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arate / Office tea era ee ST ie 4 £2, oa sa aR, free aire, (aoe ates she arr fae, ITER) aga ate, ara - vag0ou (erm) National Highways Authority of India Plo No. E- 2 a Jalram Nagar Behind Shivdare Cole ape ol one, osprey) Jule Step, Solapur ~ 413004 Tex 021728083 feat araferen, garg. sary (FERTE) Project implementation Unit. Solapur (Maharashtra) 4-34a/Emal: solapurdnal or; [email protected] No.: NHAI/PIU/SLP/NH-09/OFC Cable/2020-21/ =. Date: 22/05/2021. INVITATION OF PUBLIC COMMENTS Sub.: Four Lanning of Solapur - Mah /Kar Border Section of NH-9 from Km 2494000 to 348+800 in the state of Maharashtra on Design, Build, Finance, Operate and Transfer (DBFOT) Basis under NHDP Phase Ill- Proposal for crossing of 220 KV Narangwadi - Solapur line on NH - 65 Hyderabad Solapur, near Dastapur village, Tal- Lohara, Dist. Osmanabad- - Reg. Sir 1. Executive Engineer, EHV Projects Division, MSETCL, Laturhas submitted the Proposal for crossing of 220 KV Narangwadi - Solapur line on NH - 65 Hyderabad Solapur, near Dastapur village, Tal- Lohara, Dist. Osmanabad. 2. AS per the guidelines, issued by the Ministry vide OM No. RW /NH- 33044/29/2015/ S@R(R) dated 22.11.2016, the application shall be put out in the public domain for 30 days for seeking claims and objections (on ‘grounds of public inconvenience, safety and general public interest). 3. In view of the above, comments of the public on the above application is invited to the below mentioned address, which should reach by this office within 30 days from the date of publication beyond which no comments shall be entertained The Project Director National Highways Authority of India Project Implementation Unit, Solapur Plot No. E-2, Jalaram Nagar, Solapur, Maharashtra, Pin - 413004 Thanking you, wad &. atta fers AUNTS. Tag, soy Copy to:- CGM (Tech) RO Mumbai for infor please. Master file. es Wey eescopue Mad ade Head Office : No. G 5 & 6, Sector 10, Dwarka, New Delhi-110 075 Tel, No.: 011-2507 4100 / 2507 4200 Fax No. : 011-2509 3507 / 2509 3514. Web Site : http:/mvw.nhal.org MARA on cof The Exeeutive Engineer. EHV Prujects L A | inthe premises of 132KV MIDC Substation Pot No.21 , MIDC. Barshi Road, Laur - 413531 Ph, 02382-22990, Fax 02382-21990 \ Eimait | 0. | EEEATCONSTTR 3039 ro, i 4 SEP 2019 Director Projects, . Indian National Highway, Plot No, 80, old Santosh Nagar, Near Devika Gas Agency, Jule Solapur- 413004. Sub: - Crossing of proposed 220 Ky Narangwiuli-Solapar Pkg-A to National High Way No. 65, Hyderabad-Solapur near Dastapur village, Taluka -Omerga district-Osmanabad & accord approval thereof. Dear Sir, "The Mahaashtra State Electricity ‘Transinission Company proposed t0 lay BS erect 220 Ky Narangwadi-Solapur Pkg-A for proposed 220kV Narangwadi substation. The route of proposed line is evossing the National Highway No. 65 Hyderabad-Solapar near Dastapur village, Taluka -Omergs, distrie-Osmanabad. The ground clearance to the seam ment conductor is 18.00 meters, as per profile spotted considering 0.4 ACSR Zebra corrtraton copy of profile for same is enclosed herewith for your ref this ‘clearance is much safest than specified as per 1. rules. It is therefore requested to accord approval For above crossing. ‘Thanking you ' Executive Engineer, EHV Project Dn. MSETCL. Enclose: - As above Latur Cantor 1) The Superintending Engineer, EHV Project Cirle, Aurangabad 2) The SE, PWD Speed project circle, Court premises, Beside *Bandhakam Bhavan’ !Ind Floor, Aurangabad. = For needful please Caw.r.t0%- Ty The Executive Engineer, Speed Project Division, PWL2 Premises. eed ~ For needful please iy fe Incharge, » For follow up until approval service ‘sith fortnight report CHECK - LIST Guidelines for Project Directors for processing the proposat of laying 220 kv Solapur (PGCIL)- Narangwadi DCDC EHV Overhead Line by Maharashira State Electricity Transmission Company Lid in the land along National Highways vested with NHA! » — Relevant circulars - +) Ministry Circular No. RWINH-33044/17/2000-S8R dated 29.9:2000 2) NHAI's circular No. NHAVO#C/2k vel cated 7.11.2000, which includes _ the comprehensive guidelines 2x dratt scens> agreement for laying of OFC cable by private party in the land along Natonai Highway vested with NHAL 3) Ministry's circular No. RWINH-33044/27/2000-S8R (R) dated 21 3. 2006. itis regarding the modification of previous Ministry's circular entrancing the amount ‘of Performance Bank Guarentee @ Rs. 50/- per route mete: in place of earlier rate of Rs. 25/- per route meter. Shock list for wetting sppcoval for eying ot optical fibro cables on NH land Ss. item Informetion/ Status Remarks No. Here crescent {General information 1220 kv Solapur (PGCIL)- Narangwadi DCDC EHV | 11 Name and Address of the Applicant Engineot ides" EHV Projoct 1 Giuisien Plot No2t,Ole MIDG Latur 415812 4.2. Nabor sv cagniamy Heber New NH- 6b (Old Nel 9) 13° Siat Mabarashica VA teenie Castaper 7 495 schamaae in ken “120 © Kimi +> Lengif in meters ; : |, Width of available ROW iaek cana {a} Let side from center line towards ' Sanyareay 197 Km ~~) inereasing ‘chainage/ km | «Sr 300*:20) i bo Right side wom conunt fine acids Solapur 66 Km charraye! kin CGR 3004120) 18 Pram seed (he (a) Left side from center line towards , increasing 300+120 chainage/ km Jay Fugnt side from centerline towards increasing 300+120 chainaga’ km jose (S Roe lat CNA (as Lett side om center line | (b) Right side thon cent WE other proposal 's in the same sice | NA walate Sand 3 ot ke De aegaIes sie tay he HTM aed i ez 4 sloaly wit servions # any NA see Foule oo ans i 6/B lanes) ZLane Diane “@ lane line is after the service road or between the service road and main | for 4 laning ahd the position of new vay hes been denied then shail oe fag st The eye o nin ioe atty enetidan that side of upyabeuiuey> i hod) wonpedsu: quauiae.Ge quawioaiBe —_pue woes Bujse9s2u1 (uw cee OASer o-Aupnen . Jo Suiubis * sesuaoy aia pue_ | spveMmon) HN JO | Ul ASU) “ON suewoy "hy yooieg yosted. so sieq | yoauen Jo pun |_vordag | apis OH so ¥en’ wanee] | 1S (aN) SO-HNT seqwnN HN“ aus quajeninb3 Jo UOISINIG Gd JOPWEN “€ WH CvHN/OWa/AMa) ADUBBY JO FUN enuyses2uew, ‘ayerg yo aun “t Quajeamite 40 worsiig a 1 Oh Baw Aaono ‘oyers pue yiy reno 15 WOASSILAIET AE M-$OVL wuyyuyeus aq 02) SUITTERUTEHT 34 YOUIIOS BUTT PEST IOAG AH GUN: ope! RANKING EX she Latur Urban Co 09. B Meh > p.00007 0b, INDIA sane pu MAHARASHTRA Annexure : 5.1 UNDERTAKING We Executive Engineer, EHV Project Division, Latur ~ 413521 Taluka & District Latur (Maharashtra) and Mis. Kishor Inffastructure Pvt Ltd, Hyderabad, having its registered office at Hyderabad ~ (Andhra Pradesh), India hereby do undertake in Reference to om ROW apolicaton along NH-65 from Solapur in the State of Maharashtra a! EHV Overhess line crossing locations as under; ') Near Dastapur village at Ch. (300+120 to 3004155) Km ‘We will not damage other utility while laying our EHV Overhead line, In case if it is Samaged then the losses will be peid to NHAI or the concemed owning agency as per direction by NHAL. ' For i Ie Ms. Kishor Infrastricture Prt Ld., Hyderabad Executive Nengioccr, 7 EHV Project Dn, Latur Authorized Signatory ba Rem gcpat Ran” EEC Bane Lg UTES 98237 os \ Par Reet Buspmeet te 8 Se, ToT heen meat est Ge 40922 We 21 2003 Bar YN 0380706 o0 Pa Cmecotie GRY am mom am ow ar me 15-46 R.0000100j}-resa74 SNDIA stamp pury mananaserre Amnexure : 5.2 : UNDERTAKING = We Executive Engineer, EHV Project Division, Latur ~ 413521 Talukade District —Latur (Maharasirs) and M/s. Kishor Infrastructure Pvt Ltd,, Hyderabad, having its registered office at Hyderabad — (Andhra Pradesh), India hereby do undertake in Reference to our ROW application along NH-65 from Solapur in the State of Maharashtra at EHV Overhead line crossing locations as under; i, Near Dastapur village at Ch. (300+120 to 300+155) Km 1) Mis. Kishor Infrastructure Pvt Ltd., Hyderabad,shall submit the performance Bank ‘Guarantee for the proposed as and when the demand note is raised by NHAI. 2) Ms. Kishor Infrastructure Pvt Ltd., Hyderabad,and Executive Engineer, EHV Project Division, Laturshall renew the Performance Bank Guarantee as and when required if work is not completed in one year time of the submission of the BG. 1 Mis, Kishge Infrastructure Executifé Engineer, EHV Project Dn. Latur ‘x: Authorized Signatory. Authorized Signatory Mg crrnicintetss SE sen A agi CLERK 25m, mma a pe aur UitanCo-- Ban a” Rs 0000 100-a5374 INDIA stam bury ‘AAHARASHTRA UNDERTAKING We Exccutive Engineer, EHV Project Division, Latur ~ 413521 Talukad District ~Latur (Maharashtra) and M/s. Kishor Infrastructure Pvt Ltd., Hyderabad, having its registered office at Hyderabad ~ (Andhra Pradesh), India hereby do undertake in Reference to our ROW application along NH-65 from Solapur in the State of Maharashtra at EHV. Overhead line crossing locations as under; i, Near Dastapur village at Ch. (300+120 to 3004155) Km We will be carrying out the EHV Overhead line Crossing work as per the specifications and standards of NHAI and the executed work will confirm all the standard conditions of NHAI ingineer, ‘M/s. Kishor Infrastructure Pvt Ltd., Hyderabad ERY Project Dn. Latur ey Authorized Signatory Authorized Signatory oem eck Same es TET 98039 eh aeere me musts sgt Bi55924 AUG 21 2019 Era! BU as nen me oe ms mm 15:40 Rs 0000 100/pes374 INDIA stave curv mananasimas Annexure : 5.4 UNDERTAKING We Executive Engineer, (Maharashtra) and M/s, i) Near Dastapur village at Ch. (300+120 to 3004155) Km We will shifting and relocate EHV. Overhead line at our own cost, as and when required by NHAI authority within such time as stipulated by NHAIL For Mis. Kishor Infiastuctre Put Li, Hyderabad Exec ale EHV Project Dn. Latur Authorized Signatory 0000 1G0!-ves2 Annexure : §.5 UNDERTAKING We Executive Engineer, EHV Project Divi ion, Latur — 413521 Talukag District —Latur (Maharashtra) and M/s, Kishor Infrastructure Pvt Ltd, Hyderabad, having its registered office at Hyderabad ~ (Andhra Pradesh), indi undertake in Reference to our ROW For Mss. Kishor Infrasttck Ker a) EHV Project Dn. Latur Authorized Signatory a} "tS Se Ban at Rear reso LERK BSSTEV © 4 Ene on we 2015 RY eo oe 15 4D ? R.0000100}-pasa7e INDIA stam our. \AHARAGHTRA Annexure : 5.6 = = UNDERTAKING We Executive Engineer, EHV Project Division, Latur - 413521 Talukad District Latur (Maharashtra) and M/s. Kishor Infrastructure Pvt Ltd., Hyderabad, having its registered office at Hyderabad ~ (Andhra Pradesh), India hereby do undertake in Reference to our ROW application along NH-65 from ‘Solapur in the State of Maharashtra at EHV ‘Overhead line crossing locations as under; i) Near Dastapur village at Ch. (300+120 to 300+155) Km We hereby indemnify the NHAT against all damages and claims under any clause if any. For 4 L (aA Mis. Kishor Infrastracture Pt Ld, Hyderabad a EHV Project Dn, Latur Authorized Signatory:~ Authorized Signatory 4 Epos coe aon SRP 90242 ca pers eK eva Rayer Sune 2 144928 “AUS 21 z0t SOE nh tere ang Tessormssacte YR mo an a mm me me 15:4 na R.0000100/-re5974 INDIA. stan oury mananacurns Annexure : 5.7 . NDERTAKING * We Executive Engineer, EHV Project Division, Latur ~ 413521 Taluka District —Latur (Maharashtra) and M/s. Kishor Infrastructure Pyt Ltd, Hyderabad, having its registered Office at Hyderabad — (Andhra Pradesh), India hereby do undertake in Reference to our ROW ‘traffic by way of caution boards Goring daytime and danger light at night witt be provided by Executive Engineer, EHV Project Division, Laturand M/s. Kishor Infrastructure Pvt Ltd, EHV Project Dn, Latur Authorized Signatory On Barks § ANSTO) ¥ is re 7 Rereig SeTgRR Ram Business ee ee : CR ross mance to | ERY ET an mw amy 154 Y R:0000100}-rass7s i bind Hi isa “Annexure : 5.8 ERT) i) Near Dastapur village at Ch. (300+120 to 300+155) Km i ary claim is raised by Concessionaire of the projet then the same will be paid by Executive Engineer,EHV. Project Division, Latur and M/s, Kishor Infrastructure Pvt Lt Hyderabad. 1 For La ‘Ms. Kishor Infrasthicrure Pvt Lig., Hyderabad Executyié Engineer, is EHV Project Dn. Latur Authorized Signatory 5:40 B® x.0000100}-re00 INDIA stam oury stananasiras UNDERTAKING We Executive Engincer, EHV Project Division, Latur ~ 413921 Taluka& District “Latur (Maharashtra) and Mis. Kishor Infrastructure Pvt Lid, Hyderabad, having its registered 5) Near Dastapur village at Ch. (300+120 to 3004155) Km Prior approval of NHAI shall be obtained before undertaking any work of installation, Shifting or repairs, or alterations to the showing EHV Overhead line crossing located in the ROW of National Highway NH-65. ' For ‘M/s, Kishor Infrastructure PvE'Ltd,, Hyderabad Executvé Engineer, EHV Project Dn, Latur Authorized Signatory é Authorized Signatory

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