Grit Questionnaire

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Dear Respondent,

Please provide all the data needed in this study. Your responses will be treated as strictly confidential and will be used only for
this research.
Thank you.

Name: _____________________________________ Course/Track ______________ Year level _______

Age: ______ Gender : _____ Average Grade in Math /Semester ____________

Educational Attainment of Father: _____ Elementary ___ HS ____2 years in college ____ College Graduate
Educational Attainment of Mother: _____ Elementary ___ HS ____2 years in college ____ College Graduate

GRIT: Here are a number of statements that may or may not apply to you. There are no right or wrong answers, so just answer honestly,
considering how you compare to most people. Use the rating scale below.

Not Not Somewhat Mostly Very

like much like me like much
me at like me like
all me (3) me
(1) (2) (5)

1. I have overcome setbacks to conquer an important challenge.

2. Setbacks don’t discourage me.

3. I am a hard worker.

4. I finish whatever I begin.

5. I have achieved a goal that took years of work every few months.

6. I am diligent

7. New ideas and projects does not distract me from previous one

8. I often set a goal and pursue it to completion.

9. I can maintain my focus on project even if it takes more than a few

months to complete.
No. of Respondents: 10
Category of respondents: Teachers
Age Bracket: 20-30 = III
30-40 = IIII
40-50 = III
Total: 10
Male: 1
Female: 9
Not like me Not much like Somewhat like Mostly like Very much Total
at all me me me like me
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
1. I have I IIIII-III I 10
setbacks to
conquer an
2. Setbacks don’t II IIIII-I II 10
discourage me

3. I am a hard IIIII IIIII- 10


4. I finished I III IIIII-I 10

whatever I

5. TI have II I IIII III 10

achieved a goal
that took years
of work every
few months
6. I am Diligent III IIIII-II 10

7. New ideas and IIII IIII II 10

projects does
not distract me
from the
previous one.
8. I often set a IIIII-I IIII 10
goal and
pursue it to
9. I can maintain IIIII-II III 10
my focus on
project even if
it takes more
than a few
months to

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