Peta 3 in MMW: Chapter 3 and Chapter 4

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Peta 3 in MMW

Chapter 3 and Chapter 4

Science and Mathematics Department, CEAS

National University, Manila

General Guidelines

1. Peta 3 can be done individually or by group.

2. Choose ANY ONE(1) of the following.
a. Create a skit or an act with your team (or a monologue if
individual) that demonstrates your skill of inductive and
deductive reasoning.
b. Create an ORIGINAL problem that can be solved using any
of the problem solving techniques discussed in Chapter 3.
Record yourself or your team explaining the solution to the
General Guidelines

c Gather two sets of data and use test of difference

appropriately (t-test for two sample means or paired sample
t-test). State the hypotheses, provide level of significance,
tailed test and a conclusion. Show complete solution with
steps and Data Analysis results. Video record the report on
how you gathered and analyzed these data.
d Gather two sets of data and use test of relationship
(correlation and regression). State the hypotheses, provide
level of significance and a conclusion. Show complete solution
with steps and Data Analysis results. Video record the report
on how you gathered and analyzed these data.

Remark: Adhere to ethical standards when doing your Peta.

Rubric and Grading

3. In your video recording, do not forget to explain the following:

a. How did you come up with the idea? How did you plan
your task? Did you get any help or support other than
yourself/group mates?
b. What are the challenges you encountered while doing Peta
4. No time limit so record your videos in lower resolutions so
that your file is not heavy.
5. Do not forget to write the names of the members in the video.
6. For uniformity, everyone is required to upload their videos on
Youtube, set it to UNLISTED(for privacy), and upload the
link in the corresponding Assignment for Peta 3. Only one
person is required to upload the link of the video. See class
calendar for the deadline.
Rubric and Grading

7. The maximum score in Peta 3 is 25. It will be graded based

on the following:
Criteria Excellent (5) Very Good (4) Good (3) Fair (2) Poor (1)

Creativity & Excellent in Very good in Good in cre- Fair in creativ- Poor in cre-
Originality creativity & creativity & ativity & orig- ity & original- ativity & orig-
originality originality inality ity inality

Adherence to Strict Adher- Missed 1 Missed 2 Missed 3 Missed more

Guidelines ence guideline guidelines guidelines than 3 guide-

Soundness Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor

Explanation Excels in giv- Very good Good in giving Fair or incom- Poor or incom-
ing complete in giving complete ex- plete explana- plete explana-
explanation complete ex- planation tion tion

Promptness Submitted on < 15 min late 15 min to < 1 hour to 3 > 3 hours late
time 60 min late hours late

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