Kaspersky Endpoint Security and Management: Featured Products
Kaspersky Endpoint Security and Management: Featured Products
Kaspersky Endpoint Security and Management: Featured Products
Kaspersky Endpoint
Security and
Featured products
• Kaspersky Security Center
• Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows
• Kaspersky Security for Windows Server
Course objective
The main aim is to provide all know-how required to deploy, configure, and manage the solution.
The course instructs how to design, deploy and maintain protection systems based on Kaspersky Endpoint
Security and centrally manage them via Kaspersky Security Center. It describes products designed to protect a
network of up to 1000 endpoints in a single location. Endpoints in this course are servers and workstations running
The theoretical part of the course and hands-on labs provide students with knowledge and skills needed to:
• Describe the capabilities of Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows and Kaspersky Security Center
• Design and deploy an optimal protection solution based on Kaspersky Endpoint Security in a Windows network
and manage it via Kaspersky Security Center
• Maintain the deployed system
2–3 days.
2. Protection management
2.1. How Kaspersky Endpoint Security protects computers
2.2. How to configure file protection
3. Control
3.1. General
3.2. Application Control
What’s new
Course materials and labs have been updated for Kaspersky Security Center version 13 and Kaspersky Endpoint
Security version 11.6.
The following information has been added to the presentation and student guide:
• Description of Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console, interaction of its components and the process of
connecting to Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console.
• How to configure and use merging exclusions in policies.
• How to configure and use local exclusions.
• Description of the ‘Wipe data’ task’s settings and operation.