I Use Chandra Hari Ayanamsa With Topocentric Planetary Calculations, Please Follow My Jagannath Hora Calculations Videos On Youtube

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I use Chandra Hari Ayanamsa with Topocentric Planetary Calculations, please follow my

Jagannath Hora Calculations Videos on YouTube.

Introduction – Jaimini astrology is loaded with several special features and one

between them is Variable Karakas known as Char (Movable) Karakas (Significators).
There are many types of Karakas (Separate articles on them will be written) Here we
touch Chara karakas only. This name is due to its changing nature. That makes them
different in all horoscopes which also underlines their importance

Going Back to Jaimini Sutras – Then I opened Jaimini Sutras and read it carefully (all
Sutras of First Adhayaya and First Pada of Jaimini Sutras are Adhikaar Sutras [Means
they are rules and not examples – See our previous article on Arudha Lagna and find
how Neelkantha took two of Shlokas of 1.1.31 and 1.1.32 as examples and made a
blunder in interpretation following which some other sutras appearing in other
chapters of Jaimini becomes useless]) Reading all Shlokas carefully one finds shlokas
to be in this order
1.1.1 – He says now Sutras are being initiated  1.1.2 – Rashi Drishti 1.1.3 – Planets in
sign also aspect 1.1.4 – Basic Argala 1.1.5 – Parakram Argala 1.1.6 – Basic Virodh
Aragala 1.1.7 – Winner of Argala 1.1.8 – Trine Argala 1.1.9 – Special Ketu Rule

Shloka and Ignorance of Translators – 1.1.10 – Says “आत्माधिकः कलादिभिर्नभोगः

सप्तानामष्टानां वा [जैमिनी सूत्र म ् – प्रथम अध्याय प्रथम पाद श्लोक 10]  Here one can see that
sage himself said कला (minutes) and not अंश (degrees). But all of the translators
translated this as Atmakaraka is the one having the highest degree in any Sign.
[There are अंश कला विकला of a planet which is Degree – Minutes and Seconds
respectively] Thus by just simply looking at the Shloka one is very clear that whatever
Vemuri uses is correct and is advised by Jaimini himself.

Seven or Eight Chara Karakas confusion – Another point of debate is whether there are
Seven or Eight Chara Karakas due to sage adding सप्तानामष्टानां वा at end of Shloka.
Some take only Seven Chara Karaka excluding Rahu (Ketu having same degrees as
Rahu doesn’t even come under consideration) Whereas some take eight chara karkas
and some others take them mixed [when two chara karkas are the same degrees they
exclude the one with fewer minutes and include Rahu. When more than one planet is
on the same degree they include Sthir Karakas to replace Chara Karakas]

What Scholars Say – “From his aphorism “Saptanamashtanamva” we infer that jaimini,
while expounding the Seven planet Karaka theory gives us to understand that the
eight planet chara karaka theory is it’s own” means Jaimini supports it and later books
like “Jataka Tattwam” which is considered a classic in Benaras although being written
only   100 years ago and mixes Jaimini and Parashara principles [while keeping them
separate] in giving yogas. clearly writes there are eight Chara Karakas Namely Atma-
Amatya-Bhratra-Matru-Pitra-Putra-Gnati-Dara. Some editions of Jaimini Sutras
contain Pitra karaka shloka [1.1.15] while some omit it. This is how interpolations are
put in.

Next Shlokas – स इष्टे बन्धमोक्षयोः -1.1.11 तस्यानुसरणादमात्यः -1.1.12 तस्य भ्राता -1.1.13
तस्य माता -1.1.14 तस्य पिता -1.1.15 तस्य पुत्र ः -1.1.16 तस्य ज्ञातिः -1.1.17 तस्य दाराश्च -
1.1.18 माता सह पुत्र मेके समामनन्ति – 1.1.19 [after this sage goes on exposing Sthir

Translation –  [this is my own translation that can be flawed as I am no scholar] 1.1.11

– स (from his) इष्टे (ishta means god, beneficial, desire) बन्धमोक्षयोः (bondage or
liberation) – It means from his [Atmakaraka’s] Desire or Beneficence one’s bondage
or liberation happens. [This is something very important – any planet can make desire
when he is strong, at the same time when the planet is strong he is beneficial. hence
sage Jaimini says the planet now found [Atmakaraka] decides by his dignity that one
will get bondage or liberation. This will be seen in Chapter 1.2] This ishta can also be
interpreted in another way which may mean that Ishta [planet placed in 12th from it in
Navamsa] of Atmakakraka will decide bondage or liberation. [Jaimini is cryptic and
can have 2-3 meanings in the same shloka that may look simple]

1.1.12 – तस्या (after that) अनुसरणा (following) द (him) अमात्यः (Amatya). Sage now
explains that the planet following (the word means going – on his path [Atmakaraka’s
path]) Atmakaraka is Amatyakaraka

and then Shloka goes on तस्य (After that) is भ्राता -1.1.13 (brother) माता
1.1.14(mother) पिता -1.1.15 (father) पुत्र ः -1.1.16(son) ज्ञातिः -1.1.17(relatives) दाराश्च  -

1.1.19 – माता सह पुत्र मेके समामनन्ति this as per my limited understanding means
“Karaka of the mother is equal to Child” Other translators have translated this as
“Some advocate judgement of Putrakaraka along with Matrukaraka. Here the sage
uses the word “eke” because it is not his opinion. Here we find him that the word eke
means not his opinion that again makes our point clear that Jaimini himself uses eight
chara karaka scheme. But remember what Kalpalatha says all are Adhikara Sutras.
Thus in my humble opinion, this means that whenever in coming chapters there will
be yogas explained by me [sage jaimini] regarding Putrakaraka [there are few
Rajyogas mentioned which are formed by Putrakaraka] also use matrukaraka [means
when sage says conjunction of Atmakaraka and Putrakaraka makes Raajyoga one
can also take the conjunction of Atmakaraka and Matrukaraka to make Rakyoga of
small velocity or Normal Yoga] However this is just my opinion that can be wrong

I am no Authority – I leave the explanation and interpretation of shloka 1.1.19 for some
other time. However, I can be completely wrong in my understanding and expect
learned people to guide and enlighten me on the topic.

Example of Chara Karakas calculations 

Karaka Planet Degree

Atmakaraka Moon 12.53 Gemini
Amatyakaraka Venus 28.52 Libra
Bhratrikaraka Sun 18.31 Virgo
MatruKaraka Mercury 02.26 Libra
PutraKaraka Mars 04.22 Pisces
GnatiKaraka Jupiter 05.21 Virgo
Darakaraka Saturn 27.04 Pisces
 Degrees are written in the format of Degrees.Minutes.Seconds

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