Bio IA
Bio IA
Bio IA
April 5, 2022
Biology HL Y1
Marivi Gondola
The effect of BMI on the resting heart rate of a 16-17-year-old.
Research Question:
How does a 16-17-year-old student's BMI affect their resting heart rate?
Dependent Variable:
The dependent variable will be the resting heart rate of each participant. (BPM)
Independent Variable:
The independent variable will be the BMI measured for each participant. We will use the
equation of Height^2/Weight for measuring the BMI of each participant.
● Smart Watch with heart rate monitor
● Stopwatch
● Measuring Tape
● Consent Form
● Willing Participants
1. Sit down for 5 minutes
2. Ask for weight kg and height cm
3. Measure BMI with (Height^2/Weight)
4. Place the Smartwatch on the participant
5. Get results from the watch
6. Take notes on all information gathered
7. Clean all materials used
8. Repeat steps for the next participants
Consent Form:
Dear Participant,
My name is Nicolas Gomez and I am a student of IB Biology HL Y1. Thank you for taking the
time in considering being one of many participants in this experiment. My experiment consists of
measuring your resting heart rate and your BMI to then compare them to all of the different
results and figure out how BMI affects your heart rate.
The experiment will take place in the Biology room during lunch. You can be sure that your
identity will be kept secret. This experiment will need personal information that some may not be
comfortable sharing so you may withdraw at any time. You will not be able to eat before this
experiment. You will meet with me and be able to ask questions or concerns you have about this
I …………………………………… (name) have read the explanation of this study and agree to
participate ……………………………….(sign here).
For participants under 16 years old, please also have your parent’s consent.
I …………………………………… (name) have read the explanation of this study and I give
consent for my child………………………………………….(name) to participate
……………………………….(sign here).