Problem List 1. Acute Pain 2. Nutrition Less Than Body Requirements 3. Impaired Physical Mobility 4. Impaired Skin Integrity 5. Disturbed Body Image
Problem List 1. Acute Pain 2. Nutrition Less Than Body Requirements 3. Impaired Physical Mobility 4. Impaired Skin Integrity 5. Disturbed Body Image
Problem List 1. Acute Pain 2. Nutrition Less Than Body Requirements 3. Impaired Physical Mobility 4. Impaired Skin Integrity 5. Disturbed Body Image
1. Acute Pain
2. Nutrition less than body requirements
3. Impaired Physical Mobility
4. Impaired Skin integrity
5. Disturbed Body Image
Acute Pain After 1 hour of Assess severity location and intensity Favorable in determining pain Goal partially
related to nursing of pain(scale of 0–10). Note management needs and met. After
inflammatory intervention, precipitating factors and nonverbal pain effectiveness of the program. an hour of
process client will be cues. nursing
and able to verbalize intervention,
destruction pain is relieved client
of from 8/10 Recommend or provide a firm mattress Soft and sagging mattress, large verbalized pain
the to2/10. or bedboard, small pillow. Elevate pillows prevent maintenance of was controlled
joint.Rational linens with bed cradle as needed. proper body alignment, placing with pain scale
e: Joint pain After 1 hours of health stress on affected joints. of 5/10.After
is due to teaching clientwill be Elevation of bed linens reduces 3 hoursof
prostaglandin able to:Identify 5 pain pressure on inflamed or painful health
release, management joints teaching, client
edema, and techniques such as, was able to
synovial guided- identify 5
inflammation imagery,controlled outof 5 pain
and breathing,progressive Suggest patient assume a position of Rests painful joints and managemen
destruction relaxation, and comfort while in bed or sitting in a maintains a neutral position. t techniques.
visualization. Perform chair. Promote bedrest as indicated. Note: Use of splints can Client was able
through return Place and monitor use of pillows, decrease pain and may to perform
demonstration sandbags and splints, reduce damage to joint; 3out of 5 pain
the 5 pain management however, prolonged managemen
techniques for inactivity can result in loss of t techniques.
lifetime use.
joint mobility and function.
Recommend that patient take a warm promotes muscle relaxation
bath or shower upon arising or at and mobility, decreases pain,
bedtime. Apply warm, moist and relieves morning
compresses to affected joints several stiffness. Sensitivity to heat
times a day. Monitor water temperature
of compress, baths. may be diminished and
dermal injury may occur.
Refocuses attention,
Involve in diversional activities
provides stimulation and
appropriate for individual situation.
enhances self-esteem and
feelings of general well-
Discuss and
Helps prevent
provide safety
needs such as
injuries and
raised chairs and
toilet seat, use of
handrails in the
tub, shower and
toilet, proper use
of mobility aids
and wheelchair
Reposition Relieves
frequently using pressure on
adequate tissues and
personnel. promotes
Demonstrate and circulation.
assist with Facilitates self-
transfer care and
techniques and patient’s
use of mobility independence.
aids such as a Proper transfer
walker. techniques
abrasions of
the skin.
Position with
Promotes joint
(reducing risk
trochanter roll.
of injury) and
Provide joint
support with
proper joint
position and
Suggest using a contractures.
small or thin
pillow under the Prevents
neck. flexion of the
Provide foam or
alternating Decreases
pressure pressure on
mattress. fragile tissues
to reduce risks
of immobility
of decubitus.
Self-narrowed focus
Distraction behaviors/autonomic responses
Guarding/protective behavior
Desired Outcomes
Suggest patient assume a position of comfort while In severe disease or acute exacerbation, total bedrest may be
in bed or sitting in a chair. Promote bedrest as necessary (until objective and subjective improvements are
indicated. noted) to limit pain or injury to joint.
Recommend that patient take a warm bath or shower Heat promotes muscle relaxation and mobility, decreases
upon arising or at bedtime. Apply warm, moist pain, and relieves morning stiffness. Sensitivity to heat may
Nursing Interventions Rationale