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STD-NACE TMOL?7-ENGL 1996 MMH 6452981 0501534 247 mm Errata Sheet NACE Standard TM0177-96 Users of NACE Standard TM0177-96 should make the following changes: qa) Paragraph 9.5.1: The second sentence should read: “For carbon and low-alloy steels, S. values are typically in the range of 69 MPa (10* psi) at 22 to 24 HRC.” (The changed portion is underlined.) (2) In Figure 10(a), the J arrow should be extended to the left as shown: b+ —1A- F oa sanetrb nga —c t & | | 50, coop i : ' roomie / ew 7 i “OE ‘Section AA ius M typical both sides Ab Eel wall 258 (iting cutter), hanes ‘A DCB specimen of longth U may be ueod it vory low cracking resistance is expected. ‘A shor elecirodscharge-macrined (EDM) slo, X tick. extending fo a depth of ¥ from the slated and, may be eubstiuted forthe ‘chevron crack state. &S Grooves must be centred winun tolerance Z and must be cpnosta wih tolerance Z aa = ee rut ot Sse tae sig $e aa t ¢—hertast saan | Ye ee + eee h 12.70 20.05, 002. 7 eee tae — aa : {frais ee blurt end tt $1 ass Ss 238 2005 | 0.004 40.002, optional —— | er a oe te ae NORE: tie suc ogo ha posted am dpacenet ‘wyDesign Copyright by the NACE. International sal Feb 26 11:08:49 2005 Figure 10 DCB Specimen (b) Double-tapered wedge STD-NACE THOL?7-ENGL 1996 MM L4S2981 OSOLS3S 183 a e NACE Standard TM0177-96 tem No, 21212 eae {etormiog the Were on Corosion Conkol Standard Test Method Laboratory Testing of Metals for Resistance to Specific Forms of Environmental Cracking in H2S Environments ‘This NACE Intemational standard represents a consensus of those individual members who have roviowed this document, its scope, and provisions. Ite acceptance dose not in any reapect preciude anyone, whether he has adopted the standard or net, from manufacturing, marketing, purchasing. or using products, processes, or procedures notin conformance with this standard. Nothing contained in this NACE Intemational standard isto be construed es granting any right, by implication or otherwise, to manufacture, sel, or use in connection with any mothod, apparatus, CF product covered by Letters Patent, or as indemnifying or protecting anyone against ability for inktingernent of Letters Patent, This standard represents minimum requirements and should in no way be interpreted as a restriction on the use of better procedures or materials. Neither is thie standard intended to apply in all cases relating to the subject. Unpredictable circumstances may ‘negate the usefuiness of this standard in specific instances. NACE international assumes no responsibilty for the interpretation or use of this standard by other parties and accepts responsbilty for only those official NACE International interpretations issued by NACE. International in accordance with its governing procedures and policies which preclude the issuance of interpretations by individual volunteers. Ucore of this NACE Intemational standard are responsible for reviewing appropriate health, safely, environmental, and regulatory documents and for determining their applicability in relation to this standard prior to its use. This NACE Intemational standard may not necessary address all potential health and safety problems or environmental hazards associated with the use of ‘materials, equipment, and/or operations detailed or reforrad to within thie standard. Usere of thie NACE International standard are also responsible for establishing appropriate health, safety, and environmental protection practices, in consultation with appropriate regulatory authorities if noceseary, to achiove compliance with any oxiating applicable regulatory requirements prior to the use of this standard, CAUTIONARY NOTICE: NACE international standards are subject to periodic review, and may be revised or withdrawn at any time without prior notice. NACE Intemational requires that action be taken to reaffirm, revise, or withdraw this standard no later than five years from the date of Initial publication. The user is cautioned to obtain the latest edition. Purchasers of NACE Intemational standards may receive current information on all standards and other NACE Intemational publications by contacting the NACE Intemational Membership Services Department, P.O. Box 218340, Houston, Texas 77218-8340 (telephone +1 [281] 492-0536). Revised 1996-Dec-23 Revised March 1990 Revised January 1986 ‘Approved July 1977 NACE Intemational P.0. Box 218340 Houston, Texas 77218-8340 “+4 (281) 492-0535 ISBN 1-57590-036-X (© 1996, NACE Intemational Copyright by the NACE. International sal Feb 26 11:08:49 200 STD-NACE TMOL77-ENGL 1996 MM L4S2941 OSOLS3L O17 mm Foreword Thi etandard addresses the testing of metals for resistance to cracking failure under the combined action of tensile stress and corrosion in aqueous environments containing hydrogen sulfide (H2S). This phenomenon Is generally termed sulfée stress cracking (SSC}"” when ‘operating at room temperature and stress corrosion cracking (SCCJ" when operating at higt tomporalures. In recognition of the variation with temperature and with diferent materials this ‘phenomenon is here called environmental eracking (EC).”” For the purposes of this standard, EC Includes only SSC. SCC, and hydrogen stress cracking. The primary purpose of this standard is to facilitate conformity in testing 0 that data from diferent sources can be compared on a ‘common basis. Consequently, this standard aids the evaluation and selection of all types of ‘metals and alloys, regardless of thelr form or application, for service in HeS environments. This standard contains methods for testing metals using tensile, bent-beam, C-ring, and double- cantilever-beam (DCB) test specimens. Certain ASTM® standard test methods have been roforenced for supplomentary tests, creating a comprehencive tect method etandard. ‘SSC of metals exposed to oifield environments containing HS was recognized as a ‘materials failure problem by 1952. Laboratory data and field experience have demonstrated that ‘oven oxtromely low concentrations of H.S may be sufficient to lead to SSC failure of susceptible materials. In some cases HS can act synergistically with chlorides to produce corrosion and cracking (SSC and other mode) failures. However, laboratory and operating experiences have also indicated to materials engineers the optimum selection and specification of materials having minimum susceptibility to SSC. Thie standard covors tost methods for SSC (at room temperature) and SCG (at elevated temperature), but other failure modes (e.g., hydrogen blistering, hycrogen-induced cracking {HIC]. chloride stress corrosion cracking (SCC. pitting ‘corrosion, and weightloss corrosion) must also be considered when selecting materials for use in ‘sour (H-S-containing) environments. ‘The need for Detter understanding of the variables InvoNed in EC of metals in oilfield ‘environments and better correlation of data fas become apparent for several reasons. New (gg oe 841 woH} LUDA Fa PUTIN eqiep Ary saisrapeyseu 2] = © (9) 0.99 {U) spe (LD) stONPAINLER (6) eoeyNE — spe (ere si ) eonen ssong-opneecs 4.99) 0.¢3 ———————— pouiurew enyeieduay O G8 62) 9.67 .r2 poumuen enmedue, C uobhxo enroKg 01d241,199O CI won 19g 84.2040 C1 uenmes i884 ‘Weparias el. :Ansquo4D, paddy powew °s RoRSTES C uowdnbg 50, ‘gue 215 1eUWON PAPUBRLNE —_RRPURS 0 :ANoWoND VeUIDOdg OL (96:2¢ 1OWLL 3OWN 40d porse, TevBLEW 20) 460 97 101 uiwagqueg — 9 powmeyy 96-LLLONL 3OVN 10d Gunso, (@ veg) uo odey Bunse1 yee wOHUN ZOWN zoe. 19 NACE International STD-NACE TMOL77-ENGL 159b ill ‘T™M0177-96 10.25 Test Specimen Identification The test specimen end segments may be stamped or vibratory stonecilod. 10.2.6 Test Specimen Cleaning Before teeting, test epecimene should be degreased with solvent and rinsed with ace- tone. Alter cloaning, tho tost section of the test specimen should not be Nanded or con- taminated. 10.3 Test Solution 10.9.1 Test Solution A shall consist of 5.0 wt% NaCl and 0.5 wi% glacial acotic acid dissolved in deionized or distiled water. For example, 50.0 g of NaCl and 5.09 of glacial acetic acid can be dissolved in 45 g of distilled or deionized water. Test Solution A shall be used unless the properties of Test Solution B (below) are required. 10.3.2 Test Solution B chall bo used for tests requiring initial pH between 3.4 and 3.6 and shall ‘consist of 5.0 wi% NaCl, 0.4 wt% sodium acetate, ‘and 0.29 wt% glacial acetic acid dissolved in distled fr deionized water. The solution shall be saturated with H:S using the same procedure as tor Test Solution A. 10.4 Test Equipment 40.4.1 The test equipment necessary for stressing Crring tast specimens shall include calipare or equivalent equipment capable of measuring to the nearest 0.025 mm (0.0010 in), wrenches sized to the bolting fixtures used, and a clamping device. G-ring test specimens shall be clamped during stressing by the bolting fixtures or the tips ‘of the C-ring. No clamping ie to take place in tho central test section of the C-ring, 10.4.2 The test specimen shall be so supported that nothing except the corrosive medium contacts the stressed area. The supporting fixture shall bo con- structed of material compatible with the testing medium, Galvanic effects botwoon the tost spo- cimens, supporting fixtures, and test vassel shall be avoided. For example, an isolating bushing or washer ‘can be used to isolate the O-ring electrically from the supporting fictures. Copyright by the NACE. International sal Feb 26 11:08:49 200 bYS2981 OSOLSS7 B44 mm 10.4.3 Test Vessel The test vessel should be sized, to maintain a solution volume of 30 +10 mL/om? of test specimen surface area. 104.82 A fitted glass bubbler shall be used to introduce the inert gas and H.S below the array of test specimens. The bubbles should not Impinge on the test specimens. 105 Deflection Calculations 10.5.1 The deflection necessary to obtain the desired stress on the Ging test specimen shall be calculated using Equation (5): AS a © where: D = deflection of tast spocimen across bolt holes; d = test specimen outer diameter; {= toct specimen thickness; 'S = desired outer fiber stress; and E = modulus of elasticity. Doflections calculated by Equation (6) should be limited to strassas below the material elastic limit, For many CRAs the elastic limit is well below the 0.2% offset proof (yield) stress. Deflection values beyond the elastic limit can bo calculated from information obtained from the stress-strain curve of the material and the strain- deflection characteristics of the specific C-ing ‘geometry being used Equation (6) can be used to osloulate the deflection necessary to stress the. tost specimen {0 100% of the 0.2% offset yild ‘strength (Sy) by substituting Sy + £(0.002) for S in the orginal equation. Thie relationship io not Valid tor all alloy systems and should be checked before use on materials other than carbon and lowalloy steels. 105.1.3 No equation exists to calculate the deflection needed to stress test specimens to values botween the material's elastic limit and its 0.2% offset proof (yield) stress. 10.5.2 The deflection can be determined directly by Using slectrical rosistance train gauges applied to the C-ring specimen, Each C-ring shall be strain-gauged on the oulside diameter at a point 90° opposite the axis of the Ging bolt. The bolt shail ba tightened to the appropriate strain by monitoring NACE International STD-NACE TMOL77-ENGL 1996 MM L4S2981 OSO1SS8 780 mm the strain gauge output, then the strain gaugo land glue residue shall be removed. The C-ring shall then be recleaned using the same procedures given in Paragraph 10.2. 106 Testing Sequence 10.6.1 Tho tost specimon dimensions shall_ be measured, and the corresponding C-ring deflections shall be calculated. 10.6.2 C-ring teet epocimene shall be etroccod by tightening bolting fixtures to calculated deflections measured to the nearest 0.025 mm (0.0010 in). Defloctions shall be measured at tho Centertine of the bolting fixture. These measure~ nenis may be laken al the outer diameter, inner diameter, or midwall with care to maintain consistancy in the points of measurement. If the desired deflection is exceeded, the test shall be ‘un at the higher deflection or discarded. 10.6.3 Tha test specimens shall be cleaned and placed into the test vessel. 10.8.4 The test vessel shall be filled with doaorated {est solution and sealed. This deaerated tast solution shall be prepared in a sealed vessel that is purged with inert gas for at loast 1 W/L of solution at a rate of atleast 100 mL/min, Once in tha test vessel, the test solution shail be purged with inert gas for at least 20 minutes after sealing the test vessel. The test ‘solution shall then be saturated with H.S at a rate of 1100 to 200 mL/min for 20 min/L. of solution TM0177-96 10.6.5 A continuous HeS flow through the test vessel and outlet trap shall be maintained for the duration of the test at low flow rate (a few bubbies per minute). ‘This maintains the HzS concentration and a. slight Positive preseure to prevont ar from ontering the tost vessel through small leaks. 10.6.6 The test duration shall be 720 hours or until all test spacimene have failed, whichever ocoure fret 10.7 Failure Detection 10.7.1 Highly stressed C-ings of alloys that are appreciably susceptible to EC tend to fracture through the entre thickness or to crackin a way that Je conepicuous, However, with more-EC-rosiatant alloys, cracking frequently begins slowly and is aificut to detect. Smal cracks may inflate at mul- tiple sites and be obscured by corrosion products. It Js proferablo to report tho first crack, it dotocted at 10X magniication, as the criterion of falure. An attemative method of exposing cracking In. C-rings after exposure is to stress the C-ring beyond the tested stress level. Cracks resulting from EC can be dferentiated trom mechanically induced cracks by the corroded nature of the crack surface. 10.8 Reporting of Results 10.8.1 Feilure/no-failure data shall be reported from each stress lovel. If timo-to-failure data are recorded, they should be reported. 10.8.2 Tho chomical composition, heat treatment, ‘mechanical properties, and other data taken shall be reported. 10.8.3 Table 3 shows a suggosted format for ro- porting the data. Section 11: Method D — NACE Standard Double-Cantilever-Beam (DCB) Test 411.4 Method D, the NACE Standard DCB Test, provides for measuring ‘the resistance of metallic materials to propagation of EC, expressed in terms of a critical stress intensity factor, Kissc for SSC and Kec for the more ‘general caso of EC, using a crack-arrest type of fracture mechanics test. Method 0 does not depend on the uncertainty of pitting and/or crack infation, because a ‘rack is always initiated in @ valid test. For SSC testing ‘of carbon and low-alloy stools this method requires litle time. Method D gives a direct numerical rating of crack propagation resistance and does not depend on eval- vation of failure/no failure results" The subject of fracture mechanics testing for evaluation of EC resistance is currently under consideration by NACE Committees T- 1F-9 and T-1F-Gc and ASTM Committoos E 8.06.02 and G 1.06.04. The user ot this standard should maintain ‘contact with these groups and thelr technical activities for knowledge of current state-of-the-art testing techniques. 11.1.1 This section states the procedure for OCB testing at room temperature and atmospheric, pprocstiro and enables computation of Kesc. When the special considerations stated in Section 7 for testing at elevated temperature and pressure are ‘observed, the computed stress intensity factor should bo written as Kec. The equations needed to computo Kee are the same as those following shown for Kiso. "7.0. Hendy, “valuation of Sutfde Coresion Cracking Resistance in Low Alo Stools" Coxtosin 33, 3 (1977): p98. NACE International Copyright by the NACE. International sal Feb 26 11:08:49 200 a STD-NACE TMOL77-ENGL 2996 MM L4S2982 OSO1559 b17 a 7017-96 However, the following descriptions of material to load the test specimen (see Figure 10(b)). The behiavior under SSC conditions may not be accurate ‘double-tapered wedge shall be made of the same for the more general conditions of EC. material as the test specimen or of the same class of material as tho tost spocimen. Tho wedge material 112 Test Specimen may be heat-treated or cold-worked to increase its hardness and thereby help to prevent galing during 11.2.4 The standard test epecimen ie designated a ‘wedge insertion. Wedges may be shielded with DGB specimen, and its design shall be as given in polytetrafioroethyione (PTFE) tape to reduce Figure 10(a). A double-tapered wedge shall De used ‘corrosion in the wedge region. As Tim peame a ————— A see REP ease ae lt 7 ft t reinté | re r : ‘set s| i a) o£ Leese _Loaive mpc btn stead (ing cuter) Notes: &\.A008 specimen of ength U may be used if very ow cracking resistance is expected. 2. A short elactrocischarge-mactined (EDM) st, X hk, extending toa depth of ¥ fram the slotted end, may be substituted forthe chevron crack starter. As Grooves must be cortred within tolerance Z and must be opposite wihin olerance Z. a =a oe te my By 6.72 40.08 0.226 40.002 5121, 7 o 4.85 10.191 (No. 11 Oa t t orton PETS a fe | ae ; AT ane tae ae ee ee tC se ae tr ™ Bi aid 2.0405. a N 635 20.10 0.250 20.004, Blunt end eee eee k tess too optional i 8 é 4b ate |} onto Fl 20,002 NOTE: tis sufficient to give the specified arm displacement, (@) Design (b) Double-tapered wedge Figure 10 DCB Specimen 2 NACE International Copyright by the NACE. International sal Feb 26 11:08:49 200 STD-NACE TMOL77-ENGL 1996 MM L4S2981 OSO1SL0 339 mm ‘TMO177-96 Table 3 NACE Uniform Material Testing Report Form (Part 1) Testing per NACE TM0177-96” Method C — C-Ring Test ‘Submiting Company. - Submit Date ‘Submitted by "Tetons No, Tesing Lap Alloy Designaion ‘Gonoral Material Type Heat Number/identitication Chemietry QDzgtB

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