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CPC Yao Dao Primary School P.5 Grammar Notes: Name: - Class

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CPC Yao Dao Primary School


Grammar Notes

Name: _____________________________

Class: _____________ ( )
Contents Page

1. Adverbs ………………………………………………….....… P. 1

2. Modal Verbs ……………………………………………..…… P. 3

3. Pronouns …………………………………………………...… P. 5

4. Present Perfect Tense ………………………………..……..… P. 8

5. Simple Past Tense ……………………………………….....… P. 11

6. Infinitive …………………………………………………..…. P. 13

7. Gerund …………………………………………………..….... P. 15

8. Because, So, Although & But …………………………..….… P. 17

9. Past Continuous Tense ………………………………..........… P. 20

10. Reflexive Pronouns ………………………………...............… P. 22

CPC Yao Dao Primary School
Grammar Notes

Language Focus: Adverbs

 We use adverbs to describe an action.
 The adverb comes after the verb in a sentence.
 We usually add ‘ly’ to an adjective to form an adverb.
 When the adjective ends with ‘y’, we change ‘y’ to ‘i’, then add ‘ly’.
 Sometimes the adjective and the adverb are the same.
Adjectives Spelling rules Examples
Usually add ‘ly’ soft softly
quick quickly
rude rudely
Adjectives ending with ‘y’ Change ‘y’ to ‘i’, then add ‘ly’ noisy noisily
happy happily
angry angrily
lucky luckily
naughty naughtily
Others No change early early
fast fast
late late
hard hard
daily daily
far far
Change the whole world good well

A. Form Adverbs from the following words.

1. brave 2. clear
3. bright 4. neat
5. careful 6. noisy
7. lazy 8. heavy
9. healthy 10. hungry
11. early 12. fast
13. late 14. good

B. Choose the right word.
1. He is angry. He is talking (softly, loudly).
2. It is a fine day. The sun is shining (lightly, brightly).
3. He was tired. He slept (soundly, lightly).
4. He was first, he jumped (happily, sadly).
5. Mary can sing. She sings (sweetly, badly).
6. I can’t hear you. You’re talking (softly, loudly).
7. He was hungry. He ate (slowly, hungrily).
8. You should bring an umbrella. It rains (lightly, heavily).
C. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the given words.

happy fast loud rude polite heavy hungry

Hugo is playing 1._____________ with his dog, Bingo in the park. Suddenly, it rained
2.______________ . They sat under a tree but Bingo barked 3. ____________ at the tree.
‘Bingo, stop!’ Hugo shouted. At that time, they saw a fairy! She flew 4.______________
in the sky. ‘You should speak 5. ________________ to your pet. You shouldn’t speak
6. ________________ to him,’ the fairy said.
‘I’m sorry. Who are you?’ Hugo asked. ‘My name is Isabel. Nice to meet you,’ Isabel
replied. ‘I’m Hugo from Hong Kong. Nice to meet you too,’ Hugo said. Finally, Hugo
and Isabel became good friends.

CPC Yao Dao Primary School
Grammar Notes


Language Focus: Modal Verbs

 Do not change the verb after modal verbs.
Usage Examples
should / should not (shouldn’t) used for advice and to say You should be careful
what is normally right when using cutters.
You should not play with
must / must not (mustn’t) used to tell others what is You must line up.
very important or necessary You must not pick the
to do flowers.
can / cannot (can’t) used to talk about ability I can swim.
(simple present tense) I cannot fly.
could / could not (couldn’t) used to talk about ability I could / could not swim
(simple past tense) when I was five.

A. Complete the sentences with ‘should’ or ‘should not’ and the given verbs.

1. We ______________________________ (pay) attention in class.

2. Lily is unhealthy. She ______________________________ (eat) too much oily food.
3. Peter lied to Mary. I think he ______________________________ (say) sorry to her.
4. You ______________________________ (make) your bed every day.
5. What _____________ I ___________ (bring) to school?
6. You ______________________________ (bring) a water bottle.
7. Where _____________ Sam ____________ (stay)?
He ______________________________ (stay) in a hotel.
8. Who ________________ we _____________ (invite) to our party?
We ______________________________ (invite) all our friends.

B. Fill in the blanks with ‘must’ or ‘must not’ and the given verbs.
1. You _______________________ (drive) carefully.
2. You _______________________ (finish) your homework today.
3. I _______________________ (arrive) late for school.
4. We _______________________ (obey) the laws.
5. Ben _______________________ (work) hard this year.

C. Fill in the blanks with ‘can’ or ‘could’ and the given verbs.
1. He ____________________ (drive) a car now.
2. They ____________________ (run) fast now.
3. She ____________________ (not sell) her vegetables yesterday.
4. A bird ____________________ (fly).
5. We ____________________ (see) the moon last night.

CPC Yao Dao Primary School
Grammar Notes


Language Focus: Pronouns

usage Examples
Subject pronouns Used before verbs to This is Mary. She is my classmate.
replace people or This is Tom. He is my brother.
things in subject This is my pet. It likes eating bones.

Object pronouns Used after verbs or Mary is helpful. I like her.

prepositions to replace Tom is clever. Miss Lai likes him.
people or things in My dog is cute. I like it.
object positions Your sisters are still young. You
should take care of them.

Reflexive pronouns  ‘By’ +reflexive I hurt myself when I was cooking.

pronouns means You should take care of yourself.
alone or without Mary could cook by herself when
help from anyone she was eleven.
else Tom should do his homework
 Used when the himself.
subject and the They wash their faces themselves.
object are the

Possessive pronouns Used to talk about This is my book. It is mine.

possessions This is her pen. It is hers.
These are our books. They are ours.
These are their watches. They are

Relative pronoun ‘who’: to add Ken is the boy who is running.

information about This is the man who always shouts at
people to a noun me.
phrase The bird which is singing is
‘which’: to add beautiful.
information about The oranges which I brought last
animals or things to a week were sweet.
noun phrase

Subject Object Possessive Possessive Reflexive
pronouns pronouns adjectives pronouns pronouns
I me my mine myself

you(singular) you your yours yourself

he him his his himself

she her her hers herself

it it its its itself

we us our ours ourselves

you (plural) you your yours yourselves

they them their theirs themselves

(I) Possessive Pronouns

A. Fill in the blanks with the correct possessive pronouns.

1. This is Alan’s chair. It is ________.

2. These are my pens. They are ________.
3. That is May’s doll. It is ________.
4. Those are the boys’ pets. They are ________.
5. This is Tom’s computer. It is ________.
6. The waiters work here. The name tags are ________.
7. Mr. Chan and Mrs. Chan have a car. That car is ________.
8. I collect coins. These coins are ________.

B. Rick is reading a play. Complete the play with the correct possessive pronouns.

hers his mine ours theirs yours

Narrator : Nancy, Lucy and Suzy are sisters. One day, the prince’s servant
comes to the sisters’ house. Nancy opens the door.
Servant : Hi! A beautiful lady left this shoe at the party last night. Is this your
shoe, young lady?
Nancy : Yes, it’s _________ ! I’ll show you! Let me try it on.
(Lucy comes to the door.)
Lucy : (to Nancy) No, it isn’t ________ . It’s my shoe!
Narrator : The shoe doesn’t fit neither of the two sisters. The shoe can’t be
________ .
Servant : Sorry, ladies. The shoe isn’t __________ .
The sisters : (begging) Please, the shoe belongs to us. It must be ________ !
Narrator : Then the servant sees Suzy in the house.
Servant : Who’s that young lady?

Nancy : She’s our sister Suzy. The shoe isn’t ________ . She didn’t go to
the party.
Narrator : Suzy puts on the shoe. It fits her. The servant is happy.

Servant : Great! The shoe is ________ , young lady. The prince wants to give a
beautiful gold ring to the owner of the shoe. So the ring is __________
now. And the prince wants to meet you. Look outside. The horse is

__________ . It’ll take you to the palace. Please come with me.
Suzy : Wow, thanks! Goodbye, sisters!

CPC Yao Dao Primary School
Grammar Notes


Language Focus: Present Perfect Tense

Usage Verb forms You can use
this tense
with these
 Used when we talk has / have + past participle already
about the present just
result of a past action e.g. yet
 Used when we do not She has just eaten an apple. since
say exactly when Has May finished her cake yet? for
something happened Yes, she has already finished her cake. once
 To talk about things How many times have you been to Mai Po? twice
that started in the past I have been there twice. … times
and continue to the She has watched TV for an hour. never



A. Fill in the blanks.
1. He _______________ already _______________ (buy) the book.
2. She _______________ already _______________ (sweep) the room.
3. I _______________ already _______________ (write) the letter.
4. They _______________ already _______________ (go) home.
5. He _______________ just _______________ (take) the bag away.
6. I _______________ just _______________ (tell) them the news.
7. We _______________ just _______________ (get) into the bus.
8. She _______________ just _______________ (eat) the piece of cake.

B. Fill in the blanks.

1. A: _______________ you _______________ (throw) the rubbish away yet?
B: No, I ___________________________ (not throw) away the rubbish away yet.
2. A: _______________ May _______________ (show) you the picture?
B: Yes, she __________________________ (show) the picture to me.
3. Amy __________________________ (learn) ballet since she was four years old.
4. My mother __________________________ (work) in this company since 1990.

5. She __________________________ (write) this letter for two hours.

6. I __________________________ (not finish) my homework yet.

C. Fill in the blanks with the present perfect tense and the words given.

yet paint finish help interview practise

Miss Wong : OK, group B. ____________ you ____________ your project on

zoo animals ____________?

Lucy : Phew! Yes, we _________ just ______________, Miss Wong. Claire

__________ just _____________ the picture.

Claire : Yes, and Lucy ________________________ a zoo keeper.

Miss Wong : How about you, Sandy?

Sandy : I’m going to give the presentation at the end. I ____________ just
____________ what I’m going to say!

Molly : And I ________________________ Sandy prepare for the

presentation, Miss Wong.

Miss Wong : Good! You’re the last group to complete your project. All the other
groups have already finished.

CPC Yao Dao Primary School
Grammar Notes

Language Focus: Simple Past Tense

Usage e.g Verb forms
To talk about things that 1) We played football last I/You/We
happened in the past Sunday. He/She/It/ They
2) Mother cooked dinner talk talked
yesterday. tidy tidied
3) The dogs ate bones. go went
You can use this tense with these words: yesterday…
last week/last month/last month /last year...
on 1st May, 1997/on 24th September, 2000…
in 1998/in 2005…
ago/once upon a time…
Simple past tense (has/ have: had & be : was/were )
Tenses Simple present tense Simple past tense
be (was, were) He/ She / It (is) He/ She / It (was)
I (am) I (was)
We/ You / They (are) We/ You / They (were)
Verb to ‘be’

He / She / It / I

They / We / You were

A. Fill in the blanks

Verbs Verbs in Simple Past Tense

1. be 1. I _______ nine years old in 1990.
2. be 2. Sue ______ at home three hours ago.
3. be 3. Sam and I ___________ fat last year.
4. be 4. They ____________ absent yesterday.
5. be 5. My dad ___________ happy.

B. Fill in the blanks with the correct tense forms of the verbs in brackets.
1. I ______________ (eat) an apple yesterday.
2. He ______________(take) the bag yesterday.
3. The farmer ______________(sell) his cows last week.
4. Tom ______________(lose) his pen three days ago.
5. John ______________ (break) the glass yesterday.
6. We ______________(sleep) at 11 o’clock last night.
7. We ______________ (drink) three bottles of orange juice last week.
8. I ______________ (give) a birthday gift to my sister last month.
9. Sam ______________ (feed) the monkeys in the zoo last Sunday.

C. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs.

Peter and his family (1) (go) hiking last week. The weather
(2) (be) fine. Suddenly, the sky turned dark and it (3) (rain)
heavily. They (4) (run) down the hill. But Peter (5) (slip)
and hurt his leg. He could not (6) (move). So his father dialled 999 and
(7) (send) him to hospital.
Yesterday Peter’s friend Jim (8) (visit) him in the hospital.
‘Hi, Peter. How (9) (be) you?’ said Jim. ‘Fine, thanks. I’m happy to
(10) (see) you, Jim,’ Peter said happily.

CPC Yao Dao Primary School
Grammar Notes


Language Focus: Infinitive

 Infinitive is the base verb form.
 We can use infinitive when we give instructions.
e.g. Wash your hands.
 We can use to + infinitive to show the purpose of an action.
e.g. I used some paper to make a ship.
e.g. Jenny reads lots of book to improve her English.
 We can use infinitive in negative form.
e.g. She told me not to cry. ()
e.g.. She told me to not cry. ()

A. Choose the correct word(s) and circle it.

1. (Add, Adding) some water and cook for five minutes.
2. He decided (to have, have) a trip in Singapore.
3. First, (beating, beat) the butter.
4. Finally, (add, to add) some hot water.
5. Mum buys me a scarf (keep, to keep) warm.

B. Circle the correct answers.

1. Mum told me ( not to / to not ) fight with others.
2. Ray asked me ( share / to share / sharing ) snack with him.
3. Matt told Bean ( bring / to bring / brining ) him hot water.
4. Hugo told Isabel ( not to worry / not worry / to not worry ) about the bird.
5. Isabel wants (see / seeing / to see ) her poor little bird.
6. It is important (not to take / to take / to not take ) medicine on time.
C. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word. You may need to change the words
to infinitive.

make bake put wash mix celebrate add

Last Sunday, I went shopping with my mum. We planned e.g. to make a

strawberry cake for my daddy. We want (1) his thirty-eighth
We bought some cream to make the cake more delicious. Then, we bought a
box of strawberries. Next, we went home (2)____________ the cake. Here are our
First, (3)____________ our hands.
Next, (4)____________some hot water to the powder and (5)____________it
with sugar.
Then, (6)____________the mixture into the oven and (7)____________ it for
15 minutes.
Finally, put some strawberries on top of the cake and add some cream.
Daddy was surprised about the cake and he liked the cake very much. Mum and
I were thrilled too.

P. 14
CPC Yao Dao Primary School
Grammar Notes


Language Focus: Gerund

 We use gerunds after verbs like ‘enjoy’, ‘love’, ‘like’ and ‘hate’.

 We use ‘not like / not enjoy / hate + …ing’ to talk about things we don’t like doing.

 We can use gerund to talk about things we like doing.

e.g. I like playing football.

e.g. We don’t like dancing.

 Gerund can be a subject.

e.g. Reading books is my hobby.

 Gerund can also be an object.

e.g. My hobby is reading books.

A. Complete the table.

Gerund Gerund

e.g. read reading e.g. hike hiking

1. go 6. ride

2. collect 7. listen

3. have 8. dance

4. swim 9. lie

5. watch 10. skip

P. 15
B. Circle the correct answer.
e.g. I like (read, reading, to read) the newspaper.

1. I enjoy (going, go, goes) travelling.

2. I hate (wear / wears / wearing) my yellow T-shirt.

3. (Sleep, Sleeping, Sleeps) is very important for our health.

4. (Buying, Buy, Bought) a new car is my birthday wish.

5. Miss Chan hates (swim, swimming, to swimming).

P. 16
CPC Yao Dao Primary School
Grammar Notes


Language Focus: Because, So, Although & But

 We use ‘because’ to give reasons.
E.g. I’m hungry because I didn’t have breakfast this morning.
 We use ‘so’ to link the reason to the result.
E.g. I am sick so I go to see a doctor.
 We use ‘although’ to link contrasting ideas.
E.g. Although the bag is beautiful, it is expensive.
 We also use ‘but’ to link contrasting ideas and we usually put ‘but’ in the middle of
the sentence.
E.g. The bag is beautiful, but it is expensive.
 We never put ‘although’ and ‘but’ in the same sentence.
(X) Although Susan is pretty, but she is mean to others.
() Although Susan is pretty, she is mean to others.

A. Fill in the blanks with “although”, “but”, “because” and “so”.

e.g. I like reading because it is interesting.

1. Tom wants to go swimming __________________ it is hot.

2. Gigi was thirsty __________________ she did not drink any water.
3. Alex was sick __________________ he did not go to see the doctor.
4. Jay doesn’t talk to Queenie __________________ he is angry with her.
5. Mary is healthy __________________she eats a lot of vegetables every day.
6. __________________ Monica is kind, she does not have many friends.
7. Jolly didn’t hand in her homework __________________ our teacher punished her.
P. 17
8. That restaurant was full __________________ Sammi went to another restaurant.
9. __________________ Ivy’s dad bought her a new toy, she is unhappy.
10. Tracy and Mimi were tired __________________ they stayed at home.

B. Rewrite the sentences. Matt, Isabel and Hugo are having a party with the animals.
Join the two sentences using the given word.

e.g. Miss Chan is hungry. Miss Chan eats ten hot dogs. (so)
Miss Chan is hungry so she eats ten hot dogs.

1. Hugo is hungry. Hugo did not have breakfast this morning. (because)

2. The monkey is telling a boring joke. The animals like it. (although)

3. Isabel is good at cooking. Isabel is teaching the other animals how to cook. (so)

4. Matt is ill. Matt comes to the party. (but)


P. 18
C. Matt and Hugo are at a party. Complete their conversations using ‘although’,
‘so’, ‘because’ and ‘but’.

Matt: Will the zebras come today?

Hugo: (1)__________________ they hate going to party, they will join us.

Matt: That’s great! I have always wanted to see a zebra. I like seeing wild animals
(2)__________________ there are few zoos in Hong Kong. Oh, there are two
birds. What will they do?

Hugo: They are good at singing (3) __________________ they will perform a song.

Matt: The monkeys are strange. (4) __________________ they like eating all the
time, they are thin.

Hugo: They are fit (5) __________________ they exercise a lot. They love jumping
and running (6) __________________ they won’t get fat.

Matt: I see.

Hugo: (7) __________________ the crocodiles won’t come, you will see a lot of other
wild animals today. The crocodiles do not like going out (8) ________________
they like staying in the river.

P. 19
CPC Yao Dao Primary School
Grammar Notes


Language Focus: Past Continuous Tense

 We use past continuous tense to talk about an action that continued for a period of
time in the past.
E.g. What was she / were they doing at 6pm yesterday?
She was watching TV.
They were playing basketball.

 We use ‘when’ to link a longer action to a shorter action in the past.

E.g. I was walking in the street when I met John.

 We use ‘while’ to link two continuous actions that happened at the same time.
E.g. I was reading while my sister was playing the piano.

A. Choose the correct word(s) and circle it.

e.g. Sam is swimming (when, while) John is taking a bath.
1. John was watching (when, while) his brother was doing homework.
2. Ryan’s dad was cooking (when, while) Ryan came home.
3. I was walking to school (when, while) William was listening to music.
4. Helen was talking on the phone (when, while) I was crossing the road.
5. Ryan (was, were) watching TV while Judy and Sam (was, were) reading comics.
6. Sammy (rode, was riding, were riding) her bicycle when her mobile phone
(rang, was ringing, were ringing).
B. Sam is talking with Ryan about what different people were doing at eight o’clock
last night. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the given words.
e.g. Tim and Kelly were having (have) dinner.
1. Fion __________________(take) pictures.
2. Jason and Carmen __________________ (chat).
3. Ray and his mother __________________ (listen) to the radio.
4. What __________________ May __________________ (do)?
5. What__________________your friends __________________ (play)?
P. 20
C. Complete the news article with the correct form of the verbs.

Who caught the animals? 20th Feb, 20XX

By Alex Chung
A man caught a panda in Sunny Forest yesterday. Here is what happened:
An explorer (e.g.) was taking (take) photos when he (e.g.) heard (hear)
the strange sound. He (1) ______________________ (look) around when a man
(2) _______________(run) past him. The explorer (3) ________________(walk)
near the panda when the man (4) _______________(catch) it.

The man (5)___________(run) to a car when he (6) ____________ (drop)

a key. The explorer (7) ___________________(chase) the man when the man
(8) ______________(jump) into a car.

There have been similar cases in other forests this year. Call the police if
you see this man.

CPC Yao Dao Primary School
Grammar Notes


Language Focus: Reflexive Pronouns

 We use reflexive pronouns when the subject and the object are the same.

E.g. I hurt myself when I fell.

E.g. She saw herself on TV.

 We also use reflexive pronouns for emphasis.

e.g. He repaired the car (by) himself.

 Reflexive pronouns end with ‘-self’ or ‘-selves’.

‘-self’ ‘-selves’
I  myself you (plural)  yourselves
you  yourself we  ourselves
he  himself they  themselves
her  herself
it  itself

A. Fill in the blanks with the correct reflexive pronouns.

myself yourself himself herself itself
yourselves ourselves themselves

e.g. He goes to school himself.

1. We had a party yesterday. We enjoyed ___________________ very much.
2. Tom drew a nice picture ___________________.
3. David and Paul take care of ___________________ when their parents are not at
4. I made a cheese cake by___________________.
5. Joyce is a popular model. She often sees___________________ in magazines.
6. The cat cleans ___________________ every day.
7. Judy and I went hiking ___________________ yesterday.
8. Jenny’s cats play the balls___________________.
9. ‘Ryan, you will hurt___________________ if you are not careful,’ says Mum.
10.You all should clean your tables by___________________.

B. Quiz. Complete the story with correct pronouns. You may use the words more
than one time.

we he it me himself yourselves themselves

One day, Matt, Isabel and Hugo were walking on the path by
e.g. themselves. Suddenly, many wolves jumped out from the bushes. Isabel
and Matt fought with the wolves and they hurt 1) ___________________.
Hugo then made a fire by 2) ___________________ to scare the wolves away.

At the time they were escaping, they saw a boat.

3) ___________________ was moving away. ‘Let’s get on the boat quickly!’
Matt said. Hugo was running when he fell over and hurt
4) ___________________. ‘Just leave 5) ___________________ here. You and
Isabel get on the boat first!’ Hugo continued, ‘I’ll be alright. You all take good
care of 6) ___________________!’ ‘No, we won’t leave you behind!
7) ___________________ are friends. We should help one another!’ Isabel

At that time, Matt saw his friend Bean. 8) ___________________ was

coming with a big bear! The big bear scared all the wolves away. ‘Thank you,
Bean,’ Matt said.

P. 23

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