Mid Year Review Form t1 3
Mid Year Review Form t1 3
Mid Year Review Form t1 3
Mid-year Review Rating Mid-year Review
MFOs KRAs Objectives Timeline Means of Verification Performance Ratee (Teacher) Rater (Principal) Results
per KRA
Target Rating Remarks Rating Remarks
Basic 2. Used One (1) lesson plan with Quality
Educati research-based annotations in learning
on knowledge and objectives, activities, and
Service principles of assessments explaining how
s teaching and they reflect teaching
learning to principles.
professional NOTE: Cite sources and
practice references in LP and not the
activity of the learner
Basic Displayed 1. Classroom Observation Quality
Educati Proficient use of Tool (COT) rating sheet or
on Mother Tongue, Inter-Observer Agreement
Service Filipino and Form from an online
s English to observation of online
facilitate synchronous teaching (online
teaching and teaching or two-way radio
learning instruction)
2. If option 1 is not possible,
video or audio lesson that is
SLM-base or aligned with
3. If option 1 & 2 are not
possible, go for observation
Mid-year Review Rating Mid-year Review
MFOs KRAs Objectives Timeline Means of Verification Performance Ratee (Teacher) Rater (Principal) Results
per KRA
Target Rating Remarks Rating Remarks
on demonstration teaching via Efficiency
LAC Session
Basic 4.Used effective 1. 1. Classroom Observation Quality
Educati verbal and non- Tool (COT) rating sheet or
on verbal Inter-Observer Agreement
Service classroom Form from an online
s communication observation of online
strategies to synchronous teaching
support learner
(online teaching or two- Efficiency
way radio instruction)
engagement, 2. 2. If option 1 is not
and achievement possible, video or audio
lesson that is SLM-base or
aligned with MELC
3. 3. If option 1 & 2 are not
possible, go for
observation on Timeliness
demonstration teaching
via LAC Session
Basic 6. Maintained 1. 1. Classroom Observation Quality
Educati learning Tool (COT) rating sheet or
on environments Inter-Observer Agreement
Service that promote Form from an online
s fairness, observation of online
respect, and synchronous teaching
care to
(online teaching or two-
way radio instruction)
2. 2. If option 1 is not
possible, video or audio Efficiency
lesson that is SLM-base or
aligned with MELC
3. 3. If option 1 & 2 are not
possible, go for
observation on
demonstration teaching
via LAC Session
Mid-year Review Rating Mid-year Review
MFOs KRAs Objectives Timeline Means of Verification Performance Ratee (Teacher) Rater (Principal) Results
per KRA
Target Rating Remarks Rating Remarks
Basic 7. Maintained 1. 1. Classroom Observation Quality
Educati learning Tool (COT) rating sheet or
on environments Inter-Observer Agreement
Service that nurture and Form from an online
s inspire learners observation of online
to participate, synchronous teaching
cooperate and (online teaching or two-
collaborate in way radio instruction)
continued 2. 2. If option 1 is not
learning possible, video or audio
lesson that is SLM-base or
aligned with MELC Efficiency
3. 3. If option 1 & 2 are not
possible, go for
observation on
demonstration teaching
via LAC Session
8.Applied a 1. 1. Classroom Observation Quality
range of Tool (COT) rating sheet or
successful Inter-Observer Agreement
strategies that Form from an online
maintain observation of online
Mid-year Review Rating Mid-year Review
MFOs KRAs Objectives Timeline Means of Verification Performance Ratee (Teacher) Rater (Principal) Results
per KRA
Target Rating Remarks Rating Remarks
learning synchronous teaching Efficiency
environments (online teaching or two-
that motivate way radio instruction)
learners to work 2. 2. If option 1 is not
productively by possible, video or audio
assuming lesson that is SLM-base or
responsibility for
aligned with MELC
their own Timeliness
3. 3. If option 1 & 2 are not
3. Curriculum learning
and Planning possible, go for
observation on
demonstration teaching
via LAC Session
Mid-year Review Rating Mid-year Review
MFOs KRAs Objectives Timeline Means of Verification Performance Ratee (Teacher) Rater (Principal) Results
per KRA
Target Rating Remarks Rating Remarks
Basic 10. Adapted and Quality
Educati used culturally
on appropriate 2 Teachers Reflection Forms
Service teaching
2 Certification from the School
s strategies to
address Head
( No identified learners
belonging to Indigenous
Mid-year Review Rating Mid-year Review
MFOs KRAs Objectives Timeline Means of Verification Performance Ratee (Teacher) Rater (Principal) Results
per KRA
Target Rating Remarks Rating Remarks
Basic 11. Adapted and ALL MOVs 1-4 are needed: Quality
Educati implemented Any Learning Program
on learning ( remedial, enrichment,
Service programs that intervention module, SIM with
s ensure the following MOVs:
relevance and 1. Action Plan / Activity
responsiveness Plan Efficiency
to the needs of 2. Accomplishment Report
all learners 3. Progress Report
4. Proof of Evaluation (the
. proponent should evaluate
their progress)
* Individual Learning Timeliness
Monitoring Plan*
Basic 12. Utilized Identified least/most mastered Quality
Educati assessment data skills based on –Item Analysis
on to inform the (1st-4th) with any of the
Service modification of following supporting MOVs
s teaching and
learning 1. Accomplishment report for
practices and remedial/ enhancement
programs activities(e.g., remedial
sessions, Summer Reading Efficiency
Camp, Phil-IRI based reading
program)( 5pts.)
Basic 5.Plus Factor 19. Performed Committee Quality
Education various related involvement
Services works/activities
that contribute Advisorship of co-
to the teaching- curricular activities
learning process Involvement as
module/ learning
material writer Efficiency
Involvement as
material validator
Book or journal
Participation in the
RO/SDO/school- Timeliness
initiated TV-/radio-
based instruction
Coaching and
mentoring learners in
Mentoring pre-service
Participation in
Participation as
research presenter in
a forum/ conference