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Personality Development Weeks 1-2 Module

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La Salette of Roxas College, Inc. Basic Education Department S.Y.

2020 - 2021

1st Sem|Midterm|W1-W2
Personality Development

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La Salette of Roxas College, Inc. Basic Education Department S.Y. 2020 - 2021

Self-Learning Module for Grade 11

Personality Development
First Semester – Midterm

The learners demonstrate The learners should be Explain that knowing oneself can make a
understanding of able to conduct self- person accept his/her strengths and limitations
himself/herself during middle exploration and simple and dealing with others better. (EsP-
and late adolescence. disclosure. PD11/12KO-Ia-1.1) Week 1

Share his/her unique characteristics, habits,

and experiences.

The Learners demonstrate the The learners shall be Evaluate his/her own thoughts, feelings, and
various aspects of holistic able to illustrate the behaviors.
development: physiological, connections between (EsP-PD11/12DWP-Ib-2.2)
cognitive, psychological, thoughts, feelings, and Week 2
spiritual, and social behaviors in a person’s Show the connections between thoughts,
holistic development. feelings, and behaviors in actual life

The Learners demonstrate the The learners shall be Discuss developmental tasks and challenges
skills and tasks and able to make a list of experienced during adolescence.
challenges appropriate for ways to become (EsP-PD11/12DS-Ic-3.1)
middle and late adolescence, responsible adolescents
and preparatory to early prepared for adult life
adulthood. and manage the
Evaluate one’s development through the help
demands of teen years.
of significant people around him/her (peers,
Week 3-4
parents, siblings, friends, teachers, community

Identify ways that help one become capable

and responsible adolescent prepared for adult

The Learners demonstrate the The learners shall be Discuss understanding of mental health and
concepts about able to identify his/her psychological well-being.
mental health and wellbeing own vulnerabilities and (EsP-PD11/12CA-Id-4.1)
particularly stress plan on how to stay
and coping strategies in mentally healthy while Identify causes and effects of stress in one’s Week 5-6
middle and late coping with stress. life. (EsP-PD11/12CS-If-5.2)

Demonstrate personal ways to cope with

stress and maintain mental health. (EsP-

The learners demonstrate an The learners identify Discuss that understanding the different parts
understanding of how the brain ways to improve of the brain, processes and functions may help
works by considering the two learning using both the in improving thoughts, behavior and feelings.
hemisphere of the brain, the left and right brain. (EsP-PD11/12PM-Ig-6.1)
whole brain theory, and
techniques to develop Explore ways on how to improve brain
cognitive abilities. functions for personal development Week 7

1 | Personality Development (W1-W2)

La Salette of Roxas College, Inc. Basic Education Department S.Y. 2020 - 2021

Develop a personal plan to enhance brain

functions. (EsP-PD11/12PM-Ih-6.3)

The Learners demonstrate the The learners shall be Discuss that understanding the intensity and
different types of able to identify ways to differentiation of emotions may help in
emotions and how they communicate and communicating emotional expressions.
are expressed manage emotions in a (EsP-PD11/12EI-Ii-j-8.1)
healthy manner.
Explore one’s positive and negative emotions
and how one expresses or hides them. (EsP- Week 8

Demonstrate and create ways to manage

various emotions.

Schedule of Lessons
Week: 1 Topics Schedule
Explore Day 1: August 31, 2021
Activity 1: KWL Chart
Activity 2: Share It
Firm Up Day 2: September 1, 2021
Activity 3: Self-concept Inventory
Activity 4: KWL Chart
Deepen Day 3: September 2, 2021
Activity 5: Story – You Need to Take Charge of Your Future
Activity 6: My Own Personal Inventory Day 4: September 3, 2021
Activity 7: Journal Writing
Week: 2 Explore Day 5: September 6, 2021
Activity 1: Think-Feel-Act
Firm Up
Activity 2: Short-answer Question Day 6: September 7, 2021
Activity 3: Picture Analysis
Deepen Day 7: September 8, 2021
Activity 4: My Special Tree
Activity 5: Reflection Day 8: September 9, 2021


The Getting-to-Know-You activity are common during the first day of school. Teachers will ask you to
state the common facts about yourself like, name, age, birthday, address, motto in life, or just give adjectives that
most describe your personality. Admit it or not, this is not a simple task to do because most often times, for you to
think of idea to describe yourself, you tend to get the first adjective that comes into your mind for the sake of
complying even if it does not define you.

Personal Development starts with self-development follows by the different aspects of

development or the factors which affects your decisions, building and maintaining relationship which are
individuals who will support you throughout your development process, and it ends with career development
which is the time you can decide for your future. This will assist you in achieving total development. You get to
appreciate the time to look more closely into self, have the opportunity to understand yourself by identifying
your strengths and limitations and eventually share them to others. As you go through in this module, think
about this question:
How important is self-awareness in understanding one’s self?

2 | Personality Development (W1-W2)

La Salette of Roxas College, Inc. Basic Education Department S.Y. 2020 - 2021

Lesson Number Topic Learning Competencies Time Frame

Explain that knowing oneself can make a person accept
1 Knowing Oneself his/her strengths and limitations and dealing with others Week 1
better. (EsP-PD11/12KO-Ia-1.1)
Share his/her unique characteristics, habits, and
experiences. (EsP-PD11/12KO-Ia-1.2)
Evaluate his/her own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
2 Holistic (EsP-PD11/12DWP-Ib-2.2) Week 2
Development Show the connections between thoughts, feelings, and
behaviors in actual life situations.


Slogan or Personal
Declaration on Being
Students on their own using PERFORMANCE STANDARD Happy
what they have discovered
about themselves shall create a
plan for their career which PERFORMANCE TASK
portrays balance of life and
The learners should be able to
matured individual.
conduct self-exploration that
illustrates the connections between
thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in
order to make a list of ways to
TRANSFER GOAL become responsible adolescents EU: Knowing oneself is
prepared for adult life and manage important in self-discovery since
the demands of teen years. it helps the person to find ways to
improve oneself and be prepared
for their career choices.
Explain that knowing oneself can make a EQ: How does knowing yourself
person accept his/her strengths and limitations be an advantage in planning and
and Share his/her unique characteristics, making decisions in life?
habits, and experiences
Evaluate and show connections in his/her own SELF-DEVELOPMENT
thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
Discuss developmental tasks and challenges
which he/she can evaluate one’s development
through the help of significant people to
identify ways that help one become capable The learners demonstrate understanding of
and responsible adolescent prepared for adult
himself/herself, the various aspects of holistic
development, skills, tasks and challenges
appropriate for middle and late adolescence.



Expected Skills:
To do well in this module, you need to remember and do the following:
1. Conduct self-awareness.
2. Disclose a part of themselves to others.
3. Evaluate one’s thought, feelings, and behaviors.
4. Show connections between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in actual life situations.
5. Classify different tasks during this adolescence stage.
6. Assess own development in comparison with those of same age.
7. Determine ways to become a responsible maturing adolescent.
8. Interpret the concepts of mental health and psychological well-being in everyday observations about mental
health problems during adolescence.
9. Identify their own vulnerabilities.
10. Create a plan to stay mentally healthy during adolescence.

3 | Personality Development (W1-W2)

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11. Discuss the importance of how the left and right brain may help in improving one’s learning.
12. Explore two types of mind mapping techniques.
13. Make a plan to improve learning through mind mapping activities.
14. Discuss understanding about emotions.
15. Explore one’s positive and negative emotions and how they express or hide them.
16. Demonstrate and create ways to manage various emotions.


Multiple Choice
Directions: Read carefully the following questions below. Choose and write your answers on the activity sheet found at
the end of the lesson.
1. What best describes when your self-concept is being threatened?
a. You continue to work on a task and you realize you are getting better at it every day.
b. The person that you met saw you in the way that you imagined.
c. You are at a new job and you were able to make a good impression on your employer.
d. You are repeatedly told that you do not have ability to perform a task.
2. What factors contribute to negative body image?
a. Advertisement b. Media c. All are correct d. Negative comments from others
3. Which of the following is a part of self-identity?
a. Roles b. Social identity c. Self-esteem d. All are correct
4. Growing up in a family where feelings were not talked about is an example of:
a. A barrier to self-awareness c. A self-awareness booster
b. A good model for self-awareness d. A rule for enrichment
5. Which of the following is not on the wheel of awareness?
a. Thoughts b. Feelings c. Past actions d. IQ
6. What kinds of issues can a person with a negative body image suffer from?
a. Low self-esteem b. Anorexia c. Depression d. All are correct
7. Which of the following roles is part of a person’s social identity?
a. Religious roles b. Gender roles c. Political affiliations d. All are correct
8. Being self-aware can:
a. Identify feelings and thoughts to work through.
b. Help you make wiser decisions.
c. Deepen friendships
d. All are correct.
9. What best describes when your self-concept is seeking change?
a. You are going to a party and you decide to dress drastically different from the way people have seen you
b. You stayed at home for the past three college summers but suddenly decide to do a study abroad program for
your final year.
c. You go to a networking event and you decide to speak to people you never spoke to before.
d. All are correct.
10. It is an intense fear of gaining weight.
a. Anxiety b. Anorexia Nervosa c. Bulimia Nervosa d. Panic Attack

True or False
Directions: Determine if the statement is true or false. Write your answer in your activity sheet found at the end of the
1. The foundation of developing your personality is “you”.
2. If we do not know how our minds work, we can be intentional about influencing our thinking and feeling patterns.
3. Adolescents can easily adapt to the changes in their lives by themselves for they are more independent than
4. Peer pressure is the reason why teens modify their behavior, activities, etc. just to be accepted in a group.
5. Mental illness is a cognitive disability, which means it is a different journey with different challenges. It is
essential to treat all people with respect because you do not know how life is like in their shoes.
6. Having a wound will not get better with just simple medication. It also takes time, exercise, and hard work.
Likewise, mental illness is the same. One needs patience, get help from others, and talk about it. Then, you will
start to feel better, too.

4 | Personality Development (W1-W2)

La Salette of Roxas College, Inc. Basic Education Department S.Y. 2020 - 2021

7. People cannot actually remember more of what they hear and read if they are in a positive emotional state when
they hear or read it.
8. An adolescent does not feel emotional highs or lows during the adolescence stage.
9. In a relationship, both must respect each one’s decision and hear the side of other.
10. It is your responsibility to give time every day with your partner. If it does not meet, you need to console



Have you ever wondered how other sees you when you’re with them or what comes to their minds when they heard
your name? Have you also wondered if what you see yourself is the same as others sees you? As you attempt to
uncover the answer about yourself, think about this question:
How does knowing yourself can be an advantage in planning and making decisions in life?

Activity 1: KWL Chart

Directions: Check your understanding of this lesson by doing the activity below. Fill in the K column with the things you
already know and W column of the things you still want to learn and wonder about the topic. Write your answers on the
activity sheet found at the end of the lesson.
What I know about the topic What I want to learn about the topic What I learned about the topic

Activity 2: Share It
Before you begin the lesson, answer briefly the questions below. Write your answers on the activity sheet found the end of
the lesson.
 How do you perceive yourself as a young man/lady?
 Do you think that there is a difference between how you see yourself and what is projected in the eyes of others?


Your goal in this section is to gain information about knowing oneself and discovering your strengths and
weaknesses. Continue to think about this question:

How does knowing yourself can be an advantage in planning and making decisions in life?

Activity 3: Self-concept Inventory

LC: Explain that knowing oneself can make a person accept his/her strengths and limitations and dealing with others
Directions: Take a look at your own self-concept and answer the following self-concept inventory in your activity sheet.
Give yourself a rating using the scale: 0=very weak; 1=weak; 2=somewhat weak or somewhat strong; 3=strong;
4=very strong. After answering the inventory, do the scoring in your answer sheet and answer the follow-up questions.

___a. I have strong sex appeal.

___b. I am proud of my physical figure.
___c. I am physically attractive and beautiful/handsome.
___d. I exude with charm and poise.
___e. I am easy to get along with.
___f. I can adjust to different people and different situations.
___g. I am approachable; other people are at ease and comfortable with me.
___h. I am lovable and easy to love.
___i. I am a fast learner, can understand with one instruction.

5 | Personality Development (W1-W2)

La Salette of Roxas College, Inc. Basic Education Department S.Y. 2020 - 2021

___j. I am intelligent.
___k. I have special talents and abilities.
___l. I can easily analyze situations and make right judgments.
___m. I can be trusted in any transaction.
___n. I have a clean conscience and carry no guilt feeling.
___o. I have integrity and good reputation.
___p. My friends and classmates can look up to me as a model worth emulating.
___q. I can express my ideas without difficulty.
___r. I talk in a persuasive manner that I can easily get people to accept what I say.
___s. I can express my ideas in writing without difficulty.
___t. I am a good listener.
___u. I am emotionally stable and not easily rattled when faced with trouble.
___v. I am logical and rational in my outlook and decisions.
___w. I feel and act with confidence.
___x. I am a mature person.

Process Questions:
Look at the results of your self-concept inventory and answer the following questions.
1. In what areas do you consider yourself strong (with score 14-16) or somewhat weak (score of 10-13) and very
weak (below 10)
2. Are there qualities you consider as your weakness but other people consider as your strength? What are these?
Example: A lady can say, “I’m ugly” yet other consider her very charming. Or conversely, one can have the illusion of
saying “I am very intelligent or competent” when most of his ideas sound unreasonable or illogical to most of the people.
There is indeed a big difference between what you see in yourself (real self-image) and what is projected in the eyes of the
others (your social-image).
3. How realistic is your self-image?
4. To what extent does it reflect your real self?
5. How does knowing yourself be an advantage in planning and making decisions in life?

Scaffold 1: My Own Personal Inventory

A. Draw an object that would best describe you on the box provided in your LAS. Make sure that the object you
have chosen possesses the qualities that you also have.

B. Compare your own strengths and weaknesses to that of the object that you have drawn. Complete each sentence to
describe yourself and the object that you have chosen.

Scaffold 2: Journal Writing

Directions: After learning significant things about yourself, reflect on your discoveries. Refer on the questions below.
Write your reflection on the activity sheet after the lessons.
 What do you think your strengths and limitations that makes you as a unique individual?
 How can you use it in helping your co-students?
 As a Salettinian, how will you practice the things you learned from this lesson?

For further explanation about this topic, study the PowerPoint Presentation given to you in your
Group Chat.


Activity 4: KWL Chart

LC: Share his/her unique characteristics, habits, and experiences.
What realizations do you have about the topic? What connections have you made for yourself? Complete the table by
sharing “What I have learned about the topic”. Do this in your LAS.

What I know about the topic What I want to learn about the topic What I learned about the topic

Activity 5: Story – You Need to Take Charge of Your Future by Bo Sanchez

LC: Share his/her unique characteristics, habits, and experiences.
6 | Personality Development (W1-W2)
La Salette of Roxas College, Inc. Basic Education Department S.Y. 2020 - 2021

Processing Question
1. What have you discovered about yourself?
2. What are your core strengths?
3. What are the qualities you want to hone and improve on?
4. How does knowing yourself can be advantage in planning and making decisions in life?


How much do you understand your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors? Perhaps, some of you have difficulties in
answering this question because there are times that you really do not understand your thoughts, feelings, and the way
you behave. As you attempt to uncover the answer about it, think about this questions:
What does it mean to be whole?

How important is self-awareness in understanding one’s self?

Activity 6: Think-Feel-Act
Scenario: Imagine yourself seated on your chair, waiting for your test paper to be returned to you. You have no idea what
is your score in your test.
Directions: On the chart below there are 3 columns; 1) what you are thinking, 2) how you are feeling and 3) what are
your responses. Enumerate your what is being asked on each box. Write your answer in your LAS.

What does your output say? Have you noticed something about your answers? Let’s figure it in the next part of the

Your goal in this section is to gain information about how feelings, thoughts, and behavior connected and what it
means to be a whole. Continue to think about this question:
What does it mean to be whole?

Activity 7: Short-answer Question

LC: Evaluate his/her own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
Directions: Read the questions below and answer briefly. Write your answers on your LAS.
1. How do you feel today?
2. What did you do for your physical and social activities for the past days?
3. Did you participate in any religious activities recently?

7 | Personality Development (W1-W2)

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4. How are these physical, social, spiritual and psychological activities affect or influence you as a person?
Activity 8: Picture Analysis
LC: Show the connections between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in actual life situations.
Directions: Evaluate their values, thoughts, and feelings from the given pictures. Explain your reaction.
Write your answer in your Learning Activity Sheet (LAS)

For further explanation about this topic, study the PowerPoint Presentation given to you in your
Group Chat.


Activity 9: My Special Tree

Directions: Draw a tree inside the given box in your LAS. Leave a space for each parts of the tree such as roots,
branches, leaves, fruits, and flowers. Each represents the most significant part in your life as defined below. After your
draw, answer the process questions below.
Roots: parents, grandparents, and caretaker: Who looked after you while growing up.
Branches: members of the family; write their names in every branch.
Flowers: things in life that makes you feel good about yourself.
Leaves: significant events in your life. Write the specific occasions inside each leaf.
Fruits: your achievements no matter how big or small; write it inside the fruit.
Reflect on your drawing by answering the following questions.
1. How do you describe the activity? How does your tree relate to you and your life?
2. Where do you think you are in your drawing? Which part of the tree do you belong?
3. Do you feel any strange emotions when you draw and write the name/s for the roots? Why?
4. How does it feel when you draw the leaves and write the significant events in your life?
5. Did you miss anything in your drawing? Why did you leave them out? What did you feel when you decide to do
6. Do you have someone in your life you want to forget? How does it feel when you are reminded of this person?
7. What does it mean to be whole?

Activity 10: Reflection

Everything about you is a reflection of some meaningful pieces of God’s beautiful and perfect creation.
Since conception, you are considered a perfect piece of art designed by the hands of God. You are a human and
everything around you are symbolic manifestations of God’s presence.
The memories and emotional state that evolved while you are doing your life’s assignments help you
see and understand yourself or your life from different angles and this help enhance your self-awareness. When
you fully understand yourself, you can live more effectively and have more successful life.

1. What is your understanding or insights about the selection?

2. How do you describe yourself as God’s perfect and beautiful creation?
3. How helpful are your life’s problems and frustrations in becoming a better person?
4. How will you make your life more meaningful?
5. How can you use it to help others especially your family, friends and classmates?
6. As a Salettinian, how can you promote Solidarity and Stewardship?

References and Website Links used in this Lesson:

8 | Personality Development (W1-W2)

La Salette of Roxas College, Inc. Basic Education Department S.Y. 2020 - 2021

Ramos, M. (2017). Moving Up: A Guide to Personal and Career Development. Teachers Wraparound Edition.

Prepared by: Mrs. Ethylle Joyce P. Alindayu

Personality Development Subject Teacher


NAME: _________________________________________________ STRAND: ______________________________

Multiple Choice True or False
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.
6. 6.
7. 7.
8. 8.
9. 9.
10. 10.

Activity 1: KWL Chart

What I know about the topic What I want to learn about the topic What I learned about
the topic

Activity 2: Share It
1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________

Activity 3: Self-concept Inventory

Physical appeal Human Relations Intelligence
a. e. i.
b. f. j.
c. g. k.
d. h. l.
Subtotal: Subtotal: Subtotal:
Character Communications Maturity
9 | Personality Development (W1-W2)
La Salette of Roxas College, Inc. Basic Education Department S.Y. 2020 - 2021

m. q. u.
n. r. v.
o. s. w.
p. t. x.
Subtotal: Subtotal: Subtotal:
Process Questions:
1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________________________________

Scaffold 1: My Own Personal Inventory

I compare myself to a/an __________________________________________.

My Strength
One strong point of the ________________________ is that it is _______________________________. Like this
object, I am _____________________________________.
My Weakness
One weak point of the ________________________ is that it is _______________________________. Like this
object, I am _____________________________________.

Scaffold 2: Journal Writing


Activity 4: KWL Chart

What I know about the What I want to learn about What I learned about the topic
topic the topic

Activity 5: Story – You Need to Take Charge of Your Future by Bo Sanchez

Processing Question
1. __________________________________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________________________________________
10 | Personality Development (W1-W2)
La Salette of Roxas College, Inc. Basic Education Department S.Y. 2020 - 2021

4. ___________________________________________________________________________________________

Activity 6: Think-Feel-Act
What you are thinking How you are feeling What are your responses

Activity 7: Short-answer Question

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________________________________

Activity 8: Picture Analysis

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________________________________

Activity 9: My Special Tree

Process Questions:
1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
6. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
7. ___________________________________________________________________________________________

11 | Personality Development (W1-W2)

La Salette of Roxas College, Inc. Basic Education Department S.Y. 2020 - 2021

Activity 10: Reflection

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
6. ___________________________________________________________________________________________

12 | Personality Development (W1-W2)

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