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Int. J. Morphol.

27(1):65-68, 2009.

Multiple Abnormal Unerupted Mandibular Permanent

Molar Teeth: A Case Report

Molares Mandibulares Anormales No-Erupcionados Múltiples: Reporte de un Caso

Umit Karacayli & **Nuket Gocmen-Mas

KARACAYLI, U. & GOCMEN-MAS, N. Multiple abnormal unerupted mandibular permanent molar teeth: a case report. Int. J.
Morphol., 27(1):65-68, 2009.

SUMMARY: Abnormal multiply unerupted permanent molars have long received the attention of anatomists and maxillofacial
surgeons besides the other developmental teeth anomalies. This paper presents a clinical case of a 23-year-old male patient who was
admitted to the department of maxillofacial surgery in faculty of dentistry in Gulhane Medical School with a six month history of pain at
the rest position and during chewing and also tender on his right corpus of mandible. The impaction which resulted in eruption failure and
anatomical dislocation of the normally developed three mandibular molar teeth was found. It was defined facial asymmetry on his right
side in extra-oral examination. Diagnosis of multiple abnormal unerupted mandibular molar teeth was confirmed by panoramic and 3D
CT images. The unerupted inverted tooth was the third molar which is positioned to basis of the mandible on the right side. In the other
side, the first molar was placed on basis of mandible and located distoangulary. The second molar was located on middle of the left corpus
mandible vertically. And also, the third molar was erupted mesioangulary. The arch-length was evaluated by the oral surgeon. Mesio-
distal distance between the teeth was to be sufficient. Causes of impacted permanent teeth might have been influenced by local factors
such as prolonged deciduous tooth retention, malposed tooth germs, but not causing arch-length deficiency and supernumerary teeth.
Abnormalities such as those reported in the present case are significant during maxillofacial surgery.

KEY WORDS: Malposed molar teeth; Permanent teeth, Uneruption; Abnormality.


The anatomy and embryological development of the declared by many authors (Hayashi-Sakai et al., 2005; Ostuka
molar teeth are of importance for clinicians. Multiply et al., 2001). They claimed that primary tooth impaction is
abnormal unerupted permanent mandibular molars have also usually associated with defect in the development and
long received the attention of anatomists and oral surgeons eruption of the permanent successors (Ostuka et al.).
during surgical approaches. Normally, the molars whose size Secondary retention refers to the cessation of eruption of a
decreases distally, each has rectangular occlusal surface with tooth after emergence neither because of a physical barrier
four or five cusps in lower jaw. The lower first molar has in the path of eruption nor as a result of an unusual position
three buccal and two lingual cusps on its rectangular occlusal (Raghoebar et al., 1990, 1991).
surface, the smallest being distobuccal. The cusps of this
tooth are all separated by fissures, it has two widely separated Normally, eruption of the first permanent lower mo-
roots as mesial and distal. The smaller lower second molar lar tooth is 6-7 years, the second molar is 11-13 years, and
is like the first but usually lacks the distobuccal cusp and its the third molar is 17-21 years (Williams et al.). As the jaws
two roots are closer together. The lower third molar is smaller lengthen the dental lamina grows posteriorly from the distal
still and like the upper third molar it is variable in form. aspect of the second deciduous molar germ as a solid cord
Some variations in the form of teeth, being characteristic of of epithelium, not connected with the surface. From the deep
race, are of anthropological and forensic interest (Williams border of this “burrowing” lamina, buds for the three
et al., 1995). Despite to involving unerupted permanent teeth, permanent molars develop in mesiodistal sequence, the first
primary failure of tooth eruption involving primary teeth was molar bud appearing in the 16-week fetus, the second at about

Gulhane Medical School Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Ankara, TURKEY.
Kocatepe University School of Medicine Department of Anatomy, Afyonkarahisar, TURKEY.

KARACAYLI, U. & GOCMEN-MAS, N. Multiple abnormal unerupted mandibular permanent molar teeth: a case report. Int. J. Morphol., 27(1):65-68, 2009.

one year and the third at five years. Each bud is initiated in Diagnosis of multiple abnormal unerupted
the ramus of the lower jaw but, with progressive resorption mandibular molar teeth was confirmed by 3D CT (Figs.1a,c)
of the anterior border of coronoid process, they come to occupy and panoramic (Fig.1b). The arch-length was evaluated by
the body of the mandible. From each deciduous tooth germ at the oral surgeon. The findings were photographed and
its bell stage a lingual successional lamina grows from the site documented. A written informed consent was obtained for
of continuity between outer and enamel epithelium and dental case report and disclosure of photographs, radiographs and
lamina. Each grows down into mesenchyme lingual to a CT scans for scientific purposes.
deciduous tooth and from its end a bud develops for a
permanent successor, which becomes surrounded by its own It was found the impaction resulted in eruption failure
follicle and crypt. The follicle maintains fibrous continuity and anatomical dislocation of the normally developed three
with the lamina propria of oral mucosa by “gubernacular mandibular molar teeth. One of the unerupted inverted teeth
cords”, whose original positions are visible in young skulls as was the right third molar (LR8), which was positioned to
“gubernacular canals”. Information on the development of basis of the mandible. On the left side, the first mandibular
teeth and their emergence into the oral cavity is significant in molar (LL6) was located on the basis of mandible
clinical or surgical practice and in forensic medicine and distoangulary and the second molar (LL7) was located on
archaeology as well (Miloro, 2004; Williams et al.). middle of the corpus of the mandible vertically. And also,
the third molar (LL8) was erupted mesioangulary. Mesio-
distal distance between the teeth was to be sufficient. It was
CASE REPORT defined both facial asymmetry and swelling on the right side
due to impacted invert third molar tooth in basis of ramus
mandible during extra oral examination, and also mandibular
This report presents a clinical case of a 23-year-old asymmetry in 3D CT on the right side (Fig.2). The patient’s
male patient who was admitted to the Department of family did not have a similar complaint. Clinical examination
Maxillofacial Surgery in Faculty of Dentistry in Gulhane did not reveal systemic and embryologic diseases and trau-
Medical School, with a six month history of pain at the rest ma in the facial region. A general physician was consulted
position and during chewing and also tender on his right who confirmed that there were no associated dysplasic
corpus of mandible. The dislocated molar teeth were defined syndromes. Extra oral surgical approach was planned for
during routine examination. History of systemic and LR8 and LL6 because of abnormal positioning of the teeth
embryological diseases, dysplasic syndromes and trauma in in basis of the mandible. Surgical approach was not accepted
the facial region were consulted by the general physician. by the patient due to aesthetical reason.

Fig. 1. (a) Transvers CT image of the assymetric mandible. (b) Panoramic radiograph of the
whole dentition of upper and lower jaws. In the mandible the right third molar and the left first
and second molar teeth have been unerupted. (c) Assymetric right corpus of the mandible has
been indicated by the arrow.

KARACAYLI, U. & GOCMEN-MAS, N. Multiple abnormal unerupted mandibular permanent molar teeth: a case report. Int. J. Morphol., 27(1):65-68, 2009.

Fig.2: 3D CT image of assymetric right ramus of the mandible. The location of the unerupted teeth have been shown.


Many authors concerning the classification and the factors or/and local factors such as prolonged deciduous tooth
incidence of impacted teeth and specifically premolars but retention, malposed tooth germs, arch-length deficiency,
not mostly molars are reviewed. In literature there is a little supernumerary teeth, odontogenic tumors abnormal eruption
and limited knowledge about presence of unusual or multiply path and cleft lip and palate may influence impaction of
unerupted molars. For this reason we aimed to decelerate permanent teeth (Jacoby et al., 1983; Raghoebar et al., 1991;
multiple abnormal unerupted mandibular permanent molar Moyres, 1998; Miloro). The impaction of first molars is often
teeth as a variant. diagnosed as ectopic eruption, whereas impaction of second
molars is usually associated with arch-length deficiency
According to the literature, the canine tooth was the (Raghoebar et al., 1991). Normally, the gubernacular canals
most frequent non-third molar impaction identified, followed are said to guide erupting permanent teeth into their correct
by premolars and second molars (Ahlqwist & Gröndahl, positions (Williams et al.). In the present case, the causes of
1991; Miloro). Thilander & Myrberg (1973) found a 5.4% impacted permanent teeth might have been influenced by
prevalence of impacted teeth excluding third molars. Dachi local factors, such as prolonged deciduous tooth retention,
and Howell found the incidence of impacted canines in the malposed tooth germs, but not arch-length deficiency and
maxilla to be 0.92% and of other non-third molar teeth to be supernumerary. Causes of impacted permanent teeth might
0.38%. Impactions of first molars and incisors are relatively have been influenced by local factors, such as prolonged
uncommon (Raghoebar et al., 1990; 1991). Systemic factors, deciduous tooth retention, malposed tooth germs (Miloro),
such as cleidocranial dysplasia, endocrine deficiency, febrile but not causing arch-length deficiency and supernumerary
disease, Down Syndrome and irradiation, other systemic teeth. We think that the molar teeth of the present case may

KARACAYLI, U. & GOCMEN-MAS, N. Multiple abnormal unerupted mandibular permanent molar teeth: a case report. Int. J. Morphol., 27(1):65-68, 2009.

not follow the correct gabernacular canals guide as a cause The firstly reported case and the data may support
of this the unerupted teeth inverts uncommon position. the literature about presence of the multiple abnormal
unerupted mandibular molar teeth. Detailed information
Unerupted molars may exist in some cases. Dentists about unerupted molar teeth is of importance to eliminate in
should keep this in mind when examining the oral cavity, deficiency about the subject during diagnostic interventions
both clinically and radiographically when multiply unerupted and surgical procedures. Look forward to develop with ex-
molars are found. tra anatomical data and clinical studies.

KARACAYLI, U. & GOCMEN-MAS, N. Molares mandibulares anormales no-erupcionados múltiples: Reporte de un caso. Int. J.
Morphol., 27(1):65-68, 2009.

RESUMEN: Los molares permanentes anormales no erupcionados múltiples, además de otras anomalías del desarrollo de los
dientes, desde hace tiempo han recibido atención de anatomistas y cirujanos maxilofaciales. Este artículo presenta un caso clínico de un
paciente masculino de 23 años de edad, que fue admitido en el Departamento de Cirugía Maxilofacial de la Facultad de Odontología de
la Escuela de Medicina Gulhane, con una historia de seis meses de dolor, en la posición de descanso y durante la masticación, así como
dolor en su cuerpo mandibular derecho. Fue encontrada la impactación que resulta de la falla en la erupción y la dislocación de la
anatomía normal del desarrollo en tres molares mandibulares. En el examen extraoral fue definida asimetría facial del lado derecho. El
diagnóstico de molares mandibulares anormales no erupcionados múltiples fue confirmado por radiografía panorámica e imágenes de
tomografía 3D. El diente invertido no erupcionado fue el tercer molar que se encontró en la base de la mandíbula en el lado derecho. En
el otro lado, el primer molar se posicionó sobre la base de la mandíbula distoangularmente. El segundo molar se encontró verticalmente
en medio del cuerpo mandibular izquierdo. También, el tercer molar erupcionó mesioangularmente. La longitud del arco fue evaluada por
el cirujano oral. La distancia mesio-distal entre los dientes fue suficiente. Las causas de impactación de los dientes permanentes podrían
haber sido influenciadas por los factores locales, tales como la retención prolongada de dientes deciduos o gérmenes dentales
malposicionados, pero no fueron provocados por deficiencia de longitud del arco y dientes supernumerarios. Anomalías tales como las
reportadas en el presente caso, son importantes en la cirugía maxilofacial.

PALABRAS CLAVE: Molares malposicionados; Dientes permanentes; No erupción; Anormalidad.

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