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Chapter 20

Soybean, Nutrition and Health

Sherif M. Hassan

Additional information is available at the end of the chapter

1. Introduction

Soybean (Glycine max L.) is a species of legume native to East Asia, widely grown for its edi‐
ble bean which has several uses. This chapter will focuses on soybean nutrition and soy food
products, and describe the main bioactive compounds in the soybean and their effects on
human and animal health.

2. Soybean and nutrition

Soybean is recognized as an oil seed containing several useful nutrients including pro‐
tein, carbohydrate, vitamins, and minerals. Dry soybean contain 36% protein, 19% oil,
35% carbohydrate (17% of which dietary fiber), 5% minerals and several other compo‐
nents including vitamins [1]. Tables 1 and 2 show the different nutrients content of soy‐
bean and its by-products [2]

Soybean protein is one of the least expensive sources of dietary protein [3]. Soybean protein
is considered to be a good substituent for animal protein [4], and their nutritional profile ex‐
cept sulfur amino acids (methionine and cysteine) is almost similar to that of animal protein
because soybean proteins contain most of the essential amino acids required for animal and
human nutrition. Researches on rats indicated that the biological value of soy protein is sim‐
ilar to many animal proteins such as casein if enriched with the sulfur-containing amino
acid methionine [5]. According to the standard for measuring protein quality, Protein Di‐
gestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score, soybean protein has a biological value of 74, whole
soybeans 96, soybean milk 91, and eggs 97[6]. Soybeans contain two small storage proteins
known as glycinin and beta-conglycinin.

© 2013 Hassan; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
454 Soybean - Bio-Active Compounds


Nutrient Protein Seed heat Meal solvent Seed without hulls,

concentrate processed extracted meal solvent extracted

Protein% 13.3 84.1 37.0 44.0 48.5

Fat% 1.6 0.4 18.0 0.8 1.0

Linoleic acid % - - 8.46 0.40 0.40

Crude fiber% 33.0 0.2 5.5 7.0 3.9

Calcium% 0.37 0.0 0.25 0.29 0.27

Total phosphorus% 0.19 080 058 065 0.62

Non phytate phosphorus

- 0.32 - 0.27 0.22

Potassium % 1.50 0.18 1.61 2.00 1.98

Chlorine% 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.05 0.05

Iron (mg/kg) - 130 80 120 170

Magnesium % 0.12 0.01 0.28 0.27 0.30

Manganese(mg/kg) 29 1 30 29 43

Sodium % 0.25 0.07 0.03 0.01 0.02

Sulfur % 0.06 0.71 0.22 0.43 0.44

Copper (mg/kg) - 7 16 22 15

Selenium (mg/kg) - 0.10 0.11 0.10 0.10

Zinc (mg/kg) - 23 25 40 55

Biotein(mg/kg) 0.22 0.3 0.27 0.32 0.32

Choline(mg/kg) 640 2 2.860 2794 2731

Folacin (mg/kg) 0.30 2.5 4.2 1.3 1.3

Niacin(mg/kg) 24 6 22 29 22

Pantothenic acid (mg/kg) 13.0 4.2 11.0 16.0 15.0

Pyridoxine(mg/kg) 2.2 5.4 10.8 6.0 5.0

Riboflavin(mg/kg) 3.5 1.2 2.6 2.9 2.9

Thiamin(mg/kg) 2.2 0.2 11.0 4.5 3.2

Vitamin B12 (µg/kg) - - - - -

Vitamin E (mg/kg) - - 40 2 3

Table 1. Shows composition of soybean and some soybean by-product.

Soybean, Nutrition and Health 455


Seed without
Nutrient Protein Seed heat Meal solvent
flour hulls, meal
concentrate processed extracted
solvent extracted

Arginine% 0.94 6.70 2.59 3.14 3.48

Glycine % 0.40 3.30 1.55 1.90 2.05

Serine% - 5.30 1.87 2.29 2.48

Histidine% 0.18 2.10 0.99 1.17 1.28

Isoleucine% 0.40 4.60 1.56 1.96 2.12

Leucine % 0.57 6.60 2.75 3.39 3.74

Lysine% 0.48 5.50 2.25 2.69 2.96

Methionine% 0.10 0.81 0.53 0.62 0.67

Cystine% 0.21 0.49 0.54 0.66 0.72

Phenylalanine% 0.37 4.30 1.78 2.16 2.34

Tyrosine% 0.23 3.10 1.34 1.91 1.95

Threonine% 0.30 3.30 1.41 1.72 1.87

Tryptophan% 0.10 0.81 0.51 0.74 0.74

Valine% 0.37 4.40 1.65 2.07 2.22

Table 2. Shows amino acids contain of soybean and some soybean by-product.

On the other hand, Soy vegetable oil is another product of processing the soybean crop used
in many industrial applications. Soybean oil contains about 15.65% saturated fatty acids,
22.78% monounsaturated fatty acids, and 57.74% polyunsaturated fatty acids (7% linolenic
acid and 54% linoleic acid) [7]. Furthermore, soybeans contain several bioactive compounds
such as isoflavones among other, which possess many beneficial effects on animal and hu‐
man health [8].

Soybean is very important for vegetarians and vegans because of its rich in several beneficial
nutrients. In addition, it can be prepared into a different type of fermented and non-ferment‐
ed soy foods. Asians consume about 20–80 g daily of customary soy foods in many forms
including soybean sprouts, toasted soy protein flours, soy milk, tofu and many more. Also
fermented soy food products consumed include tempeh, miso, natto, soybean paste and soy
sauce among other [9, 10]. This quantity intake of soy foods is equivalent daily to 25 and 100
mg total isoflavones [11] and between 8 and 50 g soy protein [12]. On the other hand, west‐
ern people consume only about 1–3 g daily soy foods mostly as soy drinks, breakfast cereals,
and soy burgers among other processed soy food forms [10].

Soybean is used as the raw material for oil milling, and the residue (soybean meal) can be
mainly used as source of protein feedstuff for domestic animals including pig, chicken,
456 Soybean - Bio-Active Compounds

cattle, horse, sheep, and fish feed and many prepackaged meals as well [1]. It is widely
used as a filler and source of protein in animal diets, including pig, chicken, cattle, horse,
sheep, and fish feed [13]. In general, soybean meal is a great source of protein ranged
from 44-49%, but methionine is usually the only limiting amino acid and contains some
anti-nutritional factors such as trypsin inhibitor and hemaglutinins (lectins) which can be
destroyed by heating and fermenting the soybean meal before use. Textured vegetable
protein (TVP) is another soybean byproduct has been used for more than 50 years as in‐
expensively and safely extending ground beef up to 30% for hamburgers or veggie bur‐
gers, without reducing its nutritional value and in many poultry and dairy products (soy
milk, margarine, soy ice cream, soy yogurt, soy cheese, and soy cream cheese). as well [1,
13, 14, 15]. The total estimates of feed consumed for broilers, turkeys, layers and associat‐
ed breeders production over the world in 2006 was about 452 million tones [16]. This esti‐
mated value is calculated depending on poultry feeds containing about 30% soybean meal
on average. Therefore, 136 million tones of soybean meal are used annually in poultry
feeds. As a generalization, the numbers shown can be multiplied by 0.3 for an estimate of
the needs of soybean meal. Soy-based infant formula (SBIF) is another soybean product
that can be used for infants who are allergic to pasteurized cow milk proteins. It is sold
in powdered, ready-to-feed, and concentrated liquid forms without side effects on human
growth, development, or reproduction [17, 18, 19].

There are several types commercially available of non fermented soy foods, including soy
milk, infant formulas, tofu (soybean curd), soy sauce, soybean cake, tempeh, su-jae, and
many more. However, fermented foods include soy sauce, fermented bean paste, natto, and
tempeh, among others. Fermented soybean paste is native to the East and Southeast Asia
countries such as Korea, China, Japan, Indonesia, and Vietnam [20]. Korean soy foods in‐
cluding kochujang (fermented red pepper paste with soybean flour) and long-term ferment‐
ed soybean pastes (doenjang, chungkukjang, and chungkookjang) are now internationally
accepted foods [20]. Furthermore, natto and miso are originally Japanese soy food types of
chungkukjang and doenjang, respectively. China also has different fermented soybean prod‐
ucts including doubanjiang, douche (sweet noodle sauce), tauchu (yellow soybean paste),
and dajiang. Chungkukjang is a short-term fermented soy food similar to Japanese natto,
whereas doenjang, kochujang, and kanjang (fermented soy sauce) undergo long term fer‐
mentation as do Chinese tauchu and Japanese miso.

In general, this fermentation of soy foods changes the physical and chemical properties of
soy food products including the color, flavor and bioactive compounds content. These
changes differ according to different production methods such as the conditions of fermen‐
tation, the additives, and the organisms used such as bacteria or yeasts during their manu‐
facture. These changes differ as well as whether the soybeans are roasted as in chunjang or
aged as in tauchu before being ground. In addition to physicochemical properties, the fer‐
mentation of these soybean products changes the bioactive components, such as isoflavo‐
noids and peptides, in ways which may alter their nutritional and health effects.

Also, the nutritional value of cooked soybean depends on the pre-processing and the
method of cooking such as boiling, frying, roasting, baking, and many more. The quality
Soybean, Nutrition and Health 457

and quantity of soybean components is considerably changed by physical and chemical

or enzymatic processes during the producing of soy-based foods [21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26].
Fermentation is a great processing method for improving nutritional and functional
properties of soybeans due to the increased content of many bioactive compounds. On
the other hand, the conformation of soy protein (glycinin) is easily altered by heat
(steaming) and salt [27]. Many large molecules in raw soybean are broken down by en‐
zymatic hydrolysis during fermentation to small molecules, which are responsible for
producing new functional properties for the final products. For example, isoflavones,
which are mostly present as 6-O-malonylglucoside and β-glycoside conjugates and asso‐
ciated with soybean proteins, are broken down by heat treatment and fermentation [28].
In general, the chemical profiles of various minor components related to health benefits
and nutritional quality of products are also affected by fermentation [29]. It is usual to
heat-treat legume components to denature the high levels of trypsin inhibitors soybean
[30]. The digestibility of some soy foods are as follows: steamed soybeans 65.3%, tofu
92.7%, soy milk 92.6%, and soy protein isolate 93–97% [1].

3. Bioactive compounds of soybean

Many bioactive compounds are isolated from soybean and soy food products including iso‐
flavones, peptides, flavonoids, phytic acid, soy lipids, soy phytoalexins, soyasaponins, lec‐
tins, hemagglutinin, soy toxins, and vitamins and more [31]. Flavonoids are low-molecular-
weight polyphenolic compounds classified according to their chemical structure into
flavonols, flavones, flavanones, isoflavones, catechins, anthocyanidins and chalcones [32].
Typical flavonoids are kaempferol, quercetin and rutin (the common glycoside of quercetin),
belonging to the class of flavonols. Isoflavones (soy phytoestrogens) is a subgroup of flavo‐
noids. The major isoflavones in soybean are genistein, daidzein, and glycitein, representing
about 50, 40, and 10% of total isoflavone profiles, respectively. Soy isoflavones, daidzein and
genistein, are present at high concentrations as a glycoside in many soybeans and soy food
products such as miso, tofu, and soy milk. Soybeans contain 0.1 to 5 mg total isoflavones per
gram, primarily genistein, daidzein, and glycitein, the three major isoflavonoids found in
soybean and soy products [33]. These compounds are naturally present as the β-glucosides
genistin, daidzin, and glycitin, representing 50% to 55%, 40% to 45%, and 5% to 10% of the
total isoflavone content, respectively depending on the soy products [8]. Formononetin is
another form of isoflavone found in soybeans and can be converted in the rumen (in sheep
and cow) into a potent phytoestrogen called equol [34].
Recently, there has been increased interest in the potential health benefits of other bioactive
polypeptides and proteins from soybean, including lectins (soy lectins are glycoprotein) and
lunasin. Lunasin is a novel peptide originally isolated from soybean foods [35]. Lunasin con‐
centration is ranged from 0.1 to 1.3 g/100 g flour [36, 37], and from 3.3 to 16.7 ng/mg seed
[38]. Soybean phytosterols usually include four major or types: β-sitosterol, stigmasterol,
campesterol, and brassicasterol, all of which make good raw materials for the production of
steroid hormones. Triterpenoid saponins in the mature soybean are divided into two
458 Soybean - Bio-Active Compounds

groups; group A soy saponins have undesirable astringent taste, and group B soy saponins
have the health promoting properties [39, 40]. Group A soy saponins are found only in soy‐
bean hypocotyls, while group B soy saponins are widely distributed in legume seeds in both
hypocotyls (germ) and cotyledons [39]. Saponin concentrations in soybean seed are ranged
from 0.5 to 6.5% [41, 42].
Soybeans also contain isoflavones called genistein and daidzein, which are one source of
phytoestrogens in the human diet. Soybeans are a significant source of mammalian lignan
precursor secoisolariciresinol containing 13–273 µg/100 g dry weight [43]. Another phytoes‐
trogen in the human diet with estrogen activity is coumestans, which are found in soybean
sprouts. Coumestrol, an isoflavone coumarin derivative is the only coumestan in foods [44,
45]. Soybeans and processed soy foods are among the richest foods in total phytoestrogens
present primarily in the form of the isoflavones daidzein and genistein [46].

4. Soybean and health

4.1. Beneficial effects of soybean

Recent research of the health effects of soy foods and soybean containing several bioactive
compounds received significant attention to support the health improvements or health
risks observed clinically or in vitro experiments in animal and human.

4.1.1. Effects on cancer

Recent studies suggested that soy food (soy milk) and soybean protein containing flavonoid
genistein, Biochanin A, phytoestrogens (isoflavones) consumption is associated with low‐
ered risks for several cancers including breast [11,47,48,49,50,51,52], prostate [53,54], endo‐
metrial [52,55], lung [56], colon [57], liver [58], and bladder [59] cancers.
Isoflavones (genistein) use both hormonal and non-hormonal action in the prevention of
cancer, the hormonal action of isoflavones has been postulated to be through a number of
pathways, which include the ability to inhibit many tyrosine kinases involved in regulation
of cell growth, to enhance transformation growth factor-β which inhibits the cell cycle pro‐
gression, as well as to influence the transcription factors that are involved in the expression
of stress response-related genes involved in programmed cell death [60,61]. Other nonhor‐
monal mechanisms by which isoflavones are believed to increase their anticarcinogenic ef‐
fects are via their anti-oxidant, anti-proliferative, anti-angiogenic and anti-inflammatory
properties [62].
On the other hand, soy proteins and peptides showed potential results in preventing the dif‐
ferent stages of cancer including initiation, promotion, and progression [63]. They noted that
Kunitz trypsin inhibitor (KTI), a protease inhibitor originally isolated from soybean, inhibit‐
ed carcinogenesis due to its ability to suppress invasion and metastasis of cancer cells. Also,
[64] found that soybean lectins and lunasin were able to possess cancer chemopreventive ac‐
tivity in vitro, in vivo (in human).
Soybean, Nutrition and Health 459

Cell culture experiments have demonstrated that a novel soybean seed peptide (lunasin)
prevented mammalian cells transformation induced by chemical carcinogens without affect‐
ing morphology and proliferation of normal cells [65]. Lunasin purified from defatted soy‐
bean flour showed potent activity against human metastatic colon cancer cells. Lunasin
caused cytotoxicity in four different human colon cancer cell lines [66]. It has been also dem‐
onstrated that lunasin causes a dose-dependent inhibition of the growth of estrogen inde‐
pendent for human breast cancer [67].

4.1.2. Effect on hypercholesterolemia and cardiovascular diseases

Soy food and soybean protein containing isoflavones consumption lowered hypercholes‐
terolemia [68, 69, 70, 71]. Many studies reported that soybean protein consumption low‐
ered incidence of cardiovascular diseases [68]. Soy isoflavone suppress excessive stress-
induced hyperactivity of the sympatho-adrenal system and thereby protect the
cardiovascular system [72].
Several studies reported a relation between soybean protein consumption and the reduction
in cardiovascular risk in laboratory animal's models by reducing plasma cholesterol levels
[68, 69]. Reduction in the incidence of hypercholesterolemia and cardiovascular diseases in
Asian countries depending on their diets rich in soy protein was reported [73]. Another
study found that the substitution of the animal protein with soybean protein resulted in a
significantly decrease in plasma cholesterol levels, mainly LDL (low-density lipoprotein)
cholesterol [74]. In the same way, [69] showed that after replacing animal protein with soy‐
bean protein consumption for hypercholesterolemia persons resulted in a significant de‐
crease of 9.3% of total plasma cholesterol, mainly 12.9% of LDL cholesterol level and 10.5%
of triglycerides. The health beneficial effect for replacing animal protein with soy protein
consumption showed the most effective in the highest hypercholesterolemic depend on the
initial plasma cholesterol levels [70, 71] without or with the lowest effects in normocholes‐
terolemic persons.
Several research attentions have been paid to the high dietary intake of isoflavones because
of their potentially beneficial effects associated with a reduction in the risk of developing
cardiovascular diseases. On the other hand, other studies conducted out to establish wheth‐
er soybean protein and/or isoflavones could be responsible for the hypocholesterolemic ef‐
fects of soybean diets and therefore their beneficial effects on cardiovascular disease. By
studying the effect of soy bean protein and isoflavones, [75] reported that these major com‐
ponents of soybean flour (soybean proteins and soybean isoflavones) independently de‐
creased serum cholesterol. Recent study reported that soybean protein containing
isoflavones significantly reduced serum total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triacylglycer‐
ol and significantly increased HDL (high-density lipoprotein) cholesterol, but the changes
were related to the level and duration of intake, and gender and initial serum lipid concen‐
trations of the persons [76].
Some studies have shown that soybean oil effective in lowering the serum cholesterol and
LDL levels, and likely can be used as potential hypocholesterolemic agent if used as a diet‐
ary fat and ultimately help prevent atherosclerosis and heart diseases [77]. Soybean oil is a
460 Soybean - Bio-Active Compounds

rich source of vitamin E, which is essential to protect the body fat from oxidation and to
scavenge the free radicals and therefore helps to prevent their potential effect upon chronic
diseases such as coronary heart diseases and cancer [78]. The FDA granted the following
health claim for soy: "25 grams of soy protein a day, as part of a diet low in saturated fat and
cholesterol, may reduce the risk of heart disease [79].

4.1.3. Effect on osteoporosis and menopause

Soy food and soybean isoflavones consumption lowered osteoporosis, improved bone
health and other bone health problems [80, 81, 82]. In addition, consumption of soy foods
may reduce the risk of osteoporosis and help alleviate hot flashes associated with meno‐
pausal symptoms which are major health concerns for women [83].

4.1.4. Hypotensive activity

Soy food kochujang extract consumption lowered hypertension [84]. The angiotensin I con‐
verting enzyme inhibitory peptide isolated from soybean hydrolysate and Korean soybean
paste enhanced anti-hypertensive activity in vivo [85], causing a fall in blood pressure com‐
pared with thiazide diuretics or beta-blockers for mild essential hypertension [86].

4.1.5. Effect on insulin secretion and energy metabolism

Increasing the insulin secretion followed by glucose challenge was recorded when male
monkeys fed soybean protein and isoflavones [87, 88]. Flavonoid genistein, tyrosine kinase
inhibitor, inhibited insulin signaling pathways [60]. Dietary isoflavones induced alteration
in energy metabolism in human [89]. They also noted an inhibition of glycolysis and a gen‐
eral shift in energy metabolism from carbohydrate to lipid metabolism due to isoflavone in‐

4.1.6. Effect on blood pressure and endothelial function

Reduction in the blood pressure via renin-angiotensin system activity (one of the most im‐
portant blood pressure control systems in mammals) was recorded by feeding rats on diet
containing commercial purified soybean saponin [90]. They found that soybean saponin in‐
hibited renin activity in vitro and that oral administration of soybean saponin at 80 mg/kg of
body weight daily to spontaneously hypertensive rats for 8 weeks significantly reduced
blood pressure. In addition, [91] studied the effects of dietary intake of soybean protein and
isoflavones on cardiovascular disease risk factors in high risk, 61 middle aged men in Scot‐
land. For five weeks, half the men fed diets containing at least 20 g of soybean protein and
80 mg of isoflavones daily. The effects of isoflavones on blood pressure, cholesterol levels,
and urinary excretion were measured, and then compared to those of the remaining men
who were fed placebo diet containing olive oil. Men that fed soybean in their diet showed
significant decrease in both diastolic and systolic blood pressure. In addition, [92] found that
feeding soy nut significantly decreased systolic and diastolic pressure in hypertensive post‐
menopausal women. On the other hand, [93] found no effect of soybean protein with isofla‐
Soybean, Nutrition and Health 461

vones on blood pressure in hypertensive persons. Soy protein and soy isoflavones intake
improved endothelial function and the flow-induced dilatation in postmenopausal hyper‐
cholesterolemia women by raising the levels of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS), a
regulator of the cardiovascular function [94, 95, 96, 97]. Furthermore, chronic administration
of genistein increased the levels of NOS in spontaneously hypertensive rats [98, 99].

4.1.7. Effects on platelet aggregation and fibrinolytic activity

The effect of genistein, a protein tyrosine kinase inhibitor on platelet aggregation was exhib‐
ited [100,101]. Nattokinase, a strong fibrinolytic enzyme, in the vegetable cheese natto (a
popular soybean fermented Japanese food) showed approximately fourtimes stronger activ‐
ity than plasmin in the clot lysis assay [102]. However, intraduodenal administration natto‐
kinase decreased fibrinogen plasma levels in rats [103,104] and in humans [105]. In addition,
soybean protein and peptides exhibited anti-fatigue activity helping in performing exercise
and delaying fatigue [106], antioxidant [107,108], anti-aging, skin moisturizing, anti-solar,
cleansing, and hair-promoting agent [109].

The beneficial effect of Soy isoflavonne (daidzein) on human health extends to the preven‐
tion of cancer [110], cardiovascular disease [111]. Also, soybean isoflavones (genistein, daid‐
zein, and their beta glycoside conjugates) showed antitumor [112], estrogenic [113],
antifungal activities [114]. Soy isoflavonne (daidzein) stimulates catecholamine synthesis at
low concentrations [115]. However, daidzein at high concentrations (1-100 µM) inhibited
catecholamine synthesis and secretion induced by stress or emotional excitation. Recent
studies recoded an improvement in cognitive function, particularly verbal memory [116]
and in frontal lobe function [117] with the use of soy supplements. Glyceollins molecules are
also found in the soybean and exhibited an antifungal activity against Aspergillus sojae, the
fungal ferment used to produce soy sauce [118]. They are phytoalexins with an antiestrogen‐
ic activity [119].

4.2. Harmful effects

Despite the several beneficial effects documented of soybean consumption, there are some
controversial effects claimed in recent studies on animal and human health. Soybean con‐
tains several naturally occurring compounds that are toxic to humans and animals such as
the trypsin (a serine protease found in the digestive system) inhibitors, phytic acid, toxic
components such as lectins and hemagglutinins, some metalloprotein such as soyatoxin and
many more other biological of soyatoxin. Some studies reported high levels of protease or
trypsin inhibitors (1-5% of total protein) in legume seeds such as soybean [120]. In vivo stud‐
ies using rat, high levels of exposure to trypsin inhibitors isolated from raw soy flour cause
pancreatic cancer whereas moderate levels cause the rat pancreas to be more susceptible to
cancer-causing agents. However, the US FDA concluded that low levels of soybean protease
(trypsin) inhibitors cause no threat to human health. For human consumption, soybeans
must be cooked with "wet" heat to destroy the trypsin inhibitors (serine protease inhibitors).
Raw soybeans, including the immature green form, are toxic to humans, swine, chickens,
and in fact, all monogastric animals [121]. Tofu intake was associated with worse memory,
462 Soybean - Bio-Active Compounds

but tempeh (a fermented soy product) intake was associated with better memory [122]. Iso‐
flavones might increase breast cancer risk in healthy women or worsen the prognosis of
breast cancer patients [123].

Soy compounds Biological properties Selected references

Genistein, daidzein, Anticancer [11, 47, 48,49,50, 51,52, 53,54,

lectins and lunasin 55,56,57,58,59,62,63, 65,66,67,110,113]

Isoflavones and oil Hypercholesterolemia [68,69,70,71,73,74,75,76,77]

Daidzein and oil Cardiovascular diseases [68,72,73,77,78,79,91, 111]

Isoflavones Osteoporosis and menopause [80,81,82,83]

Genistein Hypertensive [84,85,86,98,99]

Genistein Insulin secretion and energy [60,87,88,89]


Saponin and genistein Blood pressure and endothelial function [90,91,92,94,95,96,97,98,99]

Genistein Plate aggregation and fibrinolyic activity [100,101,102,103,104,105]

Genistein Antioxidant [107,108]

Protein and peptides Anti aging [109]

Protein and peptides Anti-fatigue [106]

Genistein Anti-flammation [62]

Genistein, daidzein and Antifungal [114,118]


Genistein, daidzein and Estrogenic activity [113,119]


Daidzein Catecholamine synthesis [115]

Genistein Anti-angiogenic [62]

Table 3. Summarizes some beneficial effects of some soybean compounds on animal and human health

Phytic acid is also criticized for reducing vital minerals due to its chelating effect, especially
for diets already low in minerals [124]. Phytic acid present in soybean seeds binds to miner‐
als and metals to form phytate (chelated forms of phytic acid with magnesium, calcium,
iron, and zinc). Phytate is not digestible and impermeable molecules through cell mem‐
branes for humans or nonruminant animals. In addition, phytic acid prevents the body to
use many essential minerals such as magnesium, calcium, iron and especially zinc. Unfer‐
mented soy products contain high levels of lectins/hemagglutinins. Hemagglutinin makes
red blood cells unable to absorb oxygen. However, the soybean fermentation process deacti‐
vates soybean hemagglutinins and makes the amounts of lectins present in soybeans incon‐
siderable. However, some dried soybean products may still contain a large amount of active
Soybean, Nutrition and Health 463

or toxic lectins. These lectins are believed to cause allergic in a human body. Recently, a met‐
alloprotein named soyatoxin exhibiting toxicity to mice (LD50 7-8 mg/kg mouse upon intra‐
peritoneal injection) was identified. Regardless of the beneficial effect of genistein, there are
some controversies about safety and harmful effect of soybean food supplementation rich in
genistein. Some studies reported that genistein is not safe and has harmful effects on human
health. Consumption of genistein-rich soy food and supplements during pregnancy has
been suggested to raise the risk of infant leukemias [125]. In addition, some researches
showing stimulatory effect of genistein on proliferation of some breast cancer cells lines in‐
crease the concerning problem about the safety of genistein intake for breast cancer women
[126]. Recent study reported that administration 56g soy protein powder daily caused a re‐
duction in serum testosterone up to 4% in four weeks in a test group of 12 healthy males
[127]. Finally, allergy to soy is common, and the food is listed with other foods. Only a few
reported studies have attempted to confirm allergy to soy by direct challenge with the food
under controlled conditions [127]. Table (3) shows several beneficial effects reported of some
soybean compounds on animal and human health.


This work was supported by a grant from the Deanship of Scientific Research, King Faisal
University, Kingdom of Arabia Saudi. The authors have no conflict of interest for the infor‐
mation presented in this review.

Author details

Sherif M. Hassan

College of Agricultural and Food Sciences, King Faisal University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


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