is
generally praise, I’m curious what people are doing with But, there’s more to artistry than calling oneself an
the material. For instance, in the newest release of the artist. Even in highly subjective fields, there’s good and
101 Series, our product is dripping with onis, rakshasas, bad content. Like everyone else dancing around the
kamis and golems. What do you think about this? When periphery of Paizo’s wonderful Pathfinder core, the staff
I was first introduced to Dungeons & Dragons three at Rite Publishing, and the many contributors to
decades ago, my love of monsters split me in two. On the Pathways, are always seeking to produce good art. Part
one hand, I felt like I had some obligation to be a purist: of good art is the enjoyment of those who experience the
anything in my first copy of the Monster Manual was art. I hope that you’re getting as much satisfaction out of
somehow better than anything that came after. There the Pathways content as I am.
was a sense I had that “new” rarely meant “better” and
that almost everything after my first tome of critters was
derivative. However, every once in a while, an article in
Dragon or a critter developed by a neighborhood DM, or David Paul
a monster gracing the pages of a TSR-licensed book Editor-in-chief
would jump out at me and scream awesome.

As I got older and came to see that the entire game I

loved was largely derivative of other things (at least,
insofar as its monsters was concerned), I lightened up a
bit and became more interested in other aspects of




Envious Creature Template
By Steven D. Russell; Illustrations by Juan Diego Dianderas
Envy is a sin, and the dark and fell fiends of damnation have ever rewarded sin. These dark powers transform some
creatures who earn their attention though their jealousy and malicious intent into envious creatures. Those
transformed always take great joy in another’s suffering; they lose all sense of kindness they ever possessed. Envious
creatures have either a wide-eyed insane look of joy, or a sorrowful and joyless mien; their bodies often take on a
greenish hue in some way, shape or form; most often, their eyes take on this color, but not always. Other times they
take on the aspect of a dog or a goat.
Creating an Envious Creature
"Envious" is an acquired template that can be While under the effects of protection from evil or a
added to any creature with an Intelligence of 4 or similar spell, the subject can ignore the compulsion,
higher (referred to hereafter as the base creature). but such a ward does not prevent establishing covetous
An envious creature uses all the base creature’s strike, nor remove it. This is a mind-affecting
statistics and special abilities except as noted here. compulsion effect.
Cursed Relationships (Su): Once per day as an
CR: +2
immediate action, an envious can curse a creature
Alignment: Changes to any Evil. within 30 ft. (as bestow curse). That creature must
make a successful Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the envious
Defenses/Qualities: DR 5/special (see driven by
creature’s HD + its Cha modifier) or all NPC
envy below, increase to 10 if the envious creature’s CR
interactions are permanently shifted two steps toward
is 10 or higher, increase to 15 if the envious creature’s
the negative.
CR is 15 or higher); Resist 5 special (see below, increase
Curse of Envy (Su): Once per day as an immediate
to 10 if the envious creature’s CR is 10 or higher,
action, an envious creature can curse a creature within
increase to 20 if the envious creature’s CR is 15 or
30 ft. (as bestow curse). That creature must make a
higher); Immune mind-affecting; SR 12 + CR (see
successful Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the envious creature’s
driven by envy).
HD + its Cha modifier) or it suffers a circumstance
Special Abilities: An envious creature retains all the penalty to its highest ability score equal to 1d6+1 per
special abilities of the base creature, plus the special HD (maximum 1d6+20). The subject's ability score
abilities as described below: cannot drop below 1.
Change Shape (Su): Once an envious creature Driven by Envy (Ex): An envious creature has a
desires a particular object or creature, it can special type of damage reduction and resistance that
shapechange at will into the holder of the object or of a protects it from all types of damage unless that damage
second creature that holds the first creature’s is dealt by the target of the creature’s envy. For
affections. If anyone calls the envious creature by its example, if the object desired is an ancestral sword,
true name or actual given name, it is automatically that weapon bypasses the envious creature’s damage
forced back into its natural form for 24 hours. An reduction, if the woman who it wishes to possess casts
envious creature’s eyes are always green when it a fireball at it, the spell ignores that creature’s resist
assumes a form not its own. and spell resistance defensive abilities.
Covetous Strike (Su): A creature injured by an Spiteful Strike (Su): Envious creatures often
envious creature or that fails its save against an effect believe if they cannot possess something, then no one
created by an envious creature must make a successful should. Once per day as a free action, if the envious
Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the envious creature’s HD + its creature attacks the target of his desire that attack
Cha modifier) or immediately steal the nearest object it automatically threatens a critical; if the attack does not
is aware of—something that’s worth at least 500 gp and require an attack roll, then the envious creature may
does not belong to it. Once the subject takes the object, add +4 to the DC of the effect or increase the amount of
the effect ends. The creature may have to go through damage it would deal by 50% (it’s choice).
threatened or dangerous areas (passing by guards or Abilities: Increase from the base creature as follows:
moving through an area protected by a glyph of Con +4 (+2 hp per HD, +2 to Fortitude saves, and any
warding) to get at the object, or it may even have to of the base creature’s Constitution-based DCs), Int +4
break through a barrier or pick a lock. A barrier that (add 2 bonus languages, add 2 skill points per HD, +2
requires more than 10 rounds to get through is to Appraise, Craft, Knowledge, Linguistics, and
considered impassable for the purposes of this effect. Spellcraft checks, +2 to any of the base creature’s
The effect ends immediately if the creature physically Intelligence-based DCs), +4 Cha (+2 to Bluff,
cannot reach the object—including a situation forcing Diplomacy, Disguise, Handle Animal, Intimidate,
the creature to pass through an area that would, Perform, and Use Magic Device; attempts to influence
without a doubt, kill it. others, and Channel Energy DCs, +2 to any of the base
For example, a creature with only 30 hp that must creature’s Charisma-based DCs).
swim through acid to reach the object is unaffected by
the covetous strike. Skills: Envious creatures gain a +8 racial bonus on
Bluff and Disguise checks; both of these skills are
always considered class skills for envious creatures.
Mortal Envy CR 2
XP 135
Envious Sprite Str 3, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 14
CN Diminutive fey Base Atk +0; CMB -1; CMD 5
Init +3; Senses detect evil, detect good, low-light Feats Alertness
vision; Perception +6 Skills Bluff +14, Disguise +14 (+24 with change
shape), Escape Artist +15, Fly +21, Perception +6,
Sense Motive +2, Stealth +19
Defense Languages Common, Dwarven, Elven, Sylvan
AC 17, touch 17, flat-footed 14 (+3 Dex, +4 size) SQ change shape (shapechange), luminous
hp 5 (1d6+2)
Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +2
DR 2/cold iron, 5/special (see driven by envy); Resist
5 special (see driven by envy); Immune mind- Environment warm forests
affecting; SR 14 (see driven by envy) Organization solitary, pair, or flight (3–6)
Treasure standard
Speed 15 ft., fly 60 ft. (perfect)
Special Abilities
Melee shortsword +0 (1d2-4/19-20) Driven by Envy (Ex): Mortal Envy has a special
Ranged shortbow +7 (1d2-4) type of damage reduction and resistance that protects
Space 1 ft.; Reach 0 ft. her from all types of damage unless that damage is
Special Attacks covetous strike (Will DC 12), cursed dealt by the living humanoid creature whose race
relationships (Will DC 12), curse of envy (Will DC 12), possess the shortest natural lifespan she is aware of
spiteful strike (such as a half-orc PC). For example, a weapon wielded
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 5th; concentration +5) by that creature bypasses Mortal Envy’s damage
Constant—detect evil, detect good reduction; if that creature casts burning hands at
At will—dancing lights, daze (DC 12) Mortal Envy, the spell ignores her resist and spell
1/day—color spray (DC 13) resistance defensive abilities.

Luminous (Su): Mortal Envy naturally sheds light

Tactics equal to that provided by a torch. She can control the
Before Combat Mortal Envy often prefers to attack color and intensity of the light as a swift action,
from stealth and using ranged sniper tactics. reducing it to the dimness of a candle or even
During Combat Mortal Envy prefers to attack extinguishing its luminosity entirely if she wishes.
creatures whose race has the longest natural lifespan (This light is always some shade of green when she is
first, taking advantage of her covetous strike’s effect not in her true form.)
Morale When outmatched, Mortal Envy flees, flying
out of sight and hiding again, to return later and use
her spiteful strike.

t an
Sharing the Spotlight: Feats for Support Characters
by Will McCardell
Illustration by Arthur Rackham

While the supporting character concept is popular, the

feat options available for such a character are scant at
best. With each book comes dozens of new ways to
poke your enemies with sharp sticks, choke them to
death, or valiantly defend yourself. But curiously, even
though the core of the game revolves around
teamwork, these books offer few ways to help out allies.
When creating such a character, one of the key
questions the player must keep in mind is “Well, what
do I do now?” After using their buffs to aid the party in
the first round or two, they’re faced with this question
for the remainder of combat. These feats are here to
lend those characters a hand.

Aiding Strike (Combat)

Your strikes aid your allies, no matter how well you
Prerequisites: Combat Expertise, base attack bonus
+1, Int 13.
Benefit: Whenever you make an attack action, you can
choose to deal half damage on a successful hit to
benefit an ally with aid another, subject to all the
normal restrictions of aid another. If you miss with
your attack action, but your attack result is sufficient to
hit AC 10, you instead grant half of your aid another
bonus to the ally.

Backline Instructor (Combat)

“No no, move to the left!” Benefit: Whenever you successfully use the dirty trick
Prerequisites: Perform (oratory) 3 ranks, Int 13. maneuver against an enemy, the next ally who makes
Benefit: As a standard action, you may use aid an attack against the enemy before the start of your
another for an ally within 30 feet, but only to help on next turn gains a +2 circumstance bonus on the attack
attack rolls against his opponent or to help with AC roll.
against his opponent. Instead of making an attack roll,
you make a Perform (oratory) check DC 10. This feat is Lasting Aid (Combat)
You can help not only with the next attack, but also the
Combat Instruction (Combat) one after.
Prerequisite: Int 13.
“If you swing at a 72 degree angle, you set yourself up Benefit: When you successfully use the aid another
for an easier swing afterward...” action to help an ally, that ally gains the aid another
Prerequisites: Lasting Aid, base attack bonus +6, Int bonus to either the next two attack rolls the ally makes
13. or to the next two attacks against the ally, as long as
Benefit: When you successfully use the aid another these come before the start of your next turn. In
action to help an ally, the ally gains the aid another addition, the bonus you grant with this use of aid
bonus on all attack rolls against its opponent or to all another increases by +1.
the attacks against the ally by the opponent, as long as Normal: The bonus from aid another only applies to
these come before the start of your next turn. Finally, the next attack by the ally or against the ally.
the bonus you grant with this use of aid another
increases by +1. You may use Combat Instruction a
number of times per day equal to 1 + your Intelligence Spirit-
Spirit-Boosting Aid (Combat)
modifier. “Give it your all!”
Normal: The bonus from aid another only applies to Prerequisites: Heal 3 ranks, Int 13.
the next attack by the ally or against the ally. Benefit: When you successfully use aid another on an
adjacent ally in combat against an enemy, that ally
Dirty Set Up (Combat) gains a number of temporary hit points equal to your
Intelligence modifier plus 1 for every 3 ranks you have
Prerequisite: Improved Dirty Trick. in Heal.


By Creighton Broadhurst of Raging Swan Press.
Gahlgax Atarrith appears in Raging Swan’s upcoming
Scions of Evil.
Illustration by Frank Walls,

A being almost as powerful as its master, Gahlgax is a

nightmarish foe for even legendary heroes.

An elder being of almost unimaginable power and

depravity, Gahlgax had lived for millennia uncounted.
One of the most powerful Abyssal balor lords, Orcus
himself blessed him with undeath a score of centuries
Only the greatest hero has any chance of even
reaching Gahlgax’s lair, Calaunsur, a benighted place
of shadow, fire and death set deep within the Abyss.
Even if he should reach Calaunsur, the hero must then
fight his way through legions of lesser undead, vampire
guards and powerful skeletal spellcasters as well as
countless guardian demons before finally reaching Enkidu Shuruppak, the so-called Purple Archmage,
Gahlgax’s inner sanctum. Here he sits upon The after the foolish and colossally arrogant wizard sought
Moaning Throne, a huge edifice of fused skulls crafted to summon and control a balor. And it was also
from the remains of his greatest enemies and rivals. Gahlgax who single-handedly destroyed the Temple-
Using powerful and unique magics unknown to Fortress of Barir-Kar after the priests and paladins of
mortals, he has bound the souls of the slain to their that place came dangerously close to discovering
skulls, dooming them to an eternity of suffering and certain secrets relating to the Wand of Orcus.
madness. The moans of the imprisoned souls emanate Countless other heroes have fallen before his blade or
from the throne, acting as a constant reminder to all been destroyed by his deceptions or sorcerous magics.
those nearby of the folly of challenging Gahlgax. Such is his depraved infamy that he appears in the holy
A faithful servant of his lord and master (well as scripts of many good-aligned faiths with epithets such
faithful as any demon can be) Gahlgax is served in turn as the Light Banisher, Destroyer of Hope or simply The
by a triumvirate of graveknight mariliths that lead his Corruptor.
armies and protect his person from the rare threat that Orcus personally gifted him with vampirism after
manages to breach his terrible fortress of fused bone Gahlgax slew a rival balor that sought (foolishly) to
and flaming shadow. supplant the Prince of the Undead. In truth, the now
Deeply steeped in the bloody lore of the Abyss, long-forgotten balor did nothing of the sort, Gahlgax
Gahlgax’s knowledge on a number of blasphemous and manipulated and miss-reported his rival’s actions so
otherworldly subjects rivals that of any mortal sage. that it appeared he sought to steal Orcus’ famed wand.
Having acted in the mortal world for years almost Slaying the balor, he then (humbly) presented his
without number, he is also surprisingly knowledgeable evidence to Orcus. Orcus, in rare good mood after
in the ways of men and their allies. torturing and dismembering a particularly obnoxious
Feared even by other balor and the most powerful and strident paladin-hero, drank deeply of Gahlgax’s
of liches, Gahlgax’s word is law in his realm; no other blood to create the unholy abomination that now
dares rise to challenge the vampiric balor. serves him.
Background: Gahlgax’s climb to become Orcus’ Since that day, Gahlgax has seemingly worked
most trusted servant has been slow, but inexorable. He tirelessly for his master.
has slain countless other demons in his quest for power Personality: Utterly without remorse, empathy,
and slain legions of mortals who have dared to mercy or any other redeeming trait, Gahlgax is as close
penetrate the benighted realms of the Abyss. It was to an utterly evil being as a mortal can ever “hope” to
Gahlgax who was responsible for the disappearance of meet. Although as devoted as any demon could be to its


master, Gahlgax is slowly beginning to realise that his Finally, it is entirely possible that Gahlgax may use
power may one day rival his master’s. Steeped in the the PCs in some fiendishly complicated scheme; good-
lore of the Abyss and rich in a demon’s innate cunning, aligned mortals are notorious meddlers and he may
Gahlgas knows that this day is a long way off, but what use them to stymie the plots of one of his rivals (or
matters the passage of millennia to an immortal being? even his master). He may even subtly guide them to
He has no compunction handing out the most eliminate one of the Swords of Orcus if he believes the
brutal, depraved tortures imaginable to any that marilith is planning to strike against him.
displease him.
In truth, Gahlgax greatly enjoys his new status as a LORE
vampire; he finds the variety of abilities useful and
particularly enjoys dominating his foes (or torture Characters can learn more about Gahlgax with a
playthings). He particularly enjoys humiliating those in successful Knowledge (planes) check. A successful
clutches – particularly powerful good-aligned check reveals all information gained by a lesser result.
prisoners – making them carry out a vast range of DC 38: This is Gahlgax Atarrith, balor lord and
depraved, humiliating tasks before driving them mad. personal servant of the demon prince Orcus. Gahlgax is
Distinguishing Features: Huge and wreathed in a power almost without equal in the multiverse; even
flame and shadow, Gahlgax is instantly recognisable as demi-gods fear his wrath and brutal attention. He is
a being of immense power. However, those that look often served and guarded by powerful mariliths.
closely at him may recognise his undead nature – his DC 43: Gahlgax has been blessed by his patron
fangs are unnaturally long for a demon’s and although with the powers of undeath and has all the standard
a creature of darkness himself, he casts no shadow. undead immunities in addition to those enjoyed by
normal demons.
TACTICS DC 48: Gahlgax is a vampire and has their
standard immunities, powers and vulnerabilities.
Gahlgax is a cunning tactician and warrior. He prefers
to fight from a distance, using his multitude of spell- GAHLGAX ATARRITH, BALOR
like abilities to confound and terrorise his enemies. He
particularly enjoys using his dominate ability to force
his enemies to fight among themselves. When only one (X P 819,2 0 0 )
opponent remains, he strikes mercilessly, cutting him This large fiendish creature has thick, strong wings
down with his terrible longsword. and wields a flaming longsword and whip.
If given warning of a serious assault upon his Vampire balor fighter 1
person, he briefly wields each Sword of Orcus’ brilliant CE Large undead (augmented)
energy adamantine longsword giving it the vorpal Init +14; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision,
ability for the upcoming battle. true seeing; Perception +42, Sense Motive +42
Speed 40 ft., base speed 40 ft., fly 90 ft. (good),
gaseous form (fly 20 ft. [perfect]), spider climb; ACP
HOOKS 0; Acrobatics +30 (+34 jumping), Fly +35, Stealth +37
Gaseous Form (Su) Gahlgax can assume gaseous
Only the most powerful heroes can hope to survive form (AC 24, CL 5th) at will and can remain gaseous
meddling in Gahlgax’s schemes. Many of the plots indefinitely.
Gahlgax spins are at the behest of his undying master, Spider Climb (Ex) Gahlgax climbs sheer surfaces as
but others are fashioned to increase his own powers. though affected by spider climb.
The PCs may come to Gahlgax’s attention if they AC 48, touch 24, flat-footed 37; CMD 64; unholy aura
destroy a balor or other powerful demon or undead (+4 deflection, +10 Dex, +1 dodge, +22 natural
servant of Orcus. Gahlgax is not one to let a potential [amulet of natural armour +2], -1 size)
Unholy Aura (Su) If a good creature hits Gahlgax
threat grow unchecked and so he despatches with a melee attack it takes 1d6 Strength damage (DC
increasingly large and powerful bands of demons and 33 Fortitude negates).
undead to deal with the upstart mortals. Immune electricity, fire, poison, mind-affecting
Alternatively, he may require the souls of one or effects, death effects, disease, paralysis, poison, sleep
more powerful good-aligned clerics for some horrific effects, stunning, nonlethal damage, ability drain,
ritual designed to increase his personal power. The PCs energy drain, damage to physical abilities, exhaustion,
fatigue, massive damage, any effect requiring a
could get involved when they are asked to investigate
Fortitude save (unless it affects objects or is harmless);
the sudden and mysterious disappearance of several Resist acid 10, cold 10; Weakness vampire
such individuals, or one of their own number could be weaknesses (garlic, mirrors, cannot enter private
targeted by Gahlgax’s minions.

homes unless invited, direct sunlight, running water, Constant—true seeing, unholy aura (DC 33)
wooden stakes) At will—deeper darkness, dominate monster (DC 34),
Fort +33, Ref +22 (evasion), Will +27 (+31 vs. greater dispel magic, greater invisibility, greater
channelling); SR 31hp 436 (21 HD); fast healing 5; teleport (self plus 50 lbs. of objects only), inflict critical
DR cold iron and good/15 or magic and silver 10; wounds (DC 26), mage armour, mirror image, power
death throes, gaseous form word stun, protection from energy, resist energy,
Death Throes (Su) When killed, Gahlgax explodes in shield, telekinesis (DC 30)
a blinding flash of fire that deals 50 fire and 50 unholy 3/day—forcecage, interposing hand, mind blank,
damage to anything within 100 ft. (DC 38 Reflex quickened telekinesis (DC 30)
halves). 1/day—blasphemy (DC 32), fire storm (DC 33),
Gaseous Form (Su) If reduced to 0 hit points, implosion (DC 34), summon (level 9, any 1 CR 19 or
Gahlgax assumes gaseous form and flees. Gahlgax lower demon 100%)
must reach his coffin within 2 hours or be destroyed. Abilities Str 45, Dex 31, Con —, Int 26, Wis 28, Cha 35
Once at rest, he is helpless for one hour until he SQ master of magic, shadowless, vorpal strike, whip
regains 1 hit point. Gahlgax is then no longer helpless mastery
and fast healing heals his wounds normally. Vorpal Strike (Su) Any slashing weapon Gahlgax
Space 10 ft. (flaming body); Base Atk +21; CMB +39 wields gains the vorpal quality. Weapons retain this
Flaming Body (Su) Dancing flames cover Gahlgax’s quality for one hour after he releases the weapon.
body. Anyone striking him with a natural weapon or Whip Mastery (Ex) Gahlgax treats a whip as a light
unarmed strike takes 1d6 fire damage. A creature that weapon for the purposes of two-weapon fighting and
grapples Gahlgax or is grappled takes 6d6 fire damage inflicts lethal damage on a foe regardless of its armour.
each round it is grappled. Feats AlertnessB, Blinding Critical, Cleave, Combat
Melee +1 vorpal unholy longsword (reach 10 ft.) Reflexes, Critical Focus, DodgeB, Greater Two-Weapon
+37/+32/+27/+22 (2d6+18/17-20) Fighting, Improved Critical (longsword)B, Improved
Melee +1 vorpal flaming whip (reach 20 ft.) InitiativeB, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Iron Will,
+36/+31/+26 (1d4+9 plus 1d6 fire and entangle) or Lightning ReflexesB, Power Attack, Quicken Spell-Like
Melee 2 slams (reach 10 ft.) +32 (1d10+17 plus energy Ability (telekinesis), ToughnessB, Two-Weapon
drain [2 levels]) Fighting, Weapon Focus (longsword)
Atk Options Blinding Critical (DC 31), Cleave, Skills as above plus Bluff +39, Diplomacy +31,
Combat Reflexes, Critical Focus, Power Attack (- Disguise +32, Intimidate +31, Knowledge
6/+12), blood drain, create spawn, energy drain, (engineering) +16, Knowledge (history) +28,
entangle Knowledge (nobility) +28, Knowledge (planes) +31,
Blood Drain (Su) Gahlgax can suck blood from a Knowledge (religion) +28, Use Magic Device +31
grappled opponent. If he establishes or maintains a Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic, telepathy
pin, he drains blood (1d4 Constitution damage). 100 ft.
Gahlgax heals 5 hit points or gains 5 temporary hit Gear as above headband of alluring charisma +6,
points for 1 hour (up to a maximum number of luckblade (0 wishes), ring of evasion
temporary hit points equal to his full normal hit
points) each round he drains blood.
Create Spawn (Su) Gahlgax can create a spawn
when he slays a creature with blood drain or energy Three Swords of Orcus serve as Gahlgax’s personal
drain. bodyguard, messengers and executioners. Each
Energy Drain (Su) A creature hit by Gahlgax’s slam
secretly dreams of supplanting Gahlgax in Orcus’
attack gains 2 negative levels (DC 35 Fortitude
restores). Gahlgax can use this ability once per round. council, but know that they are not yet powerful
Entangle (Ex) If Gahlgax strikes a Medium or enough to openly face him.
smaller foe with his whip, he can immediately attempt A Sword of Orcus moves quickly into melee so that
a grapple check without provoking attacks of she might slice her enemies to pieces with her
opportunity. If he succeeds, he draws the foe into an longswords. She focuses all her attacks on a single
adjacent square. The foe gains the grappled condition, opponent, cutting one down before moving on to her
but Gahlgax does not.
Special Actions change shape, children of the night, next target. When facing enemies, the Sword of Orcus
dominate uses its hat of disguise to appear alive and not undead;
Change Shape (Su) Gahlgax can assume the form of in this way it hopes to avoid the attention of enemy
a dire bat or wolf as if affected by beast shape II. clerics or paladins.
Children of the Night (Su) Once per day, Gahlgax
can summon 1d6+1 rat swarms, 1d4+1 bat swarms or
2d6 wolves. These creatures arrive in 2d6 rounds and
serve for up to 1 hour. 40 9,6 0 0 )
Dominate (Su) Gahlgax can crush a humanoid’s will This snake-bodied fiend has a six-armed woman’s
(DC 35 Will resists) if within 30 ft. as dominate person torso, pointed ears and glittering, otherworldly eyes.
(CL 12th).
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 21th; concentration +33) Graveknight marilith antipaladin 2


CE Large undead (augmented) Multiweapon Mastery (Ex [free]) A Sword of
Init +10; Senses darkvision 60 ft., true seeing; Orcus never takes penalties to her attack roll when
Perception +34, Sense Motive +26 fighting with multiple weapons.
Speed 50 ft., base speed 40 ft.; ACP 0; Acrobatics +30 Special Actions devastating blast, phantom steed,
(+34 jumping), Fly +20, Ride +30, Stealth +21 touch of corruption (12/day; 1d6) undead mastery
AC 52, touch 18, flat-footed 47; CMD 52 (54 vs. Devastating Blast (Su [standard; 3/day]) The
disarm, can’t be tripped); unholy aura; Miss Chance Sword of Orcus unleashes a 30 ft. cone of fire; 10d6
20% fire; DC 31 Reflex halves.
(+11 armour [+5 mithral breastplate], +4 deflection, Phantom Steed (Su [standard; 1/hour] A Sword
+5 Dex, +19 natural [amulet of natural armour +2], of Orcus can summon a skeletal horse similar to a
+2 shield [ring of force shield], -1 size) phantom steed, but with these modified statistics (AC
Unholy Aura (Sp) If a good creature succeeds on a 18, hp 23, speed 100 ft., fly 100 ft., Fly +16).
melee attack against the Sword of Orcs, the attacker Undead Mastery (Su [standard; at will) The
suffers 1d6 Strength damage (DC 25 Fortitude negates) Sword of Orcus can bend any undead creatures within
Immune cold, electricity, fire, poison, mind-affecting 50 ft. to its will. Each undead must make a DC 31 Will
effects, death effects, disease, paralysis, poison, sleep save or fall under the its control. This control is
effects, stunning, nonlethal damage, ability drain, permanent for unintelligent undead, but an intelligent
energy drain, damage to physical abilities, exhaustion, undead can make a new save each day to throw off the
fatigue, massive damage, any effect requiring a control. A creature that successfully saves cannot be
Fortitude save (unless it affects objects or is harmless); affected by the same graveknight’s undead mastery for
Resist acid 10 24 hours. A graveknight can control 90 HD of undead.
Fort +41, Ref +33, Will +32 (+36 vs. channelling); Spell-Like Abilities (CL 18th; concentration +29)
SR 32hp 437 (20 HD); DR cold iron and good/10 or At will—detect evil, greater teleport (self plus 50 lbs. of
magic/10 objects only), project image (DC 27), telekinesis (DC
Space 10 ft. (sacrilegious aura [30 ft.], unholy aura); 26)
Base Atk +18; CMB +32 (+34 disarm, +36 grapple) 3/day—blade barrier (DC 27), fly
Sacrilegious Aura (Su) This aura functions as a 1/day—summon (level 5; 1 marilith 20%, 1 nalfeshnee
desecrate spell and the Sword of Orcus’ armour acts as 33% or 1d4 hezrous 60%)
an altar. Any creature that attempts to summon Abilities Str 33, Dex 23, Con —, Int 20, Wis 24, Cha
positive energy must make a concentration check DC 33
31. If the check fails the effect is expended but does not SQ evil aura (overwhelming), rejuvenation, ruinous
function. revivification (fire), unholy resilience
Melee +1 brilliant energy adamantine longsword Feats Bleeding Critical, Blinding Critical, Combat
(reach 10 ft.; Power Attack [-5/+10]; cold iron, chaotic, Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Critical Focus, Improved
evil) +32/+27/+22/+17 (2d6+14/17-20 plus 4d6 fire), Critical (longsword), Improved Disarm, Improved
5 +1 longswords (reach 10 ft.; Power Attack [- InitiativeB, Mounted CombatB, Power Attack, Ride-By
5/+10]; cold iron, chaotic, evil) +32 (2d6+14/17-20 AttackB, ToughnessB, Weapon Focus (longsword)
plus 4d6 fire) and Skills as above plus Bluff +30, Diplomacy +30,
tail slap (reach 10 ft.; Power Attack [-5/+5]) +27 Disguise +28 (+38 with hat of disguise), Intimidate
(2d6+7 plus grab) or +38, Knowledge (engineering) +21, Use Magic Device
Melee 6 slams +30 (1d6+11) and +30
tail slap (reach 10 ft.; Power Attack [-5/+5]) +25 Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Draconic; telepathy 100
(2d6+7 plus grab) ft.
Atk Options Bleeding Critical, Blinding Critical (DC Gear hat of disguise, boots of striding and springing,
28), Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Critical minor cloak of displacement
Focus, Improved Disarm, channel destruction,
constrict (crushing coils), grab, infuse weapon, Creighton Broadhurst is a keen gamer who
multiweapon mastery, smite good (+11 attack, +2 passionately believes in the Open Gaming License and
damage, +11 AC) is dedicated to making his games as fun and easy to
Constrict with Crushing Coils (Ex [standard]) enjoy as possible for all participants. Reducing or
The Sword of Orcus deals 2d6+18 bludgeoning damage removing entry barriers, simplifying pre-game prep
with a successful grapple check. A creature suffering
and easing the GM's workload are the key
damage must make a DC 31 Fortitude save or lose
consciousness for 1d8 rounds. underpinning principles of the products he releases
Grab (Ex [free]) If it hits a Medium or smaller target through Raging Swan Press.
with its tail, the Sword of Orcus can try to grapple as a Creighton has worked with Expeditious Press,
free action without provoking attacks of opportunity. Paizo and Wizards of the Coast. He now releases his
Infuse Weapon (Ex [free]) Any weapon a Sword of own products through Raging Swan Press. You can
Orcus wields gains a +1 enhancement bonus to attack read his thoughts on game design at raging-
and damage and strikes as if it were a chaotic and evil
cold iron weapon (in addition to retaining the qualities
if its actual composition).

Scattered Sheaves 2: The Dream-
Dream-Haunted Brothel
by Ron Lundeen of Run Amok Games
Illustration by Arthur Rackham
Cartography by Eric Blische (made with Dundjinni)

Scattered Sheaves is a trio of urban mini-adventures in each location, in order to reconstruct the manual. If
regarding pages stolen from a manual of bodily you run only one Scattered Sheaves adventure, Bydlo
health. These adventures are suitable for 7th or 8th sells the reconstructed manual for only 20,000 gp
level PCs. The three Scattered Sheaves adventures are (instead of the standard price of 27,500 gp). If you
The Underground Alchemist in Pathways #15, The run two adventures, Bydlo charges only 14,000 gp. If
Dream-Haunted Brothel in Pathways #16, and The you run all three adventures, Bydlo charges only
Bedeviled Scribes in Pathways #17. 8,000 gp. In addition, PCs that participate in all three
Scattered Sheaves adventures should accumulate
Background enough XP to gain a level.
The PCs become involved in the Scattered Sheaves The thief, an imp named Arkthatek, hoped to steal
story when they follow up on a rumor that a reputable Bydlo’s valuable book to curry favor with one or more
merchant named Bydlo Victus is selling a manual of lurking evils within the city. When Arkthatek only
bodily health +1 at a discount. When the PCs discover gained a few pages, he gifted the pages to one or more
Bydlo within a large city of your choosing, Bydlo’s stall powerful villains in the city (although each turned
is in shambles and he is clutching the valuable book, Arkthatek away after receiving the imp’s trifling gift).
pages torn and askew, to his chest. Bydlo explains that To recover the missing pages, the PCs must confront
he was just attacked by an invisible flying creature. and defeat these villains, each with their own
The creature tried to steal the book from Bydlo’s motivations and unique urban lairs.
grasp, but Bydlo held the book tight. Still, in the
scuffle, the thief managed to steal several pages from Bydlo directs the PCs to as many of the buildings as
the book and fly away. Without the missing pages, the you choose, and the PCs can investigate the buildings
book cannot be used. If the PCs recover the pages, in any order. To aid the PCs, Bydlo gives each of them
Bydlo can repair the book and restore its magic. Bydlo a piece of torn page from the manual of bodily health.
will then sell the book at an even deeper discount to A PC carrying one of these page pieces gains a +1 to all
reward the PCs for their trouble. Bydlo even offers to Constitution checks to stabilize when at negative hit
use his wand of locate object to identify the building points. Bydlo ultimately needs these pieces returned
(or buildings) where the pages have gone. in order to restore the book.
As a GM, you can run any or all of the Scattered
Sheaves mini-adventures. If you choose to use only The Dream
Dream-Haunted Brothel:
one adventure, then all of the missing pages of the
manual of bodily health are together in the same
location. If you choose to use more than one In this mini-adventure, the merchant Bydlo directs
adventure, the PCs must recover all of pages, split up the PCs to a brothel called the Golden Slipper. The

Golden Slipper is located in an ornate manor house
Area 1: Entry and Reception (CR 8)
and once attracted a very high class of clientele, but a The wide entry to the Golden Slipper leads to two
recent string of accidents in the brothel and sweeping staircases and a large reception area. The
murderous madness among some of the prostitutes archways to the left (leading to the private rooms) and
have caused a dramatic decline in the brothel’s the right (leading to the kitchen and dining room) see
fortunes. Unknown to any of the prostitutes that live regular traffic, but the stairs up to the ballroom are
and work in the Golden Slipper, they are plagued by a dusty and dark. The entry opens into a large reception
night hag named Kokelia. Kokelia lairs in the recently area dominated by several overstuffed chairs arranged
abandoned sections of the Golden Slipper, drawing in small groupings for intimate conversations. Fires in
out the prostitutes’ dreams and working them like two large fireplaces lend suffused light to the room,
ethereal clay. and statues of women in erotic poses abound. Tall
windows look out into a nicely manicured yard now
The Golden Slipper is depicted in the map on this sprouting weeds.
page and the previous page. This fine-looking manor
is located in the city’s wealthiest quarter. Although the When the PCs arrive, four young women (two
manor and its grounds are opulent, several days’ humans, a half-elf, and a halfling) wearing skimpy
neglect has allowed weeds to spring up in the yard and lingerie with sheer and flowing robes await customers
grime to streak the once-fine features of the house. in the entry. The prostitutes quickly press drinks into
The Golden Slipper once boasted a staff of 11 the hands of the PCs and lead them into the reception
prostitutes, a madam, three servants, and four guards. area, eagerly assuming that the PCs are their first
Two weeks ago, Madam Matilda went mad, fired the customers of the day. A DC 15 Sense Motive check
guards, and killed two of the prostitutes before killing reveals that these prostitutes look worn and
herself. The servants and three of the surviving frightened—they are each fatigued and have suffered
prostitutes (the only people with other realistic job Wisdom drain from Kokelia’s animated dreams.
prospects) left the Golden Slipper in the following
days. The remaining six prostitutes keep up their Before the PCs can interact at length with the
business at the Golden Slipper while trying to clean prostitutes, an older woman in heavy makeup and an
and care for the manor. outré feathered gown suddenly appears in the hallway
between the front doors and the doors to the
The manor is two stories tall. All rooms on the lower reception area. The matronly woman carries a bloody
floor are 15 feet high and, after dark, are lit by cleaver and has a jagged gash across her neck. “No
lanterns with pink-tinted glass. The upper floor is time to work, girls, more time to sleep!” she gurgles.
abandoned and unlit, except for the everburning The prostitutes shriek in terror, and one cries
torches in Area 6. Even in daytime, the upper floor’s “But…Madam Matilda…you’re dead!”
grimy windows only admit dim light. Doors in the
manor are good wooden doors with average locks, This is no ghost, but rather a terrifying dream-
although none of the doors in the manor are locked creation molded by Kokelia from the prostitutes’
when the PCs arrive. recent nightmares. The animate dream targets the
PCs, intending to eliminate the interlopers.
“Madam Matilda,” Animate Dream
CR 8
XP 4,800
NE Medium outsider (extraplanar, incorporeal)
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +17

AC 20, touch 20, flat-footed 15 (+5 deflection, +4
Dex, +1 dodge)
hp 90 (12d10+24)
Fort +10, Ref +8, Will +12
Defensive Abilities incorporeal; SR 19

Speed fly 40 ft. (perfect)
Melee incorporeal touch +16 (6d8 negative energy
plus nightmare curse)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 12th; concentration +17)
3/day—deep slumber (DC 18), dimension door,
nightmare (DC 20)
1/day—confusion (DC 19), fear (DC 19), phantasmal
killer (DC 19)

During Combat The animate dream fights with the
ghostly cleaver as its incorporeal touch attack, using
phantasmal killer on any spellcaster that poses a
Morale The animate dream fights until destroyed.

Str —, Dex 18, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 21
Base Atk +12; CMB +16; CMD 32
Feats Blind-Fight, Combat Casting, Dodge, Flyby
Attack, Iron Will, Mobility
Skills Bluff +20, Fly +12, Intimidate +20, Knowledge
(planes) +15, Perception +17, Sense Motive +17,
Stealth +19
Languages telepathy 100 ft.
• Matilda once strangely told her that the girls
must work less so that they could sleep more, and
Special Abilities that they must sleep more so that they could
Nightmare Curse (Ex) An animate dream’s touch dream more.
puts horrifying visions in the target’s mind. Curse— • Ten days ago, Madam Matilda declared the upper
incorporeal touch; save Fortitude DC 21; frequency floors to be off-limits to anyone but herself and
1/day; effect 1d4 Wisdom drain and target is fatigued; her clients. None of the prostitutes have been
cure 3 consecutive saves or dispel evil, dream, or upstairs since. A DC 20 Diplomacy check
remove curse. convinces the prostitutes to reveal that Madam
Matilda didn’t actually take any clients upstairs,
After “Madam Matilda” is destroyed, the PCs learn the but they could sometimes hear Madam Matilda
following from the prostitutes. These points each talking to someone in the upstairs ballroom.
allow a Diplomacy check to obtain further • Nine days ago, the Golden Slipper was hosting a
information: private dance for its best clients in the reception
• Two weeks ago, Madam Matilda started acting area, as the upstairs ballroom was off-limits.
strangely. She fired the Golden Slipper’s four Madam Matilda suddenly burst into a rage,
guards and insisted that the prostitutes take shrieking and scaring the clients away. Once the
shorter shifts. A DC 20 Diplomacy check clients had gone (for good, as it turns out, as none
convinces a prostitute to explain that Madam of them have dared return to the Golden Slipper),
two of the prostitutes tried to go upstairs to find
out why Madam Matilda was acting so strangely.
Madam Matilda chased after them with a cleaver,
murdering them at the top of the stairs; she then
turned the cleaver upon herself. With a DC 25
Diplomacy check, the prostitutes reveal that they
sometimes hear the dance music from that night
echoing down from the upstairs ballroom.
• In the following days, those girls with better
opportunities left the Golden Slipper, as did all of
the servants. The remaining girls have nowhere
else to go, so are continuing to operate the
Golden Slipper as best they can. With a DC 10
Diplomacy check, the prostitutes admit that,
since Madam Matilda’s death, they have all been
experiencing terrifying dreams. They feel tired all
the time, but don’t remember the nightmares
with any clarity.
• None of the prostitutes knows anything about
missing papers or stolen books; the only
literature in the Golden Slipper is racy novels.
With a DC 15 Diplomacy check, the prostitutes
reveal that Madam Matilda kept accounting
records and similar papers in her office upstairs.

Area 2: Private Rooms

These small rooms are barely large enough for a bed
and chest of drawers containing lingerie and various
simple sex toys. These rooms had been the prostitute’s
sleeping quarters and only rarely used for entertaining
clients, but after the upstairs was forbidden, the
prostitutes both sleep and service clients in these Spectral Tarantella CR 8
small rooms. Two prostitutes (both human) are XP 4,800
sleeping in these rooms when the PCs arrive, trying CE haunt (20-ft. square at the south end of the
unsuccessfully to overcome their recent fatigue. ballroom)
Caster Level 8th
Area 3: Dining Wing Notice Perception DC 15 (to hear distant upbeat
This wing contains a fairly large kitchen, a once-
hp 36, Weakness tricked by hide from undead;
opulent dining room, and a few storage rooms. These
Trigger proximity; Reset 1 day
rooms are hardly used now, as the prostitutes have
little energy to prepare complicated meals and
Two elaborately coiffed prostitutes, each bearing
generally subsist on simple meals of bread and soups.
horrific cleaver wounds, begin to dance once this
The dining room shows a great deal of neglect, as the
haunt is activated. Each round, one target in the
girls have not entertained clients at a dinner party
ballroom is affected by irresistible dance (Will DC
since before Madam Matilda’s madness.
22). Each round a target is dancing, he or she must
succeed at a DC 16 Fortitude save or gain 1 temporary
Area 4: Ballroom (CR 8) negative level. Lost levels are automatically regained
This large ballroom shows much more neglect than its after 8 hours.
two weeks of abandonment would otherwise indicate: DESTRUCTION
ornate wallpaper sags in strips, gilt fixtures are If Kokelia is driven from the Golden Slipper, the
blackened, and the potted plants are dead. Large dancing spirits find peace.
windows look out over a private garden in the back of
the manor and onto a viewing balcony in the front of Area 5: Master
Master Bedrooms
the manor, but these windows are coated with grime
This entire wing contains two enormous bedrooms,
and let in only dim light even on sunny days.
each with a bed large enough for four or five people.
Dressers and armoires contain a fantastic array of soft
This room’s deterioration is due to the spirits trapped
towels embroidered with stylized genitalia,
here. The souls of the two prostitutes Madam Matilda
provocative costumes, bejeweled collars, braided
murdered during the dance haunt this room.
whips, and similar devices. Each bedroom contains
800 gp worth of such equipment, although the PCs

will undoubtedly raise eyebrows when selling these makes its save against this ability, it is immune to that
items. These rooms were reserved for the brothel’s golem’s brightness for 24 hours. The DC is
most elaborate orgies, but have been unused for Constitution-based.
weeks. Immune to Magic (Ex) A glass golem is immune to
any spell or spell-like ability that allows spell
Area 6: Artistic Displays (CR 9) resistance. In addition, certain spells and effects
function differently against a glass golem, as noted
This room contains three panels of glass, each four below.
feet wide and seven feet tall, mounted in sturdy • A shatter spell damages a glass golem as if it were a
wooden frames. The panels each contain a stained crystalline creature.
glass image of naked women in provocative poses. An • A keen edge spell affects all of a glass golem’s slam
everburning torch placed behind each colorful image attacks as if they were slashing weapons.
enhances its appearance. This unique art exhibit was • A magical attack that deals cold damage slows a
once a mere art display intended to delight the glass golem (as the slow spell) for 3 rounds (no saving
brothel’s patrons. Kokelia has turned these images to throw).
a darker purpose, animating two of the three panels as • A magical attack that deals fire damage ends any
stained glass golems. The two golems hide in plain slow effect on the golem and heals 1 point of damage
sight within their frames. A DC 19 Perception check is for each 3 points of damage the attack would
required to notice that the titillating images are otherwise deal. If the amount of healing would cause
creatures rather than mere glass panels. The golems the golem to exceed its full normal hit points, it gains
attack if discovered or once a PC reaches the door to any excess as temporary hit points. A glass golem gets
Area 7. no saving throw against fire effects.
Reflect Spells (Ex) As a free action once every 1d4
Stained Glass Golems (2) CR 7 rounds, a glass golem can align its internal structure
XP 3,200 each to enhance its resistance to magic for 1 round. During
Young stained glass golem this time, the golem reflects spells (even spells that
N Medium construct function differently against the golem as described in
Init –1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; its immune to magic ability) as if under the effect of a
Perception +0 spell turning spell.

The shattered remnants of a destroyed stained glass

Defense golem can be used as dust of appearance.
AC 22, touch 11, flat-footed 21 (+1 Dex, +11 natural)
hp 86 each (12d10+20) Area 7: Game Room (CR 8)
Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +4
Defensive Abilities reflect spells; DR This room contains two felt-covered card tables and
5/adamantine; Immune magic, construct traits comfortable stools, around which clients could relax
and play card or dice games with each other, or to play
libidinous games with the prostitutes. When the PCs
Offense arrive, four men crowd around the far table, arms
Speed 30 ft. across each other’s shoulders, engrossed in a game
Melee 2 slams +15 (1d10+3 plus bleed) where they gamble for miniature dolls that resemble
Special Attacks bleed (1d8), dazzling brightness the Golden Slipper’s prostitutes. The men wear frayed
finery, and each has the face of a red-eyed swine. A
DC 15 Perception check indicates that these men are
Tactics all one creature, not four separate men. In truth, they
During Combat The stained glass golems spread are another animate dream drawn from the
their attacks out among as many opponents as prostitutes’ nightmares. If touched or interrupted, the
possible, in order to maximize bleed damage. Each pig-faced men turn on the PCs with a snort of rage.
uses its reflect spells ability as often as possible.
Morale The stained glass golems fight until
destroyed. “The Gamesmen,” Animate Dream
CR 8
Statistics See Area 1
Str 16, Dex 13, Con —, Int —, Wis 11, Cha 1 Tactics
Base Atk +12; CMB +15; CMD 26
Skills Stealth +9 During Combat The animate dream relies on its
confusion and fear abilities to disrupt attackers,
resorting to incorporeal touch attacks with hoof-like
Special Abilities fists only if necessary.
Dazzling Brightness (Ex) A glass golem in an area Morale The animate dream fights until destroyed.
of bright light dazzles any creature within 30 feet that
sees it (Fortitude DC 16 negates). Once a creature

Area 8: The Office (CR 9) Disease (Su) Demon Fever: Bite—injury; save Fort
DC 20; onset immediate; frequency 1/day; effect 1d6
Kokelia’s magical heartstone was destroyed months Con damage (target must save a 2nd time or 1 point of
ago, and she needed a secure location to craft another. the damage is drain instead); cure 2 consecutive
The night hag took over Madam Matilda’s office and saves. The save DC is Constitution-based.
private room when she arrived at the Golden Slipper
two weeks ago, driving Madam Matilda to madness in When the PCs have defeated Kokelia, they can find the
order to insure her privacy. Kokelia is using the missing pages from Bydlo’s manual of bodily health
dreams from the Golden Slipper’s prostitutes to create lying on her worktable, along with notes indicating
a new heartstone, in addition to crafting animate that Kokelia was crafting a replacement heartstone
dreams to guard her newfound lair. The pages that the with the prostitutes’ nightmares. The worktable also
imp Arkthatek brought have proven somewhat useful contains 2,500 gp in gems and other arcane reagents
in Kokelia’s crafting, but she has no intention of and an apple of eternal sleep. The prostitutes are
rewarding the imp. grateful for Kokelia’s defeat and reward the PCs
however you see fit.
Kokelia, Night Hag CR 9
XP 6,400 Scaling this Adventure
NE Medium outsider (evil, extraplanar) 5th level: Replace the animate dreams with wraiths.
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +16 In Area 5, reduce the haunt’s save DCs by 4, and the
haunt inflicts 1 point of Strength damage on a failed
Defense save instead of a negative level. Remove one stained
AC 25, touch 14, flat-footed 21 (+4 Dex, +11 natural) glass golem from Area 6. Apply the young simple
hp 92 (8d10+48) template to Kokelia.
Fort +12, Ref +6, Will +9 9th level: Add the advanced simple template to the
DR 10/cold iron and magic; Immune charm, cold, animate dreams. In Area 4, increase the haunt’s
fear, fire, sleep; SR 24 secondary effect to 1d4 negative levels each round
instead of 1 negative level. In Area 6, add a third
stained glass golem. Either add four levels of witch to
Offense Kokelia, or replace Kokelia with a jorogumo.
Speed 30 ft.
Melee 2 claws +13 (1d4+5), bite +13 (2d6+5 plus
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 8th)
Constant—detect chaos, detect evil, detect good,
detect law, detect magic
At will—deep slumber (DC 16), invisibility, magic
missile, ray of enfeeblement (DC 14)

Before Combat Kokelia begins combat invisible.
During Combat Kokelia uses ray of enfeeblement to
weaken powerful foes, then wades into combat with
her claws and bite.
Morale Kokelia defends her lair until reduced to 20
hit points or less, at which point she turns invisible
and attempts to flee.

Str 21, Dex 19, Con 22, Int 18, Wis 16, Cha 17
Base Atk +8; CMB +13; CMD 27
Feats Alertness, Combat Casting, Deceitful, Mounted
Skills Bluff +16, Diplomacy +11, Disguise +16,
Intimidate +14, Knowledge (arcana) +12, Knowledge
(planes) +15, Perception +16, Ride +15, Sense Motive
+16, Spellcraft +15
Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Infernal
SQ change shape (any humanoid, alter self)

Special Abilities
Mek'Madius (Lich of the
the Sun Shard)
Mek'Madius concept by Jonathan Nelson
Mek'Madius story and statistics by Nathan Land
Cartography by Todd Gamble
Character illustration by Tim Tyler

Mek’Madius once resided in the kingdom of

Timaeus, and was a member of the council of wizards
known as the Obelisk Order. In preparation for the
arrival of the Shard of the Sun, Mek’Madius preached
the benefits of using the shard to obtain unlimited
power, power which would assist the Order and all of
Timaeus in dominating any foes that would stand
against them. The Obelisk Order vehemently opposed
Mek’Madius’s stance and voted unanimously to revoke
his place on the council. Mek’Madius was thrown out
onto the street with the commoners, where he began to
plot his revenge.
As the Shard of the Sun grew closer to impacting
the planet, and planetary annihilation was imminent,
the Order began to march north in preparation for an
attempt at interception and possible destruction of the
Shard of the Sun. Keeping to the shadows and using a
powerful artifact to remain undetected, Mek’Madius
followed behind with nine of his former and most
trusted apprentices. He planned to gain as much power
as he could from the Shard of the Sun and stop the
Order’s plans. Mek’Madius was aware that with his
power alone, he would not be able to stop the Obelisk
Order, but a mass sacrifice using souls to fuel his magic
would give him a definite advantage over his former
The Obelisk Order arrived at the projected impact
location of the Shard of the Sun, faced one another and
began the most powerful spell ever cast by mortals. Just
as the Shard of the Sun appeared overhead, Mek’Madius One of the largest fragments reflected the energy
sacrificed his nine apprentices and began a powerful absorption back into Mek’Madius, pulling his soul out of
spell of his own. The Obelisk Order was unable to stop his body. His soul was sucked into the sky and slammed
him as their ritualistic arcane protection spell required into the fragment as it plummeted toward the earth.
they stay focused only on the Shard of the Sun. Mek’Madius had been transformed into a lich, and the
Mek’Madius focused the soul energy into a powerful fragment of the Shard of the Sun his phylactery. The
absorption spell, attempting to siphon off a portion of entire event was a complete mistake, but he soon would
the magical and radiant energy from the Shard. But come to see this curse as a blessing in disguise.
Mek’Madius’s evil and selfish acts came with a price; as The fragment stands at a height of seven feet and
a fragment of the Shard of the Sun broke off and weighs 500 pounds. A strange dark red glow emanates
tumbled toward the earth, Mek’Madius’s very soul was from deep within the fragment and the ethereal voices of
drawn into the fragment. Mek’Madius’s selfishness and Mek’Madius’s nine apprentices can still be heard
reckless abuse of power had transformed him into an chanting the words to the arcane ritual in an endless,
undead creature, permanently bound to the fragment, droning loop.
destined to experience his living death in utter isolation.
Powers Granted by the Fragment of the
Fragment of the Sun Phylactery Shard
Mek’Madius’s phylactery is not one he made by
Defensive Abilities: Immune fire, cold, Sun domain.
choice. Mek’Madius was reckless and utilized souls to
These defensive abilities replace the normal lich
engage his absorption spell, which in turn channeled
energy through his own soul. At the same time as he
completed his energy absorption, the Obelisk Order
Special Abilities
repelled the Sun Shard from impacting the planet,
Scorch Soul (Su): By making a ranged touch attack,
causing fragments to break off.
Mek’Madius sends out a ray of pure negative energy
dealing 1d8 +1 point of damage per 2 HD. This attack is

also treated as negative energy for the purpose of 2nd—blindness/deafness (DC 18), boiling blood (DC
healing. The range of this is 5 feet for every 2 HD. When 18), fiery shuriken, fire breath (2) (DC 18), mad
used, all living creatures with less than 1 HD, in a 10- hallucination (DC 18)
foot radius around Mek’Madius, turn to ash, which in 1st—protection from good (DC 17), burning hands (DC
turn heals him 1d8 hp for each creature slain. 17), obscuring mist, magic missile, mage armor, ray of
Burning Aura (Su): Mek’Madius is surrounded by a enfeeblement (DC 17)
constant aura of heat. This heat is so intense that small 0—(at will) ghost sound (DC 16), detect magic, mage
flammable objects will burst into flame. Creatures with hand, bleed (DC 16)
less than 5 HD in a 60-foot radius immediately burst
into flames taking 2d6 points of damage and must
succeed on a Fortitude save or become exhausted.
Creatures with at least 5 HD also take the 2d6 damage Str 10, Dex 12, Con -, Int 23, Wis 18, Cha 16
and must make the Fortitude save DC 20 or be fatigued Base Atk +7; CMB +7; CMD 24
for a number of rounds equal to the lich’s HD. A Feats Burning Spell, Combat Casting, Combat Reflexes
successful save negates the effects, but not the damage. (2AoO/round), Craft Staff, Craft Wand, Elemental Spell:
This ability can only be used during the daytime, and Fire, Empower Spell, Extend Spell, Improved Initiative,
replaces the fear aura of a lich. Scribe Scroll, Spell Bluff, Spell Penetration, Staff-Like
Skills Bluff +8, Diplomacy +8, Fly +9, Intimidate +20,
Destroying the Phylactery Knowledge (arcana) +24, Knowledge (engineering) +19,
The phylactery may be destroyed by bathing the Knowledge (geography) +19, Knowledge (history) +19,
fragment of the shard in the deepest shadows of a full Knowledge (local) +19, Knowledge (planes) +24,
solar eclipse of the sun for two minutes during the Knowledge (religion) +24, Linguistics +10, Perception
period of totality at a specially hallowed site. +25, Sense Motive +25, Spellcraft +24 Stealth +9
Languages Abyssal, Common, Daemonic, Draconic,
Mek’Madius CR17 Elven, Ignan, Infernal, Klavekian
SQ bonded object: staff of power (1/day) (Sp), burning
Male human (lich) wizard 15 aura (DC 20), hand of the apprentice (9/day) (Su),
LE Medium undead (augmented humanoid, human) metamagic mastery (4/day) (Su), rejuvenation (Su)
Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +25 Combat Gear staff of power; Other Gear ring of
Aura burning aura (60 ft., DC 20) protection +4, robe of the archmagi (black), elemental
gem (fire), elixir of fire breath
AC 27, touch 17, flat-footed 26 (+5 armor, +4 deflection, Special Abilities
+1 Dex, +5 natural, +2 luck) Bonded Object (Sp) staff of power (1/day) DC 20 +
hp 106 (15d6+45) spell level to cast spells without the bonded object. Once
Fort +10, Ref +8, Will +15 per day, Mek’Madius can cast any spell in his spellbook
Defensive Abilities channel resistance +4; DR for free.
15/bludgeoning and magic; Immune cold, fire, Sun Burning Aura (Su) Creatures with fewer than 5 HD in
domain, mind-affecting, polymorph; undead traits a 60-foot radius immediately burst into flames taking
2d6 points of damage and must succeed on a Fortitude
Offense save or become exhausted. Creatures with at least 5 HD
Speed 30 ft. also take the 2d6 damage and must make the Fortitude
Melee staff of power +9/+4 (1d6+2/x2) save DC 20 or be fatigued for 15 rounds. A successful
Ranged scorch soul 1d8+7 (range 35 ft.) save negates the effects, but not the damage. This ability
Special Attacks negative energy touch attack 1d8+7 can only be used during the daytime.
(DC 20) Scorch Soul (Su) By making a ranged touch attack,
Wizard Spells Known (CL 15, 7 melee touch, 8 Mek’Madius sends out a ray of pure negative energy, to
ranged touch) a range of 35 feet, dealing 1d8 +7 points of damage. This
8th—orb of the void (DC 24) attack is also treated as negative energy for the purpose
7th—delayed blast fireball (DC 23), finger of death (DC of healing. When used, all living creatures with less than
23) 1 HD, in a 10-foot radius around Mek’Madius, turn to
6th—dispel magic, greater, elemental body III, create ash, which in turn heals him 1d8 hp for each creature
undead (2) slain.
5th—elemental body II (2), cloudkill (2) (DC 21),
interposing hand
4th—stoneskin (DC 20), wall of fire (2), firefall (DC 20),
obsidian flow (DC 20)
3rd—hold person (DC 19), ray of exhaustion (2) (DC
19), fireball (2) (DC 19)

l e
Twenty Questions with Mark Gedak
By Steven D. Russell

1. Could you tell us a little about

I’m a 36 year old Canadian teacher, gamer and
independent publisher. I have been tangentially
involved with the gaming industry through playtesting
and minor hobbylancing with a handful of companies
from early in the 3.0 days. Since 2008, I have run the
Grand OGL Wiki and in August of 2010, I officially
launched Purple Duck Games as an independent

2. What is your home game like?

In my home game we are currently switching off
between a Kingmaker campaign that I GM and a Skull
and Shackles campaign that Perry Fehr has just
started. Both Perry and I are old school GMs, though I
tend to me a little more kitchen-sinky than he is at the
table. Top age at our table is 43 and the low end is 22. The Purple Mountain series is designed to be a classic
We have a few players that have been with us for years mega-dungeon. You know the kind...
and years and other players that are new to us and
Pathfinder. It doesn't have a grand plot or even a consistent
theme level to level. Instead, it has pathways to the
3. What is your favorite Paizo product? subterranean realms, prisons for elementals, ancient
My favorite Paizo product has to be Goblins of ruins, lost civilizations, legendary weapons,
Golarion. Paizo did an incredible job redeeming mysterious magic, mines, slave pits, elemental nodes,
goblins from staple cannon fodder to the realm of water-filled passages, mazes, trick doors, traps,
psychotic, arsonist muppets. We had an awesome haunted levels, classic monsters (ropers, trappers,
time with their Free RPG Day release “We Be Goblins” mimics, otyughs [especially otyughs], owlbears),
last year and Paizo has really made goblins a fun race dragons, monsters too big to have ever fit down those
to run as a GM or as a player. Overall, I have really hallways, and artifacts!
enjoyed all the Player’s Companion volumes that have
focused on the various races of Golarion. A classic mega-dungeon with everything wrong and
right about it!
4. You run Purple Duck Games, how did
that start and how would you characterize We have two issues of Purple Mountain already
your company today? released, a subscription available through gumroad,
Purple Duck Games was created as an offshoot of my two more that are through editing and another three
work with Stefen Styrsky on the Forgotten Foes with actively in development. I’m pretty excited to be
Tricky Owlbear Publishing. When Stefen and I helming this major adventure location and look
finished up our writing for Forgotten Foes, I proposed forward to all the challenges it presents us. It has also
an informal partnership with Stefen to continue to been great working with Kristian Richards of Crooked
develop material together under the Purple Duck Staff Publishing who has handled all our map needs.
Games banner. Over the first two years, Stefen and I
worked to establish our product lines and develop 6. What has been your best moment
material to support our campaigns. Times have developing this product so far?
changed and Stefen has had to back away from Purple We have had a ton of fun playtesting and tweaking the
Duck Games due to other commitments, but I modules to provide for a very challenging adventure
continue to expand the work of Purple Duck Games for our table and hopefully others.
with new writers and artists.
7. What do you feel is going to be the
5. What is the Purple Mountain and most ingenious part of that product?
could you tell us a little about it? I like the portability of Purple Mountain, each of the
Purple Mountain is a series of twenty adventures modules has goals and objectives for players to
written for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game with accomplish if they are not trying to solve the
each adventure keyed to a single character level. megadungeon as a whole. Each level works well as a
stand-alone dungeon, as well as part of a
megadungeon. We are trying to build twenty solid

adventures that are fun to play independently or
strung together without having to worry about too
much plot. There are lots of adventure paths and
many good ones; in fact, we are playing two such
paths right now.

8. What do you expect will be the most

challenging aspect of working on it?
The most challenging thing for this product is letting
go. When I started Purple Mountain, I intended it to
be my personal project, but based upon the demands
on my time for other projects, layout and
management of the company, it meant I needed to
share the Mountain with others. As we move forward,
I’m sure the next major challenge will be tacking
down a final release date for the final part of the
12. Who is your favorite designer of
9. What have you learned while working Pathfinder Roleplaying Game compatible
on its development so far? products?
Project management is a big part of my work on I have not been reading a lot of third party writers
Purple Mountain. When I started Purple Duck Games, lately as I’ve been too busy. If I had to pick from
I would write a product or Stefen would write a Paizo’s writers I would have to say I really like the
product and when it was done we would find the art sourcebook work of Amber E. Scott.
we would need, then take it through editing, layout
and it was a conveyer belt system that worked for a 13. What advice would you give to would-
small operation with a small product line base. As be-freelancers?
Purple Duck Games has grown larger and I work with My advice to would-be freelancers would be to make
multiple freelancers, I have to coordinate between sure you understand the specifics of the assignment,
multiple writers, my editors and artists, so that when I respond promptly to questions or email, do not exceed
have a book come in to me it can move to publication your word count, deliver a creative, clean product and
in a reasonable fashion and not get stuck in limbo or deliver the product on time. If a freelancer can do all
rushed into production. Learning to manage projects of those things, Purple Duck Games will continue to
is the most important thing that I have had to learn, find work for them.
so that everything gets that care and concern it
deserves so that we can release great products. 14. Who is your favorite illustrator?
Purple Duck Games has worked with a number of
10. Other than your own work or Purple illustrators in the two years that we have been in
Duck Games products, what is the best operation. Gary Dupuis and Tamas Baranya are both
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game compatible great illustrators we have used time and again. Both
product out there? are very professional to work with, both are very good
Sadly, as Purple Duck Games has gotten busier and at meeting deadlines and both do excellent work. Gary
busier, I’ve had far less time to read the work of other is currently locked away working on the art for the
publishers. That said, one product and line that is a Monsters Unleashed project (which is a spiritual
mainstay at our table is the Psionics Unleashed and successor to Forgotten Foes) and Tamas has done art
Psionics Expanded series by Dreamscarred Press. for almost all of the Legendary Treasures line. You can
Psionics have always been a mainstay of my see their work on my Pinterest boards.
Dungeons & Dragons games and I am very pleased
with updates and new material that the Dreamscarred http://pinterest.com/PurpleDuckGames/gary-
Press has created for the Pathfinder Roleplaying dupuis/
Game. http://pinterest.com/PurpleDuckGames/tamas-
11. What in your opinion makes a good
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game compatible 15. What has been your most memorable
product? fan responses to your work?
As a customer, I am looking for something that is Two of my favorite fan responses were first when one
crunchy or that introduces new concepts into the of my fans used Purple Mountain – Level One as the
system. For my campaigns, I am using the adventure starting module for his Tunnels and Trolls campaign
paths by Paizo, so I mostly look for bits that I can use (http://protectivepentagram.blogspot.ca/2011/12/aft
to add to my game as monsters, treasures and player er-reading-review-of-first-level-of.html). In the mind,
options. As a publisher, I look for interesting new I’m a strong crunch-writer and an average fluff-writer
mechanics and options that I can use to expand the so I found it flattering that someone would take the
scope of my Porphyra setting.

story as I’d written it and then jettison the crunchy have a clear, established style, I need go back and
bits to rewrite it for his preferred system. update a handful of old products to the current Purple
Duck style.
The second one was a googlechat message that
popped up one day on my computer as I was teaching 18. Can you talk a bit about your
that simply said. Legendary Series?
We have a couple of Legendary series under the
Customer: Two months later the Thursday group Purple Duck Games banner. The first and most
still keeps bringing up the Worm that Walks from successful of the series is the legendary magic items
Purple Mountain. :) series. There are six volumes in this series, three
dedicated to weapons, one to wondrous items, one to
16. Could you give us an exclusive hint or shields and one to armor. Each of the volumes
teaser about Gods of Porphyra? highlights a number of magic items, provides them
Many publishers have released very good books with with a history and link to the world of Porphyra as
great pantheons which I have enjoyed as a gamer. As a well as the requirements for the item to be attuned to
publisher, I was always less enthused because the character. Once attuned to a character, the item
invariably the gods, their histories and motivations naturally increases in power alongside the character
were designated as closed content meaning that I so that the magic item can be with them their entire
could not use their gods in my products. For a while, adventuring career, instead of merely until a +2
Purple Duck Games just went with a generic plan as weapon appears in the monster’s treasure hoard.
so many companies do and refer to other gods
obliquely such as the God of the Hunt and Community We also have a Legendary Races series that has three
or the Goddess of Valor even though we all secretly volumes for examining options to play mythic races
know those titles are being used to refer to someone such as cyclops, medusa and rakshasa as player
else’s work. characters. The smallest series is our single-issue
Legendary Classes where we are looking to expand on
In April of this year, I launched a search for writers to the available character classes for players. So far we
contribute to an open Pantheon. Gods of Porphyra is have the Rook by Thomas Baumbach, but David
the result of the hard work of over a dozen writers Nicholas Ross is working on another project that
who stepped up to help us create a twenty-seven god should fit into this line as well.
pantheon that can be used as open game content in
our products and the products of any other publisher 19. Do you only publish Pathfinder
that wishes to use them. I’m doing initial layout on Roleplaying Game compatible products?
Gods of Porphyra now and expect it to be out in early In addition to our Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
June. compatible products we also have an ever growing
range of stock art available from among the art we
17. Do you have any goals as a game have procured for our products and we have recently
designer that you have yet to obtain or relaunched the Heroic Moments line of superheroic
overcome? supplements for the 4C system that were originally
I have two goals that I never seem to make any published by Highmoon Games. We have a few OSR-
headway on as they often get sidelined by other type products in development but they are currently
demands. First, I need learn to be more present on the in the hands of freelancers so until I have the products
boards. I am generally introverted and not good at for editing I’m reluctant to mention them.
promoting myself at all. Being the public face of
Purple Duck Games is not something that comes 20. Is there anything else that folks should
naturally to me and it is something that I need to work know about you and/or your work?
on. I feel that most industry people with whom I have We are always looking for writers. Freelancers looking
worked find me honest, helpful and trustworthy, but to write for Purple Duck Games should contact me at
those are one-on-one relationships and I tend to [email protected].
freeze up as I approach forums. I also need to update
my blog more regularly.

Second, I have a few products in my back catalog that

are hideous things that I released way back before I
had even the remotest sense of layout. Now that I

Scions of Evil
By Raging Swan Press
Review by Thilo “Endzeitgeist” Graf
5 out of 5 Stars!

This pdf is 201 pages, 1 page Brethren of the Crimson Altar: 5

front cover, 1 page stars + Seal of Approval (A cabal
advertisement, 3 pages of of vampires)
editorial/author bios, 2 pages Bandits of the Rampant Horror:
of ToC/foreword, 3 pages of 5 stars + Seal of Approval (Twist
statblocks by CR, 1 page SRD, 1 on the Camelot myth - Spriggan
page back cover, leaving 189 knights, baby!)
pages of content, so what Antipaladins: 5 stars
exactly do we get here?
It should be noted that web-
Raging Swan Press has released enhancements like smuggling
a whole bunch of great tactics for Kai's Scoundrels as
adversary-pdfs and this pdf well as gear and the like have
collects them for a total of 135 been included in this collection
statblocks, for the first time in and that the new content is
print. Let that sink in. Better AWESOME.
yet, almost all of them get the
"Raging Swan NPC"-treatment,
i.e. they come with hooks,
mannerisms, distinguishing Editing and formatting are top-
features etc. notch - I noticed no glitches that
jumped to my immediate
The pdf kicks off with the attention - quite a feat at this
general minions collected from length. Layout adheres to a 2-
the pdfs, including gargoyle column b/w-standard and some
scouts and ghast hordelings and even unique new pieces of b/w-artworks are mixed with the ones
creatures like an invisible stalker rogue, a quasit rogue you may already know from the individual pdfs. The
or a master spy. compilation comes with extensive, nested bookmarks
and a screen version as well as one optimized for
The very first villain presented makes already one being printed. Take a look at those ratings.
thing clear to astute readers - this pdf not only collects
the individual pdfs - it also includes new content, for Then let me assure you that the new pieces of content,
the first foe is called "A Memory of Allwinter" and is were they collected in a single pdf, would probably
essentially a demi-lich remnant of a prehistoric age - score 5 stars and perhaps even the seal of approval.
with the ice-age wiping out this ancient people and its Then, take a good look at the price. 14 bucks. For
gods, the souls bereft of an afterlife coalesced into this almost 200 pages of expertly done villains and
new form. Now if that is not a cool and original take characters, for 135 statblocks. That's probably a bang-
on the demi-lich, I don't know what is. And he's not to-buck ratio that will be hard to beat indeed. While
the only one: There's for example a vampire balor no collated statblock-pdf for the Raging Swan
fighter with a cadre of graveknight antipaladin statblock library is provided, at this ratio, I'm not
mariliths... The quality of the new NPCs herein is going to complain about it. If you've been on the fence
beyond reproach. about the pdfs, get this. If you want dead tree, get this.
And if you just want to see the new creatures, I'd also
So, what about the components pdfs? I'll give you the recommend this. If you already own all component
run-down of the individual reviews I've done for pdfs, though, you have to weigh whether the 20 new
them: villains and the new minions herein as well as having
Villains I: 4 stars them all collected in one massive book/pdf will be
Villains II: 5 stars + Seal of Approval worth it. On its own merit, this compilation can be
Villains III: 4.5 stars considered a dark gem that will have many a GM out
Thanegar's Horde: 4.5 stars (A disillusioned goblinoid there cackle with glee. Since the new villains often
horde) deliver rather complex statblocks and cool ideas, I'll
Kai's Scoundrels: 4 stars (A team of smugglers with settle for a final verdict of 5 stars + Endzeitgeist seal
internal struggles) of approval. If you haven't checked out what Raging
Fellowship of the Blackened Oak: 4.5 stars Swan as to offer, get this selection of vileness!
(Evil/neutral nature-themed adventurers serving a
dragon) Endzeitgeist out.

Way of the Samurai
By Rite Publishing
Review of Thilo “Endzeitgeist” Graf
5 out of 5 Stars!

This pdf is 52 pages long, 1 page front cover, 1 page ridding the world of the supernatural blights that
editorial, 1 page ToC, 1 page SRD, 1 page plague it, while the Yabusame can issue far challenges
advertisement, 1 page back cover, leaving a total of 46
pages of content for this faction guide, so let's check it

The samurai-class by Paizo has not gotten any love by

3pps so far - this pdf tries to remedy that. Kaidan, the
Japanese-horror-setting by Rite Publishing serves as a
backdrop, but the crunch in here and its fluff is
generic enough to make the pdf usable for just about
any Asian-themed setting. In the tradition of the
books by RiP, the pdf kicks off with an aptly-written
in-character prose that details the samurai and
REALLY helps Western minds wrap their head
around the concepts of Bushido and a Samurai's
codex and mindset - a section Ultimate Combat had
heretofore painfully neglected. If you want to play a
samurai, this section can essentially be considered a
must-read. Clichés on when Seppuku is appropriate,
the virtues etc. are addressed, explained and made
clear - commendable!

And then there's honor - quintessential for a Samurai,

this pdf provides an easily inserted into a running
game, simple mechanic for tracking the honor of
individual characters - in upcoming releases e.g.
legendary weapons will be influenced by this and
general social repercussions for honor-scores and the
interaction with people are covered.
and make it possible to play an archery-focused
After that, we delve into the crunch of the book - 9 samurai-class.
new, balanced samurai traits are provided and then
there are introduced to the new archetypes: That's not where the pdf stops, though: We also get
The Tanegashima is a musket-using gunslinger that new samurai orders: The order of the Shogun gains
gains two new deeds and can deliver devastating challenges that help allies, a steady mind and even
volleys at higher levels, but is regarded with suspicion negate one critical hit per day. The order of the Tajiya,
in the conservative culture. Paladins may now opt to much like the archetype, focuses on purging the
become Yamabushi - divine, ascetic foes of the undead unclean from the land while the Order of the undying
that can bond with Yomi or Kami to either improve emperor features dark masters of courtly intrigue. It
his weapon or call an outsider ally to his help. The should be noted that the orders all come with their
swift Yojinbo (Ranger archetype) becomes a quite edicts.
hardy foe that replaces hunter's bond with the ability
to bond with a weapon or mount and selects enemy The most complex of the archetypes can almost
clans instead of favored enemy, the solitary warriors considered to be an alternate class of its own - The
make for a neat, complex archetype that also features Onmyoji wizard uses origmais that go up in flames
a new combat style. The next archetypes are all for the when the spells on them are cast and also get
samurai-class - the Kuge can be considered an shikigami familiars that come with full coverage - they
aristocratic samurai that excels not only in the field of essentially are oni-like goblins. I really liked the
battle, but also at court and gains improved evocative and iconic flair of this archetype in
leadership capabilities. The Nitōjutsu Sensei is no particular, though I would have loved to see an
doubt influenced by the legendary Miyamoto Musashi alternate version with rules-synergy with Sutra Magic
and lets a samurai fight with two swords, but be from the HotJO-setting.
frowned upon by society and thus lose his/her order
for the art of the blade. The Tajiya are devoted to There are also two PrCs: The Bugyo (10 levels, d10,
4+Int skills, full BAB, medium will-save) is a samurai
with significant official authority, massive social low- and high fantasy, this pdf is a must-buy for
graces and competence with tactical finesse, making anyone even remotely intrigued by samurais -
this a valid choice to depict a sophisticated authority especially due to the excellent bang-for-buck-ratio: 46
figure. The Mosa (10 levels, d10, 2+Int skills per level,
full BAB, medium fort-save)on the other hand is
essentially a martial tank with stalwart defense and
gaining progressively better DR who also gets limited
access to challenges and samurai-style abilities
without being necessarily of the class.

6 new feats are also part of the deal, including

improved riding skills while armored, advantages
gained by honor and one that grants you a +2 bonus
on iterative attacks, making the lower level attacks of
fighting classes slightly less useless.

The next section is a godsend for DMs - essentially a

toolkit on how to design your own samurai-clan -
crests (sample images provided), naming conventions,
stats (similar to how community statblocks work), a
solid selection of qualities for the clans and daimyos
as well as several sample clans are provided.

The village of Kawashi (with a gorgeous full-color

map) is given as an example town to house the sample
Taketsune-clan and comes not only with sample
statblocks and a gazetteer-like section for the
community, but also for the clan, 6 sample NPCs and
hooks to spawn adventures and intrigue from the get-
go. This section also contains 2 sample magical items
- a katana and a kabuto helmet with a rather sinister

The pdf closes with stats for the Shikigami as a

creature and as a familiar and a glossary of terms.

Editing and formatting are very good, though I
noticed some very minor glitches here and there -
minor changes in font-size and the like - nothing
impeding my enjoyment of the pdf. Layout adheres to
the bamboo-covered two-column standard and comes
with fitting full-color illustrations in the traditional
Japanese style. The cartography of the sample village
is awesome, though I would have loved a key-less,
player-friendly version. The pdf comes with no
printer-friendly b/w-version, but printing it in grey-
scale does not take a big toll on ink/toner. The pdf
comes with extensive bookmarks.After "Way of the
Yakuza", a good, though not absolutely stellar book, I
was rather skeptical on this one. Was my skepticism
well founded? I'll come out and say it: Jonathan
McAnulty, Will Cardell and Michael K. Tumey have pages for 5 bucks make this not only a great pdf, but a
created THE definite sourcebook for the samurai, not steal as well. Final verdict? 5 stars, Endzeitgeist seal of
only in the Kaidan-setting, but for EVERY Asian- approval. Check this out!
themed setting for PFRPG. This book takes an up to
now neglected class and gives it the polish, love and Endzeitgeist out.
options it needs - mechanically sound, well-written,
concise and flavorful in design and suitable for both

Power Word Spells: Lore of the First Language
By Super Genius Games
Review by Joshua “KTFish7” Gullion
5 out of 5 Stars!

With a weight of 15 pages (cover and OGL eating two

of those) this PDF starts us out with an absolutely
gorgeous cover piece of art from Lin Bo. The
iconography of this cover piece definitely convey the
sense of ancient secrets of power. Internally, the
artwork is B&W, with pieces ranging from good to OK.
This PDF continues a new look from the SGG camp
for layout, going with a full page cover and dual
column with embedded artwork formatting approach.
Editing and spelling both appeared to be excellent,
nothing really jumped out and caught my attention.

Building an entirely new game mechanic, and form of

magic, from three spells essentially would be daunting
to say the least. It's not like there was truly a lot there
to establish a ground work to build on, nothing
established and accepted anyway. And yet, that's
exactly what has been done here, and done in a
logical, clear and understandable manner. The flow of
thought behind the choices make sense, utilizing what
could easily have been a game unbalancing element
with an impressive precision, a more scalpel approach
as opposed to the sword. What we end up with is
essentially the first spoken language holding within
the sound of the words the power of perfection, in that
these are the terms that originally defined the
universe, and all within it, before the many races and
beings diluted the language down into their own
tongues. An entire language that reverberated with personally am hoping to see a Bullet Point at least
power through those who spoke it. As time marched giving us a few more. Bards, the Magus, Sorcerers,
on this language lost a great deal of its inner power Wizards, and Witches all see new spells added to their
due to it no longer being the pinnacle of definition for lists with this set, with a great deal of overlap
reality, but it still operates perfectly as a form of (obviously). Not wanting to go through the entire list
channeling mystic powers into a clear and precise and ruin the book for you, we'll pick out a few choice
singular thought. samples, such as Power Word Mute, Frighten,
Combust, Inspire and Bleed. The mechanics for each
Introducing 7 new feats all tied to the concept of operate as the original three, targeting a specific range
learning and exploring more of the First Language, we determined by the targets current hp total at the
are given: casting of the spell. And yes, we now have Power
First Language Syntax - increasing the hp categories Word options all the way down to level 1 spells, with
of your power words by a percentage, and a Greater Dazzle, Fascinate and Hesitate. Spells are presented in
variety of same feat. standard class listings followed by full definitions.
Heighten Power Word - increase the effective level of Contained within the spell descriptions is a ¾ page
your Power Word spells, thereby increasing the hp discussion on the issue of balance, and what had to be
maximums. considered and weighed with the design of these
Lore of the First Language – read magic at will as well spells, as the issue of balancing a body of spells with
as communicate in any language. no saves is a concern, and done wrong, could destroy
Master of the First Language – Swap prepared spells a game. I'll tell you this much, the argument put forth
for power word spellslingers within this discussion makes some very good points
Speaker of the First Language – power word spell as a that put the power word spells in a different light by
spell like ability comparing them to the spells they share levels with,
Split Word – two targets with one power word spell, and the circumstances under which they must be used
splitting the effect between them. or simply not have the desired effects.

What book on a new avenue of magic to explore would Finishing out with a new treat for clerical types, the
be complete without new spells, Owen was kind Logos Domain draws upon the primal power of the
enough to give us 20 within this collection, and I First Language, with a domain spell list taken from
the collection of twenty new spells. Along with the
spell list, Logos followers receive three domain powers
(based upon level) such as bonus languages from
Wisdom as well as Intelligence, with no limit on
languages to choose from. Voice of Power allows for a
swift action casting of a power word spell, and Power
Word Command – acting as a the command spell. It
should be noted that only through this domain do
clerical types have any access to these additional
power word spells.

Final thoughts, this is the type of book I love to see

design wise. Taking something small, but iconic, from
the accepted collective that we all know and have fond
memories of utilizing and being victimized by
throughout the years, and expanding it to allow for so
much more. The idea of specialists comes to mind
instantly, and I can only hope the Geniuses are
contemplating along those very same lines (if not
someone else...hint..hint). Is there potential for mass
abuse and game breaking mechanics? Sure. There was
in Ultimate Combat and the APG also. Any playgroup
can tear down the system if you let them, which is why
it is up to a GM to control the flow of new material,
and take the initiative to introduce ideas properly.
This is one of those ideas that is worth that
introduction, as there are some truly cool ideas
contained within the simplicity of the power words.
And besides, who doesn't want to field a spell chucker
with an arsenal of power that requires not but one
word to unleash?

Final rating can be no less than a 5 for this, as my only

complaint is that I want more. An archetype, more
spells, perhaps even a bloodline...there is so much
here to work with.

Faces of the Tarnished Souk:
Po'Kesteros, the Lostling
by Rite Publishing
Review by Joshua “KTFish7” Gullion
5 out of 5 Stars!

Po'Kesteros, the latest offering in the Faces of the

Tarnished Souk line shows just what can truly be done
with the excellent Luckbringer class, in a very well
executed manner. Following the standard Rite format
of the dual column with embedded artwork (all B&W
with two of the pieces being close up details taken
from the excellent cover piece from Kimagu, and one
being the cover piece from the second book in the
Luckbringer series – 10 Luckbringer Feats.
Editing/Spelling all looked good, and I found no
stumbling blocks to interrupt the flow of reading or
understanding, which is always a good thing. After
OGL, credits and the rest, we are left with a solid 11
pages of material covering Po'Kesteros and a sampling
of templates (along with a few example creatures).
The Pdf also comes fully bookmarked, which always
pleases me.

So who is Po'Kesteros? Well, he's Peter Pan, all grown

up...with a blood lust. Stolen by dark fey as a babe,
this half elven fey grew up in a world unlike the one he
was intended to, developing a specific set of talents character, both in personality and crunch, we are
designed to not only allow him to survive such an presented with templates (and variant crunch for
upbringing, but to make him a very, very dangerous Po'Kesteros if you wish to use the templates on him)
man to be near. He chooses to focus on what is in such as the Fey Creature, Adaptable Creature,
front of him, living in the here and now, rather than Preternatural and Trickster Creatures. And yes,
placing any value or faith in what the future may there's still more.
bring, knowing full well how quickly all one knows can
be taken, and how uncertain tomorrow truly is. How about three new Feats, two for the Luckbringer
class (Improved Narrow Escape: negates need to
Presented with three separate CR ratings, giving you a spend a moment of chance to use Narraw Escape, and
range of variables to utilize as to which Po'Kesteros Motion of the Moirai: as long as you have a moment of
you wish to unleash upon your playgroup, we are chance in your pool, fateful footing's speed rate
given write-ups for a CR 7, 15 & a 20. With the CR7 we benefit is continuous, and the negative effects are
are also given the reason behind the name, as he permanent.) And, for those other classes out there,
starts his journey as Poor Kesteros, the Boy the Fairies how about Shadow Strike, allowing for precision
took, shortening it later in life to Po'Kesteros. damage against targets with concealment. For Traits
Amongst his abilities are the Formula Book for his we have Dream-Scarred: having suffered an extreme
sole level alchemist level, and the Enhanced NPC trauma, you now cling to the faintest of memory of
ability (which if you are unfamiliar with, grants him a lost Hope, and are never without Dreams. Or, if that
25 point buy, PC level wealth, 2 traits, and increases isn't up your alley for trait choices, how's Suspicious?
his CR by +1. From there we get into the wonderful At a tender age you came to learn that someone you
world of the Luckbringer as far as the rest of his trusted has played you for a fool and lied or mislead
amazingly useful abilities, which is one of those you, causing you to trust no one and question
moments where this PDF could have hit a snag, but I everything.
gladly get to report that the designers were thinking
ahead, and presented here the crunch one would need The Ta Mo Dagger (a pair of nested daggers forming a
to utilize all of Po'Kesteros' Luckbringer Class small baton) and Elven Long Knife would be the two
abilities. I still recommend if you have not picked up pieces of standard equipment introduced, both of
the Luckbringer class book, to do so, as reading the them small, light bladed weapons. A new weapon
crunch for a few class abilities will not fully give you enhancement, Dream Shattering: does exactly what
the feel and vibe of a class, and the book is flat out you might think....it destroys the Goals, Aspirations
worth it regardless. and Dreams of those it successfully hits with a critical.
Very wicked weapon enhancement for the Coliseum
Now, on top of the solid design that has gone into this Morpheum setting to say the least. The remaining new
goodies would be a handful of new magic items, such
as the Beast Chaplet: allowing one to transform their
head into a feral form, gaining a bite attack. Gauntlets
of Blood: are vicious spiked gauntlets with a thirst of
their own, causing not only crit multiplied damage on
confirmed criticals, but additional bleed damage as
well. Swift End: OK, this one actually stopped me
when I got to the end of its description....starts out
looking like a good blade, got a bonus, a few nice
enhancements (keen, speed) but then you get to what
it does on a confirmed critical against a favored
enemy....I will never let my Ranger PC at my table
near this thing, lol. He rolls way to many criticals...lol.
The weapon unleashes a harm (as per the spell) effect
upon succeeding on a crit roll, adding serious injury to
the damage you just did. And Viper's Kisses: ta mo
daggers formed of the fangs of an immense serpent,
these blades subject a victim to a poison (as per the
spell) effect if they both hit a victim within the same

So, final thoughts on the latest Tarnished Face....he's

creepy, and that's a good thing, to say the least. He
truly did have me thinking, looking at his art, and
reading his background, what if Pan had been taken
by a darker fey, how very different that particular Lost
Boy would have been. My players are no where near
ready level wise to be going anywhere near the
Coliseum, and I fear for their sakes that means
Po'Kesteros will have to come to them, as this is one
NPC that demands time at a game table. I love the
story that defines him, the artwork that captures him,
and the solid usage of the Luckbringer class to truly
build a solid challenge for a playgroup that will not
only endanger them, but frustrate them immensely.

A solid 5 star, with a bonus star stuck up there right

beside, making this one a 6!

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