Chatzinikolaou - Et - Al - 2018 - Review of Multicriteria Methodologies and Tools For Evaluation of Provision of Ecosystem Services
Chatzinikolaou - Et - Al - 2018 - Review of Multicriteria Methodologies and Tools For Evaluation of Provision of Ecosystem Services
Chatzinikolaou - Et - Al - 2018 - Review of Multicriteria Methodologies and Tools For Evaluation of Provision of Ecosystem Services
The term Ecosystem Services (ES) was originally conceived to highlight humanity’s
dependence to nature, and the fact that the multitude of plant and animal species in
the forests, oceans, lakes, wetlands and other ecosystems provides humanity with a
wide selection of goods. The concept of ES has been used in research since the 1980s
and involved the framing of beneficial ecosystem functions as services in order to
increase public interest in biodiversity conservation (de Groot 1987). The next step
during the 1990s, was the mainstreaming of ES in the literature (Costanza et al.
1997; Perrings et al. 1992). In 2001, the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA)
launched the ES in the global policy agenda (Gómez-Baggethun et al. 2010). The
objective was to assess the consequences of ecosystem change for human well-
being. The series of MEA publications described the condition and trends of the
world’s ecosystems and the services they provide, and the options available to
restore, conserve or enhance their sustainable use. At present, the ES concept has
become a central issue in conservation planning and environmental impact assess-
ment (Burkhard et al. 2010).
The ability of ecosystems to yield ES is largely connected to biodiversity; many
researchers agree about the positive effect of biodiversity on ecosystem functions
(Hooper et al. 2005; Schneiders et al. 2012). Biological diversity, or biodiversity,
refers to the variety of life forms at all levels of organization. Biodiversity is
generated and maintained in natural ecosystems, where organisms encounter a
wide variety of living conditions that shape their evolution in unique ways. Bio-
diversity is usually quantified in terms of numbers of species, and this perspective has
greatly influenced conservation goals. It is important to remember, however, that the
benefits that biodiversity supplies to humanity are delivered through populations of
species residing in living communities within specific physical settings in other
words, through complex ecological systems, or ecosystems (Luck et al. 2003).
Natural ecosystems provide fundamental services which humanity needs. These
include the production and maintenance of biodiversity; purification of air and
water; decomposition of wastes and regulation of climate; services until recently
have been less appreciated. The consequences of population loss for species con-
servation are well recognized, but have been little addressed from the point of the
functioning of ecosystems and the provision of ES (Hughes et al. 1997). Because
threats are increasing, there is a critical need for identification and monitoring of ES
both locally and globally, and for the incorporation of their value into decision-
making processes. There is a need for policies that achieve a balance between
sustaining ES and pursuing the short-term goals of economic development.
Following the publication of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment in 2005
(MEA 2005), ES have been included for the first time into the international envi-
ronmental policy agenda. This agenda included efforts to develop integrated systems
of ecosystems (Weber 2007). In current policies the ES concept is being integrated at
global and European level (EC 2009; Perrings et al. 2011). The global strategic plan
for biodiversity for the period 2011–2020 (EC 2011) of the Convention of Biological
Review of Multicriteria Methodologies and Tools for the Evaluation of. . . 45
practice to refer to goods and services separately and to include the two concepts
under the term services. Definitions of the ES concept through various publications,
give attention to the ecological basis or the economic use, capturing environmental
concerns in ecological and socio-economic terms (Diehl et al. 2016):
• Ecosystem Services are the benefits human populations derive, directly or in-
directly, from ecosystem functions (Costanza et al. 1997).
• Ecosystem Services are the benefits people obtain from ecosystems (WRI 2005).
• Ecosystem Services are components of nature, directly enjoyed, consumed, or
used to yield human well-being (Boyd and Banzhaf 2007).
• Ecosystem Services are the aspects of ecosystems utilized (actively or passively)
to produce human well-being (Fisher et al. 2009).
• Ecosystem Services are the direct and indirect contributions of ecosystems to
human well-being (TEEB 2010a).
ES have been categorized in a number of different ways, including:
• functional groupings, such as regulation, carrier, habitat, production, and infor-
mation services (de Groot et al. 2002);
• organizational groupings, such as services that are associated with certain species,
that regulate some exogenous input, or that are related to the organization of
biotic entities (Norberg 1999); and,
• descriptive groupings, such as renewable resource goods, nonrenewable resource
goods, physical structure services, biotic services, biogeochemical services,
information services, and social and cultural services (Moberg and Folke 1999).
The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment framework (MEA 2003) categorizes the
ES within four categories: provisioning, regulating, supporting and cultural services:
Provisioning services are the services that describe the material or energy outputs
from ecosystems:
• food and fiber including the range of food products derived from plants, animals,
and microbes; food comes principally from managed agro-ecosystems but marine
and freshwater systems or forests also provide food for human consumption;
• raw materials, fuel, wood, and other biological materials that serve as sources of
energy, also a great diversity of materials for construction and fuel including
wood, biofuels and plant oils that are directly derived from wild and cultivated
plant species;
• fresh water, because ecosystems regulate the flow and purification of water; also
vegetation and forests influence the quantity of water available; fresh water is an
example of linkages between categories, in this case, between provisioning and
regulating services;
• genetic resources, that includes the genes and genetic information used for
animal and plant breeding and biotechnology;
• biochemical, natural medicines, and pharmaceuticals, since many medicines,
biocides, food additives such as biological materials derived from ecosystems
and are potential source of medicinal resources;
48 P. Chatzinikolaou et al.
• ornamental resources including animal products, such as skins and shells, and
flowers used as ornaments, although the value of these resources is often also
determined culturally.
Regulating services are the benefits obtained from the regulation of ecosystem
processes, the services that ecosystems provide by acting as regulators:
• air quality maintenance, because ecosystems contribute to extract chemicals to
the atmosphere, influencing many aspects of air quality;
• climate regulation, both locally and globally; for example, at a local scale,
changes in land cover can affect both temperature and precipitation; at global
scale, ecosystems play an important role in climate by either sequestering or
emitting greenhouse gases;
• water regulation, the timing and magnitude of flooding, and aquifer recharge can
be strongly influenced by changes in land cover, including, in particular, alter-
ations that change the water storage potential of the system, such as the conver-
sion of wetlands or the replacement of forests with croplands or croplands with
urban areas;
• erosion prevention and maintenance of soil fertility: soil erosion is a key factor in
the process of land degradation and desertification; vegetation cover provides a
vital regulating service by preventing soil erosion. Soil fertility is essential for
plant growth and agriculture and well-functioning ecosystems supply the soil
with nutrients required to support plant growth;
• water purification and waste treatment: ecosystems can be a source of impurities
in fresh water but also can help to filter out and decompose organic wastes
introduced into inland waters and coastal and marine ecosystems;
• regulation of human diseases; changes in ecosystems can directly change the
abundance of human pathogens, such as cholera, and can alter the abundance of
disease vectors, such as mosquitoes;
• biological control: ecosystem changes affect the prevalence of crop and livestock
pests and diseases; they regulate pests and diseases through the activities of
predators and parasites that all act as natural controls;
• pollination: insects and wind pollinate plants and trees, which are essential for the
development of fruits, vegetables and seeds; animal pollination is an ecosystem
service mainly provided by insects but also by some birds and bats.
Cultural services are tightly bound to human values and behavior, as well as to
human institutions and patterns of social, economic, and political organization. They
are the non-material benefits people obtain from ecosystems through spiritual
enrichment, cognitive development, reflection, recreation, and aesthetic experiences,
• recreation, mental and physical health: walking and playing sports in green space
is not only a good form of physical exercise but also lets people relax; the role that
green space plays in maintaining mental and physical health is increasingly being
recognized, despite difficulties of measurement;
Review of Multicriteria Methodologies and Tools for the Evaluation of. . . 49
• spiritual and religious value: many religions attach spiritual and religious values
to ecosystems or their components like natural features or specific forests, caves
or mountains are considered sacred or have a religious meaning; nature is a
common element of all major religions and traditional knowledge;
• educational values because ecosystems and their components and processes
provide the basis for both formal and informal education in many societies;
• inspiration for culture, art and design: language, knowledge and the natural
environment have been intimately related throughout human history; biodiver-
sity, ecosystems and natural landscapes have been the source of inspiration for
much of our art, culture and increasingly for science;
• aesthetic values: many people find beauty or aesthetic value in various aspects of
ecosystems, as reflected in the support for parks or even the selection of housing
• social relations, since ecosystems influence the types of social relations that are
established in particular cultures; fishing societies, for example, differ in many
respects in their social relations from nomadic herding or agricultural societies;
• cultural heritage values: many societies place high value on the maintenance of
either historically important landscapes (cultural landscapes) or culturally signif-
icant species;
• recreation and ecotourism: ecosystems and biodiversity play an important role for
many kinds of tourism which in turn provides considerable economic benefits and
is a vital source of income; cultural and eco-tourism can also educate people
about the importance of biological diversity.
Supporting services are those that are necessary for the production of all other
ES. They differ from provisioning, regulating, and cultural services in that their
impacts on people are either indirect or occur over a very long time, whereas changes
in the other categories have relatively direct and short-term impacts on people:
• soil formation: humans do not directly use this as a service, but changes in soil
formation would indirectly affect people through the impact on other services
such as the provisioning service of food production;
• nutrient cycling: this indirect supporting service is required e.g. as the basis for
crop production and plant growth;
• biomass production: primary production provides the basis of the food for all
• production of atmospheric oxygen through photosynthesis is often categorized as
a supporting service since oxygen forms the basis for any animal life on Earth;
any impacts on the concentration of oxygen in the atmosphere would only occur
over an extremely long time;
• habitats for species: Habitats provide everything that an individual plant or animal
needs to survive: food; water; and shelter; each ecosystem provides different
habitats that can be essential for a species’ lifecycle; migratory species including
birds, fish, mammals and insects all depend upon different ecosystems during
their movements.
50 P. Chatzinikolaou et al.
Some services, like erosion control, can be categorized as both a supporting and a
regulating service, depending on the time scale and immediacy of their impact on
people. For example, humans do not directly use soil formation services, although
changes in this would indirectly affect people through the impact on the provisioning
service of food production. Fresh water is another example of linkages between
categories, in this case, between provisioning and regulating services. Similarly,
climate regulation is categorized as a regulating service since ecosystem changes can
have an impact on local or global climate over time scales relevant to human
decision-making. The production of oxygen gas (through photosynthesis) is catego-
rized as a supporting service since any impacts on the concentration of oxygen in the
atmosphere would only occur over an extremely long time.
A new classification of ES is under development at international level, by the
Common International Classification of Ecosystem Services (CICES 2013).
According to CICES, there are three types of services: (1) provisioning (products
obtained from ecosystems, e.g. food, wood, water), (2) regulation and maintenance
(moderation or control of environmental conditions, e.g. flood control, water purifi-
cation), (3) cultural (non-material benefits obtained from ecosystems, e.g. recreation,
education, aesthetics). CICES highlights the importance of making a clear distinc-
tion between final ES, ecosystem goods or products and ecosystem benefit, and
recommend the following definitions:
• Final ecosystem services are the contributions that ecosystems make to human
well-being. These services are final in that they are the outputs of ecosystems
(whether natural, semi-natural or highly modified) that most directly affect the
well-being of people. A fundamental characteristic is that they retain a connection
to the underlying ecosystem functions, processes and structures that
generate them.
• Ecosystem goods and benefits are things that people create or derive from final
ecosystem services. These final outputs from ecosystems have been turned into
products or experiences that are not functionally connected to the systems from
which they were derived. Goods and benefits can be referred to collectively as
• Human well-being is that which arises from adequate access to the basic materials
for a good life needed to sustain freedom of choice and action, health, good social
relations and security. The state of well-being is dependent on the aggregated
output of ecosystem goods and benefits, the provision of which can change the
status of well-being.
Ecosystem service capacity and service output are closely related to the notion of
stocks and flows. Layke et al. (2012) define stocks of ES as the capacity of an
ecosystem to deliver a service while the flow corresponds to the benefits people
receive. Stocks may be expressed in total size area or the total biomass whereas the
associated ecosystem service flow or output must have units per time period. The
capacity of an ecosystem to provide a flow is not necessarily measured in hectares or
tons since the capacity does not only contain a quantity aspect but also a quality
aspect. For a given quantity, an ecosystem may provide more output if it is in a
Review of Multicriteria Methodologies and Tools for the Evaluation of. . . 51
Improved ways and methods for ES quantification, mapping and assessment are
needed to investigate the number and quality of ES produced by individual eco-
systems and to increase the ability to feed such knowledge into policy design (TEEB
2010b). While provisioning ES can often be directly quantified thanks to the
availability of primary data, for other ES the collection of such information is
often impossible (Maes et al. 2015). Thus, for most regulating, supporting, and
cultural services, researchers must rely on proxies for their quantification. As a
result, altogether, data on quantifiable ES remain limited and only a small number
of indicators are being used for those that cannot be measured directly (Feld et al.
2010). Reviews of indicators used for ES are available from the literature and
contribute to developing reliable indicators for modelling and for bridging current
data gaps (Cowling et al. 2008; Egoh et al. 2012).
Several studies have assessed changes in land use and their connection with the
provision of ES (Carreño et al. 2012; Silvert 2000). In many cases, their output
52 P. Chatzinikolaou et al.
includes environmental and land use information that are connected to landscape
features, although few yield a direct assessment of changes in ES provision
(Burkhard et al. 2012; Swetnam et al. 2011). According to de Groot et al. (2010),
ES approaches and ES valuation efforts have changed the terms of discussion on
nature conservation, natural resource management, and other areas of public policy.
These efforts have strengthened both public and private sector development strate-
gies and improved environmental outcomes (de Groot 2006; de Groot et al. 2002).
In this paper, a literature review has been performed that covers an overview of
various methodologies that seek to improve the knowledge base of the contribution
of landscape management to the rural economy. This review of the literature is
concerning methods relevant to the landscape management taking into account the
policy strategies and linkages with environmental impacts and climate change.
Based on the analysis of the literature performed, the methodological tools were
classified into three main categories (Table 1):
• Identification and valuation of the ES and natural resource management;
• Sustainable land use, in terms of assessment of agricultural systems and linking
socio-economic requirements with landscape potentials;
• Structure of the landscape, and linkages with environmental impacts and
climate change.
In the first category, De Groot (2006) presented a comprehensive framework for
integrated assessment of ecological services and socio-economic benefits of natural
and semi-natural ecosystems and landscapes. The framework can be applied at
different scale levels to different ecosystems or landscape-units and consists of
three steps: (1) Function-analysis, which translates ecological complexity into a
limited number of ES; (2) Function valuation, which includes ecological, socio-
cultural and economic valuation methods; (3) Conflict analysis, to facilitate the
application of function-analysis and valuation at different scale levels. Hein et al.
(2006) established an enhanced framework for the valuation of ES, with specific
attention for stakeholders. The framework included a procedure to assess the value
of regulation services that avoids double counting of these services. Moreover, the
study analyzed the spatial scales of ES. The analysis has shown that stakeholders at
different spatial scales can have very different interests in ES, and it is highly
important to consider the scales of ES when valuation of services is applied to
support the formulation or implementation of ecosystem management plans.
Moreover, Fisher et al. (2009) offer a definition of ES that is likely to be
operational for ecosystem service research and several classification schemes: “eco-
system services are the aspects of ecosystems utilized (actively or passively) to
produce human well-being”. Defined this way, ES include ecosystem organization
or structure as well as process and/or functions if they are consumed or utilized by
humanity either directly or indirectly. There is not one classification scheme that will
be adequate for the many contexts in which ecosystem service research may be
utilized. The paper discusses several examples of how classification schemes will be
a function of both ecosystem and ecosystem service characteristics and the decision-
making context. In addition, Wallace (2007) developed a classification of ES that
Review of Multicriteria Methodologies and Tools for the Evaluation of. . . 53
Table 1 (continued)
Method Used for/example Key references
Stepwise downscaling procedure based on expert- Abildtrup et al. (2006)
judgement and pairwise comparison to obtain
socio-economic parameters between the evolution
of socio-economics and climate change
Source: Own elaboration
management plans to improve the living conditions of current and future generations
while ensuring the health and productivity of the crab population and the mangrove
ecosystem they depend on. Rasul and Thapa (2004) examined the sustainability of
two production systems in terms of their environmental soundness, economic
viability and social acceptability, based on 12 indicators of sustainability.
In the last category, Halberg et al. (2005) selected 10 input–output accounting
systems (IOA) covering the topics of the farm’s use of nutrients, pesticides and
energy, from a survey of 55 systems and compared them. The approaches and
indicators used vary from systems based on good agricultural practices to accounts
based systems that use physical input–output units. Haas et al. (2000, 2001) used the
framework of a LCA in 18 grassland dairy farms covering three farming intensity
levels. In this study, the selection of appropriate impact categories and functional
units are emphasized, to fit specific agricultural and regional requirements in order to
compare the impact of farms. The objective of this study was to adapt the LCA
method, developed for assessing the environmental impact of production processes,
to agriculture on the whole farm level, efficiently and feasibly assessing all relevant
environmental impacts. In addition, Lundin and Morisson (2002) presented a pro-
cedure for the selection of indicators, which reflects the environmental sustainability
of urban water system. The chosen indicators were evaluated in case studies in a
developed and a developing region. This procedure combined empirical results with
a theoretical framework based on LCA methodology. Brown and Vivas (2005)
developed a method of quantitatively evaluating the human disturbance gradient
that is applicable to landscapes of varying scales from watersheds to forest patches or
isolated wetlands. Moreover, Patil et al. (2001) described the challenges of reporting
on changes in an ecosystem health at the different landscape scales. The focus was to
show how the integration of recent advances in quantitative techniques and tools will
facilitate the evaluation of ecosystem health and its measurement at a variety of
landscape scales. The challenge was to characterize, evaluate, and validate linkages
between socioeconomic drivers, biogeochemical indicators, multiscale landscape
metrics, and human life indicators. Finally, Abildrup et al. (2006) presented an
integrated approach to the construction of socio-economic scenarios required for
the analysis of climate change impacts on European agricultural land use. The
chosen scenarios ensured internal consistency between the evolution of socioeco-
nomics and climate change.
A range of methodologies are available to value changes in ES. The type of
valuation technique chosen depends on the type of ES to be valued, as well as the
quantity and quality of data available. Some valuation methods may be more suited
to capturing the values of particular ES than others (Galimberti et al. 2014). The
valuation methodologies reviewed are not new in themselves. The challenge is in
their appropriate application to ES. The Ecosystem Services Framework emphasizes
the need to consider the ecosystem as a whole and stresses that changes or impacts
on one part of an ecosystem have consequences for the whole system (Jopke et al.
2015). Key challenges in the valuation of ES relate to how ecosystems interrelate to
provide services and to dealing with issues of irreversibility and high levels of
uncertainty in how ecosystems function. All of this suggests that, while valuation
56 P. Chatzinikolaou et al.
is an important and valuable tool for good policy-making, it should be seen as only
one of the inputs in decision making (Mace et al. 2012).
Support System tool for the analysis of the environmental quality of the river basin
with particular reference to the issue of nature conservation and to support both the
planning and management processes. Oikonomou et al. (2011) proposed a concep-
tual framework that combines ecosystem function analysis, multi-criteria evaluation
58 P. Chatzinikolaou et al.
material both for the development of Agro-Ecological Indicators (AEI) and Indicators of
Environmental Impact (IEI) and for the use of multicriteria methods for sorting,
selecting, or classifying cropping or farming systems.
The last group of studies is focused on a regional or landscape scale, have attempted
a spatial distribution of specific ES. Availability of data for an assessment of ES
provision on a regional scale is often very limited. Up-scaling of detailed data from
lower scales does not always contribute to an improvement in the data base on a
regional scale (Egoh et al. 2008). Koschke et al. (2012) have applied a multicriteria
assessment framework for the evaluation of land cover change scenarios and for the
qualitative estimation of regional potentials to provide ES as a prerequisite to support
regional development planning. The objective was to present a conceptual framework
for how to assess the actual and potential future capacity of a region to provide
ES. Moreover, Kienast et al. (2009) have applied a framework to analyze the relation-
ships between the ecosystem properties of large portions of land, and their capacities to
provide goods and services using four land use scenarios. Burkhard et al. (2009) have
used quantitative and qualitative assessment data in combination with land cover and
land use information for the assessment of multiple ES. The proposed framework was
applied in different case studies and is proposed as a useful tool for the quantification
and spatial modelling of multiple ES in different landscapes. Zerger et al. (2011) have
focused on integrated sustainability and impact assessments in conservation planning.
More specifically, they apply a spatial multi-criteria assessment methodology to
construct maps of regional conservation priorities and assesses how these maps map
influence farm-scale actions. Finally, Martínez-Sastre et al. (2017) tried to assess,
through an empirical case study, how changes in cultural landscapes might affect
people living in and making use of the ES associated with those landscapes. They also
discuss the usefulness of combining a multicriteria evaluation approach with the ES
framework, as a methodological tool to support complex decision-making in situations
associated with land use planning where multiple and conflicting interests are
5 Discussion
Different studies have tried to classify, quantify, map and value ES in order to
integrate the concept into decision-making processes (e.g. Costanza et al. 1997; de
Groot et al. 2010). In general, frameworks include three main parts: (i) measuring the
provision of ES; (ii) determining the monetary value of ES; (iii) designing policy
tools for managing ES (Polasky 2008). This variety of methodological approaches
is, on which ES to measure, which indicators to use and in which scale. Seppelt et al.
(2011) provided a quantitative review of 153 ecosystem service studies that are using
a set of indicators. More than 75% excluded scenario analysis and more than 60% of
the studies did not involve stakeholders. Between 45% and 80% of the studies also
did not give sufficient information, concerning the results’ uncertainty and vali-
dation. However, this does not mean that these studies were not reproducible. This
60 P. Chatzinikolaou et al.
6 Conclusions
The objective of this paper is to review existing methodologies and tools for the
evaluation of the provision of ES with a focus on studies that used MCDA for the
assessment and evaluation of ES. We attempt to cover a representative, though not
comprehensive, sample of case studies of ES assessments using MCDA. The rising
demand for ES measurement, modelling and evaluation is the main driver for
development of ES research. A key challenge of ecosystem management is deter-
mining how to manage multiple ecosystem services across landscapes. The review
performed highlights the scope of MCDA as a decision support tool for ES evalu-
ation, since it can structure an assessment of a complex problem like evaluating ES
and allows comparison of ecological objectives with socio-cultural and economic
ones in a structured framework.
Different studies have tried to classify, quantify, map and value ES in order to
integrate the concept into decision-making processes. These efforts have suggested
measures to better evaluate ES and to improve the knowledge base of the value of
ES, as well as proposed measures that will mainstream the importance of biodiver-
sity and the value of ES. However, there are still open questions to fully integrate the
ecosystem service concept in landscape research and decision making (Seppelt et al.
2012). Despite the increase in publications on ecosystem goods and services, a
comprehensive framework for integrated assessment and valuation of ES is still
missing (Armsworth et al. 2007; van Zanten et al. 2014). Improved ways and
methods for ES quantification and assessment are needed to investigate the number
and quality of ES produced by the individual ecosystems and to increase the ability
to feed such knowledge into policy design.
According to the review performed, one of the main findings was that there does
not exist one standard method or approach to map and assess the ES and their value.
MCDA methods can structure an assessment of a complex problem along both
cognitive and normative dimensions, both of which are essential in evaluating and
assessing ES. There exists a wide variety of MCDA approaches put in practice at
different geographical scales or ongoing efforts at to harmonize the classification of
ES and their valuation. There are a number of choices to be made between classifi-
cations, methods and approaches. These choices involve firstly defining what the
purpose of the ES valuation is; determine which ES are of highest relevance;
defining the types of value information that are required; and finally select the
relevant and appropriate valuation methods. Although MCDA techniques can help
structuring the problem and supporting a more transparent decision-making, the ES
concept is currently used in a range of studies with widely differing aims creating
difficulties for policy makers as well as researchers since it makes it difficult to assess
the credibility of assessment results.
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