River Pro

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P/N 95B-6097-00 (October 2017)

© 2017 Teledyne RD Instruments, Inc. All rights reserved.

Information included herein is controlled by the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) and may
require an export license, license exception or other approval from the appropriate U.S. Government
agency before being exported from the United States or provided to any foreign person. Diversion
contrary to U.S. law is prohibited.
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EAR-Controlled Technology Subject to Restrictions Contained on the Cover Page.

CHAPTER 1 - AT A GLANCE ...................................................................................................................................1

RiverPro/RioPro Inventory ........................................................................................................................... 2
RiverPro Overview ....................................................................................................................................... 3
RioPro Overview........................................................................................................................................... 4
Boat Overview .............................................................................................................................................. 5
Computer Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 5
Power Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 6
Auto-Adaptive Water Profiling Mode .......................................................................................................... 6
RiverPro/RioPro Options ...................................................................................................................... 6
Setting up the RiverPro/RioPro System ....................................................................................................... 8
Bluetooth Connection .......................................................................................................................... 8
Serial Connection ................................................................................................................................. 11
Connecting to the RiverPro/RioPro ................................................................................................ 12
Changing the Baud Rate in the ADCPs ........................................................................................... 14
RiverPro/RioPro Recorder ............................................................................................................................ 15
Enabling the Loop Recorder ................................................................................................................. 15
Recovering Data from the Loop Recorder ............................................................................................ 15
Erasing Data from the Loop Recorder .................................................................................................. 16
Caring for the RiverPro/RioPro System ........................................................................................................ 17
General Handling Guidelines ................................................................................................................ 17
Assembly Guidelines ............................................................................................................................ 17
Deployment Guidelines ........................................................................................................................ 17
CHAPTER 2 - INSTALLATION ..................................................................................................................................19
Attaching the Boat Mounting Plate.............................................................................................................. 20
Boat Assembly .............................................................................................................................................. 21
Boat Battery Connection .............................................................................................................................. 22
I/O Cable and Dummy Plug .......................................................................................................................... 23
Using the Cable Clips ............................................................................................................................ 24
Routing Cables...................................................................................................................................... 25
Cable Wiring Diagram .................................................................................................................................. 26
Mounting the Instrument ............................................................................................................................ 27
Over-the-Side Mounting ...................................................................................................................... 28
In-Hull Mounting .................................................................................................................................. 29
CHAPTER 3 – COLLECTING DATA ............................................................................................................................31
RiverPro/RioPro Operation Overview .......................................................................................................... 32
Glossary ................................................................................................................................................ 33
Prepare for Discharge Measurement ................................................................................................... 33
Measurement Wizard .................................................................................................................... 34
Run Built-In Tests ........................................................................................................................... 34
Compass Calibration ...................................................................................................................... 34
Moving Bed Test ............................................................................................................................ 34
Locating the Start and Stop Positions................................................................................................... 35
Discharge Measurement .............................................................................................................................. 35
Moving Boat Discharge Measurement ................................................................................................. 35
Stationary Discharge Measurement ..................................................................................................... 36
CHAPTER 4 - MAINTENANCE .................................................................................................................................37
Parts Location Drawings ............................................................................................................................... 38
Maintenance Schedule ................................................................................................................................. 40
Calibration Items .................................................................................................................................. 40
Maintenance Items .............................................................................................................................. 40
Periodic Maintenance Items ........................................................................................................................ 41
I/O Cable Connector Lubrication .......................................................................................................... 41

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EAR-Controlled Technology Subject to Restrictions Contained on the Cover Page.
Cleaning the I/O Cable Connectors ...................................................................................................... 42
Cleaning the Temperature Sensor Cover ............................................................................................. 42
Removing Biofouling ............................................................................................................................ 42
Final Storage or Shipping Preparation .................................................................................................. 43
Calibrating the Compass....................................................................................................................... 43
Calibrating the Compass with WinRiver II ...................................................................................... 43
Yearly Maintenance Items ........................................................................................................................... 45
Maintenance Kit ................................................................................................................................... 45
End-Cap Removal Procedures .............................................................................................................. 49
Transducer Head Assembly Removal ................................................................................................... 49
RiverPro/RioPro Re-assembly ...................................................................................................................... 50
Desiccant Bags...................................................................................................................................... 50
O-ring Inspection and Replacement ..................................................................................................... 51
Transducer Head Assembly Replacement ............................................................................................ 52
End-cap Replacement .......................................................................................................................... 53
CHAPTER 5 – TESTING THE RIVERPRO/RIOPRO .........................................................................................................55
Testing the System using WinRiver II ........................................................................................................... 56
Testing the System with SxS Pro .................................................................................................................. 57
Testing the System with BBTalk ................................................................................................................... 57
Test Results .................................................................................................................................................. 58
Display System Parameters .................................................................................................................. 58
Instrument Transformation Matrix ...................................................................................................... 58
Pre-deployment Test ............................................................................................................................ 59
Display Heading, Pitch, Roll, and Voltage ............................................................................................. 59
CHAPTER 6 - TROUBLESHOOTING ...........................................................................................................................61
System Status and LED Behavior .................................................................................................................. 62
Fuse Replacement ........................................................................................................................................ 63
Boat Wiring Diagram .................................................................................................................................... 64
CHAPTER 7 - RETURNING SYSTEMS TO TRDI FOR SERVICE ............................................................................................65
Shipping the RiverPro/RioPro....................................................................................................................... 66
Returning Systems to the TRDI Factory........................................................................................................ 67
Returning Systems to TRDI Europe Factory.................................................................................................. 68
CHAPTER 8 - SPECIFICATIONS ................................................................................................................................71
Outline Installation Drawing ........................................................................................................................ 74
CHAPTER 9 - COMMANDS ....................................................................................................................................77
Data Communication and Command Format .............................................................................................. 78
Command Input Processing ................................................................................................................. 78
Data Output Processing........................................................................................................................ 79
Firmware Updates ........................................................................................................................................ 79
Feature Upgrades ......................................................................................................................................... 80
Command Summary..................................................................................................................................... 81
Command Descriptions ................................................................................................................................ 84
? – Help Menus .............................................................................................................................. 84
Break .............................................................................................................................................. 85
OL – Display Feature List ................................................................................................................ 86
Y – Display Banner ......................................................................................................................... 86
Bottom Track Commands............................................................................................................................. 87
Available Bottom Track Commands ..................................................................................................... 87
Bottom Track Command Descriptions ................................................................................................. 87
BP – Number of BT Pings ............................................................................................................... 87
BX – Maximum Tracking Depth ...................................................................................................... 88
Control System Commands .......................................................................................................................... 89
Available Control System Commands .................................................................................................. 89
Control System Command Descriptions ............................................................................................... 89

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EAR-Controlled Technology Subject to Restrictions Contained on the Cover Page.
CA – Communication Timeout ....................................................................................................... 89
CB – Serial Port Control .................................................................................................................. 90
CF – Set Control Flags..................................................................................................................... 91
CK – Save Command Parameters to Flash ..................................................................................... 92
CR – Restore Command Defaults ................................................................................................... 92
CS – Start Pinging (Go) ................................................................................................................... 93
CState – Pinging State Query ......................................................................................................... 93
CStop – Stop Pinging ...................................................................................................................... 93
CT – Turnkey Mode ........................................................................................................................ 93
CW – Output the Last Stored Ensemble ......................................................................................... 94
CZ – Put the system to sleep .......................................................................................................... 94
Environmental Commands ........................................................................................................................... 95
Available Environmental Commands ................................................................................................... 95
Environmental Command Descriptions ................................................................................................ 95
EA – Heading Alignment ................................................................................................................ 95
EB – Heading Bias ........................................................................................................................... 96
EC – Speed of Sound ...................................................................................................................... 96
ED – Depth of Transducer .............................................................................................................. 97
EH – Heading .................................................................................................................................. 97
EP – Pitch (Tilt 1) ............................................................................................................................ 98
ER – Roll (Tilt 2) .............................................................................................................................. 98
ES – Salinity .................................................................................................................................... 98
ET – Temperature .......................................................................................................................... 99
EU – System Orientation ................................................................................................................ 99
EX – Coordinate Transformation .................................................................................................... 100
EZ – Sensor Source ......................................................................................................................... 103
Recorder Commands .................................................................................................................................... 104
Available Recorder Commands ............................................................................................................ 104
Recorder Command Descriptions......................................................................................................... 104
ME – Erase Recorder ...................................................................................................................... 104
MM – Show Memory Usage .......................................................................................................... 105
MN – Set File Name ....................................................................................................................... 105
MR – Set Recorder On/Off ............................................................................................................. 105
MQ – Streaming Download ............................................................................................................ 106
MY – Y-Modem output .................................................................................................................. 106
Performance and Testing Commands .......................................................................................................... 107
Available Performance and Testing Commands ................................................................................... 107
Performance and Testing Command Descriptions ............................................................................... 107
PA – Run Go/No-Go Tests .............................................................................................................. 107
PC – User Interactive Built-In Tests ................................................................................................ 108
PD – Set Output Format ................................................................................................................. 110
PS – Display System Parameters .................................................................................................... 110
PT – Built-In Tests........................................................................................................................... 111
PF – Results from most recent PA tests ......................................................................................... 115
Sensor Control Commands........................................................................................................................... 116
Available Sensor Control Commands ................................................................................................... 116
Compass Command Descriptions ......................................................................................................... 116
SA – Compass Cal ........................................................................................................................... 116
SF – External NMEA Menu ............................................................................................................. 117
SI – Internal NMEA Menu .............................................................................................................. 119
SZ – Sensors Installed ..................................................................................................................... 119
Timing Commands ....................................................................................................................................... 120
Available Timing Commands ................................................................................................................ 120
Timing Command Descriptions ............................................................................................................ 120
TE – Time Per Ensemble ................................................................................................................. 120
TF – Time of First Ping .................................................................................................................... 121
TP – Time Between Pings ............................................................................................................... 121

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EAR-Controlled Technology Subject to Restrictions Contained on the Cover Page.
TS – Set Real-Time Clock ................................................................................................................ 122
Vertical Beam Range Commands ................................................................................................................. 123
Standard Vertical Beam Range Commands .......................................................................................... 123
VG – Depth Guess .......................................................................................................................... 123
VP – Number of Vertical Beam Pings ............................................................................................. 123
Water Profiling Commands .......................................................................................................................... 124
Standard Water Profiling Commands ................................................................................................... 124
WC – Correlation Threshold ........................................................................................................... 125
WD – Data Out ............................................................................................................................... 125
WF – Blank after Transmit ............................................................................................................. 126
WM – Water Profiling Mode .......................................................................................................... 126
WN – Number of Bins .................................................................................................................... 126
WO – Number of SubPings............................................................................................................. 127
WP – Number of Pings ................................................................................................................... 127
WS – Bin Size .................................................................................................................................. 127
WV – Ambiguity Velocity ............................................................................................................... 128
Vertical Beam Profile Commands................................................................................................................. 129
Standard Vertical Beam Profile Commands ......................................................................................... 129
ZB – Vertical Beam Bandwidth ....................................................................................................... 129
ZC – Vertical Beam Correlation Threshold ..................................................................................... 129
ZD – Vertical Beam Data Out ......................................................................................................... 130
ZF – Vertical Beam Blanking Distance ............................................................................................ 130
ZG – Vertical Beam Gain ................................................................................................................ 131
ZM – Vertical Beam Profile Mode .................................................................................................. 131
ZN – Vertical Beam Number of Bins ............................................................................................... 132
ZO – Vertical Beam Number of Mode-12 Subpings ....................................................................... 132
ZP – Vertical Beam Number of Pings.............................................................................................. 132
ZS – Vertical Beam Bin Size ............................................................................................................ 133
ZV – Vertical Beam Ambiguity Velocity .......................................................................................... 133
CHAPTER 10 – OUTPUT DATA FORMAT ...................................................................................................................135
PD0 Output Data Format ............................................................................................................................. 136
Header Data Format..................................................................................................................................... 138
Fixed Leader Data Format ............................................................................................................................ 140
Variable Leader Data Format ....................................................................................................................... 145
Velocity Data Format ................................................................................................................................... 149
Correlation Magnitude, Echo Intensity, Percent-Good, and Status Data Format ........................................151
Bottom-Track Data Format .......................................................................................................................... 154
Surface Layer Velocity Leader Format.......................................................................................................... 158
Surface Layer Velocity Format ..................................................................................................................... 159
Surface Correlation Magnitude, Echo Intensity, Percent-Good, and Status Data Format ...........................160
Automatic Mode 3 Setup ............................................................................................................................. 163
Firmware Status Data ................................................................................................................................... 167
Vertical Beam Range Data Format ............................................................................................................... 168
Vertical Beam Profile Leader Format ........................................................................................................... 169
Vertical Beam Profile Velocity Data Format ................................................................................................. 171
Vertical Beam Profile Correlation Magnitude, Echo Intensity, Percent-Good, and Status Data Format ......171
NMEA PD0 Message Format ........................................................................................................................ 173
Beam Correction Matrix Format .................................................................................................................. 174
Reserved BIT Data Format............................................................................................................................ 175
Checksum Data Format ................................................................................................................................ 175
Decoding an RiverPro/RioPro Ensemble ...................................................................................................... 176
Rules for the BroadBand Data Format PD0 .......................................................................................... 176
Recommended Data Decoding Sequence for BroadBand Data Format PD0........................................177
APPENDIX A - NOTICE OF COMPLIANCE ...................................................................................................................179
Date of Manufacture .................................................................................................................................... 180
Environmental Friendly Use Period (EFUP) .................................................................................................. 180

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EAR-Controlled Technology Subject to Restrictions Contained on the Cover Page.
WEEE ............................................................................................................................................................ 180
CE ................................................................................................................................................................. 180
Material Disclosure Table............................................................................................................................. 181


Figure 1. RiverRay/RiverPro/RioPro Boat Overview .................................................................................. 5

Figure 2. RiverPro/RioPro Connections – Bluetooth Connection .............................................................. 8
Figure 3. RiverPro/RioPro Serial Connection ........................................................................................... 11
Figure 4. Download Directory ................................................................................................................. 15
Figure 5. Recover Loop Recorder ............................................................................................................ 16
Figure 6. Mounting Plate Installation ...................................................................................................... 20
Figure 7. Removing the I/O Cable ........................................................................................................... 23
Figure 8. Do not use Zip-Ties Directly on Cables ..................................................................................... 25
Figure 9. RiverRay/RiverPro/RioPro I/O Cable Wiring ............................................................................. 26
Figure 10. Rio Grande I/O Cable Wiring .................................................................................................... 26
Figure 11. End-Cap User Mounting Holes ................................................................................................. 28
Figure 12. RiverPro Parts Location ............................................................................................................ 38
Figure 13. RioPro Parts Location ............................................................................................................... 39
Figure 14. I/O Cable Connector Lubrication .............................................................................................. 41
Figure 15. RiverPro/RioPro Compass Calibration Screen .......................................................................... 44
Figure 16. RiverPro/RioPro Compass Calibration Screen – Pitch/Roll ....................................................... 45
Figure 17. RiverPro Assembly .................................................................................................................... 47
Figure 18. RioPro Assembly ....................................................................................................................... 48
Figure 19. Testing the RiverPro/RioPro using WinRiver II ......................................................................... 56
Figure 20. Testing the RiverPro/RioPro using SxS Pro ............................................................................... 57
Figure 21. RiverRay/RiverPro/RioPro Boat Wiring Diagram ...................................................................... 64
Figure 22. 96B-6060 RiverPro Outline Installation Drawing ...................................................................... 75
Figure 23. 967-6150 RioPro 1200 kHz Outline Installation Drawing ......................................................... 76
Figure 24. Installing Feature Upgrades ..................................................................................................... 80
Figure 25. X, Y, and Z Velocities............................................................................................................... 101
Figure 26. RiverPro/RioPro Coordinate Transformation ......................................................................... 102
Figure 27. RiverPro/RioPro Pitch and Roll ............................................................................................... 102
Figure 28. PD0 Standard Output Data Buffer Format ............................................................................. 137
Figure 29. Header Data Format ............................................................................................................... 138
Figure 30. Fixed Leader Data Format ...................................................................................................... 141
Figure 31. Variable Leader Data Format ................................................................................................. 146
Figure 32. Velocity Data Format.............................................................................................................. 149
Figure 33. Correlation Magnitude, Echo Intensity, Percent-Good, and Status Data Format...................151
Figure 34. Bottom-Track Data Format..................................................................................................... 155
Figure 35. Surface Layer Leader Format.................................................................................................. 158
Figure 36. Surface Layer Velocity Format................................................................................................ 159
Figure 37. Surface Data Correlation Magnitude, Echo Intensity, Percent-Good, and Status Data Format160
Figure 38. Automatic Mode Setup Data .................................................................................................. 165
Figure 39. Firmware Status Data ............................................................................................................. 167
Figure 40. Vertical Beam Range Format .................................................................................................. 168
Figure 41. Vertical Beam Profile Leader Format ..................................................................................... 169
Figure 42. Vertical Beam Profile Velocity Data Format ........................................................................... 171
Figure 43. Vertical Beam Profile Correlation Magnitude, Echo Intensity, Percent-Good, and Status Data Format
Figure 44. NMEA PD0 Data Message....................................................................................................... 173
Figure 45. Beam Correction Matrix Format ............................................................................................ 174
Figure 46. Reserved BIT Data Format ...................................................................................................... 175
Figure 47. Checksum Data Format .......................................................................................................... 175

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EAR-Controlled Technology Subject to Restrictions Contained on the Cover Page.

Table 1. Mounting Locations.................................................................................................................. 27

Table 2: RiverPro Maintenance Kit......................................................................................................... 45
Table 3: RioPro/Rio Grande Maintenance Kit ........................................................................................ 46
Table 4. Torque Settings ........................................................................................................................ 52
Table 5. LED Behavior ............................................................................................................................ 62
Table 6: Troubleshooting the RiverPro/RioPro ...................................................................................... 63
Table 7: RiverRay/RiverPro/RioPro Boat Wiring .................................................................................... 64
Table 8: RiverPro/RioPro Specifications ................................................................................................. 73
Table 9: Outline Installation Drawings ................................................................................................... 74
Table 10: RiverPro/RioPro Input Command Summary ............................................................................. 81
Table 11: Serial Port Control .................................................................................................................... 90
Table 12: Set Control Flags ....................................................................................................................... 91
Table 13: Restore Command Defaults ..................................................................................................... 92
Table 14: Coordinate Transformation Processing Flags ......................................................................... 100
Table 15: Sensor Source Switch Settings................................................................................................ 103
Table 16: Water Modes ......................................................................................................................... 126
Table 17: Data ID Codes ......................................................................................................................... 136
Table 18: Header Data Format ............................................................................................................... 139
Table 19: Fixed Leader Data Format ...................................................................................................... 142
Table 20: Variable Leader Data Format ................................................................................................. 147
Table 21: Velocity Data Format.............................................................................................................. 150
Table 22: Correlation Magnitude Data Format ...................................................................................... 151
Table 23: Echo Intensity Data Format .................................................................................................... 152
Table 24: Percent-Good Data Format .................................................................................................... 153
Table 25: Status Data Format................................................................................................................. 153
Table 26: Bottom-Track Data Format..................................................................................................... 156
Table 27: Surface Layer Leader Format.................................................................................................. 158
Table 28: Surface Layer Velocity Data Format ....................................................................................... 160
Table 29: Surface Correlation Magnitude Data Format ......................................................................... 161
Table 30: Surface Echo Intensity Data Format ....................................................................................... 161
Table 31: Surface Percent-Good Data Format ....................................................................................... 162
Table 32: Surface Status Data Format .................................................................................................... 162
Table 33: Automatic Mode Setup Format .............................................................................................. 165
Table 34: Firmware Status Format ......................................................................................................... 167
Table 35: Vertical Beam Range Format .................................................................................................. 168
Table 36: Vertical Beam Profile Leader Format ..................................................................................... 170
Table 37: Vertical Beam Profile Velocity Data Format ........................................................................... 171
Table 38: Vertical Beam Profile Correlation Magnitude Data Format ................................................... 172
Table 39: Vertical Beam Profile Echo Intensity Data Format ................................................................. 172
Table 40: Vertical Beam Profile Percent-Good Data Format.................................................................. 172
Table 41: Vertical Beam Profile Status Data Format .............................................................................. 172
Table 42: NMEA PD0 Data Messages ..................................................................................................... 173
Table 43: Beam Correction Matrix Format ............................................................................................ 175
Table 44: Reserved for TRDI Format ...................................................................................................... 175
Table 45: Checksum Data Format .......................................................................................................... 175
Table 46: Common Data Format IDs ...................................................................................................... 176
Table 47. Toxic or Hazardous Substances and Elements Contained in Product .....................................181

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EAR-Controlled Technology Subject to Restrictions Contained on the Cover Page.

October 2017
• Added a deployment guide to the system documentation
• Replaced the Quick Start Card with Getting Started with the RiverPro/RioPro
• Updated Inventory list
• Added using cable clips
• Updated Bluetooth connection
August 2015
• Added the RioPro ADCP to the RiverPro manual
• Updated the RiverPro/RioPro Inventory
• Updated the LED behavior table
• Added the Boat Wiring Diagram
• Added Beam Coordinate Systems information to the EX command
• Updated the PT3 command
• Updated the GPS specifications
• Updated the outline installation drawings
October 2014
• Initial release


This manual covers the RiverPro/RioPro ADCP hardware and firmware. For instructions on using a com-
puter running the WinRiver II software, see the WinRiver II User’s Guide. For information on using the
SxS Pro software, see the SxS Software User’s Guide.

Page ix
EAR-Controlled Technology Subject to Restrictions Contained on the Cover Page.

If you have technical issues or questions involving a specific application or deployment with your instru-
ment, contact our Field Service group:
Teledyne RD Instruments Teledyne RD Instruments Europe
14020 Stowe Drive 2A Les Nertieres
Poway, California 92064 5 Avenue Hector Pintus
06610 La Gaude, France
Phone +1 (858) 842-2600 Phone +33(0) 492-110-930
FAX +1 (858) 842-2822 FAX +33(0) 492-110-931
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Field Service – [email protected] Field Service – [email protected]
Client Services Administration – [email protected]
Web: http://www.teledynemarine.com/rdi
For all your customer service needs including our emergency 24/7 technical support, call +1 (858) 842-2700

Self-Service Customer Portal

Use our online customer portal at http://www.teledynemarine.com/rdi and click on the Support link to download manuals, firmware
updates, software, or other Teledyne RDI documentation.

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EAR-Controlled Technology Subject to Restrictions Contained on the Cover Page.

Conventions used in this documentation have been established to help explain how to use the
RiverPro/RioPro system quickly and easily.
Software menu items are printed in bold: File menu, Collect Data. Items that need to be typed by the
user or keys to press will be shown as F1. If a key combination were joined with a plus sign (ALT+F), press
and hold the first key while pressing the second key. Words printed in italics include program names
(WinRiver II) and file names (default.txt).
Code or sample files are printed using a fixed font. Here is an example:

Teledyne RD Instruments (c) 2015
All rights reserved.
Firmware Version: 56.03

There are four visual aids to help:

This paragraph format indicates additional information that may help avoid problems or that
should be considered in using the described features.

This paragraph format warns the reader of hazardous procedures (for example, activities that
may cause loss of data or damage to the RiverPro/RioPro ADCP).

This paragraph format tells the reader where they may find additional information.

Recommended Setting. This paragraph format indicates additional information that may help
set command parameters.

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EAR-Controlled Technology Subject to Restrictions Contained on the Cover Page.
RiverPro and RioPro ADCP Guide October 2017

Chapter 1

In this chapter:
• RiverPro/RioPro Inventory
• RiverPro/RioPro Options
• System Overview
• Computer Overview
• Power Overview
• Setting up the RiverPro/RioPro ADCP
• Caring for the RiverPro/RioPro System

EAR-Controlled Technology Subject to Restrictions Contained on the Cover Page. Page 1

October 2017 RiverPro and RioPro ADCP Guide

RiverPro/RioPro Inventory
Included with the RiverPro/RioPro system:

Part Number Name Description

RIVPRO1200-I RiverPro 1200 kHz sys- The RiverPro/RioPro system includes the transducer, dummy
707-6025-02 tem plug, and protective cap. When unpacking, use care to prevent
RioPro 1200 kHz system physical damage to the transducer face and connector. Use a
soft pad to protect the transducer.

71B-7007-xx RiverRay/RiverPro Boat Tri-hull Boat and mounting plate for tethered deployments (shown
(optional) folded). Various GPS wiring optional configurations are available.

RIVERBOAT-xx RioPro Boat (optional) The RioPro requires the Riverboat for tethered deployments. Various GPS
wiring optional configurations are available.

Included with the RiverPro (RIVERPRO1200-A)/RioPro (RIOPRO-A) Accessories Kit:

Part Number Name Description
UK821 (RiverPro) Shipping case Shipping case with custom foam cutouts.
717-7000-00 (RioPro)

73B-6020-005 I/O cable The I/O cable is used for serial communications.
(RiverPro Only)

90B-8021-00 RiverPro/RioPro This CD has PDF versions of all of the RiverPro/RioPro documentation including the
Documentation CD RiverPro/RioPro ADCP Guide. Please read the manual!

907-8075-00 WinRiver II Software CD TRDI’s river and coastal data acquisition software package where the primary use is for
discharge calculation. Although this is its primary function, it can be used for general
coastal survey applications.

907-8040-00 RDI Tools Software CD Utility and testing software package including BBTalk that can be used to test the ADCP.

907-8080-00 SxS Pro Software CD Section-by-Section (SxS) Pro is a stationary ADCP discharge data collection and pro-
(optional) cessing program. This CD will be included with the SxS Pro upgrade (registration code is
required to collect data).
91B-8007-00 Q-View Software Q-View is designed for customers using WinRiver II software to have easy access to an
90B-8020-00 (CD) (optional) evaluation of the quality of collected data while they are still in the field and back in the
office. Once purchased, a download link and activation code is sent.

95B-6127-00 Getting Started A printed reference card showing how to get started with the RiverPro/RioPro. A PDF
version is included on the RiverPro/RioPro documentation CD.

95B-6123-00 Deployment Guide A Printed guide showing the steps needs for a successful deployment.

957-6274-00 Serial Communications A printed quick reference card showing serial communications setup. A PDF version is
Setup Card included on the WinRiver II CD.

957-6277-00 SD1000U Bluetooth A printed quick reference card showing Bluetooth communications setup using the
Communications Setup SD1000U. A PDF version is included on the WinRiver II CD.

SD1000U USB Bluetooth device

USB Bluetooth device SD1000U and Sena DAT5-G01R antenna.

N/A Spare parts and tools The RiverPro includes a driver and spare mounting hardware for the Boat mounting
plate. The RiverPro and RioPro includes a 3mm Allen wrench for removing and connect-
ing the I/O cable strain relief.

For instructions on using the USB Bluetooth device, see the WinRiver II or SxS Pro Software
User’s Guide and the instructions included with the device on the Bluetooth driver CD.

Page 2 EAR-Controlled Technology Subject to Restrictions Contained on the Cover Page.

RiverPro and RioPro ADCP Guide October 2017

RiverPro Overview
The RiverPro transducer assembly contains the end-cap, housing, transducer ceramics, and electronics.
The standard acoustic frequencies are four 1200 kHz Janus beams and one 600 kHz vertical beam. See
the Outline Installation Drawings for dimensions and weights.

Picture Description

The Input/Output (I/O) cable connects the RiverPro ADCP to the

computer and external power supply. When the cable is not con-
nected, use the dummy plug to protect the connector.
The LEDs on the end-cap indicates the status of the RiverPro sys-

The I/O connector should not be exposed to extended peri-

ods of heat or direct sunlight.

Always apply lubricant before connecting the I/O cable to the


The RiverPro is intended to be operated as a surface mounted

system only. No depth rating is provided.

The Thermistor measures the water temperature.

The black urethane faces covers the transducer ceramics.

The Vertical Beam allows for depth measurement directly under
the RiverPro.

Never set the transducer on a hard surface. The urethane

faces may be damaged.

The RiverPro electronics and transducer ceramics are mounted to

the transducer head. The numbers embossed on the end-cap and
transducer head indicate the beam number.
The RiverPro ADCP incorporates an internal GPS module intended
for GeoReference purposes. The RiverPro captures the GGA and
VTG NMEA strings from the internal GPS module and reports
them in the PD0 data stream using the general NMEA format.
WinRiver II provides status of this module and displays the data
during both data collection and playback.

EAR-Controlled Technology Subject to Restrictions Contained on the Cover Page. Page 3

October 2017 RiverPro and RioPro ADCP Guide

RioPro Overview
The RioPro is an upgraded 1200 kHz WorkHorse Rio Grande system that contains an updated transducer
head, RiverPro electronics, and new end-cap. The system uses the original Rio Grande housing, shipping
case, and I/O cable. The standard acoustic frequency is four 1200 kHz Janus beams. See the Outline In-
stallation Drawings for dimensions and weights.

Picture Description

The Input/Output (I/O) cable connects the RioPro ADCP to the com-
puter and external power supply. When the cable is not connected,
use the dummy plug to protect the connector.
The LEDs on the end-cap indicates the status of the RioPro system.

The I/O connector should not be exposed to extended periods of

heat or direct sunlight.

Always apply silicone lubricant before connecting the I/O cable

to the RioPro.

The RioPro is intended to be operated as a surface mounted system

only. No depth rating is provided.

The Thermistor measures the water temperature.

The orange urethane faces covers the transducer ceramics.

Never set the transducer on a hard surface. The urethane faces

may be damaged.

The RioPro electronics and transducer ceramics are mounted to the

transducer head. The numbers embossed on the end-cap and trans-
ducer head indicate the beam number.
The RioPro ADCP incorporates an internal GPS module intended for
GeoReference purposes. The RiverPro captures the GGA and VTG
NMEA strings from the internal GPS module and reports them in the
PD0 data stream using the general NMEA format. WinRiver II pro-
vides status of this module and displays the data during both data
collection and playback.

Page 4 EAR-Controlled Technology Subject to Restrictions Contained on the Cover Page.

RiverPro and RioPro ADCP Guide October 2017

Boat Overview
The RiverRay/RiverPro/RioPro boat is designed to maintain the transducer at a constant depth in the wa-
ter with minimal water flow disturbance.

Figure 1. RiverRay/RiverPro/RioPro Boat Overview

Computer Overview
TRDI designed the RiverPro/RioPro ADCP to use a Windows® compatible computer. The computer con-
trols the RiverPro/RioPro and displays its data, usually through our WinRiver II or SxS Pro programs.
Minimum Computer Hardware Requirements:
• Windows 10®, Windows 8®, Windows 7® Desktop, Laptop, or Netbook computer
• Screen resolution above 1024x768
• One Serial Port (two or more High Speed UART Serial Port recommended)
• Bluetooth Interface or USB port

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October 2017 RiverPro and RioPro ADCP Guide

Power Overview
The RiverPro/RioPro ADCP requires a DC supply between 10.5 volts and 18 volts. Either an external DC
power supply or battery can provide this power. If using a battery, use the largest rated amp-hour battery
as possible. A car battery should last one to two days powering a 1200 kHz ADCP.

Check that the battery voltage is above 10.5 Volts DC. RiverPro/RioPro ADCPs will work at
10.5 VDC with at least 400 milli amps; however, batteries with voltages below 11 VDC are at
or near their end of life, and are approaching uselessness.

The power supply must be able to handle the inrush current as well. Inrush current is the current required
to fully charge up the capacitors when power is applied to the RiverPro/RioPro. The capacitors provide a
store of energy for use during transmit. The inrush current is as high as 3 Amps rms. The RiverPro/Ri-
oPro will draw this amperage until its capacitors are fully charged.
If the power supply limits the current or the power drop on the cable is significant, then the power on cy-
cle will take longer. It can take up to one minute. If the power shuts down during the inrush current draw,
this may not allow the RiverPro/RioPro’s electronics to start.

Auto-Adaptive Water Profiling Mode

The RiverPro/RioPro uses an auto-adaptive water profiling mode which automatically adjusts velocity
profiling parameters every ensemble (reading) based on the water depth and other characteristics to
maintain a balance between velocity precision, spatial resolution, and data storage requirements. This ap-
proach allows consistent data quality throughout a transect and discharge measurement regardless of
changes in the water depth or flow characteristics without the need for user intervention.

For more details please refer to the chapter on Water Profiling Modes in the WinRiver II User

RiverPro/RioPro Options
• Maintenance Kit – This kit (P/N 75BK6032-00 for RiverPro, 757K6037-00 for RioPro) contains a
complete set of O-Rings and close-up hardware (see Maintenance Kit).
• Manual Profile Modes – These modes allows the RiverPro/RioPro to override the automatic profil-
ing mode and adds additional water profiling commands (see Water Profiling Commands). To
purchase a feature upgrade, please contact sales.
• Q-View Software – Q-View is designed for customers using TRDI’s discharge measurement prod-
ucts such as the RiverRay, RiverPro/RioPro, StreamPro, and Rio Grande ADCPs with the Win-
River II software to have easy access to an evaluation of the quality of collected data while they
are still in the field and back in the office. To purchase a registration code to enable the software,
please contact sales.
• SxS Pro – The SxS Pro software can be used in place of the WinRiver II software. To purchase a
registration code to enable the software’s full capability, please contact field service.
SxS Pro software and manuals can be downloaded at http://www.teledynemarine.com/rdi

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RiverPro and RioPro ADCP Guide October 2017

• GPS wiring and mounting kits – GPS wiring and mounting kits for the RiverPro/RioPro boat are
available for a variety of GPS systems. GPS wiring and mounting kits are normally ordered in con-
junction with new RiverPro/RioPro systems and any required boat modifications are performed
at the factory. Common GPS wiring/mounting kits are shown below; additional kits and custom
configurations are available – consult TRDI for more information.
Part Number Supported GPS Systems Notes

Hemisphere A101, A325, and Integrated antenna/receiver. Includes internal cable, external cable, and
AtlasLink GPS mount. GPS powered from battery in boat.

Includes internal cable, external cable, and GPS mount. Powered by internal
GWIR-HS321 Hemisphere S321
battery in GPS.

Includes (2) bulkhead connectors with attached internal cables only. GPS
GWIR-KTA various
mount and additional required interconnect cables sold separately.

• Hemisphere A101 DGPS kit –Hemisphere A101 Smart Antenna DGPS & configuration cable.
• Hemisphere Atlaslink DGPS kits – Atlas capable Hemisphere Atlaslink Smart Antenna DGPS with
configuration cable. L1/L2, GLONASS, and RTK support optionally available.
• Hemisphere S321 DGPS kits – Atlas capable Hemisphere S321 Smart Antenna DGPS with configu-
ration cable, integrated batteries, and integrated radio/cellular modem. L1/L2, GLONASS, and
RTK support optionally available.

GPS manuals and software are available for download:


• High Speed Riverboat – For discharge measurements in applications with high water velocities or
challenging surface turbulence conditions where the standard boat does not provide stable opera-
tion. Can be used with RiverPro/RioPro, RiverRay, and Rio Grande ADCPs.
• Depth Sounder – General purpose/non survey grade depth sounder for measuring depth directly
under the RiverPro/RioPro or for redundancy with the bottom track depth measurement.
• Carrying Cases – Soft-sided and hard-sided carrying cases for the RiverPro/RioPro boat are availa-
ble. Contact TRDI for more information.

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October 2017 RiverPro and RioPro ADCP Guide

Setting up the RiverPro/RioPro System

Use this section to connect the RiverPro/RioPro to a computer and establish communications. Install the
RDI Tools software in order to communicate with the RiverPro/RioPro. For collecting data, install the
WinRiver II, SxS Pro (optional), and Q-View (optional) software.

Bluetooth Connection
Use these next steps to setup a Bluetooth connection to the RiverPro/RioPro.

Figure 2. RiverPro/RioPro Connections – Bluetooth Connection

For instruction on using the SD1000U USB Bluetooth device, see the WinRiver II or SxS Pro
Software User’s Guide and the instructions and Bluetooth CD included with the device.

Some Bluetooth devices may ask for a passkey, PIN code, Pair code, Pairing code, Security
code, or Bluetooth code.
In all cases, the code is 0 or 0000 (zero, not the letter o).
The pin code is 0 for systems shipped prior to August 2017 and 0000 for systems shipped
after August 2017. If your system is sent in for repair and the Bluetooth module is replaced,
the pin code (if needed) will change from 0 to 0000.

For RiverPro/RioPro systems shipped after August 2017, the Microsoft® Bluetooth drivers
work with WinRiver II. For best results, use the USB Bluetooth device with the driver supplied
with the ADCP for WinRiver II.

To connect to a RiverPro/RioPro ADCP using the Bluetooth port:

1. Attach the boat’s cable to the ADCP’s connector and install the battery in the boat. Turn on the
boat power switch. Verify that both the red and green LEDs light. After a few seconds the red LED
should go out and the green LED will blink twice and then stay on. This indicates that the
RiverPro/RioPro self-test has passed.
2. Plug in the SD1000U device to a USB port and determine the Com port used.

See the WinRiver II SD1000U Bluetooth Communication Setup Card for instructions.

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RiverPro and RioPro ADCP Guide October 2017

3. Run the ParaniWin program and connect to the ADCP. With the Bluetooth modules used since
August 2017 (or a repaired older unit where the Bluetooth module was replaced) select Mode 0
and you may or may not need to select Authentication (not Encryption). The Pin Code is 0000
(four zeros) and click Apply.

You may need to use either Authentication or no authentication when using ParaniWin with
an SD100U. Try one, and if does not work try the other. Use whichever one works going
The selection of Mode 0 or Mode 1 is independent of Authentication/no Authentication:
• Mode 1 automatically reconnects to the ADCP, but is otherwise identical to Mode 0.
• You must establish an outgoing connection before you can switch to Mode 1, but once in
Mode 1 you can connect to a different ADCP without switching back to Mode 0.

4. Exit the ParaniWin program.

5. Start WinRiver II.
6. On the Configure menu, select Peripherals.
7. Select Port: ADCP Serial Port and then click the Configure button.
8. Select the Comm. Port number as noted in step 2. The Baudrate must be set to 115200. Leave
the Databits, Parity, and Stopbits as shown.
9. Click OK to close the Serial Communication Settings screen.

Note it may take several seconds to accept the Comm. Port selection.
In this example, the Comm. Port is set to Com Port 40.

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10. Click the Test Port button. The RiverPro/RioPro banner appears.

Teledyne RD Instruments (c) 2015
All rights reserved.
Firmware Version: 56.xx
11. Click the Close button to exit the Test Port Dialog.
12. Click the Close button once more to exit the Peripherals Configuration Dialog.
13. Start a new measurement in WinRiver II.
14. On the Configuration Dialog, ensure the ADCP type matches the RiverPro/RioPro and the
indicator next to the RiverPro/RioPro is green. Verify the blue LED on the RiverPro/RioPro
ADCP is on.

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Serial Connection
To set up the RiverPro/RioPro ADCP:
1. The I/O cable connector must be lubricated before connecting. Connect the I/O cable to the
RiverPro/RioPro ADCP.

Always apply silicone lubricant before connecting the I/O cable. See I/O Cable and Dummy
Plug and I/O Cable Connector Lubricant for details.

2. Attach the I/O cable to the computer’s communication port. The standard communications set-
tings are RS-232, 115200-baud, no parity, 8 data bits and 1 stop bit.
3. Connect a battery or DC power supply to the power connectors. Verify that both the red and green
LEDs light. After a few seconds the red LED should go out and the green LED will blink twice and
then stay on. This indicates that the RiverPro/RioPro self-test has passed.

Figure 3. RiverPro/RioPro Serial Connection

For information on how to set up communications with WinRiver II, see the WinRiver II Serial
Communications Setup Card or see Chapter 2 in the WinRiver II Software User's Guide.
For Bluetooth connection, see Bluetooth Connection.

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October 2017 RiverPro and RioPro ADCP Guide

Connecting to the RiverPro/RioPro

To connect to the RiverPro/RioPro ADCP using the BBTalk software:

Start BBTalk
Start the BBTalk program by clicking Start, All Pro-
grams, RD Instruments, RDI Tools, BBTalk.
On the Connect To screen, select RiverRay.

For help on using BBTalk, see the RDI Tools User’s


Use the BBTalk desktop icon to start


Select the COM port the RiverPro/RioPro ADCP cable is

connected to.
Click Next.

BBTalk can be used with Bluetooth communica-

tions. Right-click on the RDI RPro icon in the Bluetooth
management software and make sure that that it is
connected and verify what COM Port is used.

Enter the Baud Rate, Parity, Stop Bits, and Flow Con-
trol. If you are unsure of the settings, leave them at
the default settings as shown.
Click Next.

Check Send Break On New Connection and Send CK

on Baud Rate Change (CB Command).
Click Finish.

If a Bluetooth connection is used, check the Use

Software Break (“===”) With Radio Modems box.

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RiverPro and RioPro ADCP Guide October 2017

RioPro Banner On the File menu, click Send A Break. Pressing the End
RioPro key will also send a break or press the === button or B
Teledyne RD Instruments (c) 2015 on the Toolbar.
All rights reserved. The banner message should appear on the log file win-
Firmware Version: 56.03 dow.

The BBTalk toolbar will display === if it is config-

RiverPro Banner
ured for using Software Breaks or B if it is configured
RiverPro to send a Hard Break.
Teledyne RD Instruments (c) 2015
All rights reserved.
Firmware Version: 56.03

If the RiverPro/RioPro ADCP does not respond,

check the serial port, cables, DC power supply or bat-
tery connection. If necessary, refer to the Trouble-
shooting section.

If the banner is not readable or visible:

On the File menu, click Properties.
Click the Auto Detect ADCP button.
Click OK when the RiverPro/RioPro is detected. Try to
wake up the RiverPro/RioPro again.

Both BBTalk and the RiverPro/RioPro must use

the same Baud rate.

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October 2017 RiverPro and RioPro ADCP Guide

Changing the Baud Rate in the ADCPs

The RiverPro/RioPro can be set to communicate at baud rates from 1200 to 115200. The factory default
baud rate is always 115200 baud. The baud rate is controlled via the CB-command. The following proce-
dure explains how to set the baud rate and save it in the RiverPro/RioPro. This procedure assumes using
the program BBTalk that is supplied by Teledyne RD Instruments.

RiverPro Connect the RiverPro/RioPro to the computer and ap-

Teledyne RD Instruments (c) 2015
ply power.
All rights reserved.
Firmware Version: 56.xx Start the BBTalk program and establish communica-
> tions with the RiverPro/RioPro.
>cr1 Wake up the RiverPro/RioPro by sending a break signal
[Parameters set to FACTORY defaults]
with the End key.
At the ">" prompt in the communication window, type
CR1 then press the Enter key. This will set the
RiverPro/RioPro to the factory default settings.

BAUD RATE CB-command Send the CB-command that selects the baud rate you
wish. The table on the left shows the CB-command set-
1200 CB111
tings for different baud rates with no parity and 1 stop
2400 CB211 bit.
4800 CB311 For example, to change the baud rate to 115200, at
the ">" prompt in the communication window, type
9600 CB411
cb811 then press the Enter key.
19200 CB511
38400 CB611 The CB? command will identify the communica-
57600 CB711 tion setting.

115200 CB811 (Default)

>cb? BBTalk will send the command CK to save the new

CB = 411 ----------------- Serial Port Control (Baud
baud rate setting.
[4=9600]; Par; Stop)
>cb811 Exit BBTalk.
>CK The RiverPro/RioPro is now set for the new baud rate.
[Parameters saved as USER defaults] The baud rate will stay at this setting until changed
again with the CB command.
CB = 811 ----------------- Serial Port Control (Baud
[8=115200]; Par; Stop)
> Exit BBTalk so the communication port is availa-
ble for use with other programs.

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RiverPro and RioPro ADCP Guide October 2017

RiverPro/RioPro Recorder
The recorder contains approximately 16 megabytes of solid-state nonvolatile memory, which can be used
to record data. If more data is collected than fits in the memory, the newest data will not be recorded.
Once the recorder fills up, the recorder MUST be erased before re-deploying the RiverPro/RioPro (start
pinging again).

If the RiverPro/RioPro is set to record data (MR1) and the recorder is full, the RiverPro/RioPro
will not start pinging and will return a RECORDER NOT READY message.

Use BBTalk version 3.08 or greater. Older versions of BBTalk do not have the RiverRay device.

See the RDI Tools User’s Guide for details on using BBTalk.

Enabling the Loop Recorder

The loop recorder is off by default.
To enable the loop recorder:
1. Start BBTalk. Configure BBTalk to connect to a RiverPro/RioPro ADCP type device.
2. Send the MR1 command to enable the recorder.

Using the loop recorder will slow down the RiverPro/RioPro’s ping rate.

3. When done recording data, send the MR0 command to turn the loop recorder off.

Recovering Data from the Loop Recorder

To recover data:
1. Start BBTalk. Configure BBTalk to connect to a RiverRay ADCP type device (see Connecting to
the RiverPro/RioPro).

Make sure to select RiverRay as the Device. BBTalk will communicate with the
RiverPro/RioPro if Workhorse or another ADCP type is selected as the device, but will not be
able to recover the recorder.

2. On the File menu, click Recover Loop Recorder.

3. Enter the directory where the files will be downloaded. Click the “…” button to browse for the di-
rectory. Click OK.

Figure 4. Download Directory

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4. BBTalk displays current protocol status, filename being received, total size of receiving file and
current number of bytes received (see Figure 5, page 16).
5. When recovery is complete, click OK.

Figure 5. Recover Loop Recorder

Erasing Data from the Loop Recorder

To erase data:
1. Start BBTalk. Configure BBTalk to connect to a RiverRay ADCP type device.
2. At the “>” prompt, type ME ErAsE. To make it more difficult to accidentally erase the data, the
word “erase” must be typed with exactly one space after the “ME” (which is not case sensitive) and
with alternating upper and lower case letters, as shown.
3. Erasing the loop-recorder will take several minutes, and no status updates are provided during
the erase process. When complete, the status will be displayed on screen as shown below.
>me ErAsE
Erasing recorder (may take a few minutes)...
Erasing recorder (may take a few minutes)... Recorder erased.
Erasing recorder (may take a few minutes)... ERR: Can’t erase recorder.

Once erased, data is not recoverable.

4. When erasing is complete, exit BBTalk.

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RiverPro and RioPro ADCP Guide October 2017

Caring for the RiverPro/RioPro System

This section contains a list of items to be aware of every time the RiverPro/RioPro is handled, used, or de-
ployed. Please refer to this list often.

General Handling Guidelines

• Never set the transducer on a hard or rough surface. The urethane faces may be damaged.
• Use light amounts of silicone lubricant (such as 3MTM Silicone Lubricant (Dry Type) ID No: 62-
4678-4930-3) on both the male pins and female socket to help seat the cable connectors. Wipe off
excessive silicone spray from the metal portions of the pins. Regular lubrication is required: Apply
dry type silicone lubricant prior to each connection.
• Disconnect the I/O cable by pulling it straight away from the connector. Do not apply any upward
or angular force on the end-cap connector as the I/O cable is being disconnected. Stressing the
connector may cause the RiverPro/RioPro to flood.
• Do not over-tighten the locking sleeve on the I/O cable. The threads can strip.
• Do not expose the transducer faces to prolonged sunlight. The urethane faces may develop cracks.
Cover the transducer faces on the RiverPro/RioPro if it will be exposed to sunlight.
• The I/O connector should not be exposed to extended periods of heat or direct sunlight. The plastic
may become brittle. Cover the connector on the RiverPro/RioPro if it will be exposed to sunlight.
• Do not store the RiverPro/RioPro in temperatures over 60 degrees C. The urethane faces may be
• Do not scratch or damage the O-ring surfaces or grooves. If scratches or damage exists, they may
provide a leakage path and cause the RiverPro/RioPro to flood. Do not risk a deployment with dam-
aged O-ring surfaces.
• Do not lift or support a RiverPro/RioPro by the external I/O cable. The connector or cable will

Assembly Guidelines
• Read the Maintenance section for details on RiverPro/RioPro re-assembly. Make sure the housing
assembly O-ring stays in the groove when re-assembling the RiverPro/RioPro. Tighten the hard-
ware as specified. Loose, missing, stripped hardware, or a damaged O-ring can cause the RiverPro/Ri-
oPro transducer to flood.
• The RiverPro/RioPro I/O cable may be connected while slightly wet; do not connect under water.

Deployment Guidelines
• Read the WinRiver II Software User’s Guide or SxS Pro Software User’s Guide. These guides in-
clude tutorials on how to collect data.
• A compass calibration should be conducted at every new measurement location, and whenever
the RiverPro/RioPro mounting or adjacent ancillary equipment is changed 0r repositioned. A
properly calibrated compass is essential for conducting the Loop Moving Bed test, and for using GPS
data as the navigation reference.
• Avoid using ferro-magnetic materials in the mounting fixtures or near the RiverPro/RioPro.
Ferro-magnetic materials affect the compass.

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Chapter 2

In this chapter:
• How to connect/disconnect the I/O cable
• Cable wiring diagrams
• Available mounts for the RiverPro/RioPro ADCP

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October 2017 RiverPro and RioPro ADCP Guide

Attaching the Boat Mounting Plate

The mounting plate is located in the boat assembly box. Once installed, it can remain installed
on the ADCP even while it is in the shipping case.

To attach the mounting plate:

1. Place the RiverPro/RioPro ADCP on a soft pad to protect the transducer face.
2. Install the mounting plate to the transducer end-cap using the six M6 bolts and flat washers.

Figure 6. Mounting Plate Installation

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RiverPro and RioPro ADCP Guide October 2017

Boat Assembly
To assemble the boat:
1. Attach the wire rope bridle to the crossbar. Note that there is a top and bottom to the crossbar.
Insert the Eye Bolt through each crossbar side as shown.

2. Next, attach the outriggers to the crossbar using the M6 x 35mm oval head screws provided.

3. Attach the main hull to the crossbar using the M6 x 16mm pan head screws with lock washer and
flat washer as shown, then install the two rosette knob screws into the crossbar.

4. Place the transducer into the boat. Slide the mounting plate until the rosette knob screws are in
the slot.

5. Attach the ‘RiverPro/RioPro leash’ cable from the wire rope bridle to one of the mounting plate
screws. Attach the support brace using the provided thumbscrews.
6. Tighten the rosette knobs to hold the transducer in place.
7. Connect the power I/O cable to the end-cap connector (see I/O Cable and Dummy Plug).
8. Install the strain relief.

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Boat Battery Connection

The RiverPro/RioPro system uses a 12v Lead Acid battery to provide power. The battery should be re-
placed when the voltage falls below 11 VDC (measure with the cable connected and the power switch on).

Battery replacement can induce both single and double cycle compass errors. The compass
must be recalibrated if the battery is replaced.

The battery is not shipped inside the boat. Connect the battery and close the deck plate
before deployment.

To connect the battery:

1. Turn the power switch off.
2. Open the circular deck plate by turning it counter-clockwise.
3. Place the battery in the compartment. Use the provided foam blocks to secure the battery inside
the compartment.
4. Connect the black flag connector to the battery Negative terminal.
5. Connect the red flag connector to the battery Positive terminal.
6. Check the 4 amp Slo-Blow fuse (size 3AG) is installed in the fuse holder.
7. Close the circular deck plate by turning it clockwise until fully tightened.

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RiverPro and RioPro ADCP Guide October 2017

I/O Cable and Dummy Plug

The underwater connector (on the end-cap) and the I/O cable and dummy plug are molded wet-mate-able
connectors. The end-cap connector is a factory-installed item. TRDI does not recommend removing it for
any routine maintenance.

The dummy plug should be installed any time the cable is removed. Use the dummy plug when
the RiverPro/RioPro is in storage or is being handled.

To disconnect the cable:

1. Place the RiverPro/RioPro on a soft pad to protect the transducer face. Remove the Strain Relief.
2. Release the retaining strap by pulling it over the connector.
3. Grasp the cable close to the housing (see Figure 7).
4. Pull the cable straight out away from the housing with a gentle rocking motion. Do not apply any
upward force on the connector as it is being disconnected.
To connect the cable:
1. Check all pins for signs of corrosion (greenish oxidation or pitting).
2. Use light amounts of silicone lubricant (such as 3MTM Silicone Lubricant (Dry Type) ID No: 62-
4678-4930-3) on both the male pins and female socket to help seat the cable connectors. Wipe off
excessive silicone spray from the metal portions of the pins. Regular lubrication is required:
Apply dry type silicone lubricant prior to each connection.
3. Push the cable straight onto the connector. Attach the Strain Relief.

Figure 7. Removing the I/O Cable

Apply dry type silicone lubricant prior to each connection.
When the cable is connected without any lubricant, excessive force is needed to fully seat or remove
the connector. This can cause several serious problems:
1. The neoprene rubber portion of the contact pin may tear from the metal pin.
2. Wiggling the cable side-to-side to overcome the friction as it is connected or disconnected may
cause the neoprene rubber to tear or create pin-holes on the side of the connector.
Any damage to the connector’s neoprene rubber may cause corrosion on current carrying
Use ONLY silicone based lubricants. DO NOT use petroleum based lubricants.

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When connecting the RiverPro/RioPro I/O cable, do not apply any upward force on the
connector as it is being pulled off. Applying an upward angle as the cable is connected puts
stress on the end-cap connector. This may cause several serious problems:
1) The end-cap connector or connector pins can crack.
2) The O-ring on the bottom of the end-cap connector can be damaged.
3) The molded urethane on the end-cap connector may separate from the brass insert.
If the end-cap connector is damaged in any of these ways, the RiverPro/RioPro will flood.

Using the Cable Clips

If the retaining strap on the dummy plug or cable breaks, use the cable clips:
1. Remove the broken retaining strap.
2. Snap the clip onto the cable or dummy plug.
• Black clip & 2-137 O-ring = cables
• White clip & 2-130 O-ring = dummy plugs
3. Route the O-ring through the clip. Connect the
cable/dummy plug and then stretch the O-ring
over the connector.

75ZK6001-00 Kit, Clip, Cable

75ZK6001-01 Kit, Clip, Dummy Plug

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Routing Cables
The input/output (I/O) cable connects the RiverPro/RioPro to the computer. TRDI delivers the cable with
both connectors attached. The transducer-end connector is molded on, so it can be used below the water-
line. The cable is custom-made in lengths specified by the user. Route this cable so:
• The cable can be installed with the connectors attached.
• Avoid sharp bends in cables.
• Cables subjected to vibration or exposed to seawater drag should be adequately clamped to
prevent conductor fatigue and ultimate failure.
• Protect the cables with hose if zip-ties are used to secure them to structures (see Figure 8).
• The cable can be easily replaced if it fails.

Figure 8. Do not use Zip-Ties Directly on Cables

When attaching the RiverPro/RioPro cable to a mount, do not zip-tie the cables directly to the
structure. Zip-ties slowly cut through the cable’s outer jacket and cause leaks.

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Cable Wiring Diagram

This section has information on RiverPro/RioPro cabling. Special user-requests may cause changes to the
basic wiring system and may not be shown here.

Figure 9. RiverRay/RiverPro/RioPro I/O Cable Wiring

Figure 10. Rio Grande I/O Cable Wiring

Where shown, IN refers to signals going into the RiverPro/RioPro and OUT refers to signals
coming out of the RiverPro/RioPro.
If the RiverRay/RiverPro/RioPro cable is not available, a WorkHorse Rio Grande I/O cable can
be used. Please note that a 0.7 volt drop in voltage will occur due to the diode installed inside
the Rio Grande cable. This protective diode has been added to the RiverPro/RioPro

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Mounting the Instrument

Use the following suggestions when mounting the RiverPro/RioPro ADCP:
• It is desirable to rigidly mount the RiverPro/RioPro to the platform. Avoid the free spinning of the
RiverPro/RioPro in this application. The RiverPro/RioPro must stay in the water at all times.
• The RiverPro/RioPro must be mounted deep enough so that turbulence caused by its movement
through the water does not allow air bubbles to be attached to the transducer faces.
• Avoid mounting the RiverPro/RioPro near motors and thrusters. They cause air bubbles and will
cause bias to the internal compass.
• Avoid mountings that will cause the RiverPro/RioPro to see severe accelerations.
Table 1. Mounting Locations
Mounting Location Advantages Disadvantages

Over-the-Side / Easy to deploy Moderate chance of directional bias in measured dis-

Side of boat Mounts are easy to construct and are adaptable to a charges with some boats and flows
variety of boats Possibly closer to ferrous metal (engines) or other
RiverPro/RioPro draft measurement can be easily ob- sources of electromagnetic fields (EMF)
tained Moderate-low risk of damage to RiverPro/RioPro from
debris or obstructions in the water
Susceptible to roll-induced bias in RiverPro/RioPro

Over-the-Side / Minimizes the chance of directional bias in measured Increased risk of damage to RiverPro/RioPro from de-
Bow of boat discharges bris or obstructions in the water
Mounts are relatively easy to construct More difficult to measure RiverPro/RioPro depth
Usually farther away from ferrous metal (engines) or Susceptible to pitch-induced bias in RiverPro/RioPro
electromagnetic fields depths, particularly at high speeds or during rough con-
ditions (waves)

In-Hull / Protected from debris and obstructions Often requires special modifications to boat
Well in center of boat Accurate depth measurements possible
Least susceptible to pitch/roll-induced bias in
RiverPro/RioPro depths

Tethered mount Can be deployed from bridges, fixed cableways, or a Requires waterproof enclosure capable of housing a
temporary bank-operated cableway power supply and wireless radio modem for data te-
Uses Bluetooth for communications – no cables lemetry
Design of the RiverPro/RioPro mount and the power
and communications enclosure should consider the in-
creased drag on the tether that may be experienced if
the boat were to flip upside down in the water.
Increased chance of losing the RiverPro/RioPro

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Over-the-Side Mounting
The over-the-side mount is common if you want the ability to move the RiverPro/RioPro from one plat-
form to another. Make the mount as rigid as possible to limit the amount of pitch and roll applied to the
RiverPro/RioPro. Although the tilt sensor can measure a ±70° influence, anything beyond 15° will cause
bias to the data that cannot be removed. No matter what mounting style is used, the RiverPro/RioPro
must be below the bubble layer. Bubbles will cling to the urethane faces of the RiverPro/RioPro and re-
duce the range to almost nothing. Usually a mount somewhere aft of amidship is used. A stern mount will
cause all sorts of problems due to propeller wake, bubbles, and turbulent water conditions.
The most common over-the-side mounting method for RiverPro/RioPro ADCPs uses a Kentucky Mount
style. For more information, see the following:
• http://hydroacoustics.usgs.gov/movingboat/pdfs/KYMount.pdf
• http://hydroacoustics.usgs.gov/movingboat/mbd_deployments.shtml

Our transducer assembly is sturdy, but TRDI did not design it to withstand collisions with all
boating objects. TRDI strongly suggests protecting the RiverPro/RioPro if this is a possibility.

Avoid using ferro-magnetic materials in the mounting fixtures or near the RiverPro/RioPro.
They affect the compass. Use 316 stainless steel hardware.

See the Outline Installation Drawings for dimensions and weights.

Figure 11. End-Cap User Mounting Holes

Only use M6x1.0 stainless steel hardware.
The maximum thru-hole diameter in the mounting plate is 6.85 mm (0.270 inch). Using a
larger thru-hole could result in the threaded metal inserts on the end-cap being pulled out of
the plastic end-cap.

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In-Hull Mounting
The in-hull mounted RiverPro/RioPro is common when it is intended to keep the system on a single ves-
sel or when over-the-side mounting is not practical for the vessel. For this type of mounting, there are is-
sues of beam clearance and access. Consider several potential problems before deciding where to install
the transducer assembly. See the outline installation drawings for specifications on the standard
RiverPro/RioPro transducer heads.
Ideally, install the transducer head:
• Where it is accessible both internally (for access to transducer electronics) and externally (to
remove biofouling).
• Away from shipboard protrusions that reflect RiverPro/RioPro energy. Allow for a reflection-
free clearance of 15° around each beam (see the outline installation drawings).
• Away from other acoustic/sonar devices, especially those operating at the same frequency (or
harmonic) of the RiverPro/RioPro.
• Close to the ship’s fore-to-aft centerline. As distance from the centerline increases, vertical
accelerations caused by the roll of the ship also increase. These accelerations can cause addi-
tional uncertainties in RiverPro/RioPro velocity measurements.
Other considerations may be:
• Ease of installation.
• Portability (wanting to move the instrument from vessel to vessel).
• Permanent installation.

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Chapter 3

In this chapter:
• RiverPro/RioPro Operation Overview
• How to collect Real-Time data

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RiverPro/RioPro Operation Overview

Use the following figure and description on the next page to collect data with the RiverPro/RioPro:

Verify all parts are present (see the RiverPro/RioPro Reference Card for a list of parts)

Install the Software

Install the Install SxS Pro Install Q-View
Install WinRiver II Install RDI Tools
Documentation CD (optional ) (optional)

Mount ADCP to the Boat

Refer to the RiverPro/RioPro ADCP Guide, Chapter 2

Communication Setup
Connect the I/O cable
Bluetooth Communications (refer to the WinRiver II
(refer to the WinRiver II Serial Communications
Bluetooth Communicaions card)
Setup Card)

WinRiver II Setup
Run the WinRiver II wizard
(refer to the WinRiver II Software User's Guide, Chapter 3)

WinRiver II QA/QC
Set the ADCP's Clock Test the ADCP Calibrate the compass

Collect Data
Use WinRiver II to collect at least four transects
(refer to the WinRiver II Software User's Guide, Chapter 3)

Post Process Data

Use WinRiver II
(refer to the WinRiver II Software User's Guide, Chapter 3)

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• Field Hydrologist/Technician
• Data Analyst Expert (DAE)

Data Collection Terminology:

• Left/Right Bank – The Left bank is defined as the bank that would be on your left side if you were
looking downstream.
• Transect – Data collection across the width of the river either from the Left bank to the Right bank or
vice versa. (Sometimes referred to as a “Pass” across the river)
• Measurement – A collection (even number) of four or more Transects made of up of an equal number
of Transects from Left to Right as Right to Left.
• Measured Discharge – The average of the discharges from the four (or more) transects.

Data Collection Software:

• WinRiver II - WinRiver II is Teledyne RD Instrument’s (TRDI) real-time discharge data collection pro-
gram for Rio Grande, RiverRay, StreamPro, RiverPro/RioPro and WorkHorse ADCPs.
• Q-View - Q-View is designed for customers using TRDI’s discharge measurement products such as the
RiverRay, RiverPro/RioPro, StreamPro, and Rio Grande ADCPs with the WinRiver II software to
have easy access to an evaluation of the quality of collected data while they are still in the field and
back in the office.
• SxS Pro - SxS Pro is TRDI’s stationary ADCP discharge data collection and processing program for Rio
Grande, StreamPro, RiverRay, and RiverPro/RioPro ADCP models.

Site/Measurement Conditions:
• Moving Bed/Moving Bottom – Movement downstream (typically) of near bed sediment. Moving Bed
conditions will bias bottom-track velocities which assume the streambed is stationary.
• Directional bias – This occurs when the discharges measured for transects from the left bank to the
right bank are consistently either greater than or less than discharges measured for transects made
from the right bank to the left bank.

Prepare for Discharge Measurement

The Hydrologist arrives at the site with a RiverPro/RioPro and all of the ancillary equipment necessary to
perform a discharge measurement.
• Tethered boat w/ tagline – The Hydrologist sets up a tagline/pulley system for the tethered boat and
then proceeds to install the RiverPro/RioPro in a standard RiverRay boat. Tethered boat measure-
ments can also be performed from a bridge or other structure across the river. This tends to provide
reduced control over the tethered boat motion in the water, as the bridle/line length is longer giving
the boat more freedom to move with the water currents. Measurements taken from bridges or other
structures often encounter greater turbulence in the form of jets and eddies created by the structure
or bridge piers.
• Manned boat – The RiverPro/RioPro is attached to a Kentucky mount or equivalent mounting

If the measurement site is expected to have significant moving bed conditions, the
Hydrologist may decide to connect a portable GPS module to the RiverPro/RioPro.

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• Through-ice – The RiverPro/RioPro is attached to a mounting rod.

The RiverPro/RioPro is connected to a 12V 7AHr gel-cell battery, and it automatically establishes a con-
nection to external devices and begins to acquire a position via its internal GPS. Next, the Hydrologist
powers on the laptop, opens the discharge measurement application WinRiver II or SxS Pro and connects
to the RiverPro/RioPro with a wireless connection for a tethered boat or a wired connection using RS-232
for a manned boat.

Measurement Wizard
The Hydrologist selects to start a new measurement within the WinRiver II or SxS Pro application. Once
the Hydrologist enters all of the background information on the site where the measurement will be per-
formed, the software will then automatically detect whether an ADCP is connected and which ADCP prod-
uct it is.

Run Built-In Tests

The RiverPro/RioPro is commanded to perform a BIT test, and flashes its LED lights to indicate the re-
sults of the test. It simultaneously transmits the results of the BIT test, the status of the internal GPS con-
nection and any ancillary devices connected to it to the host computer.

Compass Calibration
Next, the Hydrologist performs a compass calibration. After ensuring that the system is well away from
sources of magnetic interference, the Hydrologist starts the compass calibration within the application
and then either: slowly rotates the RiverPro/RioPro as suggested by the application (tethered boat/SxS)
or slowly drives the boat in circle (manned boat). During the calibration process, feedback is provided to
the user as to the quality of the collected magnetic field data at each partition of the 360° of rotation.

Moving Bed Test

At this point the RiverPro/RioPro should be tested and the compass calibration completed; once those
steps are complete it is ready to start the moving bed test. The RiverPro/RioPro is placed in the water, and
the Hydrologist enters the command to start it pinging within the application.

If the RiverPro/RioPro was left in the hot sun, its temperature can quickly rise to 35⁰ C before
use. When initially placed in the water, the thermal mass of the RiverPro/RioPro housing near
the temperature sensor initially affects the temperature measurement. Within five minutes it
reaches equilibrium and the temperature is accurate within ± 1⁰C. If the temperature sensor
is not allowed to sufficiently equilibrate within the body of water to be measured it can
impact Speed Of Sound, velocity, and discharge-measurement accuracy.

Tethered boat – The RiverPro/RioPro is moved to the center of the river, and the stationary moving bed
test is started. After five minutes the moving test is stopped, and the application displays the apparent
moving bed velocity.
Manned boat – The Hydrologist begins a moving bed loop-test with the boat starting near the river bank.
The boat is maneuvered across to the opposite bank and back again. The user stops the test, and the loop
test results are displayed.

Either type of moving bed test (stationary or loop) can be performed with either deployment
method (tethered boat or manned boat).

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Locating the Start and Stop Positions

While the RiverPro/RioPro is pinging, the Hydrologist positions the boat until the application shows that
the RiverPro/RioPro is reliably collecting at least two bins of data and marks the position on the tagline
for future reference. Measure the distance to the shore from the RiverPro/RioPro. The RiverPro/RioPro is
positioned to the opposite bank where two bins of data are reliably collected. Again the tagline is marked
and the distance to the shore from the RiverPro/RioPro is measured.

Discharge Measurement
Before starting a discharge measurement with a RiverPro/RioPro ADCP using the moving boat method
and WinRiver II, the Hydrologist has:
1. Prepared the RiverPro/RioPro, boat, and any external sensors being used
2. Configured the computer, communications link(s), and WinRiver II software for data collec-
tion using the RiverPro/RioPro and any external sensors
3. Created a measurement file for the site
4. Ran the RiverPro/RioPro Built-In tests
5. Performed the compass calibration procedure
6. Performed a moving bed test

The Hydrologist is now ready to start making the measurement (Moving Boat or Stationary).

Moving Boat Discharge Measurement

A proper moving boat discharge measurement consists of multiple transects – passes across the measure-
ment location from one bank to the other, collecting data continuously as they cross. For each transect,
the Hydrologist must maneuver the RiverPro/RioPro to the marked position at one bank of the measure-
ment location (see Locating the Start and Stop Positions) and hold that position while they measure the
distance to the shore from the RiverPro/RioPro, start a measurement transect, and enter the starting edge
bank and distance into the WinRiver II software. After collecting the required number of edge ensembles,
the Hydrologist maneuvers the RiverPro/RioPro towards the opposite bank of the measurement location
in a smooth and steady manner, collecting data continuously as they travel across the river, and monitor-
ing for data loss and quality issues. When the Hydrologist reaches the marked position at the other bank
of the measurement location they hold that position while they collect the required number of edge en-
sembles, measure the distance to the bank, end the transect, and enter the ending edge distance in the
WinRiver II software. After completing each transect, the Hydrologist performs a cursory review of the
results and prepares to start the next transect.
The best practice for a moving boat discharge measurement is to collect discharge transects in reciprocal
pairs (one transect in each direction across the measurement location) with some minimum number of
total transects and/or minimum cumulative total duration for all transects. For locations with steady-state
flow conditions all transects should be within some specified percentage of the average discharge (typi-
cally 5%), and additional transects and/or cumulative transect duration may be required if that criteria is
not met. A minimum of two good water profile bins above the sidelobe cutoff are desired for all ensembles
in a transect to enable extrapolation of flow in the unmeasured top and bottom regions of the profile.
Once sufficient transects have been collected, the Hydrologist/team will perform a QA/QC review of the
data. Primary indicators of high RiverPro/RioPro data quality include a minimum loss of Bottom Track
depth and velocity data, minimum loss of ensemble and individual bin water profile data, maximization of
the measured Q as a percent of total Q, and consistency of the water velocity profile data between bins
(vertically) and ensembles (horizontally) across the transect.

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Stationary Discharge Measurement

A stationary discharge measurement is made by collecting RiverPro/RioPro data with the SxS Pro soft-
ware while keeping the RiverPro/RioPro stationary at multiple locations across the channel, called verti-
cals. For each location, the Hydrologist must maneuver the RiverPro/RioPro to a suitable position in the
cross-section and hold that position while they collect data, typically for a minimum of 40 seconds. For
each vertical the Hydrologist must enter the distance to the reference point, the RiverPro/RioPro depth,
the water depth source, and a flow correction angle (the angle between the distance measurement line and
the flow direction for that location or between the distance measurement line and the beam 3 orientation
of the RiverPro/RioPro).
Best practice for an SxS discharge measurement is for the discharge associated with each vertical to not
exceed 5% of the total discharge for the measurement for a minimum of 20 verticals in a measurement;
but in narrow channels a minimum practical spacing of 10-20 cm between verticals is typically used. A
minimum of two (2) good water profile bins above the sidelobe cutoff are desired at each vertical to enable
extrapolation of flow in the unmeasured top and bottom regions of the profile. After collecting data at
each vertical, the technician will review the results for that vertical with the options of accepting or reject-
ing the collected data, or in some cases extending the data collection interval. Primary indicators of high
RiverPro/RioPro data quality for a vertical are minimum number of bad ensembles, successful measure-
ment of depth, low velocity coefficient of variation and flow direction standard deviation in the data for
that vertical, and consistency with data collected at adjacent verticals. Successful bottom track velocity
measurement may also be required, depending on the SxS Pro processing settings.
Once data has been collected at all desired verticals in the cross-section, the Hydrologist will enter the dis-
tance from the reference point to the end bank of the channel and perform a QA/QC review of the data.
Primary indicators of high RiverPro/RioPro data quality for the overall measurement are small distances
from the banks to the adjacent verticals, consistency of the water velocity profile data between bins (verti-
cally) and verticals (horizontally), and a low overall uncertainty for the measurement.

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Chapter 4

In this chapter:
• Where parts are located on the RiverPro/RioPro
• How to spot problems
• How to take the RiverPro/RioPro apart and put it back together
• How to do periodic maintenance items on the RiverPro/RioPro

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Parts Location Drawings

This section is a visual overview of the RiverPro/RioPro ADCP. Use the following figures to identify the
parts used on the system.

Figure 12. RiverPro Parts Location

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Figure 13. RioPro Parts Location

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Maintenance Schedule
To ensure continuous optimal results from the RiverPro/RioPro, TRDI recommends that every
RiverPro/RioPro be returned to our factory for an inspection every two to three years. TRDI’s customer
service will provide the unit with a thorough multi-point inspection and any refurbishment services
needed to properly maintain the unit. To learn more about this service, please contact TRDI.

Calibration Items
Use the following calibration schedule:
Item TRDI Recommended Period
Transducer Beam Angle TRDI recommends return every two to three years for verification of velocity accuracy
Pitch & Roll (Tilt)
Temperature (Factory) TRDI recommends return every two to three years for factory calibration
Heading (Factory)
Heading (Field Pre-Deploy) Field Compass Calibration performed prior to each deployment (see Compass Calibration)
Heading (Field Post-Deploy) Field Compass Verification performed post each deployment

Compass drift effects will accumulate over time. TRDI recommends a factory calibration be
done every two to three years. Expect to have more error (due to drift) if a longer period is
between factory calibrations.

Maintenance Items
Inspect the RiverPro/RioPro to spot problems:
Item TRDI Recommended Period
The urethane coating is important to RiverPro/RioPro watertight integrity. Many users are not familiar with the
early signs of urethane failure. The primary damage to the urethane is from bio-fouling and long exposure to the
water and sun. Damage occurs on the surface of the urethane and at the edge where the urethane bonds to the
cups. Mishandling, chemicals, abrasive cleaners and excessive depth pressures can also damage the transducer
ceramics or urethane coating.
Transducer Beams Before each deployment, check the urethane coating on the transducer faces for dents, chipping, peeling, ure-
thane shrinkage, hairline cracks and damage that may affect watertight integrity or transducer operation.
Based on experience, TRDI knows that most systems need to have the urethane in-
spected after three to five years of field use; shorter periods may be required depending on marine
O-rings should be replaced whenever the system is opened and BEFORE they are showing any signs of wear and
O-rings tear. Replace the end-cap O-ring each time the end-cap is removed. All O-rings should be replaced
every one to two years maximum.
Housing and End Cap Inspect for damage and remove biofouling before each deployment.

Check all bolts, washers and split washers for signs of corrosion before each deployment. TRDI recommends
Hardware (bolts, etc.)
replacement every one to two years maximum. Damaged hardware should never be used.
Check the end-cap I/O connector for cracks or bent pins (see Figure 12 and Figure 13) before each deployment.
Check the cable connectors for cracks or bent pins. Inspect the full length of the cable for cuts, nicks in the insula-
Cables and Connectors tion, and exposed conductors before each deployment.
The I/O cable connectors must be lubricated before every connection.

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Periodic Maintenance Items

These maintenance items should be done prior to using the RiverPro/RioPro.

I/O Cable Connector Lubrication

The I/O connectors require very little maintenance. They are designed to be used in harsh environments
and thus limited amounts of dirt and grit do not affect their performance.
Prior to each connection:
1. Use light amounts of silicone lubricant (such as 3MTM Silicone Lubricant (Dry Type) ID No: 62-
4678-4930-3) on both the male pins and female socket to help seat the cable connectors. Wipe off
excessive silicone spray from the metal portions of the pins. Regular lubrication is required: Apply
dry type silicone lubricant prior to each connection. Use ONLY silicone based lubricants. DO NOT use
petroleum based lubricants.
2. After lubricating, fully connect the male and I/O cable female connector in order to spread the
lubricant onto the pins and in the sockets. Wipe away any excess lubricant off the outside of the
3. To confirm that the lubricant has been sufficiently applied, disconnect the cable and check for lub-
ricant on all male pins (rubber portion). If the male pins do not have lubricant on them, apply
more lubricant and then reconnect the I/O cable.

The dummy plug should be installed any time the cable is removed. Use the dummy plug
when the RiverPro/RioPro is in storage or is being handled.

Figure 14. I/O Cable Connector Lubrication

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Cleaning the I/O Cable Connectors

After a deployment, clean and remove any accumulated sand or mud from the both the I/O connector on
the RiverPro/RioPro and the female socket on the I/O cable.
To clean the connectors:
1. Flush the connector pins and sockets with fresh water (deionized water if available) to remove all
dirt, grit, and lubricant.
2. Use a small stiff brush to remove any sand or mud from the connector. Wipe dry using a lint-free
3. New lubricant must be applied again prior to connecting the dummy plug or cable.

Do NOT use spray-based contact cleaner. The use of some oil-based propellants in spray cans
can cause conductivity problems in neoprene.

Cleaning the Temperature Sensor Cover

In order to respond quickly to changes in the water temperature, water must be able to flow over the sen-
sor. Do not block the sensor or paint over it with antifouling paint. Remove any biofouling as soon as pos-

The temperature sensor is embedded in the transducer head (see Figure 12, page 38). The
sensor is under a titanium cover that is highly resistant to corrosion.

Removing Biofouling
To remove foreign matter and biofouling:
1. Remove soft-bodied marine growth or foreign matter with soapy water. Waterless hand cleaners
remove most petroleum-based fouling.

Do not use power scrubbers, abrasive cleansers, scouring pads, high-pressure marine cleaning
systems or brushes stiffer than hand cleaning brushes on the transducer faces. The urethane
coating on the transducer faces could be damaged.

If there is heavy fouling or marine growth, the transducer faces may need a thorough cleaning to
restore acoustic performance. Barnacles do not usually affect RiverPro/RioPro operation, but
TRDI does recommend removal of the barnacles to prevent water leakage through the transducer
face. Lime dissolving liquids such as Lime-Away® break down the shell-like parts. Scrubbing with
a medium stiffness brush usually removes the soft-bodied parts. Do NOT use a brush stiffer than a
hand cleaning brush. Scrubbing, alternated with soaking in Lime-Away®, effectively removes
large barnacles.

If barnacles have entered more than 1.0 to 1.5 mm (0.06 in.) into the transducer face
urethane, send the RiverPro/RioPro to TRDI for repair. If the barnacles cannot be removed
without damaging the transducer faces, contact TRDI.

2. Rinse with fresh water to remove soap or Lime-Away® residue.

3. Dry the transducer faces with low-pressure compressed air or soft lint-free towels.

Always dry the RiverPro/RioPro before placing it in the storage case to avoid fungus or mold
growth. Do not store the RiverPro/RioPro in wet or damp locations.

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Final Storage or Shipping Preparation

Store the RiverPro/RioPro in the original shipping crate whenever possible.
1. Remove the battery from the boat and ensure the interior of the boat is dry.
2. Disconnect the I/O cable and remove the transducer from the boat. Place the dummy plug on the
transducer cable connector.
3. Dissemble the boat (if required) and place it into its own shipping container.
4. Place the transducer in the foam cutouts in the bottom of the shipping case. The RiverPro trans-
ducer will fit into the shipping case with the mounting plate installed. If stored this way, remove
the extra foam material that has already been pre-cut from the instrument cavity. This will create
a slot in the foam allowing the mounting plate to slide into the case.

Always dry the RiverPro/RioPro before placing it in the storage case to avoid fungus or mold
growth. Do not store the RiverRay in wet or damp locations.

The dummy plug should be installed any time the I/O cable is removed. Use the dummy plug
when the RiverRay transducer is in storage or is being handled.

Do not leave the batteries inside the RiverPro/RioPro boat for extended periods. The
batteries may leak, causing damage to the boat. Store the batteries in a cool, dry location (0
to 21 degrees C).

Calibrating the Compass

RiverPro/RioPro compass calibration corrects for distortions in the earth’s magnetic fields caused by per-
manent magnets or ferromagnetic materials near the RiverPro/RioPro. These magnetic field distortions,
if left uncorrected, will create errors in the heading data from the RiverPro/RioPro. A compass calibration
should be conducted at each measurement location, and whenever the mounting fixture, boat, or ancillary
equipment such as batteries or radios are changed or rearranged. Be aware of the following items:
• Compass calibration is especially important when using the RiverPro/RioPro on a manned boat
as they often have significant magnetic field distortions from the hull, engine(s), and ancillary
equipment. Accurate calibration may not be possible in extreme cases.
• If the mounting fixture or frame has some magnetic field or magnetic permeability, calibrate the
RiverPro/RioPro inside the fixture. Depending on the strength and complexity of the fixture’s
field, the calibration procedure may be able to correct it.
• Ferromagnetic structures such as bridges or sheet piling in the measurement location may inter-
fere with proper compass operation. The compass calibration procedure can NOT correct for
heading errors due to these types of structures.

For detailed instructions on calibrating the compass, see the WinRiver II User’s Guide.

Calibrating the Compass with WinRiver II

To calibrate the RiverPro/RioPro ADCP compass:
1. On the Acquire menu, click Execute Compass Calibration.
2. Click the Calibrate button.

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3. Select Use Pitch/Roll?

• Click No if the RiverPro/RioPro will not be subject to pitch and roll (i.e. calm water) (see
Figure 15). This calibration requires two rotations (one for calibration and one for
• Click Yes if RiverRay, RiverPro/RioPro, or StreamPro will be subject to pitch and roll (see
Figure 16). This calibration requires up to eight rotations (four for calibration and four for
verification) while pitching the StreamPro up and down.
4. If needed, click the Factory Default button to restore the factory calibration values.

Use the Factory Default button if your compass has problems calibrating or instructed to by
TRDI field service.

5. Click the Start Calibration button.

6. As you rotate the RiverPro/RioPro, the bars will change color. The Blue bar indicates where you
are in the rotations.
• Green – Good
• Light Green – Acceptable
• Yellow – Within parameters (one or two yellow bars for the entire rotation is OK)
• Orange – Unacceptable - Rotate slower!
• Red – Not measured
7. When the first rotation(s) are complete, click OK on the message box to continue with the verifi-
cation samples.
8. When the second rotation(s) are complete, click OK on the message box. The calibration error
should be less than 2 degrees.

Figure 15. RiverPro/RioPro Compass Calibration Screen

The no Pitch/Roll calibration (also called a single-tilt calibration) requires two rotations while the
RiverPro/RioPro is on a flat, level surface.

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Figure 16. RiverPro/RioPro Compass Calibration Screen – Pitch/Roll

The Pitch/Roll calibration requires eight rotations while pitching the RiverPro/RioPro up and down.
• For the bottom row of squares, pitch the RiverPro/RioPro between -22.5 to -45 degrees.
• For the second row, pitch the RiverPro/RioPro between -22.5 to 0 degrees.
• For the third row, pitch the RiverPro/RioPro between 0 to 22.5 degrees.
• For the top row, pitch the RiverPro/RioPro between 22.5 to 45 degrees.

Each row can be completed during one rotation or you can vary the pitch as you rotate. A
good compass calibration requires slow, smooth movement to allow the compass to collect
data at each point.

Yearly Maintenance Items

The O-rings, desiccant and hardware should be replaced every one to two years.

Maintenance Kit
Table 2 and Table 3 lists the items in the maintenance kits. These kits are required when the RiverPro/Ri-
oPro has been opened. The maintenance kit includes the following tools and spare parts.

The maintenance kits are not included with the RiverPro/RioPro system. They are required to
properly close the system.
Order kit number 75BK6032-00 for RiverPro systems.
Order kit number 757K6078-00 for RioPro systems.

Table 2: RiverPro Maintenance Kit

Item # Part # Description
1. DES2 Desiccant
2. 5020 Silicone lubricant, 4-pack
3. 84Z-6000-00 Tool bag
4. 972-6001-00 O-ring, bore, 2-159
5. 972-8044-00 O-ring, face, 2-253
6. M4ALLENDRIVER M4 ball wrench

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Item # Part # Description

7. M5WASHSPL Split-Washer, SST
8. M5WASHSTD Flat Washer, 10MM OD, SST
9. M5X0.8X20SHCS Socket head cap screw, 316SS
10. M5X0.8X30SHCS Socket head cap screw, 316SS

Table 3: RioPro/Rio Grande Maintenance Kit

Item # Part # Description
2. 84Z-6000-00 TOOL BAG, CANVAS
3. 97Z-6052-00 O-RING, 2-260, DURO 70, EPDM

This kit includes some parts that are used only on the Rio Grande.

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Figure 17. RiverPro Assembly

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Figure 18. RioPro Assembly

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End-Cap Removal Procedures

To remove the end-cap:

There are no user replaceable parts in the transducer except for O-Rings and desiccant.
When access to the electronics is required, the end-cap must be removed first to disconnect
the ribbon cable and power cable and then remove the housing (see Transducer Head
Assembly Removal).The ribbon cable is not long enough to be disconnected when removing
the transducer head assembly.

1. Dry the outside of the RiverPro/RioPro.

2. Stand the RiverPro/RioPro on its transducer face on a soft pad.
3. Remove all power to the RiverPro/RioPro.
4. Remove the I/O cable and place the dummy plug on the I/O cable connector (see I/O Cable and
Dummy Plug).
5. Inspect the end cap bolts for any signs of damage such as bending, stretched bolts, crushed or de-
formed bushings, etc. These signs may indicate that there is internal pressure inside the unit.

If the RiverPro/RioPro flooded, there may be gas under pressure inside the housing. As a
precaution, loosen the four end-cap bolts to vent the system.

6. To avoid any possible injury it is ALWAYS recommended to loosen but do not remove the four M5
end-cap bolts and allow any internal pressure to be vented from the system. If the end cap moves
as the bolts are loosened, then this may indicate that internal pressure is present. Be sure to only
loosen the bolts far enough to allow the system to vent.
7. Once all four end-cap bolts have been loosened and there is no internal pressure, remove the bolts
from the end-cap.

Make sure to save all hardware removed during this procedure for re-assembly.

8. Carefully pull the end-cap away from the housing until access is gained to the internal cable con-
nectors. Use care; the plastic mating surfaces scratch easily. Do not damage the mating surfaces.
9. Disconnect the internal power and I/O ribbon cable connector and the external power cable con-
nector from their jacks. Set the end-cap aside.
10. Clean the O-ring mating surfaces with a soft, lint-free cloth. Inspect the surfaces for damage (see
O-ring Inspection and Replacement). Even small scratches can cause leakage around the O-ring

Transducer Head Assembly Removal

Always remove the end-cap first.

To remove the transducer head:

1. Remove all power to the RiverPro/RioPro.
2. Remove the I/O cable and place the dummy plug on the I/O cable connector (see I/O Cable and
Dummy Plug).
3. Remove the end-cap (see End-Cap Removal Procedures).

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4. Remove all four transducer head bolts from the transducer head.
5. Set the transducer assembly (transducer face down) on a soft pad. Carefully lift the housing as-
sembly straight up and away from the transducer. Use care; the plastic mating surfaces scratch
easily. Do not damage the mating surfaces.
6. Clean the O-ring mating surfaces with a soft, lint-free cloth. Inspect the surfaces for damage (see
O-ring Inspection and Replacement).
7. When ready to re-assemble the RiverPro/RioPro, see RiverPro/RioPro Re-assembly.

RiverPro/RioPro Re-assembly
To replace the end-cap and transducer head, proceed as follows. Use Figure 17 and Figure 18 for parts
• Make sure all printed circuit boards, spacers, cables, and screws have been installed.
• Install one fresh bag of desiccant just before closing the RiverPro/RioPro (see Desiccant Bags).

Desiccant Bags
Desiccant bags are used to dehumidify the housing interior. Desiccant is essential in deployments with
plastic housings. Remember that desiccant rapidly absorbs moisture from normal room air. Replace the
desiccant bag whenever the RiverPro/RioPro system is opened.

Do not open the desiccant bag. Contact with the silica gel can cause nose, throat, and skin
irritation. Do not puncture or tear the desiccant bag. Do not use desiccant bags that are torn
or open.

Desiccant bags are shipped in an airtight aluminum bag to ensure maximum effectiveness.
There is a moisture indicator inside the bag. If the moisture indicator is pink, do not use the
desiccant bag until it has been dried. TRDI recommends replacing the desiccant bag just
before the installing the end-cap.

To replace the desiccant:

1. Remove the end-cap (see End-Cap Removal Procedures).
2. Remove the new desiccant bag from the airtight aluminum bag.
3. Remove the old desiccant bag and install a new one. Place the desiccant bag as shown in Figure 17
and Figure 18.

Place the desiccant carefully such that when end-cap is attached, no electronic components
are damaged.

4. Install the end-cap (see End-cap Replacement).

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O-ring Inspection and Replacement

This section explains how to inspect/replace the RiverPro/RioPro O-rings. A successful deployment de-
pends on the condition of four O-rings and their retaining grooves. Read all instructions before doing the
required actions.
• Transducer and End-cap assembly, face, 2-253
• Transducer and End-cap assembly, bore, 2-159
• Transducer and End-cap assembly, 2-260
TRDI strongly recommend replacing these O-rings whenever the RiverPro/RioPro is disassembled. In-
specting and replacing the O-rings should be the last maintenance task done before sealing the

TRDI recommends using new O-rings when preparing for a deployment.

To replace/inspect the O-ring:

1. Inspect the O-rings. When viewed with an unaided eye, the O-rings must be free of cuts, indenta-
tions, abrasions, foreign matter, and flow marks. The O-ring must be smooth and uniform in ap-
pearance. Defects must be less than 0.1 mm (0.004 in.).

Always use new O-rings. Weak or damaged O-rings will cause the RiverPro/RioPro to flood.

2. Clean and inspect the O-ring grooves. Be sure the grooves are free of foreign matter, scratches,
indentations, corrosion, and pitting. Run your fingernail across damaged areas. If you cannot feel
the defect, the damage may be minor; otherwise, the damage may need repair.

Check the O-ring groove thoroughly. Any foreign matter in the O-ring groove will cause the
RiverPro/RioPro to flood.

3. If a scratch is on the plastic housing flange O-ring groove, it may be gently sanded using 600-grit
(wet) sandpaper. Use care not to cause further damage.
4. Lubricate the O-ring with a thin coat of silicone lubricant. Use as little lubricant as possible - just a
sufficient amount to change the color of the O-ring. Apply the lubricant using latex gloves. Do not
let loose fibers or lint stick to the O-ring. Fibers can provide a leakage path.

Apply a very thin coat of silicone lube on the O-ring. Using too much silicone lube on the O-
ring can be more harmful than using no O-ring lube at all.

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Transducer Head Assembly Replacement

Always replace the transducer head prior to replacing the end-cap.

To install the transducer had assembly:

1. Stand the RiverPro/RioPro housing on its end.
2. Inspect, clean, and lubricate the O-ring on the housing (see O-ring Inspection and Replacement).
Install the O-rings.

TRDI recommends using new O-rings when preparing for a deployment.

Apply a very thin coat of silicone lube on the O-ring. Using too much silicone lube on the O-
ring can be more harmful than using no O-ring lube at all.

3. Gently lower the transducer head/electronics assembly into the housing, aligning the mating
holes. When mating the housing with the transducer head flange try to apply equal pressure to all
parts of the O-ring. Make sure the face O-ring remains in the retaining groove.

Check that no wires or any other object is pinched between the transducer head assembly
and the housing. Use rubber bands to hold the wiring in place as necessary. If the O-ring is
not in the groove or if a wire or other object is pinched, the RiverPro/RioPro will flood.

4. Examine the transducer assembly bolts and washers for corrosion; replace if necessary. Use Fig-
ure 17 and Figure 18 for parts identification. All hardware items are needed to seal the
RiverPro/RioPro properly.
5. Install all four sets of hardware until “finger tight.”
6. Tighten the bolts in small increments until the split washer flattens out, and then tighten each
bolt ¼ turn more to compress the face seal O-ring evenly. Tighten the bolts to the recommended
torque value shown in Table 4.
Table 4. Torque Settings
Bolt Size Torque (pound-inches) Torque (Newton-meters)

M5X0.8 4.5 0.51

M6X1.0 10.62 1.20

M8X1.25 25.2 2.85

Apply equal pressure to the O-ring as the bolts are tightened. If one bolt is tightened more
than the others, the O-ring can become pinched or torn. A damaged O-ring will cause the
system to flood.

Do not over tighten the bolts that hold the transducer, housing, and end cap together. The
plastic housing can crack or break if tightened too much. On the other hand, leaving the bolts
too loose can cause the system to flood. Tighten the bolts to the recommended torque value
shown in Table 4.

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End-cap Replacement
Always replace the transducer head first prior to installing the end-cap.

To replace the end-cap:

1. Stand the RiverPro/RioPro on its transducer face on a soft pad.
2. Inspect, clean, and lubricate the O-ring on the housing (see O-ring Inspection and Replacement).
Install the O-rings.

TRDI recommends using new O-rings when preparing for a deployment.

Apply a very thin coat of silicone lube on the O-ring. Using too much silicone lube on the O-
ring can be more harmful than using no O-ring lube at all.

3. Connect the internal power and I/O connector and external power cable connector to their jacks.
4. Place the end-cap on the housing, aligning the mating holes and the beam 3 number embossed on
the end-cap with the beam 3 number embossed on the transducer head. When mating the end-cap
with the housing flange, try to apply equal pressure to all parts of the O-rings. Make sure the face
O-ring remains in its retaining groove.

Check that no wires or any other object is pinched between the end-cap and the housing. Use
rubber bands to hold the wiring in place as necessary. If the O-ring is not in the groove or if a
wire or other object is pinched, the RiverPro/RioPro will flood.

5. Examine the end-cap assembly bolts and washers for corrosion; replace if necessary. Use Figure
17 and Figure 18 for parts identification. All hardware items are needed to seal the RiverPro/Ri-
oPro properly.
6. Install all four sets of hardware until “finger-tight.”
7. Tighten the bolts in small increments until the split washer flattens out, and then tighten each
bolt ¼ turn more to compress the face seal O-ring evenly. Tighten the bolts to the recommended
torque value shown in Table 4.

Apply equal pressure to the O-ring as the bolts are tightened. If one bolt is tightened more
than the others, the O-ring can become pinched or torn. A damaged O-ring will cause the
system to flood.

Do not over tighten the bolts that hold the transducer, housing, and end cap together. The
plastic housing can crack or break if tightened too much. On the other hand, leaving the bolts
too loose can cause the system to flood. Tighten the bolts to the recommended torque value
shown in Table 4.

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Chapter 5

In this chapter, you will learn:

• Testing the RiverPro/RioPro with WinRiver II or BBTalk
• Test Results

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This chapter explains how to test the RiverPro/RioPro using the WinRiver II, SxS Pro, and BBTalk pro-
Test the RiverPro/RioPro:
• When you first receive the RiverPro/RioPro.
• Before each deployment or every six months.
• When you suspect instrument problems.
• After each deployment.
These test procedures assume all equipment is working. The tests can help isolate problems to a major
functional area of the RiverPro/RioPro. For troubleshooting information, see Troubleshooting.

Testing the System using WinRiver II

To test the RiverPro/RioPro using WinRiver II:
1. Start WinRiver II and establish communications with the RiverPro/RioPro ADCP.

For help on using WinRiver II, see the WinRiver II User’s Guide.

2. On the Acquire menu, click Execute ADCP Test to verify the RiverPro/RioPro is functioning
properly. RiverPro/RioPro ADCP tests should be conducted in non-moving or very slow water ve-
locities to obtain the most accurate results.
3. Click Close to exit the ADCP Test dialog.

The tests should be run while the RiverPro/RioPro ADCP is in water. Running the test in air
will not harm the RiverPro/RioPro, but some tests may fail in air.

Figure 19. Testing the RiverPro/RioPro using WinRiver II

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Testing the System with SxS Pro

To test the RiverPro/RioPro using SxS Pro:
1. Start SxS Pro and establish communications with the RiverPro/RioPro ADCP.

For help on using SxS Pro, see the SxS Pro User’s Guide.

2. On the Tests menu, click ADCP Tests to verify the RiverPro/RioPro is functioning properly.
3. Click Run Tests.
4. At the end of the test, click the Stop PC2 button to end the PC2 test. Click Exit to exit the ADCP
Tests dialog.

The tests should be run while the RiverPro/RioPro ADCP is in water. Running the test in air
will not harm the RiverPro/RioPro, but some tests may fail in air.

Figure 20. Testing the RiverPro/RioPro using SxS Pro

Testing the System with BBTalk

To test the RiverPro/RioPro using BBTalk:
1. Interconnect and apply power to the system as described in Setting up the RiverPro/RioPro Sys-
2. Start the BBTalk program.
3. Using BBTalk, send the RiverPro/RioPro the following commands: PS0, PS3, PA, and PC2.

For help on using BBTalk, see the RDI Tools User’s Guide.

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Test Results
This section shows an example of the test commands.

Display System Parameters

This tells the RiverPro/RioPro to display specific information about the RiverPro/RioPro. For example:
System: RioPro
Serial Number: 2
Frequency: 1228800 Hz
Transducer Type: PISTON
Beam Angle: 20 Degrees
Beam Pattern: CONVEX
Vertical Beam: NONE
Temperature: DS18b20 1-Wire
Heading/Pitch/Roll: RDI (ISM)
GPS: Internal DGPS

CPU Firmware: 56.02 FD0i3

FPGA Version:7.00.002 [0x7002]

Board Serial Number Data:

BB 00 00 05 0F F9 36 28 DS18B20 TMP SNS
42 00 00 01 A1 12 70 23 XDR717-1150-00B
D6 00 00 01 A5 91 14 23 PIO72B-2201-00A
08 00 00 01 A5 AC 34 23 DSP72B-2212-00C
73 00 00 01 52 D0 C2 23 END72B-2264-01A
86 00 00 01 B8 DD 4A 23 MUX72B-2265-00A
08 00 00 01 B8 F0 29 23 PER72B-2353-05B
8C 00 00 01 A1 58 13 23 RCV72B-2263-02A


Verify the information is consistent with the configuration of the system. If PS0 does not list all of the sen-
sors, there is a problem with either the communications to the transducer or a problem with the receiver

Instrument Transformation Matrix

PS3 sends information about the transducer beams. The RiverPro/RioPro uses this information in its co-
ordinate-transformation calculations; for example, the output may look like this:

Last Save Time: 14/09/26,17:16:41.39

Profiling Beams: 4
Janus Xdcr Type: Piston
Janus Beam Angle (deg) 20
Janus Beam Freq (Hz) 1228800
Janus Beam Dia (mm) 32
Janus Beam Offset (mm) 0
Instrument Transformation Matrix:
1.4619 -1.4619 0.0000 0.0000
0.0000 0.0000 -1.4619 1.4619
0.2660 0.2660 0.2660 0.2660
1.0337 1.0337 -1.0337 -1.0337

Has V-Beam: Yes

VBeam Xdcr Type: Piston
VBeamFreq (Hz) 614400
VBeam Dia (mm) 15

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VBeam Offset (mm) 0

If the RiverPro/RioPro has beam angle errors, they are reflected in the instrument transformation matrix
and the Beam Directional matrix. This matrix, when multiplied by the raw beam data gives currents in the
x, y, z, and e directions.

Pre-deployment Test
This diagnostic test checks the major RiverPro/RioPro modules and signal paths. The Recorder test
counts down from 65536 to 0 as test progresses. If the recorder has data stored in it, the recorder test
won’t run. To clear the recorder use the ME command. For example, the output may look like this:
RAM test................PASS
ROM test................PASS
RTC test................PASS
UART test...............PASS
Compass test............PASS
Temperature test........PASS
GPS test................PASS
Recorder test...........PASS


Display Heading, Pitch, Roll, and Voltage

The PC tests displays heading, pitch angle, roll angle, temperature, and voltage in a repeating loop at ap-
proximately 0.5-sec update rate. Any key pressed exits this command and returns the user to the com-
mand prompt. Sending PC0 will display a help list of the PC commands.

PC2 updates the output without a linefeed. PC20 provides linefeeds with each update.
The Batt(V) battery voltage should be greater than 10.5 volts.

PC0 = Help
PC2 = Display Sensor Data
PC4 = Display Voltage Monitor ADC Data
PC20 = Display Scrolling Sensor Data
PC40 = Display Scrolling Voltage Monitor Data

Sensor data is sampled and displayed in a loop.
An asterisk ‘*’ to the right of a number indicates invalid data.
Press any key to exit the loop.

Count Temp(C) Heading Pitch Roll Up/Down Depth(m) Batt(V) Batt(A)

\ 9 22.812 340.08 -2.18 1.20 Down 0.000* 11.751 0.156

Sensor data is sampled and displayed in a loop.
An asterisk ‘*’ to the right of a number indicates invalid data.
Press any key to exit the loop.

Count Temp(C) Heading Pitch Roll Up/Down Depth(m) Batt(V) Batt(A)

1 22.937 339.86 -2.09 1.26 Down 0.000* 11.757 0.156
2 22.937 340.11 -2.19 1.21 Down 0.000* 11.757 0.161
3 23.000 340.26 -2.02 1.26 Down 0.000* 11.737 0.164
4 23.000 340.40 -2.12 1.20 Down 0.000* 11.757 0.158
5 22.875 340.19 -1.99 1.26 Down 0.000* 11.757 0.153

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Chapter 6

In this chapter:
• LED colors and troubleshooting
• Float wiring diagram

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System Status and LED Behavior

The RiverPro/RioPro LED behavior is illustrated in Table 5. The blue LED indicates Bluetooth connection
status. The green and red LEDs depict the system status and diagnostic information respectively.
Table 5. LED Behavior

Loading FPGA

Two slow blinks then ON

Power Up Self-
Test Pass

One blink every two seconds

System Error:
Comms Failure

Two blinks every two seconds

System Error: Based on
Sensor Failure Bluetooth
Connect /
Three blinks every two seconds
System Error: Based on Pinging/ Ready/ Standby
Bluetooth Fail-

System Error:
Other Failure

Slow blinking

Low Battery

Ready/Standby ON

Blinks 0.1
Pinging Blinks 0.1 sec/ensemble
Based on Battery/ System Error Status sec/ensemble

based on pinging/ ready/ standby ON

When power is applied and the self-test passes, the Blue and Green LEDs indicate the LAST
connection (blue for Bluetooth, green for Serial).
When a NEW connection is established, then the color will match the type of connection.

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Table 6: Troubleshooting the RiverPro/RioPro

Problem / Indication Possible Solution

LEDs do not light Check the 12V Lead Acid battery connection.
Turn on power switch on boat.
Check fuse in boat.

System Error: Send a === (soft break) or use BBTalk to wake the RiverPro/RioPro.
Red LED on solid or blinking Cycle power. If this does not help, check 12V Lead Acid battery.
System error has been detected. Use BBTalk to Test the RiverPro/RioPro.
Replace the 12V Lead Acid battery.

Blue LED off Send a === (soft break) or use BBTalk to wake up the RiverPro/RioPro.
Try connecting to RiverPro/RioPro using the I/O cable.
Replace the 12V Lead Acid battery.
Charge the PC battery.
Check Bluetooth setup on PC computer.

Bluetooth connection is intermittent Out of range – The PC must be in a clear line of sight to the RiverPro/RioPro.
RiverPro/RioPro internal temperature may be above 50° C. Move the RiverPro/RioPro to a cooler
location and attempt to communicate again.

If the system was not powered up for some time, the RTC circuit can be discharged. When
power is first applied, it will indicate a System Error (red LED on). Leave the power on for
several minutes to charge the capacitor and then cycle power to clear the error.
Verify the RTC clock is set by sending the T? command:
Available Commands:
TE 00:00:00.00 ---------- Time Between Ensembles
TF --/--/--,--:--:-- ---- Set First Ping Time (yy/mm/dd,hh:mm:ss)
TP 00:00.00 ------------- Time Between Pings
TS 00/01/01,00:05:15.83 - Set System Date and Time (yy/mm/dd,hh:mm:ss)
T? ---------------------- Display T-Command Menu
If the system date/time is not correct, use the TS command or application software to set the

Fuse Replacement
There is one fuse in the boat that protects the RiverPro/RioPro from excessive incoming power. If this
fuse continues to blow, check the battery and wiring harness before applying power again.
To replace the fuse:
1. Turn off the power.
2. Open the battery deck plate cover.
3. The fuse is located on the red power cable.
4. Gently pull the fuse housing apart.
5. Check the fuse using an ohmmeter. Replace the fuse if necessary with a 4 amp Slo-Blow fuse (size

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Boat Wiring Diagram

Figure 21. RiverRay/RiverPro/RioPro Boat Wiring Diagram

Table 7: RiverRay/RiverPro/RioPro Boat Wiring

To GPS (J1) RiverRay I/O Connector (J2)
8pin micro/change LPMIL-8-FS Connector
Pin Number Function Function Pin Number
1 Rx ← Tx 2
2 Tx → Rx 1
3 Gnd ↔ Gnd 8
4 Rx2 ← Tx4A 6
5 Tx2 → Rx4A 5
6 Coms Return ↔ Coms Return 3
7 n/c n/c 7
8 V+ ↔ V+ 4

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Chapter 7

In this chapter:
• How to pack and ship the RiverPro/RioPro
• How to get a RMA number
• Where to send your RiverPro/RioPro for repair

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Shipping the RiverPro/RioPro

This section explains how to ship the RiverPro/RioPro ADCP.

Remove all customer-applied coatings or provide certification that the coating is nontoxic if
you are shipping a RiverPro/RioPro ADCP to TRDI for repair or upgrade. This certification must
include the name of a contact person who is knowledgeable about the coating, the name,
manufacturer of the coating and the appropriate telephone numbers. If you return the
equipment without meeting these conditions, TRDI has instructed our employees not to
handle the equipment and to leave it in the original shipping container pending certification. If
you cannot provide certification, we will return the equipment to you or to a customer-
specified cleaning facility. All costs associated with customer-applied coatings will be at the
customer's expense.

When shipping the RiverPro/RioPro ADCP through a Customs facility, be sure to place the unit so identi-
fying labels are not covered and can be seen easily by the Customs Inspector. Failure to do so could delay
transit time.

TRDI strongly recommends using the original shipping crate whenever transporting the
RiverPro/RioPro ADCP.

If you need to ship the RiverPro/RioPro ADCP, use the original shipping crate whenever possible. If the
original packaging material is unavailable or unserviceable, additional material is available through TRDI.
For repackaging with commercially available materials:
1. Use a strong shipping container made out of wood or plastic.
2. Install a layer of shock-absorbing static-shielding material, 70-mm to 100-mm thick, around all
sides of the instrument to firmly cushion and prevent movement inside the container.
3. Seal the shipping container securely.
4. Mark the container FRAGILE to ensure careful handing.
5. In any correspondence, refer to the RiverPro/RioPro ADCP by model and serial number.

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Returning Systems to the TRDI Factory

When shipping the system to TRDI from either inside or outside the United States, the following instruc-
tions will help ensure the RiverPro/RioPro ADCP arrives with the minimum possible delay. Any deviation
from these instructions increases the potential for delay.
Step 1 - Request a Return Material Authorization
To obtain a Return Material Authorization (RMA) number and shipping instructions for the return of
your instrument, do one of the following:
• Open the RMA using the web link: http://adcp.com/support/sendADCP.aspx
• Contact Customer Service Administration at [email protected]
• Call +1 (858) 842-2700
When requesting a RMA number, please give us the following information:
• What is being shipped (include the serial number)
• When you plan to send the shipment
• What issue(s) need to be corrected
• Name of the Field Service Engineer that knows about the issue
• When you need the instrument returned
TRDI’s Customer Service will then respond with the RMA number for the shipment. Please include this
number on all packages and correspondence.
Step 2 – Provide a MSDS as necessary
Please provide a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) if the system/transducer is painted with antifouling
Step 3 - Ship via air freight, prepaid
Urgent Shipments should be shipped direct to TRDI via overnight or priority air services. Do not send ur-
gent airfreight as part of a consolidated shipment. If you ship consolidated, it will cost less, but may lose
up to three days in transit time.
Non-urgent shipments may be shipped as part of a consolidated cargo shipment to save money. In addi-
tion, some truck lines may offer equivalent delivery service at a lower cost, depending on the distance to
San Diego.
Mark the Package(s)
To: Teledyne RD Instruments, Inc. (RMA Number)
14020 Stowe Drive
Poway, California 92064

Airport of Destination = San Diego

Notify Paxton, Shreve and Hayes

Phone: +1 (619) 232-8941

Fax: +1 (619) 232-8976

EAR-Controlled Technology Subject to Restrictions Contained on the Cover Page. Page 67

October 2017 RiverPro and RioPro ADCP Guide

Step 4 - Urgent shipments

Send the following information by fax or telephone to TRDI.
Attention: Customer Service Administration
Fax: +1 (858) 842-2822
Phone: +1 (858) 842-2700
• Detailed descriptions of what you are shipping (number of packages, sizes, weights and contents).
• The name of the freight carrier
• Master Air bill number
• Carrier route and flight numbers for all flights the package will take

Returning Systems to TRDI Europe Factory

When shipping the system to TRDI Europe, the following instructions will help ensure the RiverPro/Ri-
oPro ADCP arrives with the minimum possible delay. Any deviation from these instructions increases the
potential for delay.
Step 1 - Request a Return Material Authorization
To obtain a Return Material Authorization (RMA) number and shipping instructions for the return of
your instrument, do one of the following:
• Open the RMA using the web link: http://adcp.com/support/sendADCP.aspx
• Contact Customer Service Administration at [email protected]
• Call +33(0) 492-110-930
When requesting a RMA number, please give us the following information:
• What is being shipped (include the serial number)
• When you plan to send the shipment
• What issue(s) need to be corrected
• Name of the Field Service Engineer that knows about the issue
• When you need the instrument returned
TRDI’s Customer Service will then respond with the RMA number for the shipment. Please include this
number on all packages and correspondence.
Step 2 – Provide a MSDS as necessary
Please provide a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) if the system/transducer is painted with antifouling
Step 3 - Ship Via Air Freight, Prepaid
Urgent Shipments should be shipped direct to TRDI via overnight or priority air services. Do not send ur-
gent airfreight as part of a consolidated shipment. If you ship consolidated, it will cost less, but may lose
up to three days in transit time.
Non-urgent shipments may be shipped as part of a consolidated cargo shipment to save money.

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RiverPro and RioPro ADCP Guide October 2017

Mark the package(s) as follows:

To: Teledyne RD Instruments, Inc. (RMA Number)
2A Les Nertieres
5 Avenue Hector Pintus
06610 La Gaude, France

Step 4 - Include Proper Customs Documentation

The Customs statement must be completed. It should be accurate and truthfully contain the following in-
• Contents of the shipment
• Value
• Purpose of shipment (example: “American made goods returned for repair”)
• Any discrepancy or inaccuracy in the Customs statement could cause the shipment to be delayed in
Step 5 - Send the Following Information by Fax or Telephone to TRDI
Attention: Sales Administration
Phone: +33(0) 492-110-930
Fax: +33(0) 492-110-931
• Detailed descriptions of what you are shipping (number of packages, sizes, weights and contents).
• The name of the freight carrier
• Master Air bill number
• Carrier route and flight numbers for all flights the package will take

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RiverPro and RioPro ADCP Guide October 2017

Chapter 8

In this chapter, you will learn:

• Specifications
• Outline Installation Drawings

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October 2017 RiverPro and RioPro ADCP Guide

A brief review of RiverPro/RioPro operation may help clarify the specifications listed in this section.

The specifications and dimensions listed in this section are subject to change without notice.

The RiverPro/RioPro sends acoustic pulses into the water, samples the return signal, and determines wa-
ter velocity by the Doppler shift of the signal. The key parameters used in this measurement are:
• The transmitted signal frequency
• The ideal correlation point (transmit lag) of the transmitted signal
• The angle of the RiverPro/RioPro beams, relative to vertical (Janus angle)
• The speed of sound in the water
The transmitted signal frequency is produced by digital circuitry, which is controlled by a very stable, high
precision crystal oscillator. No initial factory tuning or calibration is needed, and the signal remains stable
over time due to the stability of the oscillator itself.
Similarly, the transmit lag is produced by the same digital circuitry, and is stable for the same reasons as
the transmit frequency.
The angle of the RiverPro/RioPro beams is another key parameter in the velocity measurement. The beam
angles factor directly into the velocity calculations, so these angles are measured and calibrated at the fac-
The speed of sound in the water is another factor that linearly contributes to the RiverPro/RioPro velocity
calculation. This parameter can be provided to the RiverPro/RioPro by an external source, provided as a
priori information to the instrument, or calculated in real-time by the instrument itself. In the latter case,
the speed of sound is calculated from the measured water temperature and the (a priori provided)
salinity. So the accuracy of this speed-of-sound is dependent on the accuracy of the temperature
measurement. The RiverPro/RioPro use a digital temperature sensor which is based on silicon bandgap
technology. This sensor does not require any initial calibration and is very stable over time, so no periodic
recalibration is necessary.
The majority of parameters used in the RiverPro/RioPro measurement are digitally controlled, and gov-
erned by circuitry that is very stable over time. The other parameters of importance are speed-of-sound
and beam angle. The speed of sound accuracy ultimately traces to a silicon device, based on highly stable
technology, which does not need re-calibration. The end result is that, once the RiverPro/RioPro has un-
dergone its original factory calibration, its measurements should remain within specification for the life-
time of the device.

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Table 8: RiverPro/RioPro Specifications

Water Velocity Profiling

Operation mode Broadband / pulse coherent; automatic / manual

Velocity range ±5m/s default, ±20m/s max

Profiling range 12cm1 to 25m2

Accuracy ±0.25% of water velocity relative to RiverPro/RioPro, ±2mm/s

Resolution 1mm/s

Number of cells 15-30 typical, 200 maximum

Cell size 2cm to 5m

Data output rate 1-2Hz (typical)

Bottom Tracking

Operation mode Broadband

Velocity range ±9m/s

Depth range 15cm to 35m2

Accuracy ±0.25% of bottom velocity relative to RiverPro/RioPro, ±2mm/s

Resolution 1mm/s

Slant Beams (Depth Measurement)

Range 15cm to 35m2

Accuracy ±1%3,4

Resolution 1mm

RiverPro Vertical Beam (Depth Measurement)

Range 120m2

Accuracy ±1%4

Resolution 1mm

Transducer and Hardware

System frequency 1200kHz/600kHz (vertical beam - RiverPro only)

Beam angle 20°

Configuration 4 piston transducers, Janus arrangement/1 vertically oriented transducer (RiverPro


Internal memory 16 MB internal recorder

Communications Serial port RS-232 binary output at 1200 to 115,200 baud.

Bluetooth binary output at 115,200 baud. Range up to 200m.
Optional Radio modem, range >30km (line of sight)


Standard depth rating The RiverPro/RioPro is intended to be operated as a surface mounted system only.
No depth rating is provided.

Operating temperature -5° to 45°C

Storage temperature -20° C to 50° C

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October 2017 RiverPro and RioPro ADCP Guide

Table 8: RiverPro/RioPro Specifications


Battery (inside boat) 12V, 7A-hr lead acid gel cell

RiverPro/RioPro DC Input 10.5 to 18 VDC

Power consumption 1.5W typical

Battery capacity > 40 hrs continuous operation

Standard Sensors

Temperature (mounted on transducer)

Range: -5° to 45° C

Accuracy: ± 0.5° C

Resolution: 0.01°

Tilt (ISM)

Range: ±90°

Accuracy: 0.3° for combined tilt < ±70°

Resolution: 0.02°

Compass (includes field calibration feature)

Range: 0 to 360°

Accuracy: ±1°5

Resolution: 0.01°

Maximum tilt: ± 70°

GPS (Embedded)

3m Horizontal
Accuracy: 5m vertical
0.01m/s Velocity (nominal)

Resolution: 20cm
1 Distance measured from the center of the first cell to the transducer surface
2 Actual range depends on temperature and suspended solids concentration
3 For beam-averaged depth data
4 Assumes uniform water temperature and salinity profile
5 For combined tilt <+/-70° and dip angle <70°

Outline Installation Drawing

The following drawings show the standard RiverPro/RioPro dimensions and weights.
Table 9: Outline Installation Drawings
Description Drawing #

1200 kHz RiverPro 96B-6060

1200 kHz RioPro 967-6150

Outline Installation Drawings are subject to change without notice. Verify you have the latest
version of the drawing by contacting TRDI before building mounts or other hardware.

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Figure 22. 96B-6060 RiverPro Outline Installation Drawing

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Figure 23. 967-6150 RioPro 1200 kHz Outline Installation Drawing

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Chapter 9

In this chapter:
• How to enter commands
• Data output processing
• Firmware updates
• Command descriptions

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October 2017 RiverPro and RioPro ADCP Guide

This section defines the commands used by the RiverPro/RioPro. These commands (Table 10) set up and
control the RiverPro/RioPro without using an external software program such as our WinRiver II or SxS
Pro programs. However, TRDI recommends using our software to control the RiverPro/RioPro because
entering commands directly from a terminal can be difficult. Most RiverPro/RioPro settings use factory-
set values (Table 10). If these values are changed without thought, the deployment could be ruined. Be
sure to know what effect each command has before using it. Call TRDI for help on understanding the
function of any command.
Using WinRiver II or SxS Pro for real-time deployments to develop the command file will ensure that the
RiverPro/RioPro is set up correctly. The commands shown in Table 10 directly affect the range of the
RiverPro/RioPro, the standard deviation (accuracy) of the data, and battery usage.

This guide applies to RiverPro/RioPro firmware 56.03.

When new firmware versions are released, some commands may be modified, added, or
removed. Read the README file on the website. When an addition or correction to this
manual is needed, an Interim Change Notice (ICN) or an updated version of the manual will
be posted to our web site. Please check TRDI’s web site often at

Data Communication and Command Format

Enter commands using a Windows compatible computer with a Bluetooth interface running TRDI’s
BBTalk. The RiverPro/RioPro communicates with the computer through the Bluetooth interface or the
RS-232 serial interface I/O cable. TRDI initially sets the RiverPro/RioPro at the factory to communicate
at 115200 baud, no parity, and one stop bit.
Immediately after power is applied to the RiverPro/RioPro, it enters the STANDBY mode. Send a BREAK
signal using BBTalk by pressing the End key. Alternately, a software break may be sent by sending either
“+++” or “===”. When the RiverPro/RioPro first powers up or receives a BREAK signal, it responds with
a wake-up message similar to the one shown below. The RiverPro/RioPro is now ready to accept com-
mands at the “>” prompt from either a terminal or computer program.>break
Teledyne RD Instruments (c) 2015
All rights reserved.
Firmware Version: 56.xx

Command Input Processing

Input commands set RiverPro/RioPro operating parameters, start data collection, run built-in tests (BIT),
and asks for output data. All commands are ASCII character(s) and must end with a carriage return (CR).
For example,
>CR1<CR> [Your input]

If the entered command is valid, the RiverPro/RioPro executes the command. If the command is one that
does not provide output data, the RiverPro/RioPro sends a carriage return line feed <CR> <LF> and dis-
plays a new “>” prompt. Continuing the example,
>CR1<CR> [Your original input]
[Parameters set to FACTORY defaults]
> [RiverPro/RioPro response to a valid, no-output command]

If a valid command is entered that produces output data, the RiverPro/RioPro executes the command,
displays the output data, and then redisplays the “>” prompt. Some examples of commands that produce

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output data are ? (help menus), CS (start pinging), PS (system configuration data), and PA (run built-in
If the command is not valid, the RiverPro/RioPro responds with an error message similar to the following.
>CRA<CR> [Your input]
>CRA ERR 002: NUMBER EXPECTED<CR><LF> [RiverPro/RioPro response]
After correctly entering all the commands for the application, send the CS-command to put the
RiverPro/RioPro into the ping mode and begin the data collection cycle.

Data Output Processing

After the RiverPro/RioPro completes a data collection cycle, it sends a block of data called a data ensem-
ble. A data ensemble consists of the data collected and averaged during the ensemble interval (see TE
command). A data ensemble can contain header, leader, velocity, correlation magnitude, echo intensity,
percent good, and status data.
RiverPro/RioPro output data can be in either hexadecimal-ASCII (Hex-ASCII) or binary format (set by
the CF command). The Hex-ASCII mode is useful when using a terminal to communicate with, and view
data from the RiverPro/RioPro. The binary mode is useful for high-speed communication with a com-
puter program. Do not use the binary mode to view data on a terminal since the terminal could interpret
some binary data as control codes.

Most of Teledyne RD Instruments’ software supports binary PD0 Output Data Format.

When data collection begins, the RiverPro/RioPro uses the settings last entered (user settings) or the fac-
tory-default settings. The same settings are used for the entire deployment. If the user setting are saved
(see CK - Keep Parameters) then the RiverPro/RioPro will always use the user settings until a factory de-
fault is recalled, or use the last entered settings, if any, or until power is turned off. The following three
rules apply for setting-up the RiverPro/RioPro:
1. The last entered command of a particular command takes precedence,
2. The last entered commands will be kept in volatile memory until power is shutdown (only CK will
keep these in non-volatile memory, see CK - Keep Parameters).
3. The user can recall the factory default-settings at any time (see CR – Retrieve Parameters).
The RiverPro/RioPro will continue to be configured from volatile memory until it receives a CR-command
or until the volatile memory loses its backup power. If the RiverPro/RioPro receives a CR0 it will load into
volatile memory the command set last stored in non-volatile memory (semi-permanent user settings)
through the CK-command. If the RiverPro/RioPro receives a CR1, it will load into volatile memory the
factory default command set stored in ROM (permanent or factory settings).

Firmware Updates
The firmware for RiverPro/RioPro systems is located on flash memory chips on the CPU board. New firm-
ware can be downloaded from http://www.teledynemarine.com/rdi.
To update the firmware:
1. Set up the RiverPro/RioPro as shown in Serial Connection.
2. Start the program RRx.exe (where x = the firmware version). Click the Setup button.
3. Click the View README.TXT button to view the Readme.txt file for details on what is new in
this version of firmware.

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October 2017 RiverPro and RioPro ADCP Guide

4. Click Next and follow the on-screen prompts.

5. If the new version of firmware will not install, contact Customer Service for assistance.
6. After successfully upgrading the firmware, use BBTalk to test the RiverPro/RioPro.

Feature Upgrades
The feature upgrade installation program is used to install the Section-by-Section (SxS) feature upgrade
in a RiverPro/RioPro.

Contact your local sales representative if you are interested in upgrading the system.

The upgrade disk is specific to the unit for which it was ordered. DO NOT attempt to install
this feature for any other unit.

Many feature upgrades require the latest firmware version to be installed in the
RiverPro/RioPro. Update the firmware before installing a feature upgrade (see Firmware

To install a feature upgrade:

1. Set up the RiverPro/RioPro as shown in Setting up the RiverPro/RioPro System.
2. Run the NGSPActivate.exe program to enable the Section-By-Section features.

If this feature was ordered with the system, it will already be installed. For field upgrades, the
file can be renamed by TRDI, for example to RR_SNxxx.exe where xxx is the RiverPro/RioPro
ADCP’s serial number and will be e-mailed.

Figure 24. Installing Feature Upgrades

3. Click the Activate button. Once the feature has been installed, exit the NGSPActivate program.
4. Using BBTalk send the OL command (see OL – Display Feature List) to verify the feature upgrade
has been installed.

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RiverPro and RioPro ADCP Guide October 2017

Command Summary
Table 10 gives a summary of the RiverPro/RioPro input commands, their format, and a brief description
of the parameters they control, and the factory default command settings.

When newer firmware versions are released, some commands may be modified or added.
Read the README file on the upgrade disk or check TRDI’s web site for the latest changes.

Table 10: RiverPro/RioPro Input Command Summary

Command Default Description

? Shows command menu (deploy or system)

<BREAK> End Interrupts or wakes up RiverPro/RioPro and loads last settings used
Y Display banner
OI Install New Feature
OL Display Feature List

BP 1 Number of BT Pings in ensemble [0-999]

BX 00500 Max Depth (dm) [10-65535 dm]

CA0 Communication Timeout (0=Off,10-65536 sec)

CB811 Serial port control (baud rate/parity/stop bits)
CF 11111 Set Ctrl Flags {e;p;b;s;*}
CK Save Command Parameters to Flash as user defaults
CR Restore command defaults (0=user, 1=factory)
CS Start pinging
CSTATE Pinging State Query
CSTOP Stop pinging
CT 0 Turnkey (0 = OFF, 1 = ON)
CW Output the Last Stored Ensemble
CZ Put the system to sleep

EA +00000 Heading alignment (-179.99 to 180.00 degrees)

EB +00000 Heading bias (-179.99 to 180.00 degrees)
EC 1485 Speed of Sound (1400 to 1600 m/s)
ED 00000 - Transducer Depth (0 to 65535 dm)
EH 00000 - Heading (000.00 to 359.99 degrees)
EP +00000 Pitch (-70.00 to +70.00 degrees)
ER +00000 Roll (-70.00 to +70.00 degrees)
ES 00 Salinity (0 to 45)
ET 2100 Temperature (-5.00 to +35.00 degrees C)
EU 0 System Orientation 1=up,0=down
EX 00000 Coordinate Transformation (Xform:Type; Tilts; 3Bm; Map)
EZ 1011101 Sensor Source (C;D;H;P;R;S;T)

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October 2017 RiverPro and RioPro ADCP Guide

Table 10: RiverPro/RioPro Input Command Summary

Command Default Description

ME ErAsE recorder
MM Show memory usge
MN RP Set deployment name (1….6 characters)
MR 0 Set recorder on/off [0=off, 1=on)
MQ Streaming download (addr, nbytes)
MY Y-modem download

PA Pre-deployment tests
PC1 Beam Continuity Built-in test
PC2 Display Heading, Pitch, Roll, and Orientation Built-in test
PD0 Set Output Format (0=ensemble; 1=vbeam)
PF Results from most recent PA tests
PS0 Display System Configuration
PS3 Display Instrument Transformation Matrix
PTnnn Built-In test (0 to 200)

SA Compass calibration [0=help]

SF3 External NMEA Menu 0=help
SI1 Internal GPS Menu 0=help
SZ220 Sensors Installed [Compass, Temperature, CTD]

TE 00:00:00.00 Time per ensemble (hours:minutes:seconds.100th of seconds)

TF --/--/--,--:--:-- -- Time of first ping (year/month/day, hours:minutes:seconds)
TP 00:00.00 Time between pings (minutes:seconds.100th of seconds)
TS 14/09/30,09:56:51.62 Set real-time clock (year/month/day, hours:minutes:seconds)

VG 00000 Vertical beam depth guess (0 to 10000 cm)

VP 001 Enable vertical beam pings (0, 1)

WC 064,080,096 Correlation Threshold [0-255]

WD 1110000001 Data Out {v;c;a;p;s;*;*;*;*;m}
WF 0016 Blanking Distance (cm) [0-500]
WM 0012 Water Profiling Mode [2,3,12]
WN 200 Number of Bins [1-200]
WO 001 Number of SubPings [1-999]
WP 001 Number of Pings [1-999]
WS 0005 Bin Size (cm) [1-500]
WV 0250 Ambiguity Velocity (cm/s)

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RiverPro and RioPro ADCP Guide October 2017

Table 10: RiverPro/RioPro Input Command Summary

Command Default Description

ZB 0 Bandwidth [0=Wide (25%), 1=Narrow (6.25%)]

ZC 064 Correlation Threshold (counts) [0..255]
ZD 111100000 Data Out {v;c;a;p;s;*;*;*;*}
ZF 020 Blanking Distance (cm) [0-500]
ZG 1 Gain [0=low, 1=high]
ZM 2 V-Beam Profile Mode [2=Linear, 12=LinPhasePlaneAvg]
ZN 010 Number of Bins [1-200]
ZO 004 Number of Mode-12 Subpings [0-20]
ZP 000 Number of Pings [0-999]
ZS 010 Bin Size (cm) [2-500]
ZV 250 Ambiguity Velocity (cm/s) [5-700]

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October 2017 RiverPro and RioPro ADCP Guide

Command Descriptions
Each listing includes the command’s purpose, format, default setting (if applicable) range, Recom-
mended Setting, and description. When appropriate, we include amplifying notes and examples. If a
numeric value follows the command, the RiverPro/RioPro uses it to set a processing value (time, range,
percentage, processing flags). All measurement values are in metric units (mm, cm, and dm).

? – Help Menus
Purpose Lists the major help groups.
Format x? (see description)
Description Entering ? by itself displays all command groups. To display help for one command
group, enter x?, where x is the command group to view. When the RiverPro/RioPro dis-
plays the help for a command group, it also shows the format and present setting of those
commands. To see the help or setting for one command, enter the command followed by
a question mark. For example, to view the CB command setting, enter CB?.
Examples See below.


Teledyne RD Instruments (c) 2015
All rights reserved.
Firmware Version: 56.xx

Available Commands:
B ----------------------- Bottom Mode Commands
C ----------------------- Control Commands
E ----------------------- Environment Commands
M ----------------------- Loop Recorder Commands
O ----------------------- Feature Commands
P ----------------------- Performance Test Commands
S ----------------------- Sensor Control
T ----------------------- Time Commands
V ----------------------- Vertical Beam Mode Commands
W ----------------------- Water Profiling Commands
Y ----------------------- Display Banner
Z ----------------------- Vertical Beam Profile Commands
? ----------------------- Display Main Menu

CB = 811 ----------------- Serial Port Control (Baud [8=115200]; Par; Stop)

The RiverPro/RioPro will hide menu options when in different water modes.
Vertical Beam commands are only available in 5 beam systems.

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Purpose Interrupts the RiverPro/RioPro without erasing present settings.
Format <BREAK>

Recommended Setting. Use as needed.

Description A BREAK signal interrupts RiverPro/RioPro processing. It is leading-edge triggered and

must last at least 300 ms. A BREAK initializes the system, sends a wake-up (copyright)
message, and places the RiverPro/RioPro in the DATA I/O mode. The BREAK command
does not erase any settings or data.
Using BBTalk, pressing the End key sends a BREAK.
Software Breaks can be used with BBTalk and WinRiver II. The RiverPro/RioPro will use
the “= = =” string instead of a break.
Example <BREAK>
RiverPro RioPro
Teledyne RD Instruments (c) 2015 Teledyne RD Instruments (c) 2015
All rights reserved. All rights reserved.
Firmware Version: 56.xx Firmware Version: 56.xx
> >

When a break is sent, the first line of the banner indicates the RiverPro/RioPro’s communication configu-
• QBREAK A - RiverPro/RioPro response to a hard break on the serial RS-232 I/O cable.
• CBREAK - RiverPro/RioPro response to a soft break on the serial RS-232 I/O cable or
Bluetooth communication.

Hard breaks are not supported over Bluetooth.

• [ALARM Wakeup A] => When a break is sent, if the battery has a low voltage reading
the following message appears:
[ALARM Wakeup A]
Teledyne RD Instruments (c) 2015
All rights reserved.
Firmware Version: 56.xx

If this message appears after a break, it is advised not to deploy the RiverPro/RioPro since
TRDI cannot guarantee the unit will perform to the performance specifications.

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October 2017 RiverPro and RioPro ADCP Guide

OL – Display Feature List

Purpose Lists the special firmware upgrades that are installed.
Format OL

Recommended Setting. Use as needed.

Description Lists special features that are installed. See Feature Upgrades for information on how to
install additional capability in the RiverPro/RioPro.
Examples See below.
Feature Installed
Manual Profile Modes Yes
Suspended Sediment No
SxS No

See your technical manual or contact TRDI for information on

how to install additional capability in your RiverPro/RioPro.


The Section-By-Section (SxS) feature allows transects to be completed by measuring at

different user selected points on the river. This makes it possible to measure streams that are
frozen over.
Manual Profile Modes allow the RiverPro/RioPro to override the automatic profiling mode
and adds additional water profiling commands (see Water Profiling Commands)
Contact your local sales representative if you are interested in upgrading your system.

Y – Display Banner
Purpose Displays the RiverPro/RioPro banner.
Format Y

Recommended Setting. Use as needed.

Example Y
Teledyne RD Instruments (c) 2015
All rights reserved.
Firmware Version: 56.xx

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RiverPro and RioPro ADCP Guide October 2017

Bottom Track Commands

The RiverPro/RioPro uses these commands for bottom-tracking applications. Bottom track commands
tell the RiverPro/RioPro to collect speed-over-bottom data and detected range-to-bottom data.

Available Bottom Track Commands

This section lists the most often used Bottom Track commands.
Available Commands:

BP 1 -------------------- Number of BT Pings in ensemble [0-999]

BX 00500 ---------------- Max Depth (dm) [10-65535 dm]
B? ---------------------- Display B-Command Menu

Bottom Track Command Descriptions

BP – Number of BT Pings
Purpose Sets the number of bottom-track pings to average together in each data ensemble.
Format BPnnn
Range nnn = 0 to 999 pings
Default BP001

Recommended Setting. The default setting for this command is recommended for most applications.

Description BP sets the number of bottom-track pings to average together in each ensemble before
sending/recording bottom-track data.

The RiverPro/RioPro interleaves bottom-track pings with water-track pings (see TP

command). If BP = zero, the RiverPro/RioPro does not collect bottom-track data.
The RiverPro/RioPro automatically extends the ensemble interval (TE) if BP x TP > TE.

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BX – Maximum Tracking Depth

Purpose Sets the maximum tracking depth in bottom-track mode.
Format BXnnnn
Range nnnn = 10 to 65535 decimeters (meters x 10)
Default BX 00500

Recommended Setting. The default setting for this command is recommended for most applications.

Description The BX-command sets the maximum tracking depth used by the RiverPro/RioPro during
bottom tracking. This prevents the RiverPro/RioPro from searching too long and too
deep for the bottom, allowing a faster ping rate when the RiverPro/RioPro loses track of
the bottom.
Example If the maximum depth in the deployment area is 20 meters (200 decimeters), set BX to a
value slightly larger than 200 dm, say 210 dm, instead of the default 500 dm. Now if the
RiverPro/RioPro loses track of the bottom, it will stop searching for the bottom at 210-
dm (21 m) rather than spend time searching down to 500-dm (50 m).

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Control System Commands

The RiverPro/RioPro uses the following commands to control certain system parameters.

Available Control System Commands

This section lists the available Control System commands.
Available Commands:

CA 0 ---------------- Communication Timeout (0=Off,10-65536 sec)

CB 811 ------------------ Serial Port Control {baud;parity;stop}
CF 11111 ---------------- Set Ctrl Flags {e;p;b;s;*}
CK ---------------------- Save Command Parameters to Flash
CR ---------------------- Restore Cmd defaults [0=user,1=factory]
CS ---------------------- Start Pinging
CSTATE ------------------ Pinging State Query
CSTOP ------------------- Stop Pinging
CT 0 -------------------- Turnkey (0 = OFF, 1 = ON)
CW ---------------------- Output the Last Stored Ensemble
CZ ---------------------- Put the system to sleep.
C? ---------------------- Display C-Command Menu

Control System Command Descriptions

CA – Communication Timeout
Purpose Sets the timeout period for the activity timer.
Format CAnnnnn
Range nnnnn = 0 (off), 10 to 65536 seconds
Default CA0

Recommended Setting. The default setting for this command is recommended for most applications.

Description The CA command sets the activity timeout period, in seconds. The activity timer is reset
when a valid command is received. If no valid command is received within the timeout
period, the RiverPro/RioPro will go to sleep or deploy itself, depending on the setting of
the CT (Turnkey) command. If Turnkey mode is enabled (CT1) then the RiverPro/RioPro
will self-deploy after the activity timeout period has elapsed.

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CB – Serial Port Control

Purpose Sets the RS-232/422 serial port communications parameters (Baud Rate/Parity/Stop
Format CBnnn
Range nnn = baud rate, parity, stop bits (see description)
Default CB811

Recommended Setting. The default setting for this command is recommended for most applications
and 115200 baud is required for Bluetooth operation.

Description The RiverPro/RioPro and the computer MUST use the same communication parameters
to talk to each other (see Changing the Baud Rate in the ADCPs). After valid CB parame-
ters are entered, the RiverPro/RioPro responds with a “>” prompt. Then change the ex-
ternal device’s communication parameters to match the RiverPro/RioPro parameters be-
fore sending another command.
Table 11: Serial Port Control
Baud Rate Parity Stop Bits

1 = 1200 1 = None (Default) 1 = 1 Bit (Default)

2 = 2400 2 = Even 2 = 2 Bits
3 = 4800 3 = Odd
4 = 9600 4 = Low (Space, logical 0)
5 = 19200 5 = High (Mark, logical 1)
6 = 38400
7 = 57600
8 = 115200 (Default)

If a BREAK is sent before changing the external device’s communication parameters, the
RiverPro/RioPro returns to the communication parameters stored in non-volatile memory
(user settings).

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CF – Set Control Flags

Purpose Sets various RiverPro/RioPro data flow-control parameters.
Format CFnnnnn
Range Firmware switches (see description)
Default CF11111

Recommended Setting. The default setting for this command is recommended for most applications.

Description The CF-command defines whether the RiverPro/RioPro: generates data ensembles auto-
matically or manually; generates pings immediately or manually; sends serial output data
in binary or Hex-ASCII format; sends or does not send output data to the serial interface.
Table 12: Set Control Flags
Command Description
CF1xxxx Automatic Ensemble Cycling – Automatically starts the next data collection cycle after the current cycle is completed. Only a
<BREAK> can stop this cycling.
CF0xxxx Manual Ensemble Cycling – Enters the STANDBY mode after transmission of the data ensemble, displays the “>” prompt and
waits for a new command.
CFx1xxx Automatic Ping Cycling – Pings immediately when ready.
CFx0xxx Manual Ping Cycling – Sends a < character to signal ready to ping, and then waits to receive an <Enter> before pinging. The
<Enter> sent to the RiverPro/RioPro is not echoed. This feature manually controls ping timing within the ensemble. Note the
prompt output by the RiverPro/RioPro when ready to ping is a less-than symbol (<), to distinguish it from the normal com-
mand prompt.
CFxx2xx Hex-ASCII Data Output, Carriage Return-Linefeed delimited -- Sends the ensemble in readable hexadecimal-ASCII format with
a Carriage Return-Linefeed at the end of each ensemble, if serial output is enabled (see below).
CFxx1xx Binary Data Output – Sends the ensemble in binary format, if serial output is enabled (see below).
CFxx0xx Hex-ASCII Data Output – Sends the ensemble in readable hexadecimal-ASCII format, if serial output is enabled (see below).
CFxxx1x Enable Serial Output – Sends the data ensemble out the RS-232/422 serial interface.
CFxxx0x Disable Serial Output – No ensemble data are sent out the RS-232/422 interface.
CFxxxx1 Reserved
CFxxxx0 Reserved

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CK – Save Command Parameters to Flash

Purpose Stores present parameters to non-volatile memory.
Format CK

Recommended Setting. Use as needed.

Description CK saves the present user command parameters to non-volatile memory on the CPU
board. The RiverPro/RioPro maintains data stored in the non-volatile memory (user set-
tings) even if power is lost. It does not need a battery. Recall parameters stored in non-
volatile memory with the CR0-command (see CR – Restore Command Defaults).

Always use the CK command in the configuration files.

The RiverPro/RioPro ADCP automatically stores the last set of commands used in RAM
(volatile memory). The user can store the configuration into non-volatile memory by sending
a CK command. Note that the system will restart in the previous configuration even if it was
not saved with a CK command as long as the volatile memory’s internal battery is not
discharged. This can happen after several months without any power applied to the system
(Note that this battery will recharge as soon as power is reapplied). If the RiverPro/RioPro is
stopped by removing the power while pinging, it will restart pinging and output data next
time power is applied.

CR – Restore Command Defaults

Purpose Resets the RiverPro/RioPro command set to factory settings.
Format CRn
Range n = 0 (User), 1 (Factory)

Recommended Setting. Use as needed.

Description The RiverPro/RioPro automatically stores the last set of commands used in volatile
memory. The RiverPro/RioPro will continue to be configured from volatile memory un-
less it receives a CR command or until the volatile memory loses its power.
Table 13: Restore Command Defaults
Format Description

CR0 Loads into volatile memory the command set last stored in non-volatile memory (user settings) using the CK Command.
CR1 Loads into volatile memory the factory default command set stored in ROM (factory settings).

CR keeps the present baud rate and does not change it to the value stored in non-volatile
memory or ROM. This ensures the RiverPro/RioPro maintains communications with the

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CS – Start Pinging (Go)

Purpose Starts the data collection cycle (same as the Tab key in BBTalk).
Format CS

Recommended Setting. Use as needed. Use WinRiver II to create the command file. The CS command
will be added to the end of the command file or sent by the software.

Description Use CS (or the Tab key in BBTalk) to tell the RiverPro/RioPro to start pinging its trans-
ducers and collecting data as programmed by the other commands. If the TF command is
set (time of first ping), the RiverPro/RioPro waits until it reaches the TF time before be-
ginning the data collection cycle.

1. After a CS command is sent to the RiverPro/RioPro, no changes to the commands can occur
until a <BREAK> is sent.
2. If the RiverPro/RioPro is set to record data (MR1) and the recorder is full, the
RiverPro/RioPro will not start pinging and will return a RECORDER NOT READY message.

CState – Pinging State Query

Purpose Displays the status of the RiverPro/RioPro.
Format CState

Recommended Setting. Use as needed.

Description Displays either “Pinging” or “Not Pinging”, depending on the state of the RiverPro/Ri-

CStop – Stop Pinging

Purpose Stops the current deployment.
Format CStop

Recommended Setting. Use as needed.

Description Stops autonomous sampling without resetting the RiverPro/RioPro.

CT – Turnkey Mode
Purpose Sets the Turnkey mode.
Format CTx
Range x = 1 (on), 0 (off)
Default CT0

Recommended Setting. The default setting for this command is recommended for most applications.

Description If the Turnkey mode is enabled, the RiverPro/RioPro will self-deploy (i.e. start pinging)
within 10 seconds after a break unless a valid command is received within that time. After
that, the RiverPro/RioPro will self-deploy when the activity timer (set by the CA com-
mand) period expires.

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CW – Output the Last Stored Ensemble

Purpose Requests the most recently stored ensemble for output.
Format CW

Recommended Setting. Use the WinRiver II software - Data Recovery.

Description Recalls the most recently stored ensemble for output. This command is only valid during
a deployment when recording is enabled and will give an error message until valid data is
available. The CW command is available for PD0 output formats, and follows the CF com-
mand setting for binary or Hex-ASCII output.

CZ – Put the system to sleep

Purpose Tells the RiverPro/RioPro to power down.
Format CZ

Recommended Setting. This command should be used whenever batteries have been connected and
commands to start a deployment are not sent.

Description Sending the CZ-command powers down the RiverPro/RioPro. RiverPro/RioPro pro-
cessing is interrupted and the RiverPro/RioPro goes in the STANDBY mode (RAM is

If the RiverPro/RioPro is running a sensor test under battery power, a fully charged battery
will be discharged in a few days.

Going to sleep

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Environmental Commands
The RiverPro/RioPro uses the following commands to control the environmental and positional infor-
mation that affects internal data processing.

Available Environmental Commands

This section lists the available Environmental commands.
Available Commands:

EA +00000 --------------- Heading Alignment (0.01 deg)

EB +00000 --------------- Heading Bias (0.01 deg)
EC 1485 ----------------- Speed Of Sound (m/s)
ED 00000 ---------------- Xdcr Depth (deci-meters)
EH 00000 ---------------- Heading (0..35999; 1/100 degrees)
EP +00000 --------------- Pitch (+-7000 1/100 degrees)
ER +00000 --------------- Roll (+-7000 1/100 degrees
ES 00 ------------------- Salinity (ppt)
ET 2100 ----------------- Water Temperature (.01 deg C)
EU 0 -------------------- System Orientation 1=up,0=down
EX 00000 ---------------- Coordinate Transformations (cct3m)
EZ 1011101 -------------- Sensor Source {c;d;h;p;r;s;t}
E? ---------------------- Display E-Command Menu

Environmental Command Descriptions

EA – Heading Alignment
Purpose Corrects for physical misalignment between Beam 3 and the heading reference.
Format EA±nnnnn
Range ±nnnnn = -17999 to 18000 (-179.99 to 180.00 degrees)
Default EA00000

Recommended Setting. For systems that are stationary, EA is typically set to zero (default), since Beam 3
is used as the heading reference. This command is added to the command file using WinRiver II.

Description EA is a heading alignment angle (referenced to Beam 3) used as a new zero reference for
heading output and for transformation to earth coordinates. Use the EB-command to cor-
rect for heading bias (e.g., magnetic declination).
Example The RiverPro/RioPro is mounted in place on a moving ship. Beam 3 has been rotated 45
clockwise (+45) from the ship’s centerline. Use the EA command to tell the RiverPro/Ri-
oPro where beam 3 is in relation to the ship’s centerline. To convert +45 to an EA-
command value, multiply the desired alignment angle in degrees by 100:
EA = +45.00 × 100 = +4500 = EA+04500

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EB – Heading Bias
Purpose Corrects for electrical/magnetic bias between the RiverPro/RioPro heading value and the
heading reference.
Format EB±nnnnn
Range ±nnnnn = -17999 to 18000 (-179.99 to 180.00 degrees)
Default EB00000

Recommended Setting. Set using the magnetic variation setting in WinRiver II.

Description EB is the heading angle that counteracts the electrical bias or magnetic declination be-
tween the RiverPro/RioPro and the heading source. Use the EA-command to correct for
physical heading misalignment between the RiverPro/RioPro and a vessel’s centerline.
Examples A RiverPro/RioPro is receiving heading from its internal compass. A navigation map for
the deployment area shows a declination of 10°10′W 1995 (9′E/year). This means the
magnetic offset in the year 2001 at this location is (- (10+10/60) + (9/60*6)) = -9.26666
degrees. Set the EB command value to EB-926.

EC – Speed of Sound
Purpose Sets the speed of sound value used for RiverPro/RioPro data processing.
Format ECnnnn
Range nnnn = 1400 to 1600 meters per second
Default EC 1485

Recommended Setting. The default setting for this command is recommended for most applications.

Description EC sets the sound speed value used by the RiverPro/RioPro to scale velocity data, depth
cell size, and range to the bottom. The RiverPro/RioPro assumes the speed of sound read-
ing is taken at the transducer head. See the primer for information on speed of sound cal-

If the EZ Speed of Sound field = 0, the RiverPro/RioPro overrides the manually-set EC value
and calculates speed of sound using the values determined by transducer depth (ED), salinity
(ES), and transducer temperature (ET). EZ also selects the source for ED, ES, and ET.

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ED – Depth of Transducer
Purpose Sets the RiverPro/RioPro transducer depth.
Format EDnnnnn
Range nnnnn = 0 to 65535 decimeters (meters x 10)
Default ED00000

Recommended Setting. The default setting for this command is recommended for most applications.

Description ED sets the RiverPro/RioPro transducer depth. This measurement is taken from the wa-
ter level to the center of the slant beam transducers. The RiverPro/RioPro uses ED in its
speed of sound calculations. The RiverPro/RioPro assumes the speed of sound reading is
taken at the transducer head. See the primer for information on speed of sound calcula-
Note If the EZ Transducer Depth field = 1, the RiverPro/RioPro overrides the manually set ED
value and uses depth from the internal pressure sensor. If a pressure sensor is not availa-
ble, the RiverPro/RioPro uses the manual ED setting.

EH – Heading
Purpose Sets the RiverPro/RioPro heading angle.
Format EHnnnnn
Range nnnnn = 0 to 35999 (000.00 to 359.99 degrees)

Recommended Setting. The default setting for this command is recommended for most applications.

Description EH sets the RiverPro/RioPro heading angle of beam 3. When mounted on a stationary
platform, the RiverPro/RioPro assumes beam 3 points north (0).
Example Convert heading values of 34 and 3.5 to EH-command values.
EH = 34.00 × 100 = 3400 = EH03400
EH = 3.50 × 100 = 350 = EH00350

If the EZ Heading field = 1, the RiverPro/RioPro overrides the manually set EH value and uses
heading from the transducer’s internal sensor. If the sensor is not available, the
RiverPro/RioPro uses the manual EH setting.

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EP – Pitch (Tilt 1)
Purpose Sets the RiverPro/RioPro pitch (tilt 1) angle.
Format EP±nnnn
Range ±nnnn = +-7000 1/100 degrees

Recommended Setting. The default setting for this command is recommended for most applications.

Description EP sets the RiverPro/RioPro pitch (tilt 1) angle.

Example Convert pitch values of +14 and -3.5 to EP-command values.
EP = 14.00 × 100 = 1400 = EP01400 (+ is understood)
EP = -3.50 × 100 = -350 = EP-00350

If the EZ Pitch field = 1, the RiverPro/RioPro overrides the manually set EP value and uses
pitch from the transducer’s internal tilt sensor. If the sensor is not available, the
RiverPro/RioPro uses the manual EP setting.

ER – Roll (Tilt 2)
Purpose Sets the RiverPro/RioPro roll (tilt 2) angle.
Format ER±nnnn
Range ±nnnn = +-7000 1/100 degrees

Recommended Setting. Use the EZ-command to default to the sensor module.

Description ER sets the RiverPro/RioPro roll (tilt 2) angle.

Example Convert roll values of +14 and -3.5 to ER-command values.
ER = 14.00 × 100 = 1400 = ER01400 (+ is understood)
ER = -3.50 × 100 = -350 = ER-00350

If the EZ Roll field = 1, the RiverPro/RioPro overrides the manually set ER value and uses roll
from the transducer’s internal tilt sensor. If the sensor is not available, the RiverPro/RioPro
uses the manual ER setting.

ES – Salinity
Purpose Sets the water’s salinity.
Format ESnn
Range nn = 0 to 45
Default ES0

Recommended Setting. Set using WinRiver II. The default setting for this command is recommended
for most applications.

Description ES sets the water’s salinity. The RiverPro/RioPro uses ES in its speed of sound calcula-
tions. The RiverPro/RioPro assumes the speed of sound reading is taken at the trans-
ducer head.

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ET – Temperature
Purpose Sets the water’s temperature value.
Format ET±nnnn
Range ±nnnn = -500 to 3500 (-5 to +35C)
Default ET2100

Recommended Setting. Use the EZ-command to default to the sensor module.

Description ET sets the temperature value of the water. The RiverPro/RioPro uses ET in its speed of
sound calculations (see the primer). The RiverPro/RioPro assumes the speed of sound
reading is taken at the transducer head.
Example Convert temperatures of +14 C and -3.5 C to ET-command values.
ET = 14.00 × 100 = 1400 = ET1400 (+ is understood)
ET = -3.50 × 100 = -350 = ET-0350

If the EZ Temperature field = one, the RiverPro/RioPro overrides the manually set ET value
and uses temperature from the transducer’s temperature sensor. If the sensor is not
available, the RiverPro/RioPro uses the manual ET setting.

EU – System Orientation
Purpose Sets the RiverPro/RioPro system orientation, up or down.
Format EUn
Range n = 1 (up), 0 (down)
Default n=0

Recommended Setting. Use the EZ-command to default to the sensor module.

Description EU sets the RiverPro/RioPro system orientation, up or down.

If the EZ Roll field is not zero, the RiverPro/RioPro overrides the manually set EU value and
uses orientation from the transducer’s internal tilt sensor. If the sensor is not available, the
RiverPro/RioPro uses the manual EU setting.

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EX – Coordinate Transformation
Purpose Sets the coordinate transformation processing flags.
Format EXxxptb
Range xx = Transformation
p = Pitch and Roll
t = 3 beam solutions
b = Bin mapping
Default EX00000

Recommended Setting. The default setting for this command is recommended for most applications.

Description EX sets firmware switches that control the coordinate transformation processing for ve-
locity and percent-good data.
Table 14: Coordinate Transformation Processing Flags
Setting Description

EX00xxx No transformation. Radial beam coordinates, I.E., 1, 2, 3, 4. Heading/Pitch/Roll not applied.

EX01xxx Instrument coordinates. X, Y, Z vectors relative to the RiverPro/RioPro. Heading/Pitch/Roll not applied.

EX10xxx Ship coordinates (Note 1) X, Y, Z vectors relative to the ship. Heading not applied. EA-command used, but not the EB-
command. If Bit 3 of the EX-command is a 1, then Pitch/Roll applied.
EX11xxx Earth coordinates (Note 1) East, North, Vertical vectors relative to Earth. Heading applied. EA and EB-commands used. If Bit
3 of the EX-command is a 1, then Pitch/Roll applied.
EXxx1xx Use tilts (pitch and roll) in transformation (see Note 2)

EXxxx1x Allows 3-beam solutions if one beam is below the correlation threshold set by WC

EXxxxx1 Allow bin mapping (see Note 4)

1. For ship and earth-coordinate transformations to work properly, set the Heading Alignment
(EA) and Heading Bias (EB) correctly. Also ensure that the tilt and heading sensors are active
2. Setting EX bit 3 (Use Tilts) to 0 collects tilt data without using it in the ship or earth-
coordinate transformations.
3. Each RiverPro/RioPro uses its own beam calibration matrix to correct data for beam
pointing errors (e.g., if the beams erroneously point toward 21 degrees instead of 20
degrees). Correction is applied when the data are converted from beam coordinates to earth
coordinates. If beam-coordinate data is output, you will need to apply the beam corrections
yourself to obtain the best possible data.
4. TRDI outputs the Bin 1 position for a level system only. We do not adjust the bin 1 position,
or the cell sizes, for any tilt. Bin mapping attempts to combine data from sections of the
beams that are at the same depth in the water, and does not make any attempt to calculate
how that depth might change for a tilted system. The setting of the EX command has no
effect on the reported bin 1 distance or the cell size.

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B e am C oor d in a t e Sy st e m s
The RiverPro/RioPro can produce velocity measurements in any of the following four sets of coordinate
axes by setting the EX command. Except for the first, they are all right-handed orthogonal systems. The
user operational requirements dictate the best coordinate system to be used.
Earth Axis, also known as Geographic or Geodetic Coordinates. (E, N, U) Earth Axis are selected (default set-
ting) with command EX11xxx. These axes are named east, north, and up. Strictly speaking, these terms
refer to true orientations, although magnetic orientations are often used instead. This is the most com-
monly used coordinate system because it provides a stable reference frame for ensemble averaging.
Radial Beam Coordinates. (BM1, BM2, BM3, BM4) Radial Beam Coordinates are selected by the EX00xxx
command. These are the “raw” velocity measurements measured independently by each transducer, in
units of millimeters per second. The sense is positive when the motion is towards the transducer. These
axes are not orthogonal.
Instrument Coordinates. (X, Y, Z) Instrument Coordinates are selected by the EX01xxx command. This set
of axes is always oriented the same relative to the transducer head. Looking at the end view of the hous-
ing, the transducers are labeled clockwise in the order 3-2-4-1 (Figure 25). When you look at the face of
the transducer head, the transducers are labeled clockwise in the order 3-1-4-2 (Figure 26). The X-axis
lies in the direction from transducer Beam 1 towards transducer Beam 2 and the Y-axis lies in the direc-
tion from transducer Beam 4 towards transducer Beam 3. The Z-axis lies along the axes of symmetry of
the four beams, pointing away from the water towards the housing. The internal compass is mounted so
that when the X-Y plane is level, the compass measures the orientation of the Y-axis relative to magnetic
The PD0 Bottom Track output data format assumes that the instru-
ment is stationary and the bottom is moving.
• If Beam 3 is going forward, then the Y velocity is nega-
• If Beam 2 is going forward, then X velocity is negative.
• If the bottom is going towards the face of a down facing
ADCP, then Z is positive.

Figure 25. X, Y, and Z Velocities

Ship Coordinates (or Righted Instrument Coordinates). (S, F, M) Ship Coordinates are selected by the
EX10xxx command. TRDI uses the names Starboard, Forward, and Mast, although these axes are more
commonly called the pitch, roll, and yaw-axes, respectively. Assuming that Beam 3 is aligned with the keel
on the forward side of the ADCP, for the downward-looking orientation, these axes are identical to the in-
strument axes:
S = X, F = Y, M = Z

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Figure 26. RiverPro/RioPro Coordinate Transformation

The importance of the ship axis is that the attitude angles (pitch, roll, and heading) measure the orienta-
tion of the ship axes relative to the earth axes, regardless of up/down orientation. The sense of internal
sensors Tilt 1 (pitch) and Tilt 2 (roll) is positive for counterclockwise tilts respectively about the S and F
axes, using the right-hand rule (see Figure 27).

Figure 27. RiverPro/RioPro Pitch and Roll

Angle of the RiverPro/RioPro Sign

Beam 3 higher than Beam 4 Positive Pitch

Beam 1 higher than Beam 2 Positive Roll

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EZ – Sensor Source
Purpose Selects the source of environmental sensor data.
Format EZcdhprst
Default EZ1011101

Recommended Setting. The default setting for this command is recommended for most applications.

Range Firmware switches (see description)

Description Setting the EZ-command firmware switches tells the RiverPro/RioPro to use data from a
manual setting or from an associated sensor. When a switch value is non-zero, the
RiverPro/RioPro overrides the manual E-command setting and uses data from the appro-
priate sensor. If no sensor is available, the RiverPro/RioPro defaults to the manual E-
command setting. The following table shows how to interpret the sensor source switch
Table 15: Sensor Source Switch Settings
Field Value = 0 Value = 1

c Speed Of Sound Manual EC Calculate using ED, ES, and ET

d Depth Manual ED N/A
h Heading Manual EH Internal Heading Sensor
p Pitch (Tilt 1) Manual EP Internal Pitch Sensor
r Roll (Tilt 2) Manual ER Internal Roll Sensor
s Salinity Manual ES N/A
t Temperature Manual ET Internal Transducer Sensor

Example EZ1011101 means calculate speed of sound from readings, use pressure sensor, trans-
ducer heading, internal tilt sensors, and transducer temperature.

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Recorder Commands
The recorder contains approximately 16 megabytes of solid-state nonvolatile memory, which can be used
to record data. If more data is collected than fits in the memory, the newest data will not be recorded.
Once the recorder fills up, the recorder MUST be erased before re-deploying the RiverPro/RioPro (start
pinging again).

If the RiverPro/RioPro is set to record data (MR1) and the recorder is full, the RiverPro/RioPro
will not start pinging and will return a RECORDER NOT READY message.

Using the recorder will slow down the RiverPro/RioPro’s ping rate.

Available Recorder Commands

This section lists the available Recorder commands.
Available Commands:

ME ---------------------- ErAsE recorder

MM ---------------------- Show memory usage
MN RP ------------------- Set deployment name [1..6 characters]
MR 0 -------------------- Set recorder on/off [0=off,1=on]
MQ ---------------------- Streaming Download (addr, nbytes)
MY ---------------------- Y-Modem Download
M? ---------------------- Display M-Command Menu

Recorder Command Descriptions

This section lists the Recorder commands.

ME – Erase Recorder
Purpose Erase the contents of the loop recorder.
Format ME ErAsE

Recommended Setting. Use as needed.

Description ME ErAsE erases the recorder memory. To make it more difficult to accidentally erase the
data, the word “erase” must be typed with exactly one space after the “ME” (which is not
case sensitive) and with alternating upper and lower case letters, as shown.

Once erased, data is not recoverable.

Erasing the loop-recorder will take several minutes, and no status updates are provided
during the erase process. When complete, the status will be displayed on screen as shown
>me ErAsE
Erasing recorder (may take a few minutes)...
Erasing recorder (may take a few minutes)... Recorder erased.
Erasing recorder (may take a few minutes)... ERR: Can’t erase recorder.

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MM – Show Memory Usage

Purpose Shows recorder memory usage in megabytes.
Format MM

Recommended Setting. Use as needed.

Description Shows memory usage and free memory.

Recorder Usage: used = 16681216, free = 30464

MN – Set File Name

Purpose Sets the file name for the recorder.
Format MN xxxxxx
Range xxxxxx = file name up to 6 characters long
Default MN RP

Recommended Setting. Use as needed.

Description The MN command sets the deployment name to be used for any future deployments. The
deployment name can be up to 6 characters long, and may contain letters, numbers, or
the underscore (i.e. “_”) character. If no deployment name is specified, a default of “RP”
is used. The deployment name is used as part of the file name for data files when down-
loaded to the computer using BBTalk (see Recovering Data from the Loop Recorder).
In order to prevent data files on the computer from being overwritten, a ten-digit time
stamp is appended to the file name when OK is clicked on the Download Directory
dialog box (see Figure 4).
For example, the file RP3281997475.p0 would contain data for the deployment named
“RP” (the 3281997475 in the filename is the number of seconds since January 1st, 1900).
The file extension is always “.p0”. Waiting 25 seconds and downloading the same data
again will change the file name to RP3281997500.p0.

MR – Set Recorder On/Off

Purpose Turns the recorder on or off.
Format MRn
Range n = 0, turn recorder off; n = 1, turn recorder on)
Default MR0

Recommended Setting. Use as needed.

Description Use the MR command to turn the recorder on/off.

Using the recorder will slow down the RiverPro/RioPro’s ping rate.

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MQ – Streaming Download
Purpose Downloads the recorder.
Format MQ (StartAddr, nbytes)
Range StartAddr: 0 to FFFFFE (Hex)
nBytes: 1 to 16777216 (decimal)
Default N/A

Recommended Setting. Use BBTalk to recover data (see Recovering Data from the Loop Recorder).

Description Downloads the recorder in a streaming fashion, without any special communications pro-

The sum of StartAddr and nBytes must not exceed the available data on the recorder, or the
command will be rejected.

MY – Y-Modem output
Purpose Uploads recorder data to a host computer using standard YMODEM protocol.
Format MY

Recommended Setting. Use BBTalk to recover data (see Recovering Data from the Loop Recorder).

Description Use the MY command to recover data from the recorder only when BBTalk is not availa-
ble to recover the data.
RY uploads the entire contents of the recorder via the serial interface to a host computer
using the standard YMODEM protocol for binary file transfer. Any communications pro-
gram that uses the YMODEM protocol may be used to upload the recorder data. The data
is transferred to the host and stored.

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Performance and Testing Commands

The RiverPro/RioPro uses the following commands for calibration and testing.

Available Performance and Testing Commands

This section lists the available Performance and Testing commands.
Available Commands:

PA ---------------------- Run Go/No-Go Tests

PC ---------------------- Built In Tests [0=help]
PD 0 ----------------- Set Output Format (0=ensemble; 1=vbeam)
PS ---------------------- System Info [0=config,3=xform]
PT ---------------------- Built-in-Test Commands; PT0=Help
PF ---------------------- Results from most recent PA tests
P? ---------------------- Display P-Command Menu

Performance and Testing Command Descriptions

PA – Run Go/No-Go Tests
Purpose Sends/displays results of a series of RiverPro/RioPro system diagnostic tests.
Format PA

Recommended Setting. Use as needed.

Description These diagnostic tests check the major RiverPro/RioPro modules and signal paths. These
tests check the following boards/paths.
• Recorder - verifies recorder operation (this test takes several minutes to com-
• DSP - RAM, ROM, and DSP-to-CPU Communications.
• Sensors - verifies sensor operation.
Example see below
RAM test................PASS
ROM test................PASS
RTC test................PASS
UART test...............PASS
Compass test............PASS
Temperature test........PASS
Recorder test...........PASS


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PC – User Interactive Built-In Tests

Purpose Sends/displays results of user-interactive RiverPro/RioPro system diagnostic tests.
Format PCnnn
Range nnn = 0, 2, 20, 4, 40 (PC0 = Help menu; see below for others)

Recommended Setting. Use as needed.

Description These diagnostic tests check beam continuity and sensor data. Both tests require user in-
teraction (see examples).
Examples See below.

P C 0 – H el p M e nu
Sending PC0 displays the help menu.
PC0 = Help
PC2 = Display Sensor Data
PC4 = Display Voltage Monitor ADC Data
PC5 = Display BlueTooth RSSI Data
PC6 = Display GPS RSSI Data
PC20 = Display Scrolling Sensor Data
PC40 = Display Scrolling Voltage Monitor Data
PC50 = Display BlueTooth RSSI Data
PC60 = Display GPS RSSI Data

P C 2 – Di s p l ay S e n s or D at a
Sending PC2 displays temperature, heading, pitch angle, roll angle, depth, and battery voltage in a repeat-
ing loop at approximately 0.5-sec update rate. Press any key to exit this command and return to the com-
mand prompt.
Sensor data is sampled and displayed in a loop.
An asterisk ‘*’ to the right of a number indicates invalid data.
Press any key to exit the loop.

Count Temp(C) Heading Pitch Roll Up/Down Depth(m) Batt(V) Batt(A)

\ 9 22.812 340.08 -2.18 1.20 Down 0.000* 11.751 0.156

The PC2 heading shows the raw (magnetic north) heading only. The EB command (Heading
Bias) is not applied.

P C 20 – D i sp l a y Sc r o l l in g S e n sor D at a
Sending PC20 displays temperature, heading, pitch angle, roll angle, depth, and battery voltage in a re-
peating loop at approximately 0.5-sec update rate. Press any key to exit this command and return to the
command prompt.
Sensor data is sampled and displayed in a loop.
An asterisk ‘*’ to the right of a number indicates invalid data.
Press any key to exit the loop.

Count Temp(C) Heading Pitch Roll Up/Down Depth(m) Batt(V) Batt(A)

1 22.937 339.86 -2.09 1.26 Down 0.000* 11.757 0.156
2 22.937 340.11 -2.19 1.21 Down 0.000* 11.757 0.161
3 23.000 340.26 -2.02 1.26 Down 0.000* 11.737 0.164
4 23.000 340.40 -2.12 1.20 Down 0.000* 11.757 0.158
5 22.875 340.19 -1.99 1.26 Down 0.000* 11.757 0.153


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P C 4 – Di s p l ay Vo lt a g e Mo n it or A D C D at a
The PC4 Batt (V) value is ~ 0.8 volts below the supply voltage. VDD1 and VDD3 should be within 0.01
volts of the values shown in the example data.
Battery ADC data is sampled and displayed in a loop.
Press any key to exit the loop.

Count Chan0 Chan1 Chan2 Chan3 Batt(V) Batt(A) VDD1 VDD3

\ 11 0685 00c6 0d49 0b7f 11.878 0.121 3.328 1.797

P C 40 – D i sp l a y Sc r o l l in g V o lt a g e Mo n it or A D C D a t a
PC40 is the same as PC4 except the data is displayed in a repeating loop at approximately 0.5-sec update
Battery ADC data is sampled and displayed in a loop.
Press any key to exit the loop.

Count Chan0 Chan1 Chan2 Chan3 Batt(V) Batt(A) VDD1 VDD3

0 0684 00ca 0d49 0b80 11.871 0.123 3.328 1.797
0 0683 00e2 0d49 0b7f 11.865 0.138 3.328 1.797
0 0684 00ba 0d49 0b80 11.871 0.114 3.328 1.797
0 0684 00b2 0d49 0b7f 11.871 0.109 3.328 1.797

P C 5 – Di s p l ay B l u e To ot h R S S I D at a
TRDI use only.

P C 50 – D i sp l a y Sc r o l l in g B lu e T o ot h R S SI D at a
TRDI use only.

P C 6 – Di s p l ay G P S R S S I D a t a
TRDI use only.

P C 60 – D i sp l a y Sc r o l l in g G P S R S S I D at a
TRDI use only.

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PD – Set Output Format

Purpose Selects the type of ensemble output data structure.
Format PDn
Range n = 0, 1 (0=ensemble; 1= TRDI use only)
Default PD0

Recommended Setting. Use the default setting for this command.

Description PD0 sends the real water-current data set.

PS – Display System Parameters

Purpose Displays the RiverPro/RioPro system configuration data.
Format PSn
Range n = 0, 3 (see description)

Recommended Setting. Use as needed.

Description See below.

P S 0 – Sy st e m C onf i g ur at i on
PS0 sends the RiverPro/RioPro hardware/firmware information. For example, the output may look like
System: RioPro
Serial Number: 2
Frequency: 1228800 Hz
Transducer Type: PISTON
Beam Angle: 20 Degrees
Beam Pattern: CONVEX
Vertical Beam: NONE
Temperature: DS18b20 1-Wire
Heading/Pitch/Roll: RDI (ISM)
GPS: Internal DGPS

CPU Firmware: 56.02 FD0i3

FPGA Version:7.00.002 [0x7002]

Board Serial Number Data:

BB 00 00 05 0F F9 36 28 DS18B20 TMP SNS
42 00 00 01 A1 12 70 23 XDR717-1150-00B
D6 00 00 01 A5 91 14 23 PIO72B-2201-00A
08 00 00 01 A5 AC 34 23 DSP72B-2212-00C
73 00 00 01 52 D0 C2 23 END72B-2264-01A
86 00 00 01 B8 DD 4A 23 MUX72B-2265-00A
08 00 00 01 B8 F0 29 23 PER72B-2353-05B
8C 00 00 01 A1 58 13 23 RCV72B-2263-02A


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P S 3 – In st r u m ent Tr a ns f or m at io n M at r ix
PS3 sends information about the transducer beams. The RiverPro/RioPro uses this information in its co-
ordinate-transformation calculations; for example, the output may look like this:

Last Save Time: 14/09/26,17:16:41.39

Profiling Beams: 4
Janus Xdcr Type: Piston
Janus Beam Angle (deg) 20
Janus Beam Freq (Hz) 1228800
Janus Beam Dia (mm) 32
Janus Beam Offset (mm) 0
Instrument Transformation Matrix:
1.4619 -1.4619 0.0000 0.0000
0.0000 0.0000 -1.4619 1.4619
0.2660 0.2660 0.2660 0.2660
1.0337 1.0337 -1.0337 -1.0337

Has V-Beam: Yes

VBeam Xdcr Type: Piston
VBeamFreq (Hz) 614400
VBeam Dia (mm) 15
VBeam Offset (mm) 0
If the RiverPro/RioPro needs beam angle corrections, a TRDI calibrated beam angle matrix is loaded into
the instrument. This is done when the instrument is manufactured. For details, download a copy of the
RiverPro/RioPro Coordinate Transformation booklet (http://www.teledynemarine.com/rdi).

PT – Built-In Tests
Purpose Sends/displays results of RiverPro/RioPro system diagnostic test.
Format PTnnn
Range nnn = 0, 3, 11 to 18, 20 (PT0 = Help menu)

Recommended Setting. Use as needed.

Description These diagnostic tests check the major RiverPro/RioPro modules and signal paths.
Built In Tests
PT0 = Help
PT3 [mode] = Receive Path Test, mode 0 = hard limited (default), 1 = linear, 2 = SNR
PT11 = FRAM Test
PT12 = RAM Test
PT13 = ROM Test
PT14 = Recorder Test
PT15 = Communications Test
PT16 = Clock Test
PT17 = Compass Test
PT18 = Temperature Test
PT20 = GPS Test

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This test displays receive path characteristics. The test result is given as eight nibbles (1 nibble = 4 bits).
Each nibble represents the result for a particular beam (most significant nibble = beam 1, least significant
nibble = beam 8) (four beam RiverPro/RioPro systems utilize the four most significant nibbles). In this
example, TRDI only describes which bit is set for beam 2 for a given failure type.
Sending PT3 or PT3 0 (default) displays the Hard Limited output. Sending PT3 1 displays the 8-bit sam-
pling Linear output.
This test has three parts:
• Correlation Magnitude – The RiverPro/RioPro pings without transmitting and displays the result of
an autocorrelation function performed over 14 lag periods (only the first 8 are displayed). Ideally,
there should be high correlation at near-zero lags, and then lower correlations as the lag number
increases. For the PT3 or PT3 0 command, values above 500 for lag greater than two indicates
interference or hardware problems. For the PT3 2 command, values above 10 for lags greater than
zero indicate interference or a hardware problem.
• Sin / Cos Duty Cycle – For the PT3 or PT3 0 commands, this shows the percentage of samples that
are in phase (cos) or 90 degrees out of phase (sin) with the carrier signal. The total of the sin and
cos duty cycles should be close to 100 and both values should be in the range 45-55. If either the
sin or cos duty cycles are out of this range indicates interference or a hardware problem.
• RSSI Noise Floor – For the PT 3 or PT 3 0 commands and PT 3 1 command, this shows the RSSI
value at various gains and bandwidths. These values give the noise floor for RSSI. Values above 55
for the H-Gain N-BW noise floor indicate a possible interference or a hardware problem. Values
below 45 indicate that the RSSI needs to be recalibrated at the factory. PT3 2 runs the same test
as PT3 1 using Linear data but reports SNR instead of correlation.
>pt3 0
Receive Path Test (Hard Limited):
Correlation Magnitude:
H-Gain W-BW L-Gain W-BW
Lag Bm1 Bm2 Bm3 Bm4 Bm1 Bm2 Bm3 Bm4
0 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
1 707 726 749 732 833 825 822 817
2 112 169 348 214 515 494 493 478
3 345 285 216 256 97 64 81 56
4 181 142 36 113 22 16 14 16
5 155 112 39 97 5 10 20 3
6 33 16 24 22 2 8 11 12
7 38 5 54 12 23 11 12 13

H-Gain N-BW L-Gain N-BW

Lag Bm1 Bm2 Bm3 Bm4 Bm1 Bm2 Bm3 Bm4
0 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
1 822 861 860 856 833 826 825 825
2 474 572 572 556 503 496 490 487
3 41 132 156 110 68 67 59 52
4 72 13 89 20 12 6 18 10
5 57 22 77 17 13 15 21 13
6 57 31 75 21 4 6 7 3
7 55 28 68 31 11 5 2 5

H-Gain W-BW L-Gain W-BW H-Gain N-BW L-Gain N-BW

Bm1 Bm2 Bm3 Bm4 Bm1 Bm2 Bm3 Bm4 Bm1 Bm2 Bm3 Bm4 Bm1 Bm2 Bm3 Bm4
Sin Duty Cycle (percent)
48 47 51 54 51 50 49 50 48 47 52 55 50 50 51 49
Cos Duty Cycle (percent)
50 49 49 53 49 50 49 49 51 47 51 54 51 49 50 52
RSSI Noise Floor (counts)
53 51 48 49 43 45 45 44 40 41 39 39 35 38 38 36

>pt3 1
Receive Path Test (Linear):
Correlation Magnitude:

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H-Gain W-BW L-Gain W-BW

Lag Bm1 Bm2 Bm3 Bm4 Bm1 Bm2 Bm3 Bm4
0 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
1 749 742 777 754 840 827 827 824
2 332 297 405 332 530 498 500 491
3 250 213 186 207 97 66 69 52
4 11 57 56 33 8 8 17 6
5 145 73 58 62 3 7 8 7
6 54 11 15 9 2 11 2 7
7 29 11 19 8 15 2 10 10

H-Gain N-BW L-Gain N-BW

Lag Bm1 Bm2 Bm3 Bm4 Bm1 Bm2 Bm3 Bm4
0 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
1 832 861 856 854 833 829 827 830
2 498 573 561 557 507 499 494 499
3 80 127 157 111 60 54 57 55
4 70 33 80 19 15 8 3 4
5 68 35 67 4 8 2 17 6
6 53 15 56 16 4 6 9 4
7 57 23 58 19 17 4 6 10

H-Gain W-BW L-Gain W-BW H-Gain N-BW L-Gain N-BW

Bm1 Bm2 Bm3 Bm4 Bm1 Bm2 Bm3 Bm4 Bm1 Bm2 Bm3 Bm4 Bm1 Bm2 Bm3 Bm4
RSSI Noise Floor (counts)
54 52 48 48 44 46 46 44 40 41 40 39 35 38 38 37

>pt3 2
Receive Path Test (Linear):
SNR (dB):
H-Gain W-BW L-Gain W-BW
Lag Bm1 Bm2 Bm3 Bm4 Bm1 Bm2 Bm3 Bm4
0 999.9 999.9 999.9 999.9 999.9 999.9 999.9 999.9
1 4.7 4.7 5.5 4.9 7.3 6.7 6.8 6.7
2 -3.3 -3.6 -1.6 -3.1 0.6 -0.1 -0.1 -0.2
3 -5.1 -5.9 -6.3 -6.2 -8.8 -11.8 -11.5 -12.2
4 -20.3 -12.1 -12.3 -12.0 -19.1 -17.5 -19.7 -17.4
5 -7.7 -10.7 -11.9 -11.0 -20.8 -18.9 -21.4 -21.0
6 -12.0 -20.6 -21.3 -21.1 -22.9 -26.2 -20.8 -19.5
7 -13.8 -20.4 -16.2 -21.8 -20.9 -25.0 -21.2 -20.7

H-Gain N-BW L-Gain N-BW

Lag Bm1 Bm2 Bm3 Bm4 Bm1 Bm2 Bm3 Bm4
0 999.9 999.9 999.9 999.9 999.9 999.9 999.9 999.9
1 7.0 7.9 7.8 7.7 7.0 6.8 6.8 6.9
2 0.0 1.3 1.1 1.0 0.2 -0.1 -0.1 0.0
3 -10.4 -7.7 -7.2 -8.7 -11.7 -12.7 -11.8 -12.1
4 -11.0 -14.5 -10.5 -17.6 -22.0 -22.4 -18.4 -18.5
5 -10.8 -16.5 -9.7 -18.3 -18.9 -24.8 -20.6 -21.8
6 -11.6 -16.3 -11.1 -19.5 -23.1 -20.6 -19.9 -24.2
7 -12.0 -17.7 -11.2 -18.3 -22.1 -22.3 -24.0 -23.7

H-Gain W-BW L-Gain W-BW H-Gain N-BW L-Gain N-BW

Bm1 Bm2 Bm3 Bm4 Bm1 Bm2 Bm3 Bm4 Bm1 Bm2 Bm3 Bm4 Bm1 Bm2 Bm3 Bm4
RSSI Noise Floor (counts)
54 51 48 48 43 46 46 44 40 41 40 39 35 38 38 37


P T 11 = F R AM T est

FRAM test...PASS


P T 12 = R A M T e st

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RAM test...PASS


P T 13 = R OM T e st
ROM Test.................PASS [ 7b5f ]


P T 14 = R e cor d er T es t
Recorder Test.................PASS


P T 15 = Co m mu n ic at i o n s T e st
Communications test.....PASS


P T 16 = Cl oc k T e st
RTC test................PASS


P T 17 = Co m p as s T es t
Compass test............PASS [ 210.100006, -0.200000, 0.100000 ]


P T 18 = T em p er at ur e T e st
Temperature test........PASS [ 24.750000 ]


P T 20 = G P S T es t
GPS test................PASS

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PF – Results from most recent PA tests

Purpose Outputs the results of the last PA test.
Format PF

Recommended Setting. Use as needed.

Description This command gives a summary of the last PA test.

Example See below
Test Results
PA Test last run at: 2012/07/22 15:42:25.77

RAM test... PASSED

ROM test... PASSED
RTC test... PASSED
REC test... PASSED

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Sensor Control Commands

The main reasons for compass calibration are installation of the instrument into a new mount or boat or
moving to a new location for data collection. Each new mount or boat potentially carries a different mag-
netic signature, and the earth’s magnetic field characteristics vary from location to location even over rela-
tively short distances. The compass calibration algorithm corrects for the distortions caused by these ex-
ternal field changes to give an accurate measurement.

Available Sensor Control Commands

This section lists the available compass commands.
Available Commands:

SA ---------------------- Compass Cal [0=help]

SF 3 -------------------- External NMEA Menu 0=help
SI 1 -------------------- Internal GPS Menu 0=help
SZ 220 ------------------ Sensors Installed [Compass, Temperature, CTD]
S? ---------------------- Display S-Command Menu

Compass Command Descriptions

SA – Compass Cal
Purpose Calibrates the compass to remove hard and soft iron effects.
Format SAx
Range x = 0 to 4 (0 = help)
Default N/A

Recommended Setting. Use WinRiver II to calibrate the compass. The compass must be calibrated if
the boat and/or mounting have changed or the RiverPro/RioPro is moved to a new location.

Description Command used to display compass module information, enter calibration mode, and set
compass module parameters.

For details on how to calibrate the compass, see the WinRiver II User’s Guide.

I SM Ex a m pl e s

ISM Compass Calibration & Test Menu

0: Display ISM Commands
1: Pass Through Mode
2: ISM Module Info
3: zero pitch & roll
4: Clear pitch and roll zero offsets


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No response. The system goes into pass through mode where all input is passed through
directly to the compass. Send a break to reset the system and cancel Pass Through Mode.


Part No.: SNR71B-1048-52

SN: 231A67ED 000000A8
FW Ver: 45.05


ISM Zero offsets Enabled, Pitch -1.430328 deg, Roll 0.010684 deg
Save new values? Y|[N]
Save Done

ISM Zero offsets Disabled, Pitch 0.000000 deg, Roll 0.000000 deg
Save new values? Y|[N]
Save Done

SF – External NMEA Menu

Purpose Sets the RiverPro/RioPro GPS input port to match the external GPS unit.
Format SFn
Range n = 0, 1, 2, 3-9
Default SF3

Recommended Setting. Use as needed.

Description Use the SF command to set the GPS port baud rate. Use SF2 to output GPS diagnostic
data. When auto-baud detection mode is enabled (SF9), the RiverPro/RioPro will cycle
through the valid baud rates and then listen for a period of time for a NEMA data stream.
The auto-baud detection is disabled while pinging to ensure ping-timing is not impacted.
Example See below

SF Command Description

SF0 Help menu

SF1 Disable

SF2 GPS diagnostic data

SF3 4800 Baud (Default)

SF4 9600 Baud

SF5 19200 Baud

SF6 38400 Baud

SF7 57600 Baud

SF8 115200 Baud

SF9 Auto

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SF 3 -------------------- GPS Baud 1=disable, 0=help, 3=4800, 4=9600, ...

Send the SF2 command to display the GPS string the instrument is receiving. If the baud rate between the
GPS and the RiverPro/RioPro does not match, the GPS string will not be readable (i.e. “garbage” charac-
ters). If the GPS is not connected, there is no output.
GPS Diagnostics enabled, pinging disabled
GPS DIAGNOSTIC:804788,W,2,05
GPS DIAGNOSTIC:2.50,5.00,M,0

>GPS DIAGNOSTIC:00,M,000,0111
GPS DIAGNOSTIC:855.90,3237.1
GPS DIAGNOSTIC:8844,N,11713.
GPS DIAGNOSTIC:04951,W,2,05,
GPS DIAGNOSTIC:.50,5.00,M,0.
GPS DIAGNOSTIC:0,M,000,0111*

SF 3 -------------------- GPS Baud 1=disable, 0=help, 3=4800, 4=9600, ...
>sf8 Set the baud rate to the actual GPS rate. If the baud
rate is in question then one may have to step through
these steps a few times.
>sf2 Then SF2
GPS Diagnostics enabled, pinging disabled

GPS DIAGNOSTIC:0,3237.213845,N,11713.796522,W,2,05,2.50,5.00,M,0.00,M,000,0111*4
GPS DIAGNOSTIC Decode:$GPGGA,100413.10,3237.213845,N,11713.796522,W,2,05,2.50,5.
GPS DIAGNOSTIC Decode:$GPVTG,22.801,T,,,2.124,N,3.933,K,D*73
GPS DIAGNOSTIC:382,F*34<CR><LF>$GPZDA,170413.10,26,09,2012,08,00*63<CR><LF>$GPHD
GPS DIAGNOSTIC Decode:$GPDBT,27.230,f,8.300,M,163.382,F*34
GPS DIAGNOSTIC Decode:$GPZDA,170413.10,26,09,2012,08,00*63
GPS DIAGNOSTIC:0,3237.214386,N,11713.796241,W,2,05,2.50,5.00,M,0.00,M,000,0111*4
GPS DIAGNOSTIC Decode:$GPGGA,100414.10,3237.214386,N,11713.796241,W,2,05,2.50,5.

>sf7 Baud rate deliberately set wrong

GPS Diagnostics enabled, pinging disabled

>GPS DIAGNOSTIC:$ †„…&„¦¥åÄ„



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SI – Internal NMEA Menu

Purpose Used for Internal GPS status and diagnostic information.
Format SIn
Range n = 0, 1, 2, 10, -1, 11, 20, 30
Default SI1

Recommended Setting. Use as needed.

Description Use the SI command to retrieve Internal GPS status and diagnostic information. The
baud rate is fixed to 115200.
Example See below
Internal GPS status: IDLE, baud option 8
Baud rate 115200(8)
Usage: SI <option>
0 help
1 status
2 toggle diagnostics
10 detect baud now
-1 disable
11 enable
20 message list sub-menu
30 set device baud to 115200


SZ – Sensors Installed
Purpose Determines what sensors are installed and detected.
Format SZ?
Default N/A

Recommended Setting. Use as needed.

Description Shows the sensors installed.

Example See below
CTD Not Supported!

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Timing Commands
The following commands set the timing of various profiling functions.

Available Timing Commands

This section lists the available Timing commands.
Available Commands:

TE 00:00:00.00 ---------- Time Between Ensembles

TF --/--/--,--:--:-- ---- Set First Ping Time (yy/mm/dd,hh:mm:ss)
TP 00:00.00 ------------- Time Between Pings
TS 14/09/30,09:56:51.62 - Set System Date and Time (yy/mm/dd,hh:mm:ss)
T? ---------------------- Display T-Command Menu

Timing Command Descriptions

TE – Time Per Ensemble
Purpose Sets the minimum interval between data collection cycles (data ensembles).
Format TEhh:mm:ss.ff
Range hh = 00 to 23 hours
mm = 00 to 59 minutes
ss = 00 to 59 seconds
ff = 00 to 99 hundredths of seconds
Default TE00:00:00.00

Recommended Setting. The default setting for this command is recommended for most applications.

Description During the ensemble interval set by TE, the RiverPro/RioPro collects one automatic en-
semble. If TE = 00:00:00.00, the RiverPro/RioPro starts collecting the next ensemble
immediately after processing the previous ensemble.
Example TE01:15:30.00 tells the RiverPro/RioPro to collect data ensembles every 1 hour, 15
minutes, 30 seconds.

The time tag for each ensemble is the time of the first ping of that ensemble.

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TF – Time of First Ping

Purpose Sets the time the RiverPro/RioPro wakes up to start data collection.
Format TFyy/mm/dd, hh:mm:ss
Range yy = year 00-99
mm = month 01-12
dd = day 01-31 (leap years are accounted for)
hh = hour 00-23
mm = minute 00-59
ss = second 00-59

Recommended Setting. Use as needed.

Description TF delays the start of data collection. This command sets the RiverPro/RioPro in the
Standby mode and it will automatically start data collection at a preset time (typically
used in battery operated instruments). When the command is given to the
RiverPro/RioPro to start pinging, TF is tested for validity. If valid, the RiverPro/RioPro
sets its alarm clock to TF, goes to sleep, and waits until time TF before beginning the data
collection process.
Example To set the exact time of the first ping to be on November 23, 2013 at 1:37:15 pm, enter
TF13/11/23, 13:37:15. Do not enter a TF command value to begin pinging immediately
after receiving the CS command (see notes).

1. If a TF command is sent to the RiverPro/RioPro, the CS command must also be sent before
deploying the RiverPro/RioPro.
2. If the entry is not valid, the RiverPro/RioPro sends an error message and does not update
the wake-up time.
3. Sending a <BREAK> clears the TF time.

TP – Time Between Pings

Purpose Sets the minimum time between pings. In automatic operation, this is the same as Time
Between Ensembles (TE command).
Format TPmm:ss.ff
Range mm = 00 to 30 minutes
ss = 00 to 59 seconds
ff = 00 to 99 hundredths of seconds
Default TP00:00.00

Recommended Setting. The default setting for this command is recommended for most applications.

Description The RiverPro/RioPro pings with an automatic ping setup and adjusts the ping times as
Example TP00:00.10 sets the time between pings to 0.10 second.

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TS – Set Real-Time Clock

Purpose Sets the RiverPro/RioPro’s internal real-time clock.
Format TSyy/mm/dd, hh:mm:ss
Range yy = year 00-99
mm = month 01-12
dd = day 01-31
hh = hour 00-23
mm = minute 00-59
ss = second 00-59

Recommended Setting. Set using BBTalk or WinRiver II.

Example TS13/06/17, 13:15:00 sets the real-time clock to 1:15:00 pm, June 17, 2013.

1. When the RiverPro/RioPro receives the carriage return after the TS command, it enters the
new time into the real-time clock and sets hundredths of seconds to zero.
2. If the entry is not valid, the RiverPro/RioPro sends an error message and does not update
the real-time clock.

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Vertical Beam Range Commands

The following commands define the criteria used to collect the vertical beam data.

The vertical beam is not available for RioPro systems.

Standard Vertical Beam Range Commands

This section lists the Vertical Beam commands.
Available Commands:

VG 00000 ---------------- Depth Guess cm

VP 001 ------------------ Number of Pings [0-999]
V? ---------------------- Display V-Command Menu

VG – Depth Guess
Purpose: Sets the listen window to a fixed range. This command can be used if the range to bottom
is known to be close to the fixed range to prevent searching.
Format: VGnnnnn
Range: nnnnn = 0 to 10000 cm
Default: VG0

Recommended Setting. The default setting for this command is recommended for most applications.

Description: VG sets a fixed range to bottom for configuring the vertical beam ping listen window,
transmit length, etc., and prevents the ping from entering search mode. The bottom will
only be found if it is sufficiently close to this fixed range.

For specific uses only. Not recommended for general use.

VP – Number of Vertical Beam Pings

Purpose: Sets the number of vertical beam pings to average in each data ensemble.
Format: VPnnn
Range: nnn = 0 to 1
Default: VP001

Recommended Setting. The default setting for this command is recommended for most applications.

Description: VP sets the number of pings to average in each ensemble before sending/recording the

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Water Profiling Commands

The following commands define the criteria used to collect the water-profile data.

Standard Water Profiling Commands

The available water profiling commands are different for each water mode. The commands listed below
show the commands for each water mode. The added commands are highlighted.

Available Commands:

WC 064,080,096 ---------- Correlation Threshold [0-255]

WD 1110000001 ----------- Data Out {v;c;a;p;s;*;*;*;*;m}
WM 0003 ----------------- Water Profiling Mode [2,3,12]
W? ---------------------- Display W-Command Menu

Manual Mode Water Profiling WM2 and WM12 are feature upgrades for RiverPro/RioPro
systems (see Feature Upgrades). This upgrade adds the following highlighted commands.

Available Commands:

WC 064,080,096 ---------- Correlation Threshold [0-255]

WD 1110000001 ----------- Data Out {v;c;a;p;s;*;*;*;*;m}
WF 0016 ----------------- Blanking Distance (cm) [0-500]
WM 0002 ----------------- Water Profiling Mode [2,3,12]
WN 200 ------------------ Number of Bins [1-200]
WP 001 ------------------ Number of Pings [1-999]
WS 0005 ----------------- Bin Size (cm) [2-500]
WV 0250 ----------------- Ambiguity Velocity (cm/s)
W? ---------------------- Display W-Command Menu

Available Commands:

WC 064,080,096 ---------- Correlation Threshold [0-255]

WD 1110000001 ----------- Data Out {v;c;a;p;s;*;*;*;*;m}
WF 0016 ----------------- Blanking Distance (cm) [0-500]
WM 0012 ----------------- Water Profiling Mode [2,3,12]
WN 200 ------------------ Number of Bins [1-200]
WO 001 ------------------ Number of SubPings [1-999]
WP 001 ------------------ Number of Pings [1-999]
WS 0005 ----------------- Bin Size (cm) [1-500]
WV 0250 ----------------- Ambiguity Velocity (cm/s)
W? ---------------------- Display W-Command Menu

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WC – Correlation Threshold
Purpose Sets the minimum threshold for correlation magnitude that velocity data must meet to be
considered valid.
Format WCnnn, nnn, nnn
Range nnn = 0 to 255 counts
Default WC 064,080,096

Recommended Setting. The default setting for this command is recommended for most applications.

Description The RiverPro/RioPro uses WC to screen water-track data for the minimum acceptable
correlation requirements. The nominal (maximum) correlation depends on system fre-
quency and depth cell size (WS). WC sets the threshold of the correlation below, which
the ADCP flags the data as bad and does not average the data into the ensemble. The sec-
ond and third thresholds are used for Water Mode 3 (WM3) so different thresholds can
be set for mode 2 type ping, coherent pings, or pulse-to-pulse pings.

The default threshold is 64 counts. A solid target would have a correlation of 128 counts.

WD – Data Out
Purpose Selects the data types collected by the RiverPro/RioPro.
Format WD v;c;a;p;s;*;*;*;*;m
Range Firmware switches (see description)
Default WD 1110000001

Recommended Setting. The default setting for this command is recommended for most applications.

Description WD uses firmware switches to tell the RiverPro/RioPro the types of data to collect. The
RiverPro/RioPro always collects header data, fixed and variable leader data, and check-
sum data. Setting a bit to one tells the RiverPro/RioPro to collect that data type. The bits
are described as follows:
v = Velocity c = Correlation a = Echo Intensity p = Percent good s = Status

*= Reserved *= Reserved *= Reserved *= Reserved m = Beam Correction Ma-


Example WD 1110000001 (default) tells the RiverPro/RioPro to collect velocity, correlation magni-
tude, echo intensity, percent-good, and beam correction matrix.

1. Each bit can have a value of one or zero. Setting a bit to one means output data, zero
means suppress data.
2. If WP = zero, the RiverPro/RioPro does not collect water-profile data.
3. Spaces in the command line are allowed.
4. Status data is not used, as it does not mean anything.

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WF – Blank after Transmit

Purpose Moves the location of first depth cell away from the transducer head to allow the transmit
circuits time to recover before the receive cycle begins.
Format WFnnnn
Range nnnn = 0 to 500 cm
Default WF0016

Recommended Setting. The default setting for this command is recommended for most applications. If
you are using WinRiver II, let the software set the WF command setting.

Description WF positions the start of the first depth cell at some vertical distance from the transducer
head. This allows the RiverPro/RioPro transmit circuits time to recover before beginning
the receive cycle. In effect, WF blanks out bad data close to the transducer head, thus cre-
ating a depth window that reduces unwanted data in the ensemble.

WM – Water Profiling Mode

Purpose Selects the application-dependent profiling mode used by the RiverPro/RioPro.
Format WMnnnn
Range nnnn = 2, 3, and 12 (see description)
Default WM0003

Recommended Setting. The default setting for this command is recommended for most
applications. If you are using WinRiver II, let the software set the WM command setting.

Description The WM command lets you select an application-dependent profiling mode. The chosen
mode selects the types of pings transmitted. The ping type depends on how much the wa-
ter-current is changing from ping-to-ping and from cell-to-cell.
Table 16: Water Modes
Mode Description
WM2 Manual mode
WM3 Automatic mode (Default)
WM12 Manual mode High Ping Rate

The default mode is the Automatic Mode (WM3). WM2 and WM12 are considered “manual
modes”, and are feature upgrades (see Feature Upgrades).

WN – Number of Bins
Purpose Sets the number of bins (depth cells) over which the RiverPro/RioPro collects data.
Format WNnnn
Range nnn = 1 to 200 depth cells
Default WN200

Recommended Setting. Set using WinRiver.

Description The range of the RiverPro/RioPro is set by the number of depth cells (WN) times the size
of each depth cell (WS).

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WO – Number of SubPings
Purpose Controls the number of SubPings in Mode 12 water profiling.
Format WOx
Range x = 1 to 100 sub-pings
Default WO001

Recommended Setting. Special applications only.

Description: In Mode 12, a number of sub-pings are transmitted very rapidly and their results are aver-
aged internally to form a single Mode 12 ping.

This command has no effect unless the WM command is set to WM12.

WP – Number of Pings
Purpose Sets the number of pings to average in each data ensemble.
Format WPnnn
Range nnn = 0 to 999 pings
Default WP001

Recommended Setting. Set using WinRiver.

Description WP sets the number of pings to average in each ensemble before sending/recording the

1. If WP = zero the RiverPro/RioPro does not collect water-profile data.

2. The RiverPro/RioPro automatically extends the ensemble interval (TE) if WP x TP > TE.

WS – Bin Size
Purpose Selects the volume of water for one measurement cell (bin).
Format WSnnn
Range nnn = 2 to 500 cm
Default WS005

Recommended Setting. Set using WinRiver.

Description The RiverPro/RioPro collects data over a variable number of bins. WS sets the size of
each bin in vertical centimeters.

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WV – Ambiguity Velocity
Purpose Sets the radial ambiguity velocity.
Format WVnnnn
Range nnnn = 5 to 999 cm/s
Default WV0250

Recommended Setting. Set using the WinRiver II wizard.

Description Set WV as low as possible to attain maximum performance, but not too low or ambiguity
errors will occur. Rule of thumb: Set WV to the maximum relative horizontal velocity be-
tween water-current speed and RiverPro/RioPro speed.
The WV command (ambiguity velocity setting) sets the maximum velocity that can be
measured along the beam when operating in water mode 1 (WM1). WV is used to improve
the single-ping standard deviation. The lower the value of the WV command, the lower
the single-ping standard deviation.
Set the WV command based on the maximum apparent velocity (RiverPro/RioPro motion
plus water speed). The following formula is used to determine the setting of the WV com-
mand: WV = (Max. Apparent Vel. cm/s) * sin(beam angle) * 1.5, where 1.5 is a safety fac-

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Vertical Beam Profile Commands

The following commands define the criteria used to collect the vertical beam profile data.

Vertical beam profiling extends the ping time approximately 25% for manual modes. Ping
time depends on water depth and number of bins.
RioPro systems do not include a vertical beam.

Standard Vertical Beam Profile Commands

This section lists the vertical beam profile commands.
Available Commands:

ZB 0 -------------------- Bandwidth [0=Wide (25%), 1=Narrow (6.25%)]

ZC 064 ------------------ Correlation Threshold (counts) [0..255]
ZD 111100000 ------------ Data Out {v;c;a;p;s;*;*;*;*}
ZF 020 ------------------ Blanking Distance (cm) [0-500]
ZG 1 -------------------- Gain [0=low, 1=high]
ZM 2 -------------------- V-Beam Profile Mode [2=Linear, 12=LinPhasePlaneAvg]
ZN 010 ------------------ Number of Bins [1-200]
ZO 004 ------------------ Number of Mode-12 Subpings [0-20]
ZP 000 ------------------ Number of Pings [0-999]
ZS 010 ------------------ Bin Size (cm) [2-500]
ZV 250 ------------------ Ambiguity Velocity (cm/s) [5-700]
Z? ---------------------- Display Z-Command Menu

ZB – Vertical Beam Bandwidth

Purpose: Sets the vertical beam profile bandwidth (sampling rate).
Format: ZBn
Range: n = 0=Wide (25%), 1=Narrow (6.25%)
Default: ZB0

Recommended Setting. The default setting for this command is recommended for most applications.

Description: Narrow bandwidths allow the RiverPro to profile farther, but the standard deviation is
increased by as much as 2.5 times.

ZC – Vertical Beam Correlation Threshold

Purpose: Sets the minimum threshold for correlation magnitude that vertical beam profile velocity
data must meet to be considered valid.
Format: ZCnnn
Range: nnn = 0 to 255 counts
Default: ZC064

Recommended Setting. The default setting for this command is recommended for most applications.

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Description: The RiverPro uses ZC to screen vertical beam profile data for the minimum acceptable
correlation requirements. The nominal (maximum) correlation depends on system fre-
quency and vertical beam profile depth cell size (ZS). ZC sets the threshold of the correla-
tion below, which the RiverPro/RioPro flags the data as bad and does not average the
data into the ensemble.

The default threshold is 64 counts. A solid target would have a correlation of 128 counts.

ZD – Vertical Beam Data Out

Purpose: Selects the vertical beam profile data types collected by the RiverPro.
Format: ZD vca ps* ***
Range: Firmware switches (see description)
Default: ZD 111100000

Recommended Setting. The default setting for this command is recommended for most applications.

Description: ZD uses firmware switches to tell the RiverPro the types of data to collect and process.
The RiverPro always collects header data, fixed and variable leader data, and checksum
data. Setting a bit to one tells the RiverPro to collect and process that data type. The bits
are described as follows:
v = Velocity p= Percent good * = Reserved
c = Correlation s = Status * = Reserved
a = Echo Intensity * = Reserved * = Reserved

ZF – Vertical Beam Blanking Distance

Purpose: Moves the location of first depth cell away from the transducer head to allow the transmit
circuits time to recover before the receive cycle begins.
Format: ZFnnn
Range: nnn = 0 to 500 cm
Default: ZF020

Recommended Setting. The default setting for this command is recommended for most applications.

Description: ZF positions the start of the first depth cell at some vertical distance from the transducer
head. This allows the RiverPro transmit circuits time to recover before beginning the re-
ceive cycle. In effect, ZF blanks out bad data close to the transducer head, thus creating a
depth window that reduces unwanted data in the ensemble.

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ZG – Vertical Beam Gain

Purpose: Allows the RiverPro to reduce receiver gain by 40 dB.
Format: ZGn
Range: n = 0 (low), 1 (high)
Default: ZG1

Recommended Setting. The default setting for this command is recommended for most applications.

Description: ZG0 tells the RiverPro to reduce receiver gain by 40 dB. This may increase data reliability
in shallow-water applications where there is a high content of backscatter material. ZG1
(the default) uses the normal receiver gain.

ZM – Vertical Beam Profile Mode

Purpose: Selects the vertical beam profiling mode used by the RiverPro.
Format: ZMn
Range: n = 2, 12 (see description)
Default: ZM2

Recommended Setting. The default setting for this command is recommended for most applications.

Description: The ZM command sets an application-dependent profiling mode. The chosen mode se-
lects the types of pings transmitted. The ping type depends on how much the water-cur-
rent is changing from ping-to-ping and from cell-to-cell.
ZM2 refers to water mode 2 (WM2) pings for the vertical beam profile ping. WM2 pings
are very similar to TRDI’s traditional WM1 pings, except that they use 8-bit sampling in-
stead of 1-bit sampling. These pings use a relatively short lag (i.e. large ambiguity veloc-
ity), and make the assumption that the velocities being measured will never rise above the
ambiguity velocity; i.e. there is no ambiguity resolving being done.
ZM12 is essentially the same type of measurement as ZM2, except that there are subpings
(the number being set by the ZO command) being averaged together in the phase plane,
before the resulting average is converted from phase data to velocity. This has the effect of
increasing the effective ping rate (and thus, lowering standard deviation) in very low-dy-
namic environments. If the dynamics of the environment are too high (e.g. if the RiverPro
is bouncing around), ZM12 would tend to smear together data sampled at different orien-
tations, resulting in lower-quality measurements.

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ZN – Vertical Beam Number of Bins

Purpose: Sets the number of vertical beam profile bins (depth cells) over which the RiverPro col-
lects data.
Format: ZNnnn
Range: nnn = 1 to 200 bins
Default: ZN010

Recommended Setting. The default setting for this command is recommended for most applications.

Description: The range of the RiverPro vertical beam is set by the number of bins (ZN) times the size
of each bin (ZS). The backscatter level is also a factor in determining the range that can be
effectively measured by the vertical beam.

ZO – Vertical Beam Number of Mode-12 Subpings

Purpose: Controls the number of sub-pings of Mode 12 vertical beam profiling.
Format: ZOnnn
Range: n = 0 to 20 sub-pings
Default: ZO004

Recommended Setting. The default setting for this command is recommended for most applications.

Description: In Mode 12, a number of sub-pings are transmitted very rapidly and their results are aver-
aged internally to form a single Mode 12 ping.

This command has no effect unless the ZM command is set to ZM12.

ZP – Vertical Beam Number of Pings

Purpose: Sets the number of vertical beam pings to average in each data ensemble.
Format: ZPnnn
Range: nnn = 0 to 999 pings
Default: ZP000

Recommended Setting. The default setting is ZP0, which disables vertical beam profiling; if you want a
vertical beam profile, set ZP to >0.

Description: ZP sets the number of vertical beam pings to average in each ensemble before sending/re-
cording the data.

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ZS – Vertical Beam Bin Size

Purpose: Sets the vertical length of the bin, which indirectly sets the volume.
Format: ZSnnn
Range: nnn = 2 to 500 cm
Default: ZS010

Recommended Setting. The default setting for this command is recommended for most applications.

Description: The RiverPro collects data over a number of bins. ZS sets the size of each bin in vertical

ZV – Vertical Beam Ambiguity Velocity

Purpose: Sets the vertical beam radial ambiguity velocity.
Format: ZVnnn
Range: nnn = 5 to 700 cm/s
Default: ZV 250

Recommended Setting. The default setting for this command is recommended for most applications.

Description: Set ZV as low as possible to attain maximum performance, but not too low or ambiguity
errors will occur. Rule of thumb: Set ZV to the maximum relative horizontal velocity be-
tween water-current speed and RiverPro speed.
The ZV command (ambiguity velocity setting) sets the maximum velocity that can be
measured along the beam when operating in water mode 2 or 12 (ZM2 or ZM12). ZV is
used to improve the single-ping standard deviation. The lower the value of the ZV com-
mand, the lower the single-ping standard deviation.
Set the ZV command based on the maximum apparent velocity (RiverPro motion plus wa-
ter speed). The following formula is used to determine the setting of the ZV command:
ZV = (Max. Apparent Vel. cm/s) * sin(beam angle) * 1.5, where 1.5 is a safety factor.

Note that the minimum setting of the ZV command is ZV005 and the maximum setting due to
internal processing limitations is limited based on the setting of the ZB bandwidth command.
ZV is limited to 330 cm/s in Narrow bandwidth mode (ZB1), which increases the profiling
range by 10% compared to Broad bandwidth mode (ZB0).
When the ZB command is set to ZB0, the max value is ZV700.
In either case, while you can set a value as low as 5 cm/s, this will likely cause ambiguity
errors. TRDI recommends setting ZV to ≥ 100cm/s for most applications.
The 1.5 value is a safety factor.

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Chapter 10

In this chapter:
• PD0 output data format
• Decoding an RiverPro/RioPro Ensemble

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PD0 Output Data Format

This section shows the output data format of the RiverPro/RioPro and explains it in enough detail to help
create your own data processing or analysis programs (see How to Decode an RiverPro/RioPro Ensem-
The following description is for the standard PD0 RiverPro/RioPro output data format. Figure 29 through
Figure 47 shows the ASCII and binary data formats for the RiverPro/RioPro PD0 mode. Table 18 through
Table 45 defines each field in the output data structure.
After completing a data collection cycle, the RiverPro/RioPro immediately sends a data ensemble. The
following pages show the types and sequence of data that are included in the RiverPro/RioPro output data
ensemble and the number of bytes required for each data type. The RiverPro/RioPro sends all the data for
a given type for all depth cells and all beams before the next data type begins.
The RiverPro/RioPro by default is set to collect velocity, correlation data, echo intensity, and percent good
data. The data, preceded by ID code 7F7F, contains header data (explained in Table 18). The fixed and
variable leader data is preceded by ID codes 0000 and 8000, (explained in Table 19 and Table 20). The
RiverPro/RioPro always collects the Header and Leader.
The remaining lines include Water Velocity Profile data and Bottom Track data, described in detail below.
Note that for certain conditions, RiverPro/RioPro adds a new type of Water Velocity Profile data called
‘surface bins’. Surface bin data may have a different bin size than the remainder of the velocity profile. The
table below shows some of the most common IDs.
Table 17: Data ID Codes
ID LSB MSB Description
0x7F7F 7F 7F Header
0x0000 00 00 Fixed Leader
0x0080 80 00 Variable Leader
0x0100 00 01 Velocity Profile Data
0x0200 00 02 Correlation Profile Data
0x0300 00 03 Echo Intensity Profile Data
0x0400 00 04 Percent Good Profile Data
0x0600 00 06 Bottom Track Data
0x4100 00 41 Vertical Beam Range Data
0x0F01 01 0F Vertical Beam Profile Leader Data
0x0A00 00 0A Vertical Beam Profile Velocity Data
0x0B00 00 0B Vertical Beam Profile Correlation Data
0x0C00 00 0C Vertical Beam Profile Echo Intensity Data
0x0D00 00 0D Vertical Beam Profile Percent Good Data
0x0E00 00 0E Vertical Beam Profile Status Data
0x0010 10 00 Surface Layer Velocity Leader
0x0110 10 01 Surface Layer Velocity
0x0210 10 02 Surface Layer Correlation Profile Data
0x0310 10 03 Surface Layer Echo Intensity Profile Data
0x0410 10 04 Surface Layer Percent Good Profile Data
0x4401 01 44 Automatic Mode Setup
0x4400 00 44 Firmware Status Data
0x2022 22 20 NMEA GPS Data Messages
0x3200 00 32 Transformation Matrix

The RiverPro/RioPro always sends the Least Significant Byte (LSB) first.
RioPro systems do not include the vertical beam outputs.

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(as selected - cell size and number of cells is WATER ECHO INTENSITY (2 BYTES + 4 BYTES PER DEPTH CELL)

(RiverPro only)

Figure 28. PD0 Standard Output Data Buffer Format

The number of data cells output will depend on the depth during the ensemble and will vary from ensem-
ble to ensemble. Some data types will only appear in the output if enabled by command.

WinRiver II may add additional bytes.

For example, WinRiver II does not add any bytes to the Bottom Track data, but does insert
data in place of other bytes. The Navigation NMEA strings (up to 275 bytes) are stored in the
*r.000 raw data between the Bottom Track data and the Reserved/Checksum data. WinRiver
II output data format is described in the WinRiver II User’s Guide.

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Header Data Format


BYTE 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0







10 MSB

11 LSB
12 MSB


2N+5 LSB
2N+6 MSB

See Table 18 for a description of the fields.

Figure 29. Header Data Format

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Header information is the first item sent by the RiverPro/RioPro to the output buffer. The RiverPro/Ri-
oPro always sends the Least Significant Byte (LSB) first.
Table 18: Header Data Format
Hex Digit Binary Byte Field Description

1,2 1 HDR ID / Header ID Stores the header identification byte (7Fh).

3,4 2 HDR ID / Data Stores the data source identification byte (7Fh for the RiverPro/RioPro).
Source ID
5-8 3,4 Bytes / Number of This field contains the number of bytes from the start of the current ensemble up to,
bytes in ensemble but not including, the 2-byte checksum (Figure 47).
9,10 5 Spare Undefined.
11,12 6 No. DT / Number of This field contains the number of data types selected for collection. By default,
Data Types fixed/variable leader, velocity, correlation magnitude, echo intensity, and percent
good are selected for collection. This field will therefore have a value of six (4 data
types + 2 for the Fixed/Variable Leader data).
13-16 7,8 Address Offset for This field contains the internal memory address offset where the RiverPro/RioPro
Data Type #1 / Off- will store information for data type #1 (with this firmware, always the Fixed Leader).
set for Data Type #1 Adding “1” to this offset number gives the absolute Binary Byte number in the en-
semble where Data Type #1 begins (the first byte of the ensemble is Binary Byte #1).
17-20 9,10 Address Offset for This field contains the internal memory address offset where the RiverPro/RioPro
Data Type #2 / Off- will store information for data type #2 (with this firmware, always the Variable
set for Data Type #2 Leader). Adding “1” to this offset number gives the absolute Binary Byte number in
the ensemble where Data Type #2 begins (the first byte of the ensemble is Binary
Byte #1).
21-24 thru 11,12 thru Address Offsets for These fields contain internal memory address offset where the RiverPro/RioPro will
2n+13 to 2n+5, 2n+6 Data Types #3-n / store information for data type #3 through data type #n. Adding “1” to this offset
2n+16 Offset for Data Type number gives the absolute Binary Byte number in the ensemble where Data Types
#3 through #n #3-n begin (first byte of ensemble is Binary Byte) #1).

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October 2017 RiverPro and RioPro ADCP Guide

Fixed Leader Data Format


BYTE 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


2 MSB 00h








11 LSB
12 MSB

13 LSB
14 MSB

15 LSB
16 MSB





21 LSB
22 MSB






28 MSB

29 LSB
30 MSB




35 LSB
36 MSB

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BYTE 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

37 LSB
38 MSB



41 LSB
42 MSB

43 LSB


50 MSB

51 LSB
52 MSB



55 MSB


58 LSB


See Table 19 for a description of the fields

Figure 30. Fixed Leader Data Format

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October 2017 RiverPro and RioPro ADCP Guide

In Mode 3 (WM3) the Data Ping is the source of all values describing the ping, such as Code Reps, Trans-
mit Length, and Lag. Values in the Fixed Leader are no longer fixed and may change from ping to ping,
e.g. Cell count, Cell Size, Cell 1 Start, Lag Length. Fixed Leader data also contains hardware information.
The RiverPro/RioPro always sends Fixed Leader data as output data (LSBs first).

Table 19: Fixed Leader Data Format

Hex Digit Binary Byte Field Description

1-4 1,2 FID / Fixed Leader ID Stores the Fixed Leader identification word (00 00h).
5,6 3 fv / CPU F/W Ver. Contains the version number of the CPU firmware.
7,8 4 fr / CPU F/W Rev. Contains the revision number of the CPU firmware.
9-12 5,6 Sys Cfg / System This field defines the RiverPro/RioPro hardware configuration. Convert this field (2
Configuration bytes, LSB first) to binary and interpret as follows.
BITS 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
- - - - - 0 0 0 75-kHz SYSTEM
- - - - - 0 0 1 150-kHz SYSTEM
- - - - - 0 1 0 300-kHz SYSTEM
- - - - - 0 1 1 600-kHz SYSTEM
- - - - - 1 0 0 1200-kHz SYSTEM
- - - - - 1 0 1 2400-kHz SYSTEM
- - - - 0 - - - CONCAVE BEAM PAT.
- - - - 1 - - - CONVEX BEAM PAT.
- - 0 0 - - - - SENSOR CONFIG #1
- - 0 1 - - - - SENSOR CONFIG #2
- - 1 0 - - - - SENSOR CONFIG #3
- 0 - - - - - - XDCR HD NOT ATT.
- 1 - - - - - - XDCR HD ATTACHED
0 - - - - - - - DOWN FACING BEAM
1 - - - - - - - UP-FACING BEAM

BITS 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
- - - - - - 0 0 15E BEAM ANGLE
- - - - - - 0 1 20E BEAM ANGLE
- - - - - - 1 0 30E BEAM ANGLE
- - - - - - 1 1 OTHER BEAM ANGLE
0 1 0 0 - - - - 4-BEAM JANUS CONFIG
0 1 0 1 - - - - 5-BM JANUS CFIG DEMOD)
1 1 1 1 - - - - 5-BM JANUS CFIG.(2 DEMD)
Example: Hex 5249 (i.e., hex 49 followed by hex 52) identifies a 150-kHz system,
convex beam pattern, down-facing, 30E beam angle, 5 beams (3 demods).
Note: XDCR HD ATTACHED refers to whether the chassis and transducer are deliv-
ered as one piece; This is not a sensor detect.
13,14 7 PD / Real/Sim Flag This field is set by default as real data (0).
15,16 8 Lag Length Lag Length. The lag is the time period between sound pulses. This is varied as re-
quired by the RiverPro/RioPro.
17,18 9 #Bm / Number of Contains the number of beams used to calculate velocity data (not physical beams).
Beams The RiverPro/RioPro needs only three beams to calculate water-current velocities.
The fourth beam provides an error velocity that determines data validity. If only
three beams are available, the RiverPro/RioPro does not make this validity check. Ta-
ble 24 (Percent-Good Data Format) has more information.
19,20 10 Number of Cells Contains the number of depth cells over which the RiverPro/RioPro collects data.
This value changes as measurement conditions, primarily depth, change. This value
does not include the number of cells in surface data, when present.
Scaling: LSD = 1 depth cell; Range = 1 to 128 depth cells
21-24 11,12 Data Pings Per En- Contains the number of data pings averaged together the automatic pinging of the
semble RiverPro/RioPro. Scaling: LSD = 1 ping; Range = 0 to 16,384 pings
25-28 13,14 Depth Cell Length Contains the length of one depth cell of non-surface layer data.
Scaling: LSD = 1 centimeter; Range = 1 to 6400 cm (210 feet)

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Table 19: Fixed Leader Data Format

Hex Digit Binary Byte Field Description
29-32 15,16 Blank after Transmit Contains the blanking distance used by the RiverPro/RioPro to allow the transmit cir-
cuits time to recover before the receive cycle begins. This value is fixed.
Scaling: LSD = 1 centimeter; Range = 0 to 9999 cm (328 feet)
33,34 17 Signal Processing Contains the Signal Processing Mode. May be 0,1,2,3, or 31.
35,36 18 Low Corr Thresh Contains the minimum threshold of correlation that water-profile data can have to
be considered good data. This is automatically varied by the RiverPro/RioPro
Scaling: LSD = 1 count; Range = 0 to 255 counts
37,38 19 cr# / No. code reps Contains the number of code repetitions in the transmit pulse for non-surface layer
data. Uses Data Ping value.
Scaling: LSD = 1 count; Range = 0 to 255 counts
39,40 20 Percent Good This field is always 1.
41-44 21,22 WE / Error Velocity This field, initially set by the WE-command, contains the actual threshold value used
Threshold to flag water-current data as good or bad. If the error velocity value exceeds this
threshold, the RiverPro/RioPro flags all four beams of the affected bin as bad.
Scaling: LSD = 1 mm/s; Range = 0 to 5000 mm/s
45,46 23 Minutes These fields, set by the TP-command, contain the amount of time between ping
47,48 24 Seconds groups in the ensemble. NOTE: The RiverPro/RioPro automatically extends the en-
49,50 25 Hundredths semble interval (set by TE) if (WP x TP > TE).
51,52 26 EX / Coord Trans- Contains the coordinate transformation processing parameters (EX-command).
form These firmware switches indicate how the RiverPro/RioPro collected data.
xxx00xxx =
xxx01xxx =
xxx10xxx =
xxx11xxx =
xxxxx1xx =
53-56 27,28 EA / Heading Align- Contains a correction factor for physical heading misalignment (EA-command).
ment Scaling: LSD = 0.01 degree; Range = -179.99 to 180.00 degrees
57-60 29,30 EB / Heading Bias Contains a correction factor for electrical/magnetic heading bias (EB-command).
Scaling: LSD = 0.01 degree; Range = -179.99 to 180.00 degrees
61,62 31 EZ / Sensor Source Contains the selected source of environmental sensor data (EZ-command). These
firmware switches indicate the following.
NOTE: If the field = 0, or if the sensor is not available, the RiverPro/RioPro uses the
manual command setting. If the field = 3, the RiverPro/RioPro uses the reading from
the internal sensor or an external synchro sensor (only applicable to heading, roll,
and pitch). Although a “2” can be entered in the EZ-command string, the RiverPro/Ri-
oPro only displays a 0 (manual) or 1 or 3 (internal/external sensor).
63,64 32 Sensor Avail This field reflects which sensors are available. The bit pattern is the same as listed for
the EZ-command (above).

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Table 19: Fixed Leader Data Format

Hex Digit Binary Byte Field Description
65-68 33,34 dis1 / Bin 1 distance This field contains the distance to the middle of the first non-surface layer depth cell
(bin). This value is dynamic and automatically set for each ping by the RiverPro/Ri-
Scaling: LSD = 1 centimeter; Range = 0 to 65535 cm (2150 feet)
69-72 35,36 Xmit pulse length This field contains the length of the transmit pulse. This is the value for non-surface
layer cells and is automatically set by the RiverPro/RioPro.
Scaling: LSD = 1 centimeter; Range = 0 to 65535 cm (2150 feet)
73,74 37 Spare This field is always 1.
75,76 38 Spare This field is always 1.
77,78 39 WA / False Target Contains the threshold value used to reject data received from a false target, usually
Threshold fish (WA-command).
Scaling: LSD = 1 count; Range = 0 to 255 counts (255 disables)
79,80 40 Spare This field is always 1.
81-84 41,42 Transmit lag dis- This field, set automatically by the RiverPro/RioPro, contains the distance between
tance pulse repetitions. This applies only to non-surface layer cells.
Scaling: LSD = 1 centimeter; Range = 0 to 65535 centimeters
85-100 43-50 CPU Board Serial Contains the serial number of the CPU board.
101-105 51-52 System Bandwidth Word contains bandwidth that would be used for mode 1 or 2. Does not contain
mode 3 or 31 information.
106-107 53 System Power This field is always 0.
108-109 54 Spare Spare
110-119 55-58 Serial # Instrument serial number. The CPU Board Serial number is stored in Big Endian (MSB
sent first).
120 -121 59 Beam Angle Beam angle

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Variable Leader Data Format


BYTE 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


2 00h







15 LSB
16 MSB

17 LSB
18 MSB

19 LSB
20 MSB

21 LSB
22 MSB

23 LSB
24 MSB

25 LSB
26 MSB

27 LSB
28 MSB




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BYTE 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0




See Table 20 for a description of the fields.

Figure 31. Variable Leader Data Format

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RiverPro and RioPro ADCP Guide October 2017

Variable Leader data refers to the dynamic RiverPro/RioPro data (from clocks/sensors) that change with
each ping. The RiverPro/RioPro always sends Variable Leader data as output data (LSBs first).

Table 20: Variable Leader Data Format

Hex Digit Binary Byte Field Description

1-4 1,2 VID / Variable Leader Stores the Variable Leader identification word (80 00h).
5-8 3,4 Ens / Ensemble Num- This field contains the sequential number of the ensemble to which the data in the
ber output buffer apply.
Scaling: LSD = 1 ensemble; Range = 1 to 65,535 ensembles
NOTE: The first ensemble collected is #1. At “rollover,” we have the following se-

1 = ENSEMBLE NUMBER 65,537 | (BYTE 12) INCR.
9,10 5 RTC Year These fields contain the time from the RiverPro/RioPro’s real-time clock (RTC) that
11,12 6 RTC Month the current data ensemble began. The TS-command (Set Real-Time Clock) initially
13,14 7 RTC Day sets the clock. The RiverPro/RioPro does account for leap years.
15,16 8 RTC Hour
17,18 9 RTC Minute
19,22 10 RTC Second
21,22 11 RTC Hundredths
23-24 12 Ensemble # MSB This field increments each time the Ensemble Number field (bytes 3,4) “rolls
over.” This allows ensembles up to 16,777,215. See Ensemble Number field
27-28 13 BIT Fault Fault code for active fault. If more than one fault is active, as indicated by the BIT
Count, the active faults codes will cycle on the each successive ping. Fault codes
1 Transmitter Shutdown
2 Transmitter OverCurrent
3 Transmitter UnderCurrent
4 Transmitter UnderVoltage
16 FIFO Interrupt Missed
17 FIFO ISR Re-entry
41 Compass handler error
42 Compass init fail
43 Compass start fail
44 Compass fail
45 Temperature memory fail
46 Temperature init fail
47 Temperature device fail
48 AP Stuck UART
49 UART TX timeout
50 UART IRQ Stuck
51 UART Buffer Stuck
52 UART IRQ Active
53 UART not cleared
54 UART break timed out
55 UART sleep timed out
80 RTC low battery
81 RTC time not set
82 RTC calibration failure
96 Loop recorder fail
176 GPS init fail
177 GPS start fail
178 GPS comm fail
192 Bluetooth init fail
193 Bluetooth comm fail
209 NMEA msg init fail
224 Firmware fault
225 Memory fault

25-26 14 BIT count This field contains the current number of active faults detected by the RiverPro/Ri-
oPro’s Built-in Test function. A zero code indicates no active faults.
29-32 15,16 EC / Speed of Sound Contains either manual or calculated speed of sound information (EC-command).
Scaling: LSD = 1 meter per second; Range = 1400 to 1600 m/s

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Table 20: Variable Leader Data Format

Hex Digit Binary Byte Field Description
33-36 17,18 ED / Depth of Trans- Contains the depth of the transducer below the water surface (ED-command). This
ducer value may be a manual setting or a reading from a depth sensor.
Scaling: LSD = 1 decimeter; Range = 1 to 9999 decimeters
37-40 19,20 EH / Heading Contains the RiverPro/RioPro heading angle (EH-command). This value may be a
manual setting or a reading from a heading sensor.
Scaling: LSD = 0.01 degree; Range = 000.00 to 359.99 degrees
41-44 21,22 EP / Pitch Contains the RiverPro/RioPro pitch angle (EP-command). This value may be a man-
(Tilt 1) ual setting or a reading from a tilt sensor. Positive values mean that Beam #3 is
spatially higher than Beam #4.
Scaling: LSD = 0.01 degree; Range = -20.00 to +20.00 degrees
45-48 23,24 ER / Roll Contains the RiverPro/RioPro roll angle (ER-command). This value may be a man-
(Tilt 2) ual setting or a reading from a tilt sensor. For up-facing RiverPro/RioPros, positive
values mean that Beam #2 is spatially higher than Beam #1. For down-facing
RiverPro/RioPros, positive values mean that Beam #1 is spatially higher than Beam
Scaling: LSD = 0.01 degree; Range = -20.00 to +20.00 degrees
49-52 25,26 ES / Salinity Contains the salinity value of the water at the transducer head (ES-command).
This value may be a manual setting or a reading from a conductivity sensor.
Scaling: LSD = 1 part per thousand; Range = 0 to 40 ppt
53-56 27,28 ET / Temperature Contains the temperature of the water at the transducer head (ET-command). This
value may be a manual setting or a reading from a temperature sensor.
Scaling: LSD = 0.01 degree; Range = -5.00 to +40.00 degrees
57,58 29 MPT minutes This field contains the Minimum Pre-Ping Wait Time between ping groups in the
59,60 30 MPT seconds ensemble.
61,62 31 MPT hundredths
63,64 32 H/Hdg Std Dev These fields contain the standard deviation (accuracy) of the heading and tilt an-
65,66 33 P/Pitch Std Dev gles from the gyrocompass/pendulums.
67,68 34 R/Roll Std Dev Scaling (Heading): LSD = 1°; Range = 0 to 180° Scaling (Tilts): LSD = 0.1°; Range =
0.0 to 20.0°
69-70 35 ADC Channel 0 0
71-72 36 ADC Channel 1 Battery Voltage 0.1volts
73-74 37 ADC Channel 2 0
75-76 38 ADC Channel 3 0
77-78 39 ADC Channel 4 0
79-80 40 ADC Channel 5 0
81-82 41 ADC Channel 6 0
83-84 42 ADC Channel 7 0
85-114 43-57 Reserved 0
115-116 58 RTC Century These fields contain the time from the RiverPro/RioPro’s Y2K compliant real-time
clock (RTC) that the current data ensemble began. The TT-command (Set Real-
117-118 59 RTC Year Time Clock) initially sets the clock. The RiverPro/RioPro does account for leap
119-120 60 RTC Month years.

121-122 61 RTC Day

123-124 62 RTC Hour
125-126 63 RTC Minute
127-128 64 RTC Seconds
129-130 65 RTC Hundredths
131-132 66 Lag Near Lag Near Bottom (1=true, 0=false)

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RiverPro and RioPro ADCP Guide October 2017

Velocity Data Format


BYTE 7/S 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

1 LSB 00h
2 MSB 01h




10 MSB

11 LSB
12 MSB

13 LSB
14 MSB

15 LSB
16 MSB

17 LSB
18 MSB


1019 LSB
1020 MSB

1021 LSB
1022 MSB

1023 LSB
1024 MSB

1025 LSB
1026 MSB

See Table 21 for description of fields

Figure 32. Velocity Data Format
The number of cells for all profile data types is dynamic and will change from ensemble to
ensemble. The maximum cell count is 200.

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October 2017 RiverPro and RioPro ADCP Guide

The RiverPro/RioPro packs velocity data for each depth cell of each beam into a two-byte, two’s-comple-
ment integer [-32768, 32767] with the LSB sent first. The RiverPro/RioPro scales velocity data in millime-
ters per second (mm/s). A value of –32768 (8000h) indicates bad velocity values.
All velocities are relative based on a stationary instrument. To obtain absolute velocities, algebraically re-
move the velocity of the instrument. For example,

The setting of the EX-command (Coordinate Transformation) determines how the RiverPro/RioPro refer-
ences the velocity data as shown below.
EX01xxx INSTRUMENT Bm1-Bm2 axis Bm4-Bm3 axis TO XDUCER ERR VEL

Positive values indicate water movement toward the RiverPro/RioPro

Table 21: Velocity Data Format

Hex Digit Binary Byte Field Description

1-4 1,2 Velocity ID Stores the velocity data identification word (00 01h).
5-8 3,4 Depth Cell 1, Veloc- Stores velocity data for depth cell #1, velocity 1. See above.
ity 1
9-12 5,6 Depth Cell 1, Veloc- Stores velocity data for depth cell #1, velocity 2. See above.
ity 2
13-16 7,8 Depth Cell 1, Veloc- Stores velocity data for depth cell #1, velocity 3. See above.
ity 3
17-20 9,10 Depth Cell 1, Veloc- Stores velocity data for depth cell #1, velocity 4. See above.
ity 4
21-2052 11-1026 Cells 2 – 128 (if These fields store the velocity data for depth cells 2 through 128 (depending on the
used) setting of the WN-command). These fields follow the same format as listed above for
depth cell 1.

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RiverPro and RioPro ADCP Guide October 2017

Correlation Magnitude, Echo Intensity, Per-

cent-Good, and Status Data Format

BYTE 7/S 6 5 4 3 2 1 0











511 DEPTH CELL #200, FIELD #1

512 DEPTH CELL #200, FIELD #2

513 DEPTH CELL #200, FIELD #3

514 DEPTH CELL #200, FIELD #4

See Table 22 through Table 25 for a description of the fields.

Figure 33. Correlation Magnitude, Echo Intensity, Percent-Good, and Status Data Format

The number of cells for all profile data types is dynamic and will change from ensemble to
ensemble. The maximum cell count is 200.

Correlation magnitude data give the magnitude of the normalized echo autocorrelation at the lag used for
estimating the Doppler phase change. The RiverPro/RioPro represents this magnitude by a linear scale
between 0 and 255, where 255 is perfect correlation (i.e., a solid target). A value of zero indicates bad cor-
relation values.
Table 22: Correlation Magnitude Data Format
Hex Digit Binary Byte Field Description

1-4 1,2 ID Code Stores the correlation magnitude data identification word (00 02h).
5,6 3 Depth Cell 1, Field 1 Stores correlation magnitude data for depth cell #1, beam #1. See above.
7,8 4 Depth Cell 1, Field 2 Stores correlation magnitude data for depth cell #1, beam #2. See above.
9,10 5 Depth Cell 1, Field 3 Stores correlation magnitude data for depth cell #1, beam #3. See above.
11,12 6 Depth Cell 1, Field 4 Stores correlation magnitude data for depth cell #1, beam #4. See above.
13 – 1028 7 – 514 Cells 2 – 200 (if These fields store correlation magnitude data for depth cells 2 through 200 for all
used) four beams. These fields follow the same format as listed above for depth cell 1.

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The echo intensity scale factor is about 0.45 dB per RiverPro/RioPro count. The RiverPro/RioPro does
not directly check for the validity of echo intensity data.
Table 23: Echo Intensity Data Format
Hex Digit Binary Byte Field Description

1–4 1,2 ID Code Stores the echo intensity data identification word (00 03h).
5,6 3 Depth Cell 1, Field 1 Stores echo intensity data for depth cell #1, beam #1. See above.
7,8 4 Depth Cell 1, Field 2 Stores echo intensity data for depth cell #1, beam #2. See above.
9,10 5 Depth Cell 1, Field 3 Stores echo intensity data for depth cell #1, beam #3. See above.
11,12 6 Depth Cell 1, Field 4 Stores echo intensity data for depth cell #1, beam #4. See above.
13 – 1028 7 – 514 Cells 2 – 200 (if These fields store echo intensity data for depth cells 2 through 200 for all four
used) beams. These fields follow the same format as listed above for depth cell 1.

The percent-good data field is a data-quality indicator that reports the percentage (0 to 100) of good data
collected for each depth cell of the velocity profile. The setting of the EX-command (Coordinate Transfor-
mation) determines how the RiverPro/RioPro references percent-good data as shown below.
EX-Command Coordinate Velocity 1 Velocity 2 Velocity 3 Velocity 4
Percentage Of Good Pings For:

Beam 1 BEAM 2 BEAM 3 BEAM 4

xxx00xxx Beam Percentage Of:

xxx01xxx Instrument 3-Beam Transformations More Than One Beam 4-Beam

Transformations Rejected Bad In Bin Transformations
xxx10xxx Ship (note 1) (note 2)
xxx11xxx Earth

Note 1. Because profile data did not exceed correlation threshold (WC command).
Note 2. Because the error velocity threshold was exceeded (WE command).

At the start of the velocity profile, the backscatter echo strength is typically high on all four beams. Under
this condition, the RiverPro/RioPro uses all four beams to calculate the orthogonal and error velocities.
As the echo returns from far away depth cells, echo intensity decreases. At some point, the echo will be
weak enough on any given beam to cause the RiverPro/RioPro to reject some of its depth cell data. This
causes the RiverPro/RioPro to calculate velocities with three beams instead of four beams. When the
RiverPro/RioPro does 3-beam solutions, it stops calculating the error velocity because it needs four beams
to do this. At some further depth cell, the RiverPro/RioPro rejects all cell data because of the weak echo.
As an example, let us assume depth cell 60 has returned the following percent-good data.
FIELD #1 = 50, FIELD #2 = 5, FIELD #3 = 0, FIELD #4 = 45

If the EX-command was set to collect velocities in BEAM coordinates, the example values show the per-
centage of pings having good solutions in cell 60 for each beam based on the Low Correlation Threshold
(WC-command). Here, beam 1=50%, beam 2=5%, beam 3=0%, and beam 4=45%. These are not typical
nor desired percentages. Typically, all four beams should be about equal and greater than 25%.
On the other hand, if velocities were collected in INSTRUMENT, SHIP, or EARTH coordinates, the exam-
ple values show:
FIELD 1 – Percentage of good 3-beam solutions – Shows percentage of successful velocity calculations
(50%) using 3-beam solutions.
FIELD 2 – Percentage of transformations rejected – Shows percent of error velocity (5%) that was higher
than the WE-command setting. WE has a default of 5000 mm/s. This large WE setting effectively pre-
vents the RiverPro/RioPro from rejecting data based on error velocity.

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FIELD 3 – Percentage of more than one beam bad in bin – 0% of the velocity data were rejected because
not enough beams had good data.
FIELD 4 – Percentage of good 4-beam solutions – 45% of the velocity data collected during the ensemble
for depth cell 60 were calculated using four beams.
Table 24: Percent-Good Data Format
Hex Digit Binary Field Description

1-4 1,2 ID Code Stores the percent-good data identification word (00 04h).
5,6 3 Depth cell 1, Field 1 Stores percent-good data for depth cell #1, field 1. See above.
7,8 4 Depth cell 1, Field 2 Stores percent-good data for depth cell #1, field 2. See above.
9,10 5 Depth cell 1, Field 3 Stores percent-good data for depth cell #1, field 3. See above.
11,12 6 Depth cell 1, Field 4 Stores percent-good data for depth cell #1, field 4. See above.
13-1028 7-514 Depth cell 2 – 200 (if These fields store percent-good data for depth cells 2 through 200, following the
used) same format as listed above for depth cell 1.

Table 25: Status Data Format

Hex Digit Binary Field Description

1-4 1,2 ID Code Stores the status data identification word (00 05h).
5,6 3 Depth cell 1, Field 1 Stores status data for depth cell #1, field 1. 1=good, 0=bad
7,8 4 Depth cell 1, Field 2 Stores status data for depth cell #1, field 2. 1=good, 0=bad
9,10 5 Depth cell 1, Field 3 Stores status data for depth cell #1, field 3. 1=good, 0=bad
11,12 6 Depth cell 1, Field 4 Stores status data for depth cell #1, field 4. 1=good, 0=bad
13-1028 7-514 Depth cell 2 – 200 (if These fields store status data for depth cells 2 through 200, following the same for-
used) mat as listed above for depth cell 1.

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October 2017 RiverPro and RioPro ADCP Guide

Bottom-Track Data Format


BYTE 7/S 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

1 LSB 00h
2 MSB 06h







11 LSB
12 MSB




17 LSB
18 MSB

19 LSB
20 MSB

21 LSB
22 MSB

23 LSB
24 MSB

25 LSB
26 MSB

27 LSB
28 MSB

29 LSB
30 MSB

31 LSB
32 MSB





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BYTE 7/S 6 5 4 3 2 1 0









↓ Reserved

71 LSB
72 MSB






78 (*SEE BYTE 17) MSB

79 (*SEE BYTE 19) MSB

80 (*SEE BYTE 21) MSB

81 (*SEE BYTE 23) MSB








Figure 34. Bottom-Track Data Format

This data is output only if the BP-command is > 0. See Table 26 for a description of the fields.

WinRiver II may add additional bytes. For example, WinRiver II does not add any bytes to the
Bottom Track data, but does insert data in place of other bytes. The Navigation NMEA strings
(up to 275 bytes) are stored in the *r.000 raw data between the Bottom Track data and the
Reserved/Checksum data. WinRiver II output data format is described in the WinRiver II
User’s Guide.

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The LSB is always sent first.

Table 26: Bottom-Track Data Format

Hex Digit Binary Byte Field Description

1-4 1,2 ID Code Stores the bottom-track data identification word (00 06h).
5-8 3,4 BP/BT Pings per en- Stores the number of bottom-track pings to average together in each ensemble (BP-
semble command). If BP = 0, the RiverPro/RioPro does not collect bottom-track data. The
RiverPro/RioPro automatically extends the ensemble interval (TE) if BP x TP > TE.
Scaling: LSD = 1 ping; Range = 0 to 999 pings
9-12 5,6 BT delay before reac- This field is always 0.
13,14 7 BC/BT Corr Mag Min Stores the minimum correlation magnitude value (BC-command).
Scaling: LSD = 1 count; Range = 0 to 255 counts
15,16 8 BA/BT Eval Amp Min Stores the minimum evaluation amplitude value (BA-command).
Scaling: LSD = 1 count; Range = 1 to 255 counts
17,18 9 BT %Gd Minimum This field is always 0.
19,20 10 BM/BT Mode Stores the bottom-tracking mode (BM-command).
21-24 11,12 BE/BT Err Vel Max Stores the error velocity maximum value (BE-command).
Scaling: LSD = 1 mm/s; Range = 0 to 5000 mm/s (0 = did not screen data)
25-32 13–16 Reserved Reserved
33-48 17-24 BT Range/Beam #1-4 Contains the two lower bytes of the vertical range from the RiverPro/RioPro to the
BT Range water bottom (or surface) as determined by each beam. This vertical range does not
consider the effects of pitch and roll. When bottom detections are bad, BT Range = 0.
See bytes 78 through 81 for MSB description and scaling.
Scaling: LSD = 1 cm; Range = 0 to 65535 cm
49-64 25-32 BT Velocity/Beam The meaning of the velocity depends on the EX (coordinate system) command set-
#1-4 BT Vel ting. The four velocities are as follows:
a) Beam Coordinates: Beam 1, Beam 2, Beam 3, Beam 4
b) Instrument Coordinates: 1->2, 4->3, toward face, error
c) Ship Coordinates: Starboard, Fwd, Upward, Error
d) Earth Coordinates: East, North, Upward, Error
65-72 33-36 BTCM/Beam #1-4 BT Contains the correlation magnitude in relation to the water bottom (or surface) as
Corr. determined by each beam. Bottom-track correlation magnitudes have the same for-
mat and scale factor as water-profiling magnitudes (Table 5).
73-80 37-40 BTEA/Beam #1-4 Contains the evaluation amplitude of the matching filter used in determining the
BT Eval Amp strength of the bottom echo.
Scaling: LSD = 1 count; Range = 0 to 255 counts
81-88 41-44 BTPG/Beam #1-4 BT Contains bottom-track percent-good data for each beam, which indicate the reliabil-
%Good ity of bottom-track data. It is the percentage of bottom-track pings that have passed
the RiverPro/RioPro’s bottom-track validity algorithm during an ensemble.
Scaling: LSD = 1 percent; Range = 0 to 100 percent
89-92 93-96 45,46 47,48 Reserved Reserved. These fields are always 0.
97 – 100 49,50
101- 116 51-58 Reserved Reserved. These fields are always 0.
117- 124 59-62 Reserved Reserved. These fields are always 0.
125- 132 63-66 Reserved Reserved. These fields are always 255.
133- 140 67-70 Reserved Reserved. These fields are always 0.

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Table 26: Bottom-Track Data Format

Hex Digit Binary Byte Field Description
141- 144 71,72 BX/BT Max. Depth Stores the maximum tracking depth value (BX-command).
Scaling: LSD = 1 decimeter; Range = 80 to 9999 decimeters
145-152 73-76 RSSI/Bm #1-4 RSSI Contains the Receiver Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) value in the center of the bot-
Amp tom echo as determined by each beam.
Scaling: LSD ≈ 0.45 dB per count; Range = 0 to 255 counts
153, 154 77 GAIN Contains the Gain level for shallow water. See WJ-command.
155-162 78-81 BT Range MSB/Bm Contains the most significant byte of the vertical range from the RiverPro/RioPro to
#1-4 the water bottom (or surface) as determined by each beam. This vertical range does
not consider the effects of pitch and roll. When bottom detections are bad, BT
Range=0. See bytes 17 through 24 for LSB description and scaling.
Scaling: LSD = 65,536 cm, Range = 65,536 to 16,777,215 cm
163-167 82-83 Reserved Reserved. This word is always 1.
168-170 84-85 Reserved Reserved. These fields are always 0.
171-179 86-90 Range Contains the least significant byte of the vertical range from the RiverPro/RioPro to
the water bottom (or surface) as determined by each beam. This vertical range does
not consider the effects of pitch and roll. When bottom detections are bad, BT
Scaling: LSD = 1 cm, Range = 1 to 255 cm

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Surface Layer Velocity Leader Format


BYTE 7/S 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

1 LSB 10h
2 MSB 00h




Figure 35. Surface Layer Leader Format

Table 27: Surface Layer Leader Format

Hex Digit Binary Byte Field Description

1-4 1,2 Surface Layer Leader Stores the surface layer velocity data identification word (10 00h).
5-6 3 Cell Count Stores number of cells in the surface layer.
7-10 4,5 Cell Size Stores surface layer cell size in centimeters.
11-14 6,7 Cell 1 distance Stores distance to middle of first surface layer cell in centimeters.

Only present when there are surface layer bins to report.

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Surface Layer Velocity Format


BYTE 7/S 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

1 LSB 10h
2 MSB 01h




10 MSB

11 LSB
12 MSB

13 LSB
14 MSB

15 LSB
16 MSB

17 LSB
18 MSB


35 LSB
36 MSB

37 LSB
38 MSB

39 LSB
40 MSB

41 LSB
42 MSB

See Table 28 for description of fields

Figure 36. Surface Layer Velocity Format

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Table 28: Surface Layer Velocity Data Format

Hex Digit Binary Byte Field Description

1-4 1,2 Velocity ID Stores the surface layer velocity data identification word (10 01h).
5-8 3,4 Depth Cell 1, Veloc- Stores velocity data for depth cell #1, velocity 1.
ity 1
9-12 5,6 Depth Cell 1, Veloc- Stores velocity data for depth cell #1, velocity 2.
ity 2
13-16 7,8 Depth Cell 1, Veloc- Stores velocity data for depth cell #1, velocity 3.
ity 3
17-20 9,10 Depth Cell 1, Veloc- Stores velocity data for depth cell #1, velocity 4.
ity 4
21-84 11-42 Cells 2 – 5 These fields store the surface layer velocity data for depth cells 2 through 5 (depend-
(if used) ing on measurement conditions). These fields follow the same format as listed above
for depth cell 1.

Surface Correlation Magnitude, Echo Inten-

sity, Percent-Good, and Status Data Format

BYTE 7/S 6 5 4 3 2 1 0















See Table 29 through Table 31 for a description of the fields.

Figure 37. Surface Data Correlation Magnitude, Echo Intensity, Percent-Good, and Status Data
The number of Surface Layer depth cells is specified by the Surface Layer Leader Cell Count

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Correlation magnitude data give the magnitude of the normalized echo autocorrelation at the lag used for
estimating the Doppler phase change. The RiverPro/RioPro represents this magnitude by a linear scale
between 0 and 255, where 255 is perfect correlation (i.e., a solid target). A value of zero indicates bad cor-
relation values.
Table 29: Surface Correlation Magnitude Data Format
Hex Digit Binary Byte Field Description

1-4 1,2 ID Code Stores the surface layer correlation magnitude data identification word (10 02h).
5,6 3 Depth Cell 1, Field 1 Stores correlation magnitude data for depth cell #1, beam #1. See above.
7,8 4 Depth Cell 1, Field 2 Stores correlation magnitude data for depth cell #1, beam #2. See above.
9,10 5 Depth Cell 1, Field 3 Stores correlation magnitude data for depth cell #1, beam #3. See above.
11,12 6 Depth Cell 1, Field 4 Stores correlation magnitude data for depth cell #1, beam #4. See above.
13 – 44 7 – 22 Cells 2 – 5 These fields store correlation magnitude data for depth cells 2 through 5 (depending
(if used) on measurement conditions) for all four beams. These fields follow the same format
as listed above for depth cell 1.

The echo intensity scale factor is about 0.6 dB per RiverPro/RioPro count. The RiverPro/RioPro does not
directly check for the validity of echo intensity data.
Table 30: Surface Echo Intensity Data Format
Hex Digit Binary Byte Field Description

1–4 1,2 ID Code Stores the surface layer echo intensity data identification word (10 03h).
5,6 3 Depth Cell 1, Field 1 Stores echo intensity data for depth cell #1, beam #1. See above.
7,8 4 Depth Cell 1, Field 2 Stores echo intensity data for depth cell #1, beam #2. See above.
9,10 5 Depth Cell 1, Field 3 Stores echo intensity data for depth cell #1, beam #3. See above.
11,12 6 Depth Cell 1, Field 4 Stores echo intensity data for depth cell #1, beam #4. See above.
13 – 44 7 – 22 Cells 2 – 5 (if used) These fields store echo intensity data for depth cells 2 through 5 (depending on
measurement conditions) for all four beams. These fields follow the same format as
listed above for depth cell 1.

The percent-good data field is a data-quality indicator that reports the percentage (0 to 100) of good data
collected for each depth cell of the velocity profile. The setting of the EX-command (Coordinate Transfor-
mation) determines how the RiverPro/RioPro references percent-good data as shown below.
EX-Command Coordinate Velocity 1 Velocity 2 Velocity 3 Velocity 4
Percentage Of Good Pings For:

Beam 1 BEAM 2 BEAM 3 BEAM 4

xxx00xxx Beam Percentage Of:

xxx01xxx Instrument 3-Beam Transformations Re- More Than One Beam 4-Beam
Transformations jected Bad In Bin Transformations
xxx10xxx Ship (note 1) (note 2)
xxx11xxx Earth

Note 1. Because profile data did not exceed correlation threshold (WC command).
Note 2. Because the error velocity threshold was exceeded (WE command).
At the start of the velocity profile, the backscatter echo strength is typically high on all four beams. Under
this condition, the RiverPro/RioPro uses all four beams to calculate the orthogonal and error velocities.
As the echo returns from far away depth cells, echo intensity decreases. At some point, the echo will be
weak enough on any given beam to cause the RiverPro/RioPro to reject some of its depth cell data. This
causes the RiverPro/RioPro to calculate velocities with three beams instead of four beams. When the
RiverPro/RioPro does 3-beam solutions, it stops calculating the error velocity because it needs four beams

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to do this. At some further depth cell, the RiverPro/RioPro rejects all cell data because of the weak echo.
As an example, let us assume depth cell 60 has returned the following percent-good data.
FIELD #1 = 50, FIELD #2 = 5, FIELD #3 = 0, FIELD #4 = 45

If the EX-command was set to collect velocities in BEAM coordinates, the example values show the per-
centage of pings having good solutions in cell 60 for each beam based on the Low Correlation Threshold
(WC-command). Here, beam 1=50%, beam 2=5%, beam 3=0%, and beam 4=45%. These are not typical
nor desired percentages. Typically, all four beams should be about equal and greater than 25%.
On the other hand, if velocities were collected in INSTRUMENT, SHIP, or EARTH coordinates, the exam-
ple values show:
FIELD 1 – Percentage of good 3-beam solutions – Shows percentage of successful velocity calculations
(50%) using 3-beam solutions.
FIELD 2 – Percentage of transformations rejected – Shows percent of error velocity (5%) that was higher
than the WE-command setting. WE has a default of 5000 mm/s. This large WE setting effectively pre-
vents the RiverPro/RioPro from rejecting data based on error velocity.
FIELD 3 – Percentage of more than one beam bad in bin – 0% of the velocity data were rejected because
not enough beams had good data.
FIELD 4 – Percentage of good 4-beam solutions – 45% of the velocity data collected during the ensemble
for depth cell 60 were calculated using four beams.
Table 31: Surface Percent-Good Data Format
Hex Digit Binary Field Description

1-4 1,2 ID Code Stores the surface layer percent-good data identification word (10 04h).
5,6 3 Depth cell 1, Field 1 Stores percent-good data for depth cell #1, field 1. See above.
7,8 4 Depth cell 1, Field 2 Stores percent-good data for depth cell #1, field 2. See above.
9,10 5 Depth cell 1, Field 3 Stores percent-good data for depth cell #1, field 3. See above.
11,12 6 Depth cell 1, Field 4 Stores percent-good data for depth cell #1, field 4. See above.
13-44 7-22 Depth cell 2 – 5 (if These fields store percent-good data for surface layer depth cells 2 through 5 (de-
used) pending on measurement conditions), following the same format as listed above for
depth cell 1.

Table 32: Surface Status Data Format

Hex Digit Binary Field Description

1-4 1,2 ID Code Stores the surface status data identification word (10 05h).
5,6 3 Depth cell 1, Field 1 Stores status data for depth cell #1, field 1. 1=good, 0=bad
7,8 4 Depth cell 1, Field 2 Stores status data for depth cell #1, field 2. 1=good, 0=bad
9,10 5 Depth cell 1, Field 3 Stores status data for depth cell #1, field 3. 1=good, 0=bad
11,12 6 Depth cell 1, Field 4 Stores status data for depth cell #1, field 4. 1=good, 0=bad
13-44 7-22 Depth cell 2 – 5 (if These fields store status data for depth cells 2 through 5, following the same format
used) as listed above for depth cell 1.

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Automatic Mode 3 Setup


BYTE 7/S 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

2. MSB



5. LSB
6. MSB


8. BEAM 1 Ping Type

9. LSB
BEAM 1 Cell Count
10. MSB

11. LSB
BEAM 1 Cell Size
12. MSB

13. LSB
BEAM 1 Bin 1 Mid
14. MSB

15. BEAM 1 Code Reps

16. LSB
BEAM 1 Transmit Length
17. MSB

18. LSB
BEAM 1 Lag Length
19. MSB

20. BEAM 1 Transmit Bandwidth

21. BEAM 1 Receiver Bandwidth

22. LSB
BEAM 1 Min Ping Interval
23. MSB


25. LSB
26. MSB


28. BEAM 2 Ping Type

29. LSB
BEAM 2 Cell Count
30. MSB

31. LSB
BEAM 2 Cell Size
32. MSB

33. LSB
BEAM 2 Bin 1 Mid
34. MSB

35. BEAM 2 Code Reps

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BYTE 7/S 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

36. LSB
BEAM 2 Transmit Length
37. MSB

38. LSB
BEAM 2 Lag Length
39. MSB

40. BEAM 2 Transmit Bandwidth

41. BEAM 2 Receiver Bandwidth

42. LSB
BEAM 2 Min Ping Interval
43. MSB


45. LSB
46. MSB


48. BEAM 3 Ping Type

49. LSB
BEAM 3 Cell Count
50. MSB

51. LSB
BEAM 3 Cell Size
52. MSB

53. LSB
BEAM 3 Bin 1 Mid
54. MSB

55. BEAM 3 Code Reps

56. LSB
BEAM 3 Transmit Length
57. MSB

58. LSB
BEAM 3 Lag Length
59. MSB

60. BEAM 3 Transmit Bandwidth

61. BEAM 3 Receiver Bandwidth

62. LSB
BEAM 3 1 Min Ping Interval
63. MSB


65. LSB
66. MSB


68. BEAM 4 Ping Type

69. LSB
BEAM 4 Cell Count
70. MSB

71. LSB
BEAM 4 Cell Size
72. MSB

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BYTE 7/S 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

73. LSB
BEAM 4 Bin 1 Mid
74. MSB

75. BEAM 4 Code Reps

76. LSB
BEAM 4 Transmit Length
77. MSB

78. LSB
BEAM 4 Lag Length
79. MSB

80. BEAM 4 Transmit Bandwidth

81. BEAM 4 Receiver Bandwidth

82. LSB
BEAM 4 Min Ping Interval
83. MSB

84. Reserved

Figure 38. Automatic Mode Setup Data

Table 33: Automatic Mode Setup Format

Hex Digit Binary Field Description

1-4 1,2 ID Code Stores the status data identification word ID 4401h
5,6 3 Beam Count Stores the Beam Count
7,8 4 Mode Stores the Beam 1 setup
9-12 5-6 Depth Stores the Beam 1 Depth in cm
13,14 7 Data Ping Count Stores the Beam 1 Data Ping Count
15,16 8 Ping Type Stores the Beam 1 Ping Type 0=mode 2, 1=p-p, 2=coherent
17-20 9-10 Cell Count Stores the Beam 1 Cell Count
21-24 11-12 Cell Size Stores the Beam 1 cell size in cm
25-28 13-14 Bin 1 Mid Stores the Beam 1 Bin 1 Mid in cm
29,30 15 Code Reps Stores the Beam 1 number of Code Reps
31-34 16-17 Transmit Length Stores the Beam 1 Transmit Length in cm
35-38 18-19 Lag Length Stores the Beam 1 Lag Length in cm
39,40 20 Transmit Bandwidth Stores the Beam 1 Transmit Bandwidth
41,42 21 Receiver Bandwidth Stores the Beam 1 Receiver Bandwidth
43-46 22-23 Min Ping Interval Stores the Beam 1 Min Ping Interval in ms
47,48 24 Mode Stores the Beam 2 setup
49-52 25-26 Depth Stores the Beam 2 Depth in cm
53,54 27 Data Ping Count Stores the Beam 2 Data Ping Count
55,56 28 Ping Type Stores the Beam 2 Ping Type 0=mode 2, 1=p-p, 2=coherent
57-60 29-30 Cell Count Stores the Beam 2 Cell Count
61-64 31-32 Cell Size Stores the Beam 2 cell size in cm

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Table 33: Automatic Mode Setup Format

Hex Digit Binary Field Description
65-68 33-34 Bin 1 Mid Stores the Beam 2 Bin 1 Mid in cm
69,70 35 Code Reps Stores the Beam 2 number of Code Reps
71-74 36-37 Transmit Length Stores the Beam 2 Transmit Length in cm
75-78 38-39 Lag Length Stores the Beam 2 Lag Length in cm
79,80 40 Transmit Bandwidth Stores the Beam 2 Transmit Bandwidth
81,82 41 Receiver Bandwidth Stores the Beam 2 Receiver Bandwidth
83-86 42-43 Min Ping Interval Stores the Beam 2 Min Ping Interval in ms
87,88 44 Mode Stores the Beam 3 setup
89-92 45-46 Depth Stores the Beam 3 Depth in cm
93,94 47 Data Ping Count Stores the Beam 3 Data Ping Count
95,96 48 Ping Type Stores the Beam 3 Ping Type 0=mode 2, 1=p-p, 2=coherent
97-100 49-50 Cell Count Stores the Beam 3 Cell Count
101-104 51-52 Cell Size Stores the Beam 3 cell size in cm
105-108 53-54 Bin 1 Mid Stores the Beam 3 Bin 1 Mid in cm
109,110 55 Code Reps Stores the Beam 3 number of Code Reps
111-114 56-57 Transmit Length Stores the Beam 3 Transmit Length in cm
115-118 58-59 Lag Length Stores the Beam 3 Lag Length in cm
119,120 60 Transmit Bandwidth Stores the Beam 3 Transmit Bandwidth
121,122 61 Receiver Bandwidth Stores the Beam 3 Receiver Bandwidth
123-126 62-63 Min Ping Interval Stores the Beam 3 Min Ping Interval in ms
127,128 64 Mode Stores the Beam 4 setup
129-132 65-66 Depth Stores the Beam 4 Depth in cm
133,134 67 Data Ping Count Stores the Beam 4 Data Ping Count
135,136 68 Ping Type Stores the Beam 4 Ping Type 0=mode 2, 1=p-p, 2=coherent
137-140 69-70 Cell Count Stores the Beam 4 Cell Count
141-144 71-72 Cell Size Stores the Beam 4 cell size in cm
145-148 73-74 Bin 1 Mid Stores the Beam 4 Bin 1 Mid in cm
149,150 75 Code Reps Stores the Beam 4 number of Code Reps
151-154 76-77 Transmit Length Stores the Beam 4 Transmit Length in cm
155-158 78-79 Lag Length Stores the Beam 4 Lag Length in cm
159,160 80 Transmit Bandwidth Stores the Beam 4 Transmit Bandwidth
161,162 81 Receiver Bandwidth Stores the Beam 4 Receiver Bandwidth
163-166 82-83 Min Ping Interval Stores the Beam 4 Min Ping Interval in ms
167,168 84 Reserved Reserved

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Firmware Status Data


BYTE 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

1 LSB 00
2 MSB 44












Figure 39. Firmware Status Data

Table 34: Firmware Status Format

Hex Digit Binary Field Description

1-4 1-2 ID Code Stores the status data identification word ID 4400h.
4,6 3 Version Alpha ASCII character
7-34 4-17 Version Branch ASCII character string
35-38 18-19 Test Data Word Test Data Selected
39-42 20-21 Test Switches Word Test Switch Selected
43,45 22 Reserved Reserved

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Vertical Beam Range Data Format


BYTE 7/S 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

1 LSB 00h
2 MSB 41h





Figure 40. Vertical Beam Range Format

Table 35: Vertical Beam Range Format

Hex Digit Binary Byte Field Description

1-4 1,2 ID Code Stores the vertical beam data identification word (00 41h).
5-6 3 Eval Amp Contains the evaluation amplitude of the matching filter used in determining the
strength of the bottom echo.
7-8 4 RSSI Amp Contains the RSSI value for the sample at the middle of the bottom echo.
9-16 5-8 Range to Bottom Contains the vertical beam range to the bottom.
Scaling: LSD = 1 mm; Range = 0 to 100000 mm.
17-18 9 Status Contains flags, defined as follows:
<d7:d3> Reserved
<d2> Gain setting: 0 = LowGain; 1 = HighGain
<d1:d0> Status: 00 = Range invalid;
01 = Range valid from w-filter
10 = Range valid from leading-edge filter

Only present when there is a vertical range to report.

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Vertical Beam Profile Leader Format


BYTE 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

1 LSB 01
2 MSB 0F











Figure 41. Vertical Beam Profile Leader Format

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Table 36: Vertical Beam Profile Leader Format

Hex Digit Binary Byte Field Description

1-4 1,2 ID Code Stores the vertical beam profile leader identification word (0x0F01h)
5-8 3,4 # Bins Stores the number of bins (ZN – Vertical Beam Number of Bins).
Scaling: LSD = 1 bin; Range = 1 to 200 bins
9-12 5,6 Ping/ensemble Stores the number of pings to average together in each ensemble (ZP – Vertical
Beam Number of Pings). If ZP = 0, the RiverPro/RioPro does not collect vertical beam
profile data.
Scaling: LSD = 1 ping; Range = 0 to 999 pings
13-16 7,8 Bin size Stores the vertical beam profile bin size (cm) (ZS – Vertical Beam Bin Size)
Scaling: LSD = 1 cm; Range 2 to 500 cm
17-20 9,10 Distance to bin 1 Contains the distance to the middle of bin 1. The distance to the middle of bin 1 is
middle determined by: blank + (xmtLength + lagLength + binSize)/2. Blank and bin size are
affected by the speed of sound; xmt length and lag use a fixed speed of sound value.
ZF – Vertical Beam Blanking Distance determines blank.
ZS – Vertical Beam Bin Size determines bin size, which also determines xmt length,
unless the ZT xmt override is used.
ZV – Vertical Beam Ambiguity Velocity determines lag length by setting the ambigu-
ity velocity.
Scaling: LSD = 1 centimeter; Range = 0 to 500 cm
21-24 11-12 Reserved Reserved
25-28 13-14 Xmit length Stores the vertical beam Transmit Length in cm.
Scaling: LSD = 1 centimeter; Range = 2 to 500 cm
29-32 15-16 Lag length Lag Length in cm. The lag is the time period between sound pulses. This is varied as
required by the RiverPro/RioPro.
33-36 17-18 # Code elements Contains the number of code elements in the transmit pulse.
Scaling: LSD = 1 count; Range = 0 to 255 counts
37-160 19-40 Reserved Reserved

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Vertical Beam Profile Velocity Data Format


BYTE 7/S 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

1 LSB 00
2 MSB 0A


11 LSB
12 MSB


401 LSB
402 MSB

Figure 42. Vertical Beam Profile Velocity Data Format

Table 37: Vertical Beam Profile Velocity Data Format

Hex Digit Binary Byte Field Description

1-4 1,2 Velocity ID Stores the vertical beam profile velocity identification word (LSB=00, MSB=0A).
5-8 3,4 Depth Cell 1, Velocity Stores velocity data for depth cell #1, velocity 1. See above.
8-804 5-402 Cells 2 – 200 (if used) These fields store the velocity data for depth cells 2 through 200 (depending on the
setting of the ZN – Vertical Beam Number of Bins command). These fields follow
the same format as listed above for depth cell 1.

Vertical Beam Profile Correlation Magni-

tude, Echo Intensity, Percent-Good, and
Status Data Format

BYTE 7/S 6 5 4 3 2 1 0





202 DEPTH CELL #200, FIELD #1

See Table 38 through Table 41 for a description of the fields.

Figure 43. Vertical Beam Profile Correlation Magnitude, Echo Intensity, Percent-Good, and Status
Data Format

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Table 38: Vertical Beam Profile Correlation Magnitude Data Format

Hex Digit Binary Byte Field Description

1-4 1,2 ID Code Stores the vertical beam profile correlation magnitude data identification word
(LSB=00, MSB=0B).
5,6 3 Depth Cell 1, Field 1 Stores correlation magnitude data for depth cell #1, beam #1. See above.
7 – 404 4 – 202 Cells 2 – 200 (if These fields store correlation magnitude data for depth cells 2 through 200 for all
used) four beams. These fields follow the same format as listed above for depth cell 1.

Table 39: Vertical Beam Profile Echo Intensity Data Format

Hex Digit Binary Byte Field Description

1–4 1,2 ID Code Stores the vertical beam profile echo intensity data identification word (LSB=00,
5,6 3 Depth Cell 1, Field 1 Stores echo intensity data for depth cell #1, beam #1. See above.
7 – 404 4 – 202 Cells 2 – 200 (if These fields store echo intensity data for depth cells 2 through 200 for all four
used) beams. These fields follow the same format as listed above for depth cell 1.

Table 40: Vertical Beam Profile Percent-Good Data Format

Hex Digit Binary Field Description

1-4 1,2 ID Code Stores the vertical beam profile percent-good data identification word (LSB=00,
5,6 3 Depth cell 1, Field 1 Stores percent-good data for depth cell #1, field 1. See above.
7 – 404 4 – 202 Cells 2 – 200 (if used) These fields store percent-good data for depth cells 2 through 200, following the
same format as listed above for depth cell 1.

Table 41: Vertical Beam Profile Status Data Format

Hex Digit Binary Field Description

1-4 1,2 ID Code Stores the vertical beam profile status data identification word (LSB=00, MSB=0E).
5,6 3 Depth cell 1, Field 1 Stores status data for depth cell #1, field 1. 1=good, 0=bad
7 – 404 4 – 202 Cells 2 – 200 (if used) These fields store status data for depth cells 2 through 200, following the same for-
mat as listed above for depth cell 1.

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NMEA PD0 Message Format


BYTE 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

1 LSB 22
ID Code
2 MSB 20

Msg ID

Msg Size

Delta Time


↓ ASCII NMEA message


Figure 44. NMEA PD0 Data Message

Table 42: NMEA PD0 Data Messages

Hex Digit Binary Field Description

1-4 1-2 ID Code Stores the status data identification word ID 2022h.
5-8 3-4 Msg ID Internal GGA=4, VTG=5
External GGA=204, VTG=205,DBT=206,HDT=207, All others=200
9-12 5-6 Msg Size word size of NMEA message
13-30 7-14 Delta Time 8 byte IEEE double floating point format -
Difference between ensemble time and NMEA message receipt time.
31- 15- ASCII NMEA message The ASCII NMEA message received from the external device is inserted as re-
ceived. The messages size is variable.

WinRiver II may add additional bytes.

For example, WinRiver II does not add any bytes to the Bottom Track data, but does insert
data in place of other bytes. The Navigation NMEA strings (up to 275 bytes) are stored in the
*r.000 raw data between the Bottom Track data and the Reserved/Checksum data. WinRiver
II output data format is described in the WinRiver II User’s Guide.

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Beam Correction Matrix Format


BYTE 7/S 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

1. LSB 00
2. MSB 32
Row 1 Col 1
Row 1 Col 2
Row 1 Col 3
Row 1 Col 4
Row 2 Col 1
Row 2 Col 2
Row 2 Col 3
Row 2 Col 4
Row 3 Col 1
Row 3 Col 2
Row 3 Col 3
Row 3 Col 4
Row 4 Col 1
Row 4 Col 2
Row 4 Col 3
Row 4 Col 4

Figure 45. Beam Correction Matrix Format

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Table 43: Beam Correction Matrix Format

Hex Digit Binary Field Description

1-4 1-2 ID Code Stores the Beam Correction Matrix identification word ID 0x3200h.
LSB=00, MSB=32
3-4 Row 1 Col 1 Beam Calibration Matrix scaled int 2 bytes per entry for 16 entries

↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
33-34 Row 4 Col 4 Beam Calibration Matrix

This data is output based on the setting of the WD command.

Reserved BIT Data Format


BYTE 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Figure 46. Reserved BIT Data Format

Table 44: Reserved for TRDI Format
Hex Digit Binary Byte Field Description

1-4 1,2 Reserved for TRDI’s This field is for TRDI (internal use only).

Checksum Data Format


BYTE 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Figure 47. Checksum Data Format

Table 45: Checksum Data Format
Hex Digit Binary Byte Field Description

1-4 1,2 Checksum Data This field contains a modulo 65536 checksum. If the sum is 12345678, then it is di-
vided by 65536, and the remainder is output; For example, 12345678 / 65536 =
188.3800964 = 188 + 24910/65536, so the number 24910, converted to hex as 614E
would be output.
An easier way to compute the checksum is using the sum 12345678; converted to
hex it is the number 00BC614E. The least-significant four hex digits are output; i.e.

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Decoding an RiverPro/RioPro Ensemble

Use the following information to help write your own software.

Rules for the BroadBand Data Format PD0

1. All data types (i.e. fixed leader, variable leader, velocity, echo intensity, correlation, percent good,
etc.) will be given a specific and unique ID number. The table below shows some of the most com-
mon IDs.
Table 46: Common Data Format IDs
ID Description

0x7F7F Header
0x0000 Fixed Leader
0x0080 Variable Leader
0x0100 Velocity Profile Data
0x0200 Correlation Profile Data
0x0300 Echo Intensity Profile Data
0x0400 Percent Good Profile Data
0x0500 Profile Status Data
0x0600 Bottom Track Data

2. Once a data type has been given an ID number and the format of that data has been published we
consider the format for each field has being fixed. Fixed refers to units used for a given field, the
number of bytes in a given field, and the order in which the fields appear within the data type.
Fixed does not refer to the total number of bytes in the data type - see Rule 3.
3. Data may be added to an existing data type only by adding the bytes to the end of the data format.
As an example, the variable leader data contains information on ensemble number, time, heading,
pitch, roll, temperature, pressure, etc. The format for the bytes 1-53 are now specified by changes
added in support to the RiverPro/RioPro. If additional sensor data is to be added to the variable
leader data then it must be added to the end of the data string (bytes 54-x as an example).
4. The order of data types in an ensemble is not fixed. That is there is no guarantee that velocity data
will always be output before correlation data.
5. The header data will include the number of data types in the files and the offset to each ID num-
ber for each data type.
6. The total number of the bytes in an ensemble minus the 2-byte checksum will be included in the

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Recommended Data Decoding Sequence for Broad-

Band Data Format PD0
1. Locate the header data by locating the header ID number (in the case of PD0 profile data that will
be 7F7F).
2. Confirm the correct header ID by:
a. Locate the checksum offset (located in the header data). This is the offset to the checksum
word in the current ensemble. The size of the ensemble is this offset plus 2 bytes (to account
for the checksum word), which is also the offset to the next ensemble.
b. Calculate the checksum of total number of bytes in the ensemble excluding the checksum. The
checksum is calculated by adding the value of each byte. The 2-byte least significant digits cal-
culated will be the checksum.
c. Read the 2-byte checksum word at the end of the ensemble, located by using the checksum
offset in the header (determined in step 2-a) and compare this checksum word to the value
calculated in step 2-b.
d. If the checksums match then this is a valid ensemble. If the checksums do not match then it is
not a valid ensemble and should go back to step 1 and search for the next header ID number
3. Locate the number of data types (located in the header data).
4. Locate the offset to each data type (located in the header data).
5. Locate the data ID type to decode by using the offset to each data type and confirm the data ID
number at that offset matches the ID type looking for.
6. Once the proper ID type has been located, use the Pioneer Technical Manual to understand what
each byte represents in that particular data type.

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Appendix A

In this chapter, you will learn:

• China RoHS requirements
• Material disclosure table

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Date of Manufacture
China RoHS requires that all Electrical and Electronic Products are marked with a Date of Manufacture.
This is the starting point for the Environmental Friendly Use Period, described below.

Environmental Friendly Use Period (EFUP)

Per SJ/T 11364-2006 – Product Marking, the EFUP is defined as the time in years in which hazard-
ous/toxic substances within Electrical and Electronic Products (EIP) will not, under normal operating
conditions, leak out of the Product, or the Product will not change in such a way as to cause severe envi-
ronmental pollution, injury to health, or great damage to property. TRDI has determined the Environ-
mental Friendly Use Period shall be Ten (10) years.
The purpose of the marking is to assist in determining the restricted substance content, recyclability, and
environmental protection use period of our covered products, as required in Chinese law, and does not
reflect in any way the safety, quality, or warranty associated with these TRDI products.

Some homogenous substance within the EIP contains toxic or hazardous substances or
elements above the requirements listed in SJ/T 11363-2006. These substances are identified in
Table 47.

The mark shown to the left is in compliance with the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment
Directive 2002/96/EC (WEEE).
This symbol indicates the requirement NOT to dispose the equipment as unsorted municipal waste,
but use the return and collection systems according to local law or return the unit to one of the TRDI
facilities below.
Teledyne RD Instruments USA Teledyne RD Instruments Europe Teledyne RD Technologies
14020 Stowe Drive 2A Les Nertieres 1206 Holiday Inn Business Building
Poway, California 92064 5 Avenue Hector Pintus 899 Dongfang Road, Pu Dong
06610 La Gaude, France Shanghai 20122 China

This product complies with the Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 89/336/EEC, 92/31/EEC.
The following Standards were used to verify compliance with the directives: EN 61326(1997),
A1(1998), A2(2001) – Class “A” Radiated Emissions.

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Material Disclosure Table

In accordance with SJ/T 11364-2006, the following table disclosing toxic or hazardous substances con-
tained in the product is provided.
Table 47. Toxic or Hazardous Substances and Elements Contained in Product
零件项目(名称) 有毒有害物质或元素
Component Name Toxic or Hazardous Substances and Elements
铅 汞 镉 六价铬 多溴联苯 多溴二苯醚
Lead Mercury Cadmium Hexavalent Polybrominated Polybrominated
(Pb) (Hg) (Cd) Chromium Biphenyls Diphenyl Ethers
(Cr6+) (PBB) (PBDE)
Transducer Assy.
Housing Assy.
Receiver PCB
Personality Module
Bluetooth PCB
Housing Assy.
Shipping Case w/Foam
O: 表示该有毒或有害物质在该部件所有均质材料中的含量均在 SJ/T 11363-2006 标准规定的限量要求以下。
O: Indicates that the toxic or hazardous substance contained in all of the homogeneous materials for this part is below the limit
required in SJ/T 11363-2006.
X: 表示该有毒或有害物质至少在该部件的某一均质材料中的含量超出 SJ/T 11363-2006 标准规定的限量要求。
X: Indicates that the toxic or hazardous substance contained in at least one of the homogeneous materials used for this part is
above the limit requirement in SJ/T 11363-2006.

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