Traditional Individual Retirement Account - Advisory Solutions Fund Model Custodian: Edward Jones Trust Company
Traditional Individual Retirement Account - Advisory Solutions Fund Model Custodian: Edward Jones Trust Company
Traditional Individual Retirement Account - Advisory Solutions Fund Model Custodian: Edward Jones Trust Company
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$201,198.17 $225,000
Value Summary
This Period This Year
Beginning Value $212,467.06 $212,467.06
Assets Added to Account 0.00 0.00
Assets Withdrawn from Account 0.00 0.00
Fees and Charges -212.68 -212.68
Change In Value -11,056.21 -11,056.21
For more information regarding the Value Summary section, please visit
Account Holder(s) Michael L Barnhart
Account Number 164-84700-1-9
Financial Advisor Jimmy Hackelton, 501-605-0117
2241 Bill Foster Memorial Hwy, Suite D, Cabot, AR 72023
Rate of Return
Last 12 3 Years 5 Years
Your Personal Rate of Return for This Quarter Year to Date Months Annualized Annualized
Assets Held at Edward Jones
-5.36% -5.36% 4.96% 10.65% ——
Performance Benchmarks
Large US Cap Equities (S & P 500) -6.93% -6.93% 18.68% 20.86% 16.18%
International Equities (S & P 700) -4.87% -4.87% 2.96% 10.80% 8.67%
Taxable Fixed Income (Bloomberg Aggregate) -2.13% -2.13% -3.03% 3.92% 3.11%
Your Personal Rate of Return: Your Personal Rate of Return measures the investment performance of your account. It incorporates
the timing of your additions and withdrawals and reflects commissions and fees paid. Reviewing Your Personal Rate of Return is
important to help ensure you're on track to achieving your financial goals.
Performance Benchmarks: Your Personal Rate of Return should be compared to the return necessary to achieve your financial goals.
However, we understand many investors would like to compare their Personal Rate of Return to market indexes. Keep in mind this may
not be an accurate comparison, as your Personal Rate of Return incorporates the timing of your specific additions and withdrawals and
your specific investment mix, while published returns of market indexes do not.
These market indexes are used as a general measure of market performance for several major asset classes. Market indexes assume
reinvestment of all distributions and do not take into account brokerage fees, taxes or investment management fees.
The performance of your investments is tracked since they have been held in the current account, but no earlier than Jan.1, 2009. This
also includes investments you owned during this time period but have since sold. Certain events, including a transfer of an investment
between accounts, share class conversion, or change in an investment's identification code (CUSIP) caused by a corporate action, will
impact the time frame over which the investment's rate of return is calculated.
Rate of Return information on account statements uses the dollar-weighted calculation. Time-weighted Rate of Return numbers for
Advisory Solutions Fund and UMA accounts can be found on your Quarterly Performance Report through Online Account Access. If you
are not an Online Access user, visit to sign up.
Information used to calculate performance may have been obtained from third parties and Edward Jones cannot guarantee the accuracy
of such information.
For the most current information, contact your financial advisor or visit
Financial Foundation
Reaching your personal financial goals depends on a strong foundation. At Edward Jones, we believe that foundation consists of regular
reviews of your goals and their time frames, your comfort with risk (such as market volatility) and the way assets are allocated within your
portfolio. Following is a summary of your financial foundation based on your discussions with your financial advisor.
The Desired Annual Spending amount does not include variable expenses or debt payments you may have discussed with your financial
Note: It is important to review your account(s) to keep your investments aligned with your risk tolerance and positioned to achieve your
goal. Any Review Due dates above refer to dates by which you must complete your next annual review. Please contact your financial
advisor to update any missing or outdated Financial Foundation information or to schedule your next annual review.
*Your Rate of Return for each individual asset above is as of January 28, 2022. Returns greater than 12 months are annualized.
Your Rate of Return in the Asset Details section above measures the investment performance of each of your individual assets. It
incorporates the timing of your additions and withdrawals and reflects commissions and fees paid. Reviewing your Rate of Return is
important to help ensure you're on track to achieving your financial goals.
The performance of your investments is tracked since they have been held in the current account, but no earlier than Jan. 1, 2009. Certain
events, including a transfer of an investment between accounts, share class conversion, or change in an investment's identification code
(CUSIP) caused by a corporate action, will impact the time frame over which the investment's rate of return is calculated.
Information used to calculate performance may have been obtained from third parties and Edward Jones cannot guarantee the accuracy of
such information.
For the most current information, contact your financial advisor or visit
Retirement Summary
This Period Cumulative
2022 Contributions $0.00 $0.00
2021 Contributions 0.00 0.00
Relationship - You have asked us to combine the accounts listed below for planning purposes as we work with you to achieve your
financial goals. This means that information about these accounts and your goals and objectives may be shared with and accessible by
each owner and authorized party in the relationship, including through Edward Jones Online Access and Edward Jones reports.
Mailing Group - You have also asked us to combine certain information about the accounts listed below into the mailing group(s) below
for delivery purposes. Information for accounts within the same mailing group may be included in one envelope and mailed to the
mailing group address. We may still send certain information directly to the account owners, as we believe appropriate.
For more information on this relationship or mailing group(s), please visit If you wish to make
changes to either the relationship(s) or mailing group(s), please contact your financial advisor.
Account Holder(s) Michael L Barnhart
Account Number 164-84700-1-9
Financial Advisor Jimmy Hackelton, 501-605-0117
2241 Bill Foster Memorial Hwy, Suite D, Cabot, AR 72023
For more information about the Advisory Solutions program, see the applicable program brochure at .
Account Holder(s) Michael L Barnhart
Account Number 164-84700-1-9
Financial Advisor Jimmy Hackelton, 501-605-0117
2241 Bill Foster Memorial Hwy, Suite D, Cabot, AR 72023