How Food Affects Our Brain

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if we divide the human brain, we can notice that most of it is composed by lipid, amino acids,

proteins and glucose but its weight is more than sum of them. Each component has lots of impacts
in our behave, mood, development, and our energy. the amino acids are in the proteins because it
is which proteins are made. even though the amino acids are faster absorbed than the proteins.
You can find them in the eggs, salmon, pork. The brain in order to has a good development and
function needs the glucose and it is present in our blood. Besides, we find the lipid which are fats.
In this group we can find saturated and unsaturated fat. In the first one for example we can find
French fries, hamburgers and other. An in the last one we find avocado and olive oil. Finally, the
best fatty acids for our brain are omega 3 and 6 because they prevent degenerative brain
conditions and we can find them in fishes and seeds. Long-term consumption of other fats, like
trans and saturated fats, may compromise our brain and heart health

if we divide the human brain, we can notice that most of it is composed by fats which are known
as a lipid. Also, you can find amino acids, proteins and glucose but its weight is more than sum of
them. Each component has lots of impacts in our behave, mood, development as a human being,
and our energy. the amino acids are in the proteins because it is which proteins are made of this.
even though the amino acids are faster absorbed than the proteins. You can find them in the eggs,
salmon, chicken, pork. The brain grows until the adolescence. after that, it needs a kind of fuel in
order to has a good development and function. in this case the fuel is the glucose, which is the
only sugar that feeds the brain, is its main source of energy. because it is present in our blood. And
we can find it in cereals, rice, wheat products honey, bread and fruits. but if you eat lot of bad
carbohydrates it will become as fats you hate to see in your body. So, you could consume it but
moderately. besides, we find the lipid which are fats. In this group we can find saturated and
unsaturated fat. In the first one for example we can find French fries, hamburgers and other. An in
the last one we find avocado and olive oil. Finally, the best fatty acids for our brain are omega 3
and 6 because they prevent degenerative brain conditions and we can find them in fishes and
seeds. Long-term consumption of other fats, like trans and saturated fats, may compromise brain
and heart health.c

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