Certification Training Program Syllabus 2022

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Metode Program: Program Method:
Metode program menggunakan Blended Learning The program method uses Blended Learning, which is
PEMERINTAH (PBJ) - Kompetensi Level 1 yaitu kombinasi pembelajaran di dalam kelas a combination of in-class and online learning.
dengan online .
Government Procurement Of Goods/Services (PGS)

Peraturan Presiden Republik Indonesia Nomor 16 Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Sosialisasi Program Pembelajaran Mandiri Virtual Class atau Uji Kompetensi PBJ
melalui Learning In-Class Level 1
tahun 2018 dan Perubahannya No. 12 Tahun 2021 Number 16 of 2018 and its Amendment No. 12 of 2021 Management System
tentang Pedoman Pelaksanaan Pengadaan Barang/ concerning Guidelines for the Implementation of the
Jasa (PBJ) Pemerintah, Pasal 74 A menyatakan : Government’s Goods/Services Procurement ( PGS),
Article 74 A states:
Program Socialization Independent Learning Virtual Class or In- PGS Competency Test
Semua sumber daya manusia pengadaan barang/ All human resources for the procurement of goods/ through Learning Class Level 1
jasa wajib memiliki kompetensi di bidang services must have competence in the field of Management System
pengadaan barang/jasa. Kompetensi ini dibuktikan procurement of goods/services. This competency is
HARI 1 Hari 1-10 Hari 11-14 Hari 15
dengan kepemilikan sertifikat PBJ minimal tingkat evidenced by the possession of a PGS certificate at a (30 Jam Pelajaran) (32 Jam Pelajaran)
dasar/level 1. minimum level of basic/level 1.

PPM Manajemen telah berpengalaman lebih dari 15 PPM Manajemen has more than 15 years of experience Keterangan: Information:
tahun dalam penyelenggaraan program sertifikasi in implementing this certification program and is one Pembelajaran mandiri melalui LMS LKPP (dibuka Independent learning through LMS LKPP (open
ini dan menjadi salah satu Lembaga Pelatihan of the A-accredited Goods/Services Procurement selama 24 jam). Pelatihan secara Online atau 24 hours). Online or Face-to-face Training 08.00
Pengadaan Barang/Jasa (LPPBJ) terakreditasi A Training Institutions (TIPGS) from the Goods/Services Tatap Muka Pukul 08.00 – 16.30. Uji Kompetensi – 16.30. Competency Test will take place in PPM
dari Lembaga Kebijakan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Procurement Policy Institute (LKPP). dilaksanakan di Gd. PPM Manajemen Manajemen building

Tujuan Umum Pelatihan: General Purpose of Training: Peserta pelatihan: Trainees:

Membekali SDM PBJP dengan Standar Kompetensi Equipping GPGS HR with PGS Competency Standards Peserta berasal dari instansi pemerintah, Participants come from government institutions,
PBJ level – 1 yaitu : level – 1, namely: departemen teknis maupun pemerintah daerah, technical departments and local governments, as
serta kalangan swasta yang memiliki kepedulian/ well as private sectors who have a concern/relation
hubungan kerja sebagai penyedia barang/jasa as providers of government goods/services.
• Pengantar Manajemen Rantai Pasok (Supply • Introduction to Supply Chain Management
Chain Management)
• Pengantar Pengadaan Barang / Jasa • Introduction to the Procurement of Government Persyaratan Peserta Ujian: Certification Examination Requirements:
Pemerintah Goods/Services
• Melakukan Perencanaan PBJ level- 1 • Conducting level-1 PGS planning • Pendidikan minimal SLTA • Minimum high school graduate (SLTA)
2 • Mengikuti Pelatihan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa • Participate in Government Goods/Services 3
• Melakukan Pemilihan Penyedia Barang/ Jasa • Conducting selection of level-1 government goods/
Pemerintah level- 1 services providers Pemerintah-Level 1 Procurement Training-Level 1
• Mengelola Kontrak PBJP level- 1 dan • Managing level-1 GPGS Contract, and
• Mengelola PBJP Secara Swakelola level- 1 • Managing level-1 GPGS self-managed
IDR 6.500.000
(Termasuk biaya Ujian)
(Including Exam fees)

Catatan: Note:
Sertifikasi Tingkat Dasar masih dapat dipakai Basic Level Certification can still be used to carry
untuk melaksanakan tugas pengelola, sehingga out management duties, so those who already have
yang telah memiliki Sertifikasi Tingkat Dasar Basic Level Certification do not need to take PGS
tidak perlu mengikuti Sertifikasi PBJ Kompetensi Competency Level 1 Certification (Article 32 per
level 1 (Pasal 32 per LKPP No 7 tahun LKPP No 7 of 2021).

Certification Training Program Certification Training Program

CERTIFIED PROCUREMENT • Memahami pengkajian ulang
pemilihan penyedia barang/ jasa.
paket dan • Understand package review and selection of goods/
services providers.

SPECIALIST (CPSp) • Dapat memahami persiapan dan pelaksanaan

• Can understand the preparation and implementation
of PGS.

Hadirnya Peraturan Presiden RI No. 12 tahun 2021 The presence of Presidential Regulation No. RI. • Mampu mengevaluasi dokumen penawaran • Able to evaluate bid documents and performance of
yang merupakan perubahan atas Perpres 16 tahun 12 of 2021 which is an amendment to Presidential dan kinerja penyedia barang/ jasa. providers of goods/services.
2018 tentang Pengadaan Barang/ Jasa pemerintah Regulation 16 of 2018 concerning the Procurement
menyatakan bahwa kewajiban memiliki sertifikat of Government Goods/Services states that it is the Apa Saja Yang Dibahas: Subjects:
kompetensi bagi pejabat pengadaan. Kompetensi obligation to have a certificate of competence for
professional pengadaan dibangun berdasarkan procurement officials. Procurement professional • Menelaah Lingkungan PBJ. • Studying the PGS Environment.
kluster proses pengadaan sesuai dengan keputusan competence is built based on the procurement • Menyusun kebutuhan dan anggaran pengadaan • Prepare the needs and budget for the procurement
BNSP No: 0932/ BNSP/ix/ 2017 dan berdasarkan process cluster in accordance with BNSP decision No: barang / jasa. of goods / services.
SKKNI sesuai KEMMENAKER No 70 tahun 2016. 0932/BNSP/ix/2017 and based on SKKNI according to
KEMENAKER No. 70 of 2016. • Menyusun spesifikasi teknis. • Prepare technical specifications.
• Mengkaji ulang paket pengadaan barang/ jasa. • Reviewing the package of procurement of goods/
Untuk mengoptimalkan kinerja pengelola unit To optimize the performance of procurement unit services.
pengadaan di setiap organisasi, maka dibutuhkan managers in each organization, skilled personnel and
• Memilih penyedia barang / jasa. • Choose a provider of goods / services.
tenaga terampil dan memiliki sertifikat kompetensi, competency certificates are needed to provide added
sehingga mampu memberikan added value value to organizational assessment, procurement • Menyusun dokumen pengadaan barang/ jasa. • Prepare documents for the procurement of goods/
terhadap penilaian organisasi, hasil pengadadaan results and systematically reduce expenditure costs services.
serta menekan biaya pengeluaran secara sistematis to increase organizational profit/cost efficiency. • Melakukan kualifikasi penyedia barang / jasa. • Performing the qualification of goods/services
sehingga dapat meningkatkan laba/ efisiensi biaya providers.
• Melakukan Evaluasi kinerja penyedia barang / • Evaluating the performance of goods/service
jasa. providers.
Certified Procurement Specialist (CPSp) bertujuan Certified Procurement Specialist (CPSp) aims that
agar para peserta mampu melaksanakan proses participants are expected to be able to carry out the • Menyampaikan penjelasan dokumen pengadaan • Submit an explanation of the procurement of goods/
pengadaan barang/ jasa (PBJ) dari perencanaan process of procurement of goods/services (PGS) barang/ jasa. services documents.
pengadaan sampai dengan penetapan penyedia from procurement planning to the determination of • Mengevaluasi dokumen penawaran. • Evaluate bid documents.
barang/ jasa. Sehingga akan menghasilkan providers of goods/services so that it will result in
efisiensi pengeluaran biaya PBJ bagi organisasi efficiency of PGS costs for the organization which • Mengelola sanggahan. • Manage objections.
yang berujung pada peningkatan laba / efisiensi leads to an increase in profit/cost efficiency. • Melakukan Negosiasi. • Negotiation.
Peserta Pelatihan: Trainees:
Pelatihan ini ekuivalen dengan lingkup model-1 This training is equivalent to the scope of model-1
s/d modul-6 Program MLS- SCM ITC (Modular to module-6 of the ITC MLS-SCM (Modular Learning Peserta yang berasal baik dari Institusi pemerintah, Participants who come from government institutions,
4 Learning system ITC), bagi yang ingin mendapatkan system ITC) Program, for those who want to get BUMN, BUMD, BLU maupun swasta yang melakukan BUMN, BUMD, BLU and the private sector that fulfill 5
sertifikasi dengan gelar Cert. SCM- ITC dapat certified with a Cert degree. SCM-ITC can take the pemenuhan kebutuhan melalui pengadaan barang/ needs through the procurement of goods/services.
mengikuti ujian SCM- ITC. SCM-ITC exam. jasa.

Manfaat Apa Yang Anda Peroleh: What Will You Get: Persyaratan Peserta Ujian: Certification Examination Requirements:
Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta After completing this program, participants are S1 - 3 Tahun berpengalaman di bidang Procurement
expected to be able to: Bachelor Degree (S1) - 3 years Experience in
diharapkan mampu:

• Mampu menelaah dan melakukan penyelarasan • Able to review and align PGS policies.
kebijakan PBJ.
• Dapat merumuskan organisasi dan menyusun • Can formulate organization and prepare PGS IDR 10.000.000 IDR 8.500.000
kebutuhan anggaran PBJ. budget requirements.
(Termasuk biaya Ujian)
• Able to compile documents, technical specifications, (Including Exam fees)
• Mampu menyusun dokumen, spesifikasi
teknis, rancangan kontrak dan harga yang draft contracts and estimated prices.

Certification Training Program Certification Training Program

Apa Saja Yang Dibahas: Subjects:
• Menyusun spesifikasi teknis • Drafting technical specifications
MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST (CCMs) • Menyusun harga perkiraan • Compile an estimated price
• Menyusun rancangan kontrak pengadaan • Drafting procurement contract
• Melakukan Evaluasi kinerja penyedia • Evaluating provider performance
Hadirnya Peraturan Presiden RI No. 12 tahun 2021 The presence of Presidential Regulation No. RI.
• Melakukan negosiasi • Negotiating
yang merupakan perubahan atas Perpres 16 tahun 12 of 2021 which is an amendment to Presidential
2018 tentang Pengadaan Barang/ Jasa pemerintah Regulation 16 of 2018 concerning the Procurement • Melakukan finalisasi dokumen kontrak • Finalizing procurement contract documents
menyatakan bahwa kewajiban memiliki sertifikat of Government Goods/Services states that it is the pengadaan
kompetensi bagi pejabat pengadaan. Kompetensi obligation to have a certificate of competence for • Membentuk tim pengelolaan kontrak • Forming a procurement contract management team
professional pengadaan dibangun berdasarkan procurement officials. Procurement professional pengadaan
kluster proses pengadaan sesuai dengan keputusan competence is built based on the procurement
BNSP No: 0932/ BNSP/ix/ 2017 dan berdasarkan process cluster in accordance with BNSP decision No: • Menyusun rencana pengelolaan kontrak • Prepare procurement contract management plan
SKKNI sesuai KEMMENAKER No 70 tahun 2016. 0932/BNSP/ix/2017 and based on SKKNI according to pengadaan
KEMMENAKER No. 70 of 2016. • Mengendalikan pelaksanaan kontrak • Controlling the implementation of procurement
pengadaan contracts
Salah satu yang menjadi fokus dalam pengadaan One of the focus in the procurement of contract
• Menyelesaikan permasalahan kontrak • Resolving procurement contract issues
adalah ahli kontrak, dimana bidang ini membutuhkan experts, where this field requires accuracy and
ketelitian dan kecermatan dalam pelaksanaannya. precision in its implementation, therefore the pengadaan
Oleh karena itu peranan ahli kontrak dibutuhkan role of contract experts is needed to optimize the • Melakukan penerimaan hasil pengadaan • Receive procurement results
untuk mengoptimalkan kinerja pengelolaan unit performance of the management of procurement • Carry out self-managed procurement preparations
• Melakukan persiapan pengadaan secara
pengadaan di setiap organisasi. units in each organization.
Certified Contract Management Specialist (CCMs) Certified Contract Management Specialists (CCMs) • Melakukan pelaksanaan pengadaan secara • Carry out the implementation of self-managed
bertujuan agar para peserta diharapkan mampu aim that participants are expected to be able and swakelola procurement
dan mahir melaksanakan kontrak secara tertib proficient in carrying out contracts in an administrative • Mengelola kinerja • Manage performance
administrasi dan menghasilkan Output yang manner and producing output in accordance with the
sesuai dengan kontrak dalam koridor peraturan – contract within the corridor of existing regulations. • Mengelola resiko • Managing risk
peraturan yang ada.
Peserta Pelatihan: Trainees:
Manfaat Apa Yang Anda Peroleh: What Will You Get:
Peserta yang berasal baik dari Institusi pemerintah, Participants who come from government institutions,
Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta After completing this program, participants are BUMN, BUMD, BLU maupun swasta yang melakukan BUMN, BUMD, BLU and the private sector that fulfill
diharapkan mampu: expected to be able to: pemenuhan kebutuhan melalui pengadaan barang/ the demands through the procurement of goods/
jasa. services.
6 7
• Mampu menelaah dan melakukan penyelarasan • Review and align policies on procurement of goods/
kebijakan pengadaan barang/ jasa. services. Persyaratan Peserta Ujian: Certification Examination Requirements:
• Dapat merumuskan organisasi dan menyusun • Formulate the organization and prepare budget • D3 - 8 tahun berpengalaman di manajemen • Associate Degree (D3) - 8 years experience in
kebutuhan kebutuhan anggaran pengadaan requirements for the procurement of goods/ kontrak, atau contract management, or
barang/ jasa. services.
• S1 - 5 tahun berpengalaman di manajemen • Bachelor Degree (S1) - 5 years experience in contract
• Mampu Menyusun dokumen, spesifikasi • Prepare documents, technical specifications, draft kontrak management
teknis, rancangan kontrak dan harga yang contracts and estimated prices.
• Memahami pengkajian ulang paket dan • Understand package review and selection of goods/
pemilihan penyedia barang/ jasa. service providers.
IDR 10.000.000 IDR 8.500.000
• Dapat memahami persiapan dan pelaksanaan • Understand the preparation and implementation of (Termasuk biaya Ujian)
pengadaan barang/ jasa. procurement of goods/services. (Including Exam fees)

• Mampu mengevaluasi dokumen penawaran dan • Evaluate bid documents and performance of
kinerja penyedia barang/ jasa. providers of goods/services.

Certification Training Program Certification Training Program


Kebutuhan organisasi untuk terus bertransformasi Organizational needs for keeping on transforming Apa Saja Yang Dibahas: Subjects:
sesuai visi, misi dan nilai-nilai organisasi sangat according to the vision, mission and values of
membutuhkan dukungan dari keahlian para the organization really need supports from skills Konsep dan studi kasus riil perusahaan Indonesia, Concepts and real case studies of Indonesian
SDM organisasi, terutama adalah SDM yang of organization HR, especially the HR who are terkait berbagai topik berikut ini yang merujuk companies related to the following topics that refer to
berkecimpung dalam bidang pembelajaran involved in learning and development field. This is kepada 15 unit kompetensi: 15 competency units:
dan pengembangan. Hal ini menjadi penting important because HR is the main driving force of the
karena SDM merupakan modal utama penggerak organization, start from determining the mindset to • Menyusun Uraian Jabatan • Compile Job Description
organisasi mulai dari bagaimana penetapan continue to grow and develop positively to support the
• Melaksanakan Analisis Beban Kerja • Conduct Workload Analysis
pola pikir (mindset) untuk terus bertumbuh dan progress of the organization from all aspects.
berkembang secara positif mendukung kemajuan • Menyusun Standar Operasional Prosedur (SOP) • Develop Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for
organisasi dari segala aspek. MSDM HR
• Menyusun Grading Jabatan • Compile Position Grading
Untuk dapat memenuhi kemampuan tersebut, To be able to fulfill these abilities, this program will
program ini akan mempersiapkan diri peserta prepare participants to be able to fulfill the abilities to • Mengelola Proses Perumusan Indikator Kinerja • Manage the Process of Formulation of Individual
untuk dapat memenuhi kemampuan menjadi become Learning and Development Managers based Individu Performance Indicators
Manajer Pembelajaran dan Pengembangan yang on the provisions of Minister of Manpower Circular • Menyusun Kebutuhan Pembelajaran dan • Develop Learning and Development Needs
berlandaskan ketentuan dari Surat Edaran Menteri NO. M/5/HK.04.00/VII/2019 issued on July 22, 2019. Pengembangan
Tenaga Kerja NO. M/5/HK.04.00/VII/2019 tanggal Therefore, after participating in learning activities,
22 Juli 2019. Oleh karena itu, setelah mengikuti • Menindaklanjuti Hasil Penilaian Kinerja Individu • Follow Up on Individual Performance Assessment
participants can take the national certification test for
kegiatan pembelajaran, peserta dapat mengikuti uji Results
the Learning and Development Manager profession.
sertifikasi nasional profesi Manajer Pembelajaran • Merancang Program Pembelajaran dan • Design Learning and Development Programs
& Pengembangan. Pengembangan
• Melaksanakan Kegiatan Pembelajaran • Conduct Learning and Development Activities
Manfaat Apa Yang Anda Peroleh: What Will You Get: dan Pengembangan
Anda akan mendapatkan konsep yang komprehensif You will get a comprehensive concept of knowledge • Mengevaluasi Pelaksanaan Program • Evaluate the Implementation of Learning and
di bidang Pembelajaran & Pengembangan in all areas of Learning and HR Development, Pembelajaran dan Pengembangan Development Programs
SDM, merangkum seluruh pengetahuan di 5 summarize the 5 competency units that available in
• Merancang Model dan Kamus Kompetensi • Design a Competency Model and Dictionary
unit kompetensi yang dituntut dalam Sertifikasi the Indonesian National Certification of Learning
Nasional Manajer Pembelajaran & Pengembangan and Development Managers. You will also learn from • Menyusun Kelompok Pekerja Bertalenta (Talent • Assemble Talent Pool
8 Indonesia. Anda juga akan mendapatkan real case studies of Indonesian companies that will Pool) 9
pembelajaran dari kasus-kasus riil perusahaan be presented in an integrative way between lectures • Manage the Talent Pool Development Program
• Mengelola Program Pengembangan Kelompok
Indonesia. Konsep dan studi kasus riil perusahaan with strong academic concepts and lectures with a
Pekerja Bertalenta (Talent Pool)
Indonesia akan dibawakan secara integratif antara background of qualified practical experience in the
pengajar dengan konsep akademik yang kuat dan field. • Merancang Jalur Karir Pekerja • Design Worker Career Paths
pengajar dengan latar belakang pengalaman • Mengelola Program Suksesi • Manage Succession Programs
praktisi yang mumpuni di lapangan

Certification Training Program Certification Training Program

Peserta Pelatihan: Trainees:
Para profesional di bidang MSDM yang telah Professionals in the HR field who have experiences as
berpengalaman sebagai Manajer Pembelajaran Learning and Development Managers, but still need
& Pengembangan, namun masih memerlukan a more comprehensive understanding of the concept
pendalaman konsep yang lebih komprehensif of learning and development within the scope of a
tentang Pembelajaran & Pengembangan dalam manager.
lingkup sebagai seorang manajer.

Persyaratan Peserta Ujian: Certification Examination Requirements:

• Min. S1 • Min. Bachelor Degree
• Pengalaman kerja sebagai berikut: • Work experience as follows:
• Min 3 Tahun sebagai Supervisor/Analis SDM, • Min 3 years as Supervisor/HR Analyst, or
• Min. 6 Bulan sebagai Manajer Pelatihan dan • Min. 6 Months as Training and Development
Pengembangan atau Manager or
• Min. 1 tahun sebagai kepala bagian yang memiliki • Min. 1 year as head of section who has a
Sertifikat Nasional sebagai Kepala Bagian SDM National Certificate as Head of HR Section
• Memiliki sertifikat pelatihan persiapan CL&DM • Have a CL&DM preparatory training certificate

Ujian Sertifikasi: Certification Examination:

• Observasi & wawancara atas portofolio/bukti • Observation & Interview on portfolio/proof of work
kerja yang dimiliki owned

10 11
IDR 9.500.000 IDR 8.500.000
(Termasuk biaya Ujian)
(Including Exam fees)

Certification Training Program Certification Training Program

Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia (MSDM)
Menyusun Sistem Remunerasi •
Strategy and Policy
Develop Remuneration System
MANAGER • Menentukan Upah Pekerja • Determining Workers’ Wages
• Merumuskan Program Insentif dan/atau Bonus • Formulate Incentive and/or Bonus Programs
• Mengelola Proses Monitoring Pencapaian • Manage the Monitoring Process of Individual
The Remuneration Manager Certification refers to Kinerja Individu Performance Achievement
Sertifikasi Manajer Remunerasi mengacu pada
Standar Kompetensi Kerja Nasional Indonesia the Indonesian National Work Competency Standards • Mengelola Proses Pemberian Umpan Balik • Managing the Individual Performance Feedback
berdasarkan Keputusan Menteri Ketenagakerjaan based on the Decree of the Minister of Manpower of Kinerja Individu Process
Republik Indonesia Nomor 149 Tahun 2020 dan the Republic of Indonesia Number 149 of 2020 and the
• Mengelola Proses Penilaian Kinerja Individu • Managing the Individual Performance Appraisal
Keputusan Menteri Ketenagakerjaan Republik Decree of the Minister of Manpower of the Republic
Indonesia Nomor 297 Tahun 2020. Pelatihan of Indonesia Number 297 of 2020. This training is
ini ditujukan untuk mempersiapkan peserta intended to prepare participants for the Remuneration • Menindaklanjuti Hasil Penilaian Kinerja Individu • Following up on the results of individual performance
menghadapi ujian / asesmen Manajer Remunerasi Manager exam / assessment based on the demands of appraisals
• Menyiapkan Data Penyusunan Anggaran
berdasarkan tuntutan SKKNI. the SKKNI.
Tahunan SDM • Prepare the HR Annual Budget Preparation Data

Pelatihan akan diawali dengan pengantar program The training will begin with an introduction to the
secara keseluruhan dan gambaran singkat mengenai program as a whole and a brief description of the Peserta Pelatihan: Trainees:
proses asesmen yang akan dihadapi peserta. Pokok assessment process that participants will face. The Peserta yang membutuhkan sertifikasi kompetensi Participants who need HR competency certification
bahasan dalam pelatihan ini ada 15 kompetensi, main topics of this training are 15 competencies, SDM sektor Dunia Usaha baik Swasta maupun in the business sector, both private and government/
dan pelatihan ditutup dengan persiapan portofolio, and the training is closed with portfolio preparation, Pemerintahan/BUMN, Dunia Pendidikan dan BUMN, the world of education and training,
dimana instruktur akan membantu peserta untuk where the instructor will help the participants to Pelatihan, Asosiasi Profesi dan juga seiring dengan professional associations and also in line with
menyiapkan atau mereview beberapa portofolio prepare or review several portfolios that have or have regulasi pemerintah yang mencanangkan Indonesia government regulations that proclaimed Indonesia
yang sudah maupun belum dimiliki peserta untuk not been owned by the participants to be submitted in ke arah SDM Unggul. towards superior human resources.
disubmit dalam kegiatan asesmen. the assessment activities.

Persyaratan Peserta Ujian: Certification Examination Requirements:

Manfaat Apa Yang Anda Peroleh: What Will You Get:
• Min. S1 • Min. Bachelor Degree
Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta After completing this program, participants are
diharapkan mampu: expected to be able to: • Pengalaman kerja sebagai berikut: • Work experience as follows:
• Min 3 Tahun sebagai Supervisor/Analis • Min 3 years as Supervisor/HR Analyst, or
• Memastikan kompetensi kerja pada jabatan • Ensure work competence in the position of SDM, atau
Manajer Remunerasi. Remuneration Manager
• Min. 6 Bulan sebagai Manajer Remunerasi • Min. 6 Months as Remuneration Manager or
• Sebagai acuan bagi LSP dan asesor dalam • As a reference for LSP and assessors in the context atau
rangka pelaksanaan Asesmen Kompetensi. of implementing the Competency Assessment
• Min. 1 tahun sebagai kepala bagian yang • Min. 1 year as head of section who has a
12 National Certificate as Head of HR Section
memiliki Sertifikat Nasional sebagai
Apa Saja Yang Dibahas: Subjects: Kepala Bagian SDM
• Menyusun Uraian Jabatan • Compile Job Description • Memiliki sertifikat pelatihan persiapan CRM • Have a CRM preparation training certificate
• Melaksanakan Analisis Beban Kerja • Carry out Workload Analysis
Ujian Sertifikasi : Certification Exam :
• Menyusun Standar Operasional Prosedur (SOP) • Develop Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for
MSDM HR • Observasi dan wawancara atas Portofolio yang • Observations and Interviews on the Portfolio owned.
• Menyusun Grading Jabatan • Arrange Position Grading dimiliki.

• Mengelola Proses Perumusan Indikator Kinerja • Manage the Process of Formulation of Individual
Individu Performance Indicators
• Menyusun Kebutuhan Pembelajaran dan • Develop Learning and Development Needs
Pengembangan IDR 9.500.000 IDR 8.500.000
(Termasuk biaya Ujian)
• Merumuskan Strategi dan Kebijakan • Formulate Human Resource Management (HRM) (Including Exam fees)

Certification Training Program Certification Training Program

CERTIFIED INDUSTRIAL • Menyusun Peraturan Perusahaan dan/atau
Perjanjian Kerja Bersama
• Prepare Company Regulations and/or Collective
Bargaining Agreements


Komunikasi Organisasi yang • Building Effective Organizational Communication

• Menjalin Kerjasama Pengusaha dan Pekerja • Establishing Cooperation between Employers and
Sertifikasi Manajer Hubungan Industrial mengacu The Industrial Relations Manager Certification • Establishing Tripartite Cooperation
• Menjalin Kerjasama Tripartit
pada Standar Kompetensi Kerja Nasional Indonesia refers to the Indonesian National Work Competency
berdasarkan Keputusan Menteri Ketenagakerjaan Standards based on the Decree of the Minister of • Menangani Keluhan Pekerja • Handling Worker Complaints
Republik Indonesia Nomor 149 Tahun 2020 dan Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia Number 149 • Mengelola Proses Pelaksanaan Tindakan • Managing the Disciplinary Action Implementation
Keputusan Menteri Ketenagakerjaan Republik of 2020 and the Decree of the Minister of Manpower Disiplin Process
Indonesia Nomor 297 Tahun 2020. Pelatihan of the Republic of Indonesia Number 297 of 2020.
ini ditujukan untuk mempersiapkan peserta This training is intended to prepare participants • Memfasilitasi Pengelolaan Kepuasan dan • Facilitating Management of Employee Satisfaction
menghadapi ujian/asesmen Manajer Hubungan for the Industrial Relations Manager examination/ Keterlekatan Pekerja and Engagement
Industrial berdasarkan tuntutan SKKNI. assessment based on the demands of the SKKNI. • Mengelola Pelaksanaan Alihdaya atau • Managing the Implementation of Outsourcing
Pelatihan akan diawali dengan pengantar program The training will begin with an introduction to the
yang menjelaskan program pelatihan secara program which explains the overall training program • Menyelesaikan Mogok Kerja dan/atau Lock-out • Resolving Strikes and/or Lock-Out\
keseluruhan dan gambaran singkat mengenai and a brief description of the assessment process that
proses asesmen yang akan dihadapi peserta. Pokok participants will face. The main topics of this training Peserta Pelatihan: Trainees:
bahasan dalam pelatihan ini ada 15 kompetensi, are 15 competencies, and the training is closed with
dan pelatihan ditutup dengan persiapan portofolio the preparation of a portfolio where the instructor Peserta yang membutuhkan sertifikasi kompetensi Participants who need HR competency certification
dimana instruktur akan membantu peserta untuk will help the participants to prepare or review several SDM sektor Dunia Usaha baik Swasta maupun in the business sector, both private and government/
menyiapkan atau mereview beberapa portofolio portfolios that have or have not been owned by the Pemerintahan/BUMN, Dunia Pendidikan dan BUMN, the world of education and training,
yang sudah ataupun belum dimiliki peserta untuk participants to be submitted in the assessment Pelatihan, Asosiasi Profesi dan juga seiring dengan professional associations and also in line with
disubmit dalam kegiatan asesmen. activities. regulasi pemerintah yang mencanangkan Indonesia government regulations that proclaimed Indonesia
ke arah SDM Unggul. towards superior human resources.
Manfaat Apa Yang Anda Peroleh: What Will You Get:
Persyaratan Peserta Ujian: Certification Examination Requirements:
Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta After completing this program, participants are
diharapkan mampu: expected to be able to: • Min. S1 • Min. Bachelor Degree
• Pengalaman kerja sebagai berikut: • Work experience as follows:
• Memastikan kompetensi kerja pada jabatan • Ensure work competence in the position of Industrial
• Min 3 Tahun sebagai Supervisor/Analis • Min 3 years as Supervisor/HR Analyst, or
Manajer Hubungan Industrial Relations Manager
SDM, atau
• Sebagai acuan bagi LSP dan asesor dalam • As a reference for LSP and assessors in the context
• Min. 6 Bulan sebagai Manajer Hubungan • Min. 6 Months as Industrial Relations Manager
14 rangka pelaksanaan Asesmen Kompetensi. of implementing the Competency Assessment 15
Industrial atau or

Apa Saja Yang Dibahas: Subjects: • Min. 1 tahun sebagai kepala bagian yang • Min. 1 year as head of department who has a
memiliki Sertifikat Nasional sebagai National Certificate as Head of HR
• Menyusun Uraian Jabatan • Compile Job Description Kepala bagian SDM
• Melaksanakan Analisis Beban Kerja • Carry out Workload Analysis • Memiliki sertifikat pelatihan persiapan CIRM • Have a CIRM preparation training certificate
• Menyusun Standar Operasional Prosedur (SOP) • Develop Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for
MSDM HR Ujian Sertifikasi : Certification Exam :
• Menyusun Grading Jabatan • Arrange Position Grading • Observasi dan wawancara atas Portofolio yang • Observations and Interviews on the Portfolio owned.
• Mengelola Proses Perumusan Indikator Kinerja • Manage the Process of Formulation of Individual
Individu Performance Indicators
• Menyusun Kebutuhan Pembelajaran dan • Develop Learning and Development Needs
IDR 9.500.000 IDR 8.500.000
Pengembangan (Termasuk biaya Ujian)
(Including Exam fees)

Certification Training Program Certification Training Program

• Merumuskan Strategi dan Kebijakan • Follow Up on Individual Performance Assessment
Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia (MSDM) Results
• Menindaklanjuti Hasil Penilaian Kinerja Individu • Design Learning and Development Programs
• Merancang Program Pembelajaran dan • Conduct Learning and Development Activities
Sertifikasi Manajer Talenta mengacu pada Standar Talent Manager Certification refers to the Indonesian
Kompetensi Kerja Nasional Indonesia berdasarkan National Work Competency Standards based on the • Mengevaluasi Pelaksanaan Program • Evaluate the Implementation of Learning and
Keputusan Menteri Ketenagakerjaan Republik Decree of the Minister of Manpower of the Republic Pembelajaran dan Pengembangan Development Programs
Indonesia Nomor 149 Tahun 2020 dan Keputusan of Indonesia Number 149 of 2020 and the Decree of • Design a Competency Model and Dictionary
• Merancang Model dan Kamus Kompetensi
Menteri Ketenagakerjaan Republik Indonesia the Minister of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia
Nomor 297 Tahun 2020. Pelatihan ini ditujukan Number 297 of 2020. This training is intended to • Menyusun Kelompok Pekerja Bertalenta (Talent • Assemble Talent Pool
untuk mempersiapkan peserta menghadapi ujian/ prepare participants for the Talent Management Pool)
asesmen Manajer Manajemen Talenta berdasarkan Manager exam/assessment based on the demands of • Mengelola Program Pengembangan Kelompok • Manage the Talent Pool Development Program
tuntutan SKKNI. the SKKNI. Pekerja Bertalenta (Talent Pool)
• Merancang Jalur Karir Pekerja • Design Worker Career Paths
Pelatihan akan diawali sengan pengantar program The training will begin with an introduction to the
yang menjelaskan program pelatihan secara program which explains the overall training program • Mengelola Program Suksesi • Manage Succession Programs
keseluruhan dan gambaran singkat mengenai and a brief description of the assessment process that
prses asesmen yang akan dihadapi peserta. Pokok participants will face. The main topics in the training Trainees:
bahasan dalam pelatihan ada 15 kompetensi, dan are 15 competencies, and the training is closed
Peserta Pelatihan:
Pelatihan ditutup dengan persiapan portofolio, with portfolio preparation, where the instructor will Peserta yang membutuhkan sertifikasi kompetensi Participants who need HR competency certification
dimana instruktur akan membantu peserta untuk help the participants to prepare or review several SDM sektor Dunia Usaha baik Swasta maupun in the business sector, both private and government/
menyiapkan atau mereview beberapa portofolio portfolios that the participants have or have not had Pemerintahan/BUMN, Dunia Pendidikan dan BUMN, the world of education and training,
yang sudah ataupun belum dimiliki peserta untuk to be submitted in the assessment activities. Pelatihan, Asosiasi Profesi dan juga seiring dengan professional associations and also in line with
disubmit dalam kegiatan asesmen. regulasi pemerintah yang mencanangkan Indonesia government regulations that proclaimed Indonesia
ke arah SDM Unggul. towards superior human resources.
Manfaat Apa Yang Anda Peroleh: What Will You Get:
Persyaratan Peserta Ujian: Certification Examination Requirements:
Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta After completing this program, participants are
diharapkan mampu: expected to be able to: • Min. S1 • Min. Bachelor Degree
• Pengalaman kerja sebagai berikut: • Work experience as follows:
• Memastikan kompetensi kerja pada jabatan • Ensure work competence in the position of Talent
Manajer Talenta. Manager • Min 3 Tahun sebagai Supervisor/Analis • Min 3 years as Supervisor/HR Analyst, or
• As a reference for LSP and assessors in the context SDM, atau
• Sebagai acuan bagi LSP dan asesor dalam
16 rangka pel.aksanaan Asesmen Kompetensi. of implementing the Competency Assessment • Min. 6 Bulan sebagai Manajer Manajemen • Min. 6 Months as Talent Management 17
Talenta atau Manager or
Apa Saja Yang Dibahas: Subjects: • Min. 1 tahun sebagai kepala bagian yang • Min. 1 year as head of department who has a
memiliki Sertifikat Nasional sebagai National Certificate as Head of HR
• Menyusun Uraian Jabatan • Compile Job Description
Kepala Bagian SDM
• Melaksanakan Analisis Beban Kerja • Conduct Workload Analysis • Have a CTM preparation training certificate
• Memiliki sertifikat pelatihan persiapan CTM
• Menyusun Standar Operasional Prosedur (SOP) • Develop Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for
MSDM HR Ujian Sertifikasi : Certification Exam :
• Menyusun Grading Jabatan • Compile Position Grading • Observations and Interviews on the Portfolio owned.
• Observasi dan wawancara atas Portofolio yang
• Mengelola Proses Perumusan Indikator Kinerja • Manage the Process of Formulation of Individual dimiliki.
Individu Performance Indicators
• Menyusun Kebutuhan Pembelajaran dan • Develop Learning and Development Needs
IDR 9.500.000 IDR 8.500.000
(Termasuk biaya Ujian)
(Including Exam fees)

Certification Training Program Certification Training Program

• Proses Bisnis serta Tugas dan Fungsi dalam • Business Processes and Duties and Functions in
Organisasi Organizations
CERTIFIED HUMAN RESOURCE • Menyusun kebutuhan SDM • Develop HR needs
MANAGER • Sistem Remunerasi • Remuneration System
• Menentukan Upah pekerja • Determining the wages of workers
• Merancang Program Pembelajaran dan • Designing Learning and Development Programs
Surat Keputusan Menteri ketenagakerjaan Republik Decree of the Minister of Manpower of the Republic of
Indonesia NO. 149 Tahun 2020 dan Keputusan Indonesia NO. 149 of 2020 and Decree of the Minister • Mengelola Program suksesi • Managing the succession program
Menteri Ketenagakerjaan Republik Indonesia of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia NO. 297 of • Menyusun Peraturan perusahaan dan/ atau • Prepare company regulations and/or Collective
NO. 297 Tahun 2020 tentang Penerapan Jenjang 2020 concerning the Implementation of Indonesia’s perjanjian Kerja Bersama Labor agreements
Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia Bidang Manajemen National Qualification Levels in the Field of Human
Sumber Daya Manusia. Pelatihan ini ditujukan Resource Management. This training is intended • membangun Komunikasi Organisasi yang • build effective Organizational Communication
untuk mempersiapkan peserta menghadapi ujian/ to prepare participants for the HR Manager exam/ efektif
asesmen Manajer SDM berdasarkan tuntutan assessment based on the demands of the SKKNI.
SKKNI. Peserta Pelatihan: Trainees:
Pelatihan akan diawali dengan pengantar program Para profesional di bidang MSDM yang telah Professionals in the field of HR who have experience
The training will begin with an introduction to the
yang menjelaskan program pelatihan secara berpengalaman sebagai Manajer SDM, namun as HR Managers, but still need a more comprehensive
program which explains the overall training program
keseluruhan dan gambaran singkat mengenai masih memerlukan pendalaman konsep yang lebih understanding of the concept of HR Management
and a brief description of the assessment process that
proses asesmen yang akan dihadapi peserta. Pokok komprehensif tentang Manajemen SDM dalam within the scope of a manager.
participants will face. The main topics of this training
bahasan dalam pelatihan ini ada 15 kompetensi , lingkup sebagai seorang manajer.
are 15 competencies, and the training is closed with
dan pelatihan ditutup dengan persiapan portofolio, portfolio preparation, where the instructor helps the
dimana instruktur kan membantu peserta untuk participants to prepare or review several portfolios Persyaratan Peserta Ujian: Certification Examination Requirements:
menyiapakn atau mereview beberapa portofolio that the participants have or have not had for
yang sudah ataupun belum dimiliki peserta untuk • Min. S1 • Min. Bachelor Degree
submission in the assessment activities.
disubmit dalam kegiatan asesmen. • Pengalaman kerja sebagai berikut: • Work experience as follows:
This certification program is registered with the • Min 3 Tahun sebagai Supervisor/Analis • Min 3 years as Supervisor/HR Analyst, or
Program sertifikasi ini terdaftar di Badan Nasional
National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP) SDM, atau
Sertifikasi Profesi (BNSP) dengan nama skema
Sertifikasi Okupasi Manajer Sumber Daya Manusia. under the name Human Resource Management • Min. 6 Bulan sebagai Manajer SDM atau • Min. 6 Months as HR Manager or
Manager scheme
• Min. 1 Tahun sebagai Kepala Bagian/Analis • Min. 1 year as head of department/Senior HR
Senior SDM Analyst
Apa Saja Yang Dibahas: Subjects:
• Memiliki sertifikat pelatihan persiapan CHRM • Have a CHRM preparation training certificate
Konsep dan studi kasus riil perusahaan Indonesia, Concepts and real case studies of Indonesian
terkait berbagai topik berikut ini yang merujuk companies, related to the following topics that refer Ujian Sertifikasi: Certification Examination:
18 kepada 15 unit kompetensi yang diujikan, yaitu: to the tested 15 competency units, namely: 19
Observasi & wawancara atas portofolio/bukti kerja Observation and interview on portfolio/proof of work
• Menyusun Uraian Jabatan • Compile Job Descriptions yang dimiliki (2-3 jam) owned (2-3 hours)

• Analisis beban Kerja • Workload analysis

• Menyusun Standar Operasional Prosedur (SOP) • Develop Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for
MSDM HR IDR 11.500.000 IDR 9.000.000
• Grading Jabatan • Position Grading (Termasuk biaya Ujian)
(Including Exam fees)
• Proses Perumusan Indikator Kinerja Individu • Process for Formulation of Individual Performance
• Kebutuhan Pembelajaran dan Pengembangan • Learning and Development Needs
• Merumuskan Strategi dan Kebijakan • Formulate Human Resource Management (HRM)
Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia (MSDM) Strategy and Policy

Certification Training Program Certification Training Program


Surat Keputusan Menteri ketenagakerjaan Republik Decree of the Minister of Manpower of the Republic of Peserta Pelatihan: Trainees:
Indonesia NO. 149 Tahun 2020 dan Keputusan Indonesia NO. 149 of 2020 and Decree of the Minister
Menteri Ketenagakerjaan Republik Indonesia NO. of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia NO. 297 of Para profesional di bidang MSDM yang telah Professionals in the field of HR who have experience
297 Tahun 2020. Pelatihan ini ditujukan untuk 2020 concerning the Implementation of Indonesia’s berpengalaman sebagai Supervisor SDM, namun as HR Managers, but still need a more comprehensive
mempersiapkan peserta menghadapi ujian/ National Qualification Levels in the Field of Human masih memerlukan pendalaman konsep yang lebih understanding of the concept of HR Management
asesmen Supervisor SDM berdasarkan tuntutan Resource Management. This training is intended to komprehensif tentang Manajemen SDM dalam within the scope of a manager.
SKKNI. prepare participants for the HR Supervisor exam/ lingkup sebagai seorang supervisor.
assessment based on the demands of the SKKNI.
Persyaratan Peserta Ujian: Certification Examination Requirements:
Pelatihan akan diawali dengan pengantar program The training will begin with an introduction to the
yang menjelaskan program pelatihan secara program which explains the overall training program • Min. D3 • Min. Associate Degree
keseluruhan dan gambaran singkat mengenai and a brief description of the assessment process that
• Pengalaman kerja sebagai berikut: • Work Experience as follows:
proses asesmen yang akan dihadapi peserta. Pokok participants will face. The main topics of this training
bahasan dalam pelatihan ini ada 5 kompetensi , are 5 competencies, and the training is closed with • Min 2 Tahun sebagai Staf SDM, atau • Min 2 Years as HR Staff, or
dan pelatihan ditutup dengan persiapan portofolio, portfolio preparation, where the instructor helps the
• Min. 6 Bulan sebagai Supervisor SDM • Min. 6 Months as HR Supervisor
dimana instruktur kan membantu peserta untuk participants to prepare or review several portfolios
menyiapakn atau mereview beberapa portofolio that the participants have or have not had for • Memiliki sertifikat pelatihan persiapan CHRS • Have a CHRS persiapan preparatory training
yang sudah ataupun belum dimiliki peserta untuk submission in the assessment activities. certificate
disubmit dalam kegiatan asesmen.
Ujian Sertifikasi: Certification Examination:
Program sertifikasi ini terdaftar di Badan Nasional This certification program is registered with the
Sertifikasi Profesi (BNSP) dengan nama skema National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP) Observasi & wawancara atas portofolio/bukti kerja Observation and interview on portfolio/proof of work
Sertifikasi Okupasi Supervisor Sumber Daya under the name Human Resource Management yang dimiliki (1-2 jam) owned (1-2 hours)
Manusia. Manager scheme.

Apa Saja Yang Dibahas: Subjects:

IDR 8.500.000 IDR 7.000.000
Konsep dan studi kasus riil perusahaan Indonesia, Concepts and real case studies of Indonesian (Termasuk biaya Ujian)
terkait berbagai topik berikut ini yang merujuk companies, related to the following topics that refer (Including Exam fees)
kepada 5 unit kompetensi yang diujikan, yaitu: to the tested 5 competency units, namely:
20 21
• Menyusun Uraian Jabatan • Explanation of requirements and procedures for
obtaining certification
• Menyusun Standar Operasioanal Prosedur • HR Planning and Procurement
• Menyusun Sistem Remunerasi • Organizational Development
• Menyusun kebutuhan Pembelajran dan • Talent Learning and Development
• Membuat Kesepakatan kerja • Performance Management and Remuneration
• Industrial Relations

Certification Training Program Certification Training Program


Kebutuhan sertifikasi dititikberatkan pada The need for certification is emphasized on excelling in Kemasan kompetensi yang digunakan mengacu The competency package used refers to the SKKNI which
pengunggulan kompetensi kinerja seorang pelatih/ the performance competence of a professional trainer/ ke SKKNI yang ditetapkan berdasarkan Keputusan is determined based on the Decree of the Minister of
pengajar yang profesional dalam bidang pelatihan/ teacher in the field of training/vocational or learning Menteri Ketenagakerjaan Republik Indonesia Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia No. 161 of 2015
vokasi atau pembelajaran guna mempertajam in order to sharpen the assurance of the professional No. 161 Tahun 2015 tentang Penetapan Standar concerning the Stipulation of Indonesian National Work
penjaminan mutu profesi seorang Instruktur pada quality of an instructor in the scope of competence Kompetensi Kerja Nasional Indonesia kategori Competency Standards for the Educational Category of
lingkup kompetensi merencanakan penyajian in planning the presentation of training materials, Pendidikan Golongan Pokok Jasa Pendidikan Main Classes of Educational Services in the Field of
materi pelatihan, mendesain pembelajaran, designing learning, and implementing face-to-face Bidang Standarasisasi, Pelatihan dan Sertifikasi Standardization, Training and Certification which can
dan melaksanakan pelatihan tatap muka, yang training, which is based on mastery of process methods. yang dapat digunakan sebagai acuan dalam be used as a reference in carrying out assessments for
didasarkan pada penguasaan metode proses The teaching and learning activities are in line with the melaksanakan asesmen untuk tenaga kerja bidang labor in the field of teachers/trainers/instructors.
belajar-mengajar yang dilaksanakannya selaras needs and progress of the world of learning and practice pengajar/pelatih/instruktur.
dengan kebutuhan dan kemajuan dunia belajar at a continuous stage, as well as the consistency of the
dan berlatih pada tahapan berkelanjutan, serta certified competency maintenance system. Apa Saja Yang Dibahas: Subjects:
konsistensi sistem pemeliharaan kompetensi yang
disertifikasi. Konsep dan teknik mengajar terkait berbagai topik Concepts and teaching techniques related to the
berikut ini yang merujuk kepada 14 unit kompetensi, following topics that refer to 14 units of competence,
Dibuatnya skema sertifikasi ini untuk kebutuhan yaitu: namely:
This certification scheme was created for the needs of
industri, profesi, kebijakan regulator, terutama industry, professions, regulatory policies, especially
menghadapi pasar bebas Asean, sehingga facing the Asean free market, so a certification • Menerapkan Prinsip Kesehatan Kerja untuk • Applying Occupational Health Principles to Control
diperlukan skema sertifikasi sebagai acuan scheme is needed as a reference for implementing Mengendalikan Resiko K3 OSH Risk
pelaksanaan sertifikasi bidang pelatihan. Untuk certification in the field of training. To be able to • Applying Basic Communication Skills
• Mengaplikasikan Keterampilan Dasar
dapat memenuhi ketetapan tersebut melalui fulfill these provisions through this program, the
program ini para peserta akan mempersiapkan diri participants will prepare to take part in the national
untuk mengikuti uji sertifikasi nasional profesional • Making a Presentation
professional trainer certification test. • Melakukan Presentasi
trainer. • Develop training program
• Menyusun Pogram pelatihan
Program sertifikasi ini terdaftar di Badan Nasional This certification program is registered with the • Develop Job Training Module
Sertifikasi Profesi (BNSP) dengan nama skema National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP) • Menyusun Modul Pelatihan Kerja
Pelatihan Profesi (Trainer Profesional). Peserta under the name of the Professional Training scheme • Mendesain Media Pembelajaran • Designing Learning Media
yang lulus uji kompetensi akan mendapatkan (Professional Trainer). Participants who pass the • Designing Innovative Learning for a Training
Sertifikasi Profesi Trainer dari BNSP dan gelar competency test will receive a Professional Trainer • Mendesain Pembelajaran yang Inovatif untuk
Suatu Program Pelatihan Program
profesi CPT (Certified Professional Trainer). Certification from BNSP and a CPT (Certified
22 • Planning the Presentation of Training Materials 23
Professional Trainer) professional title. • Merencanakan Penyajian Materi Pelatihan
• Melaksanakan Pelatihan Tatap Muka • Carrying out face-to-face training
Manfaat Apa yang Anda Peroleh What Will You Get: • Managing Training Materials
• Mengelola Bahan Pelatihan
Anda akan mendapatkan konsep yang komprehensif You will get a comprehensive concept of becoming a • Managing Training Equipment
• Mengelola Peralatan Pelatihan
menjadi profesional trainer yang merangkum professional trainer that summarizes all knowledge
• Mengorganisasikan Asesmen • Organizing an Assessment
seluruh pengetahuan di 14 unit kompetensi yang in the 5 competency units required in the National
dituntut dalam Sertifikasi Nasional Profesional Professional Trainer Certification. You will also • Mengembangkan Perangkat Asesmen • Developing Assessment Tools
Trainer. Anda juga akan mendapatkan pembelajaran learn from experience and teaching techniques
• Mengases Kompetensi • Assessing Competence
dari pengalaman dan teknik mengajar dari para from competent trainers. Teaching concepts and
trainer yang berkompeten. Konsep dan teknik techniques will be delivered in an integrative way
mengajar akan dibawakan secara integratif antara between lecturers with strong academic concepts
pengajar dengan konsep akademik yang kuat dan and lecturers with a background of experienced
pengajar dengan latar belakang pengalaman practitioners who are qualified in the field.
praktisi yang mumpuni di lapangan.

Certification Training Program Certification Training Program

Persyaratan Peserta Ujian: Certification Examination Requirements:
• Pendidikan & Pengalaman • Education & Experience
• S1 semua jurusan/ilmu tanpa pengalaman • Bachelor Degree (S1) from any major with no
(fresh graduate) experience (fresh graduate)
• D3 semua jurusan/ilmu dengan pengalaman • Associate Degree (D3) from any major with 1 (one)
1 (satu) tahun sebagai pengajar/pelatih/ year experience as teacher/mentor/instructor
• Sertifikat pelatihan persiapan ujian • Exam preparation training certificate

Ujian Sertifikasi: Certification Examination:

• Ujian tertulis • Written Test
• Observasi & wawancara atas portofolio/bukti • Observation & interview related to portfolio/proof
kerja yang dimiliki of work owned

IDR 7.500.000
(Termasuk biaya Ujian)
(Including Exam fees)

24 25

Certification Training Program Certification Training Program


Program ini disusun untuk memastikan bahwa This program is designed to ensure that management Peserta Pelatihan: Trainees:
praktisi manajemen yang berkecimpung dalam practitioners involved in the product development
proses pengembangan produk memiliki kompetensi process have the necessary competencies. The • Praktisi Pemasaran (Supervisor, Asisten • Marketing Practitioner (Supervisor, Assistant
yang diperlukan. Ruang lingkup strategi scope of the product development strategy refers to Manajer, Manajer) Manager, Manager)
pengembangan produk yang mengacu pada SKKNI the SKKNI which is stipulated based on the Decree • Praktisi Produksi (Supervisor, Asisten Manajer, • Production Practitioner (Supervisor, Assistant
yang ditetapkan berdasarkan Keputusan Menteri of the Minister of Manpower of the Republic of Manajer) Manager, Manager)
Ketenagakerjaan Republik Indonesia No.389 Tahun Indonesia No. 389 of 2013 concerning Consultation
2013 tentang Konsultasi Manajemen Area Kerja on Marketing Work Area Management, No. 136 of • Pemilik Usaha • Business Owner
Pemasaran, No.136 Tahun 2016 tentang Sistem 2016 concerning Manufacturing Systems, and No.
Manufaktur, dan No.610 Tahun 2012 Tentang 610 of 2012 concerning Determination of the Draft Persyaratan Peserta Ujian: Certification Examination Requirements:
Penetapan Rancangan Standar Kompetensi Kerja of Work Competency Standards Indonesian National
Nasional Indonesia Sektor Teknologi Informasi. Information Technology Sector. • Pendidikan minimal S1 • Min. Bachelor Degree (S1)
• Peserta pelatihan New Product Development • New Product Development Manager training
Manfaat Apa Yang Anda Peroleh: What Will You Get: Manager dengan melampirkan sertifikat participants by attaching related training
pelatihan terkait certificates
Program sertifikasi ini terdaftar di Badan Nasional This certification program is registered with the
Sertifikasi Profesi (BNSP) dengan nama skema National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP) • Memiliki pengalaman dalam pengembangan • Experienced in product development or new product
Manajer Pengembangan Produk Baru dari Lembaga under the name of the New Product Development produk atau inovasi produk baru (dibuktikan innovation (proven by a letter of work experience
Sertifikasi Profesi Pendidikan dan Pembinaan Manager scheme from the Professional Certification dengan surat pengalaman bekerja dari from the company)
Manajemen (LSP PPM). Peserta yang dinyatakan Institute for Education and Management Development perusahaan)
lulus uji kompetensi akan mendapatkan Sertifikasi (LSP PPM). Participants who pass the competency
New Product Development Manager dari BNSP test will receive a New Product Development Ujian Sertifikasi: Certification Examination:
dan gelar profesi CNPDM (Certified New Product Manager Certification from BNSP and a professional
Development Manager). title CNPDM (Certified New Product Development • Uji Tertulis (120 Menit) • Written Test (120 Hours)
Manager). • Uji Presentasi & Wawancara (60 Menit) • Presentation Test & Interview (60 Hours)

Apa Saja Yang Dibahas: Subjects:

• Analisis kebutuhan pelanggan dan bisnis • Analysis of customer and business needs
IDR 7.500.000
26 • Konsep dasar bauran pemasaran dan dimensi • Basic concepts of marketing mix and dimensions of (Termasuk biaya Ujian) 27
kualitas pelayanan service quality (Including Exam fees)

• Strategi portofolio produk • Product portfolio strategy

• Spesifikasi, konsep, desain dan regulasi produk • Product specifications, concepts, designs and
• Komunikasi efektif • Effective communication
• Analisis biaya produk baru • New product cost analysis
• Laporan untuk produk baru • Reports for new products

Certification Training Program Certification Training Program


Sertifikasi NPDP yang dikembangkan dan ditawarkan The NPDP certification developed and offered by The • Proses Produk (dan Jasa) Baru • New Product (and Service) Process
oleh The Product Development and Management Product Development and Management Association
Terkait konsep fundamental dan praktek terbaik Regarding the fundamental concepts and best
Association (PDMA) adalah kerangka pengetahuan (PDMA) is an internationally recognized knowledge
dari variasi proses pengembangan produk termasuk practices of a variety of product development
yang dikenal dan diakui secara internasional. framework. This certification recognizes the best
para pemangku kepentingan dan sumber daya yang processes including the stakeholders and resources
Sertifikasi ini memberikan pengakuan kepada para professionals in the fields of innovation, management
terlibat. involved.
profesional terbaik di bidang inovasi, manajemen and product development.
dan pengembangan produk.
• Metrik dan Alat Bantu • Metrics and Tools
PDMA Indonesia kini merupakan salah satu afiliasi PDMA Indonesia is now an international affiliate of 30 Terkait upaya pengukuran kinerja dan proses Related to efforts to measure performance and
internasional dari 30 negara tersebar di seluruh countries spread all over the world. The collaboration serta berbagai alat bantu pendukung peningkatan processes as well as various supporting tools to
dunia. Kolaborasi PDMA Indonesia dengan PPM between PDMA Indonesia and PPM Manajemen is efektivitas dan efisiensi secara sistematis dan increase effectiveness and efficiency in a systematic
Manajemen merupakan bagian dari dukungan part of the global support for the commitment to berkesinambungan. and continuous manner.
secara global atas komitmen dalam pengembangan knowledge and career development of professionals.
pengatahuan dan karir para profesional. Upaya Continuous value-added efforts are carried out such • Riset Pasar • Market Research
bernilai tambah secara berkesinambungan as certification, publishing scientific journals, expert
dilakukan seperti sertifikasi, penerbitan jurnal
Terkait metodologi dan sistematika dalam Related to methodologies and systematics in taking
panel discussions, meetings to share knowledge pengambilan dan pengolahan data serta informasi and processing data and information about customers,
ilmiah, diskusi panel ahli, pertemuan berbagi and management experiences, as well as promotion
pengetahuan dan pengalaman manajemen, serta
mengenai pelanggan, pasar, kompetisi, dan lainnya markets, competition, and others as the basis for
and collaboration between practitioners, academics, sebagai dasar pengambilan keputusan. making decisions.
promosi dan kerjasama antara praktisi, akademisi, corporations, and organizations for the latest and
korporasi, dan organisasi atas inovasi terkini best innovations from new products and services
dan terbaik dari produk dan jasa baru di seluruh throughout Indonesia.
• Tim, Budaya dan Organisasi • Culture, Organizations and Teams
Indonesia. Terkait pengembangan sumber daya manusia Related to the development of high-performing
berkinerja tinggi baik sebagai individu maupun human resources, both as individuals and as a team,
CAKUPAN MATERI SCOPE OF MATERIALS tim dengan melibatkan pertimbangan aspek it involves considering organizational aspects such as
keorganisasian seperti budaya dan struktur corporate culture and structure.
Sertifikasi NPDP secara formal memahami NPDP certification formally understands the needs perusahaan.
kebutuhan para profesional dan korporasi atas of professionals and corporations for consistency of • Product (and Service) Life Cycle
konsistensi proses, disiplin ilmu, serta praktek processes, disciplines, and management practices. • Siklus Hidup Produk (dan Jasa)
manajemen. Cakupan fokus materi kunci dalam The scope of key material focus in certification Related to the strategy and management of product
sertifikasi meliputi tujuh kerangka pengetahuan includes seven knowledge frameworks, namely: Terkait strategi dan manajemen pengelolaan and service management at various phases of their
28 yakni: produk dan jasa pada berbagai fase daur hidupnya life cycle so as to provide sustainable benefits. 29
sehingga memberikan manfaat berkelanjutan.
• Strategy
• Strategi
Regarding the framework and tools to achieve
Terkait kerangka dan alat mencapai tujuan company goals that are integrated with innovation and
perusahaan yang terintegrasi dengan inovasi dan product development along with the scope and level of
pengembangan produk beserta ruang lingkup dan implementation. IDR 11.500.000 IDR 8.500.000
level penerapannya.
(Tidak Termasuk biaya Ujian)
• Portfolio Management (Not Including Exam fees)
• Manajemen Portofolio
Related to optimizing product portfolio management
Terkait optimalisasi pengelolaan portofolio and related aspects that encourage overall product
produk dan aspek-aspek terkait yang mendorong performance improvement.
peningkatan kinerja produk secara keseluruhan.

Certification Training Program Certification Training Program


Saat ini kita menghadapi lingkungan bisnis disruptive We are currently facing a disruptive business • Mendorong organisasi untuk dapat beradaptasi • Encouraging organizations to adapt to a disruptive
yang menawarkan peluang sekaligus volatilitas, environment that offers both opportunity and volatility, ke dalam lingkungan bisnis yang disruptive; business environment;
ketidakpastian, kompleksitas, dan ketidakjelasan uncertainty, complexity, and uncertainty known
• Membangun growth mindset; • Build a growth mindset;
atau yang dikenal dengan Opportunity-Volatility- as Opportunity-Volatility-Uncertainty-Complexity-
Uncertainty-Complexity-Ambiguity (O-VUCA). Ambiguity (O-VUCA). To deal with a disruptive business • Mempertajam Strategic Thinking; • Sharpen Strategic Thinking;
Untuk menghadapi lingkungan bisnis disruptive, environment, you as a company leader must master • Build effective leadership and organizational
• Membangun kepemimpinan yang efektif dan
Anda sebagai pimpinan perusahaan harus various competencies in various business fields, culture;
budaya organisasi;
menguasai berbagai kompetensi di bidang bisnis such as marketing, finance, production, information
yang beragam, seperti marketing, finance, produksi, technology, human resources, and accounting. • Mentransformasi desain organisasi dan • Transforming organizational and job design, performance,
teknologi informasi, sumber daya manusia, dan pekerjaan, kinerja, sistem penghargaan, karir, reward systems, careers, and information systems;
akuntansi. dan sistem informasi;
• Mentranformasi cara pengambilan keputusan, • Transforming the way of decision making, managing
Namun, kompetensi-kompetensi tersebut tidak However, these competencies wouldn’t be useful mengelola konflik, kerjasama tim, dan interaksi conflict, teamwork, and interaction between
dapat berguna ketika Anda ingin melakukan when you want to make changes to the organization antar pegawai; dan employees; and
perubahan pada organisasi untuk memenangkan to win the battle in business in the disruptive era.
pertempuran dalam bisnis di era disruptive. • Melakukan intervensi strategis. • Carry out strategic interventions.
You as a company leader must be able to integrate
Anda sebagai pimpinan perusahaan harus the 4 Organizational Pillars (Strategy, Structure,
mampu mengintegrasikan 4 Pilar Organisasi Process, and People) and optimize thinking skills as Apa Saja Yang Dibahas: Subjects:
(Strategy, Structure, Process, dan People) dan a whole (The Whole Mindset) so that your planned
mengoptimalkan keterampilan berpikir secara utuh • Pola pikir organisasi yang meliputi Organisasi • An organizational mindset, includes Today’s
organizational development strategy runs optimally.
(The Whole Mindset) agar strategi pengembangan Hari Ini, Pola Pikir Utuh, Strategi Pikiran Utuh, Organization, Whole Mindset, Whole Mind Strategy,
organisasi yang Anda rencanakan berjalan dengan Kepemimpinan, dan Budaya Pikiran Utuh Leadership, and Whole Mind Culture
optimal. • Transformasi organisasi yang meliputi • Organizational transformation which includes
Reengineering Struktur Organisasi, Organizational Structure Reengineering,
Certified Organization Development Practitioner Certified Organization Development Practitioner Restrukturisasi Proses Organisasi, dan Strategi Organizational Process Restructuring, and OD
(CODP) merupakan sertifikasi kompetensi (CODP) is an international competency certification Intervensi OD Intervention Strategies
internasional yang membantu para pimpinan that helps company leaders develop organizations.
perusahaan mengembangkan organisasi. Sertifikat The CODP certificate is issued by the Australian Trainees:
Peserta Pelatihan:
CODP diterbitkan oleh Academy of Finance & Academy of Finance & Management (AFMA). CODP
Management Australia (AFMA). CODP menggunakan uses the latest management approach, The Whole Para pemilik bisnis dan pimpinan organisasi yang Business owners and organizational leaders who want
30 pendekatan manajemen terbaru, The Whole Mindset, so that every company leader can more to win the competition in the disruptive business era 31
ingin memenangkan persaingan di era bisnis
Mindset, sehingga setiap pimpinan perusahaan easily understand organizational development and disruptive
dapat lebih mudah memahami pengembangan dan change (Strategic Thinking).
perubahan organisasi (Strategic Thinking).

Manfaat Apa Yang Anda Peroleh: What Will You Get:

Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta After completing this program, participants are IDR 13.000.000
diharapkan mampu: expected to be able to: (Termasuk biaya Ujian)
(Including Exam fees)

• Mengintegrasikan 4 Pilar Organisasi (Strategy, • Integrate the 4 Pillars of Organization (Strategy,

Structure, Process, dan People); Structure, Process, and People);
• Mengoptimalkan 4 keterampilan berpikir • Optimize 4 Thinking Skills (Thinker, Challenger,
(Thinker, Challenger, Lover, dan Dreamer) Lover, and Dreamer) simultaneously;
secara bersamaan;

Certification Training Program Certification Training Program


Adanya Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (POJK) The existence of the Financial Services Authority Peserta Pelatihan: Trainees:
Nomor 44/POJK.05/2020 tentang Penerapan Regulation (POJK) Number 44/POJK.05/2020
Manajemen Risiko bagi Lembaga Jasa Keuangan concerning the Implementation of Risk Management Semua level karyawan pada semua jenis Any level of employees in all types of companies/
NonBank menjadi dasar bahwa memiliki for Non-Bank Financial Services Institutions is perusahaan/organisasi yang membutuhkan organizations who need an understanding of risk
kompetensi di bidang manajemen risiko menjadi the basis that having competence in the field of pemahaman terkait manajemen risiko. management.
sangat penting. CRMO merupakan pengakuan risk management is very important. CRMO is an
kompetensi di bidang manajemen risiko tingkat acknowledgment of competence in the field of basic Persyaratan Peserta Ujian: Certification Examination Requirements:
dasar yang dirancang bagi staf yang belum pernah level risk management designed for staff who have
mendapatkan pendidikan manajemen risiko, atau never received risk management education, or • Pendidikan & pengalaman kerja • Education & work experience
para pemula dalam bidang manajemen risiko/calon beginners in the field of risk management/prospective • S-1 dengan pengalaman kerja minimal 6 • Bachelor Degree (S-1) with min. 6 months work
risk officer yang akan ditugaskan dalam unit-unit risk officers who will be assigned to units spread bulan atau experience or
yang tersebar pada satu organisasi. across one organization.
• D-3 dengan pengalaman kerja minimal 3 • Associate Degree (D-3) with min. 3 years work
tahun experience
Manfaat Apa Yang Anda Peroleh: What Will You Get:
• Telah mengikuti 25 jam pelatihan CRMO • Have attended 25 hours of CRMO training
Program sertifikasi ini terdaftar di Badan Nasional This certification program is registered with the
Sertifikasi Profesi (BNSP) dengan nama skema National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP)
Analis Manajemen Risiko Organisasi Terintegrasi under the name of the Integrated Organizational Risk Ujian Sertifikasi: Certification Examination:
(ANAMROT) dari Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi Management Analyst (ANAMROT) scheme from the • Uji Kompetensi Tertulis (60 Menit) • Written Competency Test (60 Minutes)
Manajemen Risiko (LSPMR). Peserta yang Risk Management Professional Certification Institute
dinyatakan lulus berhak mendapatkan Dua (LSPMR). Participants who pass are entitled to two Risk • Uji Presentasi & wawancara (30 menit) • Presentation test & Interview (30 Minutes)
Sertifikasi Manajemen Risiko yaitu Sertifikat dari Management Certifications, which are a Certificate
BNSP atas hasil Uji Kompetensi dan Sertifikat from BNSP for the results of the Competency Test and
Elektronik gelar profesi CRMO dari Asosiasi Global an Electronic Certificate for the CRMO professional
Integrated Risk Management Association (GIRMA). title from the Global Integrated Risk Management IDR 8.500.000 IDR 7.500.000
Association (GIRMA). (Termasuk biaya Ujian)
(Including Exam fees)

Apa Saja Yang Dibahas: Subjects:

• Risk Awareness • Risk Awareness
32 33
• Business Quantitative • Business Quantitative
• Risk Identification • Risk Identification
• Risk Measurement • Risk Measurement
• Risk Mapping • Risk Mapping
• Developing Risk Response • Developing Risk Response
• Risk Monitoring & Reporting • Risk Monitoring & Reporting

Certification Training Program Certification Training Program


Adanya Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (POJK) The existence of the Financial Services Authority Peserta Pelatihan: Trainees:
Nomor 44/POJK.05/2020 tentang Penerapan Regulation (POJK) Number 44/POJK.05/2020
Manajemen Risiko bagi Lembaga Jasa Keuangan concerning the Implementation of Risk Management • Manajer lini/ pimpinan menengah/ pimpinan • Line managers/middle managers/top leaders
NonBank menjadi dasar bahwa memiliki for Non-Bank Financial Services Institutions is puncak
kompetensi di bidang manajemen risiko menjadi the basis that having competence in the field of • Unit manajemen risiko/ audit/ kepatuhan • Risk management/ audit/ compliance unit
sangat penting. CRMP merupakan pengakuan risk management is very important. CRMP is an
kompetensi di bidang manajemen risiko kepada acknowledgment of competence in the field of risk • Pengajar/dosen manajemen risiko • Lecturer/lecturer of risk management
para profesional agar dapat menerapkan dan management to professionals in order to be able to
mengembangkan Manajemen Risiko Korporat implement and develop Integrated Corporate Risk Persyaratan Peserta Ujian: Certification Examination Requirements:
Terintegrasi pada institusi non-perbankan. Management in non-banking institutions.
• Pendidikan • Education
Manfaat Apa Yang Anda Peroleh: What Will You Get: • D3 dan bersertifikasi CRMO, atau • Associate Degree (D3) and certified CRMO, or

Program sertifikasi ini terdaftar di Badan Nasional This certification program is registered with the • D4/S1 • Bachelor Degree (D4/S1)
Sertifikasi Profesi (BNSP) dengan nama skema Ahli National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP) • Pengalaman kerja • Work Experience
Manajemen Risiko Organisasi Terintegrasi (AMROT) under the name of the Integrated Organizational
dari Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi Manajemen Risiko Risk Management Expert (AMROT) scheme from the • Minimum 2 tahun sebagai Staf/Senior • Minimum 2 years as Staff/Senior Staff/Risk
(LSPMR). Peserta yang dinyatakan lulus berhak Risk Management Professional Certification Institute Staf/Manajer unit Manajemen Risiko/ Risk Management Unit Manager/Risk Specialist, or
mendapatkan Dua Sertifikasi Manajemen Risiko (LSPMR). Participants who are declared to have passed Specialist, atau
yaitu Sertifikat dari BNSP atas hasil Uji Kompetensi are entitled to two Risk Management Certifications, • Minimum 3 tahun sebagai Risk Officer/ Risk • Minimum 3 years as a Risk Officer/ Risk Agent/
dan Sertifikat Elektronik gelar profesi CRMP dari namely a Certificate from BNSP for the Competency Agent/Risk Champion/Risk Owner/Risk Risk Champion/ Risk Owner/ Risk Consultant/
Asosiasi Global Integrated Risk Management Test results and an Electronic Certificate for the Consultant/Dosen Manejemen Risiko, atau Lecturer of Risk Management, or
Association (GIRMA). CRMP professional title from the Global Integrated
• Minimum 4 tahun sebagai Auditor Madya/ • Minimum 4 years as Associate/Principal Auditor
Risk Management Association (GIRMA).
Apa Saja Yang Dibahas: • Minimum 5 years as Senior Compliance Officer/
Subjects: • Minimum 5 tahun sebagai Senior Staf/
Manajer Kepatuhan Manager
• Enterprise Risk Management & Good Corporate • Enterprise Risk Management & Good Corporate
Apabila calon peserta belum memiliki pengalaman If the prospective participant does not have work
Governance Governance
kerja seperti di atas, maka wajib memiliki Certified experience as above, then it is mandatory to have
• Risk Appetite & Risk Tolerance • Risk Appetite & Risk Tolerance Risk Management Officer (CRMO) Certified Risk Management Officer (CRMO)
34 35
• Business Quantitative • Business Quantitative
• Telah mengikuti 40 jam pelatihan CRMP • Have attended 40 hours of CRMP training
• Financial Risk Management & Risk Management • Financial Risk Management & Risk Management
Technique Technique
Ujian Sertifikasi: Certification Examination:
• Operational Risk Management & Risk • Operational Risk Management & Risk Management
Management Technique Technique • Uji Kompetensi Tertulis (210 menit) • Written Competency Test (210 minutes)
• Business Continuity Management (BCM) / BCP • Business Continuity Management (BCM) / BCP • Uji Presentasi & Wawancara (60 menit) • Presentation Test & Interview (60 minutes)
• Project Risk Management • Project Risk Management
• Fraud Risk Management • Fraud Risk Management
• Supply Chain Risk Management • Supply Chain Risk Management IDR 12.000.000 IDR 11.000.000
(Termasuk biaya Ujian)
(Including Exam fees)

Certification Training Program Certification Training Program


Program ini disusun untuk memastikan bahwa This program is designed to ensure that forensic Peserta Pelatihan: Trainees:
praktisi manajemen forensik di Indonesia telah management practitioners in Indonesia have
memiliki kompetensi berstandar nasional maupun national and international standard competencies Praktisi auditor baik bidang keuangan, operasional Auditor practitioners both in the financial, operational
internasional dengan mengikuti pelatihan berbasis by participating in competency-based training, dan yang terlibat secara langsung/tidak dalam and those involved directly/indirectly in the prevention
kompetensi, mengingat standar kompetensi kerja considering that nationally applicable work pencegahan dan pendeteksian kecurangan and detection of fraud.
yang berlaku secara nasional telah ditetapkan competency standards have been established
melalui SK Menakertrans No 46 tahun 2009 tentang through the Decree of the Minister of Manpower Persyaratan Peserta Ujian: Certification Examination Requirements:
Standar Kompetensi Kerja Nasional Indonesia and Transmigration Number 46 of 2009 concerning
(SKKNI) bidang Audit Forensik. Indonesian National Work Competency Standards • Pendidikan minimal S1 semua jurusan • Min. bachelor degree (S1) from any major
(SKKNI) for Forensic Audit.
• Peserta pelatihan audit forensik (dibuktikan • Forensic audit trainee (proven by training certificate)
dengan sertifikat pelatihan)
Manfaat Apa Yang Anda Peroleh: What Will You Get: • Have a minimum of 3 years experience in one or
• Memiliki pengalaman minimal 3 tahun dalam
This certification program is registered in the satu atau lebih bidang: more fields:
Program sertifikasi ini terdaftar di Badan
Nasional Sertifikasi Profesi (BNSP) dengan nama National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP) • Audit keuangan, audit operasional atau • Financial audit, operational audit or fraud case
skema Auditor Forensik Korporasi dari Lembaga under the name of the Corporate Forensic Auditor penyelidikan/penyidikan kasus kecurangan investigation/investigation
Sertifikasi Profesi Pendidikan dan Pembinaan scheme from the Professional Certification Institute
for Education and Management Development (LSP • Pencegahan dan pendeteksian kecurangan • Fraud prevention and detection (certified by
Manajemen (LSP PPM). Peserta yang dinyatakan
PPM). Participants who pass the competency test the company)
lulus uji kompetensi akan mendapatkan sertifikasi
Corporate Forensic Auditor dari BNSP dan gelar will receive a Corporate Forensic Auditor certification (dibuktikan dengan surat keterangan dari
Profesi CCFA (Certified Corporate Forensic Auditor). from BNSP and a CCFA (Certified Corporate Forensic perusahaan)
Auditor) Professional title.
Ujian Sertifikasi: Certification Examination:
Apa Saja Yang Dibahas: Subjects:
• Uji Tertulis (90 Menit) • Written Test (90 Minutes)
• Fraud dan strategi pegendaliannya • Fraud and its control strategy • Uji Presentasi & Wawancara (120 menit) • Presentation Test & Interview (120 minutes)
• Aspek hukum fraud (jenis dan modus operandi • Legal aspects of fraud (types and modus operandi
fraud) of fraud)
• Mengukur efektivitas SPI dalam mecegah dan • Measuring the effectiveness of SPI in preventing
36 mendeteksi fraud and detecting fraud 37

• Konsepsi akuntansi dan audit dalam menangani • Conception of accounting and auditing in dealing IDR 10.000.000 IDR 7.500.000
fraud with fraud (Termasuk biaya Ujian)
(Including Exam fees)
• Identikasi awal fraud dan teknik penanganannya • Early identification of fraud and its handling
• Proses audit forensik • Forensic audit process
• Pembuktian • Verification
• Rekonstruksi bukti, simpulan audit, dan • Reconstruction of evidence, audit conclusions, and
pelaporan reporting
• Pemberian keterangan ahli • Providing expert information
• Penghitungan kerugian dan penelusuran asset • Loss calculation and asset tracking

Certification Training Program Certification Training Program


“Mastering Project Management Knowledge Area “Mastering Project Management Knowledge Area Of Peserta Pelatihan: Trainees:
Manajer proyek, kepala proyek, dan juga koordinator Project managers, project heads, and also project
Pelatihan yang membekali peserta dengan semua The training that equips participants with any proyek yang memiliki tujuan untuk mendapatkan coordinators who aim to get the Project Management
knowledge area yang ada di dalam PMBOX secara knowledge areas in PMBOK specifically refers to the sertifikasi Project Management Professional (PMP) Professional (PMP) certification from PMI.
spesifik sekaligus latihan pembahasan soal – soal Project Management Professional certification exam dari PMI.
yang biasanya muncul di sesi ujian sertifikasi session by Project Management Institute (PMI). In
Project Manajemen Professional by Project this training, 5 Project Management Process Groups Persyaratan Peserta Ujian: Exam Participant Requirements:
Management Institute (PMI). Dalam pelatihan ini and 10 Project Management Knowledge areas will
akan dibahas 5 Project Management Process Group be discussed within 35 hours (4 days) to fulfill the • Mengikuti 35 jam program pelatihan persiapan • Take a 35 hour exam preparation training program
dan 10 Knowledge area Manajemen Proyek dengan prerequisite hours of training for the PMP certification ujian
• Min. Bachelor Degree (S1) with 3 years experience
durasi 35 jam (4 hari) untuk memenuhi prasyarat exam and exam preparation for 1 month. At the end of • Pendidikan Min. S1 dengan pengalaman 3 tahun in project management
jam pelatihan ujian sertifikasi PMP dan exam each session, 10 questions will be given as a review dalam project management
preparation selama 1 bulan. Pada setiap akhir sesi session to measure participants’ understanding of the
akan diberikan 10 pertanyaan kuis sebagai sesi related topic.
review atas pemahaman peserta terhadap topik
IDR 10.500.000 IDR 8.500.000
Apa Saja Yang Dibahas: Subjects: (Tidak Termasuk biaya Ujian)
(Not Including Exam fees)
• Kerangka Kerja Manajemen Proyek • Project Management Framework
• Grup Proses Manajemen Proyek dan Area • Project Management Process Group and Project
Pengetahuan Manajemen Proyek Management Knowledge Area
• Manajemen Integrasi Proyek • Project Integration Management
• Manajemen Lingkup Proyek • Project Scope Management
• Manajemen Jadwal Proyel • Project Schedule Management
• Manajemen Biaya Proyek • Project Cost Management
38 • Manajemen Kualitas Proyek • Project Quality Management 39
• Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia Proyek • Project Human Resource Management
• Manajemen Komunikasi Proyek • Project Communication Management
• Manajemen Resiko Proyek • Project Risk Management
• Manajemen Pengadaan Proyek • Project Procurement Management
• Manajemen stakeholder proyek • Project stakeholder management
• Persiapan ujian dengan latihan-latihan soal • Exam preparation with practice answering questions

Certification Training Program Certification Training Program


Sertifikasi profesi Supply Chain Manager ini disusun This Supply Chain Manager professional certification Peserta Pelatihan: Trainees:
untuk memastikan para pelaku atau praktisi is prepared to ensure that the actors or management
manajemen yang terlibat dalam proses aktivitas practitioners involved in the process of logistics Supervisor, Asisten Manajer, Manajer Praktisi Supervisor, Assistant Manager, Practitioner Manager
logistik seperti pergudangan (warehousing), activities such as warehousing, transportation bidang rantai pasok/logistik/pergudangan in supply chain/logistics/warehousing
transportasi serta rantai pasok (supply chain) and supply chain have the qualified competencies.
memiliki kompetensi yang diperlukan. Ruang The scope of the logistics management strategy Persyaratan Peserta Ujian: Certification Examination Requirements:
lingkup strategi pengelolaan logistik mengacu pada refers to the International Standardization System
Sistem Standarisasi Internasional TLI50410 Diploma TLI50410 Diploma of Logistics, Transport & Logistics • Pendidikan minimal S1 semua jurusan • Min. bachelor degree (S1) from any major
of Logistics, Transport & Logistics Industry Skills Industry Skills Council, Australian Government and • Peserta pelatihan Manajer Rantai Pasok dengan • Supply Chain Manager Trainee by attaching related
Council, Australian Government dan Peraturan Presidential Regulation no. 26 of 2012 concerning melampirkan sertifikat pelatihan terkait training certificates
Presiden No. 26 Tahun 2012 Tentang Cetak Biru the Blueprint for the Development of the National
Pengembangan Sistem Logistik Nasional. Logistics System. • Memiliki pengalaman dalam pengelolaan • Have experience in supply chain management
sistem manajemen rantai pasok atau system management or logistics management
bidang manajemen logistik minimal 3 tahun field for at least 3 years (proven by a letter of work
Manfaat Apa Yang Anda Peroleh: What Will You Get: (dibuktikan dengan surat pengalaman bekerja experience from the company)
Program sertifikasi ini terdaftar di Badan Nasional This certification program is registered in the National dari perusahaan)
Sertifikasi Profesi (BNSP) dengan nama skema Professional Certification Agency (BNSP) under
Manajer Rantai Pasok dari Lembaga Sertifikasi the name Supply Chain Manager scheme from the Ujian Sertifikasi: Certification Examination:
Profesi Pendidikan dan Pembinaan Manajemen Professional Certification Institute for Education and
(LSP PPM). Peserta yang dinyatakan lulus uji Management Development (LSP PPM). Participants • Uji Tertulis (120 Menit) • Written Test (120 Minutes)
kompetensi akan mendapatkan Sertifikasi Manajer who pass the competency test will receive a Supply • Uji Presentasi dan wawancara (60 Menit) • Presentation Test and interview (60 Minutes)
Rantai Pasok dari BNSP dan gelar profesi CSCM Chain Manager Certification from BNSP and a CSCM
(Certified Supply Chain Manager). (Certified Supply Chain Manager) professional title.

• Apa Saja Yang Dibahas: (choose as what you prefer as section’s title) What
Will be Discussed / Subjects Covered IDR 10.500.000 IDR 7.800.000
• Manajemen Rantai Pasok (Pengelolaan &
Pengawasan Rantai Pasok) (Termasuk biaya Ujian)
• Supply Chain Management (Supply Chain (Including Exam fees)
• Manajemen Logistik & Transportasi Management & Supervision)
40 • Manajemen Pengadaan dan Partnership • Logistics & Transportation Management 41
• Manajemen Layanan dalam Rantai Pasok dan • Procurement Management and Partnership
Kepemiminan yang Unggul
• Service Management in Supply Chain and Superior
• Pengelolaan Anggaran dalam Rantai Pasok Leadership
• Manajemen Risiko Rantai Pasok • Budget Management in the Supply Chain
• Supply Chain Risk Management

Certification Training Program Certification Training Program


Sertifikasi profesi Warehouse Manager ini disusun This Warehouse Manager professional certification Peserta Pelatihan: Trainees:
untuk memastikan para pelaku atau praktisi is prepared to ensure that management actors or
manajemen yang terlibat dalam proses aktivitas practitioners involved in the process of logistics Supervisor, Asisten Manajer, Manajer Praktisi Supervisor, Assistant Manager, Practitioner Manager
logistik seperti pergudangan (warehousing), activities such as warehousing, transportation bidang rantai pasok/logistik/pergudangan in supply chain/logistics/warehousing
transportasi serta rantai pasok (supply chain) and supply chain have the qualified competencies.
memiliki kompetensi yang diperlukan. Ruang The scope of the logistics management strategy Persyaratan Peserta Ujian: Certification Examination Requirements:
lingkup strategi pengelolaan logistik mengacu pada refers to the International Standardization System
Sistem Standarisasi Internasional TLI50410 Diploma TLI50410 Diploma of Logistics, Transport & Logistics • Pendidikan minimal S1 semua jurusan • Min. bachelor degree (S1) from any major
of Logistics, Transport & Logistics Industry Skills Industry Skills Council, Australian Government and • Peserta pelatihan Manajer Gudang dengan • Warehouse Manager training participants by
Council, Australian Government dan Peraturan Presidential Regulation no. 26 of 2012 concerning melampirkan sertifikat pelatihan terkait attaching related training certificates
Presiden No. 26 Tahun 2012 Tentang Cetak Biru the Blueprint for the Development of the National
Pengembangan Sistem Logistik Nasional. Logistics System. • Memiliki pengalaman dalam pengelolaan • Have experience in supply chain management
sistem manajemen rantai pasok, manajemen system management, logistics management, and/
logistik, dan/atau manajemen pergudangan or warehousing management for at least 1 year
Manfaat Apa Yang Anda Peroleh: What Will You Get: minimal 1 tahun (dibuktikan dengan surat (proven by a work experience letter from the
Program sertifikasi ini terdaftar di Badan Nasional This certification program is registered in the National pengalaman bekerja dari perusahaan) company)
Sertifikasi Profesi (BNSP) dengan nama skema Professional Certification Agency (BNSP) under
Manajer Gudang dari Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi the name Warehouse Manager scheme from the Ujian Sertifikasi: Certification Examination:
Pendidikan dan Pembinaan Manajemen (LSP PPM). Professional Certification Institute for Education and
Peserta yang dinyatakan lulus uji kompetensi akan Management Development (LSP PPM). Participants • Uji Tertulis (120 Menit) & Uji Presentasi dan • Written Test (120 Menit) & Presentation Test and
mendapatkan sertifikasi Manager Gudang dari who pass the competency test will get a Warehouse wawancara (60 Menit) interview (60 Menit)
BNSP dan gelar profesi CWM (Certified Warehouse Manager certification from BNSP and a CWM (Certified
Manager) Warehouse Manager) professional title.

Apa Saja Yang Dibahas: Subjects: IDR 10.500.000 IDR 7.800.000

(Termasuk biaya Ujian)
• Manajemen rantai pasok • Supply chain management (Including Exam fees)
• Peran strategis manajemen pergudangan • The strategic role of warehousing management
• Peran pergudangan dalam rantai pasok • The role of warehousing in the supply chain
42 • Manajemen Logistik dan Transportasi
• Logistics and Transportation Management
• Manajemen Pengadaan • Procurement Management
• Kepemimpinan yang unggul dalam pengelolaan • Superior leadership in warehousing management
• Quality management in warehousing
• Manajemen mutu di pergudangan
• Risk management in warehousing
• Manajemen risiko di pergudangan
• Good warehousing practices
• Praktek pergudangan yang baik

Certification Training Program Certification Training Program


Sertifikasi profesi Logistics Manager ini disusun This Logistics Manager professional certification is • Melakukan negosiasi dan pengelolaan kontrak • Negotiating and managing contracts
untuk memastikan para pelaku atau praktisi prepared to ensure that the actors or management
• Memonitor dan mengevaluasi kinerja pemasok • Monitor and evaluate the performance of
manajemen yang terlibat dalam proses aktivitas practitioners involved in the process of logistics
logistik logistics suppliers
logistik seperti pergudangan (warehousing), activities such as warehousing, transportation
transportasi serta rantai pasok (supply chain) and supply chain have the qualified competencies. • Menyusun dan mengelola anggaran (Financial • Prepare and manage budgets (Financial
memiliki kompetensi yang diperlukan. Ruang The scope of the logistics management strategy Budgeting) Budgeting)
lingkup strategi pengelolaan logistik mengacu pada refers to the International Standardization System
Sistem Standarisasi Internasional TLI50410 Diploma TLI50410 Diploma of Logistics, Transport & Logistics Peserta Pelatihan: Trainees:
of Logistics, Transport & Logistics Industry Skills Industry Skills Council, Australian Government and
Council, Australian Government dan Peraturan Presidential Regulation no. 26 of 2012 concerning Asisten Manajer, Manajer, Senior Manajer Praktisi Assistant Manager, Manager, Senior Manager
Presiden No. 26 Tahun 2012 Tentang Cetak Biru the Blueprint for the Development of the National bidang rantai pasok/logistik/pergudangan Practitioner in supply chain/logistics/warehousing
Pengembangan Sistem Logistik Nasional. Logistics System.
Persyaratan Peserta Ujian: Certification Examination Requirements:
Manfaat Apa Yang Anda Peroleh: What Will You Get:
• Pendidikan minimal S1 semua jurusan • Min. Bachelor Degree (S1) from any major
Program sertifikasi ini terdaftar di Badan Nasional This certification program is registered in the
• Peserta pelatihan Manajer Logistik dengan • Logistics Manager training participants by attaching
Sertifikasi Profesi (BNSP) dengan nama skema National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP)
melampirkan sertifikat pelatihan terkait related training certificates
Manajer Logistik dari Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi under the name Logistics Manager scheme from the
Pendidikan dan Pembinaan Manajemen (LSP PPM). Professional Certification Institute for Education and • Memiliki pengalaman dalam pengelolaan • Have experience in logistics management system
Peserta yang dinyatakan lulus uji kompetensi akan Management Development (LSP PPM). Participants sistem manajemen logistik minimal 2 tahun management at least 2 years (proven by a letter of
mendapatkan sertifikasi Manajer Logistik dari who pass the competency test will get a Logistics (dibuktikan dengan surat pengalaman bekerja work experience from the company)
BNSP dan gelar profesi CLM (Certified Logistic Manager certification from BNSP and a CLM (Certified dari perusahaan)
Manager). Logistics Manager) professional title.
Ujian Sertifikasi: Certification Examination:
Apa Saja Yang Dibahas: Subjects:
• Uji Tertulis (120 Menit) & Uji Presentasi & • Written Test (120 Minutes) & Presentation Test and
• Pengantar logistik & transportasi • Introduction to logistics & transportation Wawancara (60 Menit) Interview (60 Minutes)
• Analisis dan pengembangan kegiatan logistik & • Analysis and development of the company’s
transportasi operasional perusahaan operational logistics & transportation activities
44 • Memimpin kelompok atau tim kerja logistik & • Leading a logistics & transportation work group 45
transportasi or team IDR 10.500.000 IDR 7.800.000
(Termasuk biaya Ujian)
• Bekerja secara efektif dalam industri logistik & • Work effectively in logistics & transportation (Including Exam fees)
transportasi industry
• Manajemen menjalankan pemeriksaan • Management runs vehicle inspection
• Memelihara, memonitor dan meningkatkan • Maintain, monitor and improve logistics &
sistem operasional logistik & transportasi transportation operational systems
• Mengembangkan business plan logistik & • Develop a logistics & transportation business
transportasi plan
• Mengembangkan dan memelihara prosedur • Develop and maintain operational procedures
operasional untuk perusahaan logistik & for logistics & transportation companies

Certification Training Program Certification Training Program


Sertifikasi profesi Logistics Supervisor ini disusun This Logistics Supervisor professional certification is Peserta Pelatihan: Trainees:
untuk memastikan para pelaku atau praktisi prepared to ensure that the actors or management
manajemen yang terlibat dalam proses aktivitas practitioners involved in the process of logistics Praktisi dan akademisi sebagai pelaku di bidang Practitioners and academics as actors in logistics at
logistik seperti pergudangan (warehousing), activities such as warehousing, transportation logistik pada level staf atau supervisor the staff or supervisor level
transportasi serta rantai pasok (supply chain) and supply chain have the qualified competencies.
memiliki kompetensi yang diperlukan. Ruang The scope of the logistics management strategy Persyaratan Peserta Ujian: Exam Participant Requirements:
lingkup strategi pengelolaan logistik mengacu pada refers to the International Standardization System
Sistem Standarisasi Internasional TLI50410 Diploma TLI50410 Diploma of Logistics, Transport & Logistics • Pendidikan minimal D3 dengan pengalaman • Min. associate degree (D3) with experience in
of Logistics, Transport & Logistics Industry Skills Industry Skills Council, Australian Government and pengelolaan manajemen logistik minimal 2 logistics management at least 2 years (proven by
Council, Australian Government dan Peraturan Presidential Regulation no. 26 of 2012 concerning tahun (dibuktikan dengan surat pengalaman a letter of work experience from the company),
Presiden No. 26 Tahun 2012 Tentang Cetak Biru the Blueprint for the Development of the National bekerja dari perusahaan), atau pendidikan S1 or bachelor degree (S1) with min. 3 months work
Pengembangan Sistem Logistik Nasional. Logistics System. min. 3 bulan pengalaman kerja. experience.
• Peserta pelatihan Supervisor Logistik dengan • Logistics Supervisor training participants by
Program sertifikasi ini terdaftar di Badan Nasional This certification program is registered in the melampirkan sertifikat pelatihan terkait attaching related training certificates
Sertifikasi Profesi (BNSP) dengan nama skema National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP)
Supervisor Logistik dari Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi under the name Logistics Manager scheme from the
Pendidikan dan Pembinaan Manajemen (LSP PPM). Professional Certification Institute for Education and Ujian Sertifikasi: Certification Examination:
Peserta yang dinyatakan lulus uji kompetensi akan Management Development (LSP PPM). Participants • Uji Tertulis (120 Menit) • Written Test (120 Minutes)
mendapatkan sertifikasi Supervisor Logistik dari who pass the competency test will get a Logistics
BNSP dan gelar profesi CLS (Certified Logistic Supervisor certification from BNSP and a CLS • Uji Presentasi dan wawancara (60 Menit) • Presentation Test and Interview (60 Minutes)
Supervisor) (Certified Logistics Supervisor) professional title.

Apa Saja Yang Dibahas: Subjects:

• Pengantar Manajemen Logistik • Introduction to Logistics Management
• Konsep Dasar Pengelolaan Inventori • Basic Concepts of Inventory Management IDR 8.500.000 IDR 7.000.000
• Sistem Operasional Pergudangan • Warehousing Operational System (Termasuk biaya Ujian)
(Including Exam fees)
• Metode Pemilihan dan Penilaian Pemasok • Supplier Selection and Assessment Method
46 • Perencanaan kerja logistik • Logistics work planning 47
• Pemantauan kinerja logistik • Logistics performance monitoring

Certification Training Program Certification Training Program


Pemanfaatan metode Assessment Center untuk The use of the Assessment Center method to map • Mengintegrasikan data-data tentang perilaku, • Integrate data on behavior, draw conclusions from
memetakan kompetensi pegawai maupun mencari employee competencies and to find candidates for membuat kesimpulan dari setiap kriteria yang each of the existing criteria
kader pimpinan telah semakin meluas. Validitas leadership has been increasingly widespread. The ada
dari metode Assessment Center memang relatif validity of the Assessment Center method is relatively
• Penulisan laporan • Report writing
tinggi, namun hal ini juga ditentukan oleh high, but this is also determined by the skills of the
keterampilan para assessor yang menjalankan assessors who run this method. The Assessment • Memberikan umpan balik penilaian • Provide rating feedback
metode ini. Program Assessment Center Assessor Center Assessor Program organized by PPM
yang diselenggarakan oleh PPM Manajemen Manajemen is a training program towards Assessor Apa Saja Yang Dibahas: Subjects:
merupakan program pelatihan menuju Sertifikasi Assessment Center Certification by referring to
Assesor Assesment Center dengan memperhatikan the principles of assessor training contained in The • Kompetensi (Konsep Kompetensi) • Competence (Concept of Competence)
prinsip-prinsip pelatihan assessor yang termuat Guidelines and Ethical Considerations for Assessment
• Konsep Assessment Center • Assessment Center Concep
dalam The Guidelines and Ethical Considerations Center Operation.
for Asessment Center Operation. • Latihan Leaderless Group Discussion (LGD), • Leaderless Group Discussion (LGD), Problem
Problem Analysis (PA), In Tray (IT), Klasifikasi, Analysis (PA), In Tray (IT), Classification, Evaluation
Dipandu oleh instruktur yang memiliki sertifikat Guided by an instructor who has an international Evaluasi dan Penulisan Laporan and Report Writing Exercises
internasional sebagai Assessment Center Assessor certificate as an Assessment Center Assessor Trainer, • Assessor Meeting, Penulisan Laporan dan feed • Assessor Meeting, Report Writing and feed back
Trainer, program ini akan membantu Anda dalam this program will help you to build fundamental skills back
membangun keterampilan fundamental sebagai as an Assessment Center Assessor, starting from
Assessment Center Assessor, mulai dari prinsip the basic principles of competency assessment, • Umpan balik kepada setiap peserta pada akhir • Give feedback to each participant at the end of the
dasar penilaian kompetensi, pengenalan jenis- introduction to the types of tools in the Assessment program program
jenis perangkat dalam metode Assessment Center, Center method, observation skills, assessor meetings • Standar-standar profesional • Professional standards
keterampilan observasi, assessor meeting dan and report writing.
penulisan laporan.
Peserta Pelatihan: Trainees:
Manfaat Apa Yang Anda Peroleh: What Will You Get: • Profesional yang mendalami bidang MSDM, • Professionals who study the field of HR, HR
Konsultan MSDM, Manajer dan Staf SDM yang Consultants, Managers and HR Staff who aspire
Setelah selesai mengikuti program ini, peserta After completing this program, participants are berkeinginan untuk memiliki keterampilan to have skills as an Assessor
diharapkan mampu: expected to be able to: sebagai Assesor

• Memiliki keterampilan sebagai profesional • Having skills as a professional assessor in the

48 assessor dalam metode assessment center
assessment center method
• Menjalankan fungsi assessor yang sesuai
IDR 10.500.000 IDR 8.500.000
• Carry out the assessor function in accordance with
dengan Code of Conduct Assessment Center the Code of Conduct Assessment Center
• Menjelaskan konsep, praktik-praktik, manfaat • Explain concepts, practices, benefits and issues
dan isu-isu terkait Assessment Center related to the Assessment Center
• Melakukan pengamatan terhadap perilaku- • Observing behaviors during the Assessment Center
perilaku selama pelatihan Assessment Center training
• Mengklasifikasikan perilaku hasil observasi • Classify the observed behavior into competencies
kedalam kompetensi sesuai kriteria penilaian according to the assessment criteria
• Melakukan penilaian atas perilaku hasil • Conduct an assessment of the observed behavior in
observasi sesuai dengan kriteria kompetensi accordance with the required competency criteria
yang dipersyaratkan

Certification Training Program Certification Training Program


PPM Manajemen PPE (Program Pengembangan Eksekutif) Asesmen SDM Pusat Informasi Manajemen
(Tanoto library)
Jl. Menteng Raya No.9-19,Jakarta 10340 – Indonesia Public Training, In-Class Training, Live Virtual Jl. Menteng Raya No.9-19, Jakarta 10340 – Indonesia
Training, Online Training) Jl. Menteng Raya No.9-19, Jl. Menteng Raya No.9-19, Jakarta 10340 –
Telp. : +62 21 230 0313 Jakarta 10340 – Indonesia Telp. : +62 21 230 0313 ext : 2332
Email : [email protected] Mobile : +62 21 857 2527 7183
Telp. : +62 21 230 0313 ext : 1957 / 1959 Email : [email protected]
HP : +62 813 8523 4640 [email protected] Telp. : +62 21 230 0313/ ext : 2444
Email : [email protected] Email : [email protected]
PPM Center Surabaya [email protected]
Gedung Graha Pena Lantai 7 – Ruang 705 Publikasi & Seminar
Jl. A. Yani No.88, Surabaya – Jawa Timur Galeri Buku (Bookstore)
Program Pelatihan Sertifikasi Jl. Menteng Raya No.9-19, Jakarta 10340 – Indonesia
Jl. Menteng Raya No. 9-19, Jakarta 10340 –
Telp. : +62 31 820 2003
Mobile : +62 856 4853 2509, +62 856 4544 5199, Jl. Menteng Raya No. 9-19, Jakarta 10340 – Indonesia Indonesia
Telp. : +62 21 2300313 ext. 1119
+62 817 391 265 Mobile : +62 896 3734 4646, +62 859 3014 9058
Email : [email protected] Telp : +62 21 2300313 ext. 1028 Email : [email protected] Telp. : +62 21 2300313 ext. 1418
Mobile : +62 811 8438 880 Mobile : +62 857 7860 2887
Email :[email protected] Email : [email protected]
[email protected] [email protected]
PPM Center Makassar PPM School of Management
Menara Bosowa- Unit C Lantai 12 JL. Jendral
Bechelor Program (SMB, SMB Pro & SAB)
Sudirman No. 5 Makassar 90115 – Sulawesi Selatan In-House Training Jl. Menteng Raya No.9-19, Jakarta 10340 – Indonesia
Telp. : +62 411 3681180 Jl. Menteng Raya No.9-19, Jakarta 10340 – Indonesia
Mobile : +62 822 9231 2100, +62 813 5555 4263, Telp. : +62 21 2300313 ext. 1102
+62 813 4225 5620 Telp. : +62 21 2300313 Ext. 1226 WA Admisi S1 : +62 878 7618 5364
Email : [email protected] Mobile : +62 856 8870 907, +62 813 1665 1079 Email : [email protected]
Email : [email protected]
[email protected]
50 PPM Center Cikarang Magister Program (WM, Executive & Young 51
Exe - MM)
Komplek Ruko CBD Jababeka E2 Riset & Konsultansi
Jl. Niaga Raya, Jababeka-Cikarang, Bekasi Jl. Menteng Raya No.9-19, Jakarta 10340 – Indonesia
Jawa Barat, 17530 Jl. Menteng Raya No.9-19, Jakarta 10340 – Indonesia
Telp. : +62 21 2300313 ext. 1104
Telp. : +62 21 3970 1327 Telp. : +62 21 230 0313 ext. 2438 WA Admisi S2 : +62 813 1514 1942
Mobile : +62 812 1303 8556 Mobile : +62 857 1956 7945 Email : [email protected]
Email : [email protected] Email : [email protected] [email protected]
: [email protected]

Certification Training Program Certification Training Program

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