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1. Drug and IVF Computations 16. Ortho cases ex. Tractions
2. Blood Transfusion 17. Normal values – Hot., Hot
3. Foley Catheter / Suprapubic 18. Heart Attack / CPF
Catheter 19. Tidal Volume
4. Care for patients with NGT 20. Hypertension
5. Care for patients with 21. Personality Disorder
Tracheotomy 22. Heal Conduit
6. Diabetes Mellitus 23. EDC – Computation
7. Pre and Post Natal 24. Peritoneal Dialysis
8. Pre and Post – Op patients 25. Burn
9. CTT TubeP 26. Cyst Tarp
10. Nitroglycerine 27. Total Laryngectomy
11. Drug to be given for patient with 28. Pediatric
Angina / MI 29. Neurological Assessment
12. D50 H20 + insulin for 30. Hemodialysis
Hyperkalemia 31. CHF
13. Fluid and Electrolyte Balance 32. Schizophrenia
14. Asthma 33. Imperforated Anus
15. Conversion of Grams – 34. Hyperkalemia
milligrams 35. Hypokalem

1. Pre-anesthetics commonly used by anesthesiologist
 Promethazine and Atrophine
2. Normal CVP reading
 10 – 12 mm Hg
3. Comminuted fracture
 A fracture where bone is broken into more than two (2) pieces
4. Treatment for Hyperkalemia
 IV glucose D50 and Insulin

5. Signs and symptoms of increase intracranial pressure

 Nausea & vomiting, bradycardia, increasing systolic BP w/ widening pulse

1. If there’s an excessive tissue loss, wound heals by:
a. Primary intention b. Secondary intention c. Tertiary intention

2. In case of metabolic acidosis gives:

a. Sodium Bicarbonate 4.2 %b. Sodium Bicarbonate 8.4 %
b. Potassium Chloride
3. Blood Transfusion – immediate action when Pt. experience chills & rigor
4. Ventricular defibrillation
5. Complication after appendectomy – Peritonitis
6. Blood investigation which needs immediate attention before appendectomy --- pt. of 29
7. Normal Values
8. Side Effect of AtSo4
9. Indication of AtSo4

1. Normal CVP reading
2. What is the normal Hemoglobin in males
a. 13 – 18 gm/dl b. 12 – 16 gm/dl
3. Ultraviolet lights can aggravate
a. Jaundice b. Cataract c. Diarrhea
4. What is the normal blood glucose?
a. 80 – 120 b. 80 – 180
5. What is the purpose of pressure dressing in post-operative patient?
a. To prevent contamination b. to protect from injury
6. What is the distance of Sneelen’s test to patient?
a. 6 – 9 meter b. 10 – 15 meter
7. In severe metabolic acidosis, what is the physicians order to give?
8. ABG
9. Cleaning / dressing the wound
a. Start from the inner to outer b. start from outer to inner
10. Tracheotomy
11. Normal effect of surgery in post operative after 3 days?
a. Sodium – 140 b. potassium 3.3
12. Controlled analgenic
13. In post-operative patient to prevent deep vein thrombosis
14. Second intention healing
a. Primary b. Granulation c. Contraction
15. In instilling eye drop
a. Conjunctiva b. Cornea
16. Cleft palate should be treated before 1 -1 years old.
17. CPR in infant

a. Hyper extend the neck b. lateral position
18. Patient with thrombocytopenia, what drug is to prevent from taking?
a. Aspirin b. paracetamol c. Acetaminophen
19. What problem is indicates in administration of ATSOY?
a. Hypertension b. pulse rate 150 b/m
20. What should the nurse do if the patient is complaining of pain in IV site?
a. Check IV site for phlebitis b. check for air
21. What should be the position of a patient with post operative under general anesthesia?
a. Supine b. fowlers
22. Patient who will undergo surgery and obese, the physician advise the patient to lose weight before
surgery, how will the nurse explain to the patient?
a. Loosing weight before surgery will make you move comfortable after surgery
b. Loosing weight will lessen the risk of infection
23. Head injury – equal & unequal pupil size
24. Close head injury – complication
25. Status of Epilipticus
26. Untreated hypothyroidism
27. Live virus vaccine example (polio, varicella, heap b)
28. Ileostomy
29. Hemophilia – internal bleeding:
30. Hepa – standard precaution
31. Hemodialysis – principle used diffusion, osmosis, filtration
32. Maternal infection that can caused cataract in newborn – GONORRHEA
33. COPD
34. Stop burning process – Apply cold water
35. 1st priority in burn patient – establish airway clearance
36. Computation: drop factor
37. Insulin injection – 45 degrees subcutaneous
38. Nursing intervention for burn patient – Give colloid therapy
39. During ICP when the pupil change suspected hematoma
40. Dementia – psychological border during old age
41. During head injury your nursing priority is do not move the patient
42. Nursing intervention for pneumothorax – chest tube insertion
43. Drug absorption and prevention of injury is the purpose of rotating sites of injection in patient with
Diabetes Mellitus.
44. What degrees should (insulin) subcutaneous injection if given in the anterior portion of the abdomen?
45. Asthma is caused by following symptoms except dilation of the bronchioles
46. Symptoms of increased intracranial pressure
 Bradycardia, increasing systolic BP and widening pulse pressure
47. Basic psychological test
 Ask Name
48. The most important nursing care for a dying patient is to promote self-integrity and self-esteem
49. Drugs and solution
50. Pulse depicit – difference between apital and radial pulse
51. Effect of old age in blood pressure – Vascular condition
52. Cimetidine – effect
53. Safe measure to prevent bleeding – pressure/compression in the site
54. Breast examination – when is the right time to do it
55. What to avoid when swallowed w/ corrosive substances
 Avoid gastric wash or lavage
56. Value of sugar in blood before meal
57. Psychiatric questions
1. What are the commonly used medications by anesthesiologist pre-operatively?
a. Phenobarbitae & valium
b. Promethazine & amoxicillin
c. Morphine & ampicilin
2. What is the normal CVP in H2O manometer?

a. 1 – 6 mm hg b. 6 – 12 mm hg c. 1 – 6 cm H2Od. 6 – 16 cm H2O
3. What causes “altened respiratory function”?
a. Change in respiration b. respiratory distress
c. respiratory obstruction d. change in mental status
4. What is the medication for seizure?
a. Atropine sulfate b. morphine
c. lorazepam d. phenytroin restraints
5. What is the most appropriate nursing measure for clients with Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus
a. Strict Isolation b. increase protein diet
c. Use of restraints d. wear gloves when touching patients
6. What is the nursing priority for clients with viral pneumonia?
a. Antibiotic treatment b. increase 02 inhalation
c. treat according to symptoms
7. How does asthma differ from obstruction airway disease?
8. What is the most common behavior observe in Schizophrenia?
a. Delusion b. illusions
c. auditory hallucinations d. visual hallucinations
9. What is the priority nursing care for mentally-ill patients?
a. Institutional care
b. Allowing them independent self-care & participating in normal daily activities.
10. What is the common psychotic disorder of old age?
a. Dementia b. Schizophrenia c. personality disorders
11. What is the nursing care for patient with cognition-disorder?
a. Establish nursing care
b. Watch out for suicidal tendencies
c. Use of restraints
12. What is the medication contraindicated for peptic ulcer?
a. Antacid b. Aspirin c. Acetaminophen
13. What is the first priority for closed head injury?
a. Prevent hemorrhage b. Prevent edema c. prevent infection

14. What is the appropriate nursing care for Paracetamol Overdose?

a. Activated charcoal b. increase fluid intake c. Induce vomiting
15. What is true to Hepatitis – B?
a. Lifetime Hepa B carrier b. short term treatment
c. Hand wash precautions needed
16. What is the common problem encountered by patients with stoma?
a. Increased flatus b. increased vowel elimination
c. skin encrociation
17. BCG is for ….
a. Tuberculosis b. Pneumonia c. Hepatitis
18. What are the symptoms of volume fluid deficit?
19. What is the electrolyte affected by UTI?
20. What is the importance of place therapy for children in the hospital?
a. To direct attention
b. To lessen the pain & increase interaction with hospital staff
c. For children to enjoy hospital stay
21. What is the priority care for burn?
a. Infuse intravenous therapy
b. Infuse infection by applying tropical medications
c. Replacement of electrolyte loss
22. When Sengtaken Blakemere is not drawing and obstructed, it is caused :
a. Esophageal perforation
b. Swelling & bleeding
23. What is the early sign of Hyporolemic shock
a. Pulse of 90 mmg Hg
b. Bounding pulse

c. Tachycardia
24. What is the manifestation of Imperforated Anus?
a. Ribbon like stool b. watery stool c. passage of stool
25. What is observed in a healthy stoma?
a. Bunish and swelling b. pall pink moist
c. small and retracted
26. What is the purpose of cuff in the endotracheal tube?

A. FEBRILE – sudden chills and non-hemolytic fever, headache, flushing, anxiety.

1. Stop transfusion immediately and vein open with open with normal saline. Notify
physician and blood bank.
2. Send blood samples and blood bags to blood bank. Collect urine samples for
3. Check temperature
4. Give antipyretic as prescribe.
B. SEPTIC REACTION – rapid onset of chills, high fever, vomiting, diarrhea, marked hypotension.
a. Stop transfusion immediately and KVO
b. Obtain cultures of patient (blood and return blood bags with administration set to blood bank
for culture.)
c. Treat septicemia as directed (antibiotic, IV Fluid, vasopressin, steroid, etc.)
C. CIRCULATORY OVERLOAD – rise in venous pressure, distended neck vein, dyspnea, cough,
crackles at base of lungs.
a. Stop transfusion immediately and KVO.
b. Place upright with feet in depenent position
c. Administer prescribed diuretics, oxygen, morphine and aminophylline.
D. HEMOLYTIC REACTION – chills, fever, low back pains, feeling of head fullness/flushing,
oppressive feeling, tachycardia, tachypnea, hypotension, vascular collapse, hemoglobinemia,
bleeding and acute renal failure.
a. Stop transfusion immediately. Keep vein open with saline.
b. Notify physician and blood bank
c. Draw testing samples, collect urine samples.
d. Treat shock if present
e. Maintain blood pressure with IV colloid solutions. Give diuretic as prescribed.
f. Insert indwelling catheter to monitor hourly urine output.

 T – TUBE - placed after surgery to allow drainage of bile until edema subsides.

1. Maintain closed gravity drainage system.
2. Observe and measure drainage. (Normal drainage of bile until edema subsides). As swelling
decrease drainage decreases.
3. Protect skin from irritating bile.
4. Clamp tube as ordered before and after meals to allow bile aid in digestion. Assess tolerance
and return of normal digestion..
5. When bile drainage continuous through t-tube period of time, it may be ordered to give bile
drainage orally or through NGT to prevent fluid & electrolyte loss and for fat and vitamins
absorption or biles salts may be ardered.




1. Myocardial Infraction
2. DM – Insulin Administration
3. CPR
4. Morphine Effect
5. Pediatric Cases
6. CVP
7. Fluid Imbalances (a. allealosis b. Acidosis)
8. IV Fluids and Medication Computation
9. Medication Effect
10. Food poisoning
11. Bronchial Asthma
12. Epinephrine
13. Treatment for hypoglycemia
14. Total laryngectomy purpose
15. What is Dysphasia, management and nursing action?
16. Seizure – management and nursing action.
17. Convulsion – intervention and nursing action
18. Hypertension
19. Precaution when feeding
20. Where to take temperature in an Acute Gastroenteritis
21. What to do in a febrile patient
22. Site of injection DM and what degrees (45 degrees subcutaneously)
23. Reason or subcutaneously injection in giving insulin
24. Hand washing – universal precaution
25. Heart rate of a new born
26. Responsible to death
27. Proper disposal of needle
28. Gauge of NGT suctioning / oral suctioning
29. Hyperkalemia – 250 w + insulin

 Maintaining an effective airway clearance for unconscious patient

 Complication of neglected mouth
 Complication for frequent loose stool
 DSLR 1,000@20 gtt/ml to run for 8 degrees … how many drops per minute
 Pacemaker of the heart = S.A. node
 Which vitamin is needed the intrinsic factor for it to synthesized = Vitamin B12
 Sungtaken Blakemore
 Difference of Angina pain from myocardial infraction pain
 Which vitamin would likely be deficient in patient w/ gastric cancer = Vitamin B12
 CSF – choroids plexus
 Myocardial infraction – ischemic myocardial
 Bronchoscopy procedure – dry swallowing
 Sterile technique in cleaning the wounds = start to less contaminated to dirty
 Medicines for px w/ vent defibrillation = atropine SO4
 Who are the candidates for cervical cancer examination – sexually active individuals
 Immediate action for tension pneumothorax = chest tube insertion
 2 cc injectable drugs = gluteus lateralis
 Purpose of T-tube drainage in patient who has undergone chlesystectomy
 Thigh muscles for injection with DM patient

 Proper position for patient with hip replacement = abduction
 Intravernal injection – 15 degrees angle
 Ampicillin (500g) diluted in 2 cc – how much cc will you give for 250 mg
 Measuring index for decuditus ulcer
 Self-care community partnership = primary health care or public health
 Vastus lateralis
 Conversion of Gm to mcq
 Care of colostomy
 Site of 1 m injection – deltoid muscle
 Nerve to be prevented when giving deep m injection – sciatic nerve


True of False
1. Primary health care is open for all age group.
2. Cerebrospinal fluid is absorbed by the choroids plexus.
3. The right to do when there is stab wounds, is to remove the foreign matter immediately
4. Apgar score determines maturity of the baby.
5. Sterilization (otal destruction) and disinfection (partial destruction) is different bec……
6. CHO is stored in liver as glycogen.
7. Apex of the heart is determined in the anterior portion between 5th and 8th intercostals space
8. Honey is an example of complex carbohydrates
9. Intradermal injection is done at 10 – 15 degrees angle
10. Pulmonary congestion – S/SX – at gain, orthopnea, tachypnea
11. The infant passes stool after six hrs. This is called meconium stool. (The first stool of infant is called
12. Hypothalamus is the regulating center of temperature.
13. In the metabolic alkalosis, the PO2 decreases.
14. The Glass gow coma scale is on good prognosis when it is higher.

Matching Type

15. liver a. trypsinogen
16. pancreas b. secrets bile
17. large bowel c. secretes pepsinogen
18. aminophyliine d. action of digitalis – reinforce the pumping
of the heart
19. diazepam e. dilate bronchial walls
20. digitalis
f. strengthen heart muscles
g. keep the patient relax

1. In asthma, the wheezing sound is heard during,
a. Exhale c. exertion
b. Inhale d. exhaustion
2. What is the normal respiration of infant?
a. 30 – 60 / min c. 10 – 30 / min
b. 20 – 35 / min d. 50 – 70 / min
3. COPD patient must receive oxygen at what amount?
a. 21 – 24 % c. 48 – 56 %
b. 24 – 28 % d. 56 – 60 %
4. The 2 most common complications to be watched after bronchoscopy
a. nausea & vomiting c. increase SOB & laryngeal stidor
b. hoarseness d. dizziness & increase SOB
5. Two (2) liters of dextrose at 15 microdrops & to be run for 18 hrs. How many
drops per minute?
a. 20 b. 21 c. 24 d. 28
6. Cause of spontaneous pneumothorax
a. Rupture of a pleb (sub-pleural) b. pleural friction rub
7. Different attitudes that causes the baby to deteriorate( except)
a. Excessive smoking c. excessive alcohol intake
b. Proper diet and exercise
8. Good position of patient with pulmonary edema
9. LMP – April 15, 1992. When is the EDC?
a. 22 / 02 / 93 c. 22 / 01 / 93
b. 15 / 02 / 93
10. Characteristic of a baby with cerebral palsy?
a. Scissored limbs c. no reflexes on both limbs
b. Limbs rotating inward d. limbs rotating upward
11. Cord care a. wash w/ chlohexidine b. wash w/ cord spirit c.
put petroleum jelly
12. Principle of close suction
a. Gravity – negative pressure suction b. gravity-position pressure suction

13. Organs involved that determines the fluid and electrolytes production and losses
a. Endocrine, urinary and cardiovascular system
b. Endocrine, integumentary and urinary system
c. Respiratory / pulmonary endocrine and gastro-intestinal system
d. Cardiovascular, urinary and CNS

14. In taking accurate intake and output, the nurse must know
a. Fluid and electrolyte production and losses in the body compartment
b. Different food intake
c. Monitoring all given foods and medicines

15. The invigilation of a certain colon to the distal part

a. Intussusceptions c. esophageal Artesia
b. Hiatal hernia d. hirshcprung disease
16. Organ involved in hypoxia
a. Heart b. kidney c. brain d. liver
17. Which part of the heart carries oxygen blood that goes through aorta?
a. Left ventricle c. right atrium
b. Right ventricle d. left atrium
18. Important elements in the bone?
a. Ca & Na b. Ca & PO4 c. Na & PO4 d. K & Na
19. What elements can you get from egg yolk?
a. Protein b. albumin c. CHO
20. The purpose of drying the baby after birth?
a. Prevent heat loss c. promote respiration
b. Promote circulation

21. Homophiles influenza is a a. virus b. bacteria

22. Oral trust of an infant is caused by

a. Streptococci b. Escherichia c. Candida
23. Broad spectrum antibiotics
a. Ampicillin b. penicillin c. streptomycin d. vancomycin
24. Scalp disease is caused by a. fungus b. protozoa c. virus

25. Which is considered cyanotic type of disease?

a. Tetra logy of fatal b. ASD c. USD
26. Tracheotomy is done where there is a. laryngeal spasm b. ventilation

27. Hormone responsible for bodily changes during puberty

a. Estrogen b. progesterone

28. Malaria can cause bleeding of

a. Anus b. rectum c. colon d. stomach

29. What organ is badly affected by hypoxia?

30. What is the ration of cardiac compression to ventilation with one rescuer?
31. What is the effective way to stop bleeding?
32. What is the serious complication of appendicitis?
33. What is the most common complication when the Parathyroid Gland is remove
during thyroidectomy?
34. What is the color of CSF in TB meningitis?
35. What is the common cause of cholecystitis?


1. IVF computation
2. Cholecystitis
3. Propatheline Bromide
4. Ileostomy - stoma
5. Partial thickness burn
6. Dementia
7. Cimetidine – drug mechanism
8. Urinary incontinence in aging
9. Factors related to fall in aging
10. MI- administer morphine
11. Pneumothorax –CTT
12. Tracheostomy tube
13. Osteoarthritis
14. Fracture in the skull
15. DKA – Management
16. Compression to rescue breath – 30:2
17. Child position during CPR
18. TURP
19. Labour and delivery
20. Traction and cast
21. Burn chemical
22. Uretheric stones
23. Glasglow coma scale

24. Increased ICP
25. Blood Transfusion
26. Feeding – cleft palate
27. Thrombolytic – to dissolve clot
28. Renal function test
29. Myocardial infraction
30. Basal Fracture
31. Diabetic ketoacidosis
32. Sign and symptoms of Pulmonary Tuberculosis
33. Epinephrine
34. Peptic ulcer
35. Total laryngectomy
36. Insulin
37. Pneumonia
38. Bone marrow suppression
39. Psychotic disorder of old age
40. Spinal cord injury
41. Resuscitation of newborn
42. Bone marrow suppression
43. Lumbar pain management

1. What to do when tracheostomy is removed?

- Place tracheal dilator
2. When to know that CTT can be removed?
- After undergoing a series of radiographic exam
3. Sign if CTT is displaced
- Continuous bubbles on CTT
4. What is the effect of radiation on skin after chemotherapy?
5. A boy undergone a fight and was hit at the base of the skull. What is the indication of skull fracture?
a. Battle’s sign
b. Drooping of the eyes c. poor concentration

1. What is the vitamin spored in the liver?
2. Collies fracture?
3. Process of autoclaving?
4. Cilia-function
5. Capillaries in the lungs
6. Common pre-natal blood test except:
a. VARL b. HIV/AIDS c.Hepa b d.pap smear
7. Best fime to wean the baby from milk?
8. Difference of angina from mi?
9. Diabetes Insipidus- what electrolyte imbalance
10. Diabetes insipidus- fluid volume deficit
11. Vomiting will cause?
a.Metabolic alkalosis b.metabolic acidosis c.Resp. acidosis d. Resp.alkalosis
12. Urinary incontinence-intervention
13. Cognitive disorder-intervention

14. NGT – mmanagement & intervention
15. Autoclare-radiation,pasteurization,heat moisture
16. Fluid & electrolyte
17. Fractures colles
18. Management for nementia
19. Dosage & solution
20. When to start wearing the baby?
21. DKA – not injecting insulin regularly
22. Empleysena
23. Oil-soluble lubricant not used in NGT insertion because …..
24. Vomiting – what electrolyte imbalance
25. Normal saline not used in fuley cafleta to inflate because …
26. Thyroidectomy-complications bleeding
 Bleeding
27. Steyne stokes respiration COPD
28. Water seal chamber
29. Basal fracture COPD
30. Why we do not use pnss for inflating foley cataeter
a.too expensive b.will crystauze at the catheter c.will erode the lumen of the catheter
31. Subcutaneous emphysema
32. Teaching after toral thyroidectomy
33. Abore knee amplitation
34. Medication for seizure
35. Cheyne storesresaration
36. Angina & heart attack
37. Use of warfarin
38. Difference of angina & heart attack
39. Type of O2 mask for copd patients
40. Sign of skull fracture- battle sign
41. Management for hyperemesis gravidarum
42. Medication forn seizure – dilantin
43. Treatment for Pneumothorax?
44. What are the signs and symptoms for Ketoacidosis?
45. Management for Ketoacidosis
46. Management in casts.
47. Infection control for MRSA, Varicella, Isolation techniques.
48. Reverse Isolation
49. Nursing priorities for newborn
50. Incident reports and nursing records
51. What to check if CT tube has leak?
52. Health teaching for post-op Hemorrhoidectomy
53. What to do when prick with needle?
54. Best time to administer Ametadine?
55. Complications of DM if left untreated.
56. What is the cause of anemia in patients with CRF?
57. When to give breakfast after insulin injection?
58. How to administer NGT medicines? How to remove NGT?
59. Nursing Priorities for patients with Tuberculosis.
60. Side effects of Procazin HCL.
61. Common signs of Dementia
62. What is the righ position of using a cane for patients with right body weakness?
63. Proper position during paracentesis.
64. Symptoms of retinal detachment.

65. Effects of Folic Acid to a patient taking Dilantin?
66. What mask is used for COPD patient.
67. Total hip replacement do’s.
68. What position is indicated for patient with ↑ ICP?
69. Definition of Psoriasis.
70. Medication for Angina. Difference between Heart attack and Angina.
71. Management for seizure. Drug of choice.
72. Complications of closed head injury.
73. How often do you change feeding bay.
74. What should a nurse monitor in a patient receiving high dose of anti-psychotic drug?
75. Proper position of patients with intracranial pressure.
76. Medicine for children who had undergone total thyroidectomy.
77. Nursing Leadership. Team Nursing definition.
78. Medication for newborn with Hyperthyroidism.
79. Complication of prolonged suctioning.
80. Most common airway obstructions.
81. When is the time to wean the baby from Milk?
82. How to communicate to a patient with hearing impairment.
83. What is Cheyne-stroke breathing?
84. What should be placed at patient’s bedside?
85. Who is on mechanical ventilator?
86. Hand washing components.
87. Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm.
88. How to obtain apical pulse?
89. What should be avoided in giving Eurokinase?
90. What is the cause of pain on patients with acute M17?
91. If the patient is asystole; what drug should be given?
92. What does a whitish discoloration in ileostomy indicate?
93. Treatment for Pneumothorax?
94. Symptoms of ectopic pregnancy.
95. When should ranitidine be taken?
96. What does cranial nerve VII affect?
97. Normal pressure for suctioning.
98. Best contraceptive for a diabetic patient.
99. What should the nurse do before doing tube feeding?
100. Complications of patients with diabetes and also having cardiac problems.
101. An obese patient using a small cuff in taking BP can cause?
102. What is the pain difference between Myocardial Infarction and Angina?
103. Complications of Diabetes and renal failure.
104. Complications of Tube feeding.
105. What type of isolation for patient with MRSA?
106. Causes of basal cell carcinoma aside from fair skin.
107. What is the effect of giving IV Furosemide to a patient with renal failure?
108. How long does a patient have to wait before eating after injecting insulin?
109. Where does fertilization occur?
110. What legal action should be taken to a nurse who gives a 3kg infant the medication
of Digitalis that then develops to a temporary paralysis?
111. What is the legal suite for a forcing an operation to a patient without consent?

112. Signs of skull fracture.

Diabetic Ketoacidosis
Gastrointestinal Disorder

Mental Health
Right sided heart failure
Right to justice
Ulcerative Colitis

* To avoid dumping syndrome from pt. that had gastric surgery, the patient must
- 6 small meals a day
- eat as much as he desire.

* After head injury, the patient's position is:

- Trendelemburg
-supine but the head place on one side
-Elevates patient's bed 20-30 degrees.

*Early indication of undesirable effect of thrombolytic agents to patient with acute stroke
- Dizziness

*After transurethral resection of prostate a 3 way folly catheter was inserted to:
- monitor urine output
-imagination 7 removed any blood clots from bladder.

* The patients suddenly complain of abdominal pain, the nursing action must be:
- give PRN pain medication.
-asserted the catheter for any blood clots or obstruction.

* After a major surgery, a patient is prone to have (DVT) deep vein thrombosis in order to
present this:
-massage patient s leg
-Apply warm blanket on lover limb
-assist patient to have limb exercise.

*Indication for > in compensatory shock, except

- High HR
-Low HR
* Patient is alert and conscious.

* A patient has to undergo fibroids removal in the uterus, after the operation she found out
that the surgeon removes her uterus. The patient files a complaint to the doctor for:
- Malpractice

* A patient is using a metered dose inhaler, the nurse assessed that the patient needs move
health teaching, if the patient told the nurse
- To hold breath for 10 seconds, for absorption of medication
-wait for 15 to 20 seconds before administration of second inhalation.

*Sterile gloves should be use:

A. after medical hand washing b. After surgical hand washing when cleaning for pts.

* The patient undergone to total thyroidectomy. What would electrolytes the priority of the
nurse to monitor?
- cerum calcium.

* Patient has acute lymphocytic leukemia; patient is prone to infection due to decrease in?

Patient has to receive antibiotic of 250mg every 6 hours daily? The stock available is
125mg in 5 ml. How many dosages will you give?

* A patient has asthma and prescribed salbutamol for nebulization. Salbutamol act as
* a short acting beta 2 agonist.

*Active artificial immunity can get by: *vaccines

-immunity transmits from mother to child.

*Total hip replacement, why position to extension and abduction of affected extremity?
-avoid dislocation of Right lower limb
-to avoid complication of thromboembolism
-to facilitate circulation of the post-operative site.

* On head injury, upon assessment there is pin needle shape of pupil due to:
-compression of cranial nerve III.

*Which is not an indication of compensatory shock?

-increase HR
-decrease HR
-decrease bp
-patient is alert & conscious.

*patient has glucose of 2.5mmol. What would be the priority nursing action?
-advise to have sweet drinks
-recheck again the sugar level

Recommended reading list in NYP website:

(This list is not comprehensive)

Frisch, N.C. & Frisch L.E. (2006). Psychiatric mental health nursing: Understanding the
client as well as the condition (3rd. ed.). Albany, Australia : Delma/Thomson Learning
Glanze, W. D. (Ed).  (2007). Mosby’s pocket medical, nursing, and allied health dictionary
(7th ed). St. Louis: CV Mosby.

Hammer, S., & Collinson, G. (2005). Achieving evidence-based practice: A handbook for
practitioner (2nd ed). Edinburgh: Bailliere Tindall.
Jarvis, C. (2008). Pocket companion for physical examination and health assessment (5th
ed). Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders.

Keltner, N. L., Schwecke, L. H., & Bostrom, C. E. (2007). Psychiatric  nursing (5th ed).
St Louis: Mosby Year Book

Lemone, P., & Burke, K.M. (2008). Medical surgical nursing: Critical thinking in client
care (4th ed.). Menlo Park, California: Addison Wesley.

Lipe, S & Beasley,S. (2004). Critical thinking in nursing: A cognitive skills workbook.
Lippincott: Philadelphia.
Perry, A., & Potter, P. (2006). Clinical nursing skills and techniques (6th ed.). St. Louis.
Ramont, R.P., Niedringhaus, & D.M.,Towle, M.A. (2006). Comprehensive nursing care.
Upper Saddle River: Pearson Education.


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